emor In Appeal For Victory Gardens lity of Early Victory in European War No Excuse for Relaxing in Patriotic Duty In Europe, even if it _ne soon, will mean no ap tanprovemctU tn Connecti l supplies, Governor Ray Baldwin warned today In _ lent asking lor continued gardening and canning efforts in IMS. •Tile food produced In backyard and oomm unity garden plots, and the food preserved in our home kit TRUCKS COLLECT CLOTHING HERE Donations Made to Cam paign Now Being Assored for Overseas Shipment A fleet of trucks under the direc tion of Peter N. Laskas has plcked up from the local fire houses tons Of Clothing donated during the past few days by residents supporting the local United Nations Relief and Italian children, huddling in a , cave with other war refugees, ‘ smile because they’re safe for the i, moment. Clad in make-shift gar ments, they speak for millions overseas who are in dire need of clothing. Your serviceable shoes, garments and bedding will help ! tkase war-stricken people. Round ' np your bundles for the United National Clothing Collection. Rehabilitation campaign. The fire houses are used as neighborhood de posit centers. Striving toward i. goal of one-half million pounds ol Old clothing the tons collected so far have been deposited at the local armory. ' The following women's organiza tions will sort the clothing during the day and the men's organiza tions will pack: April 9, Beth-E' Sisterhood, morning: Lithuanian Relief Committee , afternoon, and Rotary Club, evening; April 10, Waterbury Junior League, Syrian United Ladles Society and Kiwanis Club; April 11, Overlook Cottage Club, Lithuanian Relief Commit tee and Syrian United Ladies’ So ciety, and Beth-El Synagogue. Others are, April 12, Y. W. C A. Clubs. Hebrew Ladies Aid So ciety and the Lion Club; April 13. Y. W. C. A. Clubs, First Baptis. Church and the Jewish National Workers’ Alliance. Another Jap Leader Dead (By United Privy ) Tokyo reported otday the deaths of Lt. Gen. Tadamichi Kuribayasni, commander of Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, and Rear Admiral Toh sinosuke Ichiimaru, commander of Japanecse naval air forces in the Iwo sector. (/ A broadcast recorded by the FCC -said Kurlbayashi "died gallantiy” Reading his troops in a "final .charge” on Iwo. It said he had been promoted posthumously to the rank of full general. Iclnmaru was reported raised posthumously to the rank of vice admiral. Tokyo now lias reported the death Of 41 Japanese generals and 123 flag officers since last May. ■ORTHY REPORTED DEAD Ankara, April 6—(UP(—Travelers from Budapest reported today that Admiral Nicholas Horthy, former Rgent of Hungary, died of a Heart attack at the chateau where he was ' Being held a prisoner in Germany. MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF UACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Bring* Happy Relief Maey •uficren relieve naegin* barkach* euiekiy, one* they discover that the real eaun «*iPr **>»ble “w *- . — . ‘ bo tired kidneys. Sj Tha kidneys are Nature’s chief way of tak ing thesxceas acids and waste out of the blood* i They help most people pass about.'* pints a day. JJ.iSf-.Wlis* disorder of kidney function permits l matter to remain in your blood, it __jsa nagjriog backcche, rheumatic , log pains, loss of pep and energy, get* i Bights, swelling, pufliness under tbs , wjwm* »eodachea and dizziness. Frequent or passages with smarting and burning ; DdUrtlmss .show them is something wrong 7?u* IflJ .___r kidneys or bladder. 5 _ wait! Ask your druagist for Doan's chens can make the difference be tween and adequate supply and a serious shortage of cannel vebetables and fruits In another winter.” Gov ernor Baldwin said. "It is our patriotic duty and it Is good sense to be sure of our own food supply.” The Governor’s statement, Issued In support of the war garden and home food preservation programs of the Connecticut War Council, fol lows: "The people of Connecticut should consider at this time the problem ol their food supply for the coming year. "The war in Europe appears to be rushing to Its close. We may be tempted, on this account, to relax our efforts: but the fact is that vic tory over Germany wll lhave no ap preciable effort on our food supply here at home. "Our armies In Europe will con tinue to need great quantities of food. There are millions of desti tute civilians in famlnlne-threatened countries who look to us for help. Our forces in the Pacific, as they bring their full weight to bear against the home islands of Japan, require constantly increasing food supplies. "In this country we have been blessed with a succession of good crop years. We must plan for the possibility of bad