Newspaper Page Text
SS5H \fOrmtORW BITTER OORWAL. AND 1VL BLOOD PURIFI1H, a om buttle of which, is i iy other prepanuon put up It* unequal rirtuee are mm la tor—we having their origin in ths blood,such s»—Neuralgia, Scrof sKvil, Erysipelas, Cutaneous trup thev. Tetter or Biagweak Punptee or surface of the r in, eoreneee or of ths heart, general ' eU irregular (especially with female*,) ate of the ueiroui sys frcm the injudicious use of entente! aid other pdieonoue drugs. Thie i* a f ne cordial. pleasant and agreeable to take, and perfectly safe to be used in any state of health, even by the most delicate female or child. Aad it» an article that every one should use, nt least once a year, to purify aad enrich their blood, oad thru prevent alt manner of ifiaeases. Retail price, Bl net bottle, 6 bottles for •». To be hod of 47 L. DODGB and THOMAS BDTTIBWOBTH. June J, 18*1. ly. MOinNOKJPI Khenmnttc CnmpnanA, aad Meed PnriAer; A nrtmm Cun fur tortsr Ayl—Ssry (Actoslsr Ctrwer Jttowmsh—■ This valuable remedy stands without a rival in the history of discoveries, in this or any other eouatry, in curing this painful and paralysing dis ease, ia all its various form. The vast number that bare been cured by the use of this compound, daring the past year, de monstrates this fact Not only recent acute or inflammatory eases, but old chronic cases, of tea, twenty, thirty end even forty years Standing; where they had not only tried every other external aad internal remedy of which they could hear, but at' great expense, had traveled, aad pasted under the treatment of a number of the lint medical men of Europe, as well as of oar own country, visited the various weaving placet, taken voyages at sea, and dwelt in the moot salubrious cliaec, without ob taining relief. feme, who were reduced to a mere skeleton, their flesh had withered away, their limbe were paralysed, aad many that had acarcrty been able to walk for ten, ffteen and twenty yean. These have been cured sound and well, regained their flesh aad the use of tbetr limbs, and now en joy excellent health from the uae of this oompound. Thsss facts are fully substantiated by published testimony, from the highest possible sources ; tes timony that cannot be gainsaid, but which can be vouched for by tea ttoa—if witnesses. Retail price, $4 per bottle, 3 bottles for tl2. or • for *22. To be bed of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTER WORTH. LittleRoek, Junes, 1881. ly. UTfLI ROCI TO HOf SPRISSS, ARUNS1S. From the 1st of April to lot October, 1851, tit* sab scriber will run a „ DilLT LIMB or mow From LitUo Reckts Hot Spring*. for tb* «con..»« datio* orfeatreveUog public— To lea*# ovary othor fey, (except Saadaya. with Um Uaitod Sutss Moil. ru rovu rouc post coaches, ot 5o'clock, A. M.,a*darriv*atHolSprioge,a*na* fey,AS P. M. ran ACCOMMODATION LINE, Foor Horoo Poot Coaches, will leave Little Rock aaory iatorvoniag fey. at the tame hoar in the morning, and arrive at Hoi Spring* next day, a: 8, a the evening. __ PAM: By either Line, *J~Kxir» Rajgut* in Proportion. The aabaeriber t» the contractor for the convey aaoe of the United State* Mail* on the route* from ; Little Rock '» Fort Smith, and from Little Kook to j Washington, in Heatpstoad eeoaty. via Hot Spring, —to Poet Cenehee, three lime* a week. CF Beth thee* rente* intersect with the Steam heat United Slate* MAI Lin* from Memphis to Lit* ti* Hfffc rp sun Office at the -datksay ffease. PETER HANGER. Feb. 11. M-l y LITTLE SWI F9CIDRT AND SUT1ERV. ■well Beebe w OULD reepectfnlly call the attention of thr pnbitc to the above eetabiiahmenl, which ba* recently undergone a thorough repair, and, hav ing the neeeeaary facilities, I* now tally prepared t* faraiah to order, with great promptness, every article la that line, of either wrought or oaat Iron, Brea* or Copper, of aa good material, proportion*, and workmanship, aad upon aa cheap terms, a* any ether Foundry in this country. Millright* and ether*, ordering wheels, will be pleased to give Um No- of oega and pitch, also the particular six* and akapo of the eye, wealed la each wheel. Thadt a me tor of a wheel, when cast, will be U of an inch per feet Isos the earn* with length of a shaft— Jrdbr* shoatd also be accompanied with a draught and fall description of what ia wanted, and the pMtmgs Mid* Little Rock, Deo. 10. 1850— H—If Arkansas Coffee Hoas^, (vewsa sTKaniOAT Lexeme.) THE Proprietor has *a band, and ia constanUy receiving, the following— Foreign aad domestic Liquor*; Wiaea aad cordials of every description; Cigars; Tebacco; Fruits, 4e. ill ef which at* for sale at wholesale and retail Persons from the country wishing to pur a, will ploaae call and see my slock before pur chasing elsewhere, aa t intend to eel I as low aa auy boas* ia the city. MICHAEL TANTI Little Reck, Jan. II, ISM. Bh-ly 09*The Arkadalphl* Sentinel will copy one year, and forward aecodnt to the subscriber. M T. 11 Hoot* and shoe*. CASES Boots user hM; Kip Brogans; doc. dent's fine Call Shoes; *• Qaiters; Ladies Shoes assorted; " Misses and childrens Shoes assorted; Cue Boys Kip Brogans; •' “ Boots, 4c., 4c., 4c. Received per Phillip Pennywit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 36. 29—tf. 4 4 9 13 • 1 1 Liquor* and Flour. KCBT receivsd by steamer Hamburg; J 34 Bbls Whiskey. 90 Half Bbls. do. • Bbls. Borbon Whiskey. 36 Bbls. Ploar. 16 Bbls. Potatoes. For sale cheap, by M. TANTI. Bar Store*. 1CASK old Brandy ; 3cks. Madena Wise 3 bbls. old Bu’b W bis key. 1 9 « « Rye •• 1 1 •• « Muscat Wise ; I Rseeived and for sale by 3 cks. American do. ; 1 bbl. Cherry Bounce ; •* Bum; “ old Port Wine; •* Malaga. Jun t. 1851-40 JNO. D. ADAMS, Slromkoal Landing. BY Steamer Emily 1 have just received and now offer for sale; 60 Barrels Super Kne Flour; 3 ** Rye Whiskey; 19 Boses Assorted Tobacco; 10 •* Learnt Syrup, 8 ** Candy; 1 Barrel English Filberts; 10 « Ale. M. TAJfTI. Lower Steamboat Landing. April 7,1881.