Newspaper Page Text
! \ k The Weather Generally Fair To-night and on Friday Complete Weather Iteport Page 7. CITY EDITION Last Minnie News Flashes ESTABLISHED 1881 VOL XUX NO. 197 “BMBBBci$uM5BA0 or WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY. AUGUST 20. 1931 cibculat.qn book. open EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS DON’T MISS YOUR DEMOCRAT-WHEREVER YOUR VACATION IS ORDER THE PAPER TO FOLLOW LINDBERGH PLANE DISABLED HIBERNIANS NEAR CLOSE 1 New Officers To Be Elected Late This Afternoon Waterbury Has Been Of fered Some Positions on the Slate—Resolutions Thanking Bishop Nilan, Mayor Hayes, the Press and Others Were Pass ed This Morning DEMOCRATSTORY WAS COMMENDED Resolution calling for the repeal of the 18th amendment, highly Lauding Rt Rev John ./• Nilan, blehop of the Hartford dloceae of the Catholic church for hla fine ef fort* In behalf of the organization, urging the men of Connecticut to attend the retreat* at Charles Inland and thanking Mayor Frank Hayea, ex-Mayor Franc!* I’. Gull folle, Monalgnor Hlocum branch arid the pre»» of Waterbury for their cooperation were udoptod early thl* ufterrioon at the etate convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernian* In *e**lon here. Thl* afternoon, with the election of of ficer* one of the cloning act* of the convention, It win apparent that Weterbury would bo honored with representation on the roster of Mtate officer*. Thl* afternoon the two-day con vention of the Ancient Order of Hibernian* and the l-adle*' Auxili ary wa* scheduled to come to h close. Thl* morning at tt o’clock man* wa* celebrated at the Church of the Immaculate Conception by Rev Joseph McCuen and the «er* mon wa* delivered by Rev J. A. Rlee of It Patrick's church, New _ Haven. *"* At It delegate* t*> (Continued On Page 8) TOWN COMMITTEE MAY COMPLETE PLANS TO-NIGHT But There Is Some Doubt About the Picking of Moderators — Both Sides Still Battle On * Member* of tho democratic town committee will convene to night at party heudiiuurterH for tho piirpoac of completing plana, If poaalble, for the primaries which are acheduled for the 27th and in which Mayor Frank Mayen and ex Huperlntendent of Htreeta William Id. Kennedy will oppoae each other for tho muyoralty nomination. Town Chairman Crary to-duy, how ever, wait doubtful a* to whether or not action on the picking of moderatora for the prlmurlen would ho completed at thla even ing. Ho explained that aeverul membere of tho town committee are out of town and final action might be held up pending their return. Jlojvover, Chairman Crary de clared, If no Haul action on the moderatora la tkaon to-night, he will call u apeclul meeting of the committee In a few day* to pick the Hat of poll chief*. Of courae the Kennedy foroe* have naked that they ho given tho picking of 10 of th 20 moderatora. Much Intereat la being ahown on how the town committee will entertain the requeat of th* Kennedy leader*. To mi*? Mrs. Lucinda R. Hughes Will Filed For Probate And Son Named Executor Tbs wilt of the late Lucinda it. Hushes, mother of John ltawsoii Hushes of the Howland-Hughe* Co WAS men et the office of the probate court today. Mr Hughes Is named trustee of the residue of the estate for the benefit of Mildred Hushes Oi.nnlea. grand-daughter Of Mrs. Hughes. Mr. Hugl a I* also named executor of the will. Mrs. Hughes died on Monday. He Is authorised to have con structed a suitable vault und monu ment to the family plot In Hlver side cemetery as will harmonise with those upon adjacent ptois, to tout