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T*' M ,Me. ta rrw»*f »*•*»•■ The f *mT* * •’* , ‘ , 4e® *Ut*d “» » U,e tn*,Cil *** ^ „ Lean*** PtaMfisw^ , .r< »» •CC'"*"U * *fc,r' , wj- «•« u»ikf a* •«*>*»nr: j^wsr-i Oonatb *“•* fc* 'af,R „ • <te«*h. »*» °» *S* Vtttk fn*d'J?*' , , eh« C-«key*»Ue. JM. ..*»»••«*> v sote* ii * um* W Joateffi. *»“•«■ t""**' l l T p - - ; Oor*-ir*i. emi *>«eoU«e» .» — •• -■»“* . B JUX C1 ,<4 Okr.»n«a*, Lsaceetet *w PlW»> *«« >«.-.**MM-rer sJateewt* Or^sca u EJa.rd <*«■«*. la! wba r*B °* iW, y** am**. Ti-ry tte hwc abTcstke *«- se-^/ai enterm* .1, the err -- »«»»«"* “*>*u f*5 W“fc j,** i musket* m ii*>r i»«e*Je. Pleated 9** from urnim- . A yxa wss fr>rathe »!»*»•». •»! me f.w »wa:« s >tt(t ewal ^ •**”** *;*4 *b,:e* wanted tee boa*. TaeMewh* c*«;»**. «m""»*** to be* . «M W:«.’ *f.b k« «**• *f «<* tjcs sad tee »e»»eei»celhae«?e« c „jk, retired ftaes tb* tew*!- **4 ** **•* d,d *“ . went 6red «jrw fren lie upper «"■*>* * of t*e tew*, and «wc»^ hf 'rjwJ 041 Bdaard Goctact. »u**w* « the breast a*d fedl dr,d Hj »a* *« »** » ‘to; «* .«d *•****■ *ni i« repxted tin *»-t w M'c d!ed frja j,u funds. But. of liras were be*te« »«* eiu’a lief were *!eot. J »•*>»■» Oowaci. a a—** of Edaard G xtoch. mu sbot, sol tiongi .lt„g. vs C*». ■ .-red » be »• *«Wi <l»afer.— 0. YiIej* P»scre wss.»>»'• *»d bestea, sad ,, ;c»: d be «»•»•■* sarrire. Messrs. H«teb sal S'e.*>s es^aned. sad jot off to rV-sdei ' T',>« tu«e of '-to- aejroes *ere sbot. it a sssl. br r-- oftte tdfc>eoui u«r co«psB?- Dr. Piercv . -' -I >o ttos care of !, « ,V yo>' -■ •*« V>.W. »»d *9 »*be h-MSf of our 4 **i :o p:r« »*>e of these bed been broijbt os 'rrl ass the vuirtoeof Ike stuck ,a>., jar* t -rs coaW (enwia *ttb the w,.ui?d. bit bsd To ars^e M b^t Ujcy ootiM. Tvu crowd of ln*cu tsi, it is *sid, »ua Vm^I user two kusdrei is s few is,sales si^r toe b i* s; l tbe ‘i Mb o bee eft wbo® interfered to save tit-.' of - jr eiiiiew."^ | S4'.«e| i.av.j tie l. s. Jiinui who • IB;?® roarsac* fr ra P uladeiphia, proceeded to ,* * :neof treason a*! mir*rT, *•4 made several S>»* of tkefntoxn, p:.r»;.:pjHy blacks, are er.adued -a tJn- Laaihster -will* /hii. others a^ jn *, a ;a P't,.,s*rpahi. »:*..« f >4t or Ive gate S-ten c-«so.f- '■ '"“appear before the L'. 8. Csitu.'. cour, ehw*ed with «■»!’.;■< murder sod treason. Siseli ur lie fra,:* if the weak sod inescdute coni of Pr--sideat Fillmore is it niton to Urn enfm: «S obedieaee to ths Ensure Slave net.— ila. be .a*a'caied pr «B?t (tel'cao- to the !«w i« tj ftoiay prey or (tad he repaired a p- «s*t -rseeitios of a hr the oflfeter* who were re ifii-ei to :any >ni its provisions, lie free blocks «-i; a»_::isatiof Pennsylvania would never cave set i*ea:jyokaoi to cooutit t*« bloodiest of at! •„•«! outrages of which they hare at yet been parity. 1; it a dart na.a apoa tie-tscatcheon of Peaasy. raa a. which can on.y be wiped ofay a strict «. j»r>.at>. reui.uoa if justice to the perpetrators of the deed l'i. i» tout iwleta tp-.rrt is seiereiy repulsed now, it w.,i i»rr**»e and spread far and wide, »*tu toe ahotitoiaatt aai free *r{Txa at the north »««•>«aa i the fcialeat eriat; w.ti perfect .mpuni tj. / mdei they are laaaiiiag to Citotea* of a stare State. II. o. o. r. The Grind Lod^e of the Us,ted States, of tiw I. > ■} F . adjourned «*<■ air a the JOta nit., Am -ae in- aj»sa itsratj adapted to the eoastila u>3, was mm- ie<; jtr.if that ati etad dates foi Grins Sinrihafi be Escampan-nt members. \s ... - ni.«< the Rrpreaeatatire fee $30 m treat af lid Aar act to allow the Grand Ldre to oryanor « t*r to ’ r e.r« credeanais without a quorum be ■ a? preaeat. , A pr.i a. « ru also adopted coafemrif a de tree sp a t« r>a (f scarlet member*. KrrTTtr Dn**mc—Tse deramrrwie tna ;*• re it ra.vrsof Cuayressia Kentucky, m uu rw-h. ek .jo waa 3,223, mach fr eater than th< cu. «r.:« fjt G neraoc. It is ose.em for the fed • p-rci v»dear u .oo^et. ‘"Old Kamtuca" i ■ > tf» t ax.ratat. rf . iy Horjpaa Has armed at Batoa Raa^ f" 'S _ - dieh, to taae command of the Arteaa: f rice, tie late rntBsander, left Baa; It lie JJBh far ad. Loam. da. Jor«»» **> Csaa—The Syraews Slat fid* hta haowa a- tsmayssea aad aeeah ■h*T *ch di the oiatefuag L'trmes, prea the Ui tarn !• anecdote The late Camiaidipe Eidsie* of the t. S. \a aformed am ta the year ivfl, that sarme <m - *“-* paa.’ed toe nmht at;the honae o 'a. . -ouwatacor ia Scm Tort, Ute aoa in ias *: y -arie. he siaersod, the nett morning, i , papers .a ia roota, which proved aa etaa - Oe toller* ir-toi dr H#-wn'h 3U A p e ,.>« a: th-ase settee*, b« Mr. Uoav > '11 f -rm anoo. be etsmtrd, aad found them •r ; ».'« a p.ia drawn up by Mr. JeSenoa i ■'• >•. p aaenNsn af Cohn w nen aa oeeastom thank Y r- .•aaspw-wiajt aa army ta her shnnrii .a i wia: a take thru depot i~a i- .in h-w V «h. Caarieasoa aad other roe m era pvu Iv.r^to Vi 'T*n,—*. •„>» .aie nealy w,u tie aw Iran aad ’A ah- pna -taaa Sanda sf Ssaami •*•• •‘•r* a e ; >utes oMaus over vmnm^y om ta; a . fzra, ; a<t -.ass. of a Uhc d'twu ft.m n - *».«» M i*»e n*«f cm l*e aurt*. U 'V- *<"fe »o>ts 'win «f !V Swt? si ? p.’Kies part of Ifct i ’£in river ■ -■*a.'.'i ;>: *t.>ub<< wt of -v Iks lima wi m. Prig Tvb:»ai*i » mum o* «« f x :».* - to*-** •*-» Me UK Tv *!*;.«** papers ft-; pyft ■ ■ M> fticvu. uv if .*» •* tr,- «e« •• ir: ftacft suv *<: a* lie **»* ..a* cili* f site t e a iiiame-w »» T»^ —A •*-•*--Tup-v yj *-*• "»*•*» - v "ww»i «f Bn. U. **. P-rjr ■* i* ft:&e S«*:ae»t, «ft y* Cftttwte Pi ftir » iu u ie >'s , lut, I* Jefcr*»a <turr*ei». Pifjt *• . " ' *■*»«»• or' lae i«J a murwinl ' » ?•*•*»». left Cftfiiilfc oft !Sw 111ft. Ulrflrf ’as «• 0- vilf-u'-nv ,/ •»- % 5- Srsttft. *f. >- * I’lW-mp.iR.'.etB lie He..*1*** >ma. ' ttiira **r*i*3» rat A «sw, em —'Tiift «*£&3£ C3*UMt, iii vftUii * * mi :« **M W etiaani i«ek«M» » J s r: • ■». I-.. JAI* ai’iiwi, ag - i* .In.i i« uaHucArrt > .: . imiirf 4. Xl* p**i »«*• 0<! - • ■ -«.*» ftifftt, ftwt #.*04 -vi- _f ii.ii urin »: ■ «* iv- or .t a****, « u» A **•„* «ar -mrri. *J be U lit 5*v. *S«A k-’t ‘ ' ‘ '*•» 1' »»*.* 1*0 T<Uou. lp»i i i JStiiwl t*e Jnwft*n« af J|r. ’ ' * 11 «. >1. I* , fir l me festp aa,e» f. .1 x ■ * » **• Tie* ocarinsi je«ma* s. £ ' •' < * *-i *>»• MT X MT. A: toe /• «*■* '/ 1 ' '■'* rei,i»»c4 u fee fwjH».vaU, »• -i : •* r*s« (Ww <ijr»a«4 Vr e<*sp~i * »*< uniev T»etrfi«7 t^rv, ■*'■**■* ***%&■ im>*4 \St NHirrr r,| o*« lJu BftCt^k vuclit*. rr Ta» ftotumuxr »t fi*raa*. wfto Mini uu ' finWe S» Lagn, a * sail acre.. .