Newspaper Page Text
To Inn«nQ *3»n» day, (nacapt Baedajra, with th« DdailMiMitf. • m v«xm home ton coach**, ,t 5 o’etMk, A. M., ana arrive »t Hat Spring*, earn* day, itS f. U. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE.'. Font Hmn r*M Ceeohaa. will l***e LdMi* Rack every IHhwHij dey. at JS* mat* bear la tb* morulag, Ui ante* at Hoi Spring* **« day. « *. fAJUt: By Uw, fa-toa* i to If* eoatrnctar far tk* eaavey I ttato* MaMa *• Ik* roata* fro* v'" Tka < W whtogta*. i* tt**gp*»**d •*•■«?- rto «•» »prt*Hf» Pmi Otmkm* Umnm Himb • tr Both I)mmw «M*M iKWMOt with U»e Bum. kaat (J»ttoS»laa»*»«aMU**rraaBHaaM>ki«um tie Hack-_ ^ O* 8t*«* OSfeoa at tk* -d*tf»»f PETi Fab. U. ___ HANGER. *-ly. 50Trsss. 'Hsisssr Mby, SO, 1M1-W. hmuM Flmrt Home; fad for Mie by TOBACCO* IVfliBi »B*BAto* AH0 WINS* Jl’ST received per S. B. Pontiac; ft Bote* Honey Dew Tobacco; 10,000 Beat Ravenna Began; Si l'tpea CUret Wine; 2 “ Maderia do.; 2 “ Franck Brandy; 2 hhda Powdered Sugar; 4 Caaea Cherry Bounce. 4 " French Cordial*; 4 Bosee Orange*; j. For aale cheap by. June Sd. lttt. M. TANTI. LITTLE MCI FtUMRY ASB SlITHERt. Jtawwell Beebe ,WLD trapactfally call tlie atleatlon of tht pabiie l* tka above eatabtiehment, which b :s roceatly undergone a thorough repair, and, ha*, inf the naeaaaary faeUittaa. i* now rally prepared to furniak to order, with great prompt neae, e*ery arlicla iultbat lino, of olthor wrought or caat Iron, Jtraa* or Coppar. of aa good material, proportion*, and a- orkmaaabip, aad a pan aaehaap term*, aa any other Foaadry la thhi country. Mttlright* and .ufcora, ordering wheal*. will ha ploaaod to giro the No. of con aad ptoek, ala* tha particular ala* aad i haiie of tk* aya, waatad In aaeh wheal. Tha d|. ao.etar of a wheal. wkaa caat, will la* ^ of an inch per loot tea*—tha aam* with length of a abaft — «rdrra «baald ala* b* aoeompanlad with a draught > and fall daacripliaa *f what la wanted, and tha tioataf* paid. ' Little Rack, Dec. 10.1M0.—14—.tf wS FROST & CO#, DEALERS IX I'M fllBoots, Shoe*, Brofui*^ HATS, CAPS, &.C., 41410 PALM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CAMPEACHY HATB. No. 10, MmmIm, W«m Canal tad Com mo# at. NEW ORLEANS O' From Hoaaa# #1 Ntw York and Boston we are constantly loot lei of Ireeh tupplioa of thn ■Wove flood#. » Country Dmtart art Invited to call and axamlno our, xteoaiva alack. Arkansas Coffee House, (town araaaaaaT i-AUoiao.) rrsHE Pr#prt#tnr ha# on hand, and la conatantly X receiving, the following— Foreign and domoatic Liquor#; Wlno# and cordial# of #very description; Cigar#; Tobacco; Kruita, Ac. U1 of which ar# for tala at wholesale and retail prices. Peraoaa from ilia country wishing ta pur will ptaaaa call and #aa;my alack before pur chasing elsewhere, aa l iaload to tell as low at any house in the city. MICHAEL TANTI. Little Rack, Jan. tl, 1661. ao-ly (M-’l'ha Arkadalpbia Sentinel will copy one year, ou8 forward aecouat to the aubaeriher. M.T. 3 a LOUR—60 Bbla Illinois Superfine; X1 60 “ “ extra do. Rec’d per “ Jefferaou,” and foe sale by May 14th, I860. WM. B. WAIT. TpLOUR 70 Bbis “O’Pallon Mills” Extra Su X; perdue. 60 .perfme. May 10, 18*1. ” Quincy Mill’s” Extra Su Recetved and for sale by WM. B. WAIT. .WmSS SHORTER. N order to gat my goods early in the fall, I have ] ii. tenniaai to start East earlier than usual, and request all indebted to Me to “Come up to the Trough,” and save me the disagreeable nccesi >v of troubliag them again, lam towed to boor the ihurf, •# 1 am resolved to buy my next stock of Quods for Cash, for the purpose of selling them lea# ;han the same stock can be sold for in this State. I hope all will be ready to pay up upon pie ntstionaf their Bills. D. C. PULTON. May 16, 1ML _ M—*w. JUSTICE. ty »A vilfQ Weo dulii, o idw lutteo Of foe f#ac# ka . uy. Arkansas, I uw a in** ianasiadmata t,ii6c<i at ta# law dk /Main MHBHHBHfl I and qualified as a lack Township, Pulaski to attend, oAttafiy, to any af L. A, Wnirai AT, It##-, comet under the Adnmw Bittner oAca. JOHN J. THOMPSON. Little Rock, Ark*., Ho*. 5, IMA _ F LOUR—200 bbla. Ohio auperfine; LARD OIL—6 bbla. winter attained; PLOUGH MOULDS—106 Dtamond; B ACON—4 hbds. hams and shoulders; i’ORK—10 bbla. clear; LARD—100 kegs No 1; COTTON YARN—2000 lba. assorted. 6 to 10. deceived ft ‘Hamburg,’ and for aale by WM. B. WAIT. March 1L II Partridge Hoot*. Cmm W»i«/ froaf, >•«* r»e«i»*o aad foi uU iy KATHERLV Sc. CLEMENTS. fa!,. II. I«l. ___ ICC, FRUITS, HITS *e. f UST rx«lv*4 Sjr tfc* Hantue No fi. 20 Too* ot let. ■ii B sot BtiMMM. Btirolt CHoMHNtU. 1 B«f of Alaroii*. t B«j Bagttah Wataoit. ,J Macret Coroaaot. 90 Cum Oye»t«r» t Barreto OftMwi to Iba >hrtl. 2tm Ptohtod Of titr*. 9 9m«Ti*mn. I HagthMd* Dogar. 1 Ota. Basket Aontoet. 5 « " Cordials. 1 “ PiBljtkM. M. TANTI. 