not In excess of $10,000. The Riverside Cemetery aaaocln tlon In bequeathed $000, the Income thereof to he used In beautifying am] preserving the Hughes plot nnd mounment thereon. The Kuril of $1000 Is to be In vented for the benefit of iv greut grand-daughter, Jane Htunrt Ornn iiInn and thin amount, Its Increment nnd Income Khali ha paid over to her when she becomes HI years of age. Mrs Hughes' brother, A; A. (Continued on i’uge 8) GREAT CATHOUC ENIGMA STATES MONSIGNOR RYAN Why No Other Religious Body Is So Misunder* stood—And There Are 20,000,000 Catholics Frsnoh Lick. Ind. Auk 20—(UP) —The greatest Catholic "Knlgina of today, Monslgnor .tame* H. Hy *n of WitHhlngton, any* la "why no othar religious body la ao mlaun daratood despite Ih* fact therg ara 20,000,000 Cathollca In thla coun try.” •Speaking at tho 40th annual maetlnK of tho Supreme Council of tha Knlghta of Columbus here, Magr. rtyan, who la rector of Cuth ollo University In tha Natlonul capital, aald ha hopad acohlure could ba trained to aolva thla "graataat of enigmas." International controvaralal mat ters ware scheduled for dlacusalon at today's cloalnK aeaalon. CARNIVAL MAN WAS VERY NEAR BEING LYNCHED Broke Wrist of Boy Who Had Crawled Under Tent — Officials Saved Him Prom Mob Milford, Mo, Aug M>.--(irP)-' Crloa of "lynch hi ml" coma loot night from a crowd attending n carnival whan an employ# of th# road ahow allegedly aaaaulted a boy with a tent peg, Whltey Corey waa arreated, charged with attacking young Oerald Neddo, who auilered a broken wrtet and a jaw Injury while trying to alip into a tent without a ticket. More thun am pereona rioted after the attack, (ore down the tent and burned it. home of them turned on Cofmr, threatening hla life, but he wan aplrlted away by gutnoritie# and lodgod In Jail. JUMPED FROM SEVENTH FLOOR OF APARTMENT Mrs Charles Thomas Payne Was Widow of Former Law Partner of Secretary Stimson Now York, Aug. 20.—(UPj.— Mm. Chariot Thomna Payne, 44, aorlnl reglaterlte and widow of Chariot Thomua rayno, former law partner of Heoretary of Mate Honry L>. Mlmeon, Jumped or fall to her death from hor aoventh floor apart ment at 114 E. flat afreet, late yee terday. Her body wae found by her nura«, Kdlth Ituaaell, of 30 K. fitlth atrnet. who had accompanied Mm. 1‘ayne to New York for an Appointment with an ooullat. Mr*. Payne, who haa undergone aeveral operutlona alnce her hue band'a deulli In 1027 and during re cent montha hue been recuperating In a Point Plenamil, N, J„ aunu torlum, wue Margaret Appleton Manna of Mlddlebury, Vt./ prior to her marriage In 1017. Hhe la aur vlved by two aona, David, 12, and Chartea, 14, both of Mlddlebury. GIRL WHO USED GUN IN COURT But Ruth Jayne Cranmer Had Collapse and Hear ing on the Shooting of Senator Yates Was De layed New York, Auk. 20.—(UP).— Ruth Jayne Cranrner’e arraignment In connection with the myaterloun nhootlnK of Republican State Sena tor Roy T. Yatea of New Jeraey wue poatponcd for 24 hour* once more to-day, after the former cloak model had fainted on the atund. Mine Cranmer wax recommitted to the women'! prlaon, without hnll, .1 udjfo Michael Ford told her attor ney, former Dlatrlct Attorney <Jer dlriarid I'ecora, that If he did admit her to hnll, "the ball would be ao hlah that It would amount to kcep InK her In Jull." During Pecora'a nppeal to the court "to protect thle defendant'a rlahtH," Mina Cranmer elumped down in her chair and pnaxed Into a atnte of coma. Court uttendanta revived her. Pecora'a addreaa to the court came after Aaaiatunt Dlatrlct At