OCR Interpretation

Chicago tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1864-1872, March 28, 1865, Image 4

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TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 1865.
Augustus Bobir—Call at General Delivery of
Post Office for a letter.
Personal.— Judge David Davis, of the United
States Supreme Court, is stopping at the Tremont
House. ________
Arunoton's Minstrels performed last even
ing in Metropolitan Hall to a good boose. They
remain daring the week.
Aural or Fire.—Tbe alarm rang for
District at 2 o'clock tola morning, was caused by
« fire on the prairie southwest of the city, too fori
to be rcachcd.bytbeFlte Department. *
Donation to tub N. W. Fair.— The proprie
tors of the Planter's Bote' in SL Louis, Messrs.
Hatch A Felt, generously donated $45, tbe
amount of a hotel bill, tqtbeN. W. Sanitary Fair.
Inquest.— Coroner Wagner held an inquest on
the body of the soldier recently killed on tbe
Bock Island Railroad. The}verdict of the Jury re
lieved the railroad employees of all blame.
Baumbacp's Organ Concert will be given
this evening in St, Paul’s (Universally) Church.
Some of the best professionals in the city will par
ticipate, and a rare musical treat may be ex
Coiqosbabt Award.—The contract for supply
ing toe troops at Chicago, Rock Island, Spring
field and Quincy, with corned beef for the months
of Afiril and May, was on Saturday awarded to
Thomas Holiban, at six cents; per pound.
Northwestern Fair.— I Tbe ladles and gentle
men of the Congregational churches, comprising
the committees for the Fair, arc requested to meet
at the Samiary room*, on this (Tuesday) p. m M at
3 o'clock.
Fair— Notice.— The Chairman
and Advisory Committee of each denomination to
be represented in toe Fair, are requested to meet
«t the rooms of ibe Yonng Men's Christian Asso
ciation, at tea o'clock tola morning.
Bbadlxt ojr tot Light Fantastic.—Did 70a
ever see Old Bradley dance i lie flings out the
nghtand leit Toot largely in Qny Mannering. It
la a ccntb'n to snakes. He is, emphatically, 4l a
nlshc little hoy/ 1
N. W. Sajotabt Faib.—The ladles of the
Presbyterian denomination are requested to
meet this (Tuesday) afternoon in the Young Men's
Christian Association Booms at half-past two
Monins & Wilson's Mzkstbels opened last ere*'
sing in Smith & Nixon's Hall. The troupe is a
very superior one* comparing favorably with any
that has ever'appeared in oar city. They remain.
through the week.
Hotbed.—On Monday morning a cattle drover
from Wisconsin, named Everett, fell from his
hoggyon Cottage Grove avenue, sear Hidgcley
Place, and sustained some very severe braises.
Cause—last driving and intoxication.
Sunday School Exnmmos.—The yonng peo
plfe of the Second Baptist Church, corner Morgan
and Monroe streets, will repeat their entertain'
mental the Chnrch this evening at 71 o'clock.
Those who wish seats will have to go early. Ad'
mission free.
Tot Tongue.—Oar readers most not forget that
■this evening, if the occasion of the Lectarc on the
Tongas, by Nathan Sheppard, Esq„ at the Child'
Tcna’ Chapel of the First Baptist Chnrch, on Wa
lush avenue, rear Hubbard Court. The subject Is
nn interesting one and will be ably treated.
Saxitast Faib.—The Friends of Progress will
bold a meeting at the Sanitary Commission Com
mittee room No. 2, this (Tuesday) afternoon, ats
o'clock. All friends of progress and free thought
arc cordially invited to meet; business of import
ance to be transacted.
Tnc 47th ‘Rcctmekt.— The announcement that
Major Edward Benham bad t>cen commissioned
Colonel of the 47th Illinois infantry, we are In
formed is incorrect. Got D. W. Magee if the new
commander, and is now on his way to join Us reg
iment bel ore Mobile.
Suspected Mcbseuec.—Jcka Wilkinson was
arrested on Saturday on eospi An of being the in*
dividual who fired the shot which caused the
death of John Martin—a soldier at Camp Douglas,
on the 25th of December last. He will be exam
ined to-day (Tuesday).
Deabbobx School. Gazette.—This little sheet
the publication of scholars of the Dearborn
School Is on baud. Aside from the many good
things it contains, the petite Gazette should be
well supported for the. sake of onr gallant sol
diers, for whose benefit It appears.
Hus Own.—A soldier named Frank Newmyer
of Co. H, Bth V. B. C„ was Vnn over on Clark
street, on Sunday, and had an atm dislocated.
J>r. Dean was colled and set tbe limb, generously
xelnslng to accept any compensation ior his ser
Mopest Genius.—A Poet whose modesty and
•discretion arc evidently at variance, sends ns a
string of fourteen lines on “Spring,” for which
he the sum of ten dollars. Seventy-one
cents per line, and gold falling at its present rate,
is a little more than Dunu timed/ would uk.
The Unca are ruled oat,
Dbowkxp.—Philip Seibericb, private, Co, H,
Cth Tn* ,n "« cavalry, fell overboard from the deck
of the transport J. G. Blackford, about noon of
March SSd, on the Ohio river, near Gallopolis; he
was drowned. The deceased formerly reamed on
Chicago, where It la believed bis widowstill Uvea.
Bis effects are being sent here by express.
Uubdocb rir Coxedt.—Last evening Hr. Mur.
dock rend,-under the auspices of the Young Men's
Association, several choice selections in comedy.
His “Sam Weller ** and “ Sergeant Bnzfoz ** were
inimitable. Tbe opening ol the case of Birdell
vs. Pickwick was capitally rendered and loudly
Fallzk Ahojco Thieves.—A Soptbcrcer named
Samuel Barrington, bailing from Eentncky, ar
rived in this diy yesterday to visit some seeesb
friends In Camp Douglas. Daring the afternoon
this modern Samar(r)itan fell among thieves, who
by a peculiar variety of slight of hand, deprived
him oi the advantages of a purse containing abont
SIOO in currency.
Stuns ass Shodut.—Rev. 6. H. Tiffany,
D.D., will deliver bis famous lecture on Shams
nod Shoddy in Grace M. £. Church, on Tuesday,
April 4th, for the benefit of the Ladies’ Aid So
ciety. We do not see why snch a selection of lo
cation should have been made; so good a lecture,
by so excellent a speaker should be sufficient to
fill the largest hall in the city. Why not f
Suxuat ScnopL Exnmmox.—By special re
quest; the anzrfvemiy exhibition of the Second
Baptfrt Sabbath School will be repeated this Tues
day evening, at the church on the corner of Mor
gan ahd Monroe streets. From the success
achieved by the first exhibition a crowded an
•dlence may be anticipated. Admission free. Doors
open at 7 o’clock.
UMOx'VcrmAXlxvAun Socmr.-Thlslsthe
name of an association, recently formed in this
diy, fur the purpose of proeoringcmployment for
vetenrj soldiers Who are unable by wounds or dis
ability to perform severe manual labor. Govern
ment officers, corporations and merchants are in
vited to call on Col. Rn’ishanser, room No. 38
Fnllerton Block, Dearborn street, who will be
heppy to furnish any information required.
Accxpskt.—The horse of Daniel B. Heart!, an
old and well known citizen, took fright on Clark
street, on Monday, and that gentleman wa* thrown
from hie carriage and severely injured by striking
bis bead on one of the shafts. He was taken into
ibe drug store of J. L. Hayes A Co n and Dr. M.
W. Catn called, who dressed bis wounds. The
injured mon is seventy-eight years of age, and re
sult's at No. iri Fourth avenue.
Wnoixsale Ahuests.—On Friday night Oapt
Nflfon. with a squad of men, made adescentnpon
a lewd dance house ct No. CII State street, and
captured the whole party, consisting of thirty
males and twenty female*. They were arraigned
on Saturday, a.id the keeper—Hiram Dmgman—
fined fifty dolhira, uid the inmates fifteen collars
each, it la to ho hoped the disreputable concern
is broken up.
Frnsr Waud.—There will he a meeting of the
Mutual Protection Association of the First Ward
this (Tuesday) evening, at the Circuit Conrt Boom,
for theimrpcse of making an extra assessment on
the droftibie population of the Ward.
Bccnating Committees are Instructed to put in
a representative recruit under Section 2a of the
new Enrollment Act of March 3d to the credit of
any citizen of the Ward who contributes gIOQ to
the draUXond.
Fob the Indians.—On Monday afternoon a de
tachment of fire hundred men left Camp Douglas
for the Northwestern frontier to engage in the
Indian warfare now pending. The men were
Confederate prisoners of war who had tnyp the
oath of alicciance to the Government of the Uni
ted Stales. They were well uniformed and equip-
Ded, and presented a very substantial appearance.
The officers were chiefly selected from the vete
rans of the Reserve corps, who thus earn a well
merited promotion.
Eobbcct.— Leonard Candelmao, of Harrison
county, Ohio, was robbed of $125 on Monday
morning, under the following circumstances- He
Lad Just come into the city and was passing nn
Dearborn street a Utile bcforadayltgbt, and woen
near the Portland Block he was accosted by a
stranger who wished him to change a bill for bun,
2£r. Candelman drew out his pocket book to do so
when It was seized by tbe stranger, who ran no
into the bnllding and Pscaped m the darkness
Complaint wss made at the Central Station, hot
no arrest has been made.
Betubked.—Coleman Brown, of the -Board of
Trade Battery, has jnstretorned to this dty on
parole, after a eeven-montfas imprisonment at An-
e, Florence. Charleston and Richmond-
Be was captured at Jonesboro, in Georgia. Be
nays that the worst accounts published In our pa
pers do not come up :© the truth, that the prison
ers were treated worse than dogs, being famish
ed, and shot down without mercy. A great num
ber of them died after their release. Calvin Du.
rand, a brother of the gentleman of that name in
the firm of Durand, Bro. & Powers, of this city,
returned with him. v
SnoioKs Ax© Fanno.—These two gentlemen—
ihcpieafidlgltator and wire rope walker—both
unsurpassed in ihelr respective role?, will gtve
two parting entertainments in Bryan Ball this
SiJtytJ? 4 •nwwl'ith they leave for
Davenport bos tricks. FsrhS^il^* og * Te tt , e
ffla^sasssasssrii B ®^
msjdrian on bis back the whole ieSSTS£ ft®
Sokb ox Tou*nu»cr.-TL e quarterly election
for officers of Chicago Division No. ces, 8. of T
wa? held at their hall, McCormick’s Building, cor
ner Randolph and Dearborn streets, last evcnlne-
TbeTollowing officers were chosen: W. p„ John
T.Wadc; Wm. Bailer: 8.8., Harry Gold
smith ;A. R. John D. Pickand* ;F. Cbas.
J. Blshopj P. W. Qlllet: Wm. Bird Bher
rard; A. C n Austin Casey; Chaplain. J. O. Bray
man; Inside Ben., David Dickson; Outside
Hobert Greer.
This Division is In a very flourishing condition,
and its members urc adding largely to their num
bers. Their meetings are held Monday evening*,
and a cordial invitation is extended to all young
men desiring to connect themselves with a tem
perance organization, to attend at any meeting.
A public installation -ol officers will be held next
Monday evening at eight o’clock, on which occa
eipp all Interested are invited to attend.
Tbe Doty of tbe Ilonr—Beglstrstloa of
To||n|r»Plates of Voting, and In* *
Today fije Inspectors of Election will meet in
their several districts lor the purpose of forming
the new TOlinrr lists which most t>e made ont pre
vious to the coming municipal election,under the
Registry Law recently passed at Springfield. It
is the duty of every friend of the Government, of
every lover of liberty, to see to it that his own
and neighbor's name and rejdence is correctly
emeredon tbe list. The Democrats have be*n as
work for weeks, and have organized their district
committees, for the purpose of scouring every
alley in search of upholders ol tfatlr ft to. Let
toecorrection«bemadeto-d*y. Tbe matter should
not be delayed till the next meeting ortbe Boards
of Inspectors. Take time by tbe forelock. Toe
following are tbe places of bolding the meetings
—at wolcb also a copy of tbe list will be exposed
for correction—and the names of the Inspectors:
■ First Ward— First District: No. 49 Wabash
avenue. Inspectors—l. K. Botaford, Norman B.
Williams,' Jr., W. Y. Danleft.
Second District: Northwest coraetvof Washing
ton and Wells streets. Inspectors—D. A. Howes,
Peter Recite, C. F. Chilson.
Second Ward— First District: No. 2ST State
street Inspectors—Charles P. Kellogg, D. A.
Conoids, John C, Dore.
Second District: Jervis House, southwest cor
ner of Shermtn and Van Boren streets. Inspect
ors—Calvin D'Wolf, Anton Berg. Frank Eohout
Third Ward— First District; Northeast corner
of Cierk and Taylor streets.- Inspectors—C. O.
Wicker, O. B. Maples, Cornelias Price.
Second District: Bouse of Jacob Franz, No. 70S
State street. Inspectors—J. Spencer Turner, John
Dalton, W.W.gnxUh. -
Fourth Ward— First District: Corner of
Archer Bosd and State street. Inspectors—Wo.
Wheeler, H M.Wilmafth, Mark Kimball. *
Second District; Engine Boose No. 9, Carvllle.
Inspectors— A. i). Rich, William Eberlie, M. L.
rcr Archer road ana Lasalle street. Inspectors—
'Michsel Schmidt, Peter Bofinot, W. W. Taylor.
Second District: House of Michael Flnnucan,
corner of Archer road and.Grccn street. Inspect
ors—Ossian Guthnc, James Clary, Joseph Bon
Sixth Warm—Firs t District: Engine House on
Maxwell street. Inspectors—B. G. Gill, Nicholas
Linden, Jeremiah dowry. *
Second Diatncn Northeast corner of Canal and
Folk streets. Inspectors—A M« Whitney, John
Schultz, Patrick Waiver.
Seventh Ward—First District: Comer of
Wright and Union streets, house of John Phillips.
Inspectors—P. A Smith, C. Teghtmler, John Co
Second District: Engine House on Blue Island
avenue. Inspectors—Tfaeo. F. Glllelan, Philip H.
Mattbel, W. J. Onahan.
Eighth Ward— First District: House of Henry
Hanrke, corner of Sampsonstreet and Bine Island
avenue. lusptcioo^—H, .N. Frisbee, Richard C.
Dtmn. Been' Hlldenbcntal.
Second Dls'ric:: House of Thomas ETlbridge,
No. 407 West Polk street. Inspectors—R. M. Guil
ford, Fred. Sorgo. John F. Seudlebach.
