Newspaper Page Text
TV NT inJIM, AAIANAl Front «to Iflot to lat (Motor. 1MI. (to Mto •Ul rao • pailt uii or »t*«» teUMlo Book to Hollprlege. for tto oceontm. ef tto teooeliaf poMto— To tow* oeory ottor toy. (onopt Soadoya, with fee Catted Motto Moll. oi roes BOMS roar coach «*, to 10‘olnt. A. M-oodarrtroot K.t8pdug.,eam. toy. tot F. M. tmm accommodation line, Kano Foot Coot too, will leere LUila Rock _— ‘aurroalaf toy. at (ha aaiae hour In (h« |, aad intro ai Hoi hpringa oe*t day. a: 9, •1“ pjjU. Bp attar Uaa. gA-totra Baanr *■ Pnpoitiaa. Tto aatoerltor la tto contractor far (ha eenvey aaaaof tto Galled Staler Malta oa tto routes Iroji Lttlio Rook to Fort Smith. aad from Little Hack to WatWagtea.In HootpoUadcounty, ala Hot Spring* -to Foot Coaeboa. thrao Umaa a weak.. or loth Itoao roataa iatoraoet with th« Slum tool Uattad htataa Mail Liao from Mempbie to Lit falaeny Ho PETER HANGER. *»— 1 v. XXTOVl VI pot UTTL1R0CK POUSDRT ARD SSITIBRT. .Roswell Beebe JLD raopoetfully call tto attention of the ooMla to tto atoaa autabllahmeut, which ton roaoatly nadergenc a thorough repair, and. her. law tto aoeaaaara faciUtiaa, U now folly prepared toraroieh to order, with groat promptnee*. aaary article loptot Hoc, of either wrought or caat Iron, Biwo or Copper, of W good material, proportion*, aad workmaaahip, and upon aa cheap larwia, aa any ottor Foaadry la tkla country. Mlllrtghle and attorn, otdorlog wheal*, will to pleaded to give the No. of ooga nod pitch, alao tto partienlar alia and atopo of the aye, wanted hi each wheel. The di aatoter of a whaal. whoa coat, will be % of an inch Mr foot late tto aaoaa with length of a ahaft.— Sedan ahoald alee ha aoeampaaied with a draught foil daeeriptlon of what ia,w*ttted. and the Little Rock, Dec. 10.1850 -U-tf Arkansas Coffee House, (towta rr*4M»OAt lambimo.) T[8 Proprietor has oa hand, and la tonsCantly NMiflif, the fallowing— Korol go and donaeitic Liquor,; Wines oad cordial, of every description; Cigar*; Tehee,e; Frail,, Ae. AM ef which aro far „U «t wlieleeal# and retail prteae. Forooa, from the country willing to pur e taaa, wHI ploooo sail and mo my ,tock before pur , tied eg oioowhero a* I iuleu I to tall an low nauy tehee la Um city. MICHAEL TANTI. Little Rock, Jaa. 21,1361. 2«-«y Xy-Tho Arkadalphia Sentinel will copy one year, • ad forward account to the aubecriber. " '' Ml, COLOUR—50 Bbla Illinois Superfine; JC tO •' " extra do. Mac'd par "fefferaon,” and for vale by May 14th, I860. WM. B. WAIT. JUSTICE....1 • *1*AVING been alerted, conuuimiotied and qunMrte.i -u ii *44 iaetiee of the Peace for Mu; Rock Towinrtun. Pulaski « unty, Artrenee, 1 lua prepared to attend, etlkially, to any buwweee intru. ted to ui« pua>. tualty. Office at the lew office of L. A. Whitclcv, E»q., cornel of Mala and Kim emeu, auder the Arkaura, Haunt r office. JOHN 1. THOMPSON, k, Arke., Nor. S. 1N0. Boots and Shoes. UCASKS Boot, assorted; 4 “ Kip Btogans; 4 dot. Oanfa fine Calf Shoes; a “ •* “ Gaiters; 13 “ 'Ladies States assorted 8 “ Misses and childrens Shoes assorted; 1 Case Boys Kip Brogans; , 1 *• “ Boots, Ac., Ac., Ac. Received per Phillip Pennywit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Steamboat Landing. March 28_ 32—tf. Groceries. JOHN D. ADAMS has on fund, and offer, to hi, friends and eaitotnen, for „le, No. 1 Mackerel, fal kits, Hallibut in bhis. Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Mapper, Ginger. Nutmeg*. Clare,, rtboilrd Mol,,, eee. Indigo and Madder, Powder, Shot and Lead, lie,, Ac , Ac. Alee -TEAS. Fouehong, Yoene Hyson, Bl»rk, iKd a vety superior article of'* Imperial ”—together with, Fraaerred Currant,, Gooseberries, Cagey, Ihaubarb, Ac., for family use. Mm. 84/ 1850. 18— Groceries. HtpZ Sack, Salt; IS 8ack« Coflfee; 15 Bbla. Sugar; f «?'I Bhl. Powdered Sugar ; lit Bblx and littlf BMa. Molaaaaa ; 1 Tierce Rica Rabins, Cbmw, VaVhrietIH, Macaroni, Sweet Choealate. Lobsters. asldlnu. Brimatono, Cigar, Spanish Brown, Kot «>m Stone, Whiling, Brl«loi;Brick. Emery, Lamp Sltakf At , A«. Receive I par Pontiac, and for mfehy JOHN D ADAMS, Feb. 11,1861. Steamboat Landing. JMfN8F» and Flour. FOBT received by steamer Hamburg; J 38 BUs Whiskey. 80 Half Bbla. do. ffi Bbla. Bor bon Whiskey. 38 Bbls. Flour. 14 Bbls. Potatoes. Pevaale aheap, by M. TANTI. Bar Stores. 1CUBK old Bcandy ; 3 cks. American do. ; 3 Oka. Maderia Wtae; 1 bbl. Cherry Bounce ; 3bM*. old Bu'b Whiskey; 1 “ Hum; 3 i< » Rye « i *« 0id port Wine; | *• ** Muacat Wise; 1 -* Malaga. Iwaitd and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS, load, 1831—40 Steamboat Landing. BY Steamer Emily I have juat received and nnw Offer for aale; 00 Barrels Super Fine Flour; 3 •• Rye Whiskey; Iff Boxes Aasorted Trbacco; 10 •* Lemon Syrup; , i » '• Candy; -M-U': ■ 1 Barrel English Filberts; 10 »* Ale. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Landing. April T. 1881.—31—tf Liquors and Wines. X CASKS Brandy, 4th proof; J 1 « -Maderia Wme; 1 «< Fort Wine; M Baskets Champagne Wine; on consignment and for tale tear. T. D>. MEKRICK St CO. DscrmOsr R. 1850. IS CtoflVe, KuKffr, Ac. TOST received per steamer Peuuywit ; J 88 seeks Hie Coffee; * hhds. Soger; id Us. de; 4 bto. Molaaeee; • half bUs. Moleeees; BO saaks Salt. Aedfor sale by FATHERLY h CLEMENTS. 3d *>—«f. LIQUOR. 