torney Martin Hinder hnd attempt (Continued on Page S) MAJOR DISASTER EXISTS IN CHINA BY THE FLOODS Frightful Condition There To-day and Some of the Scenes Are Really Hor rible Flood! On the Yangtie rlv*r to-day uH«um«d tit a proportion* o< a major dlsaater. Indescribable condition* prevailed In Hankow, once pro* perou* city. Hundred* of peoplk are dying of atarvatton dally. The famine hourly 1* becoming more acute. Women and children fight frnntlcaly for bit* of retuae aeen floating In the muddy, filthy watera In order to obtain hlta of nourlah mant. Doga by the *cor« roam the elevated , ground* feeding on tho unremoved human hudlea Condition* comparable to the aufferlng oucaalonod by the Toklo earthquake of 19211 uxiated over a vaat urea. Haatlly conatructed re fuge camp* are being built In thu hllla above Wuuhung and Hankow to which a purt of the aufferer* will be -taken. Uenerul Chinn Kul Hhek ha* ordered ateuniere to pre pare to evacuatu Hankow re*ldenta. Tranaport* will be u*ed to curry food and medicine*. The league of nutlon* ha* offered uaalatancc In curbing peatllence. Heltef work er# were cheered to-day by a pron pect of obtaining wheat for the atarvlng thouaunda from the United Mtate* farm board. And the proapact of eurly aid from Un American Tied Croa*. JEWEL THIEVES REAP HARVEST UP BOSTON WAY Another Salesman Robbed Yesterday and Total of $500,000 Taken in Two Months HonLoii, Aug 20.— CUP)—With another holdup awelllrig to $f>00. Cioo the uinuunt of Jewelry atolen from vuleainen her* In the lu*l two month*, police to-day Nought three men believed reaponalbl* fur all the thefta. Hlmlliirlty of methoda uaed In the holdup of llernurd 1-lnaky yea terduy, when $0,000 worth of gem* were taken from hla "how c*ae. led Inveatlgutora to bellavu the auma gang again wu* at work. Aa wu* tha eg** In aavaral hotel room holdup* whe naule*men wer* robbed of 179,000 to 9100,000 In jewel*, 1,Insky waa truaaed up and gagged by three men. WOMAN ACCUSER OF JERSEY CITY BASEBALL OWNER IS BAILED WITH $5,000 BOND N*w Tork. Aug JO.—(UP)— Mrs Evelyn Boell, blond* and blu* •y*d former “PolUe*' '«lrl, wm fr*« In K.000 bond to-dny charted with perjury In claiming th* late Joseph H. Moran, a wealthy own* •r of the Jeraey City baseball team, promtaed her $1(0,000 to oonuoai paternity of her child. Mra Boall, who wa* brought h*ra from Itevere, Maee. where aha waa arrealed for praatlalng aatrology tinder the name of Arid* Davie, promised “plenty of fire* works'* before eh* wa* through with th* cos*. Th* *ult grew out ef an action filed In Queen* atiprem*' court last October by Mr* Boell against Mr* Adelina Stillwell Moran as guardl* an of a 14-y*ar old ohJld named “Peggy Moran''. Mri Moran wu executrix of the aatata of her hua hand. Mra Bocll alleged that Paggy waa har child and that Mo ran wan tha fathar. Bhe aald Paggy had baan born In Chattanooga, Tann. In Novem bar luia, Counael for tha Mo ran aatata tntroducad afftdavlta that while tha child waa born thara tha paranta wera Hrneet and Monta Bmlth and that Mra Boall had ndoptad har. Tha oaaa waa decided In favor of tha aatata. Tha parjury rharga la baaad on her aworn atatamanta at tha trial. Tha affidavit agalnat ' har data aavaral aliaaas. Aakad how long aha had baan Mra Boail aha an awarad i *‘I don’t know. I’va married ao I many tlmaa I can t remember.’