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Mark «*• T „ ms .«• the «»>«'•«“ ***** *tU vie* it i-.' ■“ Sutc coaretrtw*, ' **«*w 'r^t.™ lhf®5*'*°a of rtl‘* r<>T”r'1' . *..,." U*>k of these r-uum unde; *•• " . ►.« *ar tosh*". ”* ‘ ' • ‘t> .**rk of hansan freedom »»d :i*' • “i: . .m. t.,a» « took w*» Wbt 'Ifv■> * ■ 6 ,,/• J*;. fr.«*l**S»f«^ * *ar upon **»•♦»« pretence* I .waded. to ' • n IV « ** .'.X »< '■-* •'»*»' 5 4 ^ ‘ ,'('V,-ni t ii on. or <w w»Kttf« *ha» •** Itwai! k.tarty toww** b> °* WS*‘:-M v I'-, v-. *■"»' --■ S:ir.u« ^ . < , , w mtc.-UT'-n'e. «>-» «*».•»« . ' rf-fi * -U <r and b 'l.xi d u, t>c ; r , of eitiaeo If'-’ ttn** br •*“ *Jp:>,rs . •«»*». •»•«“ -**'1 ■ teMaWbtouttf pMH **» ;iJC ' ,,i -v; nteenteie**. « * *«!»* AS »»’ * ,**r* aret territories now *»««. 01 ’k'" enariiaea. Ar.y j. SOIK4.HS <«*«. = 3*«J aereitui*. eteep. ""#£w. That tte W. •; jwr.r. *hn- it « * her- -a *< u 3 *» a i*» ** C'r'v- ani! ». •« teem tt the aaqwctt n«»of ■ fa t» mtit.1 the met.-a ••: *-< ***** ' a-. w > to *4treat. upon a.l JW»|k* ’X<*s<"us. :. All const :au.ii: m»M. U* •»***«**" ■ ••-it «■ «*» .«r, »•: t*'. Sm>:4 is tri t‘,jr !t*V"ra' • e fl i!t to !»anl support at! ttor prons a . ... i. niSeJ SUU*. a* jii •.i astitultonal t>y the ;-id:t4a. t .. i.! tr,v y.a&'-ry• . 'l .J. . - I -••:«•. =■•' ' •■•- •' « - ?! to ut suppijr! of the wl*is> of t • 'i- s'.'ii.iy stvi patrtoltsia wi'k waitb it h*' - ,: ,r ( •, .j-| 4ffaif%—-4Ls jeneroiji #yiopA.h> iae owrewe-i of otter hww »* ttetr »U :,CStf» to . ■ J it ad jr.p-:tu»eiv dc.Jtaaded he tte waata o ' W; o-ucin, ar. l cqwciaU? t-T the c.iaitner , sal »jf-j-tarai lateits: of the aorth wtat. S'.:: -asiat !?'« the application of tb v: •* : p,-a-» » in all cases, capreaaly Kcognix* • ratht a ad »f course the policy) of mua,ung « • «*y U* i3 a med at the fusitin ..are .*«r, t .. fitly seep open the data of t£iU x ■% sod are Sewtrdah as that serpeo: agitato .r i*f! to the eKeaswHi oi toaW '.'a tie otsc: iiacid, start the n.<*/.c and nuni: .-artoj of • <i«B*jcrac> f Permr-\»aiu», in thee lte moeaa* at C-lua^hia; w here the foiiowini v-tothi resioii'ivirs were uoamrsoasiY adopted: W«ea**a, To»e usd eaaa: philantropista. tette ir.hwa as i-,.:ii il 4»MnwrtJ. whs hare «*r.s*-. _K;i res.jt* •?;:. the **eeut:on of that law whiel : . .:: : . ■■ -'• fr "i 'at : * :,.■ . i-. • * . ;t »s, < ;• h fwwwl had the* clfect o »as is ,»ri- nuiatera of desperate aejroes rasa , . ■ a-j.* r. • i"to * aofres with the !n . - . - if the eteentroc of The law <-n to the deatruf.rn of .:!= and proper.*, an-; * . .eas, urt rerstatee or reteiiicn ha* W« -e': : ■*, :i*a. in t*r i'i n/ the ttcXT-d trior \ m ' FA**ri *i ;tu ;. fc. .3 tftts co :Ve bt at RctalctThat wee deeply depl ore the dafrsce .. a*i ..or, »£sa : is-t Jet of Edward Gorjsch, Esq , i b»9; of desperate nccroes m this county, p**>- .as were etc "-d sad inflamed by th* »:i'i n; m inerv;. ' m,*:.' ’ .er, TV -h cauMi tjua t negroes Ucassei*®*. *w* ■.*.-» haa-1' arc sti.. src.i«,af tie want j bled of a (e. ti* citizen. K-Mt.ce., Tmi »* ptedge ojjie!vrs as members • the democratic party. sad as ti.jtcas of tht ed sure*, s.) vn.te our eff >rt* ta ear ecing tt Laacarter county tae faitald! eaecutton of *11 .»wi the country, and par it • arty, that ,a*r kieei r. ■ i-'-i£iL,cr Atir- /.var /J x : pr ,-e • . a;.- a ecus f Gov. Wa. K. Janjutoa. 1a ref .?;=:£ to sur* art, repealing the a tof is»T, which .»,w dia r-cs ottr statute is vs. sod of ha uadiigasati; i t, sty to Ute rectaim.a« is* of the last C ogres*, •.st w» w.:l use a., uooorsti.e mean* to <U : i.t in Ltr j« the mtcfnti/ *f Pnat-tyibtw, Ay crag Co;. W a. Birier.. «►<•,<» »iii saepeft, sss ).a in i defend the honor saii eocsuiuuon of oai t •nil etrannHj weaith. K etirc-i. Tuat aa Pennsylvanians, no seelionai or distinction ran ever a.wnatr :■ affection* from the prat fas ;y of Amer-cai mi and that for thesu.ntensacc A that fame u *o# fun a/i i :vur i nh.s. we pledge oit , ey ' . tes and oar sacred honors, now "and r.e.T.e K tci.c!, That we will petri .n the neat Lees . >f -%e coaHXMwealth of Pennsylvania, and . . ' ..are a .* ■; t taarted *•;... a w... m ' st * - ■ ; and ire: at task *t *ata * met-- nr would pr<mote the harmon; ;r pet.-i and redound to the interests of th* a-.rt ag rouses. C* T •; >r. Loo* Republican say* that cm . rnt, t itui-vn f-ed men are now employer ' -e .:; ee of the Pacitk Ra.lrjad — e work j pmeressirw.- rapidly. Paarrcsvic Wasos, ;“Ohnau>pher Xorth." ■ •• ■ ' a ;>rn*ioa from the British jorerninea it -' • ;>• r ar...-a. •' sirs- - •« > rnt Lh»vnT!< pr.t*->o*s?—,1 L'«i«—ta Airman—Previous to the demo • .';i - -.Van sASyraeiiae. Mi. Ixafew.oi .• iemoerat, wagered a hat wttl dr ivi i •. f thr* city, whig, that the cooten t > . ::u....-fc: the eiMEprostise ineMurr*.— I '• * • tv. a ::.,ited s’s piatfora and sdjhurstrd. -'*ti '..s.n,.! tfce ha;, oa the prorjad that tin ■■iiii i a •: approve or esriotse the «>m a.w i- i. .res. * Mr Nifew claimed that tbej ft. i . ‘p;te ar.we, a ad it wastautttsti) i i.’pr, Ev, , < hsamsr. >v. s rat c >ta: • eoa,:a«£i«e. and Geurgt ’»' ! o t»; . <>f she K ' or Jo’inui, rwsi and -e -it si. a. * • goesum. ’P,V arti; * -a ur -h tten. ha-.c reeided that the oetao eatly at the Syracsjs approve resJanetheciompro .. asures >f the last Ctmtrt-m, and aecording ' iwarted the hat to Mr. l»a. .* — 1 ferny .V• „■ f % '< K I t I f f I I r t. i > c i. i k r r * It r*M'>c!.Wi, Sef,L ;i, 1851. A tvvve:.r ,a annals of the f»-/.*« slave '?«.« J’ ■ rr-d h*'* A e o. :t■ 1 or, \.\‘y ot'mpt, bei w> A her. I>»> &, r,t Mtry e*«niag made -i^r. *m n the Cvirt ;;scr to be s^at back: > a» * Muter. *• •- r tr sons’, and , .. .-iiWTt «»* s*e *e*» srjcr. ant the sj<vt ■- ? tr •-.* r.;i» pnvt’r as to theirnfeerenboms, » i ■•••r ff. w.Ti c* . . ,n ■"am aafew *»* aeonjht V-roe her ehil ' - 1 -- to Pena*- ■'-»» a and settled sea: *!'S re*. Her faughien are 'wo •••Mae tne* itsp. sted a tfce late ■ i - The naotes of tae and her • * re a.wa the »; : ia w- >yf •..,»» of *•' If'jl > .'•■ , ; VI • • e • . • r-*. ,*• ■:•-.• - • *• .» her hmm -r. bemnsKM ■ ert ‘ if-"* w;tts .v-f The «■«-; a;nie*rs r * -ft* to receseeher, an-Jsav* *r.e -- a:; ’ * *-h » relative as a n.irxe T if, m *'■ i’sr .attntsa, and b«<>t.-r *..> u,t ':\s that *&-; was ■isap.vwrt ;/> yo back,. ” s*.«-er aeezat- »kori ,*/ her, 'n-'-r w iaid - 1 • • »’_• ••• . to '■ - Tse as«: dfcaa bet.;; ite-: * • • r* .•>■!> 'in :,.i ' ... n K‘ M*v v.s of .he Cilia cspedstion, «thn demaaead Van Ve?M*n *•. **■■ ■-' ''tuavtung has enatauod. ete. It • ra nr as tost1 \ 4jx Vecss-'e*, •r.:. a«...-d asi the e-atetv- seed.-. ■ 1 <4. -Cm. /.» a • a ii Xa*»;o ban:* : l*j,*c*. ••: » ft ns New Me vuto, bad bee* steal - * •»- > n, ti ( tae stuck, h.irw s twi a ifes it a >js»a«B..>'i r. If they '-alie the CoiomsnsatoBcf httn« I' ttws — a. nwittabhr nisi satejd»T»?e tome* ra-neat.—C«*. Uwt - ‘ •‘•-•St. tie water-ifaj man, Used tsji h(ht at -t M i,,'** Fair, us Wonsarer. Saa", the •'. S b’-vw - •,:. -.