Newspaper Page Text
. If iMhd, ;iplv5:4n iT; J:;i:iWjjy-to' Jefft Subscription Rates" -To The Wat aug a Democrat. I opyl year...,.:............f 1.00 ' 1 " 0 mouths..;................ 50 Jr I . "c 8 months.,,........., 85 ADVe'kTISMO RATES? y 1 inch 1 week............. .75 1 " 1 month .v. .-1.75 lt 2 3 4 - 3.00 t k" 1 year : 7.00 . 1 column 1 week.....i.r....i... 9 00 - 1 - V .' 1 inonth..............l8.50 1 " 8-M 25 00 - 1 " 6 ' 37.50 t V' tyear :...r.....50 00 '- v-Ft)tred at thePostofficeat Boone, N.'.C.,' as second-class mail matter. v: v P - LOCAL NEWS. Commissioners' court will session next Monday-. &-Mr.;T; Fin Coffey was off to Lenoir this week on a fly T: Ing business (?) trip!;, :- - If you are due us qn.sub- scriptionv (:orae forward and fettle.; Vf'ATiint to the wise Is puffimht. f ; ' . The condition of Mrs; : Capt." Lbvill feniain8 about ;: the same,as it. has been for 'V some time paat; :. ; . ' '.;'.; ' j , Y-.-iT " a 11 C-' " in thjTMethodiat church next v I? r B v y Sunday eveninfr at the .usual V thonr for night services; V;. Iv- ".'Editor Dougherty is at ;i - .ten'dinar Jefferson -court this 4 ; :? i veek;-so pardi'n ..the shof't onynRs of this issue or, the ;-The Watauga ; Hotel, - at V: ' lilo winur . Rock . closed ' la st -f Monday for the season, the - -'-Any orie.fshinff to buy a Sio4 !'-t'teh cow; live, years r: old,' laro;and "-' . ol Dui ham ; ntockj wl'l please call on I. W. '' m..:t'! M: ft .: ..v '-'- 4 f 5 v Klmu Uren was kicked by a "-K' inule : on thi abdoinep last of f ''0: thii county' has just closed fei-Kon at the Baptist church, ..1-1:"- "j . ...ti . a. - it. atfd phew spent Sun- in town on their i n v to Jefferson court. -: KriH''rrM; Johh F.HardinAvhcr a, hub .uwu ; yit iiw . ouubiiet it j'f,,''inart wit h a fine lot of betf . caitie nai l-erurnen ana re- jiorts thfit he did fairly well 5 fTue following are the U. ' S. Jurors, who go from- Wa? tfiuga to the t Federal? Couft ; ; .' ;- ; - iti StatcsviUe ; next: inonth: -:i;-f " Jerry Harmon f J, C; Cd)in ':A ; cill aod R. H.v Brady. : f r : ':'vSii. V 'c;nh?T? atejirosneckfortbe V ' A I V ' openins of a new store - near : ' 'iyerAcaemys'Xa ? n ' . new house la goinarup iitEu r-- , -Mr. I'lpley l trtiojk and : : lady, who haye" been., stop- .-; ping at theCoujj.ouse for a . . .f veeks left for their, hoae , -'"':vin!lit6xville7:TennV"!ireHteN ....... :v.-..:,'.,.u,... ;.v.,.r--.''-.;;..!.'; ,,-rwv- C Kc3 II. Cr ilarttn's new r ; :"::J".in Ibis i " He wil . . 1 ircafter be found ntf.4sVold : ft ii; Wi:. -ccSs.:. TI.3 Cdsaty? Superior: : -: " t w;J. L j at Ris oL.ce c : ' : t housaV Thursday. O .7 rth, t1! "tx'aadr.3 teac!, ' -x:s-wi:i La Mr. Thoia Mr )'t : !Ic c-air; - tion. an enrollment .of 70 with fine prospects for 100 or moro soon. Both principal and as-1 sistant are giving entire sat ibfaction. . -Who will b appointed as county commissioner to fill out the unexpired term of J E. Finleyj resigned ? It will be decided here by the magis trates next Monday. " ' Some" work is Still being done" at Copper Knob, ou Gap Creek. :VA new tuunel is being dug, and il a good vein is struck, extensive .operations la re contem platetl ' : : '; Mrs.' Violet Hodges; of Brushy Iork,someiaysago, warped, put in the loom, and woVe nine yards of carpeting in one day; and quit ia time to do her ;own milking and get supper. Dr, W. P. Horton passed thiouch town this Week, and muu tn it it7in.c, itiiotcii i;i Baltimore, Md He goes -to take his swond course of lec tures at the College of PhysF ciaus and Surgeons ffiS'Noice.--l wish to say that I have the tax-book for Boone township, . and will meet the people io receive taxes on first Monday in Oc- i)ber at the court house in Boone. B. J, CocxciLL,Jr. It is said - that a very prominent ; young attorney of Watariga has at last felt the stiiig )f Cupid's unerring dart "and -is seriously, trou bled with heart disease. vIt is "not WiirXmncill, but 'you needn't guess any.moie. v ; -Oar couit convenes, next Monday week, and we wish to remiud our delinquent sub scnbers tnt ve shall expect hem to settle up :, their sub". the Democrat, uurmir me weeK as we hi:h hi need pf bur irionfy ;n : .t .