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Personal SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Weddings Ladies Auxiliary Sponsors Successful Dessert Bridge Tyutfhfir Vrc A lUvvcsotut uwwti ► given yesterday afternoon at Odd Fellows’ hall by the Ladles’ auxil iary of Canton T. R Martin, 8. Mrs. Louise Clarke was chairman of the refreshments committee. Prizes were awarded with each table. Those attending were: Mrs. Wil liam Morey. Mrs. J. J. Goodrich, Mrs. Samuel Rudder, Mrs. Ferdl nan Bachmann. Mrs. Donald Hc Intosh, Mrs. Adam Ritchie, Mrs. Theodore Kirsch. Mrs. Jane lock hart, Mrs. Mary Goodroe. Mrs. Fred Fromm, Mrs. J. Williams, Mrs. R. Engagements STERLING-WAYLAND Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chandler Way land, of East Seventy-third street and West Hills, Huntington. L. I., announce the engagement of their daughters, Miss Barbara Thayer Way land, to Bruce Ster ling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dun can Sterling, of Park avenue and Oyster Bay L. I. Miss Wavland is a graduate of the Chapin school and a member of the Junior league. She made her debut at a reception at the home of her parents on Dec. 13 last. She is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John M. Shedd and Mr. and Mrs. John Elton Wayland, of this city. Miss Wayland is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Wayland of Woodlawn terrace. Mr. Sterling is a brother of Mrs. Sterling Hammond. Walter H. Ster ling and Duncan Sterling. Jr. He is a graduate of Avon Old Farms school, Avon, Conn., and is asso ciated with the Lee Tire and Rub ber Co. HOWARD-MLRPHY Mrs. Katherine Murphy of North Main street announces the coming marriage of her daughter, Rita Lor raine, to George Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Howard of Bald win street. The marriage will take place March 30 at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers of Walnut street held a birthday party for their son. Richard, the occasion being his third birthday. Many gilts were received and games were play ed. A delicious luncheon was served. Table decorations were in blue and yellow. Those attending were: Richard, Ruth Ann and Arthur Rogers, Janice Miller, Bernice Woodruff, Stella and Socrates Mihalaskas, An toinette and Christe Kachulis, Sophie, Anothiny and Pauline Vasi lakas, Mr.& and Mrs. G. Vasilakas, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. W. Opalach, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers and Mrs. A. Opalek. I William Foley, Mrs. Edward Plumb, ; Mrs. J. J. Collins, Mrs. Lester Flood Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. Frank Wil son, Mrs. Edgar Piercey, Mrs. Charles Wintermute, Mrs. Fred Houghtaling, Mrs. C. A. Collins, Miss Helen Mabey, Mrs. J. William Gard ner Mrs. W. H. Bower. Mrs. Stan ley Dibble, Mrs. Joe Andersdn, Mrs. S. J. Morgan, Mrs. Leslie Young, Mrs. Walter PYench, Mrs. D. Brad ley King. Mrs. Louis MarggrafT, Mrs. Da ' vid Dillon, Mrs. John Klrschberger, Mrs. Samuel Frink, Mrs. Louise Taylor, Mrs. Mabel Larkin, Mrs. Louise Clarke, Mrs. Harry Owens, Mrs. Casper Spearo, Mrs. J. O. Kanny, Mrs. Floyd Cady, Mrs. Karry Anderson, Mrs. James Mc Clure, Mrs. Ella Logan, Mrs. James Lowe, Mrs. Jennie Blanch I ard, Mrs. Herbert G. Taylor, ; Mrs. Edna Ross, Mrs. Joseph Neill. 