The Lewiston Teller. DAILY AND WEEKLY "" C. A. Forf.sman, Publisher. TELEPHONE 26 Entered at the Lewiston Postoffice as second class mail matter. One year in advance.......................$2.50 Si* months.................................... 1.50 Three months................................75 Official Paper of Nez Perce County National Republican Ticket: FOR PRESIDENT WILLIAM McKINLEY, of Ohio FOR VICE-PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York The I,ewiston valley fair is at tracting a general interest. The stockmen are fully aroused to the importance of the enterprise. The farmers and fruit growers are pre paring to exhibit their products and take a holiday during fair week. There is a general desire manifest among all classes to learn more of the wonders of this great new district .of manifold natural industries. There is said to be nearly 200, 000 acres of wheat, barley, oats and flax on the reservation and Camas Prairie now ready for bar vest. It is a conservative estimate to place the yield at 4.000.000 bushels. It will tax the labor forces and the machinery to the utmost to harvest this crop. The marketing will afford work for all available forces for half a year and the railroad will be blocked for six months, before it can he shipped. This grain belt is pronounced the hest in the United States. The present crop is the largest and most prolific in the history of the country. It is believed to be the biggest small grain crop ever grown on any equal area in the world. This assertion may be considered an extravagant one. It has been coroborated by hundreds of witnesses. Many visitors have gone into this district who were skeptical after heating this claim; hut they have all, so far as repot ed. returned fully convinced that the claim is well made. The fact is it would be a practical impossi bility to produce more grain on an equal area. The claim is therefore established beyond a doubt that thisjs the most productive small grain belt in the world The great need of the business interests along the Snake river at this time is a powerful little steam er suited to the navigation of swift shallow water. The unusually low water of this year is endangering many interests. The wheat will surely be blocked in another month and there is now danger that the fruit cannot be moved by .pr.sent facilities. The country is fast out growing the possibilities of trans imitation in all quarters, and es pecially is this frue of the districts which depend wholly upon the steamboats. One or two small boats of modern pattern and fitted with powerful machinery would not only find profitable business on Snake river, but a great volume of business would be developed by attention to this demand. "We must teach that the citi zenship of Idaho is as high as any in'the land and recognize no sov erignty save that of the state." This quotation from the Tribune of yesterday would indicate a re pudiation of Steunenberg's Coeur d'Alene policy in advance of the Pocatello convention. Therp is no time so safe to hedge as an early date. This radical state rights doctrine would not justify the military interference in the Coeur d'Alenes. It was feared that the Tribune could not be reconciled to a straight state rights policy ever again, but it seems to have gotten into the traces, even without the use of the party lash. The republicans have abundance of charity for political outcasts but as a party they have constitutional iemedies for political disorders. The Steunenberg orphans are too exacting. They do not want a new party home without the per mit system. The republicans promise a complete reformation for the Coeur d'Alenes, but the or phans contend for this one impot ent remedy only. Since the days of the Idaho state convention Judge Standrod has stood for all that was pure in politics, wise iu statecraft and no ble in all public and private ca pacities of life. He wlil bring more dignity to the executive chair oi the state than any other man in Idaho could bringt Notice. Lewiston, Idaho, July 6, 1900. Notice is hereby given of a call issued by the president of the Sweetwater Irri gation & Power Co. Limited, for a meet ing of the stockholders of said company for the annual election of officers and transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. To be held at the office of John P. Vollmer, at Lewis ton, Idaho, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 26th day of July, 1900, A. D. Signed: A. \V. Kroutingkr, Sec'y. County Treasurer's Quarterly Report. Lewiston, Idaho, July 8, 1900. To the honorable board of county com missioners: I herewith submit the quarterly report of the county treasurer of Nez Perce county, Idaho, for the quarter ending July 7th 1900. Balance cash on hand April 13, 1900 $17, 194,89. Received bom various sources as follows: Taxes of 1886.........