New England One Of The Nation’s Outstanding Touring Objectives NEW ENGLAND A. Woods and lakes of Maine. B. Green Mountain*. C. White Mountains. D. Bar Harbor. E. Maine coast. F. Massachusetts North Shore. G. The Berkshire Hills. H. Plymouth and Cape Cod. I. Newport. J. Long Island Beaches. New England. with its wealth and diversity of scenic treasures arid world-famous bench resorts, is one of the outstanding touring objectives of the country, accord ing to the American Automobile assnciat ion. The historic interests of the si* N'evf England stutes—Maine. Ver mont. New Hampshire, Ithode ls^ land, Massachusetts and Connecti cut—which aie so closely linked with the building of the nation, are In themselves attractions which annually draw millions of car owners from all parts of the United States. A leisurely tour up the roast line— and sight aeoins: demands leisurely travel despite excellent highways that Invite speed — re veals quaint towns, seaports and fishing villages that date hank to the colonies of the earliest set ! tiers. There are countless hays and inlets to investigate, gay sum* I rner resorts with beautiful little I harbors alive with white-sailed i pleasure craft. The inland area of j New Knglnnd contains lakes of great beauty, tree-dad hills and I mountains of changing color and I is equally as famous as the coast | section. The mere mention of the Maine I woods is sufficient to arouse the in TRAINING a, YOUR DOG BY L J. BROSEMER Director, Chappel Kennel Foundation A properly trained dog in a de light to himself and his master. He loves to do his master's bid ding, and were every dog well trained, there would he little com plaint about dogs and their deeds. But your dog cannot be trained properly unless he is in good health, and that tie cannot, be un less he has a properly balanced diet. Attention to the question of food will do much to eliminate ill ness, 80 per cent of which can he traced to Improper feeding. Keed your dog always at the same time and in one particular dish. If this is done, h" will not be inclined to touch food in strange places or beg food in the kitchen. He will know that the world of eating for him is limited to his own dish. The chief element of a dog s diet must be meat. »f vou feed your dog a prepared, well-balanc ed kennel ration with dog biscuits added twict a week for variety’s sake, he will need nothing else. He sure that the wording T. S. in spected and passed by /he depart ment of Agriculture* appears on the label of the cun; it is your pro tection that what has gone into that, can is as fresh and pure and clean as anything intended for your own use. Kindness kills most dogs; out of a good heart folks feed their dogs too much or feed them ilie? wrong kind of food. Table scraps do not provide the food substance your dog needs for health and happiness. Sweets and candy are as slow poison to a dog's stomac h i thf*y are apt to break off and the sharp ends pierce the intestines. Avoid starchy, sloppy foods, gristle and excessive fats. Serve him cereals now and then and fresh vegetables once in a while. (live the dog n hone to gnaw on occasionally if you want to make him happy. Ills Jaw puscle.s de mand the thrill of biting. Kennel biscuits will whiten hx teeth and bring forth the saliva that is very necessary for proper digestion. Puppies should not. have water at all times; thew are inclined to to bloat themselves with it and upset their stomachs. A grown dog uses more discretion. Water should be given after meals rather than 1 before. It. should be changed at least twice a day. Do not use a tin vessel nr the like for rust will form on it. If you love your dog, feed him well; if you want to get the most out. of him, train him to obey your i commands. . rivVXLTY OK SL'CVICSS Liverpool. -With success comes high blood pressure, and often death is the result. Such is the opinion of Dr John Day, professor of medicine at Liverpool univer sity “The successful man does not walk, he rides," Mr Day explains. ‘ His friends take advantage of his efficiency and Mutter him, Impose upon his good nature, arid accord ingly he is a member of this and that committee, resulting Iri a con tinuous hustle nnd mental strain. All of which brings on high blood press ure.'* UP NORTH and Wherever You You Find Blue Ribbon Malt The unparalleled popu larity that Ulua Ribbon Malt enjoy* could only be merited by out • taodinf (uperiority. Constantly toted to keep it* hifh quality uniform and packed full three pound*. Go