The Lewiston Teller. c. A. FORESMAN. Edltor»ud Prop'r Om y oar „83.00 8 M year, in advance.................... 2.«» z months...................................1 'J? me months............................ .. - 70 Adnrtaing rate* made known on ap hlicetio-. Locals continued and ■barged for until ordered out. Mo Advertisement* discontinuai ■util paid ior. OFFICIAL CITY AND COCNTY PAPER. Entered at the Lewiston Postoflice as Second Class Mail Matter. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3,1891. The people of the United States will he Interested in learning whether the resolution in Brazil has been engin eered In British interests or whether the new regime will maintain the pul ley of trade extension «iwith this country. _ Prom well Informed quarter informa tion has Men recently received that •Rher the eroporor of Germany or the ptmMent of the Swiss^repubiic will be aaknd by the British government to rupremnt Great Britain In the arbitra tion committee to be appointed to settle the Behring sea question. Mo matter liow many railroads are built, the question of an open river will always be one of importance to the people of the Inland empire. The whole aeetlon of the interior is drained by (Ms great artery of commerce, and an open water-way will prove the cheap est means of transportation for all the products of the rich and fertile soil. Warden Mack has made open declar ation that hence forward ho will run the penitentary in suit himself. It now appears that he lias discharged Gnard Roberts, son of Idaho's attorney general. This is construed by some us open war upon the authorities. It may happen that Warden Muck wilt be open for bids in managing flstie en counters outside the prison walls if not outside the state. A Kansas professor comes forward with a new theory of rain making. He thinks tbe explosive idea succeeds lie cause of tbe dost kicked up by tbe bom bardment and not by the concussion of tbe dements. Therefore be proposes to supply min by firing carbon sulphur and silica dust Into the air. The pro fessor should by ail means come to Idaho to experiment. All he would need to do would be to seatter sulphur and carbon along our highways in sum mer; a pack train or a stage cuach would do the rest Tbe ample provision for educational privileges in tbe northwest made by tbe public laud endowments, will tend to boom the cause of^ education, espec ially In new tbe states. All five of tlie new states have already founded univer sities, agricultural colleges and miuiug schools. The school lauds are selected fTona the best in tlie state and sell read ily when offered. The fund derived from this ample source will bring tlie new states to tbe front rapidly in the development of learning, aud make an. other attraction for eastern emigration. Tbe Chilean government has come down from Its high and* lofty perch, and now seeks some means to make reparation for the outrageous assault by tbe mob upon tbe sailors of the Balti more. It has been agreed that a court of inquiry shall be instituted aud all evldeuce be reviewed In a frill investi gation of tbe matter. There is but lit tle doubt that English Influence had a great deal to do m determining the at titude assumed by Chill, but the firm and determined stand made ny the United States and the prompt dispatch of tbe American war vessels to the Pa cifie squadron bad a salutary effect on the Chileans and lead the compromise on tbe proponed plan. Next week congress meets and tbe meh of public bosiuess will be on again at tbe capital of the nation. There are questions of interest which will absorb the attention of the people from the first. Tbe democrats will hare full sway iu tbe organization of the House and tbe people are anxious to know just bow it will effect the législation of the coining winter. Who will be elected speaker? This is another querry which just now Interests and excites the pub lie. The speaker's immense power in the organization of the House and in Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTE!* PURE the appoiniting of the various commit tees makes him a personage of some considerable importance. The contest has now narrowed down to Cr sp and Mills, both of whom claim the superior place. The people of Idaho are espec ially interested In the outcome of the Claggett-Dulmis contest. The people everywhere in the statt? are familiar with the facts and know the arguments pro and eon each respective candidate, but the final descision is with the Hen ate ami the time for the verdict is near at hand. Minnesota and the Dakotas are hav ing a tussle now with a grain blockade. Tbe railroads aresaid to lie doing every thing within their power tu supply cars and engines, but their capabilities are wofully inadéquate ht the require ments. There is danger that cold weather may put a stop to threshing and bring 1< as and ruin upon thousands of farmers unable to market their crops. Commissioner Carter of the general land office has issued u form of permit to be granted to persons applying to cut timber from public lauds. Among the stipulations is one forbidding cuts ting more than So per cent of the tim ber of each class growing on any acre, Monthly statements, under oath, are, required, giving descriptions of the j tract from which the timber is cut, the ] nmount cut and how disposed of. No tree shall be cut and removed less than a specified number of inches in diam eter, except for needed roadways through the tlmbei. The persons cut ting timber are required to cut, remove and burn or otherwise dispose of the tops and brush of trees, etc., to prevent forest fires, and he is held liable for any damage from any fire attributed to his neglect. , This week another dictator and usurper