Newspaper Page Text
€l)tcago (tribune. TnnBSDAT. JULY 27, 1805. THE news. vve gl'• elsewhere some inlc'csting facts M to tbe election of the British Liberal, John fitnart MHU According to onr Cairo advices the Lone Star State is anything, bat a desirable State to live In Just now, bat Us evils are only ca tanconi, and will be radically cored by rem edies now at work. The telegraph is still chronicling Tallan <Jlghem’s movements and says he has crossed the river to confer with Lee at the Clifton Hoase. When both cross that other river they will join the head rebel of aIL At Cnc.unatl they had three suicides yes terday. No wonder, unless they were um brella makers. Jeff. Davis is nervous. The tramp of the boys in bine disturbs him o’nlghts. It is sot they, bat the slaughtered martyrs and starved skeletons of Andersonviile and Lib by. There is|a preparation of hemp-seed useful in nervous attacks. The Great Eastern has lelt the Nore for Talentla Bay. She has a great western mis sion. Tbe annual election.©? officers of tie West, cm Union Telegraph is reported. It Is an Institution to command respect . Eager to put their share of the girdle around the woild they will drop & line to . Behring’s Straits on the subject by next year. The holders of Indiana county bounty Loads are in trouble. The sword of Damocles hongs over their possessions In the Supreme Court. A proposition from powerful co-abead Northern parties is made to take charge of tbe Southern railroad system, and put it in thorough order. The shipment of block troops to the South lias the right shade of meaning. The Spanish authorities bare formally sur rendered tbe ram Stonewall to our Govern, onent. The civil courts that reject colored evi dence in Alexandria and other parts of late 1 cbcldotn,have received a counter-check from -Oen. Howard, who has ejected at oil such points military courts, where the blacks can lestby. Tbs department officials have stuck to their posts faithfully during trying hoars. It is pleat ant to hear of them on well-camel cummer excursions cut of the capital. Our dispatches give graphic pictures of the c< ndition of the South. The Southern heart Is burnt out. The Engl Ah elections are not a struggle of a day like onr own. It would not be safe to combine ler scattered times of voting wi’A onr universal suffrage. The sixteen barreled Vottis, Fccb as we Import from her domain, would lake every hustings in succession, from Land’s End to John O’Groat’s. The petition of the farming community. BcsVialn. For ladies only. A Washington dispatch above that it will not ht talc for disappointed male lovers to Imitate Miss Harris. Peace prevails from the Potomac to the Elo Giande, says one of our dispatches. Who docs not believe in annihilation since the rebellion? The seven-thhty loan, has dosed. E ! ght hundred millions taken. “ Green grow the rashes, 01”—the rushes of the people after the greenbacks. A. B. McDonmll and Jobn F. Reynolds, President and Secretary of the State Agri cultural Society, will arrive in Chicago this morning, for the purpose of meeting the Directors of the Driving Pat k Association, st one o'clock to-day, on the Fair Grounds. 188 CROPS. A. rainy day yesterday, and a “ wet moon” over head the otgfit previous, have given fresh value to advices gathered by telegraph throughout the best lanumg suctions of the Northwest. The ground is bnr d-.ned with the crops ponred by Nature from her fall horn, and the danger is that her horn will ponr a little too long. A few days of sunshine will he worth millions to t-e country, and the farmers arc watching with dread the leaden ckics, under which none but the umbrella makers flourish, and the only rnb- Tiers wen are tborc of caoutchouc. "Wo shall receive tie thanks ot onr commercial and general readers for call ing again our dispatches from representa tive points in the West for advices concern ing yesterday’s rain, which seems to have beta universal save In Wisconsin. I* docs not appear that ruin' has overtaken the harvest as yet, bnt each day’s protraction of the present pluvial term indgascs the Imminence of the peril to the snmot^NiarvesU. tde uournwi^T, Our Cairo correspondent does his foil •bare at editing onr dispatch columns this morning, and contributes a large amount of liigbly Interesting matter, giving the situa tion in the remote Southwest, We hare advices from the Juarez side that chow bote hdsafe it is to tins'. Trench etury tellers on joints they are interested to conceal. The reports come tlcbly tinged with improba bility, aa regard the military situation along the Texan border. One account says 85,093 Trench troops are to be the earris- n of Mata motas, as the check to our own operations looking In that direction, and a remark is at tributed to Gen. Granger which the corres pondent perhaps wisely dcnUs in that ofS ■ccr’s behalf. Cortinas’ portrait is taken by one not very friendly hand, and the Trench artist is greatly disgruntled at the protection Siren to that Mexican personage within onr Sines, while another correspondent on this side the boundary cannot say too sweet things of Cortina*. The facts d ’nbtless are, that the situation is as ebsen-e as gathering elements of discord can make it, and no one can read the result of the complications pow pending, it is certain ihe MWiwm party is stronger than ban been represented; that Juarez Is safe, and has a growing element of support to Lis plans throughout the Em pire; that the Trench Empcrorbassentfresh workers and wearers of Trench uniforms out to his cactus patch, and that there is trouble ahead for ihe Empire of Maxlmillian, for the coming of which the eagles >jf Mexico and of this country arc exchanging sympathizing glances. The story repeats in d that ■the rebels were pouring over in immense numbers to fight for Miixtmilliao, is effectu* Ally quashed. The few damp ’ngitivet who <Dtcr Mexico evinjt no stomach lor fighting and meet -with a chiiltrg rec-ption. The Emperor tells them to wipe tl»e;r feet on the mot, a»a take i,.,U \,aa., DokoGilo dolumi dumps. The most sig nificant tokens tie col was tine that the fete of the late rebellion Las »wakened a very etordy respect t v fe G-.Terr.ment in the Eianeo-Mezican ruler. nyset ofhis, overt toward ourself ts. will : . l;Uiy to afford ground forliOEtili(l.s. Hi. i:is ir-dted recog nized the rebels, hat lie tecogpiiefl them as the worst whipped prnuotim of men his reading of history has given nim knowledge of. the Art of Frying, "We publish ekewbcie a very readable ac count of an experiment in the art of flying, jiaid to have taken place uex" Minneapolis, Minnesota. We p.’int it «:x»c ly as it comes To us. VTt Could not IVnk of rejecting so engaging a narrative for any lark of authen ticity appaieut upon it-s respondent’s account of Mr. tenth’s adven. lures In mid air tha'l tux to be romance, the reader wiUag. tt tha-. his powers in that I'ne arc considerable. J37* The following, from the official report of the Committee on Printing In the Com mon Connell, is a sufficient answer to the Journal's absurd claim that ;t has more “ read ers” is the city than the Tribune : “One of the d*Uv paptrs offered to do (he printing for twcmy.flve e.iita jer -quir**of debt jite* lor etch ioaeiUou. The oalfy circulation wi'bln the city limit*, tt re- ih' , o*asd copie*. ♦‘Another paper off- re- : t > -jo thtadTirtaiucasd corporation noOcea for Sin cei-te per aquarelor each Inerrtton, aod tht Cornell prooedingß for •one dollar per thousand >IOB. D-ily circa,aMon of the paper within the city limit*, bx Uiyus.-nl copies. ••A ih'rd, the Tuncxn, off to do all the priSfi&C for eeventy lire c'.nta per sqoarr far the firitlnscrtion. and thirty** vm and a h*lf cent* for each subsequent Insertion, beirg the fame price the 3im*» Sad laat year. l>al y circulation of the paper within the do limit - * twrivc to fif teen thonaand copies.” The Journal is the second paper referred to In the above quotation. The fact Is, the Tribune has a la-gtr circulation in the city tlian the entire circulation of tbe evening print. The Journal is very careful to say that It has more “ readers,” not subscribers, In tbe city, than the Tribune. How a paper can have more readrrt than another, when having but half the circulation, (the price of tbe two being the same,) can only be seen by RUch random talkers as Alderman Wicker. Western Union Telegraph, The f n,3 £ ~■ fit ’be annual meeting of s“almfj, l*eic Butte. O. A. Wul-on iJu <ser, F. i>cl»no, ol Bcct-est-r, J n' Wll nagar. o! Cleveland, Ezr» C„-ri> 1, c R Vn ItMford, of Pniltfleinbia, B. s. narrower Y , ' **• blcD. Collins «l *STPe£ The Board was subyrguectiy orgamz-d by the elecUoo ol the followtiw ode-r*;* j tf o .Muafora, V»c* 1W Davis Xerion?, »6-“Tbe Petersburg (V«.) beoninfurraM that Jeff, reuuesfi t° b* relieve.l of the perpetnat tranip of me scntinals up and -riown hta roum, but outbU point »,o rciantion could be granted, and hel.% n ff cn ug fr*m the Cervous exctlemen*. Maainng ln nr.iatrTdnn! •which «he«e perpetual foo.raif, mduK. ThTs ft 4be reason of bis falling eight, m* b fVIQ . Buffered lor meny years from a disorder which it NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM THE SOUTHWEST. HIGHLY IMPORTANT AD VICES FROM MEXICO. Affairs on the Texas Border. Important Military Hints and Rumors. PICTURES OF LIFE IN TEXAS. MOVEMENTS OF LATE REBEL M/LirißY MEN. From Washington-Personal and General News. LATE ENGLISH NEWS— THE ELECTIONS—FURTHER LIBERALSUCCESSES. The Great Eastern Un- der Way. Closing of the 7-30 Loan-Orer $830,000,000 Taken. THE WEATHER AND THE CROPS. Yesterday’s Dispatches from the Farm Bcgioas. XXX E CHOPS. ITealerday’* Dispatches from the (far- Test frtelda of llUdou, tVitconaloi lons, Pltclilgan. Mluncaola ana tihlo. HXINOIS. BOCK ISLAND COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Trlbnn*,} BocklstAxn, Ju’ySC.—lt began torainattwo o'clock Jset night and since daylight it bas rained qnitc bird. At eleven a. m. it is eiiil raining and net much prospect of Us clearing off. WILL COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribute.} Jourx, July iG.—The sun rose clear this morn. Tg, but soon disappeared, and it has been raining all day without Istenaieslon, though gently. Crops the snap as repotted yesterday. Farmers hegm to look blue. KANKAKEE COUNTY. (Fpeclal Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Kaxxarz, July 26.—Balnlng. Prospect was good for S-l crop, all grains. Late rains will rednee them coruderaMe. No reliable eatimites can be made on account of continued rains. Com is good yet. KANE COTNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Beltiderz, July 26.— Conic ltd: overcast the eky« and tt is sprinkling now, and t think It will ram thisp.m. teauy at b»d ts it did yesterday. If not quits; blacker clouds are comtog up from the southwest, and are passing northeast. LASALLE COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Ottawa, July £6. —There has been no wheat cut Id this county for ten days on accounW con tinued rains. There has been no serious damage cone thus far. bntlf It continues a day or two longer, ’be wheat and oats crop will he very much damaged. Everything else In the best condition, li has rained to-day since daylight without cessa tion. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Mxwdota, July 56.