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sr iiawiPuifl Pfmocrw Established 18*1 Published Every Evening Except Sunday* || and Holidays by :W THE WATERBURY DEMOCRAT. INC. Democrat Building, Waterbury, Conn. ■ubscrlptlon Rates Payable In Advance On* Year . $10.00 Six months _$5.20 Three Months .. $ 2.80 One Month. 90c P-i-— -= Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. The Democrat will not return manuscript sent In for publication unless accompanied by postage. No attention paid anonymous communications. Dial 4-2121 All Departments Dial 4-2121 All Departments THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 A Thought for Today A thought It good to shew the signs and won ders that the high God hath wrought toward me.—Daniel 4:2. A thing that nobody believes cannot be proved too often. —George Bernard Sliaw. It’s About Time In the course of his weekly radio talk Monday night Governor Raymond E. Baldwin said, . . It also appears fair that in view of the travel habits of the city driver that he should get a better return for his tax money. . . There is just one way of doing this and that’s to make state-aid for municipalities more in accord with the amount of motor taxes contributed by drivers, who seldom ven ture off the city pavements. For years The Democrat has contended that most of the driving resulting in increased gas oline tax receipts comes from the large cities, which are forced to depend almost entirely on their local property taxes to pay for the upkeep of pavements. The situation isn’t so bad in the smaller towns, for the percentage of state aid is greater there. In fact in many of these towns the majority of roads through them are kept up by the state entirely. But it was only in the last decade or so that anything in the way of state road aid was assured cities. All communities share equally in the dirt road fund, but that’s a mere pittance for a city like Waterbury and barely pays for the oiling of a few of the roads or. the outskirts of the town, which otherwise might not re ceive this attention. It may be that Waterbury has been overlooking other means of state aid for streets, but local officials have long thought that such grants are so qualified as not to warrant participation. Governor Baldwin, however, pointed out that in the post-war period there would be so much road work to be done that it would be financially impossible for Connecticut to attempt but a part of it. He spoke in favor of a one-cent increase In gasoline taxes, but said nothing about expansion of toll routes or bridges. Like Its sub-divisions the state will be forced to budget itself according to its resources. Highway expansion will be only one of many forms of expansion in the post war period to which we will bend our efforts. Roads and Highways Gasoline rationing is mainly respons ble for the great drop in the use of coun try roads, as well as city streets. Never theless, Congress recently authorized the spending of a billion and a half dollars on highways covering a period of three years after the war. The old bargain stands between the Government and States, and that means that the States are also expected to match the Govern ment’s figures. Federal and State offi cials are working on details for national highways, rural roads and city thorough fares. There will be new cross-country trunk roads and systems of interstate highways. There are several national highway associations and they are all busy with plans to boom the building of new roads. This is another one of the many pre scriptions to furnish employment in future days when men will be looking for jobs instead of running away from work. Forty-eight State Legislatures are hold ing sessions this year. Presumably they are all for more and better highways. The amount paid in from taxes on gasoline, vehicles, tires and accessories to the Fed eral and State Governments will likely take care of the expense of road building. Matatuck Debunked It would be natural for the curator of the Mattatuck Historical Society to con cern himself with the early accounts of this community. In a recent pamphlet on this subject Rawson W. Haddon has man aged to show quite clearly how some of Waterbury’s historians allowed their im aginations to run away with them in jut ling down what they believed the true facts of our founding and development. Judging by the text of Mr. Haddon’s script he has thoroughly enjoyed himself; ft is also obvious that from time to time there will be further revelations on the same subject. There aren’t too many local residents who have taken the trouble to acquaint themselves with the history of this town. But there are enough to warrant anyone’s interest in seeing that facts are straight. In light of Mr. Haddon’s explanation it is amusing to note how far afield can stray the historian’s story. For example, an historian tells of an apportionment of land among thirty “bachelors”. The his torian concludes that a “bachelor” was an eligible male and that the early proprie tors were trying to encourage family life. But Mr. Haddon reveals that a ‘bachelor” in those days was simply a classification