6BBL8 OU Beerbea Whtekev ; 9 Bbla Old Meaoagehela Whiskey ; 90 Bbls. Prime Old Whiskey l *0 half do de. «BMe. Freach Brandy ; 3 Casks Old Cagaae Brandy; Bde Madeira Wins; 3 Caaka Maeeat Wise; 3 da- Malaga de 1 Hf. Bbl. Cherry Bounce; 1 BU. Gla. Received per True, tan.'nnd for aale by JOHN D ADAMS,, 1801 steamboat Landtag. 3 BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco; t " m2. Bonsd Lump •• Be this day and/or sale by ^JNO. D. ADAMS, §, I^Bl—80. . •iqmhrt tUktr flUhainmiry {AcmU) ar Ckrvttic Hktymatitm. This nl«*H« rvmady atMds without a rival in tha history of fliMorwriM, ia Una or any ether country, ia curiae this painful and paralyzing <tia aaao, ia all ita varioua forms. The vast number that have been cured by the nee of thin compound, during the past year, d< monstratea this fact. Not only recent acute or inflammatory caaes, but old chronic cases, of ten, twenty, thirty and even forty years standing; where they had not only tried every other external and internal remedy of which they could bear, but at great expense, had traveled, and passed under the treatment of a number of the first medical men of Europe, as well a* of our own country, visited the various watering places, taken voyages at sea, and dwelt in the moat aalu brio us clime*, without ob taining relief. Some, who were reduced to a mere skeleton, their flesh had withered away, their limbs were paralysed, and many that had scarcely been able to walk for ten, fifteen and twenty years. Theae have been cured sound and well, regained their flesh and the use of their limbs, and now en joy excellent health from the use of this compound. These facts are fully substantiated by published testimony, from the highest possible sources ; tes timony that cannot be gainsaid, but which can be vouched for by tm thnuttin ! witnesses. Retail price, »5 per bottle, 3 bottles for 112, or 8 for *22 To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. “Little Rock, June 3, 1851 ___*?■ MORTJMORE'S BITTER’CORDIAL, AND BLOOD PURIFIER; a Vegetable Spirit, and the most scientific preparation ever produced; one bottle of which, is warranted to possess more real medicinal virtues than ten times that amount of Sarsaparilla, or any other preparation put up for similar purposes. Its unequal virtues are soon made manifest in diseases having their origin in impurities of the blood, such as—Neuralgia, Scrof ula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Cutaneous Erup tions, Salt-Hhem, Tetter or RingwoTm, Pimples on the face or surface of the skin, soreness or misery in the breast or region of the heart, general debility or nervous affections, and all irregular habits of the system, (especially with females,) and the many derangements of the Mtvous sys tem, and diseases arising from the injudicious use of calomel and other poisonous drugs. This is a fine cordial, pleasant and agreeable to take, and perfectly safe to be used in any state of health, even by the most delicate female or child. And it ia an article that every one should use, at least once a year, to punfv and enrich their blood, and thna prevent nil manner of diseases. Retail price, Si per bottle. 6 bottles for 55. To be had of K. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTER WORTH. June :£ 1851. ly. DR. CLARKE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, Which i* considered by Physicians and other* the •Great flrsenv for rough*, cold*, consumption, liver compliant, bronchitis, asthma, soreness in the chest, spitting of blood, pain or misery m the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, &c. This being the present)lion of a regular physi cian, graduate of the Medical University, Phila delphia, and having been thoroughly tested, is properly esteemed one of the most valuable and efficient remedies for these and similar complaints ever offered io the public. Price, si per bottle, t> bottles *5. To be had of K. L. DODGE <3t THOMAS BUT TERWORTH. Little Rock, June 3d, 1851. Iy-_ H. STEPHEN'S ASTRINGENT SYRUP.— This has now become a celebrated remedy for Dysentery amt Bowel complaints. v n an ra -uui bus, Diarrbma or Summer Complaints, pain or cramping in the stomach or bowels, adapted to per sons of all ages, but undoubtetlly the most supe rior preparation for children ever produced. Price, 25 cts for small bottles, and 50 cts for large ones. To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BL T TERWORTH. Li *'t Hoc it "ne, 3d, 1851. ly. Freali Flour, ***c. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti cles, to wit : 50 bbls. St. Louis Flour ; 100 “ Cincinnati “ 20 kegs No. 1. Lard ;' 50 bbls. and half bbls. Whiskey : 1050 lbs. Tobacco ; 750 “ Bar Lead: For sale by A. J. HUTTL June 4th, 1851—30._Main street. m’ THE subscriber, agent for H. Haberman, will continue the former's busineaa at his old stand on Mam, near Markham treet, and keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Castings, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sold low for cash. The highest market prices will be paid for country produce, an beef hides, peltries, bees wax, Ac. JOHN KRAI SK. Little Rock, March 28, 1851. SO—tf._ Iron and < i i Alt Lba. Bar Iron .'aborted ; tUUU 4 Bundle* Nail Rod*; ii Bundles Extra Horse Shoe; 100 pieces Plow Wings; 75 Skillet- and lids; 30 Ovens and lid*; 15 assorted English Puts; 15 Sugar Keltlea ; 12 Grot Irons: 30 odd lids. Received |wr 1 rustee, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Lauding. Feb. 11. Cincinnati Moods 0/~\ Ke<f Fretii Buckwheat Flour; 300 pound* «£v/ Bologna Sauxnges ; 1 bbl; Ilomiuey; 1 Uhl. While Brin*! 