Newspaper Page Text
J .-apuruweo' the hi atom Bm^aBnl. tT tt* bland, a*eh haMtirf tht the many X _ F«t *P IU uaaqn ' • wai ia teusalgpa, Stnf Cituecu Brup « Ringworm, <*tmpim of the akin, aorencaa or wary ia the breaat or regwe of the heart, general debility or mtom ataetna*. ud all irregular * • - - - (especially with fcmalae.) of the nervous aya from the injudicious use of calomel and otter pcawmous drugs. This ia a fine cardial. pleasant and agreeable to taka, ud perfectly aafe to be aaed ia any state of health. area by the moat delicate female ce child. Aadtt w aa article that every one should use. at Uaat oaor a year, to punfi aad eaiieb their blood, p^l*j££Ste,1 N*tWor 86. To ba had of rTl. DO DOE and THOMAS BUTTER WORTH. Jane *, 1851. ly. rObTIMOtn tkhcwmwUc CamjpwanA, r (Jama)tr Ctrmic RMtwmttinm. Thw valuable remedy ataada without a heat ia •f diaeewanea, ia thia or aay other 1, hi caring thia Painful aad paralysing dis ease, ia all it* various forms. The rut a amber that hare baea eiued by the use of thia eampoaad. donut the peat year, de * at Not oaly reeeat acute or _ , bat old chronic caset, of tea, _t, thirty aad erea forty yean standing, where they had aot oaly tried every other external aad rdy of which they could hear, but at e, had traveled, aad pasaed under the it of a aomber of the firm medical men of Batope, ae well aa of oar own country, tinted the ▼arwut wanting place*, taken voyages at sed, and dwelt w the most salubnoas clime*, without ob taining relief. Same, who were reduced to a mere ■keletoa. thee Seek had withered away, their limba wen paralysed, aad many that had scarcely beta able to walk for tea, fifteen and twenty year*. These have beea cured found aad well, regained their fiesfc aud the mm af their limbs. and now en joy nee Heat health from the uae of thia compound. Them theta are fully anbataatiated by published teataaoay, Cram tta highest possible sources ; tea ifttaoay that cannot be gainsaid, but which can be vouched for by cm timutmd wltaemsa. Retail price, |5 per bottle, 3 bottles for 113, or 6 far833. To be had of R. 1.” DODGE and THOMAS BUTTES WORTH. tittle Rock, June 3, 1951. ly. Umi KICK T» 13? SPRlSeS* UliMil. From tiie Ut of April to 1st October, 1851, tba aub i acriber will ruu a daily uvc or stages From Little Reek to Hot Spriuga. for tbe accomino dalioa of Um trsvsha* public— To loovo every other day, (except Soodayo, with the United Staler Mail, I* roil* HOR<*E POST COACHES, at S o’clock, A. M., auu arrive at Hot Springe, earn* day, at 8 P. M. TUK ACCOMMODATIOX LINE, Fear Horse Foot Coaches, will leave Little Rock ovary latorvooiag day. at the same boor in the morning, cod arrive at Hot Springe next day, at 8. a the evening. __ rui: By either Lias, pi-fairs Ua«i«e in Pnipumoa. The cohacrther ta tba eoatraetor for the eesvey aaoeof the United States Meile on the route* front Little Rock ‘o Fort Smith, and from Little Kock to Washing ton, la Hempstead eoaaly. via Hot Springs —la Post Coaches, three limes a week O’ Both these routes Intersect with the Steam boat United Slates Hail Lina front Memphis to Lit tlo Rock. •• CT Stage Office at the JaMesy Hesse ^ PETER HANGER. Fab. 11- *3-1 y LITTLE RQlk F8C5DEV AM SIITHE&V. JEoawell lieebc WOULD respectfully ceil tbe eltentlea of the public to too above ee'abiienmeut, which baa recently undergone e thorough repair,and. hav ing the necessary fatalities, to now folly prepared to famish to ord-r, with great promptness every article ia that Uae. of either wrought or east Iron, Brass ar Copper, of ao good material, proportions, aad workmanship, sad upon as cheap terttte, as say other Foaadry ia this country. Miltrigbls end otters, order! eg wheels, will be pleased to give the No- ef cogs and pitch, stao the paruculer sixe and •heps of the eye, wanted ia each wheel. The di ameter of a wheel, when cast, will be Jd of an inch par foot leoe—the seme with length of a shaft.— Inters shoald also bo accompanied with a draught aad foil description of what is wasted, and too pootago paid. Little Kock. Dee. 10. 19J0—U-tf_ Arkansas Coffee House, (uiwa mtiioiT THE Proprietor bee on hand, and la constantly receiving, the following— Foreign and domestic Liquors; Wine* aod cordials of every description; Cigwrsj Tobacco; Fruito, kc All of which are for sale at wholesala and retotl prteas. Persons from too ceantry wishiug to por shooo, will please call and see my stock before par* chasing elsewhere, as 1 intend to sell as low as any hoses ia too city. MICHAEL TANTI. Little Rock. Jah. *1. ISM. 2d —ly $>Th* Arkadolphia Sentinel will eopy one year, aad forward account to tho subscriber. M T. 11 Boot* and Shorn. CARES Boots assorted; 4 " Kip Brogans; 4 «i«e Gent's hoe Calf Shoe*; 2 <• *< •• GatUfs, 12 “ Ladies Shoe* tu*. jted: 8 " Misses and childrens Shoes assorted; 1 Case Boys Kip Brogans; l ** “ Boots, Ac.. Ac., Received per Phillip Pennvwit, anl for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 2*. J»-if. liquor* and Flour. fUSr received by steamer Hamburg; of 2® Bbto Whiskey. 20 Half Bbls. do. 8 Bbts. Botboa Whiskey. 2® Bbts. Flour. 1® RbU. Potatoes. For sale cheap, by M. TANTI. Bar Store*. 1CASK old Brandy ; 3 cks. 2cka. Maderia Wine: 1 bbl. 2 bblt. old Bu’b Whiskey; 1 ** 3 »• •• Rye “ 1 “ l " " Muscat W me: 3 ** I and fix salt by J»n. D. ADAMS, American do. ; Cherry Bounce; Ram ; old Port Wine j Malaga. im «. i«W—*0 Strombone Lmtlimf. BY Steamer Emily 1 hare just received and now offer for sale: •0 Barrels Super Fine Flour: 3 “ Rye Whiskey; 1® foxes Assarted Tobacco; 10 « Lysson Syrup; ® “ Candy; l Barrel Eugtiah Filberts; 10 " Ale. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Landing. April 1,1®*I. —31—tf Liquor* and Wine*. 5 CASK.® Brandy, 4th peuof; t “ Modena WiMj 1 •• Fort Win#; 3* faakats Champagne Win*; an conugomeat ud hr aate low ^ D MERRICK *. CO. IT, IS®«. _I* i Q BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco ; fc O 2 *• com. Pound Lump “ * “ »r — M .. IB Roomead this day and far aole by •JH, JNO. D. ADAMS. ■ Jana A, 1MI—4A. m i COMMISSION tCHANTC* s$mm kmao. *UM. T. itum. SIDDALL, GREENE & CO, i COTTO.Y FJiCTOKW MUR CHANTS, HO. M CAMP ITHCKT, 'HEW ORLEANS «.H. UUU- T. **!>*«« HOMKM WOOD, Sc €©„ COMMISSION AND FORWARDING NXNONANTS- . .V*. 66 llnfazu<e Street, opposite the Mouth of Bank Alley, NEW ORLEANS. LA. (tv Particular attention paid to the »ale *>•^CUT' roN. TOBACCO, AND OTHER PKODl9^T hr collection and remittance of Fonda-nod the pwchur and shipment oi Merchant if Sener«Uy N. SJBTH, W. M. Oaanau Smith JL firahamtl i ? , WHOLESALE GROCERS. PROOtCE 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Pore iff a i*»4 Douse***® Litaorti Cuctmun, Ohio. —ALSO:— Agents for Manufacturers for the sale of Tobacco, Window Glass, Iron and Nail*. N. B. All orders entrusted to us will receive our strictest attention. 51—tf THOMAS L. WHITE, BOOK SELLER & STATIONER, no. as canal. street, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, ANT SCHOOL BOOKS. WRITING r„. Cap, Letter sad Not* Wrapping paper aj laruii jaaUtiet QCILL.*, STEEL. PENS, INK, A■* , tfmmtnl «u* of 11 laoa Hooks. Country Merchants and Teuchen are requested t« call and examine the Stock. j Ceb.13 23-!tr jauaa bstthews. wa. row six. JAHEH RATTI1EWM & lO, WHOLESALE 6H0CERS iSB (OHMISSIOS 1ERCHAXTS, Maunfacturer’* Agents roaTHE sai.x or NAILS, WINDOW GLASS,COTTON YARNS ike.. No. 53 WALNUT STREET, South of Columbia, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rrraa to— T. D. Merrick A Cs , H w.B. Hm/. Waiter MacktU. H Brogan, D. Bender if Cn.,and Jacob Hatrkint Little Rock. Feb 3,1850.—7—22—ly WALTON, SANFORD St CO. GENERAL GROCERS. AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. fait New Uvff, N orIe«n>: HAVE constantly on hand a general and well •elected assortment of Simile anti Kaucy Krocrries, Fins Lft/ntri unit Ilian, I’rorinont, Etc. Etc In addition to the article* usually found in a Grocer'* Stock, they keep a supply of Nails, Gla«e. Drugs, and Dyes, Letter and Gap Paper, Playiog Card*. 4.C, Ate 1 tieir aim will be to *e!l gaod and ireab articles, •ad alwav. at F.ilH MARKET PRICES Their facilities for buying with their eaperieuce in the Arkansas trade, and their koowiedge of the wants of that section, they think will enable them at all times to fill, satisfactorily, auch orders as they may bo favored with. Jan. 1. 1-.M. I-y. joscfh M Fauna. Jane* h Masses JOSEPH H. PA SUER & <<>.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DE11ERS IS PORRiey AND 90MEST1© DTIY&OOD'S. 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept. io. i«.v>. 8-1 —ly W. M I TCHELt, St CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, a.vs Dealer, tn Oomlt Wry . Orwceriea, die. NAPOLEON, ARK S. Murek 30, 1851. 30—tf. Nugar and toffee. CO Bags beat Kio Codec, C/U 4 Hilda. Pnisa Prowo Sugar, in store auo ,or sale by T. 0, MLitkltk At CO, No* o" l»5t) — 8—9 -tf ^OLOIEKs’ LAND WARRANTS, for 16* .J acres each, for saie by W.M. B. WAIT. March 3d 2«—if laifHe Rock foundry. SHEET Copper and Zinc ; Wire : I'a tent Brads, twmd, a superior Article, for Joiners anebCabinet maker's use. For sale by ROvWfiLL BEBEE. Cask fotit for eii canting t, braes, copper and it nr* July 8, 1831—44. DR. CLiBKra Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and 'tat. Which is considered by Phjrse nw and other* th*~ Ktatta for toughs, colds, consumption, liter compliant, bronchitis, asthma, soreness in the the*., spitting of biood, pain or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, 4 c. This being the prescription of a regular physi • rrsn, graduate rrt The Medical t-ntvrrsity, rtrla delpfua, and having been thoroughly tested, u proper.y es'ermol one of the must valuable and efficient remedies for these and similar Complaints ever ffTer.-d to the public Price. *1 per bo! tie, f> bottle* ?">. To tie had of K. L. DODGE A THOMAS BUT' TRRWOKTH. Little Bock, June 3d, 1851. ly. fr'rr»t\ Flour* **c\ RECEIVED l>y last »m»a,, ihcf. .arti cles, to wit : l 50 bbli. St. Lou a Flour ; 100 •* Cincinnati “ ;, 20 kt-w .No. 1. I.*rd ;J 50 bids- aud hall fcbla. Wjbinhey . 1050 It*. Tobacco ; 750 •• Har Lead: Fur sale by A. i HCTT, June 4th, 1K51—30. .t/lMi Itt'e-rf. rJ^HK nufx'i-riber. scent for H. Halxriaaa, * 1 A. couUnue the former's busimiw at his old stand on Main, near Markham street, and keep ton slant I y on band a full and weii asa tried slock of Orocenen, Dry Crouds, Ifoota. Shows, Hardware, Castings, Ac., Ac., a!! of which will lie sold low j for cash. The highest market pr.rea will be paid i for country produce, as beef hales, peltries, beea ; wax. Ac. JOHN KRACSK Little Rock, March 2i*. 1»51. 1 ', 30—tf. jo»i.