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CLUB NOTES SOCIETY SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Mary Roden Wed Saturday St. Joseph's church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Mary Raden. daughter of Mrs. Adam Raden, Highland avenue, and Lt. Stanley Yuskas. U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yuskas. Bank street. Saturday morning. The 9:00 o'clock ceremony was performed by Rev. • Benedict Gauronskas. The bride, given In marriage by her uncle, Prank Penevlch. was gowned in white satin with a high round neckline, a yoke of illusion trimmed with seed pearls, long sleeves pointed at the wrists and a » flared skirt cut entrain. Her full length veil of net fell from a Juliet cap of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of calia lillies. The bride' sister. Mi's Dorothy Raden, as main of honor, wore an aqua taffeta gown fashioned with a square neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and a full skirt with a peplum effect at the waist. Her .Tnlipt. can was of matching color she carried a bouquet of mixed crysanthemums. Miss Genevieve Penevich. cousin of the bride, serv ed as bridesmaid. Her gold colored gown was of a style similiar to that of the maid of honor. The best man was Prank Yurksaitis and Joseph Armenls ushered. Guests from Hartford, New Haven, Massachusetts and Water bury attended a reception at the bride’s home which followed a breakfast for members of the bridal party at the Quaker Inn. The bride’s mother was dressed in an aquamarine costume and black ac cessaries while the bridegroom’s mother wore a seafoam blue dress and brown accessories. Both wore corsages of red roses. The bride traveled in a gold dress, brown accessories, racoon coat and an orchid corsage. The will reside with her mother when Lt. Yuskas returns to Moore General hospital. , Swannona, N. C., where he has been hospitalized after returning from service in the European the ater of war. Mrs. Yuskas is a grad uate of Leavenworth High school and her husband of Crosby High school. SOCIAL SITUATIONS THE SITUATION: A boy and girl Inform their parents of their en gagement. WRONG WAY: The boy’s par ents wait for the girl’s parents to call on them. RIGHT WAY: The boy’s parents | call cn the girl's parents- (It is their place to make the first move). ' Miss Janet Judd Wed Saturday The marriage of Miss Janet Judd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer Judd of Middlebury, and Dr. William Spencer McComb of New York City took pl^ce at St. Georges Episcopal church In New York City, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the rector, Rev. Dr. Elmer McKee, officiating. Mrs. Charles E. Chapman, also of Middlebury, at tended her sister and Dr. Alfred Hooker of New York was best man. Dr. and Mrs. McComb will reside at 240 East 70th street, New York City following a weddlnR trip to Sea Island, Ga. Dr. McComb is a graduate of the University of Buf falo Medical College and Is associat ed with the Memorial City hospitals in New York City. Mrs. McComb Is a graduate of Skidmore College. Sorority Plans Christmas Party A Christmas party for members of Alpha chapter Sigma Alpha Phi sorority of the Seeond Congrega tional church will be held at the home of Mrs. Loupls Dyson. Dale avenue, tomorrow night. Members are asked to take the 7:40 Milldale bus at the center. Contributions for the Russian War Relief drive will be accepted. Club Notes The Waterbury Council, Girl Scouts, Inc., will hold their annua! banquet on Tuesday evening, Jan. 0 at 6:30 at the YMCA. Miss Oleda Schrottky, a member of the Na tional Girl Scout staff, will be tlie principal speaker. All adult mem bers, their husbands and friends are invited to attend. A parish supper will be held at the Third Congregational church hall Thursday night at 6:30, with members of the Ladies’ Aid Society and the Womans Get-Together club in charge. Ministers of Water buiy Congregational churches and their wives have been invited to attend. A new governmental bureau to study and analyze both loreign and domestic commerce and indus try has been established in Brazil. ^fYoing Matter Han Should tisr About Colds MOW MODERN WAY WORKS FAST TO RELIEVE MISERIES PENETRATES V § TO UPPER P BRONCHIAL TUBES ■ WITH ITS SPECIAL H,MEDICINAL VAPORS Acts Promptly to Help Relieve Congestion in Upper Breething Passages, Coughing Spasms, SoreThrost, Muscular Soreness. Every young mother here should know about this modem way of relieving distress of children's colds. You just rub Vicks VapoRub on chest, throat and back. (No internal dosing to up set child’s stomach.) Right away VapoRub’s wonderful penetrating-stimulating action (pic STIMULATES CHEST AND BACK SURFACES LIKE A WARMING . POULTICE luicu uuuvc; aui is iw wuir aim on working for hours to bring grand relief. It invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! Remember this, Mother.. ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this special double action. It is time-tested, home-proved... the best known home remedyforrcliev- A AlAAftf C ing miseries of children’s colds. W VAPORUB [Juu UnHIU A^AHLf , . . to render eco nomical and efficient banking service! Tin; Citizens AND MANUFAC rURI PS I\AT lONAI.llANK M EMBFR f 0 1 C / v! A' y Hankia/G /A(/my FURS Muskrat, Seals, Persian Lamb and Fox Coats and M Neck Pieces I UP TO DAT£| FUR SHOP 1 157 8. Main St.| RUGS SHAMPOOED Highest Quality Work By KgperU THOMAS DYE WORKS 64 PEARL ST. 8-7195 BUY WAR BONOS ANO STAMPS s American wumui BEDROOM SUITE of Good Quality $145°° Bed. lircuer, Cheat — TEItMS — Large roomy bed* room pieces - ex cellent construe tlon, fine finish. Pull or single bed size. Vanity and bench available at $80 extra. mfiTZHins Cor. So. Main. Scoria * Brook Sta., Waterbary. Recent Bride MRS. VERNON C. WALTER Miss Marjorie Glynn Weds Sgt. V. C. Walter The wedding of Miss Marjorie Glynn, daughter of Mrs. William Glynn, Ives street, and Sgt. Vernon C. Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Walter, Peekskill, N. Y., took place Saturday morning at £i o’clock at the Church of the Sa cred Heart. Rev. Henry Quinn of ficiated and Edward Wolff, organist provided the musical program. Mrs. Mildred Roche Lezotte sang during the nuptial Mass. Benjamin Wil cox of Newington, presented his niece in marriage. For her costume the bride selected a princesse gown of white slipper satin designed with a square neck line edged with seed pearl embroid ery, long tapered sleeves and a long circular train. A crown of orange blossoms held in place her tiered fingertip veil and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and stchanotis. Miss Patricia Walsh attended the bride as maid of honor and Miss Elizabeth Miller was bridesmaid. Frederick Shumacher acted as best Social Notes Santa Marla Circle, National Daughters of Isabella, will meet to morrow evening at 8 o'clock at K. of C. hall. A meeting of the Women's Get Together Club of the Third Congre gational church will be held tomor row afternoon at 2:30 at the home of the new president, Mrs. George Knowles, Highalnd avenue. The Women's Society of Christian Service of St. Paul's Methodist church will hold a New Year’s party in connection with their meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the parsonage of East Farm street. Members are requested to bring a 25 cent gift. The regular monthly meeting of the Welfare Committee of the Hope ville Community Club will be held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Ida Akins, Baldwin street. Mrs. John Hyland, chairman will preside at the business meeting at which time plans will be made for activi ties for the coming year. All mem bers are urged to attend. Miss Dorotny m. miner isasv Farm street, and Miss Eileen Foley, Bridgeport, classmates at Albetus Magnus College, New Haven, were week-end guests of Misses Marie Mattes and Elizabeth Hamilton, Flushing, L. I., and Miss Beverly Volk, Englewood, N. J. Mrs. John Hickey, Terre Haute, Ind., formerly of this city, has been visiting her aunt, Miss Nellie Dillon, Watervillc street. Major and Mrs. Richard Slator have returned to Havre de Grace Md., after spending the week with Mrs. Slator's parents, Mr and Mrs. Herman Koester, Columbia Boule vard. Mrs. Joseph Pernatozzl and daughter, Rita, of Columbia Boule vard, have returned from New York City where they spent the holidays with relatives. NEW STATISTICAL CLERK APPOINTED Mrs, eJan Celozzi of 389 Congress avenue today was named statistical clerk at the U. 8. Employment Serv ice, succeeding Eld a Hhodolsku Lu briola, who 1ms joined Sergeant R. E Labrlolu at Ills post In Ne