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Haferfrotu Hcraocral 1 . Established 1881 4 Published Every Evening Except Sundays anil Holidays by THE WATERBURY DEMOCRAT. INC. Democrat Building, Waterbury, Conn. Subscription Rates Payable in Advance One Year. .110.00 Six Months.86.20 Three Months.. .8 2.60 One Month. 80c Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation The Democrat will not return manuscript sent in for publication unless accompanied by postage. No attention paid anonymous communications. . ... ■ • Dial 4-2121 All Departments FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 A Thought for Today I will not leave you comfortless: I will come 8a you,—John 14:18. * • • Oreat souls by Instinct to each other turn, demand alliance, and In friendship t irn.— Addison. Dial 4-2121 All Department* Renting Problems As yet the full impact of the OPA ceiling on housing rentals has not been felt here in Waterbury or elsewhere for that matter. The 60-day grace period during which landlords are supposed to be making the changes necessary to con form to the regulations won’t be up until June 1. Ey that time in the Waterbury defense area, which, incidentally, in cludes not only Waterbury and environs, but a number of towns in New Haven County and all Litchfield County, dwell ing rentals are supposed to have been brought to levels in existence on April 1, 1941. It is this establishment of a retroac tive date for many sections of the coun try which apparently does not set too well with many realtors. They believe that the ceiling date should be the same for the nation at large. On the other hand the. Office of Price Administration claims that definite areas, such as Water bury, showed distinct evidence a year ago of increased activity among land lords in raising rents due to increasing living costs. Rents are like other com modities in following the trend of the times. We don’t think the demand for but one rent ceiling date will be heard by OPA. The administration of price ceil ings, whether they be rents or foodstuffs or household commodities, is apparently slowly but surely swinging into action. It Is a tremendous undertaking, but once functioning will very likely be the most effective curb on inflation that could mechanically be brought to bear and endured by those whom it will affect. Don’t Get Caught War time restrictions are apt to be ; binding. But this country is in fortunate position of not having to fight off in ■ vaders which would certainly make con ditions a whole lot worse than they •appear to most of us right now. Gas I rationing is going to be difficult to . accept, because the automobile has be ■ come an important factor in our every ! day life. Many an economic program is ; based on the family car. Now this pro ■ gram has to be changed to conform to ; an entirely new form of living. Whether the present methods of ra ; tioning gasoline to car owners will prove satisfactory certainly will be determined ! in the six week trial period ending July ; 1. After that it may be necessary to curtail gasoline sales still further or it may be possible to relax the regulations. We won’t know about that until the test period has been passed through and offi cials can determine how existing sup glies of petroleum have been affected or ow the transportation problem is faring. Righ now there is a tendency to get all the gasoline that can be obtained. Common sense should dictate caution and prudence in this, though. If everyone continues to use his or her car just as generally as they have in the past ration ing rules will become more stringent. We’ve got to conserve as such gasoline as possible. Any motorist can do this in a dozen different ways. It may involve less driving and more walking or use of public vehicles, but if so the sacrifice is well made. The point is all must make some sacrifice, even though their position may seem the most important in the en tire defense set-up. Every Bit Will Help It is safe to say that Henry Morgen thau could not win a popularity contest with the lower income levels as jury, since he has proposed to cut income tax ex emptions to drag another seven millions under the umbrella. Nevertheless, his . recommendation has much merit. There are at least two major reasons why we should extend universal service to the tax . field as far as possible. ; First, there is no better way to impress * upon every man and his wife that this I really is their country and their govern J ment. Most, t,axes are hidden in the retail J prices of commodities we buy. We don't * notice them. Nobody mentions how much ' cheaper each item would be if it weren’t taxed. As a nation we have thought of the