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Riess Warns Nazis Are Waging New Large-scale War Of Nerves iw DW. international Journalist and author it such best-selling t, u Mftir' Naala 1'nderground" and "Total Espionage" whlrh kT« forrratt happening* Inside Germany with unrannv arruiary. Is _»*»lVtVmrnl from NKA Service. The following I* one of a actica ofhta dispatches whlrh will appear escluslvely In The Waterhury Burnt. . Bv CURT RIESS Copyright 1W5 by NEA Srrvlcr TANDON Jan 5—For the last fortnight war reports have been lull of ra^ra of Oerman spies, saboteurs and fifth columnists At triM. glance miim the Noels now tire reaching the t>|>e of apeetacu’ur romantic USSwnd warfare that preceded actual war during the thirties The tmnresslon of this reporter ts that there are loo many spy cases to be taken bona fide It is my belief that the Nads now are waging a war of norvaa on a large scale, trying to Intimidate and rend the Jittery Allies Iidao believe the war of nerves will continue during the coming months to In vuinnini wi i.— • with new secret weapons of psycho- ■ logical warfare What have the recent weeks I brought? Thee was the atoy of two Naal battalions disguised as American and British forces para chuted behind our lines with the purpose of killing our most Im portant officers. Accounts sold that they carried vitriol and other poison to throw in the Allied officers’ feces. This supposedly was only part of an elaborate scheme of sa botage and murder. HPOCS CAPTURED A captued document allegedly proved that two months ago Eng llah-speaking Nazi soldiers were recalled from the front for train ing for this special task. Ameri can uniforms supposedly were tkaen from American prisoners who were stripped, then shot. Special courses were held for blow ing up bridges nnd supply dumps, etc. Belgium supposedly was Infest ed by Oerman spies In Belgian uni forms or civilian clothes Most of these spies were captured, some al ready shot. On the fact of It, It seems strange that the Oermans acted so clumsi ly that most of the spies nnil sabo teurs not only were caught, but. that Belgium and Prance wee thorough ly alarmed and are now on a whole sale manhunt. But If alarming the Allies was the real goal of the Nazis, they succeeded That this was their goal Is Indicated by the Oermnn broadcast to Belgium In which the population was asked to flee for Its life "before you are slain by the on rushlng Germane. Don't stay In your towns and villages German armies are using a horrifying new weapon. Not a single human being will remain alive where these weap ons are used " Surely If surprise was Intend ed. such broadcasts would not have been made. The Intention of a war of nerves Is obvious In the enormous propaganda the Germans make everywhere lor the new V weapous which, accodlng to them, are V-3 rockets of unbelievable force, though smaller than V-2 Again, If the weapon were supposed to surprise, It would not have been described so pulnstotkingly by the German staff. IIOPK TO CKKATE PANIC More exmaples could be given, but all prove that the Germans are less Interested In surprise than in shock ing the civilian populations behind our lines, ’lliclr ho|w* of creating panic and thus creating difficulties for Allied armies Is not entirely un founded. Tlie population of Bel gium and France still remembers fifth columnist warfare and whole sale treason after 1940. People who belevcd themselves, liberated for good mu yplunge into utter despair, believing the worst, though actual German successes are far from Jus tifying such panic. Bue nerves of 1943 no longer are what they used to be before. German caption on thin photo obtained throuKh a neutral source says young soldiers are being taught to ase anti-tank arms at short range. Instructor Is Major Kiesgen, who holds the Iron Cross for having de stroyed five tanks In “hand to hand'1 righting. To back waning armed might, however, Germans are engaged in a large-scale war of nerves, threatening increased use of terror weapons. There is no panic yet, but great apprehension, and therefore it Is doubly neccssay for the public to understand thu real purpose be hind the new Nazi maneuvers. Perhaps the Nazis not. only ho|>c to influence civilian morale on the continent, but also to divert Allied attention from another offensive, shuch as ft possible new U-boat war or a comeback of the Luftwaffe based on jet-propelled planes, both of which arc possibilities, Allied in I el licence reports hee. Perhaps, however, u new U-boat warfare and a comeback of the Luftwaffe must also be relegated into the territory of psychological warfare. In any case, wo must not make the mis take of 19H9 and 1940 in etting our selves be terrorized by German pro nouncements. CITY MAY REVAMP ASSESSORS’SETUP Bill Reported Prepared for Gen. Assembly Action; Party Control Likely Oty authorities today declined to comment on the report that, a bill will be