20 Boveit Star Candl*?; 10 Boies Fallow do. 2 fihlx. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. >alar»tui; 3<K) Jugs; 15 Demijohns, 15 lion Bound Kegs. Received per Truilei, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Feb. II, 1851. Steamboat Lanling. Star Candies Jfc. ‘i/A/A l,b«. star Caudie* ; '.’5 B ig* Buckwheat OV/vr Flour; ti Hbl White Bean*; 4<>0 Lbs Caatiliga- Ju*t received per Pontiac. and for eale by FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. Feb. 11.1851. Stationary. A LARGE and beautiful assortment of sta tionary. received per Phillip Pennjrwit. and lor sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 25.__"_VO—tf. JOHiV I*. A l» A US, COMMISSION AND P0UWAHDIN6 .MERCHANT, BRICK CORNER, COWER STEAMBOAT LA.Mtl.NO, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. KEEPSconelantly ou head a large and general aeaortnieot of Dry Cmals i lot In me. Hard* ware, Uuermwair, lints and Cups, Pools and shoe., saddlery, stationary, Groceries, Produce, Ac., Ac.; all of which will be aolii very cheap for CASH. Oe«. I, 1850.—8—I—tf GI NS! CCStlt OWN8111 TltST RECEIVED, aud for aale cheap foresail el hue Double and Single barrel!*- Snui Guue, Rifle*, flint and percussion gnu Locks. Jte., Vi al the Gunsmith Shop, on Main street where repair ing is done up blue, by II. GRIFFITHS. Wfi. LIQIAMC. ON baud and for eale. 1 bbl 4th proof French Brandy; I >* Spanish ** ' I “ Malaga Wine; 1 •• Muscat •* (a choice arliclei. JOHN 0. ADAMS. Dec, 10, 1959 —14 tf Loner Lamitny. IRON—5000 lb*, aa'd flat, sq’r and round Iron ; 1000 “ best charcoal horse-shoe ; SOAP—10 boxes No. 1 brown ; PAPER—10 reams Envelope: PORK—20 bbl*. heavy Mess ; BACON—1600 lbs. clear side*; RAlikMLNG—25 pieces heavy Kentucky ; - 40 half •• l ROPE—46 cotl* ; TIWNE—10 bales; Rec’d per “Hamburg," JkuM -4-1851. ami fa. sale, by \VM B. WAIT. Hats! Hats!! Hat* 1!! JCoaeo Fashionable Silk Hata ; f> Dos^ Wool do. 3 Dos. Cloth Capa. or oalo by Fob 11. 1861. Roe* Prod oer Poutioc am JOHN O. ADAMS. Stoamboal Lauding. l COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MIH ll>»AU. tux. p. «asr«i. Jomn o. norm*. SIDDALL, GREENE & CO,, COTTO.Y FACTORY, »oauMa«aJOtfj xan ro&vjJ\'hain$> M K K C 11 A N T S , NO. AS UMH STREET, NEW ORLEANS. 40*R»,>KBEKWJ0D t h. heath, t. k. ai>am». niNl> & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING ^IRpMAMTt- . , Vo. 6f> Magazine Street, opposite toe Mouth of Hank Alley, NEW ORLEANS. LA. yf- Partirulst attention paid In the sale of COT TON. TOBACCO, AND OTHER PRODUCE— he collection and remittance of Fund.*—and the onrehasv »nd shipment of Merchandise generally. THOMAS L. WHITE, BOOKSELLER & STIONER, XO. .53 CASfAL NTKEET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL. MIS ELI.ANEOL'S, AND SCHOOL-BOOKS yumrm® Pfopzn, Viz ■ Cap. fatter and Note Wrapping paper aj varum* yualitiet RHLLS STEEL HENS, INK. Aniliv ff.nrnil muirtmrMI of Ml.nk Hooka. Country Merchant* and Teachers are requested to call and examine the Stock. .) feb.13 23-1V JAMK3 MATTHIW*. WM. rowri.1.. JAMES II ATTIIEWNitO., WHOLESALE < GROCERS A\D COIIiniMi .UKRCniSTS, Mann fact nrer’s Agent. FDR THtlAl.C or < NAILS. WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS Ac., No 53 WALNUT STREET. South of Columbia, Cincinnati, Ohio. Refer to— T. D. Merrick 4r Co , ffrm. U. Wait, Waller Mitchell, // Brogan, />. Bender tf Co., and Jacob Hutrkinn. Little Rock, hf!> 5, 1850.—7—2*2 — Iv WALTON, SANFORD dw CO. GENERAL GROCERS. COMMISSION* MERCHANTS, No. 2.5, Now Levee, X OrloHiix: HAt 1. constantly tin hand a general and well . .elected aaaorlmeut of Mtnplo mid Fancy 'Groceries, fine l.iyuor* und 'll inei, Proritione, j Etc. Kir. lu addition to the article* usually found ill :t Grocer’* Stock, the* keep a supply of N iils. Glass. Drugs, and Dye., IhrUcr1 ^ud Cap Taper, Playing Caro*, Ac. Ac , *=r‘Ci I heir aim will he to sell good and tre-di article., and always at K.ilH M /UK K i }’KICKS. Their I facilities for buying with their experience in the Arkansas trade, and their knowledge ol the wants j of that section, they think will enable them at all limes In fill, satisfactorily, such order* us they may I tie favored with. Jen. 1. I“51. 1 -v. FIRE I\NURA\( i:, BY Tin; PROTECTION INSmxrE COMPANY or liurrroKD, row. CRARTEKG1) l.\ 18*2.1. Capital Slock. Surplus Fund, and Annual PREMIUMS $1000,000. Po'icies issued es usual, by WM. B. WAIT, Asml. Aue. 4th, 1841, 48-lm. iomn a mm jaw** h **»„*,• JOSEPH n. PAUIER4 C O.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PORKIGS A \l> SC'MIMfn© DnY <©©©£)§, 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10, 1850. 8-1— ly W. MITCHELL, & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dmit ri* let (Jornia I ry , (.rorcrlrt, &c. NAPOLEON, AKK S. Marti 30, 1841. 30—If. Miliar and t olfcc. 3^ ) beat R*© Coffee, Hilda. 1’rir .s !■ roA n Sugar, instore ami for sale by T. I) MEKKICK «\l CO. Nov. 5- 1*50.-8-9—tf S’art riiiifc Hoots. I 4 CASES Stout < alf Bools, 2 Cases Wuterproof - r Booots, juat receive*! and for sale bv Dec. IT * FATHERLY & CLEMENTS SOLDIERS’ LAND W ARRANT'S, for 1 l>t> acres each, lor sale bv WM. B. WAIT. March 3d ‘2f> tf llcc'd per steamer ll:itisbnr;li, 8BBLS Ale; lO.tMH! Cauone Cigars; S,Out) common } .