Newspaper Page Text
Their Goal: Homes In U. S. A. Here »re a frw of the 1200 Australian wives and children of Ameri can fighting nt.-n tvho hopefully await the day when they ran come to America. Jamming Australia's port ellies in hopes of obtaining early passage, many of the wives will have to wait a year before they will be able to see their future homes in the II. 8. A. French Children Suffer Most From Malnutrition During Nazi Occupation By ROSETTE HARGROVE NEA Staff Corn1 spoil dent Paris, Jnn. 2.—The Germans suc ceeded nil too well In thr.r sinister design to underinln 1 lie French na tion's general health. This was fully confirmed In a report recently submitted to the Acndemy of Medi cine by two doctors, Edmond Losne nnd Rlbedeatl-Dumns, ap pointed by the rationing committee and by one of France's most emin ent, medical men, Prof. Pasteur Vallery-Radot. Four years of restrictions and a near-starvation diet have un doubtedly left their mark on the great majority < f French people, accoirdtng to Professor Valery-Rn dot. The lack of essential foods, due In a large measure to mass German requisitions which absorb ed nearly 00 per cent of France's foodstuffs, has seriously endanger ed public, health. HEAVY TOLL ON YOUTH Furthermore, the loll on the youth of the country lias been very heavy, particularly on infants. ‘‘To day 64 per cent of children under two auffer from rickets,” Prof. Vullery-Radot says. "Infant mor tality has risen from 2.4G per cent in 1630 to 488 per cent in 1941. The consequences of an unbal anced diet sullered by Parisian children during the last four years show* In tl» marked decline not only tn average height but ill aver age weight. Moreover, children are suffering from all sorts of ail ments directly traceable to malnu trition ” Another grave danger is tu berculosis, which has shown a mn.rkf»rl nKPf»nHf*nrv HnHnir In four years in adolescents between , the apes of 15 and 19 and In adults between 20 and 24 During 1941—the hardest of the four years of German occupation from a nu tritional point of view—the rise was something like 25 per cent and there were Innumerable eases of incurable acute tuberculosis. Must , men returning from forced labor in Germany, from prison and concen tration camps, were found upon examination to be suffering from the dreas disease. On the other hand, people living In rural dis tricts had a better chance of sur vival becouse of easier food condi tions. LOKE WEIGHT Middle-aged and old people lost as much as 20 pounds a month, workers wire not only unable to work a full eight-hour day but were constantly fighting fatigue, newborn babies were all unde r wrtglit. and women became sub ject to all sorts of nervous dis orders. because of calorie de ficiency. Even the privileged few who were able to buy In the Black Market did not escape entirely be cause even they could not rely on regular supplies of essential foods. Almost as great a hardship for the French people of all classes as the lack of ment, fats sugar and vegetables was the disappearance of wine and coffee from the aver age table Normally the working man drank a pint of wine with Ills meals. He could better have borne a much-reduced diet had he been able to fall back on his favor ite drink. Professor Vallcry-Radot is hope ful of the future, however. “It is not too late to nurse back to ro bust health those clilldrcn who started life In such unfavorable Prof. Paateur Vallery-K a d o t, mem of the French Academy and the Academy of Medicine, li a great-arandaon of famed aclrii flat Lout* Paateur. He headed the realatance movement In the French medical corpua and waa actively