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v »Ja-res- -.-»sp. J:»—..—. -,—.« .». Ihrem-to kaum-. kärdijii acad kommst-dem Iangsam-dumm« sgricucture.eommkrkiat kmkucgmkh m. m. --g—— —— V'OL. IX. LITTLE ROCK, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1*51. THE ARKANSAS BANNER II PraU«HBV BVKBV tlTBIOAT. LIUBEKT A. WHITILKTi RlMUfcer. TERNS. . . tt 80 P‘»r<*r f«py. >•-•••• • •;.. , For /Vr# copies, ytmr, tu one adore*, • » 'ForCopte*, one year. toon* »d-ires*. . . U TO y.,f rea copies, one ye *r, lo one address, . . -0 TO XT-Thc nuno of n> pew>« w|!l be e utered upon bankJ uttlwa paym.-nt be rntde in **«cc. or assumed by i.-spousibie pc«*«* in 1,1 lS Cl1- ' Ij'l).slant subscribers may forward us money by letter, at our e>p,•«*. »»d at mu risk, provided the pwtmiutcr’s r-.-eipt be taken and preaen*! for our protection. li”No deviation from the above terms. INDUCEMENTS FUR CLUBS. The success that ha. attended oar effort, .no ihe Interest taken .u the Bvss*a by many «f its patrons, hiv- induced a. to off. r. lor the pur of eff^tuig lUe formatiu** of club*, tl*c? fo.loor 10 / list of liiWBtrtn! Any person forwarding l« “» !* ' Cl,!l*r* 111 ,!Urrell! lauds, for hoar new ..itwcriaers. will receive . eapw of aar pop" for •»' pe ir, qratis. T> anyone farwsrdiug Iwenty dollars in carreo fou ls, we will send lea copioa of tlM B-.a\*a for ..many new subscribers, and one copy ofUonav * I.sui's'Bmk ort;»*M»a a Msoatmafor o#e year. T. .ny one forwarding thirty dollar* t» current fuude. we will send ffflrre copioa if the B.ssta lor n< mi my new subscribers, and anr copy of Hie t;„il. i Staler Magazine and Democratic Heeiew for one year. T . mv one sending ns ths largest number (over .if(eeu) of new subscribers, accompanied with a iyauca payment, at the last mentioned rates, we will send sue copy of l!»« Spirit of tne I imes. wild three e'eel engravings, and one copy of IS .gw I l l's Magazine for one year. IT lleniitlaacoa may be made at oar mk. and re re .vs will be promptly returned. In making such rWiitUnce., the Pott tfaafer'a receipt should be ob tained for our protection. Adveriiwinjf. each idditiouai ) square. )$1 r. etntc* for Yearly Kor 10 line*. or ie*s,l 3 mouths,! ■}’> .. 6 - I" .. i-j «• lo VM standing idver. i^nMBta will becnai 'fti at In?* firal mention'd rut**, unless a contract In* mad** v i-a left tor ianertion; and must £«.* paid for iu ad ' *Si -rsoti will be announced for any office.either <*.IV, Stale, or county, without the advance pay ment of fire dollars. Political circular* will ho charged as advertise Menu, tud payment required in advance. No job will hereafter be delivered to any person with whom we hive no regular dealings, until paid for. , , . .Vi advertisement* must be mar It *« with th* num ber of inser’ions j **.r *J, otherwise tiiey will be i I until ■■ :■ >Yeerly, mil-year.y sad quarterly advertiser* w)li ho conlitied I** tliejr .c.dtmvfe liinsril All s ivertisements of a dinerent kind, or for other per suus will be charged for at the nsual rales. \ll letters must be posi-pairf, or they willnot ro c** v+ any attention. rr Positively no variation will bo made from the a > av* itioii * JOB PRINTING. r ■ prop i.-ter of til- Arkansas Banner, re tfu. V informs tile public, that lie is prepared to - ale every ioscripti«:i of Jos Wott, with ncat and dis,iit.-*i. and at as low rales as any office i i me State—such as Bjoli-. Pamphlet*. (Innii Bill*, Hieambonl Hills, I*.inter*, Bills of Ending, Bill Hritds. Horse Bills, Babels, fard*, Receipts \l«o eoostaully on bond, Blank Notes, r lt rks, sheriff's, Justice'* and Constable’s tilaaksof every kind, Blank Deeds of cos vet mice. Ac. which will be sold cheap for i i-borcity acceptaoce, and will be sent bt m ill u» any part of the State, if required. tsency for the Akransas Banner. TJ- V|r W*. E. Bkavkss is aulhoriied to act as ireut for t ie Banner, at LoxtCreek. Saline county. Mr. Gsoaais Bonos is authorixed to act as i,* or trie Banner, at Piue Bluff, Ark. ;- I W. Ctxa, General Agent, Kvaus' BuihJ £•, North-west corner Third and Walnut streets, ilelphia, is authorized to act as Agent for -‘the r.\,stus Banner ’’ J. J. •'H ar ry, Esq., No. *315 Camp Mreet. New * - in, .« our exclusive Agent to procure and col t names for advertising, &c . in that city. Donation Land*. For sale at tills office. Lists of the feited lands i , - ; to don itiou by the Mate, to actual settlers , T.i ■ -uts per copy, or sffi per dozen. Postage to * ivpurt of the country, cent*. To Subscriber*. We hope wner ver any irregularity may be - iverea in the receipt of the llaaner, cur sub * -r- ier» u | co us the (avor to givs information of the (act, la one* that the cause may be ascertained au *. removed. Important to Planters. Mi TWENTY HOIK*. £ HliUki Ala aoUA to Unc* <A i • rroia/fcaMw *-**4 vimifd <>< th. FI.Ki TRfi FEBRIFUGE OK 'Pi.Lii’S PK\ KfiT» ' i.- **u<rn any our. %v 11 xfiv particular \n i otedi* t.!*', i« I » - CUf»* lift) M' U»« .* \ iy*i tu t'• i*• \fat4ru W-di?a. and on* vt hicb r i hairu *rtjr wi»..*i the law * of1**4*; producing an t it»^ tv* *■ »i*■ tji di,■ »n ol ibe wbulr *y«t«a», actiuf • U|»orj dr n tise <r**ai fc* 'I if t TOiauny ,tr«d briuyinf about that harnio - •: u »« *iurU rntMtiUtl#** health, whenever there M cither J.H-aJ or fT»eraJ f( NKITHKR VOMITS NOR P! ROES, "' ' f < l-V m *st »t -iu4< ri. »Ve ran give 1 ‘ * tkan tn«t tlnKffhed hv H. F Fly, 1 **« •,fl 4 ‘ :'r* •--u . Li., OcV 17, U'nI, ia wu*vu • -^r t : *r :««« been nerd with Worutarftai suct*eaa. • •' >•! .*».v routing oBtiuihVi't, (Owlllli,) It fW* * i * ‘ty cm* it ba# artMi like a charm, al iTWU 1 ' V'ti s* Miy kaowledye f.n..», there . * ;ik Witii tt |t on the *uru*e. often* rqt|.i]tx-*i U»* f* rrcijUtiou of III* t4o *1. * i .»!•« ‘i *»n Hi i i u he wake*. aad u *r Is * hLii »A,ns wtiv, cured rum It i*f empb&aca) i* FOH I KVKHs” n ■ r -ariiuve power*, we w,JI add v "4 ,r°'» 1• ' i'<U*iwait ivirvti, ;;rU -t dale uf '• :•; l » 4». U t ’■ F» »*r*f»#* it* a ym»t many and oa>«-• • •; N rtMtUjrt<(( tn> }Mt»*nl f*> - * 1 ' H W 1 I l»#Uf . .. Jo »r** tn-pruc*c*i4ciijf it oi *li blfiUe^l |J|%<‘OVi‘ri«*s ol lh«* Age*.** •“ - - ml.! ,** *•}<|.-V i-acMi^u «? -I u.f» ... i > oil lfc0 ,Hv ' •-* ii , ih fit a n»e>v t« Hi* *u*tli -(...u j,j unm, • Fill* trtAi Ot J»- Vt: *e ilo »i i» t5», 15 .mi nil t i* t.*^ti*4i »ny w •• - +1 w ««.l JiRfU. 4M u lAtt li, .«*. * m »i r< 2 ' : b >U«»*; jD cent* per half Uttri^; *<t i*“> • ftwiidw -jglt *«..