—81—tf Liqamn and Wine*. 5 CASKS Brandy, 4th proof; 8 “ Madoria Wine; 1 •• fart Wine; 98 Bssksts Champagne Wine; an consignment mud for |A|t low. T. D. MERRICK A CO. IT, 1888._ » 3 BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco; 9 ** cam. Pound Lamp “ f •* 8, RimlTsilRbir day and for aale by .......up— na>. D. ADAMS, 1881—4A. ana 8, ■■ 1 .J*, SION Sr SIDDALL, GREENE. A CO., COTTOJT §\tCTOK\*, Ana porwamjjsw® MERCHANTS, MO. M CAMP ITIBET, NEW ORLEANS. J.H. HSALD T.I.A»i«l. imimuiivmd WISES OREEiV WOOD, & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWaHDING MRROHANT* /Vb. 66 Magazine Street, opposite the Mouth of Bank Alley, NEW ORLEANS. LA. 90 Particular attention paid to the aalc of COX rON, TOBACCO. AND OTHER PRODUCE be collection and remittance of Fund*-and the purchase and ihlpoicnt of N. Smtii. W. M. Oaanan. Smith Ac firaham, WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE g COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in fore if* nod Domestic Liquors, Ciucinxati, Ohio. —ALSO:— Agents for Manufacturera for the sale of Tobacco, Window-Glass. Iron and Nails. N. B. AU orders entrusted to us will receive our strictest attention. 61—tf THOMAS L. WHITE, BOOK SELLER & STATIONER, NO. M CANAL strebt, new ORLEANS. AW. MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS. WRITING FAPER, !*• Cap. Utter and Note. Wrapping paper a/ hHwi qn alitiet QUILLS, STEEL PENS, INK, Sad ■ ,#atnl MWrtawal »f Blaak Books. ountry Meuhants and Teachers are requested to call and examine the Slock. ri-b.13 23-It am UATTHtwa. w« rowan.. J ATI l> MATTH E W* A CO., I WHOLESALE | GROCERS HID lORMISSION MERCHANTS, Muafsetanu’t Aiaati roiTHtuuor NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS 4c., No. 55 WALNUT STREET. South of Columbia, Ciucinuati, Ohio. Rrrca to— T D. Merrick If Co , Wm.B. Bait. Walter MitektU, H Brogan. V. Brnder If Ca.,aad Jacob Hatcktnt. Little Rock, rr.k s ism—7—99—It WALTON, SANFORD & CO. GENERAL GROCERS. 1>D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. It, Sew Lf»re, X Orleans; HAVE constantly on hand a general and well selected assortment of Maple and Fancy Groceries, fine L<quart and ll’isn, Proeitionc, Etc. Etc In addition to the articles usually found iu s Grocer’s Stock, they keep a supply of Nails. Glass, ^ Drugs, and Dyes, Letter and Cap Paper, Playing l Cards, Slc. Sic. Their aim will be to sell good and Iresh articles, and always at PAIR MARKET PRICES. Their facilities for baying, with their eiperience in the j Arkansas trade, and tbeir knowledge of the wants ' of that section, they think will enable them at all . times |» till, satisfactorily, auch orders as they may ' be favored with. Jan. 1, 1*451. 1-y. tOSCFH H rsUIEB. JAMES H M ASSET I JOSEPH H. PALMER St CO., IMPORTERS 1X0 WHOLESILB DEALERS IX PORCMV AJtD SOSflE&TOO DftYQOOTOi 47 CAMP-NEW ORLEANS. Sept, in, 1850. 8-1—ly W. MITCHELL, &, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, xml Dealers in Goads try , Groceries, Ac. , NAPOLEON, AKK'S. March 30, 1551. 30—tf. Rostst AausTsoNG. Geo. C. Lawrason. ' Arnold Haekw. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON A CO. CoinmiMsiou Merchants, 100 Magazine street, NEW URL.EAXS . March 25, 1851. 29—ly Little Kock Foundry. ^HEET Copper ami Zinc ; assorted Wire ; Pa- | O tent Brads, assorted, a superior article, for! Joiners and Cabinet maker's use. For sale by ROSWELL BEBEE. Cock paid far cii cat tinge, brace, copper and tince. \ J uly 3, 1851—44. DR. CLiRKEtt Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, Winch is considered by Physicisus and other* the OaiUT Rumor for coughs, colds, consumption, liver compliant, hronclutis, asthma, soreness iu the chest, spitting ol blond, pain or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, Ore. This being the prescription of a regular phyii-1 cian, graduate of the Medical University, f'hiia- ! delphia, and having been thoroughly tested, is | properly esteemed one of the most valuable and i efficient remedies for these and similar complaints ever offered to the public. Price, tfl per bottle, 6 bottles *5. To be had of R. L. DODGE dr THOMAS BUT TER WORTH. Little Rock, June 3d, 1851. ^ ly. Fmh Flovr, 4*c. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti- [ cles, to wit: 60 bbls. St. Louis Flour; 100 •* Cincinnati •* 20 kegs No. 1. Lard :J 50 bbls. and half bbls. Whiskey ; 1080 lbs. Tobacco ; 750 “ Bar Lead: For sale by A. J. HUTT. June 4th, 1851—30. Mum ttrerl. THE subscriber, agent for H. Haberman, will' continue the former's business at his old stand : on Mam, near Markham street, and keep con stantly on hand ti full ami well assorted stock of ; Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes. Hardware, (tastings, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sold low for cash. The highest market price* will be paid , for eountry produce, as beef hides, peltries, bees , wnx, Ac. JOHN KRAUSE. !, Little Rock. March 28, 1851. 