Newspaper Page Text
s{jicagtf fEnbunte FRIDAY. JULY 28.1855. THE KE WI, £ a epatk of the lale rebellion is in lull plow in the Pacific, where the Shenan doah has committed great devastations on whaling fleet. Whether the rebel captain Jfuca not know school’s dismissed, orwhe'.hcr r ye conduct is to be set down as “ pare case tdcees” isnot stated in the dispatches. The Great Eastern, with the cable on Loard, ifi fiald to suffer from repletion and ergs amidships to nn extent that may en danger the vessel, especially should a gale »rise. The season is favorable, however, and the trial will be presently over. Besides, every mile she runs relieves her danger, for ehe “pays a* she £o®*” 68 the traveler should. Oregon advices report Speaker Col/ar’a party receiving the festive welcomes of that fir-off people on the 30th Inst. At Concord, New Hampshire, yesterday, there was not as much concord as there should be, when returned war veterans meet the people. The scene enacted recalls late events in this city, but It Ss noticeable and to the credit of onr boys fat blue that such inci dents have rardy marred their return home. T. B. Bryan, Esq., Col. James A. Bowen, of Gov. Oglesby’s staff, and Coh Hancock, are appointed the Chicago Committee of the Xmcoln Monument Association, at Sprinz fleld. The Kentucky election, in August, will de cide the file of slavery In that State. Gov. Bramlelte ia among the earnest Workers against It. Meanwhile, the colored peap'e *rt seeking purely Impartial positions, by putting themselves over the border as fist as possible. Jeff. Davia Is reported In more than tolera ble health for a man who has as much cn his conscience as he has. A dispatch describ.-s hla walk and conversation somewhat minute ly—the former under guard, tbe latter a solo. The ex-chlef of the rebels is In as had humor &s Master Bomardinc, In tbe play. Cairo Is likely to be made tbe depot of ren dezvous and dispersion of troops of Southern Illinois. A dJipatch reports Secretary Seward and parly at Cape May yesterday. The Governor of Arkansas has come to *thc belief that unconverted rebels too early pardoned are unlike all unripe fruit, a colicky article. He reconsiders bis recommendation in behalf of several of tbe Hackensack®, and hopes the President will put them back into a condition more favorable than their pre sent one, for wo.ks meet for repentance. The hint can be borrowed for genual appli cation. A Vicksburg letter reports Gov. Sharkey's progress iu reconstructing Mississippi. We should give it store credit did it not attribute the chid evils of Mississippi to Northerners. It will be safe to withhold very ecstatic views of Gov, Bbarkiy’s success until its returns be gin to come in. Every loyal citizen will re joice at all solid tokens of progress. Washington advices report tbe power to create loans exhausted, a fact the Treasu’y very cheerfully receives in view of the Influx from taxation and revenues. We had yesterday onr daily rain, a fact that too often repeated, will come to he compli cated with our dally bread. In Tennessee the rebels bad taken a tone so defiant that our Nashville dlsjia'.cb says •Got. Browulowbas called oo Gen. Thomas for milUaty aid. It will be all tbe hotter ii some of the rebel knaves that are disturbing Tennessee will hold up stiffly enough to be cut down aud so pot rid of A little blood letting will help the local disturbances that ateaunoyitg Gov. Brownlow. It will be seen by onr Washington dis patch that the colored people of the District Lave united in an impressive and eloquent memorial and petition for tbe right of suf frage. Their claim Is so good that there is but one argument against It, that they are black. Will this be sufficient to justify the humanity of onr age, if we shut the door against than? Oar dispatches continue to chronicle the movements of numerous Western regiments on their homeward way. In a little time, this class of news will have followed the re cords oi the war into past history. TUB SANITARY FAIR. We arc very sorry lo be forced to continue in our difference of views with some of the best and most efficient friends of the late sanitary work. 'We must believe they were formerly better employed in its be •half than they now are. The dead kinp who eat In his royal robes at ihe palace win dow to ktep np his show of place and power a little lunger, was iu the bands of very much such ■counsellors ss those who are dllurunLly hold ing the sanitary cause in place after its lca«e of life has ended. Wc regret that n career honorable and noble baa so unworthy a sequel. We confidently he’ieve that could a vote of ol'- the donors at the Fair be takes, not one dollar of its funds would go either to the Sanitary or Chris ian Commission*. Their functions are, or tbou’d be, ended with the war of which they were the adjoncts. Ibc Ex* cullvc Committee of the Fair .re alized thin fict ere th*4r undertaking culmi nated, and it was only helped through a crisis that would have been fatal to it, by the re-announcement of the scheme and its modification to meet the changed demands of Ihe times. We would sot impugn the motives of the ladies end g.utlemen who persistently claim that the Saol-ary Com mission is an entity which still demands the lion’s share of the soldiers’ fund, but we believe they hold out in their p Mition against the conviction of tbe overwh'el i.iug ma jority of their late ItUpcis tn the workef collecting this fond. There is noth* log to be done for the soldiers and the hos pitals in the field that the Government can not and wQI not attend to. Let every dollar of the proceeds of the late Fair have the di rection cf c. permanent invcstmtnt in the Soldiers’Home. Patriotism and loyalty de matd it and will not second the appeals from causes as noble indeed as the war sgslnst the rebels and as sorely dead and gone as it is. THE RAIN AND THE H«BESr9. The heavy rata® which prevailed on Wed* nef-day had the effect to greatly excite the Produce maikcts in this city yesterday, and we note a farther advance in prices of 25c per bri on Flour, 5c per bushel on Wheat, S@tc on Com, 20Sc on oats, and 10@15c on Bar* ley. The epccnUitlvc demand has been stim ulated pnat'y by orders Dom the interior— chiefly from Indiana—to bny Wheat. W« cou’inue our daily telegraphic reports from the hornets, and with greater extent and minuteness than In previous issues. A few days without a rain full are all that Is needed tc flUthe granaries of tire Northwest with azmuTcloaßfconndatt<.*e. The damage yet realized from protracted wet weather is Inconsiderable, but will gam Immensely by each twenty-lcur hours delay of harvest weather. The bamstiog machines cannot work in the drenched fields null sunshine has dried them. The fa c cf the harvest hangs in the skies of the coming week. iWnB4T CCTtirvG IN IOWA. A gentleman residing in this city, but well Aicqnalnud in lowa, returned yes:crd*y from a week’s vitit to the Inte lor of that S>ate. Be informs us that notwi lulanding the long coctiuotd rains most of the wheat crop will be saved, though some ot It in a dam aged condition. Some 20,000 soldiers arc at home and hard at work helping to save the harvest, lie says he scarcely saw an idle soldier while in the State. They had all pone to work to secure tbe “staff of life” from destruction and were “ putting in** as vigorously as they did last year when cut ting down ribcU, instead of whtat. Much of the soil was too wet on which to use the reaping machines, as tbe driving wheels would sink down into the soft mad; hnt the farmers Wrro everywhere gathering up their old cradles or buying new ones, and culling thtir grain between the showers. Whenever there was a little sun shine the cradles were swinging, and bays nnd women and old men were binding end shocking np the grain in a careful manner. He says it will require a great deal more rain to deprive the people of lowa of ** whits bread *’ for tbe ensuing year. However, he admits that considerable grain will be lost In consequence of the protracted wet weather, snd that many a firmer wl l nut re* nbze one-half of what he confidently expect ed a fortnight since. IBE BhULIN JttlSalOlf. Minister Judd has forwarded bis resigna tion, to take effect on tbe first of September, and wo understand tbat It bas been accepted. We loam tbat this step bas been taken lo pur suance of a suggestion from tbe Secretary of State that tbe President would be gratified ■to have the Berlin mission placed at bis dis posal. We leant further tbat tbe ins’jme- Hons of the President In tMs bsbalf were ex ceeded by the Secretary of State, it being the Intention of the lormer merely to Inquire of Mr. Judd whether there w,i anv other di plomatic position that would be tonally agreeable to him-Ex-Gov. Wright of In dlana having made a desperate onslaught for tbat particular place, Brat upon Present Lincoln aud afterwards upon President John son. It . will be remembered that Mr. Jadd was not very influential in procuring votes for Mr. Seward at the Chicago Convention of 3660. Wc believe, however, that the appoint xncntofMr. Wright has not jet been fnllv consummated, although that gentleman bps been giving hie whole time to the subject for some weeks. Tfew fork State Teaclaers’ As sociation. Boa BA, N Y- July 27 —The Kew.Tork State Teachers* AJSOCUQOfi met at ten o’clock this morning. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Til! CROPS MB BiRVEST PROSPECTS. FROM WASHINGTON—IENE RAL INTELLIIENCE. The Indian Bureau and the Indian Policy. Pardons and their Effects in Arkansas, THE SITUATION IN TEN- NESSEE. From Mississippi—PrOo r£ss of Gov. Sharkey. JEFF. DAVIS AT FORTRESS MONROE. KEKTDCEY MATTERS—TOE COMING ELECTION. From Ibe.Pacifie—Devastations of a Rebel Pirate. Speaker Colfax’s Party in Oregon. THE GREAT EASTERN AND HER CARGO. OnrNew York Midnight Dispatch. FBO.H HASUnGTON. !QUUary» lAepartmesT, Indian) and Jaiacellaneons Kews Items. fCpedalDlspatcb ta the Chicago Ttlhua*.! Wabbikotok. July 97. The Governor of Arkansas has written to Pres ident Jobrror, rtqnetUxg tbe revocation of a large number of paidcns granted to wealthy reb els of that State on bis recommenda’lon. The Otvemor states that these persons manifested a poult nt and loyal spirit until they had received the executive clemency, since which they have shown as rebellious a disposition as ever, and have fostered disloyalty and embarrassed and op. posed meatnrea of Governmentby every means in their power. Senator Wilson bad a lengthy Interview with tbe President to-dsy. Gra. Wllrov, of Indiana, sent hla resignation to th* President to-dsy. Since tbe let of March last upwards of four thonm-d patents have been ittucd from the pat ent office. The isatloral State Bank of lowa has been des ignated a depository of public moneys. Tbe Baltimore collector-hip Is again in agita tion. Tbe bonds were yeaterday for warded to Mr- Webner, and be vu offlcaliy nod ded that behad received the appointment, and that upon properly CUlne npand returning the bond! be would receive bis commtaaton. New Influ mm a, however, having in the meantime been at work, be was notified not to execute tbe bonds •f the appointmtnt had again I>ccd eafp-n-ied. Tbe Winter Davis influence is tints again tn the ascendant. . The Mieelesipni squadron Is to be reduced *o fivevps;e e. A large number of seamen in the navy will soon be dischargee, there being no fur- rred for tbetr services. The Natl< sal Bank of Milwankoe, Wisconsin, with a capital of HttLOuC, sod tte Fir«t National Bank of wiccbeeter, I-l n capital f&J,OCO, were or gaclzed to-day. Ocs. Scbenrk is to poW'Bt immedlate'y to take tbe aland, as soon as tbe ctmpa'gu opens, for Oen. Cox. The weather in exceedingly warm. In consrquence of tbe ciffcreoccs which have anren between tbe enperintenden a and agents of Indian affairs and tbe ml'ttary antbonuca at and near the Indian retervalion end agencies in the Wett, as tn tbe treatment or Intercourse with tbebettile Indiana, the CoTimWlounr of Indian Affaire has issued a circular to superintendents and agent*. Informing them of the puicy hereaf ter to be adapted br the Interior Department, tn its connection with the military an-uonties, do. rirg tbe continuance of sorb hoKtlltlea. Tbo D-panment will rnMni* If* act-on ard Inlercou—‘-e with the tribes and bands in hostility to tbs United States to the policy and operations of the 9Var Department pending such hu*Mt art, and on tbo other hand, support us agents and emp oysea of the'totcrlord-.part mml in 'be performance of their offlc el duties and in tbeenforcem-nt of ihe rules and reguta rtans gomuor oar interest* with Indites la unity with the United States. In conso nance with these policies supertzitenaeoia andsgenta are instructed not to deliver goods, nncey, or other property to acy lodlm nvion, 1 trl-.e or bard, while'bey are also directed tobs ♦ specially vigilant that no tribe uader their so petvtaiun has any trade or intercourse with any it r infer of such dl-affect-;d tribe or band under prnalty of revoettioo of b's license or expulsion from within the Juris diction in wbicb the offense i» committed: to sos in nd all iLlrrcoutte with such Indians except ;o f rsethe same may be sanctioned by the mil my ofilct n in charge of operadoue Bgaln.