OCR Interpretation

Watauga Democrat. [volume] (Boone, Watauga County, N.C.) 1888-current, October 01, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82007642/1891-10-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Watauga Democrat,
A-OemocratiO' family news
paper devoted to the interests of
County, State aud Nation. Pub
lished every Thursday at Boone,
Watauga County, N.C. , :
1). D. Dougherty, Editor.'
R. C RiYers, Fubllslier.
lhumclay, Oct. J, J30J.
The Billion Dollar Congress. .
Few peoplecomprehendthe
Vast amount of m a n e y it
takes to constitute a billion
dollars, and are therefore un
able to fully realize the utter
recklessness, nnd.criminnl ex
travagance of the last Repub
lican Congress. .
If the government had giv
en every nian, woman, and
child, black and white, in the
United States fifteen dollars
each, it would not have am
ounted to one billion dollars.
A billion dollars would sup
port five-hundred -thousand
families, of four persons each
for over one year, allowing
five dollars. per day for each
family. It would furnish a cap
ital of five thousand dollais
each on which to commence
business, fortwo-h o n d r e d
thousand young men. Loan
ed at six per cent it would
dra w sixty million dollars in
terest per annum. If in siL
ver, it would weigh fifty-eight
million, nine-hundred a n d
twenty-eight thousand, five
hundred and seventy-one lbs.
If the dollars wc re placed edge
to edge, they would make a
belt arouud theglobo. Stack
ed up in a single column, the
billion dollars would reach
fourteen-hundred miles high.
One billion dollar., i n one
dblla r bills, woulri make a car
pet for over two thousand a
cres of land. . It would buy
clothing sufficient to last ten
million men one year. It
would purchase a one thou
sand dollar farm forone mill
ion of poor men. One hun
dred men earning a salary of
ten thousand dollars per year
each, would have to work one
thousand years to earn abill
ion dollars. It would take a
man four hundred and twenty-eight
years to count it, at
the rate of one dollar per sec
ond. It is said that one bill
ion of dollars would pay for
all the damage that has ever
been done by fire in any part
ot the world. Ann yet jRonie
people wonder why thellepub
lican party wastilmost swept
from the face of the earth iu
the last election. Thebillion
of dollars that they so reck
lessly appropriated was the
peoples' money, wrung from
them by remorseless taxation
to whose burdens the Repub
lican party has always add
u- wnen jr nas ueen in
full power. And when we re
flect that in addition to the
wicked waste of f he. peoples'
money, 'they tried to fasten
an election law upon' the peo-
that would have taken n way
..their right to hold, superin
tend and certify the result of
the election, and place it in
the hands of United States
1 Depu cy r Marshals,-: the only
surprise js that anybody can
fiow be found t advocate
, their .cause. Are not, a 11 these
mings enough to warn -nil
good men of the danger of
farther entrusting the Repubjed several days afterwards,
lican party with power? We
pause foro reply,.",. . Z
' Republican e d f t o r e arid
ntumpspeakershaVebeen say
ing that none of the iieeessa
nca cf US, ar$ h:her how
f h " n they v.eret Tore the pas
these1 gentlemen are 'honest
in thoir statements they will
find thJt somebody, has im
posed ou them, when they go
to buy their winter carpets,
as the jn-ice of carpets are
from lo to 25 percent more
this fall than they were last
year at the same time.' This
is a fact that any dealer in
jarpetsvull verify. . .''
From Wake Forest N. C.
Editor Democrat: .'. .
No time seems so long as
the time one Is avyaiting
something. This is especial
ly true in travelling ' when a
person has to wait hours and
hours for a train. Afler a
pleasant night at Mr.' King
Farthing's, 15ell soon rushed
into Lenoir, where I had to
stay lentil four o'clock before
a train went toward Hicko
ry. At the la tter; place, the
electric lights were, driving
away the darkness, when the
conductor pulled bell, lope
and shouted nll aboard."
Quite a sensation was pro
duced on the train, by a ru
mor that four men had been
arrested and brought to New
ton, three white tmen aud a
negro, nnd the negro told
that he helped the white men
move the rails on the bridge
near States ville, which caus
ed the wreck some weeks ago.
Ot course the matter was
thoroughly discussed by the
passengers. The opinionsdif-
fered greatly among them.
