Newspaper Page Text
yw$ ipiijur n , Willi ii n wm hip hi nil ujii iikiiiimiih iiiiiiniii w I I -.' -A V-; - ' vVT ' ',- v A: -.V ".vV-i'H,-. ;' . fv , V. : , - ; i ' . 1 ;; V"i c) -,'.-.' LI -i 1111 .0 S ;.y".;vi-f;v-.fc. .? tli" :Yit;f- v..'..7r.-;'; mm. -: ,'.."t- r.. 't .. . :."i' ..1,-r- iM. mm? If, i 7''.. 1 "f?,viu .-: pr devoted to . tUe . iuterews ot V-:f "A - 'its Cuunty, State arid Nation.;. 7' I'ubliHhed jivery Wetlntrlv at i;r lr-f i , Iiooue,..Wfttauj5tt County, lyu AviJOfi 8. mLUAMS,PVBMSHEU. : :ir V' '' i'A'' v L SUBSCHIPTION' RATEB. ; 1.1:' -J."'' I? i ebuv i ifear-..vJ..;ii,i.....' v . ' V l'k 6 monthB.;..,..V...50c '"f'--'--W-; 1 " ; 3'Tmontli8.......'....85c.1 ADVEkxiMN Bate. I innh 1 'eek, ,75c 111 fasnflJ. ri - 1 u 1. year. ..' t7 j y&yp-V lyear.......,...,...,....50 j -yn , , j. r , pQ iHfjnediatp rates ' corres n A7:.T--r pond with the Editor. : . V1 I 33f ' ;:l-i-loelnotice8 5 cents a linei r (T 3 ' ' ' '"SulJsmption invnrhibly in Aa " v-'-i''tV:';vAxrB nna adveiltements paya f 5 ;i! : Me on demand. v :' V OnKlKGMEN D1KECTLY CDK- ERNED. v, . I nstea d, then; of being ex emptel ; from the influence ami effect of an iromenw sur nhis ivinir idle in (he ' nation- il Tmilurv,;our wage ear- sieiv and others who rely up v tin their hibor.for' suiiport ; are most of oil clirectiy con , kerned in the situation. ; ; Others Reeiniar theapynoach : of . danger may r provide a V" jvjunst 'i'f nt it will find . these depending upon the;ir daily -toil ior bread unpre Qpamil helpless and defence T;,)e4 &ucli .a state of affairs : .does notvpreKent a case of 'idleness resulting from dis ':h jmtes between the laboring : V:- man . and . hi employer, but vtyi it produces an absolute and enforced Btoppagaof employ H ment and wages. 1 v V In re viewing th bad effects , of this aceumulalied surplus aiid the scale of tariff rates , Vby wmeh it is produced we v'v . must overlook' the tendency K '-.'toward gross aiid scandalous public extravagance which a i;y't; congested Treasury induces, " nor that 'fact that e are maiuxainmg, wirnoui excuse, in a time of prbund peace, K -h,k A " substantially the rate of tar- -W, iff duties imposed in time of war when the necessities of , ; the government justified the :C;l- V. imposition of the. ' weightiest burden upon the people. ' Divers plans have been sug- ' 7-gested for the return of this accumulated " surplus to ! the liTi y.i t- f people, ana iwr tvutiiiutws oi Vs-. jTi;1r,ae. Dome oi mzmmvme 4 :are at variance with all rules "of good flnance, 8ome are de- 'Mf -iiit iusive,"some are abewd, and Wme betray, by; their reekless , extravagance .the . demoraj izinginfluehee of a great eur- ,1; v plof f public money, upon the judgments of individuals, THE WAR TARIFF; Ig .pWUST. It vViiUe such efforts should be :&X .-;.maae as are. consiswav wun v ' ' " public duty and sanctioned by sound judgment t avoid "j..-flanger oy xdo unerui oibjiosi j w Tion o' toe , surplus now -re- V'MvPam1ng1n,t t jf: vfis evident that if its distribu- tiou; weie accomplished w an V:- other ' accumulation' ; wonld ) J; v ;,; t 'bon take its jjlaceiv the con stant flow of reduntant in , . , come was nocnecKea, , i .- present tariff , , vr." We do not propose to "deal witli : these f conditions ; by merely attemptinji: to satisfy the people, of the troth M abstract thednesVnor by alone iirging their nssent," to politi'vul doctiinei" We , pi es ent to them the propositions that they are1 rinjustly; tre ted in; the extent! of present federal taxation ; , that as a remilt a condition of extreme danger exist Sj a nd that it ,' is for them td demand a Tente dy afld that defenceand safa tet s of their fw govei-nment. .s We believe that the same means which are adopted to relieve ; the , Ti'easury , of its present surplus and prevent its recurrence shoutd - cheap en, to our ppople the cost of supplying their' ilaily. wants. Both of tliese objecte we seek in part to gain by reducing the present tariff rates upon the necessaries of life.?