Newspaper Page Text
r 1JJ i , :vh-v.--rr-.';y -rv-f'i: fK,l;l-. v:-i ;r,: ' .-;;'----:v-4 JiliiWiiilil 1 te.-.,;j-V . ;.::;:s.'-:'';'.r .. i .,.:4 ---V. '--0 - . f , .....u j- VOL I i?v&. - Watauga democrat. , A Dkmooratic. family uewpa- per devoted to ' the intemsta of it County; State and Nation. I'll Wished every wennesany at 7 Boone, jvlfO: , Avatauga uonmy, ss, v SPAINHOUR, KditokJ JOHN S.W'lLLIAMSf,PvDusHEit. lco .1 11 )vl'N'ftfll.:.;.Li....-..r.;..-...f 1 T X indli weeV..;..:.r.....'...7Gc 1 1 month,,...-.. ...-$1.75. y i -X" Mf'V' (.....................,l,fJ '.-lv1;f', '.: it ' JSK i A. ""(' u. .............. ..Ti V l.'; ri year:..............:.......:...7 -1 column 1 .week.......... 1 " 1 month...;...; "..........$9 ...5(13.50 :...'.V.f25 ...137.50 ........?50 1 ' 3 1 : ' 6 1 . l year....... For intermediate vat correB :l pond with the Kditop. . - Local notices 5 cents a line. ' j- RnhRPi-intinn inrnrinhlv in Ao- iH - vancb s.iuf'advertifiments paya- ' ble on demand. ' k".; " "iHS WEST. ? ' 'BockonT Declares Himself an Inde- t ' i - v bendent-Tho People Disappoicted at , HuHarocjne-CiOwas oi less inan V One Hond: ed Kaet Him at Every Place MURPHY, UCT'. For several diys Oliver II. i,.- i ii ii'k nrv iii-im it-'ii in;itv in:' ii IV. n. . :.. . . ' l. -.t f .vinee the people pi l U&lf t il ff-J , Kortli- Curolhia that he is an inindent; caudidata.;. for Ue'says : t I repea tedljf' 'de- ft v?' v-cHwawflguA'iiapons ;iena- I?; ered ine by; the KepnbKahl pary, and at the last Uepuu- lican State Convention 1 was nominated, but did ' not ac-' ly':': cept the position, but as the (jp ;-v lteiEoerats failed to nominate I v B. 'Alexander, the farmere' f -..7;' first choice, and as the farm- i ore had made up their minds "to elect a Governor this year and haying been urged . to . run by the farmers of , the 7y l". State regardless of party, -V an(J hIso requested in the 7 ; strongest terms being also ' -i Wlchted by many : letters, a H t i" good number of . which were ji ; from prominent Democrats Ipl; all this I at last con ; ; sented to' run and be a cand ; fiP V ittete for the office of Govera- ; .,- or.-- So I am before yoii to- (iday 08 such; being the beat ? ' 'ar?ler 'n my county, a mem- t ter pf the Farmers1 AlliancA and m, sympathy : with ..'the : brefJu'en.'. 11 you elect me you will ha ve nothing to be iV Vaame4,bf,. for P will make . .V'.dl'i' honest officer." l I'M.: ': . v-'iis he poiws as on: inde- . . ; pendent - candidate : for; the 'i jiigbest office within the gift v: - of the people- But , this be y :: 'iinff ari off-year as the farm ' , " : t v v " ers call it, mdependents wilf : '?v- 'have a poprshow and this ; demagogical scheme ofOli v$r, '" . '; v;J'.My Son, will le of ; no avail ; an(l is really 'making ? votes I .' yL , .for the "democracy.; ?. ' 'ni V-'SS. flr Hjs steieotyped harangue f v ; . on the tariff find the revenue, . . . and hia eulogy of Henry Clay ', - and i the republican party ; :'''.';''cj'beirig.'the successor of Hhe v y' oW yhig party, is longieince j worn threadbare,' j Eyery- . - v body has beard it, and thflse : ' who have not,; become dis- y gusted when they, do," and ,iV:' comet nway-r di?appointed, . . . ; and many Ujave before; bis . . n-cich is overT r Evio since ! Uttha town of A&heville, his-fowds' have growing beautifully I'een less, fherfe being less than one hun dred to hear ' him' - at "each plafe; He realizes fully , the fact th,at J udge Fpwlecreated gr?a t enthusiasm . in a the West.l; These ciiru instances cause him to know awl - feel Us defeat, and he slioAysit plainly; ; H is aware t hisffoHs are faaurea AltB;lunond Kiddle bey- canno mot help showing 1 1 : on all occasions. Hoiu W. H.lKitchen'svork in he West has been produc five of grwat good, - and his success is remarkable. He has done more for Democrat ic principles a nd' in ' correct ing and denouncing the sland ers of Dockery & Co, .than nnv other orator who has ever canvassed theRe moun tains. , '; j;1',. 