30—tf. i M. AltAHN, rOHISSIOS ISO F8UW1RBIU IERCB11T, < BRICK CURVE*. JITEARBOAT LANMNtt. ( LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. i: TVr EEPScoosUutly on hand a large and general [ i IV aanertkasat of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hard* i ware, Rucaswarr, Unto and Ctys Boots and Shoes, Saddlery, Stationary, Girocerim, I Prodace, At., Ac.; all of which will be sold I rosy cheap for CASH. Oct-1, I MB. ■ 8— 4- tf [RON—6000 lbs. as*d flat, aq'r and round Iron ; 1000 '■ beat charcoal home-shoe ; SOAP—10 boxes No. 1 brown ; PAPER—10 reams Envelope: I PORK—30 bbls. heavy Ideas ; 1 BACON—1600 lbs. clear tides.; BAGGING—2d pastes heavy Keatucky ; *• 40 half " ROP*-46 coils; TiWNE—10 bales j Ree'd per “Hambum," andfossnia, by Jha* -4-IMl. W& ft WATT. . NEW DRUG STOKE , PCI! OKl'M iRD MBPICHn. m THE subscriber ba* Jn*t nwi»«J and dHb is now opening an entire Near Stock of imrt lnspec’ed DRUGS AND MEDICINES, M which are warranted fresh and genuine, QUININE. IODINE, BEBEERINE, IOD. POTAS8. PIPER INF, ELATERIUM, 8ALICENE. VEBATRINK. MORPHINE. STRYCHNINE, CIT. KERRI ET MAGNES. CALOMEL. TURKEY RHUBARB. rmsiwi CODLIVI OIL, pore; BLUE PILL, die. Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, Embracing Jayne*'Family Medicine*. MofTatt's do. Lee'* Pill*; Spencer's do.; Wright'* do.; Dana’ Pain Killer; Stephen*' Astringent Syrup; Wi*Ui* Balsam Wild Cherry, die. die. Sand*, TotnumdS, and BulFt Sorao/arUlo. VEHMirtCEs: B. A. Fahnestock, Dead Shot, and American Ver mifuge. Blue Lick Water—Concrr**Spring Water. Pomta, Oila, Dye-atuf, Window Gloat, iff. tfc. Country Phy*iei*ns are requested to examine the quality of my lo-uf*, Ac., before purchasing else where. |y Prescription* accnaaratT compounded, t T1I0S. BUTTERWORTH, Agt., New Drug Store, Main and Martkim Streete. Lmu Rocs, June 23, 1*51. ■kittle Rock High School. UNDER THE CARE OP MRS. AND THE MISSES WOODS. BUSINESS will be resumed (D V) 1st Septem ber. when a punctual attendance of the Pu pils is respectfully requested. The Board of Visitois to the above IjnrrrrrTios, well satisfied from long personal observation, that its accomplished proprietors are highly competent to teach, in the most approved and successful man ner, all the branches of a thorough and finished Education, therefore, take great pleasure in re commending it to a continuance of that large and increasing patronage which it has enjoyed since its commencement. Board of Vinton. Rt. Rev. G. W., L. Gibson, M D, Hou Daniel Risuo, Capt A Pi**, “ Wa. H. Fielo, P W Tiirsiu, Esq., “ Wj* 11 Simi, E H E.noush, •• *' Tuo* W Newton, L E H.aaea, Maj James Lawson, Gen S H HtMMTr.AD, August 20, 1851. Geo C Watein*, *' John H Cbease, •• 51 NOTICE. THE undersigneil are now elating their busi ness, and take this method of informing all who have claims against the firm to present th m for settlement. Those who are indebted to us by Notes, or accounts are requested to come forward and settle without'further notice; if they wish to save extra expense, they will do well to call and immc-sliatsal v GOODRICH & GRAY. Little Rock, August 12th, 18(1—&0-tf— For Dyspepsia. Prepared from the fourth stomach of the Ox! THE true Digestive Fluid *v Owtrit Juice, prepared from Re ii ii ku or tlie utom acb of the Ox, alter direc tion* given by Baron Lei big, tlie great physiological chemist, bjrJ.S. Houghton, M. O., No. 11 Nurtli Eighth street, Philadelpha, tin? on ly immediate and perma nent relief for Indigestion, Dvspepsj.’i. Jaundice, Liver Com (daiut, Consumption and debility, curing artei Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice, ft i« a pertain preventative of cholera, as it keeps the stomach and bowels in a perfectly healthy condition. Half a teaspoonful of this fluid, infused in water, will di rest or dissolve five doqbJi of roast beef in about two hours :>ut of the stomach. *ci«»Ttric F.videwck.—Bexon Leibig, in bis celebrated work on animal chemistry, says: “ An artificial digestive fluid analagous to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the call, in which various articles of $>od,$ttch as meat and eggs, will be soft ened. changed and digested jo*t in the same manner as they would be iu the human stomach.-' Dr. Pereira, in his famous treaties “On food and Diet,” published by Fowler k Weds, New York, p.*geX, states the »ame great feet, and describes Hie method of preparation. There are fr*w higher authorities than Dr. Fcnira. Dr. Combe. in his valuable writing on the “Physiology of Digestion,*' observes that “a diminution of the due quantity i»f the Gastric Juice, is a prominent and all prevail trig caws Gt Dyspepsia;'.' and he fciate* that “a distinguished professor r»f medicine in London, w ho was sever!) afflicted with the rom plaint, finding every thing else to fail, bad recourse to the Uaatrtc Juice, obtained from the stomac hs of living annuals, which proved couipletiy successful.'* Dr. Graham, author of the famous work on “Vegetable Diet," says; “It is a remarkable fact iu physiology, that the itom&ch of animals, macerated in water, imparts to the fluid the property of dissolving various articles ol food, and of ef fecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise dif «*rent from the natural digestive process. p Dr. Simon's gn at work, “The Chemistry of Man,*’ [Lea K Blunchard, Philadelphia, 1*46,] pp 321 *2, says: “The dis covery of Peuain forms a new era in Uic chemical history of Digestion. From recent experiments, we know uiat food la 11solved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep*in, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice itself. Professor Dunglinson, of the Jefferson College, Philadel phia, in his great work on “Human Physiology,’* devotes more than fill) pages to an examination of tins subject. He experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the living human stomach, and from animal*, are well known. “In all rases,” he says: “digestion occurred is perfectly in the artificial as in the natural Jigestiou. For further proof of the remarkable menu or tills discove ry, call at Tsl MAGAZINE STREET, and get n descriptive dieet oaaTis. A- KENDALL k CO., General agent for Southern States. For sale, wholesale or retail, in LiUle Rock, at tlie New Drug Store, by THOs*. BUTTER WORTH, Agent lor the Stale of Arkansas. July 1,1*31. 