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rallrauoc of aliens now pending, or hereafter to be made In tbU court, the witness on ebalf of the applicant or applicant shall e prodn'ed, fwcrn isd e: trained in open court, and the mu ter determined by the Co,jl as Jo other cases, in th- course of Imsinn*. Vanin Dorkln, n*i»a p^ 84 °f y jjUry, being under a- e. waa sent u) the He form Wallare. nefc under wraa w»nt to the Connie **all for aixty day* I atrlek Bam-. »fiu pleailed cn«lt» of an U do bodil»‘ lujun to I’oliccinan Branoctfb, triu> ecntrnccfl lo ibe woonty Jail Ibr three Know].-*, rt.nrrd -llh lh. me dollar, war pcrmitf»*J to Imre with the charge for muf. at,-t noniv, w.- orj.refl lo renuln in th. ci-iod. or 16. nh. n for nnoUier iUj on Ito.r ,t>.lln; »1B tmm »n uicclnte. ihu m.nnl,.drfcn'6'. lbs ’">' d »' H>o •nrorccotlmr wnnrea there were doabti aa , to whether bin aeeoctatc cad the |I6, that they ja’cbl be alokn. John M. rrlcc, a boy who at the Mac term waa nllowetl to ran on promUe of £uod beharlor, was sent to the Seform - chool for the larceny of a watch, rrrnlrcr and two opera cVac««. Ann Dnylt, coniiclcd of the larceny of a shawl Talced at eight dollar*, was allowed to depm on* •ccr a BUspriislon of sentence. Inthla cue a wit* net*, who waa impeached, swore to the prisoner's purrhasing the article. The Court held that un der th<* decision of the Supreme Ooort the finding cflhcjnrywu erroneous, and be.would hire granted a new tnal hot that the defendant, being enable to incur the expenso of It, had agreed to the fUSpcßrlon of the sentence. William Walters, for burglary, was found guilty, and will, on Saturday, be sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. 90NETAUT. PxiDAT Bmtnro. Oct. 2. Tbc excitement of yesterday In regard to fill n:cs concreted with the late Corn “corner* 1 was bat little diminished to-day. People were cicrsd ingly cantioa* in regard to the checks of business jnrn in any way connected with grain operations, and the first thing the holders of a check did after rcceUlng u was to rash to tho bank to get it certified. The extent to which this was done to day and yesterday may be Judged by the fact that at banka where, in the ordinary coarse of business, the amount of certided checks is not mors than thirty or forty thousand dollars In a day. checks were certified to the amount of near ly two hundred tuoasand. In th* cases of some banka the amount of checks certified was m:tc than e .ual to half of their whole deposit lines, showing ho» greatly confidence was shaken. Tae checks of one or two more small concerns wera thrown out by their bankers to-dsy, not in ibe wl ole flurry there hare brer bat two failures waich arc of more than a pasaing interest to the. bnslneas community, the rest being merely spec* nlalon on 'Change, haring no country business, therefore making it unnecessary to mention names. The immediate rcaults of tha “ corner” an probably over, and it ts not likely that there will ho more failure!, at least of respectable bouses, cow, but there are doubtless seme who were -lo tbc nng,” and who will feel the crip pling and hampering ellcet of getting out of it, oa their legitimate bnslm**!, for some time. While we hire been having this temporary flurry among the brain men here, caused by tho' premeditated disarrangement of trade by specu lators, New Vork Is expen.-nclng a disturbance la Monetary affairs which, though not precisely like oars, is the result of the stmt- spirit of specu lation. The “bear 1 * clique, which the Journals of that city beer for some weens been saying wore preparing to lock np several millions of green barks, and produce an arUflclally atrlngent Money market in order to depress Mink* and Governments. bare been operat Jng for a day or two with all their power. J rivatc telegrams received here to-dty aay that money Is going on call only at "fancy rates,'' which, ills understood, means, pr babl/, as highasseven per cent In gold, ihe prices of Governments and Mocks hare given some intimations fora few days past that some such pressure had been brought to ln*ar, and. though this morning’s prices fur Gov irnmenu pave some additional indications of it, the quotations cf this evening seem to prove that the •• l>e« ” movement is probably a isllure. The activity of the foreign markets for Bonds, and the prospects ol the success of the •republican party in the coming election-, impart a firmness to Government beceriues that makes it difficult to depress them greatly. This was il lustrated by the fact mentioned by the London Star, that the reception of the n w$ that P-ainc had given a Republican majority put up the price at once, which, for that market, is a considerable advance Money In this local market continues to work very close, though It is doubtful If nny stringency 1- likely to take place at any time in the near future. There U a fair e.ock of Currency here,but some heavy orders from the country arc helping to diminish St. Ei cbnnge was t >U between banks in this city to day at $1 00 to sl.o' off. at the counter rates remain as yet unchanged, bankers selling New Turk Innas tit pa-and taking bills ol their cus. foment within the range give below: pc give below: New York draft*. Boston, demand d-afls Boston, tight draft* Buffalo, grain DlUs. with New York ex change . 3.3033.73 BuUaKi, grain lulls, without New York exchange Oswego. grain hill* ilunlnal, demand droits, with New York exchange 3.733 Fuccb of ooTemment* showed a decline this looming, hut in toe afternoon there wo* a general advance of nearly !,c on the whole list, distributed as follows: He; nils, He; >xc; G*>s, He; Csa (new), He ; 'ws. \cg in* ?;c ; tiM )s, He. Bealera' rates for baying and selling here this af ternoon were as below: Laving. Selling. r. s,f.s, i k sj us’j U. b.&tfOs, l.xa 112*4 U. a .vios, is;i . .* no V. a.s-übs, isit io.i 110*4 IT. S. 5-gtis, tWfci, new issue 107* lt!S*4 U. S. ,V*JOB, lb*»« 01 U.». 5-20*. ISoS HH«* IUM4 L’.S.lO-klo, large lU(£ 301*4 Tealern were paying HIJ for Gold here this alte{-. noon, and tun for Stiver. 1 The following is an exhibit of tb- , th, v „a com B“t or „ . , . uautL4IICS. stock 91,0)0.090.00 I'nc deporiiors sl,t>J7,«iy»3 Due banks and hankers 117.;i:rs.0d Dividend Undivided carnitine Bills discounted Due from l).inks and bankers. Cash on hand— Currency. $131,013,03 Checks on city banks.. 2-*1,!0J.y7 United Slates M 0 bonds of ’B7-3 at par Office furniture.. Jicrenne e Lamps, iwn»,ws.e* A new back > Jw* started at Illinois, by several pW ana wealibychlxena of that place, vlx : Ucsm. u* • tmtt, S. c. Jack, P. T. Matthew son, H. dolman and A. U. Sawyer. The style of tbo banking Him ta Truitt, Jack «t Co., and their well-known character then*, as well at the character of those who vouch for th -m a eufTclcnt wairant* for commending them to the confidence of the public. The highest and lowest quotations for Gold In Kcw York since September Ist were IIS cn Sep tember 2d. and lOW 1 * to day. The range to day In J*ew York was 10 91 a. to 10 44 ** 11:00 *• 11.15 •* .IJW’4 11*: •IW>* ♦- :(n m... ;M p. m. iv 4, :i. 1 4:0-» u'-'ii i IMow w giro the closing rate* for Govum m«'iits In New York yestc d;*y and today, com pand with ttio market prices on the last semi annual interest day of each lisuu: thru, ex-coupon, Ihnra. Frl. 1M« July 1. 113 lI‘J4 1134 of a » ay;, 1114 lltfi f‘JKi.l - i;i Way t..10>;*4 10J4 1111 t»f *(3 May I .11*14 lU.i* HO4 r.Si’r of V»», new. July I..UTJ 107* JOiC July I UW‘4 JOT 4 insu h-ati*of *«1«J Julyl.. . 10*4 1«8*4 dIMW* hept. 1. UC.4 1014 lOIS The following table show* nil the quotation* t> li'eraplted to the Kc*t from New York up lo I oMork to <1«) for the b*a ling •taibvayand Wised- Imuou* Mocks a« bid at the solera) Board* of the Ji« w York Mock Exchange. bangv-. i i rr [l»P tl M.’P. K.| 1 • .1 .ins I i a»v*.t n*«Al ‘ilk t H .... m>; m ItD* Utv,lia<ui 43* U 1 4i\ ronaol. Crc;pry Weatem l'. tel., lariflc wall . . New York ..cntnl, !fcne icoin! Hudson itiver ... ... . PW 1133 I, VIWi W«M. I Vi | • Ill'S ... . 1 KJSj HSJ, Sis' Pliila. A K--adlnc... Stlrhigati • . Michigan Southern.. lUlnuf* Central Cleveland A Put*.... Chicago AN. W *• - (pfdj CKre. A Toledo. Hock Island .. ". I • I*l 1 liikll .... Ai .-OSI Hd .... f«l*t Mu I MS •fd) «) ' Si ....'mi nus i .... t«s tw» 103% 1 til Mi vno 1 ») •) ;5i ’l a-.* 1 ' '.'is- ‘-'is .... MS; ms,:,is .... 9 is; ‘MS 13s .... 47\i 4- | <• . 0... 3 MS at\i osl oQI tcV, Toledo i vtaba»b .. Pitte. Ft. W. A l 'hl, Chi. A Alton (com) Ohio A ilia*, cert... Slit A at. P. (com). “ “ U'M) • Adams Bs Si. U. Bx American Kx Vella, Fargo A Co. Lulled feUtea LiTX-T. ' N'rw Toxx, CVt 2 —Murry aetlre and very firm at 7 per rent for rail loan*. The effort* ot bear* to pro duce a panic, bow ev» r, failed. Sterling quiet at I0h» tetesk'. Gold active: opened at IS*V> Ml t0133U. advaa-ed to l(0K. and closed at 1»\. fhe report!, that the Treasury lias stopped selling. Toe market, however, c’oetdwcsk. Ca«h gold plenty. Governments strong and buoyant thmnchont the day. and unusually Urge amount* passed Into the « unpoc* ‘K..m\«lU,v 1 ‘ .’Cpon*, . # s‘-- * .LoianiL *6l 110 eIIOW I Conpor.a, l-TSKS State bonds strong ana hither, particularly old 99 «.... IOUN.CaroUna.XS a.... N>wTenn.6«\*.C»k New N.CarollaaAKw6S\ C, Tbera«iray hlrber wodbuvb cess and * lo*« d «t«*alv thoigb dul'.at prices rath r tinder the hlgl..*t oftbe dav Vl andex l>res* shares strong. The following were the UtuSl KffiSSr”;.... «ss » ;v,b..u »v» ®x Cumberland... St£<* .31* PfJ..... *t <* j... Wells A Fargo *»H« « ti. 1 ■* u American *9 <* 5 1Td.... ....... 91 52V* UK M. C Its* all# 1J SCk M. b tOV*4 64 ti T- 14 *4 3t!i 111. Central...Uß*'4tW Ouleksllver.... 21S<* 7i lltuhncgh..... «<6 t 4 yjsrlrxjaa. 4 (a 6 Toledo. im 14*10.' uv« is ii-1 i«*< *i«w raclflc N.W ■Western Colon ■■'d’i ITJ K»k >,Y. C Fort Warn:....lW «4WH Krtc iKa 4nv» n. n. aV: wv* « »»fd . 7 * Terre Haute... 4JJ414 41 yindson rr* ITI 6i U €3 It adinr « tc s*t*< Mouv City ...95 Cl .... OMoAMIw... Ml'O* S** C.andA I‘U.IU U .... Xiniko Mtsarw-Gulel. Coartr HU* f.«*... I Pmlth A P*rmle«.. 5(j... Gregory «sv*... 1 Howtos QrorsTtux*: Otiumet f® IQr.lner 70 Conner FaJU IB 1 «-» cew« 4 Franklin ..U'< I Minnesota J i:ccctpt»at the Kub-Treao-.ry -itements balance. |r*.K4.964. Ciearanrc* at the Gild Bral BiDte Tfarnfm, Warrantee deed* for property within the city limits bled-for record on Friday. Octobers: •wLil—Tin. E. Towper to FrankF.Ortatt; soflUamthawkav, wLßoaUsCU *r® netJ I—TTarr M. Ovtatt to John y. Fo*s; Woodland^Park,» fie of Cottage Groveav, *• 535 ft aof Wabpatiat* av, e CTSxUO ft ... 5,673 /w. r- Wo. n «. Coshman to hjhncer A. °Erow« s North •I.ef-»*l2‘n l, ‘*' xmx • g+tl 17—Harry E. Bnbhard to John Kennedy; •i blrty-ftrst st, o w oor of Main at and trtaogfe. Sldlli It ijj EHOt-l" Harry E. Hubbard to L*-wli Gordon* Sain st, 10 ft n ofTblr y-flp-t at, wr. sum ft. Ms 8i pi. 94—Chan. C. W«Jch to MlcUael Orwanger: Oiehartrt.Wria ofCeßiroauw CUxian.. UOO Sent.lP— I C. C. Robinson to Jnho Msdlxan * j-srwn* 1 ’ b * twren CkQllJ *ad Jcflerjoo st, a '“tt 1 *? S' Boylngton to Anna*U*L.D»> *** e 2 itxnvvn ’ D * forne f Aral at, I*. Arnold to Joaeph»n«* pettitV Wa a Moaro * ft « Of Laflin at, nf, 35x J “lfaa. McCann to Mary CollinVt* Aoborn B '™ at,aiftaofOaonda*o at, w t fiiuoft .. . is o l* , *S A * r ?V lbU, ° MBubaakimiils, 7xl»ft 6,500 Oct. I—Horatio llccd 11 Thoa. B. Dobblot; Cal* Pmct »t, M ft # of Thirty *fim at.aC.SM S3.3® CO9fIE«CUL. PainaT Eraxtso, OcL E The following tables show the receipts and shipments of Produce daring the past twenty-four hours: BLCKIITS FOX tm FAST TWEXTT-FOCB DOCBJ. SBM. isn. 8 Floor, brla sjjst u,«m V.beat,bu 117,'83 159,W2 b (om,bu 9U.690 92.640 S* -Until, bu 11L863 99,750 ST Rye, bn 7.691 11.963 _• Barley, bn a,W9 40,700 uraas iccUb, fra nvno 860,08 X Broom t orn, lbs 13,000 0,209 ” Cored Meat*, tbs 121,810 15 Tallow,&b W7O 9fcctt w Latter, Ha 22.H7 15,T0 ... 1). Uogn.No 4 7 Lite Hogs, No 4,111 • 6,693 ae tatlle. No I.SOT 651 Bid ns, 03.40 Llghwines, brla I<s Jl3 L Wool, Tie 40,545 119.745 * Lumber, ns 10,854 5,00 Shtnglifl, m.. 4,444 4,(589 903 1,457 Salt, brla 8.(90 8.814 . Ball, bags 9,505 ,n tuuiu is ron xax rirr twuttr-i'opa nooas. .. Ihfirt. 1857. “ Flour, br Li 6,808 14,9=0 li- Wheat, bu. 14.710 141,738 at ('on. bn 88,149 85,054 Oats, bn 6,745 184,469 ,7 Bjc, bn 23,t65 90.744 ,a Barley, ba T,ISS 64.791 fet Graft srrdt, Bn 66,451 ne Broom Com. Iba 3,175 6^813 •ct lured Meats,lb* 113,824 9,100 * f Beef, brla 10 440 °* Pork, brla 11l 4»l lot Lard, Tbs 58,740 131,600 i a Tallow, lbs 15.000 13,400 tr.. hotter. the 10,843 .... Lire tiogv, No 7,659 8,610 “ <BtUe.No,., 1.396 L»0 • re Hides, ttw 76,485 60,010 ea, Ulchwines, brla 90 67 •he Wool, Iba . SS.KtI 132,755 Lumber, m 4,771 2.412 ZZ Shingles, m 1,615 4,923 4,0 Lath, m 80S KO fC» Salt, brla 2.741 4,904 be. bait, bag* 150 .... ec- Fccelpta for 10-morrow are 395 cars Wheat, 127 •a, cars and 28,500 bo Corn, I*o can and 174100 bn on Oats, 31 cars Bye and 2-1 can Barley, Total, 746 r” cars and 45,50-’ bn. or 377,900 bo. ire There waa a good attendance on 'Change to-day, >le and a moderately active aet of markets, with llUlc ho variation In prlcea. Provisions and Fluor were Ip- more active nod firmer. Corn and UaU more on quiet and lower. Barley buoyant. The following commnnJcaUon from the PrcM iry dent waa read by the necretary, and received with ho warm approval: „ Chicago, Oct. 3.1963. To the Board of Trade of the i tty o! Chicago: Gektlxwea ; lam In receipt uf a communica tion from your becretary informing m» that my resignation as President of yonr nonorabjc body is not accepted. The communication also con tains a copy ofapreambie and resolutions, passed by you relative to it, which assures me mat l atiU have yonr confidence, that 1 am Induced to withdraw the resignation, and 1 am happy to have this oo lortumty of tendering to you my hearty thanks for the very kind Iceiincs you have manifested to ward me in every possible way since my misfor tune. 1 have always held our ln.-tltution in high ettcem. 