Newspaper Page Text
■■ r Hr i»«rv r i-J Hc<i« Uoarn W irtiMTti Oil- lie ' /run ike OhU Si/lemMtn.J Trn* clins <"**♦>^*****" tl,v s: so m its.-, u( ti c Biirm ,hn J. Crrtt- f’.-n Hlwiei last ^*: ,,t • f'-o'.': 'coin Inc *'in - I,,; , vV ; f. .-olleet when Shut . .«VV.V'6w Hunker whitrery. . ■ T -.velin*: Pamne1.," whenever , r president Jackson's administration . i'i «n WashiB2<):» a s*n<l« ‘,*T- 'rtlc 'r)—tfc- table surer.1 tt 31' “<Hi» Acridem-v,' ax l*rent.< r c«P'. Tyler ews on a ersnd PwauJenl . .r.-tn,.-It .d hr I"" Premier, roffl ami . • ler H .wM*. UleoMbe, . f r.' : . Hall ami Haven," a u. \i! ;h:» u -i’.nc while the smoke of , f r.j.i ivhan pfoelnafotwe ea- ■ The flaiette [ e-i-.i ,,,, .1 nr . am! »h partv .*>••» «lat l ' Hunt.' The OoTtikU; w ,«• \t:»R "»i shoulder*. EneaS-like IV r !;:iv carries Millard and hi* . r« It.'bind the Presidential eav . J .vc!* fr<>; i "Dan toBeerthaht” n»k ‘ to. prove that he i« the only Union Hi! Ti r inj. nt *ca eely arrive* at horn.-, be •t i'l •unde’tinsr s on the carp and ■ t. party si ■ o*T fnr th** Old itt.'n.n •• norlhern man with southern . Virginia convention, and sa by binding a sh» af of wheat hi l)»ns -l goes w Capon Spring*, to .okI belch up again about the .iiicel'of of the Exchequer. visits : and figures at the Tawawa Kaii V . me Ctit” as some of the tetro the Attorney General, tie- ; w behind the rest, aiul acting on .< |)_! take the hindmost" breaks ,'u > K' it.u k, to lie in the shade and drink Old „„ v,, meantime the government is left . We do not know but that the r. « ail at their 1 , ,'i „ s trav. dug cabinet continue to , a*y [, ecuig, it would not he a had , ‘ Jj : .ovt.rinn. nton wheelsat once. X or pr* eel ue‘ to the pruicipie of W n ade t ,e lira nit the; ay .les nn, mi nters ‘ a ims ! The rhice Tent Piece*. ;j...., .,cti u See tetary of the Treasury, i : to the i’ .'.master Geneial, in no arrangement has been three cent piece* coined at . ity to distant points, but U to any public officers who ■change for other An:* r:. an ^ s situated on the western the. officers of S. iv Orleans, feaddy <•’-•(..m any mod- r a i.u.ii they may re ; I.. .—.v. ft I •• ,r sending nch Me.' .1 ii .III thro in t iiae orh The llonntion (or Mr. ( nlhoun. I* has been said for some months past that th< . i ls.of John C. Calhoun ha ) propose) to raise a h«e su a to be presented to him as a donatl .n, ) i, , I,'-: keense frustrated tber inten !,o i o n f'o bad tAOW*. only a part of the (.; ;/ ■•••') amount, collected. Tho Southern Press ■ .. fallowing account of the proceeding: ] . s are, that a number of the friends of tj ! ,; ... did propose to raise the sum of sixty m.sanid i ars tor a present to him, f >r • [j irp,,'.. of enah. 'Uf i on to visit Europe and p.i icularlv the countries of the Mediterranean, ais health. And .Mr. Calhoun refused to »c :>* the i- f'. After his death, it appeared that , sni.oim of the money had already been miH- 1 . land p i d, and it was offered successively1 11 i mr vms of Mr. Calhoun for the benefit of tv.. a-, and tru by each of them refused. It is a mistake either Mr. Calhoun or his estate iv : .[■ i i.irras;~d. llts pro[>ertjr, on his death, was » ,r: i ab e,' ■! hundred and fifty thousand dol- , irs and ins d> itd a to some bank in South Caro i was only aoout twenty five thousand. So i' , a as a i einbarnsment. B it as money, . aiu ni::'of thirty thousand dollars, had been t, ■ . a;, ly ins frieu Is, they, on the refusal of his i it, forwarded a check for the amount a v—stating that it could not, without i i. nee, be restored to the contnbu whom perhaps were unknown. So i i it. Hit her sons bad before taken i ■ i .a sh'iiid be entirely independent; fir . r. ; to her. in fee simple, the man • > ;■(, the Fort Hill estate, which was no: v i !i . r : i support her in the luxuries of • \n • s.«;ica! trial is now going on in Bos t » i*eh v . • s a good deal of interest in that r- n, fi.hi.- w hole columns of daily newspapers. | It ; ar- 'hii the Rev. Oliver S. Prescott, is the •• . i of a Profestant Episcopal Church in P . . :ii! foremost in the number of those who 1 a .viv. mg towards the Chuch of Rome. The t wsinst him are : . —T .r ie has preached and fought the doctrine, i V.r. ■! Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, .1 law; t! i meet of religions worship. 2—That has i .c .ii ■ doctrine, that auricular confes-I •i i» a Priest, on the part of members of this Caul b. at proper, and a;l o'able and profitable.— —That in has taught the doctrine, that Priestly Vo.' .! in m c cif n in with and upon Vuric.u lar is profitahb and desirable to the :ual. an I allowahb by the Church, t'pon t cliaf.’.'s the following two additional ''— nr- founded: 1—That he has violated the 1 n of th" Protestant Episcopal Church . I n 1 States. 5—That he has been gull 'd i iral conduct,’* in that he has violated ' hi ' ordination vows. 'Vasiiivoton, July 8. H i. n R. King, of Alabama, has written a ,r.c..- himself decidedly opposed to the 1 on; . mses of the fast si-smua eiCi.mriv < P i mu o the admission of California an net o; ' : :<•>•. an . -ays that no min could have felt i; ' ind ,;;iant than he did at this unjust legisla tion. 1 • hill ah ,,: .bin,;slavery under certain circum on th U • ■ •t of Columbia, he says < >u Id 1 have reeeivi 1 Ins sanction under any eircum • »«d ht- taM the ground that he should n boun ban duty to vote for the repeal of the p.viou i inti*- whenever proposed, b.-etares that he would * ;,iin, as he did in , i ■ -ogress, vote for the repeal of the Mexi 1 i'r, bit mg slavery in I’taii and New Mexico. • repodiavs a . connection with the Cnicm ''vo. rum i of a set of resolutions adop rn ; ht pm tv m Um Milk slh, , .. f-.l. That the States are sovereign, and •1 '•( 'o iierm (iovornroent isnne of limited pow : South Carolina secede and the '' ■ 'in.: r un. rii attempt coerce her by the • 'u '■ ’ pi he our aid to the last ex tr,u, v to the Palmetto State. v nonra at m. i,oui«. ‘ 1 iu> s, of lilt' ICtii says •mun‘--'f of death* for Saturday, as ■ * .. i . a!'! officer, are 27, of which 10 •i'MB choVra—»»„i ,m yesterday, the «*h. the ” ’ WM ''1. >>f which 15 wi re cholera. <-,j *,as *»»'••• » apjH aranc<; at lipprr' s< v tal'l-.••■!>» hav. already occurred. 1 "•:« -as, - '.aw- u.- otr. ,1 »t Ml. Vernon, (a. Iwar.l and ni r , Hi. [„ !alw ■ i .•■ alarm iK-eastoncd a cessation of business, rsof p-. sons tibari'lonod the pipe. 1 -1 ■ ' ‘ Mo , tor !l.r w..