Newspaper Page Text
Cljicogo Cribune WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1803. THE NEW®. Gen. Sherman had a noble oration at In* dlanapolis, yesterday, worthy the hero of At lanta and the March to the Sea. We give hi* speech elsewhere. Secretary Stanton has taken Ford’s theater for Government purposes. It la to be used ■Jor storing rebel archives. A Lawrence diajatch reports farther Indian •‘BarbariUca, where frightful **rreaked on a single victim. advices speak of disastrous freshets from late rains. In Leavenworth twenty Jives were lost. All the streams are bank Jail. It is a terrible thing sometimes to be taken •Wrlth a sudden attack of duty. The Custom officers in one of these fits sadly maltreated jjome raw emigrants In New York yesterday, i It Is a bad to -have been a rebel in certain Missouri districts, where evidently •the Union men don’t believe In a change of Jieart, for rebels. '■ Oar Detroit correspondent mentions as if of some importance, the movements of one VsUsnfllgtam. 'Equally so those of the cab driver who took the man to his hotel. In Springfield they artf enforcing the Bon dar law, -and shutting-down on traffic on that day. Attorney General Speed has issued an opinion justifying the late assassination trials. Onr despatches give »n interesting resume of South Carolina. Charleston rthal the frtedmen troubles are exaggerated. A Georgia paper flourishes fit. Domingo, and its twin sheet echoes 1L One thing la certain, the South most accept in the black, ■a citizen or a savage. The Great £aatcm wIU leave Valentis on the 19th, and reach. It la hoped Hearts Con tent, N. F., alont the Ist -Of August. May herreyogejs succeed to their hearts’ content] Geo. Grant has richly earned a vacation and has set oat to find it We surmise he is going to see the Great Eastern land her cable freight, and send, perhaps, the first message to the people over the wa’cr. One Whittlesey, lute of the Treasury De partment, has sold himself for a mess of pot tage and made aaeu of U indeed. The devil gets some of hU purchases at a bargain. Oar ‘Washington dispatch gives the narrative. NewO leans advices announce in a letter from Shreveport the movement ol Gen. Mcr ritt’e cavalry force for Texas. Oar dispatch gives a very foil chart of his route. A tornado Jail .upon ft suburb of Cincin nati ycatei day and made Tough work among tbe gardens. liollvcswere lost. Gen. Sibli y is reported nearing a body of hostile Indians. "We hope he may find them this time, and bring the Indian war into the ehape of a fight which would end the thing. Thus far it has been only a quartermaster and commissary affair. At Bichmcnd Gen. Warren has pulled on Lis army gloves, and handled the dealers in faro roughly. Served them right. An Important report Is issued by Gen. Fisk tcuchlrg Freed cu-d affairs in Kentucky and Tennessee. It is given in onr Washington special difjia’ches. Colored projierty io Ken tucky has come to be mighty uncertain, eri dcnUy. Mexican advices show the Jnarlst party etill offering a bitter and sharp opposition to the Fincco-ilexlcan scheme, with a rising hostility among thcpcople. A movement is on foot to mike Cai-o the place hereailer for the payment and disper sion of returning Illinois troops. THE CHOPS. All classes of Tbibcne readers wHi be glad to receive our full telegraphic summary of advices frem representative localities in Illinois, lowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michi gan, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and Canada West, touching recent meteorology and the condition of the c ops. The present b»f been a rmarlrable season, and the fate of tie Lai vests of the great bread producing section has been felt to depend upon the weather experiences of the past two weeks. Thu thfe; have not had tbe entire effect ap- P chinfed.ourreportsmakeclear. There are but few points where extensive disaster is declared. The general testimony is that the •present will he a season of remarkable bounty in most of the leading staples, espe -claliy fehculd a favoring extension of the warm, ripening weather bring to perfection the splendid .corn crop. A year of plenty 1% under Providence, to Jet faff its full fruitage ■opon the footprints ofthe war. All transac tions predicated upon a scanty crop of -cereals will be shaken by the dispatches we give ekewbeie. WICKER ON NEWSPAPEOS. Tbc courritfoe recommend a pne- for toe print ing great it tsan some nf tb« otue: paper* offered todoilfor; because the Tbxbcsc fits more than dcnblethe clrcnlsttonofany .rher paper, canse •queUiy It is pronmed toreicb ».mce tbe number of cttlxene aud tax payers. sod toerefore to the same ratio, fo ill* the spirt l of h- l§w reqa riQ < - tbe Couucl to have its proceedings publi-hed £eport ft tht Cotm-M Vammizu* on /Vtn/iny. Aid. ShUtp moved that tbe Comptroller be di r>cied to pay tbe corporatism ths same price that bsd been paid to (he Ttmei- Aid. Wicker moved to lar tbit proooiition on tbe taMe. Qe coaid not see toe propriety or tbe TfcißOß charging five lime* -f much as o‘ber responsible papers, one of which had a circnli tioc greater by 6,000 than tbe Tihbtob. Aid. Wicker was aware at the time he made the abeve btalcment, that It was untrue. He knew it to be untrue, and be knew that every number of tbe Connell knew it to be untiv«*, for it bad be n offlc‘a!ly declared to be untrue five minutes before ke uttered it. Still, it is not at all surprising that a zntn who has been suspended by the Board of Trade as unfit to do business with the pen tie men composing that organisation, should make such a statement as tbe abore, under fiticb eiicumstances. FBO» LOUISIANA. Ntov'mcnt of Gen. neriitc’* T-xu Ex pfdltlon-Cbtn of tbrlr Boute-De. laleaUviofa Horn nimry-Poildcal idatleri. (Speck: Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Caibo, July 25. The following InformtCon concerning the movemf ljj of uor cavalry forces In Texas, Is de rived from me New Orleans Timer. ASnrevtpcrt correspondence of tbe Sth Inst, e*y* tbe remainder of tbe let brigade of cavalry, cocsi-ilDg ol two nglmtnt*, with Gen. Merritt in person, left this morning and are now on the vtiad. The Ist brigade commanded by Qen. West will leave by to-morrow evening. On Mon day mornng the whole of tbe cavalry forces will be on tbe r. ail. In line of march. Tbe rente to San An'cnla baa been surveyed with reference to faculties for the march, such as water and for age. Camping dbtancss hare been laid out and forage depots and’ storehouses for the material collected by tbe l«t regiment of So brigade, whol-ft-for that par nose about seven days ago, h*ve beencstavlisbcd. it is remarkable for tnie season, that there la water for horses and men a’] along the ron e from Shreveport 10 SsnAn'on a, and that an nnfre qnent June rise has taken place In Red river, ♦welling to? tide to a fool higher water mm in the fir t week of June, when a np-.d fa J made o'd t'sgen bt.lfeve navfoahon to Sorrreport w'nld be clo-ed brfore July. It is In view of tbe ,e lads that the march to Sir* Aotor.lo wiM not be aticccid w'io more than thoee ordinary Incoove ulecces that be»et a match ot rivalry through ■other sections of tbc Co on ll&tb st a reputit on TurpKiity of water. , The route surveyed fixes ftpnrteyV hamlet, a dUtsocc of fifteen miles, as fife fisij Hopping pitce; tccrce to .Marshv‘l, TVs** t* a distance of *•> m les. Here a hih, Srobtb'y of tweoty-lour hour-, win bt male, rotn SlrtFball to tbe head waters uf tbc Satitne la but so mile*, thence to Utod-naa k si mites and Mud Of-(k tt reached lo 19 tbe -commaud will reset! K cue* river, Ntmek-a Creek and Wntery Bon, a d'etaecs of but IS mile*. PaiCkUce i<* beuce out 11 m ler, and getting pow iniolbe bilm alsection Trmi’vrtver is crossed 25 miles f:OT r«lcetme. Snrouo’s plactstton is die tart iherce 16 ml’ei. 8 miles further and tbe Novstota rmr Is crossed. Nsme’eas Creek crotsta the real at a distance of 8 taller, tccuce Oversell’, t, an apor'ipriate name, b.k.s nn'er a Texae ten, fifteen miles from l»»t water, bm toe Little BraxoMs reached, fourteen miles from Ovec*villc. Five tnilrs lor thtr, and tbe Big Draros will have lo be ferried. Sefresbe<] t>y the proximity tot e cennioe river, as coot a* it uidoubtedty will be, there iiaepie of twenty-three mile* to reach Cameron. Thence to8«o Ardrew* 1» tmt H«bt mil's; *o S*nGa briel fifteen mtlee. ’Eighteen m-les, aud Bu»hy Creek la crossed. Wamat C'c.-k 19 distant bnt trn miles. It m bet sever miles to Austin and Colorado fiver. Den* a lone bait will pe made. Stirrng frem Annin the comm uid cr« b«p* On ion cteek m an 8 mile march. Woody Spring is a good ba’tU'g place; thence Ssn ilwro nvj- u distant ini 10miles- Goadiioopenver w (erried by a long stretch of 87 miles; th«nce 19 milee and Cibolo creek la cmi»eri. is tnilea on the homeiirefcb and tbe end of tbc present mar;h, Ban Antonio la reached Toe above Is the chart that will guide the ex pedition oo the rente to San Antonio, a distance 01 425 efts. Tbere are 38 camptog spots. 2S waterc;nrce« atwhMh the command wlilbilt. 1 JffcS'i day tnsren. A set backbai happened by a defalca tion ol B J. Hcott, Commissary of Subsistence of vh(tc ca ary toroes in tba sum cf a his com was to be nsed for the pnrcLjue of bee r , motcos, and fresh meats on Hie rente, es well as tor-the purchase of other xuitert«> tccidenui to the office of commissary. tyro t left New New Orleans w:tb ( 0,005 and was tpetted by cimhlera, who dogged him to Shrovo- J»oru where they inonced him to pity. De lost tbemotcy. Uts habits of Intemperance led to h’f arrtft hy order of Gen. Merritt. He was or erred to turn over tbe books and papers to bis vueccteor. DeKalb. While tbe order was dskyed m Us execution he rode his horse out of Shrere- Dl * safe was broken open, bn -no Tsriiesare on the trick ol me (.«. overtake him before many dava, ;L 1 be eaoblere h its. A man by the r° tjo the jifitctpal spoiler .n these games TwimcM»>cTof' 10‘sllty thepre- Tatiicg ct or eoL.crsahcn. aud the foclin'-s of ibe people on thlawexed eubj et are In wiSa tuvtanCvs b'Unr. Noltbat the necro ia free, hnt that be cvntot be made to work to hi* <bt.dten and the htlp’essaged, who tbui «at a«a* the menretsof the plsnt«r without equivalent Do trouble ««to movenu-nu of the command who pay fix everything itken on themirch it la at ure«ect anticipated tha* should any occnr. u vltl iie mei by Gen. Merritt oa the exigency should demand. 3 The aj jirr&<"hlnpStale election already details ■baoows before. In toe canvassing of candidates Sox Ihe SUte officer*, the mme ol Dr. B»te*. as a candidate for secretary of state, has already been Mentioned. B. W. outer, of this vicinity, aoiu* BoenU *1 ertixen. Is a candidate fur Treasurer. A Pre*Weßilal Journey, New Touk* July Ss.—The Acj/re*, state* that President Johnson anticipate* a Journey eastward acd will be the guest of an eminent citiren of his city. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. ins rams ash m CROPS, Advices from Illinois, Indi ana, 'Wisconsin, lowa, Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio. CONDITION OF THE HiRVEST EFFECT OF LATE RAINS, From Washington—lnteresting News Summary. SEN. SHERMAN'S RECEPTION AND SPEECH AT INDIAN APOLIS, INDIANA. The March of our Troops to Texas. GREAT FRESHETS IN KANSAS-TOR NADO NEAR CINCINNATI. Tie Atlantic Telegraph Cable to .Arrive Early in August. Our Kcw York Mldnl-M Dispatch. TUE CROPS. Weather and tbe Harvest Advices irc'Bi Hie Northwestern Mates, Ohio and Canada West. ILLINMIC. ADAMS COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to tic Chicago Tribune.] Qczkot, July 25. The tv either dearer and pleasant. FULTON COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Lxwterowx, July 25. The weather Js warm and pleasant to-day. PEOHIA COUNTY. (Spcoal Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Peobu, Jn'ySS. Weather clondy and appearance rain. We had a very heavy storm yesterday p. m. and last night. KNOX COUNTY.* (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Gaixsßuaa. July 25. The weather to-day bas been quite clear, with very little wind, but not very warm. WILL COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.j Toe weather Is clear and pleasant, flariey will give about btlfa crop, and partly Injured by rains. Corn, oats, rye,potatoes, hill crop. All that is now required la three or fonrdtsaof gooihu rerlng weather. Grain In tots vidnitv is In a promiflng condition. Wheat, what th'ere Is, Is safe, but about twn-th!rde crop. LEE COUNTY. [Special Despatch to the Cb.eago Tribune,] Tbe ram has done no drm«ge, oat helped the corn. All other grain looks wall. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. ispeuii Dispatch to the CMcato Tribune.] Bocx IsLfixn. July 25. Wheat average crop, about half cat bn: none stacked. The rains thus far have done little or no Injury. Oats more than an average crop In quantity and quality, but a few more wet anfl cold days, without tntemnlrg dry days, would be very injaxlona to both wheat and oats. Little or no one cut yet. Corn looks very fine. Ths indica tions are that there w.H be a much larger cron .Very little batlev and rye pian'ed In this vicinity. Fm.t crop of all kinds very small. STEPHENSON COUNTY. [Special Dispsch to the Cbicago Tribune.J FtLEEPOKT, Jo y 25. Throughout this county the crops of winter wheat are good average. The crop of-spring not over one-quarter on an average. Barley large crop, but nearly all colored Ons.tbe heaviest ertp lor many years. Bye fair average. H CLEAN COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to tbe Chicago Tribune.] > BLooxzxorea, Jn’j 35. Owing to tains 1b Kay, the drought In Jane chinch bags, the crop of wheat in this Tlcto» Ity to Jess than half au areraje, The continued rains for ten d ys hare almost rained toe crop. Wbcatinebocklsgrowlngsosstobe green,and eren the standing grain hat bc,m to regr-tu*. We do not eapect onr wheat to be marketable Oat* are bury, or at least rerf rood- of coarse tbe weather Jssflectfng oats tsdiy. Rye is pood and waa in a great meat-ore eared before the nine came on. Barley ia bat little is crown hire, it la btntw po«Ible that worse season* bare been known for barrelling. A boat one-half the gram te In shock, reiy lime sucked at yet. Ibe nay crop 1* fair, bat terribly itjared by the Mias. Farmers, wi b sood reason, feel gloomy. Com three weeks ago toffared soma for want of rale, *at the seasocable nlnspnt It all right. Tte b»ary rales of the list few diya bare aome wl a> hart It, bat If the rest of the season fa firor £bie we shti! exoect more than an average yield. Tie’weathec to day if clear and beiattfal* LASALLE COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Ottawa, July SS. We bare had a great deal of rain (or tbe past ten days. The farmers report that wheat and oats tore suffered but very little aid that crops of all kinds are better to this county than ever knowr before. It Is warm and pleasent bere to day. No rain. Tbe nod ts crying up very fail. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Mejtoota, Inly 35. Cloudy esd some rain this a. rn.; dear sad sun shining tb's p. m. Lots of rm'n in tbe past week. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribute.] Poxtxac, July 25. For tbe past two days, mean temperature 69{; cloudiness, 7; wind 2, very variable. On the 94th, moderate rain from 5 to II a. m. About one third of the wheat crop is secured in good conoloon; the balance If hot ii*t'e crown as yet. Com promise large. Oats and rye crop* good. Barley crop injured. KANE COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to rite Chicago Tribune.] . Bcivtsaas, July S3. It was very dondy this morning at 0, sod rained very little. At present (12:40 p m)lt 1* but litUs cloudy. I think II will clear off before evening. niCHIG IN. KENT COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Cblcigo Tribune ] Gbasd BaPllva, July 25. A great deal of nl& has fallen during the pact two days. Daring last nlghtltwn very heavy. This afternoon tbe sky is rleir agiln. Probably oxo-thlrd of the wbea* crop •« alii! ont. Wheat will be an average crop. All spring crops gen erally look well, and bid fair for more than aver age crops. OTTAWA COUNTY. Gbaxu Hatxx, Jay 2s. Veeterdiy the weather was very cool,.with strong wind from the west. Light wmd this eve rung from the southwest, and very cool. KALAMAZOO COUNTY. [Spesltl Dlipatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Kauljcaxoo, July 25. Tbe wheat crop In this county has been much Injutel by mat, and pxobab.y will not reach more than two thirds an average crop. Potatoes and tors are very fine and luxuriant. Oats are lock ing wall. Birlcy .1* not much grown here. The we»th*r for the past two days has been change *b e, with heavy rains, and will be apt to damage grain lying out. About tiro thirds of the wheat has been secured. JACKSON COUNTY. (Special Dispat.h to the Chicago Tribune ] Jacssox, July 25,1855. During the past forty-elebt boors we have had frequent shower*, rendering it almost Impossible to eecnr* the wheat which had been cut for many days. There Isnowno doubt that a large quan tity of winter wheat in tVi vicinity has oeen ee tiansly injured by -he rourlnoed wet weatber.- To day a etono of wind is prevailing, with slight showers. But little barley grown Jn this vi cinity. Corn, oa*a aad -potatoes look doe, are trowing rapidly, and give promise of aa abun dant yield. OHIO. CLAEK COUNTY, [Special Di-patch to the Chicago Tribune.] SPBzvenEU), July 25. ’ Wheat ligbt and somewhat Injured by smut. Will be about, half a crop. Most of It yet in die field. Corn looks very fire. Oitt rcmirkably bevvy. Bye and barley loir yield. Weather reasonable. Some rain for past two days, bnt Lowliest and warm. MUSKINGUM COUNTY [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribnoe.] Zakbjttlli, July 25. ’ Weatiur very wet for tbe past two weeks In the Mnskiogum Valley. Wheat good In p!aces. Bay very heavy, bnt a great deal spoiled oa accounl of wvt w» other. Prospect of corn and potatoes ex ceilent. Oatsgood. No fruit. Very little barley and rye. LUCAS COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the CLlcigo Tribune.] _ ' Tolxdo, July 25. weaihar oa 24th warm and sultry, raining a lit tle in the night; 25th, gale from West—enltry. Wheat somewhat Injurod; grown considerable txoce rtp-airg. Com, oais, rye and other crops in condition. GREEN COUNTY. [SpecU Dispatch u the Llaaeo Tribohc.] Text a, July 25. Weather has been mild with a good ceat of ralo. Wheat pnwpecls good— mostly hirvest-d te SomhernOhlo. Corn, oats, rye and bufoy never more promising. INDIANA. ELKHART OOUNTY. (Spectri Dispatch lo'the Colcago Tribnae.] Klxqaht, Jn:y S3. Net mneb rain for two days back. Wheat some what xpjnrcd by rsln, tbe groste? part being In-e --cored. Corn, Gate, Bye and Poutoca promise well. MARION COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Cblcigo Tribune.] Istnuvapous, July 25. There was a heavy rain last night* bet it Is clear tr>-day. Wheat slightly damaged by rain since harvesting, of Corn, Oats and Barley the pffia* pecta arc for about average crops. ALLEN COUNTY. (Special Dxpitcb to the Chicago Tribune.] Four Wants, Jaly *5. fibe weather for the past two days cold and eerrf*iV > ' < 'f7. c,cafl 7 mlaty. Coro and otte very fair. ti>e good. Wheat nadly damaged. MOO CODSTY I?pedil Dlfpatch to the Cllnp, Trilmijc.l ~ TEnB. Haute, Jb'j 95. VcrrhHtrnitts for the pm fwo 4«j t . i'l vol. xix; email grains and bay are greatly Irjured. The Corn crop promises unusually well. LAtORTE COUNTY. [Spcaal Dispatch to the Chicigo Tribune.] LarosTß,Joly 23. This »s the first favorable day for harvesting we have had for the past tea days, and wheat has suf fered in of the continual value. About one filth still remains uncut. The com crcp Is middling. Oats, rje and barley exceeding ly fine. PORTER COUNTY. , (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] ' VoLPoaoiso, Ind., July 23. The weather for the put fewdsya has been rainy. Wheat and Oa‘s are slightly damaged by tbe raise. Wheat will yield an av.trage crop. Oats are-extremely heavy. Corn looks toe. Grata of au kinds promise aa average crop. WISCONSIN. ROCK COUNTY. ISptclU Dispatch to tic Chicago Tribune.) Jaxkstxlli, July *5. Wheat, com acd oats are uninjured by rains. Bailey is slightly injured. The harvest la just commencing, with prospects fair lor all grains ans roots. FOND DU LAC COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.! Ford nc Lac, July 25. Weather clear and cool here this evening; wind torlhweeb Hard shower, with wind, last night; beat down gram come, but sot enough tolnlurelt any yet. : • RACINE COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Hocus, July 25. The wrather for the past two days has been cloudy acd rainy. Harvestingbar!eyfbegtta,crop is fair. Wheat not ready for harvest ng. Crop average tut much injured by bug and blight. Corn very good. Oats good. Bya avewgr. KENOSHA COUNTY, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Bssoana, July 25. Corn, oats, rye acd barley never looked better. Wheat somewhat damaged by chinch bn;. Weather forpast few Cava as follows: 23rd and 24th, damp and rainy; 2Sth, very fair sad warm. DANE COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribane. ] Maoisort, July 23. Tbeweaibtr yesterday was rather cool, with U>bt ninln be p. m. To day has been warm and pleasant, and an excellent day for fanners. As tor as I can ascertain, the prospect for a p’entl ftl bnrvest has not been so good for years as at tbe present lime. The rain has sot injure! win ter wbtau It being too cold to nut, its only dan cer now being from Its growing. There is a" heavy ctcp of spring wheat. After diligent In quiry, 1 can only learn ot one or two fields tn this Immediate nticbborhood that u at all affected by the chinch bog, although farmers in the southern portion of the State complain considerably of the destruction of their worn' by the bag. Aye and oats are heavy, and corn vu nev<-x better than at present. There was but very little bar ley sown m this rteton, hot what there Is prom ises a heavy yield. Hay Is most’y spotl-d by wet wfekUur, bat very little hrs been gathered, tbe gteate; pertron rotting on tfaefleld.