presented to the legislature, presumably backed by the adminis tration, calling for thp alteration of the current set-up of the city's assessor's office. Its possibility seemed likely, however. The recommendations are report ed to be In line with the suggestions of Walter W. Walsh, state tax com missioner, as made In his analysis of the conditions there, a report •which resulted In the present re valuation survey now underway bv the firm of George B Horan and affecting all real and personal prop erty In the city. As reported in the Democrat some time bock, consideration had been given last fall to including a budget appropriation of $7,500 as a salary item for a tax commissioner as head of the office. The item was not in cluded within the 1945 budget, how ever, at least as such an appropria tion. The recommended bill is said tu call for one chief assessor of tech nical appraisal background and two 1 assistant assessors. Tin- proposed change as suggested by the original bill calling for the tax commission er's survey states that the chief as sessor must be appointed by a two thirds majority vote of the board of aldermen and that his two as sistants must be of another party denomination. At present there are five assessors, each receiving 13.100 annually. Tho bill to be Introduced in this legislature It is understood, while providing for minority representa tion among the assessors, will give the mayor and majority party in control of the board of aldermm more power In selecting the chicl - assessor and his assistants. Late Realty News , The following real estate transac tions have been filed In the office ol » Town Clerk Mary C. Kilmartln: Quit Claim Deeds Waterbury Savings bank ti Blanche O. Smith, pro|)erty oi jjj Farmington avenue. Mortgage Deeds Blanche O. Smith to the Water bury Savings bank, $6,000, property ' on Farmington avenue. Release of Mortgage Colonial Trust Co. to Michael M * Devlnls. Homeowners Building & Lour " Assn, to Peter and Marla Angel I cola. Loomis and Netleton Co. to Johr and Mary Sterling. Waterbury Savings bank to Ague: M. Theroux. Waterbury Savings bank to Rob art S. Carnes and Lena Ottnei Carnes. LOUREIRO WOULD BE KNOWN AS LAUREL Bernard Loureiro of Waterbury a native of Rio de Janeiro, otdu; filed a petition In superior cour for permission to change hlx nun to Bernard Laurel. He states peo pie are unfamiliar with his sur name and have difficulty in pro nouncing it, and he Is required ti •pell It on every occasion It mux be written. His wife lx Aduztnda Martins Loureiro, and they hav two children, Iiineu and Barnard Jr. dairymen have pro they are unable to ob tires for motor vehicles uset business while alien for wine deliver; Late Walter E. Thorn Able Insurance Agent Natural Ability, Personality Won Opportunities for Him to Achieve Success — Energetic Methods Impressed Superiors. I BY THF. OUT KABTFR) All Out East, well knew Walter E. Thorn In his early days of residence In Waterbury, for It was to this portion of the city, he first came, after marriage, 35 years ago or so. He died the other day at his home, 23 Coe street, and was burled on Thurs day. Mr Thorn was identified with the Prudential Insurance com pany lit New York city when he first arrived here. He was young, good looking, quick and full of energy. It was hts clever appear ance that prompted superiors to send him to Waterbury and ad joining towns of Litchfield county to help build up a business, which has since been marked in its advance in the insurance line. Mr. Thorn didn't know Waterbury, he didn't know Torrlngton or Thom aston or places nearby, but he knew insurance and all of its an gles. and was willing to take the chance. And ever since that long time ago, or up until his health failed him, Mr. Thorn traveled the highways and by-ways of Water bury, and the other places men tioned. Insurance agents in his day worked out of Headquarters here, but had to go by train, or horse and buggy to adjoining towns, where they spent the day interviewing and talking wilh ttie families of these places. In that period, insurance agents were not as plentiful as we find them to , day, and so it was that much of the business activities tiad to be extended into the night season. There was the head of the house to be seen, and he was only avail able at night or on Sunday. But this didn't faze Mr. Thorn in the least; he was alert, full of ambi | tlon and hours of labor had no effect upon him, then, anyway, although in the end, they do Just as they do in similar cases, where Mun early in life devotes so much time to a business he desires to strengthen, and bring along the progressive line. And that was Just what Mr. Thorn did do; lie gave everything in him for the betterment of Ills employers, and they no doubt profited hand somely by his superior knowledge and ability to explain the value attached to life insurance. We didn't know Mr. Thorn any too well. But we did know who lie