-h t'h, *• t > Ueii fi* ol chpicra occurred. l.*r ,‘ annual *«!*nei of the bishops in the' ■ ‘ ii-biuout are stated as folio* Arch |> f imierbury. f? I ?.«#>; Atr-hbta! »p of. **’'"’* ',.i. Bishop of Durham, dHO.SOt);1 •, HlH’', MV); the remaining '.'A, 1 ’ 1 J- 1 hu u is a vast sum Un the '' r.uen of Galilee. ' ' "f‘ OJ,‘ t eenleiit — i nke cure what yo« *•»! H|H)h. t' ; ,r,; Sun r,‘P'Wt* ‘he following smgu ': h should be a caution to ladies ti w:. r, they set trap', and to h labateW u ’.hey sit: ’ -»io e a lady, rewdmjm Ann street 1 * 'Jt(ie spring steel trap, with a * t, i''.;i. ■! rats, they having become i 'v'.n»; apartin. nts of her maiden* V Wi. t upon a eh.ur, she intending ti in' ■ a closet before retiring. In t),. r husband en>'red the apartment, a.,. , wnsmth- »et of sitting upon the chan mg was noted, and in an infft, .• • ’.. ;i i„ aneh a nawwifr that amputa ,.. r *" ‘ . n-eesaary. Pears art entertain ■' 1 his ftnvl recovery.” A CliutleUge. The democracy ft? Cabunrma cksUrupiS their ’ ,-e’bren <«f IVnnry.’rat! a m the foi’o.v .. * lan " Tie ilfin m rC* uf ar.r parp-v-r i<> (in * n* *1 -* VttMarut* uf i‘ .n- 4.lvDim w‘ t : p «:udid t umiT vnn t iiilonna ^old. lit* wbniotote worth nr, 1* '■ 'ban 5l»K»o, provided Catiforni i thi>>ws * Ie« majority for Co). John, in props rtuni it the ivinhet of *fltrs cast, than Pen nsylvania doe.; for Col. Win. Bigkn. -i Uuver.nw.” > Sew Variety of sweet Potato. A r.i!ua! •• adtfitiuli has lately been made U» the ■ r <” i s f lb.- *wet potato in Alabama, lapfaKtl ;.i t« from Peril. A letter describing jt says: • It :s at together difTV rent and t; juaily super. >r in imy variety of re t hitherto known. It i* (•!■) lu'live, *'•;! at'.aitia a prodigious lire, even i.tjuni the poorest sandy load, am! the roots remain iv‘ •!. > it > ii»i" from the liDMt of taking Ui«m out •f the ground until the following May. The plant is singularly easy of cultiyatifin, growing tonally i the dtp i tl >[> or vine of the full-grown plant i» ing remarkably smail: the in >iJis as white as snow, U t» dry am! mealy, -.rid the saccharine ; riii.'ipte <• untamed riseulHes n delicacy or flavor line v ugm Swmty.” The »tegu»t J'.Jectrans. Kb-ctirms w I take place in the State* of K-’n- ' tuck*, luiiisna, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri. Illi nois, «.:« Iowa, mi the 4th of August, nod in North Carotin* art-! Tenues*' o on the 7>h of August.— Kentuck ,» to chooae a Governor, lieutenant Gov at nor, iinrislatuie; and ten members of Cougres.*. Indiana has likewise to choose ten mom here of i ooj-i - ■. Tha eisetion m Alabama i* he Gover nor. iegislMure, and seven members of Congress; is to be t ie: ted. Missouri, Illinois, am! Iowa have j already chosen their congressional de legal ions;; this year they have simply to elect local ami judi ;ia! officers. North Carolina will choose nine member - of Cougruss. In Tennessee the electro:’ is for Governor, legislat ure, and eleven members of Congre-v— IVuah. Union. A'lctmiigts of Iht lltovnvr Cottome.—A wrrre p< indent of the Boston Transcript, writing under the signature of “Smalls,” points out many ad- , vantages, comforts and luxuries the Indies will en- j joy when they adopt the Bloomer Costume of ihort dresses aud trowels. Arming others is the j fact that they qan p- reh their feet about on high- i bark chairs, railings, mantel pieces aud window , •ulis-wWi < it himlranee—:n short, tle-ycm: sprawl . ,e:r pe.‘at 'extremities about promiscuously. m s iiwsciilmuly and cein.raiiy. There: s evidently a good time coming for the ladies. A domestic, newly engaged, presented to his j na-o-r, one morning, a pair of boots, the leg of j m-of which was much longer than the other.— How comes it, you rascal, that these boots are not of the same length’’ 1 really don't know, sir —but what bothers me the most is, the pair down stairs are in the same, fix.’ 1 The moa?fci in using man in the world is a Fr. i < hmat»-wi-si passion. * 11/ par, you call my it if. a toman several tnn-s one more, and I nl! call dc vatrh tii'r ■ . and Mow your brain like 1 candle, by dam.* f I jj’A Loaf-w happened in at on** of the printing jfficej in Lynn, a day or two since, and asked the juestion, ‘What’s the news.” ‘Two dollars a year, in advance,’ was the reply. He subserbed. [ExrSan^r. Jj’Why is Giltot a dishonest man? Because he makes the people steit pens, and says they do write. Very bad. A strons Anti-im proveroent Man. The following lunible entm Ur was perpetrated at a public dinner a few days since at (Jueenston, C. W. : “ Dam your canals, blast your furnaces, sink j yotir coalpits, down with your railroads, away with yn:ir electric telegraphs, and over with your sus pension bridges." ^ic Biglers. The Richmond Enquirer of the 12th in noticing the Democratic nominations in California, says: “ It is a curious fact that two brothers, William amt John lltgier, should be running for the office of Govern *r hi two great States on the Atlantic and Pacific, Pennsylvania—and with the brightest pros pects of success. They arc of pour but honest birth—and by their talents, cnerg and merits, have raised themselves to a position of meriting the confidence of free, sovereign and mighty States." “ out West.” “Out West” is certainly, a great country, but there is me little town in ‘ them diggins" which appears to have been overlooked by English trav el*, rs. and which is “ all sorts of a stirring place.” In one day, they recently had two street lights, hung a man. role three men out of town on a rail, j got up a quarter cam*, a turkey shooting, a gander pulling, a match dog fight, had preaching by a cir cus rider, who afterwards ran a foot race for apple jack all round, and, as if this was not enough, the judge of the court, after losing his year's salary at single handed poker, ami whipping a petsou who said lie did’nt understand the game, went out and helped to lynch Ins grandfather for hog stealing. [Spirit of t'.t Times. The Army. Two thousand troops of the regular army are at this moment stationed on, or have been transferred to, the Mexican and Texas frontiers, to enforce the provisions of the treaty of Guadalupe. General Pcrsifor Smith succeeds General Brooke in com mand in Texas, General Hitchcock succeeds Gen eral Sindh on the West Pacific division. Colonel Munroe in New Mexico, Colonel Harney serves under General Smith. The Thames Tunnel. it is s * id