-tp t a- A r.v*;, from Pi.t.bnc-- was .? ‘ *'*'- succeeded in bumin$ •'cannon ».r, bv Wssitse ;t thrvjfti a }»eitnraten of «nM»Ua! C«lla> i* the Ureal CikibiliM. Tbf Lrto*ia rorrespoedent of Use Xf» York Journal • J Commerce. m a late letter, referring lo the (treat Exbibii oa, taysi j t^piand cotton, .a baba. i» exhibited from Tee nesses, . Alabama. an i Georgia, awl j Sea Island from South Carolina. It » tmpwaiblc f lo apeak in tens* of too high cnsnmendi’.ioaof the; qaa.ity of the staple, arid of its handling and pet-) tin? up fr1>»ex bihi 1km; and U»« q ianitUra rent■ showed that tier were not merely got up ram pics,, but were mi a cornm-Tt ia! »**!«. I a'-ted as one ’ of the esptttf with the jury cm cot torn: and ttsrj jurv, ss weii a« the whole group. wen- desirous nf making their xery htfh appreciation of the Amr ican rotten**; they found *t*oe difficsity i.i <b*:ig *o, fur there wets only shade* of excellence- la-- , :■*-• the beat specimens. and it was deemed un just to make marked distinction. After cinch de liberation they pitched on a way of testifying their! sense of the excellence and ralue of these cotians. j .which wiii, t am Sure, prove satisfactory to tire d.fiiiif imbed gentJeiw B who sent them to Loudon. T»e*t. taste fitly t:,c iff. porta nr.- which ti.e jurors, aspecradiy the Bagtish anep. »'t3ciw)| to these cot tan.*, W'. must bear in m.n-'. Or*;, that, the eotinn unaiifj .are this tune oce of the greatest, and indetd an absolutely essential element of England’s power; second,y, that ceilie: labor nor expense hare teen spire i In f jSer it* cultivation ami prod at; km .n other coanUita—as well in for eign land# as m their own colonies. The Egyp tian. Algerian. East Indian and American cottons were in presence—to these should be added the 1 flax notion and its processes, particularly as pre i tented by Mr. C.aussen. Speamem of East In dia cottons, showing the improvements made in its j staple by .super..* handling and the introduction of American seeds, were Weil exhibited by Xbe learned and indefatigable Dr. Royle. The excite ment was not as general and vivid as ;n tbe ease of the yachts, but the .merest was on the whole ’ as keen, about the cottons as the ships; and the i UKEsense cf the u cotton was as decisive as in the case of the American yacht. ■ As long as we shall scud to the workshops of the world cottons, ranging front these n the exhibition ss from a point of departure in quality, we need ' fear no destructive competition. Tr.e Indian cit terns have been greatly improved, bat still are aa wfere is the race with our great staple. The ten dency of all tbe Indian cottons 1 exarn.ned,—that is. ah—to degenerate in length and fineness of sta ple ia site of boll, in acreabie productions, and xd nests of stip e to the seed, is very marked. I w . n however, answer for what India may tee I -reafter ,n ssor favorable regions.' The cteat txcoks of railroad constructing in India will 's,e» t/i Mi.iivAisifi and rnene, whiffs are yet shat oat from competition; surf their cotton erowtnc capabilities will be tr.ed tboroagMy. Tbe cotton of Algiers is of very fair qa» bat ;n France I ie'rosed trtyseif accu rately, and learned there vine* not exist the labor la Algiers to cultivate it :n mtvming quantity. Of flax cotton, I aril! only say thru Mr. O a as sen sta ted to ate, that its cos? of production is 3d to 3id — jay sit or seven cents American. The fabrics m my pjtse* made of the flat cotton by p**np.*l cotton macbiaery are of the coaster sort; but we must a at limit the puw-.rof uapnred machinery.’ I * In Vermont, the deaths the year before the census were 1 out of 90 persons; Rhode Isiaad, 1 out of f/y. in South Carolina, i oat of IS; and m Arkansas, 1 oat. of 51. jbfAtthe solicitation of many ti neas, “Piubip's U. S. Firs Annihilate Comps® v” have concluded to gra'.fy the curiosity of the c ram *t large b» a psblet csperasea*. illustiauveof the capaci ties of operaaon of Phil,:p's Fire Aar.Uuiatec. This will be done by setting tire ha a frame building several stones high, filled with com : u rubles, and when the dames have reached their height, they will be ••annihilated,” and aiomost .nstanUarousiy. The demonstration will take place .a the vicinity of New York, as soon as the machinery requisite for the ma chines and chemical cHaves c*a be completed— which be.egrlvjtn October. tatifuilr said. We make the extract on the r.otaevtead exemption law, from a letter recently written by judge Ehlimhunty of Tennessee. Secure to each fam..y, whose labor mavacqu.rc it a little spot of free ear;., that it can call :s own that w:* be an asylum in rm. sof adversities from which the mother and the -children, old are and infancy, can itiii 4taw sustenance and obtain proiecta.n ;hough mitfor .,ac may rob them of all eise, and .ney feel they arc stiU free, still entit.e<l to va,< the green ear.a and breathe the free air i of heaven, m defiance ai the potency and power of accumulated w- aith, andtac of the pretending an<t ambitions. Tac sacredaessofttat c ■oaecraieit spot will make these warriors in 1 of etersai strife. ‘'Those shucks of corn said,’’ Xenophon, “inspire ih‘*e who mine ihes w.ih ; eoarare to defend them. The larges’ of them in . the fie u is as a prtas eth.hileii .a the m-dd.-. oi the stage ocr -wa the conqueror.” Secure a :.o ae to every fsauly whose fconesrt labor stay ociaia one. against the v.ce*. or misfortunes of the father, and you w rvet the affecuo* oi the chud .n years or t manhood ■ y astrungWT bind than any cm.v>deralp>c that eon d exist. He wiU resnemter where he gam hoie»1 .n hs early yortti. toe s*ream upon whose .1 wry basks *e .'.as p.uyei, and is wh-> e i mped | : waters t<. had bathed, and the iami/y aitar where i he let a mother's kiss a ad a mother's love, and ; • tie green spot w.lhio that little homestead where , ‘ -ie..-.p the loved sad the lent. 3ux: s *t.i. Ovza.—The an-iesof the new Bank; of Bridgeport, Conn of which Mr. P. T. Baraum is a principal stockholder, have a portrait of o.a> seif oa on.: end, ansi one of Jenny Lind on the other. Awnov or Suvui av PoarnaaL.—Advices from Lisbon of the 9th of July, received by the America, *:a'n that the Portaeiese Government was preparing to d.ecree list entire extinct, .n of s avert i ts, as more strng- at meas-ires fir s.ippresiintf the traffic general!* on tile coast jf Africa. S:fj»"s« lOctuce —j !»•*■ J tw», of Louisiana, « . ; .is U*‘". : *: Detroit lot i »fcoTt ucw, peter* with * friend, to Chatham, Canada. a f r if t ar*.. on i p!r-,i«*r<r ” p, sj.'i white there was by m armed mob-cf ae^r<jr«t .9 the a at Lr ifal anti cowan.* manner, without the lightest 5*-a'.ion of prororctiti. FlaI,-. p»rcs*5 Ssi\7 B«-s—fa tie Efe-ston P . .;c>- C- -:r! on faataHay, on eompUtnt ->f Jo'ham 3 M .at •?, Alien Pass. : aer C-its® »i-ter. inrce ■! ,.n pa-pen were !>r >11 r h' before J lattice K>rc n*. « ho om:■*. trier rases, arid ordered thens to t* eat ij»’ii to their native I ami. at : tor etpensc 0/ tie- .State of Massaiihascts. PaajKirtEsrtiL.