\ !». %•> % ns, rOIIlSSMfl l\B FMWtRBIIfi .URNH.1T. •KICK tklllVEIt. U1WTJI ,'*TK.VU*i iAT LA.VUIM,, LITTLE KUCii, ARKANSAS. KEEPS court* utly ea band a Urge tad general HMrtiMst cf (li|f Caada, ( lolkiai, Hard* ware, <bueeu»w are, Hal* and Cap** Boot* ait Abac*, saddler) , a tail oa ary, Groceries, P rad ace, Ac., Ac.; ail of which win ha sold rsry ebaap for CASH. 1, 1850. —If IRON—4000 Ibf. ai d 5at. aqT audrpjnd Iron ; 1000 .. . “ best cbarcnal horse shoe ; SOAP—10 boxen No. 1 brown ; PAPER—10 reams Entetope; PORK—30 bid*, fcaavy Mena : BACON—4SOU lb*. clear stdor: BAGtTONO—35 pores h*ary Kentucky ; " 40 half " HOPS—48 cads : ' . TIWNE—10 bales; Rac’d per “Haaborg,” and for sale, by -4-1851. Wfc P. WAIT. NEW DRUG STORE me DRI'M AMD MIMMR'IMBS* * THE subscriber bus just received and is now opening an entire New Slock of Inspected DRUGS AND MEDICINES, which are warranted fresh and centime, cut; QUININE. BEBEERINE. PIPER1NE. RALlCRlff. .MORPHINE, IODINE. IOD. POTASS. F.LATEKH M, VERATRINE, STBTOHN1NE, CIT PERRI ET MAONKS. CALOMEL Z*f.t TURKEY RHUBARB. $rmtmtt COD UVEK OIL. pmrr; BLUE PILL, Ac. Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, Embracing Jaynes' Family Medicines, Moffat: s do. Lee’s Ptiia; spencer's do.: Wright’* do.; Davis’ Pam Kiiiti; Stephens' Astringent Syrup; W a tars 1 Balsam AYild Cherry, Ac. Ac. Sands’,', am/ Bait* Sar.*;^;nUa. VRRMin’GRS: , B. A. Fahnestock, Dead Shot, and American Ver ,nnfofe. i nine I,irk Watfr*-To»frr«Sprist Water. Farit*. Oil*, Dfft »tu/, WinJet? Clot*, iff. iff. Country Pfcv*ietans ate requested to ntmiiK the quality of my Drugs, die., before purchasing else where. XT Prescriptions ten *arret compounded. TH08 Bl TTERWORTH. An . iVne Drue Star*, ram'r of .Main on./ Mar,kin StrrrU. Little Bock, June 24. 1841. Mtile Rock Hixll school. UNDER THE CARE DT MRS. AND THE MISSES WOODS. BUSINESS will be resinned (D Vi 1st Septem ber, when a punctual attendance of the Pu pils is respectfully requesied. The Board of Visitors to the above Issnrmo*, well satisfied from Ion? personal observation, that its accomplished proprietors are highly competent to teach, in the ro wt approved and successful man ner, all the branches of a thorough and finished Education, therefore, take great pleasure in re commending it to a continuance of that large and increasing patronage which it has enjoyed since its commencement. Sorted of Virtorr. Rt. Rev. G, AY. Fartsuv, L. Onaav, M D, Hon Diviri Reno, AVn. H. Fikid, " AV* H Sl TTON, *• Tuna AVr Nrwrov, Maj J.vvr* Lswsos, Gen S U Hr* as rev u, August ’J6, 1851. Capt A Purr, F W TfurvAi.i., Esq., F. II Rvijsh, “ L E Bvssem, Geo C U’vniM, “ Jon* H Cuvw, " 51 NOTICE. HP HE undersigned are now closing their busi I ness, and take this method of informing all who have claims against ’.he firm to present th in for settlement. Th'se who are indebted to tia by i Notes, or accounts are requested to tome foi ward ' and settle without further notice; if they wish to save extra expense, they will do well to call and pav up immediately. GOODRICH 4 GRAY. Little Rock, August 155th, 1851—50-tf.— t or uyspepsia. Prepared from the fourth «tomnch of ike Ox! THE {fw; Ptfruir* Fluid or <»a*cm Jai«e, prepared fnNu K timed or Ml* *n>ui aril of the Ox, fitter uirec ti-.m» given by Baron Ln Ihr grtai phy-doiogK-al divoMt. by J. j*. HuuttiU*. M D-, !1 North ttfiiui mwi. PhilafiHpba, ihc «m ly Uiitmthair and prima feli»r<bf tndu*#tinn. Dy-cpcpcd*. Um CVwn piatbt, l '.,n-.umptM»n xml »l*-htl»ty, c«tm*g ill*- Nature’* own uiethod, hr Namtf'i own agent, tb«- <J***tr*- Juwc. It i» a <***ftnm p<vrnunv« •**' rbotenu x* it kerpi the stomach and bow»»K »ii a pmccll) bcaiuiy coodiUon. Half a tes-pooaftif of thi^ hud, tofawd in water, will di ge** or d»«m#vc five pound- of ro*-t b«ff in xbout two hour* out of the KH.mnrit. £ciKmnr Rvinutcx.—Baron Leifug, m lus celebrated work *m animal chemistry, *nys; •• \tntruAcuiili|e»u^ rluui xnxJxgnvi* to ihc Gastric Juice, may he readily prepared from the fuuci iH membnux* of die **HuAch of the c.Ut, m which ftriott* article* of lood,*uoh a* mitt and «?<**, will be *urt <*»»*!. ch*BfM *04 dieted javt ia :bc *un* lumber a* ihey would be ui the Iirunau *tea*twvch. ' l>r Permn, tn hi* fajumr* imtieo *Om food and p*tbit»b< d #y rowlei h. VVdl*, New York, pgrX, *ixi**uie «%me fo»*r f**t, and ddberifce* me method of preparauot. There we f»w higher utfaoritiH Uian Ur IVrtira. 1 f»T. fNunbe. in hr* valuable wntiux vu tl»-: *4Fhy*io4afy of Difceti'-*®,** oheervet thxc -a thminuiD'ii i.u the do* «ju uitity ••f the lintrir Juice, m a prunuarixt and ail prevailing *-ain.e of Di-fvp-U;" and ! .• -tales that -*a d profc*M>r I of nrdirine in l. *odor*. who wa- *cr«*r!y af&cted with the ciicuplaant, findut* '*ver) uuo* else to fail, lu*4 recourse to the Gidric Juice, obtained from ti»e »;«nna<')i* of living uniat U* which proved completfy #uc'*e*sful r* Ur *»■ than*. autt»i*r ot the fnui work on **V«-getaM" lHrf.,T' »«>*: •* I * i» «r,iMrkahk tart in that the «toauurhiot animal*, macerated iu water, unjiui-fe i»the fluid th»* ar^j» ivy i gumni* article * u< food, and ot «i fectwff a kind tff vltfriii dife*ti**«i of them in no wise Jif • ,-eui from the natural «»f**ttve pr >Cv-**. " k.^iomiirNt work, -The thcauatry of Man,w [Lea ft RJ’.n hard. Plui'vthdpbia, lfM6,] pj» :tli if, «avi: ‘-The di« crtvefy of Pefwia form* m new cm in the ucmkti] lurtory of |itg^*t*o«. From n*eeti\ nphvitnto, we know mat food w dissolved %•* rapidly m an artifh i »i digpu4ivr *suid. ^repar- J from Pepsin, a* it U in the naiurai GvL'i*- Juk'C Pmfc»-cT l>u»fhu«<tn. of the Jt-tf- c»on Ptulad-rl uhta. in hi* tmt work o« ••llmuia JFky*t»th>f},** U> v<iuSi r r- igvt b» an ^uiuiuitna of thi«- ivkict. He eiptirunenrs with l>r. Beaumont, on the Uminc Jun e, ob tained rnmi the living human -hnwn h.ami troai .umuai.-, are well kn*mn. ‘‘In all ^*a.