Newspaper Page Text
„ CORDIAL, AMD _preparation everproduced; of wMcb, la warranted to than len tiara of flUMparitla, or any other pwparataon pot up *- - Itt unequal virt—* •“ for itailM Uiui»i.. . — — mod* aannrat in disease# having their origin in impurities of the Wood, such ss—Neuralgia, Scrof ula or King's Bril, Erysipelas, Cutaneous Erup tions, Salt-Rhem, Tetter or Ringworm, Pimples on U.a face or surface of the uSSn, soreness or anamr hathe bmaat or region of the heart, general debility or nervous affection#, and all irregular httbita of the artless, (especially with females.) rad the many derangements of the natron# sys tem, and diseasraaruoag Rem the injudicious use of calomel and other poisonous drugs. This is n flat cordial, pleasant and agreeable to take, and perfectly safe to be uredin any state of health, even by the moat delicate female or child. And it is an arttele that every one should use, at least ones a year, to purify and enrich their blood, end thus prevent all manner of disease*. Retail price, dl pet bottle, 8 bottles for ffd. To be had of A. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. Jane S, 1861. iy. SOBTI MOBS’* Rheumatic Cempoead, and Blend Pariler *, A certain Cur* for sRfter Inflammatory {Acute) or Ckrvmt Rheummtum. This valuable remedy stands without a rival in the history of discoveries, in this or any other country, in curing Uria painful and paralysing Un ease, 1st all its varioua forms. The vast number that bare been cored by the MS of Out compound, during the past year, de nstmdgf*— this fact. Mot only recent acute or inffammatory cases, but old chronic cases, of ton, twenty, thirty anJ even forty years standing! where they had not only tried every other external and internal remedy of which they could hear, but at gnat expense, had traveled, and passed under the treatment of a number of the first medical men ef Europe, as well as of our own country, visited the various wanting places, taken voyages at sea. and dwelt in the moat salubrious climes, without ob taining relief. Same, who were reduced to a mere skeleton, their flesh had withered away, their limbs were paralysed, and many that bad scarcely been able to walk for ten, fifteen and twenty years. These have been cured sound and well, regained their flesh and the use of their limbs, and now en joy excellent health from the use of this compound. Thera facts am fully substantiated by published testimony, from the highest possible sources ; tes timony that cannot be gainsaid, tut which can be vouched for by ten thcmum'l witnesses. Retail price, ff5 pet bottle, 3 bottles for »12, or 6 for 622. To be had of R. L. DODGF. anJ THOMAS BOTTERWOPTH. Little Rock, J une 3, 1861. 1 y. FftOtf LITTLE R8CI TO HOT SPRINGS, AIU1S8AS. From tba lot of April to lot Odtober, 1B5I, the sub scriber will ran a DtlLT LINE OF STACKS From Littlo Rock to Hot Spring*, for the accommo dation of tba traveling public— To leave svery other day, (except Sunday*, with tba United Stolen Moll, IN POO* HOUSE POST COACHES, •t ft o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Hot Spring*, same day, at S P. M. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE, Foar Horae Pont Com two. will leave Litt^ Rock every Intervening day, at the name boar in the rooming, and arrive at Hot Spring* next day, a*. 8, a the evening. _ riot - By either Line, *5—Extra Ba»iR* in Proportion. Tba aobaerlber la the contractor for the convey astro of the United Staten Mailn on the route* from Little Rock *o Fort Smith, and from Little Rock to Wsobington. lu Hempstead county, via Hot Spring* —is Poat Coache*, three lime* a week 17 Both these route* interaect with the Steam boat United States Mail Lina from Memphi* to Lit* (|§ Rock* 17 Stage Office at the Anthony Hoaut. * PETER HANGER. Fob. u. i3~1 y LITTLE ROCi F80DRT AND MITRERY. JZON well llrcbc TTTOULD respectfully call the attention of tbi YY public to the above eetabliohinent, which has recently nndergone a thorough repair, and, hav ing the neeeaaary faciiitle*, i* now fully prepared to fnrnlah to order, with groat promptness every artieie in that line, of either wrought or caat Iron, Brass or Copper, of os good material, proportion*, and workmanship, sad upon s» cheap term*, as suy Other Foundry in this country. Miltrights end ethers, ordering wheel*, will be planed to give the Ns. of cog* and pitch, aleo the particular site end ehape of ll»e eye, wanted in each wheel. The di ameter of a wheel, when Cast, will lie tg of an fnclt per fool leae—the tame with length of a shaft — Jrdpre shenld alas be accompanied with a draught and full deecglplion of what is wanted, and the postage paid-. Little Rock, Dec. 10. ISSO.—U—tf Arkansas Conee House, (U)«M mt.UBO.T L.XD1JIO.) rpUE Proprietor haa on hand.aud U constantly X receiving, the following — foreign and domestic Liquors; Wines and cordials of avery description; Cigars; Tobacco; Fruits. Ac. Alt of which are for sale at wholesale and retail prices Persona from the country wishing to pur chase, will please call aud see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as 1 intend to sell as low us any hease la the city. MICHAEL TANTI. I8A1. 2<*-ly fgp-The Arkadelphi j Sentinel will copy one year, Mu forward account to tho subscriber. M I’. 11 JImIi and Shorn. CASES Boots assorted; Ktp Brogans; do*. Cent’s fine Calf Shoes; “ “ Gaiters; Ladies Shoes assorted; Misses amt childrens Shoes assorted; Case Boys Kip Brogans; “ " Boots, Ac., Ac., Ac. Received per Phillip Pennywit, ami for sale liy JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 36. 29-tf. 4 4 3 II 5 1 I Liquor* and Flour. JUST received by steamer Hamburg; n Bbls Whiskey. 30 Half Bbls. do. • Bbls. Borbon Whiskey. 