—The Wylhc *ii> Va RepoMi ran fo.ana' i Ot-n Worst, of Near York, for Pre sident and dot. »ob« B. Floyd. of Vttfia®, for V rx Presnieot .a ISSa. Bcraerr <»e * Sa:usoeo.—Ashtabula enusty, Ohio, w’-,ra a few year.; spa nad aa uiUAto fee nrJ rtf t3 ^rodscra. s*»w scaiti hve cbxkena to the New York market over tie Erie raiiruruL TT* It iJ sot always a mart of frankness to poa S an open otMaotMMMM. An aUnrator a a de- i *iUy-i-: hr prewatsaa open ei,nn U-n*a<-,-, vh«-n .a the rcr* act of fctusj* ym, u*.” ; IT A aon 01 Patrick Henry, a*ed sity yeara. i i die*! m Vimnta last week. Trim! of Ike ritatk Mirocto VTwrfcer. Rose Taaaisief. tb* fewa!« arrewted on a charge! of li*-ia£. by a pretended miracle at 8*. ftatsrnin, »«»r Apt. eomsitotH what the taw eaita “ an not ra«* on subject* of religions worship." wa» t»f<ni*bi to VMi 1 a few Hat* «go before the Tr.I>>in»*of Cor rection* Poitey-ot Cirp.-ntlw*. She «•* etrre*»!y pate ani her ferntute* few- tbs mark of oirm.t ijta. Iter bf-rrer *m ui «de*. and she cat dresaed ia W»<k. with a bub-* esp. tier are • thtfijr-Uwer. The court was « >w4e ! to esoe-w, anJ the (lain Weeding pictora »u ptaceTWibmd the judge*. It «-m p-«v,«d by pVerai wiiar**es that Rove hot! •sways pretended to p uses* the power of working loirerTo oat »iin e she oaee showed a tet ter which she uk! had been written by a pen mi who MbU nett her read a » write. and that person' the dad seed. been oiraculn-tvij- -endowed with j U>«? f»ci iit* of writing in eoaaeqtrenew of her prayer*, j T > areither »i'w* she eawned that she had. on a pirtic uUr oeeoaioo, tnm raerounded with a Light i ft-nil heaven at Cad-net. To a thud. she raid that j ate bad one.-. when ia the eon rent of Saiion*. j planted a cal.baee by the comas* nd of beaten, and that in a few days it grew to rich a east rise that 1 alt v.jk person* .n The convent were able to rent* a j dinner o.ftt. T« c are cfSmgitoo deponed (hat be lad known Rose Taimner for fifteen years, and ?iad j a!wars noticed in her » marked tendency to piety J an t myi'icissn. In A least. IVVt. the told rum that she had nuracalottsJy received the sacrament m 1 the pariah ebareb: and on yumy to the ubernarfej offh il-itr In fan ml that it e c.»*.-rated wafer, hsr disappeared. On two subsequent oecaawns 1 tlie tense"rated wafer train vanished. and Hose ; pretended that she had again BiiMCBiouJiy com- ; m unrated. He therefore removed the key of the j tabernacle, ami forbade her to approach the altar;. he also directed hw rtn r* to say nms at the pno- j s’tar; hot nevertheless the consecrated wafer WM again taken awsi. an t he coait) n >t discover tint any second key to the tabernacle eiutcd- Or. j gome to the churth eras morning. be was surprised to find the tabermrle open. two candies on the aitar lighted, and R we prostrate on the gioaaii. In answer to hi* questions, she said lh*t the cambes 1 hud become lighted of themselves, that the taber- j nxc.e had v.i.anUxily opened, th*t she bad felt herself lived to the ground at some distance from the altar, and that the consecrated wafer had then advanced slowly to her month. About the anise t me she pretended to have marks of a mtracu'ous i Chirac: r on her breast, and to prove Gw* assertion she produced her linen. which tore aome’-.m-o j stains i.-prescattng the Virgin Mury. and, a! others, a cr-'wn of thorn*. H--took measure*toascer.s i whether she had not so marked her linen. bat w.thoui success. One day before © nuii. he ordered Ruse to place s piece of clean ,;oen to h-r br-vjt, and not to Jaarythe church without j s penats-.i m. i When *.,•» mass was WeK^s.traded her to the . re#try and made her produce the imen: to his as tomahtacn' it bore t.-.e h-juie oflhe Virgin. By . direction of the archbishop, ae directed her to pray j to God tin- the marks on her hreaa’. murhi be re- : m- .vcd. and a few dues after they disappeared.— 1 r.e mimjrt of Ssigrion. after deposing to the ?<-■ j peat-.d di .ppearances of the consecrated wafer, i stated th.a; in the mon'h of October last, he had to say buss one morning at five o'r! *i, and et pressed to Ruse the fear that he might no: awake in tune. Roe answered. ** I w.ii have von await • ned. ' T;.e acst asorning he rai amuseil from bet sleep by three blows struct on his night table, : and at the um* tune he hear) distant music. A I moment after the clock struck five. The next day be said to Hose, “ you forgot to awaken me’’ j She answered, “ I had you awakened by my g tar dssn Angel The witpes* added that another miracle ascribed to Kobe was, that she had caused j button* to be seat to i: m, ia a strange way, to re- ! pair his coat. The fact was, that he bad found the buttons is his apartment, and that no one j could tell how they cause there. But he attached j ;i i np ranee to that fact, and cjaiidcred l- a joke. Maii.e, a landowner at Ssignim. taut the r.earr ■ had railed fc.m an atheist and an infidel, for not in the reality of Bose's miracles, and had . more extra y things world sv,:i be witnessed. Several other w.t seso'-» • •.( i .eposed .uat Rose had ma-.e extra ordinary statements to them; had pretended to be j .a frequent communication with Uie Holy Virgin; to have peculiar marks on her breast, etc. One j said that an intimate friend of Rose had assured j her that one dar, as two female* were passing the j church of St. Saturn*. they felt themselves irre futably attracted to the interior, and on kneeling before a picture, saw blood flow from it- At this stare of the evidence the tribunal adjeurnevi. The foregoing details are copied from Cuigssn'i Wo amgtr, and the Pans correspondence in the Xksdy Start states that the trial has suddenly come to an ; end. the tribunal having declared itself incui&pe ' serenading a yon tic Lady. In-my y ungdays, says *.!>■ mexebaage paper, I vii extravagantly fond of attending par, and was somewhat eeiebrated for playing the .1 ite; hence it was generally expected, when an lav.tatipn was extended, that my flute would ac- ■ eompmv me. I v «ted a splendid party one even ing, and wss called upon to favor the company! with a tane on the Bate. I, of coarse, immedi- . atelv complied the request. The company ’ appeared to be delighted, but more particularly so, was a young lady who raised her hands and et-' e.aimed that it was beautiful, delightful, etc. I, •>f Course, was highly flattered, and immediateiy torm-d a resol u'. ,a to serenade the young ladv on . the following night. Previous u> leaving the par- ’ tv, I i.ade - cjiiiry resjvcting her r u-icn-'e. I star d twit nigv. n eompaur sgvera! - ...-id ar.-.iei at the laily's residence, ; it r..-ane a aval t >uj ca.s'ase by getting under the window of an old Quaker. ”N ,w boys." said I, ‘•iehold the sentimentality of this vouag lady 'he moment I strike up the Last Base of Summer.” Is'nj' k up, but the window remained closed.— Tue boys smi.edj “ On.” said I, “ that is nothing, it would not be m good taste to open the window e*i the first air.” I next struck upon Old Rot. m Gray. S.»Ji window remained dewed. The, boys tsteker.. i. aud l ten some what flat. ** Once BK«e, bovs, ' said I, “ and she must J C-aise.” I struck up aga;;.