- Tbe potato crop will be lire-e and good. l - IOWA. LINN COUNTY. [Special DU patch to the Cbicago Tribune.] Ccnfiß BfiPZDs, July 25. Tbe weatler this afternoon ts clear and very warm. MUSCATINE COUNTY, EBpetifi! Dispatch to Che Chicago Tribune,] kusemt, July 25, The weather la clondy and cool, with soma in dications of rain, which we have had. mare or lets of for the past ten days. Wheat about half cat—none stacked. Not ms terially damaged by wet yet, but a few days more wet without Intervening dry days would be very disastrous. A fair qtutitity, feme datniged nv bug but more by b ignL Crop little l*>g«r thin last year. Data, just ready to cut. Croo very fine, tome damaged by failing dowa, Quao uy largelylßcrcsted over last season. Com v>ry proml-lng and nothing now to fear for it except tally rrofts. Tbe cold wet weather for the lan week baa stopped Its growth. Quantity greatly Increased, rrefts ot a! descriptions very sanll DUBUQUE COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Dobuqck, July 25. Ithas triced very hard at intervals all through the night, but has not rained to-day. It know (st JSAOp. m.) clear and bright. WAPELLO COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Cbicago Tribune.] OrrcjnrA, July 25. Fall wheat has been harrested, with gencra'Jr a large yield. Spring wheat has cot been cnu Aa a general thing the ground is too wet for the machine to work, and too wet to h?rre*h There has tot been much osj cot and It is somewhat in* Jared. Corn has been injured mnenaUy, or be* ing drowsed ootby the rein aod to coneeaneace or fee Impossibilityof p’owltg. Tcalowground and tbe ntrr bottoms hire teen actually aob merged, and tbe crops damaged in consequence.’ CLINTON COCNTr. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Trlbnae.J Gustos, Jnly 83. Weather to day pleasant. CoolJnonhwejtJmod, Crops not materially injured by wet weather. If It now remains pleasant there will be a lame cron harretted. * MARSHALL COUNIT. [Spedsl Dispatch 10 the Chicago Tribune.} ' Mabsbai.towk, July 23. Wtstber clear and warm to-day. It la estimated thatthe late nloa have injured wheat to the ex trnt cf one-third of tbe crop. No damage la be lieved U> have been done other cereals. DES MOINES COUNTY. [Special Dispatch 10 tbe Chicago Tribune } Bccuaorox, July 25. . The continued rains have doubtless done great damage to tbc wheat tbu Is moilly har vested hot not stacked. The same la true of rye, ard to some extent of 01U. The latter, boaever. Is not sll cut, bat wbt' Is uncut K badly blown down and tangltd. Bm bt'Je barley raised here. Com win only suffer In consequenceoftbe lain giving the weeds a start and making tbe ground too wet topsow; but, on tbe whole, no asrona tiouble seed be apprehended about tbe com crop. The gKAiertdamage will neto wbe»i. rye end oats. POLK COUNTY, [Special Dispatch to the Chicsgo Tribune.] * Dss Moots, July 23. The wea’her is cloudy but no ram (o-diy. Har vcstisg Is in full blast. Crops are splendid, bat xsisa are to continual that saving them Is s work of great difficulty. • BLACK HAWK COUNTY. [Special Dlrpatchuo the Chicsgo Tribune.] Czpab Fails, July M. Wheat considerably blighted by rains. Corn very backward. Oats badly lodged. Rye air, harvested. Bsrtey good and now harvesting. The wheat sod oat* harvest not yet commenced. Weather bad for harvesting. CANADA WEST. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribnce ] Daxultok, July 23. The weather for the last two days hu been vary wet. AU tbe crops are pretty fatrwi’b the exception of wheat, which is very light. from sr, Paul. A PlDlabed Rascal on his Travels— -Personal and General News—From the Indian war. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune ] Sr. Paul, July 25. An extensive swindler named Davlcit tuUu Harris, was noearthed nere Thursday. Sc claims to bare been a refugee from UUslfdppl. The first known cf him he appeared in Springfield. Ohio, where he opened a broket’s office, married a daughter of one of tbe flnt families, and de camped a mon'h afterwards, swindling his fjt&er inlaw and several otner«, and taxing SIO,OOO belonging to Ciocfnnati banks. Nstning was beard of him nntil last week when be was in -ked to ibu c'.ty by a Springfield man who bad a cUIn against him lor Lis swindling operation*. Tula he paid to the smonnt officio, and hiving a Uam, left for pine unknown. He was living ta re »ltli another wife to whom be woe married in New York city kst May. Grn. Mesg&cr arrived this morning, lie Will addrfMa a dt sens meeting this evening. Sibley's expedition was to mors xrom Fort Sn ty on tbe 61b of July, and expected to strike a large force of hostile Indians near Fort Btce. FROM UKTKVIT. A Gorernment Officer Arrraled-Per *t»nal and JOCaxuie. [Special Dispatch to tbe Chicago Tribune.] Dbtboit, Joty 25. Dndel T. Fenn, Deputy United States Collector of Interval Revenue, at Chtlsca, Washtenaw county, was arraigned before the United States District Courlto-day for extortion, Detscharged with collecting an extra license foe froma pedltr brsides obtain og from bim a qoac'ity of cloth and teo dollars In money. lie d-nics tbe charges. C. C. V*.hurtle ham parsed through tbe city to <?av, eiopplcg a few hours. U Is rumored that some of the lea ling Dcmo:rats of the city had a .conference with him. t 'The Revenue Cnittr Com.Perry left here tbit morning lor Buffalo. FBOJH SPBI.\GfIEID. Dllnofa State Item*—Ttllltarf and Lo cal NiWk-J rrival t>f Troops. fSpcdal Dispatch to the Chleaeo Tribaae.) SPEisomxD, July 25, The Gcrernor hia been informed by telegraph that the Mih Illinois Volunteer Infantry, consist* log of 30 commissioned officers and 603 collated men, were mustered out of service at Dew Or leans on the 2itb init., and ordered to Spring* field for dual psymeut and discharge. TteUCta regiment Illinois Volunteer*, com* pricing 23 cominisfioned officer* and CTO enlisted men, and the 126 th regiment* comprising ST com* xnlss'oscd officer* ana 660 rails .ed men, arrived at Camp Batler yesterday (Com Pine Bloff* Ark., for final payment -nd discharge. Aboot xou paroled prteocere belonging to differ* emll'lnole regiments* were paid off at Camp Sot er to day. Dor. Oglesby and Col. Snyder returned to the State capnol to-day from Chicago* having nad a v<ry pkaaicttlme. Tee train by winch they nr* nvto met with an accident at Lockport, which da wjen it some thirteen boars, making the trip tatber teutons. tuning the City Coodfcll of this city lf»c^ s . aocnoa€ct to Ul * Sunday ordtnacce* ■hob-v*.'? ooerale against the clothing nooses* T'u'aud the laws of de* ot Go <* and the Common wealth, during the oast tew Sonlays, mating li P nt - lf&able wtto a fine of f6O. It Uto he hoped that thl* will soften the cotsoenccs of mine of the gtnUemen In qnes* Cole. John 01n*y end D t. Umteger arrived In this- eitj tb*s afternoon, eg a committee from t*e ChambercfCommerceal Calr“ to conr« w*ls Gov. Ogle*by in reference to m«kta»'hat citr • ■ point of rraoeavoti* for the Hurt aueharge of I*l. sole soldiers. They will h«yc an interview with the Governor this evening at eight o’clock. The following are among toe promotions re* ccntli made by the Governor: JM. Wm. Bolton to be I/eot. Cel oftheaireg- Imam Illinois artillery; Cipt Jaaeat». pi 03 ,j aid Copt. F:e*cber H. Chapman, t) be Majors of same regiment. „ , Cspt. David Van ID«e tabe Major of the 206 ;h; Capt Wm. n. Sommers to be Major of the 40th: Cgph Natbio C. Goodenow to Lipu«. Co l , or 16th cavalry, and Capt. John Hoffman, Major of the *CU» cavalry. The object of the visit of Oca. Brayman, Qea.. Hayxle and Col. Harlow to the camp last eveoiuc -was frustrated by the ntn The deferred duty wU now be performed by the Governor. FROM WASHINGTON. Civil acd Military Blatters—The Order Digamlng Pmdiaeo-G<>n. Uiaot— hnrctoua —Pardana— Patents —pe* partment Matters. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Wasbihotoh, Jn’y 35. BaJ. C. Presley, of South Carolina, who has been appointed AensUnt Treasurer of the Unit ed Stater, at Charleston, S. C.. held the same p> altloo at the outbreak of the war. Over one hundred and fifty pardons have been granted to-fay, principally on the recommenda tions of Governor* Pierpolnt," of ; Virginia, Brown’ow, cf Tennessee, 1 * and Sharkey, of Bis-' sisrippU 1 he Third Comptroller of the currency baa de cided that the three months' piy proper, granted by the act of March 3d, 1365, to officers on dis charge at the close of toe war, is subject to the internal revenue tax of fiva per cent. The following appointments of medical officers far the Freedmen’s tioreau have been made to day: Sun. -Wheeler. Chief Metrical Officer: Sorg. O. J. Limiter, Richmond: Burg. Lewis I>. Harion, Raleigh: Snrg.-J. V. llinua, Augusta. Qa-; burg. J. a. Applegate, Talohsase, Fla.: Surp. Chas J. Kipp, Montgomery, Aia.rSurg.J. Kipp, Montgomery, Ala.; Surg. E. Qritwolo, New Orleans; Sure J. W. Lawton, Jackson Mist.; Bnrg.J.H Grove, Nashville; Afa'cbarsr Henry W. Lilly, for the District of Arkansas* Snrc.lL R. Baybnrn, District of Columbia: Bu-g. St. Join JL Mincer, Galveston, Texas. J.B. Moore, of S. C., who is still here, siys that the Southern people unite la the condemna tion ol Jeff, Davis, and agree that if It hsd not tHcniorhlm tbe war would hare ceased two years ego. He also says that the mantgemeut of our financial matiers and the commercial pros perity incident thereto, was more dmoaragmg to the South then the successor oar armies, and contributed graat'y to the final submission ol the rebellion. Gen. Grant, who started lari night os a tour of rtcreatloa, will first .visit Baraioga,anl ait-r* wards take a sea voysge as fir aa Hiltlax. He will be abacut about three weeks. HU finally sad five ofbispereoaal staff ac:oaipany bt<n. Nxw Yobk, July 23—The Po'Va Washington special says a Cab'Mvmeeilng was held to-day. WssßixcToir, July 35.