-.' . We fully appreciate .the im portance to the country of our. domestic industrial en terprises 'In the rectification of existing wrongs ; . their maintenance and' prosperity should be carefully and in a friendly spirit ., ( onsidered. Even such reliance upon pres ent revenue arrangements as have been invited or encour aged should be fairly. an.d justjy i-egarded. NOTHING RADICALLY INTEND- . ed. ; ; '; ;;'' Abrupt and - radical chan ges which might endanger such enterprisesj and injuri ously affect- the interests of labor dependent upon their success and continuance are not contemplated or intend ed. " But we know the ' cost of bur domestic manufactured products 'is increased and their price to the consumer enhanced by the duty im posed upon the raw material used in, their manufacture. We know that this increased cost prevents the sale of our productions at foreign mar kets in competition with those' countries which , have the. advantage of ' free raw material." .We know that confined to a Tiome ' market our- ; manufacturing ; operas tions are curtailed, their de mand for labor irregular and the rate of wages paid are uurtaiq.;;,"( ; V We propose, therefore, to stimulate; our domestic" in dustrial enterprises by free ing from duty, the imported raw materials which by ; the employment of ? labor, ' ai'e used m bur home manuiact ures, thus extending the mar kets for. their sale and per mitting 1 an increased ,'and steady production 'with the allowance of abundant prof its..) j'- :; : ::.:l': :' 4? v . True to , the undevjati,i2g course of the. democratic par ty we will not neglect the in terests of labor and our workingmeti. r Ih all efforts to remedy existing evils, we will fuimish noexcrise for fhe loss' of employmeut or ' the Auction ',pi tne wageY of honest toil. ; On the contra- lry,,repri:)08e in any adjust ment of or revenue aws to cimcedukemragement and , advantage to tBe . em- ployers of domestic labor as will easily compensate: for any difference that may lex ist between the standardlof wages which! should be'ptid to our laboring men and the rate allowed ' in other : cctin tries. We propose-, too, by extending -the markets , for our mauufactuiers to Vplro-' mote the steady employ ment of labor, while by cheapet ing the cost of ..the. neces' riesJ.of life . we increase, the' purchasing power pf the wbrkingman'sV' wagetj' and add to the comforts of his home. v . LABOR. MUST BE PROTECTED: And before . passing from this phase of the question I am constrained ' to express tha opinion that, while the interests of labor should be always ;sedulously regarded in any modification of our tariff laws, an additional and more direct and efficient pro lection to these interests would be afforded by the re striction and prohibition of the immigration :or lijaporta-i tion of laborers irpm . otiier coun tries, i who swarm upon Our shores,1 having no pur pose Or' inteilt of becoming ourjellow citizens',' acquiring any perpianent . interest in our couutry, but who crowd every field of employment with uninteltiffeht labor at wages which ought ..not to satisfy those who make claim to American citizenship. ; . The platform odopted by the late