Newspaper Page Text
seaaaaoae ■*A*ca» / By tw Ajwi (at the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, May*. |8>0. i ike mom (innMt tent— toy W1L B. WAIT, ^i*L uitu mci n it? tniM itiiius. From tot Im ef April to 1M Octokar, 1»1, too MO i wtor —Ml rmm a bailt UU OF ITiSK fM umi |)ik to UalSpriaf*. for tia aecsmiao ujn if too tnnHM mMm— IhZmlm,mgrZy. Saadaya. -Hk or rocs km poct coached, u B I*ilntr. * M.,aaaa»rivsat Hot Sprlags.iama Say. H 9 P. M TMK ACCOMMODATION LINE/. r*mt Bona PtoC Caaabaa, arW laara Littlo Rack ——iatarvaaiae Say. at Aa aatoo t*oar la (bo M-taf. aaS airnroat Hal Spriags mii Say. a! 8, Tfca i sVri '* A tin ««'»«*' *•* ^ eo,Tr?* -1 .w. QKtoS Stotoa MaUa aa tha roalaa froji » aa. Raek to Fari Smith, tad from LitUv Rack to WatoiMto*. to Hampotaod eaaaty. ria Hal Spriaga —to fw* Caacbm, ihraa Umaa a araak a rp W,to toaaa roaUa iaieraact -ilk Ike Steam - tot (JatoaS Stolea Rail Liao Iran Memphis to Lit IT Stags FA 11. at tbe Jatoaaa PETE R HANGER. »—1 v. 50' IBBLS. choice St. Lmm» FLmr; 4 tjewe Caa tancd Hama; 4 naaki Sides j. Received on eoawcnnwnt and lor sale by JNO. D. ADAMS, SttmAaat tan jag. Jbs, 30. 1881—39. TOBACCO* alUAk. »ECAk» ASD WISE. JUST received pet A B. Pontiac: S Boxes Hooey Dew Tobacco; 10,000 Beat Havanas Segars; 3 4 Pipe* Claret Wine; 3 *• Madcna do.: 3 " Preach Brandy; 3 hhds Powdered Sugar; 4 Cases Cherry Bounce. 4 “ French Cordials; 4 Boxes Oranges: Pot sale cheap by. _ fane 3d, 1881._M. TANTI. iSl LITTLE RBt’l F0H1RI ISB SI1IHERI. Jtonwell ll««bc WOPLD respectfully call Uia utteulioa of tlx pasiic ta i n tktn wtiWiKiiiml, which |)M raceall; uuJergjoe a thorough repair,auJ. h»» tag the aid—ry feeiiitieo, u uow fatly prepared U faraiah W ord-r, with groat prompts**.. eeary ortieta log! hat ttaa. of eilbor wrought or cut Iroo, Biaoi or Copper, of aa good material, proportion*, and workmanship, aad upon aa chonp Urm», aa any Foundry ia tm» country. Mi;, right* aad others. aidortug wkaaia. wtil bo ptoaood to giro tbo No. of cog* aad pttca. aloa tha particular size aad ahapo of the eye, waatod ia oacn whorl. The di a note r of a wheot. whoa eaat. wilt he 4 of aa men par foot l*o* the aaaad with length of a abaft-— Orgpr* ahoald nlao be accompanied with a draught aad fall daocriptioa of what is wanted, and tha TALM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CAMPEACHY HATS. No. », Magazine. betweoa Caaal aad Common *t. NEW ORLEANS. FT From oar Hoaoaa at Now York and Bootoa wo are eoaataaUy roooiring iraah uppiioa of tha a bora Goods. Coaatry Dealer* ara lari tad ta call and rz ami nt oar utradn stock- __ Little Rock. Dec. 1*. IS*®.—It—tf FROST & CO., Boot*. Shoe*. Brogi HATS, CAPS, &C., Arkansas Coffee House, lLOW** muwil L*»»l*a.) THE Proprietor baa sa band. aad ia consutuUj resorting, tha feUswisg— Foreign aad dum«t.c Liquors; Wines and cordials al ***ry description; ■ Sfc . . Fruit*. -Ve. All of which ore for aaia at wholesale anti retail PtrwM from tha couutry wishing la par will please call and *aa my (tack before pur eteewhere, a* 1 intend to aril a* low aa any i ia lb* city MICHAEL TANTI Little Rack, Jaa. 21, 18*1. **-ly 3>Tb« Arkadelphia Sentinel will eapy oua rear, aad forward nocouai to to* sebeerihar. “ Mr FLOUR—50 Bids IILuom Siperfine; SO ** " extra do. Rec'd per “Jefferson." aad for sals by May 14th. 1850. WM. B. WAIT. LOUR TO Bbi* “O’Fallon Mills'’ Extra Su perfine. it •• •* Qumcv Mill’a" Extra Su perfine. Receixed and for sale by May 10.1851. WM. B. WAIT. JUSTICE. ICE, FiflfS, UTS 41. FUST referred by the steamer Pontiac .No. i J m Tone of Beaton Ite. SS Beset Raison*. 4 Barr*la Chestni’r 1 Bag of Almon* | Bag English Walnuts. 1 Barrel Coceamit. SO Cans Oyester*. X Barrels Uyaatsis te the shell. 3000 Fkkled Oy ester*. 0 Borne Tobacco. 3 Hageheads Sugar 1 Dos. Basket Aamaat. 5 » « Cordials. ] ■< Demijohn*. M. TANTI. March 3d. 1001, 96-tf. '• mmd Shorn. •waned; Calf Shoes; Gaiters; 4 ta Gent’s 3 ** 13 *• _ $ •« Mmscs aad childrens Shoes assorted; 1 Caw Boys Kip 1 «* “ Boots, Ac., Ac., Ac. Bsi aiTr il pet PhUt® Peaayssil aad lor sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Steamboat Landing. March » _»-& J081*0. ADAMB haawhamt.«d *fc«t.hia friaa* awl easterners, (dr tale, No 1 Mackerel, m kite, Helbbut in H bWa. Bogar, CaOee. Bpace, Pepper, Ginger. Netmeg*. Claras, redefM Mete*. Pm u. - I «K»AVI»8I„ gh lows nfSt rnn tar >* Sura Twia^a. Colaaki aiaxuord and yaaliSed u a rad, xtciali. tu u; 1 fdrparra tr. i _ _ CtSfetj. (Igka at |*« law naftri of I.. V Wuitsut, , roraei ofMaia aad Baa sma, »■*« aw Arkanmi Bmki «•** JOHN J. TUOMPaatN Ma Bark, Ark*.. No*. 5, ISOS FLOUR—aw bids. Ohio superfine; LARD OIL—5 hblt. winter strained; PLOUGH MOULDS-!'* Diamond; BACON—4 hhds. bams and shoulder*; PORK—id bbis. clear; LARD—100 kegs No 1; COTTON YARN—3000 lbs. assorted, 3 to 10. Recess d pr ‘Hamburg,’ and for sale by WM. B. WAIT. March 11. 1881. Partridge Boat*. i Wstar Proof. ja»t reeaiead aad f*i sale * by FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. Fah. II. 1851. 