—1t has rained all day. The farmers are almost discouraged. SANGAMON COUNTY. [SpeclslJDlspatch to the Chicago Tribnoe.] Epuscnxu), July 28—The incessant heavy rains continue to spread alarm amongst the farmers in this vicinity, msoy of whom hare a large quantity of unharvested bay, oats and worst, rum in great abundance continues to descend. This morning we were visited hr m« of the heaviest showers of the season, which has completely deluged all the fist lands in this neighborhood. KNOX COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] GaxubcbO, Jaly 26.—This morning it ra nod quite hard. About ten o'clock began to c’cirup. btnee then It has teen quire warm, with scatter ing c’onds. Nothing dona to crops since my uport of S-ith. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] CnAXPAira, July £fi.—Earning hard this p.m., aid has rained five hours out of twenty four since July 4th. Oats are nearly rained. Wheat, whet has bt-en cut, Is rapidly growing. Bariev and flax much injured. Corn begns to show hard usage. PEORIA COUNTY. [Sprdal Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Peocia, July 26.—Weather very cloudy. Rain ing hard from 8 a. m. until noon to-day. Fair prospect let another s’orm to night. WHITESIDE COUNTY, [Special the Chicago Tribune.] Mobbzbojt, July 26.—'Weather rainy. Wh*at meet cut, and yet in the field In very had condi tion. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Etbbuxg, July 26 A large qasctl yofniln fell here Curing the last four days. Ills feared that nearly all the wheat that has been cot Is more or less injured. The prospect is good for a large corncrcp. Oats tolerably fair. Vegetables good,- JO DAVIESS COUNTY, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Gauss, July 26.—A much larger proportion of osta were sown this year in this quarter than heretofore on account of the chinch bug, which cot only destroyed the wheat, bn* got into corn and other crops. The little wheat put in was looking finely but the late heavy rains have lodged a great deal of It. An Immense crop of corn was planted and has made a flue stand. An unusually large crop of potatoes was also put in ano are looking well. With warm weather the harvest will be very abundant. It was cloudy to dt; with light show ers tnthe morning, but later in the cay it cleared off warm and pleasaat. WINNEBAGO COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Fscatoxica, July SCih.—Halting all day, yjoU ins the whe|t. VcLEAN COUNTY 1 . (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribute.] Cioosiikgtos, July 2Cth.-Wca (her very plea pant, iceterday, 25th, commenced raimog, and nt 7-33 this*.m n ljiirprorp.ctfM awrt d»y. Thailza taprepn tf yesterday says: Hardly id the mem ory of ihr oldest settler has there oeen a worse season for harvesting. For nearly ten dare we bate had little dry weather and tie griin la piowlrg on the stalks which hive no: been cut. Tr e hey crop ia badly injured, sed even if tae dry weather sets in immediately, the standing grass baa lost much of its life and vitality. Be lievers in tne moon ray that luminary li all nett for toe next »eek or so. We hope the moon will eoon exercise its fall coctroi. If It has soy, as there never wasaMme when there was a greater demand for Interference. niNltktdrA. HhMSEY COUNTY. (Special Di’patch to the Chicago Tribune.] St. Faun, July 36.—There was a heavy rain here Saturday and slight showers on Sunday and Monday. Today Is a fine, sunny day, with a slight breeze. Wheat, corn and birlcy crops here about look very well—befer prospects than for someytara put. Harvesting rye and wheat has ccmznmencedlDtbefontbt-mpirtof the State. WINONA COUNTY. iSpedal Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Wikoha, July 20,— Last Sunday ateidy rain alj day. On Monday we bad very heavy showers. Tuesday no nln and dear. Hoads bid and no grain arriving. We apprehend no str om damage to crops, although wheat is reported to lodged in some places. As far as we can learn, a glorious harvest of the cereals is anticipated. WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to tbe Chicago Tribune.] Milwaukee, July 26.—Accounts by telegraph Dorn the principal wheat sections in this State to-day report very favorably; and present appear ances promise a large yield. The weather throughout the Slate has been pleasant for tbe past two days. Farmers have nut yet commenced cutting spring wheat. BOCK COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Jaxesvzllk, July 26.—Weather to-day clear, cool and pleasant. Very favorable for harvesting. Latte.-7 p. a.—The early part of the day was clonuy and verp M’tle rain, not enongh to retard harvesting operations; now cool and dear. Crops ate yet doing handsomely. FOND DU LAC COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune ] Fow) Dc Lac, July 26.—Weather clear and here this evening, with prospect of fair weather. Recent rains have not Injured grain. DANE COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to theChlcago Tribune.] Kamsos, Jnty M,—Clear and very pleasant. Good day for farmers. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Beloit, July 26.—Crops in this vicinity are looking fine, not scarcely damaged by rains Wheat In some localities is damaged by the one. The oat crop will be larg*. * OUTAGAMIE COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to die Chicago Tribune.] Anurov, July 28 —Weather clear and warm. Wind, S. W. Crops generally looking well. The storm of the 24th did very little damage lo crops. ' IOIV A* CLINTQN COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Gustos, July 26.—Very rainy here this morn ing, and warm. LEE COUNTY. . (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Ksokcx, July 28.—Wheat and rye most'y harvested. The late continued hervy rains have damaged tbe outride of • shocks to some extent, causing growth. Full three-fonnhs of the yield wUlbe eared, and tn e wiilnea largi-r crop than realized here before. *hc yield of oat* this aeraon is very fair, and <he S[PP taken o»ra of. Bat little btrl«y b,Te • Rood atari emong the corn, *5 i?I°« inf w ,0 ° Wet tt P loff « Sucnw.ft'ber Jiii vS 8 !'' tbe u» tcar - T crop, the lumen ere .. . , DUBUQUE COUNTY. * [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Dcuuqcz, July 28.—Rained slowly from 0 o’clock VOL. XIX. this mornieg till about cloven. Now (1 p. n.) very clouoy, hut not raining. Weather cool. WAPELLO COUNTY. _ [Special Dlepatcb to the Chicago Tribune ] Onravi, Jn!y 26—We had steady r»ln this mornlrg; disappeared at II a. m., and Is still shin ine. The sky 1 1 dear. Very muddy still from re cent hard rains. MARSHALL COUNTY. Maufiulltowy, July 26.—1t rained nearly all last nigh L The weather to-day is hazy and warm. MUSCATINE COUNTY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune ] SltrecaTiKX, July 26.—We had a fine drying af ternoon yesterday, and hop 2s were entertained that the weather had changed for mere favorable harvest weather, bot to-djy la showery and warm. Great fears are beginning to be entertained for the wheat, which In some instances is already be - ginning to epront. MICHIGAN. ST. JOSEPH COON CY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] White Pianos, July 26.—The weather was nicy on Monday, and pleasant, cool and windy cn Tuesday. The harvest of wheat and oats is over. The wheat was all secured, bat some late fields were a little grown. Wheat U lu'.ly an average crop and three fourths of all was recurcd before getting wet The qual ity Is ol tbe very best; theberryls large, fair and pmmp. Corn never was better at this time of the year. 11l ere is a large crop of oit«, and it Is meetly secured in good order. There is no rye or barley. WASHTENAW COUNTY. [Special Di* patch to the Cnicsgo Tribune.] Yphlakti, July 26.—The weath-r is cloudy and wmm to-day. There have been heavy rains for the past week. The crop; in this teetion are gen erally look's? fine. Wheat la not materially In jured. Corn and oats, excellent. Rye and bar ley, an excellent crop. INDIANA. KNOX COUNTY. [Special Dlepatcb to the Chicago Tribune.] VixcEKxns, July 25—11:50 A. M.—We have had heavy runs for the past two days. Tbetaarveet for wheat end rye was completed two weeks ago. Crupe are only middling, owing to tbe rust The oitcropls good. No barley was raised in this section. Corn looks very fine. JEFFERSON COUNTY. [Spcchl Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} MapisQS, July 2G —lO A. AC.—Weather tret. Wheat, poor, tod not more than half a crop. Corn, oils, rye. barley and bay, better than for many year*. Emit, poor. TIPPECANOE COUNTY. .(Special Dispatch to the Chlcigo Tribune.l Lapatxttx, July 26.—The wheat crop of the Wabash Valley is almost a total failure. Within a week past a Lafayette Urn has bought ninety thonssno bcebels of wheat In the Chicago mar* keton a peculation. OHIO. HAMILTON COUNTY. (Special Dispatch to 'he Chicago Tribune.} CmcuncATX, July SC —A storm, accunpanif-d by thunder and lightning, is flooding this section of country, making the tn«-ifth day of this unpar alleled wet seaio?. The out crop and a large por tion of the wheat will be ruined oy the incessant soaking It ha* bad lor so long a 1 ime. FBOSITIIE SOUTH (VEST. Highly Interesting Resume irons Mexico land Tcxaa-Tbe ■'lflltary and tirneraiSltuailon—iAle In Texas -The Dale Ucbd Army, [Special Dlfpatch to the Chicago Tribunn.] Caibo, July 2s. The Kew Orleans Timet' Galveston, Texas, cor* respondent, dating June I3tb, gives an interesting account of what took place among the Confeder ate troops in Texas Immediately alter the scatter* atlon. When their army in Texas disbanded Itself, the soldiers seemed to divide themselves Into three daises. The lint class, which may he termed the law-abiding portion, and which cambered n least one half of the army, went directly to their hoses, wl'hout molesting e!*her public or private property on their way. The Missouri, Aransas and Louisians troops, who were regular ly discharged, are Included In these remarks. These men. be It said to their credit, bare since generally remained at home and con ducted themselves properly. They are rated among reliable and valuable citizens of Texts. They belonged to the dass that the war could not demoralize. The second and third desses, in stead of ret'rtng directly to their places of abode, made a break, as they termed u, for every point where they knew or suspected government pro perty was stored. This they seized and divided among themselves, the stronger taking the lion's share. Not being over scrupulous. tm y »ppr>i pria'ed in meat instances property to watch the goTtnma' bad nut tid never had a claim, and •Ms. too. when it was patniy proved to them that the property they were taking belonged to private individuals. In fact, hi dan Antonio, this corresponuenteswecme of these troops en ter the stores of clt zens and carry eff from three s’orea not less than fIROUO worm of goods be longing to merchants, acknowledging at the same tlmethat they knew they Old not bebme to the Government. But tbts sort of robbery and plun der was not confined to dan Antonio. It was Cone all over the bttte, and the city of HonMou would have been completely tacked, bad not Q«zu Wagrhder and other commanding offleers def*n«i cd tt with a superior force, this force haring teen selected from the first class above men tioned. While wending their w»y homewards, they ap propriated to their own nee everything on which the rrand C. 8. wn found. The third ca-* formed themselves Into gangs of from ten to one hundred, crxaore in some Instances, and robbed, plun dered and murdered