Newspaper Page Text
,-.. 1' 4 " ' :. 1 ' ;". a,. j ,k-rwia ,i " i T i -ii- ' Ll ' jii i i . .... i ... , , , If: 9 v ...... -". ' " f'ji-i .a.hfiil : that Jtulsro t owle npvw re-l i Now hnw run . mnn 1 ntr , W T II li A UKaitlJIJKAft i I flMIll 1 II -IWliIHl il J tlM i :-T 7 . , T 1 ' .. ...... : ic. famtlv fcwipo- - j rrhnmftH .' ., Thomas i ceived one hundred tUousapd thai lie' loves' his1 country. . nil dfiThtflA tti j itB Cbtanty State ftttd. .Nation. At I , 1 month...v.,,.50c, thouBanddpllara.inbonda or 1 :M :A:pii.wuHr86f olherwise fpom the ring. ;f.n truth is, atter,tue passage oi ' ' ' '!"' t'.!ll rWhftt about the JQyn- uoiiure h .uunnaor oxneewise iroin xne rmg." , , -"Haven t thinjcomq fo J pretty,; pass when an i- aif tempi is'mde to denounce on aitprney' for apnearins: le 'for tia r'tnan . charged ' wit 'dlcrfme?'? 'V Haven't ihings you,To!nn)y? , ;( f. f , friends - , have ( ,; studiously avoiqeu aescending to per J- iR-, ; ; rfr- 7-, chaBteri.,7, tl-lX..7;f which GPV. Jai-vi. voted ; in in , that true delicacy which ISa X the legislature, Judge Fowl should ; always mark ; the Te i,1 "'. linonth,...;....18.50 witllA other attorneys, was' high toned gentlemen," But !-:?;C .r pmnlovpdto tetthe.consti- how .has it been with you, lie '4 .-. : 4 i ' jt r,HH.i M'fl !.-;l-i(' ,-5 "! .-. fH7 Rill ciuuiwj i 'i t i i raw . .....ou tuxionauxy - vi uiv , Por fnturmediate ratei .cones- received, as a contingent lee, ; pond with Editor. : ,. ' ' of the special tax bonds his : partner, R..U. Uadger, Esq., : receiving alike num- miiiion in the Local notices 5 cents a line. :V;BubBcript!otinTariaWyia Aq ; TANCK bl on . ma. recei : . .1- her -There were 11 involved, Mri ; hntifl TIm Pwori w Thpmai: ; Llli. Athomas in seeking . f . . n 4-. r Vi Tl II' ill iJK Vi?m :. .; ! . -. ' I wiiui uiniiwii, itu.wi ...... As everybody now Knows, i.. ,A , . .,., UltlU 111 OUUIUUU w uuv vvuM.. Tom Devereux, at : tne oia-i . ding of Dockery,' has taken Vn. wfl . Pflkiner v IT. llTMlIl IlIIUMeil W ttUUDC i- i..S U: I iwr'rtA! .!l flf KAft in -. tVi oa irjodgetowleaud other repu- .. ,OTJtinjfent fee, and his partner received the same., , . Would'" any lawyer oi de cent standing demand a less Jee in u case involving" so large an amount? In regard to the 4 W ilmington affair, we notice that in another column of the same issue of your paper, you say.. ma i New Hanover has gone ad- Governor Jarvis, you Tommy? How has it . been with you in your contempti ble course , with . Dockery through the '"mountains ? : We ask again, ain't you ashamed of yourself j '.now if never before? News-Observer. i ;' ''' V:WB: table citizens of the State in the most outrageous terms li;"ffiR chants have been shown v to be false in every particular 1 but he lias gone- on every -where 'with . his", infamous slanders C notwithstanding. ' He ' haa risserteil over and over again that Judge Fowle Acted improperly and unpro tesslonally in connection with .4 :' ; . ' , , . verse 10 uoveniur irvi, , the special f tax bond issue. vou m- ht haye 8ai(J for ' Mho ha nft tnnwn TJin.L ne . . . ""v7, -77 . Fowle. vvnat ls.inis ini- waltating what was false? . Oa?,.o w nnTH TVe have his own words to ... , r. - . . ..... V :.!-J prove that he has. ; ' 1 In Anril. 1850. he . wrote . 9 1 . . . : .... rr ' Y. 1 a letter to ; xne iion. ouu r dfeiy Bymim, of Morganton, nf which ' the following is a cotlyr'rVV' VRaleiqh, N. C.April 18, '80 :. St Dear GRAYThe last issue 5 I like to know. ; It seems , to help the Judge amazingly. He must have had a- similar affair in Granville. ... ,;.;'; Ift regard to the , Swepson matter, things have come to a pretty pass when an at tempt is made to denounce an attorney for appearing man charged ; with Judge Fowle was em- -c ..r;; r':':, 7- i! 1 u pioycu in uus cause uiwr wie .;:; V;:, Vf . riends Jiere thought ( sliou d doaih o Gov Bragg, who .3;W!rfd.Uncev:bpeak. . . . gwenson's counsel ing for them I enrjose re- t ) fh . ... . H, j d asso Judge mi.: , ,T. Tm