Newspaper Page Text
:-,;"' v.-.: Vi-i-j ..-J; .;. -r:-.v;' - ,v?v c. . v " ,' -:..r -.-..'.U.v ' -f,-, .- V - f v. ; r - v ' ? ,r Y vLxy ado ; VOL.1 , ,,y --bq .... . 'v5 k?km Wt?.-' i jwugeslow; butmiiTPAke prgamation touiwho have! ei-vative L I A.HnfA-IiJiIfc.vt M wative managementof the dutioniktfdlgcorcfefai Rrrtl ' A DKMix iiATir. foniilv nuMim. tha best, of them tK)sibl0. . - decided tuivttt hTid1v-: tin f - - . . , t - ; . iht uevoiwj n Fixe iinniw ti Keen IV- STpfcif At Thi tt Conntv. State mid Nation,. IiibliHlijfd every Wednesday ! at Dooiih, Watauga Comity,-N. C. 1 . . v. . . . . .' t 1 I . . - ..y m,wuuiun iu iiim. iiriiii'iiiio i mnna mint iu 4i-v,4-ni ': vSleCiaS" N;:0' i gWtl"? thT -liavtbe board-will -m. A I'VT ' '-:;'aOHX8.WILIJAMH,Pcui:MNEn. . v ' 8VDHTRIPTION RAf E8. 3 n 1 com' 1 y..'.;.;.'M 11 v;'..'i ;fl V l'outl)i;uiAt;!.,.V....;, 'jfeufc-..-:.? : ' L 3 inch 1 w;:J..:,U,.M..Mv:7R(n V 1 1 month.;......;.,...o..fl.7o. 1 column 1 wflek. ................ i - a 1 " 57.50 ; ;f i 1 tvear............;....:..f5() For, jutennwHnt r.ntos confHl pond with the Kditor. ! r ,,Locul notirt " wntp n linw. ' 8nWrintinn 'iiivnriahlv in An. . VAXCKand ndvni:-iMnontM pnvu- i)Uoi (lenmnd. ,. ! ir.V- ': ., x( ( The Twu'hpr'a' Institute for 11 nf.illnm till fi-fti T 1 I I II Uii 1 1 I 11 I I - 11 III till. Monday. Sept. 3rd. at 0 o'- hoik a. m. The licnid of Kdueation haH mde a small appropriation out of thepub lif whool fund toen.-ibl? the (1onnt;V Superintendent to , procure some competent .er-; son, or pt.'Hon8 to assist hiin . in the ItiKtitnti'. AwnwiiiKr. VvenetntheAriinBooneifoiSlieriff,.!. W. Horton, for f amnio!.!. i fspamuour. nud J '- will invite I'rofa. Blackburn, Frnukuin and Win. Spain--1 hour to be present aa much -of the time as they can, and iwki.sf . ; The work of the In ntitiite proper, will oontiuue from Monday.', until Thurs day evening; Friday will be ' devoted to a pnblieexamina-;v;-:; tion, and Saturday to gra '. ' ingand iHnuing certificates. ' The examination will be writ V v -ten. and all will be ex- : p'ected to go through in a j j ; day. , Some time will be de 1" voted to all the branches in ' ; " the coinnion , school courne. All rejruinr teachers .and all wno coiiTempiate teaming, will be expected tu attend. 'The School Uvf i-equires the , teachers to attend' see page will not fare an.v better by it in' the Hueeeedimr axainiriri, ;you are engage! iu teaching,! 1 ' . i ' ;; suspend a 'week ' aiid i attend tN; Institute. 1 tnist the v; - . fieople of Boone and vicinity " "will board you just as cheap ' ' " as they coiuS I a d vise all who )''t:- lv;i'.t6,waJct.BQ as to avojd :'f"f ri f :C; heexpehseriof keeping t horse. Some :of you ; may . ' mjlv. i 1121.VH nil mAiina tn nnv 'RiW.W tle atteudingUhe itevlnstitute . eee 3fy6n l I cannot borrow two or thrw cannot borrow two or threV ii; fromV your friends". k-C-if - '." 