—The Secretary of War bee ordered ibar. to secure eqnsljajmce and the same perscml liberty to the £r; edmen as to other cltzeoa and inhabitant?, ah ciders tuned by past district or other commanders, adopting any aya .Uni ot passes tor or subjecting them to any re sttaint or pnnlsbmeots sot Imoo-ed on other ctaestf, are dicFn-d void. Kdther whites nor .blacks will be restrained from seeking employ* .meat when they cannot obtain it at a just com pensation at their homes, and when Lot bound by voluntary agreements. Nor will they be hindered from traveling from place to pUce on proper and legitimate bnslntse- One hnnored and elghfj-fonr patents were ts fined to day. Preliminary measures ere in progress for the trial of C«pt. Werz, formerly in coatga ot the Atdirtcnnlle prison. A large number of wit oefsis have already been am letters tee con'tantiy received from thore wfiopoueaa knowledge of the cruellies practiced on U-lon prisoners by this rebel commander. A number ol leading railroad nun from the S'.ntb are here on business connected with their respective companies. Tbe AiMtiinatho Trials—District At torney Speid’s Opinion— Jlaarylßiid Folitu-s. '[Sptclil Dlspat h to tbe Chicago Trlbnue.] WfiSHBOTOX, July Tbe Attorney General, at tb? request.of Presi dent Johnson. Is engaged is the preparation of an elaborate opinion as to tbe legality of tbe re:ent trial of the assassination conspirators by a mili tary tribunal. Tbe grennda taken by Hr. Speed, In justification of thst mode of trial, arc that, at 'be time of (he assassination of President Lin coin, a flagrant war. waged by persons owing al legiance to the Government, was in progress; that the city of Washington was an armed mili tary camp, and policed by the soldiers of the United States; ’hat the declaration of mtrtljl law in tbe District of Columbia had never been revoked, and, at the time of the tragedy, the city w«* under military rule; andtha', for month* tutor to the assassination, the President's person and residence were guarded by the military ExPostmsster General Blair, who Is a caodltata for nomination to Congress in tbe district lt*t represented by BenJ. O. Harris, the on wor thy member, yeater;sy introduced to the President a delegation of tome seventy five Bai timorlins, who came here in the interest of the aim-winter Davis party to present tbe claims of certain conservative men tor appointment to Federal offices In that c:ty. This delegation re presents the old pro-:t&very eentiment of Balti more. Thtre Is talk of a compromise, such as Ur. Lincoln is known to have intended, wuch shall divide ibe offices between the t«o. Hr. Btstr is straining every nerve to secure the nom ination far Oodb sees, as the district ts intensely pro slavery. He naturally ne,d» more than ever me aid of coreervatlvea. Jcbn Kirkwood ht*been appointed itfeelrer, ana Q*u. W. Deonieon Register of the Lint Ofl ct-s at Litue Kock, Ark. llae Prodmra of Eentackf-i Black Mampede-Gto. Pisk’s Faimrr’j orders. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] WAsxnxorox, duly 25. An Interesting report has jut bees received at the Freedroen’? Bureau from Brig. Oen. S. Flak, assistant commander of tbe States of Kentucky and Tennessee, In response to an order from the bureau, directing an lupectlon of the Colored Refugee's Dome, at Camp Nelson, Kentucky. In tbe tbe course of bis report Qen. Flak says: “I leued the Dome full to overflowing of colored women and children, and the number Increasing dally. There has not been proper effort to find tomes and employment for those refugees. I at once inaugurated radical changes In the con duct of ibe entire tnsiii niton and thill diligently labor to keep tbe fatally as small as possible. Kcotn'ky is just row being stirred to its bitter drp he cntfieaiaveiy question, a body contested po.ldcalciuvats Is sgftating the entire Stste. Tbc only letne before the peooie is the ratiflcation of toe constitutions] amendment forever prohibiting slavery in the country, ana tbe devotees of ba£ bartfm cling to It? putrid esrcais with astonish lae tenacity. Kentucky I fear will refuse to be come one of tbe twentyseven (pall bearers re quited to teat the remain* of the great anomlna ucn to its final resting puce. M*J. Oen. Falmir nss stricken tba shackles from a'l slaves who will leave the Stite. His cost commandants throughout the State are gramltg • pu« to each coiorel parson niiklte sprllca ion. Railroads, steamboats and ferry Voatd are required to *nnsport all who present the military pus and pay their fate. This order was toned ou tbe 18m mil„andlhe result has been that thousands bare crossed tbe Ohio, aad ire now crowding tbe States lying opposite- Tbe emancipation and deportation by Gea-ral Order 380 the agitation caused by the political canva* ha*e aroused every colored indirtdnil In Ken rncky to tbe tmpomnoe of striking for freedom, and now the consequence la that the negro popu lation is generally on tbe more (or some place beyond the reach of their masters. In many lo cai.ties the moat cruel and fiendish atrocitu* are being v'slted cn slaves by their mrddened ms-l terv. and especially ts ibis trae as relating to -be wires and children of tbe colored meb who bare ndb-ied In oar army from Eeatocky, and too lat ter cla*s posh for military posts Five hundred of this lists were sent to Comp N;lson dnrtn» last week atone. ** Brtnn>lngßebris>lhs Great Wblttle s y Tlitia on the fnasurr-flaval jUatierw-The Jtif. Darla Howard, (: pedal D.spstch to the Chicago Tribune.] WAsmuoTOw, JnlyJS. Cha*. J-Fsulkaer has arrived here. The re ports of his psrdun are untrue. Be denies, how ever, that he ever sympathised with or aided the rebellion In any manner. The story that ho was spcclil envoy of the rebellion In Europe he pro ncnncee unqualifiedly fake. A larce nnmber of Presidents of Southern rail roads arrived here to day. Among the number la Ucn. Brown, President of tbe Georgia Central. The Navy Department io-dty lumen over to tbe Treasury $l,O u,t ot’, as tbe proceeds from the sale of Teasels iince the close of rbc war. Mr. Seward and Fred. Seward and lady leave for Cape May to-morrow. Wallace W. Whittlesey was to day brought to Ibis city mod lodged lo Jail, to swalt his trial as ttieau'horof the XretMuy robbery erildi.OOU, id Jote, 1564. At that time, one hundred Ci.OOu 6-20 bonus ware missed from tba Treasury, and all efforts to account for their disappear au«e f&'-frd. The bonds were Incom plete sod usefrfs, but the coupons, reing signed, con d be used and eventually led to tee detection of the robber, upon whom ana picloDbadkllenatb:* resignation of his pUco m»ho Lean Branch office of the Treasury tail December. Slcce that time he has been living ex'icslTilym Idleness, all the lime having the eycßofdctecUvta upon bim onVI ibe musing links la the evidence being supplied by tbe late developments, he was yesterday arrested lo New York. The bonds Lavo boon drs'rojed, but tbe conpcns.wi'h tbc exception of about ibOO which bad rtea used, were found. Nnmerone oIBc-r? rf tbe regular army, in va rious grader, iron first Lieut, np to Brig, tod MaJ. Generals cf Volunteers, are still drawing pay as each. As the Votsntecr army Is now par tially distanced, an order will be irentdasslgs leg th* se < fllcers to their proper pmUlods. Ir ts ncdeis'.cod that Judge Advocito Oen. 801 l and some other prominent officers are soon tobeconslttoudsßoard to decide what parties are entitled to the various rewards offered to tbe discovery aud arrect of the atsaasite' con spiracy. FROM CAIRO. Bobbtir and order or m Sailer—The Assaasia In Cnatody—Borclarles—Ar rest of the Goi'iy Eariiew. (Spcclel Dirpauh to tbe Chicago Tribune J - Caxso, Ju.y 25. The city prpert are fi!!ed with accounts of house breaking aud robberies, which axe on the Increase. To-dsy a man was arraigned for exam ination, against whom was the charge of bnrgliry sod robbery. The man’s cimc Is Geo. W. Sbep patd. Ihe Cairo Tana has the subjoined report con* cerclnjr the murder: “A few nights elnceShep* pan?, in company with a cyprlan, attended a dance at a home near the Ohio river, between Cslro rad Mound City. Shepoirdwas dressed In bal lot’s clothes, bat Is not a aallor, bnlacao'ker. Wh'le at the dance he discovered a tailor present who bid considerable monsy in a belt around h:j person* aid resolved to passes* himself of It. Representirp himself to the sailor as a fellow tar, be Invited him home with him- The sailor accepted the invitation and Irft (he dsnee In com panywtlh Sbeppird and his demfrrp, bat had net proceeded nr before Sheppard demanded the sailor’s money, and on the ssilor’s refasiog to rornpiy wl»h the demand Sheppard stabbed him , font times in the heart, rat bis throat, took from him his money and threw tha body in the river. The woman wa* an eye witness and testified posi tively Bfia : nrt him, notwithstanding Sbepoard had threatened her In esse she revealed snicking In relation to the sflair. "What gives fores to the girVs story u the f:c that she swore ' as to blv breaking into a etorcstd (tealmgtfaerefromce.’tiloartldis *h'ch the owner of tbs store alleged to have be n burr larxnsly entered and says were stolen at the time specifier* She also swore cast a short time since bht pnard knocked down ■ tailor acd robaed him oftSSanda carpet rack,and ihsealior,soma*-, treated and robbed, has identified Sheppard as the mealiest and th'ef. His career, therefore,, unless tne prosecuting witness is spirited away, it l:k« 1, to be a short cne. Last night the boose of a German was en'er'd by burglars, and gold to the annual of $1,500 CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26. 1865. tad silver amounting to fSOO, w*a taken there •Lom. To-day a darker omed Fletcoer, and •cue or two accomplices, ware arrested, and the mcoey, or a grester-portion of it, recorered. The property war ident'Oed by the cloth in which the gold waa tewed and the bag la which the silver - was - enclosed. Chlo roform is brought into requisition ra.perpctntionof robaerlea. A sponge satnrat ed with it is thrown Into the' window of the bed room of the intended t cim. Ifan alarm la alv en the sponge is withdrawn by a string attached to tt. Ibe lldth Infantry, 407 men and 16 officers,left by--rail this morning; m remit ‘for home. FROM €Ii\CIN.YATI. The - Blnstroai Tornado Ictlerday rtlornuig. ISpeciai Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.) • • * Oibcxsbati, JulySS. • • After raining heretnoreur lees for ten consecn live days, the season wound op with one of the heaviest rain storms.we have-orcr known, lasting from one o’clock until five this afternoon. In connection with it, about four o’clock this after noon a terrible tornado occurred about a mile northwest of tbe etty. It seemed to have ori ginated on the bill slopes west of tbe Mill Creek, between Brighton and Cammlnsvllle, and whistling eastward acrosa the Downs behind the Dome of Rtfuge, it devastated everything In its way lora space of two hundred feet broad by a quarter ol a mile long. First, it swept away some four hundred hot-beds, s&ah and boxes, in a couple of gardens, took the roofs off two orthiee henseg, lifted a spring wagon, with man sna wl'e red market staff, trom the road, and threw the whole over a fence, and made sad havoc wuh the fine old trees surrounding Dr. Richard son’s country sear. No Ims were lost nor any one seriously hart. FROM UAUMOIV. Military aud General Ifews, [Special Dispatch to the Chicrgo Tribune,] Mawsox, July 25. Tbs State inihoritic* of, Indiana telegraph Col. Lovell, Provott Marshal General or this State, tbit 103 tend destroyed at Indianapolis by the- ISlIi Wisconsin amount to $1,960. Col. Lovell has received the Uses of the 6ih, 12th. and 23d regiments, and Ist battery, to be deposited In me State Capitol. The 3d battery will be paid to* morrow. David B Ratnsiy hsa been appointed D:pntv Dank Comptroller, in pliceofOen. Treadway, re signed. Madisox, Wis., Jnly 85 —The President of the Board of Regents of the State Oolverstly hss re* reived a letter from J. L.P.ckird, of Chicago, de* dining bin election as Chancellor of that institu tion. . Over were paid to soldiers’ limili.