* SpauMi do ; bbls. Crackers; It) do Brandy; 20 do Wliisiuy; 20 l2 do do; bt»ls Flour; 3 do Gin, Sec. Jau 21. M. TANTI. Kerriicd per Steamer Impirr. CASES fresh OyCers; ty vy 8 bbU «o do iu shell, (very fine) •I do Oianges, line; 2 dux box** Prunes. 2<l do fresh Raisius, best <yunIilv; ■J . DUO Havana Cigars, assorted. For sale by M. TANTI. .11 , II, IH1 90 I’mh Provision*. •)/k/ W | susar cured rant'd Hams ; Ov/v/V* 2700 lbs. Hear Sales, 11 keys leaf Lard ; 10 tibia. Pilot Bread ; 211 half Mtlh. Hotter and Watit Crackers; 4 bids, dried Apples ; 4 •• Penehc*; Rece.ved this dav and for sale, by JON. D. ADAMS. June 6, 2851—4'.'. Slramlt*at /„»« hug. WUISKKY—1: on . ; mi »> For - . • : > V. M H. W AIT. Jmy Mb, loot. 4 4 CO BBl.S RECTIFIED WHISKEY, r-.-e.ved VlY* Ibis day per " Geo. Hem.” and loi sale by JOH N I). ADAMS. Jun. 21, 1851. Sln.-M Bunt i.*>niinj. *;tlt ! *»it!! | ) K« ’D per Steamer Dove, !(“ • iary • bleached IV sacks Sait, i And for sale by, A. J. Hl'TT. June Ju*t Rpt ci»» (h FR steamer ” R. H. Lee,” direct from Cin cinnati, 6 barrels old Mononyahcla Whiskey ; 5 do. Rye Whiskey; 5 do. old lb i nr bon Whiskey. For salechaep, bv M. TANTI. .Vtfamba i IjuhJi n.. Little Stock Foundry. SHEET Copper and Zinc ; assorted Wire ; Pa tent Brads, assorted, a superior article, for ; Joiners and Cabinet maker's use. ; j For sale by ROSWELL BEBEE. Cath jsMU f*r*lJ cattuig*. bn**, c*jfw- tend time*. July S, 1811—*4 q ‘ q~ 1 V q q 3 MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT!!! y. jfc Jfaff, tk JW, tkr Sarv, and tk Stiff Joint*!, ** W* *naf fW ^ >»•'’' The Volcanic Oil from Mciico i Iiu Ion? been known to possess within itaelf wonderfully soothing. healing and curative propsttir*, j and has been extensively used by the Artec* for Rheumatism. Stiffness of Joints or Limb*, and lor jail kinds of Wore*, Ulcera, Bum*, Wounds, Hard Lumps or Tumor*, and for all kinds of Pains or Inflammations in Man or Beast. | The happy combination of this wonderful production of nature with other powerful remedies in : the - t Mexican Mastaac Liniment Renders it one of the roost perfect remedies ever offered to the afflicted. Its ac tion upon the organi- j ration is truly wonderful. Its volatile, penetrating, soothing and beating properties diffuse themselves j to the very bones. It enters into the circulation of the blood—give* a new impulse to the whole ner v on-system to the very extremities of the lingers and toes—^stimulates the absorbent* and secretions, me! thus assists nature to throw off and rid herself of any diseased action of nerves, muscle*, chords j or ligaments, making it equally applicable to sores of any kind, rheumatism, pains in any part of the j i body, fi»rji a diseased action of any of the structural portions or the system. Possessing these peculiar powers is the reason why it is equally efficacious in so many different complaints. We will give a few of the thousands of cures that have been effected by this Liniment within (he last year. A lady in Columbus, Ohio, had her hand slightly bruised, took cold in it and it spread to A Frightful I'leer All aver the back of her hand. Doctors had preser.bcd salves, ointments, washes, and alteratives, i ' without doing it any good. It hod been in this condition more than a year, when she got a bottle of i tin* Mustang Liniment, by the recommendation of her physician, and applied it as directed, Thd re sult was. that in four weeks the ulcer was healed and the hand was well! That doctor now bill's Ibe Lmunent by the dozen to use in his practice. j A little girl, fourteen.mile* from Columbus, had a severe attack of Rheumatism. The chords of one leg contracted so that the foot was drawn up at a right angle with the thigh, and the knee joint ■ stiff, so that sh«’ was obliged to walk with t rut- lies. Three bottles of the Mustang Liniment relaxed tie chords, loosened tlie knee joint, relieved all pains, strengthened the muscles, and she can skip 1 he rope, leap and jump without crutches and without limping. A man in Pittsburgh had a red hot iron accidentally run into Ids foot, making a very severe Wound and Burn i 1 • At the same time. Tie pain was intense and excruciating, threatening lock-jaw. The foot swelled j very rapidly, and in two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it. or set it to the ground. In j this condition the Mustang Linini' at was applied. Immediate relief from pain was the consequence, i and in two days he went about his business and had no farther trouble with it. Oapt. Win. Alter, one of the oldest citizens of Cincinnati, and long and popularly known on all the western and southern rivets as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack of Inllitiiiiniilorv Rheumatism in his right arm. After suffering the most excruciating pain for some days without a moment’s relief, In; obtained a bottle of the Mustang Linirnertt, and applied it. In less than tw enty-four hours, he ivns entirely relieved from pain, the soreness and stiffness perfectly eradicated. Let any doubt Una in . | liis presence, and he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength and (taxability of hia “good ington. Ky., had not been able to walk without crutches for near two years, from the ; right arm.? , j -A manjutCovi effects of Chronic R henniati'iw. He heard of the Mustang Linime nt, bought it, an>l used it as directed, and now he is well, and can dance a horn pip*- equal to any jolly Tar ! A man near Louisville, Ky., had a negro man who had running sores on tv.