**—»-■—w.'-r—-ipl—r"~~ —~~ 'TE'-- • Pram 6t (tutim Mw-ary. T Nr. Pafl4iar< Utter. I [ The Mice of U*- Horn. Jap** K- PswWswf, in * slower to as mttauioa rm»n tic eiurn.-sp’UtJff'e t . infcfU' v of Uie bo* then: A c*jc*».iyn. tv . i andresa t.*■• pahl/e uMHfeig to b* k*M «• the Itu.f tost., u of ao irua/kahto a chart-ter, tail the* eoumuUer hart felt H Ik to rbt •srmmlrum. and : to U>e jw j'Jt of Uwwbote SWte, ?■> deviate firm i the Waul ta?e. ml pariah it tn advauce of '.Or ueca*. >o. Tite author baa long heem acquestewd from the turmoil of p»l*t»e life, a»e haa Was the, pnwifoa cr an tiap«j»u>oe4 spectator; white Ms abuadaa; evpv-icact-. dimag • Umg career of d» ! ungu-al'd, make* km a mm iiimplti ai j judge H‘J atHtiiy, Its oonmiewjr of! ofwiaa, and lid umuilted and nwuapectcd iBtej- j TUT, unite >» the «UW *1 weight to ht* vicar* of public atfatri at ibis Ufisc. Mi. I'auMing ha* . never }u A'4 a *tcp txi. tr. the tide of /aaniiotnu. or coSipr unused a jmucip c lot the eso-oeutary am- j era* of p*atj. Krm lh* cosiwcncevneat of ltd) sectional rouirotrer y. km baa steadfastly am) ear- ] aesfiy urged upon the n r h to do justice, and up- _ on the wrath to submit to no tamhoe of their full I and pwtect equality ra the l'aim. He has out) hotivrted to main taw that it wo* hotter for the north, as weti at the aouth, that the confederacy ■ she aid be tfmunved, than that r* fundamental ‘ pone plea ihrakt be changed, and its eon* ttotmn subverted. The swibte* refused tn listen to b» wise co just!*; i; r-.tnanu Ui be been if the antilb . will he »Ui) mnr> fataily and pervenady deaf. We need not aay sbucb of taw iaat proof of the ability and high murai to e af Mr. Pa nidi nr Hit letterypeak* for itself, anti is a tanr-iarc that a*) can undeinlaud. Ita no ample and clear io ex pression. that the hnmbkst uusnl caa appreciate ■ ,11: so searching i« auaaiysu. aad ao Kcupreben i save m trope, that the taut cultivated wifi feel1 j that there t* nothing wanting. We remember no * ! essay cm the guestiows mivtied. that denrrre* to i be ptreed uefum it. either for fi maned awl lucid , expM**y>n, or for r anpletencs* and symmetry of; argithenh We trust that the pres of Una State, aad the i . southern right* pres* ereryw here, will aid ia gw iog euc illation to ’Uti silm-rahw leiier, frua one i of ifce mo*: d;r ting, us bed aad was*. upright of the j public bci of the L'lscm. la tha charactf-r alone Mr. Paakbag hm a right to bare bu dedherathiy j esprewied opxrouBt on a great public ija«iu.ia tu v;< knaro to toe wha«e people of the As * j Ciintea of the aortb. who, iu a puaitto* that is be- j \ vend alt suspicion ui se.banners ur prejudice, gl>es| , to the cause of U i south the great weight of bu ! caiai approval a-ud support, he has peculiar Clara* ! to our atleutjon, and biv worda de**rve lo be u-.a |*ared- They deserve it stiu more foe their own ■ raw fflPfit. Hr»c Pm, Duchess enilr, X. Y. ) .v-pjell-tier 4. isAl. y . Onm-twa*: Your iettef directed to ok at Nr* York, eoaveying *a .iiv.iaUoa to address a meet- ■ j tng of tbe antens of Chariesta* d/#;.net. to to bed j : is Charleston, S. C., on tbe 1 Tth mat., has jus reached toe at this place, where { now res*! . Pot the ccaspumeot .fcn* tevlered. »a<l toe laft j rua/r is which it i* ©oaveytd, i to* you to accept i ’my acknowtodnoeat*. acc. impaired by regretstorn;1 j 1 cannot comply wmi your wishes, Distance a.vj. \ space, the burden of years 1 sbou.d bear with me. 1 and, route toaa all. my incapacity fat public « | . mg, caespei me to decLae a Uhk fat winch 1 am totally onnued. What I have to say, I therefore j hope yaa will permit toe to address to yon, t ixourb • ' a medium to wham 1 am more accustomed, j As it appears trom the tenor of your letter that ■; you are already sufficiently aware of the opinion 1 es terrain with respect to what <s whimsically eai-} led toe compromise, I will only Ur. able roa with ; j a brief recap tulatioa. la tsy view, it was a rrai j ; and palpahie violation of that great' fandamen a. ! pritreip.e of State equity, wLsh pervades every I provision of the CoaHuatioa. and foctra the basis if this coafeOeratoiBi a omst uajuatihahie attack . j urun The rights, .uteres *, safety and happiness of > j one half toe mates coanpoaiag it, acemajpsswed by insuitaadoUisjay: a pretended concession, wrest i ed by mere farce of numbers from a raiaonty; and 1 toat, ta its coaotsjuenees, it w>U prove mire fatal to the rep.we. pe-wpemy sad happ.neas, if not the • I very eus;ewe, of the Cman any measures . That stay be aeaurted to :u attempting to utitaia re : ire** for toe past, or aeeurity foe the future. Such being my view of toe subject, 1 is, and 1 . always have beeu of opoioc, that toe s'.^L or* i finally Taken by South Carolina, and mcwfW the , southern Slates. ia oppuauion to the embodied ta th at senes of mens ares, was o« aaiy jaktsAabie, hut demanded by a proper regard tor their fochts and their s:«M| amf ’-hat *» abaadoa uiCSt of tae posuioa (bey then assumed, and an . j a".,uie* dice .n measures they repealed.y dec Ur |ed 'hey would resist, " St alt baiarda and to the : last extremity." ua.eas accompanied by a fraak ‘ eckBbwicdgnrea! of having beea wrong m the first s laataaee, would, n the language of the pr ated 1 resoiattorn spfeaded to you. letter, be “ what ' they can id not submit to without dishonor..” If j : such aa abanttoameat of au previous p.edges and ' dec.iraT.wiia were the result of a satweiiuea: coo v set ion of having greatly erred m making t treat, it ' would be howurabreand magaansaoui. But such 1 appears not to be toe ca*d s.ace even toe adv.> ! cate* of aeqaieswnce suit continue to aaaert the oa wan-fi these p.oigtaaaddcc.aranmia were bawd, as well at the wrung* which first eai- j led them forth. Tbe association ta, I believe, right ia it* second reauiation— its beiref that toe coopers- ; two of any of the southern Stiles with South Car , | oiiaa. either ta resiaiewre or cessation, is at least ^ improbable, so iuag as the mfinewce ami patron ‘ age of toe general goicramen; are-arrayrd against ; star* rights. X>r do I see any reareui lot be.rev - i tag that any probable change of air&iBiStrauoe wilt produce a e ha age of measures: since, as you j Witt perceive, irons then repeated dec.aratioaa, aU , . parties .a the north smut ia denouncing hsicry, anti toe coast iiul.o(kai rig IT of Cos j press, at weti aa its indexible duty, to Mofcafeil ita : etteawos to aay state tost may heicaio-t be ad- \ : rrwlled ,ai» the . wa. Fr >«. all present appear- ■ , ; aaccs. the pc ji'.'