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vorr - V1 0) 4 A ufe uil MlUWt remedy for BEADACHB. TOOTHACHE ud KKVKALGIA. A to ' drop passed over th painful sarhc give lm- msdltU relief; with termlnstlna of the stuck. Pile. tSe. M SOr. per bottle, -FOB SALS BY ALL DBUGQ18T8. Prepud only by the KCrKALINE DRU CO. ItMlr, Nerlh CsreUne, JiHllALiilE TESTIMONI ALS. : - M. A. Corpening North Catawba, Caldwell Co, says: 1 write this to say that the little bottle of medicine called Kephaiine is a splendid ren -ed.y for Headache. My whole family use it and all buy that it relieves them. : Mr. Lannon, kings Cieek Caldwell Co. says: "1 ha-e used Keptiai n o.: Heat -ache, Tootiiaene and Nei gia and have never tailed lo be relieved. 1 have also used it tor Colic in does of one and two di ops wall great benefit." Follow with dealers ad as in No 1, . Kephnline is for sale whole- sale'and retuil iy v. o.rey m os Boone N. C jseLOOK!i-a Miss Laura Bingham of Amantha, desires to inform her patrons that her stock of millenery isnov complete and that between now und she Christmas holidays she will show you the most at tractive goods ever shown in this county. Every lady who desires goods of the latest style and height of fashion will do well to call on her. A tract of 74 acres listed by Church I).: VVtax -82 -cost 2ltotal one hundred and two. A tract of twenty neros list ed by Danner W. W. tax two dol and 514 cts cost twen ty, two dol and iifty founts. A tract of fifty acres listed by Knrp L. C tax two dol. and sixty five cts cost twen ty total two dol and eighty five cts. 1 tract ot one hundred acres listed by Fox Sarah tax sev enty cost twenty total nine ty cts. -A tract of seventy five acres , listed by Foster Lon tax fifty costf twenty total twen ty A tract of forty five acres lis ted by (ialborY. G. tax two dol and eighty nine cts. cost twenty total three.! dol. and nine cts ' A tract of lo7 acres listed by Gilliland Pat ninety three cts. cost twenty total 1.13. . A tract of 4o acres listed by Harman Emiline twenty sev en cts. cost twenty total for ty seven. Atrnct containing three hun dred and fifty acres listed by Jlagaman T A. nineteen : dol. and fifty ct. cost twenty total nineteen dol and seven ty ts. A tract of loo acres listed by Moltha R. W. three dol and fifteen ct. cost twenty total . three uol and thirty five cts. A tract of thirty live acres listed by McLean J E two dol.' and foity 6 cts cost twenty total two dol. and 66 cts."'-- ;' - A tract of twelve acres listed by Moody Susan twenty eight cts. cost twenty, total forty eiirht cts.' A tract of thirty two'acreslis- ted by Bight P, F. two dol. and twenty one cts, cost , twenty total ; two dol and forty one cts. " ; ; , A tact of fifty acres listed by Shook D. M. two dol andibr - ty six ctM cost twenty to- tal two dol and sixty six ct. A tr,u.t. hf 1 on iiiTt'H listed Shook ' J . Q. two do A and seventy seven cts cost twenty total two dol. and j ninety seven ct. A tract of 15 acres listed Taylor A VV twenty three cts 'cost twenty total forty thr e . ts. v i . - . Booxk. ,' ,. One tract of fifty acres listed by Ashly J F tax one dol. four cts. .cost twenty total onejiol twenty four c. One tract of ono hundred and twenty five acres listed by Brown J VV tax nine dol forty three cents cost twenty total nine dol sixty three c. One tract of thirty acres lis ted by lirown E. C. tax three dol fifty threec. cost twenty total three dol seventy three ! cts. One tract of fifty acres listed by B.