Tall Tower Topics s* — by the man in the tower Good Evening. __ Greetings . . . Waterbury’s well known merchant, Edward J. Fitzgerald, has added a new title to his collec tion, director of the Rotary Club. It must be a position of possibilities or responsibilities, for the well known “Ed” >ing a reputation of being doer of worth while things. Let’s look at the record, if you are skeptical. . . . The lobby of Hotel Elton was crowded Thursday evening with labor leaders. The scheduled discussion on press and labor relations failed to materialize owing to the death of President Roosevelt. Had a chance to renew acquaint ances with “Jimmie” Corrigan, A. F. of L. organizer. “Jimmie” knows the labor history of Waterbury, inside and outside, and it is always an educational pleasure to chat with him and be “wised up” to certain little matters that are so readily accepted as commonplace. . . . Keep up the good work, Jimmie. Drop around to the Tower once in a while for a chat. . . . Dick Benson and Cliff Dawson had planned to relax after tonight’s scheduled appearance of Tommie Dorsey and his famed “Spotlight Band” at the State Armory, but due to the cancellation of the engagement as a mark of respect to our late President, the two energetic workers will have to start “all over” again. Dick handled the negotiations for the band’s appearance and the necessary elaborate arrange ments for the public’s entertainment as a representative of the Chase Brass & Copper Company. The band was to pay a tribute to the company’s workers for their out standing war production. Cliff represented the sponsors of the attraction, the Coca-Cola Company. There was every indication of the greatest dance attendance in local history if “Tommie” appeared here tonight. And when, and if he does in the future the record will be estab lished. Anyway congratulations are due Dick and Cliff tor their splendid work despite the postponement. Coining events . . . C.Y.O.’s Spring Social should attract a large crowd to Waterbury Catholic High School Auditorium next Friday evening. The magnet is not only the traditional hospitality and sociability of the event, but the fact that the proceeds will buy equipment for the C.Y.O. Baseball League, a popular outfit. . . . Tonight, bowlers from the Waterville branch of the Scovill Company will make merry at the Kopper Kettle. Prizes will be awarded to the champs and outstanding performers. The city’s most popular interpreters of Barber Shop chords, the Oliver Trio, will be featured in the entertainment. The American Legion, Corp. Coyle Post, has taken an option on the Washington Park Community House for its coming class initiation. Many young veterans will join the oldest unit of the legion in Connecticut. . . . Tomorrow morning several hundred men will receive Holy Com munion at the 8 o’clock mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Many will later adjourn to The Elton for communion breakfast and an address by Rev. John Hutchinson, native Waterburian, now on the faculty of Holy Cross College. The gathering will include representatives of the Knights of Columbus, Fire and Police departments, postal employes, male schoool teachers, veterans and servicemen. It will be a tribute to Waterbury’s sons and daughters serving in the Armed Forces—and special remembrance for their late commander-in-chief—President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A Reporter’s Memo of Yester-Years: Tomorrow dig nitaries of church and state and emissaries of the na tions of the world will assemble in the sleeply, little town •f Hyde Park, N. Y.( to pay their last respects to that town’s most illustrious son—Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Once before a great and mighty assemblage of top hats descended on this quaint New York village which nestles on the banks of the Hudson. But it was a joyous oc casion. The President and Mrs. Roosevelt were feting King George and Queen Elizabeth at p, hot-dog roast. On that sunny June day in 1939, three months before the guns of war began to thunder in Europe, the sun shone down on the most brilliant assemblage of the world’s great and near-great that ever assembled in one square mile. Royalty, clergy, ambassadors, governors, senators, congressmen, cabinet members, in an endless procession. The roads leading to Hyde Park were so jammed with cars, police closed off the highways within a three-mile radius of the President’s estate. But the American rubberneckers were adamant. They parked their gas buggies and took off on foot down the hot, dusty stretch. As far as the eye could see up and down the hills a stream of people rushed for Hyde Park—young, and