.plti «3tb.ado.d ia tote • <c,,; 4ao«. (’ will continue to he the has a of tie f-.-’ ire po.icy ; of tire rnvemmrBL l- wstoj probable. That j ' j the States which have (abontled to past.. wU» be ! eg sally q-neaceot under future wronea. ., Haviag Thaa nnely aured my van* with reganl , tti.yool am and second, i wui now itver to your j ( last sad ataat imp-d aat re»n ««aya. aaaaeiy: --.hai i , in a ;ea»c.oafi.e ra to oUa.a toe co-ope . i raitua of other aoolhesa states, booth Oaroiihia | shoe id aids* withdraw from toe t moa. ’ U seems rather tore ia the day to be ca..e. aa to : , ecuabst toe .>id tvp.odcd dietrare of passive c*e- , iieace a»d ooa-resiataaee, the asaer.i -t of which east -job ha bead, and teat aaufhei ;au> i perpend. -auc. > et, aa Ida! doetflde mi lately tow a rented by j. xae of ih* h^iuxi of U<e , repabiy, a eaus fir » pussier aouee ia e«n»* uw» with *de mbyeef of *hu l*t1vr. it tvemt . nijfr, too. ;aa: IS J ioaf boned mmster wb*eb j reoetsnl ill Aratd wot* ad* m Ibe two revolutions ] of Eaciaaii aad Ameren, udouid bate been <f a< i *p a. ad rewnwitaied oy dmtmgaarikad deni «»■«; f repobtieaa j:res>»i Pros. ail tort Uxc darken. . iHMi Of tbs Cie».£Se«t world. tbla ft.Wtenuo.* pt*aat it la* been Utassbad, aa <t w .old app> ir, M:> to t9d relate ;» j»ai w ised peatman i< be . :be sum: itre awl ea.'uatewed Tbrre « « a; European wr.'-r, that woaia a*»w reotsfe U» pro- ' e«aua tae M>ak pcs* p.«a wkerb bate bees as- . •sited by fepubbesa .cadets >a Uhc balls or a Con ' afreputdiead State*. A tborr. i*/. dveusse-n of lias daHTTdc *f pMto*e abedtrace ui a..a- rcsnMaee, oa Uke par. af eqoa. . .4 a ruafr or ratoon of state*. wwnsd tc proper ffer *e to*re<sp-< aac -ar-r- ’ ae too canapareoa Uiisoceastoa at# 4 *1 .1*cm rt aeeaamgry. Tbe ngblaf moat j ante t>« farce, as r«*p*.-« to state* a an comas nattiest,' IS o..t; aa ciieda >c. of tor .ndnaioa. n*dl -if at.;1 drf.-ace. w&tch t* a law at aa' arc, ao'ecwdewl amt paraanootbialt tow«. sad l.l omautataaat. asaoi be a-arnaied or rarruadered by the atop- - -cot M aoy jt-Hcoi wt a* .a. os, su.aa'iua Tbs*' doerrae ts eraataacd iayaad rnatr7»eay. by tbr rfM.tawcsie! ami adaaswetabie U|iar«s of »<o- • art a v*. Lucde , by toe ament «f ail id*- (wai aa k*rat as trad aa morSera aatarsibca <aa id* law of j aatoia a sal ttauoa*. . n<L. tf a*ea were aa* lor, case, it .a- siway* been, and a. ways mil be. act- j ed ip a a •&*> oerasioo mate*, id nppaaftsett te ! aa a^iMOWca. i» is tru. tbs’, atjnt -jt ide wra«» who assar. js iwac. ie u»e t«i! .:sf ttaMOadeCt bave ’ x^.x.»jk/i'll .o-iciiac Uic precise ;jm wbere ««swi- ' *twa «rc «o»-a jjaiiiaWe. berrmas ii n a.4 nttie if lieftiuit.jt ti is a duier of fceiun, »a4 «d» acitbyr be aoalydcd or uettaeii. Ad masacst Aaer ;aa statmaM. .a oCce. ■ s»d a r*»-»la' - far ssxis biffeer hodurs. ahtde opa- - ftioas i wad to tre»t wud dll doc reaped, ui aciy a‘br->P**4 u. eMabbab a broad ia'-iat-taem tm- ' Vtra £c so. aaoB aao scceaaMt. m Uar &fl« to tnu! • ad lie r^at of trialafoolaf asacd of tde daecw.-y ! «< r aor-j*t w» i -ubwe. fa s pantsoa. it 1 really! *■ xaffc-^art Sea, a. uwk idwoad a peoji* sr&aU ; tway b»T* ■ nebt k> aaist by i-joea » ewttaia coa* vaycacxo, lacy totre dime to tease aoaceaUr be-1 , -”*** **« »*tb at mt*t% aatf 'pyteakki It arias SltWSiiiSh*:?«*n< abiy*wura.t. « tor.-. > jr «*», to they cm*** gel out of tor vav. It follows ti*st All rvtoa. changes >a tto po)i* ieal relation* of a Stale with a Con fetler*’ «e of Hip e*, wmri aarsMialy to taMfkt about by » »:e»e* ru-1 bloody taitndiffiiM! Ttoah wia Can rtui In * n» pane*. »*»4 no* »*Ut in peace. ftoy atir ..*jf> n i^;.. at tto aft rouge* i, att'i fight a out. , Tf-Wlto ertersenaiMiii of a pm . »a of a.rfal-] lo* (Matan*. perhaps *pt etKiMrynie*. >» •• m-' disp-whaMe p-rruamarr 5» ill • -tr cr-ai poidirai ttisaa, an. I beeaianiba uu« to offend up ••» the into «f Liberty. to ton «to rw bee-sw a r^st- i watt gomMesa. Tto estobtiahmriH «f »*<a p'm c.pie, c< ruiedior tto right ot rwoiBltoi and de nying that of *e**wk», wwrid. m i*j» application j to the ease now urni<r <--dhnder«<K>n, leave tw re- < *>urre to any aw-rob*? of 'hr* eonf detafiors, \m4~: the must Intoerabie npprewnor, bet civil urar. w«h ati .sa agf»ar»-aw. leave, open bo appeal to] jto great tritons) of reuar*. .aa'i-e, and suit, in ly; the right <»f the ftropeeaf ia She tight divine; and dtaaeati.m* among a eonfederaioa of Christian State*, ran only be adjuaied. iitee ihuae of the wild bean-* of the by a to*'-*, struggle. I *m aware that this baa been the ainmu invariable practice of uu a .mi m every age a »d toy airy; lent never till now do J recoil**: act ing it asserted that it was the only justifiable mode of settling amOto tffrei anvng Stale* end nvtrroa; and it ia with no tittle regret I aee this doctrine faortioned by one whine opinions are of aoeh high auttonly among a large portion of the American peop.e. i tore dwelt more erupt aaieelly on this topic. be r-iu*“ I e©n»«J*T the nab! of woceaion aa by Ur the meat important of all tto gucsftioae mvotvnd in the prevent controversy; and the auack on it a* one ot the moat ussdioua, aa weti as dangerous blows, ever leveled at the right* of the jfsnie*. ail of whom are deeply interested rn tto tone. line* thone who are now tto aggressors, may one day be placed in a posit*-a where it wui be their only re fuge from tto u neon’.roiled despvtism of a major ity With regard to tto expediency of the State of South Carolina exercising the right of weens*.-*, either now or at any film period, it w iii d, 1 conceive, be pre* itop-uoua ia one so far removed fro® tto aceric of ret ion to offer on ip.iuii. or intrude hit advice. In inch a cnaiv Stmlh Caro Una rckst act to heneif aiooe. 1 wouiti only ob serve, that in taking a step so decunre as ihat of withdrawing from the Union, uoaniair.v among tor Citizeus, or something neariy approaching it, seem* tadi*peri.'iO,c. J; appears, however, that loan .(bstiifcMt* tod men among you, wh^se repu tation is aatatoi, vi se opinions are entitled to grear weight, and who have tore*-.-fore taken the lead in .