! J
1 1.
v': The WataugaDemocrat,
Entered at the Fostofficeat
lioone, N; C, as second-class
mail matter.
London, Sept. 21. Auoth
er heavy-bar's robbery, is re
ported today, but as -every
effort is being made to sup
press the facts, no fiiil.li.ori
tative story can be told. So
fur as known, however, it is
this: A large number -of bills
remitted from the London
iiml Westminister linnk. Lon. you' .see,
don, which is nn important
institution, having fifteen or
more branches in ihis city.
The amount lost is variously
estimated from $7."0,!H)0 to
$1,500,000. The mat tor has
become public through no
tices to banks an 1 to the po
lice centries of the country,
and through the espionage
oer departing vessels at ail
ports of the kingdom. Th
theory of the police is that
no attempt wiil be made to
use thotnoiioy in Great Brit
ain, but that it will be taken
nbmnd. niOHt likely to the
Continent, where a great deal
of English money circulates.
The actual method of the
robbery is to the public en
tirely conjectural, but the cir
cumstance recalls the clever
robbery last February of the
Clerk of the London '.ranch j
of the Hank of Scotland as j
he stood at the public coun
ter of the National Provin
cial Bank.
The thieves obtained $G0,.
000 by that haul, and noth
ing has been heard of them
or the money. Quite recent
ly it was reported that the
Bank of England had been
robbed of 250,000 pounds,
but that statement was. de
nied by the officers of the
bank.--News and Observer.
Protect Hts Story aTall one.
' A good story' . is . told - of
Phillip Brooks Dr. McVick
er, of Philadelphia, ftnd Mr.
Robinson, the-biiilder, of Bos
ton, attending a : lecture in
Leeds on America; Unhap
pily I b y lecturer stated , that
Americans wc-i;e,
us a ..nii,i
short of stature, and if there
were any in the audience ha
would be pleased to have the
opportunity of demonstra
ting the statement; Phillip"
rose to his key.' and said:' 1
urn nn Ame. inm, and, as
; Divine Fwldcncb v. '
Tho?e who deuy tin doc
trine of God particular pro
vidence rieceessarily limit the
power -and perfect ions pf God.
If men could interfere with
the final purposes :of God it
! would overthrow till we have
learned in the '..Bible ,of the
omnipotent', 'omniscience
and . omnipresei,ce of God,
which are among his distin
guishing attributes. lhrpd
could not destroy, the- infant
Savior, because .God had-pur
nosed otherwise." The Jews
height, and sincerely hope
Ihath' there is any other rep
resentative of my country
here he will vise." Alter a
iminieut's interval. Mri Rob
inson rose and said: "I a:a
from America, in which coun
try my height, six feet two,
is the subject of no remark.
If there bo any other Ameri
can here 1 hope that he wiil
liM;.' The house was in a
jollj humor. Waiting until
the e.vitemeufc could abate
n some degree and the lec
turer regain control of his
shattered nerves; Dr. McVic
ei slonlv drew his form to its
full height of six foHfourand je.v.
about, six jee't in watched the gates of Da am s-1
rus to take Paul ilrnt they
might kill him, but their ef
forts were in vaiti; for Paul
was a clvoseii vessel to bear
the gospel to the people, of
Aniioch, Derbe and Lystra,
fyrea and Athens, Corinth
and Macedonia; and as these
places had not yet been vis
ited no plans of the Jews to
thwart the divine.' purposes
could possibly succeed. The
doctrine is full of comfort to
thelteliever. Cod has prom
ised to sa ve hi in . and n o
earl hi v power can- inUTlere
with thi divine uurnose. If
th;" chri'f inn only ' keep- his
on Jesus, he may emm-
e.vchiiiued: "I am an" Hal dently bencve llmt the eyes
be got no further.. -Thenudi- which fell on M'iiyNfrom the
eice roared, and the lecturer cross rest on him ;.o!.-Se-
?iwl m mure on that, sub-Reeled
' All persons whonredueme either by noteorop'en account
must come and pay the same off at once, as my business
will be changed at an early .date.: Therefore 1 will be com
pelled to have my books balanced - up... $0 come at once
and save cost of collecting by law.',. For i - must have, my
i return MANY MANY thanks to my friends & custom
ers, for their; liberal patro'nage'in the past," and the new
firm .will Ing and promise to do "you just a-little better
than anv body else for your fmture trade, I aim to. -go: to
New York City in. v, short time where 1 will buy a large as
sortment of goods for spot sash, and thereby save all -discounts
&mrf. bnrgainsjor ur customers. We aim vo car
ry an immense stock of goods, the new name, will be an
nounced won. Do give us your trade & we will save ou
money. '''.; :- " , - ": -.'; V: ;' -''"..