1 Mrs. E. M. Taylor, Mrs. Edward Balthazar, Mrs. Edward Clarke, Mrs. Louis Lougee, Mrs. George Manville, Mrs. Earl Ross, Mrs. I Frank Bristol, Mrs. David Weav I ing, Mrs. J. William Johnson, Mrs. H. Neumann. Mrs. Spencer Hal loway, Mrs. Raymond Mailon, Mrs. Harry Bronson and Mrs. John Dredge. Sweetbriar Sorority Dance Tomorrow Miss Bertha Paoloni of Baldwin I street will be hostess to the mem ! bers of the Sweet Briar Sorority this evening. Pinal reports will be made j for the Semi-Formal Dinner Dance I to be held at Three Cups Inn, Mer I iden, Conn., on Saturday February 1 3. on which occasion they will cele ! brate the 4th anniversary. Miss S. Dolores Paoloni is chairman of the dance assisted by Miss Rae Bisconti, co-chairman; and also the follow ing members: Misses Bertha Pao loni, Ann Polonies, Tina Caparaso, Marie Leon, Jennie Morea, Ida Yannetti of Norwalk, Conn., and Connie Morea. A food sale will be held at How land-Hughes on Saturday by the Children of Mary sodality of St. Lucy's parish. Miss Jean Antonia, chairman in charge, is assisted by Misses Louise Mazzaferro, Cath erine Petruzzi, Louie Genovese and Florence Nargi. Members will re ceive holy communion n Sunday, Feb. 4 at the 8 o’clock mass. The I regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, at 7:30 o’clock at which time the newly formed debating club will debate on the topic, “Resolved, That Married Women Should Work.” Those who wil.’ take part are: Jean Antonia, Theresa Meoni, Mary Ral none, Florence Nargi, Marie Man gini and Mary Buonocore. For Valentine’s Day A Smart Permanent At Carl’s An “individual” style just for YOU — that’s what a permanent here means! Expert at tention by our trained operators in our finely equipped shoppe at our usual low prices. DIAL 4-9580 SPECIALS! MON., TUES., WED. ONLY Any of These 35c Services SHAMPOO— aii FINGERWAVE a *»r RINSE TRIM SPECIAL Soapless Olive aii a for OIL SHAMPOO and FINGERWAVE I 91/ .... SPECIAL. This Reg. 50c Service REVLON MANICURE 35c 1 50c BEAUTIFUL Permanent$4 Ends I 95 REGULAR $5.00 CROQUIGNOLE MACHINELESS PERMANENTS Includes — Haircut — SHAMPOO FINGER WAVE CURLS AND RINGLETS $2-50 • BANK ST. COR. W. MAIN Carl Beauty Shop Sr R I, I I I II Ml I THE SHEIL SHOP REG. $1.25 NIGHT GOWNS of balbriggan and Windsor crepe. *1.00 ★ NIGHTGOWNS *'.95 of rayon satin and crepe. Colid colors, also prints. 1 »♦ s I A 1 \\ OUTSIZE GOWNS of crepe and satin, Tea rose. 19 Leavenworth Street Hadassah President — ---- MISS ADELE LURIA Miss Luria Is president of the Waterbury Unit of Hadassah which will be hostess at a regional convention to be held on Sunday at the Hotel Elton. Annual Luncheon Planned ByMelicent Porter Chapter The annual luncheon of Melicent Porter chapter, D. A. R., will be held on Monday at which time Rev. Dr. Robbins Wolcott Barstow will be the guest speaker. Dr. Barstow is an outstanding clergyman and author and is the son of the late Rev. John Barstow and Mary Welles Wolcott. He is a graduate of Dartmouth in 1913 receiving his B. A. and later received his B. D. at Harvard Theo logical Seminary in 1916 and his D. D. from Ripon college in 1926. Weddings THIBAULT-PHANEUF The marriage of Miss Lucille An nette Phaneuf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phaneuf of Southmayd Road and Dr. Louis J. Thibault, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Thibault