-ppjetng tto romp;ecus*, believe that the time to seftBMKKi a no yet tome: that the eo-operatito of at ieast a majority of tto southern States n absolutely necessary to the *ucrva«fBi i»ui of such a rneai re: .hat u it best to wait for further ihjviries, or at ,ea>: &■* *r bet her they wilt h* attempted, and ifa >, wtoik--r they will pre •luce a ich eo operatvoa. Tome • ic-re view* eo cisuoa, «a tic astr- r.aa.. believe it*: ,m»!iate accession, or *ec<**i. n after '• waiks* a reason able naje.” for the oo operation f o her States, a md.*p-: usable to the sa.Vi* aarf it»M of :m Sure of Sosth C*ro<ma. Wtuci of be* panics wii] evcaiual.y predominate rtma.m li be ires; and until mat a wedded, i aba.l wjO'.cb in»*e.f with a*«<-r.:nr tie r^bt of seeeasion, if-aim* :lc expedxrK-y of its exercise to be de owed by the le an It. Shoo .4 it U. foi&d fist a very oorisKlerabie minority » oof oa'.v opposed ha* w.ii resist a resort to tit* remedy for their ftievanm 1 conceite ilia immedihle adoption would be tat-.rd iu* a the ci tretae. But wien fieat interest* are at stake, ^naeh rfeoaH he risked ia tbe.r p'ew n ation- F r myae.f, I will on:* say, that were i a e. sen of South Caroiiaa. or any xtier *0.; hern v.afe. I truss I lin'd ax be ionn. »:c ?ag Uioae, after piacina .'.eme- Tes ,n front of * - buttle, aad ira.i ing their fo! lowers i0:0 a p> in whence the* could not retreat witacmt dirton.:*, mined from the 6e;d, only. it w&uJS seem, to see :f the enemy wo aid p vi mir : hem. .A few wonts more. *eatiensen, .n or ter that i ... i • . - :.. • . r- ... • - *, in i ] anil ao looker trespass on year time or pn'ten*" If I know aayaeif, and the innernaw* feeitaci of ray heart. I ara a better frien-1 to the Uaion than many of thaae who, while loud.y profeaaiair their devotion, are steadily a coarse of p*>iic5 that has already a ienafed a eomnderahi' portion of ita crimen*. aod wiii aaaured-y bnnr abaai it* dimnlnmia It a under the toSuenee f this at tachment. that i have lent my Heebie aid ta opf*" tition to that policy. Neither force nor eoeon tan preserve a L'ruoa solan tan:* formed oa the baais. of perfect equality; nor do I be.e'C it p**; ble to preserve or perpetuate this Confederation by any attesop's to extend the piet.s of the Gen eral <rowem«en> bevood tie Itnrt# preaerW by the Const:tatew. atrrM.y construed, .tjreeaW* :d it* letter aad The Srat attempt to ny.-rce any one of it* member*, will be toe band-writing on the wail, predating the ife-edy and certain fate of the I'amo. If is ax to be presumed that area! State*. many of them eqaa. in extent to powerful kisadoam. tod .mtabiied by iacma*<ng m Uioat U freemen, jrt to it of their tights, brave. high spirit ed, aad eaeraetie, can be n M together except by a * .malary cohenon. This coafrderi'ioii may te likened to the urea', system «f the uai*me. aad it «*. only, by the beu*a aod finite ind aesee of ah traction, that the wi^ht suu of o;:r nmpiiitigg can be kept in lice»r orbits. Those who attempt to bwdie or spar them, wtil, m the end, fare liar the rash for,, who aspired to direct the chariot ol the ana. I ia, feotleaea. your obd't serr’t. J. K. kaUldino. To F. D. Riehariiaoo, H. H. Kayaond. W. H Peroaneaa—Cocoauuce, Ac. Ac. Chaneaum, South Carolina. TVI laiaw Race.—The f>, ow ru eiiiiaw.i! of the Inah race mrou<j»at the weld, hw beer roinj the ro’iad* of the new spa pen. taougu ft-* what data the returns arenaait. or upm wha'ple the eamneratiow* ire calculated, we bare new. tie me an of £ad.n*.—K r\m*nl *'if ifiM >n fteiand la Cafiaad. w *tiaad and ’A'a.e* ..2,<Jfki,nS) In Frsac* sad . . la tetiait H«tk Amenra ...... . 700,fS)ft ia Aa*tra.a-- . .. htO.i-OO In the Cfu'i-d States...... u.oii'.itsi la South America pernaps . lOO.fVn Total..l2yt*.»UW0 Tuhquxi tin tiui Vui—We Uie i«u Wi of the op's, m that tin bent remedy ajra.aj1 the !er« J j dnah—« Tcsetbnr na w J iae A wo Saxon ratto—a the fr» **- of p re wine. 1: » a MMahahie fact that <o the w:m« deftness . ! fcur-pe, the prnpte are * ec pariis >; jf Jr • ft us the brulalsDag hahst -nf ia'oxicatioa. Atahag the rj.r«‘j*>p of .»>»,'• <•. Jta.t - ,i.r„ ,t . •: - whnh—r IsrU'w-aea ■ NMM «■ cornud emd aa eaaentjai to the tahfe at brea-i and nx*:. The line jxfee-a, may be aani ofat. c.uio. We h»T« heard it remarkedm ierjoon. that(t*e .tman of this class a p;ec* of bread, a few dry ftc* m dMea, a Sfttie tweet ot: aivi a feiftic 'if c.aret, aad he will irmtA hae a i tod ml be happr. Thu m dt of krmg a c*<e»ai w&a the »otr<xSic',an of the t ,n« sod oijie is those c,:hjnines, aad where a mi a a feaml tixtuidur* -a the me M «tnag drvns he is the subject of remark and common-ration iff bar tro o.i* aad acqirarWiscra A lauder* temperance retonaei w:.-i pnsmahfy chdia stevr sad vatuafe;e .oca? •jpea tie subject by naming iiaiaaa. The" i Temperance hjeietr, eteepi through Amentia newspapeis. was ncrer io-ar-f of. Yet la spop .Ta boo of nearly 9BMN0 wt’aits* tare Tina* to heat of a Creole or a Spaniard ch> s n the habit of amagdaritird aperisa la myard to wises, how e»w, especially cam* a ad aaiilerae. a.i Classes make free as* of tham at e*«ry mr;at We Sad ta the Hsruenltiirut taa fitSMing sea a) fee ■’-aaarajr ■ Very few .(KtntMh «frp! those who ha trateitsi abroad, estimate properly the yrei! m.-i rsiae of pore Ueht w ju»: became pare ».acS c«» rarely tod tier way across The AUasfee. » Coaramang as hocks mad clarets do, oaiy abut** eight at star per rest, of afetrfso;, they are far more wt.,.e**ac Thao ecJfee; aad the 'Srap produc'-oe oftwea w arn wiii do too?* to decrease the rna : -aptwa of ardent sprr.M than ut • her tiwm MKf. MettbcT law ant wnh eaa he brought to bear upna the present aye so as to tree awn :,> tar • neurit iff i rate—bat the istfodartw* if whole anas*, purs 5wht wise*, a‘ a cheap rate will—as there at an abundant proof in the win* tofru-Ss of Eur«p>- ft w to :fc* main aa well as because we .'«* nf Ml seoWRw >•/ wMatmai wealth, that we rerrand the labors of lueh men as Mr. Loncwurth aad Ht. Ewfeaaaa. la uKradacsa« and pr.-rfcei.fii; the wow ea tare, as worthy of the highest pwMw gratitadc," O* The eoaiwimr.'totaa Um aacartaeaiaf aad aet ti*a* j>' *•» to*# f is si i» Catitoma. gi« wofres* ‘hat a sc—as of thaw hoard will he head A ton frsweiaro os the M4 sf Oecemtor nrtt. rr w fcw w» 1 :ii London to Jenwer I Ur fleet 'fhwwewwr of *•-• <• s*a*.»n*: sal it at pi,if mot i*»f* tUe Bowsea Dntlr Adterswr. to »«i the mwita-1 iMitanMi by enn :»tw«am »• b* rawed M that«%. PMnow* to tfci* tmmftf, frmr tkoormnt ptmwwrdVd annwal if iu Gr«*t Btftm* Uto aMil-pox, tU* mo** toa'brow of »H dawasr*. Tb* benefits of the din eenery mad* by Jrwnet *rr world wnU and iwtai eaUi*5e. Iravw—Aeeasdv** to* tetter tap Jfsp’ea. of ifcr Si «t. received by • reajwwtobi* bowse St Lvwwr. the MRSII Herpobto.