1 M**r :tc Cm| if—4, W««4 Nltlw; .4 tfrimn Cmrt far •Mer MfUmmatmy {Aew*») mr Clonic KJtrwmmlrm Tim valuable remedy stands without « toii m the hater? of Aifewiti, m tha or any other country, ta eenng tine painful tut paralysing air ease, in ail its various forms. The vast number that have been curs'd by the use of the compound, during the past year, de aoaitntn this fact. Not only recent acute or raflamnwtury raaea, hat aid chronic canes, of ten. twenty, thirty and even forty years standing; where they had not only tried every other external awl internal remedy of which they could hear, b«t at great expense, had traveled, and passed under the treatment of a number of the first medical men of Europe, as well as of oat own country, visited the various watitnog places, taken voyages at sea, and dwelt in the moat salubrious climes, without ob taming relief. Some, who wen seduced to e mere skeleton, their flesh had withered away, their limbs were paralysed, sad many that bad scarcely been able to walk for tea, fifteen and twenty years. These have been cured sound and welt regained their flesh and the use of their limbs, and now en joy excellent health IrmA'the uaeofthu compound. Them facts are fuflyinbnuntiated !»y published testimony, Cram the highest possible sources ; tea timoay that cauot be gainsaid, but which can be vouched foe by am than sand witnesses. Retail price, |6 pet bottle, 3 bottles for *12. or • for *22. To be had of R. L. DODGE awl THOMAS BUTTER WORTH JJLittle Rock, Juae 3, 1861-_ly MORTIMORE’S BITTER CORDIAL. AND BLOOD PURIFIER; a Vegetable Spmt, and the moat scientific preparation ever produced; on* bottle of which, is warranted to pasta more real medicinal virtues than ten times that amount of Sarsaparilla, or any other preparation pat up for similar purposes. Its unequal virtues are soon made manifest ia diseases having their origin in impurities of the blood, such as—Neuralgia, Scrof ula or King’s Enl, Erysipelas. Cutaneous Erup tions, Sait-Rhem. Tetter or Ringworm, Pimples on ti.e face or surface of the skin, aoreaess or misery in the breast or region of the bean, general debility or nervous affections, aud all irregular habits of the system, (especially with females,' and the many derangements of the nervous sys tem, and diseases arising from the injudicious use of calomel and other poisonous drugs. This is a fine cordial, pleasant and agreeable to take, and perfectly safe to be used in any state of health, even by the most delicate female or child. And it is an article that every one should use, at least once a year, to purify and enrich their blood, and thus prevent all manner ol diseases. Retail price, *1 per bottle, 6 bottles for f.V To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. June 3,1561. ly. DR. CLARKE* Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, W tuch is considered by Physicians and others the (luiT Rutin for coughs, colds, consumption, liver compliant, broor luua, asthma, soreness m the chest, spitting of blood, pain or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, die. This being the prescription of a pLyss Clan, graduate OI u»t .ucucai university, riu.s tlelphia, aul having beeu thorough]y tested, 4 properly esteemed one of the moat vaiuab.e and efficient remedies for tfce*e and s-.rr.iiar complaints ever offered to the public. Price, Si per bottle,' S bottles $5. To be had of K. L. DODGE A THOMAS BUT TEH WORTH. Little Ruck, Jt:r.e M, 1M1. Ij. DR. STEPHEN' S ASTRINGENT SYRUP— This has riuw become a celebrated remedy for Dysentery and Bcwct Complaints, Cholera Mot bus, Dia:rhera or Summer Complaints, pam or cramping in the stomach or bowels, adapted to per sons of ail aces, but undoubtedly the most supe rwc preparation for children ever proiuced. Price, 25 ets for small bottle*, and 50 cts far iaree ones. To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMASBUT TERWORTH. Li Rock -mb Sd, 1S6X^ iy Fresh Flour, Jtc. RECEIVED by last arrival, the follow..14 arti cle*. to wit: 50 bids. St. Louis Flour; 100 “ Cincinnati “ 20 kef* No. 1. Lard : 50 bhIs. and half bbis. Whiskey ; 1060 lb*. Tobacco ; •50 “ Bar Lead: For ale by A. J. HUTT, Jane 4th, 1851-40.Jbw ttrtrt. ; THE tubscriber. agent for H. Habennaa, will continue the former’s business at bis old stand | on Mam, near Markham street, and keep con stantly on band a full and well assorted stick ... Groceries, Dry Goods. Boots. Shoes, Hardware, Castings, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sc id low for cash. The highest market prices will be paid (or coantrr produce, as beef hide*, peltries, bees wax, Ac. JOHN KRAUSE. Little Rock. March 28, 1851. 30—tf. Iron and Castings. < ftAA Lba. Bar i roa, assorted ; ;tUUv 4 Bandies Nail Rods; 8 Baadles Elztra Horss nhoe; 100 pieces Mow Wmga ; "5 SkilleU and lids; AO Ovens and lids ; 15 assorted English Pots ; IS Sugir Kettles ; 12 Grid irons: M ood lid*. ' R so# it i'll per 1 ruelee, and for tale bv JOHN D. ADAMS, Fab. 11- Steamboat Lauding k'iueiiiuil/i 4i <i/i</ < 20 Kegs Freah Buckwheat Flour ; 300 pounds Bo ogua Smu[m ; ] boi, Hominey, 1 bid. White Braus! * : 20 Botrt Slur Candler; lb B«im Tallow do. 2 Bota. Lord Oil; 1 Bbl. Sa.a.atus; 3>m Jugs; IS Drailjolmi, 15'lrau Sound Krp. Received per Trueteo, ana for sale oy JOHN D ADAMS. Fab. 11, IbSl. Steamboat Lan'ing. Star Candle* Sc. •)l \A Lb*. Star Cauciee , 23 Ba(« Buckwheat 'JlrU Flour; 6 Bui. White Bona*. 