1 hate alwaye fell a pride in being one of its members, but never before have t so lully ap preciated Us nobleness as now; what Is kind, is noble. I aa#nrc yon, gentlemen, these expression* of sympathy on your part (and let me add, also, the kind word* from the entire prea*;, will greatly etiuioUtc me in my efforts, not only 10 recover my own Joss, bnt to pay in fall all my indebtedness. Hop ng i may be able to serve 3on acceptably la my ofhcml copacitv daring the remainder of the term for which 1 was riveted, 1 remain, gentle mua.yonr obedient servant, H. V. Boncisa, President. The following was yesterday proposed aa an amendment to the proposition now before the board for the prevention of cornerings In Um fu ture. It In understood to be regarded aa much more practical than the subject matter to be amended thereby: AV»o/r»t/, That this board aropt as a rule, where 1 rain If* sold for future delivery, the eelier may have the option of continuing such contract fur a penoa of ten dav* after which contrart may he dm-, by paying to the buyer one-halt cent per oushe! each and every- day before the hour such sale may be due, ana the unycr may hav , the op tion ol cancelling the trade at any time when said half cent per buatiel U tendered. Also, a communication was ren 1 from a certain firm In Ibis city, giving the fallowing notice: ‘•On ar.d after this date alt persons making time eoninwts with me will be required iu put uo mar gins at the time of trade, according to the rules ol the board.” l)Is. .fl.sJ(£6iol . ISD^i.Ol . S.OJ(ifca.7j The rule Ira go.d one, bat wc fail to regard it as the dot? ot the officers of the Bond of Trade (bus gratuitously to advertise any man's business. It in too much in the style o( the parish clerks in the olden times who used to amuenee auction sales before set moo. bucb notices may be posted on the bulletin board w<th propriety, bat ought not to be indicted on the ears of those who do not ■ care to use their eyes in reading them. u hrovisions were more active, and Armor. There \\u-~ a good inquiry fur Mesa Pork In juoblng lots, and Mu brls wits sold at to fill tboio orders, the moxast was sten ly for round lots. Shoulders w ere firmer, there being Bee ouyers at Jhfcc, with holders Ann at 11c. the inquiry turned . in the direction of other Unlit Meats, which have I f cen neglected fur several weeks pa-t: 22),W0 , ot bbort Itib Middies were sid at He—' l m . ! provement oi 1c on the last sales— clearing out the atoett of t' at deacr*"‘‘ 0 f meats. Lard was steady at W|lh of Job lots at *‘ ,c " *.««re still inactive ana scarce. Tallow . -<uict; sales reported of I*VJ lots tty at 124 c, and fiCTcraJ email lots at the same price to !3Hc. '1 here was lees alacrity tn the demand for Floor to-day, but a much Srmer Icellug prevailed, and holders were more easily obtaining values which were current on Thursday, About 3,063 brls changed hands at fB.OO for Wbiiq Winter Kitnu, fb.s74 for Bed Wmtera, SC.w6vt» f ot Cprlng txtras. f4W<&5.50 for Spring Supvrincs, and »C.sofcti.7s for rtye Flour. The supply of pnng buperflnes Is considerably reduced, and values are folly sustained. Ihe receluU for the twenty, four h mrs ending this morning were 5,»57 brls. Wheat was more quiet ami averaged lower, but was the subject of moderate inqulrv by both millers ami shippers, both of which daises took hold more freely as prices declined towards the close, WenoleagrealcraclivilT Inthedemand of Itejicted for shipment. Winters still ucgl-ct c<i. the demand for «inter Flour having fallen oil materially within a few months pail, owing to the tact that our eprtng graces are being brought oat In much better shape by the millers. he mar* kcl showed signs of ruling stroiger thin yes* terday, but for tbo decline in Liverpool. The market on tbo walk was quiet at f 1.37 ft 1.37*4, seller the month or spot. On’change It opened at & decline of ifcc from yesterday's dosing prices, with simultaneoussalesofcirlotsat and 4 J..V7. seller the month qnicl at tt.37, then Improv ing a **c under a liberal Inquiry, and ruling mod erately active through tb morning hour, hut de clined baik towards noon, and weakened grad ually tofl.rCH by 1 o'cloes, then suddenly firmed up, and closed steady at JI.3S. w ith several sales •fear lots. We quote sales of Pf.tiOO bn No. t Sj ring at 11.45K5U.-174 ; ISVIWbn No. 3 Spring at tl.tKiKCCl.h-i; 14,000 bn No. 3 J'pring at |l.23ft !.*:>: sudHMiObu Ihjccted Spring at $ .10ftM3. total, hi.'-OO hu. For fu*ure deliver)-sales were reported nl f I.brtfc .40 seller the last half and buy er to the 15th and f 1.4.1 buyer Ihn month; seller the month about the same as cash. . C&3.75 a.T t 3,210,933.31 |l,CW,r.'vr..2s lU,CJ*,OJ 472,149 00 1,000,000.00 5.0*7.45 801 JO ora was down Is the toad to day, quiet and lower: so weak that the operators shjuld hare been provided with chairs, instead of being obliged to stand—their K ssss. The market wa* very quiet, by comparison, though a fair amosot changed hands, a part being bought by the “ cor ner" combination, and othcis, for shipment. There was a great deal of Indecision exhibited early, buyers being posluto tu offering low prices. wb'.« b holders could scarcely thin* high enough, considering that buyers* quotations ranged *ic below the dominant price of yesterday. Uat th -y w«.ruforced to succumb at last, and thencefor ward ora wa* easy, diooplng afterwards, offer ing* being numerous. On dlt that the aiuoial of tom left 00 the bands of tho combi nation Is much leas than has been sup. posed, and that they will ha ablo to aleir a good round sum by the transaction. They are moving the Grain out as fast as posslbls, and will toon lighten Die market enough to prepare for another cornel on the isth, forwblch extensive preparations are understood to have been already mode. The oornur was admirably well managed, no one suspecting Us exl-tcnce till two days before the time of culmination. Itwaa rumored [ S I I r, k.’cl'o |.T..,i .... I 31 am •« l«S in'* j MW *-*h l‘ui‘Vui" IMS I . • • SSS lUo* . ... 6«W BSU HD* SiS BiW I' IH* IQSk’IOS •VJV .... ITs* IC9S aj'w •m” !’!!! to-day that there la more Com paper afloat than Coni In slot*, some estimating the excess at nearly oin-thtrd. If thu rumor be imo we may jet have tome curious revelation* as to the way in w hich (omr people work on'Cbangc tome time*. 1 be market on the walk wat Inactive and nominal at bftQSTSc, seller the month; eVc for spot. un \ baste it opened dull and nominal, at a decline of S»a*7c from yesterday, shippers offering Me lor No. lor No. *, with co sellers. Later the mar ket actUcd down to a quiet taking of carloU at 85c for No. Land 66c for No. 2, improving to Wc fur runnd lots towards noon, bat soon falling back to original figures, then drooped gradnally to the end, doting dull at 6t<4c. We quote sales of ikVOObj No. 1 at SCHQWc Instore, and 90391 c afloat; IXOuObaNo. 8 athi£i7,Sc; hOO ba Re- Jectcd at »HftSoc, and 2,C00 bn Yellow at 89390 c. rart’orn at 6Hc. Total. 199,800 bn. Seller the tiuinlh ranged from W>3SSc. Oat* were very quiet, comparatively, and ruled lower, with lee* steadiness, rhcrc was Utile or no shipping dcmand,ind purchase* were almost co- Dtcly speculative, iho market on the walk was •teady and quiet, and a shad* lower than Tester day • range, at spot, and 5S«c seller last ,'.. 11 "p tOTlu c ■ *hadc toward noon, and ruling ’“ tn,ur * 'l™ l - dropped to So»i*. closing hi p ' 1 "' " ' l uo '*“' c ' oICT.OO To«^>s;2". d,A *"" K ' Joc •* •"■co Hi ‘ * • 0 I,n - "cllir ih. month mind tU. m , V o,; Laj.i , hc mnnUl „ Ka febat. Thacnkat optard qom ai 1c .aotber cant at naoa. c 10.1,,, r a ante tala, of 15.,i„0 ba >t »i.i^n. u J •ad tl.ual.lStorSo.a. lor bo. 1. Harley wa* more active and hl-h#r brisk demand, which sent the market ••kiting* upward*, to the great delicht of tw o or throe who bold the ctatn. The market opened strong at fI.TS for No. 4, being an advance of 3 C onyest-r --day’s closing prices, and soon ran up to f under at uci»*e cotap* utloa betwe-m boyen, then cooled down and ruled steady at »l.«« to ui e close. We quote sale* ofW.KO bn at f 1 tof Hcjr.ted, and ll.Tt® 2,00 for sample lots. We notice ;ho atrival thla 1 aiorutrg oflO.fllu bu from Canada. 1 Ibe demand for Seed was meagre, and value* ' wetc lower, with sales confined to a few lota of I Timothy, which sold at *2.4332.05. The Inquiry for vessel* for carrying Grain was light, although *• broken” and owner* expe rienced no dlfflcnlty Id obUlalag former rates, charter* to Bofialo. by sail craft, were ma !c at 7c for Corn. lS3l3ltc for A bca , aud 13HC for Corn toKlngstuu; lie for Coni to ilaitland ; “4c for Wheat to • Icveland; blit for Com to • oiling* i wood; and 10c for Oats and 18c for on to fron ton. Id *ll there were ten engagement*. A fair ‘ number of Teasels an In port awaiting cargoea. The following telegram* were received on > ’Change to-day; . „ O wioi, OcL*. Wheat quiet; No. 1 Amber Milwaukee, ft. 77 anted. Corn buoyant at |LO9. Freightsoa Sorn. Wheat Inactlra at abonl Jias, email ralea early at 1t.05; now offttred at nW oataqnlrl ml Ofc Hcocipta— * ■ nti hTT rorn.Vooo •«: Oata ‘ Wheal. 100. ton Vo; Com, 30/XO bu; aS? tun 7. bn. ’ vut * BJ *°** W»w To .( ocL a Flour steady and triable at *7.lsa* 7-’ tame No.a.ifl.OKTi.i.bT the latter for ehoict • on» Inactlra and lower at *1.1(«7aU5. o*l. CMlcrat73’-€i7’c. fork hrmer at til u » ..j shadier. Whiskey nnm'nnl Gold *1 i}\l lAra um. Ftour stronger at Wheat tame t'orn lowcrand qolet at oau hear?' but salable. For* firmer at SKSO. L«d on chsngco. UB The Erie Railway makes ItJdaTralM Toik tuall points West, firat-clus special rates special late from ifew torit to Chicago, WcT MThH, At the “ open bo*rd ” hi tskehinge place the markets for Grain were quiet. No. 2 Spring Wheat selling up lo f 1.57, and doling at caib—a decline of 14c on the dosing figures on 'Change Corn closed firm, with buyers at 86c, and sellers atSCHc for spot. Oats were dull at SOMQSOvc. At the Sherman House meeting No. 2 Spring sold to a limited extent at fuss*. No moremeutln tom or Oats. We note the charter of (he schooner P. W. Glflord for Wheat to Baffalo at thc. Tb« Cattle market waa moderately actlre, and prices wens steady at 21J057A5 for Inferior to choice qualities. Hogs were In good request and firmer, bat tslucs were nominally unchanged, sales making at f 3.0059.50 for common to extra. CUICAGO LtJDBEB 3XABKBT. PkXDaT Ermso, Oct. 3. The following are tbe receipts and shipment* of I.nniber.hhlngreaandLalb for tbe past twentyfonr ... Becalpta. fihipmeou. Lntnbcr. a. No 3,03,000 wiilooo Lath. pea (03,000 53.0 M The lolluvlac table aboaa the rccctpta and ahlp tseoU (Or the corrcepoadlns tint" lau year; , . B*«lj>.a. Sblparnta. Lumber, It UU.WO tiga.'oo 2^65^000 bhlngles, No. LUMBER—Although a lower range of valuea ore tilMod the better qualities of (amber to-d*T.w* are glad to be sble to sote the (act that commiMtoD- Ocjjtn came forward more promptly ami entered their transactions upon the-book/’ If mi* method had been more rigidly adhered to during the nut month coon try buyer* would hare (hit more asthord. and there would hare been n > room for complaint br thepnaa. Let the M *orprca*lon •yilem" brooeoi the thing* of the pa»t. jhefreih receipt* dorine the put twenty -(jar hoar* hare bccu quite liberal?bat aathe number of purchaser* was large, the volume of bnslnra* donewa* vrry sallilkctory. Why there aboald be • decline on good grade* we are unable to •late, but the majority of dealer* entertain the belief that it U only temporary. A cargo ufnelrcipd upper*, from Plat Hirer, aold at 110 U) for coll*, IH.MI for common, and tn.oo for clear Itukrtou lumber hr.-ugLi|U*i fur itrip* and board*, and fll.oo (or scantling ami Joist. Couimuu atock grade* from thl* plarc commanded lll,uOfor *trip* and |l9. 0 for board*, strip* and mixed quslltle*. from saogatoek, aold at|t3.;S. Aferetrguea from Grand Dann were outlie market-strip* aelllnz at 113Ot and nixed at ftLM. Mill coll* aold at 17.00 and atrtpa at 10.00. * Advice* from Au Sable Inform o* that all the tins* berfur ratling h»* Inti, except two or three raft*. The Wowing amoanta of log Umber and log* have beta handled on the rtrerdurlK the present k.uod : Feet. Btovre ft CoortbUl c, too,?is Moore. Alger ft Co 3.C7.U6 li. A. VanvalKenburß i.wi.A.'t Ixod. i'rlrol ft Gay L&AQ3 Moore. Stewart ft Co 1.15M50 WUburftCule i,ttr,ri Kucrtie Smith Srfl.TM llawklu ft Itscsc. 7UU.OUO 13.M3.C01 snorr loos. Lond. Pnrsi ft flay, sa-cd UarLua brothers do Moore, fete* art ft Co. do Haakms ft Uee»e, do Knecne Smith, do Mcvay ft Atilson, railed to Tawai. SIIISCLES—Tbe demand was large, and ’values ruled firm aisi.S7}fAl.l2V l*er 1,000 afioat. A rousti ■ sod uneven lot biuuxtit The supply was. LATli—There was considerable doing In Lath to d»y, but an • aider teellug was developed, (he bulk of the sale* being made at 12.00 per t.WO pieces on the river toward* the tlo.e. Fifteen carcocs were left u\cr. W e note Uie tallowing sales afloat since the date oruai-lui-l n port: Cargo ef i-cbr Mount Vernon.from Muskegon, U 3 m ft *;np* and boards at tbi.ou; sold by Chas.ueiutnjcft Cargoof wtr Monsoon. from Mtn>kepen, 150 tn it strips and boards at |U.OO; sold by Chaa. Demin; & Cargo of tchr Maggie Thompson, from Muskegon.. Him ft mips and boards at <11.00; sold byCnas. Demin; A-Co. Cargo of achr Octavlv from Muskegon. 120 m ft strip* and board* at fIXCO; sold by CTtas Demlng A Co. Cargo of sehr IT. Hand, from Mu*ke;on, 105 m ft strips and hoards at fD.UU; sold by Cha*. Doming A Co. Cargo of sejir Marie, from Grand Haven, 10U m ft mill cull* at <7.00 tor t«o*rd» and <O.OO for Birin-.: sluld by fc. M Houi-i*. ay. Cargo «>fbarge Wyoming, from Grand Haven, its m ft at (ISJsj for nr.p* and 1 1 a. OO for mixed; 21 m lath at t'2 00 ; sold hr K. M. Doubleday. Cargo of prep New Kra,fro it Grand Haven. IT. m “A” saved sbmxlcs—rough ami uneven—at 13.;5: sold by K. M. linu.-ledny. Cargo ot sebr Persia, from Muskegon. % m ft com n-nntln. V flnpsai IHXO, ami boards at <12.0!); so. l bv I’iililip* A llrowne. Cargo of schr Pride, from Kangatuck, C 5 q Strips haUticc uiUiu, *l HITS; sold In Chan. A Co. Cargo of itov Flora, from Saugatnck,“3 raft, V atrip* balance mixed, ut I12.0J; told by CU*». i>um- IDK & C(l. Cargo of schr rioncat John, from Mmkcpon, 103 nj ft 8 antllng andJoUt—»tort length*—at#ll.uu; *oij ir Cha*. Pen.ins * Co. Cino of *rhr Sew Hampshire, Iront Grand Rlt.t, 55 r ft rafted mlxeo it 1 10.50. and (3 m lath at tj.W : mill by K. M. Doubleday. ' Cargo of >chr Fanny and Flor, from FlatUlTer.Tl tn ft ailmed tapper* and Mrlpa, atltO.oo for ctul*. 110.uo for common. and F*5.00 for clear; sold br Pull- Ups &, * CargoofbirgeArmada-front Gratvl narea.**. ft, at fil.iulor mlxrdand n.rairtps. l fl •*? ra it* at im.w, and UUi at ♦ • told by K ~ t* 1 dar. •• • 31 * wjuoit}* rtieoWoon Lri<r.»; E ._Tbe f-uowin- nr* ih* proximate cargo pririy: • owl ““ arc uc tfa lilack tValnut • fhiTTv •...IW.O'ft 13.06 Illi-koryV. '*• Ordinary Oak . VO.O f-v"U.o vruum) vaa *«.•• W.OOOjSO.O* The demand *v- - t.ik fauna, u wa» * .. -.»» n.. * gn* of abatement, and the -1 i ••'ttve at unchanged quotation*: Hr»t Clear, 1. I-*, 1* and* t,‘ 4.V)M«M.06 •• »*. 1 and2-lnrb „ 4s.ooaM-(* llilrdtliar.!. !•. I)» and Hindi 40. 