Newspaper Page Text
I ■ With, even by the moat delicate female ot child. Aad it ia an article that evety one shoal# uss, at tacit once a yau, tc purify and enrich their blood, ttd than prevent all manner of disease*. \ B0TTK8W0RTH. Jane 3, !W1. ty. Purifier: A [Ac*U) v Chr Ttaafelttbte remedy standi wKhoat a rival ia tha hMary of discoveries, in this or any other country, ia curing this painful aad perelynng dis ease, in alt its various wrote. Tha vast aumbet that have been cured by the MM of this oompouad, during the past year, dc ClUalislri this fact. Not only recent acute or taSasamatory cases, but old chronic eases, of ton, twenty, thirty and even forty yean sUndin*: when they had not only tried every other external and internal remedy of which they could hear, but at great expense, bad traveled, and paaaed under the Satireatof a number of the first medical men of Europe, as well as of oar own country, rented the various watering places, taken yoysgaaatsea, and dwelt ia the most salubrious climes, without ob taining relief. 8ome, who were reduced to a mere •Metaa. their «eeh had withered away, their limbs were paralysed, and many that had scarcely &abu to walk fortba, fifteen and twenty years. i hare been cured sound and well, regained their fiesh end the use of their limbs, and now en joy excellent health ftom the use of this compound. There facts are ftiHy subsUntiajed by published testimony, (ram the higher passible sources $ tes timony tut cannot be gainsaid, but which can be readied for by Un tkmmmd witnesses. Retail price, •» per bottle, 3 bottlee ft* At 2, or • tarns. ’—s*-* To be bad of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS RCTTERW OBTH. Little Rock, June 3,1*61. ly. UTUI MCI T9 HOT 8FRISBS, ARIA8818. Frwa Lmii Rack l« Hoi Spring*, for the aecommo Jatiea af Ik# traveling public— T# leave every Other day, (except Sunday*, with lb# Called 8letes Mai!, in FOUK HORSE POST COACHES, at S e'oteek, A. M., eiidarrire at Hot Spring*,ranae day, at 8 P. M. TBM ACCOMMODATION LINK, Fear Horan Paal Coach#*, will l#a*a Littl# Rock ovary Intervening day. at tho aaroe hoar la the moralag, aad amra at He! Spring* next day. a: 8, a the owning. PARE: By either Line, *i-E*tra Uajtjt.'' in Proportion. Tha *ahocfiber i* the contractor for lb* convey aaea ef tha United State* Mail* on the roate* Iro.n Little Rook *a Pori Smith. and from Littl# Hock to WaaUagtoa. la Hempetaad coaaty. Ha Hot Spring* —la Past Caaebo*. thro* time* a week Or Bath liras* roolas laieraect with Ik* Steam bast United Stale* Mail Liu* from Mempfaia to Lit U* Rook* IT Stage Often at th* dfaftoay /Zoom ^ DVtl'fi HINCRB LITTLE ROCK FQEMRT AM SXITHERV. HmwcII iteebc WOULD rvapaetfully call III* alteutiou of tin pablie to the above eslabHahmenl, which baa rocs ally undergone a thoroagh repair, aud. hav tag tha ascaoaary facilities, I* now fally prepared tofarniah to order, with groat promptooo*. every article la that line, of either wrought or ea*t Iron, Brace or Copper, of a* good material, proportion*, and workmanship, and upon a* cheap term*, a* any other Foundry in thi* country. MilirighU aud utter*, ordering wheel*, will bo platood to giv* tho Na. af nog* and pitch. ai*o the particular die and shapa af tha aya, wanted iu eaeh wheel. Tho di ameter of a wheel, wheu e«t, will be If of an iacli par feat le«e—tha same with length of a abaft-— trdaro ahonld aiao be accompanied with a draaghl •ad fall daacrlptlon of wbkt la wanted, aud the From the iat of April to let October, 1851, tha aab acriber will rua a Biltr LI RE OP ST A CBS Fab. II. 23-1 y. postage paid. Little Rock, Dec- 1*. 18J0— Id—If Arkansas Coffee House, (LOWS* *T«41«*0»T L4**t»«.) TOE Proprietor hi* on bond, aod li constantly repairing, tho following — Foreign tad domestic Liquors; Wl.m aad cerdiaio of aaarjr description; Cigan; Taawtti Fruits, Ac. AU of which are for aala at wboiaaala and retail Paraoaa from the couatry wiabiog to pur »IU please call aad see my stock before par dag eieowhere aa 1 iulead to aell aa lew aa auy beasa ia the eity. MICHAEL TANTI Little Reck, Jaa. 11, ISM. *>-ly 3t>*Tba ArkadeipliU Srullael will copy out year, aad forward account to the aebaerilwr. M T. M—t» fuul Shoe*. U CASKS Boots assorted; 4 " Kip Brogans; 4 do*. Gears fine Calf Shoe*; 3 44 44 “ Gaiters; 13 “ Ladies Shoes assorted; • 44 Miaaes and children* Shoes aaaortetl; i 1 Case Boys Kip Brogans; 1 1 44 •• Boots, Ac., Ae., Ac. Rewired pet Phillip Pennywit, aad for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. • March 31 33-tf. I M. TANTI. 8T fitriararr Emily 1 base just received and now offer far sale: fiO Barrel* Super Fine Fkfiir; 3 44 Rye Whiskey; IS Bose* Assorted Tobacco; 19 44 Lemon Syrup; fi 44 Caady; 1 Barrel Knglieh Filbert*, 10 44 Ale. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Lending. April 7, lfifil.—ai—tf CAMS 44 Port Win*; Baskets Champagne Wive, #a ceasigwaaeat T. D.-MBRRICK A CO. MfHr 17, IBM._1* JT5T, JLifiieri and i'lour. rooerrad by steamer Hamburg; Uda Whiskey. 90 Half Bbla. do. 9 MSA Berbon Whiskey. 9fi Bbla. Flour. 14 BM». Potatoes. For aale cheap, by Bar Stores. ]CA8K old Brandy ; 3 cks. American do. ; L 3cks. Maderia Wtnc; 1 bbl. Cheny Bounce ; * bbfe. Old Hu’b Whiskey; l 44 Rum; 3 44 44 Rye “ I 44 old Port Wine; 1 44 44 Muscat Wine; l -4 Malaga. Raeairod and for aale by JNO. D. ADAMS, Jaa fi, 1801—40 Sliambmt Isa /my. ■a Ml COMMISSION MEHCHANTS' *UI. ». 