-irns tYrn. tax one dol. eighty three cts cost twenty total two dol. three cts. Ono tract M ninety six acres listed by Brown Charity tax two dol and twenty three cts cost twenty total two dollar and forty three cts. One tract of seventy acers listed by Benson W. F. tax two dol and sixty seven cts. cost twenty total two dol. and eighty seven its. One tract ot fifty seven acres listed by Councill Bens heiis tax one dol and twenty sev en cts, cost twenty total one dol and ninety seven cts. One tract of sixty one acres listed by Canter G W tax three dol and sixty Sve cts. cost twenty total three dol. and eighty five cts. One tract of one hundred and niiiety live acres listed by Cowles 0. J. tax one dol and sixty seven cost twenty total one dol and eighty seven cts One tract of eighty two acres listed by Elrod Hardin tax three dol and sixty seven cts. cost twenty total three dol. and eighty seven cts. One tract of forty two acres listed by Floyd J VV's heirs tax three dols. cost twenty total three dol aud twenty CIS. One town lot listed by Elliott J A tax sixty seven cost ten total seventy seven. One tract of twenty five acres listed by Gilliam Eliza beth tax seventy seven cost twenty total ninety seven. One tract Qf twenty five acres listed by Gragg Caro line tax seventy seven cost twenty. total ninety sefencts One tract of ninety eight acres listed by Green Eli S. tax four dol and eighty cts. cost twenty total five dol. A tractlisted by Moore Da vid one dol fifty-five cosTTwenTy TOTal one sevenTy-five A TracT HsTedAmosJFprop erry four dol forry-Two cost TwenTy Total four eighTy-Tvvo One tract tf forty four acres listed by Hortpn J. B. tax three dollars cost twenty to tal three dollars' and twenty cts. -One tract of Reyenty-flve a cres listed by Hagaman ; Sal lie tax six dolUrs. aud nii.Qty vea cts l ost twenty total ; seven dollars and seventeen j :tK- j One tract of seventy-five ; n(',,HH liltwl l).V Hagaman Joe i ii - .. .1 ti i i . mix. eitfveu iioiuirs im.u six ty two cost twenty total elev en . dollars and eighty-two ts. One tract of forty acres listed by Harrison Maigeret tax thirty-nine cost twenty total fifty nine. One tract often acres listed by Hardin H. VV, tax one dol lar atid eighty five cts., cosl ewenty t otal two dollars and five cts. One tract containing 'one hundred and wven acres lis ted by Hodges Wiley tax five dollars and two cts, cot twenty total five dollars and twenty-two cts. One tract of live hundred a cirs listed by Kuilon Win's, heirs lax fifteen dollars cost twenty total fifteen dollars and twenty cts. One tract of fifty acres listed by liorton Jonathon tax. thirteen dollars and seventy niiiocts. cost twenty total thirteen dollars and ninety nine cts. One trri'-t of ninety acres lis ted by Morton Phenix'sheirs tax four dollars and twenty cts- cost twenty total four dollars and forty cts. One tract containing twenty five acres listed by Harrison D. P. tax two dollars and thirty cts coat twenty total two dol and filty vis.- One tract of onelrmdred and 83 ucrts listed by ITiiguntaD Jolnw, heirs, tux 3,33 cost 20 total. 8 3 Ono truct of 10 acrci listed I. .Uumlity J. L. tax 2,73 noot 20 to tal 2,93. One taut of 1,09 narcs listed by Miller 11. O. tux 8,60 cost "20 totul Oii'e tni'-t of 40 acre listed bv vSmith J. ,M. Lx 3,4.Vcoat,aO tot: a.63 A tract of 07 acres liett-c by Wil not) Mary Js Laura tax 4,W cosi 20 total 4.20. A tract ot 10 n(Ti s listed by Wbit tinjjtoii G. W. 2,57 cost.20 total 7,77. MKAT CAMP. A tract of fifty acres listed by Bui ket I. F. three dol and sixtY six cts. cost twenty to tal three dol and eighty six cts. - A tract of one hundred and twenty ncres listed by VV. W. Blackburn 7 dollars and 77 cost twenty total seven dol lars and ninety seven cts. A tract of ninety six acres listed Brown Win. two dol lars and sixty seven cts. cs't twenty total two dollars and eighty seven cts. A tract of one hundred and nineteen acres : listed Baird and Miller two dol nndsiXty seven cost twenty total two dollars and eighty seven cts. A tract of four hundred and fortY five acres listed J Cowles C. J. two dollars and "ninety seven cost twenty total three dollar and seventeen cts." A tract of fife hundred acres listed Councill G. R.;tweuty flve dollars and filty eight cts cost twenty total twenty five dollars ' and seventy eight CtS.: f 4, .-;, A tract of one hundred and two tveres listed Councill & Bagnn Councill's intei-est two dol and fifty total two dol and seventy. A tract, of. 185 aci-es listed Gragg It. G. lo dol and nine ty seven cost cost twenty to tal 11.17. A tract of fifty four acres lis Green Alfred threedollarsand ten cts cost twenty total three dollars and thirty cts. A tract of two hundred and twenty acres listed Hardin & f t a v two u ol 1 a rs aud nine ty three cost twenty total three dollars and thirteen cts. A tract of fifty acres listed Hardin and Ensif sixty .