• *r , . • * »'r.4, i rc.M*- »* »»the *t umticuc iu r»* iJ u J **. .iUsrt.U- ^ir.Wlf'l 111 p>i) tof iiMPti Us.iff* . * ,k>r’ #i : ^ tw |wil 4" t, • v •* > .‘*t v. is b w wlr to rfi»d%rj, aaJ <»4i » fur* s .* i.' a ,th vrit attr /iir SAilt ufuture, «, itb tlif tuf.- M. to.l nynxiar.. m‘ i<uu«iKM«lMta«pa t nSffl • lt, |„^ trial. '' J1 ' ^ *■ »v v n i*4i i,aU,p n b*: {HtUftdir **4 iai'«i a ■> t arpnruitf t« br tt»c'ne*l Frun * *J ->* !< In ■■*.* ia*rk» <4 r*.,*u« ««»• tV« **■ r° ‘ I'*, »» <»f ••rtOM t • -o u»ri t»y fiMinierMU, pr. i n.l. j r«rt{»^« . ,£ . 1‘ 41 £' " IVbi-m, we, IUU) tiJ *^ir ^ 4^n*5jaw tb ! V -4ivrg j roily Uir.r*»5';i;.ut Uj« Mt unv« , ' M.M*A1.L h 1 ' *.* Sole Ft n%. •!F \K' \v HU^r.NW LIV(nig4T, ia _u.* cun Vf.'C?.'1.11'n,t »■«•!•/*» towar,«»i < i IlLV MEok’Isti, mi,)., on h.. .1, n 1 nil 71 MifiiiM .IWI, Sew 0 " ' 7 sal.. r^uJ. in I.irO- R.»-k, Jim- J<<. - 1 0} THOU. Bi rreitW ORTH, A^-ot , . U Hi Suw .. ArfiaiH 11 SUM THE B AN NER TUESDAY MORNING, SEW. Odd Ptiwwiair in Indiana —It appears. savs the Lafayette Journal, by the las'. published report of the Orand Lodge of Odd Fellows in Indian.*, that H ere are under its jurisdiction 89 chartered j s uliordinate Lodges In these Lodges, during tl.e j six months ending with December, 1850, there was , paid for the relief of numbers and widowed fanrn- | lies, and for the education of orphans, $5311. At the time above named sanl Lodges reported an ag gregate revenue of $40,739 20; number of con tributing members, 3916: owraher of initiations during preceding sis months, 352; number admit ted by card. 111; deaths, 12, or only about one per cent of the whole number. This, together with the fact that there were during this term but-, eight expulsions, speaks volumes for the tempe ra:; and morality of the Order. Far the B'mnrr. TO MARTHA. I think of thee when morning shineth. Arrayed in‘ diamond dew-drops bright; And when gray sandaled eve rCclineth Upon the lap of dusky night. When the fierce day-god’s burning fire Baptizeth all the weary land— When night displays her starry tire, Thou art ever at my right hand ! Wiien o'er rule ocean's sleeping waters The moon her lambent chain doth bind, Or wnen old neptune’s wave-born daughters Piay with the tresses of the wind ! When spring's first flowt-rs were wreathed 1 around me. Or winter howled along the plains, Thy presence like a spell hath bound me— Thy presence held my soul in chains. ■ , I think of thee when lonely straying, 1 wander forth, sad, mournfully— And when to Him :nv soul is praying, That soul doth pause—to think of thee ! But pain and sorrow, grief and sadness. May never more my spirit see; For .thou hath wreathed inv soul in gladness. And ever more I'll think of thee .’ .lug-., 1831. Mvimson. J^r i ne island oi urauu i anary is said 10 nave lost 300Q, out of a population of 8»)00. by cholera. tr'The Canadas now number 1,500,000 people, j VVtuni or Oiurauiu—Tlie San Francisco ! , Courier estimates the aunual product of gold in ■ | California, at *134,6000,000 ! JhrThe American RepuO.. has 3,259,000 square miles. Great Britain has at home, 37,000 square ! I miles. JjTThe wing papers in St. Louis now are dis cussing the propriety of callinr a mass meeting m : that cny, with a view of expressing their prefer ! cnee for Mr. Fillmore as the next candidate for the Presidency. Fau. Mcuic ii. Coi.uaji:.—The Medical College in the University, of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, in tlia: State, is so liberally endowed by the United 1 Stst«-s Government, that spacious buildings, ample means of illustration, and a full corps of Professors are furnished and paid, fiet* of expense to the stu dents, who arc admitted from any of the States.— Lectures e mint nee on the first Wedn-sday of October and continue to the third Wednesday of April following. JJ“ It is s ud that .■.pile Rachel, the French tra gedienne, has entirely disposed of her future pro fessional earner to an English speculator whod ■ signs to take her to America. I f Turnips qf snialfsize have double the nu tritious matter that large ones have. SllJ'The new constitution of Indiana has been adopted by the people by a majority of 23(.G0. It prohibits negroes from going into the State. Jj’ A little girl, walking one day with her moth er in a graveyard, reading one after another the ' praises of those who slept beneath, said, "I wonder where they buiy the sinners T.tK New Anvt t7sir.«»f.—A general order from the War Department, giving a descnpti the uew army uuitorm, is published in the Wash' ington pajiera. It ui too long to copy, but the sub joined extract from the Hep iblic gives a general idea of the changes made: “ All officers are to wear a frockeoat of dark 1 blue Cioth, the skirts to extend from two thirds to ; three-fourths of the distance from the top of the' hip to Ute bead or Urn knee; single breasted for I captains and lieutenants, double-breas'.ed for ail' | other grades. The uniform coat of ali enlisted raen is to lie a single breasted frock of dark blue cloth. The i collar and cuffs of the artillery an; required to be 1 scarlet; infantry, light or Saxony blue; riflemen,1 medium or emerald green; and drag', its; orange colored. \ The caps for ai! officers and enlisted men are to; ’ be of dark blue cl v.h, according to pattern, and &) ornamented and varied in tnnitn ng* as to1 denote rank and the several branches' or service. Feathers give place to pompous." Class K.i't anus.— I'm- Journal of Com metre of M ndav says: We learn from an iflieer of the C. S ites Army, just arrived fr >ra Florida, that a number of u>en were congregated at the mouth of the fit. John s, river. awaiting the arrival of a su-aew-r to con vey them to Cuba; a large party had also gone up the Ssiitilla in a steam r. w here they received on board six'i '• arttiery and s.