Ninth Ward— First District: House of D. Clan
cy, corner of Southwestern Flank Road and Madi
son street. Inspectors—A D. Sturtevant,S.Mc-
Cotur. H. A W ynkoop.
Second District: No. 375 West Randolph street.
Inspectors—Geo. W. French, Q. Charies Smith,
E. F. Colby.
Tenth ward— First D 1 trict: Engine House,
West Jackson street. Inspectors—E, H. Aiken, A
G. Lull, Theodore Hubbard.
Second District: Old Engine House, comer of
Washington and Clinton streets. Inspectors—J.
Clough Haines. Hitam M. Chase, Joseph Lane.
ttn-Pirff Ward—First District: Comer of
De?plsmc« and Carrol streets. Inspectors—A G
Lowe, NaibaßAUen, H. C. Butter cum.
Second District: House of IL Ockoff, comer of
Halsted and Milwaukee avenue. Inspectors—
Moses Orav, James 01eston,Pat- McGinnis.
Twelfth Ward— First District: Comer of
Chicago and Milwaukee avenues. Inspectors—L.
F. Waite. C. Dacnsmg, E. Shaw.
Second District—Donee of Louis Eruter. Elston
street. Inspectors—O. H.-Potter, J. D. Hull, J.
TmnrrrsTß Wasd—First Dlstrct: Engine
House on larrabee street, between North avenne
and Willow street. Inspector*—Ernst Pressing,
George Colbert, David ColbarL
Serond District: House of Wm. Jacob, No. 627
North Wells street. Inspectors—Qastav Fischer,
Geo. W. CauUnc, Louie umlaut.
Focbteento Wash—First District: House of
George Boos, corner of Blackhawk and Larrabee
streets. Inspectors—Chris. Fasch, Frank E. Gcu
bing, jots McHugh.
Second District: Hon«e of Fritz. Frillmsn, cor
ner ol Division and N. Wells streets. Inspectors—
Henry Jones, J. E. Winkleman, Oscir Bails
Fifieentp Wabs—First District: Northwest
corner ot Chicago avenue and North Wells street.
Inspectors—James Grant, Henry Wendt, James
Second District: Norib west corner of Chicago
avenne and Green Bay streets. Inspectors—C. B.
larral>ee, Henry Arnold, Adam Baer.
Sixteenth wabd—First District: Corner of
Indians and Franklin streets. Inspectors—Alon
zo Harvey. Andrew Nelson, John S. Quinn.
Second District: North Market Hall. Inspect
ors—Benjamin Carpenter, Moses Jones, Thomas
meeting of Exerutlve Committee—Dll'
story chairmen—Apportion
ment or Donations.
A meeting of the Executive Committee of tbe
foilbcomlng Fair, for the benefit of
the Sanitary Commission and Soldiers* Borne,
was held on Monday afternoon lx tbe rooms of
tbe Commission—thePmident, T. B. Bryan, Eaq., •
in the Chair.
On motion of Hon. J. B. Bradwell, the depart
ments ofPnblic Schools and Colleges were con
solidated under the Chairmanship of J. L. Pick
ard, Esq. It was resolved also that tbe depart
tnentoiprlvate school# be epodoctcd ** mar be
bedded cn between Messrs. Pickard and Grover.
Mrs. Doge said that of the Committees appoint
ed, sixty-fonr bad reported circulars and action,
and about sixty bad not.
The Chairman of the Committee on Brushes re
port* d circular.
Aid. Telcott said that be bad found out that the
general impression waa that the thine was run
ning Itself up into church organizations, and
men. whether dealer* in stone or anything elje,
would pay all they could into the fund of their
own cuurch; he thought it wont! be perfectly
Idle ofbim to send round to one and another on #
less as churchmen.
Mrs. Livermore had already received promises
or specimens of marble from all the States, and
samples from the works in Holland, Vt, The
plan of the Fair bad been to throw out a net of so
many meshes that some one of them would catch
hire, fioge said that the .church organizations
would not interfere with the business department.
Contributions were about to come-in fromall
parts of the world, and no church lines would be
observed as among business sun. It was expect
ed that the men would give donations of onehun
dred to one thousand collars to the Fair, as they
bad already done In Eastern Fairs.
Mrs. Livermore said that they did not matter
about a church organization outside of Chicago.
The Chairman said that nobody at the Hast cared
whether the Baptists or Presbyterians were the
largest In the Fair; the question was, how much
conid be given to the Fair? and how can we best
enlist the active sympathies of everybody f
Mrs. Hoge said tnar a quarter of a million had
been contnbntcd to the Pittsburgh Fatr, and over
one- quarter of the contributions to the Philadel
phia Fair were from the Labor Income and Revenue
plan. It was much to be wished that the chairmen
cf the eepara>e departments should press this last
itrm upon the attention of all those in their de
Mrs. Livermore said that nothing bad as yet
been done to reach the farmers. '1 hey should be
called on for donations of grain, vegetables, etc.
A le’ter was read from the agent of Gen. Gantt,
of Arkansas, offering to donate the proceeds of one
evening’s entertainment to the Fair. Referred,
with thank*, to the Committee on Amusements.
C. L. Wilson reported as Chairman of the Com
mittee on Foreign Correspondence. He had re
ceived ’assurances of valuable aid from BcnJ. Mo
ran, Esq., Sec’y D. S. Legation at London; H.
Ericsman, Scc’y U. 8. Legation at Berlin; J. H.
Anderson, Consul at Hamburg; T. H. Dudley,
Consul at Liverpool; W. B. West, Consul at Pau
lin; E. O. Eastman, Consul at Cork; W.ILMc-
CUcsney, Consul at Eewcastle-on-Tyne, Ac.,
and that contributions wonld soon be forwarded.
He was sorry to say that the general complaint
was that donations from abroad to former Fairs
had not been properly acknowledged. The Caair
man sala that this would be attended to in fntore.
Mr. Wilson presented a letter from Dr. Bellows,
President of the Sanitary Commission, stating
thet they were orepanng to receive and forward
all goods coming from abroad. They had sent
*5,000 trom .New York to Europe for goods for
our Fair. „ _ ,
Hi. Wilson was placed la charge of the foreign
contribution*, with power to deal as seemed to
him liest In their arrangement, Ac. *
j. T. Bowen suggested that in order to reach
the farmers circulars should be sent to the Coun
ty Clerks in each county; they knew the address
° f suggested that the
churches would he the best to reach the farmers.
Mr. Wilson thought the Postmasters would act
Boge thought that the lawyers conid work
very efficiently tn stirring up the people in the
thought that the churches and
the public schools throughout the country ramm
ed into every household. ~ _ „..
The chairman readaletter of donation of afire
man's silver trumpet, from the lowa Sanitary
Fair. .Accepted with thanks. . ..
Mr Sewell said that the fanners could nest be
reached through the agnchltural papers.
hire. Livermore salo that meetings were the
agency to be depended on for" stirring np the
t *A°c'ommltttc, with power to act, cmrißttM ot
Judge Bradweil, Mrs. Livermore ahdMra. Hoge,
was appointed to visit Judge H. 8. Williams, and
report the action of the meeting to him. and ols-
Suss measures for working by means t>f the law
yCMre. Livermore said that the Good Templars
bed already organized through the elate, and were
owned OB to the emmee-
Fair end tie elimination to
of T. W. Baxter, It was decided that
sll articles donated to the Fair shall he distribu
ted to to which they Mong. -M
determined hy. the nature of the material, when
too bu'tT to he placed in booths. ...
The Chairman said in answer to a question, that
ti was intended to erect as cheap a building as
till Wcdnetdejef
tetnoon at 8 o’clock, to reassemble in tiiesamfl'
Umtzd States Cidcuit Coubt— Effort Judge
DnmmoHd.-Zn&c.t Darts did not arrive on Mon
day as was expected. The Jury will. convene on
Tuesday morning. _ _ .
Cojoussioxeb’® Couet— JJ. S.Cornnni
tXonSuoyne.- The oniv mailer
a bounty Join ping case elsewhere reined.
Cicccit Covut—Before Judge
Chancery case of Ohlbkennc etal. «•;/““• ®s*r
occupied the attention of the court during Mon
day, U) the exclusion of all °thcr buslneM.
Suteeiod Cotnrr—Jvot in BMrion- Silaa x'-
o&<se!te r». Susan P. Cassette. This la the tlOe of
a bill for divorce filed In the Superior Court on
Monday, baaed noon aliened desertion. _
Coubt— Before Judge Durea
Block ra. Eberdine. In this cause a motion for
a new trial was made by e coanael, on
the ground that the verdict was contrary to tte
tef Umony, end overruled. An apoealwaa
Ihe People rt. J. A. White etal. This suit came
up on a motion to dismiss the proceedings m
salnst the securities in a ball bond for
i«r!tv The defendant was onested andtakenbe
foreVjiUM S the Peace, on a chareo ofhavlnz
committed a criminal offense, and gave ball for
hie appearance at the (then) next September lews
of thei!ecor(*rr*6 Conr*. No action was taken on
the until the succeeding January
term of the Court, when a dclanlt
the recognizance* forfeited. was la
sued, and a motion made at the present term to set
the process aside, on the ground that «* e<le “Sr*
taken at the January term was irregular, Tno
bail, by the terms of the recognizance, agreed to
have toe pnncipal in court at the September term
thereof, but not to have him thereat ihe fourth
term thereafter. The Court held that if the re
cognizance could be forfeited flt the* Jan
uary tem thereafter, U could be kept
along for a year and then forfeited, and
toe ball called upon to pay the forfeiture.
Such to the opinion or His Bon or was not the con
sanction of recognizance*. The default taken at
the January term, Judge Van Boren said, was Ir
regular, and he therefore enmied the motion, and
ordered all proceedings dismissed both m regards
principal! and sure. IwThtß is anewmle of prac
tice in this Court, and will work somethin? of a re
volution in criminal matters. The decision seems
to be just, r nd in accordance with equity, and wlft
utdoahtetf/ control proceedings oa recogni^ 1
•sees hereafter. H. U. Chase for defendants, and.
1 State's Attorney Heed for the People.
The State's Attorney entered a nolle prosequi
'ln the case of Catherine Dnffey Indicted for lar
The Court will assemble this morning to sen
tence the gamblers Indicted by the Grand Jozy,
after which it will adjourn for the term. *
Couxtt Court.— Before Judge BradtseU—Tbe
estates of Geo. E. Pierson. Henry J. King, Charles
Yogle were declared settled.
Thomas Buckiey was appointed guardian of
Wm. Langlev on bond of $4,0u0.
The will of the late Cyrus P. Bradley was pre
sented for probate and letters testamen’ary order
ed to Issue to Martha A. Bradleyand Timothy tf.
Bradley on bond of SBO,OOO. The real estate of
the deceased consists ot lots 6, 6.7,8 and 9 In Ca
nal Trustees sob. ol the W4ofN.E. Jof Sec. 19,
T. 89, B. 14, in block 17. the homestead where
in deceas'd resided. (No Incumbrance.)
East 25 feet ■ of Lot 7, In Block 94, School Sec;
Add, otherwise known as No. 226 Madison street.
Upon this property there is afrost deed to secure
East S3 feet of Lot 2, Block 94, S. S. Add., No.
218 Madison street. Encumbered $2,500.
East bslf of Lot 7, in Block 41, O. Town, ex
cept the west 40 feet of said ‘ lot. No incum
House, lot and 40 acres of land in Adams conn*
ty/Wie. No Incumbrance.
The personal property of the deceased consist
ed of householdfurniture, $2,000 worth of stock
of Fireman's Insurance Company, upon which
there is due SI,OOO.
Serious Charge igaiust a Police Sergeant*
Police Sergeant Thomas Clayton was on Mon
day afternoon arraigned before United States
Commissioner Boyne, to answer to the charge of
having taken from the Armory Ellas L.W. Wil
liams, a notorious bounty jumper and counter
feiter, and enlisting him as a substitute.
The only witness examined was the man Who
was enlisted. The following is the whole of his
testimony relating directly to the crime with
which Clayton is charged: A ..
4k l was born tn Kalamazoo county, Michigan,
am twenty six years od; I enlisted flrft time m
Kalamazoo, Mich.: came to this city In the latter
part of Ancmt; deserted from Camp Jackson,
JUich.: was arrested by Mr. Clayton and other offi
cers and conveyed to tee aruory; Mr. Clayton told
me next morning 1 was arrested for deserting; .
after I was there a few days he asked ms if 1 want
ed to return to Camp Jackson; he said he thought
it would be best for me to enlist again here; said
if I did co*back 1 would be sent m front and that it
would go bard with me; sa'dl had better go to
the Provost Marshal's office and enlist; said I
would not be recognized as a deserter; he aald
somebody told him it was an easy matter to de
sert btJore pelting to the front; he did not
advise me to desert, bnt said if
1 bad any desire to do so it would
be an easy thing; Mr. Clayton convened with me
several times on the subject; as there was no oto
prospect of getting out of the Armory any other
way! consented to enlist; Clayton asked me how
much bounty I would take; 1 told him not less
thaufSOo; he thought SIOO was enough; told me
be wonid not make as much out of the thing as I
imagined, as there were several things to be squar
ed uo; that all the money did not go to him; the
first time 1 was town 1 was accom
panied by a sent by C.ay ton; could not make
a bargain; in a day or two 1 was again brought
down town, and this time found a principal; was
promised SiCO or $225 by the man who brought me
irom the Armory; Mr. Orlngton, Secretary r-f the
West Division Horse Railway, was the principal;
while I was at the Armory Mr. Clayton called me
into a private room and conversed with-me about
twenty minutes; said it would be a good thing
for me to color my hair, as it would lessen the
chances of my being detected &• a deserter; 1
think 1 told Mr. Clayton I was a deserter; thick I
told him 1 deserted from Camp Jackson, Michi
Cron-Examined ly Sfr, Jones/or defense—
told Clayton I was a deserter the next day after T
was arrested; 1 have gone by the name of L. W.