* I Japan Rescue Ship Took The Plane In Tow Anchor Had Been Broken When Ma chine Was Turned Back By Fog and They Were Forced to Descend BY MILES W. VAUGHN (United Prew Staff Correspondent ) Tokio, Japan. August 20 — (UP) — Their disabled plane lashed to a Japanese rescue ship. Colonel and Mrs Charles A. Lindbergh remained fog-bound today off Ketoi Isle, in the Kurile Islands, a wire less dispatch to the Otchiishi station reported. The dispatch said that the plane's anchor had been broken in their forced landing and fight with rough seas during the night. Motor trouble also developed, it was revealed. Repairs were to be made after the waves, slapping dangerously at their trans-Pacific plane, had subsided. Their departure was delayed until tomorrow at the earliest. The Colonel and Mrs Lindbergh were taken aboard the Shinshiru Mauru, where they are spending tonight. The ship anchored just off Netoi Isle, to the west of the island, awaiting dear weather. (Continued on Paite R) Late Bulletins NEW WAY TO CURE COMA New York, Aug. 20.—(UP).—William McGill, vag grant, fell into a coma while in his cell. Doctors could not arouse him. He was rushed toward the hos pital. The ambulance was rammed enroute by a taxicab. Two drivers, McGill’s attendant, and two taxi passengers were injured. McGill “snapped out of it” unhurt. HE HAD ROLLING SPEAKEASY New York, Aug. 20.—(UP).—Herman Castro is un der suspended sentence to-day on a charge of peddling " •" -oye to enforce thy — a tnlgratoryor roll keaay, a |)U»h car SHE MADE THE PROMISE McCook, Neb., Aug. 20.—(UP).—Charles E. Schmidt considered to-day whether he legally could force his bride to be the breadwinner. While Judge Fred T. Hanson was performing the ceremony, he looked straight at the bride and asked, “and do you promise to support. . . ?" She instantly responded, “I do/’ STORM RUINED FIREMEN’S CARNIVAL Forrestville, Md., Aug. 20.—(UP).—A storm just about ruined the firemen’s carnival. Rains dissolved the pies set aside for a pie-eating contest and drowned the flea circus. “FOUR UP” ON CONFIDENCE MEN Detroit, Aug. 20.—(UP).—Mrs. Dora Kramer, housewife, was “four up’’ on two confidence men to-day. The five diamond rings they left with her were worth just 60 cents, but the diamond ring she gave them as security was worth only 10 cents. WAS IT $5 OF $150? Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 20.—(UP).—Thomas Gura, butcher, who reported he was robbed of $160, was in an embarrassing position to-day. A postcard to police from “the one who ought to know,’’ announced the rob bery netted only $6, for which fact he was sorry. AUTO ACCIDENTS KILL 250 Jefferson City, Mo., Aug. 20.— (UP).—Automobile accidents in Missouri during April, May and June brought death to 246 persons and injuries to 2,028, a report com piled by the state highway department shows. SUICIDE OVER HORSE’S DEATH Tokio, Aug. 20.— (UP).—Feeling himself disgraced because a horse he was tending foil dead, Todome Yone kura, 22, a groom for a cavalary officer near Tokio, leaped under a moving train and was killed. THEY SHOULD HAVE LIGHTS Boston, Aug. 20.—(UP).—If rum-smugglers are go ing to operate at night they should equip their boats with lights, Congressman A. Patt Andrew believes. He has asked coast guards to take action against lightloss rum-runners. _ SHE WAS 70, JUDGE 87 Provincetown, Mass., Aug. 20.—(UP).—“I wanted something to warm me up, so I had half a wine glass of gin,” explained Miss Etta Clifford, 70, when arraigned on a drunken driving charge. Judge Charles Ressett, 87, found her not guilty. _ PENCIL MARK POINTED WET Northampton, Mass., Aug. 20.—(UP).—Police curi osity was aroused by a pencil mark near a peculiar joint in the woodwork of Paul Karniecki’s garage. Behind the panel they found 60 gallons of alcohol. _ HARTFORD MAN IN MURDER CASE MOntpallar, Vt„ Auk. *0.