Newspaper Page Text
$3,120 Awarded Scovill Employe For Hand Injury f 0HW CuWk of 205 1/ouiisOury Will receive 11.130 for • hand •lateined Dm. 15. 1»«] while —I pi a) ad br the ScovIJl Mf|. Co. pSMrding to an agreement approv ed today by Compensation Comm is •loner John J. O'Connell. Payment’ Wll! be made at the rate of 53d weakly for 104 week* for Mi tier cent loaa of function of the right hand. Other agreement* for apeclflc payments during disability were ap proved as follows Pred Pslmerl of 40 West Porter Street against Hcovlll Mfg Co. 99M6 for 10 weekh. disfiguring scru of third and fourth fingers of right Paul Yuadsnukas. of 4 John street against American Brass Co , French Small Tube plant. 510.17 for 14 and B-3 weeks, 25 per cent loss of u.v of middle finger and 20 per cent loaa of use of ring finger of left hand. Ernest J Theriault of 244 Cooke atreet against. Cashln’s Dairy Pro ducts. Inc, the Waterbury. 517 50 Peginning Dec. 17, Injury to right Index finger. Joseph A. Zdanis of Watertown against 8 MeT-enn Buckingham of Watertown. 515.50 beglnnlrig Nov. p4. Injury to left middle finger. Prank Kennedy of 805 Baldwin Street against American Brass Co , •25.40 for 31 and 1-5 weeks, 20 per gent loaa of use of left foot. John O'Shea of Naugatuck against (American Brass Co., 528 53 begin gilng Jan. 14, Infected right middle finger. Theodore Omieclnski of 386 Bald win atreet against American Brass Co., 510 beginning Jen. 13, Injuries to legs Stanley Soulds of 102 Pearl street •gainst American Brass Co , 530 be FUZMAURICE TEAM LEADING TOURNEY fl I th Session of Annual Contest Finally Ends; In* stallation Tomorrow Washington Hill Tlir eleventh session of the Ear benders "4.")" tournament ended, •fter a two week vacation due to bad weather. with th • following re oult*; Jo*. ClrhiK . 19. vs .1 Pit/ Jimuflce 23. Ed O Donnell 20 vs .1 B. (kiddy 22; Thus. Reynolds 21 s Oun Murphyv 21. Tlie schedule lor Hunday .Jan. 28r.h la. Grimes vs O’Uonnell; Fltzmaurlce vs. Murphy; Cuddy vs. Reynolds Tae standing In the tournament to date Is; Fit/iliaura <■ 239, Cuddv 238; Grimes 233; O Uotill II 233 Rey nold# 229 Murphy 214 Religious Instructions lor public •ciiool children of HI. Francis parish will be held on Thursday altenrooi, *' 2:30 Saturday morning at jo o'clock, and Hunday morning after the 1:20 o'clock Mas Religious Inst ruction . for the High School pupil1 will la- held Thursday evening at 7 oclock, in the bu e no nt of the churi It St. Francis Xavier Holy N m 4i tournament will play then regular game of cares this evening a' H 0 clock, In the basement of the school. Installation of olfi era foi Hie year I94f>, Washington f'.irk Cnm inuihty Club will he held lomoirow evening, January Slid at tlie CoinmunUy Hou e A full sipiail ot member, ol Amei lean laglon, with Adjutant Joseph A Brenne. t In enarge, will lorm the Crdor Guard, Mi lireniu-h will lie ss. ,1s led by Coiblnandei Waltei J>eW's, .lr Vive Comm lee Go/nUI/d F*t t Command'r M.niriee Haplro Fast Comma inlet of Vlriory Fo No 7 hleago, 111 Haymond Walk' 1 an , laonard Mat'in Hute lli-prei.i nhiT.e Irai/pd 1 Mahsra-v, will ta In int'alllng z/f. fleer, wl'h William Keiimney of i.u lfa;.t Eno Como/Uhl*Clun acting ms bzarz/dill Gifu 'o and inunii'i Fl Mil >l)e Cotniminli , Ion ol 'he Cllj are Invited to attend New slab of officer* lot 'in .