that Thames Tunnel, one of the might- I tie-: evidences of modern art, has utterly failed ! to answer its purpose, and remains before the world us a stupendous failure. It was constructed at a vast expense. In foreseen difficulties prevent the egress of heavy teams. The tunnel -s wholly ur cupied by print and book stands, organ grinders, | Punch exhibitions, die., foreign to its original in tention. xent Hack The B )'Con Transcript says the overseers of the po k a t«i <• y, m connection with the direct n of UkSmMw I adustry ami the municipal an- j thoTities, are tri unu; arrangement* to send from thirty to fifty of the recent importation of blind,par nlytic, liutaiic and idioUc paupers, ba< k to the Old World. Those only will lie sent who have- eii taken from tiu- Almshouses of Km; lam) and Ireland, or who have been sent to this country i>y heart- j lens landlords, to become instantly and permanent-1 ly a < harge u|Kin public charities. In the various , in M, -ions of Boston, are upwards of a thousand! foreign pauper.* at the present tune, most of whom are imbecile* in both body and timid. The most wretched and helpless of these unfortunates are ti. muitry of the Manjui* of LansJown! Large Rattlesnake. A att • . '.kr, in. Kunng six feet and two inch 's i t length, and twelve inches m circumference, wa-; killed on the Thunder boll road, about two and i ail liuics IroiU the < .tv, by Cupla.ii \\ ’ rc r - man Jerry, vesterday afierimon. The snake, which was much the largest of his species we have ever seen, had fourteen tattles ami a hut- i ton, which, accordin' to the opinion of those! I- arie d in such mattew, indicates his age to have i hern n years. Jerry came upon him m the road, j wiu a In ii’ -'jopted to make his escape, at the' ‘me • m * in.- the usual waruini Wi'.fi h.> rat II- it - -i ii. »ht harsttiei u heard at a great dis j '■‘in W f-u aUacJe* “he showed tigh bui J -rrv «•<>• than a match for him, and after b- h cl bote him to the city m triumph. j Sn-.imuJi fit ms, 10 ii i r.»t. ' \ wr.c rn cd.ior i I'.elv offered hi* old hat as j u ptire tor the lies; e: n o;i ind-peiidei-.f e. ^ ■ b’-i ng oh i,:I,-,; 'fie prize: * Naiioual in d> ;» nilrn -c is easier imagined than described; p. r s uut ind-p, 11.fence con:,; is cu phatnally in bene s.tu tod III a clean shin, d .were, t ks. and n ceiy blacked boots, wish at least a dollar and a Rmi a '-'lean cambric in your p.jck|„t-— all on .oho in w-t- y .or woe on on* arm and - - ,V. , . . , own ci.-o:- -! ilV,ir! y. nr o-.i . ciAir. t/, l" 'll -1 “der (be imiustry of your own pr, schet. m ' *-sitfut cspc cation of doing your own snoozing n ! ’ . >»■. ■>, whff in iv,i mi. dare 'ent ire to " 'k !’u'‘ *''-h bis elbow or licltlc youi nose with a ra w father Mmltrir. IVRiT. Prelate VH Cincinnati ‘title If-': h?<t: f.jf ir-. It apperrs bv lie: ' e.’rsft of a BjcrwiAthK l<ebl- m,v> of h^-clii wmI,.. r . j pi-: liiia r m ■>*. l.» la’. >*.- in ».i.« ‘ *nt»y sad i..'s: • n home. It-. ■' ilw, m litre -no rnlirmity ate rapidly Horn ; their work. A iresh attack *>! uny iniuo.ous mala day hn.< ‘eri-culv b. iitahr&jB&A'’ constitution. and has impose. <•« me ifte .p'!’ u ct-sity of declining any iuviU ...» fhni-w mid pr ■ tract my #tajr in Atny.nca beyond the elokt- i.f An past, when I pr< jxgte bidding a final, though re ) act ant, farewell to the hint!. virtuous and noble i hearted ertisens of this great Republic.” A Noarm 1'inntr‘t tnft.—A young lady, who i perhaps is better acquainted with French than faradiqr, and » wore attentive to her piano than : her dairy, was recently married to a lame r. in < examining her new domain,-, she one day visited | the i>yrc, when she thus interrogated her tank- I maid: “lly the bye, Maty, which of these oows : ;S it that tm a the buftr:-.- } I d —.' - U Erplit m (f a C *• >, !' u Lamp—.V-m Sd’iW.-—A man named King, who aye,l In Smith's drug store, - on Main street, between Tenth and Eleventh, was ! instantly killed, on Wednesday night a!-out tit * o'clock, by the explosion of a catapbine lamp. IV, learn that he a is intoxicated «l ihc time. [bu. lh.uoM.rai. < Ij' The cholera has entirely disappeared from Cincinnati, ami the “physic Is thrown to the dog*.’’ v \ Em. J(rnm'Tit. JT An old mai l speaking of niarriarp . says its like any him disease—while there's life there’s ] hope. Spicily pal. that. Fmr Pump.—A litlit- boy, on coming home fro'n a certain church, where he had seen a person performing on an organ-, said to In* mother: “ O, Mammy * i wish you had been at church ’ ♦o- Jay to see the fun. A man pumping music out, 1 of an old cupboard ! , r _ * CT A very modest old maid visiting tr newly ' married friend recently, saw one of. her husband's ‘ shirt* laying on the bed, and exclaimed: ‘Oh, mercy, a man's shirt on your bed, land I I aucli a thing on my bed would give me the nigh'.- i mare!’ ‘Very likely,’ responded the wife, ‘unless the! * man was inside of it.’ The modes: maiden fainter! outright. ; , 1 ' A boy who had been attending a negro fu neral. %vas asked, on his return, where he had been. He replied, very quietly, ‘ I have bet a a blarkhurym*. 1- A witty coti uipgr try remarks, that thi first dress worn by M -Uior Eve was a btartk-r. ii i O’It is said of Iti Marquis of Townsend, that when a young man, and engaged in : attic, lie i saw a drummer at his rule killed by a cannon bail, which scattered his bra mi in every direction. His set-wed wholly to engross his thoughts. A superior officer observing him, supposed he w is intimidated by the sight, and addressed hirn in a -manner to cheer his spirits. ‘ Oh.’ said the young Marquis with calmness but i severity, • I am only pukr.ted to make out how any man witli such a q lautity of brains ever came to 1 be here.’ c O' An Illinois editor, speaking of an individual, 1 says that he lias broken every bank, and jail, and s Sabbath, that they have had in that city for the ’• last five years. » j t married. i At Dardanelle Springs, Veil county, on the 22 d Juiv, by the Rev. A. Cos, i)r. J on A. Fowli.l, ! late ol Nashville, Tenn., to Miss Jcua mn-claix, adopted daughter of Mrs. A. J. Str.oig, of this city. 1 On the 31st ult., in I’niirie county, by the H- v. Mr. Moore, Richard F. D:nn, Esq., to Mrs. M*ar j Ann Lkioh. OBITUARY, Died, at Lavacea, Tetas, on the 1st inst., of congestive fever, Thomas M. U. Han a, me u, a citi- r sen of this county. [ Thus has been struck in the midst of his use- - fulness and in the meridian of his life, one whose every lmplulst-was generous; whose every motive i pure, and whose every feeling magnanimous. As ' a citizen, no one was more patriotic and public' spirited, as a neighbor, none more courteous and i i urbane; as a fn-.