—(UP». —Loula t'hHrlulo, 20, of Hartford. Conn., atlagrd iil'tnv dnarrlor, will go on trial her* Monday. chargad with tho drat dagraa murdnr of Clayton rtutK. Camhrldga a«rnga man. In an attempted hold-up. Tha defendant want on trial at Hyda Park anrly thla week hut Judga John C. Hharbumo daotarad a mint rial yaatarday and gr ntad a ohanga of vanua. Tho notion reault ad from ovldanea that a Juryman bad talkod with apaotatora. CAPTAIN HAWKS IS AWAY AGAIN Flooaavalt Flald. L. I. Aug 20 — (UP)—Capt Frank Hawka, npaad flyar. loft haro at 0:4* a. m. to day In an attempt to brrak lha word to Fort Worth. T*«, 11a «vlll niaka a atop at Uvanavllla. Ind. Hawka will moot hla nmthar. Mr* Ida Man Hawka. of Hollywood, Cal.. In Fort Worth and aacort lh» paaaangar plana In which aha la making a trip haroi Ha will attomi't to braak raoorda batwoan aach auhadulad atoo ot kar piano. HOOVER REJECTED PLANS INFANTILE PARALYSIS SOME AID Manufacture of “Mechani* cal Lungs” Has Taken Great Boost — Small Plant in Boston Works Night and Day Boston, Auk 20.—(UP) — Depres sion or no depression, the "me chanical lung" Industry Is booming A smull manufacturing concern In Iho Hack Hay Is operating night und day lo fill the demand tor tills comparatively new device. Current prevalence or Infantile paralysis In several eastern slates has measurably Increased the num ber of orders, according to offlclals of Warren JO. Collins, Inc, the only concern In the country which pro duces this automatic breathing ma chine, The "lung," costing $2,(100, Is known as the Drinker respirator, having been Invented by J'rofessor I’hlllp Drinker of the Harvard Hchool of Public Health In 1927. Though the respirator has several uses, It has proved especially vnlu uhle In Iho treatment of Infunllle paralysis. An 18-year-old girl, vlc (Contlnued on I'ago 8) RHODE ISLAND TO HAVE PADLOCK PROCEEDINGS Asst U. S. District Attor ney Beane Has Been Ordered to Lock Up Wet Spots district sttorneV. has been Insfrilef* ed to start padlock proceedings against Rhode Island violator of the prohibition law. Since prohibition only one saloon has been padlocked In the state hut with Henna's uppolntment to han dle such eases the practice Is ex pected lo become widespread. Own ers of the properties will he prose cuted as well as bartenders arrest ed In raids on kpenkeastes and sa loons. Menne's appointment was ninilo last night by IT. S. District At torney Henry M. Moss, ,lr., after s conference with assistant U. H. At torney Oenernl <1. Aaron Yoting rinlsl who visited here In connection with the drive against bootlegging and federal Income lax evasion. Doss announced today a checkup will he made of all federal alcohol permits Issued lo Ibis district, lb' said ho believed a large amount of the alcohol Issued to Rhtde Is land cosmetic manufactures was being diverted into Illegal chan nels. JUDGE PEASLEY INJUNCTION IS SOME CHANGED Judge O’Sullivan Permits Peaceful Picketing at New Haven Factory llrldgeport, Conn. Auk 20. (Cl*) - IVrinlMMlon for peaceful picket ing 11iih been isritni«•<! nirlkera of the Arthur Hrdgmnn, Inc, neckth factory In New Haven lay Superior Court .1 udgo I'ii!rick 11. 