s Tl i- CS : I J llUllKls IVIllUIl. llUU.'A. A please give tnismanex your Uai.r. w ' :Tna r. nft. rL ; ,;0est , auenuon. n uo ... r,,r rnnl.A ntM, ftthfirg w '. ' war . it nu nnni 111 1 iim i 1 1 :.;rf-,: . HIn Does this allay your itch for 'mJlM knowledge, Tonimy? Jf - it dosen't us kiow and, we : i-.'th:f r "ur"" TV viti-; Tv" will attempt t6 aid you ..fur. 1 " : ; i ther in , yonr commendable mm undertekihg.Sofar.Judge V ?! the Blade contaiued a f()r PJ : - 'communication from 'Thorn- . as,, which ; Jijdge. Fowle's , . vO -16 t,7 iL-W'Ti up to that timer. ti6, d S K?Sch7k8! Fowie,hasnowas his a matter of policy emanate . , ,, . , Tt a ni. Hon. ... -v . ma this nrift Cs f Art if "emanatinir rrom tne rieo-i . j laont region as a maxier i ov . . v ulinnU . vfl --.i. Tf Wn fhS . Air ... rJ T ' , " T - the Wgh toned gentleman. r JT .T ilf ' 11.. ! 1 UUV fcJVv ID Uf uwu,Mvjv- : BMiaJx ' : which forbearance ceases to M i1 ifiA -Vwrit In be a virtue, and for the: ben : Tftitr WWrcairh V-JlftviBlf efit of all inffuiring-Thomas- fp r-- w. ri r- ii 1 - " t..- ' 1 1 x a r- ixi. " A.iAl,i uftither of a "fieitherof a good heart nor ..?v:tMgrpL'A a Boundundel'stdndinIr, to : . :5ar6tthl?nir jini a attack Judge1 Fowled -'Am lcature ur, .miad iu yousnaWedpiyourseif,now . ss'nidblv Wrnwi t,o tM !tkf 1 if never beibrel ..i'v .which Gov.1-J" 8e th ,4yfroglit to besufficieni ' V:';;;fos kbrk.fgwat fr-well; infonn to know Horton N. C. ; ; ' Oct. ICth. '88 To the Democrat: " Sometime ago' 1 hen i d a very prominent ."republican' charged with .saying that he "hated the South" and in reply he said that . whoever s.aid that ho said any puch a thing "told a false hood. Now Mr. Editor if he did not say it in so many word does he not say so by actions, which it is said speak louder than words-wheh he uses his time and influence to ad vance the cause of the republican party, a party whose policy from its earliest existence, it seems to me, has beep in di rect antagonism to the "in terests of the Southern peo ple.-. : ' ' ' Now if any one 'doubts that this is so let him scai ch the record of the acts of that party, and note the expres sions '. of hate, and "enmity made so freely by its great est leaders such as fil.'Miie, Ingolls and Sherman. . He will see that' they signalized their advent into power, by pursuing a policy, which pro voked the Southern people into taking steps that brought on four years of bloody, war, following which they gave the negro his free dom and fight to vote and deprived thousands of the best citizens of the South 'of the same privilege, thus seek ing to establish themselves permanently in : power. But they see too r late that they have only civen us more power, to ' use ago inst them in our own defence at the ballot box They not only always op pose, or utterly ignore South era, interests, but they have in many, ways endeavored to , humiliate, ( and; degrade the Southern people, as, -for example: the passage of the infamous Civil. Bights bill ; passed by a republican pres identwand the creat North- ern'leaders of th? republican party never hesitate to -ex . r ... ... pross their hatred and con tompt; for th6;SPuthnd on- deavor to . excite the North 1 ..:: La. li'llli J . J.-1a1 agamsc us, lnsiena oj .emu- aiid advocate the cause of :a jiet pf men : who ' would ' dis grace her if they ' had ;the power and bow,' in the ; face of the record and acts of the Ben. party, can the ' Enter prise fill it self up with ' the very laeas advanced py,tnese men who hate ud: and even with their characteristic abuse and deuuneiation- of the South and thoilh'hvfl thn audacity, to set ud as ; our . . .. . adviser, and ask us'to sup- as u its wortny. Editor con scientiously believed' it 'to oiir best interests to dd "sbi He undoubtedly relies on the ignorance, and prejudice of people to enable him 'to in duce thorn to , follow his di rection in that respect.' 