3IDDALL, GREENE A CO, COTTOJT F.f€T«JC V, 90BMiH10<t A*9 _ MERCHANTS __ 1 "°*M ^K^TSSfKw 1ME8 ttlKElWde®, A ( «•» COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Vo. 66 M^azinP&reet, opposite the Mouth of Bank Alley, NEW ORLEANS. LA. t)- F.rticnlai attention pa X0_ln*oor*n« ir^* TON. TOBACCO. AND OTHER PRODUCEj he reflection and remitUnc* of Fuoda—■»« «>« porehane and thipacnt of Merehan«li*e;.-i>B*rnlly. W. M. Uaan*». Mmilh A Grata®, WHOLESALE GROCERS. PRODUCE if COMMISSION MERCHANTS. •nd in m«i(i and HotiMlie A.iqn«*r»* Cuci»tn> Omo. - ) —ALSO:- \ . VeenU So* Manufacturers for the »l*of Tobacco, Window-CHaaa, Iron *«d NaU*. N. B. AU order* antruated to u* will rcccire lur alricteat attention. 011 “THOM AS L. jyHITE, BOOK SELLER & STATIONER, jro. it canal NEW ORLEANS. AW. MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS. AND SCHOOL BOOKS._• ,j‘ WRITING WAPS&, Ctp, utter mod Rote Wrmffi»f W*r •/ MriMi qmmtiti**, ITBCIi PSA'*I INK* A nd • K»n»r*l mmmrUmmmi •* *»•“* Hook*. tuntry Merchant* and Teacher* are requeued to ••"“'•“"‘"“"“fcS.UBK ja»m» ** rowM.1.. J AMS MATTHEWS* CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MMMfeetarer** A*«t« n«TMMM or NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS Ac.. No 53 WALNUT STREET, South of Colombia, CTncjnuHtl, Ohio. Rin> to- T D. Merrick (r C* . Hr» B. V'ail. | Walter MUcMI, H Brogan, O- Bender A C».,and Jacob Hnwkine Little Rock. Feb 3. 18V»-7—5»-ly J1 ^WALTON, SANFORD & CO. GENERAL GROCERS. AN» COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. U, Near Levee, N Orleans: { HAVE constantly on bund a general ami well , ■elected assortment of staple and Fancy i Groceries, Fine Liquor* and Irian. Pioouinaa,; Fm. Fit In addition to the articles usually found In tt Grocer's Stock. they keep a »<*pplv of Nail*. Giase. Drugs, and Dyes, Letter and Cep Paper, Playing Cards, Ate. Ste Their aim will be to sell good and 're-h articles, i and always at FJJH M.1RKET PRICES. Their ! facilities.for buying, with their experience in the Arknusat trade, and their kuowledge of the waul, of that section,, they think wi>l suable them at all i limes 'o fill, satisfactorily, tuch orders as they may be favored with Jun 1. 1851. !•». h rai-ura. " Ults H masskt JOSEPH II. PAI R Ell * €?©., IMPORTERS AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS IS FOHKION AND 90^3hST80 DHY QOOUSa 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS, bent Id. 1W0._ S-l—ly W. Ml TCHELL, A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer* In Gssili I rjr, (.rortrlr., Ac. NAPOLEON. AKK’S. March 30. 1831.. 30—tf. Sugar and Codec. tA Bags best Rio Coffee. , C/U i tihUs. Prir.t Pro»u Sugar, In store nud for sale by T. D MEKKICK fit CO. No».5‘ IS50.-8-9—if___ Soldiers1 land warrants, lor i6n; acres each, for sale by WM. B. WAIT. March 3d ‘Id —If Little ttock Foundry. QHEET Cooper and Zinc ; assorted Wire ; Ha U tent Brads, assorted, a superior article, for1 Joiners and Cabinet maker's use. For sale by ROSWELL BF.BER, Cj*4 paidfor oUanting!, brtut. copper oo4 zmre July 8, 1881—*4. *i of DH. t.X.lRKE’ll Compound MyrBp Wild Cherry nnd Tar, Which is considered by Physicians and others the OaxsT ltaucoi for i ougha, colds, consumption, liver compliant, bror'lutis, asthma, soreness hi the chest, spitting of blood, pam or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night syroats, die. Thu being the prescririlion of a regular nhysi cian, graduate of the Medical University, Phila delphia, and haring been thoroughly tested, a properly esteemed one of the most valuable and efficient remedies for these and similar complaints erer offered to the public. Price, $1 per bottle, t> bottles $-Y To be had of H. L. DODGE A THOMAS BIT TERWORTH. Little Rock. June 3d, 1851. ' ly. Fresh Flours »1*c. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti cles, to wit: 50 bids. St. Louis Flour ; 100 '* Cincinnati « - •JO kegs No. 1. Lard ; 60 bbfs. and half bbls. W’htskey : 1050 Ho. Tobacco ; 750 “ Bar Lead: For sale by A. J. Ill TT. June 4th, 1S31—30. Main otrof. i i rjpilE subscriber, agent for U. HiU-wnn, will c mtinith the form, r’s business n; his old stand on Main, near Markhrm tjnit, and keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stork of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boo's, Shoes, Hardware, Costings, Ac., Ac., oil of which will be aold low for cash. The highest market pr„4K will be paid tor country produce, as beef hides, peltries, Ues wax. Ac. JOHN KBAISE. Little Rock. March Vi. 1841. vy~if. „ I jou\ i). aUiinm, CB 1*1 XXI 0.1 INB FBRVARMM 1ERC8IJIT, ■KICK OftMU,hOtTO UTEASMOAT UNniKU, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. TT EEPS coasUatly an haad a large and general ; » IV uwrtisttl •( Dry Goods, Clothing, If ard •art, RMttiwsrt, Unis and Caps Moots ; * B id Shoe*, naddlery, stationary, Groceries Prod nos Ac,, die.; all of which will ha aoW for CASH, del. I, I8M.-8—4-tf TRON—5000 lbs. as'd fiat, *q’r and round Iron ; I lOOrt " heat charcoal horse-shoe ; SOAP—10 bone No. 1 brown; w PAPER—10 repos Katotepe f PORK—* bhla. heavy Mew t BACON—1600 lbs. deer sides t BAOflJNO—24 piece* heavy Kentucky j j* - '40 half J< - ** .