indiseitnrnatcly, and they are still at It, especially In the western portion of the State. They call themselves cnerlia*, or Jayntwkers, hut they are nothing more ror less than highway robbers. They at’ack travelers, and If resistance is offered th*y hetlU'cnot to murder their victims. Neither age nor sex is ■“>••• .i.niur. WB UUI (U ia spared. Old men suspected of hanog a few do 1 - lureJeld swsy.Jjive been taken from ibelr dwel lings and horg toibo nesrest tree, b'cause they either btd so mosey, o;, having it would not reveal Its niece of deposit. At present th» largest portion of ihero highwaymen are In the Western portion of the S'&te and In the border counties. Draw a line from San Antonio to Corpus Chmti, end the section of country between thlslmavn arr lire and the Bio Grande Is filled with them; so much so that no one with money or valuables can get throseh the coantry without being rob bed. What the first gang spares theaccond tikea, and their victims are fortunate to escape with their lives. Three robbers seized the horses of stage lints from 6an Antonio, Gonzales and Vic toria to Bio Grande, and robbed the pseeen cere to such an extent, that these lines had to be abandoned. The stage lines through other sections were discontinued for the same reason. The atrocities commuted by these villains would fill a volume. It Is to be hoped that United States troops will be s'-Ie soon to capture or exterminate even scoundrel who baa been engged In this dliboncal wieKeduc*' Tee people are praying for It through*** - '. State, and If necessity trqq<;<d it *• ,m*, I*®® 1 *®® would volunteer their service* **,. ', lex,na out tbe-e cut-ih»**»** . -wnst In wiping <>— «uode*c/re so mercy. Mieiby haa left the Sta'e for Mexico with about two hundrtd or perhaps two hundred and flfiv follower*, and CoLDau with one hundred. JSo ether armed force numbering over fifty has left for Mexico, all newspaper stones to the con trary, notwithstanding. Two Ciders from U*j. G*n. Sheridm are pub lished in New Orleans papers, ote annoutc'ng thensnesef hlsstafi; and the other giving in strncttODs to department commanders as tore* pons required of them. | Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune ] Caino, July So Tbe Shreveport Gazette of the llth says: The weather la excessively warm. Tbe corn crop is magnificent. There is very little cotton phnted this reteoxu A small part’on of it has been brought to etand and cultivated. There are fields of cotton which hire been ruined forwrnt of work, the negroes having a decided aversion to that nreful weed, until satisfactory terms for their liber are reached. Capt. Jackson, about forty-fire year? of te\ said to be a brother of Stonewall Jackvon, fell overboard laom the steamer Lindts, whi'e on her taet trip frem Mobile to New Orleans, and was drowned. He had been wounded three ttm?a while in the service, and at the time cf his death wa- tn route for Galveston. Capt. Jatkaon was formerly a merchant In Augusta, Oa. . The New Orleans T>rrut ’ Galveston correspon dent contradtcta current reports In newspapers concerning Gens. Smith and Magntder’e aliedged epecnUung 1a cotton, and rays that Gen. Smith wb<nbe surrendered tbe Trans-UisalEßlppi dec partment, turned over $5,000 In cold, that being every dime of government money he held tn bis bands, and then tuned round and borrowed of bis friend* in Shreveport (300 to pir uts expen ses to Mexico. Tbe money tuned over wae the secret service money. Of Maunder he says he came to Texas without asytaooevinhlspoeket, end left the State with less than thishls friends in Houston loaned him to pay his expen ses to Mexico. Cairo, July SC.—The Houston Seat leans that CoL Q. W. Clark, of the 84th Indiana, and com mander of Boorton Post, baa been promoted to Brigadier General byßrcret. Brig. Gen. Ksnl bae arrived at Houston, where he will eupenn tend alt court* martial. Tfce Colonel of toe litfa Mississippi regiment war to be tried at Bonrton far tearing down tbe United Statea dig. The widow of Gen. Sam. Houston was at Houston on the 14th, trrirg tohave mercy extended to the young m»*u. In addition to the heavy column of cavalry now on its march ihroagh Texas, from twelve to nr teen thonaand infantry are making their appear ance on the Bio Goanfie, preparatory to assuming tbe position of emigrants, wl'h arms and uton elle necessary for their own protection. Tbe Brownsville Btpublican says: “J. E. Slaughter, late rebel General, after being forced to leave Brownsville, went off on a thieving ex pedition np the Bio Grande. Be stole low of cotton and remrned to that rebels’ and thieves asylum, Matmoras, where he is; bntali the cot ton did not follow him. A portion, oribemMor £nrflon, probably. Is in possession of tbe Yen ere. and the Tackles will keep it. At least it is lost to Elinpbter aid his assigns forever.” Gen. Browu bas retnreed from an extended torn of Cnfy on tbe npper B:o Grande. The Gen eral is indefatigable in he attention to hta mili tary cratlea. Bee aptnred two steamboats with a large amount cf cotton on board. Gen. Giles F.Salh, at tbe head of 8,000 or 10,- OCO Federal troop;, had arriv'd at Brazos. Per haps mere may come. Certainly, iron.all ac counts. there lano scarcity of boys In blueat Bra zos. No reatrictioss whatever are placed upon tr-de trith New Orleans by the military authori ties. The New Orleans Tlirut' Brownsville, Texas, corretpordent, writing on the I4th instant, siys: “To an American, the eye eights exhibited here are very novel, and rbow a want of the go ahead, laboring saving propensities of Young America. Think of a man harnessing htssdf to a imrrei fl led with water and pulling it over the city for delivery to customer*, or fastening on to the rack of a diminutive Jackies about as much wood as an ab’o bodied canid carry in his 7'“?; wbon the same animal could draw « ift* I®** 1 ®** ** ® nc h In some sort of a vehte'e. Tbe ii2i- 8 v? re . ,n PPhcfi With dress goods, riotous, I* I **' P !na 811(5 combe, by olg. two carry these things from house to bouse on their shoulders or la baskets, aud . Uol . D 5 { brir oppressed country J ie rezf erTiCU ranks of Cortinaa and “ rem'ra, me th.t he era, btre last evening. Be is a splendid look'ng man, and of the most intellectual appearance I ever ShWorhlsnaJon. Bel speats hopefully of tbe cause be advocates, and thinks that the promot measures tekrn by the United State* to insure cold a ong her iron Hers wll greatly aid them, as WiximMitn’s Mexlcin soldiers are not devo ted by loyalty to the Emperor, and would, on the slightest demonstration on onr p*rt, ne-ett him in a body; Great numbers of Americans are In hio ranks, and be speaks especially of their dash and dartre. . _ There is a report that the French troapihave evacna ed uatataor*", bn', een-ar as I can make It, ’bey have been called to another point, tempo rarily. and will return to aid tbe native troops on the first alarm. “ Un Tuesday there was a quiet Jubilee here on ihs reception of Gen. Rtcele on bis return from Brazos Santiago. The General Is held In higa estimation by tne people here, and tbe demon stration was creditable to them and to him. “Themoat stringent regulations exist lo re card to proiecbns the health of the place. Col. Barrett, commanding the post, requires the in habitants to protect their residences and pltcca of business, bwth front and rear, and to nave tbe filth thus garnered thrown into the river by three o’clock each morning,” The Mayor of Ntw Orleans has administered tbe amnesty oath to 1,078 persons, and 1,661 per sons have registered as voters. [special Dispatch to tbs Chicago Tribune.! Cxiao, Ju’y 26, Tbe Galveston correspondent of tbe Houston Kcict, writes, under date of the Itth Inst, as fol lows: Throngfa private letters! learn that or ders have been Issued to proper officials at Usta morasto prepare cantonments for 33,000 troops of the Empire. Tbe same letter siyi that these troops consist of French, Austrians and Algo rises. The reaton why so many are placed at that print is because we have a similar number at Brownsville and adjacent points. Preach offi cers assert that there Is no reason why the Un'ted States should send an army of BJ.OOO or 100,000 mtn to Texas unless she designs aggressive movements upon Mexico. The spirit of the two armies is described as bo log hostile, and there is no affllhallon between the officers of Uncle Sam’s army and those of the Empire. I learn from a Gentleman Just from New Orleans that soil mure troops are expected to arrive in Texas during tbe coming week. To a man-up a tree these dem onstrations look as If they meant something It U predicted that a fight between the United States and the Empire will he a purely diplomatic me, and that the snow of troops on both sides is merely one of moves on tbe diplomatic chess board. The San.Antonio (Texas) Herald oftheDrh esys: “Oar information from Piedns.Negru and Ergle Pus is up to July let. We learn that Geo. Shelby bad reached the last named point to a quiet ana peaceable mincer,but ms informed by authorities m Piedras Negus that be would nos be avowed to t*ke his men into Mexico with arms in their hands, bnt that It he would leave the arms there would be no objection to bis entry into the country as em’grauts with himself and men. We are Infonxied that Qcn. Shelby floa'ly agreed to this, and sold bis arms and cannon to the Liberals. There were 2,500 stand of small ami and three pieces ef artillery for which he received £ll,duo, <Q.UO la specie and £5,0 “0 la bondj Uaaud by the Liberals. The arms were immediately whipped for Chihuahua. Tbe Governor of tbe State of Coaholla acted aa agent for the Liberal Govern ment. Juarez is said to be at Chihuahua, and that dt> is atronely fenifled. No Imperial troops are rearer than JWI mt>s, and not to euffle’ent force to justify an advance asalnet Juarez's capital There Is no trn'h In the report that President Joarez Is abont to visit the united Sute*. There Is much speculation among our resders why so larpo a force is sent to the Rio Granie,and acme of ibe knowing ones bave It that Gen. Granger bas already said that oar country was on the ovo of a war with Mexico. We cannot, of coorfe, say farther than to eprcol.’c what the Govenmcnt intends to do Id a matter of this kind. Neither do we believe that Gtm. Gnugcr esnsay. and, if he could, tt would bo among tho lest things he would say, to inform the picpie and troops by public decoration?, made so long b> (ire hand, of whit actions were intended by the Government on qooslions ol each grave impor tance. Oor readers mar rrst nature! that Geo. Granger or Central any-body-else, excepting General Humor, bas made no such aeclirauoa. The Jl'-rald announces ths arrival of Gen. John B. Hood luSm Antomo on the 3d ImL, and pays him a high compliment, ind tayahccoanjel-* res* p ctinl obedience and allegiance to the D. S. officers and Government. Tbe following paragraphs daguerreotyc poc'cty tc Houston; *• We are glad to notice that white men ate driving tbe majority of tbe drays iu oar city at present. This Is one of tbe chief reasons that ti ere has been no valises and oiber biggage missing lately. All the omnibasses have white men for drivers now. We are glad to s-re the city fast filling np with Inaustrions while me chanics and New Oilcans daily pipers wer-i arid by newsboys ononrjtrctte yesterdty, at fifteen cents each. Tbe men woo have started this new etierpiiae will com money. Everything tab*, ginning to look as lively as In merry