43-ly i hrist Church School for Boys Rev. A. R. Frmlmas, Rector. Miu.tR Qi ail, M. A. Principal. r|^HIS Institution will open on or about the 1st A Septt in!>er. Boys will be prepared for college >r for the business pursuits of life. As the num ber of pupils is limited, applications should be uade immediately to the Rector. JAUg. 17, lu the lukiiowa lleiri of Samuel F. laion, Beetaitd. BY order of the Johnson Probate Court, the un dersigned Administrator of said estate is order id to advertise that there is in bis hands $ 176 46, leas ixpcnses of this advertisement, belonging to the inknown heirs of said estate. Said Mason was will urn sice, dark completion, lame in one leg, kbout 35 years old, was sheriff of this county and raa killed at Spadra Bluff, by Jno. G. Jewett, in tugust, 1836. WILLIAM ADAMS, AJmmutrator. Clarksville, Ark., July 31, 1861. 48-«w. Breat Revolution in BnsineM. WITH the view of accommodating my custo mers, and others who may be pleased to Tivor me with their business, 1 have made arrange uenu to procure, with great dispatch, at either Cukumati, Misrmi, or New OaucAss, on the sbeapest terms, such Brass and Cast Iron work aa nay be ordered by thoae who prefer their orders filled at either of the above places, as well as all nich orders as 1 cannot furnish from my estab ishment, free of any commission, or charges of my kind, except first cost, drayage, freight, and us ti ranee. This plan, it if believed, will greatly facilitate “very one desirous of erecting Carton Gnu, Thrmiamg Macktnrt, Sow Millt, Com .Villa, Flour .Villa, and Cotton .Villa, or any other Jet •npt.on of Markmery, or .Engine inari, in procur ugwith certainty whatever they may want from ibroad, and at the same time afford them a con tinent opportunity of judging by comparison be wtea m> work and prices, and others. It u indispcnsihte that all orders should be ac ompamed by a draught and tpccificalton auffi icntly explicit in derail, to serve as a guide to the uechame who may be called upon to execute the rork, as welt as ttikt.cuitable provision should be nade for the payment. All cuDimuuicatKins addressed to me, will be hankfully received, and meet with prompt a Hen son. ROSWELL BEEBE, July 21, 1851. at LtUtr Rock FinmJry Leather! Leather!! [HAVE now on hand a handsome lot of Leather, consisting of Sole Leather, L'pper Leather, and Buckskins tuned. For (ale by A. J. HITT. July 8, 1861. JttmEt. Ladle*’ Shoe*. A SPLENDID aaaortmeat, just received per steamer St. Francis, asd for sale by A. J. HUTT. Aug. 6, 1881. 48 ■sii OLIVER Ac CO., I WINE $• SPIRIT MERCHA IS,! CORNER or MAIM AND MARKHAM ST. | (Old Pmt OgU. Comtr. JUST Received a tit assortment of choir* articles tor Bar Stores, and Family use, con sisting of Fine OM Poet Wine; Madeira Wine; Brown Sherry Wine; Pale Skerry Wine; Catauba Wine Longworth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. Jnice; Bran | <ty. Cognac; Brandy Cherries; London On; Mo t tiongahela Whisky; Scotch Ale; Brown Stout; ' Anisette; Natural Syrup; Muscat de Frontignan;' i Mariachano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor ■■estenhire Sauce; Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Ab sinthe; Preserves Ac., Ac. Little Rock, April 22. 33-tf. XEW FAULT STARE. JIORRIKOX Sc CARTER* On Eatl iuU of Eait Mam rt., frit trick *!»,■ aiare the comer of Markham *1., WHOUDUIJ; SNA SKT.IL W.1XU ra FAMILY, STAPLE ASD FANCY Grorcrirs. PriTitioii, Cooatry Prodatr, kt. HAVE juat opened, in the store heretofore or cupied as a Tin Shop, a general assort uu nt1 i of every thing in their line, comprising a latger; ; variety of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before offered in this market. Their friends, and citizens ; generally, are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are de termined to sell as low as the lowest, for cash or country produce. Little Rock, April 9, 1851. 32—tf. Hats! Hatsi: JUST received, a 6ne Jot of Hats, and among i which are the followio, viz; 2 cases fine fash. Silk Hats; 2 « “ " Moleskin Hats; 2 " “ “ Caaimtre “ 5 ** “ “ Russia “ 2 « ** Brush 1 « “ Pe»rl Union " 2 doz. “ Panama " 3 “ " Leghorn “ l " boys’ fine Leghorn “ 1 " infants' Straw “ 13 « Palm Leaf " And for sale by A. J. HUTT, Mam itrert. May 14, 1851. ' 38— Lillie Rock Foundry. SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING—and all other decriprwns of Iron work, suitable for such porposes, furnished to order, at the above ea [ tabishment at the cheapest rates—warranted to be : good and well adapted to tbe necessities of the peo ! pie of this State. ROSWELL BEEBE, i July 9, 1851. 45. Engine Boiler. WANTED—A good second-hand Boiler, auita ble for a small engine of about 8 inch cylin | der. One with a stand, fire-front and grate-bars, ! will be preferred. Applv to ROSWELL HEBEE. jiuy 9. Mill* nock rounary. NEW CLOTHINCi!.' JUST received, direct from New Orleans, a large and well selected assortment cf new and fash j ionable Clothing: Particular attention is called to I a fine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for caah only 1 E MARCUS Little Rock, May 20, 1851. Mam street. Iron, Anil* and Canting*. f'AA LBS. assorted Iron; OUU 50 Kcg» Nails; 1000 Castings, for sale low. bv T. D. MERRICK a CO. Dtctmb 17, 1850. 