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Newspaper Page Text
v& - 'Sv' Ha xtk na - MM 9 voLT' A aafa and reliable remedy for HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE and KUUKAUUA. A fow dropt panned over the painful mirfuce glvea lm. rullof. with termination of the attnek, Price 2S. and Hoc. per bottle. FOB 8 ALB BY ALL UBUbUlHTH. ... . Prepared only bj the KEPHAUNE DRU8 CO. Lenoir, North Carolina. L':.rh'H iTL;tvnity total tvo dol. Nind ft i vj l.ll I It. V U1I ill, JVHiU : N. C. w: "1 Uve. used one bottVolJKephalirie i.nd find 'Havi.'iir suiiered for many years with Nenra'gia in my I-.ea (1 and face 1 w.-iB persua ded by my. friend J. Pain yan (.'oiToy 'to try K.e; -haline I got one twenty-live, cer.t bottle and after usuii- it, fx periencod entire relief from pain.' . Kephuiiiie is for sale whole-f-ale and r tail hy Coff.-y ;tros liooue N. C. 'rLOOKnja Miss Laura liiiijihani of Amantha, dwiivs to inform her patroiiH .tlittt hvr stock of milltnery istnow ( omplete and that het-.yocn now and hhe Chri;t.naH' ludidays sh will show you the nic-st at tractive g'ools ever hliown in thisccunty. Every huly who desires fi-oods of the latest style and height of fashion will do . well to call on ber. A trr.ct of 74-ncres listed ( hurcli D. W. tax I OS I 20.totnl one hundred and two. A tract of twent y acres list ed bv Danner W. V. tax two dol ami iUctiU:ost.twen - ty. two dbl and fifty fourjets. by Earp L. C. tax two do!. -ty total two dol and eighty i"ve cts. 1 tract of one hundred acres listed by FoxSaraii ta;-: wv enty co.-.t twenty total nine ty cts. t . , C A T .. . ... .... 'listed by Foster. .Lon tax iif'ty cost twenty total seven ty.- . A tract of forty five acres lis ted by (ialhor Y. 0. tax two dol and eighty nine cts. cost twenty total three dol. and ' l ine cts ' : , A tract of lo7 ae; es listed by (lillilaiid Pat, ninery three cts: cost twenty total 1.16. A tract of -lo acres listed by , Harman Emiliuc. twenty sev- a V'ta f-nst tweiit'V total for- Ay p.even. A tract containing three hun . dred nnd fifty acres listed by Hagaman T A. nineteen dol. and fifty ct. cost twenty total nineteen dol and seven- ty .ts. ;', ;;. . ' Moltha R. W. thiee dol and fitteen cts. cost T.weniy votui ; thiee U(d and thirty five cts. A ti act of thirty five acn s . listed D.v MCLean j w wo ; noi. ana toit.v o cts cost : TWeui.v iutui inu.uui, uim 66 cts. V - . : A tract of twelve acres listed bv Moody Susan twenty r eight cts. cost twenty total fortv eight cts. . Airac.T. OI tliil i.y i wtMtciehiim- ted by Right P. F, two dol. i 1IIIU IMCIIl.V Jlir7 fin, vwi-u twenty total two dol, and forty one cts. - Hon. I take pleasure, in ree- Qne tiftct of m m.,.p8 lisk( ... . - .na ill t ii'iift (i mu fa A tract of Pit v ncreslistedbv Shook D m" two dol audit) 'J tvr'ixels OOSt tWi'lllV to- ,1.1 .,,,.1 uivtv 'lY ft tfll TWO U01 .1110 SlXty SIX ( I. A tract of loo acres :;.-;,(', Shook .1. Q. t-vo do and seventy seven cts cost i IHIHTV Sy'VOII It .' I ! A tract of 15 artes listed : Taylor A V twenty three cts , Jill- J, , ,1 . !0rtt twenty total forty tune ; ,ts. 