$ 6 79 " " 1893......... 4604 " *' 1894......... 42 39 " '' 1895......... 61 80 " " 1896......... «33 I* " " 1897......... 2 «9 73 " » 1898......... 348 18 **' " i»99........ 3625 5« Licenses............... 2423 67 P. E. Stookev, Co. auditor................ 1248 18 Sale of books......... 352 62 R. A. Langford, probate judge..... 255 75 Fines and costs...... 103 >5 C. A.Hastings treas urer fees........... 3« 92 Institute fees......... 8 00 J. N. Harrington, refund............... 3 00 Warrants redeemed as follows: Current expense fund.................. 3876 82 District school....... 4366 71 Six months interest on $85,000.00 re demption fund.... 2550 00 Bridge................... mi 79 City of Lewiston..... 950 00 Countv road........... 835 40 District '• ......... 306 84 State of Idaho....... 557 96 General road...... 184 61 890985 26 104 74 Institute. 90 00 14 830 13 11 274 61 Balance cash on hand................. Respectfully submitted, C. A. Hasttnos, Treasurer of Nez Perce. Lewiston, Idaho July 7, 1900. Balance carried in various funds: District school....... 5980 97 Redemption fund.... 3153 09 District road......... 1739 92 State of Idalic....... 42659 General road......... 313 59 Current expense..... 60 04 Warrant redemp tion................... 14699 j Institute... 50 75 Bond tax sinking fund overdrawn.. 354 60 Bridge overdrawn 225 12 Road " " 17 61 • 1187294 597 33 597 35 11274 61 Respectfully submitted. C. A. Hastings, Treas. Lewiston, Idaho, July 9, 1900. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of James S. Brown, deceased Notice is hereby given, that tellers of administration on the estate of James S. Brown, deceased were granted Iu the undersigned on the 9th day ot July, I9U>. by the , robate court ot Nez Perce county. All persons having claims against said esiale are required lo exhibit them to me for allowance, at Westlake posioftice, within four months after the date ot the first publication ot this notice, or they shall be forever hatred, This 13th dav of July, 191» 10b CHARLES flOKLNSO.N, Ciwinistrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In ihv District Court of the United Stales tot the District of Idaho. Northern Division In re Harrv C Baughman, a voluntary bankrupt. In bankruptcy No.-— îhe first meeting of creditors of said bankrupt is hereby called for the eleventh day of July, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m. at my office in Lewiston. Nei Perce county, state of Idaho. Such meeting will be held for the allowance of claims, appointment of trusiee and examination of the bankrupt. » a Oyted^at Lewiston. Idaho, this 3*>th day of June J. M. Adams, Referee in Bankruptcy. . 98-Wi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lewis tun. Idaho. June S. 19(10. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver U.S. Land Office at Lewiston. Idaho, on July 21. 1900, via: Clif ford Riggs of Waha. Idaho, for ihe lot 1, ïfarn' - n, r S w. B M qr sec He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Harry Dowd. James Madden, Alex. Rob erts, Richard H. Sleen, all of Waha. Idaho. 79 * J . B. W BST, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Jesse A. Fryer, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of Administra tion on Ihe estate of Jesse ^ Prver deceased, were Î [ranted to (he undersigned on the 2d. day of July, H00, by the Probate Court ot Nea Perce County. All peisons having claims against said estate are required lo exhibit them to me for allowance, at my home near Cbesley, Idaho, within ten months after the date of Ihe first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred This 6th. day of July, 1900. Bkuce Collingwood, 102-6w Administrator. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given: Thai on the 30th jf July, 1900. at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., ai the church building of the First Presbyterian church of Lewis ton. Idaho, there will be a congregational meeting, then and there, of the members of the said congrega tion for the purpose of voting to direct the trustees r* tftw First Presbyterian church ot Lewiston. Idaho, to mortgage the real estate belonging to said cor poration, upon which Ihe church building of said church is now situated. In Ihe city of Lewiston. Idaho, for the purpose of raising money with which to erect a new church building. Tt Is important that all members attend, as wRhout a full vote no further action can be taken. ( L, C. Neal. Trustees. ■< C. C. Bunnell. ( J. L. CHAPMAn. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Lewiston, Idaho, May 10, 1900. A sufficient contest effidavit having been filed in this office by George Ford, contestant, against William liodgen, entry No. 5135. made May 19th, 1897, for Lots 30. 