; ''..-; ''" . -. "; Yoars Anxious to I'kafie. . '. '
, " : V ; Will W. Holsclaw.
Vi!:v4 Sept. Cth, 1801 ; : ; . ;.; ';;' ' ;:;
that, sub-
Told by a Ufcargift Editor.
Ai Ancient Prlntinif Press-
One of the objects of inter
est which will be on exhibi
tion daring the SDuthern Ex
position at Raleigli, which
begins next month, will be
the wooden fra me of the press
upon which the Mecklenburg
Declaration of Independence
was printed.-.The old press
has a history and is a relic
to be preserved at the State
capital after the Exposition
is over. Jt is uitorcstjngniot
only for the use made of it
but to illustrate by contrast
.the great improvement made
in printing press machinery
since the days wnen it was
young. It is the property of
11. B. Drake. Esq., of this
place, and is 115 years old.
lb was "used by hirn in the pub
lication of the Ashebo" o Bul
letin, 185057, and later hi
the publication of the Iredell
Express, and was only taved
from destruction when Stone
- man's raiders burned the of-;
' fico of the Express in 1805,
- by reason of the precaution
taken .by Mr. Drake, who Ind
, removed it td his ba rn before
fie Federals came; and even
then only the frame was Bay
ed the platten and other
riaria of woo'L ha ving been
. burned." Instead of one ; pndl
to print one side of a newspa
per jin this old press, two had
. to;be'maaothe.ldstoue;;by
' running ttu. form still forward
" to receive ' t h e ira prcssibn,
thus making double press
work. Mr. DrgTce shipped the
old press, or what is left of
it, U lluleijjh last Friday.--
He walked in and put down
a dollar, a silver dollai that
clanked like a carriage wheel
in thestillncss of the sanctum.
Said he:
"There, take it and my sub
scription quick."
"What's the matter.?'' said
"Well," said he, 'dastweek
I was fishing out on Spring
creek; a thunder-storm came
up, and it rained and thun
dered, and lightning, flashed
around me. I crawled into a
hollow log to escape it. The
rain rnnde the log swell up
until I was fastened id and
nearly squeezed to death, f
began to think of all my sins
and to repent. Suddenly I
remembered that my 'sub
scription to the Globe' was
not settled up, and I felt so
KinnU ijbout it that 1 was
nT)le to back right out of the
log 'at oiice!'' Bainbridge
Globe. ;
One Cent a jlilo to'.tUs 5Hlon.'