weather and lower yields. We are currently short of meat, and we know this shortage will continue. We must count on a decreased supply of commercially canned fruits and vegetables In the year ahead. “Farmers of Conencticut will do what they can again to supply us with locally grown foods. Their pro duction, throughout the war, has been maintained at higher levels than In the pre-war years, in spite of labor shortages and other handi caps. They are planting now for an other season of high production. Available grain supplies have suffi ciently improved so that it will be possible to expand our production of meat, especially for family use. “Home gardens and home canning are essential parts of our food pro duction plans. The food produced In backyard and community garden plots, and the food preserved in our home kitchens can make the dif ference between an adequate supply and a serious shortage o canned vegetables and fruits in another winter. “Those who do not have the op portunity to plant gardens can buy native-grown vegetables at peak seasons for home canning. "It is our patriotic duty and it is good sense to be sure of our owd food supply.” EDUCATORS INVITE CONG. WADSWORTH Co=Author of Selective Service Act to Speak on Military Training Congressman James W. Wadsworth of New York, co-author of the Se lective Service Act, and one of the proponents of compulsory military training after the war, will address Connecticut educators in Hartford on the evening of April 21. Roger B. Ladd of Hartford, pres ident of the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education, announced today that Congressman Wadsworth would be the principal speaker at a conference on 'Connecticut Schools at War’, to be held at Hartford Pub lic High School. Mr. Wadsworth’s address will fol low an afternoon of discussion meetings and supper at the school cafeteria. The conference which will discuss war and post-war school problems, will be attended by school board members and Connecticut school executives. The New York Congressman will discuss “Post-War Military train ing”. In addition to Mr. Ladd, officers of the state association are: Secre tary Lloyd R. Wheeler, Bridgeport; Treasurer Orrin P. Kilboum, Sims bury; Vice-Presidents Herman Seld, Say brook; Earl E. Gilbert, Griswold; John Bassinger, East Windsor; Mrs. Ward E. Dully, West Hartford; Dr. Roger H. Motten, Wethersfield; Howell N. White, Lakeville; and William M. Cox, West Haven. BAR ASSOCIATION WELCOMES JUDGES President Healey Extends Formal Greetings; Judge Cornell Has ‘Request’ Greetings were extended today by Corporation Counsel Maurice T. Healey, president of the Waterbury Bar Association, to judges who started spring term assignments in county courts here this week. Attorney Healey addressed Judge John A. Cornell in superior court, and Judge Thomas J. Molloy and Judge Raymond J. Devlin in com mon pleas court, at the opening of today's short calendar sessions. The association hed expressed the wish the Jurists would have a pleas ant stay in Waterbury, and asked them to call on the Bar Asosciatlon if there was anything its members could do to make their term here enjoyable. In thanking Attorney Healey for the welcome, Judge Cornell com mented the members of the bar perhaps ' might use their combined influence” to enable him to keep his room at a downtown hotel. Judge Cornell, who resides in Bridgeport, has made a practice in the past of remaining in the city during the week while sitting la cases here. Iraq has a new three-year pro gram of railway and highway con struction. V Nuernberg, ratislo«<£e Munich Vi»nno*c« SWITZ Profu* CZECHO. BrunnO WitHt Neuitadf * _. *• * Glogmti** w Groi •« ^ IttckliNodm AUSTRIA “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” Women Far Out in Front on New York Cross Section Poll on Film Version of * , Oscar Wilde’s Book. Yanks Reach German Supply Zone Edge (From HE A Telephoto) Allied Armies driving eastward are nearing the vital supply tones feed ing Germany’s eastern front. Third Army troops are 150 mUes from Berlin and 180 miles fom nearest Russian lines. Soviet forces flank Vienna, shown on map, with the capture of Bratislava. New Yorlf, N. Y., April ft—During the highly successful five-week run of Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray’’, at the Capitol theater on Broadway, New York, thousands of moviegoers, leaving the theater, .were questioned in a survey to gauge audience reactions to the un usual picture. As a result, it is now apparent, according to Loew theater officials, that instead of being a movie of primary appeal to the few self-appointed “sophisticates”, it has general appeal for all types of movie