—My love is i.kc ’ne Hot, Red Hose. Still there was no desa vnc.ration. ‘ B s," said I. •‘shirs a humbug. Let us sing Home. Sweet Home, and if that oti't bring her, we will give her up.” We struck up. and as we HijiSued the lav'. Uae, tie window was raised.— ‘‘That’s the t,cke‘, boy*.” saw I; “I knew we rout-I C-'ch set ” Bit instead of the beautiful' young lady, it turned out to be the old Quaker, ,n night cap and dressing gown. ” Friend,” said he, “ thee was tinging of thy home—l think thee va.d tr.- sweet fr,mc—ami if l recoiled r.giit, tb^e said there was no puce like home, why don't thee; go to thy home * Thee •* not wanted here—thee! nor any of thy party. Farewell r* We sail our, bats went boost! Not manii.—No.—Tl.ere is a noted publishing i firm m London, bearing the name of Saunders* O' • ley They xr also ;:>« proprietors of the largest circtiiaiiag Ub'srv in the, Bruai metropolis t» ■ w‘. rh the majority of the best faun ira of the English gentry, and many of the nobility. are mb senhe-ts. A (•'ntieman Uvmg at Brighton had sqb tcribed to tais library, and from wee* th week had ■ aent orders for U>e newest Uadi*, which t./w<*ver wer- *ei :-va forwarded to h a, owing to the great 1 west Um remieman to London. H* *u a'1 :.y. -<:■*!• - ■ ii «ao had seen aertice 1 hi t>.r East htJ*-*. Lnier.B< lb* Loroty, he 1 ■ • r» w : k it ’ - w- i i. xif.l to wr. oe . ’ w»» *-, tat:': urs?:« j-va. "Sir.'' he Si:-.ran a.i-rlard :n^ hi* speech, after :ut Eociieh (.tma.m, with au- I tr..-ro;» “how the il—. i :t l don't jet at 'tr. < i nra.t.f your staNr —*«>a < <■ •.: • ... hy V !■> »r* a»■.;m. -1 It -” T jeisfi.-atan atlrtr Taed/starcd at - ii'-.s ivr «:«,.:u>n. -'B.o.iV, .'wc,” *te isn’t' I know f »a, ha', if yoa bate aar eosapito ta’Jta, ; > • «r l.ii ii<» m . :»t be > v: perwnat," “Petaonsi < —p. * '.ai—" er-id ikt i: i ot&eer “Da you '.i;t ' tt;r > . :.j N j. J an u* - ■ if * I .—a hfr. <tv. an<5 J J t a •.dHifr-^t'te* tr. it—a Mr. tsu. ifara. ' ! m ■ i •• trlf-jmake >...;tael»r» at houseindies,**aula.' h : • ■>-. • 4«y to her »t*»ia*su “ Pa at Lae my-; ' Sr If, »:«: I wish you *li ayrr.*” Cnnuw« or a Ciraiuc Phot.—The lack-j auMiiie .id. lo-tnsK rt-L.tttartfcg ftKUa.aaj: f “We understand till aa UrteMUn* incident, oenurred at the meeting of the Protestant Ejweo pai rbuieh. at Pekia. a few day* at are. Dr. Nat ion, a priest of toe Boeaaa CatfiOtat snatch. pub IteSy sad >.a writing eenouaend and ' protested ’ against the pecai-ar doetnnea of ha church; m ' cJutLof thetiaaaatMUaiiatooa. onrakarcoiueatawh i p-ifgavry. seren Sacraments, etc., and ashed tn j to he admitted into the Protestant Eporopal fettow- i stop, tie was accorLarty ittcetsed into fall fei- 1 iowahfi /* - I tr We extrset the fottewts* suttee et our State * res1 -srw« a ad advantage#, f'vSS the “ MmofAit mi Carittmm AJttrjU." We we ftappf toj nee that our frienda have became awakened to the ■ Inhering prospects which oat 3:»!e B.yw present*; « rtiiMM. We cell the ittnum «f the w«<«r t > the fot- j owiBt. from the pen of our excellent 8m. Sloe), ( who fvrrmbe* for tin> c ma«i heneS. aa islet**; ; ai account *f the adias'ur'O and prospect* et this j »*: Shat*. Artauau at yoaug. and has. no doub’.. roauy of the neonvenienr** of a new courttry, hut the day x ; not far distant when #f»e wilt well compass with j mat if not ail or' her outer saner*. .Ill thin matter' a so well elahoeatoil so the art*** below, that. rfi*!toul reference to the repeeserwalios ibwlf, we »»•.- a note or two eowcernioj the ;n'i«*<4ual who ashes st. » , Rev. J. SI. Steel fear frr a long *ene*;r»FVe*rs bees a traveling prrieber o the ,triMW Confer race—now the PresxJ.'i* Elder of Helen* <S«*»nc*. Fhere a pcrbap* bj pMi of the State that he has aot traversed. and with wt„ch ha u hat familiar, » 'hot from a ions ae^asiittaitee, with the prop* aai the country, he .« prepared than [►•rasps an» other mas to five the eneoarasemeut l»e ait-unpt*. to »a!'h aa may to w.tie. 8m. .Steei is moreover » pracH'*!, observant man, j ind none need for a m en-. nt snppow <w fear that j ae ha* been treating 'hem to a ba'ch of a n -- r a » j vision*. We know of no man, of whnse judgment j m such a matter we could or would rely an with more uapiscit confidence. W < farther observe, for the feme St of those who may not lie informed .a refererre to the chsrsHef ani pwi'son of the Res. Mr. Steel, ani wto night • be in.laced to suspect tae'm-itiyes that induced [he representation h- ha* iciie, that he :t a man of known and n >.ed probity, and ms ie> interest i ia Arkansas of whatever k-ad, only tfca' which a rood msn would feel f:e the S’.a> in which he i.vcs, and the r cum >u pr ntiy.nty of hts friends and fellow-citueaa around him. We commend the information contained :n the articli: to the respectful cosstde ration of all who1 mav desire to settle coci lands a! a verv tew rate, and join the write* < spe-iaby :a requ-ooe editors and conductor* of neighboring joarnais to extract or copy. Hi opportunity day serve. [F ‘f th yfrmpO.1 ami Arkxvmr Chnelisa t»lv * sat. J To Persons Wiskiaf to Emigrate. Brditr E*~rt:—Ualet ths caption, we pub lished aa article ia the Nashville Christian AJvo- i cate, in July. 1 ■vSO, which hats caused some bin dr» dsof to remove from they >id wore and washed fields. to our rich snd 3uapi>- >pf1»»ed £,* 1 es'a, where they are we’,, pk-ased. am! are opening j hae rich faca*, and proaust to do well. We hate ! recently received many letters from persons wash- ; ,asr to know whether our land* are ail taken up. and we wish tossy, thst sithon^we have received sunie hundreds of families, that we s'ui have ronm for some hundreds of thoussadvof families yet. as the rich soil and resources of our counlry are in - exhaastibl*. Thus ail may come' who wish to come. an«l still there wiil be room for others. Bat some will say, “ we haTe traveietl thro ,.h | Arkansas, and have no', diccuv- red H ose advanta- . yes." ;»> have many—and wty • Betmxme tihcwl travel has been confined to the public h,;b-ways.; and our leading roads-lie across our awar&pc an i on our ndres, and do not lead toe traveler to ’•hose c. tensive bed* of i «to *rui inir! Uis: art: to be found through all the private nei;bbjrh >3ds of our State. Now we would say to a . person* who • natf wish a rich home in our state, to select i: .,-n the map the section they would like, and sear-h that lection minutely, and they will t->. apt to find unappropriated lamb that are deniable, a tv! which tnav be e.vv.v ned. A.: person,- wit , may b picas- i with the description of the esiatas siren below, may ieare the Military road at Stmo/s old stand, and turn to the! or left, and search onr rich lands on*.! they w... be satisfied with •»»;; r,ch lands a: least. And so soon a* the Memphj ami St. Francis p an's road is completed, our .and* will be sery valuable. We ia aii jthose who want him-* fonvea.ers! to