36 Bbls. Flour. IS Bbls. Potatoes. For sale cheap, by M. TANTI. Bar Mores. I CASK old Brandy ; 3 3cks. Maderta Wine; l 3 bbls. old Ru’b Whiskey; 1 I « “ Rye “ 1 1 •• '• Muscat Wine: 1 Received and u>r sale by eks. American do. ; bbl. Cherry Bounce ; ** Rum ; “ old Port Wine; •* Malaga. Jnn 6, 1851 JNO. D. ADAMS. Strambtitl Jsmdmg. BY 8te*n*et Emily I have just received and now offer for sale: 60 Barrels Super Fine Flour; 3 “ Rye Whiskey; 18 Boxes Assorted Tobacco; 10 ** Lemon 8ytup; 8 *• Candy; 1 Barrel English Filberts; 10 •* Ale. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Lending. April 7,1361—SI—tf Liquor* and Wine*. 6 CASKS Brandy, 4th proof; 3 •• Madvria Wins; 1 •• Port Wine; 36 Baskets Champagne Wine; on consignment •ad for tale low. T. D. MERRICK A CO. ■ IT. i860. 16 3 BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco; 3 " oom. Pound Lump “ Rscetved this day and Cor sale by JNO. O. ADAMS, Jans «. 1661—40. SIOIi 1CHANT3. ami. r. «i SIDDALL, GREENE & CO., COTTOJT FACTOR W, oewMao«aon aw *©*iwrAii®a»« MKRCHANT3, MO. M CAMP ITMET, NEW ORLEANS. 4.M. HUM. T.K.AOAMa MMWllMWJat. HOW ESI ttKEEV WOOD, & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING •UMOHAWTi- . Vo. 66 Magazine Street, opposite Iftt Mouth of Bank Alley, NEW ORLEANS, LA. M. Particular attention paid to the aala ot COT TON. TOBACCO, AND OTHER PRODUCE V collection and remittance of Funds-and thi ptutbdH ajtfft ibipnit^ of Mwchiidiw ^eMrilv N. Smith. w- m* Graiu* Smith St Graham, WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •ud Dealer* in poieifa nad Domestic Liquors* ClxcisKVri. Ohio. —ALSO:— Agenta for Manufacturers for the sale of Tobacco, Window Glass, Iron and Nail*. N. B. All orders entrusted to us will receivt our strictest attention. hi—tf THOMAS L. WHITE, BOOK SELLER & STATIONER, NO. #3 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL,^MISCELLANEOUS, ANL ■WCHOoL BOOKS. WSHTiMIS PAPER, FI*- Cap. Utter end Note Wrepp\e$ pnptr a, teriovt qualitif QUILLS, STEEL HENS, INK, Anil a |,aml ,norlmr»t of Hlauk Hooka. j Country Merchant* and Teacher* are requested t< call and examine the Stock. fch.1.1 23 Ir JAMS* MATTHEW*. »« POWKLL. jAm^ mattiikw** to., WHOLESALE I GROCERS m COJISISSIO* WERrntSTS, MaMnfnctnrer’s Agent* ro* the sale or ! NAILS, WINDOW GI.M-P. COTTON YARN! &e., No. 53 WALNUT STREET, j Month of rotambin, Cincinnati, Ohio. Repee to—T D. Merrick If CV, Hm.B. H *i( : Wok*r MitektU, U Bnxfon, P litndtr 4 C*.,«n« Jaenh Havkiif. Little Rock. Fob 5. 1850—7—92—I y WALTON, SANFORO & CQ. GENERAL (i ROC HRS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. SO, New berre, N Orleans: HAVE constantly on hunil a goners! and well •elected assortment of stnnle anil Fancy i Groceries, Fine Liquort and II ioer, Piotitiont E/e. Etc In addition to the articles usually found in n . Grocer's Stock, they keep a supply of Nails. Glass Drugs, and Dyss, Letter and Gap Paper, Playluy ■ Caras, See. fitc. Their aim will he to sell good and irosh articles and always at FAIR MARKET PRICES. Theii facilitlea for buying with their eipe.rieure iu the Arkansas trade, and their knowledge of the want' of that aection, they think will enable them at al time* to fill, satisfactorily, such orders ae they may be farored with. I Jan. 1. 1851. 1-y. ! JOSEPH H PALMS*. JAM FS H MASHKV j JOIF.PII II. PAI Sc CO., IIPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS V FORF.toy add ©OMiSTIIO D71Y ©O>0E)3. 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 10, lftfiO.. 8-1—1v W. Mi ICHELL, A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, axo Denier* In liooil* I try , Orocirlt*, &r. NAPOLEON, AKK’S. March SO, 1851. 30—tf. Robert Arhstrokc. Gko. C. Laurasoh Ar.nold Harju*. | ARMSTRONG, LAWRASOX A CO CominiMNion Merchant*, llki Magazine street, N E IV OH L E A A .S'. March 36, 1861. 23—ly I.itlle Hock Foundry. SHEET Copper ami Zinc ; assorted Wire : Pa tent Brads, assorted, a superior urncle, foi i Joiners and Cabinet maker’* use. For sale l>y H08WELL REBEE. ! Cank p<ivf famt lmatin gt, kratt, tapper ami tmrr | July 8, 1851—44. DK. CI.AKKVTM Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry nud Tar, , Which is considered by Physicians and others tin Orkat Kf.uedt for coughs, I'o.ds, consumption i liver compliant, bronchitis, -asthma, soreness if the chest, spitting of blood, pain or misery ir the side, dillieult or profuse expectoration, nigh sweats. Ac. | This being the prescription of a texularphysi ! cian, graduate of the Medical I niversity, Pliila ' delpluu, and having been thoroughly tested, ii ; properly esteemed one of the most valuable am I eificieni reinediea for these and similar complaint! I ever offered to the public. I Price. si per boitle, »i bottles $1. ! To be had of K. L. DODGE A THOMAS HIT [ TKRWORTH. Little Rock, June 3d, 1851. ly. I'rmh Flour, 4*c. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti eles. to wit; 50 bbls. SI. Louis Flour; | 100 ** Cincinnati “ 20 kegs No. 1. Lard 3 | SO bbls. aud half bbls. Whiskey : 1060 tl»s. Tobacco ; 760 “ Mar Lead: For sale by A. J. HMTT, June 4th, 1851—SO. Main street. r|"UlE subscriber, agent for II. liabermau. wil ; JL continue the former's Idisim**-: at his old stain on Main, near Markham Hrevt, aud keep con j slantly on hand a lull and welt a-ss-acled stock o Groceries, Dry Goods, Roots, 8hues, Hardware Castings, Ac., Ac., all of which wilt fie sold low for cash. The highest market prices will be pan | for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, bees I wax, Ae. JOHN KRAI SK. Little Hock, March 38, 1851. » 30—tf. joii \ i>. a »\ n s, iroimssifl* is» forwirimm iercmst. BRICK CORM'.U, LOtVKK HTF.AMBuAT LAMU SO LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, i I7- EEP3 constantly ou band a large and genera! lY assortment of Dry Good,, ( lot blue. Hard’ | ware, Rsecuiu arr, Mala and Cap», Hoot* : a id Shoe-., saddlery, stationary. Groceries, Produce, Ac., Ac.; all of which wUl bo sold i sory cheap for CASH. v T ! Oet. I. I860.