Williams; enlisted under the name of Laogum
Williams at Kalamazoo; went by toe name of
Chao. U. Smith In Madison, Wis.: I enlisted here
as Wm. Howard; 1 have gone by the*name of
Wm- Wilder at Springfield, HI.; I have been
known as Amos Jones, Wm. Swain and Ellas
Williams: was never in the penitentiary; have
been in jsil at Grand Rapids on suspicion of being
a counterfeiter ■ named Ellas Williams
who had ran away from Milwaukee;
was in jail in) Milwaukee for passing
spurious igouey -about two years ago; was not
convicted; was in jail abvnt three weeks; was
sent out with some men to carry In wood, and ran
sway; officer Peck, ot Grand Rapids, took mo ont
of jail, and gave the alternative of going back to
Milwaukee or enlisting: chose toe latter, and
went as substitute for a Mr. Chappel; enlisted in
toe 13th Mich Iran Infantry, under the name of
Langnm Williams; 1 do not remember to have
ever committed perjury; I believe there is a God,
and that He punishes the wicked; don't know
bow long I have lived in Chicago—about five years
off and on; I have deserted six time*—from Kala
mazoo, Chicago, Madison. Springfield, In
dianapolis, and Elmira, N. Y.; enlisted in
Elmira on the 12'h of January; I have
lived with Mrs. Brown; was token from
her bed by the police: colored my hair a year be
fore 1 enlisted in Chicago; I was broneot from
Elmira, N. by Mr. Rsrnolds, Assistant Provost
Marshal, who told me 1 had better own qp every
thing to toe Provost Marshal, as CjpU James was
a nice man’ and would be easy with me: that I
would not be court martlaled, bnt would he sent
to my regiment; it is about a month siffffß I was
brought from Elmira,* .
The case was here reitcd and adjourned over
till two o'clock on Wednesday.
- RzcßtnnKQ.—Several of tbe Wards withdrew
from market on Monday, and those which did re
main were Indisposed to pay the sum to recruits
that was current daring tbe last week. There Is a
general disposition to cut dhwn the bounty from
$450(0 $4 0. Lemont made Its first appearance in
this market on Monday, and reduced its deficit
one-half. It will “ fill” to-day.
The recruits secured were thus distributed:
Second Ward 18 Sixteenth Ward *
Third Ward 18 Lemont. 13
Eighth Ward.
Tenth Ward..
1 Total.
Fifteenth Ward.
The following table will show the sub-districts
still is default and their arrears: -
Sub,. Enlist- - De-
D!*L Town or Ward. Quota, menu, ficits.
• 9—Maine. 21 20 1
10-Blles 33 . St 14
12—Jefferson. 28 - 25 1
17—Lemont 29 14 15
26 First Ward 610 ISS 855
27 Second Ward 378 135 240
2S—Third Ward. ....332 85 297
30-Fifth Ward 293 134 139
81—Sixth Ward 251 98 153
Seventh Ward 339 103 227
S3—Eighth Ward 198 74 119
35—Tenth Ward 323 230 91
56—Eleventh Ward 371 95 276
37—Twelfth Ward.... 205 I£H 101.
2S—Thirteenth Ward IG4 101 63
40—Fifteenth Ward 288 165 123
U—Sixteenth Ward 883 153 180
Total deficit . 2.4*1
Total enlistments since Jan. 1,1365.—..2,780
Shassfeaue akd THE Biblx.—Some* time ago
a number of our first citizens solicited Professor
Amasa McCoy, the celebrated elocntioust to un.
dertako the organization of a class in thli city on
elocution aid-oratory. He came to ns heralded
by the qmversal encomiums of (be press and peo
ple as a gentleman who bad wou golden opinions
alike for his remarkable oratorical powers aod
gennlnepatriotism,wbich encomiums have proven
to have been justly earned. The classes of Pro
fessor McCoy—large from the commencement
have increased with such rapidity, that be finds It
impossible to proceed witboot further organiza
tion. which step, unwilling to disappoint any ap-.
plicant, be has consen'cd to take.
The new class for ladies and gentlemen will be
held on Wednesday sod Saturday evening, at S
o’clock, at Powers’ Gymnasium, commencing to
morrow. -After the vocal exercises on Wednesday,
celebrated passagesfrom Shakespeare, commenc
ing with Hamlet’s soliloquy on suicide, will be
given, and on Saturday passage* from the Bible,
Beginning with the story of Joseph and his Breth
Tickets to Class Course (fifteen lesson*) fifteen
dollars. Tickets to private course (fifteen lessons)
thirty-five dollars—to be obtained of Prof. McCoy
at the Ball of Powers’ Gymnasium, Kos. 116 and
118 Randolph street
Emcees nr or Chicago— Athex-suh. The
fourth annual public meeting of the Athenrenm
Society of the University of Chicago, will be held
this evening In the chapel of the institution, com
mencing at 7| o’clock. The following.is the order
of exercises:
James H. Eoe, Bclrldere, Illinois.
.Models are Necessary to Col tare,
S. £. Massey, Morris.
Music. _
Paper The Athenjeum Enterprise,
Va H. Hams, Boshnell.
.Debate—C. C. KohleanU G«lena, affirms: F. A.
Smith, Jefferson.-liL, denies—Question—fiV
tolcsd. That Catholicism Is at variance with
the true principles of republicanism.
.Pleasures of Literature,
ilj 'c. Armstrong, Deer Park.
Young Men's Association,—The
election of officers to serve for this Association
for the ensuing year, was held oh Monday at the
rooms ofthcAesoctation. There were two tickets
in the field—the “Eepnlar” and the “Independ
ent," the former of which was elected throughout
after a sharp contest, hy a majority of twenty-fire
rotes. The following are the officers elect; ,
J'resldent— H. W, Fnllcr.
V*ce-P>undent—"Rev. 3. H. Vincent.
Second V\ce-Prttidait—3. F. Gillette.
Corresponding Secretary—S. Johnson, .
Recording Secretary— O. C. Gibbs.
Treasurer—h.3. Once. ~ „ „
Monooer#—S. M. Hunt, XL W. Adams, F. M.
Bockwell, Walter L. Hunt, 0. J. Bishop, W.H.
Band and D. L Moody.
The annual meeting of the Association will be
held next Sunday erasing, In Smith & Nixon's
Watt. '
Ciiaxbzb of CojontncE.—The sale of oQlees In
the new Chamber of Commerce building was con
tinued on Monday morning. The following offices
were sold
Haiti Sullding.
Prem- • ✓
Xo*. Bent luma. • Leasees*
8 fI,OOO SIOO M. Mtuphy * Co.
ID 1,000 125 Dans, rope & Co.
is POO 160 'Parker, Pope & Sprague,
m TOO 5 D. W. Irwin.
21 TOO SO Howard Priestly.
22 TOO 15 JVC. Gntbrie.
05 TOO 30 A. J. Dennison.
LaSalle Street—New Luildlng.
«e S9CO 10 S. Willismson * Co.
an GOO SS Aiken, Hurlbnt & Co.
45 . 000 6 T. H. Seymour.
Cixt Centcil Coxacmxß.—The members of
the Republican Union City Central Committee,
are Tf Quested to meet this evening at 7* o’clock
in Boom A, Metropolitan Hall Block,fbrbuslness.
The foliowW are the members of the Committee,
one for each ward: *1 _ __ .
... r> t> peacock. Sth—W. 8. Trtfitr.
BS-AlwaSrtM. llth-P.Stelnmnller.
6th—-R. W- QnildforS. 10th—S. L. Starke, Jr.
Pouch JUttebs.—On Sunday nlllht Captain
Seltontnade a deacenmpon a laise number of
diarepntable honaea In thla city, and c.ptnred one
hundred and twenty tnmatea, most of whom were
toed MO each. Borer Kant the keeper of the
‘■Willow,” waa lined #IOO, which la the heaetc.t
fine thatijas everyet been assessed upon him.
Jennie Gorham, who made the serious a’eanit
nnon**lriehlßridnet” on Sonday.waa arralencdon
Sunday. «nTheld to ball in theßnmor|a»,to
.wn,» for examination on Wednesday. '
William Boy. arreeted/or th? ">>o6lln- of
Bammonfl, at tbe saloon of Mrs. May, No. «a
Clark street, waa examined and discharged, ho
arrested for the larceny of a watch
from John Brot, Ho. 103 Clark street, was held to
Ilnretf charged “IJJjSjia'JJS
Casper Keonlg with an axe, was examined and
Hannan waa arraigned for
on Sunday night, of a small sum ofntoney iron a
stimmer at the saloon of Molley Ellis, on Wells
street. He was fined |75 and costs. • .. ,
Kate O’Neil stole a pair of shoes fr°m the•JfP
of Michael Dalan,N-. 70 Wert Randolph street,
and was sent to the Bndwell for forty fan.
Job! J. Riels and his two sons were before Jna
h<* Brown charged with the theft of lumber and
' fhingies from Joel A- PagaHa, No, SOJ Bandolpk
street After examination they were held to bail
in tbe sum of S3OO.
The fines assessed In the Police Court amount
to SI,SCO. a large part of which was paid In to the
clerk. The number of cases on tbe docket was
one bntdred end sixty-four.
Tux 65th Brontrar—The Kith or Scotch Reg
iment Is about to be filled up. The term of ser
vice of a crest portion of the men has expired,
and they will return borne in a few days. Colonel
W. Scott Stewart has arrived in Chicago, for the*
purpose of securing the men needed to put the
regiment once more in the maximum condition
for fighting. About two hundred of the men have
re-enlisted, and a number more will remain in the
field, their term not having expired. The Gov
ernor has aseiened.ionr companies, ont of tbe
troops now being raised, to tbe Cstb, leaving
about four companies wanted to fill op the ranks to
the full. Tbe organization of the regiment wilt
remain the same, with but few exceptions.
Here Is a splendid chance for men contemplating
enlistment. No better record bas been achieved
by any regiment during the war, than the 65th.
Since their departure from Camp Douglas tbe
hoys have been through the Eastern Kentucky
campaign. East Tennessee, with Burnside, the
Atlanta campaign with Sherman, and aided Gen.
Schofield in cleaning ont Hood at the battles of
Columbia, Franklin and Nashville. Thence they
went with the 23d Corn?, and were among the first
at tbe capture, of Wilmington. Tbe regiment is
now with Schofield at Goldsboro. Those Joining
tbe regiment will have a noble record to point to,
and will share In all tbe glory won in many a bard
lought battle field.
Santtabt Fair Festival.— There will be a Fes
tival held in the Lower Bryan Hall on Wednesday
evening, March S9tb, under tbe auspices of the
Good Templars of Chicago, for the benefit of tbe
coming Sanitary Fair. An excellent programme
baa been arranged for tbe occasion. All are cor
dially Invited to attend. Befrcabmenta of various
kinds may be bad in tbe Hall. Tickets 23 cents—
may be bad at the door.
Philhabbonio.—Tbe Philharmonic Concert
is postponed till Thursday evening, April Gth,
owing to the non-arrival of performers.
Pay of BecrnlU.
We have received the following letter; and are
unable to answer it. It is not tbe first complaint
of toe kind wc have received:
Editors Tribune. w
Yolnnteers mustered inTn Chicago for credit of
tbla town, six weeks ago. before being mastered
were compelled to leave in the hands of
their bounty money paid them by the town ($100)
which money is needed by the Camilles of said
volunteer-, and cannot be obtained, although
promWd to forward said money In a few days
from ibe time he received it. By informing ns
how fsli moneys be obtained, yon will confer
a favor on these families. a. Jt. p.
Died at Fallon, 11!., on the 21sl Jnst, Mrs. Lo
riuds S, Covert, wife of Rev. John Covert, late of
Terre Dante, Ind. Bite was bom In Adams, Jef
ferson county, N. Y„ in 18CJ, and married in 1833.
In early life the entered the service of the Savior,
and united with the Presbyterian Church in
Adams, and maintained through life a consistent
walk and conversation—giving qaletand unobtru
aive evidence, to those who knew her best, of
steady spiritual growth and preparation for Hea
ven. From childhood she was a remarkable stu
dent—she excelled In Latin, Greek, French, and
in her own language, and, what was more unosn
al In her sex, she mastered the higber
mathematic*, and taught them with great ease and
pleasure. These rare qualifications enabled her
to give most valuable assistance to her husband
In founding and putting Into successful operation
six literary inetitvtioM, which are now exerting
a wide spread influence In the causa of Christian
education through the numerous pupils they have
trained, and are training fur high usefulness in
the world. It will be found in tne next life be
yond doubt, that n higher work and nobler form
of usefulness which ebe attained, consisted in the
fact that she was a most affectionate,
derated and faithful wife and mother.
Her death was wnat was to bo expected
from her life. Though sudden and unex
pected, the summons found her calm and ready.
Conscious that she was going, she said “ she felt
prepared to die, that she was going to Jesus/*
and the very last words that Were, uttered by her
faltering tongue to ibose who loved her, were:
“ O'od is goon ,* all is right; alt it welt," So she
went up to the beautiful home.
Berinmeral was attended on the 251h lust, at
FnUon, at the residence of her son, and a sermon
preached on the occasion by Bev. A. Eddy of Chi •
coco. -
The Bellgious of 'the Good Shepherd beg to
acknowledge tbe receipt of $218.50, tbe net pro
ceeds of a party given by the “Young Hen's So
cial Clnb,* r at Bryan Hall, Feb. 27, 1805. The Re
ligions tender their sincere thanks to the young
ladies and gentlemen of the “Club,” for their
generous donation, who in their enjoyment, re
membered our institution.
See advertisement of first class residence
to rentaud ftirnlture foraale In to-day's new ad
vertisement column on first page—or address P.
O. Box 6407 for particulars. mh2BoSßs-lt
Hilton’s Insoluble cement.—For wood
leather, crockery, and other substances, is tbe beat
aid to economy that the housekeeper can have.
It is in a liquid form, and insoluble in water or
oil. It will adhere oily substances completely.
Supplied in packages for family and manufactur
ers use, from two ounces to one hundred pound*.
Sold everywhere. Ullton Bros. & Co., proprie
tors, Providence, It. L Agents In Chicago. Loan
& Suits. mcb2-m272-3m-Tnu-SAT.fcTtnss.
Beeaiue a Person baa a Bad Cooghj
It should not be inferred that Consumption has
set in, yet no one (with rare exceptions), can
have consumption without a Cough, sooner or
later. Wb»r« “ prrOl»po«lUon to Pulmonary
Disease exists, a Cough, if left to Itself, strains
and racks the Lungs, and wastes the general
strength, and soon establishes an incurable com
plaint. In all cases, then. It is the safer plan to
get rid of a Coogb, Cold or Hoarseness, without
delay, snd for this purpose no remedy acta more
promptly, or surely, or with more benefit to tbe
organs of the chjat than Dr. D. Jayne's Expecto
rant, an article scientifically compounded from
carefully selected drugs, and which, on ttlal, will
always be found worthy of its world-wide repu
tation. . mh230254-3t-ths-sat-tuea'
Eureka) the Infallible Hair Beito*
ratlve, decidedly the beat article for restoring
grey hair to its natural color, (not dyeinc,)
effectually coring all diseases of the scalp, pre
venting the hair from falling off. giving It a sort'
cere and gloss that nothing else can produce.
Try it Pnce fl.oo per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Fuller, Finch A Fuller, Agents, Chicago.
