Newspaper Page Text
Serial jlotitfs. DR. BIGELOW, a physician of high standing fob Sptcitl and Private Diseases Crtdute of sereral College?, 179 SOUTH CLASH ST., CHICA-G O. XXjTu, SB. BIGELOW U an educated Piyilclin, bis the titcbest tcitlmoniala tar ability and success tna his patients, and a’xo Iron: ctber physic: aa* in Chicago, without going to the other end of the world to try and find somebody, that nobody fcnews anything about, to endorse t| * m - Thousands of inflow win Sear wining tatlmony to there tacts, and we aay cor dially, to an wbo seed assistance in this department of medical science, that if they would avoid bring tampered wltb and injured by ignorant irstendrn, buldu being compelled to pay unnecessarily large fees for worthless medical adi Ice.let them avail then •elves of the tklll of a gentleman every way compa tent tc aeenre a speedy and effective euro. Doctor Blcrelow Tithe only PhyiicUaas a Specialist now in tbe city that can be entirety relied upoo. eo to xmt. and not ftsfler razaes to remain in yonr system, disfiguring year face and body, besides destroying you bappl* mess and futon prospects in lift- He has male per* *3cal diseases and nervous debility bis study tor the last twenty yean, and is therefore the penan whom all afflicted should consult. Ho one ever betrdefa pattern of bis not cured since be baa been In the city. His reputation has vouchers in all the city papas, bis patients and tbe medical profession both hereto* ahxoed. as b^ c r tbs most sailed specialist Here auda thorough msstcrefbispiolasilon. If all others fall, don’t dtspalr; give bin a call, it is only a common occurrence wltb him to core such cam. Sis room* arc separate f:r ladles and gentlemen, and the xncst complete in the city- Consultations free and confidential. Office So. 17# South dart street, comm of jtonroe, half a block from tbe Post Office. Post Office Bo* 131, Chicago. Hh Office hours from ft A. U. to B F. M. Bend for bis •‘euldetoEesltV published meuth ly, free of chance. Xotnro m«w pantiooLaa None*.—Doctor Jilgclow dovotes much of bis time to tbetreaunestof those cues caused oy a secret tacit wnlch ruins bath body and mind, tbe unfortunate individual tor tithe besmeas or society. Tbetadeffeetoftheee early habits, or tbe excess of riper yoais, istoweaten nnd debilitate tbe cccstltutlea, destroy the physical and mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural yhniiwpa, andezbautt tbe vital energies or manhood; the picasurt* of me a» marred, tbe object of marriage frustrated, andecstcnceitself rendered aterm ofee* ccsblug misery and regret, ftucb petscss, especially those contemplating mazzlagc. shoald lom no time in Tuaklcg immediate application, ai Dr. by his new treatment. Is enabled to insure a epeudy and perma* peutcuzu. Tbe following are some cf tbe msny E'V.tortal acilcai Sirin in favor of the Do;u>r, by tha Edliois of Chicago Dally and Weekly papers: An> fob tee Afflicted.—Wbtt lengue can ten, wba* pea ponrsy tbe mile: Its inhered by iboseua* yoitutate wbo, in tome unguarded moment, have placed themselves la tbe way of t-raptatlon which th-y were unable to mUt, and have fallen an easy j.rry to the t :mptoT Tbs bodily eagclsh is small compared with tbe merited agony arising from the U cad cf espeaure, and the lou of goed n»ms fcpocg Uoic whose opinion Is valued acr s than Ilfs j «eu. afiaid to take atepa to at once remove the rtliefMlfVt discovery should ease?, that which w*s st first bst triSins toon becomes intense, sprcaalug raplcly, and incoculaUtg the whole sys’em with a deadl: v.inr. It Uf» tie saief of ibis cltss that Dr. 2J;seicw-Fo. 179 CUrk atrect-ls apoc'ai’y Ce rol’.rg his enercict. Be alms not to deal wltb thou children of vice wheae evocation It Is to I lay tbe tempter, and who have fallen into the pit cjiey have digged tor otbira. Those who have occa gaiicb from She upimtl path of rectitude ii s osrnut sympathy, and far their relaf all tbe re* ftonreea of the medical att are celled Into xecnUlLon. Treated w Ith that Underacts and del eaey which their heightened delicacy to much demands, and which, by the moral action thus imp’red, forms so essantlal am aid to their physical recovery. None need fear but that att a hands they will receive all tboauenaon in paired in their ease, or that they «U fall to be tret ted on tbe best improved methods dereloped by mod, ern wlarch tetethe phyeiolog cil struclcre of the 4 7onlUlorge£s«acd tbnirsympatbe Jo connection wlta the ether P'lrUosa of the animal economy and with The articlu o! the materia medics, the immense and festneasiy vatteo resources of which are, in his hands, An open book. AfcEsaiva Wast BcrPi^ED.—a lirge class ofus* fart .nates arc to bo feued la cm large city who Lava bum made tbs v.ctlms of designing men and women, and having once >i*ay.d &am the pets cf virtue, have contracted dueasca cf a painful nature, sor the cute of which they am arrsld to consult their family physician, and thus tuffs; on for months or perbtpi ycua. tls disease cobrtantly increulng in Tl.'uleccc till tbe grass-topper bcc :m<s a burden, and -death is prayed lor sa the orly m-vci of relief If »u;h pe*i:ai do mnstiTcp anfficlmtc:ursg*tovi!lt arras one for thesakeof ccs-u'tstlou. theya»uilly fall Into the has da of advertising seised of n-ore assnrancatbsn lesnlag, an* marked for then rapacity rstotr Ibanthilr honesty, lathe bands cf these harpba the poor visum Is drugged to e’esth, end wbat with the effects cf tbe «o*ca*led mall* cine, ardthe inevitablo presress of tbedise&ee, tbe last feint ray oi hope departs, teasouis unseated, tbe bofy Is a mc:e wreck, and the suffsrer finds hlo el •mpoverirhi-d in psektt, mined in body and mlud, and sinks to the grave amidst the cecpest horrors t*a ; xran can ccntelve- ♦ it is to ttu c’.tu t&at D.% Bigel:w. 179 3ork *«et, ctlculaUd to be of special service. Convinced la early lift that a wider field of real ostfmness to suffer las fcnrranliy »u hire opened, than that fjacdlo nay other dcmtln of the kernel profwslons.hero xUved to dtvoic hia lire to thetuhof alienating the •errows of thla hitherto helpless clsas. Laying a tuUd tubitrstum of Keaeral crdlcal knowlsdge, by a tbcrcngb cruise of study Inthebrstmedlcaloolefro* on ?>.<• coi.Unent,ha then voluntarily sndtrtoak years •iflab;r,unpro;ucUvelnapecnilaryaeiae,f,,Tth9» w«t pnrpoao of bullolr g ni*, tram aetnal obse;va.lcn and personal study mderlhe but apeela'lita of thi world, an intimate anathtronghkaowUdgeotprlvsie and chronic diseas-.s, in all their mnltltudlncci man - rotations, a.d the ability to with thrm triumph tally In a l stsge', phases and decrees of vlra- Bowwoh be succeeded In this endeavor hit .practice In Chicago will but teX 1) - ring the bst lit tle mori than two yean that Sr. Slselov has been anonym,ho has Rained hosts of frfmda aid cored ttonsacdk of patltfa. Bis practice Is dally lacreas txg, and Uo»s who have ones experienced his skill. Tah not to tpeok of It to ihelr tin.ctad Minis. It is pleasant to be able to record the presence of a man inthls commcnltywho urolSable.thhUahaadiafD. Hi* advert here aapplled a want lone fsR and often oeplored. While ethers have vhltjd the city, and* aitcr a kw sh&ri weeks of puffing, have left fjr parts unknown, Sr. Bigelow, at his office, corner of Mon joe and Clark streets, has witnessed an iterease of Easiness ea.h month since his anlrah—CAicopo 'fitnet. Dr.Elgclowbß* the largest medical practice In Uili city; he gives so much aatliiactlan, ibat his ps vlests recommend all their friends to him for treat ment. He U.wlrbcot doubt, the i»e*t cuallfled medi cal mas in the city, of those treating special disease, snd.havlcgatsdled them tboroogh'.y, rrctlrlng In rtrnctlont itom the ablest and beat preceptors, ap propriated and verified the knowledge Uoi gained ity an extensive practice, we are justified In auertlnz kls cnpcrloilty. Be guarantees a erne la all cases ol which he undertakes the treatment, and leaves n> taint or potion in the ayitezn to give trouble In after gears. Those who wish to be treated confidentially okillfolly, succeufolly and politely, tboa'.d srp'y at once to Ur. Bigelow, at his rooms, No. 179 South Clark strict, corner ot Monroe.— Chicago Sorting Journal, Oct 16,13C3. Dr. C. Bigelow, Specialist. Office,K«.l79 South Clark street, comer ot Monroe. To day we call the attention of tbepnblleto Br. jHgelow, new permanently located la this city, who, yor the past tan years, baa, with unprecedented sue* treaUd ah diseases of the IgeniuCorgant, sypbl lli, oicheltu, and every eptclta of dUeue entailed cn men, either hereditary, by alilatinne. or threurh carcletsnesa.. He baa trailed mere chfflsnU eases than any other ipeclalUttnthl* city. He is a rexnlarly educated pijfficUa, and has made Titrate clicases theatodyof allfetime. BDo to; expose yotuaelf to impoMtlccfromoih cr*. tut call and aeehlm. He will tail you the nature of your direasc, andhowaoon he can effect a cure. :do cot hesitate to call. A Menffy. confldinTal chat will cost yon nothing, and may save jou a U2e of anffoiog. Remember the number 179 Be nth d trk street, cor jierUcnroe. toe advuitlsementln another column. .Fes!, Drr.KIA. DR. Biazxow, Confidential Physician, CFormcrly otBU Loulao caabe coaaaittd at tl» ooce. IVo. 179 Sooth CUrli-ct*, Corner of Monroe. Chicago, lil.j (P. 0. Box 151.) CALF A. CQU&SB F£OU Tfig POST OFFICZ. *ll Cbro&lc CoapUtats tad Dtsewai of 6 F/lTttt *&d IWleat* Bainra. in tool* kwm, which ha tmu vlib onoaraiietaincoaß. Boom PrlTate. utfiMbout trom Ba.m. toSp.m, mp j&ptclat jlottwff. Dr. Webrtcr, 164 Boutt dark street, between luaiaooaaaMaa* roe. Office boon m>»B A.M.U>BF.M. Specialist tn tbeoeatmeot of aii private <Um*mb la «U ttdr Ta iled sad complicated lone*- For the put iwtaty rean Or. made the treatment of private dis eases hli baileea and study, which baa enabled him topc&ct remedies which are spoodj and pennaasat, esd la all cuqb cache used without blodraace to basl him or eipoame to trleada. Fartlcaiarattcitlca sires to aS old staadine cues, sacb at were formerly con- Udered iscnrable. BypWll*, la all lorma; Gonorrhea, Sitot, Stricture; also the effect* of *oHUry hablt,both ndnonß to bofiy tea mind, and produces tome of the fonowlSK efftctarplxßidfl* on the ftce,b:diiy weak cut, cosstlpatlOL, areiios for aafi ttseastacu la fe male society timmaaUcnse, dread of future events, and Caallr a complete prorttattoa of the vital power, lots of memory, tingles la the eats, Impoteacy—can be folly rmtored to health. Dr. W. is the pa-lUhar of a new medical work which ahoald be la the hands of an those eontemplatlns mairtice. Bent to an on receipt of ten cents to prepay poctage. rieaae call i a Meodiy chat win cost yon aothlsc. Dr.' Webster refers the pmblle to the loUowlcc Physi cians: Dr. Detlor,Milwaukee, WU.; Dr.Feabooyatd Dr. Kermott, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. Price. Qraafi Bsplds. Mich.; Dr. Bowen and Dr. Harrison, St. icnii, no. i Dr. Gaines, Dr. J. Briley. Dr. James Thorn, calcaso, 111.; Dr. Eeaaanhatt,Toledo, Ohio; Dr.Drrl*, Cin cinnati, Ohio; |£a DMeWK »• Porlfr. Enrich ibr Biwod "£f£«ss Ibt Complexion, use flcbnsold’i in fluid Extract dsmparHla. Cc .treagttt one gallon oi the gircp or Pcccvuon. Wonted All wfc o are In trouble. i = B» “fudtaon fnl in Hie, to visit DB tweet. If they wish to harry. h« tein tte cast. p.csest and ware. jygfeaa It »- Franklin Brook*, one so «*V c, p alt A*rlTate PUea*ea Ircl* sSSHasr £s&hs£Sssssj£ «X«* cߣ r«y rtiy upon balngcasUy and speedily and difficult cues, inch übavo r x’stcd f rrci a are compl?t~y and ponnaaentiy cored la a Jhort ÜBf.wrTBOUT Msfcnv, regard to alet,orhar or crof'icre mrrua -triced with any Private Dlv M*e»! in calling ea-ly alter contracting them W1 &e cuiodinatboritr Umo than by any other Physician in ’bebrown world. . . . * Dr. B I»preeminently aucctasful inthstreatment of the above most d;CUult and perplcslns rf all Dls i-a>u * be has glv- & p»r ‘cnlar attention io ;hua for icariT rtart and «> tbo-oogbly baa lie become sc ,iu*lnted with tbrlr Pathology and trrata rat.that ha wnl warrant a rrofzcr core, under a rorulurelf r onlred; in fact, ho will, tn the care opbw roa piaisu, acknowledge no superior In this count: y or 'hISjWTOOTDS HIB own MEDICISE3 tom ISO troe source of hiatih and at-eiath. the v*jr-«*u,a Blnsdcm. Uien zllyouwbo are hflhcl;d, to b b office, wi ere yoo w.r, in a abort time, be rude to itj-.lce la p*rtoct health. #l _ , A Private Consa.tuue Ki-Offi adjoins the Office, there IbeTcc'or wtl! alw«* be In at end wee dorlar office boars. Those nainlne at a d'-1 -are may call in piston, or address him m iwrtwt cosCde'uce. __ Office b. tut fxOifVOU A. lL,l«oCa.H,iUjd.^f ta tbe evening. Jyf> SC*-. Bclntbold’a Extract a! S*araui-ailHa HeactesMirtTeroTi,tef the blood, lunula tlw weer c( aealth ieto the syncs, and purges out the ouaers •tat make duetse. Private Mattcrw. Tttheor.?or!nt»'e. Df CLAIIKE *l7 C.a*b street, bo. 4 barmen Block. 1s a man o. lew *orca.baictv»* patients of both sexes, srompt; rellabiaaad .toroc-h treatment. of Quackery Or ta. cy cct a ait Dr. CUxke, whose great suca f»d«» -nd« upon nvn « education and experience Goto him atoaie udbecrrec. BedotancCwantyouriucuTU&less hed<-*ayou gooc. Send fiifcrbcxcf blaccicbntel hemalePHU 9--re cure. „ , gw - tend tro stamps for ” Private Letter on Saa.- aaiWesknwa*’ XT eer.d t«o stamps for “Pilvats Letter to Mar ried Ladl* a " I?«~ nro a’arcpi for “Description of French Prtkirie I’rcventlf ” CST Bend two stamee for “D««rlpt!on of the D.-’s Sometblf cto Wear tnc ttop Hlghtly Emissions 1 Addruß Dr.CiAHES.yo 4 Lataon Block Cbl* ctgo. Jl.i.VUIt Dr. Acton, n? Clark street, oppraitu tba Court House, ta?pee • -nilT informs tbe pubbe be cct*# the Ui*»i e f rm of p lvate du.*a*e. with at as'a-ile Those whobavebeenbadly tn*tfdl oj bare ciifcase lurains In the tyttem. can Par? m tdiciie on applies* nontocffiD*,oTe*c? to any cf the couorry free Inm cheer* a ion. with goueral alrecno'it. in -•h as eu i c*n ccinnteiiend and put In prartlcew.lhoa. cx? j > *nr*. The Doctor never make*a i<jccu4 charge t-r 1 one disease. Hie terms *rerraai>ca?lr »rd t« Im »rtnlrng««-ngt. in Chicago t) haw established tie tbafctcrof tuc bat prailltuner in ih:> rrscch « I merieine- Femtlr puis ansraatiedtocreoi what they wer.tedrd f.r,aj.dl:.fora.atlor given on atydellr-te •ut'ect bv ae&dioi: two sumps, dnetted P- atonies Hex 7458, Chicago- Jn».S*l A Clear, Ftaec-tb Shin «ud he&utifol Com. «lexloa toliow ifca use oi H*inhoid’,*!oi:cestrat*-fi Fluid Extract Suraparllla. It rmoTei h:ack t;ots, a-«piei, tad thetlda. Perry’* Woih and Frcclzlc Lo« lion. Cb’oanoa. or Mothpatch. (also called Llv“r«prt.) andlrfsUgo.or FrrrXlea. ere often vey annoy nr, particularly tc ladlts of llxht complexion. Ur .l: dlscolorad sp'-U show more plainly oa tbefsceo. a blonde then of a brunette: lint trey grfailr mar .he o**uty of ether: ant any pr-paraMont?