—8—|—if IRON—5000 lbs. as’d flat, aq’r and round Iron ; 1000 “ beat charcoal hone-ahoe ; | SOAP—10 buses No. 1 brown ; PAPER—10 reams Envelope t PORK—20 bbls. heavy Mesa : BACON—1800 lbs. clear sides ; BAGGING—25 pieces heavy Kentucky ; . " 40 half •• " ».,l TXt ROPE—*0 eorls; t-' v-i < " T1WNE-10 bales { t ’ ’ AT-tKii'."^** u&* NEW DRUG STORE real DKt'CW AND MEDtt’IRR*. tTHK suUeriber has just received and is now opening an entire New Stock of lnapec'ed DRUGS AND MEDICINES, which •» warranted fresh and genuine, vis: i QUININE, IODINE, BEBEERINE, IOD. POTASS. PI PER INK, F.LATKRIUM, SALH KNE, VERATKINE, MOHPftlNB, “STRYCHNINE, 'CIT. FERRI ET MAONES. CALOMEL. Eng.: TURKEY RHUBARB. ginuiac; COD LIVER OIL, pure; BLUE PILL, Ac. Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, Embracing Jaynes' Family Metfccim*. Maffatt's do. Lee’* Pilla; Sjieo'-er's do ; Wright’s do.; Daiis' ' Pain Killer; Stephens’ Astringent Syrup; W is tars Balaam Wild Cherry, Ac. Ac. jtaufa', Toinuwrfi’, and Bull’# Sartnparilla. VKNMirr«iw:~ H. A. Fahnestock, Dead Shot, and American Ver mifuge. Bine Lick WiUcr—OonirreM Spring W’nter. Point*, Oils, Dyc-tluf, Windtrte Gian, Sft. t$c. Country Physicians are requested to examine the quality of my Drugs, Ac., before purchasing else where. X, Prescriptions acw**tw.v compounded. TrfOS. R UTTER WORTH, Apt., Nrv l>mg Sturr, rm~n. r rf Main and Markham StrrrU. Littlk Rock, June 23. 1851. Mttle Itock High School. UNDER THE CARE OF MRS. AND THE MISSES WOODS. BUSINESS will lie resumed (DV) 1st Septem ber. when a piinetual attendance of the Pu pils is respect fully requested. The Heard of Visitors to the alxive I.vanrvTmsi, 1 well satis tied from long personal observation, that i its accomplished proprietors are highly competent j to tear)), in the most approved and successful man ’ tier, all the branches of a thorough and finished Education, therefore, take great pleasure in re i commending it to n continuance of that large and | increasing patronage which it has enjoyed since its commencement. Hoard of Yinlurt. Rt. Rev. G. W. Far.rJSAv, L. Gibson, M D, Hon Dakiri. rtt-.oo, (’apt A Ptkr, “ W», H. Finn, K W Trapnam, Esq., I “ Ws H Siiton, K H Ew.i.ish, “ " Tuos W Nrwton', MajJtMr.s Lawson, L E “ Gko C Watkins, “ Gen 8 H IIrmputkao, August 26, 1851. John H Crrask, " 51 NOTICE. THE undersigned are now olosinp Itieir busi ness, and lake this method of informing all who have c laims against the firm to present th m 1 for settlement. Those who are indebted to us by Notes, or accounts ore requested to come foiward . anil nettle without further notice; if they wish to save extra expense, they will do well to call and i pay up immediately. GOODRICH & GRAY. Little Rock, August I'dth, 1S51—50—tf— For Dyspepsia. Prepared from (he fourth Mumncty oCi!jj£j)z7 THK true Digenti'fc'I’lukl nr Gastric Juice, prepared from tieiuictt or the i«toin aclj of the Ox, after direc tion* given by Huron JLei bif, the great physiological chemW, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. II NorthKighth •tfert, h*Meipha, the on ly immediate and peima . unit relief for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaiukl'ce. Liver Cow ; plaint. Consumption and debility, eunng aftet Nature** own : method, by Nature5* pwn ajf* lit, the Gastric Juice. ft«» a certain preventative of cholera, a# U keep* tile *totua< h and bow» |* in a perfectly health) condition. Half * teaspoon Mil of thi* fluid, infured in water, will di feet or diwnlve five pound* of Mast beef in about two hours out of th** *tour\cb. Sctuirriric KvtDrvt e.—Baron Leibig, in hi* celebrated ; work on artuintl chemistry, *ay*: “An artificial digestive Huid i nnala|on« to the G*»tric juice, may be readily prepared from * the mucous membrane of the stomach of cal!, in which j vjutiou* article* of food, such a* meat and egg**, wifi be so.t % ened, rhaiif »-d and digested just in the same mauner a* they would be iii the human stomach.’* ! Dr Pereira, iu hi* famous treaties “On food and Otet,” published by Fowlet A Wells, New York, pige.‘C», state*the ! same great fact, and describes Pie method of preparation. , There are few higher attthontfe* ihaw Dr. Pereira. ) Dr. Combe, in lit* valuable wniiitg on the “Physiobigy of Digestion,” observe* that “a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juiee. i* a prominent ami all prevailing came . at lh-*p p«n;*’ and he state* that “a distimsimhed prufei<Mr 1 | of medicine in London, who wa* iwveri) alHicted with the complaint, finding every thing «d»e to fail, had recourse ti> the Gastric Juiee, obtained from the Mtotnach* of liking animal*, i winch proved comph-U) »ttccrM»fui.'’ Hr Graham, author of the famous work on “ VofttaUc Diet," says: “ft i* a remarkable fact in |diy*tohifry. tnaiihe stomach of aihumIs. macerated in « an r,import- to the rtmj , the property of div-i»lvi.>g various artie|>« of fond, ami of ef feeling h kind of arudvia) digestion oi them in no wise dif erent from the natural digestive proco.*. i * Dr. Simon*-great work, “The Chemistry of Man," [Lea k Blanchard, Philadelphia, IrHft.J pp .f>l *J. sat*: “The dis covery of Pepsin form* a new era in tin* chemical history ol } Digestion, kroin recent experiment*, we know that I«hm1 is dissolved a* rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepan d from pepsin, as it i* in tfie natural ftmtric Juice itself, j’ l*r«»f»**s»4.»r Dt»nfU»eoii, of Uie Jtffcrwoi* ( !.’ g •, P hi lade l ‘ phi*. in lijs great work on “IJtrinnn physiology ,** devote* j more than fifty page* to at* examination of Thi** subject. He ‘ r«jv rimeuts with Dr. Heaimion!. on the Gastric Juice, ob tained irom the living limuan stomach, and from at.ijumJh, ar« well known. *fI« all he “digestion occurred * a* fwriW-tty in the artificial its in the oaiartl uipstion. For further proof of (lie remarkald- me tit- nt* tin- dieeove rv, call at 7*1 MAUAZ1NK STKI’.KT, and get a descriptive -hect oax rt*. A. UFMiALL CO., G* n ral agent for S«»utliern Hta!