Bennett’s Galactic Balm for females, for
enlarging, developing and bcanti lying the breast.
Sold By druggists generally. Address, enclosing
a ibree-cenTstamp, for circular, E. Bennett A Co.,
Box STW, Chicago.
Wcitern Edacatlonal College tor Boys
connected with the School of Trade, open from
9a.m. to 4p.m. For circulars apply at 192 Lake
street mchl-MiftS-im-TThAS
ISTTapcr Hangings, Painting, Calcimlhing and
Glazing, at F. E. Rigby's, 89 Randolph street
Popular.—Of Dr. TibbctVa Physiological
Bair Regenerator, 6.450 bottles were sold in thir.
teen days In tne city of Boston. See advertise
ment on second page. mcb2lo4li-7t
Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian fiatr Be*
newer—-Renews the hair, restores gray hair to
Its natural color, prevents it from falling off, makes
the hair soft ana glossy, does not slain the skin,
and is the best hair preparation in the world.
Thirty thousand bottles were sold in Boston in
less than ninety days- For sale by all drugguU,
and by H. Scoril, 76 Randolph street wholesale
agent for the Northwest fe23-m7S4-4w
Br« Webster, now permanentiy located at
l&i South Clark street treats all private diseases
and diseases ot a sexual nature In both Dr.
W. his ten senarate rooms, where any one'may call
and receive his opinion free of charge. P. O. Box
2,294. All letters containing stamp answered.
pgr* Hardsell’? Arnica Liniment, an infallible
cure for barns, scalds, 'sprains, rheumatism, gun
ehpt wounds, pains in the limbs and back, chil
blains, Ac; A single application allays the pain
from a born or scald the Instant it is applied. No
family should bo without it. For sale by all drug
gists. fu27-m9-30t
Vision of Ages,
Markets bv Telegraph.
[Special Dispatch to the Western Press.]
New Toss, March 27-Midnlsht. ,
Hallway speculation opened steady at the Stock*
Exchange. As the call progressed the market grew
weak. The Second Board was generally’daU on the
railway list, and lower prices were made inmost In
stances. There was a good demand lor Government
gold bonds at fall price*, bat the offerings were limit*
c d. The public here and elsewhere have absorbed a
large amount of these securities dating the past few
There li nothing special to notice la banktharcs.
State bond*, railway mortgages, coal aud miscellane*
cusaharea are all Ormer, with an upward tendency in
Cumberland and Qnlctolver.
There has been noth ins Important to gold (pecula
tion to-day. The street has been quite free Irom ru
mor* and the marketvery steady. There Is a moderate
inquiry for money with an abundant supply.
The large advance in Whisky to day la due to the
ftet that two more Illicit dlttl lerles hare been closed,
one In this city, and the other In Cincinnati. We omit
names. It might defeat the ends of Justice.
retroleum etocksblgher. Sale* Cherry Ron at 10c;
Excelsior at ffi.oo; Germania at 80c: Oceanic at $2.47;
B.nd Fsnnat y&95; Buchanan Farm at *LSS; Em
plre City aT*2 50; Higbgate at Me; Northern at SI.OO
U. S. at $1355.
■ Petroleum market firmer; ailes crude at &S3sc
refined In bond at 53<%51c; free 71c. ’
Gallacber’s Ereninz Exbhango: Gold 15SJ4; o.d MCs
ICSK; NT C 93#; Erie M«; Hudson i>9J4; Reading
9iK; Michigan Southern 54 ; Id C 9SX; Pittsburgh
55; Bockl*l»nd©;Ft Wayneßstf:O & M certificates
IS; Canton 22; Cumberland 38; Quicksilver MX* Mar
ket steady and dull.
Gold sold filter call at issy, atd closed steady at 154
[tfcpcrted ChlMgo
Kkw Tobt, Monday Evening, March 17.
BEEP CATTLE—There are on sale to-day at Aller
ton’»l,oG2 hetfd of Beef Cattle. There area few extra
end several good lota and many rough Canada ox-n.
The weather 1* clear, mild and dry. Trade, however,
la'slow, on all bnt the best qualities. Bayers demur
at the advance. Thla la the second week of a very
short mppiy.* There is no stock orer the New York
Central. The supply la abort on the best qntlUy.
The following are the prices current to-day, com.
parrd with these ot thla day week and the corres
ponding day lasfyear:
To-dar. Last week. L;st year
Third quality .PHAM 1»I8 U gIS
Extra/.....!. .-@2B —@2l @l6J<
SHEEP—The supply is short and prices are the same
as last week—l2@Uc.
jjOGS—There are few here, and the current rates are
ISV@I4. Solon Robinson.
. Cincinnati Market,
[Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.]
Cincinnati, M.nday, March 27.
j»EoTifiio3f&-Barly In the dav Mess Port sold to the
extent Of 800 brls at $3630, but at tbs close there were
no sellers at under 127.00. Bulk Meats are stea’y at
ISSISHc for shoulders and slles, loots and packed,
and 13c for sidis. Prime city Lard could have been
Closed firm at |2JO. with several email
sales. .
lUllwankeo Market.
reoeclal Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.]
L MiLWAXxmk, March 27.
n»*nr—‘Wheat firmer and l«@2c hliber. Sales on
•Chsng'SMOCObnNolat lUOKtaM-U. Oat* acarce
and firm at 45c.
Pnorißioxa—NochangeanaTeryuan. ,
• Vbiit market .t the NtwhaU House this evening
sales Bf,C« bu No L cash, and acllers option at
»110K@tU2K. Clcstne at 11.12. .
riuLonla MaTket.
Tobacco—Utoodlac- S.le. f'"
factory Co «t »7 CO; plantmvMlo at com
monßiMinr.ctnniiglerf »t131A3. .
FLOCB-V.rr Oali- ij.’t. lor gtidc super .1 (E fft
•luftle extra Inspected, doiifilfi »e*4 lined and dellT
firmer. S,le* commcn till at $139;
coSrin and fair fill it »UOSI «! *“r •*> •« »U»i
pood end prime at »I.M9t.C; choice at »1.60 Pin,
o«tt letter. Sales at TA&TCo. Corn dec load 3930.
Rrednll at77K« 9 bo. Barley-Sales ol spring at
tleO; fall at $1 47K;81.52«« cholce tM 9 bn. <
Whiskt— Very doll, No rales.
ThcNew YorkMaThM.
Knw ToeKi Monday, Starch 27.
Cotton—Abont Sc better. Sales at 43c for mid*
and without decided chsnve; holders
_4 Xr mf dTum and good gmits are more ahposed 10
Sllir SlMa “w.«B3&for extra State, tw.oo tor
ex tr» rotnil liocp Om<v and $10.0S&ILOO for trade
1 G^^WhMt D ond™ winter red
WtJtein at «J.BO and No 2 at >1.35.
Preqaiet. Corn doll an* scarcely 8 ° n .£ n: .?. f v£y, et ■
l o , r fi!m®Ls7. oau quiet; safes a? 99c*|l CO for
PiTifoincii-Qul.t at Sso for ernde; sJ®ssc for re
line* *n b> ud, andj>4c for 00 free. •
GECCEKi*a-blee a me Amur. Sugirunchanged.
Coos muicovadoat Havana at 12c. Mo
' "frm-mroa-o-r; rt little firmer. Sales at ,23. via
SC 25 I« r n*-w mers—closing at 2<L25 rcgnlar; F&OO
fi 25.,5 ior’63 ami *64 60, t ashand regular wa. -closing
at >23.50 jeenlar; $23.09 for prime and
>24 00a‘11.25 for tnme mess. Also 1500
brls new m»ii for a part of May, buyers
nniton at *M2S. and 500 oris prime mess, tor
jSne. n a-Ueu’opuon.at>2fi.2s. Beef steady at «I 8 00
fci7 OOfor pia>n mtss anatl6.K®2l.W for extra meat.
Vtlf bsmamdlat 23c. Bacon am; tai 15®l5Xcfor
con men cut and ICC for abort ribbed. Cut meats
quiet and lower atl«iiSlsc tor shooldeta and 15«®
ifiucftrbanie. -T-ftr^nrm at IBCtICKc. Balter dull at
about previous prices Choree quiet at 1U323c.
Mxndota, March 23.
Consisting In part ot STRAWBERRY, DI.ACKBFR
BERRY BRANDIES. Also, fine Imported BRAN
Medicinal and Table uses, which are perfectly pure,
aud need only he tried to be appreciated. None
Sennlne unices they bare onr gold label on each
ottlc, and our Initials pressed In wax orer the cork.
Sold by all droggL«ta and dealers throughout the
country. Call for our goods and tike no other.
Circulars to the trade supplied on application to
New York tilock Marker.
New Yobk, March 27.
ISSI^ l >ion a ii ! aE-e“e t i at IMaiOSV la S oU
forCrat-clasabills . ...... . .. .
Gold—Bull and lower—openlag.at 155 X, declining
to 15SM. and closing at 153K@1.’>9H-
Qovkilvjie>t SIOCKB-A lltue OrmtT. IM° coup.,
91K: 5-SCa coup , new issue, USX; 620
6s^l.rcsls«end, 105; Cs 5 20, registered, IMK.
BTOCKs-Bcrter. Rock Island, 83: Fort Wayne,
83j<;Tolrao,DS; N.W.23H : C. &P-,53;1 C.actlp,
9fe; N. Y- C., 9414; Erie, MV: Eriepld., 76; Hnnion,
106; lUaaiDg.ttX: M. C., 65H; M. S.. 53«; PactQc
iiali,2So; Cunib.,BSV; *M, cert ,21V; Tennessee
&, 52. ~
New York Weekly Bank Statement.
Nbw Tobe. March 27.
Loans $207.67? ,303—Decrease.. $3,600,148
Spr-cle 22.0CCA11-I>ecrease.. 130.172
Circnstion 4,4r.7,162-l)ecrease,. 205J13
Hcpoelts 16C^G5MB—Irecrease.. 7^18.859
L»gal lender. 3.529516—1ncrea5e... 1,630;15I
On Sunday. Match Mth, at the vU'age chur*U of
Hir em bylbc K v. C. E. Dlcktn»oo, Mr. I. WILLIS
Natlhe SBSines.
No• 21 Blrcr street) Chicago*
JyfVm23s-Ucw-Tocs-ly-4thp __
auction Salts.
Elegant Spring Cloaks
ON THURSDAY. March SOth, at 9W o’clock, we
flail ee>l bt our Backroom* Noj.ll, 46 and 43 Dear
born b reel, a splendid a.sortment of Fo*blon»)le
Spring > lo»ks confining of a tall line ot rich heavy
bilks. Circular*,B-sqaines Basaae*. dseques, 4c.
Aho, a large Spring Sacqnes, Circa
]»n. b»K|uinef. 4c, in fine all wool Ciotb, Meiton,
Zephyr, Caulmere and Water Proof.
Iht aoove goods were made for regular first e a»s
city retail tr«ae, fer a Broadway Honse, New York,
ail made rhU Spi log. Are fre»h goods, and every way
woitby the attention of those wUhlsg good goods
GILBERT 4 SAMPSON,Auctioneers.
mh26o“oS-4t*tmrwAni •
VJT General Auctioneers. 44 4G 4 iSDcarborn-et.
We give onr ptrsoiat attention to sales ol House
hold Furniture. &c., dwelling* or at our Sales
rocmi Parties broking np bouaeneeploe will do
w&Utosee na before dlspoelng ol their goods.
We (ball sell at tut salesrooms on TUESDAY, March
28U>, at 9S o’clock, the balance of Household Ooocs
of Col. Tucker, including bis
Bplosdid Piano Porte*
It la a very rich toned Instrument. andU&ieoodaa
new. Also the nne.El-k Damask Curtails. Al#o &
splendid ofnew
Oak Sideboards and Extension Tables. Alsoaqoan*
U'y of eecond-bandFnrnltare, Carpets, 4c., 4c. Atso
at 10 o’mock, cne
Fire years old,'sound and kind. Work In single or
cooble barcifs. GILBERT 4 SAMPSON,
S.h2s'Cssl 4’. Aoctlooeua.
at 2U Randolph nrcet»near Fraok'la.
On 1 UL&DAY, March 2*ih. at 9J4 o’clock, by virtue
of chattel mortgage m lavcr of A. Qetzler, a quaati
ty or
At 7 o’clock, evening at HO Dearborn atreMJi gen
eral asicnment of MKN’SCLOIIIINQ adnew rooils.
A so.cn IBUBSUAY MOHNiNd.at Aucrtoa Store
173 De«rb)>n tireet,n quantity of new and second*
h.na lornittre and other goods..
mh2?eßl9 lt4ih B. A. LEE. Auctioneer.
Coiner of Dearborn and Washington sts, will civ* par*
tical.r attention to tbe sale ol Haa*ehold Goods, at
private dwelling? and men salesrooms,
XLh26.659-2Ctltnp ,
Household Goods, C'rpeta, Ac.,
On SATURDAY, April Ist, at t»K o’clock, at Balters*
Amticn hooms. coiner o* Dearbornanr vfaihlngton
g:rce>B WM. A. BUTTERS A CO ,
mb2BoOO-7t . Auctioneers.
On TUESDAY, March 78th, at 9*4 o’clock, at Butters*
Auction Rooms, corner ot Dearoora aad Wagnlnzton
street#. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO..
mh&osn Ctfthp Auctioneers.
Ou TUESDAY, lurch 28, at 9J4 a. m. at Butters’
Auction Rooms, corner of Deaibora and Wa*hmtou
streets. ' WM. A. BUTTERS A CO.. Aucl’rs.
T ▼ claimed FrMsht of the ‘Western Transporta
tion Company. AT AUCTION. „ . .
On WEDNESDAY. March 29lh,at 91$ a, m„ at the
Western Transportation Company’s Warehouse, on
South Water street, foot of State street. . ,
mL22-02465t WM. A. BUTTERS A Co.. AuC’rs.
Household furniture,
CIOAKS, 40.,
Thnrsflay, March 30, at 9 1-29’c’kj
At nutTERS’ AUCTION ROOMS, Ciraer of Dear
born and Washington streets,
Xlie Entire Furniture of a Family
mbSS-cSTI-at WM. A.BUTIKUS a CO . Auet'rs.