-v toss** of Rsnli W been twailowed up Ur an eartbWstaUe. Store* U* ad red twxtiea h#d airewdy been take* f>«t of rbe rams. Tm rwtiHBt ?lt*w« -J«tai Row has been ** r>rr<«*l Prwipaf Chief of tbe Cbertra*© N altos,— j He h»» held the nrtffo- af Chief ernee l«* j f flV Father R<f' hr*. Vinf * nHldi-! date for gr tremor of VtSyrrns. H*Mft Ur onjW »V hr cpswaar of Vrfsi»;» >1 bft ‘ would s*4 woahl j aol rf be roold" The rrawm hr r»«M !»'!» he) jsorennf .» tint Ur '»< no; J'Ot-a * reside** of thej Rfa’e f<* wn, rear* trnnaediateiy pte*e&ng the ©tor-1 bo*. f ir The R eintn fVbolic Btshop rtf Hew Brans- j wirk d*d »t Predtorfektow*«i lb©fShtfc art. PsmnKrrt «i, Tmrrr—TV PtflutotT* Post bowl* tbe'foiiowinj ticket for i$i2 j Denaoerattc Uck*t for Prii.-ien! of the U«Ht/nfo Stottst. Jtws B.-< ak**». of Reuoaviraw a. -rob jeer to<iec*«M«* of 4wwaU prtierat con*e«'.n>o. | P« V,rw Prcndeftl, VV,i.u*» fi. K..— of AU txs», twrijeiS to Ibt same Avemron.; r*« **t> It--rue* .—The /’far*- Argtu \ rest* the omsm of Cam and 'Wdttto- *« randtoatas lot !V otfi.-rs of President and Vete Prcseteai ta the next; election. . ~~ JTTkofnpw*. the Enefoh abolition:*!, who wh in this «vHitK*T_ a abort taer m«, bad a davtfbur* married * ftir weeks ai'O. A® -nr the naost conifHCiioas suer * priraeo: was a ranawsy a are, wb>*s Tu<mb?*'mi v»ce4 i* a wry eo«Bp!; foentary manner at the marrsaje breakfast. Dr»T^ or liter., firs, first* W irrto.—VTe are : tailed op >q t/< inn.: .ore :&« so >den »»■) tBelan - r.V>!y death -f Br>» Gen Henry Vniunr f the M. S. If irtortaastort Driurjaev Grn Wfc>*3»j ar r*re<i >B this aijr on ■•inadar l»*t, from a of >a> duty in Texas in t,» ossa! health. Tea . terday a Per noon, wfeiie in hw rto* m the Pian le.i’ H tt»e. ksN. vr-thoat *sr* p’-moo'' roe whs e»er, «'r:eken i i H n r dead. Hr »nf“ was m lire r'*»m, and t» e. i«ple*fla .''rerwhcti*^ at toe loddeanoui of his d-r-slU, ami ker ae-l-in'V»ly be reateaent. We bare wot t»e«i wbe to learn the ! e* tiv of y« death hot •♦. t» »-*h:it«*J v* an »**e ! tion *f the heart. Gen. Wb-tixe wa* a waure of ‘ Stasaaehoaettc, and ansttwg the oidem <-*dfcer« of the srrny. Hj r-.- aa;r.t ami be taaen to leJjnon Barracks to dav. for latsT'a-at.—lit. fo« dwi. 17*4. At be r '-rr-f n tilts nlv, *n the ttk iast.» Lir a R. Ljecwr, Ran., abont *0. jcwac L:w ol.» was a a»tr»e / Cowaeetaeat. but for .may y'JM a res-deal of Ariouu He r..ed i the .f!} •* of Oierit of tc- Csre jsttnvn. At'oroei for the State tltek, aad U. S. Hreetrer tut ptaUx mooeat-n of waieh he dafc*h»ft«<t with i.odstf* and fide ily. He war * maa of fire fraebeal mow. poire ami kind 1a r,.t auetal reiAtom. H<* * »n wis Tie, and h s bar,sj was at >er Ant a'lias; jobjeet* worthy of bat chanty. The of taw hfe war aadirned by b» »arr Minded w,ti. those ‘;(v.n wbora tnye and iratresaed ht* raw p>uabie until'. ;J»e e m 'an: ».r of “o.d ars ,V*+ ; .ale,-’ filed a ter: I i > no upoa bu b art- H<* baa let: a mother *■ we!: rreten m .ear* " w\ will tn:» Vi k.od diiws. apd a cauls ooh* little boy, to w.vxn be w derated, sod wfiora be re randed as Ihe sweeten. metaea'M of 'me that be idonar-i. and by abac aii,e* hss rraui.o* now re ; pose. Let us retneasber W soiaes; and for a.* fsBitj, let the tear that pi'te* bacnan weahat-ts fait 'itre: theta, let the rfii that toren batata frailly re*: upon them. X. X. At i>« b’taoand * residesKe near Tj’ p. Arlan «v ' ;% Hut J. ■. .v -r. >fC% i«j»* W fh-ri't*. ' awl dngMvt of Dr. S-ep.nea w«wwl tina. ; j n:ia ha* JeP beii.nd three lonely ehitdrm and a iatfe r. tele of re a: on? and foeads'iu roj..n tbetr j lota. She was a la,lift stembwl of the M . Jiodwt Epi«c.>p»; Cbsreb. an’ we -oaid s*y much in far r of her many ehr-ttaa eraeea. hr r teB-i-r af ‘ fee&on i' a wife, net at . ed aueatioa as a msbet, am k.ndaeasand char-.- y as a neighbor; bat caaogy .* ust ieaa, the need of praise eaniw^affn i be/ «on ! dttautt, »r,e baa gone where ibis pot tnbnte of rea 11* ci is not wanted. An oruanw a: to the band of i Chnsuaa* on earn, a ir ’nead may be found wiifc lb* nappy nu>t .u tie realms arose, as ebosrwtea a. mad ur bUruee. X E. H Warreatoa News, Nath Caro..aa. pieaae copy A' bt* reside see in Hempstead Co., A/naasas, Ota the JJtb u.l., Ha.. J ,hn P,«pe. ia itie 3-1 year of ata ate. IWl.sU to purchase: eeaty ’<** iboaaerJ poawia of £r»- rase Pfi»:r«. !«*• «t<ica marhel pwc will be paid cast.. fVtscuu haring deer <* n» to *»i" would A; v* . to c«11 and *e-e to - before disposing of the** elac wtiere. A. HI TT, Oet. 7, IsSi. Xi<> street. iiiiiuiiURr tut N’OTitE s heresy cirea. that ia panuawe te ihetSem-r- tendered r» tja- ■ J'sfafc**! Cares;; . Catu! .a CUaeer>, .a ;h« c*«e of Jan* a If M iitt j and *iie mini J >ta '»>ie and outers. the »*• , demsgned, CaaMBtwn apprea'ed be wwlgwwT. ». .* • < : •• ' •• • i‘ 1 • l-i i. • 1 It . . ■'. ■ -: *■ - <a < . * . f' iHd_ mB8 A/Of Mid c . ill- r. nr fo.' deaerbed. tear t of land, to wo Tar eastwards par of a tratt -A m h .nsisi and fact* acre* of .awl, on*/aaiiysur *ryed *rr; renfHTned v» loan Ba-osas* isntwaa »o ha ova right, bring tarrey JC>. *iut ia ' vaaiup M- a -r f la.'/ - • < vr» «>:. a,r, . n a?.e rm wired arpers* r.t iso>i. Kreaca tne-« ifetBcat. Tsaaa ot mis—Cash, ora cbkL: 4 « » ath*. the p ir • aser gins/ vita two goad f ,f lie pane- v. f :i" purchase ar -ns*. T em 1*1*4*:. PETER SERVER, LEO* LET8VRR. GORDON .v PSAV, List finrk. Oe<^ 3, i»i. 4-2i Vile •< Lud for tf Him is fiit tflllf, liUtiti. N’OTICE a Hereby gtvrts, that ,a ptarsaanre ol »«r 1. LEWls HIDOUftTON. doerttf ot said coast* by sw- aarhor.ty /a me tested am tact >lrr.i'o j‘,m, i. ■ -i powefes ■<> sen ta* fax .tw dtsrtiM Loads U the taifcs. penal:/ aw: e win ecaiifrd aa MMd nads fenMiaiag aapa/d. a ad •feat the wtoie -.f sa d trscud *aw, «* as m t*er»,f sj aus* be accessary so pay tiw taxes, pea *<:y sad os’j iDertoa, *n. t* sold by the aa«3 ifttr/f n afofesa >1 at the siwrr of the coon fcossw ■a the tiNiay of r\*« on the St*: M outs* ta No <ewoet ’.Shi, auaraa ««eh taic*. pea*,;*, awlev prawn of ad • efts*# i*/ be pa„; to use a**: liber 2 a&4 Cfilcnai beJowe ibe day of aate. The sale coatnaewe at the boor d tea arc,orb of **,c A»* cad will costs’?