**?. For -ale, wholesale or r* tail, in l.iule lb* k, i.t thy Now Ding Store, by THUS. BCTTKRWoHTIl, Agenl for the Suuv of Arkansas. July 1,1W1, 43-ljr < ltri«i t Itiircli School for Hoy* Rev. A. F. Fsek w ix, Rector. Miuu Qctit, M. A. t’linr.jial. Institution will opt a oh or about the 1st A September. Boys w lit be prepn red lor college . or for the business pursuits of life. As the num ber of pupils is limited, applications should tie made immediately to the Rector. Aug. id, 1861. Mi ru thi' InkaownHrlr* of Sainurl V. Alison, - Drrmrtl. 1)Y order of vV Johnson Probate Court, the un |) dersigned Administrator of said estate is order ed to advertise that there is in his hands $176 18. less expenses of this advertisement, lielonging to the unknown heirs of said estate. Said Mason was medium sire, dark complexion, lame in one ley, about .16 years old, was sheriff of this ronnty and was killed at Spadra IRuff, by Jno. O. Jewett, in August, 1835. v WILLIAM ADAMS, AJmimiotralor. Clarksville, Ark., July 31, 1851. -I8-6w. threat He volution in Bn*ine*M. VATITH the view of accommodating mv custo T v mors, and others who may lie pleased lo • favor me with their business. I have made arrange ments to procure, with treat dispatch, at either Cimcinimti, .Mr.jtniia, or New flairwui, on the cheapest tertua, such Brass and Cast Iron work as may be ordered by those who nrefer their orders filled at either of the above pi ,ees, as well as all inch orders as I cannot furnish from iny estab lislirm ut, free of any commission, or charges of any kind, except first cost, drayage, freight, and insurance. Tins plan, it is believed, will greatly facilitate every one desirous ol erecting C'aitm Urn*, Ttrtthin/i Vurhtnrt, Saw Mills, Com Mil*, h'lnttr Mills, and Cotton Mills, or any otkv tiro rrit I'm of 5fucAm<-ry, or Enfi%r work, in procut ! Dig with certainty whatever they may Want from : abroad. and at the same time afford them a-c m 1 vement opportunity of judging by comparison be tween my work and prices, and others. It is indixprnsthfe that all orders should be ac companied by a draught and specification suffi ciently evpln it in detaff, to serve as a guide to ihe mechanic who may be called upon to execute the work, as well as that suitable provision should be made for the payment. All communications addressed to me, will lie thankfully received, and meet with prompt atten tion. BOSWELL BEEBE. July 21,' 1851. ml LtttU Rock FmmJry. Leather! Leather?! T HAVE now on h»ud a handsome lot of Leather, 1 consisting of Sole Leather, L'pper Leather, and Buckskins tanned. For sale by A. J. HUT, July 8, 1851. Mam Si. Ladle*' Shoe*. SPLENDID assortment, just received steamer St. Fraucia, and fur sale by A. J. HITT. - 45 per Aug. 5, 1881. rrtfmtr Ilex. €. Barr j't Trirophtrasu. O* MEDICATED COW«VIM>. nwr. cOvtwr or u>» reb-hra*ed «kwm» r«r mu*** 1 tew, beMtUiytupandtoiparttitdacfnmand «***» ID Dh> Hair, t> mum m widely known and acknowledged, uni ■I bn* ffnlned by rta merit a reputation width •• not *<» »<fxj, bat (be all lime. 11 » dm yroeicce of wtehcc to nhdue and roniml theme phymeal «*tl« wbteil rodtrrd tcnliaatlno h«* bmocbl la Uatraia ; Be ao tot* ae macro mom* rod uet.l hat* with the combined wary of other mllurnew. eurt, nill ttumeaixbi of nnhappy viriiaw be trraiMed noli bald bead* ami mry twtra, 10 my mitten* of tba rnrbwa evtawcopa «% mac* be a lack the bead la rulycrtcd. HawMidjivaftoa evil* dial Pndbiwnr Barry introduced bla lutaloabfe remedy, and amo»f 0i« tbonutMl and mu? aabo bare bora fit* maa prtitor*. be now atandr alone on that pedeetnl of anreeaa, berrr. out nl tnir'a Trtrophct'm*. and regained by ft* (b m and 'Itenerenl patrooaav ml a rtMccrmnf and in«lb*enl pa Idle. Fra Rokotinf llie bair to ib. «n:pcal ffumth, nr pr* vrotlaf it from MBa| not, tbir eratponod be* been pnaaoio rrd by all mode-almon to be a rare remedy. FreemdeWint arnrl, dandruff, and rurlna dice*** of the akin, ftnud.. muarhw, vinye and hruieen, tli* Tricopuermi* will alnrnra be found a »'e, rpccdy. and Hnlhilina cure ; and ao tony aa “ Fair ire***-. man > Imperial l s-e en-earr. And beamy draw* u* a umffo hair,’' will Harry’a rncophcrou* le emeniial to ile loilet of arery lady and yentl»m*ii who deaire to |lre a and. ybieey and hit ormnt appearance to the aat»tat ilnperj of r’ aooi'" throne, -old la tore bottle*, prim IK rent*. *1 the principal nlbi *•, No. IX Broadway, H. V.; and mid by Mr- principal met chant., and dntefti*!* Ihroapboat the I i, .led i*iaira and Caaa ok, Mexico, Went Indie*, f.real Britain, France, fro*. 4, Mil. »—ly WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUG STORE. BV i. \V, TiPfE. Lrrri.r Rock, Main Stbf.kt «£i.»w Ma**iiaji. J I'HT recoiled per S. B. • I Clemui a fresh supply of pure ami selected Dru|s, Also fresh Congrr** Ho ler, Seltzer Aperient, Per fumeriee, Ac. Constantly on hand alii popular Patent Medicine*. ChetMeal*, Oil*, Paint*, W’mrf»v» Glue*. Garden Seed*, Wine* if JJipior* for Medical use, Ac., all of 4 -- which will lie sold for cash, as low as they can be bought m New Orleans. Country Physicians and dealer:- will fuel it I’hcir interest after having examined elsewhere to give me also, a call. JX Prescriptions carefully put up. Little Rock. ./«hi 1, 1861. 43— Book Agents Wanted. Men are w anted to canvass for Popular Pictorial, Si n dor I and Jl<hg.uii* YVbr’fa, it'iich are null only ly tuljecnplion. ^I"MIE popularity of the authors, ami 'he stiperi JL or manner in which these books are got op, I Vt . ' a.. __a! IS ... .1 ... . . 1 Y ■ •. a* vrn a ii ittolr A til uiaiim.i iu .