braska. Mrs. Celozzi, who previ ously served In the stabilization di vision of the USES, is the wife ot Louis Celozzi, who Is stationed with a Navy unit at Norfolk, Va. man. Miss Walsh wore a lime col ored bouffant gown with a satin bodice and tulle skirt, a V neckline and three-quarter length sleevs. She wore a headpiece of ostrich plumes and horsehair braid and carried a bouquet of mixed flowers. Miss Miller was gowned is a similar costume of pastel blue. Fifty guests attended the wedding breakfast and reception at the Chase Country club, where Mrs. Glynn received in a wine colored ensemble, black and accesories and a corsage of Talisman roses. Guests attended from Pcekskill, N. Y.. Moo dus, Newington, Naugatuck and Ri verhead, L. I. The bride traveled in a tweed suit, hunter green coat and brown accessories. Sgt. and Mrs. Walter will reside at Clovis, N. M.. where the bridegroom 5s stationed. The bride is a graduate of Sacred iieart high school and Bay Path Institute of Commerce, Springfield, Mass. Early Bird-Woman Madame Helene Mortier, 67, France's first woman flyer, is pic tured on recent arrival in New York, en route to visit her hus band, Col. Pierre Mortier of the French Air Mission, convalescing in Washington. Madame Mortier started flying with Louis Bleriot in IfHJK. DRAFT OFFICIALS REVIEW CLASSES Local draft hoards yesterday be gun the review for reclassification of all registrants between the ages of 18 and 37 now In either class 2A or 2B, botli occupational defer ment classes. The directive was is sued b.v state selective service head quarters last Saturday and received here at that time. Final determination of a man’s status will remain within the in terpretation of local draft board officials. Just what will determine the essential occupation of a regis trant was not disclosed today. It has been estimated between 0.000 and 7,000 local registrants are listed within this class. ItUKSIAN Ollti.K IIAVF A HATH New York iUP>~"At « p. m. after the war," Russian girls used to whisper to their lovers ns they de parted for war—hoping thnt they would be able to keep the rendez vous. The phrase was used as the title of a musical comedy film which went into product ion during the battle of tTalingrad, predicting the defeat of Germany in the spring of 1045. The film recently had its premiere and is immensely popular, according to the Moscow representative of Russian War Re lief. UHUKtf 41 KILLS ItbVIKION New York i UPi—'Sweeping re* vision” of the hundreds of cum bersome. conflicting and out-of-date ruleN and regulations” that hamper aviation must take place If post war aviation Is to grow. Sydney Nesbitt, aircraft radio sales man ager of Lear, Inc., and a member ol the newly formed Civil Aviation Joint Legislative Committee, ..aid recently. The committee U co operating with both houses of Con gress to improve legislation regulat ing private living. Rabbi Gifter Unites Couple Miss Ruth Kunofsky, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Kunofsky, North Main street, became the bride of Carl Kopel. New York city, Sunday af ternoon at 1 o'clock et Sossln's res taurant. Rabbi Mordecai Oifter of Beth Israel synagogue oflicitaed The bride, who was unattended, wore a poudre blue crepe ensem ble with fuchsia accessories and carried a Bible marked with an or chid. More than 50 guests, including those from New York city, Morris town, N. J„ Boston, Mass and Hart ford, attended the reception which followed the ceremony. The couple will leside in New York city upon their return from an unannounced wedding trip. The bride is a graduate of Crosby high school and Post Junior college. Dorothy Johnson Married Recently Rev. John Sullivan officiated at the wedding of Miss Dorothy M. Johnson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Johnson, Fairlawn avenue, and Henry P. Isyk. Pol/c, TJ. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Isyk, Meriden, Saturday, Dec. 23, at 8 o'clock at SS. Peter and Paul church. The bride wore a white bouffant gown styled with a taffeta bodice, sweetheart neckline, three-quarter •sleeves and a net skirt. A tiara I trimmed with seed pearls held her veil of bridal tulle. Mrs. William Mauri, sister of the bride, who served as matron of honor, was j gowned in pink taffeta and net with j a fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, short puffed sleeves and a full skirt. Guests from New York. Meriden, New Haven, Rhode Island and Massachusetts were among the 50 persoas who attended the reception at the Three Cups inn. Wallingford. Mrs. Johnson spleeteri a hlpct on. Kemble and the bridegroom’s mother was costumed In navy blue. The bride traveled In a poudre blue dress, harmonizing coat and accessories. The couple will reside at Corpus Christl, Texas, where the bridegroom Is stationed. C. OF C. AUXILIARY ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Anthony Orantas Is Chosen President; Le gion Holds Banquet Brooklyn News Mrs. Anthony Orantas was elected president of the Lithuanian Cham ber of Commerce Auxiliary at a meeting held last night at the Lith uanian Republican Club hall. She succeeds Mrs. Prank Banis. Other officers were named as fol lows: Vice-President, Mrs. Clar ence Bander; secretary, Mrs. Mich ael Devenis; financial secretary, Mrs. Peter Krugelis; treasurer, Mrs. Jacob Treciokas; trustees, Mrs. Mary Krugelis and Mrs. John Gills; pub licityl chairman, Mrs. Mathew Col ney. Delegates to the Lithuanian Coun cil and the Defense Committee will be elected at a meeting February 9 at the home of Mrs. Orantas at 506 Wilson street. More than 200 persons attended the annual New Year's banquet of the Sylvester Stokes post and aux iliary at Nemunns Hall, 48 Green street, Saturday night. Speakers included: Rev. Joseph J. Valantiejus, pastor of St. Joseph’s church; Mrs. Agnes Mitchell, gold star mother; and Fenton Miner, commander of Corp. Coiyle Poet. Dr. Mathew J. Colney served as master of ceremonies. Soldiers home on furlough nresent were: Private First Class Benny Aleksinas, Sergeant Edward Scholey, Captain Joseph Jasulevicl), Captain John Mitchell, and Private First Class Simon Lukas. Commanders of various posts ami heads of auxiliaries were culled up on to addres sthe gathering briefly. Music for dancing was furnished by Satula’s orchestra. The arrangements committee in cluded: Margaret Bebrin, diaries Slokas, Ella Koplch, Theresa Stakes, John Bruxas, and William Stnke vich. A joint meeting of the Sylvester Stokes Post and auxiliary will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Re publican Club Hall on Bank street. Resolution Received A communication from J. M. Col ton Hand, chief of the Public Liasion Division of tiie Secretary of State’s office, Washington, D. C., will be read at a meeting of Sylventer Stokes Post and its auxiliary this evening. Mrs. Margaret Bebl'ins, president of the auxiliary will pre aide. The letter will officially acknowl edge the White House's receipt of a resolution protecting Soviet Russia’s apparent plans to take over and dominate the Balkan Stales The post and Us auxiliary were as sured that the White House is fol lowing all developments and will continue (o work for a Just and lasting peace. The message also states lhalt la* post’s comments on the President were greatly appreci ated. r Marcella—Nigro Bridal Yesterday Miss Beatrice J. Nigro. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaglo Nigro, Wood tick road, and Victor A. Marcella, . BM 2-c. U. S. N. R„ son of Mr. and ' Mis. Prank Marcella, Linwood 1 street, were united in marriage yes terday morning at 9 o'clock at Out Lady of Lourdes church. Msgr. Joseph Valdambrini performed the ceremony. Gaetano Giaquinto of fered a prelude of organ music and accompanied Mrs. James Morrone, soloist who sang an "Ave Marie" and "Panis Angelicas". Presented in marriage by her father, the bride had as her maid of honor her sister. Miss Loretta Nigro. Misses Lena Cappello and Florence Lombardo were bridesmaids. Alexander Jacovino served as best man and Dante Nigro. brother of the bride, and Rocco Beece ushered. The bride was attired in a white princesse gown of brocade damask fashioned with a sweetheart neck line. leg-o’-mutton sleeves and a long train. Her long veil of illusion was arranged from a Juliet cap trimmed with orange blossoms ar.d seed pearls and she carried a floral muff of white camellias and sweet peas. A blue taffeta gown with a sweet heart neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and a full skirt and a pic ture hat of matching horsehair braid trimmed with ostrich plumes was worn by the maid of honor. She carried a floral muff of pink camellias