-es.,, tie sa>». •*dijp -ti»»n incurred a- tef-' tlv hi the rirti'V'iaJas rn ti»«- natuml dif^wtioa. F*»r timber imiot' of th« remark iW- merit’* of this discove ry. call at T? M AGAZIMl STREET, and |pt a ikwnptive sheet unni. A. ht:\IMLL a i U., fieaeral M^W uh c’ »uthem Stain-. For -.vie. wholesale or retail, m Little Kwk, ai tfie Ni w Druf Store, by THOJ&. BITTER WORTH. .Ygent Ifs th* oiafv Arkan*ae July 1, lr*5t. A3-ly 1 hri-t I'Suirrh Vhool for Boss fl^v. A. F, F»aWU». Rector. Mii.liji v!l, M. A. Principal. f I'HIS Instituliou wiil ojien on or about the 1st J. ti-pttiuber. Bo)"* wm be prepared for college or for tire business pursuits of life. As the num ber of pupils u hiai’ev!, applications should !* inaiio nmneiiiateiy to the Hector. Aa*. LJ. * it) la ibr i HkBowv firirs of S&matl F. Mason. Urrrasrd. TlV .rJi. ■ r ’.iu1 J n .. Pi' >' a'e Coi;rw tlie ’un | ) ti'T- . Administrator of sani estJe’ts order ed to tiici :e that there s in his hands $17-V4f>, le^s expenses of this adterlisernent, U-lonein^ to the link noun heirs ol said estate. Said Mason was medium sue, dark complexion, iaoie to pne iec, about -> .t-.irs oid. was shentf of this coh'jty and was kired at Spadra titutf, by J no. (i.Jcwu't, is Anf ust, Isdi. J WILLIAM ADAMS IJm'n&tnt'tr. Ciarkavilie, Ark.. Jaty 31, Ih61. 'r4H-t;w. 4*reat Ke«o!ution in Ku»ine««. riTH tlm tsesr of accoaunodating my custo » v irttrs. and outers who nay Ik" pleased to t favor toe witii theu busm. sa, I havemade arrauge menu to procure, with great dispatch, at either - Civ'iaMan, *!<i*vuH, or Ji*w Diuim, on the : cheapest terms, su*-h liras* and Cart Iron work as may be cod*-red by those who prefer their orders tilled at tat her ol the above places, am well as all -oh orders as f tauniv free. my • siab iishmtttt, free of any commission, or charges of •*“>' ^ !‘d, ear* pt hut e -st, drayage, freight.. ana .iisur*»ic. Thu plan, it Is believed, will greatly facilitate e’try on- desirous of electing CaUatt Lmt, Tkrealun# MaeMmrt, -Soar Mtiit, I'or* Mills, ; Flour H:!U. ail * Cotton Mills, or attf other .tee enptom of Machinery, « Knginr ,r*ri, in p:-*ur -ns with certainty whatever lbc> ui.iv want l><aii abroad, und at the same time -tb .rd then a con ■ veiue::i opportunity of ji 'giiir by e uopartson be* - tween my w< rh and {«• - a, andoth **. >• c-i*.partied by a tifaueht and specitwaliot* s Si nentiy espo it in detail, to serve as a.gutrie to the mechanic who mat be called up.-a to execute the work, as wt>U as that so.table provunoo should be nrode for the payment. Ail coeiniuni* a'.i.Kis addressed to me. will be thankfully received, and meet with prompt atten tion. BOSWELL BEEBE, July 21, 1851. si Little Roet Funurry.! iinither;! I HAVE now on hand a handsome lot of Leather, conststtng of Sole Leather, I'pper Leather, sod Buckskin* ASPLKVnin assortment, inst received per steamer St. franco, and fur sale by leaned. Fov saa h> July 6, IM1. a. j. m rr. Mm* hr. Imdim’ M*or*. Aug. 5, 1881. A. J. HUTT. 18 m q q q q 9 9 9 MEXICAN Hivmivo UNIMKOTIII r. dm Unit, At Lmmt, Urn Strr, mj At Stig-Jmmtmi, “Wt trmg gM tUmg* *f ggttt jm,r |. ' The Volcanic Oil it+m Mnic* Hu long beta known to panes) within itself wonderfully soothing ht-slmr amt curative properties, sod has Iwe* extensively used by the Artec* for Rheumatism. Stiffness of Joiul* m Looba. and for all o» Sows* lire**, Hum**, Wound*.. (laid Luu»pa or Tumors, and for ail kmda of Pto*t or !ntlanimatkw* in Man or Beast. , . . , , , . The happy ‘coiabmatiou of this wonderful prodnr U«h» of nature with other powerful renatewa in the Nrtlrn Mwtaai tiaiawal Renders it one of the meat perfect n-njodiee ever offered to the affheted. I to actum upon the <***»< aatwn a truly wonderful, It* volatile. penetrating, soothing and healing properties diffuse tneaamirua U> the rerr bone*. Heaters into the circulation of the blood—give* a new impulse to ‘he whale aer : voussyrteas to the very extremities of the fibers and toes—stimulate* the abawbent* and wamtinaa. sim! *hu» assist.* nature tolhrow off and rid herself of any dweased actum of arm* muse lee, chorda or ligaments. making it tquallv applicable to won* of any kind rheumatism, pain* ,n any poll «f the : body. from a diseased action of anv of the rtrueturai portiens of the system. Possessing these fMMMr powers is the remain why it as equally efficacious in so many different complaints. W e will yivc a few of the thoiiaauila of rure* that have been effect! , by thwI.luMWnt wdhiuthe '**' a lady in Columbus. Qkio.'kad her hand slightly bruised. took cold in it and it spread to A t*»l*blf»l fleer kll over the back of iter hand- Doctor* tad prescribed sains*, ointments, washes, and aitemrtrcaa, without doing it any rood. It bad been m thu ocmdrtpm ww than a year, when she got a bottle of the M tortsn Liniment, by the recommendation of her physician. and applied it a* directed. the » : suit was. that in four week* Uto'uker was healed and the hand was well! That doctor bow buys the Liniment by the doeen to use in tos practice. . ■ , .. ... . . . \ little nil fourteen milts from Co! ambus, had a severe attack ot Rheumatism. 