*-will cB ct ually remove them tra«ml injuring tht u-xiurs nr •olor cfttetliti * cerul-ly a dfc»iaer*inai. DU B. C. Pn »r. who baa made dlaeasea of toe rkis a aptciabty. ha* dUcovend a remedy for these disc 1* orations, wnlch is a* once prompt, icfai.ioie. and Cblcaro byTbr*.Wb!tf.eM A Co., DtUs A Sharp, Sack A Haycor and Smlib ADwio. fTjLLBS, FINCH A FULLSH. Agents. Cbleago. Iff* Frepared only by B C PKBb Y. Dermatolrglrt. Ko. in u&nC atieet. Kcv York, and for sale try all nior SSTprteSi Verbo«sa CaUUr PKHkV'S MOTH Dr, First Warrants aradleal and permanent cun In nine ease* out of tea of all chronic or delicate ducaate or either sex, which have teen given up by other physicians. Hi, vreat success in oaring receut or lot*x standing Uaeasa. whether bcrudlt&r? or oiherwlMc mtltbw aim to the fun ret confidante of tbe pa »llc. The Doctor extend* aa invitation tn all wbo are •ffilc.c-d io eWI ana have a per>onal interview, free cl charge. All biters coiitalulQi stamp will be pronpar answer xL Pailenta in the comUr esn have ra**alclno sect by tocure fn.m obacrvatlon, by dcserlhlna timeese and sending fee. Tbe only nailable rarveatlve for ladles’ use tent to “JSSfSS rSSi Via Md IST Boom 5. first Coot ap-siaas. post Office J «»**, 'TH-To. El. Why Icjare tbe Censlfzlso by Powders md ti tabes which chokt or fillup tee perrs oi the gin, and In a short time leave ucanb and dir? U ■ iuTbettsod, **d aeft skin ae Belmbold’s Extract of Banaparilia. It gives a siHUscy to tbe complexion. Dr, James Brooks. Office To. S4 Bouts Deirborn »t*oet. chiesce, Dl., cxucuct to treat rite unparalleled sue vita, aovst :hllrciocu:e*liU.r. nlcor private Diseases; a»o. It-.ctmaVsm, Liver « oaplalut. Pevw aid Ague, v.a:* t'Tt.Brro’U a,Dyirepsta>o' , l fires. etm,ano paracn* tarli all Cheat** and ir:cgu>arl;le* of ihe - Ua. bad psitffLilhP flomrn7wcaknrs».o» aeoi’n; medical eraorglcel ai-. can har** tne behefi. of Dr. Uiookt' a yeai* *xpe;jei.CH and ußptrv..c.*d *nc cts* in this ra-ticc'tx specltp-y, as tr sed fill acTTwtrading fitatea can t stLy. La Its ca l* teg will >*>e io oce tu'.th» Doctor. i ee,cttfl«tnnas. Separate rooms fOrUdl^ andutn* t’emer. Al, letters proa jS'yaaswreA. office hour, SA. fi'. to S» f- M. P. O. box 17b3. Keea-tUng MU*. IMMIS. J>2»c.35-4t A Thing wt bran? is a Jot Ferrver, fbcie wno dMlre brimaacy -if ct-rouiftxipE, must •only and enrlea the blood, which Heimbolds Coo ititvalcd ExUfac: b*Tj»panlla icvanabiy docs. Bw -ciirct It 1* no patar.? csdldnr. Ask :or artmtold’s, fake ns other. Lindsej** Improved Stood Searcher, The great beauty aid dUdcguitbieg qua Ity of tbi* dtdlfUif Is, that whde it completely removes tbe dls* •as -, it itvlgcraies and pnifisa tbe wßo,e«y»ttm. creating rrxw aFD fuff blood, a power very rar-iy ftend la say rntdmitft. Ibis p#cnlf»r property I* tba basis of its astcu'sblng success It is a m»dlclse pcsteißlng great csntlve wcpertlre tor all diawea srtalip'ramanUnpnreaiatsoi theblool. itinvin* an v afforra reiief, and efleett the most wonderful cunt, w.w ACQ..EalePraarttto.x. fltU* “rwiSVy BCBSHAU * v,B siai.tcs^ I6L> w a?:e t.Chicago, and D.-ugguta generally. iyae=-*iO*l Beware wf Cwanurfelia and ooFrUcljplejl lealers eudeavonnr to dispose 01 tselr owLar. l ! other ireparstic&s. on the rcpuuuon aualned by amm* yon's vtneme gmarationa. _ Dr, c, l/« *iiencer , > fragrant Odeusslalte for the teeth. I*. •« one of the rtrybest article* for cleantacg and r-ies-' the icath tv*j offered to tbe public, and it warranted .0 contain co acid or any other lacredlint in the lea»t lEjcnoa* to tbe teeth. A cake of in;>erlor t&vtb piste aceoffipahlM each bottle. Tbe Olcuselsl it can X fetid at wbolesa-c or retail bv druggists centrally. .C. L. 6PESCBH A CO n Projectors, providence, IL I. DEHAB,BASHES AGO., New York,So!fi igchls, o whom all orders should be addressed. 10126 c934m. Srnalauder*e filract of Bucku Curts disease* Of the Ctomaeh sad Urinary Organ*. KneusoatUm. General Debility, Droraloa, Chrjatc 6t.cerrbß»,and cutaneoca Dlicaira lar. D.BAIIKXS A CO_tisw York, K Y. BOBLB GB k BOiKttn. vs holiaaloDraigms, BvStoajMas*;, Gen eral Agn.ta. jytauiTi >m Hot ■ few of the »V.*r« Cbfct itffictmankms artae fraa corractiuni ot me blood. SelmboWa tetract o:&*r»apsrm» }* the ■toiMt value. aptum SK V-TA« Bflp Scbllbcr&*« German Ointment. Warrantee a certain cure, wltaoat tbs riisbt«t dsn wr. lor film. Old Wounoi. Scrofoia. SUt Uhecm, Pevrr bores, all Bone anl Skin Disease. A 5 Bole pro- SeuJ/KSCUILEAbQ.O3 Bowery.NewYortn For •Me at J. B- REkO A CO'k Lake atrcCt, Cbleago. jytsdsa QBuutltTW».<*aulltT.— Ilclmbold’j Extract iMararllla—The dose u small. Those who desire a •rge quantity—aid large dosta of tsedlclno—SßH. Freckles, Tan ami Pimples aeaoved at oace. by the use ol“ Upham's raaonju r.« ,vn Prvprs Rivlinm." Hrlc#) 50 CCSIS- _W»Lied toanraddreafor«scents. byS.C-CPUaM liSSonth atreeu FhUadelphla: LOUD a SMITH. 23 Hnlr Uprooted from ah pert* of the %dy In five mtnn»e*. wimout Utfury to tie aicim by Dn’insrorr Price ft. Milieu to any adlrassror fiJ5, by B.C.'DPBAM, itS South Eighth etreet. PhUadeJ^blo. Aakfjr l, UrEAse'e Oxtoatorv Pow^kß. - and Ske nooUer. LOUD A SMITH. 128 Lake sh. General Axecu- Also tor tale by ah Druggists. ItSsaara-rn eat awis Xhc Japanese Iluir Solon »te Hair. Whisker* and Moustache ■ beantlfiil T.tfr or snow*. It eonsls'i of om? okx few*saa rs. “tiara B5^ v i £ffi*SSSSfTfca: glso. for sale by all BruirgUta, Co^3artnccst)lp. TVISSOLUTIOK.—Tts Ca Part JL/ rirned, undertbv Pm name o! THOS 1L WOOD A tx».. is this c»t d’liDiTcfl ty rautnat commit- _The afistrs or the firm will be seined oy THUS. H. WOOD, who is aalbonredtoslsn UllQSiosUon. Chicago. July 11 ,h.H65. THOS. P. WOOD. K. W WOOD. CO-PAUTXEU??niP NOTICE. The undersigned have this day fanned a limited co pirtaenbip. unotrAh* firm name mt WOOD. STAN BBO. WAEUEb *Oi. f -r thrtrareactloncf a Whole eaiePaln*, t baud Qi»« J’-uMte a at the old aland of Znoa. It Wood & Co., 170 U.udglph«.--cet. r. w. wood, The ukdersigked have mtaueUtrd ihen»«JT» \oietber tortbe practice w . _»wlttb®eoa’tiof ttli BUte,*oflor.boDkU*i “*“*• Office 88 Washington st. vak h. nioems, LKUMAUU b'A'Elx. Ct icaro, Jal y Si, I£*s. ilStSMlm FIISSOLCTION OF CO-PART i /kttrbhiP Ko-lc-j 1» herein mi that thaco ta tterafilp htntoTare »xiatlnc between tte u fi r ■lrrfd kid JOWPt B- POSTJT. '• 4lM ft lTßl by thl wfuknirtlottte raid joehla B. Poaro/fromtne tirm. Tte boHsea ot PLAMnsia ivnLi. win hf cost;treed by the tuiaenlrned &* cc»j»artaeu, tatoihe turn nas.e of AUTtiUM' c iisarwe. SUAVKNGKB. CHARLES KUNZ TMIU. fCmOVIaC (ÜblS ?SSS£L?S2 bT P z !iX c S,* V *T Ofcrtrr itocrinUoa. Uttlcw. imam. JflStUMOtM* Cbtcap THUB3DAT, JULY 27.1565. FROSI MEXICO ARD TOEBiRDER. The Thrcc-sidcd Situation. Jnerez and K.crttr siul Actlre-Fed <r» I sirfntu. on tn« 14,000 Imperial Troops Ea Uonte. [Ootrc.-ponact.ct Sew Orleans Tlmci.] Cirr or Mexico, July 19, 1885. The movements of Gtn. X&zteUi ‘ against Matamoras failed on account of tbe hostile demonstrations ol the Confederates, -who un doubtedly were in combination with Gen. M< JU the commander of the Imperialists in Matamoras. Nrercto fell back on Monterey,- and hearing of an advance of the. French from San Luis, he occupied the renowned pasa of Angostura, known in your country Ly the name of Buena Via la. Here -he- of lend battle to the French commander, Col. Jcnnvgros, who declined It. There was come'cannon shots, which caused the French some less. Col. Jcnnvgros was awaiting the arrival cf another column under Gen. Brin court, which was to have taken the Liberal forces on the flank, and a column of Mejia’s forces wiilch was to have attacked Negrete in the rear. They occupied Monterey already, and thus could have enclosed him in a trap. On the night of the Gth, Negrete abandoned ~ Ma~ position and retired to Mencloia, where he divided his forces, giving Gov. Escoredo two thoußimd men, who marched to Galeous, whilst Ncg;eltc with two thousand six hun dred men and s-xteen pieces of artillery, took the read to Lampazo?. Thcs Marshal Bazalne’s combination, which was to term!- nule tbe war, was frustrated. As you can see, the accounts of Negrete’s defeat and ut ter annihilation before Matamoras, U all boeb. It is amusing to read in the corres pondence of papers friendly to the : Empire how often poor Negrete has been defeated, killed and taken prisoner. The same with other Liberal commanders; they ato perpet* i nally cut up, and yet by some means, un- | known to us, they always come to Ilf: again, and as strong as ever. The tactics ol the Mexicans are evidently with tbe object of tiring cut ibe French; uniting to strike a blow, dividing when too hotly pressed, al wavs harassing, marching between the Im perial columns, occupying every place the moment the French leave it, attacking their t envoys, destroying their forage. In me State ofMlchottcau tbe war becomes : every day more serious, and it was found 1 necessary to protect Morelia, the capital of i the Statu, to send 1,000 men from here. This I force has not pacified anything yet, es even I tbe mail dots not come from that city. Count Pettier, the former commander, has been recalled ard severely reprimanded because he was defeated by Rvgules; the seme with Col. Pauline, who also suffered a disaster. _ The city of Tula, in the Slate of, Tauuu lipoe, has been taken by Mender, of the Liberal party, utterly routing tbe garrison of 000 men. The town of Matehuala, also, was stormed by tbe Imperial troops stationed at Ccaral. They pronounced against the Empire, and killed nearly SOD French soldiers who were In cairiecn at tbe former place. No quarter was asked orgiven. The petition of affairs Is growing worse every day. From every direction accounts tally- about tbe insecure elate of the coun try. In spite of all eald to the contrary, Gen. Douet, with 10,000 men, Is coming from France to reinforce the French army in Mexi co. The Austrian con*iogcot, also, 1? to bo Increased by 4,000 men. who are to land at Matamoras. I add the following cxt r nct from a private letter, dated Tampico, June 1C; *• On my arrival here w<j still had commu nications open with San Luis, and business, :hcn*'h not very goad, still was active; bat a short time after, Ciudad Victoria (tbe capi tal of Tamanllpas) was menaced and taken bv the Liberals, which was followed by iholr taking San Barbara, and to-day we hear of the capture of the city of Tula, with all the Imperial garrison. Thus all this State, with tbe solo exception of Matamoras and Tampi co, is »n the bands of the Liberals. From tbe taking of Victoria, tno Liberals placed troops on the toad, to Impede all communi , cHticn with tbe Interior; and two mmtba < have passed without any wail from iau Lula. 1 The commerce of this city U completely par . I a'yzed.” fFfom the Albsny Journal, We publish below, some extracts of a let ter written by a gcaileman formerly of this cltr, noweroployt-d on oneoftbegreat works cf Journal Mextio: ‘•The only altalnsb'e wealth of this country' was that of tb* churches, and every piece of ei-ld or silver l&rce cnoneh to make a three cent piece has been appropriated by Juarez long ego; and farther the priest of the chwvh al lire pI»co thuwed me a piece of carpet, which he tald was the only thing Juarez left him; that he not only despoiled him of bis silver, but every article that could be turned Into money, Ton may readily understand •why the church of Mexico advocates the cause ofMcxlmllllac. Everything has been taken frem the accessible mines that could bo ob tained by hard labor. The ioUabitantsJgecer ally are the poorest I ever saw or heard of. Ihey wear uo shoes, and but little clothing. The sight of a chair, table or bed In their abodes'is verv rare. They why, ohfilllbns ter! why come to ibis wretched country ? I am sure yon do not come to this country with any intention of cultivating tbe greund. If yen lave any taste In tbi,t direction,your benevolent!.ccle Sam will give you a lurm. Again I tay.wby ccme to tnU country? I selemnly n*nrc yen there is no booty, and oh, me! the beauty is Just about us scarce. The ruiTzatlcu of your golden dreams will be vellow lever and dysentery, which mostly do congregate ia Ibis country.” UVJXI TaiES OX THE RIO CIUHDE BORDER. IFicm the New Or’caai Plciynas.l Tbe advance of the Federal forces from Brazes and the occupation of the western l.ftif of Texas, under Geo. Weitzel, his made lively times cn tbe Rio Grande frontier. We a* e told t hat the port cf Brazos is ccmtaatly filled with vessel? going and coming, load ing and unloading, and that the great milita ry read up to Brownsville is alive day and night wltn transportation and trade. There has not been so bnsy a time on ttm border since the day of Gen. Taylor’s campaign, ncr even then, as the number of troops now collected la greater than ever before. The whole country up to the northern frontier of Texas and acrcsi the prairie to San Antonio, will scon be occupied and strongly garri soned. In the meantime the people are get tlngabundant supplies cheap, for work or for money, tbey sell cottou at good prices,much to the chagrin of tbe Matamoras merchants, whose large str-cke still remain on bond, nu beneht and unsold. The heavy Mexican ex i>ort end American Import duties make suc cessful competition impossible, and theironly course will be to sell to Mexican trade and rousnroptron for which they were professedly shipped. the rofBTTi army corps ex routs. ILettermN’ew 0.-lcsns Time*. iSih.l Penult me to communicate a word concern ing the 4th army corps, which has been en camped in the vicinity of this city during the post three weeks, and as to whose presence thtre seems to have been a studied reticence by the city press. It may be, we have b;- cczne bo accustomed to the movement and presence of troops that they foil any longer to elicit note o- comment. The day has cer tainly jost when snch allusions were con sidered •* contraband.” This noble body of troops, under tbe command of that gifiant and iLtrepid officer, Major General Stanley. Is now embarking for Texas. It is comp rs-.a entirely of veteran regiments, representing tbe States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indians, Illinois. Wisconsin, ’Kansas, Missouri, Ken tucky, and these are made up, with a few ex ceptions, ol men wbo have served fouryta - s, and distinguished themselves In all the cam .-J-TI6 and battles from the Ohio river to At lanta, incuding the subsequent campaign that culminated in tbe battles ot Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee and which effected the destruction and almost total annihilation of Heed's army. These men are veterans— war-worn—wco, from their experience in tbe profession of arms, are fitted for uuy and every emergency. CxckUmotl at Jacksimttlls, Ill.