0*4.100 rlr*t and r-ii..jidl tr«r loortng, together, rcusl. and »amc a» Second clear, wide. W.00;4t5 00 Onm on IH ring. aide, (drv.-anl) sr3j.fl-3U.LO Matt hm and l>re<*ed • on.mon Flooring.. irs.CKCfca.oo Hr? t Clear l)re**«d Siding SVIO^.C.OO Second Clour l>n ■M dblolux 53.00'a.310* nnimon I»n aaed Siding 13. t(*20.04 "Wagon Dos Hoard*. iciect, 13-Inch and an uard* SI.OOJSS.OO A Sti ck Hoards, IH-Inch IF.JJO*. \u ifl i It Mo<k Hoard) Common hoard*. JoUt, an<l small Hoard*. 13 to 16 reel 1M0%16'1 .TnWU and rctnlllo£, l£ to 3l feel 1C OU-' j ® i,aij.„; 5 r <4 n.oo RUI«»d MjlUflC*. I 1* IM) i“j? hauotl Sr Mi slfs No. »••• i • V; . bliavrd M infins AorbUr...* 4-ftW Mined bhlnulr?, No. 1 3.(XH< 3,50 Cedar bhli.clca , s.>>£ (.00 _ . ox rr*i:x. CSalcs were Mr and value *le»Jr. u follow*: A or star S'.wcd ft 0QM4.79 ho.lrawej JXut2.3» fUtxm.* bTAXpAim. TMeknc**—rive Miluale* to he two indies in thick* m m I.( nrth—Sixteen Inches. I'aml—Twenty inch. *. Three dollars p< rear load added when transferred. CIIirAGO LIVE >rOI'K QtiIKGT. F«id*t Kvexiso. Oct. 2. , The following table shows the dally receipts and Shipment* ofl.lvc Sleek daring the week up to thh* fTcnlrr, *s reported by the Secretary of the Union Stock Yard* Company: Cattle. nor*. Sberp. Snnday and Monday u: i.tu Tu onlay Vis 4,T» t.7M 3V«.tnc«.lay 1.34) 8.T37 JJM Tbntsrtav,. 1.79 T 4.U1 Ml Krldsv IJ7 4.419 I.QH Total WM 11311 (t>me Hiup U»t week 6.1.17 31.060 4.(71 Week before U*t 4,-81 20,881 5A'7 The receipt* today were by the followloK ronda: Cattle. U»si. Sheen. Pjr Ililnola Ctolral Itoad M hit ait Hy Hr Alton 4 M. Ludu Hoad I.IXI .... Hr North* nm rn 23 T*N 570 H> Ki>ck Inland K»*i| at 3XI Hy MletiltEun Southern lloml.. A tiy im Hr Min lean Central Koad.... 10 210 .... Hy nn-burrb * f t W.iovl.. it Hi ChWMSu. C. & I. C. Koad fa. Total 157 4,111 I/O; Shipment* to-day, and fur the week ap to thin eren- Ins. acre no follox * : Cattle. Hoy*. sheer . an fa . m i.ifj . 1.P77 \«l6 .ijn ;.»» Mrndpy Torulny WmIIH.iUT 1 hnr .Uj Kiliin) u.or«turn»j T. .'oiiil S.W i\wj gome time Iml vrrk >.(39 19413 .... Ti.f follow ln*j *rr ihr ».tlc* to-il«r, m votcrei »t thrOlffrint vralr tiowup* : Cattle. Hoj»«. gb^cp At IHtnoKOntra] Scale 3(0 t.Aift oil At A- n. Sr.ilr CrtJ |, Vi At Alton A >-1, l,.uH IK3 |,IBV At North*! »lrro t*ralr 150 CX) 5.1 At Hntl'loti * (*. Scale No. 3... 1W Total )X4 g.vj M BKhK CAT• LK— • here »a* a fair movement tn (hr rraikei tr-day i'D local account and for inch point* Detroit, PtltM’iirgli, ItiiOnlo and Cleveland, amt for ■ Friday the volume of htulm •« trail* icUd wa* quite aailafactury. Kny tnw ere a llttla more m«raUn th*tr ♦ lew*. anil though valnra experienced no vl.lhle att> ration, (he prevailing fi-edug was rather firmer. During (hr «u> aoinp 1,40) head changed hamta, at pi It •• ranging all I l>e war iron for lofrrlor to cnmiKi.u mixed lota, fnc.udng poor, bony Cowa. tight tl« Per*, rough tbli, fcirru, ooan- tisru, Mag., Hull*, Text* and Cherokee Cattle i fd_V» <5.00 fur cum limn to good atock Hien, and k">l V 44 60 (Or common to priuip ahlpidng ttervra. Cb'iice aulpping stock *>■ «m>i In di-tuano, and though the offering« of thta cU*» were few, they exceeded the requirements of the trade, Home of the beat drove# wrro forwarded East In Oral t aint*. The market cloaca ateady, wtlti quite a large mtml'er rrrealnlng in the pen# unsold. The following wer« the cLoaxnu mess. Extra Peetea—Fine, fat, well-formed 4 to I year old Mem, and av.riclog i,soo ns and upward#...! |7JCa7JS I*rtn c llft-Ti e—Good, well-fatted, nnely* formed Hirer*, and averaging 1,100 to I.IW fts CJU6.7i Fair (Indea—Fair Siren. In fair ficah, av* engine 1,«0 to I,7o’ft*, at SjrsOdO Medium Cl*w>- Medium Hern and good Cow-,f>r elrv slaughter, and artraplng toob>l.n<o ft*, at 4.00^5.00 •lock (aiilr—tomtnon Cattle, Indecent fleah. averaging RM to 7, to ft*, at INVTI.NI iDfirlur—Light and thin Cow* and Steen.. 7.7N*13 CATTLE SALES TODAY. 13 fair hatchers* Cows, f. and w. IT cetnßU’L tt.ln Cows, f. and v. 11 cord fjoc» Steer*, f. and w... 16 fair botcher*’ Cow a, r. and w. S 3 falrhutchera* Steen* « good butchers’ bteers, f. and w. K lair batcher*’ Steer* tau IS medium butcher*’ Cows t and w *73 s.w) I* good stock hteer* 9W A<OV w common Texas Steer* S 3 ® v ~-‘TT JO fair butchers’f«'W *, f. and w 9*4 4-® 73 fair tt.lnnloh Stters t.’ fB 5.00 31 fair Cows 954 4. 0 11 «e mmon Cherokee hirer* 8W J-® S) medium hirer*, f. ami Lifts 5.® 17 trealnm Cow • and llelfrr* *4) S-* 5 20 f»lr Cow*, off car* 910 90 fair fleshy hirer* t,j® J.M 76 light smooth Meers *97 5.g 25 medium Calve* £» 5.75 13 fair st«k hirer* , *6* . 4JO HOtih—There was a bottrrfee ling developed 10-dav. and for choice fat even h-U price* rnh-d a *hade Maher. The E**tern «»rkrt bit a miner better look, ard shipper* operated with more confidence, hair* wer.- effeci* d at price* raoilcc at fSJtWfcSAO f.w r. mo «n loiurdlnm.96.n<49 W for fair tov-*o«l smooth even lota, and |J.r<*».sv for extra. The market close*steady. noo baLESTO-OAY. No. At. Price. N«. At. Price. i:« J« Sw.rtl 6L SW 8.(0 42 yO 9.40 6A -»* »*.MO fd 315 S.TS 57 .366 9.3 59 J« 8.75 57 3M 8.« •* h.TB ?6 .3® 9.® 55 .2*4 B.W 123 -2N B.^o « J 6 H.«B fS. 5® h-73 T. 5 rA 9 12M 63 ITT 1M R.fis M t» 6.M 55 9.J I 4t„ 3U B.hi f* ....JM fi.® 56..... ’in 9.50 45 jj} s.M 5* 236 6-75 ?, 314 8.73 219 .» 9.® J 3 ...,2r> 9.0 M SM 6..0 L’ 9.12 V 1138 8.70 s l ”-, 317 9.00 | ..vJ’.O-O-r—isood to choice fat mutton Kheep were In Vt' r,',\TV "unvat. and the market forsneh wa* firm S-l o**-. 0 **-. Common trades remain quiet and e*»J. »t quote at t1.00U4.25. n *«*WKKT, m*ade : «n*tbV t 2!?. rT 5 on *‘ a ,0 ttlJ martet report are wtl.trwj,, -ttttm*i]. ,UlEnier Oc) storage, otless FLOril-ne-eleed. Bjbv F k?* T KT»rao - fi prie. . wer.-tror» on It Calr.bui bracetbelolln*lnc; wnitii*«^' ®*Wem noluami'M bob* 111-bVi fV^ 1 ?'-*--*« Teas—U’ brl- i.olnamed at Urn Wisra Exraas—ico Ula ll U hiTimi (3miA»-roD i br:a ” Hcrcinr Glory ”atS7 w; bShru~^EA‘L t ,j. - (Minn.) at 17.75; llibhrta -lalaad Que. a •■ E^ O ,W I b U 4 I’til n l*aaflc- at |7-TJ; brl, al fK®;2® brl* rtoatfT.wi; 5 Wl* do at brl* do at |. AW; 4® brl• dr at |74S; *a brl* a* at \ 1 5 br-sdo at |6'o ; l®bri* do at |735: log brU d., (6J5 ;W brl*co at «J ; 100 lw!a do at »73i; joj brl «t«> *1 |7.7i; heaiao rrranrtvna- ""brl, - pi* M I e*" ai( 595; 1® bits cot named at IS (5; I® hr la d> ■l ;6A>: l.v hr.* do at |( b.; twbn* do *t |5.u,; igq btls Ooat|?SS: Rtt Fxara-f3 li:U sot named at |(.7S;» brU do at 900 WliKAT—Received, U.VS hut a hipped, 19.710 bo. 1 he market opened weak and 1 sc off- ealea were: mjo ho ho. 1 tpnnr at IM-S : > ,*C*J bu do at tl.ll; I.fiOj ha do atti.Mu ; IAO bo do at ft <*: I.® bn do at 11.C.S ; S,fOD bo N -, 2 taring al 91.3*; 2.0 W ho d > it IJ :r.\ ; S2.SX bu do «i 91.37 K : 14-taW *>“ doat 11.37 k . :9,oounu do at 11.37; SiOuO bo do at »1»V;ro» m No 3 hprlnr at f 1.35; tuoba no at fiat S' : 4/b6 bu d > atiut t ItabQUO at<l »; «.«obn do at|l li; 4.»1, 3 h ejected Boring at 11.13; X.fti bu do at 91.1 t; 4,000 i, a doalfl.;0; l<y Sample—4o »n at 9X.43. The mark*; il.;a*-dnnaat|!.y>Dr So. JSprlaj. __ Ci*RN—Received. 90. CW bo •. abtpj-ed-KUlCbo. TL* markvtopeued doll and nominal at SOoTtC deel:.-,i*. ■ •»le» «tre: 14.000 bn No. 1 atff*: WCOho do at tsve: 27.0.0 bo do at Oc ; 3.0 obaSo at Bdke: bo do at ■be iU; H.tOObn doatttve i jjjoo ' bn doatKe ; 10,000 hudo ated,Sc; 11,200 bq doa.lust nl Sic ; F.iOOba do at W<* afloat: CS.CTO bo do, fr— on board, at Me; (no ba So. 2at BTSc; 3A» bo do a: 97c ; 1 .'.HO ha do at 16c; l.*.w)budo at K3SX ; VJ® budo at : 4CDbo llcfeeicd at (a c ; *» bu <!o •t«Sc; jk ba < Teilowat9oc; doatSSc: (00 bo Ear atb-c on i i ack. ibe market Closed weak at KScfljrNu, i Cora. oatb—PeetlTtd,m^cabu; •blpped.C.TSba. The market opened qolet and a anade lower, b.tie* were* S.OObn atWHr. part afloat; 2,«u>bo atslc ; ba atsofcc ; bn; (1.0 oba at UVciflOO bu l:e>fied»usc; r.wo ba do at (7K«. The market Closed qo'et at M c for Itegular Oats. liVE—KetelTed,7J94 bo : sbtppeo. XUS bn. The market opined atroi ccr at 1c adrance. b*i t i were- bn h O.l at 91.19 ; f.lODtm do atfl.lSw • jn q bn do al |l.lfl ;K»buNo. Jat fl.ll«.f«» ha do at K 0 bn do al flJfl. Ibe market doaefl firm at (1.19 for >'o. l Rye. HAlxl.T—Reeclred. 23.941 ba. Incladtog I(UCS bn for Canada; shipped, 7.18 S bo. The market opened strong, soa 3c better. Sales were ; a 0 bo \o 2 at II.KM, ; i-.KO bo do at (IJ3: 15,000ba do atUJlt 25/00 bo do al |1 A); 600 bo do st 91.76; (tfl bn Itefeeted at tI.UK ; (00 bo do al 91. Q ; IJSU ba do at 91.60- 1 m bo doaiflJA: l.tooba do tt|liß; 400 ba do sl|lJ<- Si.o bo do at 91-b5; lSibag*.by 93.00-. (ooba do st |l*9J; 400 bu dost <1J0; 1,0(0 bo do atllA); « obodo at 91.73. all on track. The market do*e<J firm at t>.*o tor ho. 3 Barley. ifrcelTtd, 115brh 5 shipped. 90brls. The market waa llfrieaa, and nominally unchanged. railDg at 91 jn®l :5 for Free, . o!2u toua at 916/0 on track. bales of 10 ionsovaneat 125.00 oa bUTTER-Received, 23,447 Pat shipped, 10,« fts. Tbe market was moderately active on load ac count. and (prices were nora.nally onchateed We continue to quote: Choice Dairy, STtette; good TnUteaM; common grades, 3t>Soc. Palcaofs pkes at 50c ; W firkins fair at 3lc ; 40 at 32c ; Stub* at S3c good at 5Jc -, S 3 pkgt and 13 tubs choice at S 3 BAGGING—Trade la not Improving, and the mv> ket may be qnotad doll and weak at th lolloalng rate*: btark, 53c; Lewiston, Me; Lnd. low, SOc: Fort nu, &«: Board of Trade. SOc ; Hard A, Me; Ontario, Me ; Pittsfield and Androvoexlo. 4*3tf c * American, STtfc; Bprtn*flcld. Ve: Ooanlea, 4-bu. SCc; Baris p*. 23c; wool Backt,3oe. CANDLES—Toe market for Candle* waa fairly active and firm attbatoUowlngraageof prices: Kirk** Vaxlme. lU^ISVc: Tallow, ft ft (btearlne), Uk«dl6c; Tallow. * », UXaiSkc: Vaxlme, ft ft. u&aiCe; **•£.*& (bcbndderj, Wt*l»*c; ParreM'* btearts UebU,3tkte22c. COFFEE—Buslnes* waa reported at moderate It ac tive and «Ith comparatively light atocka the prevail ing feeling 1* one or firmacaa. We make no change ut quotation*, which are an follow*: Java, StftSbc;o. u. Java, Z7h<»3S)ic; LoaaUoc,a<*3lkCt common IQo, SSWfelltc; lair to good, 33Ki*2lvc: primp to riiotre, liVijifim CUKKbK- The demand continue* good and rrevlon* ram are belnc realised. The atoexaare turand In good runillUbO- We repeat onr list as followa; New York Factory,lV*lsc:nlinol. Factory. t7AISe; West ern Deserve, Western Dairy, ikailc. CUAL—lradewaa brisk both on local and Interior account, and the tnarkst was firm at oar floata tions: Lamp Lehigh, 113.00: Lackawanna beranton and Idttston, |tl.w ; lllfissbcrx. *lO-01; Erie and Brisr 11111, f 3.00; Chippewa, Mineral icidge and W illow Hank. fcHuLW; Illinois a An, according to qnalUy. LOGS—Were In fair supply and In demand at kid Minis AND yUTS—Apple* were In active re quest and firm, and wc advance osr quotation! Me. Peaches were In lair supply and quiet at a range of 75c(*fl.M per basket, according to quality and condi tion. lln re was a Ulr inquiry fur Grain;* at Uwlfic j*r ft.' Dried Frnlu were In taodirmic request at un changed prices. W e quote: Apples, V br1.... Lemons,Sicily... Lemons, French. Turkey Prunes. French Prunes. Figs, drums.... Fife, cartoons.. Dales Canned Peaches. V box. 2-ti cans. t.lO <4 IJI 10,(XT’.000 3,0n0.u00 . SITJU . f'OO.onu . mo.ioi 2.0W.*37 Apples, Ka»n rn 10 m 1» Apiha. Southern 6 10 IVacbes, halves 16 <4 1* illackberile*. V tt 25 <ft 30 Raspberries, ►lb - M K TA Chrrric*. pitted 50 w CO CberrU**, unpltted, Imported 11 w 50 itslama, Uyrrs... 4.33 Mill iUlaltu. Seville**, 50-ft mult JO.W Almond*, liard-shellcd. Aiuionilf, fcoit-'h'-Ikd 3t n W Almona». paprr-kbflli d.rrlnceM C 3 (.4 « I'canotn/V ha, S 3 B« 4 Cm a 1.23 I’wnr, TV»w» 30 (* 33 I'rcan*. Mlwotirt 15 41 16 Brazil Not IS ft. W Fllhrrtß. Km ch Walnut*. KThU— Wldteßsh wire in light supply, and under ■> cool, tbe ref eat advance ru thor.mcMy -u«taln*-d. In fact, the stocks of nearly nil dc»crl|>- tlon* are Itgut and aSrm tone pervade? the market, tv 1- make no change in our quotations, at follow*: whin ttrh. So. i. k brl T-V) Whltrfoh, No. t!. k brl 7.(X«s 7.25 Trout, No 1. s brl r,.u>w €-2 T Mackerel, No. I, S brl. nea - I Mackerel. No. 2. S brl 9.VU 9.T. Matkeitl.large family. S brl B.TJs* Mai ken I. extra me**. S brl llJh+U.Co Mai!:• r«T, extra mess, kit .TA- Mackerel, No. 1. kits, new 3-Sok SA< No. 1 U')X llcrrluc tVfc 5 in-ku-l lliTitni’.No. l.brl 9.UM »,v Plrkltil Herrin::. No 3, l>rl 5.00... s_v Labrador Herring, lirl IOJOcvU-u Labrador HvrrlDg, J* brl s.T** r._s Mnnked HallbDt H.OO-.U.v HAY—The market wf,rnrf, niHrr an JnrreaMn. Oin.anO.aml Indication* were favorable to an a'l Tanrc. ihertock* were The following were tiie wholesale i»rlrct* ddisera.l: Timothy, roller and bratcr preaaeO, lISOo-vIH OJ; Timothy, l>.o>e nrvweil, fcls.Suaui/jo; k*r»lrte, roller amibeater t>rev*-<» |.'l j> , . j uirst-.K-ope»e(l t |l3lo*ll-* / V» ~«• o*e on wnKor.llT.Oofcl9.lOi rralrte, Ijo*o . iy, 112 Uh» 11.00. j Wagon, Tl.rr*' a f»lr local and . .’<>l, »«. ■IU H i- cmrLot * >» .* demand to d»y • ineittl ; o* .iivrir ttiviy at the lirrt'b Haitvii.curMLll** ecn niitclirr**, 9k*9\>': wile; tiiem 13Vftl2ke: Hi-ftvy a.,, n* f-lf. V*V*-S ti»- •, part cored, lov<stli\c: r.rrta I>l\ V«Ur«i. *■ .ea Kfp. K.Stllc; Pry film. ; . iiutnrxt, l**etA*c; ornhliy and Damaged, _» price: Krand'.d Hide*, lu t-cent ml »- ./> AM* r»TKKl*—'The movement In thtj market ..>-nny wn.-of .» nioOerateclurieter, and la vjsw of Hie tart Hint ti e »t<>rk* are In titr Condition. ouut*. ttOMt are Invariably re at.led. t ommon I»-.r 4 « 4t,c Hi r!’C-»lu»e Iron «*»« s\c Heny lUnd s\c )l(M>J>bUd Llk'llt lUl.d a\(,4 6vC K> ni.d ui.u M.uare 44,«, r> e "»«l 7 c i tall (it i-l and Half Hound a sd.ei i Iri'n.comninn sU<* fil »c Kitra bar df.. V C bbVftTrrn, galvanized lb (*3: c >h< ci In n, chßrco.ii, Sf> 9qc M;< et Iron, Jut h.ta.tW llVOd-SC \orwaj Null Herts 10 <*U; 4 c .ImekV Pl.’w Meet UcsM-mcr Plow Steel. >1 rim «i <1 Tlr'* Herman 12 uU |{ I.FATIIHI—'Tbe e ar»* t o nrw feature* of Intetr*! to i otelu c* nnceUuD wltn tliU market. Tlie move ment is reported qtiiie active, ami under fair rrlre* nmalu steady and nnclianccJ. Wg tonUnu. lo QRnli. < It; llamiM fouctrv Harness. V HUUU . UUI ... B Urr.Chv, :> ► Kir. »*i». ' **> 1 ci- r. No. 1. V fool. dittr} l : rjnr, No. i CVJIar, no. I, V fo-.t W-.Oj 22.00 liouct. Upper, Uml3 l* I.ouah Upper, 13SwU ft* rnir*K» SUuchtrr s«olr Mhuclil< rr* Ic, CMc»«<>, N.. 1. AfTo* tdlnoco Sole Slaughter Sole , tv* 4i I'Mlmletplila Sole !),» Jf Hmw. K a m is MMJcht l.iv* IJJ K‘t<, No. 1, medium j.ift* i.ts Kip. >o. l.hearj- to? M American Cal .31 ft* I.vm I rrurncalf, a> fp rifts* rs> KrcnchCalf.Sl ft* JO** 3.V5 KnnfUCaU.y. ft*. IJiV* 3.0* t-n nrti Calf, Lemolnc, ft dox. 90.