11 L m v,7 7? ' -; miT ua?K rwn you V'-'! V:.. i rU :hpolVe must wake up, 4 j j teaching, the , times demand ftnd fchotn :-. m.uv.uu .4iiu h : demand tt We wan - . . ?' . . ti : . f - 7 ... 1 , - Mil "SffWf r : Wr W01J twyearthan : ewr before... oomeof usnuist . " v - r -, ' - -; .. .. . ."j !K r . tatv orquit. Our chool i ll " f a'"'? will you to onramzA phmmltfpo of :noi.Unnoi J ., . .. .r "'Vw " I tKt II , H.K 1 pleameallH,, .public .aKWhWdi ii SSSS fKKS fpihntliaWtliowwliovfr.dMte'8llte i8 not a mm- -Thearetiie unpstknw ol - .,AH"llH.'iti.,! BrefawBittehv-ip swiout, Kromr m TOUndation. I neverthought any sucli tt: .thing.; I 'a.ra roruevwana,- .ow e.ana low - Yours &c. U.F.Hairil1 ...... , Bamboo; N.-T." t Will n tsmiw n. ''1. ...A ...... ' '. . " 1 M,of 1.,. 1..M. -if Coll ; i nr imuirc in l lit; UMIUW- xg good iueu for county of- 1 ItLMiL.i lli, ri 11 Al... Ill 171 I III 11! I. 1 . I J I 1 II IIIM. Treasurer. W. 10. (Jreene. for ItPKister, J. B. Hrt, 11, J. Ii. Horton i n romtwtmt t H,l I prtw i the office. ;ive us thi tick- ,na.V he easily guessed .Cr etan d the county will go Democratic in Nov. L1..I I ' PMiiiHfnnnr HAiEISON IK HIS OWN STATE. , Col. R. 0. Pendleton, commissary-general on the staff of Governor Gray, of Indiana was in this city, vesteidav. 'He belongs to t he sa me Gra nd Army post with Harrison in Indianapolis. He says that at a meetingof thepost,held a iortnightago, the mem- bers,112 in number, were asked how many would sup- port Harrison, their fellow member. Forty -members desired tobenladnn rW.n,,1 in f,rnr. f nuA . Tl,n,.,nu Ti,ar20... i ..i.wi Ji 1V T"ltlllVl IIIU mentin Indiana are bitterlv onnoswl to Hnvi-isnn r.n innoi - 17 j issues which arenotgenerall 1 biunviv. :nf ', r.f.MaiM,ttep a slander on Mrs. Cleve State. The defection of Mr. Alfred T. , Sinker, who was i tmblican hi life i n nj. .litlnni.1 tri,lunr f i, ; ),. son in his own State. Hani- MUI1WIH h M iiu-vw.frftviifw o'y..;".. :' i. , ctt e, uu w uuvVVU HUCU (note associations could make Mr. on u hich the "grandson :. of J)18 urandfather 7 vvhh nnmi - oated, ; He thus pictures the w situation at the home of the uepuoucan candidate: ; ,; I wasjn lndi days ago and' r .. Indianapolis a few j,nd was. surprised TO.iearn inat a gi-oat many ... .. ... ; ' MiiiaMvucijp m ; yw (imilh InflltD thAn . I ...ill . against. Harrison on !the ssue, pr because of the I free Whiskey ;pMnk in ; he Republican platform, k The Thmm.1 o KrAt uiiiwniuwuji ciuiiiiiB. inrners, a nooyor Uermans, have heretofore beenalmost .owuuij wjiuuiioiu,., ,r ,u,iu the' Democratic picket : this ifnil, I kU t 'i,tk , ' , V. 280 fiftmnni. In InOimapolk ' from 1 mm bank1' to be put in wquiBitioii agaiiia'sin 1880.' But twUnvn ' u kfreuiiiftams.'iim verv