'lie may. succeed in persuading some to follow him, ' but stubborn '.facts remain for those who will be guided by reason", and true'' patriotism', to vote for ' the ititeuts of their country. 'Now Mr.' Ed itor I am a, subscriber to, and a reader' of the Enter prise, and would respectfully ask to be informed "by it what there i3 in the acts,' or the principles of the party , it so' ardently advocates,' to merit the supportof a. South ern white man. I am tired of hearing republican papers and speakers Vouse the dcniocmts for not repealing the internal revenue syetem, when theyknpw that they, themselves created it, and are . opposed to its repeal now, and make labored . ef forts to prove that the deni ocra tic pa rty fa vors free trade, showing. !tho awful consequences thereof, .when hey know it is a false charge made forselfisKpOlilical pur poses, and calling the demo cratic party the , iiegro par ty when they know that if nil the .were, taken from theii: party, there, would scarcely be a corporals guard left, aud that every candi date . on . their utate ticket was nominated by a conven- vention with a large major ity of negroes: and yet. they ask the white men of Wa tauga to support a ticket thus put out. ..kyery. wnite man in North . Carolina should join in demanding some few straight pu t candid reasons, why. any ono shpuid support the state or .nation al republican tickets rather than that of the democratic party which has always; been our best friend, pr that, they quit; trying to advise . intel ligent patriotic citizens how to'vote. t v ;: ;A. Voter. - futber eultirate usr.; neiaun doubteldy causing some mo ney to be'spvtii among us. He fefls that 'we are ; mortgaged to him; that he holds a chat tel mortgage pn the bead ; .pj every man, .woman jund child in -North Carolina f i Of the fifteen million special tax bonds, .issued, . Levi. . P. Morton boldspine, million dollars, j worth. k This is... a good sum of mpuey, evn for so jich a man as.jilrf Jojn who could give .ty awa aud not uiiea? iWltiSo aiue..f.a large a inouii t'ttf lhe,j)P0r people pf N., (,!., , . B we are .coin pelled to pay. K fts Mr. .Mot ton hopes to make; us . pay, we shall unquestionably feel it,' Now this is no trifling ijidt tef. It will baa very serious If bo look at-'the8einoe4'::ii.'-'.-1, and see when to Buyv - Standard Nails; 2;&0per;X : -Bar Iron, :,; 3c. per .f.C). . TT i,: rK.--?-.,u .: " - Horse Shoe Nails 15c. " ' , Splendid Axe Vf 76 ;; AmesSshove -,v;Aiioc. y?y,-. , ... . .'. it.; ' 1 .4vjP0 QlSf'. ; Hinges,Ghjus,i-c;'f:r Putty, Table and . ViMi-Jk ' , ;? Cutleiy;H;;:;:;::; Guns', -'Pistol, artndges,:;:v Shot. 'V' Powder ni iiCatw? , V Shot, Powder W&p&h things in my line at , ,euaBy U;-- Jnu-ni'ifp.a C.nH aHt . HfiA -tnn '.- ''. ' '. business to the people of thisjlowprices. Call: andtfmevi: , State if he shall siiceed in "his plans and undertakings ' ? , Morton, Bliss & Co.: are now in the Federal Courts trvim: to establish t he'vali ditv of theSpecrial Tax bonds.; Should they fail in '. this, it would be very important to have a . State , government, legislative, executive and ju dicial, in political sympathy with Mr. Morton especially should they feel that they owed their election- to him, through the power of his money and his influence with the Republican Committee. We now see whence comes the money the republicans urn scatterinff broadcast thf? State. We under stand the new impulse of their campaign. We see why the joint can vass was suspen ded. We perceive the dan ger before us. The signals are out. The alarm i's sound edThe people of North Carolina' :. are forewarned. Messenger; Jadgo lro!? la the East. ' Very Kespt,.; By virtue of . apower jrof iaalet; granted-in a. certain inortgago :?v executed to nie by! Eli S: r3feCnif , y,- and wife, ' EniTna- c.'QrWnfi- a4 ? pwirflftd in book On Dacca 474, 475 and 476, of (tlie!tn9rdf v'-) of watanga co", to secure d 'not 'r Gteen and of, $325.0 fWXWw fnuf T mrSU nrnnpwl lhhf.t.h'tF '",rO:"i.'; c jrtaiii tract of land lyiftg eiT ;d ; :;K warers oi iew ; raver. toujuiumK t the lands of A J. a-tclier, being ? the tract on', wldch" the" ttia;tfx0 Ximm how lives,' at ptfblicco '4 -' tion to the higbeet. bidder. :W03 ensh in hand, at tho . court ; House door in 5 Boone" ? 