31 and 32 . Sec. 2, Tp. 35 N R4 wbm by William Hodgen, Contestée, in which it is alleged that said William Hodgen has wholly abandoned said land and has never built a house on it nor made any Improvements whatever on said land and never es tablished a residence thereon and has never been on said land for more than six months Iasi past, said parlies are hereby notified to appear, respond and of fer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m. on July 30th, 1900 before the Register and Re ceiver at the United States Land Office in Lewiston. Idaho. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed June 19th, 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can he made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. <'2 Charles H. Gassy. Receiver NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of ihe acl of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands In Ihe Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Terrilory," as extended to all Ihe Public Land Stales by Act of August 4. 1892. James Madden, of Lewiston, county of Nez Perce, State of Idaho, has this day filed in this office his sworn staiement No. —. for the purchase of the SE %. NE of section No. 30, in township No. 35 N, range No 5 w, B. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than (ur agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim io said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Lewiston. Idaho, on Saturday, the 18th day of August. 1900. v He names as witnesses Mike Mitchell, of Lewis ton, Idaho, George Horseman and William Stevens, of Waha, Idaho, and Patrick Madden, of Lewiston, Idaho. Any and alf persons claiming adverseiv Ihe above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or befure said 18th day of August, 1900. 74-10t J. B. WEST, Register. BANKRUPT'S PETITION FOR DIS CHARGE. In the dislricl court of the United States for the District ot Idaho, Northren division, in the matter of Charles W. Booth, bankrupt. In bankruptcy. To the Honorable James H. Beatty. Judge of the district court of ihe United Stales for the District of Idaho: Charles W. Booth of Nezperce City, in Ihe County of Nez Perce, State of Idaho, in said district, respecifully represents that on the 12th day of May 1900. he was duly adjuJged bankrupt under the acts of congress relating lo bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his properly and righls of proderty. and has fully cumplied with ail Ihe requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, lie prays that lie may be decreed by the court lo have a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankrupt acts, except such as are excepted by law from such dis charge. Dated this 2Slh day of June, A. D. I9u0. CHARLES W, BOOTH, Bankrupt. By Lane ft McDonald, his attorneys. ORDER OF NOTICE ON BANKRUPT'S PE TITION FOR DISCHARGE. District of Idaho, Northern Division, *s ()n this 5th day of July. 1900. on reading Ihe fore going petition, it is;—Ordered by J. M. Adams, re feree in bankruptcy for said dislricl, that a hearing be had upon Ihe same on the 3lst day of July. 19(10, before said referee at his office in city of Lewiston. Idaho, in said district, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon; and that notice thereof be puoiished In the Lewiston Teller, a newspaper printed In said dis trict, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at said time and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. And It is further ordered by Ihe referee that there shall be sent bv mall to all known creditors copies ot said petition and this order addressed <0 them ai their places of residence as staled. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set in y hand this 6th day of July. A. D I90o. J. M. ADAMS. Hererree. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land office ai Lewis __ g n settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final mi ton, Idaho, June 5. 191». Notice is hereby given that the following named proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at Lewiston, Idaho, on July 16, Ilk», viz: Eliza H MacKenzie tor the lots 30, 31, 32, sec. i2, lots I, 2. 3, 16. sec. 13 tp 35, n. r 4 w, lot II). sec 18. tp 35, n r 3, W. B M He names Ihe following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cvltivaffon of said land, viz: John Van Allen. Belle Van Allen. Hannah Mac Kenzie. Naomi MacKenzie. all of Lanwai, Idaho. 76-w6t J. B. WEST. Register. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF NEZ PERCE COUNTY, IDAHO. Notice is hereby given, thdt the assess ment rolls of said county for Ihe ytar 1900 are now in my office for public' in spection. The commissioners of said county will meet as a !