was, und he liked me lor the friendly greeting extended. He carried a smile witli his every salutation, denoting an Inner feel ing of cordiality and sincerity. And when a man docs this, it is evident he is a person happy and pleased witli Ills home surround ings and business associates. Mr. Thorn was the head it a fine home, a friendly family, where good will and good cheer pre vailed. ad where the hand of welcome was always outstretched. No wonder then, we lelt sorry to hear or read of the death of such a high type of personage. GAFFNEYS HOST AT NEW YEAR’S PARTY PROSPECT Mrs. Edmond Morin, Corre spondent-Telephone 5-0857 Prospect, Jun. 5- Mr. and Mrs. John Gaffney of the New Haven road held open house New Year's Eve for their many friends and neighbors. Lunch was served throughout lie evening. Guests present were: Miss Eileen Byrnes, Paul Hart nett, Joe Byrnes, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kluge and children, Martha and David, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Connor and children Margaret. Bob and John, Mr. and Mrs. R. Yingllng and children Robert Jr. and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbard and son William Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Packer. Also Mrs. Lena Gaffney of Springfield, Mass. Miss Stella Obcrie of New York city and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deschrnes of Waterbary, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schleffer of Cook road. Mr. William Shine hus been a re cent visitor at the home of his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Shine of Straltsvllle road. STATE'S ATTORNEY TO CONFER ON CASES Stute’s Attorney William B. Fitz gerald will be at his office in the , county courthouse building tomor row and Monday at 1 0a. m. to give counsel for accused, and others In 1 terested in the criminal docket, an opportunity for consultation. It was 1 announced today at the superior > court clerk’s office. The criminal ’ term will open Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. \ Science Seeking Blood Substitute London, Jan. 5—<UP»— Science is working on blood substitutes which might eliminate human blood do nors, an article in Lancet, British Medical Journal, said today. The article was written by Sir Lionel Whitby, consultant In transfusion and resuscitation to the British Army. "Much research." it said, "has been devoted to perfection of blood substitutes which might transfer the load from the human donor to the animal world, vegetable king dom or tile realm of ihe synthetic chemist. Success has atLided the production of fluids capable of re storing die blood volume, but none cun be regarded as complete substi tutes for blood." Whitby suid more than 100,(MX) pints of blood and plasma were used in European operations from O day through Sept 30 and in the first six weeks 27 760 persons re ceived transfusions. 21. hernia. Compensation Agreements Compensation Commissioner John J. O’Connell today approved the following agreements for weekly payments during disability or for specific payment in case of permanent injury: Eugene Korzynski of Union City ugalnst American Brass Co , (25 beginning December 19, back in jury. Pasquale Mendillo of Oakville against American Brass Co., Metal Hose branch, $21.10 beginning De cember 11, back strain. James Drever of Thomas ton against Oswald O. Vlllard of Thomaston. (19.62 for 39 weeks, 26 per cent loss of right foot. Austin Melbourne of Naugatuck against W. J. Megln. Inc . of Nau gatuck. MO beginning December Regular mall envelopes now cost 70 cents each, Chinese money. In China. A Conventions Facing Ban By JOSEPH LA1T1N (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Jan. 5 — <U.P.> — War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnes Is preparing to impose a ban on virtually all war-time national conventions In an elfort to relieve the strain on the nation's trans portation facilities, It was learned today. Issuance of the ban was under stood to be imminent. Under the order, it was said, some regional conventions may be al lowed while the prohibition of na tional meetings probably will be tempered byq an appeals clause to permit a few exceptions. Byrnes, who shut down the race tracks earlier this week to ease both the transportation and manpower crisis, said in his new report to con gress that railroads, unable to get new equipment, were seriously strained by the heavy load of pas senger travel. Rail travel, Byrnes said, lias in creased at an unprecedented rate sine the outbreak of the war and travel rationing lias not been im posed on the general public only be cause of the difficult, if not impos sible, administrative problems in volved. Government transportation oifi cials have long favored some means to cut down non-essential travel, not only to make more room for war truffle but to relieve crowded hotel conditions in many important war centers. The entire