Some did not think the bridge
was iu any way tampered
with, and that the wreck was
caused by rotten ties. It is
the general belief that the ten
thousand dollars reward of
fered by the rail-road compa
ny is only a blind. 1 have
been on the lookout forsonx"
report in the papers of thi
arrest of these men, and the
only thing that I have seen,
so far, is that one man was
arrested and brought to New
ton for rocking llietrain.
I took a ride on the new
electric street cars in Raleigh,
and was reminded of what
the Chinaman said of. the
cars in AsheviIIe. The twa
John Chinamen, of Asheville,
were standing on the side
walk watching a street car
whiz by, when one in great
excitement exclaimed, "No
puhee no pullee. Run like
hellee." ; -,vV
I was exceedingly glad to
get back to old Wake For
est and clasp the hands of
old friends and make the
acquaintance of new stu
dents. The buildings have
been painted and pencilled
und look as though they had
just left" the hands of the
builders. A friend, who: is an
ardent, admirer oi the" fair
8x,sdeclared that paint help
ed every thing except n Wo
The people o( the village
are kinder to ht boys tbi'ii
usual. They give, on Thurs-
uays oi tne second weeic, u.
reception to the boys. A nice
stand was made -under.' one
of th? large oaks in the cam
pus and loaded down, with
ice cream, cake and such re
freshments. A committep wn s
appointed to introduce the
new students to the young
ladies and their fathers and
mothers. A more enjoyable
oecassioo has seldom been
seen herei Although f orriv-
pr nines of t he kind ness of the
people were on the lip of all
the ' boys. ; The .next Satur
day jProf, Johnson threw o
pen the gates of; hia vine
yard , and invited everbody
toieat on hisluciouHgrapes.
A sociable was give;) by the
?t;: -Jeats h : ': Trcsday - flight
in th j society halls." Amid
all this pleasure, ther has
been a bitjof sorrow caused
by the departure of I'fof. G.
W. Green and family for Chi
na. Instead .of ; the regular
sermon Sunday.'vMr; Green
gave a very brief account of
his lifp, particularizing on the
impression he had from time
to time of his doty to go and
p r e a e h to the' benighted
heathen. When " a poor boy
he came here to school, and
bi' the aid of friends he strug
gled through college, then
went to - the SeuYinary . at
Greenville, S. 0." He says he
was impresAed then to go to
some fereign ficldf' but his
health was too 'poor. He
scon married, and his wife's
health, soon gave ttway, and
still kept him from going.
He-lwas Professor J'of Latin
here last year, and-before he
hu'd scarcely: entered upon
his. work, his dear wife was
taken to a better home. 'It
was then he said that some
t h i n g told him : t o g o
to China- He wns .appointed
last June by the Missionary
Board at Richmond,' Va., to
take charge of the -work at
Canton, China. Miss Vallie
Page, of Raleigh, had a short
time lfore been accepted as
a missionary to the same
country. These two ."sacrifi
cing souls thought tbeirlives
would be happier, and their
work for the Master more
acceptable, if they would join
themselves together: in that
divine union of souls, marri
age. They left "Monday for
Sanfrancisco, Cal., f f r o m
which city they will take a
steamer for .Canton, China.
Prof. Green has been' long a
faithful worker in ministerial
and educational matters,
and has spent the greater
part of his life in Western
North Carolina, wjierehe has
endeared himself, in t o the
hearts ot those paople who
give. him up wJth soribw
While inst ructpr here, he won
tho affections of , his classes.
H is farewell to them was very
touching. "I shall long ri
member," said he, ''howeach
one recited, and where he sit,
and if I never seeypn again,
I hope you will remember me
at a throne of grn.ee. ;
' -,:-: r D.D.I). ;
' , Erom Hop-i Idaho. . . y
Dear Mr. Editor:-"- :"x. :
Thinking a few;liiies Trom
Northern hlalui' lni-rht be of
internet, tq, you and your rca d
ers, I will proceed to tell you
about a romant ic i eunion
which took. plrtc'last Thurs
day at Romier's Ferry. -' .
; A Chmnook-Indian ahd'u
Siawash squavv who Had been
sepaj-a ted f o r.' -years, h ld ed
eachother in their arm.it "and
shed tears of jftyj Voting hey
ei- to W- pa rted 'ngal nTt'lie
hero is kmVp herei ,m ."Sia
wiih Chafleynd 'tM'-'uei
ine : na i i'AloskiliAIuyit
seems that they had lived at
Victoria three yearao: The
homes of their; p'eo pie . iyere
closeitogether,: and ' during
the 1 ing winf er 'days : si n d
tales ; of lore to'enchbfher.
