Newspaper Page Text
iiiiiii wmsiK H. (i:v ,-,4 .'1Mk,-'v: 'fe;': f v . Torrr . watau(udejkcbat.: - K''l - A Democratic, family new-spa $.: ; : ter devoted to the interests pi. ' 1 : tt8 uounty, state nni :nxion. i - ; rul)lisKedevw Wednesday at 'i - Boone; WatangCownty. K ft J.K.Kl'ALNUOl'n JOHN 8. AVlLlJAMa,Pucu8uBp. 1 copyl year.;.:....v.w:....l A 1 " l roonth9...;..;;,.vU."-j50e. C l 8 uiontljH...:.r,;...;....53c. Advkrtisinu Rates. VK ' ;.'i . " ' ' 1 iucn 1 week, :.;.'....;.',;..;i;..t'.:.75c Hi'iViv r-'l'"3': l'moiitl.';.'.W.'..'.'.;.1.i.,1.76. 6 1 V 1 year..-. v l column 1 eek.;...;.;.U..'...'.S9 1 " lmoTith.....:..,a.J13.50 1 JJ " 125 :;i:r;;"'0 . 1 year....l..M......:..f 30 For intermediate rates corres pond with the Editor : : iV;. lvocal notices 5 cents a line. ; 1 l BubHcription invariably in An vaw and aavertifflnenta PSja - Lie on demand. ,rr..-r.-r-- toothachm J NiAjitAw.iA. --A fow flroni puisd over the painful mrtc gives Im- "Mi'S'idoVlS'iiurioV KEPHAUMi onm co. KEPHALINE TESTIMONI- v; Dr. J, M. ' Spainhour. Le noir, Caldwell, Co. N. C. says: 'l have used Kephaline for more than a year and have never failed to be relieved of the seveiust Headache by it use. I cheerfully mrommend it to those suffering in ; this Mr. John Houck, Collets- ville. N. V. says: I have used . Kephaline myself for Neural gia and have nlso used it in my family and believe it to be the most effective remedy I have ever tried." V" . ; Kephaline is for sale whole v sKler and retail by Coffey . Hi on.)' lioone, N (). T Flat Top NJC. j; " I ; ; Dec. 17th. 1,888. To the Democrat.; : ' Mr, Editor, hot .. having - ' seen any 'tiring i from i this ' neighborhood sipce the: dis eu?Hoh between Mr. v Hartly . v - and Miller, I concluded that 1 would dot h few items, for publication (if this does not ' ' 11 f id its way to that misera ble ' v waste basket of youre.) ' We are ; having rAin ? and mud v , plenty; although it rain . jt does not retard the hauling ' of cabbage but little. : The people it seems haul cabbage , - from a senSe 'of duty, they 4" " Wftci'tlw lerioiriter. Hick "( pryiie8,7fyrtonis any, otner . ites, where they can ell, Or half sell, the pro ( duction of their last year's . hard.lalHDf, ( Surely the-, pep1 ; pie of Watauga could afford to help a little to build . a Bail Koad through the couh- ty, as easy and with much better grulce i than - they: can help to pay off the: Morton - bank- 'This Mr. Editor is ft question it seems'- the peo rJe set tied iri Nor, last, but how they feel now, or may in . the not ! far 'off . futui-e, is something that I cannottell, C. 1 can do, is to abide ray tice in patience and eoa the arr.7sr.-. "-.-":, j?''. , Christtn& has begun a lit tb in and nround .Blowing .oclc Dept. BherH' Ed uitei . ; ; - iCs : ctart byarryir? HODinAlUA POTTO Miss ;? Vienn: Sherrill. May their path-throucli life., be nu. . ot-n ih tilmisnroa . y r v, v - jj - , that never fode or 1iv I hear that a Christmas, tree of meeting yesterday; - with favorable result ; .the niin isters 'in'" attendance were Kevs.; W: T, Knightv.. jMi Payne, John Norris ?and James Phillipn. ivThero were tail' additions to th ; chritch 4 by letter and G by : experi ence.1 ' 'Among the latter were J. E.