-t them. Where difficulties Bn<e tn eiforemfi the c’.vtt pol icy ut tbe Government with tbe Indians wbo are •a pesce with the United States, the assistance rod co-opt ret) on of tbe proper military author! lea will o: required. , Brevet Brig. Gen. Oj>d'kc. of the 126 th Ohio, was to-cay made ■ tall Brigadier. WAfeHracTrw, Ju’y 27.—Tie President h« recogniz'd Ear qoes Barrol'ted ■« Vice Consul of P-tu at San Frexcieco: also. Robert Birth as Coned of Saxe Wcimir for M'esourl, low* ant caternTermor'es. and Chntitan;SdolLn Vice Consul of Sweden BDI Norway, at Savan nah. Ua. To morrow morning, by direction of the Port muter Gecrral, the mall? will be tnossi fed over the Orange and Alexandria Railroad to Rich mtud, Va., u termer;, tia Gordoof-nlic In the rooree of a few days r*vn ar mill commumca*ion wil. be placed on other important railroad lice*. . Wallace W. Whittlesey, who wjb recently at rerted on the ch»rpri cf roibing the Treasury of f 108,(00 Id bonds, waived a preliminary exsnina tiro tb»s morning. and Id default of $2,0u0 ba'.l w**> comm’tied trpnson to await hit trial. TbeTVtbune'a Washington special says a large proportion of tbe applications for pensions by w.qows, mother?, Ac , sow comine Into the Pen sion Bureau state as the emse of the death of theirbnfbande.tooi. Ac. starvation. exposure, rr »hocii*nc by pnaon guards at Aadereocville, Gz-. asd Salisbury, 2». C. The /%>«*« *pcz:al tats that a large number of mro are to be discharged frost the nary immcdl- The qnirtermaiierV department wtU ebon bo* cinthetaleofbn'ldmrs.iriiln, Ac. Mat's f. r Richmond tdf Wasaington to diy by railroad route entire’;. *lbe Commercial'* Waabtngton rpccl’l eaya: Tb- Ricbumd Bspabitc ►»;» that the late elec tiro* in Richmond and Henrico rcnctr. do not in* dicate Virginia sentiment and never did. testates that Virginia wM in (be Ocooer eler'lens re pnriate Richmond and place herself tight before God and *be country. W’asbikotob. July 87.—TbePfCfldent has ap pointed Samuel Wilson A»»esaor of Intern*! Revenue for the dlstr'ct of Pionda. and John G. Taylor Collector nr Cntiomefor Annapoll*. Md. hjt-j Gen. M<.roj bas tend-red his resignation a* an ofß-er m tbe volunteer force*. Pr* aident jobneon returned this a. m. from hie excursion down the river. FCOJI KPRIA'GfIELB. Illinois Mate, 9Hilary General Arwa. (-piC : al Dispatch to tbe Chicago Trlhanc ] Srni*oriELc, July 37. Tbe following promotions hare recently becu mvde by the governor; - Cspt, ElUha Stnmp'.tabeUijor of tb; 53J reg 1-cut; Major Jacob E. C*vem, tol’ieL'eatcnant CoKnelof thc.d'h;C«pt Robert H. Broct, 'o be L’cntcnact Colcnel of tbe 77tb; Cspt. Edward Stephens, to be Major of the 77U»; Capt. D ivid O'Conner, to be Mnjcr of the 18th, to da.e from the Chof Jnrc, ltC5. Tbe 30th and 81st Illinois regiments, toze'h&r with about JOO paroled prlrooera belonging to va* nous regiment*, were paid off in this c! - y to-day. yo-tof the boys are now «n routt to their vari ous homes. Somewhat over $400,000 was dis bursed in their payment. Isaac G. Bale, convicted of manmnshter at the Jo y term oi the Scbnyler Conner Clrrnit Cinrt, and sentenced to four yean imprisonment In the Sute penitentiary, was pardoned yesterday by Uov. Og'eaby. _ Co . Eoeffoer. of tbe IC'lh Illinois baa been Rrevctted by the President a Brigadier* (icccrtl. , The Governor on yesterday had an interview w-tb the Committee of :bc Cairo Chamber of Commerce In to nuking that city a point of rendezvous for the final payment and discharge of troops belonging to the Southern pan of tne State. The Governor Is favorable to the Idea, and tus written a letter to the Secretary of War, recom mending tbe proposition. A stated mecucg of the Board of Vinagw of tbt National Lincoln Monument Association was heia th's a'lcrnoon In tbe Capitol, Gov. Oglesby in tbe chelr. The Treasti'cr reported tbe total receipts up to Jnly Sfitb, et S4I.C7C. Ben. Too?. 0. Bryan, Col. James 3. Bowen and Col. Ban cock were appointed a special committee to make col.tcttone In Chicago and Cook county- FROM DESnOUES. lowa General State scm, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] DesMoiebs, July 27. The 4'h and l<tb lowa infantry, numbering re spectively 4SO and 787 men, are on their way to Davenport from Louisville for pay and discharge- Gen. J. A. Williamson, of this State, commind leg the District of Missouri, haa accepted a new irHilary command on the plains, and is alresoy on hie way. The 23d Infantry regiment, and two rattrrics from this Sute are now mustered out. Gen. Solly's Indian expeditionary force is at Fort Bice. The Indians «re encamped in lore* ont hundred miles above the Fort. The storehouse of Mr. Fanceit, atCarence, Cedar county, was, with worth of goods, oeetroyed hy fire on Wednesday. The loss on the hmldtng alone is f*S,OCO. The Great Western Stare Company have last established a sew dally route from this place to Council Bluffs ria Panors, Guthrie county. FBVtt CAIRO. Inbnmnn Vfnrdur tn WeitTenDHMSi IBpcc'd Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Caibo, July 27. About a week since two men dressed as soldiers approached the boose of Ur. 6hoat,who lives a> Ca*rolion, about a mile below Clifton, Tenu.,and demanded supptr, which Mr, S. humanely in struct hta women folks to provide for them. While supper was being prepared, the men in ritcdMr. S.togo to the gate with them and see their horns, which be did, and on arriving at the gate separating his property from the road, tbe VOL. XIX. 1 fccordrcle fired ten b&lle into hli body, killing Mm Jnataot'y, when they immediately dectmpert. N« cause can fee aeslpted for this diabolical act. Tbe murderers are nnknown, and hare not been ciplured. It it supposed that the men belonged to the catsp at Savansah, Term. rfio* tub soiiniwßsr. Hifihly Inleri mine Summery or Texas and Border Ncirs, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune ] Caico, Jn’y 27, 1865. TheKew Orleans Evening TVnet has the fol lowitg special from Brownsville, 23d: “MaJ. Texzlor, of Corttnas'staff,has Juat ar r ved from above, bringing intelligence of the capture cf Oen. Kirby Smith and hla entire party, lie vas interrupted by the Governor ofSaluilo- Aveoj.a,on tbe 4th of July, at Piedraa Regras, Mexico, about fifty miles below Eagle Pass, and compelled to surrender. The vlcora got four p'ecea of artillery, 900 sew rifles and a tram of TcOwagona loaded with ammunition and provisions. Ihe officers and men were paroled. The New Orleans Times 1 correspondent, with Geo. Vorril'a cavalry expedition, writing from Marshall,Harrison Co., Texas, Jane llih says: The bead cl the cavalry command pasted thronb Marshall yesterday evenine, marching l>- wards Sabine, distant SO miles, where tney will cross RamaCal and ferry. Though a scarcity of forage has not been severely felt as yet, citizens predict ereiler dearth as the command procreates, and from Grtenwcod, a village located at the term Inn* of tbatpartof the Shreveport and Vicks varg rail way yet in running order, tbroneh to Marshall, the cettr s plantations have been given np to cultivate com, and the Creole owners do not peit with their cotton m hand exerpt negotiated In rash prceswlih notoy paid down. There are left upon the hands of planters, negro frm dies unable to support thcmielvea by work. 3 he 'ormermust turn t&em out of doors, a« they would eat them out oi house and home. Very few of the best negro bands are at work at ten dollars a mon’b. It ta the universal complaint thatprlces are too high. As the cavalry command pastes through the country; ttemgToes.notwubrksDillDg the order oi tbe po‘t ccmmardant at Shreveport, flock to It. sterling bnrres or mules, or In lien of there, whatever they can lay their hands on to take with them. Tbefreedomofibe n-gro upronta all of tb*. institutions of the country, and tears them a*tmder. So sodden dors this blow fall upon a larce mats, that the people find themselves reined, with so hope to fill tbe markets with cotton, tobacco, or sugar. lie turns hla owp ettention to labor, bat can only raise sufficient for his own mo. at least lor ashort tenuot years. The Rid Hirer vsl cv rends not a ibi'U-Bcoibpart of the formerly rased cotton to market. The cotton districts of Texas, eastern and e'uthere, are ranked In the same cne/ory. The atKOeruess ot freedom to tbe Decrees has ♦havered tbe agricultural strength of tb a State. Tbe people ro not meet strangers with their voted ho-pluiity. Toey are morose In vew oi tbe present Kate of tffaits, and Inclined to mat all strangers as enemies. Tbefdonotlook on tbisfreednm to necroea as an net oi jns'lee to their, even considering them as rebe'r; that it ha- rirden them of power to cultivate fields. They cmnot be represented to trtrkc»s; the plough stands Idle; the conctiy Is gr<ne to roitt and weeds; country towns are ci anged to cor.traband courta. All thing* in Texas *** m to be in a state of contusion. There is ndtbrr legislature nor convention, steps tak-n t“cell a convimlon having been arrested by Gen. Granger. Etrigra'lco to Brazil Is openly ta*k°-d of. It Is r*p<*tHl that a" etrigrating agency hi* been e»- tabliabed lba» offers a bounty cf two hundred or more acres of land to all emigrants desirous of leaving'bo lai dof thetr fath-re. Your corres pondent bis beard that the Brazilian Govern nuntbaf offered these Inducements. Ceruln It la that hundreds cf the families wboareleivlug tbe country are off-mg for sale eslatts at Ire* pne* s fer land than when it was a wilderness >e*is ago. Thr mania for emigration Is call'd the “ Brazil lever,*' ana as I* speed* on'it takes In t’s acope all sgea, sexes and many of the negroes coirg along wib their matters. Tbi emlgrauon fever Is an epidemic. One return whv owners of fauns are so anxious to sell their estates ft from the be'iet Ih-t they will sot have to piy taxes wh'le reu/smlcg uncultivated, which they cannot afford aider the riybne at present In vogue. Ccttm that finds its way to market ta soma of it lour years old. Little there Is of latter date. They who bold cotton are fortunate, for ih*y hare the material with which to obtain supplies other then those produces of spinning wheel and firm. Coffee is everywhere a luxury. I: cannot he raised, or else it won d be here a* common as brent. The people have for the past three years their own clothes, even ladies mik ing fice garments from the spinning wheel. In almost every house tb-ee lop'ements are tttn, and are as ordinary as a tea kettle. Con federate money, coupons, two per cent hoods, are as common is leave.* in 'he forest. Ooe Koy in trie section .luffed am-atraae wl'h five hundred tbotuixd dollars of It, sleeping on It at night to keep it tn racnrlty from rotbers. To this loss of currency add tie loss of hope for tbe future la the cotum d<9*r!cte ©wins to the freedom of tbe nreto. and it will readiy be seen how im- Brvcrisbcd *hc people en matu are at present :*IC n ooty in portions of Texas fur.her wist is the cn’y money they use. An experience ol Con freerate mon«-y having weakened their faith In all tha* which bears 'he semblance of *T promise t n pty-** Tbe want of o»oo«/ Is iba only tola* •list, spite of his Inc’ioatlou to leave this coun try, makes o: e stay at home. Toe lever Is rag- Irg w*ds-spr>«a nevertheiefs. A 1 of the tmirr-.m* seened to ba possresed with the fdre that tbe Government will tn future Pin* t tbemoutbiir tsllar o , sal be loth to give ‘hem prvlit-sts of citizens without pi*.