- , IMo. a»e I'tM,' 01' <ieoige F Mm vbe'presiden1 ou> M c >ui t un lug am 11 mg Mi l /ii " t Ih 1 1. financial »c< m 1 xiy Mi I- Flunk' lltsftUin, ifonn l/el'on noaid nl di reiiiiicpau j/»» .nl'/, 11 ine i'oi V/MJt, Flam A d-Giu Wl 0u n yii/rll mill William (' K' ll u id IWfk, Mn An/,.1 .//,,/, 3, M OfF/nnell m///| 4, F A M< Gi a fb fiei hii.' m, will i/i 111 nl in tin 1 ah " ca aial d,ni< ink 1 I m tea lured m im a/'i.n//, ,// , ,, n,, ,• til minigi nl tin in 'mi,, 1 ./, hi 0l‘ tfd liffllelk ol 1 >eai 1044 - - ginning Jan I), w ond degre« metal bum* ii( right foot Alfonso Mai mo of 37 West Kami (treat •KMlitMt American Mraiui Co, $23 19 tWginilln gjan 9, Injuries to right knee am! left lev Katnuel £ulv ' -e of 72 Kenilworth •treat against American JitaM Co, Krencfi Small Tube plant, $20 9*1 be Ifti'.iiiriM Jan 8. injury to light Khin Kranlt Martino of 30 Webb (treat again*! M J l>aly At bow, Inc., of Wuierbury. $30 beginning Jan. 11. fir;' degree burn* of fare, neck, and let: hand Mary KmulUn of Oxford against Srovdl Mfg Co. $1M 19 for 2.r> week*, 33 and 1*3 per cent loan of function of left thumb. Cornmlaxloner O'Connell alao ap proved a (tlpubited agreement which i provide* for payment of $351 to Vic tor Atkina of 537 North Riverside street in full settlement for Injur ies sustained while employed by the T O. Smith Co , cf 18 Orange street The worker, who had ercelved $30 for 17 weeks during the disability Iierlod. claimed he would have per manent partial disability, and re quested additional payments. He sustained a compound dislocation of his right ankle and a contusion of the chest. PLAN RITES FOR LATECONSTABLE Rev. Wm. E. Hawkes to Of ficiate at Services for Warren S. Atwood Rev. William E. Ha wife a, pastor of tiie First Congregational church, Woodbury, will officiate tomorrow at the funeral services for Warren H. Atwood, constable for North Woodbury for the past 28 years, who died suddenly last Saturday while visiting on Sherman Hill. Friends may call at the funeral home this evening. Burial is to be at the convenience of the family. Death, brought on by a heart attack, finished a colorful career for the lute constable who for muny years participated actively in various protective services for the township ol Woodbury A registered veterinarian, he also served as deputy game warden, dot; warden and was chief traffic ofli cer on U. S Route fl. He war one of those testifying in the highly publicized traffic violation trial of | former heavyweight boxer when the latter was fined In the Woodbury I court Surviving are his wife, Mr.. Bertha <Stewarti Atwood; a son, Pvt. Henry H Atwood with Army forces It, lire lltiro|jeHii war area, and two | brothers, Ellsworth Atwood, Wood bury and Ur. Grover Atwood, Thomas ton. PROGRESS MADE IN PLANS FOR CHURCH Ln .solution ol the present corpo rate boolc ot tile Second Baptist church and the South Methodist church will he agreed upon at a meeting Wednesday night for pur lin .n, ol eventual organization ol a South Congregational church Member., ol toe present South Federated church will coin cue aftei the meeting