audiences. The Capitol theater, is one of New York’s largest, with some 5,000 seats. During the run “Dorian Gray” was seen by nearly 1,000,000 people—a cross-«ectlon of the Broadway throng, including persons from all parts of the country. The survey revealed that few of those who said they enjoyed the movie, “Dorian Gray” had read the book or any other works of Oscar Wilde. Many had never heard of Wilde; some had a hazy idea of his personal reputation but not of his literary career. A wide variety of answers was re ceived to the question, put to those who said they had enjoyed the movie: “Why did you enjoy it? 15 per cent praised the artistic handling of a difficult theme and the daring of the producers in tackling it. 40 per cent indicated that to them “Dorian Gray” is a crime movie and “I like murder stories”. 25 per cent classified it as a horror film”, ex plaining that they like to be ‘chilled’. They admitted that they screamed when the Dorian Gray painting was revealed in all its hideousness. Many saw in the movie a sinister love story. They commented on the breathless moment when Dorian CITY DEFENDANT IN $20,000 SUIT Court Permits Name of Benjamin Chatfield to Be Withdrawn Benjamin Chatfield was dropped as a party-defendant today in the $20,000 civil action brought by Anne Bergin of Waterbury to recover for injuries sustained in a fall Febru ary 13, 1943 at Knoll street. The City of Waterbury will remain as sole defendant in the suit, as the result of withdrawal papers filed in superior court today in regard to the other defendant. Judge Frank P. McEvoy last Monday sustained a demurrer made by Chatfield, who claimed he had not caused the particular defects referred to in the plaintiff’s com plaint and had not allowed water to flow onto the sidewalk and create the condition referred to. He claim ed also it was not the property owner's duty to remove the snow and ice. which was alleged to have covered the walk at the time of the accident. The sidewalk is in front of a lot. Attorney Walter E. Monagan rep resented the property owner. ALIMONY GRANTED PENDING JUDGMENT Michael Church Ordered to Provide Allowances for Wife, Child Michael Joseph Church of Water bury, who is bringing a divorce ac tion against Helen Kenny Church, also of this city, was ordered by Superior Court Judge John A. Cor nell today to pay $10 weekly to ward support of their child, and $4 weekly as alimony pending trial. An allowance of $50 to defend the ac tion also was approved. The father testified he had been paying $10 for the child weekly for sometime. Judge Cornell approved entrance of the following divorce actions on the uncontested list: Alfred D. White against Mary C. White, and Eileen Margaret Olglio against Patsy Glgllo. A special assignment for April 30 was made on a motion for modifica tion in the action of Ralph William Bailey against Phyllis Kennedy Bailey. tests the virtue of his first sweet heart. The “murder addicts’’ com mented on the scene in which Dor ian stabs his b:st friend and the shadow of the swinging lamp adds a weird touch. A 20 per cent—mostly younger people—believed that Oscar Wilde's unconventional epigrams, mocking at morals, were not as startling to day as they were when written by Wilde. “We take those things in our stride these days; many colum nists say naughtier things and mean them just as little as Wilde did.” Many said that after seeing the movie they would read the novel. Sixty-five per cent of those ques tioned said they would not hesitate to recommend the picture to others. The poll indicated that women were more enthusiastic in their praise than men. Women indicated a sharp difference of opinion as to Hurd Hatfield’s portrayal of "Dorian Gray”. The majority predicted star dom for Hatfield and thought his immobile expression, hardly ever changing, intensified the cold, pas sionless nature of his crimes. Some said he should have given the char acter more animation. MOTION IN ZONING ACTION POSTPONED Absence of Defense Cotin* sel Necessitates Week’s Delay A postponement until next Friday was made in superior court today on hearing of a motion in the East End zoning case, after Attorney John H. Cassidy, counsel for the Sycamore Corporation of West Hart ford, stated a defense lawyer from Hartford was lunable to be present today. Attorney Willla mK. Lawlor, coun sel for Henry Corden and other plaintiffs in the case, objected to the requests for a delay on his motion. The Jurist then indicate the motion would definitely be disposed of next week. The motion is for permission to amend the complaint of the plain tiffs, who objected to extension of the East End business area into Wales street. The litigation which