aonfht by the Gestapo during the more than three yeara of hla clandeatlne life in Parla. Brown brrid for ft hungry French lot helps erase the ravite* of malnutrition suffered during the German occupation circumstances. Our doctors strug gled heroically during the last four years to limit the ravages caused by lack of certain foods, and there is no reason why the situation should not Improve. Now that the Ger mans are no longer robbing as of practically everything we pro duced. there will lx- more than enough to go around and in a short time France’s health should show definite signs of improvement." KltOM T1LKS TO WAFERS Anderson, Ind. — (U.P.i — A lo cal manufacturing plant diverted us<! of its peacetime production machinery into a strangely related lild where restrictions on materials necessitated conversion. The National Tile Company lx turn ing out compressed cocoa wafers for GIs instead of compressed wall and lloor tiles for domestic use. V. M. Alexander, general manager, said the company decided to produce D and K Held rations for the quarter master corps overseas. SURPRISE FOR ItAII, MEN Tague, Tex., — i U.P.i — The Bur lington - Buck Island Railroad's streamlined train doesn't have a lic ense to hunt deer, but nevertheless it has one to tits credit. Shortly after the train left Houston for Dal las and Forth Worth it struck a nin-|g)lnL buck thta leaped on the track. The carcass was not badly damaged and railway employes had a venison dinner. nu i itL STATF of i •( >N\ F« 'TU'UT, DIS TltH T of \\ ATJJItJil ll V, nm. 1*110. ItATF roi’KT, i >»•<•. t It, J 4 -4. I'JUTAT i: of LAWICFNCF J. I*IIF.\ I »FltlJ AHT, late of the town of Wat* rbuiy, hi hhl«l district, The Ohm! of Frobate for the I>*:•■*rA«-t of Waterbary, bath limited and allow i d nix moiiIIim from the data hereof for the rrcdltoiH of MU Id estate to exhibit their claim* for Mi ll leim ul. Thone who lieiclect to present iheir ueeouniN, properly atleatid, within Naid time, will he debarred a reei»very. All perHonr indebted to raid eMtale are r«M|ijent ed to make Immediate payment to Fit A N< 'IS F. FFFFFY, Admlniiit rator. 4111 Meadow Hi,. Waterbury, Colin. Fer order of Court Atlcsl ' MAltdF FltlTH M. FAIIV, 12-ttU-St Ahht. Clerk. NOTICE DlHTItlCT of WAT Fit Kill It V, «n. I'Hoiiati: corin', Dec. doth. a I* me KHTATK of W ALT Fit MICK I FW I ex, ,<f Wttterhury, in aald DiHtrlet, a minor. I.pon I he applleal ion of KIF T it V S MICIvIFVVIC/, < Juardiaii. pray in* that Hhe may be authorised to Hell, eertaln real eatutu beloiiK* inft to aubl Fatale an per upplb-a lion on tile more fully appeaiN, it In Oltl >FltFI i, That naid applieallon be heard and determined at the Frobate Ofilee in Waterbary, In Mild DiHtrlet, on the Mil day of January A. D. 1!M6 at in o'clock in the forenoon, FaHteru War Time, and that notiee be kIvcii of the pendency of mild application, and the time and place of hearing threeon, by piihliMhlnjf thin order one time In some newspaper having a efreuliiffvn In anIII District, on or before the 2nd day of January IU45 Attest: JOHN J. HOW A It D, Clerk. 1-2- It | Take a Short-Cut To Results With Democrat Want Ads-Dial 4-21211 Announcement* % bMt AMI Pound HAVING LOST - "A" »as ritlm book laaued by local raUonim board. application hereby made foi a new one. Marnaret O'Louthlln 179 Rhode Inland Ave. • Pertanali Dental Plata* Repaired a Hr*. *1 .