of Monroe avenue takes place to morrow morning at 8 o’clock at St. Ann’s church. A card party was given last eve ning at the Hotel Elton by the North Italian Women’s society. Mrs. Ada Merluzzi was chairman of the arrangements and her assistants were: Mrs. Elvira Pepe and Miss Jane Bartolini. Present were Mrs. Domenic Bat telli, Lillian Germawo, Mrs. H. J. Cleary, Mrs. T. W. Geoghegan, Mrs. Bianca Torani, Mrs. Mary Pasini, Mrs. Rose Bianchini, Mrs. S. Mol lica, Enis Bartolini, Flora Bartolini, Jane Bartolini, Mrs. Angeline Car isio, Mrs. Angeline Ciarlone, Ma falda Galli, Mrs. Louise Vagnini, Mrs. Margaret Desiderio, Mrs. Aldo vina Castone, Mrs. Ermilinda Ac quarelli, Mrs. Augusta George, Mrs. Francesca Baiocchi, Mrs. Mary Reale, Mrs. Ada Merluzzi, Mrs. El vira Pepe, Mrs. Tina Vaccarelli, Mrs. A1 Cusson, Mrs. Victor Provencher, Mrs. Anthony Monti, Mrs. Jane Rag ozzino, Mrs. Lena Battistoni, Miss Mary Polletto, Mrs. Emma Cocchi ola. Miss Carmela Cocchiola, Mrs. Mae Mannello and Mrs. Christine Temi. Mrs. Joseph Robillard of Walnut street and Mrs. Thomas Leary of Plank road were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given recently in honor of Miss Emma Leary at Bosco’s banquet hall. Miss Leary will be married Feb. 5 to Harry P. Culbert. Those attending were Mrs Rob ert Monnerat, Mrs. F. W. Robillard, Mrs. Della Moriarty, Mrs. Emil Steinman, Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. Henry Kyle, Mrs. Patrick McNally. Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. William Missett, Mrs. Frances Leary, Mrs. Kenneth Kennedy, Mrs. Einar Lar son, Mrs. Raymond Steinman of Bridgeport, Mrs. August Barbieri, Mrs. Vincent Magro, Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs. Patrick McGill, Mrs. Harry Cooper and Mrs. William Strom. Misses Evelyn Steinman, Rose and Jane Chappelle, Lillian Old strunk, Rita Strom, Jeannette Mon nerat, Marie Charron, Elinore Nal band, Agnes Carrolan, Esther Sul- ; livan, Marie Barbieri, Rita Lanoue, Edna Leary and Genevieve Dobil lard. Refreshments were served, and dancing enjoyed. Moving - Storage — The — Blokeslee Co. WATERBURY. CONN. TYPEWRITERS' REPAIRED Have your type writer repaired, overhauled* or rebuilt by our factory - trained service men. All work quaran teedS See ua Prat • • . and aavat ROSE (k MORTON He also studied at Boston univer sity. Dr. Barstow has been assistant minister at the South Congrega tional church in Hartford, at the First Congregational church in Woodstock. Vt., the South Congre gaticnal church in Concord, N. H.. and the First Congregational church in Madison, Wis. In 1930 he held the office of president of the Hartford Sem inary foundation and professor in the practical department, Hartford Theological Seminary. Among his publications are “Getting Acquaint ed with God,” and “Modern Per plexities”, also numerous pamphlets and articles. He frequently lectures at schools and colleges. The title for his Waterbury talk is “The Stabilizing of Life". Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Robert W. Dennison, Mrs. Raymond M. D. Adams, Mrs. Benjamin Chatfleld, Mrs. Louis H. Stocking, and chair man, Mi’s. Frank B. Noble. The luncheon will begin promptly at 1 o'clock. Committees for this year were chosen last night at a meeting of Canton Martin auxiliary. Odd Fel lows, in Odd Fellows’ hall. Mrs. Cora Kanny, president, was in charge. The committees follow: Hospital, Mrs. Clara Dibble , and Mrs. Martha Cady; publicity, Mrs. Louise Clarke; entertainment, Mrs. Ella Anderson, chairman. Mis. Cady Mrs. Frances Owens Mrs. Grace Weaving, Mrs. Lillian John son and Mrs. Mae Spearo; regalia, Miss Eleanor Johnson and Mrs. Catherine Wood; refreshments, Mrs. Clarke, chairman; Mrs. Louis Marggraff, Mrs. Weaving, Mrs. Dibble Mrs. Harold Newman, Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Cady, Mrs. Mabel Bachmann and Mrs. Johnson. The new officers of Canton Mar tin presided for the first time last night in Odd Fellows’ hall. They are: Captain, Theodore E. Kurtz; lieutenant, Harold C. Newman: ensign, Stanley E. Dibble; clerk. William Clarke, and accountant, J. O. Kanny. A social for members of both groups followed the meet ings. Miss Constance Minervini of Oak street entertained the members of the Gamma Sigma Tau Sorority at her home recently. Entertainment was enjoyed and a delicious lunch eon was served. The guests of hon or for the evening were: Misses Anna David and Mary Minervini who observed their birthdays. Those present were: Mary Simag lio, Thelma Barone, Janice Cimag lio, Shirley Morse, Dorothy Rosato. Doris DiLorenzo and Constance Mi nervini. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Dorothy Rosato of Wall Street Heights. A bake sale was sponsored by the Women’s Get Together Club of the Third Congregational church yes terday at Grieve, Bisset and Hol land which proved most successful The committee in charge included: Mrs. H. Waterworth, Mrs. Harry Pritchard, Mrs. D. P. Costaldo, Mrs James Donnelly, and Mrs. John Joyce. Miss Julie Bknnon of Wall street who has been ill at her home has recovered. Contract Bridge CORNELL CONTRACT CLUB In the Thursday evening session of the Cornell Contract club con ducted by Mrs. John C. Moriarty, top scorers were: North and South —Miss Alice O’Neill and Miss Helen Kelly, 100 1-2; Mrs. A. J. Drummond and Mrs. Charles Roy, 96; and East and West— Mrs. George Gallagher and Mrs. John Kruse, 104 1-2; Mrs. Harry Laudeman and Mrs. Thomas Cottlero, 92. The standing to date is as follows: Gallagher-Kruse, 497 1-2, Carolan Butler, 487 1-2, Waters-Dews tied with O’Neill-Kelly, 481 1-2. Sorority Dance This Evening The Simga Iota Chi Sorority will hold their annual dinner dance this evening at the New Wonder Bar Inn in Berlin. Miss Cannellne Brucato Is chair* I lady of the affair. Anna Gambinl and Angle Terra are an the ar rangements committee. Reception ists for the evening will be Lena Gambinl and Rose Ragaglia. Extensive anrrangements for the affair have been made. Various acts of singing and daneing have been arranged by the committee In charge. Saturdays Bride Is Tendered Shower Mrs. Emile Lecomte and Mrs. Maurice Bosse were hostesses at a shower given recently at Suozzo’s grill in compliment to Miss Lucille Phaneuf who is to be married to Dr. Louis Trlbault, Jr., on Saturday. The honored guest was presented with a purse. Those present were: Mrs. Emma Verrier, Mrs. Paul Puzzo, Mrs. A. Adams, Mrs. L. Korn, Mrs. J. B. blanc, Mrs. Grace Lavigne, Alber Lavallee, Mrs. Rose Carillo, M. Le tine Belval, Mrs. L. J. Thibault, Mrs. Charles Hebert, Mrs. Edwin E. Tall, Mrs. Henry Phaneuf, Mrs. Henry Fortin, Mrs. Ulric Dionne, Mrs. Orilon