Mary's Ipfii-ent Dbjwfed to
the. nttenfioh of lliaHey nd
fockedYup,'r" tied iho girf
Then it. wts tbitC4iarley tost
hlsWrip, ttiait lie! losti' ail
interest in life a nd cwised.to
hunt and fish."r U sent word
to Mqry thaV nnles she es
ca fied from her l!omdr:lfled
with him he1 would o t 3t an
end Ho his own h. Mary
sent him back word t trcy
up? be of g.ood . cheer, r to
Idaho, nr.1 wc ! : j i
ble. This was nearly three
yeajt'8 ago, and last week Mu
ry arrived on the steamer
from British Columbia attir
ed in a red skirt, pale blue
basque, a shawl that would
beat Joseph's coat for' varie
ty of colors, and Indian beads
enough to sink a" canoe. ' So
much for the reunion.' ; j;
The natives here huvea pe
culiar way of doing every
thing. If a couple becomes
attached to each "other- the
buck gives up all his,f.rinkets
or stuff to . the : squaw's par
rents as an evidence that they
will stick. . If it is not consis-
tant with their parents wish
es they run away; then a kiss,
a loving embrace and that
settles it. I would prefer the
la tter way of doing, business
with these people. I will nev
er put my stock on any legal
proposition with them. - '
I must telf yori this is the
boss country for game. Last
Friday a friend and I were
traveling together for mutu
al protection. Not a half mile
from town we spied a bear,
and after a careful examina
tion at a safe distance, we de
cided to administer to him a
dose of cold lead. Upon a p
proaching we found tha. the
dose had. accidently .killed.
We took bruin back to,town.
He weighed nearly one hun
dred pounds and was in fine
condition. What brought
him to this nick of the woods
is a mystery. Perhaps he,
like me, was there for the
benefit of hi stomach.'
Flies and mosquitoes are
not so plentiful . here now,
The told September wind
blows through their whiskers,
and knocks them but of tune.
For sometime I have been
thinking t would- make my
esca pe from . this unity' re
gion v to a warmer climate,
though t hey are. Qoming
smoothe enough now. A por-
ter nouse near steak is not
so bad a 8 it might be. Many
is r ue T.ime i navt gone on
less down in North Carolina.
With regards for you and the
Democrat I will stop. - .
: ,W, A.M.
P. S. Real estate and un
developed prospect are on n
boom. Sometime aao I sold
a fine lot near Lake Pend 1)
Orille for a five dollar note
; . LAND BALE. :
.. lu1 and by virtue" "of a certain
mortgage deed executed on the
20th oi Aug., 84. v 0. tartia
Kinier and wife. Mary Uiuier,' to
the latO-PhineaH Vud A, H. Hor-
ton both deceased; and: icirister
ed in the;iffle of tho It igi.stor ; of
ie(?ds tor Watauga .cminty,' in
book; B', 1234 and 235. we
will, on Friday, Oct. 1G, 1801, at
the court house door hi the town
of BoonG, offer;for gale at, -public
auction for cash nil the- hiter
ent of Martin Hiuier and wife
Mflry Kimer,-ju a certain tract ol
land in Watausa cooiitv in: El!t
township, and bounded a 'fol
lows: iteginufng at t rock on the
top of a ImaU knob hear the Ma
ry cabtif,' John It. flodgoRand E-
1. t!ivt.ki.'n nnHn . h itn 1 ........ n 1.
30 west with the top (ft the ride
30 pIoa toidogTooil, then HN.
70 west, 20 poles to fl small ash
at the branch , in th coon field
and tiH-n up the meanders ot; art
branch, 30 votes to a black Wof-
nut sprout, theti- north 84 west
11 poles to a pmall dogwood .on
topTif ridse, thefr south 45 went
with the riige GO pole to a"np,ii
ifh oak, then south 0 west-ttitU
the ridge 52 poles to a etase in
Eli Rimer's hr: tbeu.ehst .With
his line 75 poh. to white ' nine.