-nd, no one more .’itigle-rtnaded f ( and devoted. Descended from an an'- stry distin guished for virtue anti patriotism, be inherited free- 11 ly their feelings, and illustrated them fully in his . : conduct. His last moments were ralm and qu; -l, in keeping with the childlike simp - ,ty of ri , <t -- P-*' ton, and the men y firmness of las character, lie was coasi'ious of h,s approaching end, and bv his quiet and co.lvcteddeportment gave indisp .a bh- evidence that he possess- 1 a consi ience void of oil nee toward man, and a spirit prepari 1 to meet its God. He has gone untimely to that place ap pointed for all living, and hut relatives and fri.-lids muse seek the consolation m their I • reav ment from the elevation of ht.s < viru trr. th-. ness of his conduct and the p inty .>! he; me._ Their loss is irreparable, and he Chrivtm-i’j 1 pc | must be their solace. M. IIIEB, At Fort Smith, -a the dSdinst., of typhoid fever, the Rev. |)r. . '.rml, aged about 52 years. l>r. E. had been a nit mher of th M. K. Church for many years, and at the tun, of death ha-1 charge of the Methodist t'uurch at Fort Smith, at which place he had been stationed by the Arkan- ’ sas Conference. At the same pin-re. on the tilth ult.. aft r a sh.-rt illness, Mrs. Rn ihroo’., wife of the late I)r. Esta bro'k. In this city, on the evening of the 27th ult., Mr. Iso B'ntt, aged about 7>> years. At Rafesville, Independence to., on tii lltli ult., aiti r several days illness, .Mr. I'uilip Burton, aged about 27 years. In this city, on the ill*' July, Mrs. W-,r.j [fynt, wife of Gen. li. (’. ifyul. V/ I\ §J I t • M \S' »\fr. Wr»( ’O? •‘L*r j.'Khjc \-i. '} iir»l M'linii* tiicfat in ■ » every mouth 1,. r;. W. S\ A. J. HrrT, flee. ’ ! I Trii«‘»n Clttpter So. 2 meeli rxr.n uteemd Mouda- niriH m each month. fc. » ENGLISH, 1{. p. A. W. Wfcaa, See. I- <». o. Kir Y\V*t Vfx 1 every ^turdai nuht. h Sr* v, s^,*. j. x. m:\nv. n g. Ark*»*4* Lii.'iunfen'uf Vo. •) • v»*n fir*< ui.l third Thawdav mgut in **a< h t.*onth- VV. VV. Af> \\IS, p. G. N'. P*\v? S<«jibe J TEMPI. 11 OF H()\m|;. Litttr Knrk Trmjilrflt Itouor N• >. S < v».p Tur^iav WM. K POPE, w r. r. ‘ j J *». I»kBai *», \V R. 'I he I»e^r-v Vi aiple ineeU natiui monthly. Mhoeit. \ SPLENDID * s .rt merit, ins' received per *tt .ir: .*■■. K:uti(i> .mil f ir salt bv A. J. Hl’TT. j A«e. ft. iSmi . »g j | FI HI) l\*l IM\< F, K\ I’ll . PHOT El ill)'. n'.snUME C0SPA.\k Of’ if A Itn'UBI). CONN. 4 UA«T21IU.I> l\ |vj,y Capital Stork. Surplus fund, ami Ar.nnal’ PREMIUMS $1000,000. • Po.i. .us issu-.ii »- us ... by - WM. a. WAIT, lr<u<. Auc. iih, l-Sftl. 48-l.m. D! VIM. \ JTICE. Dll. ASASTORV, resident lumtiii, RiwBluff, Arkansas, u riders ha pr..fcssiimal services . tn Hit- citiifii:: of Little ft »<■ is tml vieio.ty. He will be in tins < tlr about fill. At:e lit. to *p-n.; -i few i ays. For b stnuoiiia's, se.■ tns. ard. Di. S intends making Little H ick a point which hi will ( i'1{u!aiiv \ .air. He bus be; a pracl c iie in i'nu Bluff, nod rurro n-tn/ country, n ,w m any two year?, and can adduce any amount of r- oumur. t'ations dc*m-1, as to ins skit!, iiite^nTy,"’umfirl character, .Yi , Ac., LiUlc It ek, A ftth, IKftI, 48_1 ( t HOOTAW f- A NI > -iCHIP Certificates for 811, v? lftf and S’ :e», received nut tor sab bv WM. B. WAIT. < Auj. <th. js—tf. Trustee** flair. OY VIRTUE of • deed of (mat, executed by I ) Abraham Rapley and, C'mrtei Baple;., 5>tar i n:. October 18th. A.I). 1S17, and duly re < to secure the }»ym nt of sundry detua, a* tu ic.'U specified. «< will, in purtunnre of tbs; 'rovanons of Mid deed. proceed lo sell at public luctkm, lo the highest bidder, on a credit of aix. »d**, ami > o;tiu n oioit t-s, at the court house loot in tin1 city of Lit lc tuck, in Pulaski county. Irkanaas, on MONDAY, the: 20;h day of OCTO ■ Kit 1 ext, A.D. i 8.. between the hour* of nine ' Clock hi the foicti ion, ami three o'clock tn the ftewoon, of that 11a. the valuable and hiytilv i,proved real estate situated in the said city of .ittte Rock, following' to wit: bounded amt ties nbed as follows. viz. commencing at a point on he iioith aide of Markham curvet, seventy-seven -et and nine inches <a*t from tba south weat ■ omtr of Bkitk No. One, as designated on t ;. tat of the survey of the town, now city of Little Sock, ilo ace mum eg east with Mid M <rkbuui trees, 0:1 the n>rii sittc tiicreof, and fronting! hereon, sixty-eight •_* ami nine inches, and ex ■ "dii'j hack a: right angles the same breadth of ivty eight feet and nine inches to the alley i n iw ailed Elm street,) tunning through said Block to. Om. 1 i:e htind;- la1! forty fv:, m"re . t less, nth ali tenements ami .r piovetneiUs thereon.— ’he title, vre 1» 10 t" gorulj bet we nil!, covey only Siieii right as is veiled in ua by the eedof trust aforesaid, up- 1 the fiuai payment m ■ill of ttic purchase. l m y. DANIEL RJNGtf. FRL1 KKU'K V, . T8A.PNALL. f I'mOrr, Little Rock, Aug. 5, Idol. 48-1 U 0 the Fnknown Heirs o! Samuel F. Saiuia. BeerascJ. |)Y order of the Johnson I’m' rr Court, the tin | ) deisiyned Admivstratorof raid estate -.3 order (I to advertise that there is in his hands $175 1C. less vpense* of this advertisement, belonging to the nknowjrt heirs ol cato'e. Said Mason was tedium site, dark complexioit, lame in one leg, bout 35 years oiri, was sheriff of this county and , •as killed at Spadra Bluff, by Jno. G. Jewett, in, 185-5. WILLIAM ADAMS, MmadalnUor. Clarksville, Ark., July 31, InJI. 4s-tiw. LITTLE mint FOINDRY. 1M1E iirtn 1 1' 1 part of my establishment. bavins recently . nvr 'it' r -i:r—those pvt: ns having inters in my anils unfinished, are nspertMlly r. ju <ded tom nljrr im for a short in 1 onsY-uui-mv of that: nfortunau* occurrence. ROSWELL HKKI1F.. ./ufy 29,1841. 47— [little Korl, Female Acadrmv. MRS. HARRELL. Prin^pd. 1M1E patrons of tins Institution afe hereby no tified, that the Fall Session of tins Institution nil commence on the first Monday in August. Ijiltlt Rock, Juhj 2K, 1-351. 17—Jw. LITTLE ROCK LITERARY Ami Ylsli(;trt Institution. PflRMANKNTI.V LOC ATED. [ llFdj to inform the citizens of Little Rook, and I the public • • ■•rally, that I shall open mv ehonl, on In iL Ji 'ei Monday in .1 next, in the louse known as the Washington Hotel, (now ur n(md by Mr. t ’haoiphn.) where 1 shatl be pleased.) 