-** BOPR—46 coils; TIWNE—10 tuues j i. Rac’d per “Hamburg,” end far sale, by -IBM. WM- R. WAIT. HEW DRUB STORE PVlIR DBVM tin MCOK-UW. *r m TOP ntaftn hsa jut weened and Mhi) ni*w womi *n entire New Stock of imrf iMpe#** drugs and medicines, ■H which are warranted freah and genuine, 4IKs9 vi*: QUININE, IODINE, BEBEERINE, !0D. POTASS. PI FERINE, ELATE RltM, SALICENE, VERA TRINE, MORPHINE. STRYCHNINE, JIT. PERRi ET MAGNES. CALOMEL. Eng., TURKEY RHUBARB, gnsuhg, COD LIVER OIL, -- ' ‘ PATENT MEDICINES, Embracing Jay an' Family Medicine*, Moffatfs do. Lee’s Pills; Spencer's do.: Wright's do.; Daria* Pain Killer; Stephens’ Astringent Syrup; WisUr* Balaam Wild Cherry, Ac. Ac. Smut*, Tssnunsds', sssJ Units Sirup.,nib. VEI MtPUtiCSS] !). A. Fahnestock, Dead Shot, and American Vcr nifugc. _ MatUrk Water—<’on*re«* Spring Water. Paints, Oils, Dyr-stuff, ITmAa Glass, Sfe. %e. Country Pnysicians are requested to eiaimnc the luality of my Drugs, Ac., before purchasing else where. fT Prescriptions acco*at*i.t compounded. THOS. BLTfEH WORTH, Aft., Asm Drag Stars, cans'r of Main and Marijsom Stmts. Lnrut Rock, June 23, 18*1. Lillie Rock High School. UNDER THE CARE OF MRS. AND THE MISSES WOODS. BUSINESS will be resumed (DV) 1st Septem ber, when a punctual attendance of the Pu pils is respectfully requested. The Board of Visitors to the a bore iBcrrrrnoir, we)) satisfied from long personal observation, that :ts accomplished proprietors are highly competent to teach, in the most approved and successful man ner, all the branches of a thorough and finished Education, therefore, take great pleasure in re -oinmendjng it to a continuance ot that large and nrrrasing patronage which it has enjoyed sihee its ■nawncemeut, Borin/ af Visitors. Rt. Iktr. G. W. Faxaaaaa, L. Gsa*o\, M D, flora Dim Rtxoo, Capt A Pres, “ W*. H. Finn, F W TasfNsu, Esq., “ WaH Burros, E H Exoustt, “ " Tmob W Newton, L E Bsastta, VUjJaxci Lawsox, Jen S H Hauncrgno, August 28, 18*1. Gko C Wat*is*, " John H Crk.ise, " SI \»TKE. THE undersigned are now closing their busi ness, ami take this method of informing all elio have claims against the firm to present th in or settlement. Those who are indebted to us by j Votes., or accounts are requested to come forward rtui nettle without further notice: if they wish to are extra et|<ense, they wiil do well to call and j •ay up immediately. Goodrich a Cray. Little Rock, August 12th, 1851—50-tf— For Dyspepsia. Prepared from the fourth stnamch of the Ox! THE true Digestive Fluid <»r (sd*Uic Juiff, pf(*p,ir'<1 j fnmi kemieti or (he etmji itch of the Ox, mile* dircc lion* given b> Moron Lei Uf, tile great p»iy»m!«gtca>l chf»ii<, by J. ii. Mcuffat.ih, M. !•., No. II North FuMh Mrctt, J’inl vh ljWfa, Ui t»n l> ittiiiinlistv and penna flit rdli’ffof Indigetdimi, Dyspepsia, J«un* ‘ce, Liver Com Jaml, ( ouvuniption aitd iJeUluv, curing alt**; Nature’* own i irthod. by Nature’* ow n ag* nr, the Gastric Juice. It i« a ermin preventative <u* cholera, a.® u keep* the tlomach and in a perfectly healthy condition. Hail’ • tea*poooful of tin* fluid, itfiu * >1 in water, will di e#t or dissolve live pound* of roast beelf iu about two hour. u* of the Ktomach. ^ciearinc P.nMsrt.— Harm Leihtg, in his celebrated j rorfc on auimal rheiut*irv, any*. “An artificial digcvtiv; fluid naJafoua to the Gastric Juice, may be roadil.v pr.j wired }>«>»»: tie mueoti* m‘inbn»«c of the *t>Hi»n<-h of tb»* cult, iu which | ariou* article* of each a* meat and rfgs, will he tali ! ned, changed and j*»t to the rum* manner a* they r&uidbc inth" human itoiiMieh.” Dr. Pereira, in hi» famous. (mtitJ “On A*od and Ou t. '* uWlahMbv fowtci k Wells. Sow Fork, pay.*35, auto*the amc great fact, and describe* Ihe method of preparation. ’here lire f»w hithu author rtio* than Or. Pereira I>r. Combe, in in* valuable writing on the “i’iiysiotagy of i F jertum,*' ohiffm that “a diminution of the dtu* quantify * t the Gastric Juice, m a prosuiucut and all prevailing cau e : I r^jpeiwU;’’ and he *UU*» that “a dutmgo^hcd prof**t*«>r f mr'durtne in London, who was* sever!} afflicted with the | iKiipUint. finding every thing elw to fail, had r«*« oume to tin* , •astric Juice, obtained from the stomach* of livm,; unimui* ! „ rhfch proved complctly M»Cc***fW.” lir. Grahaoi. nutHi* of the famous work on “Vrgetah!* >»M,” >*ye; “It U a rennrkabh* fail hi physiology, that ti e 4 tomarli of ituirnal^. macerated iu wah'f. no'iurt* to the tin d . »« property of 4tweolvirig varimi* articl*« «*{ food, and of ef * *et.t«f a kind of artificial dtgeetiou of tlteui war Jif- « •rent ir.»rta the natural digestive process. , Dr. •Sknos’sgr*at work, “The (.’tieumtry of Man," [Lea . I'laueliard. i*h»lade|plua, pp 321 ‘J, hays: ** i ne di» nrtrv of Fcumd form* a new *tn in the cuermical Ui*tory of ? ►igeniou. Front recent nprimoiti, we know that food ii < 1 solved a* rapidly iu an tfl^rial digenuve fluid, pn-fiared omi Pepsin, as U in in tUe-tT'kiuraJ tiiwtri** Jui.-c u-# l«. PmlWsor Dtinctinson, o» the JciT* r***u ('olli gv, i'htiadd hia, in hi* gjeat .work <m “Ilmoau Fh) -M»h*gy.“ deioua lor*- than fifty imsc* to uu ssaoimaUon ol «lt:» i-ubicrt. lie tprrimesp with Hr. ileauntout, on ttw Ga'tne Juice, ob iinr,i from tlw*living human Mihuich. and from animal*.arc roll krurwn. *4Iii all ra-ev,“ he says: ‘SlisMtics occurred >* perfectly in the artiri. Ijl ae in the natural dig« «ti n«. I l*«»e further proof of thf- rern trkablc mriits *»t tin* diaeove F.rullat 73 MAGAZINE STKFFT. an 1 get a descriptive l»eet omatis. A. KKMIAbn k i.’O., fe-s^rnl agviit i«*r Southern r*tate«. Fcr *alc, w hoiemle or retail, in Liule Hock, at Lo* New ►rug Mtore, by | TIIOH. BrTTKRWORT ii. Agent 1 for tLe J^taic ol Arkansas. July 1,1831. 43-ly hri*t 4 Ii 11 re ii School for Roy* Rev. A. F. Fussts, Hector. i Q' ail, M. A. Piinc1pal. ''HIS Institution will open on or about the 1st j September. Roys will be prepared for college ^ r for the business pursuits of life. As the aum ct of pupils is limited, applications should l« iadc immediately to the Rector. Aug. t‘J. 1851. 