«K»t0n.i4 Cnn hCalfJod 1. ft dox JO, I ft4lft\o MKTALs AM) lINNKKs’ STOCK—There was aa i< live drutai.d (or 1 In, Copper and the various other ut lit lea coming O der ihl* head, and price* were wltli* out particular a Iteration: ror. Oox Tin Plate, IC, 10x14. f u.ftl uo<;oi«m, ic u.M l.arce r!j;a sj small Par Tic to coppce. Metallic AT Pott 53 Copper ItoiUipi* ti Hr* all rs oxir lift* 41 Tinned Copper S 5 IIAMIUTT KXTAL. Flrat unaliljr SO A 1 .tlUioiiv ••**.... 50 Ftor Solder 90 nctnnr win*. 1 to 6 9 T, hand 9 10 lUatidll 1| u ns ISnnd It US IS and 1C It I* 15 is ]6 19 U M 90 riMU*. V>«. 9 and 13 ?va American, l»l ft Ml 15 An>i r>c»n, 7d ijiialllv. ft Ml it SAil.s—llk* li.inUy *s» again large, andvalm* rnlt d mone.a* lolloaa: ifiaf. n iirkifc f 5U\ -d pi-r leg ?-S. •. -il'Tkr- fir.-s 1.: p r k> 5 s; s .Id per krg 6 K.'S Mprrkrr l-ltu lULid.r-d per keg 7.9 Ts M|<rrkrr J-ttiv lUL. d.r-d J<*T kPS I ln< IOmO sd ]•( r kr*. -Irrk..- ... ui hnlkwi/pTr itrg a rt: ’ . iiM-r«-d ;*7s c»llxili coutiior* to tnrpt «tU> an arUrrln ijtilfT, r.ti'l with ft »c,nirwli*t limit) d >U{'{>!}' on hand, in.Mr;* srr fir«o In ihrir Tl<*«a -it fall prlow. L*M oil l* m Utlil »urW T and In drnmi at onniuoMUont. I. nniaUi* quid and easy at the rr rrnt drrtlnr. othrt «lr»cflptlnn* »rrt* •Irarty and tin. i*liiictil. uniiotr: 11. 1 tn*i*r<l, Iwillrd, |UV. l-afd Oil. Kxtra winter, l -r.l oil. So. I Wintar. fl.l'Wt.l.'V; N<«.s on. tirv; ivtalr till. 11.90: junk nil. Viag*|l,u.. Mralt-. II.WWI.CP; OUT* OIL, fa.ISaSOU; NraM&ail oil. I13U1.40; LuVncallnrOil. Tnrprn hnrrtn Oil. I3.UJ; tlrpUanl, of feral oil. PIf‘VISIONS Ilerelved, none; ihlpped. 11LS4 ft a CuMdMraD.lOlrUllcef. 444 hfl* I'ork. ft* l aid, The market wa* luudefatilj active and nrturr all round. UtM Poaa-Sleadv, with goed tnqnlry for email lota, ral.-awtre; T3fl Iris at f3V.nO: 7»brl« at |a>7s minn limMii»>ti»-nalea were: 230,00) ft* at Ur -Ir better than tales. Mioi i.i'*B*-tng«nd ivqaeat at ITE'c; held at lie. !.*> u—lnactive. IliUlallVe. polt.lltl AND U.V511: - hale* of 5 co.>rw Turkey* • t 14c I* ft s • r»>opa rprluc < h>ekro* at f. 1.00; 3 >t > mixed atgkASt J do old at W. 00; a tUs Prattle Chick .n* at J3.V ; a dot Mallard Dock* at fd-U); 7 dot Teal .1; i d>-t large anu tmall Dock# at |l Jk) t> doc. I*OTAT OtH—Hue* of 100 ha. moat Peachbijwa, at -NaXc : I car Pear hblows drL at 9ic; S 3 brlt owael at IV CO; 90 hrti atfJJO; 110 large bu at |1.15; IDbcaat ll.fT: TA »mall hxi at 70c. lat K—Ttie demand from the Interior vraa fair for lid# period of the week, and tt.e market ruled firm at prerloua quotation#! Patna, Arrhaa, lOSklOkc; Itangoon, »U#li\c; caroUoa. l *rt^Al^—There l» nothing new to note In connec tion aUh the Soap market. Tbc volume of trade transacted »a* larxc, asd the view* of dealers remain • irsdr at the following range of ralnei: Klra'aOerzQmn Mulili-J ta move Mrk’a Fine Olive textra)... 9V*io c Kirk’* Mar 7\*a H c Kirk** Northwest 9w«*lo c K. bchceldrr A rn.’i Palm 6 v* 6Vc I “rector A Gamble’s German Mottled lOHUlOfcc American Castile isvutx c tVrttgM'sMile jj' u,a r r.mury’s Improved Lraslve SV*4 »Vc Wri-Icy’* M»r 9 m 9*c IJaye* A Co.’* Eagle *V*lol(c Hayes A Co.’* Heater r Hayr* * Co.’s German Bk«*loVe Alien'* French 3M;U«-d Irv, alOac Sl UAKS—Tnr artiTuy wmen nmsenaraeteruedthe markvtlor hug»r»fcr*e»eral week* condone* to fall u>rce. Ti e dock* of refined grade, arc badly broken un. and in sutneqnarters considerable trouble U ex ji-necrcd In Cilice ordtn «ltli any degree of i-rotupintsa. Value* remain firm as folio* •: Coutuon to fair Cuba. U\Ctl3V.c; good to choice do, Columbia, c. 10S4IO\'C: Colum bia. Ct\ ti>k<4llc: go-d V* choice Porto Elco. i.VKVe; New York Powdered. Crashed and Grsr.uiaUd. ISVmITc; New York While Coffee A. Uki«.l6e; do M Mle circle A, UjtOlik'C; do U, 13VA VJUr; r»iri do, C. 11i,013.Vc. fcYl-.rrs—An active *i* mand existed for th!» line of goods, and with the exception of a abcht appreciation un Oct en !'<c Hive. XXA Crystal, quotation* remain steady: Stiver Drip*. |I.XmH.4O; Cuba Mola««e*. 'ft«sse: N»vr York Extra S. H. syrun, (UOcul.iS; Marvland Pee Hlte.sSa*oc: XXX Crystal. li.iam JO; Dee 1.1ve,7U4*.5c; Philadelphia Eec Hire. UA ' SODA AN'DPALERATTS—The demand wasloler al l; active, and oraJer* were asking aud obtaining the follow leg Quotations: None Such, to ftlONe: pabbltt’s Medicinal. 10Viille •. Pure, 10>%c ; Delacd'a Cbroileal, 10;,fetUMic; Deland’s Healthy, 10 ** l°\ j C f—and MCI bag* ; shipped, * p,la and ro bag*. Trade was acilee ; Indeed, the aggrvxaic bn»lars» vra* ronald-rahlr larger than on anr day fur tbs past three week*. Value* remain firm alio ntir(i;*ec' rt : Hi.e. ► bvl, I C**srse, y brl, tin-urd solar, > br1.15.6 ; halrr. with bags K n.,,*, •*,.« ,tnoulbagv.l4A4kSo; Ashton Dairy. V bat*. |SJO i Hlcifln** Dairy. *- bag. Ifl.M. ►I-ICKS—'W»rr In Mr request ar.d v aid-* were non tnal.y unchanged: llmetlo, ■SV*53e : Nnttnegv No. ta*'la. 9S*»sc; Pep- H-The dem.od was principally of a local rl'arartrr rrtrt<-»lcr* weretlrm tn th. U views at nt»* • h.hfi'dQubiattous: KUigxfvrdtora, UW.^cido |£,„. U's alle; Keflned, ; Sliver t.lijas, i c - pure Lanndn-.i»Wc; »»ttawa C *rn. H.v*» U.. ! V S »S*9c; do K*iln u*vollc ; I’eorla Corn, UVl*i?c, .i. *5410 brl* ; s.jppe*. none. Mar ket doll. Sales were: Tx»owt-«j bag* at 12.65. and 1 TV**i-TH re was no material Increase In the do min', and the market wa* - od-ralelv active and the annexed prioe*: Toting Hyson,com* fim .o fair fiWt.jO: do (air to good. ,*>•» m !aarxirmraet j rholcvs H MM-M; superior to if 1- i * •*1 tcs-tl ; b*tnt to choice natu- il IttilO i colored natsrat laaf r ImlTlicW. Ml common m*l« r* main dnl) and weak, we quote: El „ .'“'."T" 1 ”".: At. Price, . V 66 *4.® . SCI 5.39 .1.130 435 . SKI 4.® .1,057 4.75 5 00 .LOO) 4.M Choice... kiptiiuii... Common. UOIBO. _ an Choice £* g Wtdlam *• (.CQ.&ica ■' Baton) Lmf. Hair Bright.. Black X'QcO • Choice DUck. rnsraDteed zrr .osranu-eo !rf Ffoeuycr* , 7*? „ W(H la mia-ft sad »tes(iy m.U>«' **f In* price*: «*eb, uWuot Maple, ®L lor TMXJL—ltccelrefl, 40£«5 »•; supped. B.KB **: *?.* nsrkri for thi* *upic «u lolersolr scUrc, sod buia en were »te*dl>y rrsttrlnc *1 qootstlont: .. Fine Fleece, Ilrht sad white !?*?:, Floe Fleece, liebt sud diary «.£•!. Fine Fleece, oily *ad bescy •3*2'2C M colon Fiecc'-, Ilrt4 sad wbile ****?[ Medina Fleece. tSr *-* 4 in 00. r*c Fleece, llrbtead white -VJS,.S Coarse Fleece, fur condition -iTJSnX VnvatLcd. median Unwashed, floe. .. -iff** Tab Wools -43*3Jc LATEST MARKET NEWS- Tlae Foreign narked. Loxmv, Oct. sp. m. Amrrlciß ifccrltle* closed Arm. FlTe-tveoUei, UK; UUaoU, FEiJfXTorr. OcL 2. United sutM bondj excited to-day; <jnot*d at Z'.iH. Patis, Oct. 2. Ihcßccrse opened atadecllae. Ecnlc',S3f*c. Litbxpool, Oct. 2—11:15 a. n. Flour, 27* M. Bed wheat, 10»*d. Whitewheat,l2a Id. Core. St M. Lrmpooi*Oct.2. Bed wheat, ID* Id. Beit unchanged. Ln-nrooL, Oct. 3—P2O p. m. Dtetdjtoffi unchanged. »-• Litmkjol, Oct. J-Br cuing. Cotton doted buoyant at the following quotation*: Middling upland*, IDJtfd; Orleans, 10*d; tales 30,000 bales cotton at tea. boond to this port, estimated SdlfOOO bale#, of which art from the Cotted bla tea. There la iotas butlaeu doing In cotton to irntf! rale* of middling upland* being made at 10Kd per pound. Market for rare* and frbrtc* at Man* cheater quiet. Breadstuff* doll. Wheat advanced M, asl quoted at 10s Td. Core, mixed Wcetera 56* per quarter. other article* unchanged. Common re*ln, s*6*l; spirit* turpentine, a*. Cotton li ac*rc«; tm ordlnidrt Sugar, to mire, niMiVi, Petroleum flit. H*w I'on Dry Good* market. Njtw Yon, Oct. s.—The market fcr tbs sale of Cotton coco* U still inert, and on tbe wool* some »b»l weak, although It would seem tbit tnanv tUasesorgoi*!. cow reacted a level m l.»w m they can go Id anyerent. Heavy iheetinra, for ln -8.?.w lower rrtce* than when cotton wa* telling at f3J»c per pound, wblcb la iO uercent below present rata*. Best malcea of heavy brown *hreUng steady at IMISVe, and beat makea at ♦ hlrilug. brown muailna, whlcli bare bean pressed down Terr are firmer. Laconia H now bring* a e. as do .Vie*, nil and Atlantic I*. Print clothsalao |e*« de rire»«rd. and first-closa average now worth 1-c, and SO days. Prints meady at ITWaiSc for stand -rJi »c. cacr-pt tpragne*. which •« ll «t I>. Canton flannels are Irregular, but colder weather will probably Impart more strength u> the market. The long Hamilton Krown Jfttc; Pemberton ri. :N«hi'kc»g I9c ; Naa»ua A tfe t Kllerton N 26c; and P bleached »S'c. Amotkeagaod Acdrojcoc glngrtlnbogafllSc. * •|3.00 a 6.50 .. 6.0) (4 8.00 .. b.OO CfIO.OC 16 M 17 15 (A 16 II M IC 2* (4 36 10 (4 IS Nfw York Breadstnfla ITTarket, b pedal l>cspatcb to 1 be Chlcaro Tribune. _ „ , . New Yoaa, Oct. L Front—Brisk export demand at fT.5M7.73 forezira State. WnxaT—The furrlgo new* c*o«ed holder* to mi i t tbe dctuithtl more ftvtdy, but the clo*e was Arm, Cues—Closed firm at fl.ll. oat»—Uall at 73c. New York Live Stock market. Fpccltl Despatch to The Chicago Tribune. Sin- YocK.Oct.3. Hrer CATTX.C—Kerrlpt.*, « head. Market dul •ale* mo*Uy common to good llllnoli utren at it* c; itlmenominalatLSc. About half the offering!, arc unsold. * r a a mibu*—lHcrlnt*. 5,160 bead; alight decline; aales at 4>(fti6Kc- (•SR'D*. Mrc. bwtax—lteeelpu, I.l9ohead: dnll at 9tJlol,'c. Nrw York Lrnceij market. Special iH-spatch to The Chicago Tribune. „ .. . New Yobk, (>ct. 2. f urik-Pall: Rio. WHAITSc in gold. Scoab- Hult j lair to good grocery, 11.5y.13c, 15 (4 1C Ocran PreljM*. Special Despatch to The Chicago Tribaae. . New Yoik,()cLl raEionTw—.TO.OXI hn wheat to Liverpool at htlOd. by hall and ati-atn, closing with a better supply of room by rail. 1 1 * v * New York ProrlulAu Rit^* Special Despatch e *« S'" ‘fHiunc. *w Vokk. nrf.;. ». linnet* at *-« W, rce -» wry onsctiicJ. r.:oM*rov»—TVrk Mill frl'M* alar, but other &«■s• I'fiilur’' v*m>* PITTffCF'" -jiirsli Oil n»rket. $ *«’ Oct. 2.—Crude oil qalclbul firm. Tho .• hi,. h’M'rls /pgi Wc. Ueflncd labmd •u r II; c; sale la?t half October. at 31c: M>ol .mlnal atv»» w v,c, I'ldlnd'-ipida delivery. Tbe Produce nukcii. MILWAUKEE. TTda! Despatch to The Chicago Tribane, _ . MtLffSCKCZ. Oct. 2. active ; price* unchanged; sales of (Jiurv-Wbcat closed quiet and aieadr. Morning 'tour.!—Sales of 121,000 bu at 11.4fitu.46.v for \o. 1 In f>r No. 3 do; for rejected In !■ ri. Norn Ttr'Brrl—sales of K3,u 0 |>u at f 1 u r.i* v.. lin store; lI.HV in “B fi.o, srn r.' oMlon Ith io .Ml.,Mid sellerv option October: lon Ociot>cr; |l.3*CclA3S for No. 21n Btonv£t!a!vft -H;-* IIJ.T, sellers’ option till Utb; N™ jjVa *Vr* steady, tom-salesota.oobuat sttc-So iln t or .tw.ln tap.drflwml.. iqr, mto;.3klSiV, 0 !J ..'nu bu at #T. 3 for No. lln -to o. Barley advanced •>**«» OKAIS FK*u»HT>-M. Hi!r ; a heat to Oswcro. lie Kt> KlKO—i.Us> brio floor. Ul.twobu wheat, a.- (o bn ualt-.v, U) Lu corn, Alobu rye, 13.UJ0 bn barley, SVAk) 'Miu-an-NT/—3,r<«brls flour, 172,000 bu wheat. L'tlo bs oats, 1,0 (J bu corn. s .13 Ull' C .is t*ilSe , lAIUISMLLE 1.0 rn tills, Sept. 3—l onsoe •►-fisie«Ueht isd mar- I«t ni m« r. Luc» to lair laaf, »«.00jU3.73. Fi.e»rr— ‘•U|.er. 16.71. i.iuiN-ttbeat. »IS.V«2(C. Corn, bulk,Wc, Oaw C- iubulk. l;ye,s as. uw * Ust—!*ll • * >uld at #16.00. l*i!OTtsir>»— M* •« pnrk,|7* 0OCJ?/«. Bacon—Shonb U r*» like; cKar sli}c.>, 16' t c packed. Lard, lOiiiyAVi lisw Wuimcxt—ll.2Jt frCC. I <aa 4i 4i*4 4) uv; i.2i 27A 3J 2KJ 51 i.-rw u> tN* 40 s. su a "‘■■A si v . NEW YORK i * **'.»<>■*. Oct. 5-Corro.v-A shade firmer etna* ** *“ ° f ll1 ”' at W.H4KC tor FLorn-Receipts, SjtWbrls. Market heave , in .-w •K a, and UV* 15c lower: sales of -*•( hrls at ffcjtu6°ii for superfine Male and Western; s>mr whiS •* l ' r* ra ‘ I®* 0 for round hoop Ohio • Kga for M. Louis; fluooelilso Lie ~iutl £t cholci do, ciosiii£ doll. California Hour heavy • *atea ■ “>>■ <i“« ’ -iiS 3 »'* *’f • at corn meat quiet. Wumcr-Vutet. * l.i^L>-Wbeat-peei r u, bn; market open e I Tim and closed la faror of buyers; sales of M ono ju at #l-5* for No. 3 spring i |l.a«ui Ai for So. a oo- I2.W f.. r atnb- rsi ,te and Michigan : 15.33 ft r white (•encaec; ILXQ&J.S tie RyeqoleL Harleyseareeaod firm •T ; sale* <-f if t * 00 bn < .anada TV cst, to arrive attain* trt.n»bu Inferior California on private terms. llartsr bu at Ks\ Cira-lwlptZ :msr«.-t heavy and Ik2c lower; sales <>f (fc.uobuat J1.1?,d.13 for unsound; tl-IKkt.ltv for • ,us '* for wood In atom 1 nswratek ic lower;>aiea of r.\o o bn at it! ,r< f. -r new Western aQ iat. I.Kutefiz—!Uce In fair request. Coffee nnlet • .a esorfnoh.rsßloon VaAroiUler : -sir• cf in l.t j. ( nb« stllaljr. ’ Hoi a—Quiet, at for American. * hotirt r d ,jLkl3,—tlnu * al If< ur crude; 31c for refined • on,—Unit and lower at m Trap*jrrun:-Qnleiat o.Vuttlc. inroTinoxe— l*ui krnnrr and qnletj salts 1.030 hrls for mess, eloslna at «S.w forrejnlar ; fwold d-i; U) for prime: 1.135 • < >? P ;‘ 3 ..ln' r J’£ l,ne 11,,f doll; sales 175 hrls at tl*.i>kiroj.»f-,r n»w pisln mess; ya>JK>*si,73 f,, r nrv ijra mrss. Tlerre beef quiet at Rl.CO4st.on f., r Hn l J. InJla meaj. Oecf hams ' , ?! 1 .f 1| ?2 W,,3y - lc - Lutmeats quiet; sales iKrkKs *. l'V4 !i, for shottMsrs: t2V<l*c forhass. Slid ‘ ili 1 * * ti ' l •■e* T y- l-ard quiet and unebanred: sales irea si lH' ? vtl9Sc f.<r steam; 19V*19 ac for ► ftilrTet.lerv'l. iTatterqub i at.U.-i-Tc foroblo; 58 ,j4.< fur btale. « dull al TSa t7c r nttmiTs UtmisiL-Oulct and firm; en-ace. Tiients per Sleam. r of T-VUIO wheat at W. Latest. IrrrKular, nuietUed and still In buy- „ ‘.'.'VJ'.T" l‘ r V,f lra ' , J r . f”’ »pr>n«. with moderate ex p rt Inquiry In nilprr«slna’ freight rngasi'inrnu tire ■lull; »l c«J.rp. (lull, KevTv. fc at SMS3Ve /.r . « htlnst. f orn )>.«er ai d.lntl. at fUß.tl.ljw f..r Vp'tr*' 1 i ILI-a-sIiWS for sound new mlsul west* ll..Tr»ioE»-lVrk .inlet al for mesa ■ •■'l' ■«"! r. Ktlar. He. f nominally nnebanerd. Cut in- ai* •ndb.e.-n nominally um hanirod. Lard quht; ••1. ,;>V - f r fair t.» prime M.-a-i. » ».oi—4lo.lrraUTrqae.t wlthunt decided change la . FT. LOCIS. M. Li lle. Ort. s.—Ton.uro—Unehafired. « » tm> Nolt-lr.g doing., with talcsofuLdresse.l«i |iyt,o> doll, and bns'nes? small; snn«r at at XX at fV&^sjO; .\ X\ tofaney at (O.OOaI.Mxi. 4.KAIK—TV heal—Choice and fauer fall unchanged, bnt n ; mi.»on andlnw grades of boih fall and springs mil.- lowtr; low prime to strtrily prims fall at It 75 >'• rli>d< P I;, fancy do al |3.1«,*3,i0; go-vj to choice spring a*dd at It.LMI.U. Corn firm, «|ih fair -1-Ti.aml at V.**tor. Oats dnll at slAf.Sc for bliwk and nlvcd; M<*v< fur white. Harley dulland lower at • I.7\#t.Mtnr prln.e to. h .lee spring ; A-Mfor choice fall- Kye unchanged at »U96*1.3. «-uu»ce ProTistoEs-1 ork firm at » Dry salt shonl. der- sold al He; clear sides IV. Bacon In belter de mand and prit.s urntianrrdj abonldera. irv-eUVe; nb sides, I *■; tUar rib, 1?