400 Lb* '.'eatingf Juot received per Pontiac, and for aute by FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. Feb. 11, I»l. La ait mi Ntcttoaai lap of lrkaam. \FEW copies ol the above Mop— tli* oily com plete and conect one ever published—lor sale *t Uve Gazette a*4 Dtmzcrat otbee— price on roiier*. and handsomely varnished and colored. Jan. 7, 1351. IS— Stationary. 4 LARGE and beautiful assortment of rta si. uonarr, received per Phillip IV cnyvrit, and for sale by JOHN I). ADAMS. Steamboat Landtar. March 25. »—tf. J 0 H.\ D.ADA1S, rollhSlin no rL" WARDING 1ER( Hk\T. BRICK KIKN1R, t.O'.V»:Rer*‘**’“‘ AT L.VVMV*., LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. KEEPS constautly on hand a .at|> and general assortment of Dry UimnI«, ( lot bin;. Hard* ■ art; Rareatwarr, Hal* and Cap*, Boot* •ad shoes, kaddlery. stationary. Urorrnrv Prodoer, die., dr.; ail of which wtH bo sold rery cheap for CASH. OcV I. IS60.—S—1—if ai:sM erx*!! ennm! JUST RECEIVED, and tor rule cheap for caeh, hue Double and Single barrelluu Shot fauns. Ride*. Rial and pareaaaiou gun Locke, he , he.. at the Gunsmith Shop, on .Maiaatreot. whurereoair ag ia doae up bluo, by II. GKIFSBfih. LIQl'OR. ON baud and for aula. I bbl 4th proof Pr,neb Brandy; 1 ** Spaniah , “ 1 •• Malaga Wtna; I “ Muucut “ < a choice article!. JOHN [>. ADAMS, Due. Id, IS3B -H tf JUwer Lean-. IRON—3000 lbu. au'd flat, u/r androand Iron , 1 1000 ‘ _ " beat « t charcoal Lorue-aboe ; SOAP—10 ben up No. 1 brown : . PAPER—10 team Envelope; PflRK—JO bid*, heavy Mesa ; BACON—tWO lbu. clear vide* ; BAGGING—25 psecea heavy Kentucky ; ** 40 half ** ** ROPE—*6 coda; v TIWNB—lObaka; Rac’d per ‘'Hamburg/' and for sale, by W-d-lMl. W» B. WAIT. — COMMISSION MERCHANTS. mas iwmu. tux- e. ntt«- »•> 9 a'aaamt. SIDDALL, GREENE & CO., CO TTOJT #'.!€ TO ft 1*, a*£> aaa® M E K C 11 A N T S . 50. *« CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. |«*IK)UIX«.XHI J M *141# T IAXXMI «.ki:i:\u ooi>. a ( ».. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING **!S3p>3A*Tt Vo. 66 Magazine Street, appetite the Mouth of Hunk Alley, new Orleans, la. M» PartKul*> xtrtntioii paid lo the **le of COT TON. TOBACCO. AND OTHER PRODUCE— hi? rolrtction and remittance of Fuml*— am! the pureha*. and .niptnent ot Merchandise Generally. THOMAS IT. HT1ITK, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. 50. 43 t |5AI. STREET, N EW ORLEANS. LAW'. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS. WAIT!$<3 Fta Cap, Letter end Mote Wrappiay pater ef Mhni ifaaiHitt <AI ILI>, STEEL PENS, INK, Awl a aunlaual af Blank Ba«k*. Country Merchant* and Teacher* are requested to call and examine the Slock. feh.H 23 I* niu bxtthxw*. n. »*n.i.. J A TIES lllTrHEWSliO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 1» CilUSSHN lERfHim Manafactarer’s ifcat* roa the sals or NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS See . No 53 WALNUT STREET, South of Columbia, Cincinnati. Ohio. Rsraa to— T. D. Merrick i Cf , Wm.B. Wait, Walter VackeU, H firtowa,. If. Header If La, and Joeat Hatektat. Little ifoc». ' Feb 5. ,850 —7—22— I y V BC\JA VII ,\ IAIiIiEVvEK, Succaseor to Wa. T. Ea«ti« A Co.. >V 42 and 44. Pearl Street, Batten Mataaekatettt, IMPORTER A All DEALER IS rORKIGI At DOMESTIC IIAHDM A It K HAS a constant sapply et iixai.wsu >.,d Cct lixy adapted to the trade of the Southwest From an experience of twenty vex re in the trail, of that section, he t»confident that tie can supply merchants, either in person or by order, with the styles and qualities of foods desirable, tnd on terms *«* B. C. gi»c» particular attention to eonstea ments of Colton, Peltries snd other produce of the country that mav be consigned to bin) fo'ssle. Sept’24. 1849.—7—3—1* joerrH h riLMit. Jaws* h ueit. JOSEPH II. PAl.nER Ac 4 0.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOKElGtl \SI) DC^imO DRY GOODS, 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept 10, 1830. S-I — iy A. F. (OLHR V\ A; € 0., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 11P8KTIRS AJJ, Dealer. >■ I'oreUe anil Ooae.tic fruits, nuts, wines AC. POWDER! POWDER!! * GENCY ol the celebrated •* Chrystal Powder XjL Company,'”iu Reg., Halres and Quarters, and Cana ol one and fire pound}. Grarar.tud Superior to any mamfacturtd. So. .27 TcboupitoaUs Street. New Orleant. January 15, 1950.—7—19—Iy NEW WHARF BOAT. A. 60 AD A CO., GENERAL AGENTS, COMMISSION AND F0RW1RDINC MERCHANTS, NAPOLEON, ARK. THE PROPRIETORS ha»* purchased an en lirriy mnekoaf, with splendid accommodation*. It wit: afford ample and secure storage room for right hundred ton*, and is capable of accomraoda hng fitly passengers. They are prepared, as heretofore, to do business s* General Agents, to Receise, Forward, and Pay Fharge*. They promise to giro (heir particular *! lention to all business entrssteo to them. The Proprietors will guarantee that this boat will •land the inspection of suy Insurance Office iu the Foiled States KBFEftBXCES: A. B Shaw Si Co . Vtmphis, Teas. Janes Hiasaap.f ... C A Stew aar, $ -'■'P0*07*- -1,k Jas Tiwws A Co., J S. fl. Tccec*. v laiU Rode. Art T. L> Mtaatc * JcCo , y Moses Gmswoon Si Co., ) .. _ , Waltos. Saaroao Co. J A °rUtn’ Sept 1«, 1950. 