of citizenship, a throw-back m the English class caste. Many of the Waterbury “bachelors” were married and J had children when apportioned land here. “It Didn’t Happen in Waterbury’’ is the title of the brochure, with the fur ther explanation — “An Historical Com edy of Errors’’. By the time R.W.H. has combed local history thoroughly the material will be available for a newer, more complete, certainly more accurate description of what brought about the sprawling city that today straddles the Naugatuck and upon which early settlers gazed in perhaps much the same awe as Balboa did the Pacific a century and a half earlier. Decline of the Cuss Word H. L. Mencken discusses profanity in the Columbia University quarterly, American Speech, with the scholarship and enthusiasm which he typically be stows upon our language. We find it a little hard to share his nostalgic regret of the passing of true profanity since the Civil War, with only faint revivals in the World Wars of 1918 and today. But we do share his concern at the substitutes which are replacing cuss words for purposes of invective. Mr. Mencken lists such tags as plutocrat, capitalist, Communist, Fascist, radical, Rotarian, isolationist, anti-Semite, Nazi and New Dealer by way of illustration. He is careful to call these words “in trinsically innocuous,’’ which they are. But in intent and connotation they can become exceedingly opprobrious. They can accuse a man of anything from smugness to treason. Used specifically, of course, they are perfectly good and necessary words. But they throw upon their user the burden of documentary proof. This proof the user is frequently unable to give, and the listener is too frequently unwilling to demand it. General insult is preferable to particu lar accusation. And most of us, if we had to choose, would rather be called a few old-fashioned cuss words than a Com munist or Fascist. So if this new vogue for categorical calumny continues, we are going to join up with Mr. Mencken in a movement to restore damns and hells to a more general use. Veterans’ organizations arc naturally interested in the type of war memorial that Waterbury will create after World War II has ended. This was evident in their participation in the recent confer ence held by Mayor John S. Monagan in an effort to crystallize public opinion on the subject. It occurs to the writer that these same organizations could fos ter considerable interest in the topic among the boys and girls of high school age. Generally these youngsters can bring to bear a fresh and unaltered atti tude to bear on anything of this nature. Why wouldn’t it be worthwhile for some of the veterans’ groups to sponsor an essay contest on what type of war memorial we should have here in Waterbury. The award need not be great, but a properly managed contest of this sort could per haps unearth some ideas which older minds might have overlooked and which might appeal to everyone, including the veterans we expect home to share in the memorial plans. Agitation for retention of Muleahy School for school or community purposes is natural. People hate to see schools that have been in their midst for many years turned to some other purpose. But that seems to be the way in communi ties like Waterbury. Population has a way of shifting, or there may be an alarm ing drop in school populaton, such as this city has certainly experienced in recent years. It would seem as if a logi cal explanation of why the School De partment decided to give up this paiticu lar building could be obtained. This cer tainly should be before any organization goes too far in its opposition to the plans. People are continually complaining these days about sidewalks, stieets, etc. Just by what we have heard it would seem as if the solution to this state of affairs lies in providing the Street De partment with a sufficient force of men to handle all the repair jobs For all such work you need materials first oi an, then you have to have the men to work with them. And right now the man power situation is acute. Inmates at Sing Sing Prison were erved holiday dinners of real, honest-to ;osh beefsteak on February 22. Who aid crime doesn’t pay? I Selected Poem LAST MILKING 'Frances Frost in New York Herald Tribunei Over black woods the dawn's great star Burns green above a lilac cloud. A cold wind rattles the kitchen door While morning tugs at the latch of night. Innocent of hate and war, The soft-eyed cattle, mild and proud, Wonder what I stroke them for In the dim barn's flickering lantern light. Tomorrow morning I'll be far From their smooth warm flanks, Among the loud voices of other homesick boys, Learning how a man must fight. The milk pails gleam; the stanchion bars Release the tawny throats that Crowd to the barnyard waterbox. The hooves amble through yesterday’s fresh white. And here I stand in the slow gold dawn, Watching my quick and sliver breath, Who soon will guard my country's life With a farm boy's love and if need be, death. Daily Almanac Moon sets 9:00 p. m. iwar time) Sun rises 7:04 a. m.; sets 6:58 p. m. (war time) All veihcles must be lighted thirty minutes after