to discuss tieii'ilf! ol proiuTty to the new CJougrettatlonal church mill ill■ cii.ji the proposed constii iition f)ir the latter Aliothei up" ml meeting Will I/#' III <1 Pillowing III I- II' glllHI MIIIUIIll lueellpg of Bold l Full'rated church Fell! dill III to < oliduet aiiV nil lulu ins bi Un i v and to dissolve 11<■ So i !, Federated <1 Hit'l l 1 lor Die foimillion of the South rongiega Dot,lit i hUB ll I'ICIl RES Of OKANI) CANVON IXIIIIillll) # ijoied moiioii i,n i in ot a Dip lh n .loll Diroogn the iupi#i I'll In i 'oinuiiio ii'd tn Up <ii amt i mi l1 ih ii n boWp in tin / I!nn giig.dionei i pin n lot bin mini# mi In 1 nigh1 b An ninh'1 <nab* Full Weather Report hu»inti lutt i4 11 §• t Mu Ilbt i t J/%%1 I HH < *1 A » *41 III • I «*l • *•#««! mono 1*1 4 All • «*»•» Mini #</ Mil^ liMlfUt #<»0 ##«#• htHntnti tn ihnihi* tun nmi*|h tnt»<tn> tuti uhit * wi|#/ J/*0|* 111 $tin»§ VISIT OUR GIFT DEPT. inu mil mi nhun n»ilul tnti> tin Hnidwur »ln>*u Hrt4uv innu»>, tit UmIimn Mil 0*999 W999 0*f» 099k III » 0999*9*9 0994 0990*9** Uh 0*9*994 0*090*99* 099*99 09*90*994 0*990994 0*90994 0?4ktktt *MMi 9at*mmm. 0*49999 09994 <Ud W*Hf ut Mil*l §94k9l4 §90999994 0999099 *994 C990Y 0*4*994 •99990 i9409*4 099994 090999*4 0*0909**9 090*4*994 00940*94 0994*9 **9*4994 094*94* *4994 0904 090*94* 0/9994099*4 0*999 00* $9*4 ntinit* 4 Stum Allied Gains Of The Past Week <NEA Telephoto) Map show* where Allies, striking from all sides In the pu»t week, aent Nasi troupe reeling back on the East ern and Wee tern front*. The Polish front In reported disintegrating with the enemy in headlong flight, while a surprise drive on the Western front lias cracked the (ierman lines and driven them back to the WIeg frIed Line. FUNERALS A military funeral for Morgan Dowling, 32 Taylor street, was held Saturday from Mulvlllc* funeral home to Sacred Heart church. Hev. Henry Quinn was celebrant, as sisted by Rev. John Dial as deacon and Rev. Franklin Corrigan, sub deacon. Alfred Rick and Martin Theruklldsen represented the Vet erans of the Spanish-American war, and Edward Rafferty and Andrew Mlnlcuccl represented Scovill Mfg Co. Burial was In Calvary cemetery with committal by Father Dial. The military escort, under the direction of Sgt. Wallace Inglls, included Sgt. James Oracle, Pwc. George hangUle, Pfc. John Altlerl, Pwc. Thomas Cor coran, Pvt. Walter I.abonte and Pvt. Amedeo Pilla with Pvt. John Dar varanelll as bugler. Private funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Miller, widow of Charles Miller, Bucks Hill Rd , were held | Saturday from the Bergln luneral I home to St. Thomas' church. Rev. George Dyer was celebrant of the Miuss, assisted by Rev. Joseph Daly and Jtev John P. Kennedy. Father Dyer officiated ai committal serv ices in new St. Joseph's cemetery. A military funeral will be held for Jainsc J Hogan. Turner avenue, Oakville, member of the .State Guard, tomorrow st firflO a m., from the Alderson Funeral Home, 7(1 Central avenue, to St. Mary Magda len church, Oakville, where a solemn high Mass will be celebrated at ». Burial will be In Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 1* p. m Military funeral services for I.eo C Edwards, 44« North Main street, were held Saturday