1 —ly t>Gai. K Dem. copy. W. MITCHELL, & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 4\D ^ Dr«l«r* la Uoodi Ury , Groceries, *Vc. NAPOLEON, AKK>. Marti 30, J85J. —if. Mugnr and C'oflrr. “ / \ Bag* be»< Rio Cof««, >'Vr 4 Htv.i*. Prtr»* I'm** Sugar. ■■ »jor» a»<i lorwloby T D -MERRICK St CO No* 5* 1S50.-8— 9—if Partridge Boot*. 4 CASES Steal Calf Boot*. 1 Cuea Waterproof r BoooU, jB»t received and for caie by Dec. IT FATHERLY Jt CLEMENTS SOLDIERS’ LAND WARRANTS, for IM acre* each, for aaie by WM B. WAIT March 3d 3d—tf Kec’d per steamer Hamhiiruli. 8BBLS A!e; lO.OOO Canone Cigsrv; t»,Ol»0 common l4 Spanish Jo ; 1‘ L bbi*. Crackers, 10 do Brandy, do VVhiskoy; 20 do do, 24* bbl* Hoar, 5 do Gin, bee. Jan 21. M TA.NTI Received perMeamer 1 inpire. X CASES freab Oya’en; Jv - boia ce do i, aheil, eery fine) < do Oiaajea, fine; 2 dot boXee I'runr*. 2t> do frv*h Raisin*. boot qoaJityf' 23 OtW Havana Cider*, aaaortao. for sale by M TANTI. Jaa SI, 1831 »— Prevh Provision*. •i/A/Arb LBS *’!,■« cored .-ant'd I Lias jUl/U 27<¥t !bs. ct«ar*. n keys scat Lard : 10 Pilot Bread ; 20 half bbU- Butter at«i Water Crackers; 4 bbl*. dmxi Apple, ; 4 “ " Pe-acfce*: Received tha (lay and foe *ale, by JON. D. ADAMS, Jane fi, 2sSl—40. SummbMt Im^s. BACON 400*1 III Extra Sugar ClWd iLl»; 7100 lb* Clear Side*; , 4rtW lba Bone da; 2,400 lba Sfcouldere; DRIED BEEF—S<*> !>*» Extra Sugar Cured; FLOCK—100 Bbl* Ohio, Superfine; VINEGAR—b bbU Older; Received per steamer R. H. Lee. and for *»ie by une 3d. WM ft WAIT. 1 '.V.q q q .q q q HKXHA.V MISTWG MAIME.vr m T« rt»A, the /^f. «*< Ssrr, tW Sbf Jm+tr!. "HV kcwg giaW iWmfi »C grw* wry''’ .Tk« Vokaiit Oil Irem Mmro Hm ioug been known to pottwsa wixlna itself wuadcrfully soothing, healing are! curauve jii,>rv rues, and baa bees extensively used by the Astro for RfceumatiMR. Stiffr-.-** of J..,<n:s or Limbs, an.! for all kinds of Soto*, 1’leers. Horn*. Wounds. Han! Lumps or Tumors, and for all ktmt, i f Pa,us or Inflanunatins* a Man or Beast. The happy combination of this wonderful products* of nature with other powerful remedies m the • Mexican Mavtnnc Liaiiarat ■ Renders it one of the moot perfect reared** ev.r offered t<rthe affitcred. Its action up u t,.< organi sation a truly wonderful, la volatile. penetrating, soothing and healing proprrrf.wdi't ;s thewwelve* to the very boaea. It enters into the circulation of the blood-give* a new u»pul*< to me whole ner vous system to the very extrenmit'* of the tiugeis and toes—stimulates the abaorbeuts and secretions, aad thus nature to throw off and rid herself of any diseased acti-.n of nerves, niasrfrs. choots or ligaments. making it equally applicable to t^res of any kind, rbeuinatiak, paina in anv part of the wady, from a diseased action of any of the structural portions of the system. Possessing these peeiiliat powers a the reason why :t a equally eSeaeious in »c many different <- rapiair.u. We will give a few of the thousands of cure* thathave been effected by thia LmimVnf within the ' iast year. A lady id Columbus. Ohio, had her hand slightly bruised, took cold in it arid if spread to ,.l A Fiighttul t irrr ■ All over the back of bet hand. Doctors had prescribed salves, ointments, washes. and alteratives, without doing it any good. It had been m this condition more than a year, w hen she got a bottle <* :he Mustang Lannxiit. bythe recommendation of h'-r phvsie-.ari. am! appin-i i» as .!•?.-• 'red. The re sult was, that m four weeks the ulcer was healed an i t .V kMl 1 was well! That lector ttow buys the Liriuner.t by the down to use m his practice. A little girl, fourteen inilea from Columbus, had a severe sttaek of Rheumatism. The coords ot one leg contracted so that the foot was drawn up at a right angle with the thigh, and the knee join: stiff, so that she was obliged to walk with cratches. Three bottles of the Mustang Liniment relaxed •.tie chords, loosened the knee joint, relieved all pa.ns. strengthened the muscles, ami she can skip the rope, leap ami jump without crutches and without limping. A man iu Pittsburgh hsd a red hot iron accidentally run into his foot, making a tftry severe Wound aad Burn At the Same tune. The pain was intense and excruciating, threatening lock-jaw. The foot sw. tied I very rapidly, and in two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it, t.r set i| to the ground. In ' this coudiUua the Mustang Lmusent was applied, immediate relief from partyi was the conscqut ncc, and in two days he went about his basin.