—Pro" IvDe'dCocacqueuvcs of SboutUiff lor Jill, ItavU-, On the 4tb of July, 1804, Benjamin Church thot and killed Hugh Campbell, at Waverly, HI the provocation to ihe deed being tha; Campbril expressed dlsloval eentlmnn*s and shouted fer di-tf. Davis. Church was arrested and committed for murder. The chief wit ness on bU behalf was James Bams, whoso testimony, Uls said, would have acquitted him. In August following, Bums was mar dvicd, to prevent bis testifying In the up proacldng trial of Church. One Robert Ful ham vu suspected of this murder, and alter a long pursuit was lately arrested In Ken tucky end bronchi to Jacksonville fur trial. Ths pilncipul witness for the prosecution la this esse is Miss Mary McCauslaud, a young ■woman who was living at Bums' house at the time of bis mutder, and who is now living in Jacksonville. Last Thursday night, 2dih inst., an alttmot was made to take her life. She was seated near an open window, (the rest cf the family having retired,) and was in the act of raising her band to her face, when a pistol protruded through the brokai pane, a report folk wed, and a bullet crashed mto Ur wrist, scattering the bones and lodging Here. So close was the weapon that her baud and arm were scorched by the burning paw <jcr. The perpetrator ol this diabolical at tempt ran to his horse, which was fastened a short distance from the house, and made good hie escape. Great excitement prevails in the community, and every effort will be made to bring the guilty party to justice. The Very Moral Women of Scaforlli, [From the Dumfries, C. W., Reformer.! The villose of Soaforlh, Iloron county, C. W., baa for eome time been in a state of moral excitement over the pecadilloes of a Mis. Dix,wifeof a watchmaker of that place, •r ho eloped some lime ago with another man, leavin'* a small family. A few weeks ago sne returned to her liege lord, seemingly repent ant lor her conduct, bnt ever since has been subjected to annoyances from the people of the village who felt the moral atmosphere of the locality to be contaminated by her pres ence among them. Having worked up their feelings to the proper pitch “the pure and nudeGlcd” held a caucus and fulminated the following decree, which Mrs. Dlxhae thought pi oper to obey bv leaving for some more con •genial sphere. We should think it was car rying ui&ttua a little too far: Seafoiits, Jane 2Sth,l6S3. To Mrs; Dlx, alia Mr?. Stephenson: Madox— I The committee of morals mot la-t I m-cicr. b? appointment, and passed the follow ■ It* resolulicna, viz: Jet, that yon do leave Sea- I font within the spate of ten dive after date, or i submit to be ridden on a rri’, afterwirda bs clotiieu in a dress of tar and feathers and be ear rUd by force outs de iho limits of our city. 2ad, bhon d von alierwards be found witnm the hoao paries of Staforth, yon will then he made to walk the streets nticcoaud to scourged with me tod of Moses- bo women of 111-fame ore allowed tore aide within onrclty. B*D.BTARBdIO, J. F. WtUKItS, J. q 20YCS fe?*Tbe following are the returns of gross receipts from advertisements made to the Assessors of Internal Revenue by the leading Philadelphia newspapers, for the year ending July 1,1665! Public Ledger... Inquirer Press Bnlletm Box th American. FLOOD AX LEAVENWORTH. A Right of Horror aad Tempest. Great Lou orilfe and Property* [From the Leaver.worth Coaiervatlvf, 2ii.] The damage and destruction caused by the *rains and the great hood in Three Mile Creek, running through the south part of the city, on Thursday night, arc much greater thtn at first nnlic’pated. The more we review lbs catastrophe, the greater swells the cata logue of losses sustained, both by the city and by individuals. A little after dark on Thursday evening, the rain began to descend, and soon cant down as we niver saw it before, It, seemed to strike the eauh iu unbroken streams, as li a million engines were sending their waters from the skies. The creek rose rapidly, and even the s’rcetc of the city were transformed into temporaly river-beds, under the descend ing deluge. At about nine o’clock, the stream began to threaten the boasts situated near est and lowest upon its banks, and-tbs in mates began to rcmoTe their furniture. But so rapidly did the water accumulate, that many found themselves surrounded by water as the first indication of personal danger. At eleven o’clock the stream had risen foil thirty feci. The scene, particularly about the Broadway bridge,- goon became one surpass ing the powers of description. Houses began lobe diclodgcd from their foundations, and -the Inmates, unable to escape, were scream log for assistance. • The night was one of deep darkness, and the wild mingling of. supplicating voices with the clash and roar of the dements, while hundreds of excited citterns lined the shores, eag*r but utterly unable to rendcraiSlstance, conspired to render the spectacle one of awe and sickening horror. Nothing was to be semaave when the vived flashes of lightning broke into the surrounding blackness as if m meckory to show the extent ot thehoiror and desolation caused by tho watery ele ments. One house was seen floating down with a family of four colored persons upon it, shrieking lor assistance. A livid flash of llghlnliig lit up the sceuc just as the wild tor rents bwept them beneath the arch of a bridge, and they were seen no more. By he roic clTorts many- of the unfottunate ones who were floating down upon drift-wood and wrecks of bouses were rescued from their peril and brought to the shore. The water readied its height about 11 o’clock, when the rain abating, the floods subsided as rapidly as they bud i wen. The number of lives lost h unknown. Several are missing, and it Is quite probable that many are lost ol which no cognizance can at present be taktn. The bodies of eight persons, so far as wo can learn, have Vein recovered. They were taken from the .cscck and gnilrys between thu B. oadray and Fifth street bridges. They were those of Pat Murphy, a freight contractor; Mr. Tur ner, an employee of Mr. M.; Mr. Iw&l-, pro prietor ol the rark Valla House ; Mrs. a colored woman), and three chiidrt n, and a colored boy. Mr. Turner wac drowned while struggling to save the Hie of Murphy. Mr. Iwalt had taken his wife and child to the Giant House, and.was. returning to save fiMne of hbs goods, when ha waded Into deep water and wts drowned. Tbe loss of property to the city will proba ably reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Second street bridge was washed away, and such was the force of the water that not-* stone of the structure rumliud. Fifth street bridge was alsj swept away, and the culverts on Delaware and Shcwiua streets badly damaged. Broadway bridge remains unhartned. The walks end pavements In various parts of the city, also yielded to the inroads of the destroying clement* Among those of our el’izeus who mis tained me htaviest losses, are Mr. C. Kuoz. who owns an extensive brewery, sliuttcd on the bank of the creek, near Firth street. He lost 8,000 barrtls of beer and GOO cords ol wood, loss estimated at $20,000. Mr. Robert Maxwell lost a tra’n ol wagons which had just been loaded and taken out to Broadway, near the bridge. Toe water rose above them sweeping two down stream, arid damaging thfir contents to tbe auuunl of more than §15,000. A wagon, loaded with dry goods, belonging to Amurosia Armais, which had been mired the previous day, was washed over aid the goods borne uway aad dCftroycd. Loss §O,OOO. The scene Yesterday morning beggars all description. 'Vhe flood bed subsided, uud the little stream was modestly pursuing I s war in* o the Missouri, as if unconscious or regard* less of the dutruellun and misery it hid ciccUd in the night before. Its bjaks wc.o strewn with the debris of ruined botbes. b.o* ken wagons, barrels, Umbers, etc., and here and there tbe lifeless corpiu of same poor unfortunate victim. Scur. Mag. at Saratoga. —Of course Saratoga could not be a watering place with out scandal. One young lady lias actually been forced to leave the sene of her con quests by Idls turner, and opinions arc about equally divided as to tbe tin’h or fvldty ot the chargee laid at her door. That she acted indiscreetly Is most true. Let it be a warning to others. And we have the confl uence women here too. One Induced, a gen tlvDian to enter her rocm at a hotel which shall be nameless, a dishonored husband, and a dis.ractod wife, received s*/)—very cheap—to heal the wounds of one and soothe the pangs of the other. But the sequel Is the tea; part of the afftlr. The duped man began to reflect that §SO was rather a small sum to pay under the circumstances. lie consulted a friend who told him he had hern fooled, and giving a pistol told Urn to play the game over a2am and to play It better, Uo did so, got hl» §SO back, snd the confidence couple were kiokcd tut of the hotel.— Saratoga LctUr. The Mobile and AJt'crtis'r has been resuscitated after a 'apse of ihrcc month?, and Mr. John Forsyth, in hU salutatory, says: “Tbe first cf these wars is ov*r. The South has ton. hut onoce elite and bos been oversow •red. Thtro is no dishonor to tho knight who, having looght a vopd fiabt, yields io the mperlor ■allot strength of Ins adversary. Tbe verdict of the war li teat the Fcdersl principle of ccn- Usl'ezn and eoriolldatlon In Govcraan.ct is etrotget then tbe opposicg principle of Stite rebts. We howto itssnss ajwcdicata; and the west halt'o that Is fought on the ro-openod question will art b«Jto In the South or h ? fought on Southern toll. We have mide our bloody li bation to a doctriue we believed vital to a true, eailahuned and permanent freedom. We have lost ibe battle and “ihiown op ths epouß-j. 1 * Ala bama hes lost her sovereignty la (bo issa*. So ha»2*cwYork. Georgia has lost her*. So his Ohio. It Is very well lor Mr. V»il»r.<llgtaa to continue to talk al-ont ‘“Slate liujht*" ta tho pret-rucc <> r the mighty rcvolntl.m which bat* Just s«vpt ovl; tue Governmint cf onr lathers; out who can ci i’celv® of a pisctlcil value and v;u*l;y la Site tights, when the sword has Jnst sow *M;od ly nrcc.aitned that flare li no such thing I as State Jiemedue." 25JT Lieut. Gen. and Mrs. Giant and fam ily, accompanied by two or three members of his personal staff, will leave 'Washington In a ftwdaja fer a quiet trip to the North, via the Hudson River and Lake Champlain route to Canada. Slopping at Quebec and Montreal a ehort time, the party will pro ceed up the St. Lawrence river to Niagara Falls, returning to Washington after aa ab sence of from three to four weeks. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. r.EGVLAn UEKTIXG. Chicago, July 31,1;C5. Treitnl—Ula Honor, Mayor Rice, sod Aldumen Gage. Knlckerbcck-T, SUlmp, Carter. Birtetr, Wicker, if cßoy^tVlimarih,Sheridan,Kmo, Wall ■work, Hatch. Sherwln, kloore, Riff«;ly, Fnahec, Woodard. TrJcutt, lloluco, hilly, Bonf, Ro«»<*U, Huntley, GaUfltld, Fraczen, Prondtoot, Uottlu ger. Ron, Sbackford, Woodman and Clint. jLbstrU— Alderman Lnwfcu, On noilm of A’d. Huh the mlnn'c? rt tin pro ceedings of the last two meetings were approved wuhoui reading. PETITIOKS AST) cosncraicAxiojfs. The Clerkjrcsd the following veto message from XHa Honor Mayor Rice: •‘Gejctlcmbx; 1 a«i constrained to return to yon, without my approval, tie ordicvnco autQor jz sc the Botrd of Public Works to assume the custody of the bridge crossing ibclSirth Branch Catal. buid canal la private property, constructed for the benefit of the owner*. Is couatrucucc renders a bridge aecutary to get to their proper tv, now cutoff hr said canal. The city nas no Interest in a bndse over th--- canal, save to la?M that libe kspllna safe coaclUon, and kept by the owners. J. B. Rica, Mayor. Aid. Wcodsrd moved that the vote bad at the last n-cc’lnp, by which the above mentioned ordl sauce wee pofised,'be reconsidered. Cirrltd. Aid. I3oloen moved that theCnunssl to the Cor potation be InsTncttd to use legal m-ssaresto compel the oncers cfeald bridge to keep It In repair, carried. The Clerk also read the following veto message from Hi* Honor Mayor Rice; Gentlemenol the Common Council: 1 return the ordinance for the appointing of the Mayor's Police without my approval; said ordl ntneo not being passed by a legal number of votes of the Council. Respectfully, J. 13. Rxcr, Mayor. AW. Clark moved that the vote bid :-.t tue last nutting of the Coqdcil by which said ordinance wa? pined, he recon-ldcn,d. Carried. Aid. Gape moved the psesiee of the ordinance. The notion prevailed by the following vote: Ay*t— Aid. Gijrc, ICnickerbo r k f r, Sbltnp, Car ter, Barrett, Wicker, jft'Roy, Wilm.rrh, Sheri dan. Kaon, Waliworfc, Hatch, Sberwin. Moore, Rafferty. FrDtct, Woodard, Taicolt, Holden, JMxhT, oone. Huntley, Prondfoot, Hctucger, Rub, Shackford, Clark-27. Jio<9— None. The Clerk presented the official hood of Cvpar Getting. Sneclal Constable for the Fifm Ward. Ald. cb’b moved to lay it on the table. Aid. Knb called for the- ayes and nuce. The motion prevailed by the following vote, Aid. Shackford belt? excused from voting: Ay ft— Aid. (Jsce, Knickerbocker, Sblmp Car ter, Barrett, Wicker, Mcßoy. Wllnarth, Sheri dan, \Vallwork, Hatch, bherwio, Moore, Rafferty, Frlbhee, Woodard, Tahuti, Holden, Blzby, Rus sfli. Gatiflcld, Prondtoot, Hottlnger, Rob uod Clark-25 . .Yoer—Aid. Kane, Bend, Huntley and Woodman —4. Petition of M. 8. Patrick and others for a li cense for Chicago Driving Farkwoi, on motion of Aid. Gage, Referred to the Committee on Licensee. Petition of Webb and Murray for refunding part of the mcney paid for a liquor license was, on motion of Aid. Mcßoy, Rwerred to the Committee on Finance. Petition of Cyras Keeler, for remission of jndc meat against him as security on a XorMled ball bond wsa, cn motion of Aid wicker, Referred to Committee on Judiciary, Petition of Dean & Son for perm’setou to estab lish a rendering house on Milwaukee avenue, was, on motion of Aid. Gage, Referred to the Board of Police. Petition of Cbaoncey Rail .or the correction of a clenci! error in the assessment roll lor paving Wsbifh avenue was. on motion of Ala. Holden, Referred to the Board of Public Works. PcOtionsof JohnHalkhe.Tbos.Jameson,wn. Leopold, Dennis Moran. Ktchtrd Coglan Wm. McAndrews, James Daffy and Martin MeCne for fKe peddlers' licenses; and the petition of A. Bcymnn for a free license fer a shooting gallery were, on motlonlof Aid. Wicker, ... T , Rtlerrt-d to tie Jl«for end committee on LI; censer, with power to act. by the following vote. Ay<»— Aid. *Gage, Knickerbocker, Shtmp, Car ♦pr Wicker. Wilmarlh, Sheridan. Wallwcrt, llMChVsherJnE, Moore. lUff.rty, Frlebee, M cott. holdeo, Bixbj. Bond, Rjliell. Uanllcr. Gbftflcld, PiondlooC Hettinger, Bub, Shackford, Woortnan, Clark—2s. Son—AM, Barrett, Mcßoy, Kann, Woodard, Frarzrn—B. . _ Petition of A. J. Hayward for abatemant of taxer, was, on motion of Aid. Woodman, Referred to Committee on Finance. A communication was received Irom Hawks » Annetrocg, Architects, submitting piinatudau estimate for a House of Correction, which, on motion of Aid. Woodman, was Referred to Committee on Public Buildings. ’ a remonstrance of sundry citizens against ths .opening of Thirteenth street war, on motion of to Committee on Streets and Alloje, S. D. •$U7,3&3 . 