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\On The Air To-day ROOSEVELT TO GIVE ADDRESS Will Be heard With K-Gov. emor Lowden To-mor row Afternoon Oovernor Franklin I>, Ilooee velt, former Oovernor Frank O. ' Bowden of IlllnoU, anil Blberty Hyde Bailey, noted agrleulturlrt, will b' heard over ft wld« NHC WJ5C network to-morrow afternoon when they addrew* thn conferenee of the American Country Ufa aoelatlon at Cornell unlveralty, Ithaea, N. V. Tha three apeakera, each allied with nurneroua rural aetlvltlea, will be heard during the National Farm and Home Hour from 1:30 to 2:30 p. tn„ E. IJ. T. Oovernor Ilooaevelt la aftHoelated with atate i>ark development and health foundation** In variant* parta of the country. Bowden l« famed Sor hit* farming. Halley, a former dean of agriculture at Cor nell, la prealderit of the Country 1,1 fe aaaoclatlon and la aaaoclated with elmllar organisation* In for eign countrlea. Matera WTIC Hartford IIMHI Klloc? «•!** p. m 4:45—H unset. Hour, 6:45—-Happy, Ho and Lucky. 6:00—The “Old Surge". 6:05—fafiurcl Trio—Julius Nuhm rnan, director. 6:25 — liullctlriH. 6:30—Orehcstru- Norman Clou- , tier, director. 7:00—fllrna Islanders Mike Ha napl, director. 7:10—Baseball scores. 7:16—-M uslcal Moment*. 7:30—Watchmaker*. 7:4 5—Nat Hrusllofr* JCecordlng orchestra. 8:00 --"Through Lighted Win down"—Jane Hillon, Im personator, with string or chestra. 3:30—* irchewtra. 9:00—.Sylvan Kchoei. 9:1 5—George Hlehert, Connecti cut profeM*lonal golf cham pion. 9:.TO—oreheHtra, quartet, moIoImUi. 10:JO—Top-notcher* 1 ri Hport. 11:00—'Marin** forccaMt; bulletin*. 11:05—The Merry Madcap*— Nor man Cloutier, director; n.* *l*f.ed by Charlie Gerard and the I lima Inlander*. 12:00 m.—flllent. 404 Heltri WEAF Nrtf York •mo Kllor/clra 6l00—Thw lady Next Door. fijfO—Tea Timer* Hand. 6l46—Mountaineer*. HjOO—black and Cold orchentra. 0.*25—khoiehall *core*. #1; 2 5— Ha *e ball *core«. 0:10 — fifteen Minute* with K. if A. 3t4R—11w tHobbln* Hoy* nketch 7|00—• Snoop and Ueep ?ikit. 7:16—France* Alda,; frank I .a Forge, piano. 7:30—Leo Mor*e, Hong*. 3: if*—Kiuicha ilelmann. piano. 3;30—(.'oncert orche*tra. ft|00—Hym phony orche*t ra. 9:30—Concert orchestra; Jlevel er* quartet. 10:20—Htrlng en«ernhle; Captain frank llawka Interviewed by Grant hind Hire. 1 1:00—Talk—Nellie Unveil. 11:15—Lopez orchewtra. 12:00—Hhcrho'M < ‘oritIncnlal*. 12:30 a.rn —Orchentra. 422m—WOK, Newark—710 k<: 6:00—Farrell** orcheatra. 6: to——Urogram Itenurne. ft: 36—Urogram Kenume. 6:36—Wood wort h’* orchent. ra. 0:00—Undo lion. Vt: 30—Hport* Talk. 3: 46—NelHon'* orcheKt.»a. 7:16—To bo announced. 7:30—Frank and Flo, nong*. 7:46—The Harefooted Trail. 3: 00—Lance ore hod ra 3:30—Margaret Anglin, reading 9:00—Ho Till* 1* Love r.ketch, 9 : 1 6—foot light Kdioe*. 10:00 Mill Hilly *ong*. 10:16 — Wagner'* or< In atra. 10:46— Globe Trotter. 11:00- Time; weather. J1:03— Llamond Knt« rial mi«. 11:30*—Monobea m*. HITS AND BITS ON THE RADIO Leo Jt«dM/nan, eonduetor of t>*«• Pond'ii danrn Land heard earh Friday evennIk over an NIV VV.IZ network, w«h dlrectlriK a. Jioston hotel on-heat ra In J'J2J. 