- -• - | » both in Printing and Binding, will warranta quick and ready sale throughout the United States Ex clusive light of county is given in nil oasrs, and no Agent is allowed to trespass on the territory of another. These books are sold very low, and yet pay the Agent a .good profit; ami as they are not put into bookstore! or auction rooms, the Agent will not find the people supplied with them. Persons engaging in this business will find it both pleasant-f and profitable, as the works are of a high character, and the Agent will feel proud in recommendiug Them. JT Those wishing fra Circular giving a full description of the works, prices, manner of dispo sal, Ac., will please address HORACE WENTWORTH, Publisher, 8fi Washington street, Boston. Oct. 14, 1861. 2m. oLivuit & co., WINE 4* SPIil IT ME Reims, [ OK.NEtR OF >1 A 1 X AVI* M4RKII A M ST. t Old Poet OJhre Comer. Jl'ST Received a fine assortment of choice articles for liar Stores, and Family use, con sting of Fine Old Port Wine; Madeira Wine; Brown Shcrrv Wine; Pale Sherry Wine; Catauba Wine Longworth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. J uire; Hran ly, Cognac; Brandy Cherries; London pin; Mo longaheia Whisky: Scotch Aie; Brown Stout; Anisette; Natural Syrup; Muscat de Frontignan; dariscliano: Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor •estershire Sauce; Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Al> liuthe; Preserves Ac.. Ac. Little Rock, .April 22. 33-tf. ftatn I Minin'. I fUST received, n fine lot of Hats, and among I which are the followm, viz: „ 2 eases fine fash. Silk Hats; 2 5 ** 2 “ 1 2 doz. 3 •* 1 •* 1 “ 13 “ nd for sale by May 11, 1851 Moleskin Hats; CasiHK re “ Russia *' “ Brush “ “ Pearl Union “ “ Panama “ '< Leghorn “ boys’ fine Leghorn “ infants’ Straw “ Palm Leaf A. J. HUTT, Main etrert. 38— lailllc Hock Foundry. t AW AND GRIST MILL GEARING—and all 5) other decriprions of Iron work, suitable for ,ich purposes, furnished to order, nt the above oa ibishment at the cheapest rates—warranted to be kvI and well adapted to the necessities of the poo le of this State. R03H ELL BEEBE. Julv 2, 1881. 15 Fiminc Iloiler. [KTANTED—A good second hand Boiler, suita V\ lib; r«r a small engine of about 8 irichcvln , r. One with a stand, fire-front and grate-bars, ,-iU be preferred. Apply to ROSWELL BEBF.E, Julv 8. Little Ruet Foundry. \kiv cIaOTHIX.: J l ‘ST received, direct from New < Yrleaus, a large and well selected assortment i f new and fash ionable1 Clothing: Particular attention is called to a fine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash only ’■ E. MARCUS. Little Rock, May 20, 1861. Maimtnet. lron» 1%’nil* and C'a*tiii|f*. (2f\C\ LBS. assoited Iron; Uv/U 50 Keg. Nails; 1000 Casting*, tor sale low. t v T. D. MEURtCK A CO. Decemb 17, 1850. 15 DR. STEPHEN S ASTRINGENT SVKl P — This has now become a celebrated remedy for Dysentery and Bower Complaints, Cholera Mor bus, Iharrhcra or Summer Complaint#, pain or cramping in tic stomach or bowels, adapted to per sons of all ages, but undoubtedly the- most supe rior preparation for children ever produced Price, i25 cts for small *>o!tlcs, and 50 cts for large omisc. - v To N- liadr4| L. DODGE and THOMAS BUT TER WORTH! Li •’-» Rock -ne, 3d, 1851. ly. I’lii’.yll DRUGS & MEDIUMS. JtWT KE« HIVED t.\D FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL. t IXHE subscriber is constantly rerei JL ving, from New York, a guuuin assortment of Drags, Medicine*,Chtmi tal*. Ptrfmtry, Paint*, OH*, Gft _'Stuff*, S;c., ire. Also- Pa'ent Medl ine*: aiming which are. Dr. Taylor'* Balaam ot Liverwort; luyne*' Expectorant, Indian Panacea; Dailey’* Pain Extractor; Hay*’ and Hewe*'Liu; incut: Linn’s (Strengthening Plaster: Komstock’* Vermifuge; MotTait’s Phreuix Bitters and Vegeta hie Life rill*; Bartholomew '» Expectorant; Hphu »*« Medicine*; tlidridge’* Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Wel»h’* Medtcatnentum. All of which Will be sold low forcash R. L. DODGE .Markham *t. Little Ao4r. 1818. 17—If El'ARVER k CO’S. UPROAEB COTTOA GJAS. ONE of CO Saw* in store and for sale. All orders for Gins of the usual sixes given to the Undersigned will be forwarded, and receive prompt attention. WM. B. WAIT. Agent for the Manufacturers. Little Rock, May 27,1851. 38— r A 1IOCTAW LAND SCRIP Certificates for 80, 160 and 320 acres, received ami for ante by WM. B. WAIT. ug. 4th. 48 — WHISKEY—50 Bbla, on consignment. For tale by WM. B. WAIT. July 8th, 1851. 43 '10 PRINTERS. 4 one*' Improved Hand Prem. ffffriE htfrittM of thcOM»Tvnr Potsnav take X great pleasure i« inf’-'OuiBjr Prinf«* renerally, that (bey beer (be exclusive right for the inenufnt 1mre and sale of this invaluable Hand Pres*, «ud arc now prepared to fill order* for medium **>d don Me mod ni'n sure*. This press is wore compact and more easily bandied than the old atyle. By an increase of at least fifty per cent, of work iaoh intned, with a great reduction of labor. The pe culiar advatages of this l’r.-sa over the old consist*: 1. In the aariaf of time in pulling on and tak ing off the sheet. 2. In the saving of time in running tl.c bed un der and out ft mi the platin. .1, hi the flying the trisket as it is self acting. ■4. In the application of the leverage, by which | means a very heavy impression is obtained by a Ismail expenditure of physical force. 