107,CW .. 96,923 78,619 .. 49,063 Petitioner Mary Murphy for a free liquor li cense was, on mntion of Aid. Woodman, —»• Laid on the table. -j, petition of citizens residing In the sot ji u-ii rion, praying that the ’‘fire limits”,ba extended to that part of the city was, on. motion of Ala. Me deferred to Committee on Fite and Water. Petition of citizens praying lor the jf®Mf ®‘ Dearborn street was, on notion of AW. wouu- Referred to the Board of Public Works. Petition o‘ P. C. Phillips and others, podee cere, askug to be included among those enuuea to edditiouti pay was, on motion of. Aid. Raf ferty, Referred to Committee on Police. _ , . Petition of Bernard Phillips, City Weigher, praying for the passage of an accompanying ordi nance m relation to his dalles, was, on tnouon ot AM. Woodman, Inferred to Committee on Judiciary. Petition of sendrt citizens, asking tba. O. a. Favor be appointed “ Inspector of Carbon Oils, aider the new ordinance, wsa on mbtiim of A.a. fined, ia?d on *h« *nb‘e. __ The Board of Public Works prrsented an .**; fenmcoi roll for cor ing. gr*di' , g and P>yl p jf with “wooden blocs pavement,” Dearborn street, from Madison street to Monroe street AM. Woodman moved to pass the order of con flnnation attached thereto. Carried. . On motion ot Aid- Woodman, the Board ofPoh* lie Works were instructed to advertise for “OS for doing ftid work Immediately. The Board a'so'presented and asked for me confltmauou of an seseettneot roll for curbing, filling ana paving with “wooden block pave ment” Michigan street, from Cass street to C*ark et AW*Clark moved the pa-sage cf.the order of confirmation. Which motion prevailed. . The board also presented and asked for the con firmation of an assessment roll forcnrblog, filling aud raving, with “wooden block pavement, Randolph street, from West Water street to Bu sted street, to wb’ct objections had been filed by Geo. 1. Stow and C. B. llosmer. Aid. BoMen moved to postpone the considera tion of the matter until the next regular meeting. Aid. Riffeity moved to by the motion on the tabic. , Aid. Bolden demanded the ayes and docs ; and the motion was lost by the following vote: Ayer— Aid. Gape, Carter, Barrett, Wicker, Kat-n, Wailwork, Batch, Sherwln, Moore, Bvffer ty, Fnsbce, Woodard, Bond, Bantrey, UaaUlelc, Rah, ahuckford, Woodmm, Clark—l9. _ A’cer— Aid. Knickerbocker, Shlrop, McHoy, Wl’manh, Sherldsn, Talcolt, BoMen, Bixby, Russell, Frauen, Prcndtrot, Botnnger-12. Aid. Rafferty moved ihepassage of the order ol confirmation. , Ad. Bolden Demanded the ayes and nocs; ana the mourn prevailed by the following vote: Aver—Aid. Gape, Knickerbocker, Bhlmp.,car ter, Barrett, Wicker, Wllmartn, Sheridan, Kami, Wailwork, Haleb. Sberwin, Msorc, Bsfferty, Friibee, Woodard. Ta'coti, BoMen, Bixby. Bond, Bunifey, Gii»tfleid, Franzen. Proudfoot, mm, bnacklord, VToodmin.Cfark—33. AVw-ild. Mcßoy, Rosse 1, HoUbger-3. Aid. Blxbv moved that the objections be re ferred to Committee on Local Asaseem-mts, Which molten prevailed. ... A communication was received from toe worm ere Railroad Ccmpxnr covering an omittance in relation thereto, which wa?, ou motion ol Aid. ileltoy, Ri (erred to Commtitea oo Railroads. Aid. Woodman moved that the Committee on Stroe'satd Alleys, 2i.D.,.t0 added to that Com- m TLc motion was lost by the following vote: Aid Barrett, Wicker, Sheridan,Waim*t)rk, Batch, Bixby, B red, Russel!, Proodfoot, Boittn rcr. Rob, ticbsckfoM, Woodman, Clark—l4. .Vor»-Ald Gage, Ku!ct?rhocker,9biojp, Girtsr, Mcßoy. Wllmaxlb, Kacn. SUerwin, Moomßiffar ty, Fns bee. Woodard, Tolcott, Ucldcn, Huatlcy, G&slfitld, Fraczcu—l7. BxroitTs ox omcEtis. The Counsel to the Corporation who hod been Instructed to report whether the Council had power to rupuress or iicets«“ Gift Enterprises, eunmitted a report s’a'lng tbit ihe statute provealt lictt’Binr such cciablirbcteuts, snd no power la crtd- rn-d Vy the charier to suppress them. llciKirt accepted and ordered to he placed on file. The Comptroller presented his monthly repor of receipts ano expenditures which was ordered to ho Placed enflte. , . Ibe Botrd of Public Works submitted the fol lowing report, whicn, on motion of Aid. Shcrnlu wax Laid ovtr snd ordered to be published Ornci or Hie Boaud op Public Wobss, I CmCAOO, July 21, 1865. f To the Mayor aud Aldermen of the City of Chi csroiu t’Ltnrr.ou Cental aasemhied: Inatfwcr to Um ordrr of the Council passed at ita l&rt meeting, tho Board of Public works re tort ber.wl'h the ralincs of all U> employees, as pbld this )car atJ last. Central Offcert. 18G5. 1881. Secretary t*,7W f2,4'0 City Enuiae<;r Bockkupcr l.ff-ti Receiving Clerk. I,TW I«5*V) Three Divi-ion Clerk#, each 81,2X1. B.WJ rfce rotiectlcns at the office of th« water rents are tcclmted amucg the dnttes of the Receiving Cltrk and D.tislpu Clc:k#. Water Ih part merit, Water Assessor K-WO Water Abscssor Asefetett I,IXO 1,9.0 Walt r *:ol ector s!,Uh*, and two at 59 2.609 2,500 Ercui'.ir Pumplnr Wcrkl 2,000 3,0(0 Two A-.slstUit Cuclcuers do, fl.S'.O carp.....: v ; 2,400 2.400 Four Kucures at do., fGT'jl month. 3.850 3,809 Ivu\\aUoiutudo., J9J V mouth.. 1,410 1,4W DranchtsXian 1,000 I,(XX) Two jtn. men for Koitacerr, $3.10 is.wr'.S’Ct t';cik 1.1.i) 1,400 T«icporaiy to aburo, $3.00 t p»r da) •••• Fear Street Foremer, Including cuivrrtsand uoii watire, Soutn Dtvl«ioß, JOOO each 8.910 3,000 Fire do do Co, We*t Dlv.fWW each. 1509 4 5-El Four dodo do. North tilv. jyooeach. 3,830 3,800 Two Sidewalk Inepecter#, South Divtalcn, s9»ocsca I.SCO I.SOO Three do co WeU Div., «JDO etch.. 2,7«0 3,TiX) Two do do North Div., S3OO each... I,BW I,SX) Inspecior pacing Weils street, $75 per month Special Constable (or enforcing Fire Limits tud Street aud Alley Ob struction Ordinances 9‘o OCO bridges and Pvlhe building*. finprrlnwndent (who bis slso gen- uiblcaroot tired work) I.S-.0 I,SOO Carpenter, Foreman Bridges, $4 per d»y •••■ Sir CKrprntew, $3.(0 p-rdty; font flt*:.7s: three at |3SU; one at $2.33. Twenty-cue Ur:deeTecder#(notsp pointed Ly Baud la»tyn»r) 26,100 Street Numbering. One Pwrrrhtsowo, ,tc.,cn»iooßflemrf noticae, f73p«> moitli. T&e receipts aboat p>y «x< pezjcs. C*vnt*rjf. One Gatekeeper, (3 per d»y. Harbor. Harbor iltfter (tot appointed by the Board last year fI,SOO Surrey far Oanflng Chlcajoßlrerand Ditpenlng Illinois and Michigan Canal. Ore Facintcr in choree 91,800 .... Ul e U fcUMkb..,, Two Assistant Engineers, $1,500 each Two Redmen, $75 per month each. FourCMimnen and Axemen, SSO per month each \Ve have it us rcpcnia all persons employed by the Board, excepting the water, sewerage, btoU aid cemetery laborers ami teamsters, and tho cmcont of wages paid each pemn. The number 1« Urce, bnt the vrerk placed In the hand* of the Board la proportionately large. The compensa tion ii believed to he no mure than Is paid else* where for similar services. As remarked above, the work to be done by tho Boord during this you and next Is very great. _ . , In water tratttrs. tbo water rent to bo collected will be qu-.te f250,0W', the tunnel is to boflcUhed, a new engine and «»gtn%house erected, and the wholb expenditure to be made will amount to sSol>,ooo. The se~erage expenditures will amocut to nearly f2ftV-Cb« The deemtlng of the Illinois and Michigan Canal it 1* expected will require nearly $1,000,000 during tho first jeer. Theetreetano sidewalk supervision cmnol be diminished without getting worse walks and I‘rett-*. The dis’rlcts are already large. The special assessment improvement*, streets, dock improvements, Ac., which the Board are expected to plan and construct, will amount to nearly crqn;tHsl,ot-O,(iCO. SpsciM matters, such as Washington street tunnel, Haley slough, new engine bouse*, school hunter, fire alarm telegraph, street numbering. all ttmure a great deal of care aid work I from the Board, Kwpcctlnlly submitted, J. Q. GnmcLU. Fred. Lets, O. J. Rose, ' Board of Public Works. The Beard of Public Works prrsentol sundry oidicanccs for private drains. as follows: In block* 1. 2 sod 8 in Wol-ott’a Addition. In Mock" 22 and 27, Wolcott's Addition; and 4 inn 13in Kmzie’s Ad-ltt 00. In Mock* 3 and I. Bntbncira addition; 83,31,35 art Id, Johnston, Hohcria & Storr’s Addiuou: 11, 12 and 13, and Dtlavan’s Addition; Hall's SnMlri rlon tn section 4; Oocll’s SaNliTialon la sec tion 4; S3 and CC. Wolcott’s Addition; 1 and 19, Ke*berry’s Addition; 17 and 13, Bat er, Wrlzbt & Webster's AcdlUon; 1,3 and 4, Illegal, Lrw & Lo V Addition; and 2, Howell, ilathor & Rob erto Addition. , „ _ All of which were referred to Committee cn Streets and Alleys, N. D. A’9o, In Blocks 6, 5. G6, 87. 69, 41, 45, 45, 47, 56, 27, 29 a?d29 or»pinelTownor Chlcaco. in Block* 10.17. and IS in r-arperter s Addition, and Blocks 15, 01, 63, 63, 61 Original Town of which were referred to Committee on Streets and Alleys, VT. D. Also, Inßlocta 12,14, Fort Dearborn Addition, and 1. 2. 8. 4, 5, 0, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11. 14. 13, 15, 10, 17, 18, 19. W. 120, 31 and 22, fractional B-ctioa 15 and W. 12. E. J 8,2.4 4,7, 9,10, 11, 16, 17 la' A-e. Dlv. t(S. W. JSec. 22; lota 7 to 13 In Sprlnc’fl Addition; 18,19, 25, 51 la An. Dir. If. W. 4 Sec. 22; lotSHneh JJiher’aSnb.s 20. 27, SI, S3 A««. Dlv. N. W. J SrC. 22; 8 and 4 Clark’s Ad* dtdon; 4andsA-e. Dir. S.W.iScc.22; lota 7, B.oanalo .• F. I, Co.’sfinb.; 6lnS. YT. i 23; 12,13,14,15 C. M. F. I. C’u.’s Snb.; 7ln S. tv. 4 Sec, 22; 1 and 2 Wm. Jones’ Addition; 16 tcdlOiaS. W. Sec. 22; 1 and 2 CJeo.SmUh’a Addlt'on; 37 and 23 In Gurley's Snb.; S. W. # 8 Jn Week 142 School Section Addlt'on. All of which were referred to Commutes on Streets and Alleys S. D. . Also, Presented an ordinance Tor the construction of a sidewalk cn the west side of Ada street, in front of lots 1.2, 3 tnd 4, Rattraya Sathdivisloa of part See. 8,89,14. Also. An ordinance for a sidewalk onthe corUi side jf Lake street, fronting lot It and i W Li, block 31 Carpenter's Audition. Also. An ordinance for a sidewalk on the east tide of Pcorta street, from Van Daren street to Harrison eli ecu Algo, An ordinance for jp'anicicg a part ef Lamber street near the Fort Wayne iUUroad. - All of which were referred to Conxltte* on Strecls and Alleys, W. D. Also. SobmlHed an ordinance for grading and plank* Ice Conch Place Item Dearborn street to Clerk street. Also. An ordinance for filling, grading and planking Cuacb naco from Wells street to Market street. Alto, An ordinance for a sldew» 1 k on the south side of K'netfcnUi etieel, from LaSalle street to Blade well street. Ali of which were referred to Committee on Streets and Alleys, S. D. Also, An ordinance for filling, grading andplanking the alley In Block £l, Bailer, Wright & Webster's Addition. Referred to Committee on Streets and Alleys, N.D. An ordinance for the erection of lamp posts on West Indiana street, between Ualstcd and Mor gan rtreets. Referred to Committee on Gas Lights. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. TCTAXCS. Aid. Bond, of Committee on Finance, to whoa b&d been referred an ordinance authorizing the dredging ol the Haley Slough, submitted toe fol lowing report, which, on motion of Aid. Wood ard, was ordered to be laid over and published. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chi cago, in Common Council asaembsd: Your Committee on Finance to whom was re ferred the cornmnutca 100 and ordinance of tho Boatd ol Public Works concerning an aporopria- Mon of J27.WX) fer dredging out tbs Haley or Bc-hlon Slouch, laving had tho same under ad vucßcnt.'brg leave to report that considering tho subject of Bridgeport nuisances, as a part of the subject matter melted to then, they visited and explored that classic ground, which baa from “unC whereof ibe memory of man ronneth not to the contrary ” hem the inexhaustible cruse to which newspapermen resort when copy Is short, and which bos os yet showed no liens of (allure. In our Investigations we examined ~a large num ber of the dwellers on the banks of that noble stream, and the uniform testimony was that the I locality waa not unhealthy, and If the testimony of come Is to be relied upon, the peculiar chemi- cal conditions of the atmosphere mik-5 it a e->r tain cure for consumption, and a thorough exam ination of the wa’ers aigjit show that DeSoto failed only becrnse be took a wrong direction, and aconntfor the fact tbit our mortality blits lalsiiy thefeailul ptognosticatious which are an nually made. It was the opinion of the parties who reside in the victory cl theßlongb, and also of your Committee, that the proposed dredging woo'd remove only a smalt part of the conslomcrete steccbea of the place, for the reason that it is the source ol only a small pirt, and If dredged the water would Sow out only at seasons of high water; as we found the waters (like Salt River) running up stream even after the present rains, and co worse except la size and sge than many street gotten where the blood from slaughter houses is allowed to flow into them. And the deposits in said slough, if thrown out dow, would,a« elated bv the Board,beoftheoaelves a nuisance. The city has, perhaps, no method of treating Itother than as a nuisance, and under tMI heed could not probably make a more exten sive ditch tban the one proposed, as it Is in no part of the navigable waters of the Ch T cigo river, and con’d not tbenfore, under the general laws over the river, be sodredeed out as to make It navigable, except uuon petition of the prouercy owners. Those owners of adjoining property whom we saw stated that they were willing to be taxed to dredgs It oat so as to maks it useful, but were not wll.trg to pay for a ditch. Your Committee were satisfied that the head and front of .all the smells would be found to be Wahl & Llgbha<l , s establishment, for reducing the offil, Ac., of the packing, ren dering, and slaughter houses. We were shown every facility tor examining this establishment by Mr. Lonls Wahl,-and were satisfied that these ctiilletrea were doing everything that science, energy and capital could accomplish to enable them to convert the refuse of such houses Into profi'ablo merchandise without offense to the citizens of Chicago; and they assured your committee that If the pretent experiments were a failure, (they could determine this in thirty days) tuat they would remove their works to the Calumet, as they did not desire to prose cute a badness which was penenlly offensive to the citizens. They are doing a great work, and one which, if their experiments succeed, will con fer a lasting benefit on the city, and one which entities them to the tbssks of the citizens gen erally for making the experiments, as all will ad mit that the odor is much Improved from last yesr and previous years, which is owing to their efforts, aud they can complete their experiments end get the products off sooner than the city can remove it from tbelr pl-ire. There Is, however, bat little donbt that the Bridgeport odors are not attributable to any one cause, as we were dls- Bceed to believe the assertion of one of the par as questioned, that “the stink wna In the town and had keen for ten years,” and wn UkeFal staff’s buck basket, “a rank compcnnd of villain ous smalls.” In view of all the facte, and believ lig tbit however nnp'easint the ernellsnay be, or in fact are, that they are not detrimental to the health of your citizens, yenr cumm'ttio would therefore recommend that the Board of Public Works be permitted to tike the earth thereto out of the South Branch from the dredging ulrcaly authorized, and such other suitable material as may he convenient, and fill up said elou jh t»o far as msv he nccaseary toahalc whatever nulssnca : enchelonch nay be, upon "uch plan as »h« Board of PnM'c Works m»y adopt, and report adverse to the p&a-agc 01. the orciuancc. Ail of which w resfectfnlly aabnUte-I. L. L. Bosd, Cu&s. 0. P. Bountcr, Coas. Q. Wiosau, Commit U c on Finance. ' ADo, Of the “BTCfI eommlite!