*» and had no farther trouble wrtb it. Cspt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest ciusena of Cincinnati, and lung and popularly known on all the western and southern rivers as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack ,/ lurtammntary Kkranaliw in his right arm. After suffering tlie roost excruc iating pa.n for sotne days without a moment's relief, be obtained a bottle of the Mus'ang Liniment, ami applied it. Iu less than twenty-four hour... he was entirety relieved frmpain, 'he sorenessand stiffness perfectly eradicated. Let any doubt tics in hi* presence, and he wav give them a specimen of iu iu istular strength and flaubilitv of his -,-ood right arm." A man m Covington, Ky., had not been aide to walk wit hout crutches for near two years, from the effects of l Chronic Khtumi«ti*in. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and used it as directed, and now he is well, and can dance a hornpipe equal to any jolty Tar l A roan near Louisville. Ky., had a negro man who had running s,.res on both his legs. Titev were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of his death. He procured half a it.«en bottles of !-». Mustang Liu.ii.- n:. and used it a.I to ti e lire uom. In one month the -.ires wen nealed. John Benn.rf, of P-tmbucgh, 111., had a daughter twelve yearn old who had Tenia C.ipitis »r Scald Head. Thetntire scalp was a running aore and'had !«ren for mere than a year—dre-t -rs could do it no good. They yere persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and to their jreat joy, it has en tirely healed aii the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the Once Frightful Scalp! !| A lady m St. Louis had a sore on the top f her h- ad that threatened to spread all ov. r the scalp. Tie ns it Cttpg qut and left a bare spot the « .• of t dollar. that w as a running s re. She ■ t,-,e Mustang Liniment on i’. and it not only healed the sore, but brought out a beautiful new crop of hair' She s nowr using it to dress her hair, aud says it is the best Hair Tan* she ever saw, while it gives a beau': fully gb-wy-like appearance to the hair, that she had never succeeded m obtaining before These are but a few of the-thousands of c ires wt are daily heartue of ‘ ,'r . country. For Horne* ami other Animal*. There is nothin* cau be compared to the M lstang Liniment. in this speedy and p, rrnanent cure of Stra.'is, Brener, Cuts, Ga.ds, Chare*. Scratches. Sweeny, Foil Evil, Fistula. Bi* Head Snnvm R nt Bone. Splint, Wind Gall, Cracked heels or say wound, stiffitem, or unnatural enlargement of bone or muscle. A livery stable keeper <>f this citv bad a match horse that lie prued very highly that had a la«e Ring-bone on both ledgs. The horse was completely cured, arid his luabs left perfectly smooth by the use of the Luiunent. T<* Country Merchant*. Every store should be supplied with th s valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. Caution extra. CT Many will try to in.1, ace you tobny Nerve and Bone Linimea* or some other euuaiiv wnrtM«. •' •' 5"**-4 ** ,l“ 1-— Bat do not be deceived' Ask tat this U Jlail i wiii a* tu>i uvt> rwu voi j aim LUIRl trash, by saying it is just as food as the Mustang Liniment. B' Liniment, and buy none other, and you wiU not be disappointed. The naan- ,s blown cnthe'boitie. Friee* of the l.unnient. In consequence of the increased demand, we are now putting up 05 cent, SO cent, and dollar bot lies. The SO cent bottles contain three urn* ■ as much as the .’5 cent siae, and the dollar bottles four times as much as the 50 cent sut<—so that money will be saved in buying the I arm. IT Principal Depot at BRAGG * Me LEANS'S Drug Store, corner Third and Marked streets St Louis. Missouri. XT Druggist* and Country Merchant* supplied on liberal terms. J 'V. TAPPE, Wholesale Agent, at Little Rock. Ark. April S. 1S51. 31—It. Land* in Drctr County for Sale Lr PO N accommodating terms, the following 1 tracts of lands situated upon Bayou Bar.ho lomew, in Drew county, Arkansas : S. E. fraction qr. sec. 7: West half sec. 7: W. half of N E. qr. sec. 7: W. half sec. 6; W. half of S. E. qr. sec. 6; a!! in township 14 south range west. These lands are auo ng the best in the State of Arkansas, welt situated, r. a thriving neighbor - lioocS and convenient for shipping produce. For terms, apply to L. A. W1UTELEY. Little Rock, March 22d. 3s—3m. OLIVER & CO., \YL\E A- SPIRIT MERCHATS, CORNER OK MAIN AND MARKHAM NT. OU Pott OStf Corner. rt’ST Received a fine assortment of choice •J articles for Bar Stores, and Family use, con sisting of Fine Old Port W,ne; Madeira Wine; Brown Si.erry Wine; Pale Sherry Wine; Catauba Wine Lom-worth Ohio; Clan; Wine, Supr. J nice; Bran dy, Cognac: Brandy Cherries; London Gia; Mo nongaheia Whisky; Scotch Aie. Brown Stout: AnuettC: Natural Svrup; Muscat tie Front,,nan: Mansehano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wur ■-et'rnhae Sauce; Sardne-s; Freah Sa.nion, Ab s lithe; Preserves 4c., 4c. Little Rock, April 33. 33-tX. new nun store. HORKIMni A; CARTER. On Put fade of Enel Main et., fret truk etn r obme tie earner of Mari/mm et., WW'UtSAlX and arr ail nr A LA.its in FAMILY, STAPLE ASD FANCY lirttfrift. Pmi»io»», CoaatfT Predate. if. HAVE just opened, in tie su re heretofore oc cupied as a Tin shop, a general assortment ; of every Dune in the.r line, ''.uripnsmg a larger1 vanrly of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before offered in this market. Their friends, and tmr-:u generally, are invited to call and examine their ■ stor k before purchasing elsewhere, as they are de termined to sell as low as the lowest, for cant or country produce. Little Rock, Apr.l 9, 1861. 