-s from the Stats Treasury yesterday. The 23d regiment ts being paid to-day. *lbe .’tale Teechers , *A>»*ociatlon, which meets at Whitewater rex' week, will be addressed by Gov. liwle, Ron, T. O, Rowe and many eminent educators. FBO3I LIWBENGE. Fatal Railroad Accident —SeVlou* Frekbet—From Hao Indian tVar— Horrible Indian Barbarities. {Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Lawnwcr, July 25, One man was killed and three mortally wounded ytfiierdsy morning on the Union PaclScSallroid, by the colliding of an engine with ajhandcar, eight miles below thlsldty. Ibe fine railroad bridge across the Big Stranger was swept away last night br flood from the re- Crninfavy rains. The streams tnrougnout the State ate generally swollen. The Kansas river has risen six feet within twenty-four hoars. A letter from the 11th Kissas, dated Tea Miles from Pilot Bridge, gives accounts of numerous minor bat'ies wl»h the Indians, and their depre dations. The telegraph wires have been cut la several places. In cne cf the skirmishes one of our men was killed, and the boy* were compelled to leave the body. The Indians mutilated him horribly, scalped him, cut the • hair from under hie arms, Ac, cot his hands off at the wrists, cot the smewa our of bis arms, cot bts heart and liver cut, run s line through bis body, pat Mm upon a pole end shot nineteen arrows into him. FBOM LE fVE.K WORTH. Disastrous Freshet—Twenty Lives Lost. [Special Dispatch to the Chicigo Tribune.] Lbavzxwobth. Kan, July 25. There was a gieat flood last night Aboui twenty persons, mostly colored, were drowned. The lore of property Is not great, as it was con< fined mostly to small tenement bouses. POSTSCRIPT. 4 O'CLOCK A. M. [Special Dispatch to the Western Associated Prcfe.] New Tons, July 25. WoMhlntrfon News. WAimiroTOjr, JtUj 25.—0n the sth of Jane. lE64,'be Chief Clerk and Superintendent of the Loan Bureau, cooneclrd with tbo office of Secre lair of the Treasury, addressed to the laUer a note, stating that 100 bonds, partially prepared fur issue, of fI.COO each, were mhring, and tbat be had exhausted all the resources at his com* maad la endeavoring to Dad them*; as they had not been signed bj the Register or sealed, they could not he negotiated.. The coupons, however amounting to t190.000, were seiled and complete, and parable to the 'earer on the first of January and July is each jew, and could be sold anywhere. The Solicitor of the Trea sury haring employed two detectives of ttlsdlsji was not long before they fixed upon W. W. fthlttieiy, clerk in the loin office of tne Treasury Uepartomm, as the guilty party, bat ft vts net deemed advisable to make the arrest nmil more conclusive er d -ace conld be obtained. Ttelr snspleions weresireugthencd from the fict ef b's resigning bis position In the Treasury in December last, and of bis living snmptm>a*ly without ostensible means. On B*mrdsy last the detectives prucsedeo to New York,iand captured WMtUeay at neat the WtslerullotcL In Court land street. Be cocfciird bis gnilt. and s’ated to them where pome of the coupons were concealed, namely, la ibe cbanoeiler of bis residence, where they were subsequently found, but found the rest hid b**en destroyed. On recovering all that was available ofthe itolenpropeitv the detectives took their prisoner rapidly to Jersey City to'catch the train. W bluesy quietly seated himself to the car, but soon af er the Ira n had attained Its full speed he ttepped to the door, doubtless, with the Intention of Jumping off, but was palled back. Finding nlmself foiled, be endeavored to obtain sj mpathy from passengers by accusing the others oikldcipptnghim. lie wis safely landed here th's morning and conveyed to police headquarters. WDlitleey hsd sold some 19.000 worth of cou pons, spa made abont f3.3<xi on premtnm on gold. He bad no money when arrested, notwithstanding h's high style of living. The Navy Department la rspld’y disposing oflls Immense fleet, at abont Government appraise men*. The next great sales take place a* fol lows : Boston, August 1; PoliadelphUu Auenat 10; New York, Anpnstlß; Hound City, IlUnois, Ansnst 17th; and Washington, August 10 These esits will dispose of a Urge portion of the fleet which has nkeu so Important apart In crushing the rebellion The Secretary of War having occupied Ford's Theater, has Informed the counsel of Mr. Ford that he recognizes the latter’s right to compensa tion, and after a careful lovestigttiooof the value of thebtuldicg.bss rusted It until the Ist of Pebrn aiy ncztlor |i,500 a month, with the privilege of purchaslrg it for fliX‘,ooo—price agreed upon with »be Christian Commlselon—if Congress see propertodoso; if not, to return tt in good con duce. The building will probably be needed for a depository of rebel archives. The Uerald says returning veterans continue to leave this city In large numbers almost daily. These In and about Washington nave been re duced to a comparatively small number, and this Is being limber depleted dally. The city cow presents much less appearance of a military cip tts. than at sot time daring the last four vents. 21 ere wss the usual crowd attbe Whl e Bouse to-day, notwthstaudicg the Intense heat ot the wra*ber Ihe President devoted several boors to receiving and hearing those desirous of ob taining an audience. The Wechirgtoa special says the United Stales Pacific Railroad Ccmpany bare placed twelve hundred mUes of their new lino of tele enpb to California under contract, to be built be fore the end ofthe present season. The wire for ihe Ime baa been purchased, and poles for tb* Interior porbooof it will be cut tins fall. Toe whole line from Chicago to San Francisco will be completed and in operetiou in one year. Col. Geo. £. Spencer, of tbe 15th Alabama In fantry, resigned bis commission in April last. Latt Saturday bis res'gnalton was accepted, when tbe CoTocel wss also promoted to a Brigadier Generalship, bis commission to date from April. Mootbern News. A Washington dlspitch says the Richmond Whig reconmcnced pnblica'lon today, by per icltnon of Ocn. Terry. Ridgeway,. lw new colter, it'll retains tbit pOJilloa. Jo his Intro dnetory he tsye be ought to be allowed perfect f etdom of dUcns-lononall subjects; bat as this cannot be, be will dome nett under thoembsr rseelcg circumstances which surround him. The tone or hie editorial la that cf bitter irony at the restrictions imposed upon him. The confiscation set is vigorously executed throughout Virginia, and the property of many persons pardoned by the President has lan libelled. In roett cases actions are disionPnned on presentation of certificate! of pardon and pay mei t of Conn fees Incurred. The Tredegar Iron|VTorki at Richmond hare beta leased by the United Sla'ts to the owners. Jos. B. Anderson and his partners, who have commenced business again as Iron maun actar ere. Thete works being held by Government sgerls as counselled property, revenue ts de rived by riLllng Lhetn until proceed oca under ihe confiscation act shall bo determined. Tbe special dispatch from Richmond to-night tijß the election tc-day resulted in the defeat of Taylor for Mayor by 4WJ majority. Mr. Stntfle rant was elected. Ihe election passed off quietly. The Hlfhoond Whig of Monday says: “The State Seal of Virginia has bees materially al tered by the new State government; the figure is tbo time, hot the werda 'Libert; and Union 1 now appear above tbe Goddess of Lloertv, trampling open tbe prostrate form of tyranny. 11 Tbe gambling houses In Richmond wtie closed by tbe military on Saturday sight. Tbebn'tof Ex-President Tyler has been re moved from the Virginia State Library. Sew York Hems. Tbs ground heretofore occupied byßimum’s Museum, and burnt district, has been purchased by James Gcrcon Bennett. Barnum receives fllo.’ooo’ Tb * efitlle .P BrchMe writ amount to The Fenian Brotherhood held a plc-n'c at Jonas 1 ” ond 10-CB7. The attendancs was very large. Thirteen ocean steamers arrived m this port yevterdsy. * Tie United Service Petroleum care was under “plMSuminr 0 ’ - Hu,,,:r *“ d c °‘- KeLo2s e "° Prom Philadelphia. POTLAPELrinA, Jn'y Ss.—Jiy Cooke reports snbscrlpilons to the 7-30 lorn tc-day to amonnt to 1 f5.75f,500, not tne'ndmg those eniacnptio-s in transitu which hare not been ordeied by tele gr*ph The following sretne largest enhaenp orns: Second National Ba'k of Detroit ftOO.ODO. Flnt Nations] RinkofLoolsTiiie, SiOU,OOO. Ftret National Bank of B.Mmore, fifa'.vioo. Se«ond National Bankoi Nubvii'e, SMO UJO. Full National Busk of Ulccnnatl, KTS.roo. Frcond NaMonal Bank or Glerelsod. $23) 0 0. First National B/nkof Yamfle’d, Ohio. ilUO.* 00). ’* Franklin National Bank, Colombo*. Ohio,ltlCO,. 000. " - National Bank of Portland, SIOO,OOO. Central National Dank, Philadelphia, «tOO/00. It. K. BoMnaon & Co., Wilmington, *IOI,OOO. Tne number of tndirldail aabscnpdoa* was 4.053. IATaL «f * Transport on th* Atlantic ttwehery ßoUier Qnaitermuier New York, July The Morth Carolina 2\me«, of theWd, says the steam propeller Quine bang left Motehead City about 6 crclock “ inr * < i*y, owning. bound for Baltimore, wllb ?T? n l» 0 discharged aoldiera belonging to the foilowln-ccinmaads; 13 to the 3d U.S artillery; •L* 0 .- #.?*&*• ftotbelflih and three com- P?° le * of Jbe ,6ih Pennsylvania. About Bor 9 o clock, when off Cape Lockout Bay, the maebin .%*7 work; atd the propeller being by the breakers, waaspUt to pieces sad became a total wreck. Between 30ara4T of the passengers are rcporicdlosl. The scene Is described as being fxiphtfnl y horrible. Some Of we survivors are represented as acting most nobly In their cflorts to save their comrades. The Qtuofbsng la an old boir, built probably before aoae of Its ill-fated passengers were born, and might have done well cnoogn as a transport for cattle, bnt human be'oce, particularly discharged soldiers who have ftmght through the battles of their country and are reluming home after a long absence, should be tarnished something more eecnxe. South Carolina Matters. WAsmscTOir, July 23.