-even cost twenty total 8o seven. A tract of four acres lusted Miller Wm. (Captain) ten ct .ost twenty total thirty. A tract of loo and 8o seven acres listed Miller J. 0. seven dollars and nine cts cost t wen ty total seven dol and twenty nine cts. 1 A tract of thirty acres listed Murfgrave W. P. two dollars and fifty five cosl twenty to tal two dollars and seventy ilvo A tract of eighty six acres listed Moretz Win. three dol and diir .v eight cts cost twen tv total 3.53. A tract of three hundred and hirty one ncres listed Moretz J L. six dollars and 8o three cts cost twenty total 7 dol aad three cts. A tract of 1 acre listed Mor otzJ.D. two dollars and 8 cts, cost TwenTy ToTal Two dol and TwenTy 8 cts. A tract ot fifteen hundred acres listed by Miller E B thirty three dol and fifty sev en cts cost twentY total thir ty three dol. and seventy seven cts. A tract of sixty acres listed by Miller Marv one dol and fortY seven cts. cost twenty total one dol and sixty sev en cts. A tract ol two hundred and twenty nine acres listed Miller Wm. mx dol and twen ty eight cts. cost twenty to tal six dol and forty eight ct. A tract of two hundred and filtY five acres listed Miller II. C. one dol aud 67 cts. cost twenty total 1.87. A tract ol 4o acres listed Morris S S two dol and eigh ty five cts. cost twenty total three dol and five cts. A tract of ninety six acres listed Norr is Joseph H six dol and forty cts. cost twen ty total six dol and sixty. A tract of fifty acres listed Xoi lis .Wily three dol. and sixty cost twenty total thre and eighty cts. A tract of 84 acres listed Norris Richard three dol and thirty s:x cost twenty total three dol and fifty six cts. A tract of 4o acres listed Norris ' J . F three dol and eighty seven cost twenty to tal four dol and seven cts. A tract of 6o acres listed Bed Wesley forty cost twen ty total 6o. A tract Of thirty four J acres listed Ragiiii R F two 1 dol and fifty cts. cost twenty to tal two dol and seventy cts. A tract of sixty two acres listed Winebarger Labau thieedoland fifty five ct . cost twenty total three dol. and seventy five. A tract, ol one hundred and fifty acri s listed Winebarger Naha'm three dol. cost twen ty total three dol and twen ty cts. Laurel Creek. One tract f 20 ;irea listed by Hiiiif;iVlvard tax 8.00. co- t 2u to. al 3:9. A tract 'f to ncroi Jit-ted by Jiil lii'ijjs R. F. tax 2.07 c-st 20 tiU 2 87. A tract F f2 ;rres 1 stfcl y Co ! , .) F tax 8 17 OBt 20 total 4.17. A true' of 125 acros listed by Craw ley Richard tax 3.74 cost 20 total .3.9. A I rtu-t of 28 ncres luted by Guy Sandoniax 2.51 cost twenty ttal 147 A t fact of i8 acres listed by Guy W AUx2 5lcot0totnl2 7l.'! ! ract of 100 a.-rea listed by Gayi .Una nix C7)Bt 20 total 4-7 A tii,it o 400 aeref listed by liar- i dm U una i o. iaxo .uii i tal b7. A tract of 18 a.r-8 listed by James Josi'pli tux 2.37 cobt 20 lotul 2 57 A tract of 100 auies listed by Kel f!tu- Win. A tax 88 eoit,2i) totnl 1.08 A tract of 20 acres listed by Mitcli ell ILuvey tax 35 cost 20 total 65. A tract of i:'6 acras listed by MU erW li ti;x 4.99 cost 20 total 5.19 onct of 2.) oci-fs listed by Mill Sips Kliz land R V tax 67 cost 2o total 87. A U'act of 33acre list-d by Mi'l-! s:ips W M tX 2 45 tost 20 total li.Go. A tract of lOO'otrosli'tad l y Mil eial and Mining Co. tax 16.67 cost 20 toial 16.87. A tract of 120 ucres liste.1 Ij Pres nell iNaucy tax I. bUvbi 20 total 1.7o A TracT of TwenTy , five acres lis'ivd Itominger C. P. Two dollars and foiTy five cost TwenTy Toral two dollar and sixTy hve ces. A TracT of firry acres lis'ed tract containing fifty acres .isted Trivctt W. 'J. fourdol and l'il'y three cos' twenty.ito U4J3, A tr.'ct of 100 ncres listed Tester D. Harrison 3,t?9 cost 20 total 4,09 A tract of a5-oc'i8 listed Ti-ster I'. M. 2.57 cost 20 total 2 77- ' A tract of 75 ncnK listed Ward jot.u W. 2,67 cose 2J total 2.H7. ' Atravtof76 acres listcl Ward Duke 6o cost 20 total 80. ' . , Bald Mountain. 