this treat thoroughfare, should not delay. We . will now refer land h mien to some gentlemen i who will take pleasure so far as may be, in snow-1 mg oar country:— St. Frmeit wmly-A. Allen, Dr. Sallies a, E. I Halory. Co!. F. E. Patrick, and Jas. Thomas. Phiil -,* r runty—Dr. Green- Rev. F>r fl«.e Wat. F. Moore, Rev. S. W. D. Chase and Her I W. Keiicr Mmne esirrty—Judge J. T. Jones, Rev. J. Lam bert, S. A. Harrtck and Judge Harvick. Fiwfr rj't if—Coi. b. C. Cross. R. Vaan, Rev. J B. Hiibura, Judge Stacy, Dr. J. P. Mar da and John Stotts. Green ernttf—J. S. An iersoa. P. Karr.s, P. Scs- ! ter. Dr. Crop’, and J. M. Mitchell, Many others latght re na-ned. but these w 1! be ! iifBcieat to enable land inter* to was: the ac suaintanee necessary for their purposes. We now proceed to describe the country in oar! charge. The Helena d-strict, Arkansas Confcrenre, ex- j tends over *ev<“n co-inties, i ■■ n* between the Mis sissippt and White r.tera. .n the o .rtb-eastera por- ‘ boa of our State. We shall a’unnp- a deserp' -.a ' of these counties separately, begin", nr with Pk i j am renat*. Tr.J coin:. lies broad*de on the' M.ssissippi river, and p-issewe# u much r> .‘. land ! perhaps as any county in the State. Helena, the ] county site, ;s on the bank of this g**;jt “ inland •ea," ati-i consequently, this county possesses more ! advantages of naciga’ion than any other in the Stale, as the landing at th.s punt is accessible at »ii stares of the water. The face of the country a very level, indeed lot j * .eh so, >a port.oas of t:,e county, as the land toes not become dry as early in toe spring as de- ; r,table. Light ditching sr nld toon fie- all the1 ta: .e .amis from this wet unp asant c nad.’ron.— j ruere is, perhaps, one turd of the v«i.abic land of j he county lying in t-*e Jlasowippi IwttHU This; [<or;.o i of r/ m f quantiy trcuh ed w t« the vverSowiUf of the great rr-:r. and cannot be en- [ ireiy reclaimed until She river is leveed, so «t»! toaSoe it to its banns, which is not Lkely to he i lie soon, if ever. Tier soil and climate of this to icty are well adapted to the culture of cotton, j rive p an: i* not so subject to disaster by the bod sorm as further »ourh, u.vr by the frrat, as s the • ‘»ie further north; b it being a Medium e.iasute, ; :.e crops fail. Tins a yju a fine corn country, iadeed it a! leiduan surpassed by any country is the groath of: -oca. Spnsg water is verv scarce tn ti.a eoua*y. A’eil water a usually outlined fram '.went* toi fairly fee:deep, but t* not p teraLy good. note; .*i o rwu-rn water, eitner in taste or far health. Cla im* vt.i» be boo front fib to $V\ depend.-tg on he dimension. The health of the county is not m rot as could be desired. but we believe e-,ua. o tiia: of any other new l.•ountrv, of the same iati-j •ade and aitirade. The colored population stand j he cuauie better than the whites, and w&ile fe aales en,i>y be’ter health than white rosic*. per- ! a pi owing to the latter be.nir morn es pom-d to the : in and meht air. but a of which are *ery to, anous n the warm season. Land :a this county rate* from fil 23 to iu per icre. The price is gov-"aed by she iocauo*of toe ’ u and 'tic fe-rtilitv of the soil. T.»- stole ■( tacrais in PoiiLpscounty w 11 coni are w til mans of the older ae'tled waKIW.— (any of out ciLscns are weii refine*!, he;r, by aeittid cu-tare and divine grace. We still have oom, however, fit many autre of ike actjairesnea's, itid we are aaakui !>t s .tree aequiiiiMm of good ii.tcn*, that our rich peaduettve cjustry may be eltiel up with an cn'erpr-.smg popala*i->r>. t'eittfw »e* .Viaasnyp cmtot lie above ,afi aiikoug& they pa***si a rrtia! of a* “**1 Mi « im worU can beau: of, it a bo* gene*- j iiy ■aery valuable, m wwuM'tjtts-tjce ft? the deep •vriHowt of the nver. wb oft freejoea ::v cover at -Bsi tl-.ree of *>■>’« tlotae <<*tint.rv Tin* -jftt *r» aii lost are eor.aiuerei of saneL a.^e, a! present, ot toot can prove umU- U;1 Bey ar - wetauar i by aiiwua'-ial !(*«(*. In tbrir't w.-» co.Ju'.iea, however, we i»*v,- a nasa >or of wealthy, mat., rcbgioas, ami »hStaeatia. who would do ftnaor to any com:ry. Tter- j little goad water in Untie r<v;n <«, cave rha* i* **iten from 'he M jaiacipp-. river, a.*d» fit w ittrraa. Th* uahabtttMf aae fenq ae*t: * Uowft.e rich aatqsitaer »•*! 'brill, tml must "atii: to w wall* Hie aaBuaif amlattoM are pntrered by ever*. Should U»w ever be done. Th» ns.i* toon ! toes me the r>f test and firar tie:..rat,e p-in.nn of b«* jtio'ftt. ks Least plaavar, a* su amt a^ *a»t ■ ad > aanaai • tniilri ♦ Jfmrwr ms**y 1 ;•-» on ibw Waite nv«r, w*. c i Sir :.s u |iie aaenjmto-a at «rr ver .a tie State, tad taut oos.Kjr » also a very line eoan'.y of .and. t all lies low, and ta coaunon with oar other saunuaa. contains a great atoaunt of wei laud, viueh afford* very fine w ater and mmatex range. | aoeed, ail otic attack, tvwaea. tattle, and ao^a de-, end oa our met Imd fat their Irvisg. winter and , mancr, nail a fine flat U*u«g u <a. wwt of «* year, j tut separate a ad apart ftam the wet land, Soamw ngvewwt a f«*at deal of aplesyfid «wtw» and wet “ • • - ...-.1--—1 i—LTSS* land Tww lands *f* ** pmtoetiw ywrbwp* n •nr we have <• Ike Jdate. Sod principally abwre oversow. Bat «*f .rta»«te>y. maet of the fine land* w this county am is the hands of apoeala Wi awd if? fend much hrber than n,»«v ather lands of e-v»«l value, in onr State, and fw«n this sects** <if the noaurtyv, in adjorrmw counties. These u an sprtne water in tfeca rmsniy worth namntf as *»ch. bat eond wet, watt? ran be bad <Mi» fifteen lo twenty five feet *"p. altnor: anv where, by 4 rimy. But the ’.eatUi of to* -on a tv, lice that of Pfcitbpa, Cnttemdes nn.! .Vauwstppt. a not very <o,«t. bat the mnt a s» prt>di*e4f»*. that hen,Ire is still flic'll hey* in aeCMhelnte wealth, and it m esady few* l»y persons who can enjoy health. in t'.is ways*. fc ia,.| atmosphere. S-*~*rty, in many piatea is this county. w very fond, hit the settlement.* are seatlerinf and hfht. At. Fnmc*tmm>f ie» on the wK We of the rver from whtefc it t-*>» its wwwc., The #W. Fraa ns river afford* floe ns Tryst ion to •one of the cvti icos of thw county, some portion* of this county ts br.vfcen. and afford* far sprmr water. while other pontons are ierei and rteh, but no* *i wed water eJ. W. :i water, however. >» easiiy ob»a.no4, and of nlrTable food qsaJtty. The land of tan ,"utili ty w : pm.Iur* eenesaiir from *00 to i&ftO lb*. of reed tot ton. sad ftra SO to 50 bushel* of torn.— Lands .n th-s ecunty are eaviy obtain,-H—some at Government ptve whi> other*, in rber hands of apeeolater*. tan be fcat at fr-m 9! *•» Ft p r acta, in the a mt, affoelmr, as we tii.nk. fine oppot t Indus in emurrsnts for h enes in a new country. Improved lands are nit easily f.toan»ed. uiaUvrt rr arc •<■ tree an;! labor mya. Jfoe.ety n th« "r.-:. nty. wlv-re the tenements are heavy, a quite (tool, both raorai anditkiiynit—atiii room, however. for amcndaten:*. and r>. n f.