*, reported In favor of the peerage of the following ordinance: An Ordinance aaihonzteg tbo erection of a new eugiuc bon*c for the Cbtcigo Water Woifci, and the le*nn of Water Loan Bonds. jit it ordi'mtd 6y the Common CowicM of the cl ty of ChVayo: _ Fectiok I. That the Boird of Public Worki arc hereby xnthorizid to erect a new rngina of a ca podtj sufficient to pump Id.OoO/tH galloni of water dally, and to construct a uewoaulnc huuso, with all the necessary foundation!*, pump well, in’etpipes, and connections with tbo fake tunnel, according to plans and tprclficitioni to be pre pared by eald Board. Sro. J. The Uosrd of Public Works are here by authorized to lesoo Two Dnnflred (TOO) Water Lo;n Bonds, of the decomlnatiou of Onn Thou sand Dollars to bo tinted July 1,1563, aud pajable In New York twcr.'y-flve year# alt-:r the due thereof, with coupons for Interest, at the rate of seven ncr cent, per annum, piyah'c ecmi atnuvily In New York; the ssld bonda to bo lesuedin conformity with the nrovlslons of an act cf th« Geuenl As»«Bblv of the State of TUi aols, entitled, “An act to reduce the Charter of Use City of Chicago, and lh« several acta amenda tory thereof, into on? act, and to revise the approved February 13.1883, and their pro ceeds tu cu nsed for the purpose of the foregoing eection. Aid. Eocd moved to concur In the report sue past the ordinance. The motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes— Aid. Gage, Kcieltcihoektr, Slump. Car ter, Bsrrett, Wicker, Mcßoy, Wllmirth, Shcrt d«n, Esnn. Wstlwotk, Batch, Sherwln, Moore, Rafit-riy. Fifabcc, Woodtrd, Tslcovt, Botaea, lltxt» v . Bond Raesel], GastSeld, Prauzcu, Proud root,* Hotciugtr, Run, Shackford, WooJmaa, Clark—CO. •Vues—Huntley—l. Also, Of the same Committee rcoorted adversely to the of money ptld by Louis Jacobs for a pecMlat'n ltcen*e. Oo nui'iun of AM. Rafferty the report wis Accepted and renrurred in. Aid. Bantlt.y moved to adjourn nn'u Tbnr-u»7, July S7, at S o’clock, p. m. Aid. Clark di-nistufei thcajes and nocs; and the motion ws« lost by the foVowisg vote: Avtt- AM. Knlcketrockcr. Sultan, Will work. Hatch, Sherwln, llifferty, UunLoy, QiiV flelil, Ftetizcsn, Proudfoot, Woodtuis—l3. Sot*— A'd. Übte, Carter, BirffU, Wicker, Me- Hpt, Wtlmtrth, Sheridan, Moore, Prtslwe, Wood »td, Talcolt, Boldeu, Bis.>y. Boad, Kartell, Uot lirgcr, Rnb, Shsckfoul, Clark -19. Aid. Tateott, of Committee on Rtilrouls, attted that tc bad a matter under conilticralion; bat would zsk farther time; which request was greeted. . biiivlAni. ■ Aid. Knlckerbocktr,ofCouimUteoon Judiciary, eulmitted the following report, which, on motion of Aid. Barrett, was ordered to bo Ltidovcr tud published. To Ihe Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chi carp, in Common Council assembled : Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom wav re ferreo tnecommuiiicatlon of th« Beared of Police Commissioners, and sundry other papers, con cerning Carbon Oils, etc., with Instructions to report an ordinance, having hud the same under advisement, beg leave to report that they Utvo prepare! tnord’n'ncc.wh ch, they h?ltcve troa the psp.'re »n v ralUcd to them, will satisfy all par ties. respccifa*!y submit for yonr action the fol lowing oroinauciprepared bv tb-.m: Josnca C. Rmc&bruocxeu. L, L. Bund. Committee on Judiciary. Ad ordinance to regnlato the etcrige md Inspec tion oi refined petroleum, carbon oil, crude pe troleum, rock oil, naphtha or bsnzole, or olbir explosive substance, or any article by wha'eo ever came known, being the product of the dis tillation of crude petroleum. But ordained by the Oonunon Council of the IVy tf Chuago : Sectios 1. -Xhatso person shill store or keep for ade within the city of Chtcigo.any refined pi- Iroleom or carbon oil for lllnminiUog purpose*, when the samo will vaporize at a temperature Jess then one hundred degrees Fjhceuheit, the earns to be tested by Tagil boo’s testing ln«lrannat,an4 then In quantities not exceeding tin barrels, which shall be kept tn edara which ace at lent five feet below the level of the street; bnt when the finer tf st eh ill be cqn*l to or exceed one hun dred aci twenty degrees, then Any barrels may be so stored. Sac. 2. Ttiatro person shall aloro or keep for sale witMu the city of Chicago any crude petro leum, rock oil, benzole or naphtha, or other ex plosive scbsitnce, when the simo will vaporize at a temperature Wa thin one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, the same to be tested In the same manner as la hereby provided for the testing of refined petroleum or cirbon oil. and then la quantities not exceeding one barrel, which shall be kept in a cellar. Sec. S. R.llntd petroleum or carboa oil In quantities not cxcer.dirg oae thoatani barrels, may be kept In warehouse expressly adapted to the storage of such articles, the assent of the Board of Police being first ob'-vlned to the pr> pcsed site of inch warehouses, and to tbo manner m which the same shad b« erected; but such building or buildings shall not be erected less than one hundred feet from any Inhabited build lug, and the same shall be not less than five hun dred fret from the Chicago river or either of Us branches. Crude petroleum, rock oil, benzole or naphtha, may be kept in the same manner. In Quantities cot exceeding one hundred barrels: and neither of said article* aboil be kept m ;Lrgf r Quantities than Is tcreinspecified in any one bunding wlihia the limit* of the c'tyof Chictgo. Sso. 4. No refined petroleum, carbon oil, crude petroleum, rock oil, benzole, naphtha or other Quid article, by wbotooever name kuovn.betog the product of the distillation of crude petrole um, ska I be stored or be kept ou any aMew-tik or In any public eucct or alloy within the limits ol Ibe city, and the same or either of the same, phtniu pro'.esß of st'pment, shall not remain on any sidewalk lore period exceeding five nours. »so. 5. Ihe Board of Po.lce snail designate, from tht members of the police forej of tan city, prrpcr parties to act as of all refined petroleum, carbon oil, erode petroleum, rjck ril, mpbthior berzole, which may ho off-rod lor i*b* within the limits of the city cf Cnlcago, and shall provide the necessary instruments to teat ttae same: and. neither of said articles shall bo sold with Is the limits of said city, until the ca-co shall have been Inspected and tested, and the bracd of such testing shall have been placed on the cask or barrel containing the article so tested, with a certificate giving the date when the same wa« so tested. Sec. 6 Acy person violating any or cither of the provisions of thu ordinance, shall he subject toafinoofi-otleestbiufllty, nor mere (bun one hundred dollars, for each and every violation of this ordinance. All finis aud pecalt es received for ylolatums of the stme, which shall be pi‘d IntotbeClty Treasury, shall tu credited to the land reserved and set apart for ta« relief of dla tres*cd firemen, by virtue of Chapter 12, Sec .ion 8, of the Beviaed-Cuartcr of the City, approved February 13.15C3. Sec. 7. The Board of Polio of said city shall have power, and ills hereby made tneirdnty, to cause any cf the arliclcs mentioned in the ordi nance, which shall he kept and stored lu the ctly contrary to the provisions of the same, to be re moved to any convenient piece beyond the said limits, by a written order, which shall beexetu ted as directed by the sild Board, if any person thall neglect or return: to obey euch order, ox shall rebut any officer In tho extcutluuof ibe tame, he shall be subject to a like fine as is pro icrlbed by Section 6 of this ordinance. Szc. 8. The Common Council may at any time —subject to the provisions of the amended char ter—cU clan inspector of oils, and whenever each Inspector shall be elected, he shall be entitled to receive as compensation for bis inspection the sum of five cents for each acd every hsirel of oil inspected from the person or perrons owning or having the custody of such oils. Sec. 2. Any person who shall mirk or brand any barrel of oil as named In the ordinance with tnointpector’e brand or mark, or marsany bar rel or barrels of oil as Inspected, without author ity *o do to, shall be subject to a fine of not lees than five dollars nor more than twenty five dol lar* for each and every barrel so marked without authority, to be collected as flues in other cases. Bzc 10 This ordinance shall take effect aud be In iorcc in thirty days after Us passage. Also, Of tbc eamc Committee submitted the following report, which, on motion of Aid. Wuoflnun, was ordered to be ...... Laid over and published: To the mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chi cago, in Common Connell assembled: Ycrar Committee on JaJlciaty, to whom was referred an ordinance concerning Junk dealers and dealers in second-hand good*, having had the same under advisement, beg leave to report that they bav® mad® a revision of said ordinance, em bodying alterations and amendments, which they herewith return and recommend Its passage. All of v.blch Is rerpectinliy submitted. Josßca A. KniCKsnoocsbß, h. L. iIOKD, Committee on Judiciary. An ordinance concerning Jonk dealers, and dealers in second-hand goods. Bf If orddntdby the Common t ountU of the City of Chicago .* . . , Stttion 1. That any person who keeps a store, of fice orplace of business for the pnrenase or sale ' e.t old metal, rags, old rope, oldfcanvas. Iron and i the like, is hereby defined to be a took dealer, and i gnr person who keeps a store, office or place of business for the purchase or sale of second-band clothing, or garment* of any ktna, or second-hand goods, wares or merchandise, is hereby defined tobeadealennaecondhandgooda. Sec.3. Tbatnopaaipn or persons shall carry on. or condoct the or calling either of a lank dealer, or dealer in second-hand goods with in the City of Chicago, witbont having first ob tained a license so to do In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, underapendiy, upon conviction, of a fine of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. , Sec. 8. The Mayor Is hereby authorised to crant ® license to jntk dealers or dealers in sec ond-hand goods, on the following conditions: laL The person so applying tor snea license shall, to the satisfaction of tbs Mayor, be a per son of good character, and shall pay into the city treasury the sum of fifty dollas. 9d. The person so applying shall execute a bond to tbc city of Chicago,ln the sum of three hntdred dollars conditioned that the said appli cant will In every particular conform to the re quirements of this ordinance, and with the re quirements or provisions ofaay ordinance here; after to he passed concerning jonk dealers or dealers In second-hand goods, as the case nay he, and thereupon the City Clerk shall Issue a license In dne form under tae corporate seU signed by tbc Mayor and countersigned by the Cletk. See. i. All licenses Issued under this ordinance Etta 1 vrp’re on the first day of August noxt, after the Issuing of the same. . gfc. 5. Every person licensed u atere said shall keep at his or her p’ace of bosl sees a substantial tad well hound book in which he or she shall f® et tree a minnte description or all personal property purchased by or her, tbe date of purchase, toe name and residence or place of business ol the person or Persons iroit whom such purchase was male, and pirticultrly mentioning auy prominent or « w frlrnve mitw that mey be on such property, which atid book shall be kept clean and Itciuie and all the therein shall be made with Ink, and no entry therein tha!!>e erased, obliterated or dehced, and every person so licensed failing to comply with #n> ol the provisions of this section 8-all, upon conviction, be fined In a sum not less than twrnty five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. , , ~ Sec. 8. Every person so licensed as aroresaia, shall during the ordinary hours of buxines* when requested by the Mayor, General Superintendent of Police, or any police officer of tha city, sub* mlt and exhibit said bock. In the fifth section or said ordinance provided lor to the inspection of ant of the above named officer?, and shall also cxliblt any sacn goods or personal property to any of the aforesaid officers, and oven such U censed person refusing to submit said books, (roods cr property as aforesaid noon the request of ant cf the aforesaid officers. sha’l, upon con viction, be fluid m a sum not lets than twenty five dollars for each and every offense, and shall be subject In the discretion of the Mayor to have bis or her license revoked. . , . iVI Sec. 7. Th«t.nou.ltg contained In tala ordi nance ehal! effect the sale of second-hand goods by any person or persons now or hereafter li censed as pawnbrokers, and who ahail In the course of their business as pawnbrokers ael! ncy goods, wares or merchandise which have been pledged to them and remiln unredeemed. Sac. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance are hereby re *>Src!