* Ywn old plate made like new uj CITY DENTAL LABORATORY 161 Beat Main 8t Dial S-U* POULTRY WANTED-Any farmei who has chickens, Reese, docks 01 turkeys, please call 3-90*6. SANITARY CHICKEN MARKET 11 Union Street Automobiles • Ante and Track Dealer* PACKARD A SAFE PLACE TO BUY OR SEL1 USED CARS Packard-Waterbury, Inc. 483 Watertown Ave. Dial 4-6101 DcSolo ana Plymouth JOHN J. COLLINS. INC. 38 Willow Street Dial 3-3121 9 Auto* and Truck* for Sale 1940 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN Radio and Heater GROVE USED CAR EXCHANGE 14 Grove St. Dial 4-697: '.77 DodRc '39 Pontiac 2-door Sedan J. O MOTORS 17 Willow St. Tel. 3-213! 1929 FORD SUBURBAN — Oooi condition. Rood tires. Phone 4-5129 1930 SALLE Truck \ toi pickup body. 5 excellent tires. Ir Rood condition. $250 cash. Cal 3-3804. 10 Auto Part* Ac Accessories AUTO PARTS for the 11 uuuiiMju n nuui rni 1.1, iau juuii' •son wants to buy and make of cai for Junk. Opposite Lakewood Park 1803 North Main St. 5-1797. AUTO PAINTING SIMONIZING JIMMY'S Garage. 73 Ward. 5-1203 I OPTS °®cUI nr* Impaction Sendee. Drive up) JOB'S mi SHOP Ml North 14 Service Station*, Repairing WE CARRY ~ A complete line ol new nnd used parts, save money, buy out of the high rent district Will also buy late model wrecks. MOE’S AUTO parts DIAL 4-6127 O. K. RUBBER WELDERS — Give prompt recapping service. Have your tires recapiied the new elec tric way. 26 North Elm. 4-8619. NEW Scovill St. Garage —Winter Changeover —Anti-Freeze —Batteries Recharged OLIVER PROVOST 25 Scovill Street - 4-1273 15 A u tom none* Want*.* A THOUSAND CARS WANTED—Top prices; spot cash. I want 33's — 34's — 35's — 36’s — 37 s - 38 s - 39 s - 40's - 41's and 42's. BILLIE FITZPATRICK 1660 East Main St Phone 4-4841 OPEN EVENINGS Employment i7 Men Wanted BOY 16 YEARS OP AGE OR OVER Por full time Inside laundry work. Good wages. Stabilization condi tions only. — Apply — IMPERIAL LAUNDRY 568 Watertown Ave. Tel. 5-1184 BUS OPERATORS Bus Mechanics and Helpers A DAY MAN FOR OREASINO AND OIL CHANGING Part Time Servicemen Gassers and Bus Placers NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FROM 5:30 P. M. TO 9:30 OR 10:30 P. M. Stabilization Plan C. R. & L. LINES 751 WEST MAIN ST. KITCHEN HELP WANTED — APPLY Drescher & Keck M HARRISON AVE. TEL 4-8237 Stabilization Plan BELLBOY WANTED HOURS 3-11 P. M. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE ROOM 111 HOTEL ELTON STABILIZATION PLAN Employment if' NmVuM “ OUTSOLE BOOKERS | GOOD OPPORTUNITY POR ME! , AND YOUNO MEN TO TRAIN A 0UT80LE BOOKERS I —No experience necessary. Oood pey while learning. - Plemsent working condition - Excellent future. - APPLY - AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE RUBBER AVE. AT WATER ST for details THE UNITED STATES RUBBER CO. i Naugatuck Footwear Plant (3) MEN WANTED Suitable for Loading am Unloading Trucks APPLY LUX CLOCK CO. 95 JOHNSON ST. STABILIZATION PLAN MAN WANTED TO WORK AROUND CIOAR r .iv/ i vsrv x ' r ■! b x tint; The J. J. Hennessy Co. 1015 Weat Main St. Tel. 3-545 MAN FOR PART TIME JOI MORNINC18 ONLY . APPLY PERRY’S LAUNDRY 41 JEFFERSON ST. TEL. 3-315 IX Women Wanted TWO WOMEN FOR INSIDE LAUNDRY WORK Full or pari time; clean work good wages. Stabilization condition; — Apply — IMPERIAL LAUNDRY 568 Watertown Ave. Tel. 5-118 GIRL WANTED — TO OPERATE STRIPPINO MACHIN1 (Part Time) The J. J. Hennessy Co. 1016 West Main St. Tel. 3-545 Middle Aped Woman FOR KITCHEN WORK 9A.M.-4P. M. — Apply — SCHNEIDER’S BAKERS 85 EAST MAIN ST. DIAL 5-126: Help Wanted — Femal< FOOT PRESS OPERATORS and MACHINE OPERATORS Day Shift Apply at; Lux Clock Mfg. Co. 05 JOHNSON 8TREET Waterbury. Conn. OR U. S. E S. 123 Bank Street Waterbury, Conn. MAID HOURS: I A. M. — 4:30 P. M. — Apply — Room 111 Personnel Dept HOTEL ELTON WAITRESS WANTED — Apply — ROOM 111 PERSONNEL DEPT HOTEL ELTON YOUNO OIRL OR WOMAN EX PERIENCED IN DOINQ HOUSE WORK. PART TIME. CALL 4-4714 WAITRESS —GOOD WAGES: MEAIjS AND UNIFORM; NG SUNDAYS: EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY; STABILIZATION PLAN. ‘•YE OLD FASHIONKL1 DO-NUT SHOP." 12 BANK ST. CASHIERS ONE FULL TIME Atul one part time. Apply permnnel office, Room 111. HOTEL ELTON Stabilization Plan 19 Help—Male or Female DAY HOUSEMAN PART TIME AlJjO NIGHT HOUSEMAN 12 P M.