TWANTED—AgPEta—To sell a
Vf new Imperial St-el P ate Engrivlnv ot Sb-r
--mnn, Ehrrldan and Graot, each embel.whed with
tKouvvtul de»Uus tor the hotder, A so, new and popu*
lar eubi-ciiDtion wofk»,mao3,&c. Weotfer energetic
men ana women a rare chance to make from fw to
tXMJ per month. Address, with stamp, E.B-Tjffl AT,
lIT Soutui l»rk-st, thlcsso. mh2308»2t
WANTED— Agents—To sell tbe
Household irainre, coufalnlnp several hun
dred vauab.e renpes for cooking, making dyes, col;
onnr,cleanlnganrt cementing Alto.tun latest and
mckt npprovea means for the cure of Duessts ol Men,
women •ndCbl drcn. Simple coov. with my new
c'rru ar. mailed tree cm acelpt cl K cents. R R LAN-
DtiN. Agent, 8S Lake st, Caicago. 111. mh280907 ICt
XIO ANTED —Agents, male and
vv jtmMe. B«ti chance cr*r offered I .'-IlGto *2O
per dsy can be made »eiimv several h*w articles on
which steal rrents are made Send two r*d stamps
lor rart:cul«rs. address EMMETT YOUNG, Box
2?93. Chicago. HI. mbTlo69T3;
WANTED —Agents, §75. §150.'
To se’l Sewing Machines. * We will **ive acorn,
tmrslcn os all machines sold, or employ Acen b woo
will wi ik for the ah re woers §no a 1 exposes paid.
Address V. D. HBRBIhTON & CO. t DetliU, Mich.
VTITANTED— Agents—20 good
▼ T men as Agrn’s to sell cur Great Engraving,
u Home oh a iarlousb,*’ and M Christ B es*laz Little
Chliaren.” snn others. One Agent, (a clergynun)
made in 2# hours; a returned soldier is making
*l6 per day. nothing ever sold Jiao them. Apply
£i:rtun&l.y n possible, or hr letter, with stamp, to P.
, RANDALL & CO. £? Wn'htpgton et, Room So. 5,
up-st&lrs.chlctgo. r.U.AQ12206. mh24oSol.Sot
ANTED—Agents—Male and
"f female, to Bell the new Patent fir**? Box. No
man win be without on". Sample mailed, with circu
lar, on receipt ot 23 cents, retail price. B. K.LAN-
DuN Agent.BßLakestreet,Chicago.lllinois.
ANTED—Agents—slo per
TT day. Male or lemaie, hiving a lew nours dally
to spare. »nc.eat|so per week utlrme, loaiuht.
honorable bnatnpsF, that pays ever 800 per cent. A
capital of 12 to 13 on y required. Particulars seat
li ee by addressing It, WAYBILL, Ch;ci|O.lo. P.
Q Bos 4781. mnaoMO-St
\\T ANTED Agents --New en-
T T teeprlse. |u totU a day. Akfnts waited,
male and female, to gel l Wilson's improved gw r *mw
ly Sewing Machine, We will p*J tlso a J oo ®, I** 1 ** *5“
all expenses, cr give a large commission, at which the
above wagea can be made. For twins parUca
lata additsa MATD¥B ft WILSON, *
Block. Cleveland, Ohio. znh22o2a xw
PriceiiS. Do not buj an inferior. old«y!eMachlne,
but tend fer oar circulars. Addren DanKACO.,
P. O. Box 52, or cad at Boom No. 8 Post u££®ngek
rb<cag->. i iinoi* __jnhilh32oao^
(fwcnetal Notices?.
VJ Gem Gallery, which has be«n closed since the
fire, baa MKpened on the opposite corner. No.
8 nUi Ciark, corner of Madison street. No other OM
lety in Chicago make# our style of J• «.« ft
F ILTINSLEF. mh2B oSSMt-tthp
Xl IRON STORE (Wholesale ft Retail) 207
Lake street, Chicago, can be found everything that
Blacksmiths and Wagon-makera rue; all kinds of Bar
Iren and Heel. Hate, Spoken, Felloes, charts, Pole*.
Neck Yokes and Singletrees, Buggy Bodies and
Wheels, Cultivator Whee*. Elliptic Springs, Iron
Axica, Tblmole Skeins. Bellows and AnvlH. Ylcos,
Basils and Flies, Horseshoes and Nalls, Stocks and
Dies. *ll ol superior quality, and aalow price* as ran
be found In ( ilcago. Particular attenUon paid to ail
ing orders from city and county KlMtimltus and
Waeon-Uakera. BMJHI34BBO.
Chicago, Jan. 18, ISffl
MB. NATHAN SHEPPARD, of the Chicago Even
lap JonrneO.wjH dc’ivtr bis Lecture on TB R TON 4U a
In (and for th* benefit cf» iheCbil*uen’s ‘-hspel of the
Pint Baptist Church cn w«ba--h avenue, near Huo
ba>d court, THIS EVENING, at 7* o’clock.
The Boston Traveler says; 4
* The 1 miens’ Course of Lectures was opened last
ev< Dinghy Nathan Sheupard, Fiq., who esve inn
c**coiDk,\} original and entertaining addrete.* Hu
was 4 The Tonga**,’ and be proved his ability
to ore th t organ, as well as to describe its posers.
His hits atmenaud trines.varying insry.e from tbe
Deepest patno« to thdrichest humor, were warmly
applauded. The let lore was a decided success.”
Tie deve’acd Herald says:
“ The lecture ’asi evening before the Llbrsrf Aato
ciatlou. bt Nathan geeppsrd, Kiq., ot Chicago, on
Mbaioneue,’was quite large y attended. Toeareaker
handled hl» snhj-ctwith idling effect. He he<d his
beat era In tied auemten for more than an hour. Hu
terse and vigorous Eng ish.bis clear and Just aUcrim*
Instlora m tbe analysis of human nature, his piquant
humeur. and his earnest ana i»t>izoea powerful denun
claiicns of ahdms, e >ve a greatly varied but well sus
tained u>tf rest to tbe who e effort.
/’Mr. Sheppard Is evidently practiced and ab'e,
both at a writer too speaker.ln the u»e of stanneu
B»xou wort b. Bceeeke to have some’blng to Hiy.ani
lb*-n drives direct y at Pa earnest and bluest utt**r.
ance; sod when it la one. he .eaves U to talk to the
soul aslivlcg speech, without straining titer mould
ing and rhetorical wordiness The lecture Was a gen
uine literary treat, foil ot Just thcajhia, made to
speak in r«*a: eanuatnes*, with many p<ti>.agea *r rare
btaury andpewer.” mb2a>-U4t»p
At Bryan Hall, Chicago,
Friday Evening) April 28, 1865*
By request of many parilcloan’s In our First Gilt
Concert, we have concluded to give another Enter*
tulcxneot of the seme kind, on which occa&lor we will
uistilii'tc AflO Eleesnt and Co.-tiy EUU. valued at
86 UOO. Inc ndfd In the list are ten Oath Gilts of
83(1 each, which wiU oe paid in Greenbacks Immedi
ately afttr the drawing. Below willbeioaodafewot
theGilU tobe distributed:
Oae Plano, Knabe A Co.’s mak*, 7 octave SBCO (I 0
One Piano, A. 1). GUe’s. 7- octave SOO.U)
Ten Gifts m Greenbacks, 140 each 5 0 00
five Go c HnntmgCase ttatchti, #l5O each 750.00
One Ladles' Gold Watch 100 00
Bit American 11. C. Sliver Welches, |Goeach.... 86000
tightfenPaientlev*rt:l-ver do ISO *• ~,.51010
T»onofewoodGnitarß.pear]lolald,|lOO“ .... 2C0.W3
One Parlor Set Furniture 150X0
One Chamber Set Fn.mture 10O.OJ
1 tree sewing Machine*, 175 each 225.00
Eev**nty-tlx Extra Quality Impelled Albums... 830.00
Cne Sliver Plated WueStend. 90 00
And an extensive variety of other va'uahlo Gifts,
woribirom «iu toflOOca* h, amounting t > 19,000.
These Gilts will be drawn by a Commltt-'e selected
bv the andien(a»ttheoocccrt. aod ait Ticket bolde s,
whether preientor not, wIU bare an equal share in
the distribution.
The addrest of each person ordering Tickets from a
dbtance will be recoroed. and all who shad have
drawn Uifti will be notified bymall, ana the Gift for*
w»rded as thty may direct , ...
Tickets, who fall List o’ Gift*, forwarded to any park
of tb«> country, on receipt of the price, and stamp to
DSTretnrn Dotage.
ritj ebb cn a--JULIUS BAITER 4 CO., Mana’ae*
torer and Dealer in MuMcal instruments. 99 Clark
street t .1. R. Wa LsH. Dealer tn Books and at uionery,
140 Tearborn street: and J.H. BRUCE 4 CO. M*nx
ftc'nrera and 'Wholesale Dealers la Jewels and P.al
Tickets (or s*ie at the Music Stores of LYON 4
HEAI.T. corner ot Clmk and Washington streets;
ji'LIT’B BAUER. 99 South Clark street: REED'a
TEMi LE OP a» ÜBlC.ltandoU.h sndDearoirn streets:
J. j*, WA» SB’S Periodical Depot. 138 and 14j O-mr
bom meet: and iul the principal Hews Depots
ihi eugheut the *vest.
AU ordeis must be addressed to
P9 South Clark street, Chicago Illinois.
Post Office Box 5a2. rohgßoS7S.lt 4thp
A Lecture in Grace Church,
(Corner Chicago avenue and Lisalle street,)
• fob THE
mhSSoSM 4t t-ta*4tu 4tbp
This Tionpe c*na!»t» of 22 spnllemanly Artists, earh
a Star In bis own partlcniarllce. Bo appearance of
The great Am erlcan Clog Dancer, after an absence ot
three years, in which time hehas been entirely around
tbe world, having visited An-trails, Japan, Ch na *nd
Colifornla.and whose poetical the Qrecl*n
btatues are pronounced Excelsior by admiring thous
and* who have wituested the Impersonations.
Doors open at 7—commence at 8 o’c.oek. Admis
sion-Parquette and Dress Circle, 50c; Gallery, Ssc.
Tickets foraale at Lyon 4 Bealey'a Music store.
* W. A. AttBOTT, Agent.
FciP. Wrtson,Director. C. A. Mobbis, Manager.
mL23. 3f-5 fit
Will give their Itst performance In this country
(previcna to their departure for Europe)
On Tnesday Eveblnj, Marcia 2Sth,
And cn this occasion they will present a cataclysm
of worCen-thal will dwarl ail thevnavu yet * r n*,
inriuolne the great DA VBN.-OIIT ROPE TYING
MYftlEitY Mr. Simmons will allow himself to he
pound foci #nd body by a committee ot aolrttnallstf,
fciccttd by the audience, and wiu immediately free
'tie mysterious clrset trill be on exhibition outside
of the Pali during the da#.
Deers open at < o’c.cck; pcrlornnnce to com
mence at 8 o’clock precisely.
Admission 50 Cents. ■
Beals maybe seemed during tho day. 6ee_hand
tins. mh270.60-2t
Only Four Nights KXore of
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
- March 27,28,29 and 30.
Change of Programme each night*
TUFBDAT EVENING, March 23, Benefit ol SAM
Adxnlsalon 9 50 Cents.
Tlckda for sale at H. M, Hlg?lns’ Music Store.
JlIjL Madison street, between State and Dearborn
Box office open from 10 to 1 and from s to 5 o’clock.
Statican be seemed one week In advance. Doors open
st 7 o clock: pertormance to commence »t7X o’clock
Second week ot the engagement of the charming
MONDAY, March 271b, and every evening till tur
Marie MUs Maggie MUcieU
AssUtfd ly tho entire company,
■ra* Saturday A.reioooa, at 2 o’clock—MAGGlE
-CoL J.H.WOOD Manager
A. D. BRADLEY. , Director ol Amnstmenta
the greattcotch Drama ot
08, Tint Gypsey’s peopubct.
With all its Original Music and a great cast.
gy* Several novelties In preparation.
T Kos. 115 and 117 Dearborn street.
n. M. CHADWICK. Proprietor and Manager.
G. H BARTON Acting and Stage Manager.
Tuesday evening, and until further notice will appear
Tbe best Clog D*ncer in >ba world.
Thursday evening, and until further nortec; will ap*
peer TOM RUSSELL, the cre»-t Comic ilncer. Kv jj
evening this week CLARA BUTLER and the Star
Doors open at 6.43. Curtain rises at 7:13,
Sf at i rpPxicKS—Parqai tte, SO cents; Dress Circle
40 cents; Private Boxes, |3XO and 114.06; Single Seats
In Boxes 75 cents.
\J Witthlngton-st, bat. State and Dearborn.
lyAjjoußXTioy season.
By the entire forces oi the bbnownxd
Prom the Academy otMnale, New York.
Inauguration flight, JQOfIDAT, APRIL 17th*
Ail nsrtlenlsrslniuture advertisements.
mh2scMs-tf4thp ;
Apply at the Hall, between 11 and 12 a. m.
* ¥ FED. 0. WRIGHT, Agent.
The Company re>nrnjdond»£ l Ap£ijjd^Ph7gTlfitf
TDOARDING—A few day board-
D pj-9 c i n be accommodated in a private family
at Monroe street, near the Pest Office.
T>OARDING-Two or three nn
1> frrnlshed rooms, wl’h board, con be obtained la
a first c wa private dwelling at 12 North Oreen-iC,
between Lake and Rasdolph. . mh23c812-It
BOARDIN G—W anted abontMay
first by a gentleman and wife, oathoNcrih or
Scath Sides. Small lamtly prelerred. Isquireator
&dQr p «« 75 r.ake strert. mh2So9tO-lt
"DOARDlNG—Boarders wanted
l)at IST Sautb Jefferson street, fl'-teenminutes
wa'k from the Pest Office and one block from the
tUeet o»rs. • - . - mh280897-U
BOARDING —Four . geitlemen
can be accommodated with bosr3 aid pleasant
reem at 3S Franklin str>et, betwee&B*ndolpb and
Lake. Abo a lew day boarders. • mug- it.
T>OARDING—A gentleman and
A->.firc, oi two eenllemen. can And a homo and
comfort.D> htardlcg at 313 State itreow Price
per week. mhaoam
TIOARDING—Wanted fora gen-
and wife fprtvate family preferred) on
the • octb Bide, east of State,
Kubteentb strecta Beit o-- reference*, gm-a Urn
quirtd. Addicts“NTC,”PcstOfficeßox73o.
mh2Boß7tu2t _
BOARDING.— A private family
can accommodate a parky of
rran and wile, with bi*rd aal two furnuheu iroot
•?«Sa “ IplwS pwtmthe
sg.PKt?”” °‘
BOARDING— Wanted for a gen-
Oeman and wife (private family preferred) on
south Bide, east of State. Wabuh or AUcolffan avenue
PnC - A mSS^°-
-OOABDING —In a pleasant loca
f> CM wodttrom tM atreet eirr. for . tea-
.nil TOC, or tore or iooratu, e fteoa ecun.