-rMri Councill, Jr., and sist.erHr Misses - -Eninia and Jennit- ha ve gone; saAuhe county, vwhere they will be Present at : the marriage of Mr. Win. Bai ter, of Wilkes 0ro" to. Miss MaryiAnna, daughter of Dr.i 3. 0, Wilcox, of Ahe. was handl ed to us by Dr.: W B Coun cil!, nndwilllHt consoling to many mends of v.the ladies mentioned: 5Miss 5 Jda i Hofr din is i stilveryy ULwitn nri acute attack" pfiliver ; and stomach disease, but is now much better,? and her pros- p e c t a ; for recovery are i: 1 li J .'iff:. ':: x.t? .rTT-' very gooa,Miss nma t hii- 5f who had; a paraly tic stroke, is si o wly . reea vetmg If we have, through mistake jiven i wrorig rrepurtei of the cohdi tion of these stim able ladie8,- .we are, only Hop : glac1 ihA'aZA i a.iV l-rt: IV Uiiu M uuiii"r, . t': . -. , n." v A roiv occurred last" Sat urday evening'atrEu g I n e BtfygrocferypnNAsl coun- tyj ompbgBomedozery men and boys whoLwerethere drlnkirig; By v the j- Intery en tion ofome older people a nd women no damage wasdone But rocks rweredra wn hnc the air was filled with oaths 6d1:he occasion was,in3leed shocklna to refiudf, people. and especially to ladies pass-.. jug uk jpuunu iiiguvvay ; vre are informed :: that - many, of the -youn; nnenand even boy 8, are almost ruined by tha evil erfects of. liquor. Oh I when will people cease to .en 2 r3 in such trafic si m ply for tL love of. money, when th U. and evil ejects are ; ;s to good morals? -it: :r - From Blowing Rock. . Editor Democrat: - s it has been some time since I ha ve seen anything in your paKr from this place. 1 I will giveyou n feiv notes. The health of our village is good as usual,-only a little whooping-cough to keep the babes awake at night -v - The' Wataugti notel cloHed a prosperous season yester day. Perhaps the best it has ever had. ' The Green - Park iIosps this week I learn, while the Blowing Ilock llwtel and Brady house will remain opeii a few weeks longer I;The 'sea son ; h e f e has been " the lest the place . has ever .en joyed, and I hear of improve ments being- made'to increase the hotel capacity .by - next season. The Green Park Co. are already ntwork making brick and preparing to buikl to their. splendid hotel. 4'' Our people ell seem well pleased with . their sum mej's Work, and a1! t he guests who haye be?n here have been well pleased.;, -VV; -J'"r : Our.boys arelaughingovej a certain young fellow look ing for a Mr. Ileese here last night. The said young fellow came in about sunset, and stopped at one of our, favor ite boarding houses, and wus quite familiar with all haihet, md the boys sent a niessen ger to him saying a Mr, Reese at the ... Blowing Uock Hotel wanted to see him. Thenight was drtik arid the young fel- ow had ridden hard all day, 89 did not want to go, but said he recond he would So faking xld m a n Bayfield ( Yotmce's - nigh t-wa tch man) they pulled out for the Blowi ng Rock Hotel, half mile off. When' they ; got there, Mr Reese - had gone t&' Greene Park, two miles further, ' "'and ft word for niiy one. inquir ng for hint to .come on out there. Bo t tie uioresaid young ellow, and Ray Held "put flatty'"' in the road, two tniles further gettingto Green Park tonnu no lieese. iney re turned home after a walk o four miles, and '.'slept without rocking.?" Rayfiehl thinks Reese must be crazy, while the young fellow left for Cove Creek without : .mentioning RecseVname to any one. ..Misses Mamie and Bessie Morris ha v gone to Charles ton1 to attenC Miss Kelly's school this winter, and some oil our jouug merr:wui, wen long faces nntij next June guess. 1 Jeorn: that a 'T)eti tion has gone in asking t ha Mr. i.iiN. t,:orpening,: of this place, be appointed justices: the neace for- this 'towBshio in place of Nathan Harrison dee'd. I th in k Mr;..Cor oonins Lwill make a good J. P.. and uive BiiiiMicuun u qur i)eoi pie, We hope he jyill be ap- pointed. . c'- '-' ,Sept9.:.