0‘8ulUv»m Hlrlkcrn litid petitioned for din Molutlon of it temporary Injunction iignin*t their picketing l**ued Fri day hy Judge Frederick M. IVu*ley. More than 200 were In court yen torduy mid hoiiiw 00 wltncwm* were ready to I ratify for the company. The hearing lasted all day with no IndlcutIon of a condurlon before to-night when Judge O'Sullivan naked coil mud to confer with him In chamber*. A| the end of the two-hour con fere uce the court an nounced It would not heuecranHry to hear wltncmiew an ho had dc elded to modify the Injunction lo permit peaceful picketing. lie warned ugaliiHt Intimidation or breach of the peace. Refuses To Call Special Session Of Our Congress PRESIDENT GREEN OF LABOR FORCES PERSISTS Atlantic City, N- .1.. Ante 20— (Cl*)—President Wlllliun <<recn nr the American I'cdernllon of lailmr wits determined tn.ilny in ask Hie <-nnperat Ion of Hie se cretary «>f labor In ihvIiik Pres ident limiter In convene it enn tercncc of IndiiMrt mill Inline In meet n ''(treat. imtlnniil etner Itcney." Tile rniiference ttnnli! ileal ullli iim'iii|iln.vnienl mill plan* fnr mi eennonile it vital, Green said. A similar plan tins ml - vnealcd liy tin- America n l.c Klnn. “Two icrent liciirllts should •'nine t'rnni Mieli it enilferciiee," Green declared, "work fnr the niieiii|ilnyeil uml n olemlnit away nf llie psychological harrier nr niieeiinliily wlileli paralyzes purchasing power." The evocative enunell nl llie reilernllnii concluded Its i|nur terl.v session Inst nliclit mid will report In the minniil assembly nl. Viineouver, II. Oet. ft. Green Mild he would leave tor WiisIiIiikUim to plnee Ills propn snl before Secretary !>nak. Will Oppose Efforts of Congress to Give Fed eral Funds for Any Help of Unemployed—Turns Relief Plans Over to Walter S. Gifford, Pres ident of American Tele phone & Telegraph Co “RUMP” SESSION MAY BE CALLED WnehlnRton, Auk 20—(UP) — Mobilization of oil th- nntlon'H relief agcnclesi to meet the winter unemployment program, ha* hoen nimlgried lo Wnltor H. Olfford, $10, a week clerk wlio became preal dent of the American Telephono & Telegraph Company. The bend of the three-BIlllon dollnr public utility evident wae named by Preeldont Hoover ne cbnlrman of n new national organ I - station. He will have a free hand In devizing wnye to prevent dl§ treNH, the Prenident Indicated, In it letter to OIITord, Mr Hoover said: (Continued on Page Si) Rode By Trolley Through Streets Paved With Gold 15 Fathoms Under Paris "Ever Dreamed of Pre« the Democrat Repre sentative \ ' BT RAl|P*T HKVlTKKX (t'liltcd yrcm* Staff iWcouoiident) Au* 2*—lUP>—-I rod# to-day' hV, trtfTiay through atreeta paved with gold, 16 fathom* under Part*, a greater fortune than Croeau* ever dreamed of. It wan no dKzttlfiiR eight, not half wo brilliant a* the decoration of a. modern palaoo devoted to the speaking nlniw, yet within an arm'* reach of the tracklewM trolley utood piled mowt of the nearly 59.000, 000,000 franca which repreuente i he hull Ion atorea of the bank of France. The hurw, moat of them with Hunk of Rnglund aoulw. do not glitter, noi1 dn ’ they ‘ ahlne, but atand In neat ateel caaea Ilk* *0 many booka In a library. Thla great aupplv of gold, aerond largeat t ri all the world’a hlatory. la mere carefully gunnlad by Ingcnl oua mechanical protectlona than la any reigning king. A regiment of aufe blowera could never hope to alenl u alnglo bar of gold from thoMK vault*, Into which 2,000 guard* of tiie Hank of Franc* could retire and keep houae In oaae of attack or war. |*nrt of the Inink'a gold holdlnga have been aent to atrongholda In the provlncea. Iiecuuae of the Inink'a old theory that It la not wlae to (Continued on Huge S) WIFE OF YOUNG JOHN CABOT IS SERIOUSLY ILL Not a Case of Attempted Suicide Says Her Fath er-in-Law, Dr Hugh Cabot Bouton, Auk 2D i UP)—Hope