-Gj'eene nhd his son Mc. Greene, "also ' J ohn Hartley son of J, M. ; Hartley who were mo de happy in ii savior's pardoning gi-ae, Never whs a community; move rejoiced than thm at tin? cpnveision of the above named three. , The vwete good kind obliging ... i ? e Jt'- ' j iieigiiooi's ueiore ineir. con- version and How we have reaKous to bulieve'that they will mnlcp irood soldierH in the army of the L(5r(l. The v . . , church npared to enjoy a ' revival of their religion dur- about Cor 8 3aysi : wheu; it. closed there was several pen itents stiil mourning a Sa- !- " -""O - " yiors . love to know. May. they never: give up to ;tbe wicked one who strives tbde coy their poor soulsIwould on u in p.iM'lnainTi mnnin n 'iniHP m ha hrtf truvn for he P.omfo'rted. . j v- v' buccess to the Democbat and i ts; Editor. W. E COUNTY ANNUAL HTATE 1 MENT.. " 17 ' '(continued . ) : 7 , ? A. J. MoretzTaxL'st' S. M: Clark M- ; " ; 6.90. Jordan Cook 7." V 7,65. N.LMast. ? M;;42,15' W.- CIHiilcher' " H i 6,15 T.J. Hagaman " 7,65. 'J. C. Greer -V : 9.15. I. T. Calloway; " 7,65. W. WvPresneli 4"'- .9,15. W. H; Calloyyay ;: J,G5. IVin. Vuiicauon JU :'C,15, , -: i BHERIFF'S .FEES, r;- J. Li Hayes summons jurors 10,95, VJiHayeslfilay charge for Court House, 9,r 15.'; J. L.' Hayes holding the Courtf-Sprihg g term 29.52. J.. L., Hayes, holding . the Court June Herm 34,25 Ji!lj. Hayes ExeputingXcapi as ; .9,20 J. L: Hayes fees! on sale of land; 8,45. ? J sfi .Ii, term 80,75. J. L. Hayes de livermg toad orders, 75 ' cts. DEPT SHERIFF'8- FEES, J. S. Culler delivering road orders 75. ' Thomas U. : Mil iert Executing Suh'ps 30; : n IV. Kent : " 45, Grmj.,Norria": 1,45. D. F. Belrd ex-Shff 2,15; T; A, Cable Ds,,"; 'Uil5. C J . Cotrill Exec't papei-s - 6Q Jont I Wilson " " $B.95 Wm.HEdmi8ten:;4.20 C M.Hodges '. " : r ? ' 4.95 U U smithey ' " -J5.80 Allen Green Cons" .; 3.45 Abner HBpyd " . u ; 2Xa -.'iv'tnYifVi-;' :::.? IK.B CouDf ill atty forCo 50.8.0 TjI. Coffey, &A livo. powder and fuse 3.22.. A; D. Cowles powder and fuse 11.50 tAc. . i a m -f TOf t i 'i Jail Expensed. . ' T. .1 : Coffey &. liro; work on Jail 7,30, j' Will Austi!Vf feed ing prisoitera J3.75 JtVill u$aa!iveeJing 7-prisoners I jaljet&e HV1 firovvi feed iiigisonerI;"8()2pJ . D. Councill work on Jail 1.15; Total Am' 1. 100.58. ;- 4 ; Fees o( Sup Com. ClerkV Joseph B. Todd Uooks and btationary 8,75. : Joseph B. Todd Books and Stationary 5.15.1 Joseph B. Todd whole and half fees 140.92. Total Ara't, ?155.02: " : , V Printing Expenses v . E H. McLoughlin $24.95. Jno. S. Williams 15.55. : . ; Clerk of Board ConsT fees. E. ? J- - Blackburn ( lerking $109.9() E. J.(i Blackburn ruakingouttax,Book 146.04 Total Ain;t $255.94.' Wi C. Coffey Committee Fi tin nee $1 2.30. J. 1 E. 1 Finfe v ia. Committee 10 J5. . v. : There has been no . unveri fied accounts allowed. . The County has no.outstan ding debts. . ' ' ' ' .TJie Coujity ;haA a . erniall surplus oil hand in thehasds Co., Treasurer. . .j -Tf -tir t-'-..-i It- " ..- i'-'.r i.reBiieu,--.. f. 