*9. This ordinance shall be in force aai take effect from and after Its passage. Aid. gnnn and Fnnxea ward excused by the Chair, atd retired. _ „ . AM. Knickerbocker, of the Isst mentioned Corcmlttcc, submitted the follnwlcg report:: To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chi cago, in Common Connell assembled: Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was re ferred an ordlnacco for the Inaction of moat?, ete., havinghsd the same under advisement, beg leave to report,that in accordance with instruc tions, they bare revised the ordinance which is herewith submitted for such action as may be deemed moat advisable. Your Committee have found the subject one of many dlfficn'ties, as any amount of Inspection will cot prevent decay, and it seemed to na to af ford but llltle protection to the consumer. Dis eased and unwholesome meats seem to be the on'y kind that can be effectually reached by in spection oedwe bare, therefore, as will he seen, confined It to sUughter houses and wh’oesoM markets. SclLng diseased or unwholesome meats la punishable under the Kws of the State of till to!e, aud as every botcher Is practically on in spector of the meats purchased dt him to bo re tailed at his own shop, the whole matter ap pears questionable in uounlliy, besides not be ing in exact accordance with democratic ideas ol rovernmert, as tbe people look upon reguUUrg detsil* by Uw in such matters. Ail of which is respectfully subml.tod. Jisnux C, Kxxcezcbocseh. L. L. Bond; Committee on Judiciary. An Ordinance concerning the inspection of Meats 6UUIJceU : C9. iff it ordained by the Common Coinclf of the CWy of Chicago : Sxctxos 1. Thst there shall be elected, In ac cordance with the provisions of the charter, one Meat Inspector, who shall have autaoniy to ap- S omt os many astiatants or deputies as ha may ct-n necessary. , , Sco. 2. Snch Inspector shall, before entering noon the cischarge of the duties of bis office, make,'execute and deliver a proper bond. In tbo • penal enm of five thousand cottars, with one or mure sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and Comp'roßer, cocdlucued for the faitbful dis charge of his duties, and for the payment of any end o!l damages which maybe earned by reason efeny neglect cr malffasasce etiber of himself or any person or pereons appointed oy him as assist jntor deputy. Sic. 3. It shall be the datj’of each Inspector, either by himself or a duly auihoclzod aieistant ordfpntj, tolEFpcct&ll meals offered for silo in any wholreile tsTahllshmout of any kind—except poultry, tl.h and zame—and all slaughter bouses at such times a* shill not serlons.y inconvenrenca such dealers in the ordinary mnsacttoesof busl ttEs. and designate such meats as arc wholesome and fit for food with an uniform mirk, and such as are unfit by a different mark: and nopersonother than the Ileal ih Officer or Inspector, oy direction of the Health Officer, sh-iR be pormutcl to sell or remevti sny such condemned melts. Sxe.4. The Inspector shall on each day report all pieces of condemned meats to the Health Offi cer ot the City of Chicago, specifying tha locality of pieces in each separate loc tilty, and rueb Ucslth Officer shall forth with cause the same to be removed. ~ Src.s. Tfcv Inspector shall adopt •ome uniform system and style of marks, end any person or per anus who than alter or change any of such mirks, cr who shill, without authon'y, pUc'i unv itwpec lion mark cpcaanv piece of meat, r.r snail sell for consumption in {be city of Chicago any con demned meats, or shill sell at wbolcsile or by the pleco to others to he cut ac-l return! In said city, which shall not have been first prou dly inspected and marked or labeled, or shut sell »t.ycl»ca«d, emsciaie i or (doted mulls, shall he subject to a fine of not less tinu five not more iiian que hundred dollars, to he collected as other flues Sro.C.The Corector shall basntU’olanl re ceive irom the owners or holders of ihe meats ibrptcted the sum of five cents lor each side of beef, aud Cvs cents for each cult, sheep, limb or h&ff Inspected by him, end eb*ll baveansbtto withhold his certificate, Usti or mark until aueh fee is paid; Pro tided, that If any snch meats bhall have been inspected at any slaughter bouse on the same day, or alter six o'clock p. m. of the previous cay, he shall not betotU’ed tu any fee for Isspcchsg the same, tf found cu that day at any wholesale establlshnwnt. . „ bso. 7. The provisions of tbts ordinance shall not apply to euy packlair honses, commission houses tor the simple uantfer of meat* which are rot to be consumed in the city of Chicago, nor to any person eelliug moat, by tbs side or piece, whicn they sbalt have raised or fattened on their own (ama. Sec. 3. All licenses for retailing metis In the city of Chicago, sf’er the expiration of the time fixed in the licenses of 1555 shall be issusdouly upon the payment of a lea often dollars. Sec. 9. Jhla ordiQiuce shall be la full force and effect from and alter Us passage and due publics tlco. Aid. Rafferty moved to lay the report apon the table. AM. Rah demanded the aye« and noes. aud the motion wu« lost by the following vote: Aws-Ald. Mclfoy, Sheridan, Wailwork, Sher win, R-.fftrty, Frtsbee, Talcolt, Bond, Huntley, Woodman, Clark—ll. . yofS—Ati. Gage. Knickerbocker. Shlmp, Car ter, Earrtt, dicker, Wilmirtb, Batch. Moor.i, Woodard, Bo'den, Bixby, Rasselt. QastfleM, Brondfoot, Ilotliuger, Hun, Shtrkford—lS. AM. Srcrwtn moved that the report ho lal-I over and published. Carried. . . »• The report waa concurred In oy the following TOiet Av*»— Aid. G*ge, Knickerbocker, Skimp, Car* ler, Barrett, Wicker, Mcßoy, Wilmarth, Sheridan, Walivvork, Haleb, Bherwiu, Moore. RiCTerty, Fnsbee, Woodard, Tjicott, Ho'den, Bixby, Bond, Russell, Huntley, Gislflel.% Pfoadfont,HoiUnger, Unb,Sbackford, Woodman, Clark—2J. Abes—Note. rjinrrrao. A T d. RnssDll, of Committee on Printing, sub mitted a report authorizing the deck to procure the printing of seventy-fiva copies of tho pro ceedings ot May Sd, 1863. AliO, Of the same Committee submlt*od the following report: To the Miyortnd Alderman of the City of Chi* cico, In Council ammitied: Year Committee cn Printing, to ■whom was re ferred the Instructions of the Connell, to report the price that should he paid the corporation pa per for printing the Connell proceedings, adver tising, 4c., living had the sane nnd-r advise ment, beg leave to report Thai they bare made adlllzeut InvesußdUon, nod found the estimates and Information to he ob tained from printing establishments so widely different and unsatisfactory that they believe there is little confidence to ho placed In any of then; but as the Committee have no other light to guide them, they have based their report upon the information obtained from three or four of tho leading journa’B, as thtir bu-ltcss Is more immediately connected with tbs subject under advisement. . , .. The Committee have made the report more lengthy than they otherwlao would. In order tbai tbe public might be Informed of the reasons for reporting the prices of printing hr.rdinnaaoil. | Tbe Committee coaid not lesrn that printing I conM he done any cheaper this year than list, tho I expenses atterclng it being tbe same. 1 One of the daily papers offered to do tho print- i ini; fur tweiity-Jve cents per square of eight | lines for each insertion. Tho daily circulation | within the city limits, three thousand copies. | Another paper offered to do the advertising md ; corporation notices for 37 H coats per square ; for each Insertion, and tho Council proceedings i for one dollar per thousand cm*. Daly clrcula- 1 tion of tbe paper within the city limits, six thon *°A third* the offered to do all the ■ printing for seventy five cent* per square for the Brat Insertion, and th'riy-seven and a-hUf cents for each subsequent Insertion, being the some price tho 3fcne« bid bsl year. Pai’y clicnlatlon of the paper within the city lim its, twelvetofliteenlhcusandcople*. Your Committee recommend u price less than demanded hv the Tuibuhb; because, from the in formation the Committee hw, they ibmtc the Tbibckb’s price 100 high;*, the Tcibuxs lias Instructed ttc public tor a year or two past that the city was paying entirely too much for us pruning, and they bad a right to suppose them us tlncere In that a* m other mature. The CoTtmttse recommend a price for the printing greater than some of tho o’her papers offered to do It fr, tecioso the has more than double the clrcoUtlnn of any other n%psr, consequently Is presumed to reach twice the number of clfteens and tax*ateu3; and therefore in tbc same ra io. fulfils tbc spirit of the law, requiring the Council to have us pro ceedings published. Your Committee believe that the object con templated by the law authorizing ami obliging tbc city to have the Council proceedings pub lished was, first, to give information to the peo ple of what their representative* were doing, and what ordinances verepussed affecting their lights ae cltlz-ns. 2d. To inform as many tax-payers, as possible, wbatwas belngdonc with the money they were obliged to pay for taxes, and whether it was be ing properly acd judiciously expended. 3df That the object of giving it publicity in a SEWsrAPra wbb, becanee U was the sorest and meet effective way of reaching the public and tbc lay payer. If these views arc correct la It doing anything bat justice to the pablle to have city printing by a paper having the largest circulation, even at a greater expense?' „ x . . „ In tbe opmlou of your Committee, the follow log prices would be a reasonable and Just com- Sensation lor Ihe city ptiPting, viz: For publlan >g the Connell proceedings, fifty cents per iquare; fer advertising all corporation notices, seventy-five cents per square for the first Inser tion, and thirty seven and a half cents for each subsequent insertion. [Signed,] S. J. Rcssnx, A* Dornsoin, Committee. P. S.—Since the above report was prepared, the two corporation papers have raised a legal point in connection with this subject, which yonr Com mittee arc unable to decide, which is as follows: They allege that. Inasmuch as the Council did not fix the puce that the city was willing to pay for the printing, at the time of appointing said papers, and as the papers accepted the appointment by the Connell In good faith, and have done printing for the city In accordance with the instructions that the ap pointment was substantially a contract for tne municipal year—that the Connell cannot change It by. Its own act—that the papers have a legal right, if they so elect, to charge their commer cial rates, and that the City Is bound to pay It, hut ct the same lime they are willing to accept the same rates that were allowed their predcces- Tbo Corporation Counsel, though not having examined the subject carefully, Is of the opinion that the view taken by tne papers la at least par tially correct, but that neither party 1* competent to decide the muter Independently of tne other. Tour committee therefore recommend that in order to nvold any coufuilsn, the whole matter bo referred to the Corporaiion Counsel, with the re quest that be give a written opinion upon the subject at the next meeting of the Council. S. u. RCSSZIX, A. Domsoin. Aid. Barrett, of the same Committee, submit ted the following minority report: , To the Mayor and Aldermen of,the.Cry of taica go. In Common Council asremb'ea; Year Committee on Printing, 1 lewed the reioluHon of Aideraan Wicker, adopt- , ad at the regular meeting of the Common Coun cil, held onlhe 26th day of Jono, instructing , your Committee to report at . lb f ®Jl meeting the raws to be paid for corporation nrfntiag the undersigned, as one of the members ofttVd wmmluce, Srlng had the sane under advisement, begs leave to make the following mi n°lhatlbarU)i: made diligent inquiry as to the rates charted by responsible and weh estiblUhed Republican newspapers of the city of Chicago otber than the corporation newspaper. Respectfully submits and recommends tbs pis uee of the following order, tho rites fixed by which are somewhat higher than those for which otber city newspapers would be willing to do the s»me printing and publishing: It ii Aenfry ordered fry (Ad Common CbuncU 0/ the CUy of Ch'tccqo, that ihe following shall oe the rate of compensation to be Allowed and paid for all corporation printing. to bo pahlisheain lie sewfSkper designated u tbe corporaUJiT newspaper. Said printing to comprise pro ceedines of meettncs, notices adTertUeaenti. Sdfflother except job pnntlng which the Com mon Coord! may order to hedona ud published la »as!l corporation newspaper to wtt. if® J of twen’r-flTc cents per squire of eight lines, or ?ne” llirand wentrflTe cents per one thousand cm# for each insertion. Al! cfufclci IB WPMU^SS'ISSnT.. Of Ccmmittee on Printing. Aid. Knickerbocker moved to I*7 the latter re p°U£lrSMUtSmiiiaed the «ni “J*!' the motion was lost by the fOUomoc yo.e - A yet—Aid. Knickerbocker. Shlmm CJtter, Wilmarlh, Moore, Uo.deo, Boswell, Froudfoot, Hoittnger.Ruh, Shackford—U. Oiee. Barrett. Wicker, Sheridan, Wallwork. Hitch, Sherwto,Baff««y. Frlsbee, Woodard, Talcotr. Duchy, 80-d, Haul ley. Gaeiflald, Woodman, C.atk—la. ~ Aid Rnh moved that both reports be laid over order, mid ■aasss'v. otictko ih»™i.» coctlmia to do the dly printing, and that the Instrnded to pay ihe Taiatncs the fame prices (or doing said j*o* k a * Isat year to the Tvrue, and that tbe Stoats ZtUung, the German paper, receive the same pay lor doing the citv printing, the same prices paid last year to the Difon. AW. Wicker moved to lav It on the tabic. Aid. Shackford demanded the ayes and noca. -The motion prevailed by the following vots: Avta—Aid. Gage, Carter, Barrett, Wicker, Mc- Rov Wilmarth, Sheridan, WaLwotk, natch, Sher win.Moore, Kafftrty,Friabee^Wopdard,Talcott. EniielL Huntley. Froudfoot Woodman, Clark-20 ‘ Abes—-Aid. Knickerbocker, Sbtmn, Holden, Bixhy, Bond, Gastfleld, Hoinnger, Rub,‘ Shack- Chair ar.noor ccd the following Committees ! "iJitwfon—Aid. Shackford, Glut and te »vsf X>irUion-Ald. Woodard,. Hontley and B Alo.’Gastfleld moved that the Conns'! dp ,now : adjourn until Thursday, Juy 27th. at So cfock, ! n m.. and take np business where left off. The motion prevailed and the Council stood adjourned. A.H.BODHAX, City Clerk. £S*l!r*nd TUB^XaDld. CHICAGO AKD KORTBWE3THBS—DXPOT COB. ITBsT WAIBB AMD KlSaa. Dcpirt. 3niTtt, Da» SiprwJ *J:CO a. su •-’■-S'- 1 HipM Escpre:: *t39p.n. *5:00 a. a. Jan? enle Accmn2no'tal*n.*6;oo p.ic. *2:15 p. a« Woodstock ACCOM *, *10:00 a. m. «alsha omsiuH. I'nltoaand Cedar Eaplds.. ItlOp.a. Fallen aol low* ~ .ttfclS ». n- 6:00 a. nu KY-WDOTtand DnalelUx.... 9:00 a.3>. 4:40 3. m. Freeport andDtnlellli....lft2rtp.m. 3.45p.5u aocktirdandFox lilvsT.. 4:00 p.m. Osszt; and Elgin B;3Q p. xs. 5:40 a. cu U03134S CSHTBAi. D-.truit Express - ■ t5:30 p. E. 12;80 p. au Detroit Express t*lortop.i=- (Trains for ClseUtsaU and IocIstUIo.) Koxnlnst£ipt , e6>»»»**«*«*** 9:a,ft * ,a ' * 32’ H'gttt Etprcrs t* *Jl;OOp.a. *ic3jbai aoorirasa—c*w ecsaa r*4 sxrsa* AR3 toS32LLB BTHEStS. Db? Etpreei. ...... *6:008.13. *ll:6oj.c Etraalq?Emren....... t3:aop.». ’iftWa.n HipatSipwes •tHfcWp.o. 113:30 p.a DSfBOIt TRUSS. Zrarcn3,yliAdrici.... *&KJa.n, *11:53 p. a, Sljht£zpr‘i,7l*Ad:laa teSOp.m- 9* rmeacaa, tost wants aitt c’ tfcy£ip«H... ttf:oCa.a. »S,*op.rt Zrenlo? KrpreHZ, dally. IWOp-E. 11:00 p. 12 lUshtEzarese *t! *tl-:3op. m Cincinnati Sxpreea tfcfiffa- a. Jf:sC p. n Vinclonad Expreai 5:30 p. id. 13:30 o. a (Cazmettog with rerjtiv'AQTM Central J?. JS. LaieaPlttSDaTff.... SiOlua. fc3Spxu 3:10p.u v. Earrishorw.. 