'v- Oiie tract of one hundred an I twenty live acres lifted by I'rowu J W tax nine dol forty three' coats cost, twenty total nine dol sixty three c One tract of thirty acres lis ted by Brown E. C. tax thiee dol ti'.'ty tlueec. cost twenty total three dol seventy three .tu. One. trad of fifty acres listed by I'anis Vni. tax one dol. eighty three cts cost twenty total two dol. three cts. One tract of ninety six acres listed by Brown (.'h:my tax two dol and twenty three c!;-. cost twenty total two dollar and forty three cts. One tract of seventy aceiv listed by Bhssoh W. P. tax two dol and sixty seven cts. cost twenty total two ooi. and eighty seyen ts. One tract of lii'ty sev a acres listed hy Coancill liens heiis fax one did and feveuty sev en cts, cost twenty total one dol and ninety seven el.'.. One tract of sixty one acres listed bv Canter (J V tax three dol and sixty five cts. cost twenty to tjil three do!, and eighty five cts. One tract of onehundredand ninety five acres listed by Cowles (1. J. tax one dol and sixty seven cost twenty total one dol and eighty seven cts. One tract of eighty two acres listed by Elrod llaidin tax three dol and sixty seven cts cost twenty total lhree dol and eighty seven cts. One tract of forty two 'acre! listed by Floyd .1 W's heirr tax three dols. cost twenty total three dol and twenty cts. , One town lot listed by Elliot! J A tax sixty seven eosi ten total seventy seven. One tract of twenty five acres listed by Gilliam Eliza beth tax .seventy seven cost twenty total ninety seven. . One tract of twenty five acres listed by Grngg Caro line tax seventy seven cost twenty total ninety seven cts One tract of ninety eight acres listed by G reen Eli -S. tux four dol and eighty cts. cost twenty total five dol. A'tract listed by Moore David one dol fifty-five cosTTwenTy TOTal one seveiiTy-five A TracT lisTed AmosJ Fpron erry four dt)l fofry-Two cost TwenTy Total foureigliTy-Two One tract of forty four acre listed by Horton J. B. tax three dollars cost twenty to tal three dollars and twenty One tract of seventy -five a eres listed by Hagaman Sal Ue'tax six dolhi''s and ninety ve:i -ts cost twenty total j - seven dollars nnd seventeen ClS. Or.e tract of seventy -fi ve acres listed by Hagaman Joe J P. tax eleven dollars and six ty t wo cost; twenty total elev en dollars and eighty-two ts. One tract of n)rtyacreslistcdjton (.ta post t,venty total by. Harrison Margaret tax, thl. )llarH nn( cost twenty town thty n : n. One tract of ten acres lifted by Hardin H. V. taxoue did lar and eighty five cts., cot I ewenty total two dollarsand Ave cts. . j Hardin and Ensit sixt One tract (ontaining one scve!i cost twenty total tn hundred and seven acres lis-j seven, ted by'llodgea Wiley tax iivej A tract of four :-rcx listed dollars and two ctn, (ostium..,. Win. (Catain) tin ct- twenty total five dollars and twenty-two cts. One tract of five hundred a cres lifted by Hortun Win's, heirs tax iflteen dollars cost twenty total fifteen dollars and twenty els. One tract of fifty acres listed by Hortoii Jouataon tax llnrreen dollars ana seventy j nin-cts. cost twenty total ihiiteen doilar-o and ninety ,"nf!',f'- . One tract of ninety ncms lis - eo uy iioi ion rnemx saeirsj tax four dollars and twenty cts cost twenty total four iiiUars and forty cts. 0;;e tract containing twenty i ve acius listed by Harrison D. P. tax two dollars and thirty cts cost twenty total two dol and lilty '.