50 GE o tut l.ukBown Hurt of Sauuirl F. Sk»f<n, Drrfssrd. Y order of the Johnson Probate Court, the un dermined Administrator of said estate is order toadvertise that therein tn bis hands413516, less xpenses of this advertisement, tielonging to the nknown heirs oi said estate. &ud Mason was tedium sue, dark complexion, !a>ue in one leg, bout 35 years old, was sheriff of this county and ■as killed at Spadra Bluff, by Jno. G. Jewett, in kUguat, 1835. WILLIAM ADAMS, AJminitlraior. Clarksville, Ark., July ?l, 1851. 4tM>w. Jnly! si. t Ht. Frr •real Uevolution in Btiwineft*. yiTlTII the view of accommodating my enslo i ' lU'Ts. and othera who may be pleased to tvor me with their business, I have made sr range ients to procure, with great dispatch, at either 'isciaMxTi, Msarnm, or New Oautawa, on the hea[iest terms, such Brass and Cast Iron work as isy be ordered by those who prefer their orders lied at either of the above places, as well as all uch orders as 1 cannot furnish from my estab shmeiit. free of any toraniumion, or charges of ny kill, except first cost, drayage, ft eight, and vi u tance. This plan, it is believed, w ill greatly facilitate very one desirous of erecting Calm li.iu, ’'iritkng MocMnct, Suv .Will*, Cum Mill*, 'hue MuIt, and CcUior. Milt*, or any otkrr ilti ript im of SfackiHrry, or Rngim* ir*rk, in proctir tgwith certainty whatever they may want from broad, and at the tine time afford them a cou cnient ogjnrt unity of judging by comparison be aten my work aiul prices. and others. It is indispeusibU* that all ord-r» should be ac onipaiih d by a draught and spcctScafton auffi tentiy explicit in detail, to serve as is guide to the keefcame who may be called up.n to execute the rurk, as well tut suitable provision should fie isde foi the payment. All cuaiui unicat ions addressed to me, will be tiankf jlly received, and meet with prompt atten oti. ROSWELL BKKUE, July 21, 1931. at LiUU Rock Fawwirp. Leather! Unlher!! [ HAVE now on hand a handsome lot of Leather, t consisting of 8ol» LMther, I'pper Leather, and Buckskins mned- -ft* sale by A. J. HITT. », ilsrr Lndies* Shoe*. 8PLBK1MD assortment, just received per , and for sate by a. j. hutt. 49 Amr. 4, IW. rnmm 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 MEXICAN M If STAN© LINlMENTttl T* At Ik* (***•», and 0« B»ff*.*n*««f, "»Te fofoff gW ridfogs «< grmjf!" The nieiiii Oil from Mexico las long been known to paaasai within itself wonderfully soothing, heating and curative properties, wd has been extensively used bp the Aatect for Rheumatism, Stiffne** of Joints or Limb*. and for ill kind* of Sane, Licet*, Burns, Wounds, Hard Lamps or Turnon, snd for alt kinds cf Patna or Inflammation* in Mas nr Beast ... . The happy combination of this wonderful production of nature with other powerful remedies in Mritess A rriahlful fleer , r —_..... Lialnrtl Renders it one of* the mart perfect remedies trier offered to the afflicted. Its action upon the otgani tatkm w truly woadeTfal Its volatile, penetrating. soothing and healing propertiesdiffuse tbemseives to the very bones. It enter* into the circulation of the blood-givt* a new impulse u» the whole ner vous system to the very extremities of the finpsra and tor*—stimulates the absorbents and accretions, and thus nature to throw off and rid herself of any diseased action of nerve*, muscles, chords at ligaments, making it equally applicable to sores of any kina, rheumatism, paint ta any part of the a diseased action of any of the structural portions of the system. Pareeaemg these peculiar body. from.--, - , - , . _ m . . . powem is the reason why it is equally efficacious in aomany different complaint*. We arill give a few of the thousands of cures that hare been effected by this Liniment within the !ast 1^»^ |n CoignsOhio, had her hand aiighUy bruised, took cold in it and it spread to All over the back of her hand. Doctor* had presented salve*, ointments, washes, and alterative*, without doing it any good. It bad been in this condition more than a year, when ah« got a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, by the recommendation of Her physician, and applies! it as directed. The re mit was, that in four weeks the ulcer was healed and the hand was welt! Thai doctor now buy* I tie Liniment by the doeen to use in his practice. ^ „ t A little girl, fourteen rules from Columbus, had a severe attack of Rheumatism. The chorda of one leg contracted no that the foot wa* drawn up* at a right angle with the thigh, and the knee joint itiff, so that site was obliged to walk with c rule be*. Throe bolt lea of the Mustang Liniment relaxed Uie chords, the knee joint, relieved all pains, strengthened the muscles, and she Can skip the rope, leap and jump without crutches and without limping. A man in Pittsburgh had n red hot iron accidentally run into las foot, making a vary severe Wound and Burn „ At the same time. The pain was intense and excruciating, threatening lock jaw. The foot swelled very rapidly, and in two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it, or set it to the ground. In this condition the Mustang Liniment was applied, immediate relief from pain was the consequence, and in twfi days he went about his business and had no farther trouble with it Capt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest citizens of Cincinnati, ami long amt popularly known on nil ihe western and southern rivets as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack of Indammntory Rheumatism in his right arm. After suffering the most excruciating pain for some days without a moment’s relitf, lie obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. In less than twenty-four hours, la wns entirely relieved from pain, tUd-soresessand stiffness perfectly eradicated. Let any doubt this in Ins presence, and he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength and (Usability of his “good right arm.” A man in Covington, Ky., had not been able to walk without crutches for near two years, from the .ilTriola nf Ckroair Rheumatism. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and use I it as directed, and now he is well, and can lUnce a born pipe equal to any jolty Tar ! A man near Louisville. Ky.,J»ad a |e«o lrt.m who had running sores on both his legs. They were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of his death. He procured half a dozen bottles of ihe Mustang Liniment, ytd used it all according to the directions. In one month the sores were lugfe) - a John Bennett, of Petersburg)!, 111., had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capitis or Scald Head. The entire scalp was a running sore and had been for more than a year—doctors could iloit no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustsng Liniment, and to their great joy, it lias en lirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the Once frightful scalp!!] A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the top of her head that threatened to spread a!) over the scalp. The hair came out and left a bare spot the *i*e of a dollar, that was a running sore. She used the Mustang Linim'Kit on it. and it not only healed the sore, but brought out a beautiful new crop of hair! She is now using it to dress her hair, and says it is the I mat Hair Tome she ever saw, while it gives a heasrtifullv glhesv-like appearance to the hair, that she bad never succeeded in obtaining before. These are but a few ol the thousands of cures we art daily hearing ni from alt paru of the jouutry. for Horses and other animals. There is nothing can be compared to the Mustang Liniment, in this spertly and permanent cure of Strains, Bruises, Cut*1, Galds, Chafes, Scratches, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Fistula, Big Head, Spavin, Ring Hone, Splint, Wind Gan, Cracked heels or any wound, stiffness, or unnatural enlargement of bone or n uncle. A livery stable keeper of this city had a match hone that he prised very highly, that had a urge King-bone on both tedgs. The horse was completely cured, and his limbs left perfec tly smooth >y the use of the Liniment. . To Country Merchants. . \ Every store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit and sells ■apidly. (.‘nation fctxtrn. O’Maov will try to induce you to bnV Nervfcand Bone Liniment or some other equally worthies* rash, by saying it is just as good as the Mustang Liniment. But dig*not be deceived.' Ask for this Liniment, and buy none other, and you will not be disappointed. The name' is blown on the bottle. Prices of the Liniment. Inconsequence of the increased demand, we are now putting up 25 cent, 50 cent, and dollar bot ks. The 50 cent bottles contain three times as much as the 23 cent size, and the dollar bottles four imes as much as the 50 cent size—so that money will be saved in buying the large bottles. fcT Principal Depot at BRAGG Jt Me LEA NS'S Drug Store, corner Third and Market streets, St. „ouis, Missouri. jfj Druggists and Country Merchants supplied on liberal terms. J.* VV. TAPPE, VVhoc sale Agent, at Little Rod:, Ark. —lv. April #. 1651. OLIVER & CO., WINE 4* SPIRIT MERCHMS, OKNKROPMU.V AND MARKHaMTsT. (Old Pott Offer Cvrr>:r. JUST Received a fine assortment of choice articles for Bar Store*, and Family use, con istmg of Fine Old Port WiiM; Madeira Wine; Brown fherry Wine: Pale Sherry Wine; Catauba Wine .on* worth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. Juke; Bran y. Cognac; Brandy Cherties; London Gin; Mo ongahela Whisky; Scotch Ale; Brown Stout; tnisettc; Natural Syrup: Muscat de Frontignan; lanschano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor cstcrslure Sauce; Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Ab intlie; Preserves &e., 4c. Little Rock, April 22. 33—tf. SEW PIMILY STORE. nOltltlMlV & CARTER, tn Putt tid* tf Earl Mam it., fint brttk itor ulr/re tie owner of Markham it., WHoucaujc and amiL dcaixbs in FAMILY, STAPLE AND FANCY irjffrif*, PwUioas, fouulrjr Produce, kt. If AYR just o|X-ned, in the store heretofore oc tl. cupud as a Tin Shop, a general assortment if every thing in their line. <•'(uprising a larger ari« ty of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before ifTered in this market. Their friends, and citizens enerally, are invited to call and examine tSeir took before purchasing elsewhere, as they arede emiined to'sell as low as the lowest, for cash or ounlry produce. Little Rock, April 9, 1851. 3*2—t f. minth : Miami'. Jl'ST rect ivod. a fine lot of Halit, and among ■ which are the fotlowin, via: 2 cases fine fash. Silk Hat*; “ Moleskin Hat*; ** Casirwro " " Russia " Brush “ Pearl Union " Panama “ Leghorn “ hue Leghorn ** infants' Straw “ Palm Leaf 2 2 6 2 1 2 3 l 1 It do*. boya’ knd for sale by M»y 14, 1*41. A. 1. HL'TT, Main ttrrtt. 