130 p.n. t«ajn. Bi»tr. Philaart. IkilTOO. !» a «. York! 71a } I&39PJS. 10:fi0s.s. 3:(3pjn« wUlentoa I ** 21. York! via r 1031 p .ss. I*oo a. s;tl pii, f-Uladel.. I Ealtlnsore..,. 6:13 p.Q. TSO s.‘i« 13:10 p.a Wublns:cn..lo:2U bjix- 10:35 a.a. 5:15 p.a otucaeo and ossat zssirsn sa3.wat. :Late Clncinnsti and Cblcajro Air-Las Ksiiway.) thy SxpioiS.. kooa.u. H’rttSarcea C;o3p.a. 0;47p. a, .*F?t Caclzaati, IndlsnapoUa and Lonlsyma.) asl Strrcss. ....&008.EU 0-OOa.a. 6 fcOOp.a. 9’«p.R» 1»»V e%3i cope? 'W3p.n. Ki«LtP*ssecs« „..naiop.B. •"tcua.n. jKvnmfase Acc-...•|:43p.a« _ S7(J3 Pa'i Trzia. •*« #. m. *7:42 s. 3. = i* u a •!:«!*. n. u *♦ » M.oop.i& ;» u « *3:st»p.ia. *7:10 p.m. OHIOASO, BCHIZrfarOX UQ I>s7 aid m. i:3op.m. lUgbt Sxprca t*:oop,ia. fcjOi.n. SL;Q<ots icconcodaUaa.. p. cu 5.15 a. e> ; cninao asd Lena* sin s. c. T-.15 p. S. Eistern jo\'M uiJwtlmtogten AC sonunodatloA cwp. ta. ciacAoo*j»!. Eay Hxptcas an* Ki11.... 3:10 a. a. -s*“ P*Jl m*t\ Krpres? 7- *’“** jnltctaccoatDOdsrton..., *so*. t--. OHICASO AJD IQi.ITAT7SS3 SAUff •-< St Pa015rprc8j.......... *9:(*s.n. *3:30 p.». S=>res3.tnr -'4MF.S. *2V:pj a.n, NlL'hi Accomnodatlra.. .11:30 p.m. 1:00 a.m. jjTau*tcn stOOb.m. coup. m. •Saadaja excepts!. 1 sataiiajaaxMptad. *tf -grta?! excepted. . Crausporialion GRASIDTBU&eC LINE OF STEAMERS, B. r. WADE, ANTSLOPE, ECKTGOEIEHY 3UH Will term the Una tram Chirato and Milwaukee to fiarcladuilus th* season of ISU J. One of tea above Stiwmers will leave bor dock, foot Of South LaSalle street. Chlcaco, Evcrv Tuesday* Thursday and Satur day Svonings, at 7 o'clock* And MUa&uked tea loßoeUyt morain*: at 3 o’clock, to connect with tea Grand Trunk Raliwft? at taruls, for ftllpotetslnCanadaaadthe Eastern Btatea. To tour* Ism and travelers this rente posuas unturpusod ad* vor taxes. It is the moat aecearlhla rout# to the beautlfnS actnery of the St, l*wrencf, Kauuenay, Blvrf *3a Loop. White inoomalofh and all vlaces In the New Eugleud States* Ptsienzen by this Una arrlv-j In Buffalo two days, ard Oxdeuiburxh fivr* days soe:n’' thua ty any ntear Lina. Also, the cheapest ahdeatekMtwatirandnU route to Kew York and all points on line of roads ran* olo«H»at from BuffMo.knd to Boston. Hsshaa.L» welT and all oteer petition tee line of the Vermont Ostial Railroad. This li uxuosiyUnetratean be reii*d on to stop at Mack'nae wun perfect tejeu iarity* As a fast and nllable Lina for Eastern and wrehsn Soand Frelzht. It la uneTaallzl. Omy one trsssblpmen*. from Chicago *c Montreal. Port* lana and Boston. Ticked for sale on board tae hoars, br J. HUUSHIDN. »t A.T- Kpencer’s Ufflca, ard at dS Cln.6 strset. Chleaxo. P O Box A. T. 6PSRCEB. Ayent, foot 8. Lafießoet.. Chtcaco. L- H- KtiLLUtiQ, Blue Wnnsttoozo, MUwaokoa nekst Otfico la Milwaukee. i£-t 1 Main street. jj6c9Wdtt TTfAYAKA, SISAL AND YESA rl CBCZ —The Ammlcan and Mexican Mall Iteamshlp Company will despatch their new and *s®* {ant aldowhael etcamsr* com Sew York, for tee above mi 15th of each Mouth.,. For frulaht or pissaxe apply to CAAB. A- wmT» ynrv. Axtj.‘JßF*T*ad— »f .R**»Mk aFMzGkfimSdb ISusiiWßK ®artis. W. T. SHUrEUDiT &, CO, (SUCCESSORS TO A. 7. CECtRKYJ XDistillers of Alcohol, fubb Brians -wsissieb Gls, Domestic Lienors, Sc., &c.j frlcasrect • SI SOUTH WATER BTRKST. Ow. goit .& co., • EB Coal and Cedar Posts, LEHIGH, LACSAWANA, FITTSTQK. BHI AH HILL, “l Siiß, n.i.iwma AMD HUtUUfI HUN. BLOBSBUEO. 4 to 10 in. diameter, aal Split cedar Posts. FOB SALS BT CAB6U, CAB LOAD OH HHI AIL. Orders from tbe country and city trade solicited. P.0.80x3113. Ctalcem, BL Fart and Office wat end or van Boren streetfrids*. ia33;lJ7-Wt Cooke, Smith & Bozet, CC3IMJHSIOW JIKIRCBASTS, and dealers in Balt, Ko, 19 LaSalle Street, Cssb advances mais cn consignments of greia.vrool. DTOseelons, Ac., to our addreas, or for shipment East, and on all fantU of merebandlse in alorebere. WUn DLitlea trtiaibs to bbfeate on marzlus in this marks; are are prepared to do bnxmesa on Übersi terms. ~>i)ip €l)anblrcg; OEORSS F. FOSTER, V? aii South Water ttrcci, Cbicazo, 111. Ship ChandU? and Sail Make? end Wboleiale and Betnll Dealer in aZcsilla*Tla«pcdiiaa CAJT7AU, ABCHOEJ, CHAJCfI, BLCCH3, rtvlnea. BeU and Sash Certs. Teats, Awnlare. W«a pitch. Feting. Paint* ofis, Ac. OldCxnvMhnd Hoisting 3!acMii«« tor Star». FLAGS OP SVHB7 PBSCBIFTIOW. lefe-kSI-IV-T-TA^-ls 33rugs ana C^rmirals. j H. SEED * CO., " * mtosthss tso joßsaas o-r DRUGS SND CBESHCAIS, 80 CbicagOi liliscis. AIO. DULL LlSa*L7 rimrs. mu. mroo-w eu.«. Buams sons, kkroskstb. saw tr ssa nroos. MANTrTAcnrHwa* «OOD«. *U» man«s ?-« sr ** CT * **"• chants and j.2.Ba»o,l74Paailitre«.K***i ■. H. A. HratßDi. Chicaio. I B. Kpa*xz- Banking ana ggttfrangr. T OCKtVOOD & co., S&NSSBB, Bate semoTsd from No. 33 william street to Jos. 94 Broadway and Wall Street, NEW YORK. Orders 107 toe purchase and Sale ol GOVERNMENT tsd other Securities exscuted os the usual terms. run* md individual accounts received. and inter* eat allowed noon current balances, which raw be Chiclwe tot at alzbt or after ten days notice. _ ~ Six Mr cent interest allowed on deposits of sola. Bew Yorx. Mar L 15»- nrunnte t-tsq sap •piEST-CLASS IMPROVED .SOOTH WiTEE STREET PROPERTY JOB fIACS AT AUCTION, win be sold at auct-oa from the Mnwalr 0 jS* Ccnrt House, at 1C o'cloci A. M, 59th. Lota 9 10 and 11, In Bloch 7 (aeren), F«rt Dear bor* Addition, No- JJ B-uth sv-tnr itnyt. ■n't Humbert *ls and <l7 Micmcan it®* tao late Joaeph Matusoo. Ai Sr mSSrf Ml »• CSheet to Sub aale. an £i;g -VTOT>C3 LAY DR3.IS3 I' 7 it) Iti«»n fiosttiie cuts Issuer; b* tM* cows by esa cf tic cr»la l*7cn l 7 ;i r: r.os:d. tec accords* to tee teaera! ipydiLA-aa* wj _ ai*4 u>; r. uvici 93, scbaol Sactloa am ** w. - ik - “ M “ !«.“«. * * “ sac*’.otiO- ;&<£ -5v *• ** ** “ 5. “ W - “ 4. “ «S. “ •» “ f .* «. “ M *• 4. * 9a, •■ “ “ I. - W, •* «. *• 9J, - •* s. nu- : r r 9. *‘ n, *• ** *• *• 10. “ 91, “ •* U, “ *l. •• “ 12, •* 81. ** Ardsx “ „*£ “ ** “ BV • " 1J • 91, “ D * ~ it, •• H, * •• i£ - «. * - IS. ** H. “ Sublet 1, M - 2.- - a, * “ 4 •♦ •* s.** J. Q QISDSL2. FTUI> LKTZ, O J. E033. Beard of Pubas Works. jjaewiw Lamp posts and street Chicago, josy Jiit«i?oi. k _ ' PrcDOfsis will ba r'cclraa *t tnlioillcoUU »do(tadtr h; BoardmipcCmens. stseuatia's lert dto daftar con of ue -e^-oa of laeaamjabaU toc-Bec-ed. ° Prapc**a mtaS hasK&lui, to Usa 3<*?£ of PuSnc TYciii, indorsed X- o^oet rc«rre the ri*M to rj«t «T« aU blc«,asd nUi to »ec»MJ j-«*ii the MdAsr ctldrncf. to tilk»irdof PaMlovcrhsthst ha is corny tw, rfLntea udrs* •pOMlhie. j. o. Q^TDJvLu. FRSD. LSTZ, . o. -I- K’JSB. Eoi’duf Poblio Works. Jy3A3H 1C! ■PROPOSALS iOR PAVING Jl deabborn srßfisr. y Uma or nut boasd oy Wosss, > Chicago, July Mill, lao 6. i Pealed Fro«a»'» wBl toe r^T. 5 1 a 1 2 r PaCllc Worts until ll A. M. ba - u-dar. 3 h. tor ihe cartUff.jffadiai mw n w^i sAn toioilt pftv» iseit frtaxwja »:r .e . i.ob tat to, .a u-e of nccorctlsz to sjnrclttcaUosa oa d'.o la tau ofil. «• a&d larsoT&eai mil re p*ia for ’rare Mieancort levied to defray in ccst,waoa Jxes-iaa .MW.* t > U o B' «rl of IWllo TVortSr la lotted “Propotal* for Pa»txi* *“2£ r . a gtreet.'* ana atctdraaifd wi.a aond, withanwtoetotorapwovedtoyihs Bom. Btdswui ce for tton colßgof the wao;e ? cirb walls, tor a detolie >uo *a* to? thetarto .raLs at a crs-a o»r end of oaetoaadred co*rc Re *Tb« Bta’O isaenra \ba rub* t® njset any or »n hUa, «u4 note w 11 re *o« p ed Bila» tan rc«'-rz£’v>a evicjoico sat»fv..ory .o «ha rtoarataai £ ! i i c.mpf«ot.r ! u.3:o.oim^-ra- D<TJi V 2, O- J. ROBB. Board of Puallc WctSs- jyMtTiSICt Pboposals yon BOII.BR ROOMS AND 800.T0., Behead PrODC»;.U will be reMxedat the om«** of tie Board of Public War?*, tmu o’clock. Juy 2«h. for thei conitrnoilon of Poller B«orrs et the k»Rlaa*r aal hntldlDst*. Plana »nd SpeciaratUas can **J2Su5 the office ot Mr. Baa&r, arcii.tic.. Ho, *> Msaue * i3o, tor «n«. Borer < J ES'.msorEciocil »■ i nr canto! seta at the office of the Eo-srd cf Public wo ki. pe Board reaenoa the rum to ro-.c; .07 or .J cf Uto OU. onroraa FUSD- LKfZ, o. J. Biss. _ __ jy^ c io3s* Board of labile Works. /OFFICE BOARD OF POLIOS, U CHICAGO Jtt)y a Win ha TC. ctlTEd at ibis office fer the remoTSi of all ■ dal, filth, cubKe »od athcf.lrom lb* - streets sod a lets ot the cltr cf Chic SCO, up to-lay IMb, »tlo«lo:<,]j. a jVaia Bt*° a. SCUTT, secteur? Of Scard. astaicmai UK. EiSTSBU’S IODINE AND SABSAPARIUA TWs U tte mtlpaedlclns awt wll! care dlMtiPsart ttaf Uyn *a impure ol Um blood, ftx; Scrofnla, or Eins’s Evil, Cancer, Tamers, Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Seals Bead, old Sorts, Swelling of the Glands, leprosy, White Swellings, Piles, Blotches, lioiles, Pimples on the Face, Goitre, Rheumatism, Drop sy or Gravei. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Servo ns Affections, General Debility, alUbronic Dis eases. and all Diseases arising from the nse of iHercury, 8:13p.n; 3,‘TO i. TL 9:50%^ Arroaz all the celebrated remedies for threats of tboto dU"»je« arlsisc from an Impure st*ta of tee blood, none teens to be meeting with snob laccesi.ond to cite such taUAfsetloa to all a* Dr. Easterly's lodine and Sanaprlllt. In the Western States nearly throe-fourth.* of tbs la. habiuntsare afflicted with a torpid or inactive coaa tica ot the Liver, and ft is believed that nlne-tenthi of all tbs sickness and snSsiinz arise from teat cause. Dr* tj an LTfblllb’e cure lor Liver Complaint. It bus a 3 edfle action on tee Uytr, and a lev bottles will ears t&e wentenws. Dr* Efisteily’s lodine endSanaprilln la a radical cure for Chronic or Inflammatory Rhea mutism. Thu medicine removes the cause by putty* 1~3 the blood, and tee cure la cerUla and permanent. Dr* Easterly’! lodine and Snrsaprllln Cts cored more eases of indigestion and Dyspepsia t&A3 any other remedy ever invented. So one bus ever and Itwllhout benefit.' Dr* Easter!;’! lodine and Sarsaprina SUsds preeminent as the best remedy ever dlacov* an d tor diseases of the Kidneys. Dropsy ftr.d Gravel. It ha* cozed eases of over forty yean* standi az. Dr* Easterl;’s lodine and SarsaprlHs the best remedy known to the civilised world fas the care of Hoars!*!*, Nervous HescUchc, Lu*s of Mcmory.GeiieralDebUlty.Palcsln the Nervtj of tee Fare, and the various Nervous Affectlans to wfcs.te females are liable, and suffer so much In a low nr >*•:• b<> dated state of health. Itlsanaysr-CiUlnt cure ter these complaints. Dr* Easterly’s lodine and Sarsaprllla Is the best Cosmetic known. Ladles who admire * clear white »ktu and a rosy cheek, should abtacou the use ot pa'ata and washes ot every amd, which only In lore the skin, and ue ibis mealcins- Tats beauunes the skin by purlfylsn the blood, and giving activity to every minute t» ssel, thus cranginr tbu dark and sal low cocstananes to the bloom and irtshntse of yoate. Dr, Easterly’s lodine and Sarsaprllla Isa great female medlclno. it immedlacalyesunter* sets the nervelessness of the female frame. Thosesnf. ffcnnx from weakness and lassitude whouse it, as once become vigorous and full ct energy undo/its Infin eoce. Ko lemala should neziect to take- it who is a> p*oechlnc that chan no In ll's, the CESSATION OF THE iLnBSRS. la such cases it cannot be too highly recommended. Dr. Easterly’s lodine and Sarsaprllla Wilt cure Scrofula. Brytlpelaa, Rnzwonn and Totter, Calt Itbeum, Scald Head, Old Blotch&>, Plmplea on the tnce, and all Eruptions of the Skin. But for tea euro of Scrofula, Old ftoros, and Skin DlMasas of tTtry kind, Crldley’s Salt Ehems and Tetter Ointment Win be fonnd a Tftleablfi assistant to the lodine and SanspartUa tn scbdulnz tee dlseue. The lodine and BftmpMUa purines tbebloodandremoventbeesnsa, while the Olntmentbeals the 3ore*. and tens h speedy and penaanfint cure u efieewi. Bote a:a rscotasiaa» dad to be used lor thus complaints. bometblnir the AlQleted Should Know. Those who are afflicted and nsedatpceial Purlfylna mcdlciae, should know that Dr. Easterly’s lodine andSanaprlltn is tlx times strocser. cheaper asd better, than any oteer Soresparlllft or Blood Purttylns Medicine nowor fered to the public, or no pay will be taken lor It. Tnts has been ihotocgbly tested, and la known to ba a fact. Therefore. ask roBDB. EASTERLY’S lODITH? AND3ARQA FAKILLA, and taka oothlnz else. Prlee—The lodine and Harsaprina. IUO per bottle. Price— eno!ey*» Salt Bheum and Tetter Ointment, m cents per bottle. ryrSoldat DR. R. EASTERLY <fe CO.’S Family MeUlclnn aioro.n Madlscn ureet.ueM Chlcszo.ll) .and st the corner of Third asd Chcannt street*, St. LouU, Mo. Cure Yourself. USL BAFFZTS SPECIFIC. Xb:i Ssdlclns will care dect, btrlctare, Seiuiual Weakness or Spermatorrhea, diordee. Diseases of the Kidney* and Bladder, and nil Disease* of the Sexual caused hy Confession or Weakness of either sex, males or Females. ThU ELEGANT, POPI/LAK and INFALLISL3 so celebrated la all cnrLABGS CITLSS for the CCNS of l liIVATa PIBZAiUS.Ii n<iw otfcred to tbe affilctf d sad WARI*. ANTED TO CUUS ill dl* e.jse, ot tbx Genital OrgarkOt either »ez <maie cr !& malolnsfewdava Ur. Baber's Specifio la the OKLT SAFE and RELIABLE UKiIKDY fa tne CURE OP SPKRMATOKKUQiA, rf*n«rall7 termed aKiIINAL WEAKNESS.CMHed by sKLF.ABUak o: EXCESSIVE INDUI.GHNCK, wLlcu Is new so FIiAE FTTLLT PItaVALKNT In all psuta of ’die country. Biador, nave yon s PRIVATE DISEASE, Or any Disease of the KIDNEYS, BLADDER or SEX hai.TtUGAKA Donutnurlectlt. DELA7ISDAM GEfvOUS. Procure at once tbal celebrated and mail able Remedy, Ur. Baber's Specific. Which baa CUT.TD thonAneds upon taomttn-U and saved then frem ti;e bands oi MSnCILESft QUACEX, U ac’.frcn a pre-nature ?ravc. Ur. Baker's Specific la a OKRAT HEALING, PUBIFYTFG and SSL? NO MEDICAL AID OR AnvtL’K as plain dfeecUonsfor aseaccompanycack nt Md oc-'lectly KARStLESd TO THE CON3TITO. ,nS wIU jIFEKCTIiALLT CDR2 TUB MOST vmrVhNT CASKS OF FIUVATE ri3RAS23. and li?Hrthe rv.a to a perfect stete ol HEALTH A2H) PURITY- i won® to tiii: akviicmo. t0 a regular Phj «ct*a wlta jour ciM, yon jTi s vout- J?IUVAT3 Kfil'U fATIOJI. 11/ goto/ to p ir irixoß\*T “private practitioner," yoa peril HEALTH FOIt LIFE. AVOID BOTH, and lit Dr. Baker’s Specific. with this Medicine yon c«a CUES TOUH9SL? lea THK SJOiraY that pbyslclant charge without ch.iiZdOl diet or hindrance item buaneaa. and thus prevent aXlchancrof {tXTCSUItII and£UlH. DR. BAKER’S INJECTION. K Ik—ln cum 01 ecaorrhea, Gleet and Scalnal Weakness. DR. BASKBJCygCTIOM will he found a viaib'c ftMlatist to the aPKCIPIC to sahdolne the in2azncati»a and checkin* the di-:cfur?e, and should he used Id conjunction with U until a perfect cureli ■ttfeeied. Whrn both are used, the? ncrer mil M CVhZ the LONGEST STANDING and most OMTI - CASKa of Private Disease*. A Treatuc cc Sexual Diseases, culled the “Self t*. structcr,” accompanlfi* each bottle of the Spfclflc. Hr Price—Dr. Hater's Speclßc, **JO per bottle, nr Price—Dr. linker's Injection, }1 her bottle. Price-iUle Inltciln* d;rU<tf,SG cu'j, rentals tnjectlnz Byrliue.SO cents. eentby Express to all parti of the country oa receipt 01 the moot? and twenty Ave cents additional ta pay " “t“®&ra.T * co.'s F„r, Jltdltlna blore.W Madison street, now the Pejtoffice. t>fnp. i.i., and at the corner of Third and Chesnit streets. }w Loos, Mo. DR. SANDERS’ THESE KONDTB SAI-VB Cure Corns- Warts, Woles, liinynonu anil I'ootliaciie, This celebrated and IniiUlUe salve will effectually and pemauecily cure Corns, Warts. Motes, Hint* worm and icothacne in fro ■» three to ten mlnnt j. Why will yon surfer the exrrcctatlaz and torment* la* pain from Corns and Toothache, when Ur. Sanders’ Three Minute Salve wiu riTPyn instant relief, and Is offered yon at the very lew price efts cent. p*r bottle. Bent to >ll paitsot the country by mall, on receipt otthe price «nd ten cents to prepay postage on ua M prß)W at Dlt. S. EihTBRLT * CO.