'ILa /nan a^er of W.IJ5, then in Newark, in vlted Jlela/rtan to dlreet a fnual*:,il xroup In a broadcast. ken-mian naked hotel officials to pla«•«. am pllHe/a In foy«*r and dl/iinr; room Mu guesta could Lear tin program, hut the hotel manager aenffed af the Idea of radio rce«ptlon fioru a point two hundred mil* a dm rant. flttorfte Idlworfh, NIP* rondue tor, haw found J'n'Jl a. mono ntou;< year. Flint, In January, lie mar rled Mica <iltla Krwtlnn. of his Hlxteen Minuet m, and now he, L is taken up poJf. IfiiKo Marian| In one of the few NIK* orehestra leader* who wnik nleeve gartera Milton Tally, young NIP! tenor, began hla radio r;irear at I-.'JjKA, Plttahurg. ID* al •, he«*n featured In several niuNlcal enrnedy productions. Itudy Vallee has one of tin those midget. hllllard tahlea set up m hl« dinning room for after dinner giniex FREE Wlfll III*’ llim llJlM* or II Mill Mil avriroiu alatolulcly firi*. One r! it III from our awn nlook — IU» htrliiitu—no Ife or hut*— FUFF. NATION EDITOR TO BROADCAST Oswald Garrison Villard Will Speak on Disarma ment To-night o*wald Oarrliion Villard, editor of "The Nation" who returned re cently from a *Ix month ntudy of reparation* In Gerrna ny and France will dl*eu** the likelihood of *tjcc4*iN or failure of the forth coming Keneral dlaarmarnont con ference at Geneva In February In Ian addre*M to-nlicht at ft: 16 p. m.t K. . T. over an NBC-WJZ eoaat-to coaet nvtwork. Villard * *uhject will be, "I)l« armoment and Our National In terext In It." Former editorial writer and owner of the New York Kvenlna Pont, Villard ha* owned and edited "The National" Mince 191 ft. He wan born In Germany and wan educat ed at Harvard. A number of col lejff* and tinlvemltlo* have award ed him honorary degree*. Villard I* author of "John Brown—A Hlog raphy Fifty Year* After," "Ger many Hmbattled," "Newapaper* and Newapaper M«*n," and ha* written many rriaga/.lne article* and numerous monograph* on the early hlwtory of Wall afreet and the German Imperial court. 6:00—Ghat* with Peggy Wln t Ilf op. f,: 1 r, Ivy Hcott. noprfino. 0:30—Mouth Health Marley It Sherri*. fi:00—Stock quotation*. 6:00 Van Hteeden or< he*tra. 6:40 Haaeball Mcorex. 6:46—Topic* In Brief—I A) we 11 Thomuw. 7:00—Arno* 'n* Andy—aketch. 7:16—Vec !*uwnhijr*t and Muriel Pollock, piano duo; Har old von Kmhurgh, tenor. 7:30— Phil Cook. 7:46— I'elleve It or Not—Jlobert Mel rr« WJZ 7 mi KlInrjrlM Nr* York H. Klpley. 8:00—Variety program. 8:Jf>—Dl*arrnarnent and Our Na tional IntereHt. 1 n It—Om wahl tiarrlMOri .Villard. 8:30 Melody Momenta; Oliver Smith, tenor; Direction of Kugene Orrriandy. 0:00—More Thun Hold OlltterH —iiketch. 0:30 — Comedy trio, Walter Scan lon, Hilly Murray and Mar cella Shield*. 10:00-—Scrapbook. 10:30—Clara, Hu and Km. 10:45—Carlo He Mar. *ong*. 11:00- Slumber mu*lr. I 1 .00—Slumber muHlc. 11:30 — Hew White, organ. 12:00—ICuhh Co! urn ho, pomkm. 12:10 a. mi. llenry orchestra. 