*mg them tart-ngb hamllla'ioa. Tbe class who leave are the orderly, oldest, and bee* c tlzms, and tiu-lr loss will be felt severer in tbe State. Porolitg i>r»orere Is still going on at the of tbe Fe<*#r4l aa hnr'tjfa. It isibegco era) impression that »he State will be reorg-nlz d by the übcmhllng of a convention b lore long, reader, «hbt. en» 11, and psrrufts'on capmvnn lac'orlcfl were located here. The stores of fal mltatre here collected hrve passed Into the uoa sere on of the Government. Oovernm*oi hu no otlhcultylncolifctiec arms of citizen* a* wei as of soldiers, all hiving a gcnenl desire to obey laws as well ss comply with regnlaVooe. Tbe toPcw’Dg from the Gonztle* Ingu'rer % dea dlier the strte of affairs sotrewhit d ff<*rent’y, frem a eton>*point: “ Tbe order of Gen- Grenetr. Ji I ** rating tbe slaves in Texas, baa be-n pmtygenera!ly camt-d out i-y our citizens, sod bnt lew hfcvc expressed any regret at their loss. Indeed, fr'r great ro*jority feci perfectly reeoa cl)r d at tbe new order oi things, heller <ng that with proper regulations tbe cb«nge will he greatly to thor aevantage. All the ne vrot s, with f< w exc ptlun l , have wisely conclud ed to remain at their old n*mes upon terms as heretofore, or for emOl wages. Tbe frw toat preferred shifting for themselves soon reiltzed that ihetr freedom whs not what their Itatsloa noLß had bo ocautiful y p>c ureJ, aud some quiet ly returned to their former homes. There has cot heeo exceeding a dozen louoglng ahjut our a’rce s a - any one nme. Abont3,Cikr Uslt-d States troop* were camped at Green Lake Izetwerk. The Victoria Ad*o eaf-of the let tost-, a lowed that these nr a portion of thr m wou’d occupy thit c ty In a diy o: two. Green Like la about a’xteen miles from Vlci ria. The lorce referred to wi* under com mend of MsJ- Grn. Godfrey WeltzM, who we understand Is *o make his headquarters in this cl'y. A portion of his fore* r* now no donht oo ihe way to 6sn Antonio, sod will p*oV ab y arrive tome ume next week. Some covou arrive? and departed this week for Mexico. It wts all private cotton ard intended to supply seme cf tbe M-xican mips. Oar worthy Utyornts (bond good employment for all vajrrai*t negroes who r-av« -iccu bcre'ofure 'tiHer n.' *l*oui tbe city. Th*y now board and lodge at liii and work onstreet* tod ol»z« >.o pty for the race. D<macd for bosses, rent and Mores in wHcb to do bannes still coatiaaei. Tbe Sew Orleans Pvayvrn ssvs it is a little enrirn® that moit of ite Northern malcoaten e vbu have gote tu Mexico have foaad employ* n.»-Di order the Empire and on Imperial work*, vblletbe Conbderaifs seem Indued to make tictr bomeeio libera* or Juanita States. Narh emus who have gone out there mnreuve* mini* 'eat mart dictfiru f»lth In the new Empire, whilu Hontb'ote seem Indited to keep at a dlsuscc f om Max rr iiiiflti. Gov M>ark*y,«»f MisOs.ippl, on the 17'hls?ned an oto*rt-xnc the people for loads to meet the «-xp(nilitQrcE mc-Oent to the aivcxottUag of the Sia'e Conventinn next tn sntb. Thj fo.lowlng are the mein provisions of 'be order: 1. On every dry pned#, grocery or provVioe More and on'rvtfy comml*»*on or zouiioabouse or rst* v iishment, the sum of SSO. 9 On every Clicking saloon, bar room or p’ace *b*/e minx citiag oroa’t liquors are retailed, p.hfber lie. used or cot 950. nur-UCI *ll. UKU VI 4.VN 3. On every oaM'c. inn or Uvern, exclusive of tax on h ar room, f25. • 4. On every bil laid table, bvcstello table, or other i HtD**B nor problniteu by i*w, $25. fi. On evury restaurant or public eatm# bouse, sts. 6. On every tmslent trader or dotler In rocr rbaunfit; or pro*'cc ; . who Is not permanently lo cal d in sri State. ?55. 7 On pven ezchaoeo broker or banker, or tank ng ceubuebmea , f25. 8. Outvtry bale of cotton takenor sent to mar ket, ft- . FROn OLTItOIT. Safe Bebhery—United Rtates Court— Ren National Bank. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tiibnu-i.) Dirnorr, July 2T. The ofilce of tbe American Express Company at Wsync was entered last night, the safe trot*n oper, sad three hundred and fifty dollars tn mon ey taken. Tbe door of tbe safe was force 1 open by dnis and levers. Nodus baa been obtained of the burglars. The United States Dli’rlct Court adjourned to day until Oc ober, in con-rqncncc of tbe serious lilrefs of Judge Wilkins. A now National Rank ha* been orcanized, and will toco co into operation in this city wl’ba capital of $250,0 0, with tbe privilege of increasing It to ssoi,(>(X>. It is tn be called the American Na renat B«rk. Tb» followtug officers were elected tu-oy: President, A B Day; Vice-Preetdenl, L. I», Maaon; Cashier. W. D. Morton. FBon §r. Louis* itllltary and Hotel lutelllgence. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tnbnoe.] St. Loci*, July 27. General Dodge has been made a Colonel In the regular army. The Bth lowa infantry arrived here this mom log. The? number 20 officers and 500 m* n. Thf y leave to-Llgbt for Davenport to be muttered out. Tbe Southern Hotel I* to be opened on the 15th of August by a grand ball. The repairs gome forwent at the old Planters’ are nearly con picud, and u i* contemp;a*ed to reopen on or be tor* tb* Is>h of the romii g month. General Frank J. Herron Is m the city en route for bis hem** in lowi, he having resigned his pe tition as Major General. FBU9I COXCOBD. Discord intADg Returned Soldiers and Citizen*— Almost a Biot. rrucotiD. N. H., Ju’y 27.—Demonstrations of a serious rot were made here daring last night by some 20it relumed soldiers, which commenced by tbetr thrca*e to clean cm the doming store no <lir Baple Hot*-), the proprietor of whl'h charged a soldier with attempting to steal a suit oi clothes. Af'er breaking some windows, me polalers proceeded to the JtU and demand- Mi the x«lease of two cf tbclr number who had iteen arres'ed, and threatening to demolish tbe ]•<!. A f this time two companies of veteran re serves were oroe’ed out, and tbe notone soldiery •catered Id diffeteot drtctioo*. There is much sympathy lelt ISf the soldiers, who, it is altered, contcertytLy kept out of their pty and dis charge pipers. Burglary, Fobtbejs Mosboe, July -s—-The jewelry store of J. M. Freeman on Uain.street. Norfolk, was broken open last right and robbed of a'l Us witches ana valuable Jewelry, Loss, upwards of *2,100. • THE LAIE RAINS AND THE CEREALS. Advices from Illinois and States Adjoining. 11. 11*019. Bcntxrnc Puntaic Co M 111., July 27.—The croprinihiscountyare all fair. Wheat ahont tn average yield— not over two-ihirda as much sown as rmal—about all in the shock yet and the abocke getting green will be almost reined If it does not clear up very soon. Rrn, rain. It rained about all day yesterday and heavy rain ibis mcmicg. Oats a heavy crop, more than U'nalsown. Corn and potatoes looks well. Ap ples almon a failure, MAxcnsmn, Scott Co., HI., Ja’y 27.—Heavy rain last night. Lodged grain very badly. Think it will he rainy this p. m. Oata very heavy. Wheat very good. Barley heavy crops. Rye good. Corn one-half crop. MXKsnrLP. Kepcall County, July 27.—The weather fur the past few days his been warm and showery. The wheat crop is mostly In, but has been somewhat injured uy wet, the fly and by rpronting. We cannot count on more than an average crop. Giber cereals promise a fair av irage. Bay has been aomewkat iojured by tbe unfavorable weather. Fruit crop light. No peaches or apples for export. FbzzroßT, Stephenson County, July 27.—Yes terday was very cloudy, with ram. Heavy storm last iilehL. The crops are badly beaten down, tut with present prospect of wind and sun, will oot be very badly injured; but shoo'd n rain more within forty-eight hours Spring wheat will be a total leas. Sisioixo, Whiteside County., July 27.—A heavy s‘oim passed over this place about five o'clock this morning, and considerable rain fell. Very wet. cloudy, and looks like more ram. The greater part oi the wheat crop will be lost if It should continue wet. Hock Island, Rock Island Co., Joly 27. There was a heavy storm here last night; wind Mew a heavy gale; did not do .mnch damage to property. It rained very hard from 3a. m. till after 6 a.m. I p. m.—lt Is very cloudy. - Atlanta, Logan Co,, July 27 —lt has cessed to ram low, bn< good prospect for more. This p. m. wheat and hay are tiadir damaged, with very little prospect to rave either. Joliet, will Co., July 27—1 p. n.— Commenced raining here again soma time in the night and condoned until about 10 a. m., w&en tbe sky became clear for a short time; now cloudy; may rain before right. The crops are In a suffering condition. Unle a the rainy weather ceases immediately, great damage wui be dune to them generally. Ottawa, LaSailu Co, July 27. This vicinity was visited this morning by a terrtfic gale accomoanicd by a braw thnndcr storm, which lasted until a bon*. 6 o'clock. Manj rxees end chimneys were bloarn down, but no very scrims namage done in the city, it Is tt ared that tbt- crops tare suffered much from the gaue. Ii ife bright and clear. DeEalb, DeKalb Co., July 37.—Weather cloudy. Crops bully. Bzltu>eue. B:ote Co.. July 27.—Weather here Ihb morning rather clouty, aid it looks us thoneo it wotdd like to rain, but cannot. Uo not tbmk It will rain here ranch to-day. We hid quite a severe ram here early this morning. The crop* here ere doing very well. Farmers dong ail that possibly can be uone to preserve their pram. Geneva, Kite Co., July 27.—There was a very nravy phnwor abon* 6 o'clock, iits been cloudy all r ay. Wheat crop probably lost. BocnroiiZ), Winnebigo Co., July 27.—Weather —Sky tom. what overcast. Every appearance of plesrant weather—warm. Crops doing well. Galena, Jo. Daviess Co , Joly 27.—Weather suiit-y and warm—drying off rapidly. No crop reports. Eaxkaszb, Rstdolph Co., July 27 3 p. m.— Cloudy aid cool. Wheat about some of which is datcared. Oats heavy. Loogedfome and injured. Will bean aveiage crop. Bxtlsy cot much sown. Will he a fair barren Durye. •Jem promising. Weatner too cold to grow. DiXtK. LteCo., Jn’y 27.—Heavy nlnaa'lday yceto'day anl this mura'ng. Wheat ta In great coiiguroi growti-g In iheebcck. Cuktlakd, DeKalb Co., July 27.—Wheat crop abent cn« quarter cnL Mostly standing to tue •hock, and growing some. Henry rain this morn- and atilt cantmutscloudy. Pecatokica. Co- July 27.—Ahsrd ram this morning. Still cloudy, and looks like more mo. V*ry badfprwbtat. Qcuct, Adam- Co, July 27.—Rained nearly all jast night and part of this forenoon. Com menced agiiu this evening, with prospects of a vi I Light. _Mauxj>co, McHinry Co., July 27 —Tbe wrather here continues very thangeeMe, alternaung be tween rain «cd Eonthne. We had a very heavy sbower.esrly this morning, though the sky is now clchr, ana there is a good prospect of having fair weather today at least. Our crops are good. Wbeitand rye «*ltl be fair average crops If they are not spoiled by too much rain. Ail tbe turners new w«nt Is good weather lor harvesting. Corn never locked nettcr than It does at present. Eloih, Kane Co., July 27.—1t hss rained nctrly every oay fur tne past three weeks. AH tbe hay mUC train in»i hi* been cut Is ruined. Corn sail putvtoca doing finely. Dz Kalb, De Kim Co., July 27.—Heavy storm this foitibM)9. Clun<l>. lu] look, llkm mura mn, Wind In Wuca'not It jurudyet: aiuw days or d;y weather will rave It. Barley is «polled, and oolres «re bare high Winds aud BUU »bin<'lt is "gene up." Oats are flue, aud not y«t damaged lo :ny amount. UnootuxoTox, McLesn Co., July 27.—Some ram curing intdiy yesterday. Began again about Uiite itse iro.'clog, aud still continues. Gales a, Jn Daviess Co., Jay 27.—Very heavy rains during last night, with severe thun-Jer anil lirhtctac. Clear and warm this morning. Alton. Mattson Co.. July 27 —Heavy rains yea fr.tds* and .ast night, and still storming, (us feared that crops yet in the field will be rulccd. Hocrtord. Wiunebage Co., July 27 —Sky very citur. PieaMut un<i warm. Cxopa look we;i. Tunsza’s Jcxcnojr, Co., July 27. Whe«i about bslf spol cd on sccoamofpirt being cut before therein. B»r.e> about the same. Oata v»ry ftwco , *o Lot much injured. Corn not mcch danngtrt with a pro p*ct of a good crop. W caiber warm and rainy. Ripott, Slephcuson Co. Jn’y 27.—Corn never locked bett-r. sou ii it escapes early treats, will yicid unprecedentedly. Oats look well aud will >i- ld a large ertp if the we.iber la favorab'e f-r barvcfticg, of walch there la great doubt, as miny of them are cu'or ready for the sickle, and we are having continued xaioa. Wheat miy be cla«e tc as ajai/arc, as tbe burs have not 'eft nneb for tbe rain to finish. Barley 1* more or less injured; mazy fie da in this section will not be cut. Respectfully, • IL 0. Paiisbr. WISCONSIN, Watmtowji, Jefferson Co., Ja'y 87.