15 DR. STEPHEN'S ASTRINGENT SYRUP — Thia has now become a celebrated remedy for ! Dysentery and Bowel Complaints, Cholera Mot- j 1 bus, Diarrhoea or Summer Complaints, pain or 1 cramping in the stomach or bowels, adapted to per- j ; sons of all ages, but undoubtedly the most supe- | j nor preparation for children ever produced. Price, 25 cts for small bottles, and 50 cts for | large ones. 1 To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUT- i TERWOKTH. Li *’■? Rock "ne, 3d, 1851. ly. FRFSU Hi MEDICI®. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fl^HE subscriber is constantly recei X ving, from New York, a genuin- | assortment of Drugs, Medicine s,Ckemi call, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Oys Stuffs, IfC., Ift. Also—Patent Medi »ng which are, Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of ! liverwort; Jaynes’Expectorant; Indian Panacea, j I Dailey’s Pain Extractor; Haya* and Howes’ Lini i ment; Linn’s Strengthcuiug Plaster; Komstock’s , Vermifuge.; Moffatt’e Pho-uix Bittere and Vegeta j ble Life Pille; Bartholomew's Expectoiant;Sphou’! . i Medicines; Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia for the ■ Hair; Welsh’s Medicainentnm. All of which will be sold low forcash. R. L. DODGE, Markham H. j Kittle Rock, 1848. 17—If H nines: im< A. A. CARY, D. D. S. FROM Huntsvile Ala., has located himself permanently in Little Rock. He has been engaged in the practice of Dentistry for ten years, and feels confident in the ability to give entire satisfaction to such of this , community as may need his services. I Persons residing ala distance will be notified of Ills absence from town, whenever it occurs through the papers of this place. Office on the west side of Louisiana street, two doors south of the residence of Judge English. I.ittle H.iek Si* » 1H.M W»-tf I’rwh Arrivals. JL'ST received, per steamer '• Hamburg,’' 50 barrels superfine FLOUR ; 20 “ Crackers! 20 doz. Lemon Syrup ; 8 boxes Candy ; 10 barrels Brandy; 40 do. Whiskey. For sale cheap, by M. TANTI. . Steamboat Landing, j June 5, 1851—39. Saddlery. JCST received from New Orieans a large and wlel assorted stock of Saddlery, consisting in part of the following, viz: 10 gents' fine Columbian Saddles: 12 •' “ Spanish g ladies’ “ Hog skin “ (i doz. Bridles, assorted qualities; 3 “ Martingales assorted qualities; 3 “ Bridle fi lings “ “ 3 Worsted Girts " “ 3 “ “ Circingles, ass’d qualities; | 3 “ Com. Horse Collars; 3 “ Hog skin Horse Collars; 2 “ Wagon Whips; 2 " Hide “ ® 1 “ Plain and Pocketed Saddle Bags; 2 " fine Polished Snaffle Bits; 2 “ " Stirrup Irons; 3 “ very fine Buggy Whips; And for sale by A. J. Hl’TT, Mamatreet. Ma9 14, 1851. 38— EC1IIVER It (’0‘S. IXPROTEB COTTON CIS&. ONE of 60 Saws in store ami for aale. All orders for Gins of the usual sizes given to the Undersigned will be forwarded, and receive : prompt attention. WM. B. WAIT. Agent for the Manufacturers. Little Rock. May_3I,lS6l. 38— CNHOCTAW LAND SCRIP Certificates for 80. J 160 and 320 acres, received and for aale by WM. B. WAIT, j Ug. 4th. 48 — Tobacco! Tobacco!! T1 BCD per. Steamer Trustee. 1634 lbs. cheap XV Tobacco. And for aale by, j June 16-1861-41. A. J. HITT boiar and Coffee. £A Bags haat Ria Caffs*. 4 Hhda. Prtrfil Brawn Sugar, In siare ai far sal# by T. D. MEKK1CK 4k CO. Ns*. 5‘ 1850 -8-J—if t ... TO PRINTERS. lonn’ ImproTMl Band Prr*a. | THE Proprietors of IbcOmiTm Poevnax take j (Teat pleasure in informing Prmtersgtu* tally, I bat they have the exclusive right fur the manufac ture and tale of that invaluable Hand Frit*, and are now prepared to fill order* tor medium and double medium-met. Tina pteaa •« mote compart and mote easily bandied than the oh) style- Ryan increase of at leatt fifty per cent, of work « ob tained. with a great reduction of labor. The pe culiar advatage* of thia Prratuver the old;*: 1. In the taring of time in putting .on and tak ing off the aheet. 2. In the taring of tune in running the bed un der and out from the platin. 3. In the flying the friskcta* it tt self-acting. 4. In the application of ihe leverage, by which mean* a very hoary impression 1.1 obtained by a atnall expenditure of physical force. 6. In the raving of time and labor of stepping backwards and forwards by the pressman, as it is unnecessary for him to more out of his tracks while at work. 6. From the manner in which the points arc at tached. it being impossible for the blanket* to full up as the form runs under the platin. which in the ordinary press renders the points liable to move. ft is deemed unnecessary to say mote in refer ence to this Press, as we arc willing that it should stand or fall on its own merits; and we respect fully invite Printers and other* w tsbing to purchase Presses or Printing materials to call ami eiamme our stock, when we would be happy to show them one of the Presses now up at our Foundry. GUILFORD At JONES, .Ya. 47 Columbia Strict, K'tuvra Sfcontort and Broathraf Cincinnati. Prices of Jones1 Hand Presses. Double Medium, with Roilar apparatus, (240 Imperial. •* “ *• 220 Super Royal, *' " “ 200 Medium, " ** ** 190 Cap, without Roller apparatus, 75 50—4 w. IIUtkM SS A. M)\. The Creat Wholesale Clothing llonse. CHARLES DARKNESS 4 SON, So. 129 Martel Strret, tne South-Eat! eomrr of Fourth Street, Philadelphia. THE proprietor* of ties Oi.u Estasushcd F»»h ■o.vaauc Clothisi; Smart, are now manufac turing the largest, best assorted, and most Fash ionably got upstock of Superior Clothing for the Fall and Winter trade, that has ever been offered to the notice of Wholesale buyers. Darkness 4 Son respectfully invite the atten tion of Merchants and Dealers, confident that their stock of Clothing wili be found expressly adapted to the requirements of the Southern and Western markets, while their prices will convince intend ing purchasers that their Establishment officers ex traordinary inducements. TAKE NOTICE!