-V'e; clear aide*, liw u\o for old and new. Lard quirt at A>c tor choice keg; s*lr» s*o lea prime steam, seller’s option to the Ulb of D>e. n.ber. ai lie. TVutsxxT*- Firm at 11.55. CATTLK-Enpply and demand lair, and prices steady at 5 Vts 4 s,e. litrEirr*— wheat, 15.700 bn; corn I.TO hu; barley, bn; ryeq t.TW bu. MEMPHIS. Miwmi <VU 2.-<!otion nominally XKkSSVc- re cvlpu s*; bale*: exi>orta ass balsa; week's tveclpt* r.u.; bait*; wtek'» upon* LSffT bale*; *tock I-<SJ half*. * Flora—Dull. Com|i.rtJ. Oatt%c. M'MtKita-Iliy 133. o; Bran JJt.tkj; Corn Meal 81.T5. raon>!os*-Lsr<i laasie. Pork gti.Ts. D*con firmer; shoulder* 12t.c; clear side* Itae. oct. i-Fioci-Dull; family WOO Gr*r»-Wheat doll; So. I fredy offered at »1.95, without finding buyer*. Com quiet but Arm at IIH6 fortarandaliclied. Iyc dull at 11.35 for So. 1 OaU quirt; So. 1 i'AmClc. Barley firm: sale* of aprlng at W. 3 for State, and RAO for Canada. I'koviaioxa— Meaa pork tinner at R 9.50 fbrbeat brand*. Lard LeM firm at l>Vc. Bacon held at Uc for shoulders, with sale* cf clear rib aide* 15s*c, and clear Uc. llanu.*ncar<nrid.l>9i*He. Hulk meat* quirt but firm at lu\*Uc for aboulder*—latter rate packed; Uc lor tide*. St xp*i*r— natter firm and price* unchanged; tap nlyllciUed. K*g* doll at 31C. Uay tn actlre demand Cotton Ann; middling. ate. Wt l*key dull at fi.js fur free. Llnteed oil tn fair demand at ft .06. Hemp scarce at RIJ fO per ton Idt undressed. UnjmiT-G< la, l«s boTlnc- Exchange Arm at par buy leg and MO premium selling. TOLLDO. Totrbo, Oct. I—RacxuTw—L23 brli flour. 25JM bn « beat. Cj>"« bn corn. IT.MO na oata, L<Kl bn rye, ■ iSMii barley. ... SnuntMa— I£I,TOT hrU flour, ba wheat, L«O0 hncorn. Fiorn—Sale* of white wheat at 110.75; spring at Gcaix—Wheat—White Ic, amber 3WC, red Sc, •pitng Sc lower; sale* of extra white Michtckn at tab; white Michigan, »J2S; amber. : So 1 red. 11 ST; So. s do,fi.tTV ; So.s spring. fL*L Corn 1c lower; sales ofNo. lat w»***vc. cut* steady ft tic for So. l and Michigan; S>c 6r So. J. Bye on el.anged : sale* at »lA* for So. t; fU* fbr So. J. Barley steady atm JO for Canada; ft>9 for betters. FkkionTv—Dou; V to BnCakk „ 'CLEVELAND. . . . , CLkrai.*M>. Ocls -Futv—Cltv mad*. fU3S far XXX white, tJO SOhil ,V> for XX staben|S.<m*9,7sfor XX red, ii-KUS-a f,r XX *pnag. (vOOtS.3 f.>r X sytinc; Conner made range* at fi.iiV4iO.oo for XX red *rd amber. KZwMOfor AX aprtng, |U.a<»U.TS for XX white. „ , Gcant—Wheat—Sale* of 2 car* So. 1 red at »1-^Si;» do So. 2at 11.T3. Com nominal at lioo. c.udull llyeal |lAi*sLJs. Barley—bale* >f XW hr No. I Cai aja at ti (T-. . Pmnuni-M*rkrt t« very Ana aad active. Ec flced,T:ttigc; trade low^S^Sv. Brrvvho. Ocu J.-iacxirrAwhfaLjKo.d 0 bo; corr. tx«o on; oat*.LSroobn : rye, i.ooobu; floar, pu*u mi*. -nirarM*-Whe»t, IOC.COO bn: com. 3.000 bn; o»t-.S’.ore bn. futnHta—Wheat at Uttfe, corn Uc and oat* 9Vc to Sew York. _ h LuVK—Doll; No 1 dty gronnd »prtng at MXO. i*tiaus—w ivat qnl(t: tale* of S,t»t»a So. I MU waakc* at SJ CO; T.MO ta epetne per sample at |l s>; hn t-rren nay iprlng st 11.50. Corn dull : *alc* ofs ,Kobu So. 1 mixed vte*urn at lldll, cloelnx with buy r» aad a lle>* icaiurt. Oaleoolet; **!•• of *.» 0 ba Wtiti rr at «c ; »m»ll lot-at Qy-i«b. t; i ale* ui h eatern at fIIAA barley Sna; aalra OIL OthnCacadlanat t2-£Q> Fact r—ScmlriAl. HimrwTjrra—Dull at UAL . Met* por* at fffLM for heavy. Lard „ DALTTMORB. s‘inxon. OcL J Flora—SnmlnaL „ Okain—Wh> at dull t sale* of prime to choice red at RAtfevCO. torn firm; white. |l-2J*L». OaUfim ai de* fc. By* firm at llAftai AO. fox*— Unchanged, raovwion*—Firm and unchanged. _ PHI LAD KLIMI A. „ rttu,*D«xvm*. oct. >.-PrraoLgrw—rnaetlltd; crude, n 1 rtArved.SD.«. FYotra-liAcUve; Nocthweitern extra family. RUO OVC: (IH.. ouaxj—Wheat— small bualaea*; red, 12X0^2.30; «MLM T*4 t* «6t* 73 white. Rj«, lI.SO. Cnrawnr note;; ▼ i-w, $1J8; mlihi We.teru, fj.n. o*u di»! »tY:<a 73c. urecerleauilproTUtoDS oadubfec. rLCO * usaijc 60* O 6\S <0 - .. Pon «r ('bievxo. Bnur Alpena. MBw f-toir Comtt, St. Jo.epli. *u.,<iri #. etrer "Tloi, Uankesoa, «nndrn ITvplni«MleU,M-i*Jtccoa,SJ m Ulh,4br!» flehaad luan h. 2” p ?„&<£"'•■ a " Prop lSu» la.ubir.lo brU floor a&d lasdrle*. Prop Ira e. s« nsatuek. ISO brU floor. SOO m ahln gleaibdeandrle* yihrl# fl»h end *Olllll6l. Uric kUHet r/Bay City. S.SM) br.a »alt sci r Hick Bom. re, trie. ciUh.aacoal BchrM. stalker, C-evcUnd,*uion* coal.B toaa pig Bchr Tboe. & Mott, Buffalo. «0 too* COOL Scftr Jameajn*Uj6«wer». V2i bo aalt. bchr Too*. RingJbw, MouliUque, is to lumber,SO in 6c£r chaiierge. Ludlugton, TO ta lumber,7 m picket*, bchr W Tempo, Lane'« Pier, LL> cd* wooi. bc*" r J- Wsirr, tUy Cltj.i'krt brlsaiit. 100 a lumber. PebrTUttle WMia. Aufeahle.HSiii lumber. Bchr Three Delia. Uenolnuee.ct m lumber. 40 m Utb. B«t r Menominee. 150 m lumber, S m Ulh. lE? r &,il ot *’>.‘ o ? n^i m ® Umber.tOmUux. Rhr ITJrrttn. Cedar lUrer, l«m lumber. 10 m Uth. Sctir O. hJlca, White Lake, t m lumber. 2ftt m lath, bchr I*. Hayden. WolflflT.T.llOcd* woodT bctrK.ll. Blake, D rU Klrer. 1U m lum >er. Bchr K. B. Can pbell. SUter Bay, iajcd» wood, bchr TnacoU. MinUtee.« a lumber Bchr B- J- Sanborn. StanUHe. 150 m lumber, bchr Lartnda, MsnUtee. l»)n lumber bchr lmmt,<<rud HaT»-n. so m in at*er-9fl mlaih. bchr Mule. Grand Harm. 1 0 ro lumber, bchr Tri color, Uali.uO, ii w nave*, urcr Enterprise, Mmkegoi-. T> m limber. Bear Oulekatep. Muskegon, *»\a lumber, bchr u. Hand. Mmkegon. iMra lumber. Bchr Tempc»t. Mu kec ,n. 2 3 a lumber. 1 tnUlh. bchr Ani le Thorite., MuAkeson. 6 • m lumber. Fchr Geo- . Muategon, SO m lumber. Bchr Ludlngton, Mmkegon, 150 m lumber. 10 m Uth. fieowMtrmmld, While Lake.ssm lanber.JS m pick et*. r Scow «♦. A- Green,".White Lake. S 3 a lumber, 1 m Uth.. „ , Scow Black OawtlPentwater. 100 m lumber. Scow John Ullle, Holland, TO cd» woo L Bcow White Oak. MauUtee, 1W m lumber. Peow Colorado, ManUlce, 155 m lumber. Scow Magdalena, booth Ham, 93 eds wood. Barra Wyoming, (iraudlUrea, IW ox lumber. 23 a lath. Bcow Nellie Church, Muikecon, in m lumber. Pchr Liberty, bancaiuck. TO ra lumber. Propll. Warrington, Menominee,2Jo m lumber. Prop New kn, Grand liarea, ao m lumbar. 300 a ihlnglea. nark Hnu;arian,*Ocoato.Jo3m lumber.'so ra Ulh. Brlr<Po»hattati,' Maekegon, in m Umber, 5 a lath*. Barge Armada. Grand lUren, ISO a lumber. Barge Three Bell#, Muikegon. ISO m lumber. Bchr Trarrller. Uraut .liaTta.Sl m lain her, 27 brll Bchr Cafcaft*. Packard’# Point, TO m lumber. bclrUon. WUlertPol it,sl cord* wood. Bchr Arrow, Holland. 55 cord* wood, bchr Joeea, Holland, JOcordi wood, TO n itaret, 19 ta lumber Rear Ueo. Worthington, Erie. too tom coal, bchr Jennie Mullen, Au'Sablc, 17J m lumber, S 3 m Rates, Oct. 3. at Lcunwx. OcC). lath. ' bchr Wn. Arbnckle. Ahnapee, 58 cord* wood, 1,300 tie*. Scbr Kitty Orant, White Lake, tt ra inmber. 6ebr sew Uampehlrr,Uraod HaTeo.OO m Inmber, 33 m lath. Schr Souvenir, IVntwaur, 100 tn ahtngtea. bchr Hamilton. Peciwaler. M m lumber, S 3 apart, hchr Adriatic. Muskegon, 124 m lumber, 10 m lath, bchr w. 11. Willard, Muskegon, uw m lumber. 10 m>at&. .. . _ Pehr O. Barber. Muskegon,« m Inmber, ij m lath. bchrU. b. Orant, Nahma, 113 m lumber, to m lath. 7 mpeketa, fir hr wm. Jonee, Manistee, its m lumber. Scow Anna Tomloe. AUtastee,.e7 ut lanjb'r. SO m timber. Scow Salma, Maclatee.Walnmber. Stow oladlator. Manistee. Hum lumber, brow A. Frederick. Plumber Pier, <ocda wood. Scow S*)Uth Side. White Like, u m lumber. Scow Supply. Pentwatcr, 6U) m shingle* bchr Hannah KUy, Sooth Haren, <7 m lumber. bchr J. A. H"lmea. Grand Haven, 6 m lumber. 50 edi timber. 45 edawood. bchr S. 0- Andrews, Kaclne. 13JS4 bn barley. CLhAJ.cJJ Oct. J stmr Alpena, Mflwanki e. 15 hrl* floor and aundrle*. bttnr (irluo, Muskegon, aundriea. stn.rComct, SL Joseph,sundries. PropOty or Madison, Ontonagon, 7,900 bn oats, 10 brl» pork, 275 brl« flour. 273 brls meal. Prop M< ntgomery, Port Duron. H»,K3 ba oatl, 4,751 flour, 10 brls pork end sundries. PrrnLadv Franklin, Mnakecon. aundriea. Prop Irv Chaffee, Uaugatuck. enndriet. ProrNebraaka, Bnff«i>*,JN.Sio bn wheat, 600 brl» floor. 57 hale* w 001.926 hide*. Prop Pont Ulu CUv, Buffalo,aJOo hrl* flung. Prop Pittsburgh. Buffalo. 1.000 brls floor, oats, UO tea lard. Hark W illiam .loue*. Buffalo. 22,211 bn corn, bchr Harvest Utuen, Buffalo,. 2DJOO bo wheat. Scbr Owascn. Buffalo. '.‘.‘.OTJl t uc.,;n. bchr liavlrt Todd, Buffalo. BUM bo corn. Hark Mary Janr, Kingston, 3LUS bu wheat, bchr Jlontcrey, Klmrnori, 19,'»iRbu wheat, bchr Millard Fllln'or.-, Kme-ton, 17,916 bn wheat. Sehr Enterprise Mnssecon.kiebuoali. bchr A. U ilorrj, Buflalo, bu cvwK bchr Swcepauk-a. Kingston. llgeQh- jV..,, CrU '-.or, UtM i>« o.u, atr, a tfj Door, JO bit. W •» “<*■ >■'» Dark b»* * bu corn. and sundries, tee- .ulala, tuffsl9,iWobu wheal. .. Hie Vernor, Buffklo, ts,luubn w heat, bchr bra Bird. Buffalo. 17.500 bu corn. . , bchr .Umar . Colli..gwooiL 11.313 hn oats. S' brls pork. S-hr Adirondac, HroctvUlr, ».T:i ba corn, bchr Coral. I.lncoiu, 103brU flour, and sundries. 'kbr *». uvi nl" IViit w wter, Mu bu oats. bchr Final. Michigan City. US u Inmbor,» m lath. bchr Bahama. Buffalo.2i.o>'o ba corn. VrH«l» Paiwd Detroit* Special Despatch ig The Chicago i'rl!>un< l . DiTßorr. Oct. t. Vr—Prop* Rtrhmond, City of IImM i. Winona, Uvudoia; Writ* Greenwood, Dobbins Gardner, t*m aaukct. Calvin, Clx dc, Mon. morvncy, Ki.ig, Aoatln; brtea Marlight, fi-li. n»teln. Treat; *chri Merrick. F. rnwf.ird, Lewi- WclU,Trcp.ton,Sh-rld»n, FalrtUOd, To Jail, JJvlr*. Tbon. Far* ma, ban Jacliit.i, Nlgl tit.CHli*. lb* >»■ JJ, wilTsnl. Geraldine, White Oak, Westchester, Wyai.djltc. Scovtllc. Imperial, Roger*. 80-dr. Srl'o-itwTKln«Sister* ashore on Spectacle Reef, boutnl up. Wm>—Nortbeiet. Arrmn rms* Cinrson, Srrr. 3D-Props Chicago, Badgcr State: bnrka Itusuiila, W. T. Grave*. S. V. 11. w»i>or. Northwest, Marla Mart n; sehn* Delaware. Wm. Croslhwalte, Oliver Cnlr. r, and Brlghtl*. m.iktD ror nncsoo, suit, sj—i*rop Merchant, and #<hr M. B. Spalding. Vtascla Faaerd TbrousU Welland Cu B nT.; , i^U^mrr" U pMM * through Welland •ch/M.' t\ Merrick! Itay -T Cbleatp; Cleveland. ‘•I'F • h ** Andrew*, Frop Urnno. Kingston; srhra ber l r,> ■ Yankee. «c It-nsburgh.««icto do- Ida • Oswego; WJ .on*, do; Grenada. vitVi.a- d*'t Cosaack. Ordensbsrc; Henry rn *“ p gh.()»wcgO; TMnidail. do; Victor, Hamilton, lillnou and tilvhtean Canal. Special Despatch to Tbe Ctdcago Tribune. _ . OstiKisPorr, Oct. 2-1 o. ta. t ‘ t - L l “K taooo ft lumber: .La? * ViV“« *’ '} tons e T a, - 1 pi'r.iauy. Mn:rl“: Cayuga, Lockport. si.ino .si,,, glee : ’V I ®*- oro * n lumb.-r. ;6vw e *. *.c», JO,Wo Uths; 11. O. hovniU, Leiuo;il; D.‘tlca- Lciionitx, i tcl MaQi ing, Letnont; Auguta, Le.; il. Walker, Letaost: Arabia, Lesigst; D. c. Norton. AEKirriv-If. L. Peaslee, Lemont, 85 r.l* rubble store; Lsdy Franklin. Lemont, ho yds rubme Atone * Harry. Lcruuol, W yds rubble Hour • j. L. Alt xandcr' I.imont. ajd« nibble atone ; J. W. McGinn im, Le’ mon*,6s yd> dimension sto--*; F. £ T.. Lemont to rdj dlrorn;! "-lone, IS dressed atone; Charles W. U ik<i. Ltmont, U). r«!»sctH'Wne,69 dimension stone; burs sriil Mrlt-e*. Ottawa. 5.He ba c-rn; tVcao ti’Uws, J.soo bu com, s.ikW bn onts; General K< «een-ns t :-ececa. 5.5 0 bn corn: Montana.beaeca. 3,KOboC‘Ti,; Pho-nlx, Lockport,s,luo bucurn ; Drill. Morris, no tonsoosJ. np.iDOrrorr. Oct. 3—9 n. m. ri.EAlUU*—llea*nr, Lemont; lastly Franklio, Le m«>nt; .1. TV. aicGlnnta* Lemont; Montcalm, Le mont; Harry, Lenmnt; Alliance, Ottawa, VL3i<> u lnrol>er, IIJ'.O>O ahirjles, 1,100 riosta; T. It burn, V.aradibs, ft lumber ana pickets. .ijfU latb. 50,00 rhlnplrs; Financier, bt Louis, W.OOO ft lumber. AKCltei>—( nba,Ottawa. Sh.Oio bu corn; Monitor. LaSalle, J.WjO hrl* Hour: Laaex, OtUWa. 4,0 abu oats. 2/fObn corn. 11 tons coal, ".so ft» prorlslons; H.B. Carpenter, iUrd’t Uridje, bu corn, 3.U00 ba oat*. 7,10.1 &• seeds. Pboiublz Lets mne NcnooKiaPiuta*.— The folio* Inp (Hccrara from Oewcso appeared in our Issue of yesterday: Ihe scbooruT Pcrrlan. from Chlraco to this port with wheat, collided with the schooner B. B. Alim, fifteen days §SO. oa Lake Huron, aud a* nntMnc has been beanl of the former vessel at nee. Ills ft&red that she la lost with all on board.” The schooner K l». Allen, thu vvssul which col lided with the schooner Persian, reaebe*! this port on Thu aday. with acarco of bCOjtone coal.from clereland, nnd from the Captain wc learn that bis vesssl collided with the Persian at about 4 o'clock on the morning of the Ifith of September. when ahout four mites north of Presque Isle and three miles from shore - beth craft beipc bound down at the U*no of the disaster—stnfclruf the Persian on the sUrtxiinl quarter with the binfi of her bows, lieatso Informs ns that the last he saw of the Persian she ui< bead Inc for 1-nil. and la surprised to learn that nothlnc ha? bi'cn hi-anl of her since that time, he Allen lost her Jlbboom: aside from this h*r damages wen* ofa triflin-rcharac er. Thi Persian was the prop'-rty of aptaia Lone, her commander, and Mr MR hae| Murphy, of Os wego. She r* ff'sterrd .14.’ tons, old style, rated II J. was built al Oswego lo by Janie* Narairh. valued at kll.'ib. and received large repairs In IH.I, The crew also hailed frt>m usw. jo. Jam ih m* •* onu Hiishch.— bom noon yea. Icidav, Van nmcn and Polk street bridges were or derpd closed by llsft-or MartTHleel* forth* re mahidcrofibedav. In eoß*equeneeof the jam occa sioned bv t n**-Inking of the <an »l bo it Knergy on e idtiodnv last. tptralaUi hour yesterday attenuMin. the rnrrgy ba«» not been ratted. • namms.—The tnqnlry was fair and rat- s were nominally nnehsnged. linrt«-r» tnclndn the fol lowing: o lcr FALo-Park * irdinla. Wheat on owner's aceont; srbra .I>tne and rtca rtrl, corn at 7c. To Maitiam»—>cnr »»eo. Foote. Corn at 14c : To - l*v». a- D—fthr. llattli- Howard, •? heat aItHC. To i eeeioa—all Hate*. Kc Data, 15c lorn. To.OiLisaw ou-bihr J. U. Drake, Corn at s<««. In KixosTOh -Scar Brooklyn. 