1 he cl wads of one let contra. ted so tiist the foot was drawn up at a right an,’to with the thigh, and the ku.ejon* stiff m that she was obliged to walk with crutches. Three botttee of the Mustang Linunent rtiaitd the chords, loosened the knee joint, relieved all pains, stre ngthened the musoiea, and she can tkpthi rnt»-. leap and jump without crutches and without limping. ‘ A man in Pir sburgh had a red hot iron accident ally run into bis foot, making a very severe Wound and Burn At the smuf time. The pam ra tutenae ana excruciating, miearening tor a-jaw. i ur 1001 iwenm very rapidly. ami in two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it, or aet it to the ground. In tin*condition .he Mustang Liniment was applied. Immediate relief Irom pain was the consequenea, ami in two days he went about hi* busmens and had no farther trouble with it. Capt. \t'm. Alter, one of the oldest citizens of Cincinnati, and long ami popularly Known on Mi tbe western and southern nvest* as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack iff Inflammatory Khenaaatism in his right arm. After suffering the moat excruciating pain for sou? day* without a moment's relief, he obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. In less than twenty four bouts, he was entire ly rei;e vd from pain, the soreness xnd stiffness perfectly eradicated. Let aay doubt this in his presence, aud he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength aud fl suability of his “good nght arm,” A man n Covington, Ky.. had not been able to Araik without crutches for near two year*, from the effects of Chronic Rheumatism, He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and used it as directed, and now he is well, and can dance a horn pipe equal to any Jollv Tar ! A man near Louisville, Kv.. had a negro man who had running sores on both his legs. They w«w» nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause ot Ins dealh. He procured half a drift: n bottles flff !he Mustang Limimut, and used it all according to the directions. In one mouth the acres were healed. John Bennett, »f Pctersburgh. 111., had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capitis or Scald Head. The entile scalp was a running sore and had been for more than a year—doctors could doit no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and to their great joy, it has en tirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful bead of hair now covers the once frightful Sculp! S| A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the topof her head that threatened to spread ail over the scalp. The hair came out and lefts bare spot the sue of a dollar, that w-aa a running sore. .She used the Mustang Liniment m it, and't not only healed tbe sore, but brought out a beautiful new crop of hair! She u now using 't to dress fo r hajr. aud says it is the best Hair Tome she ever saw, while it gives a beautifully gtvBv-uke appearance to the hair, that she had never succeeded in obtaining before. These are ba a few oi the thouzan.D of cures we are daily hearing of from all pans of the ! country. For Horses unit other Animals. There is noth ng can be compared to the Mustang Liniment, in this speedy and permanent cure of Strains, firms, s. Outs, tlalds. Chafe*, Scratches. Sweenv. Poll Evil, Fistula. Big Head, Spavin, Ring Bone. Splint, WmlGall, Cracked heels or any wound, stiffness, or unnatural enlargement of bone or muscle. A hvervstable keeper of thiscity had a match horse that he prised Terv highly, that had a large Ring-bone oi both ltdgs. The horse was completely cured, and his limbs left perfectly smooth by the use of tfc# Liuiment. To Country Merchant*. Every store siould be supplied with this valuable Liuiment, as it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. Caution Eitra, Wr IP* Many wilitry toiuduceyou to buy Nerve and Bone Liniment orsomeotjjer equally worthless irash, by saying it ts just as t'>od as the Mustang Liniment. But do not be deceive<l! Ask for this Liniment, and buy noue other, and you will not be disappointed. The name is blown on the bottle. Prices of the Liniment. In consequence of the increased demand, we are now putting up 25 cent, 30 cent, aad dollar bot llcs. The 50 cent bottles contain three turns as much as tbe 25 cent size, and the dollar bottles four limes as much as the 50 cent sir.,—so thst money will be saved in buying the large bottles. T7* Principal Depot at BRAGG A McLEA.VS'S Drug Store, corner Third and Market streets, St. Louis, Missouri. rr Drucrisis and Country Merchants supplied on liberal term*. j. \\. TAPPb, Whoesale Agent, at Little Rock, Ark. a i cm OLIVER & COM IHA’S 4- SPIRIT MBRCHA IS, C ORNER OF M AIN AND MARKHAM ST. (Old Pott Office Comer. JUST Received a fine assortment of choice articles for Bar Stores, and Family ate, con sisting of Fine Old Port Wine: Madeira Wine: Brown Sherry Wine; Pale Sherrv Wine; Catauba Wine Longworth Ohio; Claret Wine. Supr. Juice: Bran dv. Cognac: Brandy Cherries; London Gib; Mo iHingatsla Whisky; Scotch Ale; Brown Stout; Anisette; Natural Syrup; Muscat de Prouiiguao; Marischano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor cestershire Sauce; Sardines; Fresh Saiinon; Ab sinthe: Preserves Ac.. Ac. Little Rock. April 22. 33-tf. XEW FiliLl STORE. nOKKIMII 4 CARTER, On But rile «/ But Mom *t., frr%t brut ttor abort the comer of Mark bam ft., wii.ilj.-iij; oii> atraiL ocAixa* ix FAMILY, STAPLE AMD FA SC Y Gracerio. Proihiou*. C'ouutry Protluee. it. H AVE just opened, m the store heretofore oc- , cupied as a Tin Shop, a general assortment j of every thing in therr line, comprising a larger vanity of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before offered in this market. Their friends, and cituuas generally, are invited to call and eiamine their stock liefore purchasing elsewhere, as they arede It framed to sell as low as Uie lowest, for cash of country produce. Little Rock. April 9, 1 So 1. 32—if. Hat*! Hat*'.'. JUST received, a fine lot of Hats, and among which are the followin, via: 2 cases fine fash. Silk Hals; Moleskin Bill; Cam trie re “ Russia “ 1 2 do*. 