Mr. S)rilaasTramc llan
ager of the' Richmond ; an,d
Dan V i 1 le Ra il-roa d . telegra oh
The suicide of Balmaceda
is a. sadjvarning to'men who
surrender to an insatiate love
for power. " ;
'I he dead President of Chili
is represented to have been a
man of great natural and
acquired gifts and during the
first three years of h'rs Presi
dential term he was the idol
of of his people.- .During tins
period his energy and ability
were devoted to the progress
of his country, and no one
thought that behind it; all
was concealed nn unhealthy
ambition. But when hcnuli
fied the constitution, disre
garded the law and defied
public sentiment, 1hose who
loved andadmired him saw
no longer the brilliant and
enterprising P r e s i d e n t -of
Chili, but turned with swords
in their hands' -V-0 drive the
usurper from power, ami Jo
preserve liberty for their r-.outr
try; The timelia passed. tor
diotat'ors and usurpers. Civ
ilization is fast touching 'the
heart pf ail races, and close
in the, wake of its ' march. foU
Iwws" knowledge;- awakening
t.) a recognition of human
rights.N-'.vs and Observer
. TeEOiioiiEBWcow;;:
..o-----. ;;'.;. '::''V'-
At' Elk Pnrk, tiorth Vmvlim, is so popular is that the
springs si ld by us ai e'of the m;v best. They.ai-e nmde of the-
BEST Sl'ItL(J 8TEEL; They are uoisless;;rl 'hey lire; -adjustable;
They .are indestructible; They are Cheap and Re
liable, are of fine finish and of home manufacture, hntii ely
Elastic Dozens of testimonials can be furnished, to the ef
fect that the DIAMOSD is the bestVipringon the mark.'t.
Aud purchase an inferior soring that has for its only
...-.-..' PER; .. ' - ...
Tlie; Piidwf the'1 North " CaVoli .
.:'!"-"- '- na 1'resH.'",
.'T '-: .'"- .... T: .-r ' ..
Do you want to oi(f in building "
up a paper that shall reflect the .
greatest credit' on -Jforfch Caroli-. ,'
lia, no matter vliere it- way . b J
wpii? Tlieh ' pa"troiUM..v'vs
Th(i Wilmington Messenger,
, A LAnOIi t,I0HT-PAf: PAPKH . " '.
Uoyou want a leliuWe paper
giving you all. the now s of the
worli IW Democrftticvnowspaper
thatwprals the .rK.wt has ; tbg".,
largf?5t. (.ia-ulat.ioii.'-and has fo- ;
twpiily-onn veara Ikhmi i pur '
nun va;umn Ttiegrowwi autiuev .-,
vclopmont of thG;;01d"v Noiifc'.V:
-; '-, Ht ate? Then siibficrlm for -' . '
Caiu a ign ; R,l rtes : ; ' : ; ' ; - '
Tho "Daily Mssehger,,,; ly -i i: ':;
mail, '1 months on. trial, f or "' -
The wwklyvf4Trnscript lite8 '
?engcr,'' (the .largest. , and P-
best paper in . the : State) ' 9 ;i ;-: -months
on trial for $1.Q(L
Cash' in advance. Botli; . :
papersrare largo Eight-Page V vV V
sheets, -yend - Postal ' Card '-J
with'tJie'address pf ! five..: per'' '';
sens a hd rweive sa;mple"cop- !r
ies of The MtissKMGEit. ; "
Oct. 1st: 1888. tf." :':'.':':.r
; West .and Norteretil
recommendation "CilEAP"' perched upon its deceptive-banners,
but buy the Diamond Spring and be happpy. Let ev
erybody get at'least one set of these wonderful springs. ; .
For further part icula rs a pply ' to ' y ,
n'ri. M. CRO YJ)Eli; Manager,
May 21,1891. 4 . ELK PARK, N. 0.
" ;: '"' - ' ' ;;.'-. ..X.. - -. - '- ..' ' ';'': 'v'
SO, EVEIIY-ONE should Bave all they ean aad YOU .
- " " should begin by buying your ,''-' , " .
' EWINOlA(IPES OF ,lf!E, Xy-;
And not of the man who runs tlio wagon and sells for $50 or $60.
I will sell you asi good ior $25. Machine needles that .willt any
machine, at 25 Hs per doz., sent out by mull. I Im ve a goodtock
'of fwhing tackle.lReeil,.40 eta to $t. Joint' rods 1 5 c(s to iJl .SO.