38— ItiUlf Kock Foundry. rt AW AND OH 1ST MILL GEARING—and all 5 other decriprirroa of Iron work, suitable for ueb purposes, furnished to order, at the above es abislnnent at the cheapest ra»s— warranted to be ood and well adapted to the necessities of the peo ple of this State. ROSWELL BEEBE. July 8, 1841. 44. I'liffinr Boiler. 11TANTED—A good second hand Boiler, tuila T T ble for a small of about 8 inch eylin •;r. One with a stand, 'ire-front and gnue-iars, rill be preferred. Apply to ROSWELL BEHKK, July ff, LittU Rjek P?un !rg. KKW C l.OTHI\«A’ FUST received, direct from New Orleans, a large and well selected assortment cf new and faah enable Clothing: Particular attention is called to fine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash only ! E. MARCUS. Little Rock, May 20, 1851. Mahutrrrt Iron* Ralls and Casting*. LBS. axaoiled Iron; 5tl Keg» Nails; 500 1440 Castings, far sal* lew. bjr T. D. MERRICK h CO. Dtetmb 17. ISM. 15 DR. STEPHEN’S ASTRINGENT HVHUP— This has now become a cclebcoted reused r for >>seot«ry and bowel Oanptaiau, Cholera Mur tM. Dsarrhrea or Summer Complaints, pans or rsmps&g in the slsauchut bowels, adapted to pcl M* ril ages, bet andoubtedly the mun cape ier preparation fur children aver produced. Price. 25 eta far small bottlia, and 50 cU far To behad of R. L. DODOS aad THOMAS bUT rtRWORTH. Li ♦'* Bock -a*. 94. 1941.. Jy. Roskst Guo. C. La weapon. Arnold ILuw. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON <fc CO. i'oiiiiniMMion .Tlerehantw, tOO Magazine street, A K W March 35, 1851, ORLEANS. 29—ly PRFSH DRUGS & MEDICINES. J l'SIT KKCKI VKI) AM FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f Isubecriber ia constantly recei l55# from New York, a genuine WTM aasortmeul of IXrugt, Mniit,nf,,Vkemi fSF\ «««. Ltrjumiry Oils, Dye Stuff,, he., h*. Also —Patent Medi cine*: among which are. Dr. Taylor'* Balaam of Liverwort; '•yae*' Expectorant; Indian Panacea; Dailey (Pain Extractor; Hay*’ and Hewea' Lmi meut: Linn’* Styaugthenii.g Plaater; Komateck’a \ermifujp; Moflatt’.i Photuix Bitter* and Vegeta Ida l-ife Pill*, Bartholomew's Expectorant; Suhan'n Medtctnea; Oldridie'a Balm of Columbia for tbe Hair; VV «|ah « M«*<iic«irieiituiri. All of which will be sold low foreash , It. L. DODGE, Afttrkkam »/. T.tftl, P.o.k, Id lb __ j7_,r JU3!W’M,1 A. A. CARY, 1). D. ft. B^ROM Huatsvde Ala., ha* located himself pirmsiientiy in Ltttle Rock-ig He has hem engaged ia the practice of Umtistry for ten yea is, anti feels confident in tl*v* •ihiJity to give entire satisfaction to such of tins community as may need hi* service*. Persons residing ata distance will be notified of his atisence from tow •, whenever it occur* through the paper* of this place. Office „n the west side of Louisiana street, two doors south of the residence of Judge English. Little Rock, Msy 27. 1851. 38-tf. Frwh Arrival*. I I’ST received, per stcain- r “ Hamburg,’* #f «*A __-r._Dl niti. •wvvi'Vt*! jr> 1 S.IAU1' ( 1191 50 barrel* superfine FLOUR ; 20 “ trackers i 2f» do*. Lemon Syrup ; 8 boxes Candy; 10 barrels Brandy ; 10 do. Whiskey. For sale cheap, by June 5, 1851—39. M. TANTI. 8hsmUd L*n Lief ftaddlrrv. JUST received from New Orleans a large and w iel assorted stock of Saddlery, consisting ' tn part of the fallowing, vix: 10 gents' fine Columbian Saddles; 12 “ “ Spanish *■ g ladies' “ ffogrbin “ fid us. Bridles, assorted t;ua;iuey; 3 3 3 9 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 And fur sale by May U. 1851. Martingale* assorted <fia.ilu.-t; Bmlle h !iuv» “ y -f Worsted Girt* “ “ “ Ciremgies, as.’d qualities; Ooao. Horse Collars; llog skin Horae Collars; Wagor. Whip*: Hide “ Plain and Pocketed Saddle Bags; fine Polished Snaifie Bits; " Stirrup Ip,os • very .fins Buggy Whip*; A J. Ht’TT, Meaistmd. 33— Ef AftfEil k CD'S. Itmm COTTON (ML ONF, of CO Saw* in store and foi sale. All orders for Gins of the usual site* given to tbe Undersigned will he forwarded, and receive prompt attention. MTM. B. WAIT. Agent &w tbe Manufacturers. Little Bock, May 27,1851. IoImcco J Tofeacr*!! TJ ECO per. Steamer Trustee, 1334 lbs. cheap IA Tobacco. Aud for sale by. June 18-1851-31. A. J. HUTT Choctaw land scrip Certificate* for at). 160 and 320 acres, received and for sale by WM. B. WAIT. !!h. 43 — r»0rE39I0NAL CAABA !• WlLLi|!«||Y, itUraer «K rentrlltr at Lav HOT SPRINGS, ARKS., W,U- **** p**1"*1 attention to ail bttsjne*, ▼ T Cntrsated Jo hit rare, i0 *By ton« of ibis or the surrounding eon sties’ July 111 lMle-111 ly. ■ B. JIMInrOA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.ITT LI! ROCK, ARK. Oet J. 1*50. 4 «• I- BRA.1Bfc ABl!RG, ATTORNEY AT LAW LAWRRNCEVILLK. ARKVS WILLpmlk.Jo the tHaKn oi Philips, si. Franrt* sod Monroe,in the gist judicial Cir ewit; be coin tier ot De»ha and AiktaM, in the •rtnnd Judicial Chruit, and the count) ol Fiatrie, in lb* 6fth Judicial Cafvutl. and will pa; strictat tention to the collection of debts in any (tail of the State, and will aUo act ww«nl for (he talc of land* ami pajrtnf Residence tnL»wrene»rif>, Monroe co., Aik*. Sept. 17. IWttt-—8—2—ly joamr t. tri««, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BENTON. ARKANSAS. May SI, 1840. J7_ IIEBBY M. REfTOR, ITTIttSKT 4 C8CJ8ELLD R AT 11W I ORce at Beaton, saline County,) PRACTICE in the Canatiaa of Sillna Hot Spring*, Perry, Montgomery, and th< conrtsat Little Rock. Any buoineet entrusted li hla care will receive prompt nutation. JAMES T. BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Arkansas Pool, Ark., Will practice his profession in the Second Jndieii Circuit, eud will attend to tko collection of debt and the inreatigation of land claims in ever, pai of Arkansas. us B. T. IHVAI,. ATTOR.TIY AND fOf BSELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Port smith, Arkansas. It. H JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, JOHN R. BORRF.