—A1l the crop* in ibis vicinity look better and promises a larger >i»ld thin st anv otfcer previous baiveat fare JSS3. The farmers have already commenced to reenre tbetr winter wheat A much larger crop of wheat was sown last fall than n»nil. Its yield will avenge or* r thirty hu-het to the acre. The spring wheat, which was kept bi-k to tbe early part of the season by the droagbt,h*a come rapid:; forward daring the Ust two months, ex ceptin somekcjhtite where it is is injured by the t>og, promise t two-third crop OS's, rye ard bane; *re looking flaely, and their yield will I*o cqoal tu that of any previous year. Weather cltuoy, bad rain last night; no rain today. Jaaismxr. Bock Co., Ju’y 37—Bad a heavy ebewer at six o'clock this morning, which listed an hour, since then it baa been talr. Hear of no iTjnry to crops. Racism Racine Co., July 27.—Weather warm; coed lor hsrvt-sUng. Oats, corn and rye good. Whfat injured some by bog and blight; his im £ roved gr-atiy in tbe last two days. Sirlcy good, omcencing to harvest. Nexsac. Wlt-nebapo Co.—Lite heavy s’orms have lorged winbr wheat badly. Spring wacit looks better. Weather unsettled, and looks like mnr* ram to day. Renoir, Rock Co., Jnly 27.—Weitbar here U cloudy at present, llad a heavy thunder storm ab* m 4 this mornlrg. Badisox, Dan** Co, July 37.—Heavy rata about 3a. to. Clc.ndy ill the forenoon. Cleir sod warm this afternoon, witb heavy breeze from tho Wee*.. Ir-Mrstjnntof nc eir diy to-moriow Kcxnstu, Kesotha Co., Ju’y 37.—Weather muggy and warm. Wheat about a two-thirds crop. Corn wace a little more warm weather to make a heavy crop. OMs and rye an average crop. IOWA, ■ Vabsoaixtowb, Wersbi l ! Co., July 27.—H;svy ttorm of aind and rain las' nicht. clear aaocooUHiiy. Very livorable to tbe crops. DnxorsEs, Polk Co, July 37.—Heavy etorm of wind atd rain, accomoaitied by sharp itehming toe ibnndir, prosed over ‘hi" city laet night, com* rooming atoul 13 o'c'ock and lasting 111! a late hour iris morn*ng. It remains cloudy ti 11, with of more rain by or before n'gbt. Tbe crops remain nnlnjored as yet, I believe. Ottuuwa, Wapello Co., July 27 —The pros pect* for wheat, owing to constant rains, Is dis couraging. It is tprouting In the shock. Field oa's Is mjßering very nmch. Corn very much damaged last night from tbe bevvy wind and rain. We bad a hard storm last nigh*, and all'tlo rain tLis morning. Looks as il wo shall bare more corn. Ctoae Fails, B’ack Hiwk Co., Ja’y 27. Weather cool with flyiLg clouds. Farmer’s romtutneed cutting wheat. Heavy rainstorm last night. Nevada, Story Co., July 27.—Weather over cast tod meat-ant. Hart a very b**«vy nln storm last tight; th-nk will carnage crop* rose. Toledo, Lama Co~ July S7.—Long fall .of rain last rich* fnd (he wind blew almost a gal*, a considerable amount of corn and wheat lodged, but the damage may sot be senous. Cukton, CHn'.on Co., Jn’y 27.—Weather dear aod pleasant to day, hot bad a heavy rain before daylight this moixlup. Fears are entertained that the wheat crop will be baoly damaged. Dcdcque, Dubuque Co., July 27.—Heavy thunder shower from 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock this morning. rained very bard and considerable wltd. This storm must have damaged crops in this vicinity considerable. Now, at 10 a. m., it looks vtry much like more rain. Lateb— i. r. x.—Weather bright, clear and warm.; Cedab Harms, Lins Co„ July 27—Had very heavy wind and rain last eight. Cleared offbetn tlfoily ibis a. m., but is now commencing to ram again. Crop? are not very promising. Haiti has ties very distmctlve to everything. Dtebsthle, Dcbdqttb Co., July 27.—Weather rainy—tough on crop*. MrcmyicsTiLLE, Cedar Co., July 27.—Very heavy rain tell last sight. Weather cloudy, ani bat every appearance of rain to-night. Grain is cot injured to any extent yet. Eaultille, Delaware county, July 27.—The crops are locking very well. Tee weather is clear aid cool. DmuKOTOU, Des Moines county. July 27. There is nothing doing in gran on account of tbe continued rains, which prevent the farmers bon it forward. Toe proepfctsfor ftul'e are reported as excellent Po atocs will be good. Tbe rain has done great damage to grain in the sfcnck. Harvesting ts suspended. Unprecedented nins ate prevailing throughout Southern lowa, cansnur greit injury to crop*, tn tmoptlon of commubication by land sl'des, de elrucion of railroad and highway bridges, pros tration cf telegraph lues, and Impassable mud in tbe rotds. A heavy thunder and wind storm raged in this dty last night. Fruit as well as min is suffering.' Ms*>y of the large graperies in this vicinity will yield lightly on account of rot. Tbe storm coated at eleven a.m„ but there ore still Indications of rain. INDIANA IxniAßArous, Marion Co., Jnly27.—Very hard rain last night end this momiog; clear at noon. WLta* VaoTy damaged by continued ram. Com, favorable prospect. Voces sis, Knox Co., June27.—There hasbeen no ram here since Wednesday morning. Heavy s‘oim rf potted Lorth last night. Crops of all kinds suffering Grom tbe continued wet. Wheat, oats and rye, all harvested, hnt, not secured from the weather, as tt remains tn the shock or stack, sed anti be greatly injured, if tbe w*t continues much longer. Appearances of more rain (o-nlght. Wabash, Wabash Co., Juno 27.—Wea*ber is showery. Wheat entre failure. Com and oats good. Bye, none sown. BronaoTOH v Huntington [Co., July 27. CHICAGO, FEIOAY, JULY 28, 1865. Weather rainy. Wheat a failure. Com, oat*, rye srd gras* very heavy. , LaPobte, La Porta Co., July 37.—The rain ponred down in tcmnta strain this mcrnlng and ibe farmers were la despair. Oae more each a day as we hsdytsterdsy would ran all the wheat that Is out. It however cleared up shoot nine o'clock sod has been pleasant elnce hot toots l:ke more rain this evening. The wheat Is neirir all cot hot a great deal not Blacked jet. Corn and ca's look well. Els HAST, Elkhart Co., Joly 537.— Weather warm and moist. About one quarter ofth* wheat Is taalj damaged. Oats not yet bartested. No barley or rye. GosHzjf, Elkhart Co., July 87.—The weather for several days has been cloudy and rainy. Wheat ta sllehtly injured. Oats, rye, and other crops axe In a flourishing condition. Logaksport, Cass Co,, July 87.—Weather very bad for the past ten days. Sained both day and night. Had a light ram this monrinr, but clear now. Wheat la entirely a failure in this vicinity. Not over half a crop. Corn looks very Hue. There la every chance of on average crop. Oats very good, bat damaged considerably on shocks bv tain, farmers not beirg able to get It tinder cover. Txbbk lUrrs, Vigo Co., Jn!y27.—Very heavy raiosailtbu month. Wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, Ac., very much Injured. Prospects for a good com crop. MICHIGAN. Detroit, Wayne Co., July 27.—Ba’ned dating the forenoon. Afternoon clear and hot. Wheat somewhat Injured by wet. Crop onlypirtlsHy second. Corn la good. Oats and barley rather light. Jacksox, Jackson Co., July 87.—Weather still moist. lAst night raining. Wheats'll! oat In largo quanntle* and badly damaged. Oats ripen ing rvpid'y. Cora doing well and growing finely. Tbe weather ta warm and ctondy. It has rained here every day dating the week. Kaiawabzo, Kalsmanzo Co., July 87.—Tbe wheat crop in this county will probably not reach more than two-thirds an average crop, being ranch injured by moist Corn very fine. Oita look well. Rye is oat, very little grown here. Tbe weather, for the p«t few days, h«s been changeable, with heavy rales, but to-day Is quite pleasantand warm. Auk ' Ardor, Washtenaw Co, July St.- Weather for tbe last two day* very floe. Wheat rosily aerated in much better condition than anticipated. Corn and oat* looking fine ana promises a large yield. Potato - crop very abundant. Gnua> Battds. Rest Co., Jaly 27.—Weather wane. Lli-ht wind from the Wort. Slight shower at soon. Wheat iu shock Is said to oe growing. Other crop* uninjured. Port Bubok, SU CUlr Co., July 27.—1n 81. Clair county weather rainy till (he last two days, which have been fine. Bay lojired by bleaching —nearly all seen red. Wheat a Httfa grown— nearly all secured. Oats, rye and barley good. Ccm first rate. OHIO. Cixmixs, Cnyaboga Co , July 27.—Rainy. Wheat two-tbtrd* crop in this vicinity; rye and cats tell crop. Corn in good condition. Crxstuhb, Crawford Co.. Jn!y 27.—The crops in tblsvinmty areall fair. Wheat is an average crop. The farmers feared mnc'i of that standing out daring the late rains wonld bo grown, bat lit tle will be lost in tbit way. The oat crop will be good—better than last year. Rye an average yield. The prospects fora heavy yield of com is very favorable. Saxdcskt, tfnly 27 —The weather wa« fine yes terday and the day before. It rained lastnlebt, and this morning was warm and the air close, very bad lor onisundlog wheat. Wheat is badly d. msued by rain atd the weevil. The yield Is light—not ovsr a half crop, and In bad condition. Ccm, nats, barley and rye never looked better. LINE OF f. & IS. W. RAILWAY. CmcAoo, July 37—6 o'clock p. x. Editors Tribune: For purpose of ascrrlslnlcg how this Road would poretbly be affected by recent rains, I have obtained this p. m. advices from our prin cipal pram stations on tbe severs! Divisions. From their general tenor I inter that no matt rial damage baa as yet reanlted from past storms, and If tbe weather would brighten within a diy or two 1 hive no donbt bot that the crops in lo calities adjacent»o onr different Hoes will prove to be folly at bounteous as has heretofore been anticipated. Yonrs, Wa. G. Swan, Ais't 0. & A. ILLINOIS. Cortland, DeEa'c Co., July 37.—Tbe small ponton of tbe new wheat crop that la cu* and standing In shock Is considerably injured. Th-re Is some old wheat in country but not a very large qntnil'j. It will probably cone forward soon, as the barren 1« over If pirtldi k*eo up. DeKai.d, DcKatb Co , Jaly 87.—Heavy storm this a. m. Cloudy «nd looks like more ram. Wind west. Wheat not lojored yet—a few days dry weather will save U. Holders of old craln cannot get It In; tberoidi are very bad. Every bonrol tbe best weather Is needed In harvesting the new crop. Fbxnkun, Lee Co„ July 37.—Crops not mnch Injured yet. Shall not ship larcely at present. Stkulxno. Whit* side Co.. July 27.—Great detl of ran foil dnritg the last four days. Wheat nut much If jnred yet, bot will l»« soon il it continue* wet. Do not thick mere will ba any mcreise of shipment*, on account of prices, at present. Mobrinon. Whiteside Co , July 27.—As yet the wratn.r Kaa not materially damaged the wheat crop n this sec lou iu nuy rrcr.os-««i. Da not lin-k sbipmente will be very heavy of old crop. Prospects are. If sowed in good condition, that tbe new crop will be more than av-rarc. Beltidibe, Born; Co., July 27.—'The prolonged wet weather is beginning to be severely felt In Ibis vicinity. Grain which was cut two weeks since ard still in tbs shock, in some cases hn cosmenccd to crow. Wheat Isce'ting very ripe, and but very little cat as yet. Oats are ripening very fart, and noless the s’orms abate soon, bo'h wheat and oats will coffer severely. Corn looks wei), and has every appearance of sn unprecedented ciop. Tbe recent raise in prices baa not enlarged the shipments. Pontiac, Livingston Co., Joly 27.— Pist two days mean temperature, 71|; cloudless. 4; wind, 3, and variable. >o into. The eotlre wheat cron it gcni-rally secured—a full harvest and In good condition. Com and otta promise a large yield. The barley crop is light and injured; but Mile rye grown In this suction. Galesburg, Knox Co„ Jn'y 37.—Very heavy storm last night, ar-d showers quite frequent all day. No slvns of acy charge in tbe programme. Ham and mud are the order of the day. Pkcatosica, Winnebago Co., Joly 27.—Kalny wc»ther has nearly mined the near wheat crop in this section. Notany old wheat of any amount on band here. Freeport, Stephenson Co.. July 27.—The wheat crop in this county is considerably dam aged by the late raina. Holders of tie old crop will hold lor better prices. Woodstock, McHenry Co., Jn'y 31.—The new crop Is not cut yet, but m l be nearly ruined if the present weather continues. There is not much old wheat Is store and parties are bolding on to it. Harvard, McHenry Co., July 37.