'CTert Bdf C6.r Corn's.? :.,;..!'V.';;;I;V" V 'S it I lus space bolongs to Joe B. Claf ke, who' has no tiniu fpr writ ing au 'advcrtiaeinent, ho only wjsnes to nifonui bis customers tljat he lia HOiun goods Ptill on hwid, wjijciv hci.s Aollhu-ycjrylow fp'r hisii orxwl prt)dur; i - All ..noj-noiiH ii.i'lowwi t.i nun aro resik;(:tftilly. nslunl toV come forward at once hnd mko set ut'iiieitri as tucoid accifa-i w muw ne st'xtKHi ; oore new ! ones are niae.' Tiiankiufchict' friend.' for past p'f.tJ'onagc; 1 hoyy by . lair aeaii.ig to niont , a coimunance of the trddo I now eniwy. Wish ing ybu all a happy new.ycar, J liKili! :f''!-ti- ;,'.v."';l;r powder and fuss. V;H, Not- graiited in a, certain mort ris Steel 3.22. W; li. ;Biyan! M-deed executed by'Wra. Jl bggi NOTICE. : By virtue of a power of sale irTl ""r, on urn nu ujyr oi taro-t rxf ort W m ftntiro m tl t. u ypr win;, ( wu uu inruiot tb Court 'House in Bopr.e betwll the hours of.lOo elk a.Wi end, 2 p. jn. proceed to rKIVX "1 Vt v'"7.""" uiM . i described tracts of land viz: r : lst.v Tract lying on xne waters of. Mast's Mill Cwk and knoWri as the- Johnson farhi, containing 100 acres .... ..ish-l ' Boiil-.lVm H. Greer by Harris about 14 day of March 1877 and ; ad minim? the ; lands of B'.;' F. Baird, - Henry Taylor and I 2nd., Tract on Roeky face granted to the said Greer of 75 ncres. '-'v :-;"'r;:'.-r 3rd. Tract of 30 acres con veyed to the said ' Greer by David Baird. adjoining the landa iieden Baird, David iaird and others,' as will more fully appear by refer ence to said mortgage, which is recorded in the: Office of Register of Deeds in Watauga Co., in ". Book 1, pages 500, 507, 508: The said describ ed lands will be sold for cash iri hand to satisfy the said debt with interest and cost of these proceedings. ; . Wm. H. Gentry; ' Assgneeof Al D. Cowles: Wm. R. liovill, A tt; Doc. Ist. l888w ?: v? i S , ; w , NOTICE. - ' ny Virtue of a power of - jwile contained : : in two- certain mortgage deeds from J. w. Floyd & M, C. Floyd his .wife to F.T. Fuller, 1st -recorded in book JF?, pages 405 arid 406, second recorded in book "I" pages;; 558, 5S9.& 560 Registers office of '. watauga Co .1 will sell at public out cry on the premises on . the first Mondqy in February 1889 it being the 4th day of the month to satisfy -certain notes with interest from date of mortgages and also Turth ej pum furnished A OlFloyd as per second nortage, . pne tract of land 1 eontaininsr 46 acres more or less and Tying north of lioone adjoining the landa bf,L, L 0reehe; T. 'J;! Cbffey & iro. and otheis and known as theo Floyd i place and nvore: fully described in said Mortgages.?-'. : '1 1 ii.l 'Termsof sale ftOO-to be paid oh doy of sale,bal due i an fiirst 1 890 with - interest oi six per cenx. rem,ainaer uue an tsi 1891 without, inters eat.'.":: i .' :A ;. F..T. FuUrr, Mortgagee. : fr iu. if . iiovm Atty. : Jan 3i-d 1889 . .! !. ; GO TO COL. G. W. RAY. Jef fersonV Ashe, Co., for all kind FURNITURE 7;vv.i;:jJureau8rvv.vv),;.-j ;.vr , , , Dressing Cases, ?- ?: :.