>oard of equalization, at the court house in the city of Lewiston, on Monday July 9, 1900at 10 a. in., and con tinue in session as such, from time to time, until the business of equalization is disposed of. F. E. Stookev, Clerk of the board of county commis sioners of Nez Perce county, Idaho. Dated July 2, 1900. " 100-5. KSTRAŸ NOTICE Taken up by Ihe undersigned, Pzro miles north of NezperCe. one bay gelding about ten years old, with bald face and while on right fore foot. Branded "A' on left shoulder and saddle marks. Weight about 900 pounds. Height about 14 hands. Signed: W. D. HARDWICK. May 19, 1900. Btn Silverman q_. IMPORTING TAILOR Imported and Domestic'Stiitings in bolt Best of Workmanship Guaranteed .. Vonr HotKefi Every suit of clothes xour v-iomcs m€ Pressed Free ! 3*" a * 1 and pressed i rcsseu 1 Tee . Free , . f charge during the lift of the suit This is a yearly saving or from $i0 to $12. All other repair work £t v'|V lowest prices.. No stingy samples to se'ect from. The en tire bolt is on hand for inspection and ab solute lit assured. ^ aaaaaaaaaaaa GEO.H.LAKt, If' eweler and Optician Next Door to Post Ooffice eæææeeeee eeeeeeeeee^l Br. J. F. ATKINSON. DENTIST. First class work at reasonable prices. D R C. W. SHAFF. Surgeon. Office Rooms, Vollmer Building. Hours—Eye, Ear and Throat, 111 to 12 m. All other cases, I to 3 p. m. E O. BROWN, M. D. V. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office Main St., opposite Teller of fice. Special attention given to the Eye, Ear, Nome and Throat, and chronic diseases. L. F. INMAN, M. D., Homoeopathic Physician Surgeon and Specialist. Chronic and nervous diseases of both women and men. Electricity used in all of Its forma as medicine. Office two doors east of the Bee Hive. Con -ultatiou free. JAMES E. BABB, Attorney at Law. Lewiston National Bank Building, Lewiston Idaho. Practices iu State and Federal Courts ot Washington and Idaho, and owns complete Abstract Books of Nez Perce Co McFarland & McFarland, Attorneys • at - Law, Lewiston, Idaho. Will practice in all Courts. GEORGE W. TANNAHILL, Attorney at ' Law. Probate matters and settlement of estates carefully attended to. Office in Adams Block. THOMAS MULLEN, Attorney at Law. Legal business of ail kinds given prompt attention. Lewiston National Bank building, next door to U. S. Laud Offlca E. O'NEILL, Attorney at Law and No tary Public . All business carefully attended to. Will prac tice in all courts of Washington and Idaho Of fice on Main street, Lewiston in Dent & Buffer block. ! Daniel Needham, Ray D. Walker Late of Wisconsin Bar. NEEDHAM & WALKER. Attorneys at Law, Lewiston, Idaho Will practice in all state and federal courts. Office, room 2, Lewiston Na tional bank building. , Frederick D. Culver. timer E. Halsey, Late of the Minnesota Bar. Lite Receiver U.S. Lend „ . Office. Marquette Mch. Miles S. Johnson Formerly of the Colorado Bar. CULVER, HAL8EY A JOHNSON, Attorneys and Counselors. Office in Adams Block. Lewiston, Idaho. U. 8. Land office and Department practice. Title litigation and Probate matters. State and Federal Courts. ernest McCullough, eiVIL ENGINEER Deputy Mineral Surveyor 497, Main Street. LEWISTON Cable '' Code McNeil 12 ot of Tüü®*d IMmmki Corner of Fourth and Main Streets. LEWISTON, ******•*••• IbANO. D 1 R 6 CTORS. C. C. Bunnell, W. F. Ketten bach, J. Alexander, R. C. Reach, B. F. Morris, George H. Rester, Grace Kettentmch Pfaffiin. TRANSACT/A Ê Ä R3 US ü R3 dj business; Sight exchange sold on the principal Cities of the United Stat and Europe. v es ' _ : rSs'fffi THE • FIRST • NATIONAL ___or LEWISTON. IbANS. < 7" ^ ^ . Capital and Surplus Strongest Bank in Idaho || " Fire proof vault tor the use of customers for safe keeping of valuables. Burglar proof steel protected by Sargent ft Greenleaftime lock. Correspondents in all the principal cities of ihe Buy and sell exchange. * w ♦ < * 4» I 4 *. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE : Fruit and Vegetable Lands in 5-acre lots or hss two miles from town. Also the best Fruit and Vegetable Rauch in this valley To Rent to the right party, containing 12 acres, full improved. 2 lots in city, Main street. G. A. MANNING. The Boss Meat Market. 8. J. Fisher, Prop'r (Successors to Dowd, 8hnw A Co.) Fresh Meats. Sausage. Fish. Cured Meats. Lard. Oysters. Poultry. Game. Kte. Etc. Nothing but the Very Best Kept on Hand Adams Building. Main Street. THE MINT oe Morrissey & Baker, Proprietors. Choice Liquors, Wines, Brandies and Cigars. A club room in connection. Clark Building, Main Street. "Russell" Engines * * Traction or Portable, Simple or Compound Wood or Straw Bumers c* dt c* ** "Cyclone" Threshers Automatic Stackers, Wind « Stackers, Horse Powers, vtf « Threshermen's Supplies of all * kinds vie d* ^ v* v# OSBORNE Binders, Mowers and Rakes | PLANO HEADERS 1 » • a The Nez Perce Implement Co. LOCAL AGENTS * ^ A. I). GRITMAN, manager . » I a