4'orn at l»y,c : bark Uobu Gaskin, Wheat at British Lion. * heat at I3c. fHalt. A VANDEIIVOORT BAZsTZZta CO., Nos. 5 A I MICTTin \N-AV. TTe have alwavs on hand large stocks of BAKLKY and RYE MALT, wblenwe oiler to UUKWKIts and DIbTI 1 LbRS at lowest market prices. We keep also n stock rrt ni< * Y’KAbTMALT, tor DUtlUera* nae. HOFFMANS Esgit b ud fiTßch Buriiu ud Diy School For Venn* Ladle*. So. »R We*t Thirty-elgblb-et.. Sew York, will MONDAY, Sept, Ji. Ap plication* for circular*. or admlulon of pupil*, can be made by letter aa above. \fß. TAN NOHMAN’S Al English and trench FAMILY AND DAY SCHOOL For Your* Ladle*. So. 5 Weal TUrly-elghth-st., Srw York, wufm peni-nThursday,SepLJL forfulltn formattoa *ce circular. Addrea* at above. \IIi-K eRMai’bOXJ’B PBBNOB A>l ASP FXOUSH bO«RDINC «Nd OAT SCHOOL ForYoonx Ladlea, So. 55 aa*t Tweaiy-ftm-*U New York, will reopen UomUj. Sep,, a. Clrcolara can b» obtained at tb- above adore**, Uefers by permlwloi to Lev. K. pnlllvan, lector of Trinity Church. *"■* lion. L. B. Ott*. bolt of ibis city. HOTEL PBOPEBTT, „ TtCUMVhJI IIOTRL. LONDON. CANADA. One-third leu rest la the above valuable hotel prop erty U, by dlrecU-i i of «he c<ion of Chancerv for tbe rrovinee of Or tart \ offered for vale. The hotel l* one of tbe beat lathe western portion of Canada, and I* allotted close to th* Great western Hallway autlon. Id the dtj of London. It t« built of white brick. Ibar atcrle* hisb. ha* mudern Improvement*, and can ac commodate abont 3U) xnc*u. Tb* >o].nhnr Sprta *a ol London are w Uhl. a vhort itltUnre oi tbe hotel, and theoU region* ofDothwtn and EnnukUlea can be reached by a abort railway ride from Lotion. The hotel Uat pre*cnt managed by the proprietor of the other two-third* Interval, and la dot .g a foreeaafnl bodi es*. Tender* for the parch*** of the above one third trtere t In the hotel wtllb* received at U*oa-' of the Ma-ter lo Chaacery. London. Outarto. an to the *erond day of Sovembcr, A, U. le-'W. Forfttrther Infirtratloa apply to Jamev PhnaD. Eaootre. Maater in Chancery. London; John C. Mere dlth, taqalrt. Ibwelvir of Matthew* MUte, London; M. **r*. rcatchero A M-redlth. London: Me**r». u>af A Downey, n*rn*lu«, Toronto, and Thomas Hodg r. T- roato. Vendor** Solicitor. .S. n.—Mr. U. F. Moore. Fond dn Lac, Wl«eon*lh, the Proprietor of the other tw<*th rd* Interest, can be treated with for the *a e of hi* tntere«t. If desired TUUMAa HOIXUSS Vendor** Solldtor. J^MPLOYM»JIT. SITUATIONS OBTAINED For Bookkrti—n. andClrrks. to 6L Lonlr, I*s aay department of bu*lne*>, atd t rumpt and rtila oi* inform. it*.n given to *ll parties. Addre** our principal office. B. UILL A co-SL Loula. Mo. $lO a Day Made by Any One Wnn m> rateat STCMCIL TUiiA I aeepar tAnpir fr««. Bvrwvrv of Inbivran My (trra'ars wit. u shrink i.Nr«.Lui;imcs-. Port <>f DuOVo, Canal. Barloe Netvs. Schools. JQotrl for *alr. istnplonmrn. agents. Stcnrils. A, J. FITUJLM, Barlßifieid. VgrmoaU jHthiral. HELMBOLDS Genuine Frenaration 1 H “Highly Coßceatrated” COBPODHD EDD EXTRACT BUCHU, A. FOSITT7X AJTD BFKCIftQ aSMKDT For Dtaeateaodth* Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical Swellings. vropoicoi oncuAugo* E ms MMletna taeraaaaa tha pdwtr of dlgmOoa, and •xclietUu abeorbeata into healthy action, by which the watte or calcertaadepoeldons and all unnatural eniarguaeeta art rtduetd, m wtO at Hin and taflam* Batlos. and la takas by Men, Women and Children. HELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BCCHC, far WMkaeu. utaUc fr*a Kxoeaeoa, BO tu •! IMsslpmUaa* M«4a< wttfc Iki folio wta* (adiipoctme* to «z«ztwa, _ Loss oi memory, WfllcaUf of draathlflf. Weak nerve*. TremOllag, Wmx nan Mi w iJiLTfi. Honor offllaeaae, 2. . ... Mbbom of Tldofc Palaln the baea. HotSanoa, nnminx of too body. uraoe**of the acta* *r«ptto«» oath* face. Dalrm*! laealtaSaof lh* Paßw eoaaUßaaoe. matcalar intern nm tymptoma. If allowed «©-to cm, wnteh t&ti medlclae larariahlj rtstOTM. loon follow* (SPOTESCB, FiTFITT, EPILEPTIC FITS, In on* of which tna pacmt may esptrt. Who caa aay that they art aot froQueaUy ffcllowod tty ihoae M dirtful dfteaaea, M INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION P _ , Your Pcsilny <«r « ta ' f&n rratpecl. In Life d«n, r.raM bj Or. noaa wul OOLTM*. 'rf r*>uel. at H 3 tut UadJioD-iu, op-aulrm. Ho culde* eu who are anaanceMfhl la lift to emloeaco. Health TUX BKCOKDh-of the DIBASX ASTLUMS* *| ead baptilnru. ConioUatlon fee|s. Bead foar¢ l I lor ht* “Gttlde to Health and Lons; Lift.** fill A.LQ the mela-etoiy dMtha by Oouiutasdoi. I or'y lt j*j- about wlnalog the affoctloaa of lha appoilft ample «U mto the truth of the * "•ex win be Mat gratia with It. The coantuUoa ouet-aatewd with Organic We- Knesß> ftoqulrea th*®f ,a*dirtneu> tmortaoaaafilßTl* orate the ayatem, watch HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BCCHU tKVABIABLT DOBS. A Trial trill Convince the Suit Skeptical. L In an Affection* peculiar to Feaalea, tmiit troa wtaleter cause, or la lb* drolls* or chant* of life, THE EXTRACT BUCHU In an Affection* peculiar to Fima tea, tmiit troa vtaterir cause, or la the drolls* or ebaate of life. U osagsalled by aayigtfcer remedy. No Family Should be Without It. M Tale no more Balaam. Memory, or Ospleasant Medl el** lor Unpleasant aadDacaeroos Dtsraiea. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BCCIfD AND IMPROVED EOSE WASH Care These Diseases, (n all u«r stagr*, atlltUe axpeua. UU!e ttoeuar in diet, no ineoovtnlence and oo exposure- It ■aorta obstructions, prarant* sad cares Strictures, aLiyafata and laflaamaa-ii. so frequent ta ihl» Mali of dlMaasa, and 0n3.45 poisonous. dliensed. and worn-out matte. B Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu for an ACtcuona tad Diseases of this- tuoatye aae Bladder, wnettwr ezisu&« in USUOB FBJtAUB, from vrtxatevrr cause orlnc»tJ2». end no setter ol bow lone itandlnc. Diseases of these orcau require \he aid of e Diuretic. HELMBOLD’S extract m enu IB TUB OKKAT DIUttKTIU, aad la eertate to a art the aestrec tfiset in all uiseasea hi* which It ta teeommsnde*. DrLfcn.*/ of (Ae 010 tipunttok and rsIWSU tkarao* trtll accompany (•« twdiewu. O * PHYSICIANS" PLEASE NOTICE make bo “aecm” 01 w iacreditßtt. N HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT RUCHU Is composod of Buchu, Cabobs and JtKlper Berne* •alMtod wtU groat car*. f BJBFA&KD IN VACUO, BY B. T. HELMBOLD, Practical ul Analytical Chwalit, ia< Boi* Mui factum o t HELMBOLD’S CEMINE PREPIRITIOS. L AFFIDAVIT. Ftnceaßy appeared bttora me, as Aideraan of ts* •Jity ot Philadelphia, B. T. Helm bold. woo. beta* duly • worn, uaih aay that hi* preparation* contain no nar cotic, no uerrury, or ether InJurtoa* dm**, rat if* timely vegetable. B. T. BKLUHOLD. Sworn aad lubuerlbed before me, tbl* 2*4 day M VovemVr, IBs*. Wk. P. UIBBKRD, Alderman, Slnuwt, above Saco, Philadelphia. D PriM, %\M Mr Eottlo, or Six for M.M. PriM, sl*U p«r ir Six for N.SL Dell vexed to aay addrm, •eevoty packed from oh ■emtlotu Addre** letter* to H. T. TTvrr.TvrßOT.Tva DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway. New York. HEL9IBOLD-S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Teath-fW Fhlladelphla, F&. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS Ail DnrlactylN Dealers. Whondaavor todupoo* M ef thauowß** and** otbw axtiClv on ta* reputitioa obtained by Belmbold** Genuine Preparation, Betobotd** Gweine Bstnet 6 ampurllla. B.U Vr >a Druoisu Snrprken, Aik tor MRi.MBULD'B. Tax* bo othkr. Cut out tfcj adveruaeaent and tend for tt, and Orctatßpvwitiog *Qg exnoauisu tP“Bin**r» Genuine nslaa* dtou in ta it**‘-«*- fvaved wrapper, wnn bc-utmU* el ay Chetulenl warabooje. aad Unci Mr T.BtHMBOLD. ißrtital Carts Dr. Hleeiow It lie only Physician, as t spccisllst, now tn Chicago, that can be entirely relied upon. GO TO HIM. Qe bu mode PRIVATE DISEASES nnd NSBVODB DK BILITY bis study fbr the put}*years, andtsthere fere the persoawhomaUaSQeted should consult. No one ever heard of a patient of his not betas cured, tlnce he hat been in that city. Ql* reputation bu vouchers In all the dty papers, from hit patient* and the guMUrai profession. both at home and abroad, aa belay the meet skHfhl specialist tn Chicago, and a thorough master of all sexusl diteases. Itia only a common occurrence wiib to care saeb cxssi. Rla rooms are teparate fbr ladles and gentleman, and the moat complete la the dty. KPwiv*Tniißnnt.L~PmflMsuffering from Sar Tool DebHUy, especially those contemplating mar* riagn, aboald lota no time In mating immediate appli cation, aa Dr. 8., by his 'new treatment. It enabled te Ixtanre a speedy and permanent rare. Consultation free and confidential. Ofilee. No. 179 South Ciark-sL, corner of Monroe, half a block from the Poet Office. Post Office Box IM, Chicago, HI. Of fice boon from 9 a. m. to 3 p. a. Send tor bit “ GUIDE TO HEALTH,” puhHshed monthly free of chugs. Private natter*. In Private Mattes male or female —go to tbs best-to Or. J. H. CLARK —at the old place Room i Larmoa (entrance, 97 Clark-**, or IQS Waablngton-rt.)—who can* aH Diseases and Dlfficul- Ues of a Private nature—of both sexes—Ln|tbe*abort> est possible time. Female p<r box—ssnlTy malL Send stamp fbr Circular to the Married: al«o. tir Hook on Self-Abase and Kaminai wt««V"a*a. -Ait- Sreas Uuer*-‘‘DR. CLARK, No. i Latin on UTSST Chicago. HL H Private Dlieaici. DR. JAMES, Formerly of James' Lock Hospital, New Orleans, aid fbr the last eight years located tn Chicago, and known North and South as the most successful Specialist in the United States tn the treatment of «t * DISEASES OP A PRIVATE NATURE.' “ Including Female Difficulties and Irregularities, can be consulted at his OFFICE and .PARLORS, 91 and 99 RANDOLPH-BT., np-jtairs, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m., or by letter, P. 0. Drawer 5365, Chicago, UL Treatise upon Spermatorrhea, or one on Syphilis, •eat to any addnas on receipt of two red stamps. Private Mailers. To the Ucferionau. Tba regular Dr. Clarke. 97 Clark-st, Room S. Lartnon Rlock, continues to care (when tfl others fell) all Private, Difficult and Deli cate Diseases, in either sex, which patienta ntoally wish knot seerrt. Blood Medicine P per tmttle. or two lor IS, sent by express. Ladles can coasn ton aH delicate with the assurance of prompt relief. Female Pills tfresh from the office are beet) |1 per box Of mall. Send stamp for Circular on Item edict, end private Letter to Married Ladles. VlrUtnt of Self Abuse can send 110 and receive first coarse of treatment, a hlch cores in ordinary case*. Fur far ther information send stamp for hook on this subject. AU kinds of Robber Goods constantly on hand. Con sultation* free, amt all cates strictly confidential. Ad dress letters (Nalsly) DIL CLARKE, No. 3 Larmoa Blocs. Chicago. i>r. / iowßhend. Office and Parlora IB Sooth Clsrk-eL. treats all Pri vate and Sexual Diseases of both sexea The Ovetnr rails espocisl attention to that terrible scourge, SUM INAL WEAKNESS, thst la sapping the life ul its vl> Urn*. In the cure of which h* never CUU, AUFomale IWOcutCe* treated vith safrey sod sunccss. Uonsr v tation tree. Post Office Box B. “’ The Slrsni el Proicctle s The system against the predhposiograases ,f ik-oase ■neb as Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague. Liver ComnlalaL Kidney Diseases. Impurlriesof the tain cure for all of them u insOLE' nann mr. TBB3. Sold ererywhe-rg. T b»w-, w 183 Soulh Clark-** Chicago. ! r&uiGiWSriiiii. -’“‘verelty ,<f PhUidelnhla, rhimte*." J physician In the city fbr aft SuSSfe'T^{L^f n ?‘j’’-^Mea,of both sexes. Bend SfffS)? l oy. and Bexual Diseases, consul attOFj-trea AC*! confldentiaL Special Notices. Schen£k’i Polmonfc Syrup, Sclicock’s Sea Weed Tonic, Scbenck’s mandrake 4*lih, These three medlclncscnre Pn.MONART,Tr7IRU. mors, RBoNCHiAL and DYSPEPTIC CON* SUMPTION. DU. J. U. SCRENCK, the proprietor nl these medi cines, hve» lu Philadelphia, where be baa a lance prac tice. He haa alao a anile of rooma la Itoalon and New York, » here be la prpftMlonally oore a week. Dr. Bchenck's msdldnt* are Intended tocleanae the atom* acb and llrer, ao that pood blood Is made out ol food. Coiisomptlon cannot rx* eared ante** a pood appetite la crated, a good digestion. Good food mates blood: pood Mood gels the fie»U Into a healing condition, and the long* teal. Dr. Schenck was once in the last stage of consumption, and cored hlmacll by these three medicines, lie Is uow a large, fleshy man He cite* adrlre free, bat for a thorough rxamtaatlca with hi* Rcaplroosvter. the price Is fS. Offlee hours at each city Dorn » 3p. in. A fall supply or Dr. &checck‘s medicine* for sale at all time* at hla rooms; ako by Druggists generally. Euayi lor Young Sloq. On the Erron and Abuses It*'" Early uabbood. *t,b the b. ' •*"“ anil care, irnt by tali' * Tl " ABD.U6OO>- ..moat chars,. Aidra. BOW — »iON, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. Hafchtlor’K Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye la the best In the world; th« ouly true and perfect Dys; harmless, reliable. instan taneous; no dlsappolLtmeut; uo ridiculous tints s remedies the m euvcuof bad dves; Invigorates sad l p V. e t the Ilalr * ort and benuttiuT iilace or niuwt. Soldbr all Druggists and p.-rfamera: and properly applied at Patchclor'i Wig Factory, No. 16 Ojud-sC. be« York. * ©ccan Steamers. ~ PaCIPTC MAtL STEAMSHIP COM PANT’S Tniocan Lnti to Calipokwza *woCnn»». Fuiuut a*ii Paxaao* at UuATLrUcnPcio Katz*. FOUR TIVEo A SKINTiL Of On (he Ist, 9th. 16ib. aud 2tth. wa Steamers leave Iler N 0.43 North lUver.Tooi of €*• aal-sc, at Irnrlocc. noon, ns folios*: Octoi-er I. hISINU ST A it. Captain 51 nrray, connect ing with UOUJi-.N AGE, Captain . October 9, ALASKA. CapUln tiray, connecting wlh CONSTITUTION,4 aplaln Hudson/H cclla * yaraa from Chicago to b*u Frwudsco, including jst class rail to New York, Ist caUu fUB; 2-L I*: Srt, |CO. . AH departures touch at Acapulco; those of the Ist and 34th connect at Panama with steamers for bonus Pacific port*; tst and 16th tor Central Americas porta, and those of Ist touch at yanzHiiSlla. Departure of 9th of each month connects with the new steam line from Panama to Australia and New Zealand. Steamer oi October 9 connects closely with steam Tbenitraof pitwtt ai.tltrclßht bythla Due trail* waya a* low aa lit the opposition, and ttaroeany lob* er. NorannerabelnK ec.ployi.