oti days ibntaregono.” Late Texas papers state that Just u tbe anr render of Texas was taking pace a largo con course or citizens from various parts of tbe Slate b«d assembled at Houston to attend a Masonic Grand Lo?ge and other Influential order*, and a meeting was bdd by them impromp'n, la which they accepted tbe situation and nominated Hon. Jco. Hancock, then in New Orleans, and a Union .reltigce, as a candidate for Governor, thinking that tbeir August election would be perml-tedto lake pUce without Intervention of the Provis ional Government. He was noli tied of this on bit return from Texas, and answeres them at tome length declining their nomination. Tbe Uatamoraa Lt totnmeret % the French organ, of thelitbmat, says: Gen.Steele has required Cortiou, who is in Brownsville, to preserve peace, hot ts tbe latter Is allowed free exit and entrance, roctmnea to rob on tbe .Mexican side and seek r»fnge on tbe American, and la tbe oh Jectof constant attentions from all Federal au thorities. L« Cominsrce does not see tbe con sistency of the practice of seotraluypruacbed by tbs Americans. The ihxnrArro, published lo tbe interests of the Imperialists, elves a long and clr conittantlal review of Cirtlnaa*career of rohhery in early life. c nd hta atteop'ed sack of Browns vile in 1559, Idbug sixty of In citizens, and bts subsequent pursuit by uetntzclmao. B'oac man and Ford, until be took rc/ngt In Mexico. It then recites his taking forctblc pos> section of power In Matamoras again tbe will of Juarez In 1663. and then says: Har ing his temporary reign of self-cocstitatel Gjv erncr of lamsaltpas, Cortmss wss bolstered op by men wbobad tolled for their State andcountry. Tniongb constant pressure of public influence Cortln>a fer a time was kept within bounds, with ttc execution of forced lews, sumnnry punish* ments and torturea by tack. His r>lgn wji tolera ble, but Ccrtlnaa could not continue itllbiul to anything, and no Influence could long restrain b*s debased passions and tblnt for olood and plundir. InSfpiemherlasthccommcnied war ou Texas without provocation or warning. With bis whole force be attempted crossing tbe Rio Grande with tbe view of surprising and captorng Brownsville, and nothing but the def-ction of a material portion of the invading force saved that p'aco from pil lage. If sot a worse fate. Another part of that in&mooa and savage plot was tbe robbing of Matamoras. Having seemed an outlet through Brownsville and Brazos Santiago, all cotton and valuables of tbe Dervlc city were to have been gobbled up and nm through that channel, leav ing tbe pillaged city end beggared people as tbe finite of Imperial victory. Falling tn tuts plot of plunder and wholesale robbery, be falls back and becomes tbe bestlmperlaUet of them alt. Tree to bis former self bis attachment to 'he Imperial caose was of abort duration; but to this bo de* reived no one. Tbe eye of Geo. Uejla was never off him. To bis attempted deception be adn- ■ tbe crime ofp;iflly. Following ttu n ' fell back noon bla old pursuit - robblcg, plundering and a* I*' 1 *' ihe scenes of *39 b" Tbe same paper of stealing, ..jiDff. Since then .-re been re-cnjct-d. -j»we rcsret to annoance that -ii brewing In the interior of Tex - « shall wait withrolt-tle anxiety to hear -* that section. The Imperial forces that woot mponnltof Necrelte, loilowca tlm on theChi bosboa route to Desert, and there gore up former purtnlt. The other wing of Negrette’s army, un der Esctvldo. were bu’ng closely followed on the ron f e to Pledru Necrae. Bcyood this nothing wis known of the whereabouts of tbs Liberals; but there Mibb.stuns will come unarmed, haring eo.*d all their gnue to th<* Liberals. Tbe ranch*ro ot tbefiihesys the Fedenle team boat Rio Grand; srrlvcd at Brownsville yester day frem Rio Grande city. From one of tbepaa- Fcnccrswe leim that tbo Rio Grande rounded to at the Da Estaffana ranebe, Cor'toas’ hetdqn al ter p, where she rema ned lonomo time. Gen. Brawn, who was on board, sent for Coruoss, who Savored the General with his presence. They bad a cenenl'a'.len of some little duration, whui the? took a dt Ink together and scpn ated. Tbo steamboat Scnorita waa stilt lying at Da Evtaffsna ranche. Her crew came down on the Rio Grande. errlom troab'- sb. and^* Gen. Monet bad received authority from the Emperor to raise a biltalion of Texans for guer illa service. Ils was progressing rapidly In re uniting and by this lime la probably ready for service. Tbe report of 10 000 organized Sliasou Mens and Texans being on the way to Monterey Is reasonably correct, .but the number is over stated by abooilwoor threc thonsand. The ac tual number organized and armed, awaiting em ployment, is between 7,000 and 6,000 men. FfIOJK LAFATETIE. Indiana Daftroad natters—Tire Cana ry Bond Question. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribute.] Lavatztte. Ind , July 20, Tbe Board (of Comtnlealocers for Tippecanoe county have appropriated $25,000 to the proposed Cincinnati, Lafayette and Cfalcrgo Railroad- There was a large meeting at Delphi yesterday in favor of another Air Line road. Congress will be memorialized In the Inlereat ef this road to make g<u a legal tenier. Inter ee intercet Is excited throughout the State petdlng the decision of the Indiana Snpreme Court on the validity of tbe act legalizing the issue of Coun'y Bonos for bounties. At least ten millions are Involved. It is mostly in tbe bauds of speculator!. Judges Cowan, Biddle and BlckueP, Circuit Judges, have granted injunctions against the bonds. FRO.H WASHWGTO.T Where Freedtuen cut Testify—The Xllaclt Troops—military, Personal and General items* [Epectst DUpctcb ta tbe Chicago Tritraar.] . WisniHojoJf, July CO. In consequence of the rcfosal of the pro-slavery magistrates of Alexandria to receive tbe testimo ny of colored persons in a case which came be fore them for trial, Gen. Howard has decided 10 establish a military court in that city, whose doty it shall be to hear and decide all cases affecting the rights of freedmen. The same wholesome policy will be pursued In every district under his Jurisdiction where the civil authorities make any distinction between white and colored testimony. Courts of ibis description will probably be organ ized m each of the lower Maryland counties, where the freedmen have less ju-Uce shown them now than when in slavery. Tbe 2d Regular Artillery has been ordered to California. The 4th regiment will probably be sent to F orlda. Tbo Presidential order of June 37th, dividing the United States into military districts aud de partments,(has been changed In several particu lars. Tbe States of Lcui»iana tnd Texas, whteb were, under that order, constituted one depart ment, have been divided into two.d epanmeo la— Uen. Canby to command the Departmehtof Lauis- Una. sod Gen. Wright the T xas Department- Tbe geographical bents of the Department of Washington have also been altered so as to in clude the lower conndes of Maryland, which be fore belonged to the Mldd'e Department. Tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury, accompanied by the beads of bureaus of that Department, took a sail down tbe Fo'omac this evening, In tbe new ttvccue cutter Llccoln, on her trial trip. Time regiments ot colored troops ler< here to day fer South Carolina, where they will oa em ployed in coicg garriion duty. It Is understood that tbe colored troops w.ll relieve all the white troops now on duty m that State. Tht camp of distribution at Alexandria has been turned over to the Frecdmons’ Bureau. Seen tury tiewsrd. accompanied by a portion of bU family, lelt WariiicgUm this evening for Capa May, and be will be absent about one week. Dur ing his ebrcsce Mr. Cltreoce Seward will perform tbe dudes of Acting Secretary of Sate. Bon. Henry Winter Dms has succeeded in procuring for his client, John T. Ford, an allow ance of fifteen hundred dollars per month ss damages for tbe cirs'ng of his theater, and tbe War Dcpar meet stipulate for the tight to par chase. If Congress, next winter, wtll appropriate £IUU,(UO. The Government in the meantime will CHICAGO. THURSDAY, JULY 27, I8«5. prorably dbo the huiidjre, which is nearly flre proof.asndepositoryLOf rebel archives.' Ano’hcr crowd from Baltimore are here to-day, sonalst-Bg of delegates, who are equa ly divided In number on questions affecting the Feoeral appointment*. , Many Northern railroad capitalists have united In an ipollcation to several railroad companies of ihe Southern States for the lease of their stock and property for a term of years. Thor propose to put nearly every rallroid in the South in good running order, and use thnn to their own advan tage, as well as to the preliminary benefit of the original stockholders. Simon Cameron Is said to be one of the leading men in the schema. New Yobk, July 20.—The U-raUTs Washington special says C. J. Faulkcner la in that city to urge bis application for pardon, claiming that ho was a Union man during the war. Pour reclmvnU are to be left for the present in tbc Shenandoah, under Gen. Torbett; the others are ordered to bo mustered out. Military and Personal Items—Tbe An dersoDAtile torturer—Land. Office and Pension natters. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Washington, July 25. The 87th Wisconsin, 850 strong, and the S9(h Michigan, numbering about 250, left here to-night for their respective State capitals, where they will be paid off and discharged. Eon. Edwin H. Webslcr, representative from the 2d Congressional District of Maryland, was to day ee<tled noon as Collector of Customs at Baltimore rice Hoffman, the present Incumbent. This is a consecutive triumph as bras It goes. It remains to see whetbci Davis men will get any of the remaining offices. At the one bandied and forty-threo money order offices, 27,041 orders were Issued daring the past qoerter, tnusmittirg 1459,465.17 for wblcn uov tromeni reco-vedas lees $4,152.51. Toe amount (ransmitied 1s fICB,ooO ksi then the previous quarter, which Is to be accounted for by the pay ment of cur soldiers In the first quarter of the year. Ibe rebel Gen, Dick Taylor undo hie appeir aoce ’his evening in the hall of Willard's Hotel, which has not been graced by his presence for nearly five yean. He is being lionized by his fneoca and acquaintances. Senator Sherman is alto here. The Commissioner of Pensions to-fljy decided that blacksmiths, saddlers, artificers uni other artisans serving with the cavalry forces of the United Stated, are notentitled to pensions. This role also applies to teamsters, on.eta they should baveenlloiea as privates, and were afterwards detailed to serve >ii that capacity. The trial of Worst, the rebel commander at AndeironvrlJe Prison, will commence on Friday. A large number of prisoners who were confined In tbe stockade have neen summoned as witnesses against him, as well as several rebel soldiers who acted as guards to the prison. Two rebel offi cers, one of them a Ltcmenaul Colonel, us also hddaa witnesses against the scented. Worst says he is anxious to be tried, and ex presses confidence In his ability to establish the fact that all be old while In command of the prison was in accordance with express orders Irpm the rebel War Department. Is that cats It will be all the worse for Jeff. Davis. Ttc General Land Offi-o will soon Issue an Im* portanteircalar, confining detailed Information ♦or the benefit of soldiers and emigrants, as to the mode of obtaining public lands, whe'hcr by nuicbneer.rby location under the pre-emption or homestead laws. FBO.U OGTKOir. Wbtreobonls oi urn I,ee—Personal and tirnrral It* mammillary nat* irr»-FoitulUce Uobberrj etc. Dktboit, July 20. Rperiai Dispatch to the Chicago Trtoune.j Robert E. Lee, la’e Msj. General In the rebel army. Is tojonrnlng at the Clifton Uonse, Niagara F*l!b‘ C. L. Vallacdighain crossed the nveryes terday. It Is said that be has also gone to the tame place, probably to have a .conference. with the noted chieftain J. A. Fairfield, a clerk In the Post Office, wsa arrested on Saturday for embezzlement and ex tracting tne corneas of several letters retamrd from tbe detd letter office. His embezzlement and thetts smoont to abont f7l>', which sum has btro restored by his friends. Ha waa admitted to bail in the snm of $2,0 0, his father being santy. Oen. Ordleft this city to-day on a tour of In spection ihronch hla military department. He will establish a mUiury post atorncrNeaeannee, Michigan. LUnt. Gen. Grant Is looked for here in about two weeks. He will meet with a reception worthy of 'be City of Hut S rails. TbclS'h Uichigan regiment arrived here yes terday. FliOM KIIDIBOiK. Wisconsin Stale General Items. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Mastsox, July 96. Eos. J. L. Pickard, Superintendent of Schools of Chicago, dtclltea the chancellorship of this State University* which was tendered him some veche sco, on account or defective eye-eight and general health, which units him fbr the position. Oct. Lewis left the aty to day to Tlelt the State prison at Weapon. About $S COO extra State pay was paid discharged soldiers yesterday. The announcement of the death of the former Associate Justice A. D. Smith wia made In the Supreme Court to-day. Appropriate remarks wtre made by Justice Cole and others. Judge Smith was the sole survivor of the three Judges oftho Supreme court of. Wisconsin who pro* pounced toe celebrated decision declaring the fu gitive ilare law noconetlmtxoual. Cant Wicks, the gambler w&o shot CapuCur ran has been admitted to 11,000 bill. Capu Cor ran la doing eery well, baring left for boms yes terday. Tee weather Is cloudy, hut warm, with no rain. FROM DEBHOLIKS. lowa State General latelllscnce. [Special Dispatch to tbe Chicago Tribune.] DzsUoxxzs, Jn*y 241. An attempt was made yesterday at hfuscstine to throw a train of cars from tbe track by fattening t stick of wood to tbe track. Tne train 'was fl'led with relumed soldiers. The obstrsc'aoa was dls covescd In time to avoid the impending danger* The obftmcUou wai placed on the b / S'” 0 ”,,' “ Opp '.tco » CIMd.OS mo right of euffrage.” is now*ln*c** Colonel ofthe Sd cavalry, D. H. ■^j^ ja3 cavalry at Nashville. _uter, lately arrested at Davenport on -** the attempt topias connlerfeit treas ury note*, will be tried at tho next term of the United States District Court In this city. Judge Lowe, John B. Elliott and J. A. Parvln are now in tbe sorbern part of tbe State for tbe purpose of selecting another temporary soldiers orphan's home. Cedar fails la the mo:t proba ble location. FBOJI CIKCIiIXATI. Suicide—Sporting; InteUlgence* (Spcc’al Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] , Clscinkati, July 2d. No leas than three attempts to commit amcMe cccnrred here to day, two of which were un*nc ceielol. All tbe nnbsppy creatures were women. Two of them suffered from hi requited love. Tnc prize fight that was to come off here, but didn’t, between Nobby Clark, an Eastern baily, atd John Keating, a Cincinnati Hibernian, bas excited much comment to-day. The ques tion whtiber Keating t£lisg held in custody in Cefanlt of ball to keep the pcicc, forfeited the flakes or not has agitated the purl lisuc mind not a Jitlc. Keating was ro'eaierf to cay and now declares hie readiness to fight. FROM JEUKOJPJE, Tlic Great Eastern Sallcd-Glcctlous lu Eagland-lbe kibersis In the Asceudant-lDarlieu, New Yobs. July 20 —The snarner Scobs, from Liverpool Jn’y 13th, and Otecnarown 10:n, has arrived. The ship Vcicnry at Ha p rc. from New York, on the 88th of Jan« picked «P addmonal pissengers of the 11l fa'ed ship and five more Rom pieces of tbe wreck. A bsrqne was visible, and it was hoped she savin others. Tbe Great Eastern was expected to leave the Nore for Valencia on the ISib. The steamer Caro line, fro*» London lor Valencia, with the shore end of ibe cab.c, pul into Kamoath on the 13th. Ac Antwerp prper rejoices that Antwerp is to become r permanent station for American war vessels. The e'ectfon engrosses the attention of Eng land. Four bundled and twenty-cue con tea ti are completed. The Liberals had 283 tod the Con eervativhsltS—a Liberal gain thus far. Tbe Con servatives only admit a ram of four. Another week wouldelspse before all the contests would be o?er. The Mcrcaa'lle Bank of New York obtained In the Queen's Bench a verdict for $207,09! against Cbarice W nflsor, who lately absconded. The Back of France lost 22,750,000 franca In epeclo during the week. Bonree buoyant, C7f 82c. ThoSwlaa Federal Connell received notice of tbe recall of Mr. Fogg, the American Minister, and tbo enbatitnt on of Mr. Barrington. ■Latkit via Lxvsbpool, July 15.—The nows to day la niimporu&t. Not much electioneering to day. The Asia's news imparted consider ible excite ment to tbe cotton market to day. and improved American securities, especially Illinois. LATEST BT TOT SCOTIA. Lnxnroot, July is—Evening,—The steamship Asia, from Boston, arrived to day. Cotton ealea to-day, 20,000 bales, lnc.ndinglO,UOQ bales to apse nia’ora and exporters. Tbe market fa buoyant, with an advance of X®id. The advices from America, per ibe steamer Asia, caused the ad vance. BreadatnUs quiet and steady. Provisions dull. Lard firm. Losdok, July 15— Evening.—Consols closed at 90®fr>* for ooiiey. Hiocks-lllinola Central, 6S|; £tat%S4(ft&|); U. S. 520 a, 71J@7i. TZBT LiTEaT, VIA QUEENSTOWN, - Liverpool, Joi; 16.—The coals were all on board the Great Eastern on the 14th, and every thin); w#B in the beet condition to leave the Note on the 16th f«.r Valentia. Mr. Coin. Atsbss'ador from Uaxamlllian, has arrived at Southampton, whence he willembark fur Mexico. Rio Jakeibo, Jnne 21.—Exchange 2l}@2lld. Paris, J air 16.—1 be Bonrae closed flat. Rentes 67f. 80;. New Tons, July 6.—The steamers Utlvetla, bom Liverpool, and Teu’onla, fromSonibampton, have arrived. News anticipated. FBOn NEW YOKE. Sales of Cotton-Fall of Building*— Fatal Casualties—Fires* New. Tons, July SB—Two thousand bale?’of eood New Orleans sod North Carolina cotton we s®' o,d to-day at »J@47Jc for rebaled to good mtddltnc- A cartridge explosion In a factory on Twenty* first street, to day. injured three girls named Anna Sm.tta, Joasna Burke and Anna Reynolds— the latter badly. The oil factory of Westerrelt & Co., nearJer* vey City,- was bonud last night by an incendiary. Loss not heavy. From San Domingo. New York, July 23.—EUvaana advices say troops fur Ban Domingo eoutinae to arrive. The Dominicans, hording a snrp na ofOiXl prisoners, refuse io give them up without an equivalent. Whercnpoo Gen. Giadira has seized upon sever* al prominent persona as hostages. Toe island 1« still in a sta'e of partial blockade, and there mav be further troube. 'fbe evaenattonof thecaol ital. It L* expected, weald be completed by the riih. Ail remaining cannon bM been spiked and their carriages destroyed. POSTSCRIPT. 4 O'CLOCK A. M. [Special Dispatch to the Western Associated Press,] New Tore, Ju'y S3. Washington News* The remainder of Torbet's late command ar rived hero to-day, via: lOUh, 195 m andSUth Pennsylvania, and 103 th Ohio. The precedent established in the Harris cate was partially reversed UHlay in the case tried before Judge Wylie In the same court, In which Hiss Harris was acquitted. Horatio Maloney lov ed Florence Wilson, who promised to love him In return. As Florence did not keep her promise, Horatio Blabbed her. Inflicting a severe wound. The Jury found Horatio guilty, and he was sen tenced to eight yean imprisonment la the peni tentiary. The Ueraldt special says the Cabinet were In session about two hours and a half to-day. It Is understood that, in addition to other Important matters, they had nnder consideration some of the more impoitant appointments about to bs made. .The new revenue steamer Lincoln made a trial trip down the Potomac this morning. There was a large party on board. Including Secretary Mc- Culloch ana chiefs of bureaus of the Treasury Department Secretary Seward and family left Washington to-day for an extended excursion, perhaps lor Capo May. The President and his family also started down the river. Intending to retain to-morrow. Thu following appointments have been made by the President: Alar. Murdoch, Marshal of tbe Western District of Penney vanta; Wm. P. Lockwood, Associate Justice of tbe Supreme Court of the United States lor the Territory of Nebraska, Jno.D. 1). Cogcehell Di-trict Attor ney of Wisconsin, Chas. P. Dors«y Register of Land Office at Brownsville, Nebraska Territory, K.R, Watson Indian Agent of Watbington Ter ritory, Also, the following Postmasters for Cali fornia: Simon CnileyaiSan Jo-o, Chaa. 9. Bar ton at Stockton, Cmtlss H. Pyle at Yrki. and Frank G. Guild n N.vada. Thomas Story, formerly clerk In the Treasury Departmen*, wno baa been m Jail for the pist sixteen months, on acbueo of torgln? Consular certificates, was to-day released, on giving n,oto ball. Story has already bad two trials, but tha Jury, In each case .were unable to agree. Appointments by tbe President, Dnbley Ashton, Esq.. A»st. Attorney. General to beActg. Attorney. General, during the tern poray absence of Attorney. General Fred Clmion, who waa arrtsted a few days ago for ap nearing in the s'recta in a Brtg. Utnlcrai’s uniform having on bis perron what aietbarged to be forged passes, and also found checks charged to be forg.nes, and who waa committed to Old lanitol Prison, petitioned Judge Wylie, to-day, through bis coonrcl, for a writ of habfcu corput, direc’cd t* Col. N. D. Col ley, officer In charge. Judge Wylie declined to issno a writ on toe ground that m lttary offentes ere among those charged; but he remarked that if tbe military authorities woo'd dismiss that portion of the cba*ge, be wooid issno a writ as recard tbo other charges. The General Land office bss Jest prepared atd will aoan la-ue an Important Circular, containing Information for the benefit of oor p*oplc and in argrunta as to the nede of oMnltlng public lanes, wheiner by purchase or location, or under preempt on or homestead laws. This Itn taac romoamed by a list of all the district land offices In the United Sates, and the place where each is almsted since Ist March. 1865. The Commissioner »f Patents bss Issued over 4,<AA) patents. Next Tucaday 103 will be rciasued. From HaMtoD, Boston, July 26—Well executed counterfeit fli» b:Ua on toe Thompson Bank, of Thompson. Conn., are circulating. From New Vorh. NxwTons, July 2®— The Keening J\)st pub mbes an appeal of several resumed dlsxnied soldiers for employment. They comp'am that many Now York merchants refute to employ them became they have served In the Union army, and ea> they are generally neglected by the buslmes community. James Gordon Bennett is abont to place a large force of workmen on the burnt district recently occupied by BarMim’s museum and adjacent bnlldlrgs. The Orteld retablUhtoent is to be located on tbla spot and will have the foil fronton Broadway. New Vo ck, Joly 2d.