1 ;. . Nothing absolutely is to to be feared from the Democ racy of the' West. It is true as the needle to the pole. All the talk about the internal revenue defeating the Demo cratic party is bofih and non sensed They ', understand thoroughly the dein agon ry hypocracy on this . point of fhe ttepubliuin plntform of Chicago and llari-ison's let ter of acceptance. .All-, the better class of the wliite peo plo of this part of tlie State belong to ' the Democratic party. All ' the' ' : deserters, bulfaloos, rag-tag and bob- t.tiil of these mountains be long to,the Republican par ty. 'The wealth, the intelli gence, morality and Christ ianity are largely on the side tothe Democracy.', . " ' The.west will be free from independents' -v d aring - the coming election, and is true to the present system of county government as the Democracy of the east. In our opinion1 if the - present system of ';' county govern ment is ever abolished it will be done by the east and not by the west. . We rknow- the - Democ racy; 6f the- west f will never turn over tW eastern . coun- ties to the mercies oi negro rule. VThe white men . of the west are as true and as loyal to the Democracy of tho east as the east can be to itself . Titer' is no dissatisfaction in the Democratic party west of tjie Bneltidge.-iVetKS-Ote. The 'prayer of the Bepublican paity ' p Lord thou' knowest pur Uprising and especially . our tovvn sitting. Thou knpw- est bur sins and understand eth our sins a far off . .Thou knowest, we have done many wicked things in the sight-p the people and that we do no longer, have favor ; in "their sight.' Thoii knowestn 1 the negro has forsaken , ou r par ty and tha t we no longer can make, them believe our. cam paign tales, that the ! demo crats will put them backjnto slayery.' Ah that t we. could pull the wool pver their eyes as of yore, and get them to put us into power once more. Thou t knowest, that . I the Southern republicans ? no longer cleave to us. . Thou knowest the people of thertion. He would corner ' Ci nortti no longer hayefaithin the b.loody shirt anihat we a re besieged on ? t he. ' right, and on theleftby iaugwanaps Thou knowest . that Cleve land's message has knocked all the. wind out of the tariff sa!es; Tbat v-New. .Yoi; is hopelessly democratic ; j- that Ohio is, doubtlul, and that we uoionger count oil Indiono. Tbou knowest libvi are: sery- ger TdeB) Virginia.. t Thou knowest that we have no leader ,now that we must be scattered as sheep having no shepherd to be devoured ; by mugwamps and weak skulls, t Now we ask that our sins and injus tices he blotted from the. his tory, of this government. Blot out the name of Joice Avery, ' AfcDonald , ; Mckel Grunter and all that walked crooked in the sights of the people or sold or1 made or drunk , whiskey and oh; give us power to ballot out from the book of rememberaiice the name of. Belknop, Hayes and the eight against seven Credit Mobiles Star tJtoute contracts and numerous other J: wrong doings a nd give us favor with the people. Give us back the negro vote and retuiuus . the ''southern repiiblicans with leus of thousands in' ..tjio; . . North. Giveus stump , e.ppakers in Indiana and orators in Ohio. Give