>th his legs. They were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of lus death, lie procured half a .dozen bottles of ibe Mustang Liniment, and used it all according to the directions, in oue month the sores were healed. John Bennett, of Petersburg!!. III., had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capitis or Scald Head. The entire scalp was a running sore and had been for more than a year—doctors could do it no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and lo their great jov, it has en tirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the Once Frightful weialp! !J A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the top of her head :hat threatened to spread all over the scalp. The hair came out and left a bare spot the size of a dollar, ihot was a runtime sore. She used the Mustang Liniment on it. and it not only healed the sore, but brought out a beautiful new crop of hair! She is now using it to dress her hair, and says it is the lust Hair Tonic she ever saw, while it give* a | beautifully glossy-like appearance to the hair, that she hadr.-ver succeeded in obtaining before. These are but a few Ot the thousand of cures we are daily hearing of vsl! parts of the i country. For Horses and other l Illinois. ~ , " i There is nothing can he compared to the Mustang Lining nt. m th - spe-cly mid permanent cure of Strains, Bruises, Cuts. Oatds. Chafes, Scratches, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Fistula.Bir Head,Spann. King Bone, Splint, Wind (Jail, Cracked heels or any Wound, stillness, or unnatural enlargement of bone or muscle. A livery stable beeper of th.scity had a match horse that he prized very highly, that had a large Ring-bone on both le-Igs. The horse was completely cured, and ms limbs left perfectly smooth by the use of the Liniment To Country Merchants. Every store rapidly. should be supplied w-ith this valuable Liniment, as i; Caution Flora. pays a good proflt nr.d sells XT' Many will try to induce you to bnv Nerve and Bon • Liniment or some other equally worthless trash, by saving it is just as good as the Mustang Liniment, Hutdo not is- deceivi d! Ask j.,r t! - Liniment, and buy n me otkor, and you will not be disappointed. The name is blown on the bottle. Prices of the (.luimcnt. In consequence of the increased demand, we are now putting up 25 cent. 50 cent, and dollar bot ( lies. Tne 50 cent bottles contain three times as much as the 2o cent size, and the dollar bottles four limes as much as the50 cents ze—so that will be saved in buying the large bottles. O' Principal Depot at BRAGG A MeLEANS S Drug Store, corner Third and Market streets, St. i Louis, Missouri. jj' Druggists and Country Merchants supplied on liberal terms. J. VV. TAPPL, Wholesale Agent, at Little Rock. Ark. 1 31—lv. i t 1 A nr: 1 8. oi,iyi:k x co., WINE iS‘ SPIRIT MERCHAIS COBXRBOr MAIN AND MARKHAM ST. (Oil Post OJJicr Comer. JUST Received a fine assortment of choiet articles for Rar Stores, and Family use, con siating of Fine Old Port Wine; Madeira Wine; IS row t Sherry Wine; Pale Sherry Wine; Catauba Win* Lontrworth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. Juice: Bran ily, Cognac; Brandy Cherries; London Gin; Mo mmgahela Whisky; Scotch Ale; Brown Stout; Anisette; Natural Syrup: Muscat de Frontignan .ManseItano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; M ur cestershire Sauce; Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Ab sinthe; Preserves drr.. Ac. Little Rock. April 22. 33—tf. NEW F11ILV jSrUUE. HOllUlMtV & CARTER, On East side of East Man st., first brick stui above the comer of Markham el., WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL DKAXJtRS lx FAMILY, STAPLE AMD FANCY (irottrifs. Provision*. Country Produrr, Ar I r.\VE just opened, in the store heretofore oc I 1 eupied as a Tin Shop, a general assortuit n of every thing in their line, comprising a large var-ittyof FAMILY SUPPL1KS than ever befor. offered in this market. Their friends, and citizen generally,' are,, invited to call and examine thei stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are de teruiteed ton'll as low as the lowest, for cash o : mntry produce. Little Rock. April 9, 1851. 32—tf. nuts! iiatn'.l J i'ST received, a fun lot of Hals, and amon which are the followin, viz; ‘2 eases fine fash. Silk Hats; •2 .* Moleskin Hats; 2 “ “ “ Casiratre •' 5 »• “ •• Russia “ 2 “ “ Rtusb “ 1 «« “ Pearl Union “ “ Panama “ “ Leghorn “ hoys’ fine Leghorn “ infants' Straw- “ Palm Leal “ ■ bv A. J. HUTT, Main street. 1X51. 38— doz. 3 And f»r 1/. », i Little Itvrk Foundry. S AW AND GRIST MILL GEARING—and a other decriprions of Iron work, suitable f such purposes, furnished to order, at the above ei tabishmeut at the cheapest rates—warranted to t good and well adopted to the necessities of the pe< ptv-of th.s State. KOSW ELL UEEBK. July 9, 1841. Ditsiiic Holler. \ \ 7 ANTED — A good second-hand Boiler, suit, * v hie fm a small engine of about 8 inch cylir d, r. One with a stand, fire-front and grate-t ar will be preferred. Apply to ROSWELL BEBEE, July 8. Little Huci Foundry. Saddlery. 