at Millville Funeral Horne, Rev Boston Dar key, of St John's Episcopal church, offi ciating Burial was in old Pine Grove cemetery The military es cort headed by Sergeant Wallace fhlfllr- Included Mergeuin .lame. Graic Private First Clans George l.angllle. Private First Class John Altlerl, Private First Clin,', Thomas Corcoran, Private Waller f.aMnnie, and Private Amedeo Idlla, wiili omjioial Fra nk hn Barken as bugier Tbi I Uliei al ai Mi . Fi ala e 1 'I'' U i Botell.o IV Him I field 'l ei - laii- Wider vllle widow ol Jo uph Bo'elho wa , held His morning hi (I 30 from the I.UflllV funei'Ml home, lift Cential in elute, to (it Ml'hsul's ehur li Rev Htahley K HaMJIIo crie dialed the olirnll high Mas* in, i ted In, Rr. Jmm J McCoi msi k Ilea* on and Rev J < >| 1V* r < zonal.ip dr in on flip ml won in < talVMi i emc 11 , 'iiii11 Fatfiei H.< Ullo nllr i,ding ui 'In j ommlt'ul SCI vn i f'allbiam sin Wljliam Olvn Alfi'd Ro'i'hi *. Mm ,i i Ronimu m Domi'i.a Moon Jo. cpn Cm 'ahheds ami faunal* Moidp.r o 'I 1,1 llllU h/l Ul 14, I .(I l,| , ,1,1 Ha h lion h 41,1, 1in v,i I,rhl Hi'iHUIii, 11,111 i,ii I,,, 1,1 il,, M lUillli I Ulii I ,i1 hull,1 lull, 1 Ihmii ul 11,1' I III, II ’■ III,III llui Ull /■III III III I ’luriil, IIU,I‘IU h‘ I ,1111 ill ul 141 14 1 i4m 1W > Ul. ■ Huu 1 ■ / / ill ul Julill Willi >1(1 l l‘ H I | II,lull nil 1 V1 Ilf lit) I ah 1 II no 1 v1 iv •■vii hi hi tfi 4 h in A14* • •/ I nv 1 ill huthi ii) in mil h id I* n 1 Hi a ihv Ihn ■!'> * ul 1* ill ■ i'hv - I' 1 <il ' 1 I tin i, I hi I nv Mi i I ll • <•ill Ih * A I 0 i linlihM} 11 vh ■ ini In + 4 1 A an 11 m<77 h 4 hi tv iduiih ul 41 4 Ahh •\i 1 A /(.hi h, i4*4o"i h litUiifii# > hi- I 11 > v 1 ' • Pt 444 I I ll'rtl i \ ii i * ih4 n n li i 11 l * I t 40* /I 4 n o 1 4 1/11 1,1 Ai •' ‘li >t • • * 4 nl t t u • I 1 *nj1 I r/ij II 1 I it ) i t,f> I i/t i „ hi 44 4 'hi i hi 11 J 1 >)i I h 1*1 h 4111 ul II h I II ,4 m hij v n * 1 i -i 1 j i 4 it Jh fl hi 4 < it • >1 hi 41 1 th 0‘tin 0 tit 1 i,t if til ij>4i id ij i Jr hit lit f Mi, Af 4hdi • A* * <• h n il 4 4 Un Si # hi |in 4f 44 m i I0t ■ H|l< illy 0 hi 1 Iflihhjt II h‘ 1 h j ,> 4 iti iii,' < n Ihnili , I »,,t ,4 , 1), tilth P ul, H‘,4 'I i u n i> Ul 1 >> ' M(>i 1/ nu h> il I ,i. ( / / mum lh/ lu/n/ui ,4 4i b * tr i> 1 Jin > Ui., li) li,!. r/iu&lll idijli it till1 # Ul/,II I|f>> 11S * i4t/j in,,, im 14,, |n hits >,/i iim)i‘ -M/ Airf Miid h'i n' # ly dll nr,mi/1 ) ,1) >Jui)/ i lM Ifbl i'll* I nhli i1. If )n, "tiJ ’ iun n tiuin/i jib), Jr ■ *>< ‘*4tUty'/i ?' I) >■ >i># 1 )y ) v • >' 1.,) •>• . MirSbtfU) *¥>• Un Ui/liiy/4, m trSSt'-JkVtfiti1 HH/n/it J/i t* **i' m/> »n >« MMi#> didl mi 4h< H# mi w *n /+*>¥// tm***t) t OBITUARY RUS8KLL — Mrs. Helen Amelia Russell, 7C, wife of Louis M. Rus sell, 57 Rudclhfe avenue, died yes terday morning at her home. Born in Warren, she had resided here 57 year*. She was a member of the First Methodist church, Winona Kebekuh lodge, Past Noble Orands' association and Mad River grange. Besides her husband, she leaves three sons, Ersklne of tills city: Li nus of Northport, L. f., and William of New Milford; four daughters, Mrs. George McNuuglit of tills city, Mrs. Harold Hcutt of Bristol, Mrs. Luther Peep and Mrs. Alton Lewis of New Milford. The funeral will be held from the Alderson funeral home, 70 Central avenue, tomorrow at 5:50 p. m. Rev. John Suavely, pastor of First Meth odist church officiating. Burial will be In Guylordsville cemetery ut the convenience of the luinlly. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 0 p. in KL’KKKA—Louis William Eureka, husband ol Mary iNelsoni Eureka, died at his home, 119 White street, last night. Born In Poughkeepsie, N. Y., ill jH5H. lie retired from the Ingraham Clock Co., Bristol, In 195(1. He was a member of the First Methodist church. Besides his wile, he is survived by tv/o sons, Ernest, of Walerbury and George of New Haven; two daugh ters, Mrs Ralph WlllilOl, of Water bury and Mr:,. Fred Ferris of New iluvcn, fourteen grandchildren and 111 great-grandchildren. The funeral will Ik held from the Alderson funeral home, 70 Central avenue, Wednesday, al 5 p. m. with the Rev. John J, Knavely, pastor of the first Methodist church officiating. Friends may call at the Alderson funeral home Tuesday afternoon Horn 5 to 5 p. m and in the eve nlng from 7 to 9 p. m. MAIHil'.N Mi. flinu A Madden, widow ol Michael J. Madden, 157 Chestnut avenue died at HI Mary's hospital Iasi night alter a long Pi nes, A native ol Litchfield she wir lln dailghlei of Ilia Ian Michael anil Catiicune 'Kcileyi Peuiocln filie win, a funnel lesldent nt l.ltcliflelil and In leiiui yr'u , made hei holla wPh I ei sister, Hie Inla Mi Then.,,1 Ifai i.gun Mu Mad is n v/n.. a i hiiimmni am of Hi M-Ilgiuel cnuuli itdi r mg mi two life* Mi • Sf in gin i i I' ||,ill limn li I ill ,yf hi 1 • |e|jie F lliu i ig,m, a leai hi i lit' Ihlgge m I ool and a nephew, Jo. m pfl I' ll'U I Il l'll 'I m Inoeial wnl hi la at Wed. in,iluy oionilng IfOIII (he union I I ( la i Ui'li ■ ei in ,n 1/ .in ip |p Vtalg ii'i ( liUli'li lm a ,,pii oil, hiaHi Ms,- oi u i|oo in H in lm ho I inai will is oi 11o Pin |d Fin /aI, in,' i ell ui ina f i. a | hi is a l op Ik IP Mid looioioiv aim I noon at 111 i i nlng Ml 114'IH ‘4u thiH'U ii Mm t>ii) m ni in ■■im,i ,11 im in mu 4 A i it mu bln i u inn i mm, Itnin in Will' ii/ii) I, ilmii/i lii nl 1‘ihli mul I ill I mu ii l ii iiiu Hi a lih/ M' bill mini in Mill" tin i‘i‘hi,ii u liiml mil in ,i mm iimi D ili nl iln tniiiii" ‘ihiii i ni. it'liiUih ilmn h at i) t mi infill 1,1 ili IUhliil wwiwll1 h I lil' nulrll | mil l'ii| In 1111 hi) IbUl'Ii' ii ‘ i'|i Mu I'iii#ii i«i 11nu|i uni 1 th'i Ill'll nih , l>,i bH,!> ¥' 14‘i | in / 1 i‘ Am iiwinniiil i |'ni< inmni'n Alw>< mni liniiwiil J , •I iiiiiii i 11 ii Inmibl Hi' i« lii'w 11 • 'Hi ihi M n'nli libiiiDi li<nni ^iii | W' ■' l4"H' Mill I W' III I ' ' M v 11 i in n, hniiii i nlmi I 'ii,'i)i 1ini ijmtili Im u win urn In|i .I / Ii 4i iiml hi in in i nli"i nil' | •1 *i/ >mi.ii. in* • w l ii iln I" ' 11 i In mi I'wlu) Imii' ) Hi IH ii! in 'lit! I ini'i"ii'• 11 "in i in in n ! I ‘ Ii > I'll!I / '¥ ,“lfll/i “III mill ) i in in A».iiiwi iiiiHi |i I "i //mile wn I III III /"III iMli in Julili 1 “ini Jniin 'bihli' llnbi w II ,if h hi II.ii ei' imii j .iiw,, ||m]i "i » iliM H I w 1 I i i Hi/ i n,,J HKKMN TIMETABLE (My United Press) Tile nearest distances to Berlin rroin advanced Allied lines today: Eastern Front— 195 miles (from Konln, by Berlin report). Western Front — 29(1 miles (from southeast of Nijmegen), Italy — 530 miles (from point north or Ruvenne). Ray Mllland, starring In Para mount's "The Lost Weekend," Is an expert pistol and rifle shot and maintains a range In his backyard where he regularly practices, lleiiulne "llrnnir lllonmiiii" Kc It 11 nr .»