3 ** 1 “ 1 " 13 •« And for sale by Mao |4, tS61. “ Brush “ Peart Union “ Panama “ Leghorn boys’ fine Leghorn infant*’ Straw Palm Leaf A. J. Ht'TT, Mam tlreet. 3ft1**— IJttlr Kock Foundry. SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING—and *11 other deertpnon* of lruu work, auitable for such purpuaca, furnished to order, at the above cs labishmcnt at the cheapest rate*—warranted to be good and w i! adapted to the nccersit >ea of t he j».e> ple of lies Stale. HOSW ELL BFSI1K. Jrti* it, lWl. **• llnsinr Boiler. URANTED—A good second hand R-uler. suita ble for a >uwll engine ^about s iwh cylin der. One with a stand, fire-front and grate-Lars, will be nreforrt-L Apply ’-<» ROSWELL BERKS, July S. l.ittlt Rx& f'**try \i:\V ClaOTHIHMJ!/ J UST received, direct frowiNew Otlcso*. a large and well selected asfiortn|ent cf new and fasti ionahlc Clothing: Particular attention i* called to * fme *;<«•• it of simmer Oteh.'rir. F j: »ii- ; ,w f.»r • aah. and t4 • i. MARC'S. Little Kuk, Mur20, mi. .Mara atr**#. Iron, \aila anil Ci»*ling*. fd/'hfA'LUS. o»»trd lroe; UUW ;« K-e« Naibj loud Castings. lor aria low. by T. D. MERRICK A CO. /breath 17, IS5P l* DR. STEPHEN'S ASTRINGENT STRIP — Tbis boa now bensw a eelebtated remedy far Dysentery and Bowel Complaints, Cholera M.r has, Diarrhoea or Simmer Complain'*, pam or erampiruc lit the tfixuach or bowels, adapted to per sons of all acta, but undoubtedly the mat aupe-: ' rax preparation for children ever produced. Pr«e«, 24 cU for small bottle*, a ad SO eta for Uree ones. • , To be had of R.L DODGE and THOMAS BUT TERWORTH. i Li **s Rock -»e. 3d. l»l. ly. < Koarar Anus-raosc. Geo. C- Livun>. Aasui-o Hsiuus. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON & CO. Commission Jlerrhants, U)t> Macarme street, NEW ORLEANS. March 26, 1861. * 29—ly FRFSH OltiCS i MEDIfI\ES. ‘ JI7ST RECEIVED 1X0 FOR SUE. WHOLESALE Ul RETAIL. ^POE subscriber ia constantly rMri *• aittf, from N»w Vor«, a renuiuf assortment of />ru**, enlt. Perfumery. Paint,, Oils. f>f* Sluft, Ac., At. Also—Patent Modl rinea: among which arc. Dr. Taylor's Balaam of Liverwort; Jaynes’ Expectorant; "Indian Panacea; Daltey’a Pain Extractor; Maya’ and Hewes* Linl- , ment;’a Strengthening Planter; Komalock’a Vermifuge; Moffatl’s Phffui* Bitter* and Vegeta ble Life rills; Rarthoiomew'a Expectoiant; Sphoii'a Medicines; Oldridge’a Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welah'a Medicameutum All of which will be told low forcaah R. L. DODGE, Markham if. Little Po-k, ISt8 17_tf OKBWTT1 A. A. CARV, 1». D. ». EHNil Huntav,;.- Ala., has located A. himself permanently in Little K'«ck/t He haa been engaged in the practice of Dentistry for b n years, and feels confident tu the ability to give entire satisfaction to auch of this community as may need h,s services. Peraoas residing at a distance will be notified of Ins absence from tow;, whenever it oecura through the papers of this place. Office oe the *ea aid-.-of Louisiana street, two doors south of the residence of Judge English. Little Hock, May 27, 1851. 38-tf. Fmh Arrival**. JUST teceived, per steamer “ Hamburg” SO bar to! a superfine FLOt'K ; 20 “ Trackers* • 80 do*. Lemon Syiup ; 8 boxes Candy ; 10 barrels Brandy ; 40 do. Whiskey. For sale c heap, by M. TANTL SlntmhaU Landing. June 5, 1851—32. Saddlery. JUST received from New Orleans a lar<e and wlel assortedstock of Saddlery, consisting in part of the follow mil, vir: 10 gen'*’ fine Columbian Saddles; 12 “ “ Spamsb “ « ladies' “ Hoe skin •* t. doz. ilnd ic-s." assorted ^saiitiea; * “ Martinfeie* assorted qualities; 3 “ Bridle fi liiif* ** “ 3 “ Worsted Orris “ “ 3 “ “ Circuigles, ass'll qualities; 3 “ Corn. Horse Collars; 3 ■* Hog skin H'’me Collars, 2 “ Wagon Whips; 2 “ Hale “ 1 “ Piam and Pocketed Saddle Bags; 2 “ fine Pohsle.-d dnaffle BiU, 2 “ “ St.rrup Iron*; » ** very fine Bug^y Whipa; And for sale by A. J. HITT. Vow sir.w May 14, 1*41. 38— mmn. & cos. iiphoveo cottos bisi ONE of 80 Saws in store and for sale. All orders fen Gins of the usual sues given tm the Undersigned will be forwarded, and receive prompt attention. . WH. 8. WAIT. Agent for the Manufacturers. Little Rock, May XI. LSS1., 38— CN H<XTAW LAND SCRIP Certificate* for 80, j J ldf> and 920 acres, received and for sale by WM. 8. WAIT. lif. <th. *8 — Tobacco! Tobacco!! Tfi BCD per. Steamer Trustee, 1534 lbs. cheap f ii Tobacco. And for sale by, June 18-1861-41. A. J. HUTT ‘ P HO FES SI ON A L C A RD3, ^wirTwnTor«Biti7“ ItUrn; a ad CciairUsr at U« HOT SPRINGS, ARKS., Vl^ILL r»- IWMftHul BUentwn to nil b.iam,-* * » enUus'.i 4 to hut rife, IU any Court uKth* tr the *«rroun<Ung oonttca. Jttiy l A. I $-51.1 ' I a "1 y. J. S JOUYHO.V * ; ATTORNEY AT LA W, I.ITTLE ItOCK, ARK. Orl ». 1. BMANDtAIU R4i, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAW RENTEYU.LK, ARK’S5 WIU^ptMlw' in the eountie* oi Philip*, Hi. Franei* and M"*’»e,in the *>,f Judin*! Cir cuit ; he cuMtiM oi D->ha Mud in the •eeuad Jii.lif i*i Cu<-»r. * th* county ot plain*, id the fifth Jud.cul Onmt. ami will pay .met at tention to the collection of debt* in »„y pa«t,.flte State, and will abo »ft a* a^rt forth* iaie at laud* inrf p«ytng ■•««, be RfikiWf i» Lawrence, ill*, Monroe in, Ark*. arpt. «. 185*.—a—a—»>• JOHN T. TRICK.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BENTON, ARKANSAS. May 81, ISJo. ]?