— A portion of tho rums of the Unarms fell tb'e afternoon, lata ly Injuring a laborer, and at least one o»her. It is reported that a woman and child and others are boned he* Heath the b'lcke. A building on Farnun’sfreet, which runs alone the foot of Brooklyn Heights, fell this morning, burylrg in the ruloaPatrick Reagan, John Nash, and B, Martin, ot New York. Toe hnllding was one of those damaged by Are last Aorll, when the root felt in, precipitating leversl firemen Into the flames below. Ii was now being rebni t, and laborer* were engaged In depositing earth on the roof tor gardens to tbs residences on the Heights shove, when the cajftcrta, consisting of brick arches, gave way. From the Sonib. Tho IVorhTa New Orleans correspondence says Mthmir-l P, Binka was last week admitted to practice law helute toe courts of the Southern District of Louisiana. The same corteepocdent eayapersazt directly from Brazos Diver sar all Is rery quiet there, and tnatead of a prospect of going to Mexico, the soldiers are anxiously «zp«.c‘lcc orcera to disband and return hom**. Kirby Smith, Free, Shelby, Murray and others bare cone across the border, bnt instead of t»k ii g tltbcr the side of Maxlmllhtn or Juarez, are trying to get to Cuba and Europe. All the arms and put> 1c property carried over to Gen. will bo returned with as much ex- actnefaaathey can be traced. la a word, the Coiled States authority and prestige with defeat* ed rcbtla Is greater than Is generally credited. Their detest bas been as complete as the strug gle was desperate. In the same connection ♦hoald oe mentioned tha' at an informal meeting of Southern officers, military and civil, held hero a few dsya arc, it wasaerecd to remain and wait davclopments of tho future rather than go abroad. Qeca. Bragg, Lonnr, Forney, Taylor and others bare cone lo pass tha time with tbolr rriendr to the Interior, ulvtoft tiielr adorefa-s lo Gen. Canby, and offenn* to report when desired, Ihronghunl Texas all is qnler, although there !a some sainra) olfaatfcfsrtion with the order from (Jen bhcfdan, width first prohibits Inhab itants from bearing arc*, and then declares that be ail 1 bold each vicinity where there ate guer illas, responsible for BnjprdSfclon looking from the Poaunac to the Bio Grande peace prevails. Ido not hear even that Indians are here in arms. The la»t cnenlia baa dlsip peired, and It Is now entirely fetelbletopsss throughout the entire country with no greater danger than that which might tempt ti needy rob ber for tbc sak* of plunder. Political hostility la renreracd, and mere is at least freedom for loyally everywhere, and for dlslojal’y general disapprobation. The only contlceency of vio lence is found In the presence of black troops, wbo seem to have served their term and ate csfltud for tbeir new duty. Here about there la less complaint than else wh»re. It Is possible tbit they mar bo al lowed to foment prejudice lotovlo'ent cO-Ujlons. I think not, however, ail trust not,jbr lo each anisine, right or wrong, they are to blinded on both eldt* that terrible atrocity might eatilv spring from the least unlortmjrre misunderstand loir. The H-rahTs comapoodent. who has traveled from Richmond thronghthe Confederacy to New Cncaot, writer f.nm !t» Mimlratpol river: “Wo htve traVcl-d 4,»>0 miW, toluob tho principal tattoo and cit el In lh< Interior ol Yiigmia, North Carolina, Georgia «nd Alajama, hivlrg com mtpcei our a Per tto jjtrrMdor of the rebel arms *pj uttore me vtuiuu« „ destroyed by s»*mac, Wilson and Stoneman hid been repaired Wewereotlentimea at a loss to obtain from one point to another, «rd sometimes compelled to walk aomeUto'S on b«r*e r 'acK.eomeumo.iby rail or water, »nd about 200 m’les of the distance in artnywecone. We have had, daring the whole Jun/ney, (hr traveling r«*be! offlc-irs andso.dters re nrning to tocir home*, oftin ho irg for days beyond the reach of Union toldlers. Wcbavc b»cn *ny.>rlab!y treated with courtesy and k ndness rotwitbeuoMog tbe fbet was known that we were from the Norco, and, at times, dif fering in opinion and setit*meo‘s regardiar the w>r. We btve seen or he*r.l nothin,' of goeril’a pjni.eorinsorrcctorary binds of robbers, bat found tbe country peaceful and quiet. Thcpso p'e are general'j anxious *o settle down to nasi cc*? quietly ann resume their relations with the Fedtral Government. We aim found the oeople ready and willing to discuss the slavery question, and anxious to get all the iofornu ioa they cru'd regarding the wishes of Government, and manifesting a desire to conform n nearly as pos sible to all rules and regulations prescribed for tbeir guidance. No one con form any conception of tbe nt*er ruin and (-xbansr.on of the whole Sonih. The railroads are worn out, rolling sto>;k other destroyed or nearly napless, fences gone, the houses many of them burned or left badly shattered, homes ard mules cirrled offby tho armies, stock of a’l kinds very scarce, negroes free atd often Ineol-nt, atd neither money or the wherewith to obtain anything to enable them to start again In life . Nuiwiths'andiog their troubles r_c people, as a general thing, arc not dependent or disposed to yield to tbeir troubV. They went Into war with tbeir eyes open, staked their all upon the rcsnU, sndhavelo't. Ttn-ysowsay we have done tho nest we can for our cause; we don't admit our cause naa a bad one, but w* hare Mltd sou are willing to abide tbe consequences. Ton hive power in yonrbacds: dowlmltaavouwli]. If yon alow • ns to come b ck into tbe Union with the rich's of citizenship, we will be good, law aMding citizens. We accept willingly the emancipation proclimi tlon, and »l*b to pay our share of the national oebt There are many who profess to have been Union men from tbe beginning; others who longbt against rebellion at tbe start. bat were finally drawn Into the current This class, wh-. n once engaged, woifced hardest for (access and lost heaviest Tbe original fire eaters, who swore londes atd would ole sooner than be in'ijuga'ed, but kept out of tbe army, wetc first to welcome troops with open arms. On the labor quesUon, people as a whole, whe her honest y or otherwise, talk dis couraging and express the opinion that they will be unable to cultivate laud, particularly in cot ton, lo advantage with free labor. Tuovjad»e, as thty profess, from an intimate kcowie-tge of tbe habits and disposition of negroes, -md con tend be is lazy, idle, and shiftless. perfectly con'entedaslongas he has a plenty to eat, and notdlrpored to labor unless compelled to; tbit to rataeacrop o! cotton to advan*aeo requires constant and hard labor for many months. The platters bad no means of enforcing the demand, and wherever bis negroes hid a little money ahead or felt like tak og a trip about the country they were at liberty to leave him, pethipj «t a time when a lew.daya’ do'ay mlgif rum the whole crop, and that under the military rale sow existing at the South, the negroes were allowed to leave their matters wheoevt-r they choose to do so. Tbe negroes, wltb many Jf whom I have talked, almost tminlmoaely express th-.IT willingness and desire to work, ana seem to feel tbe mpimtbllUy of Ihr-ir new portion Their Ideas of freedom are nnjergotng a rapid change, and, instead of idleness and plenty, they are beginning to feel that it means work. The Tankeas, to whom th-*y looked lor aid, and whom they considered tbe-r friends, lav-- In numerous Inaiancsa proved tbeir worst enemies. Many of W etn, in order to carry lavor wuh the people whrretbey are stationed, and to prove that me war has not been waged tor thsaktiiuian of slave ry, have persecuted the negroes 1) th« most cruel manner, subjecting them to wone slavery than that which th-y have escaped. Negro suffrage is occupying the minds of tha people to a considerable extent. They claim tnst according to the position ttkei by President Johnson and the ■ Constitution of tbe United States, it Is a question to be decided by each State respectively as to who tb»ll constitute its voter*; that tbe amnesty proclamation of tbe President reinstates a majotlty of the people, etan'my them ihe right of franchise, sod giving them all tbe privileges noder the UonatUQLon which they formerly enj ved. New York, Jay 26.—The Herald* Cbarleeon correspondent says that the officer! mutinous In the 16th New York have been sent to Charleston jail. Tbe colors of the regiment have not yet been found. They are supposed to bo barred. The city of Charleston is tow quiet and orderly. Great destitution Is satd n> suit exist to the in terior of £onth Cardins, and ac agent his been cent North for relict. Mai fartlitlfi are mncß improred. Cira now ran to Oraneebnrg. There Is tint little cotton in the State comes to Charleston, owing to the da* sanction of communications, bat much is being diverted to Angnsta and Savannah. For Additional Telegraph see Fourth rw* THE CONNECTICUT Largest Life Insurance Company IIV AMERICA AND AFFORDS LIFE INSURANCE AT LESS COST TB/Llf AUV OTHER OOaZFAm 1 . Tbo only melted or forming a reliable ertlma’e of wbat a Hulun! Life Insurance CompmjTCl. AC<raP “ 7 m ’ 7 " That Ccmpany cart, and If irately mnleal war, do Ibe moat for Ita membete-InmWt tbe moat ” for * doU *t—"bleb baa tbe largest number of contributors to Its treasury, tbo largest clTlslble surplus, Ibo largest business, and especially tbo moat proltable Investments and tbe emalleet average per centage ol expenses. Theie conditions, essential at once to tho highest successor the Company, aa4 tho greatest economy op insurance, are all found in the Connecticut Mutual, as we now propose ia show hr facia obtained from the Massachusetts Insurance Commissioners* Reports. 1 I. It baa tbe Largest Number of Policy Holden.] Connecticut Mutual. Mutual Life, of New York,, Mutual Benefit (See Mass. Ins. Bep. 1864, p. SO, and 1865, p. 51.) Afsuitlnjj at the tame rate of increase do dree Companies stand, Aug. 1,1563 Connecticut Mutual, Mutual Benefit, Mutual Life, * .* * 11. It haa the Largcat Dineible Sarplaa. . lUserTlng tfteea per cent more than Is required to re-iusure the outstanding risks, the divisi ble teld by toe tbiee largest Companies U as follows(See Mass. Ins. Eep. 1565, p. 34.) Mutual, 81.533.3 M 03 (The Mntnal Benefit would ne eecond In this list, and but little below the Connecticut Mu tual, if two dividends, declared but not yetpald, were added to the amount above given.) HI, It lias tbe Largest Btulneaa, Net increase in number of Policies in force, and amount Insured for year ending November 1 I?G4; —(See Mass. Ins. Rep. lSdi,p. 20, and 1565, p. 34.) * Connecticut Mutual,. Mutual Benefit, Mutual Life >,woy, insuring IV. It Obutasa Higher Hate of Interest on Its Investm *nts« than any Ollier Company. Average rati b of Interest on tbelr Asrefa, received by the three' Companies for Are yoars • (See Appetdcd Abe tracts of X&ss. Ins. Rep. 1300, ’6l, ’62, ’O3, ’64 & ’65.) Conncc'icnt Mutual,. Mutual Life, Mutual Benefit, This enormous permar eat difference In fcror of the Cocnectlcnt Mutual Is duo to the fact that Its loves menla we n ado money commanda the highest rates. Large amoonts bare been loaied In Chicago fcr many years. The loans on bond and mortgage of the other Compwle „ named, are nstrict.d; those ol the Mntnal Life to New York, and those of the Mutual Bcnefitto New \ork and New Jersey. The table rate, or premium ore based on the enpposltbm that fonr par coat, cm bo obtained The excess above four per c nt. la ibe ma’eral ot which dtTldeoda are made. ItwlUbo observed that tile excess la isore than fifty per cent, greater la Ibe Connecticut Mutual than In the other Companue. It is baldly poeeible that this difference can have been quite eo mat through the vrtole blstoi jot tbe Comp.nlcs.