-rn- further n-in for- ein*.nis. These men were m nigh spirit*, and ai; no concealuteut ol toe of their t *pe* Cition. JV. (J HitiJ. Tut UistHHir or “To*" at Siiitosi,—A correspondent of the H irlmgtoo Sentinel, wruiitg 1 from Saratoga, ssys: j •• The leadership of* ton ’ t*. .1 am told, pot yet settled for the season, though rival aspirants are asserting their claim- with amusing pert ness and pertinacity. Tee principal * pseteii ier' u> toe *'t pue and a ieri arTant pretender anu see ins; 1 is a stout woman from Philadelphia, fiat and fifty, voluminous and vulgar, meretriciously dressed; with the gait of a drill sargeanl, and having at her heels a bevy of flattered beaux, who follow at her ! htels like a school of gudgeons in the wake of a porjMuar. Such, at present, is the ** beile” of the 1 • United States,’ who str uts along ibc promenades, -ambitious to amsac The observant crowd, who giggle ax they gaici" iliQts in r.’zsrt in the Prumalinn cf |iurit) of Itrrcds. and the improvrnit'a*. of Stock. While a ia<i t tesi'led m lh<- same town wtih ai uid pbysiciam. who then gave the greater part u his attention to the rearing of male* for the Wes: India market; un.l there was a fact brought to the notice of a!! who observed closely, that seems t< have a very important I tearing upon the retentioi of ptiritv of blood, and the improvements hi tht breeds of animals. It was oltserved that after i mare had borne a main, the never would brim forth a colt of any value, because it would pos seas so much the appearance of a wale as to ren der it unsaleable. Suspecting this rule might ap ply as well to other amnisls, I observed that i spotted cow of the native breed produced her firs1 calf, whose sire was a deep red, of a similar coiu to the male parent, and for live or six subsequent years, although she was covered by a spotted, brmdie, and a dark brown bull, yet her calve were all of a deep red. I made many similar observations at the time yet, as they were not placed up m record, I do no purpose to refer to them except as it relates t< sheep. 1 lived in a wool-growing region, aad w> farmers’ sons prided ourselves upon wearing hom< spun “sheep’s gray" for pantaloons; and to be abl< to keep in the fashion it was necessary to have a least one black the flock. If one of tin ewes brought us a buck lamb for her firstling, w. felt quite sure she would continue to do so the re maiiider of her lift-; and if we a ready jioSsesset %1, many of those wearers of sable coats as wi wished, the untortunale amulgamatiomst was in evilably consigned to the lender mercies of tin butcher. Lest it may be thought that what I have const deod as spots upon tie sun are only specss upoi my glasses, l will pres- at the corroborating < vi c-nc-- of several English obs- rvtt.-._ Dr. Harvey physician lo the Aberdeen Royal Institute, saxs “A young chesntit marc, seven-eights Arabian belonging to the Earl of Morton, was covered u !si6 by n quagga. which is a species of wild as from, and marked soiTiewnat after the man ner of a zebra. The mare was covered but one. by the q iagga, and after a pregnancy of eievei months and four days gave birth to a hybrid, wide I bad d-stmct marks of the quagga in the shape o its head, black bars on the legs, shoulders, &c In 1817, ’18 and ’21, the same mare, (which ha. in the meantime passed into the possession of Si Gore Oaseley) was cohered by a very fine blacl Arabian horse, and produced successively threi foals tba' bore unequivocal marks of thcquagga.’ Bes nes the instance already quoted, there i another similar case recorded: “A mare, belong in; also to Sir Gore Ouseley, was covered by ; zebra, and gave birth to a stnpxd hybrid. Tin year following she was covered by a thorough-bre: horse, and the next succeeding year by ari ithe horse. Both the foais thus produced were striped that is, partook of the characteristics of the zc bra.” In both these instances the- mare Lad produce: offspring from males of a different species frou themselves. Walker, Baker, and Halier stall that they have made’ similar observations to m own in regard to the ass and mare. Mr, McGillivray gives two instances of simiia results where mares h.’d only f>een covered b jpaicj of their own species, although of a differ ehi breed, luthe royal stud, at Hampton Court several mares had bred from the horse Colonel and the next year, although the foals had beei got by the horse AcUson, in several of them tht r were observed unequivocal marks of the hors Colonel, which hail been with the mares the pre xious year. The Earl of Suffix-id bad a colt got by the hors Laurel, that so closely resembled another horse Camel, that among the dealers it was boldly as sorted that the colt must have been obtained froi Camel, until it was ascertained that the dam c the colt had previously born- a coll from Came Similar facts are frequently observed anion breeders of cable; so many, that Mr. McGillivra after narrating many, savs; “ tmong cattle an bor**-s tney are of every-day oe< urrence.” Tin Itev. Chare . McComtie, ,.f Aberdeenshire tells of a neighbor of lus who had t«.-en twic married, and na i issue by both husbands, five b the first, and three by the second. Of the la> three, one, a girl, bears great resemblance to th tirst husband, who differed very much in feature] c tnplexion, and general appearance from the sec ond. Professor .Simpson, of Edinburg, t»*iis of Scottish woman who had borne a mulatto ctnl from a negro man, and afterw ard a girl, whoa father was white, had many of the i huractensile of the negro race. Physiologists, winic they have admitted th phenomena, have been divided in ic.r nudes c the iaw that govern them; s luc sup P'Miig tnat an impression was made upon the ini agination of the mother, producing a perrnaner result, while others deny the possibility of aui a i a use Ti.e mo:e probable reason to me is the The off-; ring and '.he roottu r are so intiuiat* connected by the funi«, (navel string, that th same blood circulates and Urns ti. pr , ay if the Drat uupreg nation produces a change in the whole organism of th mother, assimilating it in a degree to the male pa rein. ll this be the true explanation, thus d husband and wife become, litcraliy, “ bone of on boot- and tlcsh of one liesb;" and in this ii.anot v, can account for the faiiuteof many p rs-ms i their endeavor to obtain' animals of a perfect! pure breed. Le t them look to it that the Inn; has not her bb>*Jpainted by breeding with amnia of |» different class, previous to her being coup.e wiiti those whose peculiar characteristics they wis to perpetuate. C H. Cuvruvn. iVatrrfnuy, Vt., March 12, 1861. Mad Muuia?ar. Under the head of Naval Items, we had oca Sion to mention in the •' Albion,” three weeks ag the circumstance of Lard Cochrane taking bis flu ship, the Wellesley, through the Needles passage W'e had not time, however, at the moment, toad to the instances then quoted, that ol an Admin or Captain, familiarly known three-Court hs_of century ago as Mad Montague, of w hom we bav heard ar. old officer relate that he once earned line ut battle ship through the Needles with noth mg set but hts siud<l,ng sails. Two anecdotes of the same eraek-bramcd ind Vid‘ia, we also call to mat, and doubt w in- • they have ever been in pr.nt hitherto. Captai Montague's ship was lying at Spilhead. and t. wroie to the Admiralty asking permission to ptv eced to London on urgent private Hat u war • 111 then, an! Mil':,it t•• •’ till nbsi a, ; so that the offi ;al reply rntimate-l It; the Captain was “only at liberty to proceed win i his barge eouidcam hun.” Two days alterwar Mad Montague presenud himself at the levee i the Kii.t Lord o! the .'