* a*tsl sU that', base been avid ta -ffeml fat sals. .V, B.—If os > a part wf awy ir«f be sohl. ?S« wee sbaii So surveyed »tf m a s^osrc at iw •O'jlb taw; esrarr af *»<d tact f*r. - t*s*a ■-t* -I a « 2 . r i~ 'i: | !i fa ij* fl i i h*r»» haw - ti s-» r i s 1 ' » » - MW j ’ -*•* * _i tMH '*l‘ ” 1 •' * • e. A a Si ♦»' »*•♦<« * ' : aj . .w * ii»M »t ouueflr*H», dianjf amd Gdirxtur of FSe tswa.'y Pnatefs fee S3. oet 1 trttTCD o« mu*. FROM -i« satwcnStr. i>*i«g :• thw • city, a writer <fa# owrkrd wtusa and tetiwar. A i.beeai reward w.:i be *t*ra , ta an* awe retarrtfBe tie aaid doe t» the owner. T. i. *cmuL Lmk Um*. Oet. TO. l«n. U-* :K. r I ♦ J 9 200 tmrenrs V?4Vm Own mwr*«A i *#V <wi cwcawwin | | act 7 J.NO. U. ‘ADAMS. hornet Lnwiufafr Bats. orl 7 •Shfcj. . ' OH" TVtakr f'd tt JWO r> ADAMT. Vi II. 1 DA RACKS nor* *s4 ioe in /end <* 1 UU Mr. let MM! fay J.VO D. ADAM-i. oci 7 I* <»*r hood.o/. INDUCEMENTS FOR CLUES Tfa* anceoaa Iaal !»■»> •rtewnr* mm, *> *kI »£tr!a, -•a *. ut* IdnNl Uk*a in «.-* S»*ni fcj im y >»« j'.Kim, bar- h«*«nd a* >• »ffr for ii» *»r (*•»•* »» efcrHrtf \hr formation of Ham.Hm Mfow inf flat of Any j«*r*on f«r«wi:c{ to tt* l» ifo'.luf* in r a rr» o! lanit* for Fmmr mew mmfxmtib**a *in went** » *>Pf *f mmt paper far mm* feme, ft at it TtMym (orwardl'if lattly rfnlUr* tr> earrant fa34*. wo Witt awnd tern emfiet of Hio tin.ii far Mluar «e» MUcriian. an*. »mt copy *7i'rottmr'• iKnocatOitnu'i ;mr. T» any •*• forwarding tkirly A* inrn in e»rr#*l fan,**, wo wtit «nH War* oopi** M Ik* for no many now aabn*;ib«iS. a»*i mmremyr •( it** L'lWtn.i .■'Ins** Magotin* and Democratic lUVmw far mm* year. To any **» awn+lnt •» tb* Urg*at atnwr ;»*cr 5'warn) «f n»w anWrihora, ne«*«npn»taoi wltb tt*n mrlnwe* *•!»»»(,at l*i» |%a« n»*nUt*»or, r»tn«, wo witt win! an' ropy •( ti* spirt! *f U*n Tin*** w.rit tSr.. rtemi aagrui®^*. an*! Ill e*y| nl Binrkwnn-r# Mipilv for *wo r««r. tjr K»w*u*»ona mar bn nmla at mmr rut, **H ra *«:r>ta will be promptly rranr**4. in making »»oh • tni.iaoea*. in* Pmm! Harter'a rrenpc ationia bn ok* tainnH fnr mmr yraiaelitu. IdrrrlWin:. =ass a&diUnnai > a*! asm, f |! {Uifk for l rarlj for 1ft i»*<w. nr i»**j 3 a*o»tb*.v $0 “ 6 •* 1ft •• 12 •• 15 * “ I.. Ail manning a ivartiaemnuu will t*»?.nar,.*« at Uae firm 9Mtt»a*ii rat**, anion# a raaUKl fan rawt* *mi iaft fnr inaartun; and rr.aot fan pai4 fnr ta a4* *aaff Sm err*** will fan *mmmmac*4 fat aay «S**,«IO*nr cv.Altr, nr tataty. without the •’trance pay* m. at of ;i*« ,i«4lara f’nlitiea! c>r;niar* will bn '■borga.l a* %.|mr1i«* <f. at«, at*: papnnol require'! is m.r*or*. So ,«n wtli ti*reafl*r w A'henrnH t* »iy perm wtb w,m:n w« !»**« mo r«y*iar 4e«li<if*. aalu ,>as4 fort \if iiwrti*MMitl*lii( fan -narkai w th tt>» a««r^ fan? of t *a* rt.o»» **»irn>;, ot a»r at thwry wil l •* coal.nuns a at it forbid, amt cMipi according . •y-YMriy. Italf-ynarly aai qeirtnrly ad*nrti«tr« will fan eoo!ii* i to ir7tr#ranfc iw»i««w ’ Mi ad**rt»«nm»nt* of a '.:t! kin-i. or for o«t*«r o*r \!l ■“tur* i*» yoaf-eatV, or they re ««!»» any tttentioa. tJTP-ml roly j»« varieties ari!’ be ma-ie from the rojatiftaK*" JOB PRINTING. TIk prep i-l'ir ef Ut« UkilMM Bultr, n »p»ruf«}jy iaf»-«# the pwblic tfcota* t* prepared to eieeale eeery 'inacriptloa «f Jo* W our, eI in o-at ao*o aa4 diapaiUb. bm *( a* 4et* reU« n tay tffier !' i» the ^UU—each a* Books p*a >klrts H«o4 Bills, *lo*mb«al Bills, Po«lo»s Bill* «f Ll4io:, l*«U IImJ., llor'f Bill-, tokrts C*i4s Rei'ipts 4*. Al*o c»ii<tMll| on hoo4, BlaaL Mol's ( lirl’^olionf’s J«»»tiee*» »»4 t (ii«)»Mf*i Blaakoof ***ry kir»4, B!«a« l*-r4* of eon ecywaee, fce, whieh will h" »*I4 cheap foi i orkorciti *»4 arni ko *ea I be n oil to not part of the Mat*, if re<i«ir*4. jjoort far lb* lkt«*o*< l«**or. > '-If Wp E 3nmt » »«u»«cr*»-i ta act w iy»etf*rthe fte*e-~r, ,t !.-*• r—k Jfoliae ejiaaoy J> Hr. Guosi Boss* k out »«rij«i la act m geat for tb» »i»«r at Piw H «(f. A'* :>• E W Cm. Snool ; »»**' B*iU • r». Nortn-weet career Third aa-l Wa,as! etreet*. P 1 :*-vAoipSvi, fa et»!bor;*ed ta act aa A(«»S far ‘t>» Sooner " J J. 'aitut, Ea* , !?a. HS Cam? Street, Xea j ■ -)<-»*. in .««r #*rl *»,■»» Vjfeoi ta proearo eel< l-ri uso for edceneeaf. Vr* . la tbat city. Uoaattoa Liu4*. j Far wait at U i o.Snr.' L»;i of tom irited laadr • a S;eBI to 4oit$i«< bf lk» 'U!e. to actor! •etttef" a! S5 i--at0 per copy. »r y6 per ;,*a»o Peauye U mi part of toe tMitry, T > j eeota To mktrrlkrr.. , W« aap- that »s«r tor any isr*tfa!arity any !x j diaeaeeroC ia Iko receipt of the iSeaarr mi ode j acribero aril! 4o aa the facer ta pee iaferwattea M the feet, ia or4»r that the eaaae may be aaoartaiaai ana retooled. FRATERNAL ORDERS. MAaKitft'. Vs. i aw/-;. Sr-» M a i. t H H W -rr.-rr. -t1a/- tv* *wiy «■**£ 1 l Mrs, .**/-. r»u» I <«. i wn «*aaj w/Mid Ha.a< m,«ti. a »*ri. ww#. «. H. tl f. v Mr. «itt v I o o f t M V*. /-w i.-Mla* V. I aj/t/ *V*ry <914- ty .-;*|!«. *- -*«*< -1. ««.- - A ,. ,\8V. S ft. tra.v-.ww E«’iik|awit Vu. < ..w< *,.« T*xn+m mtiti ,»•«-» tw/au VV w. \a \•<?>.. f fc N r*»/, *w TZMTLt f./tttr £trl It A r aoaioc. . Wn. »■ m r r> -er.. m c J.< iMtiti, W It TV- !w jr- T“*ajsl« a*w» *-«u a*«uuy m« or iKK tMti, t C«lT?f W (** /» tir Jahua Cirtmt IW, V (S' .WxxW1 J. D ! . »'- M•*■-./*, Ay**. ; ;t« J r.a R. Harsh*;. »arf Andre* B V J*sx». m4 partners. t tXir/.&4 a-'t4 d./ 3/( by ...:r y Pitmui^9 aaiuot, »-yi* **! Sns of Jfirs.'j,, S Junes. w ^ In debt on Aracasneat, So. ssK. :-l*t»xk B. :i rent, '( D-'frm&mt. VS* D SO, 3S '-Mb-T *t..Z'* .1*1 of O-aj- pf/tatr-Si rcTit ’* <>** «*i Ct resit Court, ippttr the >«.-<: p-a-ra'-dt- 'y I’faPchA* i the-r, Atwrvtey; *i*f ths ■'»«iU»i he d is >pyt« rad jiidud -•r rAa^rwMr anssrwr ;he *•(.! *et«m. » -s wr*-dr orderr-if ./4- the »•;-. 1AW- i v-w-sitoa to be /mi-; is suase oewspaper fat itet ■:- --- W'»'»■ ( 'V*-* worh* itxan < its*-, -;■ ••.■iVtnar rh* ««4 -Je f/.-ndsa’, that '.hsis as ae'i/w -f debt <..* » P'-iH.i'aa'* a-./- '< -r the *•» ^gureh #**+•<. anw.y ngntnf! •til .atauiat ubereou. at tsbe r*r# oi etfh’ j»:.- test fw; *«•» »»• fr «a the twr»?r Srs* lay of /nija,-'* • evewa Kroji-i P rt» •*- •,:■■- .- :, *.* ‘ ■ ■■■- ■■- * -i- ■■■. .. ' . -- - L[ « 'HebaarW hMWrt *6t*J W* nr - «-state, to: last -j»i-ss he»h#it sp5>-ir * - -. ja .. ,< Aufira*» it .f twt'.