-ts. One tract of one hundred and '3 Hcri's list i'il I'V Iliiganiuii Joius( licirs. tax ",33 cost 20 t;it:il 8 ,"3 Oho tract of I'J acres listed t; Mn ml ay J. I., tax 2,7J ost 20 t.- iil2.9'5. "lie t.act of l'D a.iivs listed ly Miller IJ. C. TkxS.G'J wwt. '20 t-)tnl S80 ne tni"t nf .(O neros listed lv Miiitli J. tax 3 4:1 cost 20 tctal ..(J3 A tract of'(i7 aciva lie tot' l.y Wil soi Mnry & l.aina tax4,!Wcusi :'0 f,ntiil 4.20. A tract ot 10 ueivf Intcd by v.'lnt . in-ton G. W. 2,17 cost 2D total AI K A T CAJIP. A tract ot fiftY acres listed bv lUirket li. F. tliree dol and ixtv six cts. cost twenty to tal three dol and eighty six ts. " A tract of one hundred and twenty acres listed by W. V. Blackburn 7 dollars and 77 cost twenty total seven dol lars and ninety seven cts. A tract of ninety six acres listed Brown Win. two dol lars and sixty seven cts. es t twenty total two dollarsand eighty seven cts. A tract of one hundred and nineteen acres listed Baird and Miller two dol andsiXty seven cost twenty total two dollars and eighty seven cts. V. tract of four hundred and forty five acres listed Covvles 0. J. two dollars and ninety seven cost twenty total three dollar and seventeen cts. A tract of five hundred acres listed Council! G. R. twenty five dollars and fiity eight cts cost twenty total twenty five dollars and seventy - eight Cts. '"':' .;':." A . '. A tract of one hundred and Coiincill &' .two acres listed Kngan Councill's interest two dol and fifty total two dol nnWevvut' A tract of 183 acres listed iGragg H. (J. lo dol and nine ty seven cost, cost twenty .to tal 1 1.1 7. A tract of fifty four acres 11m- ( ivmIi A ItWvl thro.i (ti ill:! I'M mi rl A tract of two hundred and I'Wi'Jitjt acres listed Hardin k Rav two dollars and ninety three cost twenty total thro, dollars and thirteen cts. A tract of fifty Tien s listed cost twenty total thirty. A tract ofl oo ami 8o seven acres listed .Miller J. 0. seven dollars and niuectscosttwen ty total seven dolaad twont nine cts. A tract of thirty aeres listed .Mu.igrave W. P. two dollars Vai.d fifty five cost twenty to tal two dollars and seventy five A tr:;ct of eighty six acres dol ; iW -hir.v ei,.-htcis coat :wen- t i A tract of three hundred and hi-'y one acres li.,ted Morel. I L. six dollars and Sothret cts cost t,v. i ty total' 7 dol and three cts. A tract of 1 acre listed Mor etz .1. 1). two dollars and 8 cts, cost Twoirry Toxal two do! and twcmtv S cts. A tract of fifteen hundred acres listed by Miller E li thirty three do! and fifty sev en cts cost twenty total thir ty 'three dol. and iseventY seven cts. A tract of sixt y acres listed by Miller Mary one d ol and forty seven cts. cost twenty total one dol and sixty sev en cts. A tract of two hundred and twenty nine acres listed Miller Win. six did and twen ty eigh t cts. e st twent v to tal six dol and. forty eight ct. A tract of tw o hundred and fiitY five acres listed Miller 11. 