win held todiiy for I ho M’tovrry of Mm John Holt t'ahot, wife of the Melon of ono of Hohtun’M oldeftt fuinlllen who wan In ji Mf»ihniM eon cl It I on nl MuMiiiieh timet li» General hoapltnl. Ilor fulliei In law, Dr Hugh U» hot. eonaultlng mirgenn of lhe Mayo Hrolhem of Itoehenter, Minn., wuh Noroewhiit niyutlfled nw to the nature of Tier lllnene. I nrlleal Ioiim were, however, that Mm Unhot may have taken mi overdone of sleeping tab letM. "Any hiikm*'mI Ion of hulelde la quite unJUMtltlml and haw no hiiMlm," l»r (*«i hot a aid. The young woman, daughter of the It* v and Mra Kd* wind K. Dixon of Mooren, Pa., WM found by her huabaiid lying union in Ioiim In their went end apartment Monday, their tlmt wedding mini* vernary. Some Improvement In Mm UahoiN condition wan reported ovn night and doctum believed m|u* would recover. Voung I’libot la 221 yearn old amt a ntudeut at Mmmmu < hunetlM liiNlllule of Technology. CHARLESTON STATE PRISON PUT UNDER EXTRA GUARDS TO PREVENT ANY OUTBREAK Bouton. Auk 'jn—tUPt —Kxtm Rum Ok. Mute iiitrt loeul police « ore In reiidlileeo lo-ilul to i|iikII liny outturn k nt t luirl*Mow n Mute prl Hon w"h Km homo K7Ii liminteii brooOiul reMImMy nftrr n iiIbIiI of "ynmmri Inn" mid koiioiiiI dl»or. dor. Hpeolnl Runt-dn wore PokIkO biM lilRht nod lifter m run fore lice be I worn Mr A. Worrell flteiirne. Mute oommloMutier of riuTKclIniii, «nd Wllldeit .lulllOK I. IIORKKtt, M n to pollen worn pot If loti to bo In londlroKK In i'hho of oiitbroAk. Tho entire Inti It niton who flood o,| with Kfim bllRblo but Kiimdo worn tumble to alienee tho "yiitii* iooiImk" mid « oontlninil tom of dlooonlont and hen»lnic of tin pint** and roll door* waa heard moil all nils lit Nine men, believed to lime been tile ring leudera of the ill» turbanee. were removed from I heir cella unit pleeed In uolltnry con flnenient. They ware In he held there until the elltinllon c|ii|etril down. To-duy tile Innntee hid reached a elute of milieu alienee hut War den lln|(eett believed they would remain orderly lie enld t|i« trou ble aturted w hen three pilannera earn pad a few weeke u«o Kl'olil the prluon "grapevine" lie auld he lenrneil the three men wire to huv opened the way for aotue tint more prlaoenra to ree.ipe hut fulled to do ao and llielr /Hanppnlntment nl nol d*dlln(r their rhunee tt> free iIiiiii, he believed, wua reaponellile for the preerttt dleobedlenre of WOMAN DEFIANT OVER ARREST IN MINE TROUBLE Aided Families of Miners and Is Thrown Into Cell as Criminal Syndicalist 111« rIn n. Ivy, Auk 20.•— ( 0P)—~ An uttiuolive* 23-your nl(l woman facing m 20-your n«*r* on it (*hiiik*' of criminal ayndlcttlUni told th* IJnltrd IVe** tn-rlny: "I will htny in Harlan rount.v Jail nil my Hfo l>yfuro I'll !»*• out of l IiIn cdkl field t roll Wo." Hit*” \h Mih* JchhIo Witkoflald, field roprohontuflvo nf the International Lit hot* IWfmM*. Hhc* lum boon In Jail two waokf. "RoiwiUiln I gave (food food to families of ml nop* In .lull. <1 ImIrl butod literaltiro for tholr ohiiim* ami mado Mpnechea Ill Harlan. I waft arrested and placed In Jail, under $10,000 bolide, pcrtieouted to niillMfy tin* ronl operators." An in veal Ik M Ion, Mrs VVnkefnMd Hiil*1. Nhmvcd at least 40 famlHea in tho rount\ "destitute" bacnn*® of th*’ Imprisonment of miller* on oharfje* of nnirdrr and criminal ay ml tea llatn. Aid to thorn ‘eased aftor -lie was Jailed, alio mild. TREASURY IIAI'.ANCB Wn«hlnMiim, Aim JO.—(HH) 'Ui« lrrnnury ih’I Imlmu’w Aunii.* t* w.i* im, _ WOOP MVMPH&? WHAT KIND Of VJOOU AfffefHfiV surroseD -tol 66 MAD6 Of 7