problem, how ever, was considered a ticklish pol icy matter that could be decided only by the White House The Office of Defense Transpor tation found it impractical to ask railroads to deny transportation to conventioneers because of the diffi culties the industry would meet in carrying out the request. As one Official put it, ' you can’t recognize a man going to a convention because he doesn't wear a badge until he gets there." Hotels in many war-crowded cities —including Portland, Ore., San Francisco, and Washington —have already voluntarily agreed not to accept conventions. An industry spokesman said that west coast hotels, and those in some of the large eastern cities, were reporting 100 per cent occupancy but that many others around the country averaged only about. 00 )>er cent oc cupancy the year round. New Zealand motorists have been inormed that their first postwar ears will be 1942 models and that it might be six years before the dream car of the future would ap pear. NEW PROVISIONS IN VET PENSIONS ADD $37,000,000 BY ANN HICKS (I'nitrd I'rrss Staff Con-rxpanririili Washington, Jan !>.—iUPl—In cluding Mrs. Morgan's $30 a month the U. S. pension bill for fiscal 1944 was *499000.000. Mrs. Esther Hill Morgan of Inde pendence. Ore., still receives $240 a year because her father fought with the New York militia In the war of 1812. Mrs. Morgan's intney is all the Vetcrnn Administration expends today on that war. The civil War still costs nearly *14,n*VjtK)0 in pensions, however, and w'erana and veterans' de pendents for the Indian Wars draw *2,300,000. World War I pay ments were lour times las large as those for World War 1*1--*264,000, 000 for the first; *60 000,000 ftr the second. Pensions now go to 890,000 veterans and 364.000 de pendents. New Regulations Made The 1945 pension bill will be blRger by at least *37.000,000 be cause Congress lias decided tt take care ol widows and minor chil dren of World War I veterans whose deaths were not caused by service disabilities. The new regulations make the chcildless widow whose income is less than *1.000 and the widow with children whose Income is less than *2500 eligible for benefits simply it her dead husband served at least, 90 clays In tile last war and was honorably discharged. This give", the widow of World War I vetreans one advantage over their sisters of World War II. If their husbands died as a re sult of service, both receive pen sions until they died or remarry. Likewise, bttli are pensioned if their husbands had service-con nected disabilities, yet died of something else. World War I Vets Only But If two honorably discharged veterans—one of each war—and neither one disabled in service, should die in an automobile acci dent,. only the widtw and children of the World War One veteran would be pensioned. Payments will begin in the new est class as each dependen estab Veteran Administration office. She lishes her claim at the nearts can do this by mail. Benefits provided art: *35 monthly for a widow; $45 lor a widow and one child; and $5 addi lional for each child. A veteran's orphan Is eligible for $18 month y: two orphans for *27; three, *36. To tal ctmpensatlon to one family cannot be more than *64 a month. The Veterans Administration es timates that payments will be made to 81,500 dependents under the new law next year. The above scale also applies to widows and minor children of veterans of both wars who in curred disabilities in service but died from other causes. There is no alltwanee for parents In either case. The benefits, for both, wars, for dependents of veterans wnose death resulted lrom service, are: A childless widow, $50 a month; widow and one child, *65; $13 for each additional child; one orphan *25; two trphans, *38; and *10 for each additional oruhan; one de pendent parent, $45 and two de pendent parents, *50. (The total to any family cannot exceed *100 a month. Fire Record Firemen responded this morn ing to a minor blaze caused by a defestive oil burner at the home of Leo fiibrault. <>03 North Main street. Last night, firemen pushed in a basement door at !MI Abbott avenue after receiving a telephone call that a woman had locked her self In there and turned on the gas. Deputy Chief Martin J. Campion said that the firrmen found Fdward Hrown in bed in the room, and no trace of a woman or gas. The rent did nut have a phone, and Brown had no knowledge of the telephone call. Deputy Campion said. DRAPr OFFICIALS IN CONFERENCE TONIGHT Draft officials from Waterbury, Naugatuck. Seymour and Water town will meet with War Man power Commission and U. S. Em ployment Service officials tonight att he USES office for a discussion of manpower eonslderatolns. Priorities, labor ceilings, and the stabilization program are the mat ters ot be discussed by the group In efforts to obtain a co-ordinated system of administration. John Clanci, assistant WMC area director. Paul Parsons, manager of the USES, and