*r five t;n>-» ■*$ yvsest ana;-uni of population Whs w4! eosne ’ /'» nvU r*ie»«f lies ncsth of St. F art" a. on Cro layibfet, bounded on the east by Sf, Franyu riTer, a ltd on Ihe wear, by Cache. Cr.ley's ridye rsni•:* from north to aoatk, and lie* about the Bidiiie of thr* county. It is frsxn five to fifteen raftes in width, and out of its breaks,on both side*, we have abundance of fine apnay water, and nek table lands for euttivatun. Health, tda •» much better in this county than ,n those befirejinention ed. Bat fiyttoai does not floimab so well here, as farther aoatk. T;.e piao'eri of th.a etnaaly father from five to tw .lte hundred pounds of coftoo; but corn, wheat, oala. rye. flaa. Ira’i potatoes, and vanons sort* of yraai fioumk as weii here as in ntddie Teaoewee. Tins eon nty ,s one of the best cranof eounuies we have any knowiedfe o' The er-*a: anr iunt of wet lands it ronta.ns naost of wfcseb siTicls fine winter and surotner ranee, ’ft'bcn these ia id* are dr.cne !. they produce fine jrsas as any lands of oar »cqa*mtani'e. 1st freateat ol»j*-«ion to this cm.-nry, ia it* syiarspe popaiaticm. anii * i.iratTca encc of nar-.yatuio. tstusmboats casAut tome nearer tuao 1k:Pf *>• ■■§ 4f \ tne county seat. The*- objectiins. however, ■would n « weifh na-ich with many who are w Jh in# ;» t-vi /rare, as they have never been conven-. en* : i na» eatioa, and desire a ynod stock country, where the rn?e »< .i.-?e~an>i itch. A yrert peiion of th- !,ifh In i» of this county *** patenittd to the so' i.ers of 1ST J, and a« muny of theia never fare their land? ar.y a-ten**«i. the lauds wee- m itne t.nie sold, or -.T r-xi for rale fir tares. Those sold were booth: n for a trifle, and c»n yet lie had on food t'Tms; whi.e thst psrtion which was not bd in by >ndivuli.i*j was struck off ta the State, and is now otf red by the State as donation lands.— yraRtinr to any indiviiiiai one hundred and-ruty acres of Sand, for 91 2S pa .l to the Auditor Cat MtittiDf a dt-vd of donation, and #mS snesU fees, for Khwarfedrseats, recording, etc-, all of wi th will not amount t» Ft. The donee a alaofiu raafen fire acre* resdy fur the plow, or build a eabm ami clear three i-rc*. a certificate of which, frora the hast of an act a/ Justice of the P-ace. a to be tu-d m tie Auditor's office within njrhteen month* of the du'e of the deed of donation. W ti»-n the title v? confirme d by the State to the donee, to have and to bold forever. Ia ad:5f >n to this the head of ever.- is a' liberty tn iafeii up a quarter section for each and every member of iui fastuy ar miaors, by “ filing an affidavit" in the clerk's office “last .* a 4m* r . risen of tins State, aa-t that the land* applied f ir ar- for the weliwve benefit of their minor enudren, and for no other purpose, M I lands S'* entered in the sanies of suck minor ehil ii'.-n Shall not be transferable until the majority of such m.nors." Now this is certainly aa eaay wav for h ishnnda. wives and all the children to bar- J If? acres •>' land each. The bead of the fan. r is to itsar&ye his qoar'er accordin' to iaw *» bat the U* one* not reqa.r- »Jsa; tbe M of msnor* shall be improved. f ft fir’tiv county is the last f propose dctrrwiitt. T. • minty lie* between Pointe*.: and Missouri >;rj^» cov<*na? th" northern portion of Cro’ev’s rvige. Ties county contains more rood land than Poinsett, a* the ridge a much broader in Green county. The lands of this eoonty are mostly ;n the hurvi* of the G-vreminent—not much ent.-r. d land in the county, bat a great deal that is good, subject to entry. in this county there t fine spring wu’er, siso, and good health. There a no cotton made m tkt* county Tor market. It is empbaucaliv n grain aad stock Canute, both of which abound w.t;. ad thor,-; wrs> make any effort. T a county is ineonrru eailv situated, in punt of I red-:, baring novteMSboat naTigabna. »Vch is accessible at ad times, nearer than seventy fisc sites ofGainmile, the comity scat. But, w thal, it is an excellent con a y, f x person* m moderate «irc:im*taaces to get red h :c*s, aid to lire, and mate plenty at theta, which .5 as easy done in Green county, as to any country of our acquaintance. N i». in epn'c'i n* on. lei me remark that .n Green, Poiaaett an ! St Franca, we very mirt h re ed a ftwr soolby. preachers, and in Poinsett and Green a few t ivirs'ier merchants might make a good Jiving. We don’t want “whal.«y si-Hers.” we neeh something to eat. wear and w r* with, ami * it li inaica »nt be dec,- ,*;y supported. br bartering pretty liberally, as the trait.: of these man tics wou.d be must tv of that -aaracter. J. H. STJ2EL. ab ucc of m Mr. Macanly tie Hiatarisi. There i* a common pedestrian of London street’* says Mr. Angus B. Resell, the London cwtrespou ilea’ it t».e lav. mess l ietcr, w . , kn an to who are acq ia.uted wrUI their notabilities. He is a short, si ml, st irsiy, energetic man. He haa a tog r . tad race, sad large, staring, and very bright hatid eyes. Ha hair ts cm abtft, and Urn hat dung back on the crows of hi* head, fiat gait is firm and decided, noth a i*Uw touch of pomposity. fie iseter provided w.hi tu umbfrUa. w-.urh be swings arid 3«.r g*es. and butt cars »u the pavement with mightv thump*. He sn-.-ma generally aba. ii.od .a exciting ami rnpalai ** bought, the traces of *knt, he takes no pmns tocdbecsf. His face woriu, u * Sips move sad m uter, ins eyes gleam aad flash. Squat as .a the figure, awl not particularly fine the features, there is aa aarsatakcable tit ta isentai power and energy, approacning to grandeur, about She man. He is evidently under the influence of the stwrng evr.tctBciu of fiery thought People <»*c eursousi. a t him, a ad stop to r.are when be lias passed. E d fce heeds ao one—seems, indeed, to have utterly f.iy-vt'en that be a not alone ia ha privacy—ami. p tshes on, of Ui* many *3 i stare arc! «e>\e. or U.e few wan step respect fully aside. and look with mnatf y ami reirard upon Thnmaa tiabmgton Macauiav. Occasionally, s;>w e»er, the tostonan ami the given freer vent to the mental uapugw-a which appear to be c»nt>a«i*:.y sing wtthia him. A friend of mine .'bTa»'W ,wsead -Ksrto t» tan .s' :ne Train* ax Ha :;. at Green wra—a fan:; -naSic w&t:«van iton, »meat il appcax,:, u** He araa atone, as bo yeaerviy «, '■he •:>«•»>« o< awn* !.<an one of lit* e *np*ny eaa aiiraetcif by hit prci*..*r>attr.i:r:i»" a ad lidpeUqesa, vl t>» tr- ns.i - jt"nu«3 with »S eh a:- ere? and anon tllustrafed h,a nwirta; itrtm. t**. All ai-vaee: tt aw*, hast hero ; jarar-is fie "r:mai of Th*- pr -se ur frrse which he waa working ap iu ha - .»'r. Jltcaalst sr.z-.rl a a.a*n». dcraaler, heid it a mwaeat suspended n the ait. ut-i then d at set) it >i.»n upon ttie lab:' w '*» such hearty gaud will, lisa! lb* soird eryra: :h-w about ia fia«toe»t*, vatlxt the u itseroas par..** tmi( Brand. iadUae :>tv:j scarred ap arrj i .a.'oj st the rnnou* xoooe lart. Sot a whj; put oa:. Saacttt. Ml M# eaaiay, trio was weti-ka «a« to the »*;'«*. load I y f>r his ta.i to be static amt at-the bar, and *heu * oathrella ff. as the su»-1. lapped the <xie « areiewty oa ha head, artd*>rode out* the «>her. Per**:* is Kan • —A tun-it, trial pr fcssi.,n. ec-iapo*-.1 of »•» at a;, kindt-t <>f ifcejpKui* ciA ansa -f Catai>r.