National Convention of bur party contains the fol lowing declaration : , . V Judged by democratic principles, the interests of the people are betrayed when, by unnecessary taxation, trusts and combinations are . per mitted and fostered, which while unduly enriching the fe' that combine: rob the body of our citizens by de priving them .as purchasers of - the benefits , of natura competition." ;:f j; TRUST8 CONDEMNED.' ; Such I combinations nave always been condemned, by the democratic party. The declaration of its nationa Convention is sincerely made; and no member of our party will be found excusing theex istence orbelittling the per nicious results of these devi ces to wr.ongthe people.. . Un der various names they have been punished by the com mon law for hundreds years, and they have ; lost none of their hateful features because they have assumed the name of trusts instead o conspiracies, J We believe that these trusts are the natural offspring of a m arket artificially restricted that an inordinately hig tariff, besides fui'nishing ; the temptati an for their existence enlarges the limit . .within wjiicff they may bperate a" gainst the jeople n,nd thus increase the extent of their power lor wrong doing. With an unalterable ha- 1 of -UC-Q BChemes w? rfminfc t.lm"hckii.fa- nf tbeir baleful operations among the good results; promised mw, pv" WbfoiwwiijiK isan misrepresentation our1 position upon "the, question of revenue inform should ; be so plainly -stated-as to ad mit of lio misunderstanding! .THIS ,18 JiOs fREE . TRADE CBJ j,;ui wsade.'Vn v ,f; We have entered upon no crosade 'of free trade. .Ti e reform ve seek to i inaugu rate : is predicted 1 upon the utmost cai-e for established industries and enterprises a. ealous regard for the 'inter este of American' labor and a sincere desire to relieve; the country s from the injustice and danger of ' a condition which .threatens evil ! to all the people of the landii" ; We are deling -with ' no imaginary daifiger. ; Its exis- ence has been repeatedly c'onfewed by 'all political par ties,; and pledges of a remedy nave been made on all sides. 1 Yet when in the legislative body, Avhen under the ; con stitution all remediaf meas ures applicable to this sub ject must originate, the dem ocratic majority ' were1' ' ' eiti- tempting with extreme1 mod- eratioii to redeem the pledge ;L! t.Ll:. L.:iL'; L-a ' cumiuuii u uoia . parties, tneyweVeniet byMeterirtiried opposition and Obstruction,' and , the minority refusing to co-operate in the Honse o: Represenatives or propose a nbth'er remedy, have remitted the redemption of their .' par ty pledge to the douptfu power of the Senate. The1 people will hardly be deceived by their abandon ment of the field of LejriHla- tive action to meet- in polit ical convention and flippant ly declare in their party platform that our " conserva tive and careful effort to re lieve the situation is dfistrnp; tive to the American system, of protection. Nor will the people be misled by the ap peal to prejudice contained in the absurd allegation'that we serve the interests of. jEu rope,;Ahile they will support, the interests of America'. REPUBLICAN DOUBLE DE ALING. They propose in their plat- fomi to thbs support the in terests of our country by re; moving the internal revenue tax. from tobacco and spirits in the arts and for mechanic al 'purposes: ' They declai-6 also that there should be such a revision, of our tariff laws as shall tend to cb:eck theimporation'oijbtich artc les 'ag are producw here. Thns -in -pro))osing to 1 in crease the duties1 upon such articles to nearly or quitea prohibit6ry point, they jebn- fess thetnselves willing; to tra vel backward in'the road bf civilization and to deprive our people of the, markets fdr their goods, whiclf ' can;.'