6n tbe .: ' kIi rf Vnv 1R88. it heinc Mnn. ' day to satisfy the above debt iB.;v.-t: '.":. terest cost Pf proceeding, .Xst J. W. Farthing, Mortgagee jp Sept 5th 1888. .'-,-. r::l:'-'; Foshlngthe North Carolina Campaign. Our latest New York advi ces represent Mr, Levi P. Mor tonP' Republican ; candidate for Vicfr Prerident of the U. S. as taking a very lively inter est m our N. C. Campaign. Mr. Mp rton is ' closely iden titled wfth our people.i He is very much interested ,iu us Judge Fowle's canvass in the east has been' excepti onally brilliant. 1 Everywhere the silyer-tjongued orator 'of this State, is met by large and enthusiastic crowds, a nd he sways the" multitudes with his eloquence as never neiore. He finds the 'peppltf thinking as never before and ho gives them food for. thought ... m- f1pd in the iniciuities of the Radical partyand the reforms which' "the Democrats have introducedand. still., propose to introduce. He is thrice- armed, haying , his quarrel just, and. . vanquishes: every onnoiient. . tie - is arousing the people in . every county every township, and jsrmak- ing votes iur r .uuu ' Vk ' meiit. He is aoiy seconnea bv Hon. Tbeo. F. Dayidson, the f avorite Von "of the Ast, . L ! .1' . L ...Si t ' film and who is one of the ' most loiricai arid impressive speak- era ju me ruuH, vi..? ;ituu iWtift nflrtvl He SDeakS with -ppwer indeedof the pur pose of the West to stand by the East and in behalf of the " ; NOTICE 11 By jcfrtue of a Mortgage - , execute d o thohudersigiied . bv W. M. Younce and i vjfe M. taran l ounce suiu iui iguy,w inn- nwirded ill "'bo'OK' (B.1 1 of Mortgages iri the' registers -office of Watauga- County -N. C. rages l7,iou ana; AOi.i ill upllfnroHsh inhaud at the Court House door , in . DUUHc iiuv. .f, w. iv v.i'ps miMii h i, the- followinir;:.d k ' scribed tracts of land vfi ;1 , tract of 35 acreslyinghi Waf . ; tauga County pn tne wtixers , of Ifeve Creek " adjoining ?Ae t; . .. . . . T I lj. '11.....' J.te.l '. anas oi lWBaraiwwu. T nb n Ifpfivi iw' heirs. :: ". r 2, Tract .,coutatfitnr gers air on t.nft;wawre;oj ; H: Cove Creeir? sn'iA w axav: county to satisfythe puuirol - $291.U wtii.: interest ';; and ' costs.;, ; L. JIABAnticr.-. .... ;-jr-Tiiyior-;'-;-Per? E:Fl Lovillfattyr AfortngeeS. ' y - H4 1-..'-- supremacy of the white 'man ana tne mainuiina.nce oi em- US. f .,: -.n'nnil roi5aKlA " 1 iWiirhvri. No one could be more so. We 1 1 i A. 'LiA ' -'rirr: only wonder that personally among only womfer that he iiort r" 3' tr us'. during A . . . 7 - notice b;-: :By virtttreofa powertofi: ? contflinedrin a cM4ittJMort-j v dfled execute' to,;y8lf.iari ; nysrii wife bv J: P Fry and AviTJi'-.: ; hftla, dated recorded on. pagw59 and U - r book (B) of thu records . of V, r- tauga county, to ewunr n ix. executed to me, FeWoary : 1888 by the said J. - Fry - . ' the sum of .f 17fls,0a.rltr C and seventy live dollars win ,r terest U 8 w.cent;, L wi 1 r i for cash in hand to "Hi I bidder; at tha court L;n.-- in Boone; pnMonqiy - Oay0UOY jnei in., i first Monday, the trt, is c. dascribed id said kci. tijiungiaaawtSfJiitrJ and WtfB on, o ?neiv' leading frpin'jnftwii!, i - .. - Ronno. oivi two ;. Blowing Itokrbeing,t:', V which snid J.lVFrv no. . : to satisfy abov? note ' V itMiAiinf tin ' r,(AA4 I aii ti 1. ' . . ' v ' . : fl fl 1 T 1 IT Hi lirKi IllHIii Rill ( l.Hil A- . ' , L.i vatingpeac andgood . ttMmay pj-6re very, valuable ac-hiostde(;idely fitihoipols.-r j'fJ,, ,hw.tJie..iXipn &4:tfj,xL . r fj'ii Hi "..-v - ,'.;: c-:'k'v.'. ' r-ir-'''.-!-':-: K't i :.::.i;:;'';'t"i:: - -. v,...: ,v- 'y:-' ,'V" '. .; v..'' v. '.,;:k:'.i-' ' ' ';: ' ''"':-';-::-:.' ?tl'r-"--iyp ','.':' ;'V ".'V ; ' ' .;:'t';-r--i--'-'v5:v ' ' 1- ! ..y-- .'-.vr '; :V'-;t:;" ;-:t '':. ' ' 1 " 1 1 M, 1amiiirl(iMiliv...-Tig.m)-