us money by the million arid above' all giywus a-jajau to beat Cleveland for Chvists sake Ameu. -Scto. Sentinel. "OLD HDTCH." Everybody knows "Old Hutch,'.' of Chicago. .V great many wish ; they did hot. Some even wish tha",01d iiutch" was . -deatrr "Uid Huch" is a good deal of a hog. Nobody denies that. But he is a very high-priced hog. Chicago never had a more expensive piece of pork than "Old Hutch." .. ; He was worth millions on the market. ; Then he . fed himself on the wheat of oth- er.people." He became worth 14,000,000 more. Men damned "Old .Hutch' Old Huctbt'J&ughed; Woip- en hated "qW Hutch.". t'Old Hutch" smiled. ... Ch;ldren cried ."-for bread. '. "Old liutch';,,,. grinned. All was grist that came tohis mill, And he ground it very fine. People said ' "Old :, Hutch" was a thief.;. He never; (isked theril to prove it;t He corn ered their wheat and got, ev en . .'But he could, " not escape the interviewer. The interviewer - brobably wishes be had. "01dHutchTj told him the newspapers were a pack of , lies. ' VUld Hutch' - knows alio when he sees one. 'Or a pack of them eithef s lle has been specula tmjr.too Jong not , Ii , tid that he bad no Jre snect for papers aft they are .run'nownd.8..'v"0id.Hutcht) proably thinks , they should be run as . Old Hutch" runs aV:wheat. deal, ;Ve : don' KnQW.v.;-:,-.! ,.:. ,.; Hesci t hey were lik the hihle believe whatyou want to Thats ''Old HutcV; all over. It s his onlv hope of k earth ifit were not round.l He hasagreat deaL to av- Bwer'lw.; ; But. he can an swer; iuigeent : day will come to him as to other meii and it won't be a ' cold, day either. Not for "Old Hutch.',' Post3' -::'::s:l C?y, ,jVo oss Seeks Revenge. ' iS ' Thi Raleigh Tfeif or of yes terday ' announces ; : ) that Charles E. Cross.) late' ; pres-'- 4f?f 1 the., State.: National ik, had sworn wit a .war rant against Meters:,, ll.. Stamps and W. S. Primrpse, the former at one time presi dent and (the latter a . direc tor in the above named bank. The warrant charges Mr. Sta mps with making false entries upon . the back of sundry discounted paper, aud making false statements of the condition of said bank knowing them , tojba. false. The warrant charges ' Mr. Primrose with making false statements, of the condition of the bank during the years 1884. '85. m '87. '58. he knowing said statements to be-false, u'- V U; ..-). '.''. Cross prints a card in which he disclaims anyf purpose of getting Messrs. stamps . and Primrose into trouble .and savs; "I simply wish to prove to the good people;'p: his city and , the State o Nor ih Carolina, beyond even a question of a, ' doubt that which 1 have said, as to the ?oHdition;vQi, tljie , SjA'Na tiona 1 Ha n k at tfi'e iTrao" I :ook the presidency of the same, also tne manner - in i n a whiih I was induced to take charge of said bank is true.' The Tel8p aph in Wstauga.. Having at considerable ex pense completed a first class Telegraph line from Lenoir to Blowing Rock, ample ; fa cilities will, in due time, lie afforded to its patrons at moderate cost f or transmit ting niessages tp, and from all parts of the world -reached by wires. '';,..; " ;i ,.