Apj“.tmce «t338 Wet UVc .trfct, tnlMoaU 1»
Meal ©state-tEWs.
"JpOR SALE —The three-story
X* and butment brick No'SP-'Tk
to J. C-HsLL, 44 South jlarkstreet.
U'OR SALE—Brick House on
-A Third avenu«, near HarrJw'n. lor sal; che'p. ot
■will exrh«mr- for unimproved Chicago Cits p-»_pef ir.
J. 1a.148E.68 ClarksUeet. mhapKS-lt
FOB SALE—House aadLot, 50x
123, cn Part •vtnue, mar Un'on Park, atabvr*
gain. ,*i>o several oihresm same locality from seven
10 l S£. ,T £.3 l J o,u,ai Kl co.Urr. J.L, LSK.OS Ciari-st.
"p’OK SALE—Lot 60x75, corner of
-f- WeifWashiogtcn and ue*puinea stareU- Lot
50xia, corner ot Adams and Throoo, iroatlor the
» e "» tb Aritsla. J.L. LEE. 66 Clark street.
FSB SALE—Two Brick House?,
Nov 210 and 212 Indiana avenue, 150 ic't frontage
by 184 teet In depth. Frr panic ilars Inquire br letter
addressed to Box 3416 Ntw Tort, or pet-oa«Uy at
30 Be. no’ds* Pfock, tmic igj. mh23oTS2Pt
IT'OR SALE —A nearly new build-
JL 1 ice. with several tenements and stores, near
corner ct Po.k street and Thhu avenue. Wii rent
re&dhv for srfO per annum. Free le*se ot lot nve
je.r*. Priie. >3,000. CLAFLIS * FAT, 63Clark-st
IT’OR SALE—A Cottage House
JD and Lot on Milcbal atrfei. bU rooms, south
Ircut $1,700. Brick acuseon Maystreet; «,»00. One
cnlalnmetavenue,s3,ooo. PEI£R
roe ttteat. mmas-t«»t
FDR SALE—Lot 60 by 125 with
lwo-f tory be use. on Pa't evesue near Robey,
leu on W»rnn and TVashington streets on long
time. Bousea and lota in ail poits Of the c*ty. J. F.
STARR. 124 Randolph street mbSoSaO-lt
UOR SALE—Five Cottages and
•L lots, west ot TJolon Park. Three two story
homes. Cottage $435. Lots on Warren and Wash-
Ini ton Streets. J.F.STABB, 14-4 Washington at.
mb'*o?s9 It
"IT'OR SALE—House aid Lot cn
JL Fourth avenue. No. 123, just south of Harrison
rtreet. East ironr. Lot 23x135. Bcuse twostiry.
Pi ce. SM«o cash. D. W. HILL, Room So. 17 P.ey
noidt* Block. mhiJoaJMt
FDR SALE—Lake Shore Resi
dfoco at Port Clinton (C. & M.B. B) Brick
Home, 12 rooms, cellar ana three Lots, for $1,900.
Home would ecu |4,010 to hallo alone. KSAUBB
& M A LCOU, comer Clark and North Water streeu.
T? OR SALE—At a bargain, Cot-
J. tsge House and Let No. 756 Wabash avenue.
Let 50 by ISO fcci.s to 10 rocmr.gas and water, barn
and gardes fer $7250, part c«sb, balance in 4year*
at 7 pet centmicre t. Also,a very fine ir.t on
avenue, mar rourteeotb steel, east front, 50 b/ IS9
feet, part rash, b’lnnc- on time at 7 per cenl interest
InquireatNo.yatf War-ssh avenue. mbr7 6932t >
LTOK SALE.—ReaI E state.—
N. W. x-OKN aB PKAifc IE AVENUE and Twenty
sixth llreer—l74xl72. *7JOO.
CALDaiET AVENTE, North of Hardlu Place, Exit
Kent. 179 fert d»cn— s■’* ptr loot.
HaBUIN PLACE. Nice Lots, South front—s24 per
fllihstreet—39xl2s. brant ful Lot. s>ooo.
hOalß LASALLE M REET. Klae dtiep 10tJ-«ev*
crai cerner*- |fj) to slooper loot,
r Nick Ltiiß NEa K city LIMITS, one block from
Horse PaVway. >lB to >2O pet toot
rPESIDENCis In all pans of the city froms2,soo
upwards. <
Lson Agency and Beal Estate OfflcC, Cor. Lake and
LaSalle sir. ets. mh27*0«394t
I?OR SALE—A rare chanee—The
X 1 best paying retail business in Chlcaro. Pays
Horn |l5O to S2OO a week clear profit. Requires a
good business usu to carry It on. Will sell for |9QOO,
and UuTo stock enough to rea’lze the purchase
money in three months.. No ola foatea or siow
coaches need apply, as It takes a go ahead mai to
cone m. For tonher particulars, address *‘J B J,”
Box statlngwhere an Interview maybe had.
mhiOc&Gt- St
FJR SALE—Subnrbanßesidenee
In Quincy, X'U Brick house tßx4oieet,lw* sto
ries, htslces basement, attic and rear kitchen. Frame
Hab-e aLd eanla<re boose, with acre* (more or
lees, as desired,) of lanu, we<> stacked with fra't and
crn-mental ires, shrubs, 4c. Apply to EuWAKO
EVERETT, Qalnty ill. mh*fi.Slt-6t
C'OR SALE—A fice two-story
X? Frame Dwelling, with ail the modern Improve
mint*, on a lino L0t.50 t-.etiront, on Indian* aveiue,
stntboi 22d6lrtet. Apply to JOSEPHN. BARKER,
157 Ranaolph-st. mh2fl.6S74t
ITOR SALE -Lake House at Auo-
X 1 tioo. Loa’sand6.inßlocke.Kinzlc’sAddltl'iito
Chic-go, ••The Lake Home.’ will he sold at oub ic
auction, at 12 o’c ock. (n* on) on Tuesday. tbMth day
o<Apn | ,iSf3.attbe north do« To. theCaarc Home *o
Chicn,o. Fui terms see poster*, or ca lon tre at TOO
Puadolrbttreet. JNo, Q.ROGEnS, Executor of Wm.
B. Smith, dcCtaied. mh250526 Ut
FSR SAtE—A good two-story
Frame Bouse, with eleven room*, besides hath
room, store rtom ana c.ogets, and a Lot SfizlbO feer, on
the east sloe o: Wahith-av, tooth oi El*bte?mhPt:
one of the meat dcalrabl* lots and kciiions in the
city. Title perfect, inquire of E. S BELt-8,61 so.
Wafer-*t. ' mh23c2BT-lw
EOR SALE—Two-story Frame
Boose end Lot cn Third avenue, near Harrison
atreet. A-*u, House and Lot No. 205 Fourth avenue.
App y in THUS. FREEMAN, No. 124 R-udoiph fit,
Room No. O. mhTVo33frCt
FjR SALE—Valuable Property.
The property known as Dole’s Balding, corner
Clerk and fiouth Water ttte*U. Also, two good
biases and lots oo the North Side, each $i3,000 and
J3.5C0. Inquire of RUMbBY BRO. 4 CO*
FDR SALE—Houses and Lots
No.-. 79 and 91, Hinsdale street, North Side. G *i,
water, and other Improvement?. Aop.y to WHlGu*'
41 YRBELI. No. 5, Metropolitan Btocx.
T?OR SALE—BOO acres of Farm
X Land, IS miles from Chicago, on C. B. 4Q.8. B.
one mite from a station: 86 acres two miles irom a
station; 40acres one mile mom station; all under
good cultivation, with good buildings and trait trees.
The SOO seres will be sold in quantities to suit pur
chasers. For terms apply to 1* a. BUSH, 143 Kinzle
Krprt. frlhhS*s-4fc*
iFot Salt.
TT'OR SALE—Saloon, fixtures
X? and Lease in a splendid location. For pirtlcu
lat« apply wt No. 45 South Market st. mbilß6S63»lt
I?OK SALE—A new lot ol Dry
J? Clear sv’ilre Wood, l. IJ4 and lik inch. PAVIO
GOODWaAik. 08 Flank loa tret. mh23sS3Ht
I? OR SALE—Horse, Hornet s and
Waecn, suited to do any kind of ex-
T>Tcs*iQk—*lUn toed order. Apply at *iO Laealle-it.
FJR SALE—Stock end Fixtures
of a Retail Grocery Store, doing a gco2 business,
locat'd in central part ot city. For pAitlcu.aw ad
aim “‘Williams.’* TiitPLcoffice. mn-jSoSMlit
FOR SALE—A Pipe Organ at
Hcom No. 3. 43 Clark street. mhao33.6it
ITHDR SALE—One Faitbank’s best
L platform Scales, four tones, la complete order.
Will sell cheap Ca lat No. 14 Charles street near
vrot end Van Boren atreet Bridge, Or adores* “V,
at Tribune c dee. mb230533 2t
FDR SALE—A large, young and
very gentle Mare. Apply at ao. 12 Milwaukee
avenue. ' mh23c36tlt
F)B SALE—Or Exchange.
Three horses, express vagen, flray. baggy and
harnesses. Would ext nanze ter ao eligible house on
leased ground, or eichanve asnpcrlor saddle fllltr
lor lady’s ise.ror a h*ayierNo inuzgy horse. SEA A
Z\MM6P.Man,ISS Bomb Water street.
FjR SALE—A first class new
M.lch Cow and Calf, and one Canadian Perry.
JOHN DOOLY Grocer. State street and Huritnrton
Railroad crossing. mh23vr»9-2;
TTOR SALE—S4SO ■will buy;tbe
X? stock and fixtures ol an established paying bail
ees?, with lour rooms forfamt y. Inqilrcoi S. KICK,
138 We.t Madison street. ma23j7so U
I?OR SALE—Piano Forte. I have
JD a*p ecdld u?w 7-octave Rosewood PUno Forte,
which I will sell cheap for cash. Address P o. Box
1033. mh2So7il2t
FOR SALE—Silver Leaf Maples,
Lombardy Poplar. Silver Leaf Poplar. Balm of
Gilead,sod Amu’Scan AibevH'a; to be gold, whole
sale or retail, by T F. BALDWIN, real estate agent,
3 04 Randolph street, room No 9. mti27o—2t
F>R SALE—CoaI and Wood
Yard. To anv person possessing a small capital
a rare chance I" offered. For particulars Inquire vt
the clllc-. West Polk street, between Canal street and
rat road. - mh27u694 2t
FIR SALE—One Portable En
gine. 15 hone power, la good running ord’r.
Also machinery,shaping, and balding. Adure-s ai.
HOMED, Michigan i.lty, Ind. mh27^6(i3-3f
FJK SALE—The Flonricj? Mill,
with three run of stone, known as “Exchange
Mills, in tbe cl'Voi Ottawans lursale at abarzam.
Inquire of PDWAKD BAMBa, . mhlßal67-10t
■l?OR SALE—A Flouring Mill,
JC with two run of s’one*. at o-kfiMd Station,
loud da Lac County. Wls-. suKable lor either mer
chant or custom wprL Apply to REES & AYRES,
88 Dearborn streei. mb2lalos.it
T?OE SALE—One Tubular Boiler,
A? 42 Inches diameter, 10 icet long, with 28 three Inch
flee#. In p- rfect order- One Engine. 7 inches hi re and
12 inche* stroke. One slog e and one doub.e Circa ar
Saw Mill, All Dew. Apply to V. W. KRAUSE, south
c- st corner of Jefltrsoa aad Washington—ts, Co.cazo,
18. mh?4>j4l>3.Hr Dawr
FOR SALE— A 7X4 Octave
Jl Planb, round errnets, carved legs, K. Qablera’
make, lor sale at *4OO. Al*o ao Express Wagon, la
good older, at 3160—at 223 Ontario street.two doors
eaitoidark. mh?303681w
H'OR SALE - Two Portable En-
X* gln<'» twelve to Q’teen horse power each.new
and In perfect order, with two bond whee's specially
adapted for the ol> wells. 11l HARDS CORF SHEir
LKk tvoilKS-lOOand iflti Washington sneet.
mh23 o—ot
IP OR SALE—Very low, a first-
X? data Grain Distillery, with Alcohol Works com
plete- Also, cn the pxemlses.a Are proot warehouse
at sale distance from the distillery, for bonding pnr
pose*. *tiißewltl be given for a portion or aa of me
purchase money. If required. Address tox 6173,
Chicsgo, lit. mMSo- B< J7-27t
T?OR SALE—Vessel for sale—The
1? schooner u Jesse Apderion," 252 tons burthen,
f'ryeaiso’d July next, car. les 13000 pushela of wheat
ana 2utm icetof lamoer; draws tenheec of water gram
leaded. For terms address J. W. COOKE. Sandusky,
Ohio, wberethevcwelnowlles. mhl6nSgi*3w
FIR SALE—A limited number
of ihsresoi the luniskßlen Petroleum and Be
fining Company ol C»nau* West- Fredenc A Vaa
Dyke, .It., FteaV, Abram vice Evident;
John n. Bnnter,Treasurer. Capital,|so(Lft«. Sut>-
scriDtlcn list now opened at our off»ce on Market, be
tween Midiaon and Washington streets, where a fall
U'OR SALE —Cheap, a eteamflonr-
F mg and erbt mill, known as the Kaele Mills, at
CrlEceton, Id, with four run of French Bnrw.capa-
Dleot manuiaetairlng2oobair«iaof flour every twenty*
toor boors, with • three-story warehouse attached,
with a capacity tot storm* MXOO bushels oCgraur. lo
cated od the track of the C.. B ft Q.K.S. WUlbe sold
cn favorable terms. For particular* apply oo the
ureal- e*. or address FETBOW ft MO6B, Princeton.
mhimiSlAw .
T OST —Friday, the 14th mat., a
I J Of id aleeve Bnftoa, with coral bar tad marked
w>ib three inltlds. The tinder alii De llberMlvre
«at ded by leaving 4t at 178 Laae st. . maaoSW-lt
T OST— i 5 Reward. Lost on Wed-
JLinesday March rid, a large Black Newlonndltno
Dog.wllU. Dreaat, lour white paws, tip ol tali-whUe,
and answers to the cam" ot Prince: bad on leather
colar. 1 wl 1 give the above rewaid for his recovery.
Word mar be left at the Michigan Southern Depot, or
atmv residence, east aide ot state, between Twenty,
iemth acdTwensyfiflhMrtets. J.P. HOBIOS.