Massicotte. Veroica Shugrue, Rita Blais, Mrs. Gedeon Beliveau, Mrs. Victor Bernier, Mrs. E. Nadeau, Helene Beliveau, Mrs. Harry Mathieu, Mrs. Leon Phaneuf, Mrs. Roland Phaneuf, Mrs. Noel Phaneuf, Mrs. Romio Marcil, Mrs. Fred Boucher, Mrs. C. E. Bouchard, Mrs. William Boisvert, Mrs. Paul Michaud, Mrs. Edmond Thibault, Mrs. Edwa'd Larivee, Mrs. Cora Audet, Femande Blais, Annette Bourgeois, Mrs. Thomas Bourgeois, Mrs. Peter Moisan, Mrs. Lionel Vad nais, Mrs. Albert Chouinard, Mrs. Rose Gouthier, Mrs. George Frigon, Rose Anna Veillette, Mrs. New Theroux, Mrs. George Caouette, Mrs. Aurore Belleville, Mrs. Jos. Monnerat, Rita Monnerat, Jeanette Dorval, Mrs. Aurore Dorval, Rita Canton, Anna Accacino, Mrs. Donat Fion, Mrs. Arhtur Theroux. Mrs. Gertrude Kelly, Mrs. Maurice Bosse, uoulse Leblanc, Mrs. Jean Basse, Cecile Beausoleil, Mrs. A. LaMade lein, Doris LaMadeleine, Mrs. Wil fred Bosse, Mrs. Rose Bematchez. Mrs. Louise Martin, Mrs. Emelee Walsh, Mrs. Charles Byrnes, Mrs. j George Guilbert, Mrs. Betty Dwyer, ; Mrs. Omer Soucy, Alice Comeau, ; Mrs. Arthur Pratt, Mrs. Ralph Bouflard, Mrs. Edna Delage, Mrs. Loretta Labile, Mrs. Anna Jacob, Mrs. Cleophas Morin, Yvette Fortin, j Mrs. E. Fortin, Mrs. Ernest Vanasse, Mrs. Ray Balipault, Mrs. Wilfred Levasseur, Laura Doucette, Anna Doucette, Mi-. Philias Lecomte, Mrs. George Bouffard, Mrs. Henry Le? comte, Mrs. Sylvia Dubois, Mrs. Ar mande Leze, Mrs. Rom. Dumouchel. Mrs. Nap Doylon, Mrs. Bruno Veil lette, Mrs. Ovila Blais, Mrs. Albert Nadeau, Mrs. Stewart Howard, Mrs. 1 Lawrence Nadeau, Irene A. Vezina, Mrsfl Arthur Vezina, Mrs. Serge Belanger, Mrs. Leo Pepin, Mrs. Louis Thibodeau, Mrs. Ovide Dorais Mar garet Pouleau, Mrs. Emile Lecomte, Mrs. Henri Bosse. Throw a dollar out of the window There's a certain amount of pleasure in thorwing a dol lar bill out of the window (we suppose—we've never tried it) . . . watching it float through the air . . . guessing where it's going to land . . . seeing it finally settle on a curbstone . . . and perhaps seeing some surprised individual pick it up. At least, it's certainly more fun than throwing away a dollar bill by paying one hundred cents extra for some thing you're buying. Yet every year we all part with a goodly sum of hard-earned cash that_we might other wise save—if we knew how to buy! The quickest, easiest, simplest way to learn how to buy is to read the advertisements in The Democrat. Know values. Know prices. Know quality. Start now to stop • throwing dollar bills away! 1'. I? V** . rtuAi* .. ' wl* \ ;- aL^Ll... i / ‘. J >.t “i.-* ' 1 . V *V» . i ■ . 'NY. *■ .1 ** j : k-*Y. m.. 1.. & . f'i* ** V- .s“A *' ^A* * ■». She Had a 500-grand Time Most I expensive get-up at New York’s ultra-smart Beaux Arts ball, noted for rich costumes, was worn by soclally promlnent Mrs. Adolph Spreckels. Her diamond necklace and urban clip assay some $500,000. On her shoulder: priceless black orchids —the only four In all of New York. • McKENNEY ON BRIDGE Use Warren System Cautiously; Be Sure Hand Has Slam Strength auis n me luurm ui ft senes of six articles on the Warren slam bidding convention. BY WM. E. McKENNEY America's Card Authority Most slam-bidding conventions are abused because the average player tries to make use of them too often. This is no less true of the Warren slam method than of others which, perhaps, do