_ HENRY II. RK4 TOR. ~ mourn * common if hi, (Office at Beaton, laliir manly,) WILE PRACTICE in the Coantie* of Saline Hot Spring*, Parry, Montgomery . and the oar font Little Rock. Aay* eamieted t« tl* eara will reeeir# prompt attention. JAMFS T. BROWN, ATTOa.YET AT LAW, trk«»«», Pont, Ark., Will practice bi» profewdoa in the Second Judicial , Circuit, am) will attend to the collection of debt* M#d theioeeatlgatloa of laud claim* in eaery part ofArkanma. tfid b. t. nry a i*, ATTORNEY HBromELLflR tTUff. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Port Unailh, Arkanao*. R. H. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Lirru Rock, A as. JOII\ R. BOKDO, Attorney at Law. Aenidei ia Lfwinvillc, Lafayette faaatj, Ari A ND will practice ia th« coart* of the 6th Jadl lit eiai ufefriei. Aii uwaiaeaa conftdor! to hi* man 41 am* at .will reecei v, prompt aaii faithfa I attention. L ASSERT A. WHITELEY, ATT9RJIT AT LAW, OFFICE OS SURKfUN ST KEF T. Lima Rocs, Ammu. JAMES A WILSON ATT0RJIT AID CflmiLLflR AT LAW TELLVILLR, tHKAtHK. DAVII) W. CARROLL, a. :£•*?£> a* ar as avz 2av/* Little Rocky maSOly] ABXAMfAf. [nvHf JOB.W <II!ILM!«, ITT8R1EV 4 ncmiLVR AT LAW. *•» • OLICITO It IX ('Htlf Kll> j >rrtc«—Eldorado. Union ermnty. Arkanaa* ~SL R. HKWrNTKAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKKA M 8TREK I, Mini bock aBK'e. 1 tf J. 11. TEDRETTK, i TT3R W E I 4 COmglWR AT LAW. Fayetteville, irkiau*. IBO. C. WATKI1**. I At. M. CtTBBAM WATkl AK At M KKAA, ATTORNEYS,AT LAW, LITTLE R<X’B A'Kk AN8AS KM AM A. t©\ WAV, LTTORWEV AT LAW, 4 GENERAL LAM) ASSET, LITTLE KoCK. ARKANSAS, UTJLL ATTEND to the collection af dobt* in any part of the State, to baying ami telling aod*. paying taxes, redeeming lami* forfeited for axe*, he Me t* authorize*; to tell lamda enoayA or tkrrt er four lhaaaand yowl pluntattona, unit at Aeap rmtra, far eaak To in»u re attention, comma meal ion* matt be poat ra’d. LitHa Reek, Jat» 16, ISSfl. fO-ly LABAN \1. 8) RUL’D Attorney and t'<>un<ellor at Law, It' ILL practice Hi the Ccurta of Newton, Soar ft ey, Morton- and CuTuii eomitie*. Hevidence near ('rooked Creek, Carroll co., Ark. April 33—ly. S. G. S MIT e, UToRNEY AND COCNSELLQB AT LAW, Pai’n.-XTOn, to., Ann*. :w-tf. JOoftll \ TtOitUlV ATTttRHfc’4 AW CKM1UM AT L.fW^ j IOCKPOHT, HOT SPRING co., ARK. A}iui VS, :M0. <.i'0(crir«i! JUST wtind finny. New <Itjean* tbe following articles, viz: ' 13 buXcs U« 1 “ (around (linger; 4 “ Maecatoai; 5 “ VcraiceUi; 60 " Table Salt: 1 •* Tomato Ketchup, 1 “ Chocolate; 1 banket Kweet Oil; t bos Lemon Svrup; t *• imperial Tea; 10 ‘ Soap; !0 “ Sacks Coffee: 1» do*. C. S. Hoes. I •* Rifle Locks pith fly; And for sale cheap by A. J. HITT. Little Rock, June S, IMI. Hum urett. Hule Wanlrd. WANTKU—A first tale Male, to match one I have—-price not to exceed ttikl. Apple lo ROSWELL RLEHE. July », J»t—44. l<liuini«trator'» \olkr. BLAKELY SMITH, late ot Randolph county in the Slate of Arkansas, died intestate on «r about the tth of July, IDO, m the towu of Jarrolton, in the Rue of Louwiaxia; left no known H-ira, sad place of nativity o-rt known; the ap xaised value of his estate is #315. Said deceased was about forty years of age at the tune of bu ieath, dark haw and blue eyes, about free feel j en inches high, about a medium size. Letters of Adnnwatration were granted by the Clerk of the Court of Prohauh in and for the -ounty afoacasuL on the 24 in of December.; ft.D. 18*», to the undersigned, Elias Phipps, of! laid county,- and it was ordered by the Court of Ae coonty aforesaid, at the January teno thereof lMl, that publication be made as •*«* news >sper <rf this State, according to law for six weeks, if the death, hr., of said deceased. ELI AM PHIPPS, JLfmkmhutm tf the Same s/arrand. «9kw July 39, 1MI. ( \rtv « P' P1' l**4 U fcy astanury Jt •ml fad), * Jot t,f r,.,:,a ,f «WR*P to ^tihm Bwkt i ;hp r»wy MHt (Stef* Mon-bandm I tH.w far,- ,m (**,, Ifce mart ctriv , u 4 <eu !>«*<• j*o*i»ia ., t, P*4*1 « , •ml u>prtiiai,y ,-j|H(bp »l; pot* • a id , „ try and te* fc, to call am* «a*vr,r tU '»• a •>. Ht rr. «r . l t«W Park. ihtli. um. »*_ LITTLE RfK’K HIGH SCHOOL ImNibs sad 5ay Vle*l For Y«m L*rfi«. THK b'irtt.m «l (hi* botMnaiy ulH<o i»v, , i i ***** Sot»l, (0 VvV *U» i ynyrfyt) attoo, nanpo v4 (Dr tk(iyit<i to e»n> my i-rtyun*,! Tw* t«M(li !mtt. Ul.dPi He **ro nt il>*. (lot I!;., WOOD. « i li r* T'lii 'd. , r:.r» rve> V i 'r'l.ty r.*(wnctrwf ?b,adtawtaye* m ,' y,f 11, fn.i*H.rt odarattoa. rt>H>nm mlhm Hritoiu. id, finatiftpatmna tot ■'■'<( UJM lottitWt, in Rt, *> ,r, v I”**po>io«rl -Oli.lMTK-c, |t„t t,. „ rr<v>r to tt p 4»,•>., n.,* ,rl, P'd'll* o» 5H, B..*r |,DC Hrhw.1, •I.l.tiy *,«.ria>,d ’IVaeflete, atteftUMi jo !« i,.i» and rodt p (hr r t»t». and prod*** baby. ot ardor ami rrgnl i,i, p**en»tal m tho fro m*t ttui <*t rt atartor Fool.*.e 'hr '•*!■<« laif, ol a tb.o,,rk k*,wwt„ olth- birncl. fan*MiUappa-akH ,n ai-vitt, rit(ip*tn>|,,thr rm.. .r*U Ji4 to r> ui,i it It J,i O pouihlr fnr r»r,*i,»itii ol (he ,«taWi*l «-,nt jy,v propow a<l«..i>,n* tho PnptU. who rondo in it,, UmiW,‘o attend 'hr Frmrti rlanjrf, ntibcnt (in< ftarg*. TtmT. cohot* ot tt», City of Utttlo Rtw k » heaHMrl piriaaBl. amt (ucaarw. at *i. bv i •Im1 «!