Miss Edna Harmon, aslsstant manager of the USES, will be the government labor officials present. I I I America 's Merchant Seamen While ack ack blossomed thickly above Wewek end Aitepe, the SS Klang steamed post, her loud speakers blaring: "Put That Pistol Down," bringing a laugh and bolstering morale ashore. The Klang, only floating recreation chib of our merchant seamen, contains a canteen, game space, reeding and writing room, library, medical dispensary, workshop, and bunks for 114 seamen. She serves the men who deliver MecArthur's supplies in the Pacific. The Klang is operated by United Seamen's Service and War Shipping Admin Mrotion. i l AWAITS PAROLE r J THOMAS P. KELLY YOI.'R FEDERAL INCOME TAX OUR INCOME TAX SYSTEM No. 3 Every person whose income taxes for 1944 have been currdently paid in whole or in part through with holding from wages by employers, and all other persons who ate sub ject to the income tax, must report their income to the Government alter the close of the year on forms, or blanks, prescribed by regulaions, as a basis for closing their tax ac count for the year. See article No 2 in this series. For individuals, either of two forms of return may be used—the regular return on Form 1040 or a simpler Form W-2 (Rev.), printed on the withholding tax receipt which the employers are required to furnish to the employes at the close ol each year. Tlie Forms 1040 are obtainable from any collector of internal rev enue and, generally, from ar.y bank. Other forms arc designed for cor poration::. for partnership, for trusts and fiduciaries, and for non resident aliens. Farmers who keep no books of account and use the cash method of reporting income must attach a special schedule (Form 1040F> to their returns. Withholding Receipt Return, Form W-2 (Rev,)—A striking fea ture of the present lav.' is a provi sion under which mast wgae earners muy choose simply to answer a few questions about income and exemp tions on a Withholding Receipt. Form W-2 (Rev.), attach to it all other Withholding Receipts for the year, (lie it as an Income tax return, a dnlinve ihe collector figure the tax for them. Three conditions must be met before the wage-earn er may take advantage of this privilege—(a) Ills gross income for the year must be less than $5,000); <bi it must be derived entirely from wages, dividends, or interest; and [(c) the part of his income other than wages that were subject to withholding must not be more than $100. Accordingly, a Withholding Receipt cannot be used as an in come tax return by a person who received any income from rents, an nunitles, business, partnership, an estate, or a trust; nor can it bt used for reporting gains and losses from the sale or exchange of prop erty. For such purposes, the Form 1040 should be used. A husband and wife may corn bint their income on a Withholding Re ceipt if their combined income is within the limits staled above, dvid cordance wth State laws. If they do so. tile collector will figure the tax Jointly and separately, and will use the smaller amount as their tax liability. If their combined in come exceeds these limits but cacti individually, is eligible to use the Withholding Receipt type of re turn. each may do so and hte tu> will be computed by the eollcctoi as separate returns, except in State.' with community-property laws that Is, Arizona. California. Idaho Loupisiana, Nevada. New Mexico Texas, and Washington. In these States, one-half of the earnings of a husband or wife belongs to each one and therefore, the income and the credit for income tax withheld by the employer liwich would be reoprted by each in a separate re turn would not correspondent to tiie employer’s statement of earn j ing« and of tax withheld from wages ! as shown in the Withholding Re ceipt. Accordingly, if a husband and wife in a State with community property laws desire, for any rea son. to file separate returns, they must use orm 1040. In general, it a husband and wife file separate returns, one may not use the With holding Receipt as a return If the other itemizes deductions on page 4 of form 1040. This Withholding Receipt return lias no entries for deduction of expenses, for the collector who computes the tax will use a tax table which is a shortcut method of find ing income tax (Since a traveling salesman or other person who wishes to deduct traveling or reimbursed expenses in connection with cm ' ployment cannot deduct such ex I penses In Form W-2 (Rev.), he must I file the regular return on Form I 1040). Tliis tax table allows for (and | thus saves the troble of figuring) | three different factors that influ j ence the amount of the tax. namc ' ly, i(n a standard deduction equal ; to 10 percent of adjusted gross ln | come (based on the midpoint of i each Income bracket), which takes I the place of allowable personal de ductions generally and of certain credits; <b> the normal tax exemi» ; lion which, in a ictum that includes the Income of only one person, is | a fiat $500; and <c> .he surtax ex ! emption, which is $500 for the tax ; payer. *500 lor each dependent rela i live listed in the return, and $500 ! for the taxpayer's wife or husband I in cases where sh" nr he has no I gross income <and l.