.(’miralty, and was gn-ew wi n “ How’s this, sir—did you not receive o, ins:ructions " •‘A ay, my Lord,” was the a. -wir. "and • line* ia my barge—there sheas ” Mad HU .-itagi. pointed to the window winch overlooks’ll tlweon yard of toe Admiralty, and there sure enough ws the Cap a a s barge set on wheels, with post holm attach I, hut the crew all in their p ace.-,, wit U«.<;ed oars, in true man id-war sty,.. It may 1 presumed that hit Lordship could not find it i los hear: to gi.e the Captain a very a.vere repe the knuckle*. On another occasion, Mad Montague, who wi knowu far an I wide through Portsmouth and Go ju-ii. strolled into a barber's shop at om. of liu* resorts of the amphitnous. Throwing himself in a chau, and then pulling not a pist. 1 and cochti it, be asked the barber if i*e knew him. “ To be sure 1 do—-who dota l!" was the repl “ Shave me then. 1 said the era k brained *e dag. “ sud inmd what you're aboi t, f. r if yc draw blroA), MI shoot you tbrongh toe bead.” The barber went coolly to work, and perform, the operation* w '.trout flinching us sfcelent - struck by the fellow's collected manlier, the Ca I tarn complimented him 'bflwn, asking him. bow : ever, whether he did not feel afraid, stuce he knew I : that his brain* would have been blown out, if his > rnxor had chanted lo slip. “Afraid." returned tbe barter, “ not n bit of it. sir; for, if ! had un , I fortunately drawn your honor’* blood, you msyi j depend upon it / tooaiil km' f«i tratr tkroat!" Ueltinsi .Married. Some of those old writer* were curious fellows, I and had strange ideas of matrimony, not at si! at ' tractive to n* oldbachoto*. It is t .id > f Sir John | Moore, the father of the famous Sir-Thoitias. that i he used to coin pare gett i ui; married to a man thrust- : mg his hand into s hag which contained twenty! ! snake* and one eel; it was twenty to one he did ] not catch the eel. We strongly suspect, from this definition of matrimony, that Sir John at least must have caught a snake. About a hundred years after, Thomas Hasted, E*q.. fellow of New College, Oxfbrd, penned the following epigram on , his three wives; Though marriage i*y some is reckoned a curse. Three wives did 1 marry, for better or worse. The first for her ,pers >a—the neat for her purse— The third for a warming pan. dee.tress, and nurse. The New York Atlas souk-time since related the ' story of a clergyman wb >ue tir.n wife was very rich, hi*second very beautiful, and the third, whom he married m hi* old age to nurse him and te his , ho use-keeper, proved to be a perfect Xaolippe in I her disposition and temper. He obscured to <m -■>[ m* friend? that be bad thrte wV» *• the w-,tin flesh, and the devil. Cato, the ancient philosopher, who certainly is good authority, has wisely said, that he preferred the character of a good husband to ilial ot a great Senator.—Gurguut. A l>og Stoiy. “ Pat” is oneof the greatest dogs out;rtrong as a lion, but gentle as a lamb, fie leaves nothing aiive upon which he is tairiy “set,” but he would nut rutile the feather* of the smallest chicken, un , bidden, for his right paw. He will drag the children in a cart, as long as lie can drag himself, and never utter a word of complaint; but woe betide the , being who comes within his reach when duty calls him to a sfrrnct mood. A very useful dog is i • Pat." too. He wiit “carry and fetch” anything intrusted to him, and makes himself very g< nerai I j ly useful m the way of errand going. He divides . his time between oneof our neighbors and a farm a mile off, and saves many a journey hack and forth, . of th se who w uld matte mure -fuss about it.— The other day he was sent to the farm with a has i ket, for eggs. It was observed that he did not come bach so , promptly as usuai, hut the circumstances excited . no special attention. He came in at last looking I as though nothing at all had happened. He was ■, giad to set the folks, a .1 appeared very much at his . ease, perfectly satisfied with;f, with no . goading* of conscience to in-ir his happiness. In the midst of his apparent hapiness, however he i was m!< rrupted with the inquiry, "Pat, where are i your eggs’” His tail fell about six degrees in . staidly, and with a look perfectly iinfeligiilc, hi turned and was off. Going tc a pile of timber riu. far away, he found his basket of eggs, and bringing , them home, made the best apology a dog count , i make, and gave them into the hand-, of hi* ima ’ tress. ‘ >n inquiry, it was ascertained that ou his iwsyhor.e he met some other dogs, and feeling a [ little •xa ial, he put fus eg.s in a safe place, and i stopped for soc ial chat with his friends, iiid* ; went h me, forgetting to take his eggs along We believe this is the firs; instance in which a dog hav . I been shown to have ftrgatUn anything. [JV. //. Tr It graph. Population —The p ’p!illation of the earth ! t amounts to one thousand millions. Then reckon - , tng a generation of th.rty three years, in that space [ ot time a thousand millions mist die throughout i the world. Kach .year, about 83,300,000; each week, 3*1,0<»; each day, 83,300); each hour. g 3,-150; each minute, 87. Some of our Mtow crea i turcs are at this moment departing out of the world; and before an hour has elapsed, more- than 3,000 souls, who are yet the- inhabitants of time, w.ll be passed into eternity. l/rtat drfrat of tht Rutriant.—Le’ters from . Warsaw say the defeat of Genera! Neisterow, at Serebnckow, and tbe flight of the Russians on the plainsof Tiflis ismort than true. The loss of the , unny in men, ammunition, weapons and horses, is . far greater than has been sustained for years; near ly ail Hie strong haul* which had lieen conquered and maintained a; such an immense expense, have j been agam lost. Report adds that one of the eum II mundt-rs of the Hungarian campaign;; is tobe cum I manders m-chief cl the Caucasian army. A Mi.siM, Cinnvx.