1 see the children of those (a rsons who feel dis >sed to favor me with their patronage: and I ineerely hope, by <htigmt and futhful attention > my duties, to make this Institution worthy of be patronage of the generous and patnoti parents i A.x.vnsas; where their children can receire a ■ f I’ lur/ilum, and be tkaniughly prepared for ad itltanee m‘o any oi the Colleges in our country. is a lamentable fart that we have too longalum ered on the subject of Education, nt hrmr, and is now time that we should arouse in favor of otithern Institutions, where children can be pn rrly Educated, without sending them off to the best, which has been too frequently tin case in as tears They tan here be Educated with less spouse to parents, and their molds and morals an be as w 11 cultivated. Why not, th< n, give; s a trial? That is ali we ask. Competent Assis »nts will be engaged whenever the number of fholars require it. so that amp’ jurtirx siiail be one to all, at all times. As 1 am fully persuaded that long vacations are j ijurt ju* tty the progress of children, my interims ion-i will be short. nwl at-anob times as the Board 1 ; Visitors may ITiIaT most advantage.>.i« to tin iterests or tic- Institution and the welfare of the upiix. As soon as the weath r becomes more pleasant large portion of the immune will be devoted to he very .beautiful an i interesting exercise of Mil- I toy Tactici For the tin. >!, branches. -*2 per month. For the Classical “ 3 “ “ J. E. LAND. l.'tlle Rori;, July 29, 1 >51. l*—if Hoard of v isitors. Cap'. Al! rt Pike, Rev. Joshua F. Green, Mon. T. W. Newton, Mr. S'. H. Tucker. Hon. W. II. Sutton; Mr. Win. E. Woodruff, Hon. F. W. Trjpnall, lion. C. P. Bertrand, H iu. Dual. Ring ), Hon. Absalom Fowler. RECOMMENDATION. 1.title 11 uck. Ark. 1 ID July 1851. W c, lb- ‘tndrf*tg«ed. having attended oueor mure . if the examinations if '.he pupils of College Pom' nstilute, while under the control of Mr. J. E Land ■ resatisfied that he is a competent and faithful I'eai-ner; and as he cou'empltttes opening a school n tins city, we have no hesitation in enrnmen lm um to the conhdenee of parents and guardian ;, hi ’cacral, whose patronage he -.elicits; and one to ■ Oi he educa m.l iui r tliy, may be -afcly intrusted. J 'h'. i F. Green, Jus. Lawson, F. W. Trapuall, lien. K. Dan ■ v, D. W. Carroll, D. J. BaMw I'rorlainntion by the Governor, lVfHEKEAS, it has b. n made known to uit ' ' Ilia’, on th. Ilih Hi.--.. • fool umrdot »e •i.m. U-d iri ’h" county of Clark, upon the body ■ I -sainuel F. fiibbms, by Jm.i s C. Morgan and .is mui Reulueil Morgan, w . > have H*.d from ; ;, rid uri now riming al large. Wiv. thPTrtfhrt* I 1,. » !-> II ... „ ... _ i armor of to ' Sta;■: of Arltan'ij;. by virtue of < he authority in ire \i ctl, 1 so hereby off'-r i* re ran! of four hundred dollar-; for tie- appreh- nsmn f the saidJairH - l'. an t Ueutieu MoTt.-in. < r two luudied dollars for either of them and th -ir <)e ivery to the Sheriff of Cl irk County, n ,rd* r that [L.S. ustice in thatf behalf -nay b- executed In testimony wh< reof, I hor hereto set1 m< hand .owl . im d if* ... .. n,f...s »: t lo tx afft'.»••!, at Little Book, on (Se 19th dai of July A. D. ISM. V-W>fd. HAMM (ioVeriKr. 1 l!v L>. H. Uati.K. •Stc'ga) Slat' DtarairnoN.—''Janie- C. Me.-, an is a!*>ut fifty cars ->f al’e, nt*out » fnet ji inches, very * traight built, will »• yrh ISO lbs., riund face, >«l*l headed, yrey i yes. lueht hair. Ins left ley and oot shoner than the other, be speaks loud when u conversation." " His s u. Reuben Morgan is about 2* vests of ige, about the height of ins father, and will weigh ilout it>5 lbs., gray eyes, lie:.; hair, ..hort and hshed far d, epeaks low and s, or, tie *l>ove J .'loryiitis cun lo l :.'irx county list spring ■ in Ouachita counly and have Ouani-clions ,iv ug otne where in that county, and they may be urkinc about there." Mi-liaol Itoot.d HA Vi'. Just received a supply of School Books, aiuo dog. 1 which are 111 tdiluwilig: 1 “o i lie Spelling Ho k. Ida via* Arithmetic; Pike* smiley's “ Kligltsb Readers; Goodrich's Headt Copy Hook ; assorted Primers; r Envelopes, Missouri Harmonists; 4fan I a per, .*ei., Ink, <utc., ,V he op for cash, bv A. J. HI "I'T, .V y », ts’il. U " 6 " 5 “ •> “ 1000 Let 1 d No. 1 2 and ail for sale )•« Urrrl. 38— \\ n. J. UlLLOllillllY, Attorney a it it l'y « n id I or at Law HOT SPRINGS, ARKS , I A 11.1. civ- punctual attention to ni! tiuiin -s v * entrusted lo his rare, la any court of tin* >r the surrounding Ci unties. July 15, 1851.—4f •tv. * American and Foreign Agency. Orrr or Wa'.winmtom. T f.VOER th. direction of AAROS HAIGHT U FM.VRJt ,.f New You. and WORTH ISUTOM SSHTHHS of New Orleans, A ttor - n< t» ami Oouwsriloei of lie Sapn-me Court of the i Cm«4 StaMst. This establishment Is formed far the following! o' ■ ••<. - I. For prv’mmg la*, m *he s ipreis«jt?ourt of tfc-i l i »■ : '*,t at.* (. nt proi > ■ :,*! b US) Tie** C’Untrt « if. Forth* prosecoti jm and n ■suyery of all claims, | in Jjw or equity, agams; tiw United SUM before! Congreesotthc K oru'iv- Departments, or against J for? i ii Gtmrmro'n's brfor. Boar-ls of Ctamnis-'! mom r.«. i, F >’ the ::>r- ut nf a*, units u t‘, tin : S' . T.‘ i • . W. . i. p >.-• i .11* i ,i ter or tJefMirlfBeiits, and ->*><--»irlnii? itu remiss’on of j fc;:r |v nail im, an-; forfeiture*, for alleged viodi- j lion; of the rrv ii’M, | jst olfir*. or otter la**. j t. For if. tiring loiter* patent farinventions from ; th*'. L’ ailed State* or from foreign Goverutprtuts, and j procuring land warraiV* and penan.-us uinter the various pension laws of the t'mted State*. 5. For no ice tain* eeneraliy, embracing debts, j let teres, .'’.'id inheritance*. in the Csited Stalest ari l fpn fijn coon're*. . i •i. Forth: p irrh.s a<i'.l snl- of lanos m any of 1 t!.- stales or Territories of the i moti, ami loaning iu « in mortgage of reai .*':»:«• ivm? un rein. ! 7. F' in.••stiii nt of funds in (. niUd S' ales and I S'ai■■ stocks a:t<! im miliarte>nof im? ii:>.ule rids j ’ ’■ t ->ii, and, general! v, for the transaction of all i fc ism. s per.mning to a law. loan, ami ban«,> < j agency. AM enroiannitmL n* a-Mrcs-eM. post paid, to! M ars. A Snothen. Anean and Foreign A genre, city of Washington, will receive prompt ami faithful attention. PALMER A SNETHEV, Office No. v Carroll Place, Ctptnl Hit!. July 15—45—lv. IS iRKXESi 4k M»\. Tlie Grent Wholusile Clothin : House. CHARLES H.VRK.VKSS A SON, J j So. 12> V/rWt St root, far South-Fist -irrirr ni Fourth Strrrt, Philadflphut. fit HR proprietors of th;»Otfl Esrasumccn Fish | IONA*!.