> not a dc . ixtndei.l of another taxpayer), or I Joins in a combined or Joint return. Tiie tax table is* prescribed by lav;, and therefore gives the correct tar: for everyone who Is eligible for its use, including a wuge earner filing the Withholding Receipt return even though the 10 percent standard deduction may be larger than his actual deductions and credits. When the collector has figured the amount of unpaid additional tax due, if any, he will send a bill to the taxpayer. Tills bill must be paid within 30 days after lte mailing. II the amount of tax withheld exceed* the tax due, a refund will be made Industrial and agricultural co operatives in China have nearly IS,. 000.000 members. ‘Tommie* Kelly To Be Paroled During Year i Executive Secretary to Former Mayor Rounding Out Term at State Prison Farm at Entield Thomas P. Kelley, who served as executive see rotary to the mayor during the Hayes administration, will be eligible for parole from state prison, supervision t fore the end of tlic year, it was learned by the Democrat today Sentenced to serve 7 to 12 years In the city conspiracy case, Kelly * Will complete hs Imlntmuin sentence, with time off for good behavior, on Dee. 30. It was reported by Warden Ralph Walker. Dismissal of Kelly front the prison farm at Enfield will leave only one of the convicted conspirators, form er Mayor Prank T. Hayes, In the ! state Institution. Kelly received the same sentence as Carl D. Olson, who was freed from the prison last August, but Olson started his sentence later. Both Kelly and the former mayor are now’ serving at the prison farm, where Kelly holds a major clerical position. Kelly was designated by the con (piracy grand jury as one th" • k y non" In the conspircav and • ,-t darned for complicity In the it' • itruction of the city » records. The grand Jury claimed Kelly in troduced Edward O. Levy ol Near Haven to Controller De.nirl J Leary. It found that "fifty per cent of each :heck or payment made to the Levy jontract was to be retained by tha ixccutive secretary for division with Lite others. It was clatnnd further by tiia irand Jury that a total of $12C.7(i7 *as paid by the city to Levy and more than $100,000 of that amount ivas regained by the secretary. Kelly started his term March (», 1941 and transferred to the prison 'arm the following August. Prison >rs at the farm get four months off ?ach year for good behavior. The former city official will make v formal petition lor parole late n the fall, and his application will re considered by the state parole joard nt Its meeting December 3. Utah Won National Basketball Championship In Cinderella Saga By JOE JAMES CUSTER (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, Jan. 5—(UP)—Utah's amazing "Cinderella team” wrote basketball's most spectacular 1944 saga in capturing the mythical national championship, thus preserving for the Rocky Mountain area the top honors annexed previously by Fj’omlng’s Cowboys, who aban rinnrrl the snort for the vear. Replete with freshmen, the | country's squads flashed a brand of basketball In the third war year ! not far off previous standards, with no letup in spirited play and keen competition, and a noticeable in crease in public Interest. Tn Madison Square Garden, site of both the National Collegiate ' Athletic Assn, and the Nationnl ■ Invitation tournaments, attend ance averaged 17.799, while the Red Crass benefit matching of the champions — Utah vs. St. John’s University — attracted 18,125 and contributed $42,000 to the fund. At season's end, basketball's of ficials changed four rules to allow five personal fouls instead of four, curb skyscraper goal-tending per mit unlimited substitution and au thorized the referee to declare time out automatically for injuries. In a representative All-America, the following were selected by the Helms Foundation, which simul taneously nominated Adolph Rupp, veteran Kentucky coach, to the Hall of Fame: Forwards — Dale Hall, Army; Bob Dllle, Valparaiso; Arnold Perrin. Utah; Otto Gra ham. Northwestern and Colgate Centers — Audley Brindley, Dart mouth; Robert Brannum, Ken tucky. Guards—George Mikan, De Paul; Alva Pain, Oklahoma; Rob ert Kurland, Oklahoma A. <tc M.; Bill Henry. Rice. Mikan was se lected "player of the year." Like Its football team of the en suing season. Army's basketball representatives dominated their competition with 15 victories in as many starts to earn recognition as one of the nation’s outstanding collegiate quintets, while Great Lakes was generally considered the best service team. Dartmouth's formidable aggre gation romped off with the Eastern Intercollegiate league bunting