Trout flies GO els per dozen. Limerick hooks, 10 t 25 -ct-s. per
dozoii, Kent by moil. Noting for win, and seins of .agy-lgpgtli
ooniplfcto. Haw haw or the. very best; lor f.l earn wait tiy man
Do not fail to write torpuc.es. ; Respectfully,
KJ -mm XAi. xn
. Kmigi-aiits going to Hiiy of the
Wtwttrru .Stales -or-:; Territories V i
will !i'e time aiulnioiipy goiiig
xbi Chicaim.'aiHt Alton iivnti v "
t js the q uickcBt rotit e to --" : . v..X
KANSAS' ' C i T V 1) E N Y E R.
And all points in Idaho. Wasli
Vgton, Dregon, V:riy::t
'? ttudlitoriiia'.-;',';;-;;.-.
Finest aiuVDkt. ICqnippea.
:'-; Road in the West: , ; ' :. f ;
Only line ruuuihg Solid Vetf '?
bud' traitiB between. St.- Louis i;.
and Kansas City. - - ;';--."'
-RiiliniiigDlmir cars' and. Tour
wt Sleciws free of extra, elwue-H.; 'l: :P
.1 will meet parti?s at any rail- ' T ?: j
road Ktiition wit h through tickets f-
and bagMgM:h6cki.-r."-..v.i.Q,;"J:- H
For fuinifuruia'tioii.inapsarKl j;; i,'
ueHcnj) 4ve pnnipuifrs oi ute :
west write to orcalion : " '
' Trarelin Passenger Agt..'--'; 1- .'
19 Tatton. Ave., Asheville, NT C,; ;'-V:
J. (AKLTOS, (K V. A ' ; ' '
.- -;.vV:'-,:-. ,C!iicngo,'IU. ;. '
ed Mr. Jeli
iv T.
Patrick th'ut
Thfl SVb'Tnjaswy.foti.d Bowu.
his system had ccnisented . to
give reduced rate'ofone enmt
a mil-o over all its .lives ': for
tlie Exiiosition. It is under-
snood tli at all other rail
road. inside of , Korth Caro
lina and outside, will agree
to give, the sa me ra teb its' the
Piicirmoud and Danville'.Tnls
settle's the- rate qucstiouya nd
every 'ma n yvo m an and c ti ijd
in the State yyho can leave
hoine can conte to the Expo
sition' and Vthey A b&
A telegram was aloo receiV:
ed here yesterday from Mr. E.
W. Clark, General Passenger
AgcntVof, the Seaboard; Aid otfnvo.rHtic'uieinbers.
Line, - announcing ; inn r. nn.
tivstem would also give
one-ceit-a-mile rates over all
heiiM'Ond.;. 'These rates will
be i u effect o n Tuesdaysj
Wodnefiday s and Thursdays.
The Uiehmo'nd and)Dariyii!e
announces that their ;rates
will be lit effect on": Mondays,
-Atlanta,;; 'Sept. -23-This
'n'orningn thOeorgiii
Lrgislature "tho !jm;ch .moot
ed Ocala: resolutions', . as .ea
dortjed by ; the " Allta nee ah;
demanded; by, - them , of . the
nest Conirri;8 ;'vre- intro
duced b.v ?.IivPiirett. of Pike
eonhtv, for armroval and en
dorsement of 1 hat body. The
resolutions were de: ted ' by
a vote HLto' . This is some
wirat of a triniiipliripvcr the
Th.rd party movement m
this V U t e; a s i t Clearly i fitJ i
ca tes that t ln fAil ianeejneiii
of tlie Xegifcdnture- yvho ; are
in'the hmjbrity in tlnitbtidy'
-ttJ-e i'hot iii-syihpathy with
any- measure-that is idirally:
cpiio;-fe to tht'ir views ; a 5
' ':. Nf'TlCE. '; iff
. Hotel Property for Sal . ;c .'