-8 P. M. MAID 8 A. M.—4:30 P M CLEANING WOMAN 7 A. M—3:30 P. M. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE ROOM 111 HOTEL ELTON STABILIZATION PLAN Employment It Help—Male ar rental* MAN or WOMAN WANTElfwitii car for our Circulation Dept Other all day or ariemoon* only Call in person. Mr. Lynch, Cir culation Dept, Waterbury Demo crat, Inc. Stabilisation Plan * St Situation* Wanted * WOMAN™Will da washings in own home In Watcrvillc. Blit custom ers must bring and collect own clothes. Call 3-8887. YOUNO WOMAN — Would like • ' full time position as recrptlonlst or general clerical work. Call 4-618C before 1 p. m. Educational tS Danetng Teachers LEARN TO DANCE Regina Leonard. 73 E. Main. 5-001S AMERICA'S—No. 1 school. Martoue Studios. 100 Qrand St. 4-3677 Dance, voice, piano, physical cul ture. Merchandise | 31 I'arm and Dairy Products “FRANK” announces the OPENING OP HIS NEW FRUIT A: VEGETABLE MART at 402 Watertown Ave. Get yoiil wlnier vegetables now: We have n l grand selection of Xmas trees, also * seasoned cord wood delivered. Dial 4-9634 34 Machinery, Klee. A Tools ATLAS LATHED—Milling Machines Shapers, drill Presses, Arbor Presses. Coolant Pumps, Collets Brown Ac Sharpe Tools, Universal Cutter - Orlndcrs, Surface Grin ders. Power Cut Saws, Dividing Heads, Surface Plates, Mill Sup plies, Tool Cribs, Lockers, Cabinets. H.-B. Hardware Co., Machine Tool Dept 188 State Street, Hartford, Conn. ) 34 Household Articles WRINGER ROLLS BELTS and other PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OP WASHERS DOMESTIC APPLIANCE CORP. 148 Grand Street Dial 3-8848 ; PULL LINE of children's furniture, at, lowest prices. 'Hie RADIO SHOP, 180 ORAND ST. i WALLPAPER SALE UNION PLATE & WINDOW GLASS 40 Scovtll St. Dial 4-060'! FURNITURE -3 rooms, reasonable j price, no dealers. Take a year to pay. Albert's Furniture Co., 169 South Main. Phone 4-3144. ' COMPLETE NEW LINE—Of living room, bedroom. dlnliiK room suites, tables, lamps, etc. Boston Furniture Co. 188 South Main St. Tel. 4-0137 ’ WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE , IN GOOD CONDITION CALL 4-2535 steinway—Larne Grand, Vlctro la-radlo combination, violin, limn 1 dolln, single bed mattresses, brown bear rug, teak wood floor screen, electric coffee urn, Kodak, grass rugs. 5-0552. GUARANTEED—Repairs, all makes machines, vacuums. Used machines bought Singer Sewing Machine Co 4-4305 ENAMEL KITCHEN SET TWO BEDS AND A BUREAU REASONABLE — DIAL 3-9895 LIVINGROOM SUITES •59 $79 199 HADLEY'S ANNEX 103 Meadow St. Waterbury r. a n r r r i Dress up your homes for the holi days with curtains, spreads, .slip covers, drapes and blankets. Pay weekly SOc and >1.25. Tel. 4-3786 36 ti Cameras Projectors EXPERT— Printing and develop ing of your films. Picture frame:; SPEED PHOTO A MOVIE SUPPLY 104 South Main (Next to Selmeer's) Phone 3-3806 SELL y0UI camer*' projector or any foto equipment--new or used at OOLDIE’S CAMERA SHOP. 17 Qrand St Tel S-1875. 39 Musical (Instruments LARGE Brunswick cabinet phono graph. A-l condition. Compart ments for records. 3-8403 HAVE A RECORD MADE of your voice at our booths Mecca Music Co.. 203 Bank Street Tel. 4-1422. W (.'lathing and footwear WILL REPAIR PUR COATS Very reasonably. Children’s $10 coats on sale for $6. Sizes 12 to 14. Drexiars 13 West Main St. IS Miscellaneous for Bale PEARL BUTTONS Rlc-rac, braids, laces bindings In large assort ments. Reliable, 87 Scovill St. 44 ArUelea Wanted to Huy TYPEWRITERS WANTED—8ell us your Idle machine. STOCKER TYPEWRITER SERVICE, 20 East Main St. 4-3318. CASH PAID for all makes of lant lly sewing machines and vacuum cleaners. 221 Bank St. 5-1364 ____l __ WANTED—Used hoy s bicycle. Pre war style. Reasonable. Please Dial 3-8004. KAMOS WANTED —Highest cash prices paid for Grands. Spinets, Small Upright*. Phone or write Hallock's, 75 Orange St., New Haven. 7-0181. 1 Live Stock « I log*. Cat*. Pela COCKER SPA NIKIS SIX MONTHS OLD CAM. 3-7151 Business Service 51 Business Service* Rendered SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED WE BUY ANY MAKE MACHINE: DIAL 5-2170 VENETIAN BLINDS Washed and ixjllshrd. Cnl’ed fnr and delivered Call 4-0033, 4-9037. rUR COATS—Cleaned At glazed 12. Repaired and remodeled H. Clresl. 38 Winchester Street. Tel. 4-1884 FOR BETTER SERVICE - Call Link * Waterhury Towel Supply Co. 802 East Main St. Dial 5-1IY7 Coat. Apron and Towel SuppllM also Industrial Dry-Cleaning Serv ice EXCELLENT REUPHOMSTERINO ALLEN’S UPHOLSTERY STUDIO I Orand. Cor So. Main. Dial 4-0645 WINDOW CLEAN1NO - You WUI save money if you send (or us to do your cleaning. Connecticut Window Cleaning Co.. Offlce. 322 Pine St Dial 4-4817. WE REPAIR—Refrigerators. Wash ing Machines and Oil Burners For particulars Dial 4-8076 or 4-5253 53 Professional Services LOUIS A WALSH - ARCHITECT 111 West. Main St. Dial 4-2481 58 Building and Const.-urtlng ROMEO NIORO Artesian Wells • Five Estimate DIAL 4-1253 58 H Welding EXPERT WELDING JACK O’BRIEN 281 South Main St. Tel 4-8418 86 Plumbing, Nesting, Metal Work PLUMBING REPAIRS PROMPT Ac RELIABLE SERVICE SILLER’S 499 North Main St. Dial 3-6423 <JLJ"ESSi, furnaces DEVINO COMPANY. Plionc 3-3850 S8 Moving Trucking Baggage RYAN R®mo‘!n8 Light Trucking also Kindling Wood. Tel 3-9072. 63 Millinery and Dressmaking DRESSMAKINO AND ALTERNATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 3-7353 65 Wanted to Render Services SAL'S RADIO SERVICE Expert radio repairing. Free pick-up, low est rates. 5 Hill St. 5-1284. j Rooms, Board, Hotels l 66 Room To Let PRIVATE FURNISHED ROOM— Hot water, steam-heated. Inquire 257 Willow St. Dial 3-5645. 61 Rooms ana Board BOYS’ CLUB—Cottage Place Pleas ant rooms, swimming pool, home cooking, reception room. MODERN ROOM AND BOARD or room for couple with kitchen privileges. Steam heat. Bath. Waterville. Tel. 3-6887. 6K Rooms For Housekeeping TWO FURNISHED ROOMS— Lights and gas. Apply "Tip-Top" Exchange. 226 North Main SI. days and after 7 p. m. at 9 Spark St. For Rent Real Estate 72 Apartments & Tenements DIKF1MAN ST. Five rooms, second floor lor rent in 6-family house. Tel. 4-1797. 3 ROOM RENT—3rd floor at 18 Winchester St. Inquire at 159 Orange St. 80 Wanted to Rent YOUNti COUPLE With school nunti rhilfl d<>.«tlr(>s 4 room mill. South Waterbary preferred. 4-2748 I ufter i> p. in. 74 Bushiest Placet For Rent Poll RENT- 10-ear garage. Two driveways. Also suitable for stor age. warehouse, etc. For details Dial 4-7960. A. B. C. REALTY CO. Real Estate For Sale 85 Houses For Sale 85 85 ONK FAMILY — Eastern section. h\v heat, garage at $ An other east at $7,500. Two others north west at $9,000 and $9,500 One Bunker Hill $9,500. one Wa terville $5,500. Terms on ail. LEO J. CURLEY 51 W. Main St. 3 5169 REAL ESTATE Bonds and Insurance — See - I). T. FARRINOTON, Inc. 141 WEST MAIN ST. DIAL 3-3112 VACANT $600 DOWN From responsible people makes them the happy owners of practlcully new 1 family dwelling In Upper Cooke St. Section. 4 rooms, apace for two additional rooms upstairs. All modern feat ures. W. H. HART, INC. REALTORS Phone Naugatuck 5707 Sunday 20 East Main Dial 4-3129 KEEP BUYING WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Real Eetate For Sale *5 lloum For Hal* Gus I)e Cicco Agency REALTOR and OEN. INSURANCE » Leavenworth Kt. Trl. 3-1241* FOR SALE OFFICE AND APARTMENT BUILDING In hlnh elass. central location. A sale conservative Investment for someone with n lew thousands dollars rash. Requires very littIr care. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS • Her — NIJHN & NIJHN ; REALTORS A- INSURANCE I 141 Bank St. Tel. 4-214P EASTERN SECTION j 3 FAMILY IS ROOMS Hot water heal on first floor. One apartment available now! PRICE $7,700 McEVOY’S, INC. REALTOR INSURANCE 51 West Main St. Dial 4-5118 WATERTOWN 2 LOVELY VACANCIES in this very attractive 2 family home, situated on Litchfield Road, on a lot 111 x 140 It contains 11 rooms, 1ms hot water heat ami oil burner. Tills property Is Insulated, has ! storm windows and screens and a two car garage. Price $12 000 Dial 4-3161 or Watertown 68 ROOT & BOYD, INC. RE A l.TORS 174 Grand St. THOMASTON 7 ROOM HOUSE bath; furnace; gas; eit^rlcity; large lot. Within walking distance of center. PRICE $5,000 PART CASH Hotchkiss Real Estate Thomaston. Conn. Tel. 61-2 NEED MONEY FOR SEASONAL PURPOSES | Call Mr. Wall *t 4-2762 and ask to arrange a loan , with Empire's prompt service. A loan of $100 costs $19.50 when repaid in 12 equal prin cipal consecutive monthly in stallments. The PHONE 4-2762 EMPIRE*. .\h, COUP. Suite 229 Brown Bldg. Real Eetate For Sale is Hnm rw Hala GEO. A. BARONIAN REALTOR-GENERAL INSURANCE 38 North Main Street Dial 4-7403 HIGHLAND AVE - 3 family. 15 rooms, hot water heat on 2 floors, 3 ear Karaite First class conditions ON ALDER RT.- 3 family. 12 rooms, very Rood condition. $7,300. FARM IN WOODBURY -137 acres, 30 head of stork, tools, buildings In Ilrst class condition. ON WOOD STREET-3 family. 15 rooms, 2 car garage. Price $7,800. THOMAS MATAS 81 FOX ST. DIAL 4.6036 I ROOM HOUSE TOR SALE *1,000 DOWN TELEPHONE 3-6419 M Huildinf Lots Kor Sal* BUILDING LOTS— 'twoI —Tarbrll Avp., Oakville. Gas and electric connections available, hand dug well. Reasonable for quick sale. 33.r» Buckingham St.. Oakville. Tele phone Watertown 1139. EXTRA CASH for Seasonal Needs TP a loan of *10 to *300 la to *• your advantage, kwd wanu to serve you. Loans made promptly and privately on signature alone. A loan of *100 costa *20.80 when promptly repaid In 12 monthly consecutive Install ments of *10 05 each. Sensible monthly payments arranged. Loans In 1-Visit — phone us, then stop In by appointment to sign and pick up the cash. Loans also made entirely by mall. Come In. phone or write. T&isonal FINANCE CO. JM» IIA ,\K NT. 2nil l loor M«\ .%». 10(1 Tel. :i-;iio:i Tlioa. J. .Unirnrr. Illfr. The A. J. Patton Co. I>and Surveyors — and — Cora m err In I Hlur A Whllr Printer* Hour* M to ft — ftaturday N to 12 Dial 4-11222 28 WEST MAIM ST. Rntraare on Unli Street r 1TTRVT INSURANCE! Protect your home now by taking out fire insurance. The cost is so smoll you'll be surprised. In some cases cost is as little as $6 or $7 per $1000 for three years. That's less than a cent a day. Insure Today And Be Protected! HAYDEN'S INSURANCE 65 South Main St. PHONE 3-8306 / n.. ;»«. 35*: °'fcnVJry<‘ti: *' buTr r**dcrM enr,Ce* to l,U ne** and * tur°d *ds to fil¥fhd.cP*»rt!n*erfornicdPr0o9' »**d h*i 1 t"e,r n**J g °n the.m Our *«« or.? or if yZd! °«r VV- n/ *er»i« » **v<> •nvik-f rou "•«« .3"Md r^°° «» rei?'"* ‘o *>„ * **• nt t ,wp «» I C* II ^ Bt°Pith PC *2121