—There Is very htile old crop around here. The new crop is not far enough advanced to be much Injured by the weither. The recent rams have dnvuuthecblnch bugs away and a good crop is now anticipated. WISCONSIN. pWpioBTsTOWK, Oatsgamie Co., July 27.—Crops •opting fine. Hirvcstog cotiyet commenced. N-i old wheat In this Tictnity. Sharon, Rock Co., July 27.—As yet the rains have injured the new empbut little, and II fur tatr continued they most result in great Injury. The wtcat crop will be hardly opto an average yield la this ncitiity, th* bags hiving destroyed considerable. There la a fair prospect for a Urge crop of oats and corn. There 1« but very little old wheat In tbe country to go forward. Clinton. Rock Co., July 27.—Should the fre quent showers continue, great damage will be done to the new when*, crop. Harvesting hs«just enmuenetd. Bayer* arc shipping an fast as re ceived. Ihcoat and corn crops never looked better. Janesville, Rock Co., July 27.—Wheat crop is not mhten-jlly injured by late heavy rain*. Holders of, the old crop are not disposed to ship largely at present. Ft. Atchison, Jefferson Co., July 21.—Tic rain has not hurt toe wheat crop os jet. If pres-ni prices keep, I think Ibe tamers will bring their wbiat to market as soon ai threshed. Jefferson, Jefferson Co,. July 27.—The heavy rate* and cool ofgbta that we have had for the past month have been a benefit to tbe wneai crop, aa It Lib prevented tbe bugs from working oa much as they otherwise would. Tbe winter wheat will be tbe best and largest we have bad fora numbered years. All that Is wanting now Is good weather to stick it, as it Is all cut. Tula Is spring wheat. Barley w.ll g*st a tar crop, if they have good weather to harvest it In. store winter than spring mined In this vicinity. Corn and oat* promise a big crop. But very little of tbe old crop on band. Weamir his been bad for f .nnexs these two weeks. Hu rained most every night. Jcneac, Dodge Co., July 27.—Spring wheat Is pot damaged at all by tbe wei'her lately, hulls rather benefited. The hoc* have worked quite extensively, hot tbeie u a prospect of a fair crop, uld wheat mostly shipped already, and will soon becleautdont. Bdusett Junction, Bodge Co-, July 27 —The wheat crop will average about oae-third of a crop this harvest. Ibe bogs arc working badly In this vicinity. Abont ote thiid of last year's crop Is being held In tbe country. Ford Bd Lac, July 27.—50 fct the crops arc not njured,bnt ratter benefited by cleaning out ’be chinch bog. Until to-day farmers have not brem-ht in freely. Saoold the weather be favor ab t for another week, I mink old wheat will come forward largely. Oshkosh, Joiy 27 —The wheat crop In this vi cinity hat not ye f ,toat 1 can learn, been injure! by tbe weather, and looks well. There Is out a i mall amount of the old crop of wheat. Weather cloudy, to-day, and looks like more rain. Nbenah, Winnebago Co., July 27.—Late heavy storms have caused winter wheat to lodge badly. Spring stands better, and gives promise of a large crop. Weather nnjettledyet, and is cloudy, and looks like more rain. There Is not wheat enough shipped from here, except as flour, to be effected by tbe present rate. None of toe old crop on hand. IOWA. CiJJtX5CB.CadarCo., July 27.— I The crops are not damaged yet, bat if the weather continues wet it will damage wheat and oats; It looks favorable to-day. Ho.dera are shipping as fast as they can get it off. The new crops old fair to be good. Crow Harms, Una Co., Jc'y 27 —There Is bat very little old wheat coming la. The new crop will stand snotbsr week of bad wealber without material injury, as most of it ts not ripe enough to entyet. Toledo, Tama Co , Jnly 27.—Almost Incessant wet weather. Tbe probability is, now. that tbe pram crop will be -seriously injured. Shipments of old crop are quite steady at present. Abont 8,(00 unebeis in store at this place. Cannot tell bow much Is held back m the country. Mabsxuiltowk, Marshall Co., Jnly 27.—Wc estimate that there Is on band and in store 12,000 bushels, held back for better prices by farmers, and tbtre Is at lea*t one-fourth of the old crop still back. The new crop will average well if onr wet weather does not ho d much longer, it is not damaged yet bat lltt'e, if any. FROM OREGON* movements of Speaker Colfax’s Party —Reception at Oregon city* Poutland. Oregon, July SO.—Gov. Gibbs and tbe Stale officials welcomed Schuyler Cotfkx, LleuL Gov. Bross of Illinois and olbere of tbe pnty at Salem yetterdsy. Speeches were made by toe Governor ard otb'-re, end respondrd to by Mr. Colfax. L-cnt. Gov. Brora and A. D. Rtcnird eon of tbe New York T-. ibune. There were large meetings of citizens to welcome the visitors at Oregon City yesterday and at Portland to-day. Personal. Boston, July 27.—Arson J. Burlingame leaves for Washington to-morrow, on hnslaesa connect ed with his mission to China. Steamer Arrival. Nrw Tobs, Jnly 27.—The steamer Glasgow, from Liverpool tbe 7th, via Halifax, hu amved. FKOJI Oot. Brownlow Calls for military Aid to Pnt Down the Krbels— Geni Thomas’ Views on the Crisis. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] NAstrmi.*, July 27. Got. Bro wrlow has called upon Qsn. Thomas to send troops into rations counties la Middle sod West Tennessee, to preserve order and ace that lawful voters are not driven from (he polls. The effect of President Johnson's dispatches to Gov. Brownlow hs» beea remarkable. A meeting to announce the nullification of die suffrage law waa to beheld in Montgomery county last Saturday; but, as President Johnson's die* patches were received on Friday, the rebels con* eluded not to assemble. The disloyalists con - dentislly predict the election of Gov. Campbell. - Gen- Thomas writes to Secretary Fletcher in substance as follows: 1 await the report of Col. Dnßusia In the case of Etheridge. If Ether idge is guilty of the language charged against him lie ta amenable to tne military authorities. If any time there be, in the opinion of the Gov ernor, a necessity for military Interferencs In consequence of an Inability or indisposition on the part of civil authorities to take action on ex pression of such desire by the Governor, or by the Secretary In behalf of the Governor, atatlag such Inability or Indisposition of the , civil authorities to act, will be sufficient, and the parties complained of will be attended to according to the nature of their coses. The State ot Tennessee Is still un der marital law, hut the civil authorities will sot be restored unless the military authorities fail to act, and then the military should refrain from Interference in m’nor cases. In conclm-ton Geo. Thotms says the Governor may rest assured that he will bs lolly sustained in earning oot the pulley of the General and State Governments au long as tbe troops remain on dmy In tbe field. FUO.II nAOXSDN* Wisconsin military and General Items. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Madison, Jn7|y 87. The Governor received a dispatch from Col. Bertram commanding, the 20th Wisconsin from Memphis, announcing that the regiment left that place on tbeSfitb, and would arrive at Cairo to day, the S7tb. The regiment will probably reach here on Saturday. Cel. Lovell deposited the flsg of tbe 4th regiment with tbe Governor to-day. The 6th regiment will be paid to-morrow. An order has been received here from the War De f ariment directing ail officers of ’be 14th U. S. nfsntry ondetached service, and those serving with other battalions, excepting those serving with volunteers, to report to tbe head quarters of said regiment at Hart’s Island, New York har bor. The.Journo/pnblJshca the following statistics, showing the payment of monthly State allow ances in aid of volunteers and tielr fim’.lfes: January, $2Vi82.65: Pebroarv. #713,111.12; March. $93 416.70; April, $73,656 73; May, #l2l - Jnly to the 26ih, IHJ,. 237.73. Total, $638,800 81. These payments in clude many voinnt-era who bavob;ea mastered' oat of service tndflcally settled with: and owin'* to th'B circumstance this piymcnt win speedily decrease. There was a very heavy ra'n detent 3 o’cio’k this a m. Cloudy, with heavy breeze thisfor noon, and warm ana pleasant thtsp. a , with indications of u clear day to-morrow. FBOn LOUISVILLE. Kentnrky General Intelligence—The Coming Election—Fatalities. Louisville, Jaly 27.—Regiments front the army here continue in leave daily for home, and this army is rapidly dlsso vine. The nerroea in various parts nf this State, still bald v slaves, tre rapidly Uklog tbelr departure Com itilr masters, and from the State. Slavery Is solving Us own problem. Tbe election, next month, for members of Con gress and Ibe Legislature, will bo the moat im portant ever htld ioKeptncky. The chief Issue la on *be mill cation of the conitltutlonn! amend ment abolishing slavery. The speeches of Got. liramleue, In advocacy of the amendment, are havicp good effect. Geo. Login, Mr. Kasson, of lowa, and others who have spoken, bare also ac complished much in bringing the people to their seizes. The contest Is an exciting one, and will be closed at Ibe polls. The Irmaies of the military prison here hive been released on taking the oath of allegiance, and giving their parole to he of cool behivtor end commit no act of hostility agilost the Dobed S'atf*. Tbe only prisoners stt'l held there are guerillas nnder sentence of dei'h or awaiting A toldtcr belonglo? ro tbe 3d Minnesota regi ment w*a shot and killed hr* guard yesterday. The ao'dtvr insisted upon riding on tbe sidewalk, and hence tbe fatal result. It Is baldly safe fur respectable pehple to be In the stress of LonlsvlUo after dark. Insult or outrage, bum the horde of black and white vagi botde who Infct the city, are of common occur rence. Louisville needs a larger police force. At a picnic at llawx<viUe. in thi« State, on Mon i*IJ, 1IM& n«D-il Cbnlkam U'd ptetol la a qrßirel, hat Instead of Ann? at bis adversary, the .•canon went off arcideo'atly. the ha'l ptsslug tbmoab the Quart of hla wife, who was standing near him. If BOM TRIE PAt’ieiC. The L«»t of tbe Moblcani-1 Rebel I’lraie Rusy Aua«h>k tb* Vhali-rs bnu rruuclKco. Naval and Lieneral Hews. San Francisco. Jaly 20— Arrived—Whiling barque Mill, twuctv-«lght days from Arctic, with et**a from several whalers destroyed by the Sbenandonh lasi month. Bdwtrd C»-cy, Hector Abtgal. Euphralo*, Wm. Thompson, Sophia. Thorttou, J. Irish. Susan and Ablca'l were cap tured and mosCy burned, Tha uilo wan hoard-id fur the purpose of taking off crews. Tbe Snen andosh was cootiDulog toe wholesale destruction of wbs>r», aod would probably soon destroy another fleet numbering sixty vestals. Uer com manderwas Informed oi Lei.V surrender and the collapse of the rebellion, but hedtd nit believe U. lie believed Lincoln's assassination, for be expected It. Tie Shenandoah coaled ls«t at Melbourne. She 1* mtnned by JJocitsh sol Irish eallors. Soma captur'd whalemen Joint'd her. Sah Ffuscigco. Jnlr 10.—The cold and silver coinage of the San Francisco mint during the fiscal year Just ended, equals nineteen millions of dot an. Atelerram from Bilttah Colombia B‘atea that one mining claim to Canhon yielded over |30,000 during the we«k ending Jtty 7:h. Arrived, ship Oilatln. Brooklyn Wnry Yard* New Yonx, July 27.—Mr. Cogswell, Master Ma'h'n'st of tbr. Brooklyn Navy Yud, sent lu his migration on Tuesday. O'hcr resignations are rpokenof In the yard. Mr. Cogswell receive') bis appointment ebortly after the breaking out of tbewu. The (Sold market* New York, July 27.—G01d is steady. The de mand Is chiefly tor customs Unite*.. The price shows asl'ght upward und>ncy. The quotations opened it 143| and went up to 142|. LATER. New York, July 27.