financing of government as a loaves and-flshes miracle. Nobody paid, we supposed, except a few rich and near Therefore we felt — and many still feel — that economy in government is a fetish of plutocrats. Why should we try to buy ships, tanks and planes cheaply, Just to relieve some millionaire of a fittle tax burden? Let him pay. Sup pose higher pay scales, with stiff over time provisions, make war equipment cost more? Isn’t it merely transferring so much from corporation stockholders, who don’t need the money, to workmen who 4o? Why worry because the federal gov ’ era men', almost 1,700,000 employes, at the rate of more than a Smarter of a billion dollars a month, ex usive of soldiers, sailors, WPA, NY A, CCC. The answer comes when the New Deal secretary of the treasury asks to have income taxes brought down to every unmarried person who earns $11.60 a week, every family which receives $23.20 a week. Second, and this is what Secre tary Morgenthau had in mind, there is the “inflationary gap” estimated at some 20 billion dollars for next year which, if not absorbed, will cause high prices in spite of our ceiling program. Most of this 20 billions will come from increased war production. A sixth will be made available by the fact we cannot buy everything we want, for which we have money. The best available studies indicate that our lowest income classes— the people who never have had money enough to buy more than a subsistence— ti. -? $3,000 and under families — are going to find, when they go to the stores, that they will have two billion dollars in 1942 they can't spend. The tax col lector won’t get much from these new comers, but every little will help to fi nance the war, to make everybody tax conscious, and to reduce the margin of idle dollars available to promote infla tion. , . On God’s Side Carl Byoir, who was our second man during the first World War in the pro duction of American propaganda, caught something that slipped by most of us in a simple remark made by Joe Louis when the Negro champion explained how he knew this country .would win World War II. '“We are going to win because we are on God’s side,” said the fighter. And the psychology behind that form of expression, Byoir points out in a poem in the current issue of Collier’s Maga zine, is the essential difference between fascism and democracy. “We are going to win,” says Hitler, “because God is on our side.” To which Joe Louis, who isn’t so inarticulate as he once seemed, retorts simply that America will win “because we are on God’s side.” Protective Custody The most encouraging thing about the British seizure of Madagascar is that we took the initiative. Germany will, of course, use the incident in her attempt to induce complete French collaboration. Actually, every Frenchman knows that if we had not acted, the Japs would have taken over. This is total war. We have stood on cer emony long enough. We wish the French could be fighting on our side. Since they can’t, we and they will have to make the best of the situation. Everywhere fire officials are issuing warning to car owners not to be tempted into hoarding gasoline in their homes or garages. It’s easy enough to believe that you can enjoy a nice trip to the shore or the mountains once a week if you’re able to carry along with you suffi cient gasoline to insure a safe round trip. However, no trip is safe if you have to bring along gasoline in containers to amplify that in the gasoline tank of the car. Nor is it safe to store gasoline in containers in your home or garage in quantities exceeding a gallon. It’s a fire hazard of the worst sort, far worse than illegal storage of fuel oil on back porches. Too much caution can t be exercised by motorists during the gas rationing period. Better to forego all the driving you’d like to do than to be come a victim of a gasoline explosion or ensuing fire. And not only that but you may be endangering the lives of count less innocent persons by your desire to circumvent the regulations. Not only the nation’s doctors are now in great demand in service, but there is crying need of many more dentists. By 1944 if the war is still going strong, then at least 20 per cent of the dentists will be needed to care for our men in the many branches of the service. That means that the number of dentists to take caie of the civilian population will show a sharp decline. All of which proves that when you start to build up an army to battle against mighty foreign aggressors you ve got to go at it whole-hog or not at all. All ranks, professional as well, will be depleted of manpower to win this ngm for the U. S. A. _ Commissioners in charge of the Mer itt Parkway are going ahead with their Ians for a picnic area in the Stamford action of the route. It probably will be pened this summer. But that’s about as ir as the commission will go in all°w ig use of the right of way. There 11 be o concessionaires along the roadway as 11 such applications are promptly turned own, and only a limited number of asoline stations are allowed. _ Selected Poem mass blackout (Elizabeth Jane Astley in the Christian Science Monitor) Through the shallow moonlight The spasmodic drill Of a siren whistle Penetrates the still, Throwing up a mountain To stand off men and men So neither shall be witness To the other then, When multitudes of street lights In the lap of town Drop without reluctance Into blackened ground. And wardens like Orion And dogs like Birius On the south sky’s margin Are watching over us, And who but moles among us Would bury In the dust When heaven's starry banner PObws flag-Uke over us. • NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT But You Can’t Kill A Washington Rumor BY PETER EDSON (Waterbury Democrat Washington Correspondent) Washington legends are legion and a corollary to that cliche is that apochryphal stories, fairy tales, wartime rumors and asserted plain and fancy lies die harder In your Bdaon nations capuui than anywhere else outside the gossip marts of Hollywood and cafe society. Give a good gal a bad name and any other mud 6lung In her di rection will stick to enhance her 111 repute, and all the press agentry and cosmetic white wash in the world are re quired to re store even a semblance of the pre smear purity. The same thing goes for men In public life. A correc tion never quite catches up with the original version, and two recent In cidents In Washington have strik ingly emphasized this maxim. The first concerns Jesse Jones, secretary of commerce. Six months ago he unquestionably was one of the two or three most Important men In Washington. Then some of the Jones-made defense contracts for aluminum and rubber and oth er war supplies were criticized and the people within the administra tion who didn’t like Jones built a lot of bonfires under the Jones seat of power. When the President transferred some of the federal mortgage ac tivities Into the new National Housing Agency in an effort to cen tralize the woefully scattered and frightfully inefficient housing pro gram, the anti-Jones clique set up a yell that Jones was repudiated. When the Jones title of Federal Loan Administrator was abolished and the agencies in that set-up were transferred to the Department of Commerce, the cry was raised that Jones was through. When a presidential order gave the Board of Economic Warfare the power to Issue directives to these loan agencies, the shout arose that Jones was busted and the in* ference was that he should resign. HE FOOLS ’EM Well, Jesse is still doing business at the same old stands, only more of it. He still controls his check books and this matter of issuing directives turns out to be nothing more than the power to work with the Jones agencies and tell them to finance operations in places and situations they haven’t been work ing before. As a matter of fact, the Board of Economic Warfare had to take a little setback when Secretary of State Cordell Hull returned from vacation and forced a showdown on the principle that if deals were to ce made with foreign governments, the State Department would have :o approve them and make them. Even then the full story didn’t come out. BEW had to take the •ap of this chiseling in on State Department functions, but others vere equally guilty. Among them, he Office of the Petroleum Co ordinator—the Hon. Harold L. Ickes —which had vast ambitions of run ning the world's oil supply and Ireamed of sending out diplomatic missions of its own to do it. The dap BEW took in public really was lelivered behind the scenes to Ickes. The second case of a Washington egend never quite-catching up with itself concerns Lowell Mellett, di rector of the Office of Govern ment Reports. Early in the de fense effort, a slick paper magazine printed a piece to the effect that Mellett was to be chief tensor, min ister of propaganda, the George Sreel of the present war. All the ienials that Mellett has made never save removed from him this brand »nd stigma of an American Goeb jels. gOW THEIR ANSWERS Currently, Office of Government ports has moved into a new In •matlon Center in downtown jshlngton, and everyone is dis verlng it is a great thing. At the iter big oval bar, actual, positive swers are dished out to all sorts impossible questions about the Dusands of facets of the wartime pital. Yet in the inception and lldlng of this center, Mellett was bjected to a merciless barrage brickbats, including the old one it this was to be headquarters • the ministry of propaganda. Pfeom the beginning, Mellett has ilrted he doesn’t want that Job, doesn’t believe in censorship or opaganda. he does believe in ® ■e press and free constructive Itlclsm of government, even 3ugh it admits personal panning the President, to whom he is leneely, devotedly loyal. In spite all this, Mellett’s name is still •ntloned as a likely prospect for e Job of over-all boss of the gov nment’s information and censor ip setupe. He’ll never live it down, r legends and rumors simply can’t killed In Washington. Current Comment his is to be a long war, we now face the fact that we >e confronted v • h *n overall, wide labor shortage. I V. McNutt, chairman of War ipower Commission. r leans like democracy well x to light for It any time and time a new mob of interna racketeers wants to take it nd change It for us,—William t, of War Production Board. • • « tg people are freed by war 5 on adult responsibilities for they are unprepared. Paul L. Schroeder, head of ago Institute for Juvenile Re fhurch abhors and condemn* _We Haven’t Got It So Tough Washington Merry-Go-Round mL/Vw! Russia Ignored Hull's Warning 3 Weeks Before German Attack; U. S. War Production Is Swinging Along with a Mighty Stride; But a Few Dollar-a-Year Men Still Handicap All-Out -Effort; Nelson's One Weakness Is His Reluctance to Clean Them Out WASHINGTON, May 15. — Secretary of St' e Hull, who has a mountaineer’s long memory, keeps in the drawer of his desk a clipi- ng from the Russian newspaper Pravda, which about a year ago said some very uncomplimentary things about him. Secretary Hull sometimes takes the clipping out of the drawer and shows it to friends. ■ Last June," he says, "I asked Sumner Welles to se the Russian ambassador, Mr. Oumansky to warn his government that Ger many was going to attack Rus sia. This was almost a month be fore the attack, and we had very reliable Information, that Hitler was going to turn against his ally. "Several days afterward, this appeared In the paper." Whereupon Mr. Hull exhibits a translation of the Pravda article with the headline: "Senile Capi alist Stirs Trouble Between Rus sia and Germany." About three weeks later the Russian-German war started. "Why didn’t you talk to Am bassador Oumansky yourself?” one friend asked Mr. Hull. ‘I did not like that man,” was his prompt reply. NOTE — Many others agreed with Secretary Hull about exAm bassador Oumansky, so much so that Stalin recalled him. His successor, Ambassador Lltvinoff, Is highly popular. CAPITAL CHAFF Governor Dan Moody of Texas telephoned from < Austin to a Roosevelt cabinet member In Washington asking whether Texas rumors were true that the Ad ministration would support Judge Jimmy Allred for governor against Senator “Pappy" O’Daniel.. The cabinet member told Moody that officially the White House would keep hands off, but gave him a pointed hint that it would have been much better to have one candidate—Allred—in. the field against O'Daniel, Instead of both Moody and Allred. (Roosevelt al ways has been a strong Allred rooter, will continue to be.) Oen. Stanley Emblck of the Joint Army-Navy Board has been a good enough sport to admit to Alaskan officials: “I was against the Alaskan highway last October but I admit I was wrong." WAR PRODUCTION The over-all picture on the war production front continues to be cheering. Industry and labor are doing a great Job. In April, the output of war supplies hit a level which, if maintained the rest of the year, will reach the stupendous volume, in terms of money, of $40,000,000,000. This is very good news, Indeed. It marks a tremendous change from OPM days only a few months back. Yet, privately, WPB in siders are shouting no hurrahs. They feel strongly that the rite of production should be much g eater. Also that it would be U-eater, except for one factor: Donald Nelson’s failure to housc clean his staff of certain key dol lar-a-year assistants who are still thinking in terms of business in terests first. These men are charged with sole responsibility for a number of serious bottlenecks—Including lags in the flow of raw ma terials, scrap collection, plant conversion, and the integration of thousands of little plants, with vast producing potentiali ties, into the war program. NOTE — WPB chiefs long un der fire on these grounds are Philip Reed, head of the Bureau of Industries Branches, W. H. Harrison, director of the Produc tion Division; Lessipg Rosen wald, in charge of scrap collec tions; and C. H. Mattleson, Priori ties chief. OLD STORY These vital weaknesses in the production program are nothing new. They were at the bottom of the tragic failure of OPM. What is new is that after five months of war and heavy U. S. losses, these fallings have not been remedied and the men largely responsible for them remain in control. For example: After the ex plosive resignation from WPB of Robert Guthrie, Kentucky business man, because of the "business as usual" attitude of high WPB officials, an order was belatedly issued to halt ra dio production on April U. That was three weeks age, but radio , sets are still being turned eat in large numbers. After the stop order was issued with a fanfare of publicity, the order was quitly modified without any publicity, to permit the pro duction of an additional 400,000 radio sets. Similarly, the typewriter in dustry, which ceuld be < ed In a' few weeks te Ing large guantities of - ately needed airplane parte, Is still permitted te roll along In kigh gear making typewriters. There are many ether eaess ef It I» iraamimne fee sw e atl 1 tthd. tIU|* Dig rcwiurcCT in umv■■■■■!»$ te rials and laber going te waete in thle manner, NOTE—Hundreds of typewriters are lying idle In government of fices; plenty of them right in WPB, NELSON'S WEAK WOT Nelson’s failure to plug up the left spots In his staff isdue to his ance to fire people, a t shares with the President. jrvss tive ability, thinks fast and clear ly, and knows his Job thoroughly. He Is broad-gauged, has liberal views on social and economic problems, and has the capacity to win and hold the loyalty of those around him. But, like the President, Nel son can’t be ruthless when it comes to getting rid of inade quate assistants. The President's staff, cabinet and Administration are clut _ tured up with proven incompe tents and misfits, but he keeps them on and Nelson is guilty of the same soft-heartedness. Nelson might well follow the example of Price Administrator Leon Henderson and Lt. Gen. Bre hon Somervell, chief of the Army's Service of Supply. If an assistant doesn’t measure up, they fire him regardless of personal relations or feelings. That’s why they have the ablest staffs In the war or ganization and the reputation for always delivering the goods. NOTE — The five best execu tives under Nelson are William Batt, director of the Materials Di vision; Douglas C. MacKeachle, Purchasing chief; Robert Nathan, head of the Planning Division; Frank Folsom and A. J. Browning, deputy purchasing directors as signed to the Army and Navy. (Copyright, 1942, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) STRENGTH FOR THE DAY By EARL L. DOUGLASS. D. D. BENEATH GREAT DOMES People come to resemble the sur roundings amid which they live and work. The miner very often stoops because his work takes him through tunnels with low ceilings. On the outer nanu, men ■who live their lives where the plains are broad and the moun tains high, stand very straight and often throw baclc their heads with freedom and with something of pride. Emerson once remarked that he had noticed tnat men wnose outies are performed beneath great domes acquire a stately and appropriate manner. The vergers in cathedrals have a certain dignity about them. Princes of royal blood generally carry themselves In a way which Indicates their exalted station. All this Is particularly true in the realm of faith. People who are truly religious disclose their nearness to Ood In all that they do, say, and think. They frequently have a dignified bearing or a peace ful countenance which indicates that the fierce conflict between right and wrong In their hearts has resulted in a triumph of the higher over the lower. They are the descendants of those who have fought the good fight of faith in generations past. They are heirs of Ood and joint heirs with Christ. They have gone through crucifixion and have broken the power of sin. True Christians are like the people Emerson spoke about, who because their duties are performed beneath great domes, acquire a stately and appropriate manner. All Rights Reserved— Press Comment THANKS TO TEACHERS (Boston Post) The thousands of school teachers who we doing such a remarkable Job In registering the population of New England for sugar rationing certain ly earned the thanks of the public. With no extra compensation they are giving many hours of their time for this Important work, which Is a tir ing task for them. In the rush to register many persons may not have had time to thank adequately these teachers for their public service. But all appreciate most sincerely their spirit In taking over this Important task for Uncle Sam and the fine way in which they are handling It. POLAND FIGHTS ON (New York Sun) Poland, the first nation to feel the impact of Nazi armed might, still fights on and fights effectively The recent transfer to the Near East of Polish armed forces released from their interment In Russia by the Nazi attack on that nation directed attention to a part of the Polish ef fort. Nearly a month ago Polish flyers based in Oreat Britain scored their five hunddedth success against the enemy These five hundred vie tories represent confirmed destruc tions of enemy planes; in addition many others are recorded as prob ably destroyed or damaged. Polish flyers have taken part in nearly 2,00 bombing raids against enemy or enemy-held territory. The figures speak for themselves. Those who fight for Poland now will not for get the score that they have to even Questions and Answers YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED The ffiUftnr Democrat’s Ber free, eny question of feet or to fsrmaUon, net Involving exten sive research. Write year ques tion clearly, sign name and ad dress, enclose • three cent postage ■tamp. Medical or legal advice cannot be given. Address. Water* bury Democrat’s Washington Ser vice Bureau, ISM* Thirteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Q. What Is the malce and model rifle used In the Japanese Army? ' A. The 1905 model Arisaka, which fires a .256 caliber cartridge, is used most Widely. q. How long are new recruits of the Canadian Army trained before they are sent into active service? A. The training lasts approxi mately 18 weeks from the time of enlistment until the conclusion of Instruction at an advanced train ing center. TODAY’S COMMON ERROR Few locutions are more absurd than the commonly heard expression "I seldom ever see him.” Ever serves no purpose whatsoever and should he omitted. Q. What Is the Mother’s Day paraphrase of the Golden Rule? A. "Whatsoever ye would that others should do for your Mother If she were In need, and whatsoever your Mother would do for the needy If she had the opportunity, do In Her name and In Her Honor for other Mothers and their children, victims of the wars In Europe and Asia, or present-day maladjust ments in our own land.” Q. Please give the area and pop ulation of New Zealand. A. The two principal islands are North Island, 44,281 sq. ml. and South Island, 58,092 sq. ml. The to tal area, Including Stewart Island and several small, outlying ones is 103,722 sq, ml. The population of more than 1,600,000 is composed chiefly of persons of British and Irish descent, one third of whom are In the cities of Auckland, Well ington and Christ church. Q. What percentage of the homes in the united States are occupied by their owners? A. The first Census of Housing ever taken in the United States shows that as of April 1, 1940, near ly 44 percent of all __ homes were owner-occupied. Q. What and where are the Ang kor Wat ruins? A. They are ruins of a temple, located in the ancient city of Cam bodia, more correctly known as Angkor Thom, the capital of the Rhymer kings, Indo-Clilna. The temple Angkor Wat was built In the twelfth century. It Is a rectangular pyramid rising In three stages, en closed by ft wall and moat. Elabo rate bas-reliefs dealing with relig ious, historical, and mythological subjects cover the walls, which are merely rectilinear galleries set on open terraces. A preclptlous stair way leads to the holy sanctuary dedicated to Vishnu, under the cen tral tower at the top of the temple. A model of Angkor Wat stands In the palace grounds at Bangkok, Thailand. Q. What was the first use of published questions and answers In England? A. "Notes and Queries,” a weekly periodical for literary criticism and information, started by W. J. Thom as In 1849. Q. Where and when did Billy Sunday die, and what caused his death? A. He died In Chicago, November 6, 1935. Death was caused by an enlarged heart as the result of ex ertions on the revival platform. EDITOR’S NOTE—If you are desirous of securing this week’s booklet, “GROWING ROSES”, ad dress F. M. Kirby, Department 8 100, Waterbury Democrat Service Bureau, 1013 Thirteenth Street, Washington, D. C, with 15 cents to cover postage. What’* Your I. Q.? Can you answer seven of these test questions? Turn to back page for the answers. 1. Jan Ahtonio Rios was recently Inaugurated president of Argen tina, Chile, or Paraguay? 2. Paris, Prance, Is In the Nasi occupied zone; true or false? 3. Name the capital of New Zealand. 4. In which country did Pearl Buck spend her childhood? 5. Give the simplest formula for finding the total surface area of a cube. 6. Selma Lagerlof was a Swedish author, singer or actress? 7. Who presided at the CIO con vention in Atlantio City, N. J>, in November, 1940? 8. Did Alexander the Great reach India with his army? 9. Where was the Liberty Bell cast? . 10. Who Is the so-called czar of the motion picture Industry?