sunset. Things are picking up at the Mission of San Capistrano, Calilornia. The swallows should arrive next Monday, which is the Feast of St. Joseph. And the next day offi cially brings Spring Into this region, not that the signs of It haven't been seen for some time. • NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT Byrnes Dodges Publicity If Possible Bjr PETER EDSON Waterbury Democrat-NEA Wash ington Correspondent Washington, March 15 — You can get up an argument In Washing ton almost any time on the qualifi cations of ex-Supreme Court Justice James F. Byrnes to be Director of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, which Is his present official title by Act of Congress and presidential appointment. Byrnes is not a manufacturer, not a businessman. He is a lawyer and not even a Harvard or Phila delphia lawyer at that. He quit school when he was 14, studied short hand, be came a court re porter and read law on the side, Then he publish ed a newspaper at Aiken, S. C.. for four years, was a state solici tor, was elected to Congress for seven terms, re signed to practice law in Spartan burg for six. After being defeated on his first try, he was finally elect ed to the U. S. Senate in 1930 and he has been in Washington ever since. Even taking into considera tion his 16 months on the Supreme Court, it is sometimes asked if Byrnes’ background fits him for his position of power over the U. S. economy hi war-time, closing race tracks, curfewing night clubs, ban ning conventions, browning-out theater entrances just to save coal. RNES DUCKS PUBLICITY SPOTLIGHT One of Byrnes' first acts on be ing named head of OWMR was to select Bernard Baruch as his ad vlser-in-chief-without - compensa - tion. That was generally hailed as a step in the right direction. Baruch, with John Hancock, pre pared a manpower report calling for much more drastic controls. That was shelved for a time, came out In September, 1943, to be followed in February with another Baruch Hancock report on war mobilization and reconversion. Baruch dropped out of the picture shortly after that and for six months the Office of War Mobiliza tion and Its director made no news that got into the papers. Actually, Byrnes is credited with having forced government procurement agencies to scale down their de mands by 24 billion dollars. It was all done so quietly and so far be hind the scenes that it never caused a public rippie. Byrnes is like that. He is Interested in results, not pub licity. In the nearly two years he has been head of war mobilization he has held but 10 press confer ences. One of his operating axioms is to let the other fellow announce the news and make the headlines. Last September Byrnes did an nounce a plan for reconversion. Eisenhower's armies were racing across France then, It looked as though the war would be over soon, and it was safe to talk about cut backs. Also, food stockpiles were mounting and on the insistence of War Food Administrator Marvin Jones, who didn't want to be caught with huge surpluses, 17 foods were removed from the ration list. OPA was opposed to this move, but Byrnes took the responsibility and Issued the order, to the Joy of the consumers ana the consternation of the Republicans who hailed it as a cheap, vote-getting political trick. When the war didn't end, all this had to be changed. At the end of September Byrnes was on the ait to say that war-time controls would have to stay for the duration. And after the election the 17 foods be gan to go back on the ration list with much grief. PICKS BEST BRAINS AVAILABLE It was after the Office of Wai Mobilization and Reconversion had been given legal standing by Con gress and Byrnes had been named its director that he really started swinging. In December he named an oper ating stair headed by Major-Gen eral Lucius D. Clay, who had been director of procurement for Army, and by J. B. Hutson, who had been head of Commodity Credit Corpora tion in Agriculture. Byrnes' idea was that these deputy directors might be in position to carry on the reconversion as well as the mo bilization parts of his office. Byrnes sticks by his earlier announcement that he will leave after the defeat of Germany. Again Byrnes was picking on the best brains he could find for the job to be done. But wiseacres saw in the appointment of General Clay evidence that the military had taken over and was now the dominant influence in the thinking and planning that went on In the east wing of the Wiiite House where Byrnes and Ills small staff have their carefully guarded offices Generally overlooked in all this master-minding were the facts that Von Rundstcdt broke through on the western front in Europe, cap turing large stocks of U. S. supplies, and that the pace of the war in the Pacific was tremendously step ped-up by MacArthur's successful invasion of the Philippines. Those were the things that forced Byrnes to start getting tough. Edsen Current Comment I feel it clearly that we, the youth, are a solely tried but also a steel youth and as hard as iron, destined to fight on for the ideal of our in dispensable Fuehrer. —Unmailed letter of Mouschau, Germany, girl, 