\, Attorney at La w. Rf*idf% in LewUrllto. Ufayetlr fonntT. ,tr& A ND will practice iolbe court* of the 6th Jndi cial dlatrjet. AH bueineea confided to hi* man ageinen t, wilt rt’aceir* prompt aDdfafthfulat ten tiou. LAMBERT A. WHITELEY. ATT0R1EY IT Lit, OFFICE ON MJRKHJM STREET Ltrrt« Rock, A*k***as. JAMES A WILSON ATTftRlEY 1SB rOHSELlOR AT LAW TmVILLK, ARKANSAN. DAVID \Y. CARROLL. Little Hock, inaSOly] akkamsai. (no2!* JOHN QI ILMAI, ATT0R.YEY 4 CBIXSELLRR IT LIV, AND SOLICITOR IN CIJANCKRt. Orrtc*—Eldorado. Union county. Arkanaaa. 8. II. HGII*§TEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFKlCE ON MARKHAM STKEE1 UlTtK DOCK A*K’». i tl j. TV. TEBBETT*. A T T 0 R. S E Y k CVl'.TRELLSR AT LAW, Fayetteville, Arfcaa<aii. ««<>. C. WATKINS. WATKINS A (IRKAT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JLYfTLE ROCK ARKANSAS EI.IAs A. ( OWVAf, ITTOiLXBY IT LAW.k GBSKRALUrl Afel.1T, UTILE ROCK, ARKANSAS, V\J ILL ATTEND to the collection of dabta ia * t any part of the State, to buying ana m1Hd| laud*, paying taxe*. redeeming land* forfeited fo, (axe., (lc Ha i* authoriaed to *eII tend* moagt far tkrre or four thoutaod good pltmlalim, mod al cheap rater, for took. To I mure attention,communication, inuefbepoa, paid. I.title Rock. J»n 1*. ISM. Ift-lv LABAN M. SlHOl’l) Attorney nn«t <»UH*cll«r at Law, ILL pra, lice >ti the Court* of Newton, Sear » ’ cy. .tUri' M. auil Carroll countie*. Residence nest Crooked Creek, Car roll co., Ark. April 23—:i3—ly. S. G. S MIT H, AytORNBlltANI> COCNsELLOR AT LAW, PailKCSTOS, Ouui to., Akk*. ___ ___W-tf. JO Ml II*. 1IOKHKS ITTIKHf i\0 (OINSELIJtt IT LIV. ROCKPORT, HOT SPRING co., ARK. April 29, 1M0. 34-tf. Lroterlr* * 1 1ST received from New Orleans the following •I article*, v,x: 12 Uoxes fUmns; 1 •“ Ground Ginger; 5 “ Maccaroni; S “ VtroJitelli; , SO •* Table Salt; 1 “ Towaio Ketchup; 1 " Chocolate; 1 banket Sweet Oil; 1 boa Lemon Syrup; t “ Imperial Tea; 10 ‘ Soap; 10 “ Sack* Coffee; 1*2 lb.*a. C. It. llcce; 1 *• itide* Lock* with lly; A nd for sak-1 tit up by A. J. HI TT Li* tic Rock, June 9, 1A31. Mu'.* etrret. TIule Wanted. \V/T ANTED—A fcr^t rate Mule, to match out I » * have—price nut to exceed feufi. Apply Vi K</SWELL BKf.BE. July ». l?*l_At. Adlulniwtrator's Notice. BLAKELY SMITH, late of Kaadufpb count) in the Slate of Ark»u**», died intebUlevu or about the 4 th of July, ISIMJ, in the town ol Caualton, in the Stale of Louisiana; left tto known hei«, and piacc of nativity not known; the ap pruned value of hi* estate u *TJ5. Said deceased wa* about forty year* of age *1 the line of hi* death, dark hair and bint eyes, about Sw feet ten inches high, about a medium aiee. Letter* of Administration were-granted by the Clerk of the CVun of Probates in and for the* county aforesaid, on Iks. 24 tit day ot December, A D. HWU. to the undemgiwrd, Elia* Chipps, of m~ OMmvi and A wm entered by tbs Court of Ike count) aforesaid, at the January term thereof 1*51, that pubkcaUre be made m wane aw paper of Ibis State, socreffm* tu law for six week*, of the death, Me., of sniff Rreaaand, KLIAS PftlPPH, XhwawOwMr •/ lie JCHtU a/ureeuut. ■■ !9-«w J*»y 3«, l«dt. NEW WOOD*' 1[ iffsr. s? sr -i55^ IIMTWt CW I Wt| hate 0, »**■,<;, ,| a ■ , »"»*“*? and. ,**.* ,11^.,, ,B r„:^ trjr sod fuwii, tf rail aid the ft , TT, Mum trrrrt. Lit'je R.vk,- 1S»(. if. LrTTLE RUCK IUUH SCHOOL iMnlin nd B«jr Vhetl fir lout U4m. rl'HE°t."r 8wo',n»,y -iii »>• i >h* »’h $*i»t. {0. ▼.), wte* • {rtinrl*i«| '■••nee Ol the Pupil* i» earn**’!) r*t)u**’tft Tilt* ufKtn It* fat* el J,,. ,~j ,» WOOt>, «jh .A**i»l.i.t Tear her*, e#*r, rJVl »ht«t<i»'*'lle»dtri.>t.,*. eUhi.htt flufatiur,, p*v*rr*fn, »ilhm ih iftiv.. * * qii.lSrat,**. fur Hie v«'hu>* hi an* hr*. e* ttH i**, here prtrlit. ,1 a iffc pet 1**1 Mtoefaetio*, they Vi ;c [ r te ll.e g*istl*e>*B »ho*e n*m*t ire Th* Pupil* *1 th* B .*r,(ir>f mrbeol, kerne *,*. *»«o*iatr<< with their Trjcfcru, receive the' j *"M»*K* *« eeee*»«it to form »M )*•** the i net*. amt firedtice halite ot order and reenf „tv i **»btiti*l it» Ihe lot melton 0| rh»t**ler ’ r**Ut.* Ih* iwpofti*** er , fh,«,|h kneel*,,*, ! of the r i*n*h tin* «»**, m« i*>dt»f*«**bt» it, »roM* ! nrftr**tle*, ihe Prtiinpai* wt.h in ,*ntl*r H ** lu «. ,Kw«rt.t* th* l?rSA*f* of the «*«*Mi*hie**.( The. prop. ** the P,r«l*. «f.« „,*,* m Ih; l*«nlH, lo *!l*mJ the Fr*r.*h *!»•**», aitheat rIif, : PW|pr, Thejraittef, *' th* eily of fJKI* R.^fc j, heaiihfuI r4'»•«* »e*e»iW, it *i« iWl, hy ateea.bct. Mfl ****Jf#. The •r#t*i* «f edueehnti, a«*tdii**et* po,*,,,,) ipetlert »n-i*ri.>,e* ,.f vrhateve, J, ' «*,, the netet int*tw*to.i &*,*». —cMbtertitg ath<M«»gh a»d*\*i*«.*t„. *«*„,. >h* elfmenlarv to the htft **l ht*rrh*» IWoHMt reeor,t* o( **hniet«t *p out <‘*pi,rito*n! tf* tin »i,,t ! fed »« PitiM*, ahiM every jodieum* i, , i t ettnljr m The *rhr».t te ron.tintty uMri Ihe eepert Wee nl the Board nt Vt»|fet», who. Item time to hw-e, ri. j "’"♦h* ,h« **""«* rtiwe*. |«<I rep*,! (h,!* Teraii ef TlHhe tM Booth per ie»leH el ! n« newh.. Oiy M-liiili.*, 4th itvpiMu.*i,i, gig oi! 9d * SM •* 1*1 *’ Fteefh. lliliih, S|ti> lei. and (ietietn, eirh, j Si»>Kth|t t: Choir, Moere—Piitte, Uttilar, inti Orem, eirh, j Harp, 14 M< id On If ufl Ik <H Id M *5 W ¥> P> 1 u«U "ini iflin tr k, ^ A renter »l fraMm* mi Onenlal |xiw<inf. Wolk, lnl«> ink ol Elx-liv and Dory, *>«?