; 0u accdnntof- failing liekith
of fnyselfaml wife, 1 oifcr for salV $
my hot'l propt!-tyfn the town 6t
BoomyNoilh Carolina, mid will, r
sU low for .cash and icake terms . t .
fim.uw uuirr. nun will ihkh .i
real or jers6iml prpti -fy . in, ex.- v V t'
vanngts -Ajspiy soon. -., ; t . ;
" '.'- -., : , ,.V. L: r.nvA.v. V':-
1 1
-1 te3(nSJSS.WS5.
-CHJinl... w AT.nNTA,B,. fcSJt'
;-: ;V. LV Bryan; :-: v-.
' '.; vi. , JkiOne, N.C.
Itf cJ i sJ ..m Tl.,. It.tu.avt l)Uu. I
Dw in iWrMl lo...trt.i htwrf t hc II. ".I .Iwftire'.bt
Ha ni -ti. iff Wi 4iitjM.H.cM.nilM i".i!f tA qrlchlr
l.f nvil. I At'.n hut " wnrktr how wi.ti uc cnuntv. I
h8. .If.-. lf WitM t pr.i.'rd itH mph'j:m.tit
itqirtin., t .r.. tkng tfw srt?:t . t'trwb. tt'irt E w
Miit.tl. fiiH ('."rtntln" PP i -t.l.. .4 .irr-?.
to. '. IU.T Auuu.ta, Mniue.
It iagratifying to us" t.p anho'utiee;; to . our : numerous
customers that we have How, and ftill orriving the. largest
stock of gods ever .brongt, to Wa taugn W'hn ve reeent
i,. i,mir!w in Philaileluhia and ;Kuoxvillc CO(X).00 '-worth
At KP!V flOODS. V Oup stock consists of, :alh. Varieties ;6f
goods k(;pt fnurst. clasHKtore-. We have, a (nice:line. of!
idv made clotihxo that tve ore: offering- Low down. :
vlliw d reMs go ods all quali rFM.Yc'ol oral and prices.'
(ient furnishing goodsl tlollars cuffs, ; Meek ware,- shirts
Hoeks'and ati vt lung y ou vaut jn tW; latest styles;.;' II ATB!
tn salt m'MU women arid vhildreu., Hanj ware, - crockery,
farsianstnteiisi'is, ace, oifui . quuuuu.. uir- miuh wvrv
bouhtat a bargaiu and .we propose to give 6nr customers
iha hnncfit of tluW. " Comoand eo puHine stock and you
will be sin? to nu vvv Extra inducements will be ofterel tor
the next 00 days for Cas.i. "Ve take all kind of prod lice
and UveHtrjT-kvspeVialty.'--:-.;Tliankinglourt
oh tronaoe, ; we'Lhoi)f! to "niri t it an the future .by .: honest
dcplingsluid god oargJiiny, we are 'A -0 : - '
' mtr Httlfflrti'nbi"'brtfl md( a
.rit, au4 J Il-'im. Tci". V !
H.trt. Olh d rtn-i 1 1 't
" yU? H "' " ' "
ix'iilfc, Vnii ri '10 fM Wi.r m Ki
. fi" rti, nh. r. r r mn,
, A Mmphlat of nf omrtlM
votiisia niwu, iitmui iiw
s.UAn HUM Vrf-
. - Y' '" - i ',1 . ,i m, '. ii ...
.Very. Re&pactfully ?":r-v: :
7 V
C4Vctt,M4 Tff e-Karti htnlntl'
fttiiwilnot' csitiiito4 M (9tli f
tea O i'i l opcsC A'. . f -
nd Tt o cr.n n f xr ".. . Hi kits 1 1.
Jcmyto ftom Waniilvte.-n.
ftt'4 mixtel, drbwii.se or photo., '
ttm.i We rivlM. If p-'Icp ol or
tbarfm. Onrfint 't p
h Can""1 i'l --
tMineftufutu tl Gji-' iuywM
Ujhu, wut fm. A ..
'f - r -
.r - - :
" - C rv ' I (
y ea :: ?sua y s a n 1 1 .l u rbuuj