33—tf. _r__ ■ TYPE FOUNDERY. GUILFORD 4 JONES, aro. u, Cuiamtaa Berne** Synunwe *au Uhaswit, CIMCtSXATI, OHIO Would respectfully ihforzn their old Patron* and Printer* generally, that thev have removed their Founder), to the buuiiags formerly octuple.: as '• •rtotype Founder, And Printing Establish- 1 meat of E. SHEPARD. lYUrt !*ry art Prepared to Fumuk inytbnjr mi tkrtr Lme. FOSTERS’ PRESSES! That is* aiao Agcxts roa Foarra a HIND. CARD, i P8WER PRESSES: Aw.1 la Fine. w III Kill nmj Order for PRINTING MATERIALS, .if tie SiafUet .Verier, and at tie Lmtaat Barter* PRICES. Main! lfn/«!! | 1ST received, a fine lot of Hats, and among •J » Mth are the foll.'rwiu, tj*: 2 <a«e» go,- fash. Silk Hate; ■2 . Moleskin Hate; 'i . Casta* it “ 5 . Kuasia l “ ** Brush «« 1 “ “ Pearl Union “ 3 do*. “ Panama “ 3 •< ** Leghorn “ ! “ boys’ fine Leghorn “ S “ infants' Straw « 13 “ Palm Leaf w And (or sale by A. J. HUTT, Mam etreet Mr, it. l*»i. 38— Spring Clothing. 4 LARGE and beautiful assortment of SPRING , / LOTHIN'G. rwsivcd per Hhiilip Pennywit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 25 . 29—tf. Rosest Geo. C. Lavimoji. Abxold IUu». ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON A. CO. t'oiiiiaiMMion nerdianh, 106 Magazine street, SEW o RLE ASS. # March 25, 1*51. 29—ly ’IAKBIaE CtTmti! Tomb*, Monument*, Urals**-Htone*, Ac., Furnished to Order. JOSEPH l LARK, Sfo me-Cuttrr, (late of Naw tl Orkvans.) begs leave to inform the citizens of Little Roclc an l the vicinity, that he ha* opened an establishment on Water Street, (adjoining William t.,eor*e s store.) lor tb# purpose ul executing all *ir,d« ol MARBLE WORK, and invite* the atten ttoaol all those wanting ,n> thing ol this kind done in a neat aud workman-like manner and at a asode ru/« price. He will keep on hand a stock of the best material, and i« ready to execute all svork in bis line at the shortest ho'tiee. Little Rock, Aug. 6, ln-50. &_tf C90FFEE—50 Bags prime Rkj; / Received and few sale by May Idth, 1*51. WM. B. WAIT. FRFSH ORltS & MDIlim JIUT HEt KIVRD 1M FOR SILK, WHOLESALE AS!) RETAIL. subscriber ia constantly raaet A Ting, from Now 5 or*. « genuine assortment of Drugi, Mt<iictnei,Clumi calt. /'er/i-nsery. Pmintt, (JiU. Oyt Stuffi, 4c., 4*- Alao—Parent Medi cines: among which are. Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Idrerwort; Jayne*’ Expectorant, Indian Panacea; Ihslley’* Pain Extractor; Hays’and Uewes’ Lin, loeat; l.ian’s Strengthening’ Plaster; Komstock’s Venntfage, Moffatt’s Pktrmx Bitters and VegeU Ue Lif" Pills; Bartholomew'sExpoctoiaiit; Sphoii’s Medicines; Oldridgn’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welsh’* Mrcicamentnns. Alt of which will be sold low forcaah R. L. DODGE .Markham it. Little Roelc, 19-19. j7_tr to th« A. A. CAR V, D. D. *. I’MtOM Hunts'ile Ala., has located JL himself penugncnliy in Littk R.*k. He has been the practice of Dentistry f*>r ten -.ears, and taels confident at'i.iiv t»i e ve entire satisfaction to such ofStlui community as may need tia services. Persons reading at a cutaacc will be notified o l;u a be*: nee I nan tow \ whenever it occurs throug! the papers cl this place. Office on the west sjrie of Louisiana street, twi *!o«*rs south of the residence of Judge Eng,Mb. Little Rock. May 27, 1951. i*3-lf. € onfrclionary an<l lie ( ream. 'IMiE ettoens of Liule Rock srr* n formed that A I have for sate a rich stix.x of c», caked, lr:,,ts and a general stock of Conlectjonary, which will be sold at the lowest pnees. Iff ( reatn. Wui be furnished every day from 3 o’clock vo il AM Kfiotljtj feet! d-r t * i Ml I. *, !./' Be-.** store, on Markham Street. ORLANDO B. K EEC HE. June 16th tb5l. H_ Fmh ArrlvalN. Il’ST received, per steamer “ Hamburg/* 50 barrets superfine FLOUR ; 30 “ Crackers! 30 doj. Lemon Syrup ; t» boxes Candy ; 10 barrels Brandy ; 40 do. Whiskey. For sal* cheap, by M. TANT1. Stmmimt LmnAmg. Jum d, 1851—3®. nan am* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. B. JOII\M»>. ATTORNEY AT L UTTLE ROCK, ARK. Oct. I. 1*50. A W M. I. BRI.HDK.HBI RU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRKNCEV1LLE. ARK’S. YY'tL in the «niir>.!ie* <■( SC t V Franci* and Motirve.m the hint Judicial c,r. .-nit; heeann'tr* ot D**fca tad Atkar.***. m the \ Judicial Citcuit, amt the county of Finnr, i m 'he Sfth Judicial Circuit, aM «i;, pay ,tnct at-' | ter.tion to the collodion at debt* in any pailoftte | S'.fe, and will *l*n art a* ,geat for the tale of land* an*' paytng Taxra, St e Reei.eoce in Lawreoceville, Monroe ro., A>k« i Sap! 17, l«V»—B—2—|y jlTTI JOB* T. TRIKU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. BENTON, ARKANSAS May 21, ISA#. ;n__ IIMHV M. RECTOR. • am & ronssiLiR it law, (O**' »t ■•■ton. laliar roaaty, Y\Tll«L PRACTICE in the Cnunttr* nf Saltan. * v Hot Spring*. Parry. Montgomery , and the court* at Little Rock. Any twain*** entreated lo Kia anra nffl receive prompt attention. E. ( I fl’IIW Ittarirj «ad CantielUr at Lav. AND SOLICITOR IS CHANCERY LITTLE ROCK. ARK JAMES T. BKOWN7 ATTORNEY AT LA II\ Arkanaa* Pont, Ark., Will practice bia profaaaion in tha Second Jndicta Clrcnit, and will attend to the collection of debt, and the iaveetigation of land claim* in every par of Arkansas. t|p b. t. nrv % i*. ATTORNEY A.