—Benj.' C. Presley was to day appointed AssistantTreasnrer at Charles ton. Gov. Ferry his reamed to Sooth Carolina to urge forward the reconstruction of the State Government. Tbe Charleston Courier cmtlons the Northern people sga'nst heltevtng reports o! the 111-treat ment of negroes In that Stste, aid of disagree rorets between tbufreedmen and me late slave holders. “So ftr as we can learn,” siysrhe Courier, “the new system of labor Is working admirably.” A quarantine of 30 days has been established at Charleston, of all vessels having aboard Cises of ytllow fever, cholera or other Infections dis eases; also of all vessels from the West lonics. A Mysterious Cattle Disease, Mxarnns. Jnly 25.—0n the Arkansas and Mis sissippi bottoms a disease has broken out among cattle, bones and hogs, and his been raging for tome time. Those attacked die In from twenty lonr to twenty-eight hoars after tbe attack. The (opposed cime is poison from black gnats, which were very tblck some time ago. There is a great lose of stock. Men have been atticktd with the same disease from doctoring cattle. irVew York Gold Market. Nrw York, Jnly 25.—Tbe gold market Is doll. The demand is a'most entirely confined to tbe warts of imports tor duties. Tnebear* are qnlet, and the premium appears to bo sustained totally by the large amount held off the market by tnc bulls. The quotations oyened at 113, went op to 143{, and down again to 113 J. narasT. Kaw York, Jnly «s,—Gold to-night 1131. The Atlantic Cable. JTrwYoiiK, July 25—A note from Cyras W. Field, d* ted London, Jay lltb. says: “I leave h*re on Thursday the 13tn instant. The Great Eastern will sail from the Note on Saturday the 15th. We expect to leave Yaleotli about the 19ib, and to arrive atUeuls Contest dance the fltst week in August. Everything is going oa to onr entue eatteractlcii.” ® ° " A Tornado of* Vigilance Yo>k, July 25.—Oar Custom House ofH ce«, en'pcctJDg emigrants or smuggling, imo been making raids upon their bijjgtge* After greatly frJgnteiJog these poor people, who Itonght lh*-y were being robbed, and personally injuring them in some instances, the officers caaro to the conclusion that no smuggling was done by them. A Citizen or a Savage, Niw Yoke, Jnly 25.—The Slacoa Telegraph of the 16tb warns the authorities that unless atten tion Is directed at once to the conduct of the Frecdsun. the horrors of the SL Domingo mas sacre wW be re-enacted in Georgia. Thu Atlan ta InMligtnctr agrees with the above-named pa per. For Additional Telegraph see Fourth Pass. Nttti anujttismrms. “ XCB CHZ2ABX PUNCH," A new and delicious wild' at KrxSLDV’S, Ctoioya opera Ho tss. J;S>fc79 It A New lee, “THB AMERICAN,” KINSLEY’S, Jfl6e7sS-!t CroihyVOpera Houa ■ “tathen in the course TV of human events tt i, coa es necvsirv'• toi't to Cartes deviilleor AmhrotTpes.aoto BVBBZTT’S, 157 Bake fttroot. ' Ihffj ytnwtil r«tr»Vc,A»» re rmhe rrcea. Jr-'fc-ciu HOT AIR FURNACRS, i»arlor Grates, AT THB OBZCAOO POWfifiT. . oil and Office. 230A23S La<«sit» ea. JjA.7Q3nTcar nt s. anaLßr MBkHS. DENTISTRY, “At fill mleeitwiore th* war.*’ w. L IIABKI4’ Dcat’stko B*. Haiti K*yaold»’Bli'ek. comer of Bearoora and *>aUoo->u. J)£3jjT.'6 1-. X>ENSSELAER POLYTECH -11 WG iNSTirnry. Tt-.or, h. t td* fostv fexroxu Ashl'az. Bastion of tb'a wrl’ Irrowa school ovbxußvnxiao aso Fainui. sciasof. will con »«»•■ But. utu. 1*63. Ton m»A.s.i;ii. BxdUiTZB of l?W. tiTlsr faJUMo-nmtior. m»» b-, cb‘*li*a Dv addreulrr Frot CDiHLaa DxoWFE. D*m *o*. T;o r , n. i. i?Me:oi-<o: PROPOSALS rriUbe rteeivsflbyths BabicrtbtfnatilAny Is, fsrtteteaoval ef tea «hoie cr a »*rt nt about 2 009 ytrda of esr.b, from Lnt cor ,w r of Kt f z a and vtfol enttarseta. WHIGBT A hBi>TOEB«. jyte.T.oetnet 161 Mieb gaeit.-eeu gT. ANDREWS’ SOCIETY, NOTICE, A special meeting of the mesbersof tbit society wni be beid at the office of Bern y Anthony « Bill* 77 Zearbom street, OF THURSDAY EVENING, 37th lath, at S «/c’,OCk. A lull attesdasee li mpictfally requested, at mat tenof mportsocewitiba woufbtbsfjreiheneetlajr. ROJBttX HBBYBV, Pmldf D*. Ji3A.7SS2t miaou St. Andrews* society. First-class Accountant Wmted. to close a complicated Ml of books, asd upes a new set. J)2> S 8-ltlilp Address *‘P V A CD-" Tribuneoffice. THE NEW PRIZE Knabe Grand Piano, D;T«*leaioths Stnltaiv Fs'rby'WM.KVABaAO li cff«M for*iie bj th** p«m*s «ho dm* it at ha Un«iralß*it'.e. Itu cssildCTed one of thv fin at In •t uioen*« Qn w inthu Wnt. Can be seen for a few dajaatUuMur.cbt rsof J. BATES 6c CO; P; der Crosby'a Opera nenvs. b DWIGHT’S SOAPS! Old English a«d German Mottled. 71eb«t»adprrat la tbo nartet. Bvery family ’blu'd trytlem. •T, n. ntINTHGTO.Y, 60LB MAHDFACTUBKB. JyW.7C3 it 813 Wulilagton at, U. 7-30’S ! FOB SALS BY PBESTON, WILLARD & KEAN, Dnabcro, and Denlen io all Ihhuos of Gov* cromeut Securities. Jy»e7Wlt dTCLAUS STKHET. WE AKE NOW RECEIVING some new ana a.'egantl; carvel Aid paaellaa ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS, Which for teaniy cf S»lth cannot be > xeellod For powtr.purltya-dccsaluvor tone, capacity mr ex pieasios and ;rompesoa of action, ttus; l&attumsntg ABE POSITIVELY UNEQUALLED. DescrirUrscataiognufumUhedontp.-licttl nto LYON & HEALY, forner Clark and Washington Sts#, Chicago. BBZrrs & NISON, JltetTSß It Whoieaa e Aged,, Cincinnati. OMo. LIVERPOOL & EUROPE. lb> following are th» lalUogt cf tin tiTzaroot* 9. T. & t mtA etvavsuip c«> :ol the i»»xt root weeks. The B»in*osy at amer evrrtes Uia U. B. * British oau. Fsoji Niw Tots. • IVT OF WAIBtKQTOR. KAHOAROO UIV OViOSLOt. CTTT OF MANCBltßt££ CITV or RhW 1 0;5.... 1 irv np noun-, c.rr of pusros. Fannin CxnTincATis Iromi'l putt of Great Bri tain »BU Ireland at i.ovm satv*. b out bsAns iainnsvosQiv “ .'Mr ip u. p puauip. P act of cabins, sad berths secure*. JAS. WARUACK, F. 0. Bex 6] !H2 M Dearborn Hr ei, Ckluaso. PROPOSALS 3? OR PAVING JL D3AKBOBN STBSST. Oma or am* *oakd or Public Woes*. j ouoaoo, July atb.iasi. 5 fealed Froroaa's will be received by 10- ttvarw of Paulte Works until li a. At. Sa'n dar. Angn.t 5 t. fur the caibl g, g-afilnr ant with wooden n o.kpaTtmeatbtariKra »’r e-, from the tons lit* of want*. nstrCß' u>»«e nor*hlnocf Alaoroeitrevr. accortllcs to speetbeaU OB fl’i 13 this office talol'ajroTiJccnvwtl vep»Ufor romtfleapecUl aa.*wce t levied to defray I>s ccat.wnea shall b? colleen cl. P;fmanb« »ddr<a*adt'tieß erdOfPaMte Wcrtf. laJoncd “Fractal* for P»»ib* “•■•rbara tx aao «l>b itrtt ea l> Ns approved by lbs Bo«rc. aids w u { te fcr tbe • oligof the wbo.e work, the curb war*, for a dedal einm an* for the corb trails staprireiaro rti of one bnrdred cab'c ftet Hit B »'U ie*-rre -h« rzhs uj njs« any ir tu Ur». *n J ro*t tp 11 • a h'O p o-t «i l*ac>*upcfitc nr • po terra rv iteace ■at>fv.To,'7 : o«in B;a:d:;i«* he!ac nipeteit.raiaKetnimpoa-’lbi*. j.e GibD«La, FfrKJ. U- T7~^ O J. ROSS. Bca-d wfrn lUc Work* A CABS. FajblonaMeßrejs Making done at No gi an 4 SB BUte »t.*ect. Mr*. WHTrfOßli. we.l kno»n £ 'aihiontble dres« maker, will bi oletaaa to irph : r fntrdaand fenuer patron; as abore. Hkown & UATfllTftS. IrtteCyatne; SOME FACTS AND COMPARISONS IN REGARD TO THE DIVIDENDS OF SFRPUIS f RERIHS, &c, IN THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Offices, 144 & 146 Broadway, cor. of Liberty St. CASH ASSETS, Jnly I, 1865, . . . . . $13,509,000 Income for Current Tear, all Cask 3,500,000 Paid Claims by Deatb, including Dividend Additions, . 6,000,000 To the Agent* and IhAicy-lhAdera of the Mutual lAfe Inturance Company, of Jfew Tort : Various pnbiished statements have, aa yon are aware, been recently pot forward by the officers and agents of prominent Note Companies, each claiming advantages lathe way of dividends over ail oibers, and especially over this Company. In order that these statements may be met and refuted by undeniable facta and figures, the fol lowing Tables and Explanations have been prepared. A careful peroral of these figures wliL it is believed, convince any unprejudiced person of the reporter advantages afforded to the Policy-hold ers of ” The Mutual Lnrs;" not only by reason of smaller paaaanws and lamer nmnnsns bat also trom the fact that these dividends are available sooner than in any other Company, either to increase the insurance, or to diminish the premium. These tables Illustrate the aclnal practice of the three largest Companies In the Uoltad State■- “Tm Mutual Lira,” on the cash plan; and “ Phe Mutual Btmn ” and w Cohwicticct Mutual,” on the credit, or note plan* Examples are not given of the other Note Companies for the reason that none cf them have been so successful, or have declared snch large dividends as the two now under consideration. For Instance, a well-known New York Company paio mst tea* Dividends that bad been stasdixo declared for the last totees tears. (See last Henan of the New York life Insurance Company.) i imjwpmoi DIVIDENDS AND ACTUAL OA3H REQUIRED ON AK OBnDfART LIFE POLICY FOR 610 000 I&SUED AT AGE OF 85. 1 * j "Mutuallift”. “Connecticut Mutual” or “Mutualßmeftt." jAnnual Prem., $268.70. Annual Premium, $275. | - XCTUAX CASH Mqprwn. | iO?«p«Tm‘U DlTllerd* el ! I or dirJdfnd.«ih aparcbbt. Premium leu aired *o pay p'etnl- p>y~«nrp« s f cut «ndl BMUmurof ""S"" * nniortj ..'jTJcuh WIM. TO:ts fKßllai ; G.1C.1 «.:4j W 5 MXguolJ doLar 9*74- j , ‘ »yo la CftiU.l w *203 70 $275 00 $lO3 00 $137 00 2d jcar... i $lO2 79 i- 105 91 275 00 110 23 271 00 3d jar. ' 103 23 i 105 13 ........ 275 00 131 11 11100 < 5 J«ar. 103 32 . 100 33 ..• 275 00 103 08 ' 518 00 Sill !« }!3 50 j 158 20 $137 50 137 50 170 83 51S 00 o'h I'“ r - JIO 27 153 43 137 50 137 50 170 83 648 00 7th year. 118 11 ; 150 23 137 50 137 60 170 83 518 00 Bth J«T. 121 21 i 1H 10 137 30 137 50 170 83 318 00 9th year. 130 21 l 130 10 137 50 137 50 .170 88 . 518 00 10 h year 131 33 134 37 137 60 137 50 170 88 I 518 00 12lh year 140 77 121 93 137 50 137 50 I 170 88 I 548 00 13th year. : 152 40 118 SO 137 50 137 50 I 170 88 i US 00 14th year 102 92 103 78 137-50 137 50 ; 170 88 318 00 15th year. 172 83 , 95 ST 137 SO 137 50 170 M 513 00 10th year. 181 17 1 87 23 137 50 137 50 1 170 88 518 00 17lh year.... ; 190 07 j -78 03 ! 137 50 157 50 1 170 88 ; SI 00 i L i . '! Bi2 °* Totals theMowVoffiSSS*y! iy ° QfanrCl,tSt * I1 ‘ UnS nQ *“* ThU totwert *»flftlwwii.iße*worfleaib,iroa Dividends in “The Mutual Lin ” are available hereafter one year from the date on which the Policy Is Issued, as shown la the examples, or sooner than In any other Ameiiean Company, while policy-holders In « The HoruAi, Bbsefit” or “ CosHßcncOT Mutual” must, by their own showing, wait four years, or until the fifth premium becomes due, before any advantage can be derived from dividends, it should be noted, also, that a dividend of forty per cent, payable at the end of o« vear, Is just equivalent to a dividend of fifty per cent., payable at the end ofroua year*—to say nothing of ths increased danger of forfeiture. The following Table, showing the comparative Dividends and Cash required on “Ten-veic « Policies in the three Companies, lUostratea in a still more striking manner the superior advantages offered by “ The Mutual Life,” particularly on this <-i**« of policies: DIVIDENDS AND ACTUAL CASH REQUIRED OX “TEN-TEar” AT THE AGE OF 35. •‘Mutual Life.’