<•■■ I mul Wnldlna III nun lire tllfTfrriil . e # , lowly . . , , nimI motif oily prlcm from fflO. PIERPONT’S IlfKUlfritl .Irntlrra, \mtrliiiii Mini Not'lfly I Mi HiNh 1C I li UK ' i tl»l inn MM.’i, l«onln VSilliiiui l.uii l.n, of I I!l M liltc Mil i-* i I'lj/H iul VV«*r|i•« hi :: no o'clm li, from A I * I« i »n J* ii in t it | lloiiif, ') (i ' V ii I mi I Avoniii*. Ifni i .1) hi i ■ * 111 v i ■ i»* Him-' of family. %ll 111*111 In Urn .lit, .l,n> ft i. I'M., I'liijHllnn Mui'jiliy, oi | Avn' Ml i i i i I'llliriul WilIlH *(|,t V ||| h I ii'rlui It, f l (HU Miilvlllt- III nr I ii | IldiiH, Sill Wi iii V1 ii)11 Mtii i'i, id i inirt Ii of I in iii.i ■ i| I 111 < 1 Hii i |»I Idn 1 ’li 111*i Ii •ii 'i d Ini I liiiriu I in i 'ill vii i \ • « IIH-1 • I i HtlHHA III till* Illy, .lull JIM, 11H . Mi Hni.i .\. Mmliliii, nf lift • III' >1 Ii II • A ' • I. di I*’I* Mini VS i il M i| i .1 • !» "Ml H i In1 l<, I I dHI I I* Mil'll* I . r , I I.I ' I Mil A \ « Mil III I'l Mill t'.ll I I - I 'lull • Ii fill I I I III I li I • Ii III III l i Mini I I III «•*•! ;|.| ll II.H i I' In If I l I'M \ I * I hi* n A ii i hi |( ii '' H. i.i .• Mi i \ •. • • i• 11* | 'III* ill 'I I|| ||.I . | I . 'HI d • Id! I I loin A lit i’ i on I'hm I it I lldii.i i • I 1 I'll l in I ^ i 11 • 11 11 h | i.i I III M .1 ld< il \ 11 In i .hi i • i I % Mil Ml I II t Ml * ' vv i. h id i li in iv nii in * ii y i i ih|i 11 In i ■ . • mi • I i i r Midi , I.. I il/ .11,1 hi lit ii Ii I • i'l I i |ll" II Ilf . » I . Hi , • I V >• I | dli i \ nbiii 1111 In* I n jil I " oif I ||||H l •, I '" I I'l A . | I I'll ill! I I 'I In I V l I , IJ I I I 'ill, |. I Hi i II II i I ' l I "HU' Nil ' ii IM • di 'I In iii i i nl Mil' Mity I .i Mi I.i i i Ii lol h' h l inhn -1 ...I H IM M. m iII'MIIhI It o t • J I I I 11111 1 i i |l III I ii >•' "Hi I 1 I III I'l I I 'l"l I ill ill <11 ll III i ■ »li ' i l I m| . i,i| i i.i | ' Mi! ■ »M <i f» a i.i.a h"A I I y Ml -1 I I • I ll I Ml M HI! I I !H »W I i W 11 Ml I | I'l li\ t* 1/ Sttlh •*•*«/• m l y W» ith ibityt iin))'t J,H,MULVILLE riiMMAl MOM* #4 170 W, MAIN IT, •IA* Mill •BftOIN'f l»9« HO If #1 MtIf ft, W, Iff A Pattern For Peace To Be Theme of LectureTonight Rev. Dr. Conway, Noted Authority on Current Peace Problems to Address Public Meeting At Wilby A Urge attendance Ik anticipated tUia evening (or the lecture on peace problem* to be presented by Rev. Edward A Conway, 8 J„ Ph D., at Wilby High School Auditorium at > o'clock The lecture, sponsored by the Walerbury Council of Catholic Women, U open to the public. Those who do not hold a ticket of admis sion are also welcome. All are asked to be at the hall promptly at right or before as an unusually large at tendance is expected. Father Conway, former teacher of Religion at Regis College. Denver Colorado, was released from Ills duties there to de vote himself to the study of peace problems. He has been affiliated with the Horlal