8. In the saving of time and labor of stepping backwards arid forwards by the pressman, as it is unnecessary for Inin to move out of his tracks wluJc at work. 6. From the manner in which the points are at tached, it being impossible for the blankets to full up aa the form runs under tii* plattn. which m the ordinary press renders the points liable to move. It is deemed unnecessary to s..y more in refer ence to this Press, as we are willing that il should stand or fall on its own merits ; and we respect fully invite Printers am!otfetn wishing to purelyMM; Preales or Printing materials to call and examine onr stock, when we would lx: happy to show them one of tha Presses now up at our Foundry. tit ILFORD 4 JONES, 1 ,Yo. 17 Cn!urrh',i Slrrtl, Uttdftn Sy «m<>re and llriaitirty Cmrimurti. Prices of Jones’ Hand Presses. Double Medium, with Holler apparatus, 6240 Imperial, “ “ " 220 Super Koval, " " “ 200 Medina, ** “ “ 190 Cap, without Holler apparatus, 75 50—4 w. El \I«K\FSS A MOM. The Greet Whole.'!* Clothing IIou«e. CHARLES HARKNE.'** SON, So. 1 j:) M rr'.et Street, toe South - Host rortv r of Fourth Street, Philadelphia. 1rT',lIE proprietors of Urs Oi.n F.-rr.viiJunxi> Fcsii £ kivasi.k CutTNiMi Sroiir, nre now iminnfac turing the lanagb best assorted, and most Fash ionably not upsiDC-W "f Superior Clothing for the Kell nftrt Winter trade, that has evi cbet n ottered to the notice of Wholesale buyers, i Hark ness & Son respectfully invite the atten tion of Merchants and Dealers, confident that their stock of Clothing wili be found expnssly adapted | to the requirements of the Southern and Western i markets, white their prices will convince intend ! mg purchasers that their Establishment officers e* i inordinary indiicements. TAKE NOTICE!—Darkness ,V Son’s Clothing i Store is a large Five Story IJrickBuildiug, situated ; on the South-East corner 'of Fourth and Market ! Sts., Philadelphia. N. I). Look out for the largest Oitt Block Let ler Signs in the L ulled Sta.i i and read— 41—3111. HAHKNESS * SON. American and Foreign Agency. OrrY or WasiiistiTos. TT^DER the direction of AARON HAIGHT U PALMER »f N.-v Wk, and WORTH ! INGTOS SSETHES of New Orleans, Attor j neys and Counsellors of the Supreme Court of the : United States. This establishment is formed for the following . objects: v i , 1. For practicing law in the Supreme Court of the United States, and conducting professional business before Congress. 2. For the prosecution and recovery of all claims, in la’.v nr equity, against the United Slates before Congress >r the Executive Departments, ofagainsl foreign Governments before Boards of Commis sioners - 3. For tbe settlement of accounts with the State, Treasury, War, Navy, Post Office, and In terior Departments, and obtaining the remission of fines, penalties, and forfeitures, for alleged viola | tions of the revenue, post office, or other laws. 4. For securing letters patent for inventions from I the United States or from foreign Governments, and ! procuring land warrants and |>ensirtns under th various pension laws of the United States. 5. For collections generally, embracing debts, 1 legacies, and inheritances, in the United States and foreign countres. 6. For the purchase ami sale of lands iu any of ! lbc States or Territories of the Union, and loaning inoueys on mortgage of real estate lying therein. 1. For investment of funds in UnitedStatesand State stocks amt loans, collection of the dividends thereon, and, generalty, for the transaction of all business pertaining to a law, h»an, and banking ■ agency. All communicate ns addressed, post paid, to Messrs. Palmer <V Smthen, American ami Foreign i Agency, city of Washington, will receive prompt and faithful attention. PALMER* SNKTHKN. Office No. 5 Carroll Place, Capitol Hill. July 15—45—1 y. niR.\: (orv! BUSHE1.8Shelled Corn received and for i -w v7 V/ sale on commission by oct 7 JNO. D. ADAMS, Lower Landing. A. A. CARY, ». D. «. If'ROM Huntsvile Ala., has located A’ himself permanently m Little 1 He has been engaged in the practice of Dentistry for ten years, and feels confident in the , ability to give entire satisfaction to such of this community as may need his services. Persons residing ala distance will be notified of his absence from tow •, veto never it occurs through the papers of this place. Office on the went side of Louisiana street, two doors south ot the residence of -J udge l.nglwh. Little Rock, May 27, 1551. 38-tf. Fresh Arrival!*. Jl’ST received, per steamer “ Hamburg,” ftrt barrels sumrffue KLOl H; Co •• trackers.* 2»1 do*. Lemon Syrup ; S boies Candy ; 10 barrels Brandy j 40 do. Whiskey. For sale cheap, by M. TANTl. Str'imxMit handing' June 3, lMl—39. Kadiilrrjr. Jl’ST received from New Orleans a large and wtel assorted stock of Saddlery, consisting in part of the following, \ iz: 10 gents' fine Columbian Saddles; 19 ” Spanish “ g Indies’ “ Hoc skiij .^’1 •• *•«!•*. Bridles, assuft-il qualities: 3 •• Martingales a skirled qualities; 3 “ Bridle ti linns “ “ 3 *• W listed Girls “ “ 3 •* Ciriinglts, uss d qualities; 3 *’ Com. Horse Co-.ars; 3 “ Hog skin Horse Collars; 2 ** Wagon Whip.'; 2 ■* Hide 1 “ Plain and Pocketed Saddle Bags; 2 “ fine Polished r-'mffle Bits; 2 ** “ Stirrup Irons; 3 •* very fin Buggy Whips; And for sale by A J. 11HT, Mum ttrrrt. May 14, 1851. *• 38— BIU’ISIITBS \TTL\TI9V! \OWU BLACKSMITH is wanted at Cham betav'tlle, Calhoun county, Arkansas. A good Smith ami a s’eadv man will find it a good atand. | Sept. 30. 4-1 It m g a k util corree. Jl’ST reelived from New Orleans 2720 lbs best N. O. Sugar. lf.60 ihs. Rio Coffee. And for sale bv A. J. IH’TT, Sept. 8th. 1841, ’ Ma n St. L.R Tobacco J Tobacco!! RF.CD per. Stearin r Trtutev, 1531 lbs. cheap Tobaccov And for sale by, June lo-l>5l-4l. A. J. HL'TT Nasar ami I'oflVc. KA B»ti beat Kio CuffVu, 1 Httds. Prims brawn Sugar, ia star* and fur «.!• by T D MKkKICK 4k CO. No*, i* 1850.—b—9—tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W . K. IN C. L 1 K II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mum: cotwnr, ana. TIHLL prwtfice m the coo sties of Saime, li >t f f Nr?1"*. l’»ll»s. I»n*w, Ashley, 0««rMi». Montgomery. ami in *11 tin- Court* at Little Knck 1 Nor. It, 1JV.J. mt Wfl. J. H II,LO( «HBV, lllorary aid Co n n *r 11 or at lav. HOT SPRINGS, ARKS., ^MTlLLjiv- jjm'tnai attention to nil busirv * » entrusted to his care, in miv court of tu«i or the sunouitiiing counties. July t'. JA—17. j. li. joiixso.v ATTORNEY AT LAW, *-* l.ITTLK RUCK, ARK. Oet I.1*50. r_ •. I. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAVVRENCEVILLt:. ARK'!5 WILL ptsctice in the counti.* of P! ilipa, St. Francis and Monroe, m th» tint Judicial Cir j tuit; lie rnmitie. ot Desha and ArkaMan, in the second Judicial Ciiruit, th, county of ptairie, i in th* fifth Judicial Circuit, a rot wilt pay strict at 1 tentinn to the colfeeticn ol debt* in any pail n| tt e State, and wiltniao act as agent rorlhe«alr ol land. I and paying ?a»e*, Ac. i Residence in Lawreneecille, Monroe Co,, Aiks. Sept 17. I3W — S—‘2—ly JOHN T. TKI«(i, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BENTON, ARKANSAS, j May 31, ls.'n. a7_ m:\Kv n. RiXTOik, IITTIRUEI k COnSKLUni AT LAW. (Otflco at Hi nton, tsnlinc Coanly.) WILE PRACTICE in the Counties of Saline Hot Springe, Perry, Montgomery, and the | rourtaat Little Rock. Any bunnesa entrusted to | hiacate will recejYe prompt attention. JAMES T. HHOVVN, ATTORNEY AT LA If, .,,r -- ’ Arkansas Po«t, Ark., * Will prarlirf hlf profw«k»» in (be Second Judicial Circuit, ami will attend to the collection cf iieht«i and the investigation of IhuiI claims in every part ; of Arkansas. b. t. nn t i,, ATTORNEY 1V» rorVSE! LIIR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR. IN CHANCERY, Fort Daitk. Arkansas. II. H. JOIIXSON, Attorney at I,aw, Littlr Rock, Aaa. JOB A B. iiokim;v Attorney at Law. RniHr* in Lrwisvillr, Infiyrtle Coanty. Art AND will practice in the court.of the 6th Judi cial district. All bitsinerr confided tr hi* man. agement.willrreceiveprompf and faithful, tteiilion. JAMES A WILSON ATT0R.\EA AYR COl’MSElLfR AT LAW TELLVILLE, A RK A NAAS. DAVID \V. CARROLL, Little Rork, ma30ty] ARKAKSAt. [no2f JOH\ t|VILLIIV, ATTORNEY k COL VSE L LOR AT LAW. AIIO SOLICITOR IS CIIASCER), Orric«—Eldorado. Union county. Arkansas 8. II. HLB I'ntk.I l>, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STREK I LILTLK ROCK ARK',. t tl J. 81. TEBBLTTtt, ATTORNEY k CUl\SEL LUR AT LAW, Fayetteville, SRO. C. WATKIR*. A,. M. CORK ... WATKIA8 & ( l ltRAA, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS 1,1.11* \. ( OYAY AY, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, E GENERAL LI YII AGK.YT, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, V17II.L ATTEND to thecollnctiou of debt, in VY any part of the State, to buying and land,, paving; taxes, redeeming laud. forfeited foi taxes, itc He ie authorized to eel! lands enauyl for three or four thousand yo->d plantations, amt at * cheap rates, for cash. To i u,ure attention .comma nicationr tnuelbrpoal paid. Little Rock, Jan 1«, IS50. If»-1y LABAN M. Si ROll) i Attorney and Counsellor nt Law, I \\T ILL practice in the Courts ol Newton, S at J It cy, Marion. end Carroll count).-., I Residence near Crooked Creek, Carroll co., Ark. April 22—S3— ly. S. G. S M IT H, I ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Faiar».To(k, Dallas to., Ark.. tk-tf. .10*111 A M. qoutUK, ATTOUET AM) 101 NSELLflll AT LAW, tOCKPO*T, HOTSPfUNQ co., ARK. April 29, 1H*0 34-tf. KitKliKli'n K('|H>r(o. THK mth Voi. of English# Reports uf the ile ckkmu of the Supreme Court, neatly bounc in law-calf, on hand and for sale- at the book bin dery. H. JACOBI. Oct. 14, 1751. tf (■ruerrit'w! I l’ST rcc. • •: i,-"tii .Ww Othul ! a hlhitiin arliclc-s. 12 1 5 J • 60 1 1 1 1 4 10 10 12 1 Aud for ««: bOXea Raisin*; “ Ground Ginger; “ >1 accarc %i; “ Vermicelli; “ Table Salt: “ Tomato Ketchup: " Cbwolale; basket Sweet Oil; bon Lemon Syrup; imperial Tea; Soap; Sack* Coffee; C. 8. Hart: Rifle Lock* with fly; le Cheap by A. J HI IT. Little Rock. June 9, 1861. Mum tirrtl. dor. llule Wanted. WIT ANTED—V first rate Mule, to match one i ¥ t have— not to exceed <1200. Apply to ROSWELL BEKHK. July 8. 1641—44. U tUklVG, ROCK AND t W I \ K. JLST ree’e fnun^.jusnllis, 2684 yds. No. 1 K> Baoiiug. * 6328 iba. Bailing Rope; IfAV IU. Twine; for tale by A. J. HLTT. Sept. 8th, l 41, Mam Si. L. R. Hour) to l,oan? VLL person* indebtedto the unde nig tied wti pi ase color forward and » p»)W»l ii cash, cotton, peKfy, or beef hide*, trana as prac ticable, m I am in debt sad must pay tip. Sepl 23, 1849. A. J. HI TT WEW «OOD<i r RECriVRI), nijrlc, ! v s<i**n>.f, t. (v „ ■JdiiKHi unrinU*.. oink.* lb. .,1.L '® r.*cy .ml :u<tr w«*„ i... Vi i M; ik» itK*!c n.P:i(f I ualcv | , .,Tf. amt Jfc*}*rct fatty itivnr »}] , r, *' tcy «Mi n»t«, to call *n<] t ;N yju , ‘R A. J. HI IT. .wwi, LiUlt Rork, JVcylS, I'Aj. JSl_J Lil 1 l>K ROCK HIGH SSCHOol, BflMri.Bi amt Diu Srbeol J .r tmt Uk'rv ‘ 1 *'>**•'J will he ^ the bih ;D V ). «;„■« , ,„r. il«r>rf 01 the topiS i.wivMti ivytinM •n .♦ Invt.s .ion. »*. ,ke r., Mt». .nd Widif, «tib A***,;.,,i Tf)fbf„, every.veiny l-t I frp..- i.-gihe.rfv.i ,„Krt,!, v S * .!» ..» .hepfcMWth'. qciiifu»tK-r' lot Nm» r*fWW ?>i*i < !»<-•., n«»f practiced r.'fc perlcct ,•lidwt,r,,, t|„v fc,# ^ rrl»rl<» tl.r ge.-d. men «tir>»e n».r,.*«„ Tl* Fupii. «t l!» Building Scled, t*„e ,rn. ”■«'»><*« »Uh Tc»<*,„% ,eruf, ro rm««ir to ton,, refi,,. “"V1 hub,'. cl order ,„a ^.,,1. ,.;. manual U4 ihf* fenotti^tfi ©i r* *ci# i |Vrf,,,«ih, .mpmUiciMd. thtcogh knowledge cHI>«»<ewf'h language. »r.w imfopcttMcM »p^,!r • »<* I’mtcifiti*».,b i„ M the language cl the erUhitohlreiit Tj, v a Ihr Pupil,. who fb"***' °*’!r,u ,h' »;•*»»», wiiu-vt »»■ t Ti.r,W'M» "Chcrily •fl.ltl!cR*ck >. he.,.|,|„| plc»,*M, *ml at «U lime., b, «. afttl Ji The *>■*•'’« <>«*»i»n, por.ord >im«al .,«'Hcct ,r,., 0.1,0(101*1*1.,, , W developing Ihr Bo,at,*, latelleeU.i fangli1,,, i r ,r*1,1 “<■"'* 4 Iheumgh and »>«fn «ltr co„i.f H, n, •h» cl**cnlw) to I be l;i*|!,,| bm rhr.. M.'Vll ly recoriU cl whol.fsl.ip Mtrf .let’crlB.ei,1 jtlll ,B ,f. le.i to P.iecU, ubilst eveiy judtMuu. ,i ,ii.u.,.,1t • tuily i> «li ril' t. I ho .cl: I I- crr..'i.,T|y „r,.e, Ihc Bent i Vi.iliii*, n hn, Iiom I into to I,,,.