and sweet peas. The i bridesmaids were princesse gowr)6 ] cf rose taffeta with sweetheart neck lines. three-quarter length sleeves and rows of self ruffling trimming i the skirts and forming slight trains. I Their Dutch hats were in harmony and they carried muffs of roses and sweet peas. The bride's cousin, Joyce Delillo. served as junior bridesmaid, wearing a blue taffeta frock with a sweet heart neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and a bouffant skirt. Her Dutch hat was of rose color. A recupuou at- Aunt jenny s uin followed a dinner at The Elton for 100 guests. Mrs. Nigro wore an aqua silk crepe dress, black acces sories and a corsage of orchids. The bridegroom's mother also wore an orchid with her poudre blue silk jersey dress and black accessories. When the couple left for a wed ding trip to New York City the bride was wearing a moss green dress, brown coat and accessories and Kolinsky furs. Both Mr. and Mrs. Marcella were graduated from Wilby High school. Mr. Marcella is now stationed at Hart's Island. N. Y. 550 Attend Dance At ‘Y’ The Servicemen and War Work ers’ committee dance was held Sat urday night at the Central YMCA with more than 550 persons, among them 120 servicemen, in attendance. A tug of war between the Army and Navy was presided over by Jack SufTa. Cigarettes were distributed to members of both teams. The con test was won by the Navy team. The committee on arrangements includes Mr. SufTa, chairman, John Parrara, Tony Gavronski, James Del Gobbo, Frederick Stager, George Le Cuyer, Carl Suffa, Anne De Bei lis, Janet Surgener, Evelyin Shug dlnis, Anne Urbelis, Dorothy Step onaitls, Jean Marshall, Rae Guida, Helen Sutor, Eleanor Travisano and Thomas Smith, advisor. NATURALIST CLUB MEETING TONIGHT Harold E. Richardson, Wliite Plains, N. Y., will speak at the meeting tonight at 8 o’clock of the Waterbury Naturalist club in the Mattatuck Historical Sociey build ing. Mr. Richardson, who has spent several summers as a guide in Yel lowstone park, will show colored motion pictures taken htere. FORUM AUDIENCE SEES PICTURES OF ROCKIES Dougla.s Brown, Meriden business man, presented a colored film, "The American Rockies—From Colorado to the Canadian Rockies," at the Second Congregational church forum Sunday evening. Brazil has legalized the formation of syndicates, federations and con federations by farm workers and farm employers, Mid-Winter Term Opens January 1 Be trained for a business career —win a better Job in the postwar era. Thoroughly-trained stenog raphers, bookkeepers, account ants, office machine operators, etc., will be needed for perma nent postwar opportunities. Write, phone, or call at school for lilts Bulletin. DACT JUNIOR | t'OM.EGE St CENTIME AVE. iuai, ——.-4-177* MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER TO KEEP RECORDS!! • GUIDES & INDEXES • FILE FOLDERS • INVENTORY SHEETS • STEEL & WOOD CARD FILES • HUalNtssn him umw & SYSTEMS •WIRK LETTER BASKETS • • SOCIAL SECURITY RECORDS • 1946 "YOim INCOME TAX ttUUK^ DAVIS Or NYE, INC., 150 GRAND ST. Howland-Hughes “Waterbury’s Friendly Department Store.” CLEARANCE! Group 1... 30 Dresses Clearance Price . . . Ceiling Prices, $19.95 to $25.00 Charming dresses sparked with exciting detailing —styled for allure. Chic black and gay colors in sleek dressy crepes and 100re wools. One and two piece models. Long and short sleeves. Juniors’, Misses’ and Women’s sizes. Colors and sizes broken. Group 2... 100 Dresses Clearance Price e e e Ceiling Price*, $12.95 to $16.95 A group of afternoon and business dresse* In crepes and wools including Kasha and Botany flan nels. Nicely trimmed with bows, sequins and self ruffles. High shades and black in Juniors', Misses’ and Women’s sizes, but colors and sizes are broken. Group 3.. 208 Dresses Clearance Price . . . Ceiling Prices, $8.95 and $10.95 Wonderful selection of crepes and wool dresses .. . all excellent values. In softly feminine and classic styles, including some Tommy Austin casuals. Jun iors’, Misses’ and Women’s sizes. Colors and sizes broken. SECOND FIX)OR Roll-a-way Folding Bed Solve1 your space problem with one of these 80" Roll-a-way folding beds. Complete with white cot ton felt mattress covered with sturdy blue and white striped ticking, and link springs. Standard 6 ft. length. FURNITURE . . . FOURTH FLOOR