-.;;:;:v:i From Keese, K. C, We looked "f Or y our; eorpu lence of 240 at ,uthe "Associrr tion,- If to see a ; large ma was the gra ti flea ti on ou gh t it was realizert. m the person of J. H. ; M ills', . Su perin ten dant of the- Orphanage, the largestman on the grounds We rwerp ;:. agreea,bly disaj)- pointed to see the well-dress ed and well-behaved ;t brong of people,! who gathered ; u Mt; OileadlChurch )At was feared that- there would be a .drunken rabble,, but on the grounds and in thechurrh the behavior was never bet ter. . "Give honor to whom honor i due." We apply this quotation to the people but more especially - to tha down thera who f 'A v.hiiky. We c j not t!-':-:!c it, VI ';t to sell liquor for people to . geti drunk on, and wish our dear people would decide to quit but if they .will not, let them have honor for their manliness in locking up their doors ngninst trie tipler dur ing the Association. ; . : Our friend and neighbor Alex "Wilson in his old davs ias, decided - to build him a new house. W. bwirt is his workman. Well, we are plens- ed to see, the spirit." of im- firoveraeiit in our-country. YYe hope to be the last to have inil envious disposition gainst the man who labors o-build,, up his coun try by the. pro per use of his mon ey. V o u) d that we ; had more such men to clear farms, buildhouses, barnsy school and . church, houses,- toads, mill etc, ; There should .ex ist ' noble em ula tion am ong neighbors" who enn best work and best agree." ' '''': Jones w no m we mourned as dead, was put at school aiid prayer;- meeting yesterday. For months and months he. vas confined to bed getting: weaker, and venker-until reduced to a skeleton., No one thought of his recovery. Ilecame forth is one from the dend and talked to us about the gootl- ness of God in flfllicting him. This talk'-was a feast for us .George Clark, of this place, son of the little Englishman, says that lie has a China mug aver 200 years old. ; It wn s used m the Clark fa mily in England for drinking ale, and has been from onegener ation to another kept in the f a m ily , and brough t to Am er ica 10th of October.: 1867, Sept. 24th, ; ' 11 Wfctauga Conntjr AlHinco Meeting. Vr.Tlie Watauga County-Alii nce will tuetattheNew Riv- er Aca demy, "rien r John EI. rod's, 4 miles cast 'of Boone, on Thursday, Oct; the 8th The time was changed f"om the secrtfid Friday to the sec ond Thursday at the State Alliance' at Morhead City The secretaries of the sub-Al liancea are all hereby request ed ti) send m their quarterly reports by the - Cth of Octo ber, 1891, so 1 can have the names' of the delegates enrol edso that thecouty Alliance can proceed to business as soon as it meets. Bret'iren of the sub-Aljiahces, bo sure and send delegates to, the county meeting and as many of the members who are not delegates as can .possibly j:at tend,'.ii8, it is the time for in stallationvof orricers. It is said by somethat the - Alii' h.t-m' ft. ' .- . ance is ieuo.- uun ihpv are sadlynijstaken, for the Alii nncerion a. boom in the t S.j anthey-iwill see it before the year 1V)2 has closed. : . L -Sec;! Cdunty Alliance, '-'.''' ' ''' ''. XOTICK , ' Nortli'Gixrolina; WataTtura coun ty; Superior court. Bell WiHiauiB vfcAngeline ' william8.r Sait'.fot divorce -: It ftppeHririg to the satmfactwn of the court tbt cause of laction exist in favor of the plaintiff", and against the-de fendant,;'.' a.nd if . also apieanng by the aniaavit' or tno piamtilt tnatliie uitenaant is a lon-resi dent Of this State. Ho that the ordinary process, of the .court cannot be served. upon hel.Xlt is therefore ordoral by the court that publication be made iu ilhe Watauga DeinQcrat, for six euc cesive weeks, commanding the defertdafj.t,;A!(jalina-;.WilIiain8 to appear at tne nxt term ot-tne Superiorcourt, to be held for the uounty ot w atauga, on tne istn day oi Octolwr, 1801, and pload answer or- deniurr .to tne com plaint of t!:e plaintiff to. to filed in this bfHc or the plaintiff will be grautod the "relief ' prayed for in his corn; ' imt. September 2nd, 1S31J Job-'..Todd t).S.U. ; T;: ;j r. r. ixviu,, Atty; vut SERE WE ABE I ON TOP I We proftose to make it to our interest to trade with us, and in so doing, we give 0u some articles that are contained in our . ; EiTOMOUf STOCK on which, we propose to give you unequalled , ;:-,BABAiKS.