4 LARGE lot of Saddlery, c insisting of eeutl, . V men’s and ladies Saddles, Bridles. Martingale Saddle-Bags, Carpet-Bags, Girths, C.rcingles, t’-i ars, Haiue-s, Bridle Filling*. Sulky, W aguu at riding Whips, Stir up Irons. Bridle Bus, Ac , or. A'c., received per Phillip Pennywit, and for »a for CASH by JOHN D ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 25 . 29—tf. MILL 8tW8-Rowland's and 7 ; FRENCH LOCKS—5. 6 aud 7 inche.; AXES— Colli;i* and Hunt , Ol! S—Lard, hu*v«d, tanners sad next. Received and for sale by WM B. WAP March 3d. 26—1 AE1V Cl.OTHI.’%'(■!/ TUsT received, direct from New Orleans, a lari •I and well selected assortment cf new and fa j tunable Clothing; Particular attention la called a fine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for rash only I e. marcus: j Lillie Kt>ckt Me* 20, lWi. Mmmttreet. Robebt AkhstcomO*o. C. L.\w*asos. j1 A*.\ou> Hums. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON Jc CO. ('oiiimi**iou Merchant*, 106 Magazine street, a i: w March 25, 1851. 6 RLE ASS 29—ly FRFSI! DRUGS & MDIli.SES. JV-HT llK( KIVKI) AM) FOIl SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ^IIK »uhacrib**r in cou#tautly recei ving* from Now York, a genuine A. A. C iRV, i». i>. s. I^ROM Huntsvile Ala., has locates! ,<•" himself permanently in Little Roch.^fl He has been engaged in the practice of assortment of />rngs, M(dictnt»,CUtmi c-ih. Pfr/iimerjr, Rmutt. Oils, l>yt Stujfi, 4c., 4c Also — Pa'eut Meiti e.ines: among which are, Hr Tuyfor’s Balsam of Liverwort; laynw' Expectorant; 1 uiiian Panacea; Halley’* Pain Extractor; Hav*' ami H«wea’ Llui meiit; Linn's Strengthening Plaster; K»m*tock‘a Vermifuge; Moffatt's Phccuix Ritter* and Vcgetu hie Life rills; Bartholomew's Expectoiant; Sphou'a Medicines; Ohlridge's Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welsh’s Medieaeientum. All of which will he sold low foresail It. L. l)ODGE, Murk/iam «/. Littlr l<o:k, 17_tf Hcutistry f ir ten years, and feels confident in the ability to give entire satisfaction to such of this ; community ns may need his services. Persons residing at a distance will he notified of , l,is absence from town, whenever it occurs through i the papers of tins place. Office on the west side of Louisiana street, two ' doors south of the residence of Judge English. Little Rock, May 27, 1651. .48-tf. l-'re»h Arrival*. J UST received, per steamer “ Hamburg,’' 5ti barrets superfine KLOIK; 20 “ trackers: 20 do*. Lemon Syrup ; s boxes Candy; 10 barrels Brandy i 40 do. Whiskey. Por sale cheap, by M. TANTI. Steiunhuat Landing. 1 June 5, 1851—39. Saddlery. JUST received from New Orleans a law ” , and wlel >rtcd stock of Saddlery, consisting in part of the following, vis: If* gents' iiue Columbian Saddles; 12 “ •• Spanish “ g ladies’ “ Hoi skin " H doc. Bridles, assorted qualities; 3 •• Maumgales assorted qualities; h .4 *• Bridle fi lines “ “ 3 “ Worsted Girts “ “ 3 “ •*. Circmglea, ass’U qualities; 3 •• Com. Hors. Collars; 3 •“ Hog skin Horse Collars; 2 “ Wagon W i ipt; 2 “ Hut hi 1 " Piain and Pocketed Saddle Bags; 2 ’• tine Polished Snaftb- Hits; d 2 “ “ Stirrup irons; 3 “ very tn" Buggv Whips; e And for sale to A J. HI TT, .1taiaitrret. *14,1851. 3b— ICIRVER & id’S. HMUVF.D C3TTM tIXS. ONE of 60 Saws in store and fit sale. All order- for Oin* of the usual gnes given to IV Undersign. J be forw^iSed, and receive i 1 prompt attention. WM k WAIT. Agent fbi<tf Manufacturers. Little Rock, May 2?.mi. 3k— ;e t to CAHOCTAW LAND SCRIP Certificate* for 80. J 16U ami 32U acres, received and for sale by WM. B WAIT. ag. 4th. 48 — lohai ro ! Tobacco!! RBCD per. Steamer Trustee. 1534 lb*, cheap Tobacco. And fur sale by. June 16-1361-61. A. J. HUTT P R or E 3 810 IT A to A K PS w«. jr. WILLOCCIBT, ItUraey a»4 Cciiitiitr it Lit HOT SPRINGS, ARKS., WILL give punctual atteaLon to all bit*,not entrusted to hta eaie, la anv court of th ctr the surrounding counties. o Jsly 16, 1861.—46—If. * ' J. R. J*Rft*0\. ATTORNEY AT LAW LITTLE ROCK, ARK. Oct. 1. 1*50. 4_ «. I. BHANDFNBlR«, ATTORNEY AT LAW LAWRENCEVILLE. ARKS. WILL practice in the eoontie* of Philip*, s Fr»nci« »I»«I Monroe,in the 6i«? Jodie nil C-i mit ; 6* c«antie* ot De»ha and Arkansas. tn y) "Cntttt Judicial Cite,ill, ami the county ol Plain in the 60b Judicial Circuit, arol w ill pay strict a tentinn to the collection ol debts in any pait of t| State, atul will also act aa agent lorthesale nf lam atnt pay toe 'axes. k r Resilience in L'twreneevilte, Monro* co., Aik« Sept. 17, ISM-8—i~ly JOHN T. TIC !«.<;, ATTORNEY AT LAW 11ENTu.V, ARKANSAS. May 91, 18641. 37_ !li:\itV IT. RECTOR, iTTORSET k I'll'miUR AT til (Often at Beaton, taliae County,} VyiLL PR ACTICE la the Countlcaof Salta T » Hot Springs, Perry, Montgomery, ami tl •oorta at Little Rock. Aay bueineee entrusted l iie care will receive prompt attention. JAMES T BROWNT A T TOR.YE Y AT LA IV, Arknnsn* Post, Arlt., Will practice hi* profession in the Second Jodie! Clrcnit, and will attend to the collection of deb and the inveetigatiou of land claim* in every pa ofArkanana. yp B. T. BI VAL, ATTIRSET AYDCOrYSELLOP, AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, , Fort smith, Arknnaaa. R. H. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Littls Ron, Aaa. JOHN IL BORDER. Attorney > t Law. k»id?