HlfJflf. a ua k Toivnt from the tim -h. II , Indiana was flooded witli Kepubhean eprrupti(nfnnds..i and frne eWtum ninnnt. l n,u.iv,.;.:L:...'i..: Dudley and New, are nolong. ' or in a potion to u i feder-J I H.I ' I 1 1 1 II UTl f an ArtiVA fraudulent voters. .nmTistJn " " -ft - - UUtt lAII6r- ,v ,P,-itHle, d " W .. n"w knmra raniroiH,th, tho rlt Dockery'iUnWuehing Falsehood. ' I ' ' i ' ' l .. . .5. ."rs-i-k..yM --i M.'n,t.-ijf arviun hi ue ll al Hcriipuloun o demagogue ' as Tyre Yoj-k, and he will meet with a like overwhelming de feat. I n his speech here1) he repeated the old lie about PT nt r!n(l hav " ,! ' aJ "ine f wften Docbery "ttered such a slanderj he rr" 1U m , .,,"t rutM. uaV!V,m(t PTTe 0jmu piling to the high lihd hon- oraUIe l'twn of. (iovernor, " wiling' so vile a false I j . . , , on me rresioentr Apt 19 wlh Mr". Cleveland, Dockew so far graded his manhood as 'to ld,u '.b ting that she (to uocKery. .vou one: it to lie darned of yourself, -even if the utterance of such a falsi- I nail Yw-nj 4 iX.V .-.i ,T iwi ujijhhusb " J wMmeu Ol yo.uiwelf.'you will find on the i . , . . ... cent white men of North Car- omia are m,liametl 1 Ton.uft. hti,.u ; 1 WI VViiMVA fV UUADBU1U3 ulUlVlUIL i? Thd'tfinn f t.haAinnMiA.,n press some of the New York newspapers - i espeeiallv in reeard to the canvass is to lie denlored. From this tin. lence and mvetive- there will .i . . . . ue i an HievuuDie . reacrion. L. I IJ J 1.1' ' . ' . The country this year does not seek an angry,-truculent canvass;.:,TheLt,fti Inr ly-flical,- ihvolving the' Jtaist- . . , lien unmneniv. hiui rn wpi- ness prosperity and the we fare'of th: people. It dot does no.mean tue union as in lBGorthe-nmintehknbf thenational ci-editasinl868. jpL... . Mtsa miv hw wuniiiiir toreiKU ! nuBklom., ohvaj Uttwm; Tl ,1.. .. 1. ...... .i-.t iiv nut an mnuH iin v.- U1HIUIM MT. I.1I1IIIIL- I T hnu? -7 .LZ Z l MMniuroo niiuviuim that 3 to Bay. with .wisdom. pat.ieiire and courteHy.-New ' " ' " ' 1 In woeU last, ; - .......... 1" ! 1 i : 1t v" v,.,.t .. . , . t. t ... ouCT,t;u mm luuriiiusruiulT.nen delivered himself as follows: . .. .... w I not know that as a member n - of the Senate he cannot with- outbreaking parliamentary 1. . 1.1 1 . ' ;.rr nans ne Knows an about 1 11s rule and don't nnrthino- about it. In anv ernt T nm not surprised at the Senator from Virginia. ' A man vho could not keep the : rules of the county jail, where he was - confined, would naturally ttner the etiquette of the Sen ate a- trifle irksome. ' Mr. Cox's reference was to the fact that last summer in Virginia Ripdleberge'r was put in jail for ' contempt of court and was released by a party of his friends! Ltind marki w m ;' . .' Tho High Tariff Protect Machinery. terday that what ' the 1 high tariff was foV was to protect f.". wVVi . x uvu i in- 1 macniueryj not labor. Labor is on the fi-eelist, and is flood ing the country and' cutting 1 f ft A.I- ft t down wages, but; machinery ; ana its products are well parted by the tax; Nowadays machines do most 01 woi-k.; j jaoor-saying mijcmnery 'nas 1 giown so ."saving .' Of labor that labor- mar men were not Timtantai by a txhftt bo the ' products of ;! 