1 tract tractcontaining 50 acros of land listed by Castle and Morphevv. Tax 1.00 cost 20 total 1.20, j, 1 tract containing 45 acres listed by Calloway I. T., and Miller tax 60 cost 20 total 80. ';! :- 1 tract containing 1.00 a cres listed by Cowles C. J:, tax 100 cost 20 total 1.20. 1 tract containing 80 acres listed by Davis C. J. tax4.27 cost 20 total 4.47. 1 tract containing 68 acres listed by Davis , Ellen; ; ag't for Fhiilips' heirs., .tax .1.10 cost20total l.30. , i rrt ft'-.iitkin?nflr,1.20 lis ted by the Elk Knob "PPer Co., tax 68.33 cost- 20 totai 68,53. ; ; .'' Jf ','' "r.'-v.--.. .-'i . " ' U'-f(f 1 tract containing 95 iaci-es listed by Howell Wm Sr, tax 1,90 cost 20 total 2,10, , ; ' ; ' .-; ' t !;vyr?-;i .:j . t ; 1 tract containing 60 acres- V listed by Horton Nathans' heirs tax .80 cost 20 ; total i.oo. ; 1 tract containing l.OOncretf listed by liorton S. K. tax . 2,00 cost 20 total 2.20. 1 tract containing 472! acres'. listed by Ieppard Mrs M. A, tax 1,10 cost 20 .total 1,30, 1 tract containing 85 acre listed by JtfcGuire J; A. tax : : 2.59 cost 20 total 2,78. ; . ; 1 tractcontaining 45'? acres . listed by McGuire J, T; tax v; 3,68 cost 20 total 3.88, I !;j ,J, V 1 tractcontaining 6o ;acre V listed by McGuire R. G. . tax 1.34 cost 20 total j54. ;vX 1 tractcontaining 99 acres listed by McGuire Jonathon . ( he r .tax 1.13 cost 20 total 1,3 3 .':':' !''' i'-' ? 1 tract containing 1,24 acres listed by McGuire J. O. tax J34 cost W total J.54. ; ; ;v 2 tract containing 1.46acre lsted by Miller E. B. tax .1.-:-?; 10 cost 20 total 1,90.1 One tract containing36 acres listed by Norris W. 67 - cost 20 total .87. n ; ne tmct containing 100 a- ' ;; crs listed by Norris . Alleys' heirs tax 1,34 cost 20 total 1,54. ' , " One tract containing 37 a cres listed bv Potter ' ' D. B. i tax 3,25 cot 20 total 3,45. One tract containing 145 a- -cres listed by Phillips C C tax 6,1 8 cost 20 total 6,38 , One tract containhifi, 38 a- cres listed by Phillips SE tax t 2,60 cost 20 total 2,80. One tract containing 114 a- " cres listed by Potter Enoch tax 7,21 cost 20 total 7,41 One tract containing 90 a- cres listed by Potter : Jacob tax 4,03 cost 20 total 4,23. One tract containing 65 a cres listed by Potter Abe -P., tax 4,83 cost 20 totab5,03 ; One tract containing 107 n- , cres listed bT Potter Jno. 0.f tax 6,23 cost 20 total 6,43. One tract containing t 900 a- ; cres listed by Patterson S L tax 14.67 cost 20 total 14, 87. r '..;---v.r , ; ' One tract containing 42 .-a-': cres listed by Phillips S-r Hh 100 cost 20 total 1,20 , -One tract containing 363 a- " cres listed by Ray Thomas Sr; tax 4,43 cost 20 4,63, One tract containing i)5 a- . res listed by Rav & Co.'i tax 1,27 cost 20 total 1,47. ( tract containing 0 acres iisti d by Stepherisij. H. tax'- l-, 27 ( 08t 20 total 1,47. '- i V ;. ; t ..... One tract containing 200 acres iisted bv Sutherland T. Jt tax . y v s. 9,33 cost 20 total 9,53. rlM" - i. One tract cohtainiiif? 65 acreslis- f ted bv Shelton W. T.-tax 3,60 ; cost 20 total JSO.g . II ,, i One tract containing 145 acres r, listed by Tucker Calvin tax 6,20 ' ' v cost 20'total 6,40. , 'v:r;: Our tract containing 50, acres , V lisle l by Winebarger John''r.,iu( :,ax 2 90 cost 20 total 3,10. One tract containinj? 20 acreslis. . : ted by VVinebarcerA; H, tax 5,-. 55 cost 20 total 57.5 One tract containing three hund- . .; red 'and flfty acres listed by Worth and Thomas tali 6 oo : " cost 2o total 6.2o.j .. , ;ij ;v One tract containing i acres listed by Winebarger John 9r. ,. tax 6o cost 2p total 8o. , ' i V j " Ono tract contolnlug 3o five st ores listed by Wilson C: F.tax3 llcost'2o total- 8.d611ars 'and thirty one, ...:. ' Respt. J.' L. Haye's ShBl ? ' OrLWEfc 00. Druooistr and StathwesV EIk-ParK;! ? 'Deatew-ttPoHl'' Drbgl"ei cals, Paints, OHs;,;TaijBhr an J Toilet articles Jf e XtJoEc a specialty. J;We keep the lit. ' Novels nd pwjoHfte f n ;Ct ::fH.'tMj.r'4 .b?y.' :'V; I