\D(fll.\SELLfiK JIT LLM. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Fart smith. Ark naans. R. H. JOHNSON, P A ttornr > a I Law, Liitl* Roc*, A «j» JOHN B. RORIIF.X, Attorney at Law. Reside a in Lewisville. Lafavrttr Tonnty. Irh VND will practice in the court* of the fith J«, eiai diatrict. Ail b**in-»» eonfi.W to hi* ■ mat *ri*iTient. will receive prompt a ndfaithfu fat ten ti< ! LAMBERT A. WHITELEY. ATTORNEY IT LJR. OFFICE OS M.1KKH.1M STREET Littlk Rocs, Auimui JAMES A WILSON attorney aid nni'ULUR it luv YELLVILLF, ARKANSAS. 1HV1D W. CAD ROLL. &\£ XAv!T kittle Rock* maAOly] miMUl. [m,t JOHA ((I IUI.1, ATTORAET k CBL’SmiUR AT LU AND SOLICITOR IN fBAH’KKI. Orrics—Eldorado. Union county. Arknnaa* 8. H. H E.B P8TEA D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STKEE I lilt La nocn ana's. I tl J. li. TEBBETT8* ATTORNEY k COl'XSELLOR IT LAW. Fayetteville, Arkaasaa. 0«O. C. WATKINS. tt.a.CDIIl V WATKINS ft C I RKA A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS FFI AM A. CONWAY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, k 6EYERIL HAD 1GEYT, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, VITILL ATTEND to tba collection of debt* iu v ¥ any part of the State, to baying and telling landn, paying Uvea, redeeming lands forfeited for taxaa, Kc He I* authorized to **!l Uadi raeayA fa* tkm or four tJkauwnd y*ad plantation*, and »l cheap rate*, for cook To insure attention .coumnnication* inusthepuat paid. Little Rock, Jan. IS, 1850. I9-ly LABAN M. STROUD attorney ml (oaascllor at Law, IVTILL practice m the Courts of Newton, S,-.acJ ! ▼» ey. Markin. and Carroll counties. cy, Markin. and Carroll counties. HeanleiK'r near Crooked Creek, Carroll co., Ark. April si—33—-ly. S.G. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, P«!!Kwm, lUrxas co., Ark*. 3b-lf. JOalll \ %. nOKKiV iniuii cmuilumi at law, *OCKPO*T, HOT SPRING co., ARK, April 29, i880. 34—tf. \I\V C LOTI1IA«*!.' JUST received, dffe<l from New (kkttti, a largi and well selected assortment <;f new au„ lasli ioaable Clothing; Particular attention is tailed *o a fine stock of Bummer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash oniv ! E. MARCUS. Little Rock, May 20,1891. JMMs almC. 4*rocrrir**! JUST received from New Orleans the following article*, Viz: I'd boaca ft*;s.u»; l “ Ground Ginger; 5 “ Mat-carom; S “ V'eTBMCelii, ; &> “ Table Sait; -I 1 “ Tomato Ketchup, 1 ** Chocolate; 1 ba*k'l Sweet Oil; ‘ 1 bos Lt-inon Syrup; 4 " Imperial Tea; 10 ‘ Soap: 10 “ Sa- Ms Coffee. 12 doz. C. 8. Hoes; l ** Rifie Locks with fly; And for ante cheap by ' • A . i BUTT Little Bock, June 9. »«St. Waa lirtet. \«w >prints <«duds. • Pieces U'i«‘ *trlc Barages. “ printed M 7 “ !h',c *lyi«.*. 3ta> “ assorted Cafkoc>. 94 “ “ Ginghams. 20 " “ Cottoiiadiy. H •" Brown Linen. “ Demina. 2 Ba.t-s 51, 7-», & 1-4. Hi“wn & Kick'd Domestics. 4-4, 6-1, 10-4 and 12-4, Brown and HI* h r! Sheet i rtf*. S pieces 52 1 Lint-n Sheetu.* 22 “ Irish Linen. Glove*, Cravat*. Pocket Harclketr Shawls, Apron Chet k*. Osiiabertr*, t asbtcila*. Pa rasa la, Negre goods. Ac,, Ac,, Ac. Received per P. Peanvw.U, and for *a.:- f'nrtrp for CM <•*% by JOHN D ADAMS March 24, 111*1. Lem'/tug. Tinlr Hxiilt-il. UrANTED—A find rate Mule, to match one I have—price not to eaeeed fi-141. Appiv to ROSWELL BEEBE. July *4, 1*41—4 4. j ■aaaMMi I RK' >«*« l- l.Y at, urn » T. • I s..', tnalv. a lanrr }<« 4>f . *»Wrt« M to pivrrott* ,m>lls. may*,,. . »w! V.-nu*iHj>. i j,.. :jh- uii«; c, mpo-i. } oi t i *». am! mpwtfaUy •«« itr ah^ rv,. . Uy and »ov», to tail and • -i,. ^ 1 *•1 a A. r Hi TT. He». »fw *-><!« work. (xii, LITTLE R(HK HK;H SM Hutt| *0«nl'” »J »«> ***«! Fir UBBt l: „ H HK buaina.a ,*i thi« J>,«iintr\ W)t( , 1 ,h* <» V-K «: -V« r- «n 4,i',' 17“ ™P"* Tin* InMidtltea, «wd»r tha ratr ,q „ m„,m wood. wtth am r,*,i....,* V"f'l lariUty kw uapamoi 'haadvantaga* a. ucatioo. p,row wring a.ihtn itwn.JC*,, qualification* bit (V,, yarrow* 1'ianchai. »,T7, " ti»v* j>>*rtirod with pa,tact hm’, lt,,y ^ ' fh* Pupil* "I tha if. .anting ,v„ s r„t * .t.r *• wnh ih,|, T.-athr.. ,fCfl?r .. »t rntioM » r.aca„a,v to form «*! lr(ir., . * ,».! pwl'ic, ! »U,> ot W(t, r tr, •WNitiful IN tha formation „| rtiatirtar ’ho impoH.nco^ , „ k„ olthehiiiM-hla^u.uo w> ■ -t aduc..,o„ (h. Prtwc.p.1* wi,h „ !. _ ^r,r.xrv^rr,:;x y? Thajocatmr, ,.f ,h, rt,y of K|lfk , *!a ..■» --t, Tha *y*fait of adoration, , aim. «t i part*rt w *.l in d*v»toPi^t ;ha moral ,,„t ,ntf llaff, (jl. , —wmbiarmga thoiotigh and, tmu„ , , tho alainantary to thr h,tha,t Whrt y ,1, rwc«d. or whofarrt.p ,„d "...a .... rh* whool ta ron.t.ntly nM*r tfw nip,rr„wt. n, !ho Board ol Vi.iton, who, from timr to timr ,, aroln* tha v.rtou., ami rrporl fh,„ n Tarm. wf Twl.lon a^ot prt . . "w wroth.. Day scholar., Ith l)r nan man t a . i “ M " . m " |«f II ,Wf 1M v f'rar-ch, Italian. Spam.h ,.