* t'i.oTni><i Sron*, at.* now mannfac- ; form.' the mr: i.. • ms.- r:eU. and most Fash ionably lot up stock of Superior Clothing for the j Fall and Winter trade, that has ever been offered to the notice of Wholesale buyers. lLirkmss A S ir, respcfullr invit- trie atren- * tion of .Merchants and 1 healers, confident that their! stuck of Clothin: tv J i be found exprexsi)' adapted 1 to the re-piiren:-nts of ‘he < > ’them and Western I markets. white tberr pne.-s will consume intend- • ms |eirch»s* rs' that their EstaidiahtiieiKofficers ex- ! tra 'fdinary itui iceiu Tits. Ttk'R V<»TtCRt_H»ri„,~w i .V *s/iti'v (’iiiltnnp Store u .1 mrp« Five Story Brick Building. situated on the Son'll-East corner of Fourth 'aad Market Sti.. Philadelphia. X. B. Look out fur ‘he largest Oitt Block Let- i ter Signs in the United States an>! read— 11—on. ilAUKNiitis et SOX. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUG STORS. BV J. Li to: liiH.'K. Mat* 11 sT received pe • I Clrima a fit h supply \V. T VI*t*K. Srai.KT Kioiw Mianum. vS. a. of pure and lected Drug*. Also fresh Congmt H.i trr, S r \~er .ijyrrunl. JVr fumtrus, Ac. Constantly on hand tilt popular J’a -nl<*, (' • yu:CtlOils, /’* y, lVm.iwic‘ f •' l -, tre. jV« Sr at, * f 't u: Baci »y Liquor* for Medical us*/, Ore., all of <5* which will l>e sold for cash, us low as they can be Inutgi: in Now Orleans. Country Ph.ncians and di.n rs will find it their interest after having examined elsewhere to give me also, a call. I { Prescriptions carefully put up. Little Mock. Ju/y 1, IK51. 43— toal. \X7 A XT HU, a person to burn Coal on my land n tuo or three miles Irom own. Apply to K'JSWFJLL BEBEE. July 1tool—t»j—2iv. at L. K. Foundry. 10 Slat* Iron. T' IN'S Bar, and a go at variety ofoth fTi|Uolts Of' Jrm > -f a.-rftv T fu r . .‘ ifnbtril Hamburg, now m the river below.1 For sale at a reduced pric»* from * ■tjier. l.y July is, 'ftl —16—2w. K'loVv i 1. tlEBEE. L. K. Foundry. Hats*! Mat*!! Hat*!!! f'ase. Fashionable Silk Hats : n l)oz Wool do.; ^ ■'! Doz Cloth Caps. Iiec* ve.: oer 1 .itiTincaiul for sale bv Feb. 11. 1*51. JOHN D ADAMS. Steamboat Landing limit Itvioliition in ISii'incs*. UJITll the view of accommodating mv custo m and others wii > may lie pleased to favor rue wi» ri tbetrbusiu ss. I iin\ ; made Arrange— mcn .*. id . i xmre, w.iti great dispatch, at cither Civ mu M> vru: . .>■ Xi-.w i Isi.kvvs, on the che.ipest terms, such Brass and Cast Iron w irk a... iii.i} m- o d.-red by !. w:. > pti.fc then urdett file l at • M r nl the a!> ive pla- es, is -.veil as nil such orders us 1 cinnu. furnish from my estab* lishmeut, free of auv comm: to >n, or charger! of any koi I, eieept Cost, d.jyage, freight, and insurance. I'MS plan, it is b.-.. ;ved, «.;l greatly fa lit ate pvciy uii j <» ...<• r,iu,» oi crc«.i.Ki»r C"vituu C* ns, {'ht'** lAwsWit-**, .Ve#tr Mtiit, tlWH M ils, Mills, and < ’q Lon W its, nr tiny ot'i tits crigdujn ,* of Engine urn sii ptw'ir* in* vvi^ ovrtiinty wnaVvvr theyittfiy want fru’si abroad rand nt Hie saxn*a ur.M* atf rd th* m» h con Y»-n—*♦*; ait*h»y-+4 T-t4tfrtrr rrr c~unpTir.s >n b»r * •> ■ 1 •. 'v. ; k uri ' jir.r •, an-.’ Ii i. iiid»s^:niihk) lhat aii ordt rs should b * ac < 4j.,»;trmd by a dr.rigat and sjRCiijcAJion Cien..» txnmii tad - in rvi a^ a ^ aide to t!u mwhamc wfto may l railed tip m tv) entente! the W'>f-v. .'i& wt-ii as that .-.uiiatdi; pcviviswii should bet made lor the payin' nt. -VIt comrauiic.att >n-. uldrcsited to rat. wi!! be thankfully itctindj • «4 meet wi jhhui atten tion. HOSWELL BEEBE. July -i, 1551. at Mill* Hon; Foundry. * 1 ATK UK V It K i \ » V >, t County of White, $ **• In the Circuit Cotir of White County on the Chancery side thereof, n va<h!kiu, July 6th, A. 1)., 1851. Saraut-l Caru’hers. Green t Ctuuttuw, Jmne Jeffncs, an.* Jarmtha, his wife, aril John U Su. tii* > ahd Mary .Vue. his wife, v ,. >Peiitutn for t-'it dtnti'jn of l, tn /, A. -a Carutbcrs. John Car itlnr\, an-J VV. Liam < .uulr.iK3^ r I ’’Ills day coirre the complainants, by Scott ft 1 V p > •. im aa affidavit of tie i, ■ . (!• n. nt the defendants, the object anti prayer of ivi, a J* ti .wi us the division act ’.; OH f.ur1 and • jually between all the parties mtefeabm] a< cordnie to ibeit ju»t proportioua in and to the tut low n. lands, to wit: The iuuth eas. ijr. oi the north-west nr. ol Section N *. 11-—LU acres ; the south-west qt. of tin, north west 4'r. of section No. 11—4o aces; the north-West ijr. of tin south wes' ,r. a -tion N 2—(n acres; and tin east half of the JKinb-tAsl ijr. of r-oHi-lft J»0. to-SO ac«a»«» 01 township Mo. nine .!») Barth of the ' MO. V < ■ , 1 cipal -c'-f. uan. con'-a-nm; ut a ; twee hundred acres, and tor the appointment of comi'mes inert. <-• make said division, Ac.. it w therefore urdsHed that said defendants; be notified of the jh nd-tuev • l tfoa suit, y the publication of ibis order tn . week fur four weeks successhrely, the last mser ‘.ionto be .el least foui weeks before the Ural day of the n vt term of our sa«J court, that unless the ■ < I' M vie he ami rep|K'wr hi re on or before the* , ,i dev of the vati! re vt term, at a couT t" b.t be-run ..-nl hot den at t.c coun-house m Steal un’.v B VI . „■ : I'uirth Muti l»> tn Ml, e.-|iiOe-». s U. I ' i, aii’i de tuui, pita'' o. . ..iijV; or .-uOU y-.lOyewewenta pet* t;.'. Vi,li be Lak.ut a- e-urfrsivtf, a'id a (k-cri-c i nicf.'t .if ordmulv. SAMITE I. MOUHAM, fhtr* hr H. S. Ru.1, D. C. A true Copy from the record. A 8AMIT.L M< >ttc AN. Cfr'\ d-i—tb- o v- tr< n «\ •* F.n^inr Holler. (tet. line with •riil be fin-ferred. J-.'.r 9. A 'hoi i»*C4im! haa.! Boiler, v it! mi inr of about • okS cyim a ■:*>!*•!. Are-Aral .six! grate- tarn. tpatv to "ItOSWELL BKBER. Sri!' It*’, Pmnufry. Iifnthrr! liCathref! flit V£ iw» on t< a a! a hj ad-. uiu> otei JU at her. con '.i hr ;>f Sola Loath :. V’pp'.v 11. .v.icr, » . i Ruc.ltkttas ! taiwjd. F .: sale by A J 111 TT, July A, 1*3>1. Minn St. ' P tv IP! PAY I I* !! VLI. jvramis indebted li> the mxJtwsrneil.'j whae* ml at* are amr doc, art ' wrueated call nod FAY t F, as i warn m .siari to New York ta a line days. ' JOHN It A DAMS. .Julv Sid, IS*!. 