-w- ;,vs !: .ft! 4a« *>f n» wr ter® .f :t. j «"Urt. wh/ch og the 34R/.faJay «ft« tkt f orth MouiUruf feheaefv. e./tatiw . in; rxSse»t aur. Sfte two, *t»J/Oueet srsQ *>e eavrsrf tga.iuK itm, and ia estate «i44 V. MMafv -.he tuiet 4 true fro-n th- .:. AttfSL it’ocm S M VT AftD. Ci-nl. By hm J W. Wt»tXAi*D. • let- 7. !>Sf it Pnotst't <ni 9*. KUCftllITtS ITTAfTItlS « OOOD BL-4C1MWTH • »*a- -d «r Ckam \ Sets*..*. CWMwjr, roast* AiRimm. Am i^Mnh emd a r.-aiv ran »- fi»4 a jpyud ■ aa i-tit H6i« OIMWEKK. Ji AT w»w:¥*d fna t;» (tt -vm rritt -.U. <*nr. 31. O. .A»e»e. i'-vt I*a. C-Ae. At*j foj saa- by A. J. itrrr, Se»t. sdk. ih6l. R«s« m. t-K l» IM I EKumn IAHIEO! fF not. ?iwa*.- caii upon the •adem«u«d.. tV « A*e«! for one of the -tdetB and «sat araptw *s*te fwpasn UB the i Bated Mates. The PMteetMrt fawtuanee Omapaor. <4 Hart ■ **- <’<*»•. i*k«e Fa« Saks, cut the am fisso* *’4e terras. *rfl ATM * WAIT. r 4 itMm sort iRftYwm Jnrr.tvtfi hwiiMhik mm yteN*. i It «&***». *** 11*. boa*; _ 'Hi il*. T<to*e; (hr Mi« by A. J. rtTTT, Ikpt, «v#*t «**.,«* ft. Money to Veoon? VIA |>MM« i&teStrt *9 Ms "ybrnywawt »»!«i pit wr s**m towrtbM *wi make #w»n**»t » : taafc. «*tw», peftiy, or hoot fe*le*, •* «xm u pr*r ttMfcie, •rim* ArM and »ua* par up !M* A J H»Tt . WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRUGSTORB ?»r t. «». r*m f.rr-' * R-tr*. tStrn *r* 'tr* nc«* M tll'ut. | • -sT twawyi j#* <k B • f fie>*s* * frt-r, xappir of pnnr a»K> asWttat Iwo*-*, ASa» fm» C-W|f<w MV ier, Sf Af*' *» . !’<♦• (tamers, At* Cxm’nwif ** HhSnf *S! popular ••»», Cmv.kmb. )Aw, /‘*«it tfWtar «fc»» Uw<ir* SttJf, If** A /■’quart !{»•<?■-*! pse, #r . »IJ wine!* wi.; b* *oi<! to aaait, t* Jaw as they ran !*« bot*<»»t .a New Orleaaa. Pcii'r; and deafen f»S! find rt l their lalrMt after e\amioe-l r]mtcher* to ‘ p»« me »}**. a rwtii, HP i’reaenp: mma e«r<f<*iiy psU op. Liuie Stark lOy t, lAfl. *S— i r»s«tre'a Male. By VIETt:* nf a <feeti of mm*. wtomted by Abaabaat Ka*»rv **! Cuxin Raplry. bear •of 4a* Oes*t*r istth. A V 1W, and <taty m i torfe-Y, V' ter v# *' » p«T>eo* of «u*Yry debt#. a* I therein rpeeited. »■* eJi. m pm wx?r. ,4 the prone**** of a* id .iee*!, ytntr-A U» M& at p-vM* : aneiiaa. so lb* Li^itrxi ledAi. o« a i ttA. of am, j ’.<*»!re, aod *»rV-*e* m •#*!#, at ike man ?•*»*■ I dowr tn the et»v A L.riiai .«!. h* lAtiiaaki eon*''-, j Ar«*ft.«M, f-a MOV0A.V , toe 20th 'fay af OCTO B£R test. A-& ; M., the St met of rune ofei <k ;a tie (m*tsa»iM fSf»« >fe(eeii m the aflero-■oei, (A tba; day, »» ;v »rs<f hnfHiv repf.rr*..! !(i -- .a*-' • t • • • • 4 'iatue Ro«*k. ir.<: So *> ; to- !de<J toA lie*. eribHI aa f * i. r w. a. a p.*,** *•» the oo»Ui **t«> of MarVtam r'rr-e*., «e-n»-nrT w>rrn feet and »i*e ittr be* east fe w ffie aoi.tfi »tst rtyrmt of Sior.k So On a* i iifMM .*>u »fte | plat of the sotT' r of f« ton a, «*»*- tisy of f.fcCr Keek: then' nuio t*l with *.»'■■! Mar a ton* arteet. on the arms »*? tb**a>"rf. a«xl ftymfiay Jbemoa, nCy ey 5 feet anri a-.o - ust a:wt e« •endmr Wk iti* ** the sr,iSi«i ».t*aA!.k of mi’o *»*ht feet ami mttn * k> »- a.ley n»w MM fUa siw. n»ym<;«< •hr.xie* «*Hi Bhe.h . .V* Owe. o«e a-jartmti *wi totr feet. a. re or tim » -a au te-^en*-> And ■■ ■:.i ::’J 'V* . -n.-— The Vie, *•; He' - re, to be rvwl >e* !**» *!>. erwyrey orttf sneh n*IK aa a renter! n a* by tie fr-f* of tr*s' tfort'Jbfi pence at t* i fj.i of tie pars * ixt: FREDERICK W. TRAPSALL, T nwtxf Litt.e Hark. A if- h, 1*S1. W/ili 'KKV—>j B on Vf K«M>f tf WM. B W AIT. j J 'iy i*h.__ *3 10 KKi.vraw. Jonr*’ Smprovril Hand Prrw. I’tlE Pr p •r'joa of •'.!"<> m Tint F<>c>i>«» take $fe»* pS'Uow »3 lllllHIWH Pr-»■►;*» (WllHi, } tkat »hrv ban- if? **r> '<**• nark? fat tk* irtn»4*r ' taro a.-vl #1* •( tttw swaitiabt* M»,vi ?«*». want «p r.-a p?-■! ••,' #,i *»<«■ aari ! aowMe a*-It ! •;«**•* Thai pfr tu * n» r mijw ’ I and Mart?®**str hand>r! than Ik*«tt if y!e. By an {:r*-Tfaf. of *- M-wt Sfy per <*«« of work o> r-b j tataed, with a *r»*i r*~Tv’t*»n *rf iahn# f t**- p« , eabar a*Jr»«r«i of tkt* Pfes* sm tfce t*td ranantc I. Irt Th? HT.att of UBbK p -.'.’.t'lf oa and !*« ' iof off tb* aheet. 2. In 'he **»»»* of tmw » r-invnf ffc« t»ea »« j An amt oat from the ytett*. i 3. latK.’.S’ .’if ft- (rake, aa it at self-act! aj. 1 j t. in lit* app wnatio <4 Ike ieTetape, bv wtoch jneari* a »rfy .leaky iiapfeatjon y» oktaikM by a ■ sns.i.i o%^ir«4itaw of ph rural tore**. V la is? aaiiag of ;>»*- a art t»w >i rr-ppise > barkwarJ* am: u,. »a/i* by liae ;>f--*■*»» n. aa.; b I aaaeeeaeary fee •- m to sw» »»t of ?■» trank* whip’ j a; work. f. p-oBj.-iw » .tn;irr s w paMta aw at 11 tar6*0, it be h* iaq*8a*r*wt far ttur b,a«*T!a to fait t tip aa !M fa»» run* water tit* p »ti« »h.< h in ■ tAe errC-iarr ;«ims pnmu nabhe to atoae. If s* dretaisl >tsn'*”'-^»ar’ 'o s -» o*rfp> n i*-fcn taoe to t-,i* p-.-i- m »? a.v «.. mu’ - ,■; .ittouid riwi <x i» ota m own nx-r..a. ax; •« reaper• fa'.y taitte Pi-atm awi -utiKa wsaft.aato p'-rfftaae r . .; P anti es*m;iir osrarufk, when w? woa'tii be bappT ' ■ jH--w'hew 11 otxr of tbePrtrwea a»>w op a; o«r rouMfy■ Of rtrfi:?f> *. J-r>N£.S, i 47 CVfwMOe -A r«»t, *••»»«» Xyamuri- wwif Soafiray f arnMoti. Prices ot Jones Hand Presses. rv,.ifr> Me-luas. R.jf:*r *pporttrw, 8'.,4rt ! IfBgrriat,- •* *\ *• 38** -’tape *' " “ 300 Mr-.; " " *' IS*-* (.'»!>. without it, -r ipparv u, i •».— Important to Planters. •K »**««*» w «*•*, m ' tmtr't, m UK turn tins Tthi* >eTTWHW8fWL 4yt •»» **• •*«* of Arimn*. tLScrtk ai. FEBRIFUGE, *«E.V-.ftv UT'i.i* * fc4).“ :«v * <fM! 4ft/ »*c* KKMh.'hf ’tiiftai*, ti» ■;■ -*u two ^o fwsrrrr vortn. r»i*» .j* * ■ ' ’* *£< m U* y:. iwft. ..**# w«u*:i . Kth a» fwite . nM**'i*i «W®4 tfte UtWi .H-' fc*tw «K-*4t»- 04 </i .'-JhttfcW-tttt' ’% W*ft -•**■ S+e w:«***• «t IMH, «*.-Sn« ■ fthWttjr 9p-4* \A* ft • ' ••*- '***• *4tf or upk, 4ft4 *4*M* . f*£ .*** Niiwtfct»i*ft . -Mi Jh jJiti w*u*v<« C*8r**: \m * McifHKii ranm pi Rtrs, *or **<«• »te* yftost 4»mw«I* >*>«■«■'*. VS * «nu* *r*« n» ..t^4 -n *«• M fc. <1 fly. Kwil . 3 a Jw**W i4*y*L • 1**. •'"ict. J *. u» ‘ <mr P^tersi**** *w>°**k ♦'.«*> w- <**- •***. : t« w.r fcMwwrwl '-<nmm o* afux rr*«« »««•?«*»,: 4 Wto fee* a *#*4, *A*i *wwrx *«***■ Ml «s«ft «n*«3 lift.’ ««Sdi«, ,j «v.v ; .**r, • *"«* \V »r-oit 5*» MM TV? 4* T‘ l 1-vViiT »J »r 1*.* m «»•*% ft**-, ^ w*w* ;C sue •. *y<■»» +?■*■■■ * -<t *n*;*«** ■-rr- -4«*tif,>w 4 t.i.- urmMt, 4M4 a*- «tB a*w 4f*i«*8 huf'i <»*»*?* w fut- rtM. Mta: ... a-:, tv * .**1 •*• > ■- • '»/• -i ■■***•. m^mtrnmm HrnnKot ifius rsvK«*--* i; •■ t. n-**: ..