*k**. ••fu1wr*iAiy atm*at apoflorl »prr*ri,i,+i.Mn!,,!,,,,mnoM. nl ta dotwlopia*,,,r » *a<* tatritoalv «■ t4,ttlii*ii —ornktatmt! a thoio»*k amt «i„ r„t The riemriitat v ta thr bia»i«jf turn MomMy roeoid* of K-hotatJl ip aixt il*pori«irul arr tuuaiil tod to Patobla, «Hiitt ovorj j«tlico in it.ciloa,,iit to •tndy ta adoidod. | «t» or bool i» pooKatHy andn tho ntpomatoti rt tb* ol TlJttou, »ho, tiorn iidv, til Im p, »». amino tho oartow* riaaara, and rrpori thou (uoftvjj Tonal* or TatMtan «mI Hoard oul.a at «■»» aiontba. Day »<hoiar», 4th r),|.aituipi.t, gyj « 3d • w “ 2-1 ’* It, •* l»t ||| Fftrpb, Italia*. Spa; ith akd Gorman, tarh, 15 SiKtfrnc in Chou. yo Musio—Piano, (>in'ar. and Otgan.oaph, H»* p> 40 Diawinf and Pamiia*. >k Arourar Orioatal fiainltny, Japan W*»k, inlay ol Etx i y and Iumj, Hao b«rg Work, and wax Son cm, ,*ph, if) co N« charfo lot pRihrntdoty and oinamotilal tioodW work Boaul, araohiry, lighu.l'arl. uto at hotldin*. **■1 P*r Month, 10 Payniont. qna.torly, in adoanro; njj dodiic'ino lor abaont*. R Saaatona rninnionco l»( Sopt. ami' lot Fob. Pit. pil* ropptvpil al any poin t!, ai d chat jod Iruui lla.o ol pnlranpo to phnio ol tho #,»*inn. HSliittS Rt Rtv. B.ali Kaninas, H«n F. W. Hon. hide- i!!!>«<), Gap*. A Fib*. Hon T. « Newtoh, L. Gibson. M l). J H. C«u«t, E»i|, L. E Babb**, Faq LtMIe Koch. A**. !#, ISIMt. Hon. Jui'gv V iti i. G*o. <' Watb:t». E«q. E. II Euauau, L»q , Maj J. Lawson, G*n. fj. H. IlraniTCAo, Hon. W H. Sartos 51-tf. lASRIMITM 1ALU Hrmpatond CMklr, Blks. 'l’flF aecouu aeaaiou *f tbin luatiintioa, opened JL thi* morning. February 11th, 1MM1 Hot. C. P Twwmtit. Superintendent and Pro feeeor of Moral and UMInctuI Pbiieaophy, Belle-Letter*, ami Spanish Literature Re* H C- Thpmtt, A, M.. Prufeaaar of Grecian Roman, French and Italian Lilpraiara. J ***** f'aooca, A. M . Prolaaeor of MolhemotJc* Madcnta receieod in iho Primary Deportment ami ia*ir acted. TKRMa t Primary Department. par aeaaloa of 1! week*. payable quarterly in ad pane*. on Preparatory Department, ifl tut Collegiate Couraa, -40 00 Vocal and Instrumental Maatc, Element*of Musical Campoaitiea, (Extra) 'r i 11. Initiation Fee, | 01 No < for abaeneo aalaaaia eaaao of pro traded lltueaa All atndenta charged from the time of then entry to the end of the aeaoion * N B —The arna of ail mtniater* who are en gaged la the regular work of the miaiatry or «l thoae who are ruparanaated or hard died in tl,< ministry: will ba ednrated frea of abargo. Bo* an lac can be ohtalaad in the beat famllim at from #• to 09 por moarh. Parttcalar attention will bo paid bath to th< moral and intallactnal. training af ail atndoui committed to our charge. I * 8. T SANDERS, Haerataiy. BOARD OF TRUSTEE*, Hon. D. T. WITTER, Pbbtibbkt, Hob. H. P Pofadexier Raw. Wm. Mooreo, Roe. L. P. Lively Her B. P Box, I N. Jon-, M D , Mr J R tax dofar, Mr T. Williamson, Hon J It. Trimble Re* J, Cueter, M. D . Bee J. J. Roberto, C B Mite hoi, \t D , Mr W W Andrew*, Mr. M Soudera, Mr H. W. htuilh. 7— Shi—ti OR. LEtOrX MRMNRILU BL001I PILLS Abend «f nil Otherat! Tlae Kory af nil PIU Manaktloranll BECAUCC they are aaler, betiei ami aioie eft. raruma than eny other*; ami hecaoae the pub lic a ill take a« aoth-e of oaken tf the* caa »kts,a mean >UO.iMHHI HuIKX have Been eiu aitauaHy lor the lee V«l **. VXIMiLfi. MiU AMO PKMAL.K,eon aiaaj tab.- rhea, a oh • o'M, i -*<■ r., 400 a itbout Irar tr fflU MK HK<:**LaM V to, and He**.lei the atonur-h tad boart*. amt purity tea (hr Mtovd »s4 aod, of the teal* rake no other*-~for no nth. r pill* ooMurr ltm»< ormhinoi rXrrU, or (XarnainrUia in thru I IM, llrtak sail Lire ao tiaai. an.] |w>m» eon Ii-Hol <*-<-.ipeiom e tlUet nUma dam, without tear of takini <*oM, 4 urine alt kin if. of weather ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wooer** that war * *eoani« crrlilu-elc*" (loon rh>** none, i'lrt*>ik*o, Meaibew <0 t 'ancreu. efid •**•*► ntu r.rf!«" rem ttcynmucra rrfTB^i, . Bk a. j th»« 'faiul -rller (■•irhTY rU.I.h V«K I* \ BOX, ah* -ad at IBtoni buk. a Ui ttrr.'tuHW ami mack wholewai.r a*rice acroirp* ut re* aorb ka*. Frw ft»'W dual or at iu«) kind, |v. ik» fnpr thr ritHMth m bam*it*t rrtKitu •• w mHmcw. Vbttnutu; «tr M tmhng*, nttr A**n***tt vf Anti <1 W* tip act dl'M-n-*** I'fHitBiHn l«» HMUAttfl \«**#».* Having «***/•* laJbf-tt t** i« w»J{ be iriilmf aftrmard* u» tali# %i*v *0hn*t to*aw** tl*»> n ill ai»a*» do food, *«*d >i lb» y d«i nut, tiwa no 'Hftrf* WilJ. I>t fc. H. Un)) . Ih« prt/pn^fnr am* a*aunt* tom, »• » "fM lac drufpt**.«fe«‘n«4i»t and pUywf mn, uf Si »r «n *«f*rtaac« <« Phi)ii4*T|i*iHi; fraud*!* *d tto * iiiWaif* >d tm\ v tvwiiM m**Hd+* -M Ocftprrni menu «J m»uano«M»» uf **»«*• M«W Yurfc, ft****. Hnitim.rrr. hr.. and a**- «rtr w««J *«*.* mo sm-intor ■»! **V*r*J «J M*1UMi*>** •* L«<(mImk ami Pit np--h**r* llm KMMMt **t tin ffrafc r uaftlMMV* u« Hu pitfe, and lb* u bn tin u*r»*nMMfwd#4 »*» jumrtwv of *»-«i i* *m> Mii*#’UU<« AmtgMtf ft*** l Httad Kl*!**. rnm 5msw Kir L#»d>'• Itop* »**»>, Ko. lit Hortft >» 4i»d *«»ld nb*d**a*e and «*«**) bj J. W T*pp». i i«4f* ftorb) ft. IHbar*VMMB. Van Mur**; * • ft 3**u«i, w.4 «oftto* ft *•«•. *« * «*••«•% ••* ad 4r*< (,rU »<*«) U) UK: L'ltfkMft *K*t*» . -b Ur*. < w<.parHt*r*Hip. Walk in* ft nixrr ^TOULD raapactfnlly bform tha till $ zen* ol Littla Rock, »<m! t^ttutllt) UitMt ojt*kecom.|r|(,»t?«! they let©* c»j,aitfi*r»bjf. ir> lb* Practice »f Mt-dlf-lne, and *r» picpaiad 10 affcna pmwptfy I« eaacaol anmrfciiC)', and t.I >lt» par'M* ar« abaeM,lb**t W wii' »!’<■' <i Om "i 'I • other cm b» lonrid »t Iktir fut in Mi W*» K WocidniO'*batMlng,Iho coion ui JH*iklt*o- *<•'’ ilir.t.. £4** (M »*. I“» ' >*-,f *rho«i Hank*! 1HAVC ju»*. »» jpp!y 6f Srhuol Bo< k», •string wt*^i mi* tic ttwowinj KcJcctJt Spetlih. Htrni*; Davuf’ Aritk«x ii<; Pike’* SnjiUy'n " Knyltsh Hotter*. QtM&Mp1* Reader* S<t. I, 2 and 3. (V>t>y Hook ; a*Kjft«il Prirttera, 2W0 Letter Eu«clefxn, l do* Miaooun tlMBoiiaU; t “ Souvhrru - “ .lint—Paper. Pena, ink. Ac.. Ac., atl for «*< cheap for cash, hj A. I. Ht'TT, • Sn*»a»r. Jt»f U, t '<%«. * J M Uii a w. Ht-tJ Mite. Ml 'mjTio, tMl. *0'P*lK,o Mitt*’ E*ua Ho " «*yiuncy MiUV RitraSa Rwrived *ad fte aale by WM H WAIT.