<ifct, MX, marked tV'>-&£ yfc suv* j has wn, with draan aGfcdi*. ... 34-aslar last, ral a'-erwsc.i* «akr th* Aft- r.ill f - asu a. Havana, Mr. Owiro, h««ore a largo tauter nr of ejtxsen*. There were speech** d-rUiurtwd an toe oeeMum. by lleoti. Jacks*. GnaweM sad A!lea, whwh were iaudi* applauded tv* the assewoiy. In the pracimt<m tcaosparaaeia* isawsbed •• Keveare for tones " and M Death to Owe* * were carried.—$v* If Haw Ymi. Oct. I#. p.m. Tba An Va* am n4 with LnrorpneA **V* r/ Kejt. 17th. In ration there it •» iMterial chafe, etrft is tower deaeriptieas. which ere na tare* ef i !»*Trts The ilia ft* the week He *».*#* hate*, of ctet speeatotaR toot MH ttfurtwi ft ; 7*0 fcabse. Pair m*te» fMfcrf M btfere. T.Vre a m> new fret area it the aannay le! atnek market. PaiUiree reported aren't; cotton. mfk and produce snerrhant* Coward* chared at *« and taree eight* a **i. M —Pr-e** are tjewt— food* and «««• | hereij aepprwwdL WrtwsBta*. Oaf. Ift The Pr-reirn! haa prom order* la *U of the a*»»i station, la fire Catalan a ikI as land ail anainry honors to Kfwsath, at IWw York and of hot pare* There wiR ha a fraud <*wr giron him at. the . Pres«d*»i a fco«»*. The tunxwed reeaU of Coasai Ona flrtma Ba rr »a. w confirmed with a >t'« free* iho PmuJent. ■ that hi* defence s* wholly ania:i*faclew> The Pr-indent ha* cent order* to Srrecnre, to arrest a;! parties eownfrfed with toe recent outraga. j and argee lheir coourettai few tnat on charge >f treason. Re s are Offered free!; on. the etoeticni of Mr. | Soeinw r* fe* Goeeraor of Virgj | Cotaowxlwe Warrington afei. itrwe^a. .?> »»*i, no frxjpaa are entertained of hi* reeoeery. St*** Vn«i, Oet. 1ft. ; Cotton ha* declined fe. aiace toe arr.ial of the Humboldt- 2fM hales. La* nre.ux. Oer. u\ *.*. There are Si inches water m the canal. The filer ha* rmea 10 i*>'h«* m the iaat twenty-feinr boirj. Aomonao to tm .Vimmi Oarrroi_—rfc> (earn from the Washington Republic of ‘V Kith that the worn on :he edditsoa to the Heiiona Capitol i* pm fine!y. The ftepntjjr. tats: "There are upwards of two hundred and fifty perms* employed in the »a.»a* departinetti* of businesa. The east haaement wall of the couth »‘*w » *iteady Urn fcettn height, and teat Thar* day -sTitkaien eomraeneeii laying atone on lire north w;«* Tae to inflation wails are *.5m feet nine inches thick. We team that the new Hail of Rrepr-aeatative* win bare three hundred aegai f.,r inetniM-r*. tieaides acer-roodatioM fir person* &r,t - »-«T!d to the flow. The Senate Chamber w.:t be ; prretded with osr- hundred neat*. The gailene* j of each tr.mch will icMmadata two Uwasand per ! *"’’■* or a*'** Jl»an three trew* the autnfier under ‘ the present *rr»n»-tnen*t. There will be apward* t of - r**hrndred new romra 'JeeiBr* . l! u tb*. igi*t j that he erection of the addition will oeetipy up j ward* of fire year*.’* i XT A ii > hoy apon whom Vs wnther wit ia , fltr:<nx personal eba»i«t.-raeat, t*«d— j two or three kick.! more, anther; I . don't think I f\.\ ' • tr . yet. ■ ■ j AuTToora:’ Potion—Handle . f HMfht be saved by » Junwieig* of tfei* wmptr re. j <*«?- A iarre tcupo.nfm .(grotand anaum usu cd !B » tsa'der Iff warm water **d swallowed u j **» *s pswibie; u acta *« aa instant «a*rue, »nf • finently powerful to remove an that is kd*ad .a J the stomach. fwrowvrvr rt> Pa wra-nr Houxciwr* II sure*.—A. ; few days *ace a rumor *as »floa. wh.-cb if it M prow* tree, will b*» libctv to mmte a *' tsation among the h- den of *. wt propepy m this place, ft was said Scat some man a Boa ■ lesident) whree name we 4* not »• ollect, bad set op * claim t > the entire tract of land the town of ; He en* a butt: upon, and intends to eminence *art for the reeorerv of it ' We dp no: vouch for : fhe tru'h of this report, but merely *r»e jt »j wc received it. We heard nothing aa to what grounds tfce e!a man I predi'atea ha claim a pon.—/fclenw SkuUL Sew Orleans Market. Tac* OciU It, 1*51. fVtm—T>.e demand was eonBned ’» a '«r por ■ t ea car / in toe lav, an>; at lower pr.ces: but w-ben factor* showed themaetvc* aaviow* to real ac. new barer* came forward and the *a,e* reach ed 3.y»> bates, at a further decline of fully fc. Inferior.. nose | fid. Middling 7}»S_I Ordinary. fa?.* j Mid. Pair .mmS* Middling.tifatr i p*tr . 8ia— T*Mer»—123 hVJs. admitted and 107 refused were arid on private term*. fW-Saiei WOO bat*., v . *g IN Inoo , tsar* at VittB St. Loa* at It and y,o a| *•$ 3 >. Care—Sales yiOO sa'ks, of wh h 500 pr,nie wb:?<? at 52; i-VJO mn«d at i»e.; 2S0 at 47c .on*I 1 o5*> yetlow at .50. OtU—ViS sicks, St. Lou *, were sold at ZZc. B'ja—300 tacks sold at 70c, W ,.fiy—Usd bt- * recti Sed sold t>> 20c. Fori—»0 bbla Mess sold at Si 5 V . StcT*-—;.7 tierc- bst /.'Cd ffi‘—-40 btls sold a 75c pr -1 '**'1!—>X*> sacks Lit .rpiyii coarse, in half. ; bJfja bed sa 'ss, were sold St #1 10, delivered. j Cs/'c—'.X> oaga Rjo were sold at 7ta7;e. FRATERNAL ORDERS. * WOSK. WMtrra "aw tddre Ko. S awer. V.m.l.* a ria -a I- r 1. ”tt>. t. t. H-UMUM.VV 91. j A. t. tiurr. See. I 1‘im f.'iipur JTo. * w <i» »*»;•» m-oad W uxiav -iy4Hin sacfiavsiili K. H. £ViM«H. If. * A. W. S«3. «»•? Pv AV-’ ^ ' t .tv.f- s ,.,fi a ->»*<■ v. f. v. ut.MV % «. , till** lien, avert- lice mi uur4 . ; f*n>- —it. a.anr -achaioiiih* W W. Ill vtdu. '/ 1 li. V t*Aa t. Scrthe. TitMM-K <t* HttSOS, I.inte Kwls T-aapIc wf H.i.iW Vt. * nmhw ever.' T t-eiav »*bi- ’.vm r. *!>?*, n r. r. 5«« i>»B»av, yc. a. The (Jv—r - Te.iipii! ««‘at.fnt.a'ie:-.. Serf S»4?*, FfUfifi and Fin. 'DBE Aurhtnt ptv-c pt l m fu*4 for beef iu.l*», J. peitrtea aa J furs of every drecr Mton, by FROM VS RARBS1T, Oct. 21, 3m at the ateamhoat haadiag. **■ fold I’M Hol" }HAV£ just returned imai Nava York with a *!wk of <o</d». ajch u r,*j never be*tt keen in. ’.h ;< cc/, ami m l *iu rump? vui ;y favii ite cask, • aJ • nutSn* shorter’ fa Mm, l have Iciernutted u> rff.t iba »:ue« 'inter (has amilM good* ran he had .» the stunner* eouativ. T:<e great *»mty kept-by a»- wiU, i Save a, ..aitbl, he » indoor sx-b' |,r tViae living at a dottauer. to uil ,1 ul *> • , for ihewseien opna ?t»*.r <wt »!»•* s> she city. M. it-it -U‘ WrATUiU* and JEVSKLRY, Fartcy -Art** -taat other ObBaa Oaodii a lid Tfiiiifmiirs, to* »-'.:.ri *>1 j Jui-e. Eia^caulatMes af an line •-. -Si.k '*ail •• • '• 1 ' ■- v.«i, « i.. ■ >.«*, I-ioeu Catfeohe Eloil*. Ct.iAJcatt*' CietSuag of ail k.M.U, Faasr Capa and Buom m fa girl* ami hnya, aoil th* luoat Bitenaive variety of Lad,**’ Gtuiet*, H ja*arsan surf Jenny L.mi Shoea of «;i rufax aa4 oiaieruii, fr >m lie ee ehioiei ga.iujfar utrv of W. Kvau 4 C<»., Pbdadelplua, and wttctnr other 4sf- . f«eal t.«da of komiIs that it m imp-mttle fa me ! -o *a-ia*«»l* tlj-m acre. 1 wor.iri "all the area- ! Ui.a of A-mWiaeu try tint *• FVSJfiSMSJfQ I>E-! '■!j -••« . •act;1 F'om 'he 1 IN* *t .Jf.yj-; B«*» of T. Sle-Jt-MniR'a »**«■«{• •-* «•“ ®o«t beaattfoi Hat a| CWlej : *.MUba?i» !