17. to soldier sweetheart. Japan’s over-all position is un favorable. I don’t believe the Jap anese people realize that, but I am confident the Japanese High Com mand is deeply concerned. They must be. —Lieutenant General Albert C. Wedemeyer, American Com mander in China. I remembered Mahatma Gandhi and his fasts. I thought, "Well, il the Mahatma, who does not weigh half what I weigh, can do without eating for days at a time, I can do it, too.” —Ensign Alfred Neuman Jr., ol San Francisco, Navy flyer forced down in Pacific. The Great Manpower Problem Washington Merry-Go-Round drew rearson Drew Pearson Says: Senate Is Unfair in Confirmation Tactics; House Gives Rep. Wilson Absent Treatment; Rosenman to Be Named Ap peals Court Judge. WASHINGTON, March 15. — The fight against Aubrey Williams as Rural Electri fication Administrator illustrates how far the Senate has been going recently in unfair confirmation tactics. All sorts of wild charges were thrown around against Williams, out any careiul senator, talcing uie trouble to sift them down, lound out they weren't true, Williams was even attacked on liis war record, though it de veloped he had enlisted in the French Foreign Legion even be fore the United States entered the last war. had participated in the famous battles of Chcmln-des Dames, Compiegne and Chateau Thlerry. In this war, all four of his sons are in service. When this charge Hopped, du Font-flnanced Senator Bushfleld of South Dakota brought various charges of “radicalism" against Williams, quoting from a publica tion called “Headlines'' to sub stantiate his charges. Finally Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois exposed the fact that “Headlines" was published by the notorious Joseph P. Kamp, who helped organize the friends of New Germany which became the German-Amerlcan Bund, was fre quently seen on the same plat lorm with Fritz Kuhn, now in jail, and was an intimate of George Sylvester Vlerick, now in jail os a Nazi agent. “1 thought the Senator would like to see the enlightened source of the testi many he is cross-examining Mr. Williams on," Senator Lucas said, smiling sweetly at Bushfield. OVERTHROWING GOVERNMENT Finally, Williams was charged with desiring to overthrow the government, with not being a good I rcsbytcrian and with favoring equal economic opportunity for Negroes. Senator Bilbo of Mis sissippi was one of his most in tolerant hecklers. “Do you subscribe to that theory of government,’’ the Mis sissippi demagogue asked, “that private enterprise and private business is going to be regu lated by some board or bureau in Washington?" “It's the Congress, Senator, that decides that,” replied Wil liams. STRENGTH FOR THE DAY By EARL L. DOUGLASS. D.D. ALWAYS READY A father was telling me recently about his son who Is seeing very active service with the air force. Every day he Is in the greatest dan ger. The boy comes from a religi ous household and has ben brought up to put serious emphasis upon life’s best things. Recently he wrote to his father and rather laid bare his heart. He told him how It feels to go out day after day over enemy ter ritory, with the realization that one may not come back again. Then he said, “I always strive to make my last aC'ntlsieubepretty good philosophy for anyone to hold, no matter where he may happen to be And it is also well to remember that, we, as well as the men In active service, never know how close we are to the end of the road. A good busi ness man always tries to keep his financial affairs In such shape that If he should pass away, everything would be all right. The same should hold true for us In every aspect of our lives. He Is wise Indeed who lives every minute as If It were his last minute, who gives to every act of his life the same thought ful consideration that he would if that act should be the last of his career. No wise man waits to prepare him self for death until its shadow falls across his pathway. Death may come at any time. Therefore, let us be readr for it always. All Rights Reserved — Babson Newspaper Syndicate 4 "You better not disband your Army when this war is over be cause you’ll need It," shot bark Senator Bilbo who has been worried for fear Williams favors violent change of government. NOTE: Real fact is, of course, that behind the fight against Williams is the Power Trust and also the tig southern planation owners. Williams has spent much of his life fighting both and they have never forgotten it. COLD SMOULDERED CONGRESSMAN Straight-laced Representative ’Curfew Earl” Wilson, Indiana Republican, is best known to the public for having urged a curfew for Government girls and com plaining because they take a few minutes out for coffee or a soft drink. To Ins congressional col leagues however, he is best known as a hogger of the handball courts in the House Gymnasium. Tltey don’t like him. Theo ther day Wilson was delivering a long tirade against tlie Veterans’ Administra tion. The House was almost empty. Only Rep. Jerry Voorhis of Cali fornia sat at the Parliamen tarian's desk correcting a speech he had delivered earlier. Sud denly Speaker Sam Rayburn sent a page boy to Voorhis and asked him to step over to the Speak er’s dias so he could have a word with him. "Jerry,” suggested Rayburn, "why don’t you rorrect your re marks out In the cloakroom? Then Wilson won’t have anyone listening.” Voorhis looked around and saw the House chamber completely empty. He wa'kcd out to the cloakroom. Wilson ranted on for five or ten minutes, talking to no one. Then Majority Whip Robert Ratnspcck of Georgia came in to move for adjournment. VIOLATING RENT CEILINGS The OPA lias received increas ing complaints from servicemen and war workers all over the country describing new dodges by which landlords und real estate brokers sets to evade OPA ceil ings. One technique adopted by cer tain brokers Is to call together a group of applicants for an apart ment and auction it off to the highest bidder. The winning ap plicant pays the amount he bid to the broker. The broker then rents the apartment or house at ceiling price, but the broker pockets the ‘‘bid price”, nils is just so much gravy and some times it runs into sizeable cash. In New York, Washington und other areas, OPA has found that lental agencies tell prospective tenants they have no rooms. La ter, they mysteriously produce them when a large enough cash bribe is passed across the coun ter. “JUDGE" JED JOHNSON?, Rep. Jed Johnson of Oklahoma lias received a letter from Atty. Oen. Biddle notifying him that iie wili ae considered for the post of Judge of Customs Court, in New York, If he is interested in the post. Johnson, who would like the Judgeship, but doesn’t want to appear to be run ning away from any Congres sional fights, wrote Biddle that he could not accept the Judgeship before conferring with President Roosevelt. He added that he could not see the President yet, be cause he was too busy with ap propriations hearings. A reporter for an Oklahoma paper picked up the story. But unfortunately, htis editor cut out the lost explanatory remark, and what appeared was simply that ‘‘Johnson Mid he had been un able to confer with the Presi dent.” One of Johnsons proudest boasts Is his long and close friend ship with Franklin Roosevelt, so when he saw this story he lilt the celling. Cornering the in nocent reporter In the House lobby. Jed blustered: “I didn’t .like that story of yours. Franklyn, I didn’t like it at all. Don’t you know that I can see the President just as readily as any one on Capitol Hill? To say 1 haven’t bene able to se ehira cre ates the wrong impression." Later the reporter commented: "I guess Johnson is just too busy a man to be able to find time to bother with Roosevelt." CAPITOL CHAFF The Norwegian Embassy has has protested to Louis B. Mayer against Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer .s plan to screen “Victoria," by Novelist Knut Hansun, who turned Quisling. The Norwegi ans don't want any book by any Quisling featured in Hollywood. Three weeks have now passed and the Norwegian Embassy is won dering why Louts B. Mayer has not replied . . . Judge Sam Ros enman, personal adviser to the President, turned down the job of Economic Stabilizer offered him after Judge Vinson became Federal Loan Administrator. In stead Rosenman wil lbe appoint ed to the Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia . . . The Ger man people have been ordered to kill all chickens in orde rto save Iced ... A secret report has bene circulatde among top WPB officials showing that, as of Feb ruary one, the manpower situa tion was excellent. Manpower Commissioner McNutt has told the Senate Military Affairs Commit tee privately the same thing . . . Senator Chandler of Kentucky quoting Vice-Chairman William Baft of the WPB “that we have already out-produced our enemies and our Allies." (Copyright, 1945, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Views Of The Press OLD SAPIIOUSE (New York Times) No one has proposed a nation wide rehousing program for the dilapidated, weather-eaten, sagging roofed sap houses that one finds in the sugar-maple groves. In Penn sylvania and Ohio, in Wisconsin and Michigan, in New York and New England, the sap-houses are appealingly similar. They nestle close to the ground: over them and around them are the friendly rough-barked trees. Many of them have doors with a broken hlngle; a missing window-pane or two is expected. A roof that doesn't leak at least a half dozen rivulets dur ing a March rain deserves recogni tion. When the time of frosty, starry nights and warm, mellow days ar rives the old sapliouse becomes the center of attention. If the Weather Man Is kind and sends a succession of good days, the fire beneath the long evaporator pans is kept stoked day and night. Clouds of grayish steam rise from the bubbling liquid and swirl upward among the raf ters. Sapping time Is a period of hard work. Struggling through softening snow', carrying pails of sap to the barrel on the sled, watcliing the fire at night—all these mean hon est labor. But there Is something in the air when the thawing days of March arrive. The blue jays flash among the trees: the chickadees tumble about. Crows call from the Your Health By Dr. William Brady Signed letters pertaining to per sonal health and hygiene, not to disease, diagnosis of treatment, will be answered by Dr. Brady If a stamped self-addressed envelope Is enclose.'