—N. P. Willis is our authority t for the following. It may be true, but : ‘ “ It was here—m the church of St. Nicholas—by ■ the way, that 1 first became aware of a very s,.m: f b.e German c istom—that of concen’rating tbe e coughing and ii we blowing during service tins-.— > The clergyman slops at different periods of htsdis s cour e, steps back from In* pulpit stand, ami e j blow* Ins u «e—the entire congregation imitating • | his example, and disturbing the service with the operation at no other tune. 1 MC V Ul(UU I. I :l The first wagon load of five bales of new ■■ n ' ton of the crop <>f this State, was received on v s tirday by A. t). Harris dr Co , from the pUnUti>m * of Gen. Sani’l J. Hays, in this county.> ■* it is stnrtjy Mailing Fair, ail fine rich color, but ■* rather deficient in staple, as must be the case with a large portnn of the present cr ip. The dry weather has forced the cotton to a premature nm turily, and the prid.iclof the uplands especially, must not only be deficient in staple, but greatly dc . 1,1. ;ent in ■, uality. We have the most reliable and , undoufiled ev.deuce from nearly the whole coua ,, try back of this, that the < r >p cannot turn out more I than J*»> pounds of seed cotton to the acre.— j The bottom lauds, and here and there an isolated l fanu where they have had an occasional ram, arid a do be ter. but even on these favored spots, since .. the rains, the forms and small bulls have fallen off. n and the yield will not be so great as it would have . been if the dry weather had continued. The plant has ceased to bloom on the bottom as well . i as ihe upUiiils, and while we have every thing to r fear fr in'evesssive rams, we have but little t , „ yarn by '.he mast fav Table weather in regard totht , quantity psnduced, for the crop u so nearly matured .baton many tarius u. ire than hall of the cotton . is already open, and white those at a distance i»n ,f i’liut ted with the facts, are p id: • Mg s “large . i f .p“ from itsR g forward v i iwseh earlier Ut u . usual, we who are in the midst of it, know tha' , tins fact argues eraeily the contrary, and what ever may be the effect of the drought >n othei j pisews. we speak “by the card" when we .-a. u; ) the Western Lhitrirt of Tenaesnee and North Mm sii.ippi. tie lull/ •/ <M merge erup earning he mule • [Memphis<il. , P uPtvmt ll-.-s'.—We understand that one o ,, the O >» rrnu.vitt m an.vr.1, supposed to tw Gen , eral Taylor, was seen from I’ass Cbncian, ot Thursday,, i ff Cat island, m quiv j. ot F. ‘Ousters. After a pate nt and satisfactori , inquisition, the steamer steamed off and disappear ,, ed, the trew and otB ■■ rs vociferously sms; >ig, *• As wc- went nut to Jordan river, it] A thousandovrsels to dutmer i-, [ Oeita. Aug. 23d. A- -— — “j IT There is speaking well, speaking eas.iy ig speaking justly, and speaking seasonably. It i j offending against the last to speak of entertain r. I UK.nil before the indigent} ot aound lutibs atn >- ’ halth before the infirm, of home* and lands fichu f one *b< has not so much as a dwelling, in a word - Va speak of your prosperity before the miserable id this ova venation it cruel, and the eompeneo — - which naturally rises m them fictwiu tbeir condi >- turn and yours, » tucruciatinf. ttuvv to Irral a Wife. First, get a wife; secondly. be patient. Yon may have great trials and pcrpieuties in your bun wx* with the wor' *; b it Jo not therefore carry in your home » clouded ov cot} traded brow. Your wife may have .oanv tncfttr. which ihnogh »f jw.*-» mag nil ude,. may have been a* hard to hear. ,\ kind, com .halim; word, a s; nutr look, mil Un wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. You eueo.Mjvr your d.ffi fifties in •-,« open air. faisn-d by beaven'a coo) Me■*••••■; but' y.,ur wife is often Shu! m fr :n t rev; head; ' ,11 fluenoe*, and her health fails, and her sp rite l »se their elasticity. B it vh ' I car with her, nt.i has ' trials and sorrowi t, weiofc you ar>- a *tranger, but which your tenderin'-* ran deprive of ail their an 1 gosh. Notice Wind y her tittle attention* and : efforts to promote your comfort. 1) , not take the m all as a matter of course, and pass them by. at the : tame time being very aure to < Haerve any omission , of wi at you may Consider duty to you. Do not Ireat her with indifference, if you would not ser and p.iev her heart, which, wat* red by kindnt... would, i wiih sincere and constant affection. Sometimes , yield your wishes to hers. She has preferences as strong as you. and it may be just as trying to yield her choice as to you. D > you find it hard to yield sometimes? Think you it is difficult f,>r her to give up always,* If you never vo id to her wishta, there is dancer that she will think vou arc S"!fish, and care on y fur y eirseifj and noth such fet-iings she '-.11111111 love as she an . i.t Again show yourself manly, so that \ • •it wife can i > k up to you, and feel that vou will act nobly and that she can confide in vour judgment. Advice to Wives. A wife must learn bow to form her husband s happiness, in what direction the secret ol his com fort lie*; she mim »•>; cherish his weakness'** bv working upon them; she must not rash.) ruacoun ter to hu prejudices, her motto must l-;. never to irritate. Shv must s idv never to draw largely tipon the ? npitstock ct patience in a man 3 ns! re. nor to in refcse his obstinacy, by trying to drive him; never, if possible, to Lave »crnn. 1 doubt j much if a real quarrel, even if made up, does not loosen the bond betw, ;o man ar; I wi e, and some times, uni - s t.v 'Ib for: ■ ' -every s c - lasting, il irrila'i u should occur a woman must I i.euii :ii . or rit;_'iii-■■ far n. oe than m caiMii | requires. Mini. u w<. as stern men, are pr -ru; to tins esa-ireralion of language; lei not a woman I !< letup!'--iJ ever to say nytrung sare-ast: nr no 1 lent <n retail. a n. Ti«e hi: teres. repentance buj’. i needs follow if she do. Men frequently forget 1 what they h*vi themselves said. but sen! -m what ! is uttered by their wives. They are grateful, ti n. | for forbears nut. i:t si ; u.-n. ter whilst asset tins most loudly that they are riant. Die; arc often eon scions that they are wmur. Gives little'tin.e. as the greatest bo t y j 1 can bestow, to the irritated feelings of your husband. — JV is«sr. :U Mulrjn. American Coin*. The Dollar Newspaper gives the following ac count of the origin of the devices on our coins. When tr eqiii in was presented to Congress I in l'b.. of establishing a miut and coining money, 11 pr p . . war. submitted in the Senate ami ear :«*S, ’uat le impression or represenuu- u of the head of tum President iff the L'nited States, for the tirac being,” should be stamped upon the rum.,, with his name and order of succession in The presi j deary, and :,v date 0: the coinage. When this proposition came to the House it was strenuously opposed by the 80 f hern or Dem<>cra:tc member*. 