0. one dol and 67 cts. cost twenty total 1.87. A tract of 4o acres liste ! Morris S S two ilol and eigh ty five cts. cost twenty total three dol and five cts. A tract of unii-'ty six acres listed Xorris Jose;,h H six dol and forty cts. cost twen ty total six dol 'ant sixty. A tract of fifty acres listed Xouis AVily three dol. ana sixty cost twenty total thro and eighty j-ts. A tract of 8t acres listed Morris Richard three dol and thirty a x cost twenty total three dol and fifty six cts. A tract of lb acres listed Norris J F three dol and eighty seven cost twenty to tal four dol and seven cts. A tract of Go acres listed Red Wesley forty cost twen ty total 6o. A tract of thirty four acres listed Ragan R F two dol and fifty cts. cost twenty to tal two dol und seventy; its. A tract'of sixty two acres 1 8 i d ' Winebarger Laban ; thiee dol and fifty five eta. '.cost twenty total three dol. anu sevciirya'ive. A tract of on hundred and fifty acr s listed Winebarger Naham three dol. cost twen ty total three dol nnd twen ty cts.. Laurel Ckeeiv. tract f CO iid'ert I s!dl '-'ne P.!a.r v.'elvurtl lax 8.09. co t 2 1 t al 3 iD. tract, i. ('45 miwi listed !y I'.il- inif f I;. i . tx 2.07 :o.t 0 t.jtu 87. A tract of S2 a re I -itil y U.) .1 F tax 3 1)7 eot-t -20 total 4 17. A t rao' oflij neros listed ly Craw 'ey Kichai'd lax 3.74 cobI i.0 total 23.9. A tract of 28nre.i liitfd ly Guy Jiiiclnii t-i.-c af.ol cost t .verity t ta! 1 47 A Ir ict of '.;8 ft-oslibteiJ by Gnj W A t..x 2 5lyo t itf lotai 2 71. A.iractoi'lOi a. res listed 'v (Jay ,.( K' ,i:x 07 cob; 20 total f 7 . tuii-t c it'Oiuio listed hy ITtir- ilin J. li an i Co. tax 07' co.-t 20 o. ;i ! t7. A tract o!' IS a : 8 lis e y 0 ,j osepii tax .:.37 . ts '!) io ; . i i A u-act of 100 iRTia listed l.y 3el a; Yuri A tax S3 i::j - to'al 1 .Of ." tra 'of: are' ;'8ted 1 y Mite ell It'irvcj tax o. 20 total -o. ' tract of 130 acras listed by 11 r- - ur V l( ti x 'l.bUMt LOto'ais.U) i. ' A on t ol 2J a K s isled ly Mili s f,s Kliz t mi 1 i't xS'cosi tot.l87. V i 'act of 31 acre list d !y Mil sapj W .M t .x 2 45 cost 20 ttal A tract of 100 aT lit-)'l by Mii oral iUitl Mining Co. tux 1G 07 cost .i( toial 10.87. tract of 126 acres liste ! by Tve ;ell Naacy tax 1.3 lost 2J t- . i 7o. A Truer of t wen Ty five acres lisred lloiuinger 0. P. two dollars and forry five cost Tvveirry totI two dollar and sixry five ces. A TracT of fiiry acres lis ed tf i " ) lt l''UXf f. v anH iis'ed Trivett W. G. fourdol- and hi y hr e o . w n y ty t.J 1 71, A liMcf of 100 a:ves hatetl Teni r I. 3,9 ast 20 total V!' A tract of 25 oc os li.-ttod Tester 15. M. 2.7nt 21) total 2 77. A tract o"' "5 rexes listml Ward Toi.n W. ,07 rose 2.) lotai 2,"7. At mi tot 70 ne cs listol Ward iHiUe Go coat 20 total 0. Bald Mountain. 1 tract tract. containing 50 acras of land listed by Casth and Morphew. Tax 1.00 cost 20 total 1.20. 1 tract containing 45 acre.1 listed by Calloway 1. T., and Miller tax 00 cost 20 total 80. 1 tract containing 1.00 a. eres listed by CowlesC. J.. tax 100 cost 20 total 1.20. 1 tract containing 80acm listed by Davis 0. S. t.ix4.7 cost 20 total 4.47. 