—G01d to night, 118 J. POSTSCRIPT. ao'glojki. x. (Specnl Dispatch to Western Aesnc'utod Press.] New York, July 27—Midnight. The (treat Cable* The tendon Tw>f» correspondent on hoard the Grod Haaieru says the electrical condition of tbe calle Jstntlrely sutlifsctory. Operators are able io srnd f-nr words a mmu'c, with low natery •iow»T, ano It Is thought tbe speed can ho in creased to eight or fen. The enormous .welch* on beard the Great Eastern causes her to sink very :owrn the water, and she has the appiaiaoce of Lodging amidsMp. Washington llcmni AWsihlncton special bhjk “i lirge roll oMion-' or, CQhuclcg tbe name cf almost every merito rious oflVcr who have served durog tbe war,aul who are Kicgbrc vetted far their services. Is being prepared and when completed will be pa Misted. The*-'bioomy dl'tlccuons am conferred mo-tly cn officer* of all ranks who served In the volun teer service; Over 8,000 hivo been breveted dur ing 'be past month." The pjwer to effect further loins Is sow ex bsn‘tf.d,hut Ibe Secretary of the Treasury is cf the opinion that, owing to the continued redur t on cf tie cxpsnditarea of the Government, tbe Treasury can bo kept to nn easy condition by the leceiptstrnm casual sources, from revenue, till the meerng of Congress. It is is mated by the Internal Revenue Bureau that Ibe fcxca for tbe next stveatvAve days will be at tberate of one million per day. The ntxt statement of the public debt will be made teit August, and will to published twry two months. deserters from the dra r t availed th«m*eltea of the pardon offered them In the lata Presides! Lincoln's proclamation. Thousands of them nil absent are liable 10 arrest wherever lom.h in this ccnn’ry acd subject to punbbmcni. Nr.tMujse yet Is determined as to the trial of Jeff Dtvfs. A* ibe.wsmnt charged theaVtnctlon of bonds in all of I'OfLObO. the instlce bag reduc’d the bail reqntradof Wallace W. Whittlesey, Tbeaccused being ntuble to Rive it be remains commiitsd to Jail. _ WAFTirroTOjr, Jnly 27.—Boring the hat few weeks tbs colored population of Wasnloston and Georgetown have been earnestly discussing tbe question of rleht ot suffrave. This evening a msettsgof ward delegates was held, and a m:- monal fir presentation to Congress submitted for approval, in this they say; “OurpatrUnam is nnoouudtd; one loya'lj has sever been qaes t’oned, fer In all onr country’s trials wc have re spond'd volnnurlly and with alacrity, without incentive of blsh pay, bounties and promotion. We have honorable■ aspiration*, and cher ish tsptfl and laudable d*sir<:s la connection with onr cooutry. Wo oak yon re* Bpcctfnllr to regsrd them, to give encourage* m«nt to onr patriotism. Enjoying wbat lib-tty we domlces us more miserable In contemplating ' thedrnld of other Just rights of suffrage. We are without protection, and liable to combine tjons ofpntnge for even petty offense of taw. Feeling ®d respecting the source ot power will naturally t-dbere to one having a vote. So Jibe partlaUiyln this respect works to the dlsidvan tage of tolored oilmens.” The roemomlists state othir principles and considerations a* the has'i on which they predicate their claims for enffragesnd avll equality before too law. 1 hesdes of public vevels will take placoat New YoJc on the 4th instead of the isth of August. | p ro m the Mouth* The TTbrhTs Vicksburg correspondent says: “Gov.StarkeyJapowat workorgan zing Court* ot JadlcHry as fast as possible, wherever civil functions have not been disturbed throughout the Stated He has reinstated old occupants, an! called upon them to qualify themselves by tak ing the oith and resuming thnr duties. “ One if the best works of Judge Starkey is to abridge he power and abuse* of military occu pants. It has been the custom for military offi cers to eoumtn causes atd small Judgments in matters überetuey had neither right nor law to stand on. 'This Is now being stopped. Another Iniqufoul scheme bra been frustrated by this ap pointment. Some of tbe office-holders, trade agents, fenlmtow and others, generally of Ncrtbernblrtb, had concocted a scheme whereby a mllitwy Governor was to be sppo nted. In fbrttarance of tbeir purpose Geucnl Davidson had Illicitly endeavored to gut con trol t f thl newspapers In this place and Naicbes. The scheCe has beep bandsomely thwarted. Tbe mstexlalßOspertty of the Slate » giiotng ground since the, close of the war. Tne farmers aul p’S'-fTS are casting about to do gnmeiul-p. Colton, o. Which there are rttll imiU lots tn the country, B coming in quite freely. Several bun dredb*lacamefrom Yazoo sloae. There is bat Utile colon growing on the shores of tbe Missis* iiapl in (resequence of the overflow, and none in tbefnteror. Crops are good. The Red river. Oulcbttaand tributary streams are berngdrsineu of immmse amennts of cotton* Persons from Sbievepiit and the Horlhern part of Texas, say there is a large amount of cotton la tie country, and eo aeon as rail communication is r-stired Isrpe lots of cotton will come to market from Pearl river The care are now naming regularly from Jjcrhtu to Corm'.b, to Sesatobla, and to Meridian, eastward from V.ctabnrp to the Bln Blsck bridge, where a Hoe of stages is running to Jackson* There is not so much stealing as formerly, hut robbing of gov* eminent cotton la simply enormous. From the Bea*ildev Catx Islasd, Joly 27.—Sectary Seward and party arrived here on the gunboat N'ortherner this evening. The pirty consists of Secretary Seward, Attorney Qerenu Speed, tary P. W. Seward and wfe, Gen. W. IT. Seward, jr., Lt. Col. Wilson, Medical Inspector IT. S. A., Mrs. T). M. Worden, sister of Secretary Seward, Miss Fannie Seward, and Mies Hlen Pedey. Aid. Markley welcomed toe distinguished guests. The Secretary replied, expressing gratification at reaching this celebrated watering place. The visitors were then placed in private carnages and conveyed to the club-cottage attached to Congress Ik’ii. Elrgant quarters have been fitted up for them. As soon as the Secretaiy and party reached tbe cottage, tbe band commenced playing national airs, and the lawn in front of Congress Doll was brilliantly illuminated. Jeff. Davis. A Fortress Monroe letter of the Ssth says that Jeff. Davis is in better health than when he left the Clyde. His appetite is good, fits diet eu:h as Is prescribed by bla pny»tclan, and his lease on life, as far as bodily Infirmities go. Is stronger now than the day Richmond tell. His eye sight l! lost as U was when he was In Washington six yean ago,'the right of ore eye being theaappa rt ntly gene, and that of tbe other much Impaired. At sundown last evening, Jeff, was allowed to take fresh air by a promenade on tbe ramparts of tne Fortress. Blsj. Gen. Miles walked on one side of him and an officer of the goird on the other. Davis leaned on the arm ox neither, bur walked alone, firm and erect, and very unlike an invild. Tne evening was par ticularly fine, and Davis seemed to enjoy the qnlet antset scene. Be was clad m a fail suit of fine grey; his bead cover Jl with a very bread rimmed light grey felt bat, and he wore green goggles over bis eves. Eta cheek* are coveted with a beard ofl'etat growth, altering the appearance ol bis face very math from that usually presented in his photographs, where be appears with bat a toft ol hair on his coin. This out-docr exercise was not accorded to Davis he ciuse of any critical state of bis health, bat was discussed ard prescribed weeks ago to take effect in this sultry term. Sc* breezes are becoming rare here and tbe weather snltry. Out-ioor ex erase is granted to Davis to keep his v gorom health, cot to restore falling or broken down physique. To guard against possibility of at tempted escape, a laroy Is kept burning all night in his coil. Against this light Jeff, entered a pro test, but the light was burning despite de murer* of tbe pilsoner and that was bis pet grievance for a little while. Tb»n hi* leadm? qucrUons on tbe present stateof the couotryarenot answered, and tbatmakea Jeff gent’ans. He be comes tired of silence at times, and launches into special plea In his own bchsir, atm*d at tbe inno cent officer foftho guard, to prove that theUn*- ted Siates Government cannot p'Bilhty convict blm of treason. Tbe ootlcot officer makes no reply, and tbo chief of all rebels looks daggers at tne walls of his pr.son. Bis baailh and com fort are oot permitted to suffer, but he Is not al lowed luxuries, and be receives no favors Anoth er letter from the same place and due s*vs 'hi exercise was prescribed on account of J-fT.’a fat in? health, and tbat tbe Secretary of War was consulted and gave his consent.' IDE KEUOB mUHDEU. Gee Held Over an a Perjurer* and Committed aa the Probable murderer. Tcrterday forenoor, on a warrant sworn oat by Dr. Wro, Wagner, George N. Gee, a member of cottpany F, fi’.hlows infantry. was arraigned be fore Justice ililllken on tbe charge of perjury The reader will remember that on Wednesday Gee was examined before the Coroner’s Jury in relation to the Kehoo murder, and testified t-at he raw tbe saloon keeper, Mebrlne, take from hl« breast a pistol, and with it shoot Edward Kchsc; he also said that Kehoe was fbcing Mehrlng at tbe time, and that tbe ball took effort 1c the ftca near thu eye aid nose. Tbe truth la the ball s'ruck E' boein'be back of the bead, and from ihe tea i mony of several witnesses it has been provau that the pistol was fired by a person dre«eea in soldier's doming. Heinrich Uthnng was iotrodacsd as a wiisen against Gee, and testified under oatn toa' he (Oae) was tho man who created the dutoro ance which led to tbe row ; also that be Is tbe aimeman whom he deacnbtdiahla stat-menton tbe day of tbe murder, before the Corner’s dory, as tbe person who drew from bU bretst pocket a plMol. He did not see him shoot, bat be was tbe same man who polled oat tbo pistol. Robert Clark, who realties next door to the saloon, tea tilled to having seen Gee on tbo sidewalk, after tbe mntder. Inciting tbe soldiers on to the da s'ruction of Mehnog’s property. Several other wimesaea were exam’ned. and then the Jo*Uce gave hla opmon that it was self evident that Gee was a perjurer, and ebonld therefore be held for trial on that charge in the Recotder’s Court at Us next term, fixing b‘s ball bond at I&-KI. Tbe Ja«*lc>* u’eo sa'd that trom tbe evidence adduced he b<t>l ;vcd Geo wja tbo pc»«a irollty of me murder of Keboe, tor U was mnxder, be having attempted to kill Hearing, but by accident sbovnla own comrade, lie was accordingly committed to prison to await fatibor examination for marder. fb< time fixed continuance of bis examination is tbo nth of August. At ibe afternoon sceiloo of tbe Police Court, Urmy Mehrlu? Wav arraigned for a coatlnntucj of blit elimination on too charge of murdering Edwird Kebou. Tbe person wbo swore one tne warrant ler bis arre*t was Dr. ilcGartiek, but. strange to say, after all tbe noise thatindlvlduil hia made shorn the want of earnestness on tho put of oor aoihorttcs to investigate this matter, be foiled to pntiu an appearance. vC. B. Jones. Bsq., attorney for the defoosa.snV mined tbe letter which bo had received from Superintendent Smith, and aakeo that bis client he dtrxnWed from custody, as tbiuj was no evidence of bia goilt, and no desire on tho put .of tbo prouentng witness to posh the Investiga tion any farther. The letter was as follows: Chicago, July 23, U&i. Chief of Police, Cblcjgo, HI.: Sir : We have urgently tried to procure • wi». ncster in the airbnng (saloon keeper) trla’, b it cannot find asy who could give additional evi dence than that produ*ed. Ltfnt. Col. Aloozo Abercethy,commic<llog offi cer of the 9ih lows voucher tnfaotrv. Is of the opinion that the shooting of private Kehoe was accidental. Reipectfb‘ly, E. J. McGarbisk. Surgeon. The S'atcs* Attorney said he hoped the Court woo'd gnt l a continuance of the examination un til thir afternoon, when he wond endetvor to hive the enrjeon brought into .Court A great deal bad been said In the newspapers (only one of them—Ed.) nbou* the lack of wiUmguws oniha part of the authorities to Invcstigaw this affair, sod he desired to show who was In b’smc, Acrordlns'j the examination was continued un til this afternoon. • ' - Storage of Carbon OH, See. A meeting of the wholesale dealers in Cirbou - Oil, Benz ne, Ac., was held tuts dir at the office of Mosrs.A. E. Goodrich & Co., for ibe purpose of corsultatlon concerning toe ordinance cow before the City Council, regulating the sala end storage of Carbon Clfand Petroleum wiihm the city limits. The meeting wag organized by calling Mr. Ed ward O'Neil, of the' Penosyl vanla Oil Company, to tbe cbslr, atdSam’l Greens was appoint'd Sec retary. A motion was made by Mr. Armstrong, that a committee of five bo appointed by too chair, to rrfcw up a remonstrance to be presenter to the Crmieil at it* text meeting. The committee was al'O instructed to call a label ing of *ll parties Interested in 'besale of Carhnn Oil, tomorrow evening st half post seven o'clock, at Purler No. 1 Tremont Boa«e. Sas’l Greene, Edward O'Neil, . Secretary. Coalman, Chicago, July 37th, ISBS. Camp Meeting Notice* Al l persons who arc desirous of obtaining lots it the camp cronrd. lately purchased for tbe Chi cago District; are requested to be at the North western Kailroau D-pot, on Friday meriting, 23ib, ir* eea*on to take the 9 a. m., train for the ground, for - the purpose or drawing for choice of lots. Bud other important business that miy come be fore >te tent holders. By order of Executive Comroitte. Geo. F. Foster. 