* Work,, and wax Itnm, rack, 10 do N*> tint*# Ion lutbiunlciy (Ml ornamental t nreile work. Book!, waiting, light*, fu»l, nee ol tollin g, *u., per »«n'h. 10 e„ Payment* ly, i« #d»*iwi.j no deduct,,.,.. Icr ati»rl.* . a Se**ion» roiraienre l»i Bepl, and l>t f*h, pa pilt rr r, ivn1 a* afcv peurd, ar.d ckaiged Iron, l,». ol entrance lochse of lh«. »*i»inn. Hoard ol VikilaM, Rl Rf*. Bull tVauim, Hun F. W. Trawau., Hon Judge Kimoo, Cap*. A Pint, j Hon T. w Nk*»to». I L (iiaaon. M 0. J. H I nxa*n, E«q , L K lunar*. F«q Lmlf Koch. 4>« 23, 1250. K<a.iw%f Fikm», C'xo. <’ Wat* in*. R*<j., E H Kaoi i*n, Kwj , Maj J Lawton, 0<». H, H, Hmtrrtap. H'>a W. H. Brrto* 4l-li. UMIMITM lilt XfcllMRl, II <mp«t end I'ailtf, Ark.. ^TMIE aoeoMt aeaaion of Ibia Inattlutiou, opened ! A Ihla morning. February I llh, lJ'ftO Ka*. C. P Tennaariaa, Superintendent and Pro faaaor of Mnml atu* Intellectual Pbtlow ph). Brlio-Lviiiua, ami Spannh Literature lit*. H. C iVaiirr, A. M.. Frofeaaor of Grecian Roman, f ranch abb Italian Llteralare. IAHVt ( notana, A. M . Profeaaor of Mathematic* Madente r*cel*eb In lb* Primary Department tad i inaiructod *• TERMS i Primary Department par aeeaien of 21 wnrkt. payable quarterly In advance, $12 oil Preparatory Deportment, 12 tin Collegiate Cowroa, v« on Vocal and Inatrumenlal Matte, Element* of Musical Competition, (Extra) 4 lie | Initiation Pee, I on No.deduction for * bo* nee natron In cooea ol pn tractro Ulneoa j All atHdenta rharped from the lime of thru entry to I he ond of the aeaoton f N B.—The anus «f nil.miniatero who are au goged in the regular work af the ministry. or of t Ihone who ore aaporanaaled or hero died in the : ministry: will be educated free of charge. | Bntnoiao eon be obtained in the heal familiee, nt from RS to #9 per month. Particular attentien will be paid both In the moral ond intWUetual training of all alndtnlt committed to our charge. 8. T 8ANDF.R8, Secretary. BOARD OF TRdlTKKl. lion D. 1 WITTER. PamnnaT. H. n H P Poiadeater Re* Wn. Meeree, Reg. L. P Lively, R«» B. P Box. 1 N. June*. M D , Mr. J 8 'an defur. Mr. T. Willlamaon, Hon J V Rev j, Cooler. M D Kee J. J Roberta. C H M/tcbel. M. D . Mr. W W Aadrewa, Mr hi Sender*. Mr. H. W Smith. 7—S9— If wn. tiitfi a .rtiuinniiiii nw* dlls tkrwl of tall Other*11 T1» Wtmry ot otl Pill IfuMUktlwvnlt BECAt'SE lh»J are »«frt, brtiei and m<»r (If; raeimta fftan any nlbnr*; am) tieean** (be |n,l lie wdl take R« mAirr of or|tr% if-they m» obtain Horn MM.SWW liUXM havi btea wM aaawallf (w th* Ian flv*t VaaM- . . TOt’SMS AMO OJ,p, MAI.E AVp rEMAl.E, ran Mway take then, with equal **;el> emljattknol fear If ULUS Mk XKt KSAiM V >'» rwfM aod rlramiM the dhinoti h atm ><*•*, lad imriiiih* the Bb*-d aad «•■*• of the Indy, take mi other*— far no othet |kH» ■ item "onrhiKftl efleru-, or euataia KareaaartHa W Mi- m 1 at. Ilrlak aad Idle tut I aval, in |mm;< < m ueual nri (tpati.m whilst lafcuty tin >», without leaf -•! taJuat aoM, il'idrit all tinde of weather ONE THOUIANO DOLLARS are wap red (hat more ■- |i nmiir e=-nih«an (lew Pht*i eiaur. ell ■«; mm, oe’o.her. ot t owqreaa. and m|*r*!e '" aea») ran hr urodmi d of Horn *dW-a* > thaw * any utbn Klim Pfl.L* ABE i» 4HOX.UI uKd ai ii • me • ho*, with dim soar and murk wimtemaae adaiee at- "I f. a) inf am h Hat They bate Mb taata w bathe mast emrll, Prae froth duel ur (pv'.l. i of aay kind, I«o bo *»e|(r Bar ***** h or bowel*, Predttet mi atrkama*, vwnrtmt or had m*r ABEtoou AT ALL TIME**, Amt arlanaod to owM 4lara*> • oaura b> tote* iad No '»;e haveM oner taken tki-iti wrN hr wriluif arte. * *<»• to take any other., twraw*. they wtti a)way* do (nod, iu»! they do tad. thro w* <alter* will. lir St. H. Leidy.tlie |ifhpi(*t<u atidataaauotun i atm By dranfMt, cbatukH and 1*1. «!' It, of rear* etjwrtro Phtladtlph' *; framlole (hr t i.iTeredy of Praa»ytv*" • atentber ol did i Hi tuedw *i inoUlmnm* af I miatb ltdita h(» York, Horton, Baltuaore, the , and sow tala attd «m**|e ml in* thraiW r of aererai node *1 ui.htutwNM w.L«adi» attd I • na—bear* the me* (d dye *t»«rr loufrdewre (dared ;* Vi (Him, and then bow* *.«**» od* d ibthr brarwre of ae a w cian* ilifonhoat the ( l lyirahr (dljaH HUte Prao tnttl input, l<r Lridy '* , . Point* (St . Mhiadt >ln« and told wbnhwale and >eta>>1 > lit*>, \h III Aiadi J. Vt Tap*.. Little Berk; It Btawamow, Van Bw>«. "» vtl k M. ad, and H nfkl k Co . Bear orioaate, and all -tta* ant* and ebaekoe tier*, tn We I ma d States (leMbVO -If Dm. I »•(rnrlaer•ht|t. Walbiim 4 Mifr VyroULD r#d(wa(lfulW infer tn lit# mi trio t*l Lillie Kuril, anti optcudiljf Ihuira/ the «««!>>, !l**t llse) hare rhteted Ii.triar<,.(.#llr eiaL-ift ill the Practice #/ Hi dieiur, a*.il ate pieca.'td l«> utfrad *«■ .... p/umfitf. |n run if etnetfeirj, aid ettbef ut *»• pad tea are abeetil. She other will 4Mead. Or r at Ihr olhet ran alwa)a he toitihi at their '^ff if* Mt. Ba K. Wuidn ff'« huiitiieg, the rat net vl M»ibi;aa. aa Seel* flieet*. LittU Km*. Oct. 13. IhuO li- »» Nrhool Book*! IfliVK jud! rrtetvod a inppljr rtf ffehuai B«e‘L*i anvouB who i* alir she fulJowrinf i dr/e fc> ief lic ttpeii ng fteaka; Oari*1 AlithBHfLC; Ptk e't Statler'* ** EtwLtdh Header*; Ottodneb’h Headers So- l, 1 ' 5. Copy B'eik- ; adaortinj I’njacra; 7 ' 2000 Letter B»*sl«iM, l dfw. Misaotiri H«ratotu*u; t “ Sou litern “ AKo—Paper. Pwa», lai, 4c., Ac.* *1> '#s* cheap b.rcaac, hf A i KtTT, e" Mty 14. t«l. '"o^KttwTiiLu*" Sm«w* irrer; Ji FLOCK 7C Bliis pet fine. SO perirH-. May JO, 1»1. “Qniacy MiH’P* He*e.ted and fru sele b> VN B. WAIT