started nearly five years ago, ended in a decision for the plaintiffs in 1942, but last month the State Su preme Court found error. The plain tiffs’ motion was filed as a first step toward seeking a new trial. INTERVIEWS FOR LOCAL RETAILERS State OPA Representative to Advise on Clothing, Household Furnishings A representative from the State OPA office will be in Waterbury next week to give assistance to re* tailers who must file forms on clothing and household furnishing prices, according to an announce ment made today by Aaron Paur, manager of the local ration board. Information will be given by the OPA official on the new maximum price regulation, number 580, per taining to clothing and home fur nishings. It was pointed out forms listing celling prices must be filed at the ration board by April 20. Mr. Paur stated conferences with the OPA representative will be by appointment. Sessions will be held April 9 through 14 from noon until 4:30. Appointments may be made by calling 3-3656. Full Weather Report Boatou, April •— (UP) — New England weather forecast I CONNECTICUT, MAS SACHC SETTS and RHODE ISLAND — Clear and continued cold tonight with lowest near freealng along the Immediate coast and below reeslng Inland. Fair with rising temperature Saturday. Lowest temperature for Worcester to night SB. Dublin 1* preparing to launch Its 4)0,000,000 postwar road network project. CHASE WORKERS TO MEET SUNDAY Question of Retroactivity to Be Discussed at-Meet ing of Wilby Auditorium Discussion of the retroactive date of job evaluation will be held at a meeting Sunday April 8th at 3: IS p. m. at the Wilby auditorium by members of the Chase Brass Sc Copper Co., Workers Union, Local 566. Discussion will center on wheth er to accept terms of agreeing to es tablish the date of Oct. 1944 or to cany the matter of retroactivity to the Regional War Labor Board. The first three monthly nomina tion sessions for the coming elec tion of officers of the union in June will also be conducted at this Sun day's meeting. Nominations are to be offered for the offices of President, Vice-Pres ident. Recording Secretary, Finan cial Secretary, Warden, Conductor, and two trustees.; RITES HELD FOR JOHN PORZENHEIM Masons Attend Funeral Services for Waterbury Gas Dealer Funeral services for John Emil Porzenheim, 65 Coniston avenue, gas dealer in Waterbury for 28 years, and an active member of the Masons, were held today at 4 p. m. at the Alderson funeral home, 70 Central avenue- Rev. Dr. John J. Snavely, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiated. Masons who acted as honorary bearers included: George A. Wells, John S. P. Castle, John W. Potter, Harry B. Williams, Dr. Frederick C. Marggraff, Idris Alderson. Robert J. Eggleton, Robert H. Batten and James A. Burns. Burial was in Wood tick cemetery, Wolcott. Ac tive bearers were: Louis Wenzel, Harold Close, Edward Helman, Henry Fiege, Ralph Hubbers, Oscar Stroberg, Edward Zitanan and E Ashley Barrows. Euclid lodge, A. F. Sc A. M. con ducted services at the funeral home last night under the direction of Worshipful Master J. Glenn Griffiths and Rev. Samuel A. Budde, chaplain. FUNERALS The funeral of Joseph Rembish, 117 Dikeman street, was held from the Bergin funeral home, 290 East Main street, this morning at 8:30 to St. Stanislaus Kostka church at 9 where a requiem Mass was cele brated by Rev. John J. Zyskowskl. Rev. John M. Balasa, pastor of the church, was seated in the sanctuary Burial was In Calvary cemetery with committal services conducted by Father Zyskowskl. Bearers were Walter Makarewicz, John Makare wlcz, Theodore Suzteckl, Edward Lazota, Walter Polwarskl and Toddy Rossi. The funeral of Angelo R. Lan dolfi was held today at 8:30 a. m. from the residence, 50 Beacon street, to St. Thomas’ church at 9 Rev. Joseph Daly was celebrant of the solemn high Mass of requiem assisted by Rev. George Dyer, dea con, and Rev. John P. Kennedy, sub-deacon. George Perreault was organist and William O’Brien was soloist. Bearers, all members of the Avig lianese Aid society, were Andrew Sileo, Nicholas Picentini, Thomas Verrastro, Sebastlano D’Andrea, Domenic Santarslero and Joseph Santoro. Funeral services for Mrs. Rachel Marion Grossman Schell, 9 Pied mont street, were held today at 2 p. m. at the Alderson funeral home, 70 Central avenue, Rev. Dr. John J. Snavely, pastor of the First Meth odist church, officiating. Burial was in old Pine Grove cemetery. Bearers were Arthur, George and Carl Geary, Jack Spungln, Emil Camblgue and Jack Davies. The funeral of Edward Francis Patten, 40 Welch street, Waterville, will be held at the Alderson funeral home, 70 Central avenue, tomorrow at 3:30 p. m., Rev. Evan H. Bergwall, pastor of the Grace Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in new Pine Grove cemetery. Friends may call at the home today from 7 to 9 p. m. A memorial Mass for Pfc. John K. Donahue, will be celebrated tomor row at 8 a. m. at St. Francis Xavier church by Rev. James Broderick. Pfc. Donahue, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M .Donahue, 1361 Baldwin street, was killed in action in Ger many March 20. The funeral of Albert E. Leggett. 