4 on the ground that ir was a stamp of royalty, and calculated to won ml the feelings of republicans as well as to gratify the enemies of the republic— that the pc pie, though pleased to have upon tne coins the heat of YVashingt-wi, .then president. I might not always be so satisfied with has sucres i R irs. It was nt >vi 4 ay an amendment, by a mein tier from MaryUn !. tl.n. as a substitute fo; the head of the pre •: 1 m . ’•« opibls 1 ia . figui j Liberty” iliould stapiped uponei'in . This I raises! ihe quest n. wnit *vi sntn’ile etablr | matic figure hi iL. ti A 1. ?*. It was ailo.-e* • • r a I tiii”- r I . ■. .1 .<3 ■ , ■ J a.der suitable anstie-r w aid 1 s»k upia as ...sp ! propna’e and improper—J.iber’.y was an sberaet i idea, incapaoie 01 personification by any emb - no. It was an idea ftj.:i !»* and jUSliiv. which secured every man (us in I »nluai and k .a. rights —a wild Indian, nr a bear broke loose f: .11 h:s fet ters, might be considered by »t.nie a fir >’niu:em of Liberty. T.'.e in ilsor, to subtil. 1 r 1 was ear: . d m the House by a vote of i*i to 'ilJ, but the rv r.v!c refused to eoj ur. 1; v. as then proposed in the llotiSc) that the bill .should be a. .. re, so as to b, ■ made applicable to Wat:, uguui ut 1 ie, which ;n cons,deration of his gn n services to his country, could be done without any aiisp ion of flattery. It was contended, in i.r.p - n m *0 T.i.s. that tv ]<• i(wr had already com-(red the h.gbcst reward th,y cjj.i1 bt low lor such services, and . utt would be no addit oual homo to Was ng n to pay lii’ii a compilin' nt wh.ei. m.-rlit he &•,»,. ... persons n > tetter than .V-n nr Uci.ya • 1 .vjusf memberi looksd upm the pr ip*■'mrygi.jif the same character as that to introduce titfsh; ami for the same ob;£ n. It was the .do atrous pri • Lee of nii’tiar. i.i.-s tu l> nor their km.a n this way. but republics >’■ . warned anoint a, the incentives amb banding I Ii u . - uJ>r. . * uv : m-n - - :,n n n *.• endeavors ami tutted acts. Others rnljtu>*-ci the | hit a that tic: lil-.-rtiva of a country, atcured by i i. insistnuonal c u;.i could to; uu,>4.:.d or jeoparded by *> s.mple a fact as stamping .oaues j upon pieces of money. The debar** was ami ! on quite as zoaliusiy as any pure parry question | whit a has mice agitated Cou^rcss. 1'. rcsu.'.cit i it rite Senate ;.leMuer aril the II.m- carrying iu point, and the pro r pte ><:na:; m of a w .man's lie*4 u> the nations i-ic-'i of an " emblematic fi/ore of Liberty," as pers>.' d by an l'.a.:an artis;. :•< the exciuf. ei of the ten'of i^toQ >rt' m bus, bath of *hmb were prop vved ,n the eourr-e [ of tie dc.'.-a'e. VVh - us i <1 einii cut is .:.>•. M! '> . m.Mttah’ejv r ...... I • V. and ,.\ l«: ,11 ,.111't t.'idks.. ill UJ j ing out jaiec< tor the v nor. f /• The B «lo« Tran er saya r " The to'.ui t r eign export of r.'ton, Ufa. year, jptoiheU' \ ng , was about l.r<J a valuati >u of about { a In p.-: bale, or 5 t '.OlMffkhi. Whereas trus venr tip O- ■ , . i. : •• V -• ' » . a : 1 o | Ot<0,l)no. Tf.e Ut.- impOs f the yeir , a5t were r aie l in a great raca* :re p a n:gn pruti ! which exisretl tjfn-.'v-r.m >ntHs-s.ft •-.*.” Mi en i\ Lint.* —l..t-nu 'p..hit;«i -Mr. Hard, the celebrated teacher of gramma/, ■ iiteoti a ;.me, at Hop*iu; >n. Mi«., Kt ni tti i s parsing the i fol: .an ig nos-sof Ftp *• H*:sv. a tr «t a • •• t :e* K.«Se* the bo> «. of fa!*-, u * I paye ..ft The wort *■ 3.1," lit i - • y: ou t Utse had ht parsed, Wh.-n - stum. to the li «i *• bu'.," and 1 , wcuog his ' to th - ii \t pupil, the master tarn. *- Hu!—the nett N i si i r » a.-. ..if .an ; imp won the hea l ot the pup., .a 1 ,e ** bread be-at ■ hi* nett lie glib ’T - “boo! i. so : i no.1’’ roared ialb r, most lus ■ tay. •• What are you abort ;.. w.j the master ! to the former. j ** I am I w w/t, ms. as you told »«/' re t plied the i a J. t i.. * A Ya#« e. n ...> nir: ; J the mo. he: ■ I eoontjy * in. • * (b j and w&j ashed, on eatnmj I; bach how he f.kt i “tea: Br/.aut—Well, t.e >. *, t Eug.a'id was a vers u -e co.i i ry, e*ee«diug,y fer , tu*. wry c -.el, sen populous »•. t »«i, i Vwirtbr; ■ »•/•“ n * ?*..• Yah!»«, *«T never Hkw2 i 1*» Use a morn ng walk, after breukfaat. :.ecau*r -1 the country l» so small that 1 was always afraid oi j wrJkiag off tbe «d*e “ —*****■'' ~~v:i..?!« *«'« (';«!«-Machine. An *».>:•• n.iry ra>ni«*iaK nukio* n m. «r n •h- RmBi*.! It ta'tlm invention ' a t* :r:U Jew. named staff*!. » native of U »r and works run; in add it. >n, sobtrsoiiuu : . I.-, ,V a tanulm and wwon mat a.*- .1 . s<- «t. I; ala, m -•raa tie ap-n-ti-n of n'rjn;i.. :;ie r,„,t «'W b, ,<t ccu.-p .ratf.J sbri* ’ 1 fra •!»*«. TV ■u ‘cue. «rS>;-'. 1 '.nt' inventor raii* JmWM /«. ,,r’n""' '“*• «. .'bk'ittSe Ji«< of an ordinary ,0act, 1 .1 shoot |«i in/-,vs by inch 13, and about ',,,r ,Sl ,"s* The external nj bamanf- pr i u < :nrc- mart of cipher*. The firs: ami upp. j row. coni .tin 0 4 13 figures. 13 iouttoveniiir; the second a*!1; .bird, containing 7 figur.*e*ch» immov able. The words addition. sabiractwa. nwitipU- j ■a'..,in ami division an? engraved on a wmicir^u- j ting to the right, and ttnderneath :* a hand. ! which Bins! t.e f>.,;nu-d to whichever operation is u> t»f pcrforufHd. The figures U?;ry ar raneed, the simple torn of a hand..- is then given, and the op* ration is iwrf.ifmc-! at once as if by rr:.-),' ■. The moat ainauiar power of the mstru JjJ that il a liues,ion stated—a-e f.,r in? a greater number bciiif pin..,! 1 ,r tubtnrtifin from a lessor, it detect* Uo err ,t, am; the ringingof a simli boil announces the d». -ere. i be inventor has exhibit'd tin powers if this won derful rale ilsim.; machine to the Queen. Prime Adiert. amt several persons of dtstin ion The •von-or a • I or S v to to s i ; :. d to ;ur • er .i I m ire . V.v *( !li>h marhiii-s are, to say (he least, extr-tbeiv curtail*, and have been rewarded wi;h a siJvn medal by the Hussian Government. Kurin* th Wf " k tiu* Ki etc tors at the Hank of Knrhxnd v ns 1 tc - the machine. A H i Imnlion. Jotham J.