„i C.»rm*B, aarh i\ Staging ,i> Choir, ilh Mowc—Piano, Guitar, ami f tiaan aach v ■Harp. • »’ i Diawing ami Paiming, 7] ^ A<*.>urro oi t**aoti.ifl final '.I painiit^, Japan ' ' Work, inlaying ot Khonv an,I Ivory' Hin burg Work, am! wax flow at., raeh, 18 i\i M“ charge lor atnbrotilarv ami ortiamaittal ntfiih* work Hoard, wa.Mng, ii(ht*,-f«< I, w ,,| i...',t„. \.c^ par monlh. jy PaymanU quartarly, in aritanra, no daslurticB. lor 9mtiommiiwm in gojpt* .. ^ p,. j pit. racarva.l at any pan,..!, ai.d ahaigad Itou 'in r .1 anti am-a to c|o*a o! tha ro»«mn. Honrd of ri>itm>. 5* ^'v-Hon K W. Tt*m»u Hon. Judge Kisoo, A Pi**, H<»n T? W iXiwTos, L. (iium. M I) J . H. K*q , L K Uaaata, K»q , lloii jii.y* Kiel*, l'*o. ( | «: K. ii Kvm ikh, k»g , M«j J [.twioii, (’•». S, H Humnis Hon. W i| >i'tt 11 Little Rock, A»* 22, l:i5o 5|_t, WASI)\om HUE NKMIWUK Hpw(i«lnnl ( nunly, »rl<». rI’HK Mcoad IMWIHI of thl* Inetitiitieu. 4,*Be A thi* morning, February Hth, leS(| K«». C. P TuaxanrieK. SupetiBlen'.nt .no pri) fe*e©r of Moral a no Intellectual Pin.<*c.pttv Belle-Letter*, ami u-Hh Llterisidre .Rev M C. Thwutt, A M Protect of Rretua Roman, French aim Italian Li tefatue* ■ )***• f Bockkk. A. M . Proleevor ol Mathero-t,™ Student* received in the Primarv Department »t, . matructed TKRMm: Primary Hrpurtinr 111 par a>mh>u of 2] vo. payable quarterly in advance, *12 I Preparatory Department l««i CaHoyial* Coanw. '*1 ■ Vocal and laetramcDlai Muatr, Element* of ( Mn*ic*j Composition, (Extra) laitialioa roe. I No deuuctioa for abaruce unleaa iu e*eei> n< pr, traded illnca* All stn.ionls charged from the time of thnr entry to the end of the aeowon X B. — The win* of oil itniinrters who »r* **■ gaged in the regniar work of the ministry *1 u thoee who are super* limited or ho»» aled la tie industry: will be educated free of oblige Boaairiao can he obtained in the beat hutuisw, at Irani fb to *9 per month. Particular attention will be paid Iwth In lie moral ann intellectual training of *11 staiKi-» committed to onr oherge. S. T SANDERS, Secret*! y. BOA R l) OF TRUSTEES Hob. D. T. WITTER, Parrinrvr, Hon H P Poindexter Rev Win. .Moore*, Re*. I,. J> 1.:«• . Rev B P Box, I V June*. \! D . Mr J defur, Mr I’. Williamson, Hon J i) Triad' Rev J, Coater, M D . Rev J. J Roberts, C E Mitchel, M. D , Mr. W W Andrew*. Mr hi Sander*. Mr H W Smith. 7-—22—tf iir LKIDVS MHMP\IULI. 1 BLIOI) PILL‘ 4 »( fill <lth*r*!! TIm Knt )- mf mil f*tl? HRUNfMlnrcrt:! TIECAl SE th*-v ar»» jMfrr. b**ft#** iuiti h»»>ip *i? I# ctriiHi* than any others, amt(mcium ih* p m»M»- «<* <tf <*h*m .1 Ujr> • .»« -<(<1 n tit. t. .tOO.lMMH# BU\M h<jr* W« 'miMuum tot f|Vr MfHT*. VOI Xfr *W|I OLD. W \LK ^ VI\I.K, '4» *«•*. UJif* Uwn with wjual uul w^iiMt n*r IW PILLS Ht: #K( EMK4Hr un pur*.*.* ?«*l f* thr* •it"vr*rl\ »l»«i Buu ' iV, out |H|fi^iKf t|u H;>-<4 lb** lwr,|y, ink* (|4J -ft* w> ul*w»r jail# f« *Htn tl*» i iliIlf i«.u»*;ti f*,i.maun •», a »: Kat. drink ami Mv* m t •n«t, iiiiiuii ■**•. upuiwi) wfuM Uft'.ft* lh« lw. wilwnt Ir*f « <•0441, 'Ih#?U« *|l kiluU of ONI THOUSAND DOLLARS w xiiai m**r*“ • «*'t»timr i »*** »<>« at* >•' f •«* *" " • ckHJtM*n( un utht r <*J -m, aon riw W **»•«►»! .*f th*-,r ♦ IT*- »• * ‘J ••• •* at * F<>KTY KJJ> \HK IY \ BOX >r»ti ~m*1 4> a*»», wftfc uni iuu«n wj' ■ • *• * w»ik< * *i h )*»*. Th*> *»arr nofe-af* *tf haw^, Ffra ff'rtti *fi jarndt-r of -tr.% kikd, U» not gupt itir b *#r * no *#< khrM, V’rtuiU' g •■» :>JUi !• • *?*, THRt vr ll¥» Vod wUja^il Ui Hi'Wt dMWNUm* •onopiw **• e ok'** W*» -ifi*.- Having 9MV takru !i*» w» to t»*« *n> wdiiTim t*w**i*r wUf *iwa># d» ttMi <H> mil, »!**• a<* >*her» will. J)t \ H I ,vut).\h pr-., far ’irtjggt*:,.* tt«-{mNt a/wl pin*** an, *-.» v*af* • a■ • . friiudui. of tiir I r-itr d F*-i BWMibrr uf vm<# *m H F»»ila<}»ijMHia '"4 Yinfc, Bo*1*-d, HaiUn..#*•• . * an*; >«“'’• * *»’ '■ng H* iuW:r •rvKnl *«» <*• l.< *•<!<* riK U*»»fr of •!« gt*nt> r .«.*.<!' W* jhw • pdb, itiMl iiw :r <J i*i I**^ fK v-fi Apr. iljr«-H*l»»*ai U»* I MW ^lat*« I'rittr ipnJ !>r L< *»ly « lUr^ OMtf , V 1 s Kowrtli I**., Pluiari* =*»«J « *1 n J. V% I «4rJ» I.Hti* K- < K. ■“* •• - n. V*i. i rii k If Wf cjttii 1 v vi i irlf - <st« aiul ,i* tft* » - OwSMFSO < »-pnrt*i< »'hip. Dr«. Watkin« A *i*«r , w Ol1LD rajifiaetiulty tl»*- r»ii* £ UiO»4 (*f Iht coawlf v* *hal fhr*Jr ha*#- rli #*i>’i n»i« aro-f.»a!tiiMr<*4up it» ih^ Frurticr »«i %i. • •i'' •» 1 7' promptly. lur»#*tof Jr♦*»*«! ' par?Mrt »f<>* abarnt, tttf o|h*f v»»{> *M» «<v t f■* oilier ca* e? jra>» b# found a! f • Mat* t/flle H»ck, Of t. IS. PKOVIMOV" I -r J AK-I Kr»*b B.j'l.r, J V «> K- s* ri$* P*«!. *» U>'<e* •%♦*!•»* rt* dm* jt C♦ * • 3 ht*l# «< Jiatfia, 2 ^^vi^ Afpf «#*, 2 »* do P'^hg*. H bbi* OliMvtif, I htd, f1 • a»*d ('*r *«:4 hv FaTHKBI^Y V CLKMi Urr^uitwr 17, Oi Iron, Vail* ami < a»lins** L8>. . UUl/ m K'** Nut*; IW.0 tvi fd!» i«*' U I l; MKURii Kk^0 Dtcrmb 17, 14 l*or valr. VPINE UJUiE HORSE, idr.-it «*-“ ,cSi‘ aid mu) rev< »(c«u tiMtulh mbnghi- Aw Mawb» L. A. WHJTEi.#»