John It. Uodge'u cor nvr, ' t hei
50" polos to a beach on the 3iuk
pf flNna,tret braneir; then np the
meanders. f the west prong of sd.
branch. rq,fi stake, .f.. lUIlodgn's
oruer, then with, Bd. UodfreB line
a. north east direction to the he
grniiing,. 8. I ratteton adlo..
of Phineas Morton; Man- V, and
H. V. Hoi-ton adnVb of A.II.Hor
toiKReptjH. lew. 1 :
V- -. ' ,V,'. II. Cower At'y; -
.. IMS DTEfir-M,
. '.' M Jt'S I ; ; i, .
' V.,; r Sir . ,
J, E, Ftuley. Chairman Board
county? commiHsioners tendered
his resignation at Sept; term,
and the sum was orderetl filed.
Notice is therefore given to the
magistrates of tho, county to
meet in extra Sbssion on Oct. tho
5th to elect a irian to Till the va?
cancy caused by said resignation.
C. J. Cottrell,-Reg. Deeds.
H. A. Doboln, Jt, Principal,
. Hiss Annie Dobbin, Assistant.
This institution is situated in
the garden spot of; Watauga
county. The society,' morality
and relijrion of the community is
unexcelled in the State. Any one
wishing to ;btain an education
would do well to give this Insti
tution a trial.: . ; - . :
Tuition per month, 75. to $225.
Board everything furniwhed, .
- per month, 0.00.
For- further ; particulars, ': ad.
dress the principal at Amantha
' tuoh. c. buciianaa, a; b. .
pmnupal: ,
With good assistants. Is loca
ted at GlolKf, Caldwell county; N.
C, in One. of the most intelligent
nud moral comnmuities in N. U.,
and iri easy reach of students in
surrounding counties. Students
troin a distance are met at Ja
iioir and carried to Globe free of
-Charffo. iirahd mountain, lorest
and landscape snenerv, meet the
' IV. t A t 1 ... .
eye. jwhi goou ouiiuings: Acad
emy, boarding house aiidsix cot
tageH for boys. Fall term lgiiis
Aug. 31 , and spring term Dec.;
28, 181)1. Students are., prepar
ed well for oolleg$-f:- - ' - ''
v . ..expense. .:H
Hoard, everv thine: inclu-V '
-, - ded per mouth. - $8i00.
Tuition to 1 pnid monthly- .. -
. fri to per month. . ...
Incidental fiw 50 cts per term.
Aldre8 the Principal atGlobe.
Oaldwell county, North Carolina
IT i 1 . - -
vv e na ve just mo vca our
stock of goods to the house"
recently bought vol . J .. B.
'Clarke;w;-;.';;:: c.--v..
Where we will be -' pleased
to meet and serve ail our
frieuds'a nd custoinei'sV'v: ir
" We am receiving a full and
complete stock of v r
Fall An) WiNTEa Goods
V -l ''ahA wi'l guarane' k '4
Equal to'" anybody " in this
;cou ntry 'H;
Qairaiw ieb": before-buying.
,11. C. MABTIII & CO,,
you uaht or:rr
' or tni ,
;C0 V .'7
V;-7-tow, mm.
lTttod It t'f iAan,
The Firm Of v T
Coffey & Councai' :;
c : Elk Park N; ft'
v us tii80ivea ny mutual.
consent on tha" 16th tiuv of"
.urn I it iii.r I. XTi ii-'iv ft. v ui.
1 IJH uriii Ol A.' U. VUUllVIU
urotner, tonsisting oi
t.ouacuicc n . n. voanciu or.;
Nin'pasftnrsi m nrrv a- -i nnn.
cill ; will carv ori a -
ncticoAi pic Dfiii Hit
111 I H hi I II 11 II M II
w ,.
UUBIUroS nirriv .ji ui iv, .11, v..
; vvurauy ana sen .
pirig ;cnstantly on hand fit
' Tr:,- fL- -- '
-TV new firm wishes ta call
thd M t tunt 'it m rf "tho nnVkiio' ti
Spring and bjjmmr :
Stock 6 : ;'i
; : Shoes, Etc.,' :-.,
l-iiii puiiuineu yif nor
thern a n d other markets
w hc). it,will nlwdy&bef, their
pleasure to jjho?.;:
in hrt t.xcilfina of imad in
All mail order pitmijitf j
filled .iih(l;twtis!a(rrii!n.;; v
l 'es jeeef yT If,1';;-, :
Mny 21,1801;. " . '

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