* (intiic Ihc milM... ....... *,U| I,r.„t then ,i.. . Term. H».rrt „,r , , r. , , ri»«- m-uil*.. *>»> *cbr Ur«, 4:h « I .t :u *• ^». . *! 14 «« * M J l ti un »f •* isZ Fverch. hip»»i»h«t:<i(;*rm*B,»»ch, ]r. ,, St.iK.npj I. Choir, !„ ;n M'.vic- l’ia»o,(jnii«r., arid Otgsn, *»ch. i.n, !!*rr' Dimwh j uni I'nintm*. lh , Ar.oir.o . ■ .win I >it.-r-lalftimiiu, J*p«« M nrli. ii ;•» mu «| Kbctiy m4 Ivoiy . Ma:i lour^ ^Vo^t., and W»x (tovrert. .tch, N° fh*it<- I I Oiiibroidriy »i,u orn«a.ri.ttl n^ei Ip w o» k. Board. w».hi»'g, light., fuel, ot hcdrfj,,.> bu [.or w on;h, ’ |0 oj, Punier'* quailrrlji, in tdrtncej no ilerfuclinn lor al *ri C' So?* . I » roiniti.-nee |M Sepl. .i d |«t Fob Jv P'!* received s' ai.y pen'..), .i d chmg. d Ir. a, :iii . ' nl cnti.nre lo ft «e o( the tot. inn. Ronrd «< VWterr, Ri Bev. Ilith l .nMiir, Hon. K. W. Turiuu Hon. Judge Hmijo, Hon.Ji dge ticm, 10 r-e t'«|d. A Pinr, Hon T. vv Nrwton, I. . t'.IMON. M. l». J. H. t nr*««. K.q , L. K B v«**». F.sq . Little K»ck, Avt- ft, lH.'dh t?ro. <' W atk tan. L I I F8i-.ii.ii.Knj. M»j J l.pwton, G.n. 8. H. Hramnii, Hon W. H. hcTTf.8 5l-n. - #JM?l\toilh SULK SEIlVUn, Mr in p.teaai Conuly, Ark«. r|'Hl! accoml eeaei.n o| ihiii Ineiiiutton, opened JL thia morning. February Dili, IK>0 Rev. C. I’ Tcukstik*, Superintendent and Pro f»e»or of Moral and Intellectual Philo., j.liv, Brlli--1 ettera, and Spauiah Literature. Rev li.U Thwxxtt, A . M . Proleeanr of Grec-.y, Roman, I- much and Italian Literature. JaMVn t u< < ara, A. M . Profeeeor ill Matbetnatice Mudeuta received in lh« Primary Department i»4 inetructed TKHMHt Primary Department par version of 21 wee !< ( payable quarterly tv advance, £lt hb Preparatory Department, lb-on -l f’nliegiete Conrfce, -Jo nit Vocal and In.lntmenta! Monio, Kb-mentn of ; M iiairal Compu.itlnn, (Extra) 5 flit Initiation Irr, I (hi No deduction for ahaeiice gnlru in ce**« of pc - trarti-u ill ties. All atudeuta charged from the time of their entry to the etui of the newiou N B.—The none of ail ininialere who aro en gaged in the regulnr work of the mlulatry, or of : tlioao who are auprranoated or have died in the minhrtry: will be edncnled free of charge. BnantNt; can be obtained in tite beat families, at frmn fd to per month. Particular atteotiou will be paid both to the moral and intellectual training of all atudeul* committed to our charge. 8. T SANDERS, Seeielaty. BOA R D OK I Rl'STbKS. Hon. D. T. WITTER. Phtirknt, ll»u. H P Poindexter Rev. Wm. Moorea, Rev. L. P Lively. Rev. B. P. Box, I N. Jouea, M. O , Mr J. H San delur, Mr 1'. iVill'amsoB. Hon J 0. Trimble Rev J, Cuater, M. I> . Kea J. J. Roberta. C !! Mililiel, M. U , Mr W. W. Andrew., Mr. b 1 Samirra, Mr. H. W. Smith. 7—22—tf DK LEIUrS SI&IUPtRILU BLOIJB PILLv Alitfiid of nil Olhentl Til# Kavr of «11 nil Hmmmfmriuwli BKCAU^K fb«»y ar*» »••(**, ami im*'* **<r. rartoua than ri.v ofh#r*; bmi br*r«u«»* fh«* j^sb *tfl ta*e no itotii**! ni • if thrv r*n obtain thi in AUU.U4MH) HO AK.Ji iuiiP kt-n «*4ii bmauaIi} U>t the l**’ ’ vmI nV. AViM'l.f), MAI F A¥I>KrM4! »■•..«« »m >• lak« rh* Hi with • «}•*«» and It PILLS tW iw piiffuiy #»««! ili«» MuHuit'b nml Mo*** J**, nul i«nl\o g tl*» Hit.* d itftl * » of fit#* h«N»v iak«r no for no otlirr n|Jl** jwfruu* • tfn'M com*.trt«»«1 of riafttimi ih rf-*-nt Idil. HrinkRMtl l.ltr mm Lfcnisl' thti * usual itoa mlulpi fakirt Utrrn. *4 takn .• f’oWa, tiumti: till liiitt'• of w*«ti»-r. * ONE. THOUSAND DOLLARS nr* v»;ur«'ft d »imi m- r* * grtMflur • *-rui3< »lsw'‘ i I* i-i&n*, « Ifrjf* ih* Riht h .fc« cngfi ai»«t f*»(« "'f'r Ut il# . * MU !••• pfottO"* tl l»f * t• t'AF • -ftw' Ht * lltHII Of *>l* K««UTV flLLH AkK l\ .% . uud m.IiI m* V* •••■mi • but, llrtfiwii* aim tuu' ir»ieott-»niHrt! mIvic« art-film - it\Jit^ Parh »M.I Thn» bftw %m ta*u> *»i ***hH», ■- nt (|«»1 <tf |Miw«kr »>i .my ImuJ, fM* HpIiK **, w»*IU»U»»f f'f hid fcglffif#, THKV Al«r at I. tim^. \ml 4*topl*4i !*» BMMf lo M.riJlRrM4 N*> une bav >ujf #tf*e txkmi Uh ih w 4l l»* h ^w.m1 •• *• * !'* f*kf ,T|i> Oliipfs, In t'R'IAP IbP) Will *»a«] ll (l»f ’ \ lift HO*. Uwil *r«* Will I f S. B. «»W| Wll*«ufl**:lh»« r isROf’' l»r ilfogt 'i. rb* mHH wild jdtj<4 l.r« v« at* « a|w*t** ,!: rh ind^: rruutM* *» UM l‘»i»vr»il> <»« B* s f**» t'dM u.t« f«;b^r oi «hft**7('i»'. il<« a<« m •»' * lfh*R. '• -a V fat Ik , BiMtnfi. rt^iuo.t*. t. he . nm4 <wr»etwd>»i 4it* tucmlwrr <>l u. L* ****h. «M P a nw — kta, v tf:f ff a.-*ii .if do fr» »fpf p*Pi «d ■■■ > ■ K*tlfp, itlhi thru ItfiM fVr«m.t.n h»i» «l >U SI » pf»4( u*» **l 14 o •( ajjtr UfeWl- pbvairiAlt* lltfiMl^itiUl tf»* • l fir it l’r»M ijnd ilrpMf, Or. J ♦***!) *» Ih»|*i»mh« . Vo IN V-»rtf» Ht., I'tufThi* Ip'Oft iihd Wiv4r«ftir I W »rU>i ‘ ♦ W T«f<|M'. * iPlt R*h bj II. Me *41 M-n, V»:i Bu;* Mil x Mr-mf, mini VVn^H h< Nm «trU-***, nioi -ill giKl- uiitl At«.r»« tb« HUks. f*ct9k’:r0 SOLDIKKS’ LtMl WARKAN18. f«r *'• m aer«a each, for aaie by March Id WM. B. WAT 1HAVE juft r • civ«d a |*ply ot vlw t*o- * amine which ate the following: 4 &<z. Ertef ii Spell:of BtwKa; 'i “ Dbv,'/ AnthUM-t JC; I *< l».k-'* ■J “ Sr.uiI'V* " 1 “ Jvn Ken '>sr»;l « « Goodrich'a Header* No. Jv 9 an>i 8 « Copy Bonk ; § « L> !’t r Knv. h pcs, I do?. -Mwfoun Hannonaits; r. I - 1 1 “ S'" tlw rn “ $*£«_J*aj..r. l\a», Ink. 4' . *■ * cheap for c»*h, by A HITT. tm»» - M»y U, 1WI. lTLOl K 7(j Bi.:» F [► rfine. Hi peril nc. May 10, 1S&1. “O'PaihMi Mill*." K«tu > ■I “U4mr V.-I.VK- -a - Rite red end *<«* • ’ r \\ H B. WAIT I’l.Ol’K rye RR1.S. "O'Patton Mill*," CT‘.f* • / O 75 bit*. low*. 60 LARD—Su ieg* No. 1; BArd5—Rt.«> lt-s n».*w vdc*; 8lOAR—t V!» powdered; i Received per May Queen, and for u.e w ; »ept l " W AI1 -