•!#*( £el! faahfon, £ »tn pr4-psr<nl tony ■o one ««» emapete ar:;k toe. J tst e»: aeu *v* U, tfc* Va.’boay Hoon. »ud i “ f»u »**-- *«« an." 0st.1t a a C. FULTON. B«*k Binding [_f¥,HE «uUscr;o*r baa yn' il «. Mn.n.p. a**; .'.ma I. to the Boo*. State oo Huktuun atreet, mi at ’ prepared to to au aorta of 'omok Otadioic wtut laeav neaa *<ki deapate^. He tuij a ttw»<n*f)i ae^oaia* ante with the Uuwaewarta a deteruuwsd to jweuae iu* p-.ikmw. He wotti4 tespeetfoit? aebest U* . cu.itma A three le*«nnr work n hi* In*. <Jct. 14. 1.441. tf ' H- JACOB!. Wall Papering. 4 LL Jemip: tons of Wall Faperta* aeaAy « - V. «uteJ Apply at tfc* haak taaderjr. Oet «4. u»i. tf H. JACOBI. to ..... .. i Ar® I’n hrt rn iMtrMf hi « THK W-Mtm of tv rear pr»<K»t nMn will mm that tea tv r (.iitnn are u»aw<t te * i . TV Pneeerio* taaantafte «•» af HarTltert, C"t * «« J « KuuvuiV in aHaa4tNaRfc Anal mmmRUmMR p*tiaaMaftV eonatry fcir taanty-aii »•■*. aart r» *o*fc!a*tljr kfiina myMwmniymiH r'.ieowento lor !*h«t»*,-e. imri ta*e«* to noaf See in tV CaiHwt Staff*. PofttfM mur-4 hy WEt WAIT, OA lid. pt. Rn«IMl% rrtHR mth Vfti. af Rng'.wh'* IhyH of Or* V E c»K«t; of tV SnJVW Owtt. MMy taHMrf f. v hand awd Mr «V> a! tfeH Mi taa* m Is* ralf. Oat. 14. 17-M. If «. JACOK. i. &. m. r. \OTICE 4 hereby *ir* that the «*t «S*nM( MRon of TV r»r*od IdtAm «t tb* tndeww dent Order nf CM* FaUowa af ;»* Rut* «f Arkaa >**. viS rnsmaene* on W«*uun*ty to* 5t* «f JU 1S#I R<t«meaa of import*no* will mm ay far action; <sl AohnaAtnat* Ifllin wfMMt l*|»*>«•* M -rend Mb P‘pr-*rot*tt»*«. PR*U. S. GAMBIT «r EVp Lt4g» *f Ark. R«eb. Grt M. I#«. It (•rand |*»dfr of Arl N'OTTCf? m hereby t»rc», that tke arat anaaal C mm meat in* will ho hate m tv Maaome Halt, i» fh- erty of Ltttlc Rack. a* Monday, M 1* <l*r of Moeeaihet »*at, TV attention of Subordinate Lodge* i* ealiai ta *h* Mtowim? wonlation. pama* at 'be Uat anaaal s' itotoanwnfi.» of tho Grand Lodge: ** Aemtuut, That tb* Subordinate IM&» V n <1 urate# to pan* renotafionn ant banting tlttotr Otto «««• to tV nett Ora** Lodge. I* hoi* a Cxw-ean :joo to remodel the Ooalituin'*. and to funuah hem with r-ntvhntttata to thut r#eet, aa well aa tha jtiai rr-rrfrnTsai* of dclegat**.” Lodge*. anhordi&alaaand annhw, will take*•« aoTior thereof, ami rrwata thaaawtooeaoeonttafly. T U MURICK. AaVIWy, LtRie Rnrlt, Ort- #, lUt. A-*t Ram!! Ram!? ^ * | tt|R Bolle Point Joeky Ctuh offwtfca ]ji "X X fuGowiojf Panwa to b# nm for ooo. ' sZJl»vb« For, Smith rwr# ccwrao. «* r >hv >nuu(i i aiT V4rtiac« HM>—a oa U>*a«a*«y the ®th day of Maoamhar, ism. U; lay—Sin-*!* Awth af a mile, puraa ilOG, Jit liar—One anie heat*, jmta* #I<30. 34 liay—Two a«!<* hear*. paraetSfin. tth day—Miie heat*, three Vat m I •Jnti. The pnrtoa ftw the four du* rucea, aa aim** *a a*rthe*. will he hung in the JuArP* ibaf on (ft* r< -irwrUTedavr and fu.i £jr aorordm* M the nti*a and 1- gttlntiOO* of lie Mempha J or Key Clah. d tV. V VXDRVER. JWy, It*He Pm»t fartey CM, CM. it, l«tl„ fi-At Ponilrntiai {Wr! n «r>» r*w«r*rf >o e'irvnteatl i wdet* for u« hmd nf work that cm be dm* in Jfke Arkansan P*Hite artery, on short notice. This attstjum i* »ow an irttfinduni earnm. *• far m tn- labor <i( tie e®»vw-t» ,*concerned. |»- *■ 'pm «A»nr *u! Harry*** induce ate to tore gm4 work dose, and of good material. All f aak ■ • ifiJ*]. ’I A or-! -w f->r work, cts.. may k* left at my ate**., ** >n :i,t; earner of Rock and Markham sterew. H. » ALUS, Cmtradmr Ark. Pm *. Oct. H, |H*t. jrt '■■■« Book Agents Wanted. Men ar* winU-4 to eitavsiw for Pyrnter Pmarutl, Utmnitri end Krkgnma Wrdo, *h<t ore «att ate* bp a*b*mpit**. '’PDF. popularity nf the an thorn, and the mynt. 1- pm- in winch these book* are go* vp, both tn Printing and dmdiag, wili warrant# quick and ready nir throughout the Untied State*, te tri rave r-ght of county te given in ait caeca, and ao .'.rent a a.t,»«d to t trap a— on the territory at toother. These bnoha are sold very tear, and yet oar the Agent a goad profit; and u they am Ml hut into hoftkatei»» or * tenon ro-ma, the Agent not find the people supplied with them. Person* engagm* m this hnstaeas will find ft nth pleasant anti profitable, ae the work* am of i high chaweter. anil Ute Agent will teal proud is . them. ^ tr Those wishing Jor a Gnruter giving a fall '-scrip* ma of the tv-irku, prices, aMW5«f of ilispw al, dte.. vnu please address HOKACh WE>TWO«TH, Pub.uber. -4 Wasiiingtoa street, Bughm. BRLS " net 7 Whiah*. Pr me Old"’ Whwky Mr sals at JMO. D. ADAMte, Lower Lending. Malt. 1 AA SAC K.S -'«rte and fine Sal? in mat • IW der, .< -ms by JNO. D. ADAMS, oCt 7 Lower Landing. «.» (MH) lb*, of Peltry. f WISH to porchsse twenty five tfm.isaud pounds ’ of fir.* rale Pel*JiM, for which the highest iark«t price wifi be paid in cash. Per* -is itor rrg Or«r skioa to sell woo id do well > call a.u! aeo me !c»forc* disposing of them etoa Uet-. A. ;. HITT, ' 7, i vis Main street. WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DRUG 8TOR2L • V J. W. TlPPE irrut R<» t, M\it ht imt (I'JfT rer<_iv*-d (*.:r S. B. Cltvna a /roll supply ; pirn ami ae fasted Drwg*, \,Sm frwsb Cmffrrm 9tn c, Sr-Urr Aprrtmt, Ptr tm-'ritt, iff. Constantly «H» Hand all tplrisr Patrnt 'hfmmUa, Oil*. VButtons d to.**. •Wa, Wine* «V L.-f*ar* edieal nr, *>• , ail tacit wiU be aoid fiif crush, as ingfet in Jfew Odcut. Country Physicians and dnaiem will •tit after tat rag crammed eii <« *« alhu, a cail. T r YttoWJnptum carefiiiy put i»p. Little Rock, Juty 1, Mi. t# l/aiSKKV—*) 8fas, an ? ▼ Por tabs by J *iy »th, Ml, amt-fa, *. wait ».v niEor tKktMu, t Coesr* •>/ Jomeetr. >** • i,V JuhnmiK. C.rcwt C*ur*t if the "-jrbunltT term'Atrutf, A t) ltfll. W, tnrviu^, Srpt. I7ld. il. am! A t»dr«w B. i ■ "•■*. ■■ ■•• ’ ’ ”'*•! partner*, jMiii.: and dSittif w*ni* by tbe t Pttuutof*. aarue*. tiyl* and ana of AUrsitfai 4. fatness, "»• }■ ?a drbt i.n AisuarAamf, Jfo. SM. amo B. !i* rcfav \ Brfendtmt. VXD an a . an 'bn Until <iav »f oar prwtefa fare* oi «wf said Ctfc i it Court. mwetoi uut aafa oatuf*, !>y 4 rutcMie.ii .bail. AKorney; and tfte d defendant aarrtag taufad in appear and plead, * 0t!iff*/jU9 anawer the Mid puuaiiA acutm, it i.uTriito irlerrd that tfa- jeu) pieioode oauee a > fa teat me to bo made <a aaaa newapape? far two «e»iw week*. printed <a (tin State, witiiu m atom. la ifowl t)u» date. notifying themed de adant, that 'in* m an action of debt founded on pfiauuwar* imp* far the aura of ngMtm km*4r*d -J tiMKlyf put Jtliart in, l tut<y Knit, tegetlfar »ilfc • rtefeet laeeaaai, at ue rate of etebi par o»«a», ueat (be Iweaty-Sut day of ehveji hundred and (brt; nine, ami to the pMa. 4 t d*»w« fa war tiiiimsaad 'dnt *rs. and QMd ac. M<- .men. uaa >ieaa .Miiad agaijpet iuaaatifac. tmI •at afaeae he attaii appear, by huaaetf or .huoraey, a or befare Urn tfard day of Ufa seat Won of that >urw «ra.<-a atui meet oa Ufa ild Monday sftardW ifalb Monday of ftbt jary, eiahteen hnsfafed and fry-two, '’fatnaaet w«i be eataaad Ml hie eetete told w aeliede A wne eopy from tl tMM: