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y iHT?*»r«r»v% . ^ ' ' ■ ; ■; ' .,::' . New York Giants Wrecked Reds Pitching With Ten-Run Inning DODGERS JACK UP LEAD; CUBS LEE BESTS PHILS Mel Ott’s Homer Paces Giants; Brownies Hom ers Rip Red Sox BT PAUL SCHEPRU (United Press SUIT Correspondent) New York, May 16—(UP)—The Cincinnati Reda were berthed un comfortably in fifth place today and unlees their pitching atalt, which had just about been conceded to be the best in baseball regains its effectiveness quickly, they may still be there in September. The Reds, off to one of their worst starts in years which might cost them the pennant, came to life early this month and their pitch ing staff—comprising about M uer cent of their flag chances—began to function as expected. Bucky Walters, Ray Starr, Elmer Riddle and Johnny Vender Meer all turned in stellar performances. A one-hit performance of Oene Thompson, a hopeless bust last year over the Dodgers at Brooklyn last Tuesday, won the accolade for the Reds’ staff and it seemed as if Deacon Bill McKechnie’s men were Indeed going to be the team to beat. Curt Davis, lean weather-scarred veteran, stopped the Reds’ with a two-hitter on Wednesday but the squall really struck hard at the Polo Grounds yesterday when the New York Giants loosed a hurri cane of 17 hits and whipped Cin cinnati, 12-6. The Reds used four pitchers—two of them front-line men—but. the Giants had little trouble with any of them. Explosion The game was all Cincinnati until the eighth inning, when the Giants, trailing, 6-2 touched off a 10-run explosion, in which 15 men batted and Manager Mel Ott and Babe Young collected two hits. Ott paced the attack with a three-run homer. Brooklyn’s Dodgers boosted their league lead to 3Vi games by knock ing off the second-place Pittsburgh Pirates, 7-4. Joe Medwick got the Flatbushers off to a fast start with a three-run homer in the first in ning following a Pirate run. The Bucs shelled Kirby Higbe from the hill in the third and added two tallies to tie the score. Babe Phelps led the splurge with a homer but the Flock came on with two runs in the third and two in the eighth. Bob Elliott scored the final tally with a ninth-inning homer. Veteran Southpaw Larry French retired in the sixth with a pulled leg muscle but was credited with his third win. Bill Lee held the Philadelphia Phils to seven hits to pitch the Chicago Cubs to a 6-3 victory. Charley Gilbert and Bill Nicholson led the Cubs with two safeties each. Other Results In the only two American League games, St. Louis shaded Boston, 6-3, and Chicago turned back the Philadelphia Athletics, 0-4. The Athletics dropped into a tie with Washington for fifth place. The White Sox hammered Jack Knott and Herman Besse for nine hits and snapped the A’s five-game winning streak. Myril Hoag led the attack with three hits and Bill Dietrich scattered seven for his third triumph. Roy Cullenbine and Chet Laabs clouted home runs, pacing a 10-hit Browns’ attack that cost the Red Sox their fifth straight loss. Johnny Nlggeling went the route for the Browns, allowing six hits. Three went to Bobby Doerr, leading hit ter for the American League. YESTERDAY’S HERO—Manager Mel Ott of the New York Giants, who hit a three-run homer and paced the New York Giants to a 12-6 triumph over the Cincinnati Reds. Three Managers Can’t Be Wrong By DAN PARKER WHEN THE YANKEES Mid flashy Babe Dahlgren to the Boston Braves a year ago last February and replaced him with a colorless flrst sacker named Johnny Sturm, there was a loud outcry on the part of Stadium fans who admired Dahlgren’s fancy fielding, that a colossal mistake had been made. Yesterday's newspapers revealed tWt Dahlgren had been peddled for the second time since leaving the Yankees. The Braves got rid of Babe on June 15th last season by selling him to the Cubs, Now the Cubs have disposed of him to the St. Louis Browns after waiving him out of the National League. It Is fairly obvious by this time not only that the Yankees didn’t make any mistake but that there is something wrong with Babe’s ball playing that the average fan can't discern. A baseball man recently described Babe to me as a “one armed ball player.” This authority who had no desire to hurt Dahlgren whom he termed ”a nice boy,” said: “Babe makes easy plays look spectacular but he can’t make hard plays look easy. He uses only one hand except for throws that are right at his chest. Because he’s short-armed he can’t reach out for wide throws. He’s a great looking ball player the first few days you see him but then his defeets start to show through Ms flash.” The question Is, are these sins grlevious enough to merit the punish ment of being sentenced to the Browns? IF LEW RIGGS were Swedish, he’d answer queries as to where he came from with the crack: “Me bane from Mebane, N. C.” Lew, of course, Isn’t a Swede, but every boro, broad and brat In Brooklyn will attest that he's a sweetheart as a pinch-hitter. If there’s a better clutch clouter I SHOUI.OM'T MW, ^.UWPAtVi that e*«t, than Lewis Sidney, scion of the No'th Ca’Una Riggses’ In all baseball, his name eludes me. Lew hit .305 last season and played first, second and third base at various times, making himself quite the handiest citizen on Monsieur Durocher’s ball club. This season, his pinch hitting has been better than ever. Although his average for the season falls four points shy of the .300 mark, his pinch-hitting mark Is an even A00. In 2 emergency trips to the plate, up to yesterday, he has walked twice and hit two homers, two doubles and a single. Playing In two full games, he collected three more hits for a season’s average of .296. Lew’s bat has driven in eight Dodger runs altogether, which means that each of his eight hits has been worth one run. Thrice blessed Indeed Is the mana ger who has a player like Lew Riggs on the bench, both ready and able to perform any emergency chore that the changing fortunes of the ball game may make necessary. “RACE TRACK BUSSES will be barred from the highways al most Immediately,” said Dr. C. F. Phillips of the Office of Price Ad ministration, yesterday, in announcing new plans to conserve rubber. I hope the patriotic racing magnates who, alone, seem to realise the indispensibillty of race tracks in maintaining the national morale, Will not only resent th& snide blow at their patriotic effort but will fight It or at least supply iron-tired scooters for the system players to use on their Journey to and from the hoss parks. PHIL DONATO, the heavyweight whom Jack Doyle once knocked out with the back-wash of an anaemic right swing that missed its target by three feet, Is Joining the Army. Whether he’ll go In for dive bombing or join the Tank Corps, Phil doesn’t know yet but he’d fit In well with either branch. Of late, Phil has been the No. 1 bouncer at Ar cadia Ballroom, on Broadway, recognized as one of the top men of his profession. When'Phil bounced ’em, they bounced so hard the Rubber Conservation Committee moved in pnd confiscated his victims. It Is Phil’s ambition, if he becomes a dive bomber pilot, to fly over London and drop a bucket of slops on Jack Doyle's County Cork skull from 10,000 feet to avenge his honor for that Invisible knockout punch that , cooked his spaghetti at the Dyckman Oval a half dozen years ago. IT’S HARD TO DECIDE whether Billy Conn or his popping pdpper in-law, Jimmy Smith, is the prize meathead of the Pittsburgh Donnybrook that ruined a million dollar prize fight. By breaking his fist on his father-in-law’s hard skull, Billy didn’t do much to help his case as a smart fighter. On the other hand, when a relative-by-marriage attacks a man In the uniform of the U. S. Army after luring him to h's home with an olive branch and thus putting him off-guard, he would be a sorry soldier Indeed who wouldn’t light back. Smith doesn’t come* ont of the episode with flying colors as an intellectual, either. By causing Billy to break his hand, he was harm ing his own daughter whom he loves, as much as he was hurting Conn, whom he hates. Smith’s attack on his uniformed son-in-law means that his daughter will not get the big wad of dough her husband would have earned In the June fight, now ruined beyond repair. Billy might have won the title in this fight. Never again will he have a better chance of winning It. In fact .there are reports that, be cause of the Pittsburgh brawl, the Army will ship Conn to a combat unit as soon as his Injured duke mends and drop all Its plans to use him to raise money for the Army Relief Fund. (Copyright, 1942, King Features Syndicate) OLD 98 FLIES AGAIN At night Aeadwny, Osnari, Calif., Army Air Wmm Aviation prepare* to carry a bigger toad far hto HUtry than Niemgan’a Ali-Amortea toft halflwrk af IMfl-41, Training 931 ifiW'tMHNI fjfifMfrfy ClMlHMWiS In Trotting Is One Sport Draft Won’t Hit HAMBLETONIAN . FAVORITE Game Of Vets Has Full, Rich Grand Circuit ®jr HARRY QARY80N NBA Service Sporta Editor Goshen, N. Y„ May 15—Dates Just announced by C.W. PhellU, president of the Grand Circuit, have the 1943 major league harness racing season opening June 39 at Goshen and continuing with only one week's layoff to Oct. 3, when Lexington, Ky., closes the campaign. The $40,900 Hambletontan Stake for 3-year-old trotters, the Ken tucky Derby of the sulky world’s scheduled for Aug. 13 over William H. Cane’s famous triangle Good Time Park strip here. Despite cancellations of some meetings due to military occupa tion of tracks, the trotting and pac ing season Is as long and as rich as ever. DRIVERS AND OWNERS BARELY IN LAST DRAFT Standardbred racing Is one sport which will not be hit by the draft. The vast majority of drivers add owners barely got in the last draft. Harness racing long since came to be an old man’s sport. Few are the younger fellows In It, notably Dunbar Bostwick. Half-mile Historic track here, owned by E. Roland Harriman of New York, opens the Grand Cir cuit the week of June 39 and con tinues until July 11. This is the first time this small plant has held a two-weeks’ meeting. Westbury, L. L„ gets the Hoaring Grand cavalcade next with one week’s racing which begins July 13. Night harness racing at Roose velt Raceway, Westbury, originally built for automobiles, was highly successful last spring and fall, but this pot may have to confine itelf to afternoon and' twlight programs this trip because of nearby Army air Helds and posts. Old Orchard, Me., gets 10 days starting July 30. SARATOGO GETS TOO MUCH RACING Buffalo Raceway, Saratoga Springs, races the week of Aug. 3 at night in partial competition with thoroughbreds performing In the afternoon. Although It was made and sup ported by runners, the Spa now seems Jnable to make up its mind whether It likes so much racing at onoe. Storekeepers point out that patrons will have little time, and Colby Hanover, Fred Egan up, li early l to 1 favorite to win Hambletonlan Stake at Good Time Park, , Goshen, N. Y., Aug. 12. perhaps less money, to spend In their shops. What Buffalo Raceway should do Is trade dates with Westbury. That would give Westbury the gaited plugs while the gallopem are at Saratoga. Good Time ParC, Goshen,/ opens Aug. 11 with the 16th renewal of the Hambletonian the following day. COLBY HANOVER TOUGHEST OF 40 Colby, Hanover, by Mr. McElwyn, is the early Hambletonian favorite in the spring books at 2 to 1. He won seven of 11 starts as a 2-year old, was thrice second and third once. The brown oolt’s 2:04 1-4 in the Kentucky Futurity last fall estab lished him as the toughest of 40 candidates for this season's troting derby. Colby Hanover is trained and pilot ed by Fred Egan, who won his only Hambletonlan In 1940 with Spencer Scott. Egan, a hard luck driver, was the central figure In the strange ending of the 1933 stake when Brown Berry stumbled and fell with the race ap parently won 100 feet from the finish. The accident gave the big number to Ben White’s Mary Rey nolds. HERE IS SCHEDULE OF GRAND CIRCUIT Colby Hanover was bought last autumn by C. W. Phelis of Green which and I. W. Gleason of Wil liamsport, Pa., for $20,000 from the estate of Eugene Frey of York, Pa. Frey saw Colby Hanover crown ed as the top fight Juvenile of 1041, but did not live to see him rated the choice for the Hambletonlan. Following the mid-August meet ings at God Time Park, the Grand Circuit maintains this schedule: Illinois State Fair, probably at Aurora, Aug. 17-22; Wisconsin State Fair, Milwaukee, Aug. 24-28; Ken tuck State Fair, Louisville, Sept. 5 12; Reading, Sept. 14-19; Delaware, O., Sept. 22-25, and Lexington, Ky„ Sept. 26-Oct. 3 . Horses have poured into Good Time Park from Aiken, S. C., Pine hurst and Orlando, Fla., where the bulk of them are trained. Most of the spring conditioning usually is done in Lexington, but partially due to transportation dif ficulties, nine of 10 came direct to Goshen this time. All the better ones are among 300 nags here now and there will be 450 when the barrier is sprung for the first time. The older fellows are doing all right in keeping young with the sport they are keeping alive. I I GILBERT REDS OPPOSE DIRS BLUES SUNDAY Field of 70 in Opening Event at Chase Coun try Club Though the Chase Country Club golf course has been well-played within recent weeks, the official opening of the season, a match be tween Colonel Jack Gilbert’s Reds and Big Bill Blrs Blues, is all set for Sunday aftemon next at 1 p. m. Two strong teams have been lined up by tournament chairman Bob King with 70 men to take part in the meet, and winners to eat at the expense of the losers at a din ner arranged in the evening. Each member of the winning team will also receive two golf balls as a prize. The rival captains, Gilbert and Blrs agreed on a single pre-tournament statement which was: “We will do our beat and hope for .It, tool" Close Contests Some of the better matches in clude: Fete Burke vs Frank Byrnes, Jack Slattery vs A1 Stevens; Jake Vreeland vs Ned Farley; Fete Prlsavage vs Johnny Galvin; Cas per Spearo vs Bill Klobendanz and Bob King vs Ernie Dyson. The lineup: REDS J. Gilbert, Capt. v Pete Burke v Jack Slatery v J. J. Vreeland v Walter stevsn v R. E. King v A. Smolskls, Jr. v J. F. Cavanaugh v Pete Prlsavage v M. R. Kraft v A. C. Gross C. Spearo R. O. Palmer John Machln A. R. Armstrong R. Fallon R. strohacker H. Kraft D. Adelberg E. Coughlin D. J. Beck C. H. Platt John Carroll F. Bingham Vin Nole C. J. Connell p. J. Shea W. L. Callgan L. S. Harvey C. W. Ahearn Robert Hyer Michael Mara' Prank Healey Phil Johnson L. Alberts BLUES Wm. Blrs, Sr., C P. Byrnes A1 Stevens Ned Farlep Jim Corrigan Ernie Dyson John Babin J. A. Cluney John Galvin T. V. Sullivan H. S. Prusser W. Klobedanz W. P. Potter Tom Sullivan T. S. Miller Pat Wills ton M. Fitzgerald R. Hale Ray Nelson Phil Hamel C. W. Childs P. Pretat T. S. Cochard L. Cameron P, J, Malvey H. Win ton Al Trahan Dr. Shanahan Cy Livermore Q. B. Orsini H. Warner, Jr. Jas. McCarthy Dr. J. May S. Kokins, Sr. J. Doe SCOVILL SOFTBALL Loading Room and Fuse Assembly loftbsli teams of the Soovtll* league put on a ding-dong match last night, team getting 10 runs apiece, with the Loaders wining out 7 to g, is each club also made three error*. In other games, Machine Room was a 14 to 3 winner over Prese, held to Rve hits by Fredette, while Luddy’e mound work was much too much for the Truckers who were held to three hits ae Chucking won easily 14 to 1 on 10 hits. MARKED DIFFERENCE The average iUe of a golf toll is 0g holes with ordinary players, : cuts and scars. For the pro however, it to only about Today’s Sport Parade (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) By JACK GUENTHER (United Press Staff Correspondent) New York, May 15.—(UP)—What promises to he one of the most hetifally hilarious series of the Na tional league season is now In progress at that hilariously hectic baseball sanctum, Ebbets Field. The Pittsburgh Pirates are embroiled with the Brooklyn Dodgers and their joint activities represent an inspired blend of melodrama and low comedy. The melodrama Is provided by the fact that these two teams are heading the pennant chase. It is no surprise that Brooklyn is at the head of the class. The strength of the Bums is acknowledged even in St. Louis. Pittsburgh, however, is sort of an uninvited guest. Al though they have little claim to the position, the Pirates are holding second place. This fact dovetails nicely with the slapstick elements of the situa tion. The reason the Bold Buccos are holding up is four-fold. It is composed of, your friends and mine, Brothers Phelps, Wasdell, Coscarart and Hamlin. These renegade Dodg ers were traded to Pittsburgh for Arkie Vaughan and they are im bued with a holy zeal to show up Larry MacPhail as a sucker. Ex-Dodgers Shine They can do this rather neat trick by punching the ears off their former mates at every opportunity. They tried this yesterday and al though they failed, the defeat cer tainly wasn’t their fault. The Plat bush faithful laughed when Coscar art, Phelps and Wasdell went out to play but many a grin was frozen : before the afternoon was over, f Although Brooklyn won the first of the three games, 7-4, the ex Bums gave the flock a thorough pasting. Cotcarart hit a single and wa^ a party to two double-plays. Wasdell boombed out two doubles that rocked MacPhail to his spine. Phelps did even better. The re formed blimp, batting in the clean up spot, hit a double, a hcmer and drove in two runs. After this lethal demonstration had been duly surveyed by the chagined Bum rooters, the reason for the quite unusual silence of the four renegades became apparent. All four of the former Dodgers re fused to voice their lament* to sport writers when they arrived in town, but they proved rather convincing ly that their actions speak louder than words. With Coscarart and Wasdell in stalled in regular positions in the Pirate line-up and Phelps sharing the catching burdens with A1 Lopez —who used to be a Dodger, too— the Pittsburgh entry has shown an amazing inclination to cling to the upper strata. How long the Pirates w'li remain aloft nobody knows. The point is, they are there now. They are there because although the material is weak the spirit is willing. Prank Frisch is famed for his flre-eatlng. Under him players may lose but the players always hustle. The Piratas are hustling now. The change In their habit* during the last few years is obvious. They din't just scramble like school boys. They have a measure of poise. The poise is tiie product of many tiling*. Frisch transformed Bob SI liott from an outfielder into a third baseman to settle an irritating In field problem and to make room for /Wasdell. Both experiments worked out nicely. Than Phelps proved himself almost a new man. Along with Waedell, ha has added substantial power to the attack. Net Ha Bad To date, the Pirates have been fairly lucky. On pap*r the p’eh'ff is weak, yet on M, wear . utf * * . swirlers have worked complete win ning games. Max Butcher and Kip Sewell have pitched four triumphs apiece and between them more or less lie the Pirate chances. As for the other pitchers, at times they are gcod but more often they aren’t. Although the Boccos are in the second slot they are only three games from seventh. As is the Na tional League custom, the top seven clubs are bunched like so many grapes and a game lost here and there weighs heavily. Which why the present series is important so early in the year. A victory today another tomorrow will move the Pirates to within reaching distance of the top. Two losses would drop them back into the lower brackets, and Comrades Phelps, Wasdell, Coscarart and Hamlin would be forced to give i Devil MacPhall his due. ;The Baseball Standings A AMERICA* LEAGUE Yesterday's Hr Knits Chicago 9, Philadelphia 4. St. Louie 6, Boston 3. New York at Detroit (postponed). Washington at Cleveland (post poned). Standing W. New York . 