1 tract containing 68 acres listed by Davis Ellen; ag'l for Phillips' hnn. tax 1.10 cost 20 total 1.30 1 tract containing 1.20 fit ted by the Elk Ivnob - Copper Co., tax 68.33 cost 20 total 68,53. 1 tract containing' 93 acres listed by Howell Win Sr, tax 1,90 cost 20 total 2,10. 1 tract containing 60 acres listed by Horton Nathans' heirs tax .80 cor.t 20 total . 1,00. 1 tract containing 1.00 a de listed by Horton S. R. tax 2,00 cost 20 total 2.20. 1 tract containing 472 acres listed by Leppard Mrs M. At tax 1,10 cost 20 total 1,30. 1 tract containing 85 acres' 'isted by jreGuire J. A. tax 2.55 ewt 20 total 2,78. 1 tract containing 45 acres1 listed by McGnire J, T. tax .3,68 cost 20 total 3.88." 1 tract containing 6o acres listed by MeGuire R. G. tax 1.34 cosjb 20 total 154. 1 tract t!cntaining 99 acres1 listed by McGu'ra Jonnthomf hi r .tax 1.13 cost 20 tota l,b 1 2 tract containing 7,24 acres listed l y MeGuire J. 0. tax 23 1 coat 20 total J.54. 1 tract containing 1.46 acres 1sted by Miller E. B. tax J.- 70 cost 20 total 1,90. One tract containing 36 aero listed by Norris W. 67 cost 20 total .87. One tract containing 100 a cres listed by Norris Alleys' heirs tux 1,34 cost 20 total -1 r I i 1 ,04:. f One tract containing 37 a- cres listed by Potter D. R, tax 3,25 cost 20 total 3,45, One tract corn a mi ng 145 a- res listed by Phillips C C tax ' 6,1 8 cost 20 total 6,38 One tract containing 38 a- ' eres listed by Phillips S E tax 2,60 cost 20 total 2,80. One tract containing 114 n cres listed by Potter EnocU tax 7,21 cost 20 total 7,41 One tract containing 90 Or eres listed by Potter Jacob tax 4,03 cost. 20 total 4,23. One tract containing 65 a eres listed by Potter Abe -P., tax 4,83 cost 20 total 5,03 One tract containing 107 n cres listed by Potter Jho. 0., . tax 6,23 cost 20 total 6,43. One tract containing 900 a- -rres listed by Patterson S L tax 14.67 cost 20 total 14r 87. One tract containing 42 a eres listed by Phillips S H 100 cost 20 total 1,20 , One tract containing 363 a- -eres listed by Ray Thomas Sr,ax4,43.cost 20 4.63 , 0n tract containing 95 a- res listed by Ray & Co., tax: 1,27 cost 20 total 1,4T, One tract containing 80 acre listed by Stephens JL H. tax 1-, ' 27ost 20 total 1,47. One tract containing 200 acre listed by Sutherland T. H tax S),33 cost 20 total 9,fi3. One tract, containing Go acres lis- . td bv SlieKon W. T. tax 3,00 cost 20 total 8,80. . One tract containing 145 acre listed by Tucker Calvir tox 6,20 tost 20 total 6,40. Our t ratt containin-; 50 acres listed by Winebaruer - John Jr., -tox 2.90 cost 20 tt tal 3,10. , ' I Due' tract contain'ng ac ng. ted by Winebarger . . H. tax 5.. 55 cost 20 fotnl 57.r . - Cne tract rontainirg'thi-eeihund-e and fifty acics lii t d by Worth and fhonus tax "6.00 out 2o total 6.2o. One tract containing acres listed by Winebarger John. Sr.. tax Co cost i'o total 80. ;; One tract containing 3o five a cres listed by Wilson 0. 3- -11 cost 2o total S.dollars and thirty one, ; . 1 Respt. J. L. Haye'a Shff.v?l' ::fi.C.LAKE&l: DrtUGGISTS AND Sf ATiUf Elk Park, NX. DealLS in Pure Drugs, Cher.! cals, Taints, Oils, ' -'..Varnish Toilet articles. Fine Stationery a specialty. We keep the lit:.. ': . Novels aid Pfodica'a in Etc'. GIVE US A CALL. '''.'