steps down and out. President Fonseca, who last week sought to dis miss the civil power in Brazil and es tablish military rule and lord it like another Napoleon, tlds week resigns by request. Warned by the fate of Balma eeda, lie deems discretion the lietter part of valor and resigns to prevent bloodshed. Tlie South American states ure sailing on a rough sea Just at pres ent, but it will lie noticed in all the revolutions there is no movement back wards. The republic still survives the uprising and comes up a better govern nfent than the one overthrown. It is protest of the people against despotic politicians and perverted governments, and in every instance the cause of the people lias triumphed und tlie abuses have been at leastmodified if not en tirely obviated. Idaho lias a good reputation in finan cial circles it seems. Recently when her state bonds were ottered for sale on the markets, bids were lively and the bonds were sold at a good premium. The state Itonds were taken by Denver parties. The design was to sell 822,000 of the bonds and reserve 824,000 In which the school funds of the state could lie Invested. Home dispute arose in the liuard as to the constitu tionality of investing school funds in state bonds, as the legislature had by all a at on made no provision for carrying out the provision of the constitution on this 1 ., » ...... subject. It was agreed that the sue subject. It was agreed cessful bidders could have as much us was intended to Lie bought by the school funds. Tlie desired bonds draw 6 per cent Interest. The 822,000 was taken at a premium of 81,W0 by Ital iens A Hons, Denver. tbe are the full of in in Now that the session of Congress is so uear at baud, it is well to agitate with vigor that some concerted action be taken by the citizens in regard to opening the Nez Perce ludiuii reserva tion. Tbe survey and allotment are practically so nearly completed that that obstacle does not stand In the way. The people of all this Clearwater country are interested in the opening of the reservation. Home of tbe best lands In the state are locked up here by tlie government. It might be well said that the Nez Peree reservation is the key to the development of all the Clearwater busin. It blocks railroad, by causing eudless delays In seeking to comply with all tlie regulations neces sary. It retards immigration and eon sequently the development of wealth and enterprise. Lastly, but by no means lerst, it locks up the fairest and most terttle of our broad acres from the bands of i ndustry. Thousands of acres of as tine laud as lies in any state is locked up in the Nez Perce reservation, fuiiow and unproductive. It could yearly produce millions of bushel* of wheat, and feed thousands of head of cattle for the markets. Ail of which produce would add to the wealth and development of this section and of this city. Senator McConnell while In Par* Havana Filler, Sumatra Wrapper. Trade-Mark Hrctttertd. Men Cigar Stamped In Wrapper L. W.S. I. W. STOCKER ACO. Wholesale Dealer» Spokane Falla, Wnah. For Sale by Dent A Butler. Congress introduced a bill to open the reservath n north of Clearwater, but this is not enough. The whole reser vation should lie thrown open. The growth of the country demands all the broad aeres possible, opened to attract immigration. With the reser vation opened, tietter communications and tietter facilities would open to all points now isolated because of this vast expanse of vacant lands. It Is time for vigorous concerted action, and the citizens from all sections should at once take some steps in the matter. The national mining congress which hail a session recently at Denver de clared almost unanimously in favor of j n their resolutions j UI%re< t t |, e political parties to make the ] H( | ver ( | Ues tion a domnatit issue in the next camjiaigii. The resolutions de clare further that certificates of tbe government, backed dollar for dollar by gold or silver coin on deposit in the treasury of the United States, is a sa'e and sound currency and has been ap proved by the people; that tlie first national mining congress is unalterably in favor of the principles 'of bimetal lism; that gold and silver, not one to the exclusion of the other, are money metals of the constitution; that gold and silver should have by law equal rights to lie used in all monetary pur poses and to that end it is demanded of the congress of the United States the enactment of laws by which silver shall be coined free in all mintsequally with gold and to have with it full .nd unre strained monetary power, and that they lie In the ratio of 1« to 1, and when the coinage is represented by treasury notes each dollar shall represent 412} grains of standard silver or 25.8 grains of gold. The republicans have started tbe presidential campaign by locating tbe republican national convention, which was done by the national committee last week. A dozen prominent cities, represent!ve of tbe east, south and west contended for tlie prize, which fell by lucky fortune to Minneapolis. Cincin nati was the second choice of the con vention, with New York, Han Fran cisco, Omaha and Chicago scarcely in tlie race. The choice of Minneapolis is just rcognltion of the merits of the west. The admission of the new states and their consequent rapid growth and development is making them a consid erable factor in national politics, a fac tor, indeed, of such importance as to demand recognition from the party leaders. Hince the silver question is assuming such formidable proportions the west becomes more than ever vital force in the next campaign. This ''ViT recognition of the claims of the west _____... will strengthen the party in the north west. It will stimulate