1 Joseph Kennioott, >Comm'.ttee. William Wheeler, j js?"Geni Smith D. Atkin?, of Freeport, I 1!., who raised a company of volunteers im mediately after the fall of Sumter, and who has hetn in the service throughout tho imr, having now icturntd home, received a most gratifying welcome from his towLspeoole, on Wednesday evening, the 12th ins*. The Gen eral’s many friends will be pleased to learn that be purposes to settle in Freeport, and resume the practice ol his profession. jjlcto glbiirrtisnncnts, VIASORIC.—A Regular Convo jItX * st'o • of WMh'neton t n A Mt a cs. w.ll b- belli this (FKIDAY) evening at oMr, reruns ruasnil OyornprMß H.P. JiSStIKMt w. ft. PBLFOtID. 'a . Soc’y. 'T'HE REINER OF THE RE- A. ‘.‘if.vT aacr bav ng apparently glveu no h:a ißir.v, -ad «o<ticat,il L. lavuruf a sag, U may ba u* t.rv-tiof f> l>e pnhlic to k*o» lb»r KVB'*rrr photuduaphbr 137 Ha> »or »lillc*iee,bat conilna-itofuuliUht* la- ImitaoieCTiride visitsa: fj ptr cl zau. jyt3c7Xt nsw svsnxnct rapes. CANVAS Sims WANTED. Jdi'wu *B N,” attbUodee, lor one day. Jy 29 8-U F3R BUFFALO.—The new and favcrlie steam. r WINSLOW, Cant. B Aader»oa, >ll Jrav- a*r deck, fictof North Dcaroora tire*:, for Bcffaln ana ail ißtmmedtute porta, on FBi DAI &VBSING. Ju v ;Sto, a. 7 o'clock, for rat tajr-apply to a. Agent. S3 S.cih Caik Aitet. opp. ttc Soermta Boats. TVTOTICE —A Special Mtetlrg Is XS called forall CARBON Oil* DEILEB?, Drngglsti) nntl Wholesale Gro cery llonsets Who velntereited inopposlogan ordinance litro* doc (I last (Tcilng by m* City C-nmcli, virtually d tvlnv rut *b-; tr.ds of the above otit from oar city, and giving ’ha trade to eom-ewag eitt*« Wait. Ail tnierrated are specially ‘avll-d’o rltead. at Pa'lor No Houi« FBI DAY EVENING, «7H o'clock. PyuiderofCoumuise. Jy23rsiii OFFICE OF THE CHICAGO V-/ IVeil Division It lilway Comraiy. Chicago, jn*y 27,195 V Tbs Antosl Veettug of tbe Stocznoia'rj or tuts Compan*-. for the eleuttoncf Directirs Ae. will tx be’U a; the office of ihs eomoasv, e*wftt Block, on IDKBDAY AVJLNINQ AnruitEtb. atSoVloock j;2Sf>64 It WM H OVINOrON. »ec*f. A RARE CHANCE FOB A young »ni active bualnen tr an. Caa aecurj a rrmaneot lUustion oy loaning bis eaJsloy<-r 1 Lou and do!*n, loeurtd oy ica Mta.o wonh macp amount. Addruaa or 1 -ter * 8."P.0. Sex G191.C lesgo. jya »oJ it MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. X>X At • bo requuit of aoreral mercnanU, a mjjting ortno _ Merchants’ Exchange wui take p'«cs at tbe E’oma.l7 Dearborn sfreet. on vmidat •*Sib*i'*t at 3 P M.. *o 3wt tar.Qsaier’, wan. e-r 01 the B*t U>v>t sugar Wnrks a*. Chats w r b UiinoU, to rrecive from him a ropo-t of tse wtriltz ofs»me, >nd to foa-ldar lbs adva:t«gso; e«ta*>tui>iag a joint mock Association tncoonscuyn bants traltvl’cd to sfeud. J.3.W31t <*Y^Prrat*—s QK BARRELS DRIED HEA.Ca* BB,SO£acksOb!oDried Apples,rssleoia*p ty _ ' WSI, LITTLE * CO*, 231 South Wafers*. NUMBER 48. Nrto aoMniammts, THE UNITED STATES Life Insurance Comp’y. A Bin Coxvast to Dxax. Wire —Marry of OV rradtrt will remember Mr. C. F St. j-ha, formerly la the employ of Adam*' Bxpese Company, who was among tbs lost la that terrible eaJMlrtphe, the barn log of the “General Lyon," cl which he was purser. Mr. ST. John had a family, forwhotn, in the treat of hla own death, he bad endeavored to make an me pro vision. Ho h»d insured hi* Ufa in several offleat, and pear after yea* bad cm fully set ande from bli licomr enough for the prompt payment of his due* open these poll dee. Bot as sometlma happens evin to the most predent and careful men. If called nr on to be absent much of the Use on voyages of uncertain : length In Government service. It tr length occir.-ed that the time of payment «ame ronnd and no money waa received frem Mr. At. John, and baloro be bad bren able to attend to the matter the fearful dims er took p’ace, ana bis bereaved widow was left mostly without the provision which he had so long and anx coaly aoniht to make. Upon examination, it waa ftmnd that not a cert could be legally claimed npoa either of the policies, bat some of the mends of Mr. Bt. Jrbn, tstbeHx press Company here, feeling that the cate waa one of peculiar hardship, cossnlt d together, and tick m>a* sores to bring lbs clienaxtsneea tally beforetheseve nl companies with which be htd insured. This waa done, and though they met with refnsal clte«here. upon rreseating the cate to the United States Urain ier arce Company, No. 40 Wall street. Hew Fork, they tad the ple>iare ofobt&icing for Mr*. St. Johns cheek lor |1 COO. the full amount for which h;r hut band’s Ufa had been Insured at that efflej. saeh In st.ncts cf an hoaorable and generona coratruc’lon of basinets ob Ustlouaara net of ever/ d«y occur* renee, and we think this Incident worthy of public mention.—-Vetf iZUren Journal and Courier. The above Company U rojreiented in this c'.ty by W. D. BABBITT, General Agent, 133 Monroe street. Corner of Clark street. nj T\fE ARE NOW RECEIVING TV some new and elegantl; carvel and paneQe: sty Is of ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS, Wtlcb for teanty of Calih cannot be exeened- Far t!ow.r,pu*l t ya ,, d equality of »one, capacity for ex* presiion and promptness cl action, these instruments ARB POSITIVELY DHEQDALED. rescriptlve catalogues famished on apt Ucatl;a to LYON & HEALY, Corner Clark and Washington Sts., Cbirago. SMITH & NISON, jtt3- P3S it Wbok»a;e Agents, Cincinnati. Ohio. NBWICE CREAM, UNION, At KIPBLBY‘3. CrOlbi’i Opera Home. Coffee Holts, French Coffee Rolls every mfltniig. Ic* Cretin. and Cette nr all itnrti at and ret ill. by J. HOCKIH. at 1 SO North C.axk ttrect, cor. of Bar jn jtw rsttcft NEW GOODS JUST HKCSITKD AT WILSON’S, 126 Deartorn-st. Alarze sad fiist-cissi stock of Gents* Fn.nUh'nst Ocds. »blch are effo o' at lower rates*htn cac he frond «a the cl'y. Daderwear ..f alt de sert pt locs. British and French Hosiery, Handkerchief, Gloves, Ties. Burn* C iur«. A~.. An WiMOH’fl, 136 Dearborn street. nTHE MERCHANTS’ FARM- X - BBS' iSO MSOHANICB - BANK, 13 South Clark Street, Chicago*. ILLINOIS. • Office h urs from io a. m. to Bp. m. Alio, *roa Bp. m to 8 p. in. Baiora.js. IHCORrOHATKD 13V. pail on Barings of Are doU*»s and u?» wards. JtIBjVU 7t net r\VFlCtt OF THE UNITED \J bfATnS TEIEGUAPH COMPANY. Haw Yobk, July 25:h, ISO TieDlr-sctoi oflh) UnitedSUiesTilegraphCjm pssy haie inis duj declared a D.vl* dead of Four (4) per cent.. Payable at the office n f tte Trcuinrer on aid the flf et** h prox;a.o. The u»n*icr o-tona cloieoaths ftf u (5) andremat* c «.*«d untiltheslxteenth prux mo b/ cio-r rt the B.urd. j,g TBBO. F. HAY. T;e»amer. REMOVATi. BorflTOH. POSTER * CO., com mission Her <•» ant*, haveitraoTj. ij tbe nan Marble P;ont Blo;X 84 ana 80 L- Sallo it. ZKSI7SAKCB OB SABSZNO. Wa bare for rent two TCtr deslr«Mo tnt'aof offlcot, »BltaMoforl" , ti.arrf • r BanMnz la the re* Mar i)oBoll'lnr,81 »nd 80 La3»lw*t n-ar t v e sew rt.auber of .cmmi-rra Alio, desirable oflljcs lor Coinnn»*ton Mertbsars. Ac. J/v3 43; mt BorSTOH. FOSTER a CO. TOJSnICCO, L*rrll’aia , jPlr>*Tob*cco. lOObozea 10’s 14 Pa ycrita’ brisd, In Ono sale by A. F BRaDT, Men-baa *liq Broker. JySB 97- It 15 LaSalle >treat. pLS.RK SEMINARY OFFERS V-/ Doth iix-w rood advaottffa la both mild ax.d nn amentsl bxar chea Its it!V?n'ta year open* fcS *• THMBS I ' 4’h Board. roor». atd toulonlx C irnsra Rnylltb, ISO per f*nn, <l5O i»*r Tear For cva* If got* adore-• t&e Principal, u.W QFKREMJ. A. M., Anrora, lllltolt. tm p~-t TTSITT CHITRCH.—Thera will vJ be am *ttrgof tae friends cf Ibis Society at th. Ctnrcb. o-> _ PURuAT. JPLV 30, AT 3 P. M, Todeclienoonmit'eTiot importance, and all mam* Via and mandiaren seßtly invited to attend By order of Traatees. J?2J:SW3tnet ThIARAHKA, DYSENTERY, _L/rUMUBR COMPLAINT, CHOLERA, etc. etc, BAtdliyeQ*ed by Btlcy BSagniro's “Senno Plant.” The !nf»Koio sptclSc. H. bC'fVIL, TttKmdolph Iteeet. rb'raco. B-'ld by «11 OniiJtlsSi. Jy?B-.972 30t 9 sa srara net Eap! Bap! Bap! SPIRITUALISM kXPf'SRD. A fall asolmAionof the toesos br v.Jcn BpiiKaal ms-lfd taMaa* ere uade. seat tjmill rn receipt of twenty-flvi cat*. Ad:ruj TliOlj. 11. PiiErCUiT, P. O. Doz Chtcsgo ' b-.t.War* HAY PRESS. Parllfß within* to pnrchisa will call at M. 311BT1ER £i CO'a. 211 Sooth Waicr al:«.at, or Mldr-J.i them Imirediittlr. i? 2TeS93-3.nrt THE GREAT AMERICAN SAFES. 'fen yearn abend of all otbers. Made of iiravlt-r Wrungbt Iron. Iblcker Fire-Proof Kiliiit*, 'Urctuli tive#»sy percentm<»re. El'Sauily .riaae bad Finished. no more than ibe old elylea, Yon me them Everywhere, FOU SALE ONLY BY F. W. PH-A.TT, 80 □yil-WMOaxot] MCALLISTER, HALL & LIVBKMOR& Wool Commission ICorchants- Clhce ana Wareaouse-2J3 Lnutn a aier »c ent, be tween Wei sand Franklin, Chicago. P.O. 80x3637. ExTXZiacß:—North-Wutern Nattonal Bait. Chi cago. JylldUld, #AMaat LIVEBPOOL & EUROPE. Tin following ‘h* aa’lnst cf th" livxspool, N. T. A fciLx STXAXsnrr Co. for the n-xs four week*. Thu bauuaay e»rne> the U. B. A BrlOihm&U. From kxw Yobs. riTT OF WASHINGTON, Jnly 2ff. KANGAROO Aaj. •*. Oil* 0?10MJ()I. •• A. CTT OP MAFCBJisrHK •* 0. CITY OF K*W kO-K '• 12 ( ITY OF DUBLIN *• 18. C.TTOFBOStOS “ 19, Prepaid rxßTincAT’s from aU parti of Great Bri tain and Irp’a-!d ax lowest satis. S oht P say is Ininrstosait. P abb of cabin. end benhi ««*tared. JA9. WACUACKi F. O. Box 6103 St Dvaiburn itrcet. CBlcaiO, J,sfe* J7-395-W y*a net “ GOOD THING •’ FOR Traveling Salesmen. A lint class Wbolsssle Home In this city wlshee to •rraaxe. at once.wi'b brea or ronecool “® n • anatacrengh cs\nsse # »hoare*eiUnk«ocdstba,do not co ip pete, to take urttoa in i»U» o'j. lowa, WUcon* sin, Michigan andNtrthern Zn-tiesa. lowborn allb „s! consßiMtob will be paid- Addms P. O. Drawtr tUtte* waatcoods job lie now selllrcaad o iraveled. with reference, J j27cJ612. net tt'EY TO LOVE; or, Dr. S. JI IV Lardia’ Celebrated Private Lecture on Psycho- I'hlcal Fasclnaxlcns It teaches jon to charm tho«e son lot*. Ae. &.crtits worth knowine In It. Price 30 cents. Alio, Great Priva'o Book tor Gruwn Persons, jus;oat Flcell. Every married ladvsboblihaw o e Se’id "rice of either, or b3‘h. to DR. LANDIS' utflee. 131‘A Chestnut street, FnllacelphU. Fa and receive *neiu (in sealed envelope) by return malt JylSdSSllStnet PRO POSALS Will be received bj the fiobierlbcr natii Anr Ist for tioreaoval of tea ahoie abont 2.000 yards of earth, from L r -l corner «t Kl: z■» and Wol cott aimts. WBIQFT A hKOTHBH-S Jy:6c7;6 st net 161 Mlch-'isa street EYE & EAR DB UNDERWOOD. Oculist and Aortal. Operative Soneon for Croas Ere, Cataract. Ac., and ail Diseases of the Eye and Bar. Ofice. Parlors and Mosetasuseve* tn Bomber— I*J4 Sandolpb street. Chicago. Aril- Dels! Byes and BaMmnna Inserted. lylSefl SOtset SB. JAmSS triU be absent from tbe city until the 3St» OP XBI PBESBBI MOSSH. |y7c9*tfMl ISeto aiJbtnianmita THE NATIOiV. This Day Published. JnlySMb CONTENTS I the week. TOPICS OP THE DAY C Enubucs ani Eoututy. Tie Kits in the Chariot. Ihe Crisis in Ani^ 1( Nations! Davy tad “ Holy Bails’* ThaNcwlxodus: Foetry. COKBKSPOMDKNCR t A Trip In South Carolina. Tto Harvest of Doctoral*. LMpebUean Proyagandtim. Tuaotik hqh BTKds A Word About Mueoaf* Amp Comepondence. £bly Canal*. 