- 1 - a *, r , ■*■■ ■» ;; v«M . n -jL«b dwyt. *K.»# ■» •.*» -*» H*h.-u«4 ;■« .fr-«ei* tW4> ^ 7ftoc* --4* ^cur ihjor-r *>*»«*«- . 4 *Wiift«s ai *^p. -- -»f .. .. O***-- H***"-*' >«-'■ '“•****> V-fft? •;• ..4MI fwftk ' V ^ WtftOT. - I< ^ m •v -rM J« / .vtA.fl. •<» 43h*:- •-.» *»«4f «*4* Vftft TiTh - yv»* wlSMMl flip- ***** >'• CUiaw \ tifrtrSiti. .1,1 ri—I Mtttfr? »»«#« SMWBJsks *#Mj 4 JW? 1 HU "BP" €Hf»« MJUtOff w* rxJii. I to* pmt»ia« tear IHIttaMu Cmtl *f t*a Late SIMM. i*4 <NMii*en*f ptete**«l h *»»•*»* bater OMgHM. . . n a. yWnM'F*ww'iitnft**diw«v^rf»n«uriM, i» iaw « •nwtjr. *»ata*t tin Late State >*te* <%>•«*»-*■ or tkc Ki-w*ti*« Depart** at*. or a#*ite f uns* OrmriMBeatt Man Boank of Ceante * ?«t ;Hw * tteawt «f ait* *W* Suv, Tkwmpt. War. !E#*?, P«l OSte, mi t» r«r>i*» Ik.’ Hfnwnva, aod oll*v4M Ok* Mtete *4 •at*. pena^te, *M Srtfejtaw*. Hw *l)*f»t »«*•*• two* of lb* tmrn nr, |k«t o^ea. at cstiMsf i*«*. I. Fa Me' «rm* i*M*» fe* mention ftte ttw Tnih-t fe*s«* >t few. fcmfis fotetewB*. «•* j.f »-*r n« laarf warrant* *ad fwwaie** crate i|F '«»»> p^iwm.b ;*«* «•» Uw r<ntwd Mm *. P >T -nit*r.iv>n» *OW«r*it», nteMte l«**■'!**. *.vi .niw in UP latte *■ Pw tkTM*hM>w4*P<f itenmflf :jn tete «r TanMoma of Ura t aaam ami tamtel 'as«wv* »i awKift M ml ante temte 1. For m-Hmtwrrn at fate.* Late State**i *t*fe *tek* *m) km**. mU*««m of tfc* 4tr«tewt» >be*-«*. *«wt. <wi*f**!!*, far i*e ttaamatMH. at ail '■iwrwwa pwraimag «• * >•«. tea, amt beaten Memm Palmer * tette._._. __ ter*. ««**< Waakiagum, «rUJ awiteL »»4 feltItfui mtawUrm. palmer * PTnmoq*. • OAco Wo. » Cantu i Ptea, Captte KtiL iwj 1»-«*■-!,,. lltRKICWf A Mil. n« o»#*t wm*mi« rtatiMw. f H4RUEit HASJt.MBW* SOW, .!*». IN War*«f Betwf. aw tamlM-Baat PWtf .ftrtrt, PhlmfrlfM*. THE pr >j» ytor* erf U« Olo bumaa* antaMjt. Iwtimk tea*, ate ana awnaiae .rang Ura* uarneat, boat aaanrte, uh! ate Facte •■•»»' 'T * •’ ttpatek >rf Superior Clotteg for th* P*ii *nd Wmin u*4a, that baa arm fet ~ ■o the a«t*w uf Wbu-wtat* buyer*. ifctrxo*** 4 Son .Moar.if'iUy i»ai*a twt o- Mero&aataanrf l***i*r*. ntmMem tlMM tbatr »u>»* of < tinting wit. br Maa.1 nfamty wlapte to ?•<- r«4 at' the .<*•>«:here amt WaoMta ia*ra«iu. white tbyw *»>si eoanatw latoatl) nr >• ctebaara uunti.* tr Eat«ii<i*t.nwat ofaaaa a* traoartiaary raninormeai*. -yb . TAKE JfOTU Ei—Harlaaaa 4k W. Clatiiwa •Pore » * *v Fm .Story Hr*-* Mn lawa. a«ta«te «a Hu- A.™tb E*st riiriwr of Fauna aarf Marbaf S'* , Pbu*<le,|'>tn*. Jf. B L>-»* OHtt M th« largwrt Out* Block LM t.y* fegaaio t s* 1 *it<M Statn* *nrf we A— HARKNSBM * (*OW. ljm t Bi h'K I ITBU i *t And *i Hilary IsdltaffoSa I BEG t>> nktna the ci«ne of Little Rock, and :t.e pokin', pmmttj, that f *h*ii open my B* hoof. «n*f Woariry m Answer ***r. m the Hon*: k»>«8 *j Uw Wanbiiwton Hotel, now <*e copied bv Mr f where t ahaii be pluaaed to «*• the eaihben -if U.oee persona whs Kiel aw p-wt to iwt« «w wn.h their pwiromw; ami t «n»r*»f*,y h.-p*. by jutgfmt and jimlMni attention to ay duiiea, to make thia *fto* wonky af tM antiyinagn at Hie fifmrronm *ffi patriotic parent* of Arks.-t*** wSero their coWdn-n' earn r<wiw a t'**i /. im ti« Umnmgtug frrpurr* £of ad miftaaee m f> a ay o; the Colieye* in iswr rnuarry. it at lamewuh.e iart that we have ten long ».'.in terai a» tha *Hl>jer.» af EducaUon. * iaata, and >i in now tune that me should tnuer in favor of Southern iswt,{aran«i, where children can he jr* Eduu-au-d. withoo* arndis* them oW to Am East, wh.r-h ha* been too f*K}n**tiv the case hi pan! ream They enniere W Ed Heated with icn eiffc-oae to parent*. and 'heir mind* and monria i can V a* we!l en5ti'.*tei) Why not, then. |tn w a trial-' T':«? i* a,‘l we ank. Competent .lasts tanti jriU be eitiisged whenever the Bomber of sr notary rvrjoire .♦, an tnwt ample /wafer* shall la 4 done to a: :, at all bates. -Is I am fi.ij jersnadfed that ton* vacations am .nj-snooa n .he progress of chiMren. my interna* * o«* will he *hor*. and at rued ontei an the Board c; Vimti>r) may thmk mart sdvsatsiyeou* tw the mtcMta f>t the lamitatioii aatPhe welfhre of the pupil*. A* soon .« the weather become* more pleasant a iaryt: portion of the piaytane ,wiU he devoted to the ir.ri ?>eauUfui and mtewratin* aterewe of Mil itary TwCtici f ir live Einriita branches, ftj per month. Fir the Cia**rsi •* ,1 *• ■ - J. 1 LAMD fmttie Matt, July », UHl. it—tf Board of Vfaltar*. Cap*. Albert Pika. Rev Joanna t. Gme*. Hon. T W. Newton, Mr. A H. TucIwt, Hon. W. H. Button: Mr. Wm. fL WoodraC 4 Hoa. P. *'. Trapnali, Hun. C. P Botrrand, H-n. Dam. R.iiyo. Hon. A baa iota FowCwr. RECOMMEJSDATIOM. fatW* Meet, Arc. i Itt Ady l**|. We. the -lodefliiyned. havm* attendod nwaiyr mom of the -i »«n nation* of the pupiia of Cotieg* PiMnt ' iastitnte. wmia under the .-intend of Mr. I E Land i ire latched that he a a 'ompetenf and fa«nfu. Twh-r. and as ha cut vmpia e* nptrmay * aeiwot t ’h* evv. we h»*a no ,n eonmendtaf hue t'1 fli« <.n#denee of p*rente and yiiar-hana, <• federal, whoa* patnnwfa he volents; and am to wn-un the •.•duatKin A their cmldrwa. umtly *tid m rat / mav tns taflriy .fttrusted. J-aii.*a F. Green, J*». Lawson, P W, Trapaaib Ben. t fMnley, D W. VarroH. D J Baldwin. m fr KIW I & 10*4 CKAJJEM Rl ffoot*, «hf«. It HATS, CAPS &CM UM PALM LkAf, MKXiC* V A»D CAMPEACKT HAT». >* '* !»Uwa • ual a#<j Chmm* at. »E«r OtLKA!**. CT fram <>»r rinmi at 3i«» Tart >M )Mm «» -M-* -.oiMiaa^jt faaanaia* raan Um ai»ro«* 1 “ Can »lrv 'W-aa ara 'aaMad la salt a»<1 aaaaM*M ■»ar «tWoalaa atoafc NSW WHARF BOAT. % • t-O I 0 A £•„ grneral age.xts, CillfUMM i\# F9SI11R8H6 USCKiSTl. xirvutoi, *»&. t *'K'- S*“ ? * .*( h«*a [tif rrran in «a aa “*•' ._«*»*•■*, wh« «|>i*a4la manao*!Ih»jm . i* % ili .4 ■ rci iiH'.ia it4 aeaat aamga raaaa far fiaaaaant tuaia, <m la «a$«Wa of <*<-.■.atn»u4a ***|f #■»»■»•» T‘*«? «* ianyanad. aa Wmafan >« 4a *Tltr ~ -1 A* u^waata; A (aala, la Kaaaaaa, Pa*«a*4„ Mm* h> viinrfaa f !»v pr.Mttiae to fi«a dialt 11 rllfalBH at Vatj«a la ail ->u-.«*«. casraMad ta Tkiria Tim ?ro(*ri»:«r. «Mi |aaa»M MM (Am |M «>ti •lao-J tha laafaKtiaa af aar * naatanaa fl^ra la (An latta! >Wa mn »»*»*: A 8 fefctw IK. C*. M*mphu, Tmn i ‘-•aa »*a**»w v_ T ( J».« Tnm» & Ca., < H. Taeaa*. T t> He.mate* * Co., ) M->a«» I.*«»>»■*..<.b 4^ Co., W M.n« i On -7.^ --- I>G«a- k Dm nopf \* t ">#jr PLGTK. S*M*. -CrFaltaa m** / */ M aria. L IRB—WkmXfc t; BAOiM—#*« __ SW. 'i V8—« i>rW jwarAMwd, lw<55—‘*ryw. I ■■ *«K 4*s*f'f* * *-55