17 Cleveland . 17 Detroit . 18 Boston . 14 Philadelphia . 13 Washington.11 St. Louis . 12 Chicago . 8 Games Todar New York at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Chicago. Boston at St. Louis. L. Pet. 8 .680 9 .604 12 .600 12 .638 17 .433 10 .423 18 .400 19 .290 Games Tomorrow Philadelphia at Chicago. Bostbn at St. Louis. New York at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Brooklyn 7, Pittsburgh 4. New York 12, Cincinnati 6. Chicago 6, Philadelphia 3. St. Louis at Boston (postponed). Standing Brooklyn . 19 Pittsburgh . 17 Boston.. 16 St. Louis 13 Cincinnati ........ 13 New York ........ 13 Chicago . 13 Philadelphia . 1 L. 8 18 18 13 14 16 15 (1 Pet. .704 .587 .552 .500 .481 .464 .464 .276 Games Today Cincinnati at New York. Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. St. Louis ut Boston. Chicago at Philadelphia. Games Tomorrow Chicago at Philadelphia. SI. Louis at Boston. Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New York. Yesterday's Results Baltimore at Jersey City. Newark at Syracuse (night). Montreal at Buffalo (night). (Only games scheduled.) I.EtGIE Yesterday's Results Wilkes-Barre 1. Hartford # Williamsport 15, Binghamton I Albany «, Elmira 1. Scranton I, Springfield f, Scranton ...,, 11 Binghamton ...... » Albany a Wllkos-Burra ..... » Elmira . 7 Hartford .Mil- 7 Box .Scores REDS ab Joost, ss.S M. McCormick, If .. 5 M. Marshall, rf ... 5 Haas, 3b . 3 F. McCormick, lb .. 4 Frey, 2b ..4 Craft, cf.4 Lamanno, ..4 Riddle, p . 2 Hoggs, p .. 2 Walters, ..0 Shoun, p . 0 • Totals . 38 r h rbl o a 1 2 0 3 2 110 3 0 13 110 0 1112 1119 0 1 2 2 4 6 0 0 0 2 0 12 110 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 13 6 24 12 Bartell, 3b Jurges, ss Ott, rf ... Mlzo, lb .. W. Marshall, If ... I.elbcr, ct . Danning, .. Ryan, 21> . bMaynard . Witek, 2b . Carpenter, p ...... McGee, p . allarna . Feldman, .. t'Young . Adams, p. h rbl o a 2 2 4 0 3 2 2 0 4 3 5 2 3 4 2 0 5 0 1 0 8 ' 0 4 12 110 5 110 0 0 4 2 2 2 4 1 3 0 1 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 111110 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 12 17 11 27 11 Totals a-Hatted for McGee In 4th. b-IJattcd for Ryan In 7th. c-Batted for Feldman In 8th. GIANTS ab r kkdk . a i s u u u u u u— o GIANTS... 00011000 10 X—12 Errors—Haas, M. McCormick, M. Marshall. Two-base hits—Young, Hanning. Three-base hit—Young. Home runs—Lamannn, Frey, Ott. Stolen base—Frey. Double Flag's— Jurges, Ryan and Mize; Has, Frey and F. McCormick; Joost, Frey and F. McCormick. Left on Hases— Giants 14, Reds 6. Rases on Balls— Off Riddle 6, McGee 1, Hoggs 3, Shoun 1. Struck Out—By McGee 1, Feldman 1. Hits—Off Carpenter, 6 In 1 Inning (0 out In 2nd); McGee, 7 In 3; Feldman, 1 In 4; Adams, 0 In 1; Riddle, 4 In 4 (0 out In 6th): Ileggs. 7 In 3 2-3; Walters, 2 In 0; Shoun, 4 In 1-3. Runs—Off Carpenter 3, Mc Gee 3, Riddle 2, Reggs 6, Walters 2, Shoun 3. Hit by pitcher—By Riddle (W. Marshall). Winning Pitcher— Feldmun. Losing Pitcher—Beggs. Boston ab r h o a 2 1 Pesky, ss . 6 Finney, rf . 6 u U Williams, if . 2 11 Lupine, lb .......... 2 0 0 Docrr, 2b . 4 0 3 Tabor, 3b .«... 4 0 1 DIMagglo, cf . 3 0 0 Peacock, .. 3 Newsome, p . 1 0 V 1 1 0 I) 0 Brown, p ... 1 0 0 0 a-Campbell.. 1 Ilyba, p . 0 b-Foxx .,,,,,,,,, 1 Totals 32 3 « 24 14 St. Lon Is Outterldge, 2b . 4 Mllft, 3b . 3 Cullenbine, If 2 McUuInn, lb . 4 McQuIlIen, rf .. 4 Loans, cf . 4 Stephens, ss . 4 Ferrell, c . 4 Niggeling, p . 3 all r h o a 1 6 U 0 1 1 Totals . 