1 1 LITERATURE t Literary Note*. TbeGsywortbya. A Woman in t£r« Pulpit. Zs Memory of Utt aidant XJrcotkV SCIENCEt Ditcovaries and Inventions. FINE ARTS ; Multiplied Art. FINANCIAL REVIEW. It embraces among Its regular or occasional con til baton the following name*: HBHBT W. LONGFELLOW. JAMES BUSBBLL LOWELL. JOBE a. WBITTiBB. SAMUEL ELIOT OxPrmldent Trlnltr Cotlege. Hartford.) Frol. TOBAS7. (Harvard.) Fief. GOLD WIN SMITH. (Oxford) Pr.IBAMCIS T.IRBgg. Prof. CHILD. (Barrard) CHABLES B. HOBTO9. BEBBY JAMBS. Judge BOND, (BCUmoxe ) EDMUND QUINCY. PxoL W. D. WHITNEY, (Tala ) Prof. D. & GILMAN, (Yale ) Judge DALY. Fret DWIGHT, (CrlamblaCiUfge.) Fret. TATLBB LEWIS. Schenectady. Judge WAYLAND. FBIDBBICK LAW OLMSTBD. Bev. Dr MoCUNTOCK. Bev. Ur. JOS. P. THOMPSON. Bev. PHILLIPS BRCOE3. Bev Dr. BELLOWS. C. J. STILLS. HBSTBT T. TOCKIBMAH. BAYARD TAYLOR, a A. BBISTBD. C. L BRACE. RICHABD OBAKT WHITS. WILLIAM LLOYD 6ARBIBOH. BYDFET GEOEQH FIS EBB. THHODORE TILTON. JAMB* PAETOS. bail Hamilton. TzaMsi-ThreeDollirs per annum in advance; sir months. T*r D-rL’sn. Wh»n de'.Uercdby carrier in New York or Dro’ kivn, fifty casts addlUonsL JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, paMlsher, . Ho. 130 Hama st. Hew York. CT* Csuvwscrl w»nted far this and every other Wcsie n city au<i town. Üb’r»l rate* cffjied, On:y canvassem, with host reereucet. net d a*plr.' Ard f* I) r Al-LKH, General Waters Ageat, P O. Bjs3T4y.Ci'i'»r». or call at Room 33, Lombard Rioe., *oeroa street FOB SALS CT ALL XZTTS AGK2TT9, iyStSSTU KING, HARMON & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS iyaa-KS-lt DRY GOODS 55 Lake Street. Eavlnr bought beamy fir Cass BEFORE the re* cent advazea. would to their rkisxns and the Fvbuo, that their Stock Is tu-t Full and. Complete In all its cEFAxmmrra of Cottons, Woolens, Flannels, Linens, Shirts and Drawers, Fancy Goods, Cotton and Wool Hosiery, Blankets, &.C. BoUclUnt a c»U from axr, yoroba»eri la tbrtrilne, they pledge tbemaeiyea to as lav prices most Hocea in tlie Weil U. H. RTFS, rormurly’D. H. King * Co. S. H HABMOH. Kormo lT damoa. Gals*CO. A. B KKST, 8. A. KKST. NOTICE. Tho blends of Ur. £lwtaß!H«rmos, whitest tba fce»d o. iba fl-m or Haim in. Qals a Co., will please aoMrr’becbsrgi hi has made. jryfc~«2 A UCTION SALES.—Great Sale A of Government HonK*.»ndUnV**. 3;,CCO ANIMALS TO BB 90 DDtJßjfa THE MONTH OF AUGOdT. Ictbe 'i Haw Feoosy vtol*. Ohio, la* dims, Dsiawar* Uv y;*td. *sd Haw Jertoy, and lbs DUtrlet cf Colombia. Qr\BnaiM9p*B genual's nmci, ? Will b“ told it l abile auction, to the highest bid* der, at ihe time and oiarrs namrd below. Tin: v NKW YUHBL Ne-wYorkCltr. Tcetday aadrr.dsy c t eachweik. •(0 ficnu each day. N-w Torn City, VTeeacsiiy oteach week, SOO Miles evb day. Elmira Tn*|day, Aon»t 8. 2fo Some. JDf> tea, tnnoay, Angoat 15.50' Ma es. Albany. >r:d*y. Angost M. !lOMu« Buffalo, Wednesday. Ansast 10 SUO Males. PENNSYLVAMa. Philadelphia Tunnday of each week, SO) Hones e*»-n day PcfUo-lrbla, Wednesday and Saturday or each. r«»*. KO MuV* Mch day. d Pittsburgh, Thursday or each weak. 150 Hole* each p.-tt.vme Tee* day. An wall. TO Val««. M fllltgtown, Pnoey, Anna* 4 T.& Male*. YoiS. Friday. AogoatA AOHo.-w*. N-wrU’e, Wedreaoay, Aa*n*r». lOOHenei. Nevril .©. Thursday,Aagaiti© Reading, PfU'ay. Aa»n>t IT. 3jo Hones AMpß°s*bar>A We*n«aday. Annul 15. 120 Homs. B le.Torndiy Anion 17. 203 H-m*. Bolnpri sbaiga. Taarsday Anns* 17. ICO Mil'S. WUllura.O't.Krlray, Aosnstia too Horses. Tnd'rna. Monday, aognnzi. S.OH rei Chamhertb'ug. w>d e dtr, AogTt 23 IHC Hones. i‘b*mbeJitn;jc, Than- ay. A’-aait 11.100 Mates. Milton. Friday, AtJRVt 25.2C0 H r»s. Or-We, Wednesday. Aagoatio 100 Honrs. Carlisle, ihandiy. ICO Make. OHIO. Coinmtisae, Tuesday, aanitt 100 Horses. ?al*m Wsdnesday. nagaaca. roo U rset. All'nrc*. Thursday, AogoftS TOO Horses. C-Llcn.Sanrdsy. An nstS.HOH rw CI-Tfiied. Tmoay. Anjru-i 3.1 (TO Males, M-9 lilor,Tu'ia*y. At*ait 15,200 d-niS. C Tcanday, Aoganu, flf>o wales. CltTeuSt.Mondty. Anzns* 2], 2tOIIor»«. INDIANA. PcrtTVayne, rtar*at 21, Males. wnmirston, Taesday o. etch week, SO- Homs eM*h day. wiimteKtss, Prldsy of each week, 2CO Males each d»y. VLW JF.rsEV. Trentcn. Thtriday, dog ja? 10 2CO MoW. TrentOE, Tlmisoa?, Ana a\t ?r AO MARYLAND. Cililmore, Wedoeadav. Aatnus 9, and Wednesday f each bC:KtI or »n«r. 200 Horn* e«chda7. u. c. Ea;hweekdsy lOOllaies GliaUißO, I). C. E teb wk day except Wrfln. silay, 200 Bomb An onpr rtanl y u. par-l as i asaosrlur class or ssd el- and d*stt arlmslx. at far Teas than Sialr true v.- la>, ts st« Olla ed to the pablle. Yhragbthe m»J.rtty oftb-ai are soaad anl ser* Tlcsab'r, they are no longer required in the arny, anc must tie sold. Many of the Males were botght In the be jinnint cf 'he war. wtienvoong. scccnipinled the armies l'i all tbrir ir arch,■ ana camp*, ana a.ethorvmgalr breto j, fard ned bf ex-re‘ie. genie and fsml.lar fr.m being solotgvmroarded by .he so.diets. Anluisis w li b*i soid'lsgly. y» cs to ccirmo - ce rt 10 aM. Imms-Cieli, In United S.stei Cnrren*y. JAMES A K*IH. GroT. B'lg.Gcn-lncaargoljtDlv.Q M.6.C. JyC?aS2 3:t CURTIS’ Reaper and Mower. Five of thq aboreee?flbrat#d Machine*, new aarf Ja p» uctorctr. except they require a Coat ofFaixt, lor aa:e for ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS EACH. Addra* *- 7. BLOCUM, Box 3013, ChIMZO, HL jjVMCSgta’t STORAGE A. So. 1 flour, Provisions, Fish, &c., TATIiOR’S INSPECTION HOUSES, BAILBOAD CONFNCTIOaS. tr Can inspect ‘230 barrels each Porlc and Beef p*. da?. Same of Pub. tF“lripecUon in all Its brancho*, and OTa-hstllnj done at once. Ho cto or ten caya* delay at oar bans* ts. We work fer onr enstomara. ISr Look to « cor Pork, It needs attestloo. toovernment Provision Inspectiondonebj author* U, ‘ J. B. TATI.OB, Jj22 SSBlw»?9t Upp, Mien., CORPS BADGES, PRESENTATION BADGES, Made to order by 1, D. MILLER, Jeweler, Corner Rudolph and Clark tenets, jyf&isd I2t ar-rcAianet JJOT AIR FURNACES, I»arlor Grates, AT VBB OSSCA3O FOUNOBT. aa’orom and Office, 996 A 33S late sir et. HATtS.fTVAJUt A. AbuLAY TO MILLERS. Wetted a liinstloa by aflr.uOa's miller, to taka chase cl a min or to ren .mm onalurw. Ben of rsftgetcss rwn. Irqu‘reofLHAk.o.* PHTTBUNe. S5 Market scree:, Cmcastx ySASsman iflfto SfibrirttamnUß. HRS. WINSLOW, Ah experienced None and Feasal# Pbjtlalia, f*S iU'j to the attention of mothers, Aar SOOTHING STROP, FOB CaiLDIEN TEETHIN6, whtdh greatl7ftcmttMßb«proe«ioitM»tat. ■ •oltMtot tat gums, reducing all luflamations, 90 an>y airl- Agii hail i» Sure to Regulate the Bowel* Depend upon B,Botte?«. o will Ht« rafe to yoar* Mira, and Belief ud Health t» year lifaiU We AiTt pm up and sold tale etieie Par epee ■peeflk and cas bat oi cosy id its ca and tbotm • It what w« &ht« never been able to my oi HI o«Mf medimo-Ksvsß has rr failed do a luiii instance to tyyacT a etna, wa« t&aws used, Newdld we know an instance of dlmattMM Uoo by any one who u«d iu On the contrary, all an delighted with its operations, aud'speek In terns It commendation of Us magical effaca and medical ton. We ipea* la thl* raanet “WHAT WE 90 aNOW.** after 30 yearn experience; AND PLXDMM PCS RiIPutATION POB THK FULFILMENT OB WEATfWS HBUB DSCLAAS. ui every IM> stance where the infant U suffering from pata and » haaitloa, relief will be found in t&neta or tvw mlnntet after the nnp la administered. lull directions for uvtag will aecotnpaajeacbbOM* Nonemnutne unless the (hosimile or cuwtis A m KINS, New Y srX. la on the outside wrapper, gold by Druggists throughout the world. files, Only 39 cent, a Sottl*. The following is an extract of a letter written by sh Bev. J.B, Holme, pastor of the PterpontstreetßaptlM Oiurch. Brooklin, 9. Y., to the Journal and Mmmx, qw, Clacinnsd, 0., and speaks volumes in favor Q| the wcrld-reoownsd medicine, MBS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SIRUP POR CHILOKSN TEETH lE® “We see an advertisement in your cotnmnsof MSI WINSLOW'S soothing BTHUP. Now, we aem •aid a word in (hvorof the patent medictne balers a oar life, bat we feel compelled to uy to tout rewdi that this Is no humbug—tos Aom Wtof (*,w»d MiMi E o»< <s3 i chrfms. It is probably one of the nos luccessfnl edlc'nesol the day. because It Is cm • thebea* d of our readers who havt DAMS cant r than uy in a supply. asMuTia am-wTSM-net THE MAMO & 7IBSDHi OIL COMPANY or cazoAOo. Capital, - - - 82,500,000. Working Capital, $75,900. MiHLOX D. OGDEN, President, CHAS. AINDOLPII, Vice President. CHARLES n, srrrra, Trtamrcr. G« S. UCBttIRD, Jr«, SLerclaryd DIKEUTORHi MABLOH D. OO DHH, P. L. OKDBRWOOD; CHAR RANDOLPH, THOB. W.PHZLUPS.OfPeaa CHAB.M SMITH, BoxJ.A.OABPZELD,efOhI9 H-W, EIK 3D ALE, JOHN BCJBT, of Detroit The capital stock of this company is divided into 330 000 shares at a par value of Tan DoQara asoh Subscription price. Four Dollars per share. The property of the Company cousisw of 1,197 seres of land in fee, and an ownership of on»tw«Uifc of the production of the Coquette Wen. The lands are located on Oil and Piuole czasn. la Pennsylvania, and in the Burning Springa, Little Kanawha and Ball Creek regions of Wart Vlrftnle. The interest owned by the Company in the Coqtetta Well amoonts to about forty barrels of oil per day, which, at leu than the averaca price of oil daring ths last year, will pay ever ten per cent, per annua apoe Cne enure capital stock at subscription price. A committee of subscribers, consisting of Mean. A. C Badger, Thoe, A Dickerson and £L B. Bdrldfk were recently sent by the subscriber* to tte validity of title, location and valne of the lands-o*« Lrsd. After spending two weeks in making ether* ouch examlnatloa ef them, the Committee mads their report, which closes as follows: “The Commit* ee were hlxhly pleased with all tM lands visited by then, both in reaeiytvania sndTtr* gists, aed believe to have beea very carefully and Jndiclcus.’y selected, with a view of getting oeae but good producing OU temtory. They believe the lands to he worth the price asked fbr them, aoe chew fully rcceommend at* ft whole tQ the stockholders." Bight Wells are now going down on this property is West Virginia, and the Director* propose to *>•»» a number of other* at oaca la PesaxyiTasl*. . « This Company Is now in rxolpl of Che t*<v»rru, ooe-twelfth cf the Coquette Wen. Mapeofthe property shown at the Company** otSaet laMUier’s Building, scr.Clarkaad Randolph stnetc. JjSOLSMOt net J> EDUCTION IN FAR 9 VIA THE Chicago and Northwestern RAILWAY, LAKE SUPERIOR. trains tears ina Depot. Alula nmt, Cbtaaio. dan*, (ezd&pt fianuayu at 430 a u,, with Iteepiat Car s> taccod. arrtTSn* at Breeo Bay at 9 o'elou next move* Inc, when raaencarstaxaoseoi Ota ana itaamar* oi tba Transit Company, and alter a pleasant dayUzU trip on tba beaaornl crater* of Bran Bay, reach naba la rearon to taka tba So. m. train, on tba Peed* ■ala Dlrlafcn CIH.W.W.. wtITIAS ai Kaputt* at 10 p. m„ where lanaadlete eocmflca fa «sde vin x&b rsauks corns For Porter# Lais, ganeoeK aad Hoofbtos. To Sarqnatte-~- To Portage Insludtni nMli ud bextlu on atanman.' Beyle* many bran 1b ttwig, tad, whUs aoordlna im yarlety at Saliroedlnx with Steam boatlnc calm waters. thin. the M Island room, ■mill »n ttin m lermnernn smi itti rWii ou portion# oxleks MBTlcaSm PASSAGS-Chicago to Merqoette “ ** Porta** Laka. Baton tickets taaned bet* sen cueaco end m quest*. Pina Trent yiahta* in thayictnwy of baud Marquette, with good hosM aeaomMdaMaat at both points. Amazements hrra been pat acted Whereby My. Chaartie or other freight may be transported ts a3 point* oa lAka Bopastor with dispose* and at tm rales. ©oodi staoaid be deiiyem at the Wisconsin mrixm PWlghtltepot For firthar inform atxca, apply to chas. s. TAPPKf. General iSlgat Ana*. B. f. ranon.Generalra—mm ami VjXciCl 1m ir.y 7-BO IOM. NEW SERIES Third National Bank OF CHICAGO. We hire this da; recetred a lam npply oi eta THIBS KgBTBa Beaten* date JMy isth,lßff, asdin yrtwadWSO orders tor the same. Ptrtlea desitej* a Isrest sas tend samaay ea ads season contract. Pro© ol OlxoTiiOy from an pourte east« thaacswipyt. aadiMMMi Win be HBt them PBH OP CHAK6B. mi p»««f Chleaco. Jans 10, iso. ]siMt»uui Walworth, CO., Masoaciaieit end Dealers la Fortablo and Stationary STEAM EAsCINES stej.h praps,. Locomotive, JTarine sad Statloaary Boilers* ARo for tale GOOD S£COKD>Hi»D BOILEB9, Fotanrß Her* 'or Paper bill*. Lard Tanka and Owl- H-a.O?I ana Wi'er Tanka. Bosp Bo He; a, and Sheet Iroa Wort ofemydeacrtpcoo. Vronghtlron Pipe & Boiler Hues Bnt> and Iron Flttlaea for Steam, Gw and Water. In freat vail'd?. H~t W.ter and S'*«m Wanatac Appvataa- Wa;er and BVamOaneea, Valrea. Cocfca. wtlMlera, Ac. Ba bit Mea Babb-v and H-mt» Pscflsr. Hoaa Rnnaer a"dtleal*»»r neittnr. miC FA HD’S IHJHCTOKS, WORTHINGTON'S SI&AM FCMFB. Ac. 225 LAKE STREET, Comer of Fraailia, Chicago, UlinoU. Iron Staam, Oai »n-l Witrr Tld& Steam u.d t*a* FUU2SS Dollei ?.ou,&o. An.tUo*. cat cam prim. jjaTO* i. & P. COATS BEST SIX.CORO CiBLM) THREAD Alwajs for sale by JOHN & HUSH AUGHINCLOSS, SOLE AOESTS El SEW TORE, No. 108 Duane Street JePbftfl- 20of m-w act HICHWINES. Pams* wlshln* to bny small lots of Hlshwias* cam be aecommodat <i “r W. T. tmCFEIDTA Cl>» J3Coe22A3o:aat 51 aou-u The Original Sow# Sowing MaoniasgT (Maau'actared anaer Uwimmeduie *ti£«vweiioe Silas Bowc. Jr., the inventor of office and scents wanted throoghcit the AJOf WOOL! asMßenb u*- •** ■9»bon >9B bom ‘•tael