Action Department of the National Catholic. Welfare Conference In Washington, D. C„ and also active on many committees devoted to the study of postwar peace plans. His subject In tills city will be concerned with The Pattern for Peace, so-called He will discuss the Dumbarton Oaks proposals In the light of the recent Catholic Bishops' statement. Father Conway was in vited to the Dumbarton Oaks Con ference and asked many questions concerning peace matters. MU* Lucy Bowes. chairman of the Waterbury Council of Catholic Wo men, will Introduce Father Conway. Rev. Eungene P. Cryne will repre aent. the Diocesan Bureau of Social Service of which the Council 1* an affiliate MU* Bows lia* been as alated by a commIUcc on arrange ments that Includes: MU* Natalie AI tier I, program chairman, Ml sc Marjorie Parley. Mis* Helen Hog in, Mrs, Edward J. McDonald. MIhk Mae Finnan, Ml** Catherine Maloney. Mis* Mnry Devercaux, Mrs. Ger trude WoUwhlager. Mi.s* Lucy Mona han, Mr*. Marie Novaka unities, Mr*. Charles McCarthy, Mrs. Joseph Me nottl, Miss Margaret Sullivan, Miss Angelina Russo, Mrs Patrick Wal lace, Mr*. Itayruond Walsh, Mr*. Oilier Proulx, Mrs Albert I.aVIgne, Ml** Mathilda Dc Zlnno and Ml** Margaret Maloney. Wil liam T. Farrington, umiiuglng edi tor of the Waterbury Democrat, and Raymond J. Fanning, munagalng editor of the Waterbury American Kepubllcun, have served on the hon orary committee. Oovcrnmcnt-owncd railways In Switzerland now own 1.788 miles ol atandard-guage lines, and only 483 miles are privately owned. LECTURER RKV. RDWARI) A. CONWAV, 8. 1. LOCAL STORE MARKER ON SHOES OF VICTIM An unidentified man killed by a bun in Springfield, Ma»., yesterday, wore shoe* ben ring a Waterbury store marking, Springfield police In formed tbc local department yeater day, In an attempt to trace the man Police i,aid the man was about BO years old, weighed between 160 and 1B0 pounds, and wore a ring with the Insignia: Clifford "3". He had clippings from a New Haven newspaper in hi* pocket. 7^ denoted (Zlewuutce Baginning with the youngaat fellow* right up to big brother* wa've marked our fine clothe* and accessories for a quick clean-up. Thrifty mother* will appreciate these saving* ami Junior will he warmly clothed for the rest of the winter. Killkanny Wool Plaid Shim SS'i M mil ihhI M*mn I nliir»i 'I'mHi Itirt* mihI MdmiiiH Mmhi MU ff HA * ih «*. si JDtfV IIUI I’tlllHf, M UA Reversible Coot* I hil l' I(IMt II I |i’ll«lll 4 tlt'rfH N*M M M (til M Hid imull Mlmrillll* M.iU'l gif MA H ill Ih III lining, MIA'I. * III Ml, 44™»™*« ™ Om I ulmt, limit) Hvttt) OiiMixh Mliiil* M'i H mil jfhiI I ullini. f nhn > i bit'll unt Hnntu mull Miiimt »<uj m jn lifir 41 thir I MllMf, MW In l» Mm. I mini 414 * n»li uhliijllln I uhhifii)(i M*miv lit) a ►M4* Urn m in ii 41 J4«ll«f MM NNMMMMMp P »<».' II In II Mm**' Mn<IM(mm» W.TI 1141 4 #M44«# HIM l N Him TImiIhm WhuI I’limU hum i'M I,' 16.70 HIM* m<tII Kniliiim, Ijifci III i«<«»« 41 hut ifihtut »TU'i HIM'* 101 IH II W, Hiwl Him ft»C hui I »Hill* tl III Hii)»' UmhUIM Mh #110* I lu I ^i^i^ny^ hut limit »IM« -Mmm 4 NumjJui iW hummt* S4«7t »<*M M4M 10VI' TOWN TMOMAI OIIMIN, M«> h tuu k ihtt *MIh> a i , hut hi tub tbiltuf ul 0 hUUb hunt, If an! 4ft IJAAJ «AI* hi