. mh23eßM-lt " ~
T OST—A Lady’s Mink Fur Col-
X~Jar at the Bxhlri , i«'n of the Foster School on'
SsVoTra; evening, March 25th. or oa O’Brlsn atreet,
betweei. the School House and Jeffer*oast. Any one
nndlnzltwlßp e ae return It to 97 Judd atre-t, and
be smttbiv regarded. , • mh2B-89QU
T- OST—On Saturday evening, be
-I J tween Madison and South Wat-r, and Sut« and
dark sheets a Otcts Single vone Diamond Breast
Pin. Tbe flcderwlil o* llneially rewarded try 'cavtag
it at HI South Water street,no atrlis mteSsp-lt
LOST— A Black and .Tan Dbg,
answering to the same of Captain. Any me re*
turning bn to 158 South Water ttrtat. or‘JMTNjrth
Dearoom streets, will be suitably rewaideo . .
miaso9os-n j. j. richaeds.
TSTANTEl?—Situation— In a
W .» ore v T _ ’icnjM. wboli**li%dßtpericpoe
le bctineu W.tul b» *e qj oWecUopio
T» k» hnßibh -ni a-'dwli hefweoce
dtef* p. t. pox ISBB. C aio^o.
TAT ANTED—Simationr-A young
T f man. 21 yeara of aa*. desires to ***
i*t.»*!eon'aa>Q*ofn*) wbo'fgale or ra r *li IW
bas'mn. it the city or Caa jrtT* good n*y
»defences. speaks Katllsh. Osman and svrauiu
Aodr»M ‘•H.” fo« Office Bor 186 S. Chicago.
mhSScTW 3t
■OTANTED—Situation—By a re
• T spectabte Kiri m • pilrate family. it
306 Fonth Oetplalnes • trees. Good reference given.
OTANTEG Situation—By a re-
T T *p*ct -ble Protrstantelvl to tike care ot eM\*
drenano Q0 o«alnsewlngoriioßlalr» work Can do
rcrn tor three car* at corner ox Jefferson and Rlnxio
streets, hocm t,*!. mh230837-lt
'Wf AN TED Situation—As sales
f I man in a Dry Goods Store by a youne man
who baa bed nve rear* experience in »3e biutne>«.
ran Ornish iha best oi reference. Address roriDreo
days “J S." T t one office. mtU9o&B2t
«TANTED—Situation- By a
▼ w young man »boh«a had soma experience in
holiness- reXexencee given.
30 ana 32 West stsdh-on atrteU mb2so»S»U
\YTANTED—Situation— On a
v T F»im by a single mao of experience, or to
larm cp shares. Addxcsslß QARS'*T,Tnboao office.
mh23c>iMt __
WANTED— Situation—As Sea
tlonaty' Fnt'netx. Good references trmn.
W» old go in the country. Adams *H C D,” Trfbaae
office.” mb-.SoSIB.Bt
"Sl7 ANTED— Situ ation —By a
I" ?oon«r man as Salesman to tro Is the coontry,
who bis bad six scan experience In the retail nasi
ne's. Acdnu GaUnSA rtAtiltSN, P. O ikx 150,
Cblcsgo. ghSosJ.* st
T\7ANTED—Situation— By a
• * yr-onemsa se Dtzz C'ers. Has hid sevcr-il
years* txterlence. G'oc reference given. Adjiesi
«KSM D.” Trlbnne ogee. • mb2307963t
"YVANTED— Situation—By a
T T joonu man.ass'W'rsnln sDryGoodi Store.
Hs* h«id s*verAt ysati’ experlcn- e. *Woo'rt not object
tothecenntry. Aacrcss •• W r," Tnboae office, tor
two uais. mb210573 Jt
WANTED —Situation—By a
T T yoting man. as salesman or mvo'lng agent
fora Drt Goods. Boot and Soo?. Hat and Cap or
Grocery Dense. Address-F,"inbane offleef nwo
\Y7"ANTED —Situation—By a
yv competent book keeper. In that capactr, or
as Assistant. * ttv reierei ce given.
P. O.Dtawers>99. Chicago. mh26oTJWt
WANTED —Sitnaticn—As Cat
vv ter In s first-class Custom dotting Hons*.
Pete <f reierencc given. Address Box OtfS Cnicago
P. O. • mhb<DSl3-llt
TV AN TED—Volunteers! Volun
-7 * •weisl All prisons desirous of •nUattng.aud
ai tie time time pe.ting the highest bounty, snood
pr la mediately to the veil known Recruiting Agency
oiC.L. DUeuls » tO„ 148 reatborn-st where
yoormney is paid the moment yon ure mustered, la
Greet backs. mh2aoßl3 at
'VU ANTED —Army and Navy Ke
w V crulti.lor on r ,t«o an« threeyears. Thehlgh*
estbcncUra p»t < Iscasu. Beware uf street runners
an<i bo os brokers, stringers coming to the city to
ealin woo'd do well to cut out ibis advertl-ement,
and call *.l tbe only letltlunie Rrcrultm-r Agency la
them?. C L-DOBOls<t CO ,l-lSDearD-Jio st F.
O. Fox 4100. mttSoSttSt
TV AN TED—Now is tbe time to
7 7 etilst! Avoid the dralt In flm-. by procuring
a substitute orenl'stlog. Butas-.ort tlmeelaptet be*
lore'b; or»lt. Secure yur county In tin*. C. L.
DUEOIB ft CO., 14$ Dearborn st, pay tha highest.
TV ANTED—Why don’t yon vol
-7 * nnieer, aid Bare more money la one year 'ban
yon can many other way? Cali on C. L DUBOIS ft
CJ„ 14$ Ptaiborn st, and satisfy lOtusalL
mniSoiMt Sc . -
TV ANTED-5550 and 5850 cash
▼ 7 bounty for Fecrui'A lor one year. In the CaraK
ry and h. n<*cck’s Corps. Inquire at Major A. H.
LANGBOIZ, Ceurt House Hail. In a fewda** tbe
quota will be Piled. m023033J Iw
X\f ANTED— §550 to SBSO cash
w V bannry fer recruits lor oney»ar Inthecsvary
and Hsncrck's corps. Inquire at Major A H. LAN a-
HILZ, court House Hall. mtSloUl Iw
TV ANTED—Fortha Government
77 in tbe Quartermaster's Department, at St.
Louis,Lf-b'rcrs at sls net moutn and rations; Te-un*
bters at S4O per month and ratines. Free transport*
atton tarnished from Chicigo. II inolj. For further
toftimation apply at »be Uoy j rnmtnt Offices, 132 X
Sooth Witer street, - h:c*go. 111.
mhlSnontf WILLIAM tj Acenc
®o laent.
TO KENT—Fromthefirstef Miy,
near Dnlcn Park and hor“e cos, a two-itory
house, coLtaiDing nine rooms, pautry. t>ub roim and
clothes presses, wltn bam Bunt $&00. Adorers
HOuaB.P. O.biawers96S. mh23i3l*-U
TO RENT—A Brick House on
Wabash avenue, near Eighteenth street. The
b> ues is nearly sew. contains ten room}, wt'haJi the
modem improvetren’s. Any one wlt.log t: piy S3OOO
ter bonus c> lease (oarln? tao years to run; and tarn*
itnre, which is n-w and maue to order tcaycaU at
H< on No. 7, MethcdLc Church B.ock, from 8 f) 9M
TO BENT—The Warehouse and
Dock 310. Sl2 and 311 Forth Water afreet, imma
dtattlv e*6t cf Rush Mteet bridge. Inquire ol J. H.L.
SIOBFORD, 44 Soa»h Cl»rk street. mhjjoSig Iw
TO RENT—Dock Property to
lesse. Two loU on Roberts street, near Erie
street hndse.2oo feet deept’>toe river, now used a* a
woodjsrd. Inquire ol LABRABEE ft NORcH. 17-1
Lake street. mh29jsn-3t
TO BENT—A first-class Brick
Uoun f D Erl* street, containing stxiccur*-,ni*
and ail modem improvemeots. Hent SI2OO Anoly at
89 Wastlcgton street. Boom No. 7. mnSogSfrit
TO KENT—And furniture for
sale ofeneof the most desirable offices In this
clt.. Location txnsarpis«ed,b‘-lar la tbe central nor*
ilonot thertty. Fer icculon. terms,&c- inquire at
Kcum No. 7 king’s Block, comer Washlngroo and
Dearborn streets, Chi-ago, Illinois. mhSoScMt
r l''o BENT—Store 51 Dearborn-at.
X krona ai the Home of David, from first of
1665. App.y to CROSS, DANE A WJSSIHKR. .TO
Statettreet. mh230868 3;
TO BENT—A responsible and
earefbl party wants torest * lu-nlshed bouto by
the first ol May or middle of Jane. A* dread wubde*
scilitloo.’o'alien, tent, Ac-,“PR,” Trlbaae office
mL2S 869 3t •
TI) BENT- Store No. 233 Lake
street-three floors and b*»ement—trotnMayl.
Inqniie or E. A. DRUMMOND, U S. Court Boom.
TO RENT—Lodging Rooms at 13
Sr nth Water street, corner o f Michigan avenne
Steele and doable rooi*. with large c oieis, eus, tor*
nlsted an* kept In order, to rent without boardto
gentlemen < my. oih:lSo37l-3t
'T'O RENT—7O acres of larm or
1 garden ’and one ml*e northwest of the citron
the LliVe Fen Road and MilWMjt*.eU’llroad, about
half under cu tivaMcn, the r*st grass, will bs rented
together or In small lo *, tor one or mere yean, with
or wlttoul a two-nory tonae 20*21 (eet. Apply to
JOHN »VBNBB, 30 Wolcott corner of Kiiirie.
a lO RENT—On Wabash avenne,
a bon»e. north cf Hubbard street, to a family
without children. Owner to boirn wDh fami’T- r.-
aervlcp reems, Ac. Apply at 190 Clark at re* t. Ro-tm
NO. 1. from 11 ta 12 M. mh23«9310t
TO RENT—From May first, a
Fp’dcua second floor. In the best part of Bin*
do pb meet, suitable for a milliner, or any other bail*
ness of rat nature Terms moderate. Aopyto
w.n “RTEIt A CO, IS6 and ISB South Water street,
TO RENT—Stoie and basement.
rne of the best locations In the cU/. Inquire at
21 Lima le street. - mhjS-903.2;
TO RENT—Part or whole of store
No. Irs South Water street. Would rent sept
rate'y upper stote with wide out*tde entrsne* and
loit SEA & ZIMMERMAN. ISJjsoatb Water street.
mheSoofi 2i
TO RENT—A country residgnee
on State sfriet.oooosUe the FairGroaodi. TM
boa*e is a lar«e two story and basement,wUhbtm,car
nage hemr. Ac., and th> ee *cr- sot grjond. Inoolrc
ot J. a. WALLACE A CO., 214 Micaigan avenue.
n.h250777 lm *
r PO RENT—EVom First of May
X nekt.tlzee need offices, on second flour, with a
front outs di emr-*n<;o. also, mini am loarth floors
ot e*n e i niidlng. at 89 Soutn Water street.
nro RENT—In North Divifioa
X Abrlcktwo storysnd t»a»rmeat cCcuie.No 212
Lasalle sirtet. Just north of Chicago avenne. Posses*
Blonl*t «f May. Rent #IOO GEO. M. *il JQINaON,
teal Estate utnee, No. 7 Metropo.ltaa Block.
Zch29v6Sl St
r!) RENT—Or tor sale, two
houses and fuur lots, on West Hirrlsm Sts In*
quire of J. M. KETNOLDS, at 97 Wadhlogton fit.
r5 RENT—The Marble Front
Store. Nov 13 and 14 Dearborn street, bstw ea
Lake and Soutn Water«trect«. now ccc"oi«d uy j.
w. Poane A« o. Apply to WaLTRR R-»G H3,
Ho. 144 Market sircer, corner Maoroe. mhieoffg-Tt
TO RENT—From May Ist, the
fcloreand Bui ding No HOL , 'k*sireer, for a term
of three or five % rais. inquire ol GO’JKINs A ROB*
S RTS, N". 86 WishlngU n street, up stairs.
. mh2s-05U-5t
TD RENT—Suit ot large rooms
InMcronoick’a Blrck. These rcoms are admlr*
•by adapted ler Society or lodge rooms, sad may
be bad on a long lease If desired* Apply to C. A.
BPRIB O. at McCormlik’s Reaper Factorr. or at Mo.M
ItrcDon Block. • • rohStofiMw
TO RBNT—Dwelling Houses
"Nos £9,220 and 252 Ontario ■trtee, east of Clark.
Sor particulars apply to B, w. OBIFFIN, Room 3,
Pomeroy’s Bolldlnf,'corner Sooth Water and Clark
streets. mhJ3o33BSoi .
TO BENT—With Steam Power,
Th’rdand Fourth floors, each 29x90 feet of store
243 lake street-, corner of Frank s in - * Apply to
WALWOBTH.BUSCHECKftCO., 443 Lake street
TJ BENT—A large assortment
of cewandsecond-hand piano* for sale and to
tenL W. W. KIMBALL, 144 Lake at.
- mh2lolDMw
T3 RENT—Hock property’ to
lease! By JOHN MATTOCKS, 14 Tele
graph Building. . aBO-oSH-lw
T) RENT—A first-class store on
Booth Water street, No. SB. Also a choice store
in McCormick Block, corner ot Dearborn and Kao*
dolph street*, 80. 71. Inquire of C. A- SPbXNQ at
McCormick 1 * Reaper Factory, or at No. Shannon
Bb'Ck. mh2to»7t
T) BENT—From May 1, for four
years, aeeond, third and lourth Hoars of 64 Lake
rreet, corner Slate. Price $4306, KINDER. HO
VRv « co. mbioagna-Ui
Heat 08tgtt=(Counttg.
XT'OR. SALE—Farms and Unim-
X proved L?nds In U'lnois, Wisconsin, Michigan,
loam, Missouri and Indiana, cheap tor cash- or w il
»cn» °f for ether property. T H. BSL*
FIELD A CO., 16P.Q.8 ock. rnhM oS3B-lt -
Tj'Oß SALE—BO acre Farm in
JL Beet Coontr. Wisconsin, near railroad station,
rlretmt eland, ihbt* seres timber. e>‘*od a tons nsrac.
trice-, fl 400. Cl.Ain.lv * PAY, 93 Clark street.
_mha:B6*-ll _
T?OR SALE—Farm for sale, on
X Che Mlntolppt rirer, sixty mOee below
adjoining tlie city of ate. <^« Tie l®;Jf^? I ?f^rt , y
tainaiwo hundred and twelre sSSTf^irtwopinrtt
s?s; gSia.KS; «• HnsEs*,®
mr MS-pgO 5
® stock bboMW^
Km. aa Wall uS aoM on
StMtt »« Bma •“ “jAsfSl BiCa.