for the seventh successive year with eight straight, while Tufts won 15 and lost 4 to top the New England Independents. Muhlenberg w a s Pennsylvania’s best, with 20-3, Kentucky walloped Tulane to cop the Southeastern Conference, Ohio State’s 10-2 paced the Western (Big 10) Conference and Denison's nine straight scored in the Ohio Athletic conference. The Missouri Valley conference saw Oklahoma Aggies’ 2-6 record on top, with Iowa State and Okla homa deadlocking at 9-1 in the Big Six and Arkansas dividing the Southwest with Rice at 11-1. The formal Rocky Mountain confer ence was ]>aeed by Colorado Col lege, 6-0, while Utah was far away the best among the independents with 22-4 On the Pacific Coast, Washington captured the northern division, 15-1. and California the southern, 4-0. while Oonzaga's 21-2 was tops among the indepen dents and California Tech led the Southern California Intercollegi ate conference, 3-1. As the sectional leaders con verged on Kansas City and New York lor national honors, the stage was set rapidly for the game's most thrilling Horatio Alger saga. Utah, most lightly held, bowed out In the first round of the National In vitation via a 46-38 drubbing by Kentucky and Coach Vadal Peter son’s baby-faced squad prepared to entrain for Salt Lake City. But a tragic accident made It impossi ble for Arkansas to continue in NOAA competition and the Utes Jumped at the chance to substi tute, accepting Darne Opportuni ty’s invitation so avidly that they performed the Impossible. The Utes, sparkled by National l high Jump chumplon Fred Shef j field, drubbed Missouri 45-35, Iowa | State 40-31 and found themselves in Madison Square Garden facing powerful Dartmouth, fresh from triumphs over Catholic, 63-38. and Ohio State 00-52. In a suspense laden overtime nightmare of shift ing leads, Utah edged out the Big I Green 42-40 to become the NCAA l champion. I They did it the hard way, too, i not only coming from behind but | minus the services of their ace I playmaker and high scorer, us ; Sheffield bowed out with an ankle | Injury. Matched with St. John's, ! National Invitation winner for the [ second consecutive season, ihey . again played without Bheflleld, i but lithe, frail appearing Arnold : Ferrin, who came through In the 1 clutch against Dartmouth with 22 ; points, posted 17 more in the Red ; Cross game and the Utes swept to ! a 43-36 victory while capturing ' the hearts of Now York fandom. ; In annexing the Invitation, St. John’s Redmen oame from rags to riches, too. Conceded virtually no chance, Coach Joe Lapchlck's swift-moving, hard-lighting crew upset Bowling Green 44-40, took Kentucky 48-45 and continued with their amazing streak in the finals with De Paul, 47-38. In the consolation playoff, Kentucky de feated Oklahoma A. MU, 48-38 for third place, while the NCAA con solation finals went to Temple over Catholic, 55-35, Dartmouth's rangy, talented center, Audley Brlndly, set two NCAA records by scoring 13 field goals In one game and recording a total of 24, while his team so! a new mark for total points wlih 163. Ohio State and Catholic If shared the only other new mark, caging 17 free throws each. Beattie, Prisoner, Asks For Cigarets London, Jan. 5— (UPi—fidwurd W. Beattie, United Press War Cr r respondent who was captured ijj the Germans last fall, said In a posi card received today that he had been transferred to another prison camp. The post card, dated 1 iv. 28, writ ten In pencil ami addressed to V.r gil Pinkley, up vice president nnd gneeral European manager, said Beattie now was in a camp known as III-D. Earlier Beattie had writ ten Pinkley that he was confined In Stalag XII-A. The first com munication was dated Nov. 7 Th? latest post card from Beattie sent Christmas greetings to friends in London. "Tobacco, cigarettes and warm socks, would be much appreciated," Beattie wrote. "Don't think we are down hearted, Merry Christmas." Slightly Colder Monday Forecast Boston, Jan. 5—(UP)—The N w England extended .veather forecast: “The temperature during tiie next five days will average near the sea sonal normal. “Cold weather tomorrow will he followed by a rising trend until Sun day hgnit. Slightly colder Monday, which will be followed by slow m>d ere lions thereafter, “Normal temp-ratine for this per iod at Boston is 28 degrees: New Haven, Conn., 29: Nantucket, M s., 32; Concord, N. If., 22, Portland. Me., 23: Eastport, Me.. 21: and Burling ton, Vt„ 20. “Precipitation will total bet tv. n one-third and two-thirds inch, oe curtng as snow In the Interior tions and as rain or snow near ! he coast Sunday night and again ab it Wednesday. S C O VI L L MANUFACTURING COMPANY BRASS - BRONZE AND NICKEL SILVER MILL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED GOODS /fO*\ MADE TO ORDER «r*w* • •• . . -. - v I i The Mark that identifies good Brass and Copper products CHASE BRASS & COPPER CO. 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