-akms. m his Sunday's l*er\ sat ore evening twir.tng ■ , hat a; tU house of Mr. T» <• tleton. if «ai about t/rhicK m the even.rig, Mr. 1 •• r; iitdici isly r<-i,rtd to nt* apartm n'. while M ssTabitha T* itjeva po.itsny sal up to hear w it J it ham Jenkins ha I to sa*. and to rase up the fire after lie had taken h:v J.-iuRtn had fe*'h c .Fi og O' er a fine speech which he mean: t, niter *,vh<n pp irt u n ,t y sh m .1 ;■• fivt-ii him, by the wnMnwal of the id folk, H it when [.*,.)• pportniiiiy came, the «arts w ■ r>l n it ( ■ ‘IiiC l i.t- I*lie p ■ ech ftue* in u.s throat, and he ttr:rh-d hi- S.t m ,re ind.i.urkms'y than “'or. I .ax Tola!:.a Twis leton had m ire presence.>i iruud; am) afiermooring hnemoarrts; n/ent lor a while, she opened brr mouth and a.iked f.,in wha* m.i !e bun so ■!u • ipol that ‘ant ,.>• Anything «n I, .n.r ,:,ta » Plane ' > In -%k t .«• ire; and i;.*t-beii»/ is «' tlfio ed by the Cone,der ate reiaam of f. a i.hariu.-r, he thaa began* ‘ I say, Tsl-.tha—’ ' Wi ll, Jiit am " • 1 vr c-Wi • a* r-* to night—' ‘ 1 see van 1 have.* ' To inf. r.h you >hat—that s unehow or—' ‘ Very :.K- .*• Jot ham.' • 1 don't know i; i*—' ‘ Nor I.’ ‘ It's very q jeer any way, and l feel rather sheep uh—' ' Bub r ‘ Oaru it' Tabitha, 1 love you, and now it's out.' ‘ And you feet very much relieved I dare say.’ ‘ i do .wow, 1 tee. shockingty relieved, l feel as if a fifty-six was off my stomach T ‘ Pm* fellow ' v o your fa-. e so heavy !’ ‘ 1 g'.e-i you'd think so if you knew the weight on’t. It pressed roe down like a night mire.’ ‘ Weil, Jotharn. . in g.aud to neai of your fortu nate deliverance. B it it* growing late, and mo her loid me to cover tip the f.r«.‘ ‘Ot, don . thin* of the f - n > v, jus', as l’v. a Wo;ul of one thing* to say to you.’ ‘ What are- they ‘ I hav’en* told you half hi., love yet ? ‘ Oh, 1 ght ;«i :’d got /. ail out.’ • 1 love you u*' i..*e»—I do indeed, Tab. na.* • T at i no in* v. ivijuiai In.-n.' ‘1 w;it 6- ihtJi 11 roe 1. you diu’t marry me.’ 'Fide-, J )!!.;». don't be 3 fool, ho home now, itflid let me cover up the fire—that's a go... Iciiow. ‘ Wont vu'j have in. ' ' ' ( can Jell you better when you become 10 be a man. ‘And I a man now, M;<§ TaW*. I'd l.k- to Know,' M. IdJ IttiVlIl. rii i._ With ip !*,., | his ha up 11 bus .... .1;—’ Ii l am ; a man now—and a a : 1 ‘ As • I a !, -X :• i . .J, ; • a., o l„at,' said T». ..ha. <:■ etlhg x= j* the last bra id m l.e asheg. • *» ctl, rf that's the way von me. Tab, , in ry . • . s. .1 . . a w „.:.* 10, .4 .. i .f what 1 ■ .1 *-.' •Thank > > 1. J»>’ha •> N v r> «e Id- • ? go . i Lor, tell 1011, lainiid hot I® lot you Stay out o’nights, you may get .0 - . ’ Jttthatn pressed . 1 mi h *. ' vl harder than ever, an ! ' mg Tab, as he ca ,ed h.\f, s' ■ mijlit g- loth- deni lor .1 I him, he i.-ft in- l.ous. . g:v mg on- proof, at ic.' , - juu,i 1 ioojr n.iaksp-a.’.. an motto, that a -hid tuny be endowed with a t 111: e. .1 i i v not b. a‘1.0 t > j:e . , no iv * m n w ruau ivj.thai. Pi ig« Huu t hrsln j. liu.s. Man. >••..:> ag • a )*o • man twenty uue y< us of a.-, and .. t. >ro 1 sh i : cai Uaruei. was hired to worn otis farm ! ■>. Mr W-a man of cons.dera IJ’JIC a- . -1 ; ■ 1, U-l ■ *» . bad it ilauk filer ana a aired tern, about eighteen jh.?M of age, Darnel i emg of a steady tarn. »•« tj •• talkative enough -■> «•>.■ fancy, arni •'let tf• .ng v»r is { tiit in-HKek* without sue •-»*. to ,*s they sain raise their ideas, they rsughi a frog aitti put it into s bed. Oil going lo bed, i.*: suou sii*Kv«*re<i toe whereabout* of >,* bed feiiovc, a:«i '.-.lied bri irugsi.ip out ol tbs window, and never afterwards betrayed the least at it on vt ■ 'te in regard to the yoke. Al-uul a ui, ( .i ■:it-rwariia, Daniel found a iot of cfit.v'nui n ;ari) as unarp m Uuaties, and contrived todi puait nearly hatl a pec* in thegiris* bed and after ". r went to tfcvif r tom and nod tune to no .. fi- UK'S a candle 4*1 vri; to 1b< <!*••: and rau.e-l latch, »:.en p it out fiie»r light a id jiiiiii'-d bed, and sntsli a s^na.-l ■, and .-.-■ i,. n< v.vs . i-O'xn heard or *«..• i ' • foie. Dar:e.-; ;< >w - peti-d the door, and atood in it with light in hand. • Dm, : ’ - ,r n 'tori' I s* ah you v u= as Ut . i. .1. (it ate . .4 - it/ aai-i S »it. " \v v.. .it . i —ii-i'-e • a-.y VI : raid Dtke! rv ■ Dan. i» ; >.i ‘ - ‘ .ol tl*- d*x-r avl clear «-a1 1 w. , It in . Oji i .• saijie . j. e. ‘la • i.. ‘ v. s., i i,i'. * Daniel,' ; : d Anna *V , ' if y-.-u will tfi it thr J. or au i t < bn k ■ > tb kiienen, there *h..U tie i more tr. k» ■ r j A-. ,i put ju you by us fur turn tu rii >c' b.i at iea ' Dim- • t oil s be bad puoUiie-i t&egir.s euougl *r. it the dnof a'- -eft. A lea womens after Urn jj« • <•»«»- r to -rit ta-.idie. ‘ 1 thouy ill yov; had gone tu bed Matty a*»A Mu W S iky ti.k ie no tpr, tut looked daggers at Dan id, and i.i .i-kiy return tl. After thy sen pc the* ftii“ nut » - :r-' kv orp-v * pit Darnel. li t sa - • . . ear in v- v year 11; -u ii,a; tiute ->» ,-teti gu.»l farm, min i Anna V.ana »m for tkre years firs -r.i itmiri in the •.own, which be alter ward repress matt m the Sute Lee mature XT A Greek taai i, t»e.njj apked waat fwtUtae kb 'would bnur hr: h ul<aa>i,—“l wUI brin bun what gold eana it purchase—a ! can unsp-Htefi anil virtue without a ataut, watch i« akt that dM eendea to me from my pateas.” 1 TKJRMS R)H ADVKRT181NU oiet of tlw other paper* in (hi* city—that m, M 4 «iMi« tm tbw tort iwaam—. mm* My «■» • «;j nare for each additional publication. A liberal hiwount will be mad* te> tfc-ae who adraftinc by lb* year. '' " "* tr Palitjaatara are aattoriaai to Mi m oar wtimi, sod wui i»»« 1ft p«* rr>t *f nil •»«ey receive,! and tr-.tintf.irted to, n* fbr pajwre *1*4 *4 nsriior ment*. . WORK, ^ • >f all kimt», rteh*» Rita, BiUa of La* Putter*. If vt».‘hil!*: sheriff/, Jturtirer*, mi r ■•i*taMe*’ Blank*: Pmrt«! »ad Cotilion Ticket*, n-^k and p».npV«t Printing eieeyted wj|h " • !nea* and dispatch, ntmodcMlf prideelhr eaeb. .. .momm ■' ..imnrniKvmmmmm CMt»«r uf the ioMirnof the Kmlitln. t correspondent of th<- Philadelphia Worth An nr an **>■? it would bo rerv gratifying a* well ,ij useful, if wik' on* or more of lb* now mMn • it ' • nod ui.iii.ium ’ would contribute to the p’l press tfirir roo.peeti.irr* of two important ■ < ms of HevotctioSiiy fact. The ■>»# rt the Sum f! . • •.