-d by thU 'tocnpany. U U reqneated that nassenrer* apply to the avrnta only. For paeMfic Ucieu aau all farther lufbnuatloii, ap ply at the office on the wharf-f.xit of Caual-d- North Ufrrr. New York. F. U. fIA PT, Ajjent; or at the Gen eral Weatcca Ajraney, cor. LaSalle and Madlaon-ata. JAS. WAKKACK. Aceot JTBW TO UK S’"' - '"" HUB. Steamer* fbrnlshtJr, to Lotwoi Draacr, from Piet No.S. North Ulm, New York- I’aMaßO il 1130, (73. and (Si, Currency. . Wi. Pxts Oct SIHItLOVX on. si At<u>ti - . .Oct. li I Cxlu_. Not, U Forp****geto Havre. I‘arU, Antwerp and Kotier datn. at cheapen Currency rate*, aprdy to KontßT S. CUabx, No. M Broadway, (is* York, or to JA9. WAUUACK, M Dearl>of n-*L. Chicago. For (rvlßlit, apply to HOWLAND A ASPINWALL, No. U Skiulli-ttl, Ncir York. JIJORTH AMKRIOAH BMIMBHIf THBOCGH LINE TO CiUFOSSU, VIA PANAMA. KAILKOADi NEW ARRANGEMENT, Bum&< Cota Few York oa the. 6th and SOth (Ever* Month* or the aay umi when trete ea>* tail ot rnacaj. jgr Funo U*ff thca kv uj •»*« Ui« For ißtancaUou address D. H CAKHIhOfUN. Her 4H. Hdrlli rarer. H. Y. W. E. IVKBB. FrceiCart ChA*. UA**A. VlceFrei titPce—aa me.bas«e*»)\D**. w-* reck fflattinerg. ARCHITECTURAL DEPARTMENT OF TO! Novelty Ironworks, 17 A 89 Llbertyseu* e*r. BrnAwati NSW TOBS tt] r '‘'- I’.u , V.'cii' CvlQti. ahDttara. Vaulla, Pvo*. Ac. i-l C.i; cr Brteiea.lioal*lcia,*c M *e. _ HY.J.UAVIIOH.I WH. M. ATKBI. (Acosta. J. MRIJVRLMAII.I (Sobemmmt Supple. _ TTEADQUARTFRB SIOUX INDIAN XI. DIbTuICT, ncpC 39. CO. Sealed Propotalt (fn duplicate, with a copy of thli advmlaement attached to each.) will be received at theotDoenf Capt. John F. Kodeer*. M. S. K- A A. A. (j. m.. at Sioax City, law*,nntll 15 m.oa Monday, Oe- Übtr 15. W, f>>r rartUablng the blmtx Indian District with goodfkt Heel Cattle. The Cattle lobe delivered at the rltk of the con tractor, and tnmed over to the Commlaaary of the fcloox Indian Dlatrlct. or hi* agent*, la the namber. place and time, a* follow*, to-wit: one hundred nooi head at W beta tone, D. T. Three hundred «9jDj bead at or near month of HK Cheyente. and two hui.dred iSuOt head at Grand IQver, D. T n oa or before the I2tb day of November, iso*. They must average about one thousand and fifty > pounds gtna* weight, and be steers, from three (S; to seven (7) years Of age, All less than three (Si and over seven 1 7l yean of age, and felting short of cine hundred iN | pounds gross weight—bulls, stags, cows and Texas cattle, will be rejected. Each bid. to secure consideration, must contain a written guarantee of two responsible persons, to the effect that the bidder 1* able t> fulfil a contract la ac cordance with the terms of hi* propositions and that lb case a contract Is awarded, they a tt to be come his securities, giving good and suOclenl bonds to Their^Saf» t wtll be submitted t/» Brt. MiJ. Gcn. Wn. P. Hant-y. Corn'd g hlonx Indian I>j‘tclct. snd until Ms d. cl-loa I* knowneach bidder will be held re sponsible for sny proposals which he m*Th*re enter ed. decision U made known the contract reserves to Itself the right to reject “flldarrl *r?i‘avltcd to be present at the opening of thetr proposals, which will uke place on the d»y and plslhlT endorsed. ••Proposal* for DJ direction CapUin mh C. f. Infantry, mie delay In the publication of tne above adver tisement ta due t<» the feci, that In conscoaeocc of the •nfrS ..rctcn on the Upper Mlsaourt, eo sf* ..rrlre the dntv was entrusted to an sssw’Sl.TMi.Ai«« wb, bSlc<s to*carry oat his promise. (Gobrtnmcnt gate. "rsfTBLIC OF CONDEMN BiD P ORDV iSCE ASD ORDKAKCB STORES,—A lTnte°amouuto coodemneu Ordnance and Ordanc# r5Ss will be offered fbrmle at PnNleAuctioa,at I»la3d Arsenal, Illinois, on WEDNESDAY, the nth d»y of October, at 19 o doc* •. m. The fbUowipglDt co mf rises some of the principal articles tobe»old.vl«: W Iron gopa,various cdtbres; 5.409 shot, shell. Ac-: S 3) field carriage*; 200 sets artU err h»rne*»: 6»*carMucs. various models; SJ7J mus it.fe at.d rtfi**, various mo-lels; 235 r-volvcrs, various models- 40,000 ku of Inbuitry aceoutrmenu; 3.000 McCTdlanVsaddle*; sioocnrabrldle*; tfi oo watering bridles. Itrsons wualng ccaplete lists of the stores ?ns.»oll tan obtain them by application to the Chief S ordnance *t Waahlngton. ft. C.; of Bvt. Col. 8. cn oin. C. S- Army, ParchaMn* Offloer. cora-r of Honaton and Orcen New Torkelty; orbydlrea ■pi'llc.Udd u> *™»l- j. ItODaAK , . Lt. Col. OnL. Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. 3. A-, Com’*. Rock Island Arsenal- Sept. 4.19 GK. irealfs. 1 FAIRBANKS’ j iH"N\ »akoiu . S O AL E S # KrSH&.FAjmAnL thakblkaf a i o •£3BwTl nS A Las«^*u.Chicago. EElatdjes. CUPBBIOR IMITATION GOLD O BUNTING WATCHES. TDI OROIDE WATCH FfiPTORT. Oroide Catrt, a newly discovered competition known only to ourseivra, predaely like goldln appear, -anee, and keeping tu color aa lonx at worn, and aa wen finlabed aa tba beat gold onea/Tbrae watebea are made at onr ova Factory, from the beat materials. of the UteataiMl imutapfruaedatylea, are JewcUodand wel) finlabed. with a view to the beat reanlU in regard to wear and time, banting case*. For appearance, da rabitlty and time, they have never been equalled by watches costing five time* aa mart. Cacb one war ranted by special certificate to keep accurate time— price AJi. Gentlemen and ladle** sixes. For this amal) anm any one can have an escellent watch, equal u> ap- Earaoce, and aa good for time, as a gold one costing MX. Also. Oroide Chains, aa wrQ made as those «u gold, from S 3to H. The money fbr the goods to be gald/when yon get them from the Express-and not CAUTION—6In« the demand has greatly increased fbr the Oroide Watches, many persona an selling com position watches, entirely worth! cm representing them to be Oroldvand In some cases stating that they an onr agent*. These representations are entirely false. We employ no agents, and the genuine Oroide Watch can be nan only by ordering directly from ns. C. S. COLLINS A CO., Nc*. 57 and S 3 Naaaau-aL, N. T., op stairs. Opposite the Post Ofilee. tF“ToelnU whereat watches an ordered at on time, we win send an extra watch, making seven watches fbr 190. Uanfeing. THE BAM OF CALIFORNIA San Francisco. Capital Five Millions of Dollars, GOLD! D. O. MUXS, Pmldrat, WU aRALSTOM t OuU«r. ixee * WALLER, Agents, NEW YORK. Will tmsaet a genenU Baaklif uf Is* ekasu BsrjDsm at MAN FKAKCIfiCO m*4 HIW YO’AK. Ksoslvs DrNilts and Make Osllest'.iulsOALlFOßlliii RIVADAsM th'j PADIKICCOAKT. n'iNIMG STOCKS and all CALIFORNIA VfCVBITIIh ssrehaisd and eeld ea Hsa> aluln, MsiiTTrasifsrrsfkT Telagraph •r by Cheeks. Caltfersl* Conbi ruksf ax eellectsd, WtU draw Bills at Biehaace aa the Ori ental Bank Carporatlen, Laadsa ( against skliaexti af Ba»Un« ; JOHN MUNROE &. CO n American Bankcre, Do. 7 Bua Scriba. Paris, and No, t WaIMU, Nsw York. ssne Circular T*tttn of Credit tor Travellcn tn Ul parti af Europe, Ac. alao. Commercial Credlta. ILottcrj). HAVANA LOTTEBT. OFFICIAL DRAWING, S«pU 19,1868. Ko. Prize. iNo.Prlic., No.rrize.X’. Prize.iN'o.Prize. 49..4T01 5732.4t.Vl UMJ.4501 15796. .410 23191.4400 5i, i*®. .woiiicsi.. so 306.. 4U)j 5967...400 X11W...50 15^,1....:.U M2*i...250 512.. .250 5J06.. *SftlTl»l...a’ IMW...IIX>' W U.. AO 555.. JOC W»...r«tUJC8...350hV8J....»V.'>155,..2i) wh....h0! «z5'...3Vvmi<...r0i.w»....i^ t . , 0 tn ..w 875.. ..400 614»...4*»»rH4«7...55n;1«ir:....i-ii 424.. 6161...2501116U3,,.230 in “9....jv* J 4U..JW 433.. .160; 6176..J30111616...550 U3H....25) .V 64...830 n*..,.r0 1 mw...250 ictio 2r0...») ; 7T . .» «235...2»1n5w...w 1«fr0....330’J1M4...2M | 6frj....4t»< 6>T...25 ‘11M8...&W IMS? .. !'»• 1~fi5...100 j pw .. ro w6...vw uM4... , l r'<iiKvei .. r .wt>,.ii»i I *76 350: 6441...4ia> 1WW...400116HM....30 11H11...5>« I M7....400 11339.. 4® 16ft©...,4'*1 3103...1uC M9....250 6191...3W UW..IH* ...T* II 64...109 IC*" U&49..45«M> . 410 4107H...i0 U30....400- 6639...A0 11145...24 16K59... .2C ..350 13ti1....‘J50i «673...2Wi12&«...500:1t?94J...-''Cw 1H99...400 X1«!.,.5.C 6T47...5C015-4...r-D ITlfl 4«J 413-W...400 ligj . rot 67Ta..10n0 12118...250''XT1M... .251 .'KW.. 400 uy; ct*...w 1iiu6...250 ni3v...r4 4iw7..x000 1199.. ..50 06H JfO W1M...250,17171....i0 4X636...400 UC3....40C1 &4«...3Ki.14r>34..2aCi1Tt4)....5i0 U£43...3(t) 1329.. 400 690...250 12570...100 1i2»*....T4 iOJ 15W....1U0, 7101...400 ian..j»i.sii...j:-- .[?#, , TQ 1578.. .400) Ti11...35*1'15KQ...WC.M57.. jis£).V>t<o 1700.. T1M...20 U 729-- .r-0 21*.* 1...501 1737.. 750... n» UTSS..MM** ,^.nun»‘?VJ2l...2'o 19ia....»«i 7tß .4kj) U6B. .. t 4iv»..UWl 1K5...450 .455...400 3014.. .KO>l 7527...«* f915«...4T‘'1;0> > u ’‘67...20 —» .£O, iUisi.. JUJ 17354....400 1 4i.N6..AT'0 ISh;; So iS:;si:3a;;.*oi«2 - gjss-iS ofjg 250 Mill ..3» UCK1...4»0;W)f«....? fl 9.~li* . j*2 5U0...40 L314...5 O.VSTCJ4 250. J RMS.. TO KU7...5« 150^9....r4W;-':61...i0 KS4. .ro wrß...««:isvA... ro’-5t«...2 o S-T- K83...25 |l:it»l.. ro■l'-ZW. .5 00t »U"1...410 i*6.V.'SO, BUT.. .350:1»J1...250,1^...450,221.7... 4>U rif ..40c!1{?.«5...2MH01.. 2V’IM-C...ZVI » 73 .. 4 0 »7W...1Uj 1 -'** 81.11.. STTO.XOCjO.UJiI..i2±VS.. 43I 1354.. 400 »‘i19...WiU10i)...4W I XB:<H...:Oo'4>Vn...»^ 8318.. .3501 bM15...350)11109...1*0 t’47.i...|!l [Sii46...Wl 5357.. W0...10 U120...3.-0 1-4W...3 1»W7...r-) 8511.. .350' ‘*R3...3y> i 1W...r4l 15739..450 , 43717 10 8516.. ..41*1 »*9...» , 11J8...3f0|H.50...5no K 3;>>JO 1.795.. .100 ti11..1 00'UW.,1000 *77 ...450'75756...r0 aaa...jroj wci...sso,jh«»...sw w;9)...nj:w i...»i 59P0....1U31 8206.. J 0,11(21...3J0ll-*3(5...|•<KirR..lrO0' 4023.. -’CC 9W...50- ;1«W3...'>0;i>8:j....5n0 2 3i“...2'0 wn...iso | i— .y. <na....25tf W71...JM ItfW. .-250' <I&1. ••^-..550111673...M8' 4JW....JS <m... scl “h«,.,40 in:a..K« <313 ...» , iCJfi.,,25. <Skj...j&o; SSJU...M ir.ei. no) 4571,...50, Wia...«CO|lft«...2V. !«*«...J'O, •VjflilMßO 4T70....J50j 9W7..10 0 Uti1...350 .9147....4 f|2W*.2M)r« 4900.. UX lUAT..KO 151'5...*i0 I'jio... socli ir. .» ir>i63...w .9*2.. 4WT... jwmnas...n) t:.rss.,.«f 9i.’0....h'n; , :i ,i sß..iu-o 11M....3M insia.. arw mu...sod »ia ...a.) n*« 4*6R....«(D 1W13...4 mil,. JSC l» 53....») 11997.. .TO 5073.. .250 Xo47f J 5 15256 ..4ri1t!«W....M0 C1W...350 5353.. 3M,1.M\..m0 196W....50D 31.T...50 5430.. 540)11649...400 15* 9 .a0 : 1Wi..,.4DU135t91)...4 0- 5140.. 400 I 59J ~r. l»;iT...jao.icn...4U» Wfil... 330 10640...50n 15413...250 197•"....M0 2jT4>...400 5473.. ..4.0 1W1...400 154« 1...400 INO. ...350 25.111... PW WiK...l‘oo 1(TW...a0 t»*..USD !*«)....W5MT5...350 5555.. 230 f5C2...400 15531...353,19973....T0iJ VJ|...SO) 250 1C93 ...250 15«0...a0,19!Hl ...350 2UCB..imi) 3CA...J00 t 855... S3i< 115638... 10012 015....2> son... ro.icvo avi>-.'a...»i}(aDrai....4i) 3,10.1.. .400 5C90... 25011C956...230i1575i.. JOO *1ft>....4J0 Jjdjfi,. JSO approximation prizes. Approx'ni»tlon« to the 1100,000 I*rizo—From So. 1i.'.0l to So, locln.|Te,«*«rli fSCO Approximation* to Hie So. U.WMo N0.vt.900. lhcln«1?e. each U« Approximations t<> the *41,000 I‘Hie—b'n>m So. S4.KJI toXo.SWOO.lnciu* vp. each. 100 Approximation* to the fiO.OOO I’rUe— From So. S*Sl to So. Approximation-to the fir»l *.*i,oHo I’me— KMn So. to No. B,IUI, Incisal ve, each 300 Approximation-I>> the ht-coml I\OOQ Prl; So. 15.321 to So. I W J», Incltufre, each. Prlrea p.nld In gold. Information furnished. The M*he*t rates paid for I)..ttM<.<m« and nil kind* of OaldandKUwr. TAYLoKA CO., Banker*. to Wall it, Me* York. Claim agents. 'T’RE UNDEDSIONRD HA.VINHUK XTrnSFDftom Europe, It form* the public that he hwtni'le arr*Bc ,- n’»-nt« fir the Collection of Claims ltd the Ueeovery of Ratal'-* and I.e-rarWln Kncland, France and Europe* hni Information roocvmlnk a very I wire Dumber of Foreign Estate*- BOIIEKT rALKTnOUi’. Altor&fjr-at-Lsw. No. '.O Walntat-*;., Philadelphia, I‘aDftv IHctyral T>T AAl'I -MANHOOD.-NOTH -INO ««> Important. S-nd ivo atatnp* fur sealed 73 pasp aon the «h< ]>• Mi'de.-t fir. cin.Sde'.tial phy-ieia-., q; St. I h «rl»« at., St. Mo., slavds pre-eminently n’xire id I idhrn* In Ida specially. No matter who fall-l. •tale your Cam]. I'atUuU treated by mall lu every nute Uailroalis, AimiVAL AND DEPARTU3B OP TKAINS. CillUAt.O & EtIRTIIWEHTRHH RAIL* lt«»A<*. col'ncii. bluffs and omara link. UxroT—N’orth Well* meet. Leave. Arrive. Clinton Paasenccr S;ii».m. *t:V)p, m. ratlflc laal Line p. m. *l >i p. m. I’actOc Mght Ksproai 111.00p.m. nnua.m. Uixuo i’aatencvr tIU p. m. U:U) a. to. KItXKFtJICT LINK. Plteport raaacngcr vmxd. *3:loa. is. Freeportraaaenxrr m *'•'«•■ B wii^itie k ii(lr»,.r.TT...T.... 'liTO p. m. *11:10 a. m. Geneva and Klkln Paaeencer. *SJBp. m. *S:LVa.m. Lombard Accommodail.m... *o:lop.m. *7;ooa.m. WIW'GJtHIN DIVISION. DxrciT—Corner of Canal and Klaxle atmeta. SC Paul tlxprea* *V-Uo*. m. *7:11 p.ra. Night *3-»p. m. *3; JaueavUlr AccomtuodatlOD.. *3JDp. la. *3: «p. in. Woodilock Accommodation, * *5.33 a. m. MILWACKEK DIVISION. D»rOT—Comer of Canal and Kmxle street*. Day Kiprw* *5WMa.m. * KvanatoD Aecommodatlun... *10:13 a. m. l:li)p.m. Ko* ebUL Calvary and tvaa»- ton laOp.m. trfDp.m. Afirmocm Mpres* p.m. *7JOp. m. KenotbaAccounsodattoo.... *srtdp.m. *»:l3a.m. Waukegan Aceotumodallon. *s:tsp.m. *5:39 a. m. Px*»en*er P- “• *• m - MUwaukce Accommodation. *11:00 p. tn. y:l3 a. tn. Uzo. L. Drscvr. Gen 1 Sup U D. F. rxxkiCT, General Paaaeager Agent. CHICAGO, BOOK IwLANO 4c PACIFIC x A I|.K ua it* Day Exprra*and Mall wop.m. Pern Accommodation ‘s2S'2‘ Night Exprea* JIO.-OO p. m. tfcts a. m. IttirillOA* fM»rtH«Hn EsILKIUO. Dxror—Comer Van Boren and Sherman street*. Ticxxt omc*—j« South Clark street. Accommodation M:l3a.m. **JD p. m. Day Express *B^oa.m. New York Express 3:15 p.m. Bu£*.m. \iebtExpress “tsJDp.ta. *ra3oa.m. DETROIT UKK. Par Express, via Adrian *S.«3 a. m. *Mop.m. Mght Express, via Adrian... *?k3o p. m. *t<dO a. m. WAT** * •usoa. ta. t«n a. m •&10 a. ta. 830 a. m Sdip.m. •c:Mp. m •»00p.m. •s-jop.a Mall Express.. Fast Line Express.. ii.LinniH CKi*wtt« u Day Passenger •fctta.m. *7:3 0. m Night Pasaenger 79:15 p.m. *lcaOa.m Ktakakee Accommodation.. *4:15 p.m. *9:13 a. n Hyde Park Train *433 a. m. i u£3 - “ “ *13:10 p. m. *I:Wp:S Z tt " 232 p -°* "MSp-a *fcWp.B. *735p.m OUICtGOi Rn»LTVGTO!4 Se QUIBCY. Day Express and MaO *730 a. m. *«;t3 p. m. Stwropf* *3d»p m. *431 pm. Mecdota raasenger •i-anp, m *>33*. m, A°rof» *5:43p.m. *il3p. m. Mehl Express UL3O p. m. f<ua Su m. CUICAGO, ALTOII A «t. k,ODI*«. Exprwa and Mall : *B3O a. m. *s^3p.m. Mrht hipreM *k«o p. m. *530 a. m. Joliet and Bloomington Ac commodation NOSp.m. •hoin. Pf Passenacn to points on the Jacksonville I load wui take lhe(:43 p. m. train, which runs through from Chicago without change of can and has sleeping-cars attached. 4.OLCBIBDK, CIIICaCX» & TK'>IA!SA R.O>Bt(UL OLAYKt UIC.4GOA.-GB* AT SaSTEKN, TrtM CI.-CIN«AT| AIR s I*»), THy Express and Hall *r:4sa.m. *«;Op.m. Evening Express *(ta»p. m. t*tlsa.a. Colnznbna Day Express *i®p.m. J.-Oip.m. LansingAccommodatlOQ..... *SdMa.m. *sdlan. •• *• .... *s:lsp.m. *3.-10p.m. Ticket Offl<-e 95 lUndolph street. Depot corner Canal and Klnrie streets. N. E. Scorr, CenT Western Passenger Agent. BIIC'U OA* 4KIIT"**' KAIIsWOAO v Union Depot, toot of Lake street. Mall Train SSS* 01, ?ii2 p ’ n - DayFxpreM «••• *9*o a. m. *i.-00p.m. Fast New York and Boston Sight New York and Boston ExmeM - t3oa.m. For Lansing and Saginaw.... *feooa. tn. For Lansing and Sa«laaw.... *9Jop.m. CIKCTKNATI ASD LOUISVILLE TRAFK9. Hall andKxpreat .. *>>d)op.m. *9Asp.m. Evening gxpreas J4gip.m. rtJOa. m. Bzxxr C. WmrrwoxvH, General pMewr Agent. •Sunday* excepted. fUendnyt excepted. f3atar days excepted. ißrtical. CONSUMPTION ! DR. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SIRUP, For the Cure of coughs, colds and consumption. DR. SCHENCK’S St&WEED TQHIC, For the Core of DYSPEPSIA. AND ALL Tilß DKPIUTATfiD CON DITIONS OF THE STOMACH. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, DISEASES OF-THE LIVER. .OR TO ACT ASA GENTLE PURGATIVE. AH of these .three medicines an often required ta coring Consumption, though the Pulmonic Syrup alone baa cared many deaperate cases. TheSeawsed Tonic and Mandrake PHla aaaWt la regulating the Stomach and Liver, and help the Pulmonic Syrup to dlgcat and tearcb tbrongh the blood-ieaseU, by which meant a core la soon eSSrctcd. These medicines an eonadentlotaly oSbrcd to tbo public as the only safe, certain and reliable remedies fbr Pulmonary Consumption, and tw aH those morbid condition* of the body which lead to that faal disease, liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are often forerunner* of Consumption, and when they manifest themselves they require the most prompt attention. The Pulmonic Syrup is a medicine which has had a longprobailonbefbntbepubllc. It* value been proved by the tbonaanda of cures It ha* made, through a period of more than twenty years, la all ul wuitfi time its repot*lion baa constantly lucreuaoti, and the moat < betlnata skepticism can no longer doubt that It la a remedy which may be used with confidence in all cases which admit of a can. If the patient wtH peneveringly follow the direc tions which accompany each bottle, be will cert Unly be cured. If his longs an not too much w**i;dto make a care possible. Even In cases .opposed to he Incurable, when friends and physicians have despair ed, the use of this medicine has saved the life of the patient and restored him to perfect health. tr Pr. Schenck himself ha* cored In precisely such circumstances, and many other* have been equally fbrtnaate by Judiciously making a timely use of Dr. Schcnck*s remedies. Dr. Schenck does net say that all cases of Pnlmon ary Consnmptlun am within the reach of medicine, but he emphatically aaserts that often, wbea patienta have the moet alarming symptoms, *uch as a violent cough, creeping cUR*. eight •wests, and general de bility, even to such a degree that they are obliged U> He In bed, and when they are given op by their physi cian, they may *UII be cored. No medical treatment can create new longs, hot when the longs are very sadly diseased, and to some extent destroyed, a euro may be effected by Dr. Sehenck's medicines. Also, in scrofulous diseases these medicine* are equally efficient. Dr. Schenck has photograph* of a number of persons who have been nearly ovrrtd with running sores snd now all hcalM up. Thl* shorn* Us purifying properties, which must he done to heal cavities in the lungs. In the treatment of Consumption it is of tha utmost Importance to give rigor and a healthy tone to thn system. Reoee.ltUneceasary to strengthen the ap petite cf the patient and to Improve the digestion. Proper nourishment I* required, together with such means as will make the food easily digestible. Tha articles most suited fbr the diet of cousnmptive pa tlml* are designated In Dr. Schenck’* pamphlets, which are distributed gratuitously. In general, the moet highly nutritious articles are to be preferred, bat the digestive organs most be strengthened in order to i make either rood or medicine serviceable. This re quirement is met by the Sea Weed Tonis, and Sir this purpose it was designed. When the digestive powers are put tn good order, the food has Us proper effect, the system of the pa tient is invigorated, ami the lungs begin to exercise their functions In a normal and healthy manner. Then the healing powers of the Pulmonic Syrup will com plete the cart. Pulmonary Consumption Is almost always compli cated a tth Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Sehenck's Mandrake Pills are Intended lo remove obstruction* from the liver sod restore its healthy action. Tkiy have all Ue efficacy which la ascribed t-v calomel or M blne mass," and are warrant*-! not to contain a par tide of any mineral poison. The*) pill* care tha meet obiUnate costiveness, sick heacache, plica, bil ious affections. and all otbrr dbe-tses a Web arise £rd?i* torpid or obstructed condition of the liver. One box of the»e pills, valued at twenty-fire cents, will prove the e£!*<* me-Udns. In Coninmptlon, the Sea Tonic at d Mandrake Pill* are Invaluable atUiDrry tue-iMne*. They re- Here the sufferings of the patient and a»sl.-t the Pul monic Syrup in effecting s cure. They have been found useful In adtaneed stages of Coa-smptlon, where tbelunga were almost entirely destroyed, and alt symptoms, according to the Judgment of the phy. I cirlan*. indicated »pcedy death. The tires of patients i who were actually lu a dying condition have hem | pre»crvedfor months by the nse of Dr. Schenck’* three event remedies. I>r. ijehenck pledge* himself to effect a cure If the patient w 111 spi ly to him before his cone la aliogej her dc«prrate--thatl‘ toaay, befbrethe rlhil organs arc too far cone to admit of any core except hr a mimclc. Dr. J H. Sehenck la the Inventor of celrbrat.-«l Iniiiumeul callcil “ schenck’a with which be makes examinations of the lung*, with the certainty of Discovering their true condition. The charge for an examination with the r U five dollars. \ s ,; a ied above. Dr. Schenck hlm«e!f w-vs cored of Cousumprion In one of Its most hopeless slices hy the nsc of the rnlmonlc Syrup. Experienced physi cist declared that ha could not lire a week; yet now, after a lapse of tUrtjr-fl»e years, he U In perfect health, and weighs more than two hundred pounds. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic for tlia Cure of Dyspepsia, sesrsrsiA, or urstoasTionr, U a dcracgemet.t of the digestive functions, the lm meJi"*'' Cause of which Is found to be a diminished Quantity of the ,tlicc * 0? a vitiation of lu qoal. Ity. The no te remote causes of this disease are'in temperance In cntltg or drinking, the n-o of too much udmal food, hot bread, tobacco, ob.-lrucUooa In the liter cp iplc*^. lhe a *° of various drug*. e»jv*-i ~ Calomel or mercury ; and lu tu*l“ exte , me <!i*.-a»e Is much aggravated by the use of •• '■cmedliv* some of which Day aitfd to afford temporary relict Jb general, the mcuMnCa ;r«-cribed by phymeijns for the cure cf dyspepsia. sre poisonous, which, trm When taken In the smallest QLAhlltles. must be la- Jorlouato ti e organism of the stomach ; and common sense should teach every ono that snch medic o a can cot cure Indigestion. Inftct.som.! yhyriclansof eminence hare doubted whether thU disease can ever IR. rnreJ by an.taaiwi.lly by com»lve adilaot mini-rate. ?0u...i00 -•JVK..JOO |-. , rt41...2W The great remedy for Indigestion, discovered h T Dr J. 11. Schenck. Iscot liable to any of the objection* whlib arc made against the drugs tutu!!? pr. scribed for the cure of this disease. It Is, as Us name Implies a vegetable preparation, distilled fn*m an herb which crow s abundantly in the K-a and the *u„res This herb possesses the medicinal prop nii-*«f j,„jlde of the Iron orlodine, ai d la In its nature alnr-at Mm. t!c»l with the gastric Jolce, the aolv.;ni which nature has prepared tor carrying on the process ot dlge.tloo The Seaweed Tonic, therefore, supplies (be place of this solvent when the latter Is deficient; and, sa It la the only medicine that can act aa a substitute fir ttm Is the only medicine that can core dyspepsia. It dots not corrode the coats of the stom ach. like rltrlol and other arid* which are Riven to patient* to •• produce aa appetite,” which Is always a false one. and can not be Indulged without tasking the patient'* sufferings greater than before. 9chtnck*a beaweed Tonic followa the Indications of nature. Its Immediate affect u to change the food to chyme which Is ibe flrst proeea* of digestion. It strengthen* the stomach, and enables it to secrete the gastric Jolec In snffletent quantities, and, when these object* are effected, dyspepsia no longer exists. ECHESCK'S HEAffKEDTOMC produces a natural appetite, which may be cratU d safely ana withost Ineonrenlsnce. It U perfectly harmless and agreeablo to the taste, being no harder to take than any other pleasant bitter*. It contain* no corn or rye whiskey, or alcohol, or any other had spirits, but is a pore di»- Uiluiiuu, which can never disagree with thi moat del icate stomach. The seawetd Is distilled hr a proven* which I* similar to that used la the manufacture of Jamaica spirits. A little taken Wfore breakfast wQ| create an appetite, and, after eating a hearty dinner, a wlnr-jtass full of the Tonic will promote digestion, and prevent any unpleasant feeling «<f rvpl-tlon. ily the Ircqntnt use of th» Tonic the stomach acquiree inch power that K will digest any artl le so that the necessity of paying particular attention to the diet will be obviated. ■—Kr>m From the observation* nude by phydclana, It up* appean that dyap-p»l* seldom exists without more or lets torpidity of the liver, anil constipation, «r on mo Other dlsordvr of the bowel*. Whensuch anndltloi of the patirot la observed, uueof Schenck's Mandrake ITUs should be taken every night (or u wer-k nr two, and then one every other night, hy which mean* the W»fl* nuy lx? regulated gradually without the aid of violent portative*. In billons climate*. or where ralaau.ttl r dli?;i*ct, prevail, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandnk; lilt* •iioald l*e kept In every limi.e. fly taking the Tui.le In the &.U, whcnchUl* and fever* are pr. valent, and a few Mandrake nil* occasionally U> keep the liver In ac t'ob. Utoae frightful diseases Incident to marshy dl«- Ulcl*. andother unhealthy district*. may h ■ avol ><|. Abundant proofli of this fact may bo area In Dr. SelienrX’a omen Matty resident* of neighborhoods In wLteli (ever and acne, or Intermittent fever. It an an* nual acourge, have certified that the u*e o( tn ••• two rente die* h«« been tl elr prole, linn fr-un the epidemic* which were raging all anmnd them. ItyapeptlaUa ulteatewhich prevail< nvirywhcrtv and It causes more tnfferlnr. perl *p«. than any in tl*. Oy to which human nature la ■nh*e.-f. Vn«n; the symptom* are headache, sour and stele stoma.-li. pain tremor*, general dehlhty, faintness, low of .ppitlts, had tarte In the mootn, severe p.Uo« In the bowels, de pression of spirits and an iote.reiii.Vi e f., of miter}.whlcn often make* Ufa wearisome,and not nofr. intently leads to au|. Me. All tbeae evil* may t>« obviated by one or two bot tle* of .‘•chenek's Se»» eed Tonic. 1h • direction! tall In what cases the Mandrake PUlaars 'e.julre.l. in a|. ir.utt every r»«e ni Consumption, I lie ?»e* • eed Tunic and Mandrake Fill* am preacrth-4 hy T>r. Sc enck, aa U UlmpoatlMe to heal ulcrraVoovor cnvul.-s m the lure*, or for ihe Pnlraonl* Sy-npto sean-’i through ihebh-od vessels. anlea* the and Tver ars brought to a healthy coodltlnn. For thlt purpose ti.e Mandrake mil* were flr-t downed; but aiw they are u.til with the happleit eUt-cu, Is all extea where tonic*, purgatives, or stimulant* are required. Sr* Scheock’e Baadrakfl Pill*, a Sab~ stitnle for Oalom«l, will he found to poaacsa tho*e qualities neceaurv to the U>UI eradication of all billon* attack*, prompt to start the secretion* of the liver, and sire a healthr tone to the entire system. Indeed, It 1* no onUnarr discovery In Medic* Sctem-e to have Invented a rem edy for these sTubbum complaint*, which deve'ooaU the result* produced by a heretofore frt-.- use of £>]■> ael—a mineral justly dreaded by mankind. aud ac knowledged to becealrnctlve In the extreme to tbs human »y stem. That the properties of certain reze lablrs comprise all th* virtues of calomel, wuh-.ntlcn wndeaelea, U now an admitted fart, ren dered Indisputable by scientific research •; aal lh >*o who me tba Mandrake MU* will he fully sitlsdel that the best medicines are tbo<e provided by natare In thecotniroD DCTbaandrootsoftbefleld*. Tbe*ePlll« are composed ot varton* root*. Inaludl.g podophv llln. or concentrated mandrake; the compound having tho power to relax the secretion* of the liver a* promptly aod effectually a* Nue pills or mercury. *:,J without firodnan; any of tbo«e disagreeable or d inuerooi cf. *«*. "bleb often follow the u-e of the latter In all bUcna disorders the*e Mils may tv* u«cd with perfret confidence. as taey promote the dlschirxe of vlliaUd bile, and remove those obatructioru from tlio liver and blllar dneu, which are the causes of bilious affections la g« ncral. It has lone been thought by the profeaiha that ralomel or some otber form of mt-remy was the only fhrm of medicine that wo Id restore the deranged or deprived secretions -fthe Uvcr. Unt *ocn is the KUoooas ■ ffect of any torm of mercury, la prjl e ctallvalion, carles of bone*, and a prem tors de cay, that the profession has tom: ago n-o*ror-'d to fled some other preparation that would .c upon the llverwlthontanvorihedreattfolreval' of nivrcnrr in some of the Prise Enuy* in Europe It was re marked that the discoverer of ihl» remedy would be eatltleu to the lasting gratitude of the entire human race. This preparation Dr. J. 11-Schcnct. of Philadel phia, baa certainly discovered In the Vegetable Riog orm, and Its active principle I* contained 1 1 th.- Man drake MU*. It Is as eqnsfly efSradon* In producing a healthy action of the liver as any of the forms of mercury, and entirely free from any dangerous or Injurious resn ts. Khcnca’s vandrake Fills expel ascarMa, or seas worms, which are so troublesome to many p-rsons, producing pU«, fistula, dyseoWry. aud other painful disorder*. tacbenck's Mandrake Pill* cure tick headache, and all disorder* of the llv r. Indicated by i iHow »Mn. coated toDgue. costlveneM, drew taes-i. and a En»ral feeling of we trine** and las-l’-inev aho vlns at the llv*r Is In a torpid or obstructed >-mdltlo-u to short, these PHI* may be used with advantage in all eases where a purgative or alt-raUvc medicine Is required. Prepared only by Dr, J. H. fehenck. and «oji. whole**:ear.dreUil,at hi* principal oifi'-e. Ko. a North corner Pnllid*lohta • and by drugsltts and dealers everywhere Free S cent* per box. * Dr. seber.ek’s Almanac elves a treatise on Con •utnptlon In lt« different forma Bronch'aL Tnbereu lar. Pulmonary. PleuMtic—and to vto treat It. hverr coDMunptlve BhcttJJ get one «ou read It. Tneyta*. tM hidgrolsof an* druggist,or on applleatlca »•» Dr. Scbenck, principal offlee No. 15 .North lilxth-aL. dit of Comm- rce. Phl'anelnhU Win be *«nt hv mail. ,im » *" , He is also profcsajonallr at his ruoraa tt Bonded sew York, every -fueacUr, and at » Hanure?^ «-25-SS;- .. p l ,t T,°.t tbe and Seaweed Tonic. s!sfclJ , fsfi p *£a >0,1, T ,op V-* 0 p<r dosen. Man * oQ». A fUU supply of Dr. ! °g a^nea fof *»>« at all times at Ida room*. Also, by droggiau generally.