26-t L i dw. Gear* fine Calf Shoe*; V ’■ •' ** Gaiters; 12 “ Udi**8h*a***wrted; 8 M sad Children* Shoe* t 1 Ca*« Boys Kip Bn*aiu; 1 “ - Boot*, Ac.. *c., 4te. p« «»• ■^15V“adu£* WMtrohoat Leading jarch V, 7*—if. ths kakty of dtacowaria* in this or any other rttMif.w coring this painful and paralysing du SMS, in allita various farm. The *att number that have been cured by the we of thie compound, during the peat year, de noamatw thia fact. Not only recent acute or inflammatory esses, but otd chronic cases. of ten, twenty, thirty and even forty years Handing; where they had not only tried every other external and intarnai remedy of which they could hear, but at great expense, had trareled. and panned under the treatoientof a number of the first medical men of Burope, aa well aa of our own oouutry, visited the various watering places, taken voyages at sea. and dwelt in the moat salubrious climes, without ob taining relief. Some, who were reduced to a mere akeleton. their flesh bad withered away, their limbe were paralysed, and many that had scarcely been able to walk for ten, fifteen and twenty years. Than have been cured sound and well, regained their flesh and the use of their limbs, and now en joy excellent health from the use of this compound. These facta are fully substantiated by published testimony, from the highyvt possible sources ; tes timony that cannot be gainsaid, but which can be vouched for by ten timtmmd witnesses. Retail price, *5 per bottle, 3 bottles for $12, or 6 to $22. To be had of R. L. DODOF. and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. ^Little Rock, June 3, 1861. 1 y. MORTlMORE’S BITTER CORDIAL, AND BLOOD PURIFIER;,a Vegetable Spirit, and the most scientific preparation ever produced; ona bottle of which, is warranted to possess more real medicinal virtues than ten times that amount of Sarsaparilla, or any other preparation put up for similar purposes. ita unequal virtues are soon made manifest in diseases having their origin in impurities of the blood, such as—Neuralgia, Scrof ula or King's Exit, Erysipelas, Cutaneous Erup lions, Salt- Rbem, Tetter or Ringworm. Puuples on tl.e faoe or surface of the skin, soreness or misery in the breast or region of the heart, general debility or nervout affections, and all irregular habits of the system, (especially with females,) and the many derangements of the nervous sys tem, and diseases arising from the injudicious use i of calomel and other poisonous drugs. This is a fine cordial, pleasant and agreeable to : take, and perfectly safe to be used in any state of j health, even by the most delicate female or child. I And it is an article that every one »houid use, at I least once a year, to purify and enrich their blood, j and thus prevent all manner of diseases. I Retail price, $1 per bottle, 61Kittles for $5. To be had ol R. L, DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. JuneS, 1881. ly. DR. CLARKEt* Compound ttyrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, Which is considered by Physicians stid others the i Ktutor for coughs, colds, consumption, liver compliant, bronchitis, asthma, soreness hi the chest, spitting of blood, pain or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, Ac. This being the presrriplkm of a regular physi cian, graduate of the Medical University, Phila delphia, and having been thoroughly tested, is j properly esteemed one of the most valuable and ; efficient remedies for these and similar complaints ever offered to the public. Price, $t tier bottle, 6 bottles $5. To be bad of K. L. DODGE * THOMAS BUT TEB WORTH. Little Rock, June 3d, 1851. _ __ly. R. STEPHEN S ASTRINGENT SYRUP — This has now become a celebrated remedy for Dysentery and Rowel Complaints, Cholera Mot | bus, Diarrhma or Summer Complaints, pain or j cramping in the stomach or bowels, adapted to per i sons of all ages, but undoubtedly the most supe ! rior preparation for children ever produced. Price, 25 cts for small l>o;tles, and 60 cts for large ones. To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BL’T TEKWORTH. Li *’■? Rock, -*ne, 3d, JS31. ly. (reith Flour, STc. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti cle*, to wit: 60 bbls. St. Ixmis Flour; 100 “ Cm< innati “| 20 kegs No. 1. Lard ; 60 bbls. and half bbls. Whiskey ; 1060 lbs. Tobacco ; 750 “ Bar Lead : For sale by A. J. HUTT, June 4tb, 1861—30. _Main Urtet. ms rpHE subscriber, agent for H. Haberman, wi I continue the former's business at his old stan ill X continuethe former's business at his old stand on Main, near Markham street, an-, keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock ol Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Slims, Hardware, Castings, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sold tow for cash. The highest market prices will be paid for country produce, ns beef hides, peltries, bees wax, Ao. JOHN KRAL’SE. Little Rock, March 28, 1861. 30—tf. Iron and Cantingti. A /A/ATY Lt-a. Bar iron,assorted ; 'xV/UV/ 4 Bunnies Nail Rods; 8 Bumileo Extra Horae Shoe; 100 piece# Flow Wiugs ; 16 Skillet; audllds; 30 Ovena and bija l,s14 aMorted English Futs; IS Sugar Kettles; >12 Gr(|i Iruus; 3o odd ilds. Received per 1 rustee, ami for sale hv JOHN L). ADAMS, Feb. 11. Steamboat Lauding. 20 Cincinnati Uootis Kegs Fresh Buckwhoat Flour ; 300 pound* Bologna Sausages ; 1 bbl; Hoiniuey, I bbl. White Beaust 2(1 Boxes Star Candies; 10 Boxes Tallow do. 2 Bbls. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. Salaratus; 300 Jugs; 15 Demijohns, 15 Iron Bouud Keg;. Received per Trustee, and for sale bv JOHN D. ADAMS. Fab. 11, 1831. Sleamboat Lauding. Star CuMtlles siV. •>g~X/"V Lhs. Star Caudles ; 25 Hags Buckwheat 0\»vr Flour; ii Bbl White Bemis; 4<H) Lb«' Castings- Just received per Poutiac. aud for sale by FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. Feb 11,1-51. Laoetreri Srctionul Map of Arkanm. A FEW copies ot the above Map—the only com plete and correct one ever published—for sale at the Qazrtlt uad Dtmocrnl elites—price $6, on rollers, and handsomely varnished and colored. Jsn.7, 1851. IS— Stationary. A LARGE and beautiful aas.irtnwnt of sta tionary, received per Phillip Fenuvwit, ami for sale by JOHN I). ADAMS, Steamboat Landiuir. March 25. 