* in Lfwitrillf, UfafHtr reonty, Arh \ND will practice in tho court* of the Bth Juri clal dietrict. All business confided to Ilia nun Cement, willrdereivepromptandfaithrolaltentini LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, ATTORYEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON H/URKHJM STREET. Lima Root, Arkansas. a JAMES A WILSON ITT^YEY AYD COlYSELLOR AT LAW VEI.MIUE. ARKANSAS. invin W. CARROLL, ara^r &x Little Rocky maSOly] Arkansas. [nn2 JOHN Ql II I !A. LTTORYEY k COPYSELLOR AT LAW AMD SOLICITOR IN C H A N C E R f . ierica—Eldorado. Union coitnty. Arkantaa. «. H. HKirvrRAB, " VTTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE ON MARKHAM STREET. LILTLK EOCK ASM 9. 1 If J. Yl. TGBBETTN, ITTORYK Y k C011 YSELLOR AT LAW Fnyetteville, Arkansas. )«O.C. WATIdM. AS.M.CtTUHA W ATKIYS A (IKKAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LITTLE UOCK ARKANSAS LLIAM M. l OYWAY, ATTORYBY AT L’.W, i GENERAL LA YD AliE.Y' LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS. 1 t J ILL ATTEN D to the collection of debta I T r any part of the State, to buying and avllit lanu*, paying !a*e». redeeming laud* forfeited f late*, he tie ie autliorixed to «eil lamia rn<in for three or four thenannd yoo J pin ml ol kuna, mmd cheap retea, for catk. To: uaure *tt«utiuu ,commu uication* m u»t bepo paid. Little Rock, Jan IB. I*i0. lS-ly L All AN M. ►SjKOUD Attorney and fainoellor nt Law. UT ILL practice in the Courts of Nvwlon, S, a cy, Marion, ana C’arti il counties. Residence near Crooked Creek, Carroll co., Ar April Th—33—Iv. S. G. S MIT H, ATTORNEY AND CO I NSF.LLOK AT LAV PatsdTON, Daixas to,, Akks. 3S-tf. .JO*III t ». HOKKIS, ATTORNEY AN» COBIIIUM AT LAW, KOCKPOST, HOT SPRING CO., ARP April 2*, 1850. 34-tf. f>rocericH! | I'ST received from Sew Orleans the fullowi •I arliclea, viz: 12 boxes Raisins; 1 “ Ground Ginger"; A “ Maccaioni; 6 " Vermicelli; 00 “ Table Sail; 1 “ Tomalo Ketchup; 1 “ Chocolate; 1 basket Sweet Oil; 1 box Lemon Syrup; 4 “ Imperial Tea; 10 * Snap; x-.w 10 " 5a. ks Com <r; 12 doz. C. S. Ho«t; t *• Rille Locks with fly; And f.r sab: cheap by A. J. HITT. Lotle Ri*ck, June 9, 1851. Mum itrrut. 20 20 JOft 30 20 lx 20 \c« Spring Isooda. Pieces latest style Ba rages, printed Muslins, late styte- Silks. * assort, d C'iIkws. “ Ginghams. “ Cottouadex. litown Linen, lie mi us. 2 Buies 3 1. 7-8, 4 4-4, Brown 4 Biel Domestics. 5 4. 6 4, 10-4 and 12-4, Brown and Biel Sheetings. 5 piece* 12 4 Linen Sheeting. 22 ** Irish Linen. Gloves, Cravat*, Pocket Handkerchief«, Shaw A fit*>n Che-ks, Oanabergs, l lubroiias, Paras* Negro /cods, 4o., 4c., 4c. Received per P. Penny wilt, and tor tale CAa for Cask mlg bv JOHN D. ADAMS March 25,'l|5l. SteaxilaU Land**. fflule Wanted. \\T A N'T ED—A first rate Mule, to match t>M f v have—price not to exceed 5200. Applv to ROSWELL BEEBE. July 8, 1951-44. ISBBMSMsnsr: gaSS&BrfcSs iM M*t tompme 1 ever K*rt fmwnx^A to the )Nikl«. ftftd r^perifHllT »it^ tf/Jemm, try Md lo*», lo tali and mimn, th, <ihh A. J. HITT Mm M<r~* Little Rock. Mag 14, »«t. 3jt_ t LITTLE ROCK HIOH SCHOOL Bsardiic aid Bar V N*| Far Isaac ladin rT'HK b,i*rne«» ol thra heminary *,« p, „ , *<•*’*• Mlk»r»|«h in e.l«»»>!• req»*at*<l Ti t* Inatitntmn, unrtn the rare >!•* »n-l » . Miiw* WOOD. wHb A*r#«.nt T*arh*rt. rwy f«fttty mri.rp.rtlt.gth*td,.M,ge, of.n,ft,,,N fitMHwn. ft»****lng wHhtn,, th, q'ttliftf i,.r the rartwua htaorh,., «hirt, |h,y »«t* with perfett aatt.tarLcvt, ,W« Wff to iWftr tfc* ,>,,11,^1. Wh«*» »»m.« Ill* pl.t'irt nt Ml, Hunting Sehr*|, beta, ton »t*l.lly aafcrriatWI with their Teatbei*. mm, that iti,nn,in *« to Into* and refine the q,,,,. , nor*. and prwture haii'a ol order and r,guh.,„¥ : ofto.nfiol m iKf lormilMiti ot tliMartfr I ,£**,"* '*!' '"’I""'*'** wi a thiongh knowing, ofth* Firnrh language,now in<li*pen>ahl* in a polite Guenon, th* Printiput, wi*fc ,,„g,r „ „ }„ „ IKmtibi, the Ut>(i,»(, „i in* **tahtt*ha>*nr. Tb.t ptppn** ••‘milting Ih, Punlto. *)„, ln ^ family,To attend the FrontI. r«itheut rh*ru*. Th*J, cation of Ih, tily of Lilt), Rntk it healihlttl | P1'’****''. -*«• »ff,t»ihlt at aii Unit*, by tittmittm' ; and atage. Tht *v»ttm of education, aarrduouitlT piitcned, tptiltcl appreciation «| nhtltm'n •••mi|t : ml in rttyolopihf !hr mot*i and iBtotteciusl* ! —cwbiaemg »thorsngh and *y airmail* <cu,,,, i„ m |,h* elementary to li't highest brtttthtt. Monthly | rrrot.1* c.I arholaiahip amt deportment ,r, ,B„f toil lo P»r,nl». whilM every judicious incitement in i study it allorded. i The school i* rontlanlly under ih, sopertWn ol th. Board ol Visitor*, who. Item lint to li„„, amln* the various classes. ami rtpori th,tr ping:,., Ttama mt Twtllen aatl'n«.H par aeulon „| _ , n*» month*. Day scholars, 4th Depaument, flS 00 " 3U •• 14 ,m w “ Ifi On " 1*1 •• Dt jK) Frtnth, Italian, Spanish and Orman, tarh. It |M> Sli.emif m Choir, ,0 Mu*ic— piano, (.nilar, and Organ, rath, 5:, no U*rP» 4« on Uiawmgand Painting, lg w, A rnma, of l,**«.n*m (>i! painting, Japan Work, inlaying ol Ebony and Ivory, Han burg Work, and wax ttnwnrr, rath. 1(1 nil No cltaig, lor tmbinu!*iy and ornamental no,%t|r work. Boaril, washing. Iighta, furl, nr, ol bedding, fcc., per uioi.tb. |0 0(1 Payment* quaiterly, in adtanct; no drduttmni lor *h*enc<-. Se«*ion» coHiintnt* let Stpf. and 1*1 Frh. Pn pil* itftireii ai any petiod, ai d thatged Horn titnt ol entrant* to c|. *e of th* tromn. Board »f Vt,it<ua. Rt Rev. Btrh Fxixba*. Hun. F. W. Tt*v**i.