—Darkness 4 Son s Clothing Store is a large Five Story Brick Building, situated on the South-East corner of Fourth and Market Sts., Philadelphia. N. B. Look out for the largest Gilt Block Let- . ter Signs in the United States and read— 44—fm. DARKNESS 4 SON. _] Tv—_1 autcutau auu i uicigu agcuvjfi City or Wamimctoii. UNDER the direction of AARON HAIGHT PALMER of New York, and WORTH INGTON S NET HEN of New Orleans, Attor ney* and Counsellors of the Supreme Court of the United States. This establishment is formed for the following objects: 1. For practicing law in the Supreme Court of the United States, and conducting professional business before Congress. 2. For the prosecution and recovery of all claims, in law or equity, against the United States before Congress or the Executive Departments, or against foreign Governments before Boards of Commis sioners. 3. For the settlement of accounts with the State, Treasury, War, Navy, Post Office, and In terior Departments, sndobtuimug the remission of fines, penalties, and forfeitures, for alleged viola tions of the revenue, post office, or other laws. - 4. For sec unrig letters patent for inventions from the United States or trom foreign Governments, and procuring land warrants and pensions under the various pension laws of the United States. 5. For collections generally, embracing debts, legacies, and inheritances, in the United States and foreign countres. C. For the purchase and sale of lands in snv of the States or Territories of the Union, and loaning moneys on mortgage of real estate lying therein. 7. For investment of funds in United States and State stocks and loans, collection of the dividends thereon, and, generally, for the transaction of all business pertaining to a law, loan, and banking agency. All oommunicati ns addressed, post |>aid, to Messrs. Palmer A Slit then, American and Foreign Agency, city of Washington, will receive prompt and faithful attention. PALMER 4 SNKTHF.N, Office No. 5 Carroll Place, Capitol Hill. July io—45—ly. Trustee** Male. B\ VIRTUE of a deed of trust, executed by Abfaham Rapley and Charles Kapiey, bear ing date October 48th, A.D. 1817. and duly re corded, to secure the payment of sundry debts, as therein specified, we will, in pursuance of the provisions of said deed, proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on a credit of six, twelve, and eighteen months, at the court-house door in |hc city of Little Rock, in Pulaski county, Arkansas, on MONDAY, the 20th day of OCTO BER next, A.D. 1851. between the hours of nine o’clock m the forenoon, and three o’clock in the afternoon, of that day, the valuable and highly improved real estate situated in the said city of Little Rock, following: to wit: bounded aud des cribed as follows, vix: commencing at a point on the north side of Markham street, seventy-seven feet and lime inches east from the south-west corner of Block No. One, as designated on the plat of the survey of the town, now city ol Little Rock; thence running east with said Markham street, on the north side thereof", und fronting thereon, sixty-eight feet and nine inches, and ex tending back at right angles the same breadth of sixty-eight feet and nine inches to the alley (now called Elm street,) running through said Block No. One, one hundred and forty feet, more er less: with all tenements and improvements thereon.— The title, we believe, to be good; but we will convey only auch right aa ia vested in u* by the deed of trust aforesaid, upon the final payment rn ' full of the purchase looney. DANIEL KINGO, FREDERICK W TRAPNALL. Trustee*. Little Rock. Aug. 3, 1831. 48-1 it FLOUR. ~ URLS. •• O'Fallon Mills," I 75 brls. Iowa, LARD—SO kerrs No. 1; BACON—80urt lbs clear aides; SUGAR—I brls powdered; extra superfine; do do; Received per Mav Queen, and for sale bv sept 1 r W. R. WAIT. ceaa; m\". >1/|A BUSHELS Swelled Corn received and for V *V * salt on commission by . j .mJ oct 7 JNO. D. ADAMS. Lower Landing. UAUUINO, KOHE A .NO TWINE. JUST rcc’d front LoonUlc, *’551 yds. No. 1 Ky. B ageing. 3SUN lb*. Bailing Rope; •m lb*. Tw ine; Lr sale by A. ». ttl'TT, Sept. 8th, 1851, Mam St. L. R. .Honey lo Loan! A LL persona indebted to the undemgned will a V. please Lome forward and make payment in cash, cotton, peltry, or beef hides, aa soon aa prac ticable, aa 1 run in debt and must pay up. j Sejrt O, 1848. A. J. IR'TST. '!1 *_7W Bucisiim attestim:: -f K GpQD BLACKSMITH is wanted at Cham bersville, Calhoun county, Arkansas. A good smith and a steady man will find it a good stand. Sept. SO. 4-1 It IliSIK AND COFFEK. JUST received from New Orleans 2720 lbs. best N. O. Sugar. 1650 lbs. Rio Coffee. And for sale by A. J. HUTT, Sept. 8th, 1861, Main St. L.R. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. J. WIIXOI UKBY, 11 Inriry a ad Caiaifllar at Law. HOT SPRINGS, ARKS., WILL give punctual attention to all bnatm-u entrusted to his rare, in any court of this or the surrounding counties. July 15, l*M. J. B. JONH MIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. Oct I. 1850. ♦_ M. I. lilt %Ni111!NRIKfd. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRENCEVILLK. ARK'S 11TILIi|irMli(r in th# connn** ol Philip*. Sr. v T Kranci* arut Monroe, in th* 6i»t Judicial Cir cuit ; h* counti** ol Doha and Arkanaa*. in th* **cn«id Judicial Circuit, and !h* county ot Ptainr. in th* «lth Judicial Cin vit,-and mil pay atnet at tention to th* collection of debia in any paitofth* Stale, and mil alao act aa agent lortheaale ol land* an t paying taaea. Sit Rcaidenc* in Lawrencevin#, Monroe eo., Atk«. Sept. 17. IS5<> —8—3—ly JOHN T. TR1S«, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BENTO*, ARKANSAS. May 91,1890. 