'biachins. The Senator thinks"thatc If the llpblw: friends of labor they ought toorefermentombb . ...v.. Tho Board of Eduofttion. ... I t.,Uy board. 0S board, will please present! it . on that davi HTiere' trmiR. Nmator Riddlebergei:'snot a better judge-of eggs first Moudayni Sept: 10 q'; .v.r . , ;,, t ;,t-,uV r'rf WTcfiwlHfvv II&iW &8k .j. i: ( '.' i. . jnM nTiier ,ioimH, Mills, . I . . 1 . .... I A . : I !i . I . wtici.sea, -the 'fe i. ml - - . i--..- L V mus ral d!' T m f 7' . , -WA tn lirotfier MillM in therbinT. .10 'l of his reply said that t,h 01 hlH ttniv 6ald that .h-m.l'" sic was better than the editor could have produced! The " - " ing: , "0ur . eorrespondent's f. . '7, .f r, - ,"? . '""S " " ' s jni, ,i jtj ui;ri 111 IjIU'III VVIlfl 1H thn.Ti nnv ha , .wt Ity.'! This hasalways struck in. ii IU IIHBC UUUIl un fin iiiir in ii fk pmiimht, duiit. i i"v ami llivrju tTAlimiBLI VC IT?- I " . . ' , v t imi.aU 1,0 w .'mAttMUlO 'Xri'uV w 1 t." f r iiiuiu i n 1 1 1. v rr rrvti i mid.k7o-,VtmJ . . s n.L. , "i VM1V """ Ltniia W'sift' ' ' : 1 i VUi (;,7 n'; ' . I H '- ' . . I v Vsi'' f. .,.v. t,? '! : ,. 1.15 mm " ; .i. '''' .1 IF YOU WOULD KEliP ' Posted As To The :. Politics '.i dir. of your country i ' i.! BUY KLL .ANY- ...''r,, . . 1 1 - .i - I 1 : i 1 THIXG LET IT ' BE jmnWW VnVtmzv wwuax , ,,'1 i, ,' , . . v . 1 1 ' viet-ji our. 4eeds, . i .rvJJ; t -i p... ' J"TrTf y hfr'(iiV v. ....... . - rt 850 families nod aUowinc 5 .a,,vn nUi.X,-.1; lous to cachfmiLit rfc l : :,iJ,m ....anv,!.. n.lU'i.I T.l'l f. . I ..'"in . I ;" ti;n i r i ... . . .' i. - L ' . I . .J I' ... f Ml T I ' k.-f BooneNl 0.. flM. nia,( fiw.;A..i4 S1 ii .. m m ,,, yVjll t rt. ' ' 1T 'TArMn.t ' 4". W,beUflY0'.otir fkciltUes 'are'. aS ::,:.( MiH Ot 4.W?' .in i LOW i ' : - - i OR - WVVI 1 1 11 m i v . . . , vl-.Viff pav. cash for our . vr - r-r: 1 andgetadiacoiintioflrbin' 2 td Vv iic. vuiiu.,. - rrr;f ITT tUM. nA.i . . v S no clerk hlrtt or, housd rent and t rlri irfvA our rnnf nmni than an.v othter'nierRhant'ln thrf : : ;: elbser flgares thaii ftiny-tiieKr ' J J".;.' 'Wetfikelneichktifor goodt -: Wr;olf ,lvv;:; 1 ,; We Al3BB::HoUrj We hava in ontiottth puf Miti '';mi i. .ir HUTJfiLrSTAi: .it a ii rft . h ft. .m , , vt m .vUv;- iSttf ' r. 0u Hotel u.jf-rfllw ' i - iipiN..4rA j f 1 1 bluow.llt-jt ytt-frf it A A1ftWillu:; " tilS LiMaAWlS .lin - . '. 1.3" jf.H EDt)fcAWNlr;W31f J ' 'f5-ii"r ;fjt ''v i 'r.v":.!J 0 j npoii haWij;; VW..i:iJrf,i i: .5 '. . . A Ui