not give so much information. The slam signal, four no trump,: should be bid not only because a player has the required two aces.: or one ace and a void, but also because he thinks a slam can prob abily be made and a contract of five-odd is quite safe. In today’s hand, after North birl diamonds and then showed heart support. South was quite sure a small slam would be a good con tract if North held at least one ace and the king of his suit, dia monds. South therefore bid four no trump to learn North’s hlgh card strength. North’s response of five hearts 1 showed three points. Theoreti cally this could be an ace and a king, or three kings; but South knew it showed an ace and king because he had three of the four kings himself. The proper final contract still had to be carefully weighed. 1 South had never shown his dia- i 0 * 1087 V A83 ♦ K 10 8 7 5 4 + 7 A J92 V 9 2 ♦ J96 * Q 10 6 5 2 4K5 VKQJ5 ♦ AQ3 ♦ AKJ4 Rubber—E. and VV South West 11f Pass 34h Pass 4 N. T. Pass 6 If Pass Opening—tf 4. North 24 3 V 5 V Pass vul. East Pass Pass Pass Pass 27 nond support, and had only a :our-card heart suit; but he was ifraid that if North’s ace were in ipades and not in hearts, and (forth were the declarer at six dia lionds. East could lead a spade ;hrough South’s king. South, herefore, decided the hand should »e played at hearts, and bid six learts. West saved his high spades, loping the lead in that would ■ventually have to come to him. Hadassah Croups To Meet Sunday Regional Hadassah president, Rtaoda Dorkln of Bridgeport wUl preside at the regional convention to be held on Sunday at The Elton, with the Waterbury unit as hostess. Miss Adele Luria is president of the local Hadassah. The conven tion will open a* 11 a. m.„ and luncheon will be served at noon in the main ballroom. Miss Cecelia Ragoland of New York, national sec retary of Young Judea, will also speak. . The oftemoon portion of the pro gram will be of a social nature anc there will be music, dramatics, anc story telling. Miss Anita Hart it chairman of arrangements and thost who will assist her are Misses' Flor ence Bennet, Freda Bardash, Edna Swlrsky, Ruth Matzkin Louise Greenfeld, Mildred Stern and Adele Luria. and opened a trump. South made an overtrick by ruffing a low elub in dummy before drawing trumps and running the diamond suit. NEXT: Avoiding a slam. When a frost is heavy eonugii to blacken growing vegetation, it is called a “black frost”. r-a 3 OUT OF 5 LMOTHERS relieve misery of colds externally with | VapoRub "0,,0a,N• This Week’s Introduction We premeiit nh«i we to be one of the Hfj'w lliienl assortment of valenti.m: candies NOVELTIES Candles in boxes from '/i lb. t•* 2 lb*. WATCH thin Npce each week for n new Introduction. OUR REGULAR WEEK-END SPECIALS Fresh Flavored Peaches 'Ile-I Label) Refreshing: Elberta peaches out standing: for their marvelous fresh flavor. So good for short cakes or served topped with whipped cream. Special 29c saving 7% (30 oz.) Tuna Fish (red label) All • white meat tuna steak. Chicken-like in flavor—it is ex cellent creamed or in salads. Special 39c saving 7 /z % <18 OK.) Indian Pudding («ed Label) A corn meal - molasses, old-time delicacy. Extra good with vanilla ice cream. Special 2 for 27c SAVING 9% <16 OK.) THE EPICURE SHOP S. S. PIERCE. A»socinte Store 17 WEST MAIN ST. Phone ff-1415 mm