--' : While the control , of the lineVemains in this company all business entrusted to it will be managed in a business like way; and with that ' ac knowledge fidelity that has ever thariicterized the deal ings of the memberCQmpos ing it. and whuh has secured for them .the enjoy ment of ra full inoaure of public confi dence. The office' at Blowing Rock will tprobabiy not! be open for legularbusiness be fore the New ear,butia skill full operator will be .placed at that point of a; few days immedi ately after the No ven ber election, ; hen our dWa tauga friends will be f nrhish" ed free of charge with all thi? accessiDie eiecuon uews. The. Lenoir ndt blowing Rock, Telegraph Co. .:.r Murder in t PittOn last Saturday night )V.H Branch and G. P. Fentrcs, murdered Calvin Cox' . near; Greenville. One of the weapons 'aa s a board with a hail ia it, which twrnetrated ' the , skull.. All the parties are ; white , men, and the d..T!clty arose out of t,6r.a ell f;ud. -Ts nnj- HARPER. BERIfflJlilDT I T; ' , ' ;.;;.'v'' fr Ml .The leading wholesale; and r e ail Merchant in wester p.; have always a full aud complete STOCK, of goods suited to the wants ; of their Tivvm;, , -t, ,, . We buy? goods in LARGE quantitiesjj and ' always f for Ju8tReceived: ;t:t " :J X'fyrt-fifc" 50 lwxes Tobacco. ' " '. 10 " . Putty. 100 Kegs Nails 25'1 .SodCn'r'rr 25 Boxes Glass. v T 20 Bags Coffee. ? i t 10 Bbls., Sugar. , ; 'K 60 Reams Paper.--;?''. ; J 72 Dozen Spellers. '' 2.000 lbs Sole Leather.: 500 " ! 44 Upper Leather., 10 Bales Sheetingv s ' 5; u". - 'Plaids. . 5.000 Yards Prints. 1.250 " Jeans. - 2,500 Pairs Boots & Shoes: A full stock of Groceries, NotionB and family goods. ' ': We have a; line of mens and women's shoes. madQ espec- ially for Watauga trade, we have these branded j W atau ira Solid" and warrant every pair. , Naming , prices' does nut little good unless' you can see the goods. We do n jt claim to sell goods ,at ; cost but do sell goods at a profit for less than some . of our competitors who sell for cost.1 As it is generally known, we are among the largest deal ers in Droduce in the STATE we wilf only say that we . are now doing a larger business thitn nd . a re makimr this part of our business fa constant study and are al- ways prepared to buy, any Sood marketable Pbodvjce. Always come to see us.1 . ' YourB Truly Habpidr, Barnhardt &Co. Sept. 27. 188. Umo.r o Subscribe to the DEMOCRAT A a IF YOUWOULDKEEP t Posted As To The Politics your country.; : IF YOU WANT iTO 2 Car. loads Salt. -'hyr. :w-:k .-i- TTV ClT RPT.T ANY- where we ptdfliisjrtive, eat; -V! V11 "ir, X faction to'thoLwhoygrVe ' THiN0 luET ; IT ' BE miavni ttTHRoiisH urColuWandTon WUl nr Needs. , , OUR : PAPEUr i GOES ;TO families and Allowing 6 ,"!V persons jo each family, it is !..,. ' . -', .t :i"'-rs-v.'.; ri IS; had by 4,250 qftte J . Wb Keep In Stock At' Thev ' t'- ;::ftV- .:PLACT;mi'J':!-- :-.';'; Tr7X Factory Jeans, '. and Caasirer" 4 lie niobt exwimivB ubba in kefet in Boon4, such ai -fotiun." Comnoimd Byrrip of Hypophm j v : a phit, Siiuiiw!9 .Liver Kegujay '- r .. W, Warnej-'s Safe Vliv-r'; and T , ! Kydxiev. CuH KephitteJwHiolfT H-'-son's Magic Baleak J)r-? Jwier , Dr. a C. Roc's Liyer; KhmiflLtlfi J Ll t't and NeuralglA Cure jtad varldta5 Cft'i oxner meuicines wa huuiwuub w ., , mention. ' ,-: '.'jwn v1't --- .5 . ii .1 - Li '1. I II ... . ...'. . n . r 1? ' ' m fAdlitdes ar such enable w.topell, .good . ; ' 'f '' -; t" I III -t" r tt r i . . , . than any other merchant !bi th I S PAY CASHxFDT Mm PAY CASHxFCai 01 GOODS and get a disepi fl ner cerit. luni oi ironr , is w 'WiiiroWfeC rent and can cive 6nf feuK closer figures than many I We take in exchange for;. -? '. '..u iuiHl-. Butter i :hfCfSB if-- ax...vr i i.-. Wool, Grain, . - lloneyy 1;Alu5kMis,.t;,:: : I ..... u ; .,1,;;;. . v.-' . ."Wehav in connction with rii -Wf ' OorCotai 1 fc:rsx:jSCKTr::;' r'--'--': tw''--' "'''( VUV; Vtv ('v-M-V ' V.VHt' LccQtron::3r" , ,, p .- --?, :-.:..: .-. I s t-;f .if ' ' . fe: v."- r.-t-"1 7 :t M r-Stv ;uji'-' " -j .............