«., Hmi. J (:<'*« FIKI-ll, |;t0. C U1TIIM, Emj., i. i Hot** Risen, I- j C*|lt. A PitiX Hun T. W Nxwtoii. L. (>imom. M. 1). J. H (ntn, F«q , L. K Buiii, E«)., E H EncLMM, L<q, M»j. J U«mi, G*a. S it. llmmtAU. Hmi W. H. Scrrn* LiHle Rock, Aeg. 22. 1320. 5M1. W IMinOTtt.M MILK SKSmiU. Ilrmp-lrad County,’ Ark*. ^FHE weMd **winn of (hi* Inetitntion, opened | A till* merning February Will, leftfl Rev. C. P TrilMTIxt, Superintendent soil Fro i ~ (<»r [ of Morel mul Inleilerluel Hiiloecphy, Bollr-Lelter*, end Spnnieii Literature Re» H. 0- Thwxxtt, A. M . Prolraeor of Grecian. Roman, F reiieh and Italian Literature. I Jxn*» Cnocxm, A. M . Profeeenr of Mathematic*. Student* received iu tile Primary Department aud i unrooted TKHMX : Primary Department. per aaaaien of 21 week,, payable quarterly ia advance, £12 W Preparatory Department, Ifi OU Collegiate Cuuiaa, tilt mi Vocal and Inalrumeolal Moalc, Elemantaof Muaical CompwrUiou, (Extra) 5 id) Initiation Foe, 1 no No deduction for abeeuce nnUaa in Caere «f pro traclau illueaa All atuilenta charged from tho time of thru entry to the end of tho aeaaion N B.—The aooa of all miuiatera who are en gaged in the regular work of the miuiatry. or of tlioae who am aoparannatwl or have died In lit* uiiniatry: will bo educated free of charge. BoaaniKo can be obtained in the beet famiUea, at from $ti to &9 per month. Partiewlnr attention will be paid both to the moral and intellectual training of ail atudeota •'ominiited to our charge «. T. SANDERS, Socretary. BOARD Of- l Hl'STEF.S. lion D. T. " i ri'ER, I'iitidivt, Hon II P Poiudexier Rev Wm Moore*. R*v- L. P Lively, Rev B. P. Box. I N. Jone., M D , Mr J. B.han delur. Mr. T. Williainaon, lion J. D. Trimble Rev J, Cue'er, M. I).. Rev J. J. Roberta, C H Mitchel, M. D , Mr. W W Andrew*. Mr. s i Sander*. Mr H. W. Smith. 7—98-. tf UK: LKlirS UM1F4MU1 BLOOD PILLS. iht Htl of nil 0!bpr«M THr Klivy of <tll Pill )Utt«fWctiirtr»II BECAUSE llwjr «r* »af#r, and wot* nfP* carin«i» than t*r:f othtr*; arci bt-raua# th* pub i Ik- wHI lake i»<» nociw of othrr* if'lli*-? can ohflato lix ic %4H» uuoo ItO \ KM Wav* hern trftU annually fht th« Imt five wan* \ 61 NG AND oi.l), MA145 AND FEMALE, ran tl^fi lake Ikern with «nit U, nml without Jrar iy I'/LLS hK tiKCES&IH Y Tor pursm. and ckamaaf the ^UHwikf b end Ntmrt*, -tud ptmfysr.# tfcr R!«»«l and Hnsd* • **f Ludy, take uu &* u£ ulLvi pill* prod me Umar | ctaBtMUPd cfffcct#, ui tnmVun (<ii/sMunllB In tfcom. CmI. Diiitkantl Live m» lonal, iud pnr*«M (<xk Uf-wal occafMUion wnit»( Hu m, without fear of takiu# . cobly (tenng all kuuim of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS j **■ write vi *4 mat u»<>ri * anirnin* c« f»ificai»t*,T{fr«»*»i Phyo [ ti.tna, « H*riul*rr» »x ('ntfrcM, and r*-*p< tu tPHu; can W»- prodnerd of tltrtr aUI* a* y (imn any othfr. mm V HLL* AUK \H A BoA.and void ai cental h**«. with and murW »WoicM>mr advtrr act *»n»fM j n>in< 'lAw) hav* no tana* m M|lwi»Mt amcil, Frrv Irura dun <w po«d»p oi any kind, N no* g»|M- U»r ktu«i» b nr Umrk, Prodm e n*» •tckncMi, v.ifrutiiiR »>p had tecrlmy*. THEY AME iHKHi AT ALL TIME#, And adapUd to nuak dimraacn common u» mankind. No one haviMf oner taken them will be wiUitid afar* aid* | to take any other*, heraune they artU alara^* dt> and Jl dny 4** net, Ihrr* no otheiw (Will. Dr . N. U. l.«id>. lb* proprietor and manvflntnr* r J* n n‘^n : iat tirnfRMt, and uh>«rcan, of 16 >«am njwridu r « Philadelphia ; «randate of th* t*u»v*rwty of Penn>> iaa<»* » memhd-r m different medical inalituuraia of PhUadalpnia, Sen York, Ikwioa, Uaiumor*. Iu;., and **t«* M* wad c^mpund in« OM mber of M vrrai madi'-ai df Lopdan and Pa n»- hear* the rranm «#< tl»e gt> *a r *•«wJnWm c fdaerd m In* pilla, and thc»r b+it>g Dtidiim*mini ik the praetor* of w.*»t rc ipccuild* phyiMd'i*H» UmmiMl »i»e ( nilad Plata r. Principal IWm, ih Leoly - lx«i>tr«Miry, Nn. 114 North Fourth , PWJ**d*»phta- ~(*nd ndd w>.utor*a*c and retiui by J. W. Tapp*, LtttJe Bmi'k; B- i*tev*«M«w, Van Bar**-. *'>■ j vil k Mead, and VN rtKhf h «> Sew Ortaw, and all ur«4 <p«Ut and wtatrekuei^r* l**1® Lnited cAutea. { firfW'Mi 'Ir , I V'i n»-paruer*bip. |)r*. Wnlkim A. aizrr I? — Ur Ol1 LD mpertinlly iritern Ihenti xeit* »l l.ittle lUh k, *mt r•prcviUf t&ute ofihrcneulry, rhnt they h»v* en.eieU ini, ■r.»f>ai'i etihip in 'lie Hruclie*- ul _ Mcittviue, »|>I »»e ftiepxred Iu alltrui ell iellt promptly. In c*f»* »>l emergei tv, »n<t rilhet cl the pertie* are •been*, the nlher «lit attend." One or lb* otherrxr, xlurexthe fotrnti ef tktv ofiltt in Mr. Ir E. Woodruff-*burbling, the rutuer ul Mxikbcm »»»l Scrttl etreel*. LAlU Re.*, Oci. IS. ISV* lb-'I Nfkuol Hook*! I HAVE jiat received * **if«S»5y uf .School Bu ‘k*. unwq e iri. li *re I be fuUwwillg: 4 dux. Eclectic S|rellmg (to»kk; Z “ Anthtacttc; 1 -< Piltc'a ■Z “ Sntilcy'x “ 1 “ Eibrlutb KccVni; it *• UcmdTieli’* Readers No. 1, 2 and 3 5 “ Copy Bonk ; 6 " tsxuftxei Primer*; 2000 Letter Kttvclopc*. 1 do*. Muwourt HarmomxU; t ** Southern “ Aim—Papci, Pen*. Ink. Ac., Ac., *U <«» cheapf<4C4wh, by A. J. HL'TT. /luruxCrel. 14, 194; 3 A LOI R 70 Bbis “O PxUon Milt*" ExUx b« perftae. . so ** “ Quincy Mill'*" ExuxSu nerfme. Received »nd for »»K by M*v 10.1861. WM ■ WAIT