12:30 a. ro I'olbick* orohentra. :V“. WABC New York MOO Kilocycle* f«; 00 - 1 )am e ore he*ti a. 6:45 Heauty Talk. 0:00—1*111 Schudt'M Doing to Hi chh Inalde. Story of Coney Inland, Joe Hannon. 0:1 r#—Jack Miller, *ongM. 0:30 — Vagabond* Munlc. t 0:46—Hlrd and Voah—sketch. 7:00—Kate Smith, *ong*. 7:10—Derinl* King, nong»; 1*11 9tor, orchestra. 7:30—Male quartet. 7:46—y orton Downey. 8:00—rryor'a band. 8:J.r#—Slngln* Sam. 8:30—Conlne HomwcII, *ong*. 8 : 4r# doom Cha*er*. if : 00—KaMt Freight; quartet and organ. 0:30—Crime club. 10:00 Franc cm William*, Monga; HIcIi’m orchentra. 10:1.6 Symphonic orchestra. 10:30—Nit Wit. 1 loti. I I : 00—(ircbeatra. 12:00 Orcheatra. 12:30 a. m. Ann Leaf, organ; Hen Alley, tenor. 1 00 ft. in. Nlcboln orchestra. I 30 a m OrcbeHtra. 303 m—WI1Z, Sprlngflicld—MOO k 0:00 Sportm Hevlevv. 0 10 MacIIugh onhcMtra. 0 4 f# Ha in e. a « VV.1Z. 7 I r# Serenade!*. 7:30 Same hh WJZ. 8:16 Repertory theater. 8:30 Down on the Farm. 8:46 A Men Ivlkl/iH, bean; Or* rln White, tenor. 0:00 Same an WJZ. 10:00 Spiritual Singer*. 10:15 The MJn*tre| Five. 10:30 Same a* WJZ. I I 00 Sport* itavlcw. CELEBRATION TO BE BROADCAST Virtually all motlolf picture cel I»J« M for flu* find Hints will pa together hi’forts thu micro* pltonc, during f<fc KIchIo lie Ho* An the Mmiul-centerililai cell*, hratlon of the f.'iillfornlu rlty'n founding, which will hi) broaden*t over a count to coaat NliP-W.JZ network. Thu wcreeri Htarn will par f I'd pate Iri tin* Motion Picture elec trif;»I parade In I,om Angelea coll ncuoi, which will bring together the? /:r«-a tent gathering or flicker favor lien in hintory. In addition to the motion picture parade, which In to be broudcuMt Pom 12:30 ii rn. to J :30 a rn, the nl/'bf of Friday, Hopternber 11, an NIP' W.JZ network will he broad card rriUHb from the Mexican Mimi cal fleid;,. ||, Hollywood howl, 12 midnight to 2 a. rn. night of Wed nenday, Kept ember X. The Police band of Mexico Pity, a world fa iiioun orga nl/af ion, leading Mexican alngerM, action and dancern will perform In thin Hafln festival corn bluing all the melodic color of Mexi# o. Howell Pal ton, NIP! organlht arid pinnhd, n/iw aervici* with the. Prill ed Hlalex Navy during the world wa r. IK YOUR RADIO Is Not Working Well phone or write and one of our expert •» will put vour radio in porfecM order. C. II. JOHNSON NICIIVICIC 7 fir 1‘IIOMI'; iiaMMI Bringing Up Father By McManu* MOW NAANIV T»V\«'5 MU«T I T«LI_ YOU I DON'T WANT VOU TO fiNtOKE IN THE. HOUSE ? 4rVE ME THAT ' |HOWWID F»IPK ! |-' T '0 LOOKOUT/ DO YOU WANT TO PULL OUT MV T*ETH 7 'Vtf BTAOIXV-AHKlfc 40NI OUT an' i haven't even a ciaar TO 6MOKE - ir ( ONL.V HAD another rire- i actt SOMt TOBACCO ZUMBO WttN-Pb ID / LEAVE. Ml*. 6AXORHCHME I* IMVITEO TO PLAY" 1DNII4HT AT A RECBRTICN 4IVENI f ®Y YOU* WIRE T3ii Lm. ' .