<>; or - ip of ilic infantry, and the ether II Mir ftrirvi of regimental colon tnl tiitit tom, T>« witter »*rs: "il w fvmatKab'a !int »r haea so littlw nWW «f r far ui On- yrmjnrrs. If we kmfe rut* • '•r.v ; iU« ,M'iRoir*. hinuc f a captain ia the tie*a» Inti n. we find nothin* to enlighten at in th« preai,*- v. The it <il_*. (ipprswb to what we wWi tu learn is in " W.iiwon < A on* It Of Phi bide Ip •ea.” Ho th< re \a\s, m h i chapter a* .Miiifie ttd.the Colonial Defence.” sp**kmg uf the Philadelphia nutpamea after l ho peace, it* if follow-inf a*M of the ur.ifowm of the prec* 'inf w ar" that Capt. hptna' » rotrtjMllT of iM-'aolrv —the **Biic|l i*j| com l'*oy - t itr * *' in blew eloth onatee. layetW^ w :-< r- i white ie*t ai„) blPeehe*. white Dato t km* l i.. short fatter*. Um bead eovcTf ( w*h * (Ht !,*t <>r rap, the front {.inted ftft m M oval shape about the low crown. and orna mented web a bitch >a p wap m The artillety at the aniiv tmie, umlt-r t ap' Kiaher. wore a lott< '*-r**--.! bi tc coat, tnriwd up with red; yellow ewat an-1 f--i !ii'i. biach P *..-n , and w ariitf tbe toga "af i -*rv ro- si I bat,” »| »tr to the front with a long b irk (i »iher. In another ptaee the same 1 'b :■ r • - tb« Antenran dae. aa borne be A ••! I. <„t... whi ;i ab. sillied, having M i",i .! m as i iiu-nant, having thirteen, ^r.p - Af ee.! .in4 h> >• and a rat!l*'snakr in a nta i i. •• Don't Treg.) on Me ca-i r.-tn- . t ” aid aoidiera,” aathey i-atlsd tl.'-nselvea, e« abr.iad to ask ehfpiiy, the crown wtlh bear jWin. an t oar mdt loupe ap with a bunk’s tti flit- Ameiioans, too. w<-r- pr-1«.rrbtall*eaiMi M i s «n N'ow a :h« i.tae to gather »p what can tie known. H<at* »n v| irrlrt'. Dow, Jr., in husseraua upon marriage fire* th* foiiow nsf advice to bachelors wills toe boom inf a wife. Hi; toas-is tenuis beauty overboard «'.,ho it •■l;re:n-mv, but Ui • wav h* pu*« up itaefll uouoirtp < duneuta i* a notion to romantic miMMi: ■■ My brethren, since v »tr know that marriage is a; nti‘rt'1 ion, ami that every <>*• of yon v. i'J have .1 wife what h u! of a hb would yon , V pniti little doll, or s woman big o;i: » . :h to • wan a bear and . n of mr h<- ' I nomine jpOu w >«si Id care ;• .i!i' if for e n fevifoi bn? ton w<vtbl look tor p . . chimin >1, y . bsoesb Kto» >'«w» at the i I • .ty : Know yv4 n.1t that hundred* • i !i .ethan.U i are been piadt ii&erable by hand* m» wives, an ! th-i i an !s are happy in tfce poa ?■ IV on t • homely (111 « —.Sorrelv without, bps itl f.s v. w«al i« beauty; It is a (lower j ttiitw.Ua ana withers almost ay «Asaa it la pluck ed, a transient rainbow, a »1< etiui; meteor, a de ec iul mU o’* ip, auhumatod usoonatiinc. Tie kind of a wife voti want is of (food morahi and know l.iw to me :id trousers, who can reconcile peeling potato** with practical or fashionable piety, who K i r an waits with a churn <l*ah, and sing with a tM> M 1 hi” who urujer ' usd l>rwi«srtl«^y, and the true ico-.ti of mopping—who knit au>ck:mn without ’* knitting her brows ami kiul up her husband’* rav eled sleeve of care, who prefers sowing tares with ■•r i.■■■•■tie, •„ .,■•< „• . •,i,dal-with her t.nguc. Such a decidedly. a “ better ha if."— Tak- her if y m can get her, wheresoever you can find her—•!•■* her tie up tea her elbows id the suds of w ivu sub, or pi king geese ,n a eu* jiabte. An Irish nnlule. T .’ o Imiiroen wer ef’ in charge of • ship while • .fi r> w, ni asiioi' and strictly enjoined not ■ in Unird—but a |ug ai fmJ, ami Us* oppor- ... was too great lor Uic*n b-eeiy, end as many of* known to do, Sirin drank iotic spirit. When on* a salute.’ Agreed.’ sure the rtber 1 but that ’ud make the ut sown raw*.’ ’ ' T it, man.’ i" plied the first, we’ll amp that i h sid .i fag i J us liar. agovcf the month of tin; gun, use it. an 1 we’u ha'e a roaring salute without at tt a:«... I‘* i , •! i arrangement, aud held -• a* dir The nifiter* hearing tlse re bsso■ i d • n Imard, * here ttsey found only owe " I' ■ i vnd e»cnthing in a great state of .r.i' ut. lit w ait what had tmCusa* of . I ‘ Patrick was t; sidin’ a bug , i i !'••■ i at.non t s **op the noise, I .i vtl t oti, ami > e leal I »«•’ of him t ■ y were . .si. m a great hurry K> : . and tu 's’le account 1 can A m A Kitl< South. * t..shed in’ ■ a r •:«: i shirt store in ■ the* 'j-;.■ r da.. and thus aceoa'.od ■tor— ; r <!c, i r ’ i i -Sir's Here** ) . IV yew at you 81 hva 1 a piece—»try nice ones." ■■ U i '.4JL- l 'I'lH A 8fl' 8 V ;ji :t! '(I1C . but I ■ . . ,ur agffi, MtaM retail and w ttojecale,' 11)4 * < ■ mine. fur it wants a o»<i. • <t f got ! (l<i u* it, and tie would at 8 let go ;f l’J a kill'd him." Way don't your mo'her mend your clot Sum, Ioji '■ '• We shar’ <i > yoa think I've got a mother.' I a i gut a uiotbtfi, aor a*, m had hat,—u I noea on—” •• V ci had licit go to the man over the way— We cant retail your o,d one." Deceiving < hltdicu. Dr. 15. wait esieii to visit a lick hoy twelve y»-*m of age. A. he enter' d the house, the fu.fa-r look Mrs arndts. arid 'old him *he could not get bee : . o take any mod,cine unksaab* deceived mm. V, . , t;c«, aaat tlr U., “I shall not give i, oi »r.v H* d • ,o to be reasoned aith.” li>- were' to !,c )»y, and after euaunaalion said ' j ' ■ lit'i* to in you are very nek and you • S‘ 1:, „ umte fv—tiy, V'ou !«-l bus y for a while, and then I exp, it it *v.,l umae you (wi better." i •» ■; u.t',.c,ueJ ami the boy too >'• tiv- * *■' •«, *• ' (lit the least MMuct} a ■ >! f • » ;.d u«» from h - toother an; tbiac t-«tti,e p..y»« an n«4 jweat'ibed; but be wowM « tea-.' no' *•)» fr ca her. ha-i so often de c«(Vrd h. i, and tout bail *‘u *o yood,” when t; • tiini u«*ri,r ,u.-i( iha! bo would not true* .fa. -■ an ■••• t.tta. I fio 4aw at We Iftat D ti. »ii • ng him the trusty, earl treat* d him r >c: k rw « hta ne toot the biuet d/augor, just what loeipc« t 77“ . „ .,,, . '1 fianaij-.'. neident too terns matr .ettoo of deep a :i oh- m i in t».miinee, the careful con i' asd^raUuii <.,t every parent. " Hrufanty," with chil drc'i a» u «s with others and m all cireum .i, •• .a th, Uwt pijiity,"—l ioifar. Movanaa ra or Taoura.—in i. >,.p,lstACe With o*4> ra received a few day* cnee fr aa the War ispar jito', Cumpaioei a *aoi 44, o4 the fourth -- tiet ."tii. oi Aruaittr, now a; Fort (idiunoas on %av i Uvand, are ready lor depwiuiv. Thnk •'d’chawv baa not transpired, but the sippoama* * “ that the movement baa aume connect ion with tat disturbance* in Cub*. The fellow tag * a ust of the officer* eoaMModiag the Wfcdrtmn; C*pt. J. B. McCiiwn, couunawvaw; Brevet Cant. O. W** oa ■K- .. Brevet t.apt. B. t. Daua*. Q^hrtcmaetMi Lieut. David N. Conch; Lc. Juu..:, C. Booth, t.apwna fhcCown wul receive seated uatriaetMM oh board of tha transport. - ^^ . J