44— Important to Planters. ^1T *‘/>nid ippparffaj •if U** pnlMie i-;» It*’ ut>n»>r-! UaAdif omKnipfl Ivjit i. *t!i l<w» rentarluibh* p*»|HLmH>] ntui \ krutt~* of tto# CtJfr'TfttC.M* . FE5PJFUGE, OI spnr.nv. yn »nv port rw o • • > tu v.\tv act n>. Thu* >* jv m*w m hi u* th« 'I t&rO >?w* wMrti a- tA lu i t hxii ift' t#»e in».\ . of It?• . nr *r?*j mg >u rijMiU'eri'mi 30 tll*» <tr*“»ti'*te*in <n‘ the* Wtfcoltii 'ViUem., ( il.rvrtiy upon til • itsrvr*. ih* gi\tat MA1 .\SfMiiSU OF U>% ft-nth and «<*ielv; f-' '-daim* and i'»;a£*:it *fKtu( tl»:u !urin<v mini* O'tidiUou wtiivtt '•«>»’*fitu»< s* whi-i»«*Y ’r there i* NFITIIKH VOMIT* *OR IM Rr;R*. if»r t?vt *i n*>i** ".t** i!u ni *t ! i• iwl*• smid ich, VV« -'an give ttn t*»-f f«-r idf-a «*t it* tn * *« !!iAt by I! K, F|v, I'm, , is a tettrs fAti'u.4.i.l.a.. i.*0' « u*;mgiy b>‘ **>*. *‘Y »ur Febtiftt?* h.»« hern u*cd with «ir*«.nWfttt In ul leant Ive h»:udr» «♦ rM>< i*<> titt« rivoi, r< Ui.iciuui.) tt tin* be****; n«4*t!, *r»<l tn even rise tl ua> *et»4 Uko a i'h+rm. aI \k vyi* ro-iinniij t‘.' pttU>vnt t * peff«?*'l ft »2tlt m fr >m TWO I O EHJHT rltX RH. \i t,ir »•* inrkii(Wh-J;v th«*rr >-t iirtt.*iiir« |p-euaiif<»l«i^wfch it. ItacW cm tlu imii*. th* pcj*> «<: lU* dim, et|;t;i{ .'.a;, ui- , uni Urt: hl*».K|. •mi t;«v pj;.- it lit a dmvn iid ;<• .; • ii, ».«♦ w.tke.-, land • a jvo* r kKtrtvt.:* wliAt ctim! ht.ii. If »it, ••nuiinTtrai }y. lit • USMWOV FOR rKVBttft*” f it wlllWiir! 4>4 »|« r ?lil uA»r4<* CUfiiUVi i< rAVT*, W*i WiW :a*W A i-iv Uiu-*» !r >;« r.^ -YuWvj. of t*ai ivv-iJ] ruif. ii», tmdrr d*tF itf *4vej Hie Kter-rirai Febrilu-fv ks tt many %nd •-•• •!■' •• r . • • ■ . ■ »;< ! .i i > ftettf tHnu**. I. - .u* «• . — r , ...» i',.i■ ux pr.'if.»ttodj;i a iar the llueikenriFa .ai I Ikn t i a It ■ifi!h * na V\ e could enough of u**ium>ny u» iiii an •.**- j tavu volume, from the lSr*t aenm toe ^•j,*i!{ - imm planter*, *0vNif'i«ii5 mh*-r*; but a fnal of the fclllcte itneiT i* the be*! proof, fcnd .ill Uks t'%hu\ i;i> w.; »i-n; . We guarani-a u itt ail iml ciiotUd ti Jail to 3*>ro~ pf- •• »hat 1* % :t n»rtli it* ii ■ the mm-o will be r*> fami *<t. I*Ri K —*jfi p* . mm*w bocu • ; .*} o*hn per iMffouticiv, it OBBtftt to: •¥-■>. < Me CtAlliM enough for in Hit t<» * m }* WIKh tt it l 4*.- nteiitc’.i»* .11 frr»* world. ft «ill *nvi- quinine •iwm.iU to pay for fUelf mow r ift'? »wk*e over, without r«*y*ir.-Rni«t >h» *».• it Having of time au.J —■ .\ liH r.U *n*< ! *r»t v. ul be iaa*U» iu dc:*J.\ . »mi ga*i i • ' Numj fMHti >e, our fm ci-w.V *u»;4tuiW', »hi: the | ItkPRnus auth-*.'*«> and •denature of' Janie* m|j tbc **a- I v*-h»p, \\ ith «taie a" it* tin* vi U t TlO\.—*Vr wirtltfw »*Ub!t*. W In |Mrt*cu?*f <VM*i ntf j nut to jJMrvha-* any to ire C'*otrfi*3i Fcbri- ! ■ft» if. 1 Uf« rtixive Kinrfc- ot getiUf4M,o^«i, VVt* ; «l«*em r»nu.i.k> •• ill d ’ •* in :•■•'• pi avo of per.-nm* hnvinrheen h4- 11 by ri>ytii.-»i*4t>-. pr*-tended recipe*. ! Xu;., which,»!' ti*»l worthUM-, are, l»-uy the Iwa uuxtrcjrtciy «J iuircfou#.. F »r al>f by Drug, -t* ami Owil^n 4 u-sraMy Utf<otu;>oiit tb« • S»ni'h. \. ivl’Vn Vi.!. & *‘<K, Solp Prrijirictitf. TDK MF..VH" \ N» '11-t.V \t* L.I\iMii V 1", 111 <uiy quart ^ tifv. ai itf “KifUir ■* j.rM'.;--, vv.m >1 large uimni of !, •< . ‘.'Hl.V VI » !»H ! \ I'.S. r\ -y* *ir. lad. w bob *«»J a- d rvi til, at our*; i-u. 71 vf , u.i.;*- \f*w t»r llttli For ?afr, n HojesBdr or rctart, iu l.ittti tfock, ut ifi« Vcw Drtt^ rilirtc, by Tfltn?. lifT i'FR W« »KTH, Agent f**r Os* 4i«tt of .\jkaji*n*. July 1,1 £»!. JsH— For Dyspepsia. Fri pared f rom the fonitli itomaehcf tJir Ox!! THE true Fluht ♦«r i7a»tra< Juice, pr» j»ari*«I 1 fnwn Mean#& or Hu- «uh«- * wll »f tile <>T, miter litItyc- J u«»iit given by Baron Lei ! fun tf>«’ gnwit jtby*H»l’ igH*ni i’ll.:inirl. by J. M. lioijtfhMn, i M I>., Nu. W \orlh I'ubtii j rbifuteipp*, ihc *>u Jv miitu-.iiAJ« ami jHMtojui relf-f for In *n, Py»pi,;r»~i If» •*. Liver t’onS-^ bhlHtt, t‘nn-trmfCWMJ and ilebitin, i*ur»«« liter Mttwrb uWu u»«*Ui.*L by MaUirc*» own itite.'it. th • Juice. It 1#. ., | j»reventitr\i «i .rh«4er-i, a U «* ejw l ie Unuucu ah4 ; limr. \< til a 1 •rfv- • h-allhy > H i1)' a t'.*a<p *onf".’ of thi* »l n t. tufoged m w «.»r, ♦. «|| 4*. }f**sit or di**«>H« Svi ^ of ro&c. i*cef’ uu twt» hour* out (M bn- atotacbch. .! '"i, u:ni Kv;i»kv k.—B »mh :.< »Iili, U hu cell.!>raud ! work * Mi aiiitml r^riuutf}’, j •*. \n ariifH1. i| iJ; c^iiv.- ifllut Mn.UHjnuw ?.■ rlie Giutrir Juiv-e. m-iv ii*. iemthiy pr ^we# iruut tb«* iHUfuiw iusrmbrafht of u. : ».■»*■• 01 t: < air, m ivhw. li vir.ii i> a*-, ie- ul !«• «J.jiijcIi na m~* ui«'l • , ; will In- «»tl eimi,» hamp-4 uini )a.« in :tn >-im* iit-imier hj» t»»cy ’ would in* in ih- buiiicvn ht >uia *b ’ Dr. J* . ‘in. iu u»* fivni in- ' *M >n fr«»»I ami f)u•«,’* pnbli; , F«,,vk*i <4. Well . N w Voi/,. tbe and ib t<ri'w•-* tty ■ i. l.' >J 0! prcpurnDon. Ther >.r : v ':>i ojer -* 9»v» l*». Pcrein Dr. f mbi-. in b’i vuiii.ii |p writing «m ti»«* ‘**>ny*i,>Jo^y of ofihciiii. Jut. • . i< j «t74 at? pi • atiii.4 • ui • j! P^xmim 1^‘bifTtr « tfc M'*d pi - ~ or »f inf.licuie in I.,o«ido<f, who *«-vi Ht wiHi Um-. "O u;H m it, find ;*2 evay dung !*c to fwl. Iiud revwttm wthe *• *tru Jux-r*, •-»■•!: 1 ffom i VtjJv «f living 1 -. t IVtllcb ;>? V*. ? •• n.i;;• • - Dr. 1 ferecil Dr. Iroh-'Uii. aiUlor or* th-‘ r,».;m w*;;*fc. oil t-k »''eg*'table -a>»: “h i* a femrarka fau * ut jdiysmlucy. ch it the 1 I o asrtiMRfi*, HU' *• iu vi U»‘Ti ktup*M ’ > tin* Huai m*rJ> of *li*.*;dv>;. • vumuie iiUrlc- *»l am; uf*( • I ' lfio.1 t ■ ... lit II ■ MTl « own Ifto • »' f ll dl'SI *•{««.* |H‘K^ HH -ri ii i ork. *• I’ne »‘ueim-try of M mi.** fL<*.t eha* !. fhliiuielfdiu, I • i->,] |»j> .»fi J. *aw. 4»x oi iVimiu n new era in Un? f'bcmn aJ UHtory of . • . •Isr..;4r*'*» ir« rr'pljfy 1 uu usU-y tmi m/ fluid, pr. ,, u. d fr+t-i :i* U i- in f i • w t* iMn** Jui- .* H.o-it. Pwd'c.rwir iMii.fiili^.; \ if til JcT ’ » >i. t I*IiiUr]- l jrua, in fin tmi w *ri\ no *»‘ln»w4.*i Ptiv-aor £y.” *b vo» - ; wwi* than fifty b* an v v nn.natMRi »r u*ix auttj>H i. He fkfwrim oiti w-fiii lir. JJ.-aii .: »ui. in Mi ' <i »-}.«»• Jo - • oiv* t.o.'r <l fin.livioe bta;.. ..1 ;u Jii «,i. .i.i .ih,i,u'i> Wen kewa. “In aJ? r... i.-) •. “ iton oeciij-r I a* BCflV P*. <l| t-M! 4fUti-UU t» Ut i V*. »i U I ul^ »l(0|t. For fiWtiier nr*K«f of m.* nfm-«rKabl<* ty-i*.* *u mt- piM-ove- } rao*. b U4 liio V W JOh- I, ISM "uwonry, ;->r ir, 'lad' of Ax* :u» I I i,BLS &£ ' I i Klfc£) WUUKKY, f««rrivsil \)yj Uut iU) (.Ilf. ** tltfi*. ,4;.