- I .“Mutual Benefit,” Annual Prem., $516.21, Annual Prem, $578.20, psjm’t* of diTtd no* lot. U.H » pmpajnreai »eQ<tr-d cf mmlorc*. Jkgian'ngof Ist rear.... • •• 2d rear.... 8185 01 Sd year.,.. 743 70 4th year.... 153 43 sth year.... i 153 80 oth rear,...* 170 59 7lh year....' 180 75 Bth year...J 200 04 9*hyear....| 313 70 10th year....! 227 77 11th year....' 342 95 12lh rear....' 145 48 13ihyeor....j 143 40 14thyear....! • 156 48 15thyear....} IG3 67 30thyear,...! 198 51 I $2,020 95 I Deduct cash Incunu I'-exdaafierpnßluaa Pavel cum ’■ Net cash onlli iy (16 years) *The tea year* having expired, tha poller become* paid up la tall, and the dividends la “ The Matas Lire” and “ The Mutual BeneM" will coattoae, as an absolute caib Income dnrlsg the remainder of life. In the former company, these dividends am constant ylnereasiog, while to the latter they win continue on the life rate only, as shown In the table. Notes not to exceed oxx-tsisd ofthe premium on the *• Ten-Tear* plan are taken by “The Mutual Benefit,’’ hot as the rwulti ore even fees /fcpomWr, examples are not here given Caib payments are required for fourteen years in “Tae Connecticut Matua', n asßbowu above, while tte dividends on the 44 Ten Yeaf’rate in that Coioptny not only cease at the end of that time, but are coji- DiTiofAL on Uepayment <\f thaepremium* Jar We fnU ten yean. If from death, pecuniary eaharrass m< nt, cr ary other eansv, these payments are discontinued Delore the end of tsn years, then the dividends In 44 The Connecticut Mntaal” will be upon the life rate only. Moreover,! person desiring to change his po’Ky in that Company tnlo one non-forfeitable, and paid up tor a proportionate amount, most nnix pat ms ircTxs if cash, otherwise all pravioos payments will be forfeited to tha Company. It will he noted tbat dividends on tho “ Ten Year plau’Mn “ The Mutual Life” aDer premiums have ceased, are an ABsoivrx cash cicoxs to policyholders for remainder of life. Tho- 1 , before a petsen, age 35, attains Us 44 table rale” of expectation of life, be will probably have receive! la cash from the Company off that ha ?uu previ&uty paid In, and hie .policy of fIO.OOO, drawing a large annual cash dividend for balance of life, will have cost him only the Interest on his premiums while they were retained by the Company. from the foregoing tables, we find that the actual cash required fora given amount of inntnuco (especially on Ten-Tear and Endowment Policies) is less In 44 Tm: Mutual Lin” than that required by 44 Ten Mutual Bssjott” or 14 Cohfxcticut Mutual,” aud, consequently, fir less than that required by any other company in the country-,- We also tin! that the actuil cash required by a credit com pany, when premiums are paid by giving notes, loan becomes greater thaa when t2ie premiums are paid all cashy thus proving the delusive character of the note system. Tho figures given in the foregoing tables for 44 Tub Mutual Lite” show only the dividends which maj be rtlieet upon at certain. It may be stated that these amounts are ten than those given to similar policies at the last dividend of this Company, and less than, in all probability, will be given at the distribution of surplus at the close of the present year. The dividends of 44 Tire Mutual Lif*” are simply the restitution ofsarplos promlaats to policy-holders In the proportions overpaid by etch. Hon, Euros Wnronr, Insurance Commltslonor of Massachaietu, in a letter comiieaditacy of this new plan of dividing surplus, July 11,18C2,siys; 44 This method of applying 1U own esporl cnce is an element cf popularity and stability which can hardly fall to make the lsaoxfo live ixeutUFOE AsaociAxtoK of Ibis continent also the xossl on or tub would.” Prof. Wniour also states: “ Since a Mutual Life Insaraaco Company i§ as solemnly bound to maintain equity as solveaqr, it appears to us that 'here cut be no oosslb 4 e justifiettiou of a uniform percentage of dividend to the two classes of policies above specified. Other InsaperiblaghjacUoas to these uniform percentage dividends have been dwelt oq in former reports, and they amount to this, tbat money which belongs to old members is put Into tbe pocket* of oew comers. This process of sacrificing the interests of the old members to the new onta, fo which the officers an! agents of some of tt a oldest companies seem to adhere with a good deal of tenacity, we think would ba set aside by any court of equity, and the question would aoon get there. If the older members should come to tmderstand their Interests.”— ifast. Inturame Commlaetonere*'Report, Jin., 1-65. Tbe distributions of snrplus premiums will hereof er be naaae annually, commencing February 1,15G6, and may be used as CAS U la payment of tUo premiums, or to purchase additional Insurance, payable with the policy. In tbe latter case, the additions will also participate in each distribution of surplus. This, on a policy for 110,000, with additions amounting to <5,000..the dividends will bo based, no*, only on the original policy, but on the additions also. Had the dividends been app’ieJ to lacreise the msuraoca la the foregoing example?, the total amounts payable at death would have been over C 16.0W, Instead of 110,002 ouW. While tbe option Is thns given to policy holders of re reiving their dividend? In cub, or In the* form of additional lnsa*ance(notallowed by other compiules without special medical examinations), tbe latter plan is strongly recommended, especially during the first few years, for the reason that a RWkittont or surplus Is thus created from which to draw, for the piymsnt of premiums, in caees of emergency. Tbe additions on all policies Issued in the" earlier years of this Company would, if Ihe proper portions were to be gradually relinquished, prove saffiticat to cancel all future premi ums. The premium for any cne year, on any policy, may be thus paid by relinquishlog the consxs- PCKDESO AMO OUT 01TLT Of addition*. Finally, the premiums charged by “Tub Mutual Lite, 11 especially for “ Ten-Year” and Endow ment Policies, are less than those chirged by other companies, which Itself amounts to a easts dividend In advance. The first payment Is always ths largest la lf Tbe atn taal lUf,” as the subsequent premiums msy be continually reduced by the annual dividends, as shown in the tables, mill alter a while the prenllams are entirely canceled. Persona demine insurance are invited to examine the system of “ Tire Mutual Lira Issco- A9CB Covpajit or Naw’Tons, 11 where all premiums paid may be made nen-rorfeU* able, Inasmuch as the Company will always give, on application, an equitable mine for {ho 2er ror der of any policy, either In cash or in the form of a paid-up policy. The last dividend (1563) teas larger in amount, and in proportion to premiums paid, than was ever declared for the tame space of time by any other Vft Insurance Company. .July tit* ..Am. *A. □_ ri ,__ lT< „ a J ISAAC ABBATT, SECBZTABies, raEO w GOBBIS, BT7TZ*SB ? B BZ.OCB (OFPO9ZTB POST OPPIOB), DBTBOZT, General Agent for JUohlgnn, Indiana, Illinois. Wlscon- Communications from persons desiring to act as agents of this Company la these States abonld be addressed to the General Agent. O. Wo. 47 Clark Street, Booms Nos. 1 and 2, $3,190 88 $3,872 33 j $1,787 50 Acta 7 cosh imH. Fra- mu p«7«bl« In caib. oivtderrt* flfyper ran on t.r inuy, llfera.«. $5lO 21 381 20 872 45 362-78 .350 85 839 cs 329 46 315 57 302 45 2SB 44 $578 20 578 20 578 20 578 20 440 70 440 70 440 70 440 70 440 70 440 70 $137 50 137 50 137 50 187 50 137 50 187 50 137 50 137 50 187 50 137 50 187 50 137 50 $1,050 00 $4,057 00 $3,559 03 825 00 1,023 83 $4,132 CO $2,535 15 FREDERICK 8. wnSTO.I, PresitltMb amm f^Sou’aSrJ'u^D?" H. B. MERRELL, ®ln» loirflj 3£lnxxesota. CBOUKHITB, AGENT FOB CHICAGO, CHICAGO, ILL. NUMBER 46. $2,887 50 1 $2,001 00 ) POLICIES FOR SIO,OOO, ISSUED “ Connecticut Mutual.” Annual Premium, $578.50. i i cab . TOaairM r l«WeaAi * w llf■yl.e.*f«nt.j ! *s• l £^ , oni-* 03 prcmlamt' s.®®;“,*® «a A «<auui«(l|^;”»" y » U*. b'.« la cub. 0 ' 1 1 $233 50 $283 I 805 78 576 i 823 06 861 $283 25 j 357 63 1,153 388 35 357 63 ! 1,153 388 25 ' 357 63 i 053 288 25 | 357 63 ( i|ls3 388 35 1 357 63 ] 1132 238 23 «5i 62 , 1,152 288 25 CO 13 i SCI 283 25 i - 51 34 576 283 25 1 34 36 233 238 25 ■ 17 23 | .... $3,882 50 j $3,570 20 j ■ Nothing, j $3,575 20 | Actuary, BHEPPARD UOWANS. CAKiugß, FBED. JL WIN 3TO .-i. Nets awmisnunts UN, WBIBOS S (0 WHOLESALE DEALERS DRY GOODS ~ 85 State. Street. Bstlm banibt teayllyftf Cam BOTiur. iba ra- Motsdreaea.wonid »arosnoe tottelr r*x*sr>s*ad lbs I ratio. tiaS tbsix Itooc la ,a;y * 3*ull and Complete la aU its BspASTwvrrs ef Cottons, Woolens, Flannels, T-inemctj Shirts and Drawers, Fancy Goods, Cotton and Wool Hosiery, Blankets, dc, 4c. BoilsUlsr aetllfremaix pnreba*rila tbalrilna. tter Difdjtßthemwn* to xaaknaelawpriw* asasy Hocsk m the West J>. B. KISG. f oraxtls D. H- Klzs i CX S. Ti HAESIO-1. Formerly Rarmoa, Gala 4 Co. A-1 KOI. 8. A. REST. NOTICE. Tbs Meads of Ur. Edwin R jHtnmn, while at the te»d or the flmnr Hetnna. Gals* Co, will please notice *he ebaxe, hi baa made. lyUttcaiiet Elegant Residence &ID LARGE LOT ros airs m Tbos.B. Bryan’s Beal Estate Office, Eea'decceoo rcr.beut corner of Calumet 17. an 1 sL, built J»»t year 0 j; net y-t occu pi* Q; pr» tied Milsaukee Brick, wTheo stone oaa ca t< e; Otabe nonao. bov p-o|pcilou on soat * ftca * dining room Jolting p«rlurs; all be thrown luoone by tolling doorv,* and ÜBeary opposite. wooc-«or* ar Inea d >tn-lortis; anues,tailaii opto Btepueee writ ••losflvwa ffrauj,” ana m«r* BlemaatleiibDot&rorlea; fence Bai.t;stoai with: lot tedded and planted. LOf SO PHST BY 100 FHST DB3P TJ LIEB.JJ Viewo'laki end Harbor unsurpiis-d. with park Is Block teemed. Bte«m and horse car ititSoas near. Th« prop r.y "IT red for *ale Decanij of eon* •lca*d in heath la.he f*mlly of ihjow >er. nn»v»nt. tog It* c ccupancy, jyjs *.9 at net A SPLENDID OPENING. A rare opportunity offered to pera:na wtshlag to en gage la A Z.ABOS AZ9P ESTBNSIV23 Mercantile Trade n Mojustoirm, auxois, One of the most flourishing bu»!rets po’nti on the 0.8 4Q. as. 88. C. HAHDiy, d slr- os of aakisc achange la h's bniiar t ffer* for sals a ' and rxtemlve sto;k of General Hardware and Cutlery. Harness Hardware, Etovca. Tinware. Leather, fiaraem. Saddles, Ae, Ac. To reruns will lease, tor a tern of yean, his splendid and capacious STORE BOOR, 28 BY 16S FEET. Adapted especially to this branch of the trade. In een-ection with the e*taßUsbm*.nt are shops for the mana'aciere