- . V'-'A.'i-jNv ' Tables:-' m;f::..v'?M--:-:v Chairs, &c M His work is flrttt-dnss in mate rial and finish: Prices very re&s tnre is worth half a dozeti piece- oi rue ngnti, nouay( maenme made furniture : and th finish equally as good. Give him ucal: t.b. flnley. ; ATTORjiy at Law,' ; June 25rhEaly. :;. , T. J .' Coffev & : Bro.: l w rr- t i :.J W Hi JVJB.Iif LH STUUK .AT. A 1110 Place-'..;.: ' x.V. . e Dry Goods, ;Notion9, - Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes ; " 01081. eXTCJlBlVe line 01 kept hi Boonei such as - follows: Compound Syrop of Hypophos pwtesi'Stmmon's letter Kegnia- torf warner'B, af9 uver- and Kydaey i Cure, Kephaline, lack son's Magic Balaan, Dr. Janes' Medieines. Brown's Iron Bitters. Dr. ft C. Roc's Liver. Rheymatic and Neuralgia Cure and varidiij other medicines to6 numerous to mention. 4 All the above will be bo' X FOR We believe our facilities are Huch as to enable us to sell good as LOW OR han any other merchant in the AY GASH FOR OUR GOODS and get a discount of frora . 2 to Opcr cent.- i ' . ; .' We pay no elerk hire or house rent and can give our .customers closer flgnres than many others. We take in exchange for goods Butter,:-1::': ;:" Eggs, -; Waxi ';.-'.l,.Vi ; :;:. : Wool, . , , : ; ' Feathers,-'' :V'VVtw' Chickens, .? j ..:';'-'; 'j)r?: K? Hides Ac Weliave in .connrtiontiwlth ou other business a ;m -s; ... LW;. u r: TANNERY where we premiss to give satis faction to: those who give w their patronage, i , ; y v. - i l!::i;::'rt:is fcr Do- BiSucimcj'ic:ort tho'CMatohiVii- We keep the -''v- Y.y" .a SCH00Li;00Kf5 REOOMrxb DE BY THE STATE" BOARD C7 Education at LIST rr:cn tf ri.' u.-L 7 Vvi-j Drugs MP; . F. J. McMillan A Son o! " -Mouth of Wion, Ya. Manufactnrefl all , kincts woolen goods, 'which mey will wua iq youi-aoor mexvuanguiar wool. 'They also keep a rail Kaa v l of coods on hands at: ' V SrjTHEKLAND8,ASHE,Co.;N.C. They pay 'highest "CASH pricU . ,;.ti for wool. ;:"::;: Davenport Colicky!; ;::LEN0lR,(1 for girls, a FACULTY: . WillH; Sanborn, Clinton Cilley, Miss Annie P.McSwai'i Mrs.jWvH. Jsanporn Mrs. J. ; C. von, Buhlow, Miss M.-: C, McSwain, Miss Janie Tillir.- host; Miss Laura Norwood and llerrMax Arndt. :' -. i special rates fof girls frot; Western North Carolina. : - rre-eminent in poiht of lo cation.'. Higher ' English j ' Music, Art and in; home li?3. : Term begins Sept. 20th.18SO forcircuiars address Will 11. Sanborn, rreident.; s r ; 1 -Sept; 18th. 188B.,8ii6. : i : A COMPLETE ;;;;NE)SPArt . : j V,' .fER 1 'i.'f- 'v:': -;": "The Pride ofthe ortfi'Caro ; ; na.Press." Do you want to aid in buildiir up a paper that hall reflect t..: gnat est credit on North Caro!i ua, no matter where, it may l t P eeeli ? Then l patronize k : Do you want a reliablf.T)aFC : giving you hjl. the news; of ti.: worid-fa Democratici newfpaT-?' that Jequalk. tie Jbesir-haa i larmt circulation, and has i twenty-one years been a fcart and factoria the growth and de velopment; of tie Old r Norti ' i State? Then snbscrile f or ; the wimijGTOs lcrixer - Campaign Rartes:. The "Daily Me88enger,,'t mail, 4 mpnths oii trial, f c The;we0kly aUscript 'I!: "': best paper m tne i Ktate) months onttriat for ?1.00 I ; Casbv inbdTato.iI Bo" papersiaei taiEiSht-Pc; sbeetSvif.Send v: postal;: ' Cc: with, the address oftftH X SQns andreceiYa saipe'cc ei of TheMessenqeb. : iV , rv.Mi"'!--':. :-Wl ; "V "- tl -X. i C.' C- If t"p' " ek oiu r til," rkm. Iffoue- -. - sale by 5 Cox T: . NdthansCrccilJ.C.. aud;AC7ErT; ' E PEC