-we have not at band data for extending the ca]cnlaUona-it meat, bon ever, hive Ifeen large. jndglog frtm the fact that op to I=sß, the dividends of tbe Mutual Life (as kos aatlej were made on tbe per centagopbml averaged a Uttle over forty pet cent., while those of the Coanecilcnt Mutual averaged over flfly percent. V. II bas bad, tbroacb Us whole history* tbe smallest average expenses Bailo percent, of expenses to receipts. (See Maas. Ins. Rep. 1860, p 43; ’M,p.2j; *65, p. «,) Cccn. Mutual 7.9- New England 8.1 Mutual Benefit 8.7 Matnal Lite 0.6 Tbe cxpf nsea of all other Companies are higher. This accouct loclndei losses on Investments; it Is therefore decisive, both as to economr n» manafcmint and eafetj of Investment. The higher rate of the Connecticut Mutual for ISW, 1» owing to the enonno us new business of that year.—larger than was ever before secured In on* year by any Company la the world. We with which we began—that the Connecticut Mutual aSbeda Life Insnr. •nee at less cost than any other Company, Is abundantly substantiated. We add, by way of ill nitra tion, the history of a policy Issued by the Mutual Life In IS4B, taken Cram the report of that Cox* pany for UGI, where It la used as an example. We also give an example of a policy la the Con iccticut Wntusi, on which the payments amount to about the same sum. It will be noticed &iat the amount resized from the Connecticut Mutual, in case of death, at anytime during the period oh firnany yea a alter, would be materially larger, and the cost somewhat less. ISIS 1833. Vj63 . *3 f | * g N - Total Cash paid 8 300.00 816.001 rjww, ■< Amount Insured with Dividend Addi- A »* £ -t>.oo 1,836.00 5 J I Uoua 5 - 201 " S - 6,109.44 0,634.15- Total Cash Paid Inctaaiog Interest 190.70 1i30313 | Amount Inaured *s»■» 8,9. M ,50 B,'-9.50, B,2»'m •We have extended the history cf the Mutual Life Policy flytyr an • , * argo dividend, estimating the fourth revarilonary addltloa 09 .‘ hrt i , or “ erto Include their dlvidetd. All tbe other figures are In exact accordnaco with lb'* amJ j 0t 4 P* r csnt - UurcspectlveCompanies. a dWdende actuaHy declared by lIIOOBE & STEiRSS, Agents for Illinois, B * rtfora BnJ jaiDc, 44 LaSalle itrcct. TITASONICr— The Rej.Ri2u* As XvX <enbl> cf Q- urtu So\erelsa .-.f Bo»u Croix Do H.E.T). Win re belt a; th: 'Jaroulc vapl-*THI.'K7hSIKQ. at So’el- CV. .411 ,'ttoiutm* b. 1* of tbe CLaptcr ar-> rsqu?s'.e* to be pr j<’j; JAMts a. MfhaS. _ Cblcatc, Julß27tb. Utj Jl?i>»aie “GOOD THING ' jtor Trareltog Salesmen. A fi.T. clui Wkoletale House *o this Cty wishes to a mate, at one?, wlh bree cr foargooisaie.meu, ana th. rough ulumen. > In are selling *ocd» that do cot compel take orders in '.ill' o'.s. lowa, Wlacon iln,ki'hgan anaNirthem lulltns, towbomallb crM eonmUsion will be paid. Addrera F O. Drawrr JVS7B. (tat!®* w«at goods yon are now s*”*"- ... r •» etraveled.wubrtferenca. Kev anJ pleasing Piano Songs. W£ AB? CIMIKO HOMBTO-UCBbOWt fOTQASD Cujbcs Wilder. HO w B TBB BOTB ARR MARrH T H&. OsVTSIUaZ et I ills aj>£ HiFuma. F. yvimanrr. COMING HOUR. 07. “TnwCßoxi. Wan ti Ovxa.’ tCNQ asd-.h:ec3. Ctas. Carroll iir WolUtth'3iWßEteUoD-3IS. Ballad. iL Keller. 81-.V TEE PRIDE OF UT HE ABT. F. Wlimarth. UOVB i«T AKa.-:nAIR 02AR3ST lUTUKB. P. Wi.'ina-tU. P len of nci ofthe above. So caita.. oa receipt o- wbt be pis win totra'le'i, posl-pild. OUVBR JIItOSALO., ruh.lwer'.L'ortoa Z.7CN & BSAZiT, CMcago. Jsg7t»ix-M TH-Q/ATU Notice to Prirate Families. Private families, b>ar- Irg-h-.met rr hotels can slw»y» gttgf o'.r» T lsb:e rtria. wair«'.'>moeQd.d as eo»kr, ch-n.b«rTSldi or d n rg-ootr -ork. b» «roly- Is* to 148l>earbora8t;eet, liooma33 and*J4. Jy27ay al- Eap! Eap! Bap 2 SPIRITUAL.RV 6RD. A fallSTnfns'lonof •h' mcati w -ten Snlrtsawl ms’-lfe taMons are x. ad.-, sent by m»U «n itc p lnt of tweatv-fira ce-t*. XHOS. D. PHEjCOiT, P. O. Box 333‘J, thicogo tw FBOZEN PUDDINGS A.t HHmsloy's f •j57 919 It CRjSBT’d OP3BA HODaB. hay passs. r*rM« «l<hlsz to pnr-hiso will call at M. D 88358 4 c- iv. 231 vcuth Wa er street, or addreu them Inuredjiulf. Jf27e£W3;nst TO PHYSICIANS. Poro Drugs, Chemicals, Saddle Bags, Trusses, Crutches, Supporters, magnetic machines, Tiomann's Sur gical Instruments, &c. F'T >a'o by BLISS & SHARP, Jx27t9:o It grcgglata. 14-1 Lain I’reet. THE GREAT AMERICAN SAFES. Ten years ahead of all others. Made of Heavier Wrought Iron. Thicker Fire-Proof fill las, Weigh twenty percent more. El/Stntlf naae and Finished. Coat no more than the old styles. You ne them Everywhere. FOR SALE ONLY BY F. W. PRATT, 80 Washington St., Chicago, [Ax *7 £S7-lolnet] U. 8. 7-30’S! FOB SALS BY PRESTON, WILLARD & KEAN, Bankers, and Dealers in all Issues of Got eminent securities, Jj27<b«o-U 47 CLARK STEESP. TO MILLERS. Wtttad a tlitutton by afint.clut miller, to taka cbvga or a null or to ran a mill ontbtrs. seitof tefiw cttffTt-n. IrqarreorcHAß.G. R PRnssiKG bg *amt*trea-.Cnicagj. Jy2LB4B 2uet PROPOSALS Sift L? nb - lnm Kliz r." w“ c '“WSIQFT A bBOTUBB*, ir»-Tb t m e t 161 Mich'»t. A CABB, MAlclas done at No 84 and S6 well knows at a }mitiion*blc <3r*w maker, will be oieasec io »erher 5 , f3. t L a .? 5.0 fom «r patrona u above, brows a MATfaSYTS. iya«€i4 at nc; NUMBER 47. MUTUAL IS THE ISC3. 1864. 15,091 14,401 10,222 | . 5,455, loaning 17,347,405 00 I 3,903, Injuring 9,527.770 00 ATR*te) IWS. ra«. for 5 yV« ISM. J«a. | 18GJ | 8.83 10.73 8.50 0.96 7.83 6.83 0.45 6.91 6.32 7.13 7.07 7.58 6.61 6.41 6.04 0.35 5.78 | 6.12 Aversee Preil-iu 10 1G63. ISSt , | Avenue. 10.23 9.04 11.53 9.93 CURTIS’ Reaper and Mower. Five of the above celebrated Machines. re* aud !n lor'»ia C for* r ' CXM,t the 7 rc '* alrß * Co -* of Paut, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS EACH. iadm. V y. SLOtUk, Box 3013. m. aa-wift.. t XTOTICE TO CONTBACTOR3. " TbaPowaef PaM** ?fo-6s r f iho i*ty of Oil ?hffli»t I r'-- cel7 -'Vtt’-d proncstla'mtil and dorlcg I?? 11 ” 1 —r'fflepLmbertexi, far tnr KxcavaUoa .—rutin to deepen thslbln-jiaasa Klcblgsn Cxnat, iCcO’Crz 10 *he plan adopted, from Chicago m g-. -rum Lc-rkHo 2 acUtatccof aboit *6 mil-a. wape, Ptcftlra. Bpeelleatlora. Ac- wtll Oe exhibited at lhe« lfi*e cf tbs Board r f Public Works la Utucae* on acd after W?DNB6DAY. of snenat, uaill tt 0 day of IctUcg. Ihere wilt be soais iOw) o>3 caMe yard* of eanh eicava'Jon »on- of it quite hard, and embracing conilde ante dstiohed ro:k. and about JCO ow, cu-lc ymrdi 01 Etratlflsu Llmtatoaa. ltt»believed tt-aubamoit ortii* ezeavatioa ex cept the itrat fljd reek, caaba done with steam ditdgt* wlthont tn’erfmlcx with tne navt«»t!oa of tbaLara, tot the rock ezcar«tl:n will all bave to le dine between the cl se cf nayigttioa la UlO fall aodthaoienlnglnttießpiltg A.arx# ameunt of mtchln ry will bo required to excavßt# taa w- rt wttom ioe uzo rcqntred, rontlsv Irgiralftiy of s'eamrlodges, scows atd cratea for therarib work sen drllHr* ta*c, pnmoicc at ciln»i>asacranra fonh* reck. rte board reaexve the light to r?Ject any or all b.da aroto bid win te acc r rt-d neiraa tae party 1 ropcMDggtye* avidence aalia'octoT to *h* Boom 01 ruwtc wo k»tha;h* is ccmpetent, reliable and rfJcoßiible. TleW dawlii be directed to the Bo*-d of Public won*, loooued * Propoial for KjcaVattng Uumla atd bf-huan C*nal. w asd accoapisled with the usual bond, blauia lor which will be famished at thiavlhcs s« t slsciorv BPcurlty for' he cf th« wetk will be required ot n ay be accepted. . EaUhfol performvtce tf anyp.rtT whoga Sid J. 6. GISDBLS, FBBO. Ltt'Z. O J. B 'BB, WU BOnoi^Q. K B MASON’. Board of Public Worts. Jy77i£i3 s; TTEAD QUARTERS DEPART XX MSSTOK TBB OHIO. .. .. d* sott, Mich.. Jote *4 isa. Information ha» been fnrautei the Command'r of thto Department, whi,-h loelndes tie State* ofOilo. Ismaia lillco ■ and Michigan. taat quant Us« of anri. ana o’t-er Ojytrnmtnt property, axe now in the bands orcruai Alncb trrsonsa alequcaUd tD Bdvtaa t'eseh»ad* qtumrt < f the amt.not 01 prepay ia th«r nosttasloj. It 1* also' art early requo.t*d that a.? pervon w-o naa »i.j koowledan or the locatl -n of an? iu*h property, V i! report 'ho fact that measure* may tw takes to ae> CQ'Btßd torn tl over to tte nrcper *\.tnorlt'r« Add tea* O. H. BAR t*. Lt. Col. and Ass’t Artl*t e*VL Dt rolt, auvo. Jy3J k BJj 7: MOREY FARM PITHOLE OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, 83,155,100. ALBERr e. -OKAY Preiidimt ihrcn (3> famous -u. 3 ” Flowing Well*. UirndiirSn -hellaeane tno ‘Homestead" and ‘lsland" Flowins v-eUe.twtnty two (fi) feet from the line, and mni cntin-len*th of the Farm) adjoining the celebrated llclmden Fax m. and now fni*? d«in-jiijira»d to bathe txr> bestfljwire oil will territory la the eailra ou Regions of Pmnsy'yanla. Apply for L*** at the Uoiey Farm Hotel, or at the Company a Office, oppoalta the Moore House. Tltni TUlß,fa. moot Fasm Hot*l) PltncloCruei,Jonat:h,iiW. j The following Is a Uat of nu operators who hire «ecnr*i Lcmiea ca the MoREr FARM for Immediate development: TTATBOH, Tlturylllo, tweaty-iu QKO. C. CARPSHTKB. Gharry Has. Pa, fOU.* low. a. U. BHIuLEt, TlvoJTlUa. Pa*, three Tots. K. ARAL. FranAlin. Pa. one tot. «AM THOMAS. Waterloo. N Y .two lota. P D NBFF, Center Han. Pa,.one lot. J.AKHSTBOf*(i on city. Pa; one tot. CHARLES REDUT, TV otTlila Pa.osaJot •luHN BUSH. Bn»n Tltnaydle, Pa., oaa lot, P. W. CAKPKUTKR. Cherry Baa, one loti 4W ** it OMOR t> ADOKHi'ON, Jmualcwn, 11. v_ ora lot. Hiram a. coats, ci erry Ran. oca lot oca wv O. p c-.iaTs cse.TT R’rn. one lot. LEWIS DDKTIB. Kochastw.N y„oaalot. F n BAi-DWl>. Corny Bor. OBM»L ° BTIM»N TDTTLB, tiornel'iTlUa, NT onatoL saaßa raßEaul^iTK&wv a J. MAitoH. oaetoiT ♦ Jf ws*T. nuRTiB. TitaarlUc, tlx ’ota feaasssia K ‘ IB <k TUTTLE Esctest-r, N, T~ o&O lot w T; rUatylLe, ;w . i&tt w. H Ball. Oiue k. thru*lota, j hill, ou creek. t*>iea um, W. McMULLBK. oil Creak, two tens. £, tX-J >lt £2 lschbii aTeacrea ROTALTT (o* firelandlnterest#) aortal* la wait sow d?u iiu on apjUcaroa to Albert tt. MOBST, at Ue ito«*T Kara Hotel. ot office at ntamiK at P. O. Box 630. TUatTUle, Pa. IyILUMUi XT*aaet STORAGE A. 2To. 1 flour, Provision* Fish, &c., TAYIjOH’S INSPECTION HOUSES, BAZLBOAD OOHSICTIOBa. XT Cos Inspect ii3o Darrell etch Pork aad Seei pc da». B»me Of Full. fw~ irspeetion in all ita DrancDw, aad oTcHanltat done at once. Vo fire or >d dart* delay at aoxli3a> ca. We work for out emtomwr*. kV“ Look to tear fork. it nnde attention, eoveruacat ProTlHwn injpecuoa done Of aatnor- U> * J. B. TAYLOR, opp.Micn.gAlt £2l smacct Neto aubtrilanwritß KING, HARMON & Go. WHOLESALE DEALERS dry goods 55 Lake Street. Fatlni batuht Batyßy f>r Cx*a nay -re the re eottsdrunw. woo'd announce toitalr »*i*si»aad IBS POTU J. tt»! LB sir STOCI la wy *** Full and Oompioto IS *Q ItS CSFASIXUSTS Cf Cottons. Woolens, Flannels, Linens, Shirts and Drawers, Fancy Goods, Cotton and Wool Hosiery, Blankets, do, &e. iolldtlag s call from iu purchaseri la their Uae, they pledge themseiVES to make as low prices as any Hoes* a Ute West D. F. KINO, »orsusly*D. A ElogACo. A R OABMOa. Forme* ly Harmon, Gala A Co. A. A KKST, 8. A KEST. NOTICE. the fileudi of Mr. Edwin B IHsnuoo, wlrle at the te«d Ol the arm of Uanmn. Cals A Co-. WL'l Dima notice the ch*igj he has p jyateTCluet 21,966 17*370 15,674 NEW SKIRT For ISSS. 837,073 19,797 19,464 AnewsndcreatlnToaon in Hoop nirta. THB DOTL2Z DOUBLED him WESTS?, BRADLEY & CARY, (Lot* J. I. A J. O. WBStJ 97 Chambers street, York, Are the owners of the patent, and exclusive turns of this. J. W. BRA-nr.tnrS PAfBKTlii) DUPLBI wt.t.i trail STKHL BFBINO agTWT. This inventionconsists of Duple*(or two) HUiptu Steel Springs, Ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, sdge to edm, matin* the toughest, mot elastic, flexible and durable spring ever used, enabllai toe wearer, in consequence oi its great elasticity acc fiexlbienesa, to place and told Urn when in osa v easily, and with Ibe same cosTenlenca as a n mnalln areas. It entirely obviates end silences th* only objections to Hoop BUrta. the aanoyane* to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowo ed assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pew, or In any crowded place, from the difficulty ofcou tractlng them to occupy* small apace. mu entirah remorea the dimcolty, while giving tha igm Use anas full and symmetrical form, and lathe lightest, sac most stylish and graceful appearing tor the street opera, promenade or house drras. A lady baying ex Joyed the pleasure, comfort and great couth dears e wearing tee Duplex Elliptic Sarin* Bart XoraiiatU day, will never afterwards wtuisgly dispense with S* use of them They use the brat quality mor cry pm and by tar the lightest, most durable, comfortable ant economical slctn made. Merchants will be supallse as above, and by Chicago Jobbers, and ladles m al first-class retail stores In this city and throughouttki dlfibrrat States. tr Inquire tor the Duplex EUlptle tprtag Sldrts Bradley’s Duplex Elliptic Skirts. Combining elegance, lights ras. comfort and rf-wmw and anqaesUonably_the most desirable araclsmad*. TOrtaleby YIELD. PALMK3 A LKTiaB. 