37— HENRY B. RECTOR, ATTURNKY k COUNSELLOR IT HW. (Office nt Renton, taliic C'onnty,) WILL PRACTICE la the Conetiaa of Saline Hot Spring*. Perry, Montgomery, and tlx court* at Little Rock. Any buainea* eutruated U hla care will receive prompt attention. JAMES T. BKOWN, ATTOR.YEY AT LAW, Arkansas Pant, Ark., Will practice hi* profeoaion In the Second Jadicia Circuit, and will attend to the collection of debt! and the investigation oflandclaim* inerery par of Arkanaa*. B. T. DUVAL, ATTORNEY AM fill YSELLOR YTLAW. AND SOLICITOR INCHA"NCERY, Port smith, Arkaanas. It. H. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Littlb Rock, Auk. JOHN B. BORDEN, Attorney at Law. Rnitlrt in Lewitvillr, Lnfnyrttr lonnty. Ark: ND will practice In the court* of the 6th Judi - V eial diatrict. All buoineo* confided to hia man •Cement, will rceceiveprompt andfaithfu (attention LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MJRKHJM STREET Little Kock, Autmii. JAMES A WILSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW VKLLVIU.E, ARKANSAS. DAVID W. CARROLL, jlvl Little Rock* maSOly] a*k.£s**». [no2S JOII\ (tl fClJA, ATTORNEY 4 COCNSEtflDR AT LAW. AMD SOLICITOR IN CHANCER*. Office—Eldorado. Union county. Arkansan *. H. HKYimEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STREET. LILTLt SOCK AAK’l. 1 tl J. W. TEBBETTS, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, rayettnille, Arknimaa. 0*0. C. WATKINS. AS.M.CCRAAft WATKINS & CURRAN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS ELIA* .V CONAV AA, ATTORNEY IT LAW. 4 GENERAL LAND AGENT, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, \K7JLL ATTEND lo the collection of debt* it » f auy part of the Stale, to buying and aoitluj] laud*, paying taxea. redeomiag landa forfeited foi taxea. Kc Ho if authorixod to aell landa eaoiiyl fat three or four tkoumnd yaod planlaluema, and al cheap rain, fur rath To i naur* attention,ceniinuuicatioDaiuuatbepooi paid. Little Rock, Jan 18, I9S0. ',9-ly isABAi* itt. O I hUl U Altoracr Mad t'omieellor at L*wt Ilf ILL practice in the Courts of Newton, Scar T ? cy, Marion. ami Carroll counties. Resilience near Cr,».kt-d Creek, Carroll Co., Ark. April S9 ■!3— 1 y. S. G. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Paisorros, Dallas to., Asa*. 3s-tf. JOMII A t». TlOltKlV ATTORNEY m CtCMULM AT LAW, lOCKPOlT, HOT SPRING co., ARK. April*#, ’.MO. 34-tf. (« roterifs! J UST received from New Orleans the following arlicles, vis 12 buses Raisins: p 1 “ Ground Ginger, 5 “ Maccaroni; 5 " Vermicelli; 60 “ Table Salt; 1 “ Tomato Ketchup; 1 “ Chocolate; 1 basket Sweet Oil; 1 box Lemon Syrup; * 4 “ Imperial Tea; 10 • Soap: 10 “ hacks Coffee; . 12 dos. t . S. Hoes; l “ Ride Locks with fly; And fur sale cheap by A. J. HUTT. Little Rock, June #, 1841. Mum street. Ytule Wanted. 11TANTED—A Erst rale Mule, to match one 1 M base— not to exceed t'-'O'1. Apply to ROSWELL BEEBE. Julv 8. 1861—44. School Books! HAVE just received a supply of School Hooka, among which sre the following: 4 do*. Eclectic Spelling Books; Davis’ Arithmetic; Bike’s Smiley's *• English Readers;’ Goodrich's Reader* No- 1, 2 and 3; Copy Booh--; assorted Bruners; 2<>0t> Letter Envelopes, 1 do*. Missouri Harmonists; l •• Southern “ Also—Pspcr, Pena, Ink, Ac.. Ac., all for aai cheap for cash, by A J. HUTT, [lean street. May II, 1831. M— ■ A LOl'R 10 Bbis X per fine. 60 “ perfine. Ms y 10,1MI. ‘ a Ballou Mills” Extra Su “ Quincy Mai’s” Extra Su Received and (nr sale by WM. «. WAIT. *EW GOOD*’ IRICKtVSn, iMt Mill, by J« (rCWMI *i>d Emily, • lirp- W of good,, addition to previous imrih, nmtti the rt.wi „! P»w» and Staple Mrrchandwr I no* have on Ibe mutt c « piete I ever bare piwMtil to Ur imk w. ami rr.prvtfuljy invar all peiaon* ;n try and two. to call and nuaiw 'hr **n, A. J HI TT. Lath- Rock. .VaylA, IsSI. LITTLE HOCK HIGH SCHOOL RmNIm art Bay ftrbeal Pal Taaat Min. THE boamma «t thta Seminary mil hr rr.uaor the *rh Sept. fl). V.>. wfcc* a punctual alien. 4anrr c4 I hr Pupil. ta auroral ly requeued Tin. Itwtilwhwa, dndei tbr rarr ot Mi*, and lha Mtaar* WOOD. with A«'.I»h Travhria, ,>frr> rrrry (an y. toe .mpar'tng the adventage, P( , h.ghU OnTVtrd »>•,;«• »<„ o Porwawog within Uwmwlu, qntltffrattona lor the >ino»i tuanrhr*. tahtrh they Harr praruud ruh pntrrt »atn>l«ctiei.. they h,f !o irlrr to ll.r grntlrmrn wire* name* air annexed l hr PoplM at II,, Boarding Vhool, hang •laMiy aeaurtatrd wnh ih,ir*>acb*ra. rarri’a fhai aiwalion ao n*r*M*«y In hum and refine thr man. >1,1.. and prod.*-* babl'a o| order and regul.i.t. ararnlial in thr tin mat mm »( rharartrr. ' Feeling thr impoirene* ot a thiottgh knowledge ««1hr hirneh language, now mdiaprnaahlr in audita education, thr Principal. wirti In rrndrr it a* (at aa poraibl* thr language ot thr enlabltahmeot. They |tropoar t<!mtil,cc thr Pupil*. who rraula laituiy, *,<t at land thr French rtarara, without ritta The^oealu-n ol thr city of I.lltir Kor It |» hralthful, *',fl •teeaaihie at ait timet, hy Mramhoat Tha i) itne of education, aaaidunualy partued, aim. at a parlrrl tpptaaia'i.