WANTED -To rent oie or two
f.mUT “ffi'"!.** ”»■»>. with *o n! to • prtTU®
litt/weit^s^si UcQi4w a P>J >t 4« Nona reo rto
Bimt.wa:siae. mba>W3r
a good house
fA s s ,a -
AdaietiP. O Boi 10vo 1 “» m^rtoOTsl''
VV SeoeSi
TJrelM listw .tt»et. !*»«. «
tTePaf*. g.t£g n
W ANTED- A girl
? t Boasework lo asmail lamiiy. a o %* _._r*
Uqtmn tf second boas.* on Tb.tonatrw. e**»of JSb
limit*. B»'9o6oe>n r
YV ANTED—Everyboay tofc^
» » IhTttbe R«n Oaliery bn* r* epened at ia«
Bomb Clara atret, coiner ct M duoa- u PeixurZ,
cheaper than ever bsfere. J. W“. 6K. K. rissL.iY
\V ANTED—A small houaj or
V* part ot a boos* within ten mlnnies wa’fcof
the Coots Booso. Aply ar 96 Aaat Wa-hUc(oa-«s.
or address Eos M. Poet Office. mbiXSoTOI Is
ANTED —A Salesman and
f T Trav'llng Agent in a Who rsa e Grocer? Bn*i
oris Hi hot an experleoc- d sou first cho» practi
cal man need apply. Aodfta, wlib m.l a«n« sml
itftttncti. P. O.Drawer 6101. -moMoTJ?Si
ANTED—To sell a new Piu>-
T T to*r«ph Car, located well, and cb»ap ground
lease; a go, a XMno e bivreoecopc Instrument. cbe*g
The ownrr d»* r«s a partner »iin some mooe - , and
wno wil» like ic remove to someplace where miutaiio
work canh« ootalord. i»e»tera poors' .m of uttmo
lnßtiom#DUXi< and s*. Kverythli-e w-otedcomolata
lor werr. Address ‘*B B, 'He.2SO, Tribune office,
ir bCSoItS-lt
\\ AN TED—To enter into co
* * paimersbip wl b a good painter who As a
step,or l»wil ina to inter la wttaibe-ahicnoer woo
Is a sober am industrim*map.andsfeil edlnbl* 100
by >»yectl sears’ experience in overling ftr bvawelU
This is » chance seldom met with. tVeiuve no oojeo
tion to go :n fbecoantr, if the p’acew.ll ray ■**.
orisi**uLl> ti AHl> ’* this ofi.ee. rabSitWlt
W ANTED—A good girl for
T T second work, on* who l» experienced in bar
department, apply at 251 lacuna stmt.
X\l ANTED—lleuses, Lots, <fcc.,
M In trade tor paid op Certificates ot Stock In
the Comm«rcjal Ol- Company. TbiVtre better rb-in
7SCb. They receive a mon'bydindeod or one per
cent, or over. All tbe property on 'MI Creee. s me
oi thebe*c webs In the w rid. Term* Hcera'. i,'a,l
on w.J LAMU.49 Lasa le-st, mhdioTWfit
ANTED—At the Lasits’
* * Dmwldx and P«lntlre Schoo*, Kootn 12»No.
17 Labile B>re-t, larD* to take lessons fit buaiaem
or accomclishmenf in thea*corin> H lakandco or
bhctogniphs, also Pi Inilng lu all t*s trailc'M- Gocd
artlsta eao always find lemnnemilve work to (ako
home, irrie-Urtd. G. KOHBUJB&iIG A CO.
n.b:To:i2 C:
TV ANTED—Whiskers and Mona
* * tacbe Id tour wepv». s - ml SO ten’s slamo
to Dr. ANTHONY, 15ox 127, Kankakee City, Illinois.
ANTED- Merchants, mmiliea,
• 7 hotel keeper}, had rtrm«rs, bear in nund,
you can procort tie best ot bap, mile aua fe
male. Dee ofibarge, at 116 Clark »t.. K<-om2t,
tr-Matis. . mb2So&2*H
\V ANTED—GirIs for. general
M hou'««*oik,ta’es allrg, s*amatr-;»9« , s cooks
and bouspttPe;ar*. Those coming recommended
can bare situations. Apply at itoclark rt.Rjom
21, np tulrr. P. o. Drawer 6390. mb'jgodMlt
TV ANTED - 50 laborers to work
* 7 for tbe government. Wages si 3 a month,
rsucos »no gainers Non* but able bodied men need
of pr. 116 South Clark street. Boom 21, up stairs.
mt 280821 u
TV AN TED-Parties having a
m small cspUa’, to callatßcom 39 Reynolds*
Block,an r examirea burin* a* both tight an’prnsta
bie, tnat wi*j par ft COO to $3,000 per year net prone*
o»iui icqu’ted. irom slOutosSOO. or sourest Box
0106. Cb*c*go, 1.1. mhSodSb 21
WANTED —A good Flouring
Will,and at a good bargain Address, with'
foil part colors, P.0.80x 297. Chicago. A Water
Util preferred. mb2B-)Bsi 6t
WATTED —A Partner, with
capital, in a Manufacturer's Agency and ’ out*
mission bLsints*. a read- ejuuished. For partica
lirs.adUrt»sf. O Hoi 163. mh29c831 If
WANTED —Shirt Makers who
are able to m* ke finest emtorn work, at 126
Deaibcrsst. J. K. WILSON ft CO. mhijoß37-lt
\V ANTED—A man who nnder-
Jl 7 stands tbe welkins of Saab, Door. B lad and
Slootillrc machinery None but an "CUve. gpoa
band, need apMy. DAVI J UOUDWILLIK, mrn-r of
Franklin an-- Ohlo »ts nu780351 it
VV ANTED—To rent y two or
?T three rooms, suitable fcrbonfckpep-or, for a
family ct tbrre. Aodrta*. stating location and terms,
•»a f/’Trlonae office. . mh/30535»1t
TVANTED—Within 1 1-2 miles
7 ¥ ol lb* Ccnrt Bouse, two sinal . neatly furnish
ed room?, pultsb e lor a young married coup e. Ad
ertss •*&ltrDhNr, , *inbOQß office. mhiwlOli
WANTED -Board in a private
family by a young man. Address P.i» Box
2345. tta ting location ruh23G34l-lt
A/t/ ANTED—Vessels. Light draft
*y yesaels, to ftelrbtral’road (lea from Prona-n*®
Hstboz, Michuran, to thtscity. Aopiy to the Duder
si bed, at Room No. 8 Farare’s Building, corner ot
Wells anc South Water-sis. HKJSAEK, ft
Lt*. m123.»452t
\\f ANTED—By a desirable ten
-7 7 ant having a small tamily, wl’b ooly one
a (JweUiDgbca*-* on the Soma or West aide contain*
IneaDGOttrn rooms, mb conyenlen-es of sat and
water; on or near Michigan or *a a?h Bv**naa pre
ferred. Fosrrsslcn Wanted aa soon as pofiiole, anu as
farthest by lit cf May. The premhes woulubewell
ciuec ler.andtent piomptly paid. Addms, for tnx
cays, giving location aid terms, r. O. Draw-r 6235#
Chtc'go.til. • mhyottiOat
X\/ ANTED—To sell County
7 7 Bight*foratopuliT inytnilon. Gmt emen
sow enraged in tbe bntlnesg nre n.akloc f on |SO per
weeknpward. Addiessßox 6463, Post Office,
TV ANTED House Painters. Ap
-7.7 pi® tor. WARi'EN, 73 Dearborn street.
mh23. HjS-U
TV AN TED—A purchaser lor a
7 7 tip top. lucrative biutnesa, Money cot to
much ol bl object as getting oat ot it The basin*aj
M aylrg better lhao any tntalitlty, and wll- con
tinue to pay soy m>-n a-ho t* fool eooash to take
cbargectlu Te»m* moderate.
tu’*Ccica*o Life,” P.O. Driver 6333.
n b2Sf 9C9-lf
TV ANTED—A thoroughly com
-7 7 peieut jeone man want* a situation as Book
keeper cr CD rk- Fcr reler uce.appli to P.H CBT*
TING. L«nrt Agent, Walker’s ill uck,De.ir Dora-4 6.
WANTED— To sell a light and
trofltable boslnos.now paying wen. Capital
required, about #st.O. inquire at No. 315 **\uUi
Sate at. mbdfo9o6 it
T*7 ANTED—I Clerk, 1 Driver,
T V and 3 Iravelllcg Agents. Other situation*
open. GtntUtTDtn weblog situations sucuid call at
Mercantile htnpoyment A*encv. S3 Boidilphat,
K< cm 1, np-etair?. App leant* oy mji encode two
stenifg. mhSoDlg'lt
arr ANTED—At Sutherland’s In
*r tolUenceOfflce No.4NcrihClaikßt.lClerScy.
1 Paitendrr, 1 Drloer,dßoys. 15 Glr.s, r Painters,l
rphrlstfctrr.d VarnUbcrs. Fatm Hands. Rooms to
let. ’’Cooicctlcn” store fjf sa>e. Ac. mh2So9-4-U
TS7 ANTED—A Partner is a light
T-* 'end profitable bus'nef*. with a capital of *4OO.
To a business man ills Is a chance seldom met wub.
Addicts•’PARTNER.” Drawer 0390. tah33oS3m
TWANTED—AII persois having
▼ T claims tpa'iist tne Chicago Dancing Acadb*
mt,or the snbarr.bn.to piesent fheiame tor pav
mer-t the Oihce of the Academy. J. EOWIfT
MARTINE. mhJ50319 It
TV ANTED—lmmediately, by a
I * gentleman *rd wlie. an untarnished room*
with heard for tbe l*cy, or tbree or foa • ro>m* solta
b etcrhcu«*k»eplng. Address ‘Mr. A F B.”Cmc*-rn.
P.0.80x 4103 (NortuoraouthSlde.) tnbao3M-36
\\J ANTED —To Brewers and
7 » Maltsters. An Fna'lah A’e an* Potter Brewer,
a&d Master, lone operating In Canada, wants a situa
tion tn either o’ treabeve. crsomeilmUtrespictv \
.wcn-dCevote hi* whole titretotneb-at Interests ot
hlseaplofers Can keep a*counts.and conduct 3or
impendence If requir'd. Refer*n«es»* to abultv, la*
tecrlty Ac. Apply, rtatlograiary, to HPNRT JSL*
LfcS, Box 32, SicuLt yortst, county Grey. Canada
■West. mb23o33Mt
TV ANTED—A well improved
f T fhrm^containing about 120 acres ofitooddry
laad.witD tlmoer lor the use. of the r<*rn. Mast havu
goon balullces, fruit,sod rear some r Uiroatl HUU*>a.
Address sabscribrr. with mil dcsrripiion, SELDEIH
CEB. sugar Grove, Kuo county. 111.
T%7ANTED—By a good tenant, a
* * smailhouse. oftlx rooun.ln a rood nrlihbor»
hoed, on the Ncrtb or West SHo. Nor b swe pro*
ferrto. Aodreas P. O. Box 4313. mhMug39 at
"ITT ANTED—A lady wishes board
7 T with a wl'*ow or single lady, where there are
few rr no hoard e r*. Please address •* koaß>*
HR.” P. O. Box 818. Chicago. mh26;633 It
ANTED—To knowthe address
7 7 of anv person who 1* able to remove the marks
IritbythefuiadPoxon tbe twe. Audruss “W B,”
csreot 393 South dark at., Chicago, IU.
mL2S 05614t
•TIT'ANTED—A Partner with a
V 7 cash capital ot from $3,000t0 S3OOO, to**osaga
Inabuslsesaln this city, which »U) otvfirom #3,(Voio
710,000 per ye*r. Pi*am address *• c P,” Tribune office,
or c»ll at No.S Bomb Clark street anytime dnrioz the
d*y. mtus-QsS3*lw
.7 7 torm any person how they can make from
fid.CCO lo »50 coo • ye*r in an ea ! y business, seno 2$
cents lor clrcn »rs and inform*oon.
Let boi 3 our tears meat* yen linger.
But now attend nuto this call.
And to poverty b-come»»tran«r
--... yotweftithlawlibinthrfreaMrofalL
Address DR. PHILIP BOWEN, Toltdo, Lacareoun
ty.ofaio. ' . mbSoeaia
W ANTED—A German or Eng-
Tv Hah Qlfi, to dojrea«r*i housework Id a small
family, inquire at No 346 West WaihlairtoMt,
second house ftom Reuben. mhiii3Sß iw
Tl7 ANTED—To Millers—A Situ
s' v atleulnile boMoesa.byaycnog man ot Brat
clim experience. Car be wen recommended. Appkv
to **J w,*» Bartlett's Mill*, Rockford. Id.
WANTED—(Knitting Machine.)
v v Wool raising farmers, -nub lanuilea or gim.
roiuntetr’a tasnlies, mditnen, ■»tr»Mm>iriir l gif
women defiling to support themselves,should know
cl ns profit and werk. local Agenu wanted. Fox
book ana samples rend stamp to DALTOH &SITTQNI
machine CO.. 140 Lake street* Chicago.UiiaoU.
WANTED—Married Ladies.— ■
’▼ v Prot Von Veraea* Diamond Drops, an. vns*
falling and harmless remedy for all Obstruction* and
IrreguJarmet. AU married ladles will and mw*
never-failing preventive,fbr whichl* fwargatcaa
every instance, and are invited toseed az*d*t«"»
to* a circular, o* two dalara Mdaquartwrorawaj
Office* SiSia
aaajKfgiiete.! ssis^&sssz.
TinTTMT) . A Watch. The owner
F ?.?£•* of »r
OlBCr ' “
TT’mrND—A vetk suicc, aPooket
,fflre tad wore propenj. bMBo%i"
XJEBSONAIi— Everybody afflict
■ Id w«t *«••« ol the s km. tnch aa Itch. Tet-
tc-. to ose Dr. Blank's amp tie*
ftifemeß w» guarantee to care ia u; aao an
SO cents per box. Ii sent by team m
Wat hemal oretpresa- AddceeaHr.BUAB £
“££ iTo Box MS3. oueaxo. 111. a. SCOVIIT
wi Randolph street, wholesale and retail amt.
iO the premise# of the nndeniCTed onthe anernorn
cf the 2Sa Inst, a light red r jrll -wliU colored Cow
with the end of her right-bom broken off.- 6*r»fa
well formed, rather. aboTs toe aver tge alxe. perfect w
elcas. and merry coed condition., Any one who wHI
reran her to my stable, or tire Inforaailoa when
the can be fonnd; sb*i»M Ukaraliy
Chicago, March94,l99. • • *
-. midataet* N0.579 Waaeahayenok^

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