32 « 10 27 I ailatted for Brown in tllit. bllattcd for Ryba in Dili. BOSTON .lUlOlUOO 0—3 St. Louis . 21200100 x—« Errors—Cullenbine, Ferrell, Runs batted In—lloerr 2, Williams, < 'u 1 - lanblne 3, Gitteridge, MeGuillen, Me. Guinn, Laabs. Three-base hits—Me. Quinn. Home runs — Cullenbine, Laabs, Stolen base—Pecky. Double plays—Stephens, Gutterldge and Me. Guinn; Pesky, Dnerr and Lupien. Left on bases—St. Louis 6, Boston 1, Hases on bulls—off Niggeling 4, Newsome 1. Hits—Off Newsome 6 In 2 Innings (0 out In 3rd). Brown 2 In 3, Ryba 1 in 3. Losing pitrher-^New sotne. HARTFORD LOSES 1-0 Hartford, OMUL, May l#.—(UP)~ Wilkm*Barre defeated Hartford in a tight Bantam league game here last night, 1 to 0. Boore by Innings: ill Wilkes-Barre ,, oto 000 000—1 « i> 000 ooo-o 3 t Koliult* and Return; Diehl, ri* aad « HILLS TO PRACTICE The Washington HHLs of the City Amateur League will hold a practice session tonight at 6 o'clock at Washington Park. Manager James (Bed) Oladney urges all members of the team to report for tonight’s workout In preparation for Sunday’s game with the Avilangese A. O. SHARE DISTINCTION In the entire history of the Ken tucky Derby, which goes back to 1875, only two Jockeys have won it three times—Isaac Murphy and Earl Sande. Smith Gambles With No. 3 Wood and Just Misses U. S. Open Playoff Horton Smith ... smacks a spoon.’ By HORTON SMITH Winner of Many Titles One of the finest shots I ever made was a No. 3 wood to the 17th and 71st hole of the 1940 National Open at Canterbury Country Club in Cleveland. I had two good opening rounds, slipped to a 79, but on the final 18 was three under par for 16 holes and could tie by shooting the last two holes in one under. The 17th hole played about 230 yards with a gradual bank Just short of the green. It required a long carry, but I was going for birdies. I teed my ball low. The wind was blowing slightly from the left, so I closed the face of the club a tiny bit to protect against this. The ball was hit perfectly with just a suggestion of a hook which the breeze took care of. The ball covered the pin, hit the slope about 20 feet short of the cup and rolled only six or eight feet. I missed the 12 foot side-hill putt, the ball just touching the edge of the cup and rolling, a few inches by. Bobby Jones was at the green and told me he was sure my shot would bounce and roll nearer the cup. 1 paired the final hole to wind up a shot behind Lawson Little and Gene Sarazen, who tied and played off. Major League Leaders (By United Press) FIVE LEADING HITTERS National League Murtagh, Phils..27 88 14 30 .341 Phelps, Pitts.20 50 7 17 .340 Reiser, Brook....25 98 17 32 .327 Fernandez, Bos. . 29 116 17 37 .319 Brown, St. L.....27 107 7 34 .318 American League Doerr, Bos.19 73 12 31 .425 Spence, Wash. . 26 111 19 45 .405 Dickey, N. Y. ..20 74 9 29 .392 Gordon, N. Y. ..22 84 8 29 .345 Heath, Cleve. ..26 102 23 34.333 Fleming, Cleve.. . 26 99 17 33.333 HOME RUNS Williams, Red Sox . 7 Camilli, Dodgers . 7 York, Tigers . 7 DiMaggio, Yankees . 7 F. McCormick, Reds .6 Litwhiler, Phils .6 WESLEYAN RALLY WINS Middletown, Conn., May 15.—(UP) —'WesDleyan university’s baseball team made a strong comeback in the last two innings to defeat Am herst here yesterday, 5 to 4. The Wesleyan team was four runs behind going into the eighth Inning, but drew even in that frame and scored once in the ninth to take the contest. Stan Kay, Wesleyan hurler, got thre hits, including a triple. HILTON'S Cool as a Cucumber! Wtor on All Wool Tropicol Worsted ond Bo Sort of Comfort! *2195 For those busy days ahead, you’ll ap preciate the smoothness and wearabil ity of a tropical worsted.. It’s the an swer to the question of what suit can I depend on for cool service for the dura tion of summer? A levs# solaeUan In eU o#l#n taelsSins Toni aSsets la Onr ami Tea. HUY ON HII/rON’ft EASY PAY PLAN HILTON'S COR BANK GRAND STREETS