(j Ull l»y JOhN U. ADAMS, Jan. 21, IS51. ^lt.atn L><*m Landing, R *alt ! Null!! * ECO pi r Stcawr Dove, lOO largo bleached : sack, .Suit, And lor aaii- by, JOne lb-ls51-l 1. ■A. J. HI IT. •In*! Recriied. !JER s!iam«f “ 8. U. b-.-v,” du>:<". from Cm- • ClttlMti, 6 barrels old M> uoriruhe.a Whiskey ; r> do. Kvc Vr L.i U-y ; 5 '. j. obi Bourbon Whiakuy. K< r i. • cbm,, b. M. T.VNT1, ( St‘ifttlrual Jjftn-unc Little Rod. Foundry. ^.V.- \MU i/Kt.' i .I. . . .*i..itilt»—• anu aji • i 1 a wot*, suitable lor ’ SA V, Ai iiitfir such p.i[[ViSi . turilJiii. ! • ...fiii r, at the aboiM < u' • .a u. ••..• ap . rat. «£-waftaub-.>J :.i 1* (food and wail adapted lo lh • ttfctisiilie* of ib# p*o P> of thmState. K< l* WELL HkKBK. July 9, If■*»;. 45. a in k» hat. ii it nsur.zy in Jail. TED to Ibe Jal! of Dallax ; a, who •.*«•* hi.\ iCK. that it. bttlontw to Thounta ,f Mosvill Eocnauua, su l b ;• -ji ■ old. bnphi jiuiUtto, naa ‘1* la k* his hair, rallied by a bunt, which v, black etrattfht hair, A fvtti 3 inch's had ou striped lowctl (liuulotiafi, and straw H. M B0UI.D1N, rigtf Sbtttes 43—4w. LiH!f Hock Foundry. w Wuo ; Pa r-5 <—tr H , . a superior Mtitte, '.inters'and Cabinet tanker** was. Koraaleby . HOSWKLI. BEHEK i Canh pa: ! fifitdcu: S£4,4r"4»|» ri>t*per Vid Mo 44. ‘ JulvX, IAjI — 44. \\ ' Hl'K-EY—V* old*, oil ;,uu;nt, > » r r V, WM. H. WAIT. Jto) t*., I .1. 1J . NEW rrsK oarcm «td Mminsi tTHfi nuhembc* baa hr* rerei'-ed Mi is new amdnii an entile New Stoeb af lnspec'edDR?W A*l» MlWClNtt, which are warranted flMb Mid(cmim, trfck Qr-fffW*. IODMIE, ' BEBEERINE, IOD. POTASS. P1PKRI.VE. KLATEMUM. KAUCRN*. VKRATHlNfc, JH )RPUI NK. KTHVCHMINt, ClT. KKRRf ET MAOXE8. CALOMEL. *wr.. TI KKRT RttCBARB. COO LIVER OIL. HU E PILL. fte. *«. PATENT MEDICINES, Embracm? J,tym>*’ Pwuilv Medtctitv*. SolUlfl do. l.i « » Pit!*: Spencer's do.; Wnght’a da.; Own*' P*.n Kirer; i-'i-i'hftfw’ Astringent Syrup: WiStars Balsam Wild C'retry, Ac. Sr. ~ S’-r.-if. TatmmuU. *m4 BuWt StmrmgmUUk vERMimant H A. Pahnuflork. I> and Amcneaa Vai m if ace. Blue Lick W «»er—(’••cr*Miaprit«« Water. V'atala, (hit, Pft *r%f, Wiridbw fJMye. Sr. S*. Ooun'ry Phyctciana atem,ue*«d to unmiM the quality of my Drue*. Sc., before purchasing elar where. TT Pr^seriptHia* iwuiwt r,impounded. THOR RITTER WORTH, igt.. Xne Prug 9taft. mrtrr if MM* and Mark Ann Street*, f.rrn.r Rocs, Jntte'31, PUM. » Tobacco!Tobacco!! HBCD per. Steamer Trustee, 1514 The. cheap Toharro. And for sale by. June 1«-1S5I~5I. A. J. HCTT liar Si tore*. C ASK o’d Brandy ; 3 ck«. American do. , ■’ '"ks Maderta Wine; 1 bl*l. Cherry Bounce t 2 bills, old Bu'b Whiskey; l ** Rum . 3 ‘J. •• Rye « i t" "* “ Muscat Wine; l ** Roo.ived and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS. Jnn 6. IWl—40 old Port vy,in«; Malaga. Tobacco. ) BOXES Kxtrs i ltewirtr Tobacco : J 2 •* cum. Pound Lump “ ■> •• \ .« Receivi 1 that day and for sale bv JNO t». ADAMS. June Hftl—*0. RirttaW landing. swinvr unity 1 (wire Jn*i received and now "fit” for Sale : Fine Flour; NDL Whiskcv. 1 “ Boxer Assorted Tnbacco; ID “ Lfm >n Syrup; 8 *• C-audy; • - - 1 Barrel English Fill*.-;*; 10 “ Air. M. TANTI. Li>wer .Steamboat Lauding. April 7, J8*5l.—31—tf M<|itor* and Wine*. CASKS Biitnil), 4th proof; •) 2 M.deria Win*; I “ port Win*; 2'i Cmm;ujni> Win*; on rmiiMMt • mi for sail low, T. 0. MERRICK 4 CO. /hermhrr 17, 18SO. |J roller, Nu«.ir, Arc. JL'sT received par steamer Penny wit J 33 .ark. Rfo Coffee; hhd». Sugar; •<i bla. <ia; I Uis Miiosse.; <i halflibl* Molaaaoa; Stl .-ick. Salt. .Ami for mlo be FATHERLY 4 CLEMENTS. March 3d; 2d—if. ARKANSAS RIVER PACKET.” Th< Light Draught Steamer SAINT FRANCIS, JAMES MORRISON. Mtmss, Having Seen thoroughly repaired and inspected; has resumed her station in the River, and will c«n tinue to run ro and vnoti .Vi;«i/mi, /.iff/* Kirk, I'm Burnt md F’jT! Smith, aiseml ng to For Oitsion as often as the water will [m nn.i. S!,,pp< r ami travelers may deptnd on tins tout. for care, speed and accommodation. Agents: J\mi's Hitman, Bat}.. Napoleon. T D. Morn s & Co., Little Rock. B;:v.kt; & Wsi.ton, Fort Smith. May '.81, 1851. tt WALTON, SANFORD & CO GENKiUL GROCERS. COM MISSIQNMERCHANTS, No. So. New t.erer, * Orlrnns: H A VE constant!y on a general and wall •electro amor line nt »f MH'ilr and gaacy Uimivniiih Fins Ln/unrs on*/ M'i/ae*. Prmnannw, Etc. Etc lu e l ution to tun articles usually found In a Grower’s Slock, they keep a supply of Nails, Cilaaa, Drug., ami Dyes, Letter au*J Lap Paper, Playing Cares. Ac. dtc I'hrir aim will hr tu .*11 good and lre«b articlna, and always at F.UK M.1UKET I'HU ES. That* faciiit.os for buviug. with their etparlsiMsn in the Arkam .s trade, auu their knowledge of the wants <>f that section, they think will suable them nt all times >u till, aaiisfautorUy, such orders as they may be favored with. inn. I 1H.M I.. 1,11(1 OK. X HP 1.3 '>b, Bourbon Whiskey ( 9 Bid,* Old •) WouottgoiieU W'htMtey ; 30 UtiU. Prime Ohl V, hukev ; 20 half do do. 4 bbU". Fr-ucn Brandy i 2 C«sk» (Ha (Joguac, Brandy, 2 do Madeira Wine ; 2 Teak* Muscat Wine; 2d Malaga do. 1 Hf. Bbl. Cbarry Bounce ; t Bbl. Uin. Reoelerd per Tree tee, and for eala by JOHN D. ADAMS. Fab 11.1851 Steamboat Lend fag. Urocfrie*. H X Sackn Salt; 15 Sack* Coffee; 15 Bbla. 8dear; *J { Bbl Powdored Sugar ; 10 Bbla and Wolf Hbln. Molaeaea ; 1 Tlere* Rice Raisina, Cbeeae. Vermlcilli, Macaroni, Sweet ObocalaU, Lokatera, Sardiue*. Brimstone, Cigars, Spaaiab Brown, Rot* too Stone, Whiting, Hn«lot£Briak. Fmdry, Loatp Stick* Ac , Ac. Received per Pontiac, and Ur Mle by JOHN D. ADAMS, Feb. II, 1851. Steamboat Loading. MAquortt and Fitmr. II ST ' iv.xl by steamer Hn/nburg; 25 Hbte W hiskty. 30 Hall tibia, do. 8 iibu. Btcbotk Whiskey. 25 Bbla. Floor. Id Bbl6. P'lUioe*. Fur sale oheup. by M. TANTI. ’ Extra Su iSLorB—SO llbis « OKolloa Mill*' per tin*.. BACON—5 Hie la Clear Sale*; •• 5 “ bone do; 5 To.-retw extra Sugar Cured POKK—10 Bbbla Meant si. ti.iU-—3 Ubde claniWd; 4 Bbla Powdered Wlutc. CANDLES—90 IJunrUrr boat s Star. NAILS-50 Ktgs 1, 6 A 8 4. Hccrivud awl for sale by Af.rU Vb. WM. B. WAIT. Me*m I,indue. ONK higb-ptfeMHWe Softw-, Tinea cylinder and 20 uacbatrukc. For sole by HOB WELL BEEBE. July 8. 18S1—34. ut Little Rati Fevadby. Hour! riwtir! — (U 1 ?ULS Cincinnati Flour, churcnbranda) amp 20 •< st Lottie «* ** *t 4. Received .hat day and for Mt» by- -. B*- *£& JNO. I>. ADAMS, *(«*r “ Jtll, * lS*l. -r-»