the leaders in the states which have shown them selves shaky and uncertain, and great-j ly enhance the party's chances for the coming year. The east and tlie west ought, by all means to pull amicably together next year, for the campaign issues are balanced equally between them. Each has an ax to grind—tbe west, free coinuge, the east high tariff— and tbe west is to be congratulated that thus early in the contest its claim has been recognized. It Is a good omen. Senator McConnell goes to record with tlie following review of the silver question: "I doubt whether anything will be accomplished on the silver question during the coining session. My observalion last session led me to believe that the only true friends of silver are to be found west of the Mis sissippi river. It is true southern dem ocrats spoke and voted for remonetiz ation, hut It was too apparent that they were working for political advan tage rather than the general welfare of the country. They would not allow a vote to lie taken on tbe bill which pro vided for the free coinage of American sliver, but forced upon tbe senate In stead a bill which threw our mlntt open for the coinage of all silver which might be sent to us from any pari ol the globe. It was evidently their ob ject to send a bill to the president for his signature which he would feel in duty bound to veto, thereby placing the responsibility on tbe republican party. We cannot expect the capital ists in the east, through their represen tatives, to vote an Increase in our cur rency, owing to their being such a limited amount per capita of money in circulation. A tew wealthy capitalists in New York and Riston can at any time lock up a sufficient amount of money to produce such a stringency as will compel tbe "shorts" to realize at any sacrifice, something which they do as regularly as the farmer gathers his harvest. The immense capital controlled by a few iqdlviduals makes this possible at their option. The peo ple, however, will leant this in a few years, and will look to it that the sen ators and members of the house are such men as will represent not the few, but tin- many." _ time lock up a sufficient amount of as at ey J. B- Morris, M. D. Office in Hale A Cooper's building. E. O'Neill, Attorney - at - law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. All Business carefully attended to. Will practice in all court« of Washing ton and Idaho. Office oil Main street, Lewiston, opposite Bunnell's Store. W. A. HALL, Attorney - at - Law, Orangeville, Idaho. Special attentions given to Collections. JASPER HAND. M - JW'jjP* Notary Public. Band &Howe, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the courts of Idaho Idaho Territory and the State of Wash ington. Will give prompt attention to nil business entrusted to our eure. Of fice on E street, Lewiston, Idaho. Real Estate and Loan Agents. James W. Reid, Attorney at Law, Lewiston, Idaho. Practices in the Htate and Federal courts of Idaho and Washington. Will attend the resrular terms of Court at Moscow, Mt. Idaho, Asotin, Coltax and the District and Supreme Courts at Lewiston. Collections receive prompt und diligent attention. Of fice, room No. 6, Vollmer Block, up staiis. T MADGWICK, LEWISTON, IDAHO. 8. H. ROGERS, LKWIBTON, IDAHO. Farm and town property bought and i. Office ~ sold on commission ce on Main Ht Why Send Your Work East? -WHEN— Ed. Smith, Artist, Lewiston, Idaho, Is prepared to execute all kinds of Artistic Work in the best possible style. Your photos enlarged life size and paint ed in oils, water colors or pastel. Tbe finest work in the northwest guaran teed aud lowest prices. Give me a trial, LESSONS GIVEN. JOHN KEENAN, Stone - Cutter Contractor Builder Lewlston, ... Cemetery Work a Specialty. Idaho Estimates furnished on short notice satisfaction guaranteed. Moscoiv - (Business - College, ____ Merchandise, Raiiroadiug, Etc. Bliort * J "--------— - --- MOSCOW, - A high-grade Commercial, Short hand «nul University Preparatory School. 11 lustra teil circulars and spec meus of Penmanship free. Address, as above. Spokane - (Business - College, Cascade Block, Riverside Avenue. Departments in session day and night throughout tbe yeur. Commercial—Covering Bookkeeping, Banking, BusinessPractiee, Insurance, Commission, Wholesale and Retail Mercnanaise, naiiroauiug, cite. Short hand aud Typewriting—The best field for young ladles, a speed of 125 words r minute guaranteed in three months. English Branch—Classes sustained in all grades. Telegraphy in all its branches. Penmanship—under one of tbe most expert penmen on the Coast. Our graduates are In demand; over 200 placed In responsible positions in tbe last two years. For circulars and terms iddr»- .Ixo. R. f'ASSiN, Pres. it. S. DENT. DEffS Ö BÜ5I£F{, 1 PEA1.ERS IN. Pore Drugs and Medicines. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day A Night Druggist's Sundries, Toilet Articles, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Headquarters for Books, Gold Pens, Novelties and Motions- Also Proprietors of Lewiston Soda Water Works. Orders from the Country Promptly Attended to As an Irrigating Pump, the o leads them all. For mines or contractors m it has no equal. Call on or address L. A. Ports* Gen'I Agent Pacific Coast, Lewiston, uSSt. CHEAPEST WATER ELEVATGR KNOWN O LERRWHTER Saw and- Plaining Mills Hituutid S miles east of I r >N, IDAHO. of Beef, Mntton, Pork, Veal, Bacon, Hama and Sausages. The b*st from the Block and by the Quarter, served In good style. Prices Low. LGWISTOR ♦ BAKERY. 8. WILDENTHALLER, Proprietor. Montgomery Streets Lewiston, Idaho ......o...... Bread, Pies and Cakes, also Groceries, Confectioneries, Liquors esà Gouts Furnishing Goods, Family Groceries, Eet.