110. 1112. Il l a HU Lass street. Jeßaas-ast-TP rgsas-net To the Grocery Trade. THE EAGLE MILLS. CBBTABZJSHHD 19 UL) Geoenl PLACE & TIRLAY, 200 Fnltsa and .2 Dey St,, 5, T., Importer* and Dealeza !a SPICES, INDIGO GJIOCKKS' DRUGS And MamfwtaiOT of Sustains, Coffee ai Spices, Aim tin “BISHG STAR” YEAST POWDER! Which we Guarantee tor every cllsuta. MUSTi KDS. TKABT POWDER, and o*her stand ard Goof* manufacture! by us, bear oar Firm Signs* tare and trade marks, and are Warranted. They are sold by all Leading Grocers In the Northwest* And by PETTITT & SMITH, ST South Water atreet, Chicago, C’. List forwarded. je33s'BHfTH"**T"»«** TOWNSEND & YALE Save now on hand a foil assortment of Hosiery and Fancy Knit Wool Hoods, Coats, Nubias, Sontags, Scarfs, Caps, Shawls,* &c., Ac., 07 THE CELEBRATED Mamet 07 THOMAS UOI*AN, coirasas button And other weH’ksown Manufacturers, to which the attention of the Jobbing trade u Invited. 25 MURRAY&29 WARREN STS,, NEW YORK. Jl igdJg set ttt nua*. n« THE FOURTH NATIONAL, BANS Has on hand at all timet tor immediate delivery, a fa 1 •apply of 7-SO’S. Parttm ordering may m 4 moony by express and j© cclvo tte notes free of charge. The uw aUowanct to parcel buying to sell again, and tbr note* tor ofehanre. S. A. 8R1965. Cashier. JcOcSMiewni sa-ATPaet Empire State BBICSC MACHINE, PATENTED 1501 MANUFACTURED AT BCHEN* ECfAOr. N. 7. BCapable of moulding iroa 30 to 33,000 brick dal* ly, wl'h tte labor cfelnht m*a and one pair horns, or wltn steam for power, 60,000. No mattar how stony the clay, or hard a.b>tance the etn mixed. It relieve* Itself of all without tne assistance of the moulder or lots of time, and does b.ttjr worn than any ether la use. Can bi set a trite BriggiHoase. Carlt&lisu and pr&c'lial men are Invited to cvl and esunlve, Stats and County rights for aale, great.lnducements. G MARTIN, > . Jy.£c3Bl-3tset g. lISUKT, 5 Agents. WALWORTH, BU3 CHICK & 7 T CO., Uanofaetorei* and Deatos la Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES STEJ3I PU.TIPS, Lofoaollre, Marine and Stationary Boilers, Alio mr ads GOOD SECOND-HAND BOILERS, rotary BUcrs 'or Paper kill*, La*d Tank* and Cicl pr«. oil an-: Water Tank*, soap BoUts, and Sheet Iron Work or erezj description. Wrought Iron Pipe & Boiler Flues Brw* and Iron Ftttlnre for Bream. Ou and Water la area* tjiWj. H„t W-ter *ad ii»am Warmtnr Apparatus Wi.e: and fit-aroGdar.*. Valwa. Cocka. ' **" 5 , Bnbbnr aud Hmo Hoaeßnbw and LcaUi-r Celttar GIF FUMF3 WOKTHIKOTOH'S STS a* 225 LABE STHEHT, Comer of Franklin, Chicago, Dlinou. _ WTr asht Iron Steam, Gat and Wavr Pine. REMOVAL. The Packers* and Provision Dealers Insur- ance Company Hava rracyed I" to Hulrnew Office. So 1B Chamber «« BaUulß ** v ' i UdriK, toc*y. Joly 23d. 1865. JySloiJT-l; not SHIRTS Of Superior qzallty and FIT made to ORDBH at BITS FTJHHIBHIIT(} HOUSE, Jy2iet»4taet. Corner D*-ars?m and Washington. TTEY TO LOVE; or, Dr. 3. il XV L*r di»* Celebrated Private Lecta-e on Psyeao- I 'steal Fascinations It tearhas yon to charm tnoas yon love. Ac. S-crrts worth Eaawlrr la It- Price 30 cents. Abo, Great PrJT*teß"Oi torOrowo Rnou> Jest oat. pier ft. Krtry marriedladribonldhave o e fli'r’f* *rlee of alttier. erlv» ; b. to DB. LANDIS Ufllce.l3ls*Cl»rstnat street.PWladslpbla. Pa. mad r»c*l*e ttieiu (is sealed envelope) by return maL. jyUdasnKn-rc DOCKAGE. oa waited street Bridie. ■»« convenient tor Canal Shipping, °* ’ * a J. knisblt, liooaj 4 Cobb’s Bniidinc. mygiTPBJQt rna» net lUgy DearbornXSa EYE & EAR. .DK UHpKBWOOp. Qcnllst and Aorlst. Operative Sontegn lor Cross Bye, Cataract, Ac., mad aQ Dlsesaa of the Parlors and Masen trusses rfi’iVS? ?.%* Baadolpa street. auca*o. Am* flclal Kyra sad KaMmuaa inserted. tylSell aotnas sa xanußs Will be Bbwnt from tb« city until tbi _ SIST* OF TSS FBSSSZtX MOSTH. BTfcntan Iffrtj aSbnrtlßramtu in vim & mu Oil, COJIPISY Capital, - - - 62,500,000. Working Capita], $75, #OO. JAHLO.T 9. OODI.T, PreiMvat. CHAS. BASIMLPH, Tie© Preside*!* CBABLSS ill* SAITfI) Ymrartr* C. 9* HtBOABP, Jr,, Jvcnlary,; DIBECTOKSs MAHLOH D. OGOO. T. L. DOTMBWOOD, CHAABAB9OLPB, THOA W.PHILLIPf,OfPW» CHAAM. SMITH. Hoa-T. A^AHTIELD.cfObIB EW.Hiwiur.t, JOHH BUST, of Detroit. capital stock Of tu* Company U fielded UM 330.000 kb ms itiptf Talas of Tsa Do Bar* wefe Boßoeapuoa pries, Poor Doom pee an property of the Company oossltti of 1.13T of land la As, and an ownership of on»twetftA of the production cf the coins' to Wan. Tha lands are located on on suanuola Creato. la PeansylTanis, aad la LBa Buraia* Sprlao, Lltat S * a * wh * Creek regions of VM YJrflfllfc Tnelntaait owned by the Company la tks coqusQv TTeU amounts to about forty barrels of oil pw d«, wblcß, at lets than tßs avenge pnea of oil durtac tt# last year, wOl pay over tea per oet. per aaaum uyee taa entire capital stock at tubaeripttoa price. A committee of subscribers, coasisuae of A. C Badcar, Thct. A Diekenoa sad a. h. Sdridow were recently seat by tßa anbscrlbers to Talldlty of title, location and value of the lands oa» trid. After spending two weeks is mattnc s tkoe> cugb eiimlnatloa af then. tßa Committee made their report, wßlcß closes as follows: "The Commit'ee ware highly pleased wltß all tßs Isa da visited by taea. beta la Penafylvaala and Fit* Clnla, and believe thorn to Bare bass very csrefolly and |3dlclona.*y selected, wlthavtemof gutting news but good producing Oil territory, they believe ths lanes to be worth the price asked for them, as* eheo folly reccommend t&e whole w»h«»wp» to tbs stockholders." Bight Wells are sow zolss down oa die property ta West Virginia and the Directors propose to a number of other* at once la Pennsylvania, ' This Company is now in receipt of the income Iro« onodwellth cf the coquette WelL Haps of the property shown at the Conpsayioffloe, In I* tiler’s Building cor. dirk ana "initntirTiimw. nos REDUCTION IN FAR* Chicago and Northwester* RAILWAY, LAKE SUPERIOR. sms* cached, arriving at Green Bay at 5 oxioe* aegimon icz.wburo pastengera taha one ol the fine steamers •*® and alter a pleas satdaydg*< cip on the beautiful waters of Green Bag. rewhßß* 50 tage the 5 a. m. train, oa Lhe p»i> reisDtrlaionC.SS. w.u. W.,artviagat gaqun at Up. to, where immedists ooonesaoa u assd* wus 133 TTXAIfXB nnMw^ Tor Tonagn Late, Haneock iu nmplw To filarqQttto—- To Portaga laciuaia* dm:i ta<) tanii oa itoacan. 84^J^l* a3 r , o VUU moMn.-T m Tulexy of CiUioalUig wiu •tnmboaoajr ox calra vatzst. ilia, Uia “ Inland Boole!" ~ tae aisajpmbieißd <Uscv3 oc*porooa» citato H«nx«ica. FABB&.SB—ChIMCO to MarqtUUa. ** “ „ Forties tafco.. Betsn: Ticioto iwoad oatvaea Cfcieaco ana mu. 95®* Ftahiaa la tto fleinliy oj sku> a?Cc * OOi2Su tt# ’ *° 0< * Arran*ccieat> taro taea porteetsd wtoreor itir» cftaact s» or cttor otfiM mar t» (nimrM to aC radM* ° a *'** B imS dupaica aa>: %\ eocdilgouia iw ttimi u \im ir*cea»ta mrji u 1794. chaktkkj£d NSURANCS CO. North America, OLDEST RSERiXCE CO9PIXTIX AXEKICI Cull Capital and Sarplns over #1,700,000 00. BBVSNTT-058 YKASS sucvvsifol bu.injjj expe* rtenes,with arepuiaiiou i,r Integrityui boa>r»sl> det.lnr nniurpMsai any simitar lj*ll*nM n pA *f> iibm orranissttio. 417.3000.* 000.00. without in: deduction of a cent, ur a d«y‘s delay! LLBRKAL BAT 23 'or all the safer classes of s(od* insurance oadwaiurgaaed contCii.j, a s^tsci- BBICK rr STON* DWELLINGS IniurM for tires and Are yea - >, o* perpetually, if dmlrei. O.i >ermi cf tne greatest economy aaa isfety to tae lasnr, d Agents in all prlnc: p d towns of the North vet. It is wisdoma-d economy t* latureii rn?t>**: C'-irparlPA aid thMe is Vf?r 'haa the i..*d 15- BU3ASCE CO. OF WORTH AMSBICA. noulES * BKO„ aseata. If. E. Car, Clark * South Wumu, jyStetoe 3 tu TndaaTrel 7-30 LOAI. NEW SERIES, Third National lank OF CBICAQO, ;?q have this a»y roctved a urntayais n u* THIEt S£Blßt Beating da-aiy ism, isb, and are yrsxvwd u ny •j.*den tor tne Parties desiring a Invert taaunnan « Proo of Olxarsey from ill pomu uii of the Usnstim. tad cu will be east them FKd> 07 <THAT«a ISA »nmm, Chicago. Jan* 10. ism. lemsao-u *ar Merchant Tailors. HOBSWEIX,£im£T & FRE.VCfI, 97 Prank lin at., Boston, Mil ffff- ABB NOW EBBPAS2D TO SHOW 73X13373(2.07 FINE WOOLENS FOR AUTUMN ffHE.TKD ?KOU THS MOST CELEBRATED MAKERS AT 20*3 AND A3SOAP. Comprising many Novaltiss FANCY GOODS SHOWN BY SO DTBSS ri"TT3Y IS THIS COOIfTE Y HICHWINES, Jy3 376 net Fartirawiabicru bo? amail lotaofHlalximnj can jj 3*234 SO-net Si doata Wau-r»uso*. OT. ANDREWS’ society; NOTICE. A apeald meetlrir or tbe menbertof tbti sarrl’ty will be Sdd attbecslce of H»y> j, AnUuaj A v*.‘> 77 Tear Dora atreet. OS THURSDAY SV3sma» Sfth IfliC, at S A foil attendance U rcajrcttaHr wnws-i, at mat ten of importance will be droeghtbatore ibsmeecyc- HO3HHT Dtlaola 8> AadrewV Ax'.t’.f navasat For Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholbix iloasrs SusotiarovpLAMT. Ijioir.c-rnos, sees >TLXscn. P»AKPuincr Kimxu (.■• ?ai/, FLa-zrLnas. cnouc, Gvpim . And u a Soothlsz Syrup for Children* B'O BA£TZZTS ZiZ7S COBOIdX^ TbisatiL tenure you ItoaalpS'S. and restore yon topenect hi»;:n qtUcAer lion iej other medicine *no.n. Warranted ware care- „ Sold by si: dealers ) MaliriN ACa.ProprleMrt In m«lc:n«*. \ , n£T!' t i nco - “• L Frr»»lebvali PrngsUt*. j- Ateru3t su reroet THe Original Howe Sewing Maenmer Ksnofaclnrel ai,J» Uia IntiLddlate iaperrUlan Cf i Bowe,Jr..ti«ta'Miowom«sowtß3 macblno office and sales.'ocni, 13ti rairß street. Active toca) sjtents wanted tnronsbout lie west. Address J. Ct BKYASTA oc..&tiaerai Western Ajtaca. tiiaciarx treert. ftiJcaco v« WOOL! vuiO M CHILD*. i>«ien ut %or.«n Womi, Ko. Id Cltr *li*n. ud 3 Cosusores »tre6t, Botioa. it*. elutTdy oa eommLuiloa. in 4 a»Ttnc ao latecss umnaeive* la Cub odTaceo* m»L: b* scan *snc&»t jjtwiwn or csioaoo. VIA THE .39 boon .98 hoars .. 19 TO Jyis 630 lo