68 Montgomery street, will be held tomorrow at 2 p. m. from the Aid BERGIN'S Funeral Home Established 1873 290 Eost Moin St. Tel. 3-0683 J.H.MULVILLE FUNERAL HOME Holmes Avenue —at 270 W. MAIN ST. DIAL 4*3123 j RESIGNS P0STT10N ANGELO NARDONE Patrolman Angelo Nardone as signed to the offloe of the city tax collector has resigned his position and will open a produce store on South Main street. Mr. Nardone served one term as city sheriff and then was assigned as a mem ber of the (seal police force. OBITUARY GREELEY — Patience Greeley, aged five and a half, daughter of Wilder J. and Benita (Pape) Greeley, former residents of Wood bridge, died at New Haven hospital yesterday morning after a lingering illness. She and her mother had been making their home with Mrs. Dan iel W. Greeley, Highland avenue, Cheshire, since her father went overseas for the Office of War In formation. At the time of her illness she was a pupil in the kindergarten of Humlston School, Cheshire. She was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pape. Besides her parents she leaves a sister, Benita. Arrangements for the funeral are incomplete. SCHEITIIE—Mrs. Christine (Sa vard) Scheithe, died early this morning at her home. Porter ave nue, Union City. Born in Waterbury, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Horan, she had been residing in Nauga tuck for the past three years. Surviving are her husband, Harry; a son, Emil Savard; three sisters, Mrs. Annie Christinat, Mrs. T. Coughlin, both of Waterbury, Mrs. T. D. O'Connor, Naugatuck; two brothers, John and Prancis, Waterbury; and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Monday at 8:15 from the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Christinat, 73 Lounsbury street, this city, to St. Mary's church, Naugatuck, for a solemn high Mass of requiem at 9. Other arrangements will be announced later. Prlends may call at the Christinat residence after 7 p. m. Saturday. RYAN — Mrs. Elizabeth W. Ryan, I widow of James Ryan, died at her j home, 411 Hamilton avenue, this i morning after a brief illness. Born fci Ireland, the daughter of j the late Henry and Mary (Mathews) Walker, she had been a resident of Waterbury for the past 80 years. She was a communicant of the Sacred Heart church and a mem ber of the Rosary Confraternity of the parish. Surviving are: two grandsons, James T. and Francis T. Ryan; two granddaughters, Mrs. Anthony Grll lo, Mrs. Gaetano Manzella; and four great-grandchildren, all of Water bury. The funeral will be held from the home. 411 Hamilton avenue, Mon day, at 8:15 a. m., to the Sacred Heart Church at 9 for a solemn high Mass of requiem. Burial will be in new St. Joseph’s cemetery. Friends may call at the home to morrow and Sunday aftemocos and evenings. erson funeral home, 70 Central avenue, Rev. Dr. John C. Walker of the Second Congregational church officiating. Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. The funeral of Edward C. Cham pagne will be held from his home, 394 Newton avenue, Oakville, to morrow at 8:15 to St. Mary Magda lene church for a solemn high Mass of requiem at 9. Burial will be in St. James’ cemetery, Water town. Genuine “Orange Blniaom1’ Engagement and Wedding Ring Priced From *50 to *3,500 Exclusively In Waterbary at PIERPONT'S Registered Jewelers, American Gem Society ISO BANK STREET DIED RYAN—In this city, April 6th, 1946, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Ryan, wldo# of James Ryan, of 411 Hamilton Ave nue. Funeral Monday at 8:18 a. m., from the residence, 411 Hamilton Ave nue, to Sacred Heart Church, at 9:00 a. m. Burial In new St. Jo seph’s cemetery. SCHBITHE — In Union City, April 6th, 1946. Mrs. Christine (Savard) Schelthe, of Porter Avenue, Union City. Funeral Monday at 8:15 a. m. from the home o£ her sister, Mrs. Annie Chrlstinat, 73 I.ounsbury Street. Waterbury, to St. Mary’s Church, Naugatuck at 9:00 a. m. NASS WATT* — Month’s mind Mass of requiem will be celebrated Satur day morning at 8:40 o'clock, at 8t. Margaret's Church, tor the repose of the soul of the lato Mrs. Mary Watts. NEED GAMES FOR OVERSEAS GIFTS Public’s Response to Call for Chests Declared Ex ceptionally Generous The response to the appeal b; the local