*B Family Meuicinc store, U9 Madison sueet,near the Postofflce, Cb’csLSo, ill .tan at the corner ot Third andCheaani Lotus, Mo. lyecftiiiovcz sawnrldy nOLLECTOR’S NOTICS. V ' B*-aa or m-aau, County *i CO^X-?3. crrr ootLSdtnrt OpyxosJ OOtrXTßocss.£rpilßo 1L > Cnicioa ) raairs eounalitertyclTo. tcritad Wattante bam been placed la r»y taad* tor Wert, dated July .?* hricd tor ita ejection of • I- vied t r tba erection of Lsmp a 03 P*rfi. s ft cm Sletteatb i'.tit to UiaioaUi Uaeof JC«b.oj».b ,? Wmant Jfo. STT West, dated JilT WX 1358, and Un. d jot tb« eoteette’i of a Spool*. AteCMtaans levied ter tbe fraction of Lana Post* on W<jt y.fa* •eeatb facet* beieteaCanal atnot end iba CaicKO B w2r»t 50. 577. W»t, dated Jx’y !»:, IMS. eol tnaod Cor me ecuecroa «.f a Special aisewsenfi i «wd fcr lie amoent ftamd to be cdeaat on a raratr Aj.c#ament true erfe don of Icua? *v**a oa Wert water at ect, between Hdnrta cw u5 Wert inlUna **w££rentSo 220. Sorts, deted Jnlyl3 a. ise. tad i me collection of a Bpeca* of Lamp Po»t» aa ° a * lxnA h •4S»Orc«aßayrp‘rtaadlJttßiCcale»n. “ intonated ,a •*'* 4boT * •m nq?£»d to mto ftsawdiats ww* •'** ;T ef inch oayneat. tbJ edd will w collected as las cart and eipeaaa of US ttM *S r "g. HSMJ. p:t coc-c-.-r. .COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. CovnT Bot**. EmjiWl «. t Chicago, Jui7ij*b. iso* I Pnbiio notice »j hero ay sltsb mat ?? icnred Warrant* biro been pieced la my bend* roc w Moot iaTixl HritS, deled JaJy l«aeil ter us collection of a -pedel XHoanaen* Icvica tot the ext rut-'n of vino stM-t, of tbo wtd» of tnlrtj use ss-uo rr«: (rsa lu prearnt aertaef* t?r»lna« nor-b to vtuKuy sme% end on line win that cart of tltetd? opened sontb of pr> pOMsd extension. Warrant No. 433, A-vnib, dated JoiT IStX 1563. end beutdiortbe co.iccuoc cf % special Aeweeiaeat feyltd lor tbocnrtisr, ?Vl*a* and Bavin* wltb voo*ea SlocX piTr-rua; sTcraa from tbs fonts line of Kazcoipa rjc*t to tbs nertb line ol Twenty-Secoad nrest. Werrant No. 4M. rontb, dated Jaiy 14tb, ISO. end bsned C.T tbe cotl'CUoa ct a Special * ti>.tmpn» levied for tbe Cnrbl&g. FlUlsc ead ttaasiac of Cel bonn Peee, between Dearnom nrw\ and state it. Ait persons Interested la eud eta re axsauaests ■iw reaneated to gala Immediate at my offlee. In drfenlt of men payment, i!smM4 wuem mcnte.wlll be collected at Ue cost eadaxpeute of US pe »nn* lleb e tberefar. ‘jyiSdTJdUt A. H. HSALD, Qty Cottector. noßroßA.Tiojsr notice. Xj omcxoFTH2E*'JkSDorrr:3t;o Worki.i CIUCAOJ. Jill? ii. lao>. t TTiciesa. the Coaunca fouacll oi we City of Cb?c#2« bat czdcniX that Trod Brecb street to the Btrt lit® of »!vi “kscadiins” of Cistl street, be Ci!M sad pait fd; said wor« to be dice undM lb# suwravn d«*eoof»lu»Board of Fablic Worlu, and last tbs sum tf one thousand fiy® hundred and -wiatr-six dollars aud t-facty ceats be •uwad the real o» late det au d N adr <d bv tb® Itn p roretaeat» oru-n-e 1, •cc^rdtr* ; otiePTOTtalotl of vbeßjTtsed Ch*?ter, M amended. la inch eaie made and prordad. Sow,tb.ief jto, publo toiieau herebysirent > all wrens lEtrrestrd, tba: thi Commissions oftha Beard of Public Wjrfca wIU meet at t»om N>. IS., » the Cowl House,la*a*d«;Ul, on tocwth day *.D lS»3.attbobcur of la ccJoci. AM., t«» a#*e » th» aw-oiret directed as nbreiald by the Cotnmoa t onnp.ll to be a>ceased oath# real estate deem*; bso* flteu by the said coaicmpiafcd FHED. LH fZ, O .1 TO2B. O antniocen cf tbs Board of Public W:rz*. JlihSlß nORPOKATION NOTICE. \J omcs or T33 Beaan or Prarjo,wm > CHICAGO. Jdij K, is<3 { ▼hater. tha Common council of taa U£7 c f C »»ea lohnorCero-J that Erteitra.t from the Wen •’ la of Civk street to the But nao of ia3«lle street, ha curbed arm fiuou; said wor* ts he done wider the ia p»ilß«ndercco: ihe Board cfPthi.c Worss. a. a thucbeiac) ot \wo theorem sexes anaared saa ft,rtyrlneiJo.latsaado:nj:y two cents ho amswd nponthe rest »*:s:e dieawd ben filed by taeucproy* mrntsj ordmd. accords; to the rroTtsl'U* of the tcr sKlChar.e*, uambtced, Li»cch casemate ana re. pabUc notice is hereby siren to all ~ucct ictsmt-id-ibet tha Chcmltsioa-jrs of the Baudot Public Works »Ul me*t stK'om No IS la thoC n*t H'.nse. In sstd city, oa tbe C9th Jiy cf.laiy, A- D. t‘6‘, at the boar of 10 oclOi*S a. U. to aiKM the sonant dlrectrd as af-ramul By the Common Ccarcll to be assessed on the real filed hy the aald coansopiued to *j 0 Q C g j^ SLK< PBNrt lkta* O. J IU>SB commitsionanoflhsßoardofPatjlic Works, j « /CORPORATION NOTICE. \J Oftick or ins po.vsd or Puntto Worxi, > CHICAGO Ja-y3‘,13«. 5 j Whertaa, The Coam-nCoaocllof <n-» Utr of Cal; essohss onurea tatc taa Alley ranalar co*ta awl soSth a. School Bectlca AddUloa to Chleaxe, Le fined.paced and planaod, uid work to M dorot Oder the sapertnleaaeoeo eftte Bjsraof Pabllc Works, sad teat the ma of one ibootasd ibieebordredasd nliuy eixbt tfilCO doilire w u* tißtedopontborral euste deemed bfsefl.Bd by ’ha liarroycraenT so ordoed, aceo:dm» to toe nrotulrna of tfce Periled f.hvter, u ancoded, iasaca cmm B 'sruW?%S^£«u < paßllo notice U hereby sites t® «» rjtiMii irwww. tbst the (S>ainHMlocers of tea Beard cf Pnhlic Wor. • wll meet« Koom No. W. la tte conrt Hccre. la isld City, on the irh day cf July. a7d.l ; 63.atthohoorof 10 o’cocx A.M. to a»s?sa th? snoast &s aforesaid hr rhe C=atn«l o occil to he iMweved on the realeststs deemed oe&e* flttdbr Uic said coaiemplabed iraxote^nt^ p'bbu- Ltra, O. J. RiMX, of tie 3o«d of jiSMt-aei pOKFOHATION NOTICE. • Gmcs o? ins Woara.V Chicago. Jai> 4M. Udi. » Whereia, The Cosmos t o.nnl of tee city of cal* case has < niercd that Ch'csro avensa from the we*tsli*» of dark street to Chicago avenue Brides* be mini and ‘•Macadamised,” said work to be dona nooer tee *np»rim«nd*B*a of tee Board of Fanil* Works, asd task itae sum of seventeen thousand nln* hundred and Ally six dollars aud eight emits be aw tested upon the zeal cause deem:d banafiied by tee improvement to ordered. accorum* to te* prrrr.s-ou* of the B*Ttod cnarter, u amended, la each com ntde scd provided. How. teerefbr*. pabllcnotica li hereby given to all persons loumteu, that Ua Commissioner* of the yosrrt of Public Works will meet as B>om No. 15, ta thd Coen Hcuae. la isld Cuy. on toe 2*te day of July. A. D. If 65, at the hoar of ID o’clock A- M-. to users the as ount directed as aiotetald by the Com* moo council to be ssausaS on tee toil estate drmaad benefits d by tbs aala contemplated improvr-m'.ot. J. 6. eiNDSLfIL tred. csra, O. J. ROSS. Comminionets of the Board of Public Wvfks. jygg-aaxt pORPOBATION NOTICE, Vy Onios or Tn* doaxo c» fubuo Woko, > (.SXOaOO. July 23d 1355. t Whereas. The Common Connell of the CBy of Chi* easo has o;dercd that Csnal street, from tsa sonth sico of Adorns it;o»t to tho noith tlda of Twolith ssrtet, b* BeMteadsmlzed. said work ts ba dona na* do the anperintendenceof toaßzard of Public Works, oro tnattne sum of eleven thousand three hundred andCorty ocoil-100 dollars be assessed noon the real estate deemea benefited by the improvement to or* dered, acco.'dlnz to tea provisions of tee Revised Cb»rter, as amended, in such case made »ni provided. How. teertfote. pnolle notice is hereby zlvea to all peisona intazcated. that the Commissioners of the Do*zdof public WoikswlU meet at Room No. IS. la tee Court Bouse. Ini aid City, on the 9w day of July* A. D IMS. at tea hoar of 10 o’cloea A. M, to uiew too amount directed aa afbreiald by tba Common CooseU to be osieued on the r ai estate cremed benefited by the said contcmplatan imp-ovrmput. J. 8. tiiSURLH, FRED. UtrZ, o. j. no^s. Comml<tlonC79 cf the Board of Public WsrSs. ]V3Jt3Sa 6t r'OEPORATION NOTICE. \_J cma of rax Doaho of Ptmuo works, > Cmoioo, Jn y £1,1353. i Whcress. the Common Conned oftbr csty of Chi cago baa ordered tun: Lamp Posts be erected oa Archer BoaJ. between suie stmt aadatswmsvo* toe. said work to be dcna under tbo superiaumdoacs ortho Boa-d of Public Works, andtbat taesnmof eight hundred tad eighty two dollar* be swetsed opoa tae ml estate fronting or abutting Oh tbe im provement 10 ordered, accord's? to tbe provtsloa* of tbe Bevfeod Charter in inch ease made sad pro* T Now. therefore, pobllo notice la hereby sires Co aB parson* interested, tbsS tbo Coatm'utootrs of tba board of Public Works will mart at Room No. 19, la tae Boas*, In said city. on tbd Z):h day cf JOiT. A D.1563, at tbe boor of 10 O'clock A-it, to aners tbe amount directed aa aforesaid by tbe Com* mon Coon. U to be assessed on tbe real satate front* leg or abutting on said frsd lstz^ o. J. BOSS. Cosnaisslosers of (be Board of Public Works. jyEetoiet . CORPORATION NOTICE. Orncs or tub Boas© op Ptmuo Worm, > Chioaso, Jui» £2. la 6». J Wberets, tba Common Council of tna city of CM* cagobaaord-rcdtnat Coned Ptaoe_between WeDs st eat and Frans Ua street, in Block S3. original Town of Calcs go. bo graded and planked; said worn to ba don* under tee sunerlateadcnca of tbe Board of Pub* lie Works. And that the sum of nine Hundred and tblrtythteedaUaraiiadelgbiyeix cents be aocsied upon tbe real estate doomed benefited by tbe im provement so ordered, aeeorsl’g lotbsprovuionaot tbe Earned Cbsiter, u amended, in anen case macs and provided. Now, therefore, nubile notice it hereby given to alt persons late as tact, that the Commissioners of too Boarder Public Works -willmeek at Boom 80. 15, In tbe Court Douse, la said city, on tba i9ih day ct Jo v, a. D 13:5. at tbo hour of 10 o’clock A. M- to ass*satbeam(.untdlrectedas aforesaid by Ila Can- Bt n Ccnccll to be a s*ise«t on tbe real estate iL.cuad benefited by tbo said contemplated imp - ve neat. J Q. GINOKUE, .FRED. LK T 2, O. J. RIME. Commlstioscrs of Ibeßoaidof f tulle Works. Jy»sw«t CORPORATION NOTICS. Omta or tub £oa»s of Public Wobss, > Ciuoaoo, Joiy 23 l it. { Wbeess, fee Comm in Council of tbeCiiy of Cblca gobssoroeredthattberaatone hundred and exty id tlie-ieuibi fleet of Haddock Place. In Blocks. l Dearbt r- Addition to Calcaro. be curbed, graded C . Wl* 1... .WU1.1.. .W W..W4V, WV WW sod a aved with bculdor uavemaA t;i*ld work to m dons n-.ilir tbo an crlnteurteaca of taa Board o’ PntUo Work* and ’taaC’besnm of tight hundred sad ulna* ty elK&tdollars end seventy cents be assessed anon tnc leal esta e deemed cenefited b» tbe Impravcmen* so ordered, according to the provisloaaof tbe Sensed Chatter. •• amendeo, in men ease made and provided. Now, therefore, pnode notice la Hereby given to all venous lt.terej:e<t, that tbe Commissioners of tba Horn dof Public Works will meet «t Kxim H j is. la tbe Cuart Home, In said city, on tbe 39 Jt day of Jaly, A D l&H. at the boar of 10 o’clock A. M, to atsere beamoant directed aa aforesaid by tbe Common Coned! to be a test'd on tbe real estate d-emenbente filed Lj the aald contemplated improvement. J.**. UIbDEUL FdED LBTZ U O J P.OiK. CommUitoner* 01 the Board of public Works, firresum CORPORATION NOTICE. OmckoyxnzßoAkOoyPnßLiii Wono.l Cbiuao ,J01y23,13#>. ) Wbneat, tbe Common Oonnatl of the eit, of go bat ordered tta.t that park of Court Place betwuea Cea. boro .seek and state street. In Block 87. Original To vn of Cblcsxo, vrtaicn ass ao« already been piark ed, be cradedard planked; said workto be dose un der the soperurudesce of tbe Board ofPubdO Wcrks. aid :bAt the lam offmr bnadred and tea doll*r* and fifty cents bo aasotsed n <on tbe real es tate deemed benefited by tbe Imp ov-useatso o*derau, arcordiigto the provtsiona of tbo ftevti-d Charter, as amtcded.lnaaoh caMmadoaad provided. Now. therefore, public notice'* hereby given lo an rmsons inlenatsd. that tbs Commlmtoaen of tba Board of Public Work* will meet ak aocn No. 13. m tbe Court Hocse. »n t*ld city, on tbo 49th day otJaly. A D. is®', at •. ha hour of 10 o'clock A. A. io atsess the amennt directed as a'Orvsald by the Cerrmoa Council to be <a>«*red on tbe real estate de-medbeao* flux! by theaald coaiam plated uaprovemHnt J.G.GIHDRL2. FRED LETZ, O J. EoS*. C-'ramlialoucre ef tbe Board of Pnbtio Works. JyOalWOt 13K0P0SALS FOR PAYING JL WA3ABH AVKHUB. C/7XC* 07.TIOIDOAAS 09 PO3LIO Wom, J cinoaso. July istb, isu, f Sealed Proposals win be receiTOd at this oOee aaUl UA.H .P&IDAY. JalyaSlb last, tor Filling. Car> It<c sad Paring with wooden bloc* paremsnt, watusb arenas. tomb Use of Randolph street to north Una of twenty Second stmt, according to specific* tlonshooon flte. ... , feud improreaent will be paid tor from the special assessment levied to defray its cost, wbea tbs aaxo than bo collected. , . .. . . „ propottis situt M sealed, addressed to the Board ot Footle WciSs, and la doired “ Propoaili tor Paring tv &bub atcbsc.' Bacb bid must be accompanied wltb a tor d of SMO. amosst with isntiei to bo sp> prored by the roud, aas-anwoitg the elocution oi a coßtiaet in witb tbe bid, in case the lasts i» accepted. ite Board reaarrei the right to reject soy or all bids, sad no piopoaal viil be accepted nn'eu tbe bid* ceisl»t*eTiicnc«»atl*factorylo tne Baird that hs U competent, and responsible. __ J. u. Bnmar.a. FitHD LHTZT^ O. J. BIIBW, Board of PubUcworSa, BIMS4MR -PROPOSALS FOR CURBING, X pmiflgtadl’lKUlazACejittlßocXlU.Sduoi fcecUon Ad&iicn. OFFTcnsoyTss BOAXS 07 PUBLIC WOOES . I . _ . . crooaoo. Jtuy utn. isbs. f Sealed Proposals iriu be received asJiaofflcdof toil Bond nstll TiiDiLiDASf, Ifco Kto last, at 11 A- M., for Cnrblni. Pilling and Flanking three Ahari (osa man lag frotafearbcni street to State meet, tad two nocuiK (ton Madison street to Monroe street) all Us Elect 112. School Sectloa Addition to Chicago, la aeroniasc) with specutcailosi toe the doing of said worjt on me Inthacl&caof thla Board. Sold Ur.;-fOTCs:eatwUl be paid tor com the special asetMToentlefiedto demyits ccst, when t&a sama shin collected- _ - Proposals most t>e sealed, add;awed to the Board ol rnlllc Works. indorsed - Proposals JffilgS; mil&s Md Flaming Ailmra la Block Cob At*dltl' , p,” meat bo kr the dolnz of »« work for a definite na and accompanied wW%KO9 bona HUB sureties to be jtnarst tons* the eaccnCon of a ancewi’htteald, In caw tho •«« The Board bids, and no nropcsal « lacompetent,:odaWo aod io»po^^*- FKHD LKTX. ' a j. boss. Board oi mbUowotfc JylldWl-ICI