- ... MOM’N POP —I »■■■ .. i The First Stop ^ i "" By Wood Cowan OH! THE MOUNT V«vm T VEAH'. TWENTY ' inn ! thmsthe classy/ tvne Bucks * hotel \nhere the r"uAY anO A TBiED MAN DOUGHS GO!! I EGG SETS "YOU ~y LETS STAY ThEPE 7 BACK THREE I GUESS vnE CM4 ] BUT,%MkT M TVUENTY SPCEMD OU0- J TOUC WOUOS WLL DO To SELVES,OWE ^/{yOuO 'BtkWK BMMJCE IS no6oDy'£ Business aol right: all right: ‘But i Got am tpEN -NHEPE EWD UP, If WE KEEP OH THIS WAY THERE AWE SOME GHjMS UP AHEAD AMD vHE CAN fiMP OUT 40ST UMERE 'ME'RE HEAPED EOS DIXIE DUGAN—Won by a Cheese Cake By J. P. McEVOY and J. H. STRIEBEL THAT PICKLED PlG-5 FEET I HAD AT MRS DUGANS — THAT CHEESE. CAHE.-AH/ FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS I SLEPT LIKE ATOP-J1 ,■* m WHAT ABOUT MARRING* DIXIE r -AND THIS CALVES — FOOT JE1.LV SHE save. ME —AND THIS JAM •» MV BOV, IF WOMEN COULD ONLV STICK TO <?od~ given talents LIKE THIS INSTEAD Of running- for. congress 7 f BUT UNCLE - WHAT ABOUT MV MAURY »NG DIXIE? AND THESE PEACH PRESERVES- NOW 7AAE THtSt PEACH PRESERVES — EH, WHATDM,THAT MARR/A&t MATTER. ' WMV, I THINK THE DU6ANS ARE vii&MTy NICE people-— Mi&unry nice. PEOPLE. and k_ fc*y/-WHAlV\ THE. ONLV TIE, TH«T HAPPENED- 1 C0UNT3 HOW IS THE BE CAREFUL OF/ TH«T BINDS // ™tSE-/ CTuMCLt HAS GIVEN* HIS ""«•/ CONSENT ,/~<™ MARWAGEjf TVx, Freckles In the Bag! . By Blotter r BJosr as FBECkLES AMD OSCAR V>JE »e suae twat TUE7 wad ELUDED THE SVPSV • CUIEP, TWtV 'MERE soddekiuv COMEROMTED 87 KICO. socw luck!! Mi So! you cove amd TAK£ FBECKL&S AVJAy, huh ? i Fee* you Fob this .... i take uim AMD you TOO, BACK viitw A/e!!y^,7r7T///77'/M\ y-c t/i-Zfs"'//. SKi- we DIDM'T do Awyruisks TO VbU AMD, yiMATS noaet VWE A1MT 601 MG BACK NWI7W you !> n {.rtf' OH! you u/we bees mootu THAT TALUS MUCH, EU? N*J6LL... I SEC IP 'AXJ DOMT SO BACU ■>fcOViJOWT BE HARMED 6VPSIES AIKIT BAD PEOPLE... VJOT XT~\ ALL OF US • GO AHEAD YOU'LL BE SORRY FOR THIS, IF UMCLE JOMKl EVER CATCHES you sec. i VHISH WED - SWCMJ UP.’.' QuRBIEtxy APPROACHES -rue spot \HUER£ TWEV HEARD A SCREAK, MO. UiNg£TohI AND uncle John FEEL SURE TUS.V R£ ON THE BIGHT TO AC Hi. const see a TWINS, Bur 1 WEAR. VOICES RISWT OP AURAD- SOAMCTWIW'S 601N' TO POP PRETTY SOON, OR T AMSS MV GUESS Out Our Way By J. R. William* 'Jr i domt c-r'we. a pur ' MO'Af TROfeE OTHER PEOPLE. ARE. OO'MCj »T —**OT (<| C>ET OOV\i*s» »K4 E>vjCR ' liOl UNOiCiNiFlEO Po<=»»T>On» ' M AM' RAViE PEOPLE EAUORtMCr. 17 i'iV CrO ONi-AKio keep qo^etI, im a Gooo poeptom liv-to UFT vyoo OKJE.J i\ 'rn'iTspptrcn^ simm ' HEROES APE MADE-MOT BORN Our Boarding House i __ By Gene Ahern *Vx I Dotf-T KkiOUJ whether I v/oas DRE AM nU’ LAST MigHT" OR HAD TH’ TWlTcHES t BUT I -thought I HEARD 50MEBODV WALK I ARQUMD OUTSIDE ' ‘"T SOUAiDED LIKE -THERE vJAS MORE TTHAaI OkiE GUV ' Hm-M -MAVBE TUS-fj SOME "TRAMPS -THllUKlkiO» THE COTTAGE IS EMPTV ( — EGAD, -THERE ARE TOUR OF US SO WE hav/e uoTWikio -To TEAR VoU, Keeler, amd SklUTFV CAA\ DO THE BATTLIAJe* , WHlLE I WOULD DIRECT" "THE MANEUVERS ‘BE£*l SO LoMo SIMCE* I SwJllkiG 'TH’ DUKES, I TOROOT'TH’ TEEL , OF A TIS*T BU-tTfeRIAl'' k cHiki! — Bo-r let "’EM COME I All Akl" I’ll KAlOCK -’EM So COLD "THeW’lL SWEAT* ICE-CUBES' FBt - PRQVaH-ERS’ V Polly wanU a cracker, pup. He should have milk as well. It in one food that builds us up, That’s what I’m here to tell. DAIRY PRODUCTS ik /52 CHt.DRY ST DIAL 5-1121