. letters should be brief and written in Ink. No reply can be made to queries not conform ing to Instructions. Address Dr. William Brady, National News paper Service, 320 West Madison Street, Chicago, III. • COLIC BUCOLIC When I was an honest country doctor in Penn Yan, infantile colic —eh? Why, you can’t miss it. I mean Penn Yan. remember, that lovely village in the valley at the foot of Keuka, gem of the Fing er Lakes?—it was an exceptional baby that got by without a semester of colic or at least a frequent nip of soothing syrup which, at that time, contained enough morphine to stop the strongest baby from crying for a new hours and some of the weaker ones forever. Even now there’s a Saireygamp in every neighborhood, usually a well meaning woman who has had no scientific or technical training but through circumstances has help ed out in some baby cases and for ever after functions as an expert. Anyway the Saireygamps in those days sold a lot of soothing syrup by word of mouth—a sales system that the fake or quack “nurse" ad vertisements of today can’t ap proach in effectiveness, even with beautiful models posing for the pictures. Some of you dunderheads who know so much about the baby busi ness that isn’t so will be astonish ed, perhaps, that X do not assert, in my w.k, fashion, that babies NEVER have colic. Unfortunately a few babies suffer from paroxys mal spasmodic pain in the belly., but only when they have some grave illness such as I shall not mention here, for it would only give health ignorant mothers something | more to worry about. But I can assure you that when a baby has such colic he does NOT draw up his legs, get red in the face and holler like naythlng: on the con trary he lies quiet and cries feebly If at all and looks anxious and I pale, not red In the face. It Is natural for a healthy baby to draw up his legs, get red In the face and yell to beat the band when any little thing annoys or ir ritates him—say when he is hungry and dinner is not served promptly; or wlin that dad-blasted physic the old busybody persuaded you to give him deranges the nice automatic adjustment or regulation of his alimentary function; or when you keep him all bundled up with so much clothing or bed covers that he is burned up. A common cause of the disturb ance the Saireygamps call “colic” is physic, any physic at all. and it a baby gets fairly intelligent care and feeding not even the most meddlesome busybody can cook up an excuse for inflicting a physic or laxative of any kind on the baby. The lower the intelligence of the parents the etrlier is physic or other mischievous interference with the alimentary function started— but then what can we expect of parents who have never been taught anything about the care of babies in the course of their “education"? The very thought of babies and their care, or what we are, where we came from a how we got here is anathema to the educational au thorities in Yankceland. Here we believe the gutter and the street give the proper Instruction in such subjects. QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Milk versus Wine Is there naythlng in good port wine that will build blood in an anemic person? I am 22 years of age, and have had liver shots and iron medicine from the doctor, but I think these just form a habit. (D. M. F.) Answer—No. Milk is mueh better than wine, and meat is better than milk, for an enemic person. I do not believe iron or liver extracts administered by the doctor can create a habit. Send ten cents and stamped envelope bearing your ad dress. for booklet "Blood and Health." Fostcards May I please have your leaflet ore Iodine Ration? (F. E. W.) Answer—Will you call for it or shall I send it by freight? Ol’ Doc Brady Is a terrible tightwad. In close stamped envelope bearing your address, If you hope to get an answer from him. Saireygamps Following your suggestion I have been using lanolin with oil as com plexion cream for several months and it has cleared my complexion considerably, but friends of mine nurses with whom I work—tell me It will grow' hair. (Miss S. E. Answer—They are too gullible. (Copyright 1045, John F. Dille Co.) pacture hillside and the cock par tridge drums from the swamp. And there’s always a sugaring off to bolster a lad’s morale when the sap is running fast, and work piles up. A party in the grove is the highlight of the season. There is good fun on a crisp evening when friends nnd neighbors gather around the saphouse to eat the golden brown confection after it has been cooled on snow. Or perhaps one perfers to stir a sauceful of the heavy syrup until It becomes soft, creamy sugar. Of course, there are ■ pickles. After a batch of sweet there is nothing equal to a sour pickle to revive gustatory apprecia tion. Then one mild day the farmer knows the season is over. Buds are swelling and the sap is losing it* sweetness. The equipment is gath ered, cleaned and stored. The old saphouse is through for another season. REYMOND 5 rt i