* ot whatrrari* attempt rd in developing the moral M«l mteWectnnl tnrulliee : — rmhiarin* a tboiough and aja'rmattc reuiar rrom 'hr elemental* to tha higi.rat branch*' Monthly record* ol artu.Uuhip and deportment arr tiaiiemit trd to Parrnta, whil.t tarry judicioua incitement to ; atudy ia afforded. Tbr arfaoot i» con.tantly uadri thr auprtriaion ot thr Board ot Vtailor*, who. fiom limr to timr, ex aminr thr tariout ctaaaea.and rrport thru progrraa Tram* of TmMtarn and Roard par .rattan ol ' . "»* annntha. Day irhoUra, 4th Drpaittneiii, g|-j ftp 14 Mi Iti 00 IS (Mi IS Ml 10 00 43 00 40 Ml 16 00 3>t 2d lot French, Dalian, Spaniah and (irrinan, rath, Binging in Choir, Moaic — Piano, Guitar, and Oigan, carh. ! Harp, * Diiwiaf and Painting, , Amur** Orientalpainting, Japan Woik, inlaying ot Ebony and Ivory, Hao burg Work, and wax (lower*, rich, 10 0(1 No charge lor embroidery and ornamental needle work. Board, wattling, light*, fuel, urr of bedding, Ate., per monih, 10 00 Payment* quarterly, in advance; no deductioni lor abamcr. Seaamn* roinmenee let Sept, and let Feb. Pu pila received at any period, and cbaiged Iroin time , ot entrance to clot* of the teuton. Bonrd of Vlaitora. Kt Hev. Bi.h Fxxxmam, Hon. F. W. Ttarnau. Hon Judge Kinoo, Hon. Judge Fixui, Hon. T. W Nnrm, L. Gimon. M. D. J H. tuui, F.*q , L. K IUut>, Eaq., Little Hock, A me. 22,1330 E. H Eaui.mi, Eiq , Mnj. J. Lawson, Gm. S. H. HuirrrxAD, Hon. W. II. hvrroK. 6 ML WASHIMITflJi 1 ILK SEI1SAKV, llcmpMi-xil Cnily, Ark*. T^HE second session of this Inelitunou, opened thi* m-ruing. February llth, IhWI Rev. C. P TniriTnii, Superintendent and Pre fessor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Belle-Letters, am1 Spanish Literature Rev H C Trwutt, A. M.. Profraaor of Grecian, Roman, hreuch and Italian Literature. -*»■*“ Caocaan, A. M . Profeaaor of Mathematics Students received in the Primary Department and Instructed TKMMft : Primary Deportment, per aa payable quarterly iu advance, Preparatory Department, Collegiate Courae, Vocal and Inatrumeutal Music, Elements of Musical Composition. (Extra', 5 M ft •ion of 21j we*Jit, <M* «o 1# M 8» M ral Composition, (Extra) tiaiion Pee, Initiaiioa Pee, I No deduction for absence unices In cases of pre tracted Illness Alt aludenta charged from the time of their .entry to the end of the session N B.—The sous of alldniutatera who aro aa gaged in the regular work of tho ministry, or at those who are superanualrd or have died ia tbs ministry: will be educated free of chargo Boa tot ns raa be obtained ia the best families, at from $6 to 39 per month Particular attention will be paid, both to the moral aud Intellectual training of ail student* committed to oar chargo. 8. T 8ANDER8, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTERS. Hon I). T. WITTER, ParrioaxT. Hon. H V Poindexter. Rev. Wa. Moores, Rev. L. P. Lively, Rev. B. P. Box, I N. Jones, M. D , Mr. J. B Sea defur. Mr. T. Williamson, Hon J. D. Trimble Rev J, Custer, M D . Rev. J. J. Roberto, C B Mitch.I, M. D , Mr W. W Andrews, Mr.B.l Sanders, Mr. H. W. Smith. 7—32—tf BK. LtlUVS SUtSIPIRILLA BLOOD PUL*. Ahead of all QthoraM The Kavjr of all PI 11 .tUMaftctannll BECAUSE they are safer, bettei and mots cS cacioua than any other*; and because the pab Ik will take no nuur. of other* if they ,-ss utHaui liicai MHMMMMi HOIKS hev. been e„M annually for Ike t ft re vc.-ir Vol'M; SVIIOLI), HAI.IS AVIf PEMALK, can aim teSe tii.iu with - ,afri), and without tear IF FILLS MS SMFssJIHY lot potytua and , Irene do- Smoinrli and Howrls, and j",mi v in. lb. Hluod ««<1 In <>l III, Isnit, wa. no <Hto r»—K* so other fSita (nudist UK • ‘untuned *-if< cu. or roeunu rtshuuwiiia u, them KaU. Uriah aud Live os i'stoul, >nd parsne ?< , UMMi tK-rnpati„i, while, ukm* tb-at, ethos, fear ot tae. oiit. dun,if til kind* nl westht-r. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wact-red it,.,, acre ‘ genniHS rernlkairo ' ncsi, Ft>p* < lane, ckrrj wen. im-mhrm ol t tstfrees, sod icepr- ,nMr - a ti-uti ear, be produced ihctr d», *, < than of u>> otter Ptuprv FILL!* AUK IV A BOX. and mid M US era* ' ikit tAlrtl rflfkttiuhd and lulls- tl H)-tfif **aiil U»*. Ttory bavr no Ui»i* or uiipk-awu.t mo*-!!, I'ff* from du»i «* jKiMtkr <>f any kind, IWj n*n grip* tin* •ixn*i ii or !*><*»•»►, Fr**du**« no ix-liww*, \omkUnm <4 bad ft-clme*. THE* AME G4JOII AT ALL TIME*. Attd adapt**! Ui mu*t diKa*«» < >>iini,“i, u, mankind Xu fm*; having <»«♦•*- Ink'll 'll* til will l*»' willing <Mt* mart tn Uke any oti»» r», tarauae lb*r* will «!««)« o«> fond, uni I tb* > <fcf *04, tlMMt (Ml IIUXTI will. Ur. X. H. UI4y, til*’ prutaiHWaiHj oiattnftnta/rr »« «n Iftr flruggMi. eh* mutt )•[•>»»< an. «4 Li ytafa * tp« nm* r Cl Htiia«kT|4tui; fTandat* .4 Uo t uveiMljf <W l'* nu*»l»»i •w-mU r ol ditit n iti ut*-u» *l UMtUUi !*«*>• of rtaiatfrlptoa, X V-rt, Bunion, Haitunofr, Am*., bimI a»*Mwiatv and rwiwyi inf ni*-mtw-r of *«• %r rat a,-»bcal Hwinufcon# of London and * mm—ih>ik « Um «i th* gr» 4in . pi* ^d m I {ii4K>r and itMir boitf r*•« ->u.r.i*»-d* d mthv ptartM* *4 a*o4* n}^ ut»i« |ki\w*'ifto» tbrougiwut th* ( tuUd (Ham*. Princfnal b« p<4, l*. Lf fdy a 1Mupswary, No. 114 *oH Fourth *«.. FMadilnftla aM acrid wfeofenale and iMti kf | J NN Tapp**. LrilM Rock, M 4M*\ ••(*»«ti. \ 2m |t«frt, Ml A W* ;*d, and Wiigiii It I n., N*w «**»•:<*, and ail 1 ;ub and to U>* lutfil $UU**. IfoCfll'.W -If j NEW WHARF BOAT] A . (. <> % U A 4 0., general agents, s UMUISMUH OH HSHW.IKJJIM *EHt tti>0 A 4 POLEOX, Ilk. 'pHK FHOFKIL i OKA beta percboaed ««j J. *rw6tmt, with tplratlittuteomauMfjFiif* It will aiforu arupia nuti weuni flora*. JitUfi .Iflit loux, * uu 11 capable of acefwwMK t;i f fifty Ti.«y ara pr.par.t!. aa heretofore. >e 00 In »« Geoerui Afeate, to Keeeiee, Forward, end M Chargee I ii«y promiea to give their par I >««ier1 l-niion to all Uo»iH.e» rolroitrd to then. The Proprietor# will geatestee that lina boat »f flab,, til. u>»p»clioe o{ aay luauraoc* Ofi.i. > l'ailed Melee. ti:r Ktiji'is: A. B Ml»a k Co., Mtmphu, T'ha. Jaiw. Hti>M>»J NapoU<mt A,k. C A tVTUW »»T, \ r Ju Tiffi AIV, ) 8. H Tut***. J LilUt Rock. Ark. T. D MiiaiufcCV,) Mum OinfWMf it Co., > ^ (jrUam. W*t,rtn«. Saafoao A Ce. J . Sept to, »«W> '-‘Jl $>Gh. k Dewi. p,opy. WAKKANTiS. 1« ^OLDIKRfi* LAND O Mm each, for wile by WM 8. WAIT 9*-t< Mareh W