22—If. JUU.\ l». A MA TIN, COHESION m F0HW1RDIXG IKRCRIHT, IIHiek COKNES, LOWU r-TEVMBOAT LANDING, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. KEEPS e»u*t*iitly on hand a large and general amortmeat of Ur) Goods, Clotkmr, Hard ware, Ruren^nariy Hats and Caps, Boot* antlBhaes, saddlery, stationary,Groceries, Produce, Ac., Ac.; all of which will be sold »ery cheap for CASH. Oct. I, ISuO—8—• -if autisi ti >sii «i \»m JUST RECEIVED, and for sale cheap for cash, fiu« Double and Siugle barrelled Shot Gun*, Rifle*, flint and perenaaiou gun Loeka. kc ,ke.,at tho tinatniith Shop, on Maia atreet. where repair ing la done up blue, hy II. GRIFFITHS. No»*>. 9— O Mill OR. N hand and for sale. 1 bill 4th proof French Brandy: I >• Spanish “ I “ Malaga Wine; 1 •• •* (achoice article). JOHN 1>. ADAMS. Dec-10. 1**0-14 If Lower Luadtay. IRON—5000 lbs. M’d flat, sq’r and round lion ; 1000 “ heat chareoa! horse-shoe ; SOAP—10 boxes No. I brown ; PAPER—10 ream* Envelope: PORK—20 bbht. heavy Mess ; BACON—1000 lbs. clear «de* ; ’ BAGGING—25 piece* heavy Kentucky j « 40 half •* ROPE—4fl cotls ; TIVy.NE—10 bale*; Rac’d per "Hamburg,” au^for sale, bv Aw-4-1*'I, B. WAIT. SION JO«« »i»»all. aiu. p. ouni. JO MU #. MORRBR SIDDALL, GREENE & CO., CO TTO.V FACTO H V, AA0 JOSWAADlJiHO M E R C H A N T S , NO. 90 CAMP WTREKT. NKW ORLEANS. «OC*«daEEHW.>Ot>. i.H.HSAtb T.E.APAUa. if omen »ki:eh noon, a ro., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING WiaOMAMTS- . , No. Gfi Magazine Street, opposite the M»uth of Hank Alley, NEW ORLEANS, LA. toy- Particular attention paid to the •■lp of CO I - foN. TOBACCO. AND OTHER PRODUCE— he collection and remittance of Fundi—and tLo iureha.-r and shipment ni Merchandize >rem'rally, THOMAS L. WHITE, BOOKSELLER k STATIONER, NO. 93 l AN AL STUCK*, NEW ORLEANS. LAW, MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND - SCHOOL BOOKS. UTOTMiQ PAPCSt, Fu • Cap, Utter and Note. I» rapping paver »> various qualities RCILLtt. STKKL PENS. INK. And ■ general M«ortmm( of Blank tloolt*. Country Merchant* an ! Teacher* are ic^uested to call and examine the Stork. iVh.l.l 23 I v JAHXS MAtTHL'WI. WM. rOWKLI.. JAflIS UV1TII I.WMA ( O., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND C011I8SI03 MERCflAXTS, Manufacturer’* Agents FOKTHE aal.K OF NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS Ac., No. 53 WALNUT STREET. South of Columbia, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rffek to—T. D. St err irk If IV, Um.B. IVail, Walter Mite hell, H Hroaan, D. Bender if Co., and Jacob Hasrhns, Little Rock. Feb 5, 1*507—33 —ly uiia i iiiLi:\»i:R, (»urcf*»or to Wm. T. Kustis Jk Co.) .Vo. 42 and 44. Peart Street, Boston Massachusetts. IXrORTKR m DEALER IN FORKIOW «fc DUaKRSTtC IIARDW.VHE, AS a constant aupply of Hardware and Cctt ti i.frf adapted to the trade of the Soothwnt. From au experience of twenty years in-...the trade of that flection, he is confident tlml he can supply merchant*, either iu person or by order, with the style* and qualities of good* desirable, and on term* that *liall be anthifnctory • *#* B. C. give* particular attention to connigti riH»nt« of Colton, Peltrie* and other produce of the country that may be consigned to him for sale. Sept.2Y HM9-—7—3—Iv JAMK* H MASSKY 1 JOSEPH H PALMER. joki;i,ii n. pu ncK a ( «.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS l\ FOHKKiSI ASil) DCMESTIO DRVQ0093. 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10, J850. 8-1—1) A. I'. COLHKAA A: CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AM) Dealers, in Foreign and I>oine*tic fruits, nuts, WINES AC.! POWDER!! AGENCY olthe celebrated Clary»ral Powder Company,” in Keg*. Halves and Quarter*,and Cana of one and five pounds, (juaruruitdlittptrivr to any manufactured. So. 27 Tchoupiloulas Street. Netv Orleans. January 13, 1950.—7—19—Iy NEW WHARF BOAT A. 4a O A IP A CO., GENERAL AGENTS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, \APOLEO.V, ARK. fJIHK PROPRIETORS have purchased an en tirely nricttoat, with splendid accommodation*. If will atTurd ample and pec ore storage room for eight hundred tuna, and la capable of accommoda ting fifty peteengen*. Thev are prepured, as heretofore, lo do husioes* a-* General Agent*, to Receive, Forward, and Pay Charge#. They promise to give their particular at tention to all business entrupted to them. The Proprietor’* will guarantee this boat will •Hand the* inspection of any Insurance Ofhce in the United State*. REFERENT E S ! A. B. Shaw 8*. Co.. Mf.nphit, 1>nn. Jamksi HibbaadJ k t 1k C A STtw\ST, J ' I .a ‘I'lUui. A- Tf\ A V. .1 o i f. >1 \ n i , i J*s Timms & Co , 1 S. H. Tecum, > Little HocV I'. D. MrmrtsiCo, ) Most * UiEt nwooB i Co., ) y (jf Waatoh. Saskohij it Co. ) ‘ ,4rL WaJOTOH. SiNKOHD i Sept 10, 1950. KK’Gur. ic Deni, copy. Orleans. I - W. MITCHELL, & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS) AND r» in Gowda I’ry , Groccrl***, *!fcc. NAPOLEON, AKK\S. .Ware*, 30, ! 831. 30—tf. .Sn^ai* anil Coffer. /A Rag* t«**t Kio Coffee, OAT » lllid*. Prir.« Hr own Sugar, in atom and fur tale by T, I). MLKKICK 4. CO. Nov. 5* 1-50.-8-9—tf Fartrid^c Hoot*. A ('ASKS Smut Calf Boot*. 2 Caw* Waterproof ■ 1 BoooU, juet received nod for *»le bv Dec. 17. FATHERLY & CLEMENTS, SOLDIERS’ LAND WARRANTS, for acres each, for eale by W.\l. B. WAIT. March 8d 9K~tf 16ti Krc'd per •learner Hamburgh, ! BHLS Ale; 10,000 Canon* Cigar*; 8,000 common ' j Sp»ni«h lio ; 10' j, bbla. Crackers; 10 do Brandy; 20 do VVhtskoy; 20 do do, ‘do l>trl» Flour; 5 do Gin,kr. Jan 21. M. T ANTI. Received perMeamer I mpire, tdtesi, (very fine) XA Casks i>m)i oy« *r»; |JV/ S bids no do 0 do Orange*, fine; 2 dir/ boxes Prune*. 20 do fresh lixMns, boat quality; 25 000 Havana Cigars, assorted. For sale by M. TAVi'I. Jan 21, 1851 20~ I'mh PmMonx. • *) AA/l /.US. aiu-al in liv’d Hams ; »7VM/vf 2700 tin. ch ar S Jtts. i 1 keys leaf Lard ; 10 bbla. Pilot Bread-; 30 half bids. Water Crackers; 4 bids, dried Apples ; 4 " “ Peaches; i Received this day sa/1 for sale, by JON. D. ADAMS, June fi, 2^51—10. JfWoiAoot fanrfmf. BACON 4000 lbs Extra Sugar Cured Hama; 7000 11m Clear Side*; 4000 lbs Bone do.; 2.SO0 ll»s Shon'd^rsf DRIED BEEF-300 Iba Extra Sugar Cured; BLOCK—100 BbU Ohio, Superfine; VINEGAR—5 bbls Cider. Received per steamer R. H. Lee. and for sale by Jane 3d. MM P 'VAIT. JL . —--U.—L.— q q q q q q q MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Ml T* U* Mbit, fi* 1mm, Or ffare, nt U« Amlcrf, *• Wt krmg fW tiding* «f grw* >?"' {Tke Telcaiie Oil from Mexico Hh Ion* been known to pratett within itarlf wonderfully soothing. beating and curative properties, and has been extensively used by the Axtecs for Rheumatism. Stiffness of Jeinta or Limb*, and f« •11 kinds of Sores, Ulcers, Bums. Wounds, Hard Lumps or ^mors, and for all kiwis of Pains or Inflammations in Man or Beast. The happy combination of this wonderful production of nature with other powerful remcdie* in the . - ~ — Mexican Mailasi Liniment Renders it one of the most perfect remedies ever offered to the afflicted. It* action upon the organi sation is truly wonderful. Its vuiatJa, penetrating, soothing and healing properties diffuse themselves to the very bones. It enters into the Circulation of the hloodf-givea a new impulse to the whole ner | vonssystem to the very extremities of the fingers and loos—stimulates the abaurbenta and secretions, and thus assists nature to throw off and rid herself of any diseased action of nerves, muscles, chorda ' or ligament*, making it equally applicable to sores of any kind, rheumatism, pains in any part of the ! body, from a diseased actum of any of the structural portions of the system. Possessing these peculiar powers is the reason why it is equally efficacious in so many different complaints. We will give a few of the thousands of cures that have been effected by this Liniment within the ] last year. A lady in Columbus, Ohio, had her hand slightly bruised, took cold in it and it spread to A Frightful l leer All over the back of her hand. Doctors had prescribed salves, ointments, washes, and alteratives, j without doing it any good. It bad been in this condition more than a year, when she got a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, by Hie recommendation of her physician, and applied it as direct 'd. The re sult was, that in four weeks the ulcer was healed and the hand was well1 That doctor now buys the Liniment by the doiten to use in Ins practice. A little girl, fourteen miles from Columbus, had a severe aback of Rheumatism. The chords nf one leg contracted so that the foot was drawn up at » right .ingle with the thigh, and tin km < joint stiff, so that she was obliged to walk with crutches. Three Ixittlcs of the Mustang Liniment related the chords, loosened the knee joint, relieved ail pains, strengthen d the muscles, and she can skip the rope, leap and jump without crutches and without limping. A man in Pittsburgh had a red hot iron accidentally run into his foot, making a very severe Wound and Burn At the same time The p un was intense and excruciating, threatening lock jaw. The foot swelled very rapidly, ami in two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it, or set it to the ground. In this condition the Mustang Liniment w as applied. Immediate relief from pam was the consequence, and in two days ho went about Ins business and had uo farther trouble with it. Copt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest citizens of Cincinnati, and long and popularly known on all the western and southern rivers <u a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack of luUnmmntorr H lieumnti-m in his right arm. After suffering the most excruciating pain for some day* without a moment's relief, he obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it, lit less than twenty-four hours, he was entirely relieved from pain, the soreness and stiffness perfectly eradicated. Lot any doubt this in his presence, and he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength and (taxability of his "good ' right arm." A man in Covington, Ky., had not been able to walk without, crutches for near two years, from the effects of Chronic R hrumntism. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and used it as directed, and now h> is well, an.! can dance a horn pipe equal to any jolly Tar! A man near Louisville, Ky., had a negro man who had running sores on bo!r. lush gs. I • . w re nearly rotten, and hared they would tie the causwof h death. He procured half a dogen bottles of iw Mustang Liniment, and used it all according the dir,. ions, iimnj. u . p.h.Ji.t e«n ,i w re 1 healed. John Bennett, of Petersburg)!, 111., had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Cap, is or Scald Hedd. jThe entire scalp was a running sore and ho 1 been for more than a year—doctors could doit no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and to their great joy, it has en ureiy healed all the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the once Frightful sculp !!| A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the top of her bead ihat threatened to spread all over the scalp. The hair came out and lefts bare spot the sice of a dollar, that was a running sir,-, she used the Mustang Liniment on it, and it not only healed the sore, out brought out a beautiful new ctopol hair! She is now uMMg >» to dress her hair, and says it is the best Hair Tome she ever saw, while it gives a beautifully gloasy-likc appearance to the hair, Uia* she had never succeeded in obtaining before. These are but a few of the thousand* of cures w an* daily hearing of from all parts of the country. For Horse* and other Animals There is nothing can be compared to the Mustang Liniment, in this speedy arid-permanent cure of Strains, Bruises, Cuts, Oahis. Chafes, Soratohes, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Kiaiula, Big Head, Spavin, ({j,,* Bone, Splint, Wind Gall, Cracked heels or any wound, stiffness, or unnatural enlargement orb'm.or muv je. A livery .viable keeper of thtsc.:y hada hor-. ihat he prim-l very i.ighlv, that had a j large Ring-bone on both ledgs. The horse was e finpletely nod, and lus lunba left perfei Uy smooth ; by the use of the Liniment. To Country Merchant*. e Every store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pays i g* j profit amt sells rapidly. Caution Extra. J pManiy will try to induce von to buy Nerve and Hone Liniment or some other equally worthless trash, by saying it is just as good as the Muata-ig Linuneni. But do not be lei. ,ved' Ask for tins L.mmcnt, and buy none other, and you will not t*e disappointed. The name us blown on the bottle. (•rice* of the Lnumenl. In consequence of the increased demand, we m- now putting up 25 < nt, i>ir,t, ... ,d Dollar hot , ties. The 5<l cent bottles contain three times Munich as tie Jo cent size, and ihe dollar bodies four tun. s ar much as the 'ill cent size—s>i that man -y will t»e sav< '1 in buying the large bodies. I ,• Principal Depot at BRAGG <x Me LEA NS’S Drug Store, corner Third and Market streets, Si. i Louis, Missouri. j r Druggists and Country M rehants supplied on lilierat terms. J.- YV. TAPPE, Who cattle Agent, at Little Rock, Ark. AptU By 18H« _jy. i MjHHHS I It BJfri'tr t wn»n» n/i Sate j j TpON accommodating terras, the following vJ tracts of lands situated upon Kayos Bartho lomew, in Drew county, Arkansas : | S. K. fraction qr. sec. 7; West half sec. 7; VV. i half of N. E. qr. see. 7: W. lialf see. 6; W. half of S. E. qr. sec. G; all in township 11 south range ! west. 1 Those lands are among the best in the State of ! Arkansas, well situated^ in a thriving neighbor ' hood and convenient for shipping produce. For terms, apply to L. A. WHITELEY. j Little Rock, March 22d. 38—3m. OLIVER & CO., M\h rV SPIRIT MERCtl.MS, CORX.KR OP M AIN .4 M» MARKHAM »T. Old I'utl Office Canter. JUST Re eived u-Tue assortment of choice articles for Bar Stores, and Family use, eon ; sistir.g of Kmc Old Port Wine; .Madeira Wine: Brown Sherry Wint : Pale Sherry Win •: Catauba M ne Lorn:worth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. J uic< ; Hran i ily. Cognac; Brandy t berries: London; Mo uongaheia Whuky; Scotch Ale; Brown Stout; Anisette; Natural Svrup: Muscat iU Krontignan; Maruchano: Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; \\ r oev.t-rshirc sauce; Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Ab ! sutihe; Preserves *c., Ac. f. ttk 8or a, April m. S3-tf. m:\v faxili store. HOItiUNO\ A ( ARTUR. On Eust Mile »f Won it.. tint bnek it j r ,ihor*- the e*M'Htr o/ Wociimn si., wikhj.uu: »sii am ail DBAixai* is FAMILY, STAPLE AM) FAXCY (inircrirs, i’roiijicns, Cunalry Produce, k(. HAVE just opened, in the store heretofore or . copied as a Tin Shop, a general assortment j of every thing in their line, comprising a larger , variety of FAMILY SUPPLIED than ever before offered in this market. Their friends, and citucena generally, are invited to call and examine their1 stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they arede teniuaed U> sell as low as the lowest, for cash or country produce. Little Rock, April 9, ISM. 33—tf. T Y P E F O U N D ERY. OU1LFORD * JONES, NO. 11, Columbia Street, Ge’wr.ii S,v-aroero A:,.! Headway, ( IXC1SS.1TI, OHIO. Would respectfully inform their old Patrons and Printers generally, that they have removed their Founders, to the buildings formerly occupied as ' the St. reoiyp • Foundery and Printing Kstablkh , m- nt of E. MHItPARD. Where they are Prepared to Furniih Anything in their Line. ,f. FOSTERS’ PRESSES! T*r tat: amo Amorrit roe. Fostsb’a lilMl, f (HD, i PII W F. II PRESSES; And i» l'iti* . will Kill atuy Order for PRINTING MATERIALS, At thr Shortf*t Satiety tmd *it the Ewrrtt Eastern TRICKS. ii fit Hi Mini sll • )A l***- af Hats. ! “ Panama “ 3 “ “ Jenny Liad" Hats. G “ T&iaptco “ ft “ 0*n.jHH*ehy “ j Received pci P. Pennywit and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. March 3ft 1 07 Steamboat /xmamg. Ilat«! Haiti!! Hat*!!! .A Cue. Fa»hlon»We Silk Hal. ; 8 Do* Wool do.; « 3 Dot ClolST.jS*. Received net Pontiac im> forwtahy ' ■ JOHN D. ADAMS, Fob. II, 1851. Steamboat Laadiug *«• * airicii « Tiaie ( oll^ialc Institute. LITTLE HOCK, A K k A \s 4 s. rI^ii*s **UbJishmfcnt is now opened on Louisiana A street tor Ui ■ admission of day pupils—and it is expected after some time to afford accomodation f.»r boarders. rho t ours.* of Education will Enfhracc, 1 v ' ’ Primary; 2d. The Mercantile, and :;r. 1 1 he Classical and Philosophical Departments. 1 EKM.S - * t-r quarter of twelve weeks, payable in advance for the Primary I). [lartmcnts which in ii’ ie 8j« . rie Heading and Writing *•> (hi Forth. Mercantile, which includes Arithmetic. Bellos Letters, Elocution, Geo<ranhv, IL.story and Mensuration tv* 00. I or the t Inssical and Philosophical department, i»1 eh in* lodes together with what is meiiixmed m trie Mercantile course ; the Latin. Greek, Fr. tn'jt atid Italian languay. s ; the sci.-ur*. ,,f A! ;'e'‘fa. G* (ini try, ’I fi^ononKdry: with Natural and Experimental Philosophy y,2 no. IllltKCTOHS |\I» PKOIT.SSOKS. id.v. PATKH K REILLY, If . P YTH1CK BEHAN, H'v. PATRICK MARTIN, Little Rock, March is, is,y_>. 28-1 lxv. Spri < 'lothiMg. \ LARGE and Fair lid *.-- m.-nt of SPRING 1 l L< >! Ill NG, r. t p< r i ullip Pemtvw it, and forsa,» !*> JOHN I). ADAMS. Steamboat Lauding. 1 March 25. (. Koeckt AavisiKOV.. Gk5. Lxxxkxm.n. Aasoui H \ * his. AUMSTUOXO, LAWR \SO\ & CO. Coiiiiiiitikioii llertliant*. 105 Maeario street, V£ If, O/IUM.VS, March 25, 1851. oy_]v Aic»v spring <*o»(|*. 20 Pieces 20 “ 7 ■* 300 “ 30 “ 20 “ H “ 20 “ latest style tiarages. printed Muahna. late style Silks, assorted Calicoes. “ Gitiphahu. “ Cottonadcs. Brown Linen. Dciuins. - *> dt 4-4, Brown & Blch’d Domestics. 51. 6-4, KM and i2-4, Brown and Bit h'd Sheeting*. 3 pieces 12-4 Linen Sheeting. 22 “ Irish Linen. Glove*, Cl a Apton C.ks, OxnabJtgs, Umbrella*. Par again, N i ■ iV c., A , \r. Received per P. Penny* ", and for s >i. CAm, lot C«a* tmlf by JUHN IX Al> xMs March 2ft. 1KM. Steamboat latttJi.ii>. ' C1 O F P FK—' f \ *«a . N pf \lii‘ Hit;; J Kccvivvd and for suit by May loth, 1661. WM. B. WAIT. n vkiim; m ri\G! r»wbs Monument*, Grave.s,tones. Ac. k furnished to Order. IOMTH < I.ARE, Stone-(Jttlter, (1st*- of N,v O'leans.) h»t* les»e (o in loin I hr ritici* 1* j Lutle R u k amt ;h* vicinity,that he baa opened ai ■•’ahlishraant or* Halt! ^rert, a : joint ng W iiliai. I Georg -line. !**r *e ( -opose ol executing a, si 1» <>l MARBLE WORK, and invite* t. - aitec Il* e ei .til Th '-e xxanttng *o*i thing ol 11 1- keel ’one ii, a neat am wnr ktuatv-hk.e manner and at a a,Mi> ratt price, lie ail< k»e| on hand a stock ol tfo b* «t material, an I 1* le * ’x tn execute ail woik 1 hi* line at the »tM»r*e,i rcoea. Little Rock, Aug. 6, 1 *•:,<). AS_tf (•HHCriw. IOIIN D. ADAMS I*** on hand, and olteralo hi Inmds and c ixlouxei**, lor *«lc. No I slacker in ki!«, Haltibut in 's hnls, Sugar, Cr,,1~e, S(*te. pepper, Ginger Nutmegs, Clavtt, rrMW M*d*> »<■*, Indigo nnd .Madder, powder', fe ol and Lear Rice, Stc , kr. .Alar*—TLA-', Pouehong. Young tlxsr>e, Blart and « very vureiu.r stliele ol *' Imperial"—togeift, will). Pre*.*ivad Oitrrantt, GooMOerties, Gage* Rheubatb, Lr.. for ismiiy uae. Die. 24, 1S50. * ]«._ * ■ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. B. JOHN SOY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "r" 1ITTLR ROCK, ARK. Oct. i, 1650. . »• I. IIUA\Di:\R| R^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRKNOK.VHXE. ARK'S linLLfrwtwc in the e<M»rtea nf pt.ilij c. St » f Kranct* end Monroe, in the «r*r judicial Or. euit; he counting ol Doha and Arkanean, m Hr aeconrt Judicial Cirrnit, *n<l (he rent) of fhanie in the rfth Judicial Circuit, and will pay atfictht tenfirm to the cntUctiorT ol debt* in any part of the state, and will *l«o arl a* agent tor Ihraale ol lan,t< and paying *»*e*, &e Her: enrr in Lawreneeviije, Monroe eo , Afk«. Sept 17. ISSO—P_Y_|y JOIIV T. TIIK.I.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BENTON, ARKANSAS. Mav 21, 1 "tno. ;tr_ IIEYKT ?l. R1/4'TOIS, 1TT0RJET A COHSmOR AT L.IU (Office at Kenton, Saline (ount)V ILL I’RACTICE in the Couutiea of Salim' f » Hot Spring*, I'erry. Mont joinery, arm tin court* at Little Rock. Any humor** entruated t. hie rare will receive prompt attention. AM) K. c in.m.\«, Utorury and fuanwllar at Law. S O Ll Cl TO H I X CH A N CK R Y LITTLE ROCK. AKK JAMES T. BROWN, .1TTORXKY .IT L.llt, Arliantas Pint, vrk., Will practice his profession in the Second Judina Circuit, and wilt attend to the collection of debt ind the investigation of land churns in every par of A rkanaae B. T. IM VAIm attoioea i\mti! \smnK it law. ted AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Fort smith, Arknnan*. R. H JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Limn Rock, Aik joii\ s?. ieoi;i>i:\, A T T O It S R Y AT L A IV. Itfsidrs in Lewinillr, Lafayette Tonniy. Irl \NI) will practice in the court* of the tali Ju.ii . rial district. All lutsiiie*. confided to In* man ageim-nl. will receive prompt andfaitlifulatUmtKi: LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, ATTORNEY YT LAW. OFFICE OS MJRKHjIM ST HEFT Korn, Aaacxe.cs JAMES A WILSON ATTORNEY AND Mil.NSELI.IIK AT LAW IKI.I.VIU.G, IKK l\S IH. nvvii) W. CARROLL. axX isxli'r3 jr jxx xxu Lit Hi* Hock. inaltfllv] AtKttMi. fin.2i) . 'MIA (|| II.IJA. ATTlIRNi V h IT,l NSELLOR \T LIU. van SOLK . TOR I S C II A X ( E K 1 . Orricn—Eldorado. Cnion county. Arkansas W. ii. 11 lti i*vn:% i», ATTORNEY AT LAW, O F y IC K O N M A R K H A M S T R K E i ULT1.K »OCK **K'S. I If •i. ti. tliirlttm, ATTORNEY i COlUglLOR If LAW. Fayetteville. Arkansan. I1CC1. f . WATKINS. AS. S. ( ! »«.. AV VTKI YK & ( I RK % Y. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTI.K ROCK AKK A.\ • \ > I LI l* V ( »\« AY. ATTORNEY IT HW. i BENEK II. LAND AGENT. 1JTII.E ROCK. ARKANSAS. 1 (TJLI* ATTEND to the coiieclioM of debt* iu f f any f art of the Stale, u> buying and ianda# pa) mg tax?*. rodeeuiing land* forfeited foi tax***, No Hr i*» authorized to pelf land* enough for thrrr or four l ho main! yaad plant uttvnt, and of cheap rat*9, for rush To inaur** ittentioiYfCommuuicatioiip mupi i?«*po*t Raid. Rock, Jan It?, 1*50. 15*-ly LAI!AN M. S111011? Attorney ami Counsellor at Caw, U,r I LI. ir. ,n the Court* of New ion, Sear' i y, .Matron. and Carroll countie*. Resi -no, in-ar Crooked Creek, co., Ark. April »2—83— 1 v. S. G. S M I T H, ATTORNIA AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 1’iuii.ios, to., Aits-. 38-tf. .loxiii \ n. miuKix, .ATTORNEY AND LULNSELLUR AT LAW. ROCKPORT, HOTSPRING co., ARK. April ..s.V. \ 34-tf. YI AY C LOT III\t»!/ II ST received, direct from New Orleans, a larg, and well •elected assortment cf new and fash tonahle Clothing: Partic ular attention is called U a fine stick of Sutnuier Clothing. For salt low for cash, and for cash only ! K. M AKCCS. Little Rock, V,. ;'J0, 1*51. Mmn ttrrrt. 1 rtiNlr?* ^al*. Y virtue of a Deexl of Trust, executed by Siiar I'ukt , tm the 9th <Iav of May, 1*30, to John Matlock, to secure tin payment of a certain gum ol money ut saxi Deed of Trust named, I will, on the first il 'iiday m August nest, in the city of Cani ; tleu, offer for sole to the lushest an<! last bidder, i that well known and valuable projierty, situated insanlcay,knownas the “ Ul'ACHlTA HUl 'SE,‘* said pit-UiiiM s . lubracuty the follow, at Lots, town: Lot Nm 1 m bl-u lt No. 14, irontmg east »n feel :'n Adam, -reet vt-t riumitg hack west nyt, )• ■ i. ■ .i. .. . i.■ -No. ►.* a block No It, frontin« 60 feet on the Northerly suit’< ' Jefferson street, ami running bark there f; it. i. ■, the width ol iu Hunt, 1*0 It el. Tbt buildings upon the preimsi-s are ail new, ami the “ Ouaohitt House’' me of the bum si tm st ’livemf i.t : ■..'i-l.11. ! >; a fed class I(.., the State, and the lootion offers the strorigeat ui i t i* rv>n.< wishing to .‘iigago in tha: ' business. I i. ;)!i-ni:w:s w.ll be sold on a credit un til lb- v tov ol March n< the purchaser giving hia note with two approved see otitic*. L ii CASE. TruiUt Caint!’ . , MsvO'i, 1S31— to—tdg. LlHM tTifk ! 'I *1 received from New orfean* the foitowm,; •I >, tic i’i 1 r> 5 60 1 t 1 I 4 to 10 fi t u* Kanin*; Ground timber; Mac* au>M| \ ■ fiiiKt’Ui; Table Salt; Tomato ketch . “ t tioomatc; basket Swift? Oil; but Lesson Syrup: “ imperial Tea; ■ ‘ Soap; “ Sack* Coffee; dor, C. S. ilotts; Rille with fly; Ami for sale cheap by Little Hock. June 9, 1831. A. Jf. HITT Mum ttrrtt. 'EW MHHtv f RECKIYRD. last by steam* ], , ,*n< » s*a* m of >a «<idi.i< n k> prrvVMM irnnlu. make* th,- <f F*a»y and st*pu Merrham; nm I haw on hand »J f w b*w poneau-d to tt. pohlu non r.«prr*f.u>v ,nv,tf ,li 9rm0m Wu„. in and town, to eat! amt examine the vam, L.’.k R,*ch «*,’.■>, is*i. j,s_ UTTLK ROOK Ilk;If SCHOOL BPsrdiM ,US| Uav Sfh»«| For V.oot L.dir,. * ' 1 HK .it no* Semina,y will bo 1 troths*!'. {0. \ .;, w> -n t punctual attm. lU~' ,h* i» earnestly rennesied, I hi* «Met Ihr rare ol M,«. amt th, Mi"r* wool*. w,th Assistant Traitors, oRrrs rrr,,!*f 1" ’hr •«!>»»«•**♦ «r* tugstv *'"',11' ' • Fc«* *oi,f within tbeasseSte* rti J<.»|.fir.1io .. in, th, vano.i* branches, which ».*, t «ve praritsen wt«h perfect nttafartVdtt, they h-tt t9 T •• Pupils o. ’fr B«ard.nC Si-hoot, tow, rl. •tantty asscruts,, »-h ,r Trarhera. rwe.fe attention nccc,.*,, n, Irtfw »mt retire the „ nrn. ami r-r.**i„r, r,: ,u M eerier amt rnaUrfx •?■»<»>>:»! to ih#* lornuttoft ol chat art# r Frahr'g ih, ,<h Urpt,,^ oftbr F renrh language, now indispenuHe in ai-cldr r4«eait»n, Hi* Ptmcipah, w„h h. ■ : ,, ;,t ,, po**ihla the tcrfiiacaot the estibf .hini-nt They »'’mi;f„t! <hr f,,,,,!,. ir, ,y„ family,'.a attend the Eicnch *•:«.,*, ,, ,, rhargr. - * >-.*!iun of thr r,I\ - IT.itll, K. k i* , at «|| by •t.ambo.t Thr ay«t*ir. rf H aim.*i»p.rla«l,rr, : latu-i, ml III f She moral «M ,t>!fi|,f*„al -rmbiaorn « !h«ro.,sh and sy.’rm.ti, I„.m thn rlrmruary to thr tnvtioat hr„r|,,., Monihlr nooni* ol *rho!ai*htp and (laportment tad to Parent*. every judicio*,* mriteme,.. to Ktoriy it* atlorded. I h* m-h.n l i* , •;*!*»>* , under th- *iiPer»,« . ' nmir.r ?H,a ' •,<*Mts eti»*%#*«.«Rk| r» ! 0| J tl.HI ! 4-. >s Trim* of TvHlda Hnd ttmir4 |H-r ho(«h of _ , "*• n»y ach.-.Ur*, l»ti Depamt.rr t. 3<I 2-1 l*t fi-2 !>0 I t m> in no I' 09 , IS nil in no 25 00 **i mi lit mi h reneb, Italian. Snaiiiah arid (ierrrian. eairl Singing in Choir. M'i*te— Piino, Cniiat, and Oigan, eaeh, fi .lift, l><*«inp and Paiidiiig. A ow.*e ot ,e«vtii in Mi rental painting, Japan Work, M ia\ mg id BbiH.v and Ita i Hiif Vt i r„, and Mag h. Mei,, each, 10 IH) N eharge lor emumaotai net ole m ot U. Mo ’»•>. “4*1 it g, lights, fuel, r,«e , | bedding, •Vr., p,.| irnlTth. ' (W rill,lent* ipoaiierly, in advance; no dednctior.a Im hessinna eotnirienee |sl Sept. jt( p-.p p„_ pils received .It any peiin.i. aid thaiged tram time ol etdialo e to cl* *e ol the », »*io„ iitmnl *,t l i sit ora. Hi Mev. It»el, fauc«*.\, Hon. 1. W Hon. Judge t'lKeo, Cap*. A Pmr, Hor T. VV .Ngwrnie. L Ctnao*. ,\1 ir. J. H Ciuie, Ksq , L. E lUaied, Emi., Li'. ftmiu, Hoi Judge Ein n, t I H atgiaa, E-.p. E. H I VliUMI, Erq., •Maj J I,a warm, Men.S. H H*«e»r*vii. Hon. U . II. SttTins le Koek. Awg. 22, I3ft«. 5|.rt W iS8JVj}|n\ .MILE M Mhi’liL IlempsiCinl County, Ark*. f I'll F — .*n,, s i ,)} iji, . 1 Ilf i.ltHiy.'ir, < taur ; I thin niurrviith' f el.rurtr> llth,ln50 Kt»r, c. P Il RUKSTIMf, s'U^rrmlcOlI^Mi «uu Pro l»f»*or of Moral ;i«: iiitf'ilvctuft! Phi »»**» j»li\. BriU»-l.rllerm, adu ^p«io*h Llt^mturr K^v H (.. 1 HWKATTf A VI. Py*f«MH)r «t Grocimi, H»rnmit r»uch aioi luj«*t) Lit«*rHiurc. 1 w.v* < Rotiii, A. M ProteiMK r of Stuaout# r^ceivfu iu the Primary LtofMrttiMwt m«i inutruetod TKRM» : Primary I.Vfiartmeut. p*r r»< 21 w+rknf payable quarterly iu avivamtA, ^12 »»0 Preparatory l)«p«rltMot, in (H» Pollr-fiati* Coumw, oo Vtwal ami In«tnim«nta) M t»«ic, &irm«nu of M union! romptJiiiiun, (Kxtra; 5 00 luitislirn (w, 1 00 No deduction for at>«^uc<* uoirmin of pro trfict«A(i l!lu»*s(» All »-li>»r^f*ii fr«»m th«* Hint of tliwir ‘onlrv to t!»« «»u<i of tho nfcHtm N B.—Tho no no of aii miniatm who aro m* gigfo in iho regular work of th«* miui^lry or of I !»(*«»* who art* stip«raiiuatr*d or }i«v»* di«»d iu lha n9ltii*>tr\ will ho e<ju<aU*d free of charge*. BoaIUHUJ c«u tw ohtHiiitfd tu the bv»» faitiiiio*. 1 ai froii; $♦) to -fl per month PnrticoiMr attention will b** paid both lo fha moral ami ( traiuiog of all atuaauta conmiittfd to our charge. S. T 8A.\t>ER.s, Secretary. BO A K P O ¥ I K l S T f. K 8 . Hon. IV f*. to 1 rtRH, Fuktioint, How H I* Poiiiii-xVr K' v Wnt. Moore*, K* v L. P Lively* Rfv B. P Box, I N. Jonen, ,M P , Mr i. B>ib* «i«*for. Vlr. P. WHon J P Trimble K«*v J, Cuater. to. I) . J. J KeberU, C B. M : \! I) , 'h \V VV \r>v?re%*f 3Jr. 5* 1, San.’.-r*, Mr. H. VV Smith. 7- Sfi—tf UK. mors MUMPIRILI 1 R!two PILLS. *b<*ail of all Other*!! The Kill) of uH PHI >l«nMfM(tirfr»n BECA t S i i fh*-y are bfllri anti IDOie ^ffi r annuo than *i»v other*; iirJ becthte the p«jb iu mil U;K*‘ u»* i*< -. «• »( outer* n w > cnti * biaia them i TlOSJCJl hat* t».«- r<it m iuih fur tUr lai-t VO* St. l». v M'F AM) IKUaf., t'MAlWH* lrtk< with «h|U4J •«)*« tv, and wtlfettM ft*M //' PtLLS KX$.iky t'.r puretag * lean*:** the fcituffjii' it Hi*.i How*U, an.! puttlv- -a foe Hlottd and fltdil* >*! the «**« <h1m f» i»»r oo tdhef i»Ra ur**ffttn# « uHihin* -i • f t.-. >r vuiUtia JurMpwitix .« them. K«l. Dkl»>fe» i*n<l Lnr »■ I »•««;, and |d»rMi* wt ttwttaf orritpauni «rh*M in Jung lft*'»*«, wrihuai few *>f Utkifg •.•old, Uunoi.- aiTKttMht *»i w ratinr ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS . **4c yagt ti ll iiiitt t ‘ ffttuhtf. mu^eaUa” ;itmu Fbi *i , ci.ii.f', ck.'ig^ Micttil* f* *-t < 4d'4tf,'“*‘. And wwfffr UdMa • tu WII*) • *» I.. ' tl of ihptl * > tf«W* *fi au) 'rtfirr huHTY Wl.L* AKK ! \ A |U > . »iHi ►* <d ;ii #.u a bo*. tt!> • •*:- ■ .... wIm.U M«|« *c | tt) uig Mt h box. Hu y h#»* »' ta*t»- or uaptmuMit Wrftl, Vrr* 'i»*'« or f#**r<h‘r «.j Any hind, IH> Wft tii« *h*nsu U in Pr»w»u« c i» «*. or W.J >■■. THEY \KK <.‘h l» VI1 M.I. tlWI Awl »1»( Miomoo t*« autukutd \*> «»i»n h.*Mtvf ttoth- Mk* it tbe»n w*»l L< aUnrwafd* to lah** any heCKUM' Ni* jp tttii 4*» «/.«i if til*-) do ftot, Bk*» *k» «ttMBr» \% *11 l»r N. It. (... td'.Un p; .jtrteb.r Mini «wr»*r <« *»*t u la? ditt^ipKi, I’bwiMd ui4 fm^uaMf id l.'» nao » * m Ptitl uf. lidu.i: gruodat' »•? »}#• I tiirt TwIf «' l'» «t •* ■ » ■ tUfttbff of ifejjf • at ou'laloUiiti >d f'p 1)4*1* .» *a. S • Yuffcj B<Msp«n. it* , Ai«i i^ui iatr and • ■un ip.Ml titg to* io)»‘*r o» MHv«*rvl HMftllhi) ftumtatM** «d »i»*l n« tRo<« tb* irw-m ».f t) * *t» ft* r *-»d.ffalJ w • (•> •• * d •« n»* jt.Ua. «i.*i lia-u b* o»fi r**<-i.tiun* 'i 'la* j»ra* » «>l m*«»l ro Hp*‘tiaMe jdtVNM’Uuw t)»» * nd«i rpi«f i|»ui itf'fun. i»r. j i td^ . s<». n4 *rtt» ' - -> _ M . ' ' • I Ml a .Vj*-*ui. mid ttiiffet ft ‘ * S« f* ■ Hif tuot, mui *U d»«*r «B4 '•A*/* i* tuv I t.u d db»- >4. ‘'.O —If |)r«. WalLiii* A "ilarr ' ( >i; J) •.■ •; *•«■*! ■ \ forth ft - * il». ? f /••* “ of 1 > ,l«* K . , a»*4 **p*c\alttf t thvuuf the C0**lr(/,!&** »h* \ have 4'U'eied iii!«> it.* I'lmih t* til Yfeilicttt<* .r.1 «ift p1 lit-t »" *U**d uli tutt* prifmfHh). li. * i-.« rger-i y, a Oil. n|)h**i c.l fh* pyftffi krv ibtf&V tht o hw wiB a ?*•?■<! Ufif or otfeatc»d always b+ »t Matr .^/r in AJr. Win E. Woodr^flf’iUnihjibg,^ r vi Vfaskltam airtl Sc«M illft'l*. Uttu h. 0*1. » >. !•* ** i^- ;r I’HOV I'liOXs t *r j ur> »h » "m, 1. J * K-.-> !‘ _■ i . If.:.. ■ *}ty 4 3 bl‘t» - \l ■ , r •* « r* ♦» * S. < ». • bbl . L».d Oj?, frC♦!»! f“f .< •< by 1- \THKKLY *■ CLEMEATH D*e.«»b»f If, I'-rti Iron, Vail* im«l (a.liiiR*. LH> Iroe; '»> K,- .Sji.*. ■ 1 •■ «4l. ;■** . k| T. l> MEKRtCK A CO. ()00 litttmt 17, l-4f>. 19 For 'Vale. VEIN 8 LAHOK HOKhE, n^-ut *»**•» «***» . old asi't wrv. i.v, , it baud* Hi Ap>iy to March 29 L A. WH1TELKY.