-::V BOOTS & SHOES. 550 pairs Boots and ; : Shoes. ; In this line wexan fit and suit all. The very best val ues at panic prices. 8ee our ine before buying'. : "Dry Goods. - -. - ' Four thousand, five hun dred yards of Dhy Goods. lere you will find the lat- es iTTstylesand best qualities at un-heard-of prices. . Groceries ! Groceries ! ! In this branch we carry " a resh ' Stock, both stapk and fancy at prices, lower than the bottom notch. Hats, Hats. A nice lot at the very low est prices. . vv e can nt any ody; . Call and examine our stock before buying else where. ' : - . ". : Jeans! jkans 1 1 JEANS 1 1 1 We have the largest stock in town, which will be sold at special low pi ices. -Clothiaa. . This department is com plete. We can fit the tail, t he short, the" lean , and the fat, v-.:1 c,T BOTS CLOTHING r .4- A nice lot which will be sold at a very low figure. -Gent's Furnishing- Goods. Shirts, ''Z'-fr,, Drawers, ; i-'&XOS-X'-i Cuffs, UhderVrare.i : ' ; - ;.- ;. Z 'Y'-'-'A-r: .fi'ovc?, ' i""':. . -. Hose, Ha ndkerchiefs, ; '. , ;.; ; ?'.;;';'. Cra vats, Sic ;' (,-a n su i t all irf this depart ment. ;: ',-":.r:. vin.r connection with : my other; business I run a Hotel - - and -STABlE which, tve think is ;: equal to any in the county,' arid w gunranto our-prices as low as any in thetounty Thffnking my customers for past favprs, 1 remain . .. .;; Very Respectfully, ): Spring Annotfflcetoent OF THE Spot Cash Store, We Are Head-quarters Fo 1 his Part ol Ihe Earth- DON'T You be the last to find out wnere the befit goods are sold the cheapest. We are uowopen ing and displaying the largetrt stock of seasonable goods of the highest merit ever brought to this townj which will be sold low er than ever. t)ur motto is good goo ls, fair dealings and low pri; ces.- -' . .- " O- Dry Goods. Cansisting of Gingfiaflis aiid Prints in all the latest styles Sui- tings, outer-cloth, Simpson's repti ers; shirtings and lawns in all the spring colors, Henrietta cloth in the spring stripes whicn is all the go for Bpnng wear; LARGE STOCK f black Sattinee; Silk for trimming in all colors. All kinds of Laces iu Ueni Stitch and Vandike Points. Let us call yr'speeial attention td our 44 Fruit ofthe Loom Bleach" lomestic at 10 cts per vard. Liu en Shfiiubries both solid andfitri ped. Our stock of ribbon is ua,l to a reumlar milinary de partmeut.. Jeans, cottonadesi 'laidri, Domestics, Bed-tickinsi and hundreds of things we can not mention, -o- Shoes. This department is rerf omplete, and at tHe prices we ore offering them they will not stay long, in fact, we aidn't buy them td keep, atid oar custom' ers have found that dut judging from the way they buy trwes -o- Clothing. Now we hit you. In this partment our stock is, without oubt, the choicest that has uv er been offered to the people of the mountains. Prince Albertsj double and single breasted in sol a mac and fancy colors. Fab meus, we can fit you in anything you want In CLOTHiftG; Some bhmg nice and durable. . Croceries, In this department "vou1 will find nothing but first class goods. We carry nothing but the best sugar and coffee. In flour we car' ry .from a medium to the very best grades, Corn and meat at owest prices. Salt, hams Bacon" and Lard always kept in stocks -O- Hardware, In this line Our Btocfe is lairfft Nails, Iron, Plows,-Hames Trace chains, Mattocks, Shovels and all kinds of shelf-hardware - at prices that moves tueriu v . We thank our many custom ers for raising our sales to thtj nandsome sum of 125,000 last yeari and for the present year we have our figures placed at f iso.uou, ana by low pri ces, good goods and polite atteif tion, weexpect to reach the mark. Ihey all sitig the same song! ' -. '. " . .. 'A:: Weve found the store Where buy! ers get the very best attention With great variety- of goods too - So low in price ftre theV, they ; ' leat the lowest Calculatioa,- Which makes us, as a family, suiJ , out like all creation. And that is the reason we tradW witli -: - .-; -1 iiarch, n, r