chapter of th; Red Cross for overseas chests for recreational pur poses to be sent to servicemen In combat has been so enthusiastic among residents In this areas. It Is expected approximately 500 chests will be constructed, Mrs. Gordon Hurlburt, chairman of camp and hospital service, has announced. The chests, which are being as sembled from lumber donated by several organizations as well as In dividuals, will be filled with games and small musical instruments to provide recreation for men In com bat zones. Though work has been progressively rapidly on the con struction of the chests, Mrs. Hurl burt stated, at the present time, there is an urgent need for games of all kinds and musical instruments to complete the boxes for shipment. The articles need not be new, but they must be complete. Information concerning such do nations may be made at the Red Cross chapter house, 165 Grove street; Red Cross 'headquarters; 35 Field street, o rby calling Mrs. Clar ence Bartlett, 37 Lee street. Contributors may enclose their personal card. Break Dooms Japs Empire (Continued from Page 1) proaches to her homeland, she must now choose between a last stand In N.vth China and Manchuria and a stronger defense to the death of the Japanese islands. She can: 1. Continue to maintain and perhaps strengthen already power ful forces — estimated now at 45 divisions at least — disposed along the Siberian frontier, or 2. Withdraw them to or nearer the home Islands. Either would be a choice of des peration and either would suit long range Allied strategic plans admir ably. Throughout her costly war with Germany, Russia has kept an esti mated 1,000,000 soldiers in eastern Siberia to keep an eye on Japan’s powerful Kwantung army. This same eastern Siberian army, before the outbreak of war in Europe, on several occasions administered sharp defeats to Japanese troops in bloody border clashes. Now that Germany Is crumbling, this force presents a far greater threat to Japan — from a purely military standpoint — than ever before. To contain this potential threat properly, Japan would seem militarily bound to keep Manchuria and Korea fully garrisoned, despite TBJJSTOES' CWURMAN 4 THOMAS J. FLANIGAN ELKS INSTILL - NEW OFFICERS . Exalted Ruler Monagan , Lists Committees; Flan agan, Trustees’ Head - it Morris GrifHn was named esquire Richard Lawlor, Inner guard; Charles Ahem, chaplain, and Eu gene Oviatt, organist, by Frank J Monaghan after he was installed as J exalted ruler of the Waterbury lodge of Elks last night. Other officers installed were Thomas Brophy, esteemed leading l knight; Francis Mulligan, osteemed loyal knight; Harold Ashley, lectur ing knight; Dr. Mortimer A. O’Hara, secretary; William Pollard, treas- -u urer. and James Phelan, tiler. John P. Fltnnaurice, executive secretary to the mayor and former past exalted ruler of the Elks, con ducted the services. 'j At a meeting of the club’s trus tees last evening, Thomas J. Flana gan was elected chairman. Mem bers of the board Include D. J. ., Clancy, Harry X. Cashin, Dr. M. A. ' 1 O'Hara, and Walter E. Monagan who was named at last evening’s meeting to All temporary vacancy caused by the absence of JJeuten- ,) ant-Colonel George Leonard, now V serving with a U. S. Army medical , unit in the south. the continued operation of the neu- » trality pact for another year. But military necessity also de mands that Japan build up her home Island defenses at once. Only the Pacific Allies know when the / time-table — possibly revised in view of Russia’s action — calls for Invasion of South China or Japan proper. If Japan takes course No. 2 and diverts her Manchurian strength in part to the homeland, she would make it easier for the Allies to get at her continental positions. If she strengthens her continental forees on the Russian border, the home Islands will be easier to take. Our Boys’ Town boasts a fine selection of Jersey knit suits Xor the pee-wee crowd. Each one is smart and bright as the new season and is carefully made to give your small son the maximum of wear. Come in and see them. \ 'Knit Suite Fine comb cotton jersey knit suits with fancy pencil stripe jersey tops in assorted colors. Solid color shorts with suspenders. Sizes 1 to 8. $2.25 » i ♦ % i # i f A r i Fine quality heathers with short sleeves ... as sorted colors. Solid color shorts with suspenders. Sizes 4 to 6 $2.50 and $2.75 I I > } ) J If He NEEDS Clothes.. Buy Him GOOD Clothes.. .At A GOOD Store! 17 ft 26 BAST MAIN STREET I * BASQUE SHIRTS Attractive heathers in argyle styles with jac quard designs and pencil stripes in pastel shades, novelty rayons and solid colors. Sizes 6 to 14. $1.00 u $1.50 "BOYS' TOWN" THOMAS GRIFFIN, Mgr.