of TLBWABBt HißlfßSfl, BADDLB9, With a corpe of workmen in each. By active men, a business can be conducted here varying Tom fifty to one hundred thentand dolla-a p*r sa»um. C- HABDIH. Jyln so-at itew wzatet MBS, WINSLOW, ab experienced sutw and Femil® Pbytteiszt. m seats to the attention of njotfien, be SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, whlctt jcreatl* tstrJUay* She pieces* oi teething, Kittening the pain*, redeem,? all alia* ALL FAUf and apMsiodie action, and u Sure to Eegulate the Bowel* Depend upon It, mothers, it will sire rest to you selves, sad Belief aSd Health to your Lafanti We OATS patnpand Kid this article (or over 30 yean end CAN SAT IN CONFIDENCE AND TBDTA t it what we hcva never bean tMe to ray of uy ottr ardlemo-NEVER HAS IT FAILBD HI A SISQU INSTANCS TO EFFECT A CUBS. when 0a« aaed* Never did we know to matinee of dtaatitile tioabyaayonewko aaedlt. Oa the contrary. eii«i delighted with Its operation*, and speak (stance! commendation of u* magical ettoeta andmedfcai itj toe*. We speak in thi» matter " wdat wa ZK aSOW," after 90 yean experience; AND FLXDB OCS REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT 01 WBATIW3 HSUS DECLASS. In almoct every la itscee wberetae infant laiofferinsfroia pain and tt haottlon, relief will be found ja utteea or twenty minutes altei the «jrap is administered. Foil direction* (or tula* will accompany each botv« Ncne genuine unless the (to simile ol CUBIIS * ru KINS, New Terk. is on the ontslde wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Price, Only 35 cents a Bottle. The following la an extract ol aletter written by la Rev. J. a Holme, pastor of the Pierpoc: street Bapu* Church, Brooklyn, N. T., to the Jovrnai and JTsmwi ow, Cincinnati, 0., and speak* volume* m favor o the world-renowned medicine, WINSLOWS BOOTHINO STB DP FOB CHILDREN TBSTBISf "We tee as advertisement la yoor column* of »*w WINSIOW’S »OOTHINS BYSDP. How, W« net* •aid a word in Oivorof the patent medicine Helen St our 1 Ue, bat we feel compelled to say to yonr teeom that this is no homhmt-u* Hoot triad tt, and tmm * obt act claim*. it is probably one of the mos *ncc«Micl edlctneaol the day, because Ul* oMi thebe** d th-ae of oar readers who have bat*# cant rthaa laylnarappif. ■pgaTla Sm-wTasf-nst J. & P. GOATS BEST SH-COBD MBLED THREAD Always tor tala by JOHN A HBBH AUCHINGLOSS, SOLE AGENTS IN NEW YORE, No. 108 Duane Street. -w act Empire State BBICH IHACHIMB, PATSSTEDISfIT MARTTFACrtJHSD ATBSHZN -2CTADT.iI. Y. RCapable cf mouldls* troa 30 to 33,000 Wck dal ly. Mb tie labor ofelzbt mm ud one pnlr Horae*, cr with atom for powrr, 60,000. No matter bow sUni tie clay, or bard s.bitaaca the eta mixed,is rell*Tt« itaeif of all without the aulataoce ol the ncuMeror loaeof Cma.aud doe* b.ttirwopßthao asyobetluua* Caabim* at\Ho BrtirHome. CarltaUataaod prac Ijal men are la Tiled to ctl and ex* mist. Etatiaai County rlabte for tale, offprint yieailndoreweat*. G MIRTfN, > jjjStfEKfcet e.ttKßtty, f** iaU - WALWORTH, BtTSCHICK & » 7 CO, Kaaafac'.arcre and UeatCJi In Portable and. Stationary STEAM ENGINES STEA7I PCSPS, loconoti™, Satis e aad Stationary Boilers. Also »r sale GOOD SECO!ID~M AND BOILER?, lottryß U«3, r cr Paper StQlt, Lard Toaia andCxl p-». Oil oSa W» sr TanVi. boas Boilc-E, Start Zroft Wort or every docnptionT Wrought Iron Pipe& Boiler Flues . Br&»« sadiron Pi Mart for iresm. f»« a** Water, la uw v»jl»ty. Bwt w.ter ted S'**ia Wormtn* Apporata*. w» e*aM St*at_ Giant Vilra. Coct*. w»uuere, Ac, Ba tit Me t, Aablwr and n-mo Pocllcr. Hots Banter and lettt»r Seliai. GIF 225 XAKS STREET, Coiner of Franklin, Chicago, lUinoia. r nrbt Iroa 3>tm, 6»» ud Witter Pipe, FUtlofS BjUerF.ttia, itlo*- if« Jtsfcms: REMOVAL. Tile Packers* anil Prorlatoa Dealers Zcaor anee Comsaar HvT«n>mc\eil’to ttisirnsvOiflcr.Ko- IHCfcamte of Cmtßimn BnHefar. V. a. 1 UrffJS, SOC*7. j<B. j> aiaiar-at m: SHIRTS Cf 9oparlor <pt.Uty tad FIT made to OSDSS at EM'S lUEEISHIirO BOUSE. is Uem i:cei. Corner Dor&ora acd Washington. KEY TO LOVE; or, x)r. S. M L'» dV celebrated prtvsse Lee rare on Peyefco l>-> lea! FaactaiilOßa i» teacbaa ton to charm Uto«e yoaloie 4C. s*crvta worth Snowing in It. Fries 30 ctsU. AliO,Gre«PrT*’oa‘ 0» torotowa Peieou. Jcatort. pice|l- Snry mamadladythomidhave o« *en«« »tlcb of eitaer. cr ayh. to dr i Oflee-1314 Caaataot street, PbliVelpUl*. Pa. mid •r*cft«e jylSdPAtPnw EYE 6c EAR. DB PhpgßWQOp. Qcniiat and Aarlat. Operative Surgeon lor Croaa Bye.C%tarae*,*e_ ard all picraata of toe Kreacd Kem-Ofica, partore and Waeenm.aevtt U Bn«beg-»1‘44 Baadolnn ttreey Chicago. Art* fieui lye* ud lepras* laaorted. lyiaeti »;aet IfeSn aJrtsmiammß. Burning of the Museum Letter from Mr. Bantam. flaw You;. JslylUXS. 10D8B*. QSSfiIXQ 4 GO. fiOTLW-Tbotw* tba dstnetios of Lbs am. CAaewaheprotedetertoet lots to myaair sal tbetabflc, I am bappy to rertiy tfca oidad*** toot "H*P ft* m wind Xk\t blows nobody food,” and con. *Qaetiy coodfSafTt you tbtt you maC-iuowa ftimbmoffUndeaoartrotad tbelranaorlor fir* proof gn»UU*la an ordeal of aa annual aorer.ty. ThoMtwyoamsde firms too® time ajftwtjjatba ofllcSQf Uselißiemß,fl4tteseecmdaoor, bics pars of tag bßUdtiE,*dl*Ue bosses cftha firo. Afiar 34 boon of trial It vwfOaad asosyiba debris, sad on opwtofltlbia day,bwyUWodwy Its contents la ■*«Tfoodo?*w. Seeks, pepan. poetise oflaanr ■ocs.beabbiib—eHarelicoedliloi fte lam educe ssr, end % aobie rirnesefir oa tht tnatvortbiaMS ct Hs&actfi's mi psoop um Yovatraly, P. T. BARIUM, BEBBZNffS Patent Champion Safes I Tbs most reliable Piotecticsirasan aov known. HERRING & CO.’S NEW PAIRS T Bankers’ Safes! WUh Cemae 4 Floyd*! Patent CrystalfsM Iron, the b«•oearfty agalaitaba*iax'adrulerer tasnuuc* cured. Herring & €o«, 40 State-st, Chicago, XTEBBING 4 CO., Fc. 331 Broadway. sor.Hoiiay*r,S«w York. jygetO St* a «aw net FMladalaVa. THE YIMMO & 71RGM OIL COMPANY or oszcaoo. Capital, - - - $2,500,000. Working Capital, $75,000. JHABLON D. OGDBX) PrsaUUnt. CBAS. BANAOLPB, Vice President. CBARLSS 3f. SdiTfly Treasurer. Cl. S. HDBBABP, Jr#» Secretary.] .DIRECTORS! BAHLOJf D.CGDHB, F.L. UTDKHWQOD; CHAD. RANDOLPH. TQO3. W.PHILLIPP.OfPena CHAS.It SMITH* HoiLj.A.BABPISLO«a(Qtita H.W.HIHSDALB, JOHR B3BT. Of Detroit. The capital stock of this Company U divided into •J3O 000 (hares as a par raise or tea Do Can each Bnhacrlptlon price. Pour DoQart per share. The property of the Company eosssta of 1,-137 aerea of land la Ife, and aa ownership of oaMwelfth of the production of the Coqnr t > WelL The landa an located oa Oil and Fttaols creeks, la Pennsylvania, and la the Burning Spring*. Little Kanawha and Fall Creek radons of Wset Virginia. The interest owned hr the Company la the Coqaece Wtu amouLta to shout forty hsmls of oil per day. which, at leas than the average price of oil during the lutycar, smpaf over ten per oeat. per annum upu* tne entire capital stock at subscript! ca price. A committee of rabserlhen, eonaisttak of Messrs, A. C Badger, Ttoa. a. Dickers on and H- N. KldrWg% were recently sent by the rabserlbm to thw validity of UUj, location and value of the lands os* Urtd. Alt® spending two weeks In waking a thor ough elimination of them, the Committee madethdp « port, which eloaea ae follows: “The Committee were highly pleated with aQ the Usds visited by them, both la Pennsylvania and VD* Stole, and believe them to have been very carefully ud judiciouslyselected, wltharlewofgjtuagaeaa bot good producing oil tarrttoxy. Ibay believe thw lues to le worth the price asked tor them, and ebeej fully reccommaafi the whole scheme to the stockSoZdirs.” Sight Wells are saw going down oa this props tyla West Virginia, ud the Directors propose to sink a anmberof other* u oaee la feßaertrul ' TW» CompMyleaowlarreelpiofitieteeemafro* oße-UrtUtb oftht CoooMi WelL Maps of tbs propet* ihown it the Conptsy** ooa*. lsUUle'9 Building, cor. Clirk ind BandoipbitreeK, J*Xc22X-lotßßt REDUCTION IN FAR* VIA THE Chicago and North wetter* KAILWAY, LA.KE SUPERIOR. Xsebed. srrtnngst Ones Birttl o'*o<*oatmori lor, where psasescen taka oaa oi ttaSaaßMomai tba Traastt conraaoy. ud arar % vtm max <UfHf5 tripoa tbs beastubl ntw ox ara» a*y, um m Mtsoa to taka Ous s>. a. trajaTaw tSTsSS nj»uiTiiioia is. w. a. w„ smvtac M at 13 p.m., when tmatodiatoooaaMoaii mads wim zBBazBAHiB omen For Portae* v*t, ifianmif* BowkiM. »o Ksrqnotto a 9 boon To rortago as boon loriadin* meals end berth* cs stiaaers. Nevis* mnyb/wn la ttaM.BM.wwoe iinii m* nnety of SaUroadETi«b SfihqSßSa™ B calm water*. this* the “InSdaomSL" avoids all the diaßcnaabMwMdiMwM one portion* ofXaSe ■emeiiiar TASBABB—Qiea*o to Uarauae. ** M Pon**e !**«.. Beton Ticket* lane* betweea Titwo aad y*. ooette Fine Tract Fishing la the vlcmw at mms***. s?se.esss*»’ m » ■“* ■— Airasceaeas have beew pm Memo wwmow m> uSS*isr ssafsif.ftfs 6oo.IUIUMttIWH.IUIfWM.ShU, STORAGE A. So. 1 Floor, Provisions, Fish, Sen., tatloh’s INSPECTION HOUSES, mrr.Boan coraacmms. 0r Caa inspect “JM bunii sack Fork and BMf pa- day* SasMofFub. . ali its brtscb«, aad oysrbaoiuut agar at once. Ho htb or tea days' delay as oar hosa ea. We vork for oar eutosidrs. W Look to »oor Port u aaads attention- FrOTlatua pecucn dona by antbor* * J. B. TATMB, Oyp. Hick. Cent, £52 anivtet y-30 LOAN. NEW SERIES. Third National Bank OF CHICAGO. We bate UU day recalled • am hud ti m BSBXBB Bym dsw July, «■•«« ammoaia Pirtiae dating aiaraa taua«aiH>n as kt X*ree of Cli*rf , From ■& pels* east cf QimUMnc mx m MM wm aes*S ttMFBSI OF CHAae^ ISA ""-Ml QMSa. CUdfO, Am 10. M, MMBAW Ml BOSSOVBI LANDS. \7e ba7B a lutb number of Improved fimi aid tracts o>v*laab:e Uod far »n>eta si soerl»tabin tola SPHiliOiß A MO&ST, Butts Broker*. No 9 Metropolitan Bloc*. jj->wi jaw* 1 IAMB Sc QUIMUXT, Commission Merchants, 67 South Stain otrootp »T. LOUIS, no. Adrinczi mode cn eta ilxaioeata. J O, 9IELLSX, n«Br9alerai«L JjlteS2 9. was set • IOWA LANDS. Three tboosand scree of toad for *a eat 91 CO per toe. m»eraeof or«ut% mass asm oe»vy t'mb r. IM 9'T acre'or p a’.-lvaod HU per acreiorllmb r. Taew 1 isda virj BB'oroi tJaa jearaaso. »»d .recoded laade, and a(realbtrnla a:tbeato;efl«n >a SPBINSBa Sc iHOBEYi jySmM? set* c * er *' Ho * 9 Jfetxpmun dice*. HICHWINES. J^ZSSViF 7 , w, T. JJnUPfcLDT Sk t'o«. Jjaaaai3o.B»| ai doutm wewaeeL T3 LUMBERMEN. PACKERS, COMMIBSIOH ME-tcaiHTS, *3, me aovmUrrvoalU'ketonaaeaa *'rar««B*Bt to litre Mi time * nd pm >a»l attention la tie wbpl '7 or cither of tie above Interact*. t r aa/ * a lawa oat»>«<Mi»eoa»artwjiraftiaaa» a.*^-***P. o, Bpriaea tr3«KO 3 tjt* Tt« Origins! Hows tawing MinnlnM* niaanfhcrared trader tbs uaaadute sayegftstoe at KHte Bone, Jr., thetoveomr or **• cewtn* machine) offleoand aalearoom. 1S» clarhrtreeA. activelocal ■ceata vanted Utrouboßt tae Watt Addieuj. & BHJAKTACC.,GeneraI AratalWar» traet- nucaeA WvOAvwt-UHaace DB. JAMBS Will b# abMntfromOia city nuUiUii U3TB or Tss mmn •o*l3. lyTcr^tcwt kata .. IS