. only be gained and kept by t"he semblanceVatleatof terchai'ge of . business, Vnile hey abandpn purconsuiiners to the urifsteained oppress iori'bt "thedomestio ' .trusts anq coruoinawoiis waicn are IntneBamepl' ry. uejr, yv x. -i j. miA.J Pbfther trglease, piitire W ro.fflTO8- W v'v 'uii ' " -JxO HAEPERjBERimARDT ;i-;f',.H. ... .' : nlNOlE, N,C, Thelen'dinir .i-faoleBale and re tail MercbautB in western; N. C., have always a full and compjew : of goods suited to, the wanta of ii,..:. mil i run .'-.,. m. . ' A t We buy, goods ! in EABGB quantities and'-, always . for Jusf Recef ved., " 'i '2"' 2 Car loads Salt. " a . ., U ',.l' rjverp8ene,un..; 50 Boxes Tobaie6. i BO ; - Putty. .: :. 100 Kegs Nails. -Vi,r 25 Boxes Glass. 'Mf 20 iBags Coffee." . . n j(f t j u 10 KMR.lsugar. ... ,; .'' 60 Reams Paper. 1 v !L ; '.' " 72 ' Dozen Spellersr i i ' ; .' ' a.OOO, IDs Sole Leather, v 500 ;'' V . . Upper Lea ther. 10 Bales Sheeting. ' ;.,. 5 " Plaids, .r. -!.' 5.000 Yards Prints. 1.250 " Jeans. i ' 2,500 Pairs-fioota & Shbes. A full stock of Groceries, Notions and family goxidf . We have a line of mens arid women's shoes made ' espec ially for Watauga trade, ; we have these branded " Watau ga Solid" nnd warrant every pair,; Naming prices ..does nu t little : irood unless voii can see. the' goods, we do n.)t cjaim tb Rell goods' ' at ; cost but ddsell gctods at' a- profit for less ithan some-rof our competitors who sell for cost, As it is generally known! we ers In produce in the STATE We will only say that we I are now noing a larcer business than ever- and are . making this part of, our business a constant studv and are al ways prepared to buy any 3oou marketable jproduce. Always come to see us. 'A iti . .Yours Truly Harper,- Barnhardt, & Co. Sept. 27. 1888.f;.6mo.i; i ; rSuljscriBfei'to,tlie. DEMOCRAT IP YOU WOULD KEEP; i r o(.:": 1U: Posted1 As To The Politic i j; Ml " .! mi "of your country. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL ANY THlG- LET llT BE v-. '. Hh1 ' 'V KNOWN THROUGH (teumpland!Vou;Wil : , !; Get YbuNeeds. i: OUR PAPERS GOES TO 550 famines arid , oudmng X pmonsto enehfanAly it is TAd Z)y 4,250 of tM best iShM Wis Keep Xnto; I'LACfJ n r. urj uooaswouon j r. ' Hats. Caoa. Boots. Bhfxtji ; ; Upper, Harness & 'Sow"? Miy"" Factory, eaiM 4d CaBsitncrv. lob mo8i exvensive use oi a tor, Warner's. Safe ' Liw hx4 vi 1 it. f'l rV4L'f-.I fS'zllKj1 4 v Compouiid'SyiiipoTllypophim-- DHites. imm'on V Liref Jloorul :-::- ' KydneyjCur'Kephaline Jac .v J son's Magic BdiMfWWvtf ; " -1 1 Dr. C. C. Roc's Liver, BhcHm&l : P and Neurala, Pure.a1nj(i.rTi.'w , other medicines too. umrw to ':; mentioni'f?" '':'i----. All of the Abo win W o"f ; n 'Sl03i T'0R ... i i m or. such a.8 i.9!f Ojabta w( to sdlgbod as UIVI.;i' 1i- OJiVt YV iJLLiXV MS ShSMbv IuBmm PAT':CUbtHn 00Ri and get a di lofn-om S 19 R riui nont. 'v in fOI'l' rent and can irive our customers ; TI U POT UU UHI UUV Ul UVIUDV 'V, .- clofierAffurs tbaa nianjr, others. Ip-pi We tak4n exenance fqr .good j- A iter , ,-.,-,,v''-.' j E, 'Wool, l '' T.'r.'yrfttfi (.- Grain, k Vi,.!; j,;V ''! Si- i:i ? , Honey. ,., rft iiAft nt iiiiMA & mm ": WehaV2 m'MoWiF;;. other business i"MS), . .;'' i :;TMimi wheke we promise- to giyo pfttis faction to those who,( u their, patronage,;' ' I Vi v ; V ; . AsaSumm:rr.:sc:t . lUk. BUliOUL L WKS RSCC- " " DIB BY TR STATH t.ziWirilr-;r----'' C,. ,rV- 'a'I; -.1 V 1 J