old, and mothers with babies in their arms. Because of the intense heat of the day many were forced to turn back. This writer recalls walking part of the way with an old lady who fell exhausted by the wayside. However, the little old lady refused help and insisted we go on. “This is the greatest day in the history of our nation,” she said. “You go on— You’re young— You’ll have a memory to cherish for a lifetime.” As the entourage turned into the gates of Hyde Park, it was a weird and motley group of Americans who feasted their eyes upon the world’s famous and the world’s finer. Pop-eyed and perspiring, the boisterous, rushing crowds, dressed in shorts, slacks, and any-old thing, pushed and fought to get a peek at their Presi dent and the English monarchs. Cameras were pushed before their faces, pop-bottles crashed on the highway, and the teen age youngsters yelped “Hi Georgie;” “Hi, Lizzie!” But to young and old it was “Franklin” and “Eleanor”. So sharp was the contrast to the pomp and ceremony of St. James that many an American stand ing in the sidelines shuttered in embarrassment. But no Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was having the time of his life. He beamed, he waved, and he yelled back at the throngs. And in his eyes as he turned to speak to the king there was no apology. His blue eyes shone brightly, and he seemed to be saying “Those are my people. And I’m mighty proud of them. They’re the most wonderful people on earth.” TWO SHIFT SOFA This fine quality sofa Is ready to serve you at all hours. By day, you could not ask for a more com fortable, good-look ing davenport and yet In a twinkling, it can be transformed Into a soft, restful double bed. See It now. AS LOW AS $6950 mflTZHins Car. 8*. Mala. 8cot01 A Brook 8t».. Waterbary. Truman Family In The White House (NEA Telephoto) Harry Shippe Truman, 33rd President of the United States, with his family, Mrs. Truman and their daugh ter Margaret, in the White House, shortly after he took the oath of office as President after sudden death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Solemnity of occasion is reflected on faces of all three. CHURCH ACTIVITIES FIRST CHURCH Sunday Services Church school, 9:45 a. m. for fourth grade and older; 11 a. m, for nursery through the third grade Morning service at 11. Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony will preach on "Aru Hour of Destiny”. The Chrlsmon society for young people will meet In the church par lors at 5. A series of film slides will be shown on “How to Conquer War.” The delegates of the First Church to the ecclesiastical council of the Naugatuck Valley Associate of Churches at the South Congrega tional church at 7:30 are Mr. An thony and Allen H. Boardman. Notices for the Week Wednesday at 10, there will be a meeting in the church parlors to sew for the Red Cross, Bundles for America and the hospital. Workers take lunch, coffee furnished. The Couples club of the First church will have a musical evening Wednesday In the church parlors at 8 o’clock. Mr, Lin Osborn of the Yale Divinity school will have a piano recital of a varied program. Thursdays, 9 a. m. The spring rummage sale of the First Church guild will be held in the Scout house. Mrs. Victor A. Hedberg, Jr., and Mrs. Kenneth E. Tullar are the co-chairmen. Friday, 7 to 9. Boy Scouts, troop No. 25, in the Scout house. MILL PLAIN UNION Rev. Ivey Shuff, pastor Sunday, April 15 9:30 a. m.—Church School. 10:45 a. m. — Worship. Sermon: “Foundations of the Christian Home." 6:30 p. m.—Junior C. E. 7:30 p. m.—Senior C. E. 6:00 p. m. — Family Fellowship Supper. Each family will bring a covered dish, bread and but ter. The committee will supply coffee and dessert. Mr. and Mrs Dwight D. Rough, will speak on their work -'Yale In China." Monday— 3:30 p. m.—Brownie Meeting. Tuesday— 3:30 p. m.—Girl Scout, Troop 10. 7:30 p. m.—Gym Class for Boys. Wednesday— 3:30 p. m.—Girl Scouts, Troop 18. Friday— 7:30 p, m.—Boy Scouts Troop. Saturday— 8:00 to 11:00 a. m.—Youth Can teen. ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL (Oakville Rev. Robert Riemenschneider will be at All Saints tomorrow for the service of Morning Prayer at 11 o' clock. Church school will meet at 9:30 o’clock. The flowers on the altar tomor row will be given by Mrs. William Windebank in loving memory of her husband. The Young People’s Fellowship of All Saints’ will meet on Monday evening, April 16th at 7:30 o’clock at the Parish Hall. The Women’s Auxiliary of All Saints' will hold a work meeing at the Parish hall on Wednesday, April 18th at 1 o'clock. The Parish Social Club will hold their regular meeteing on Wednes day evening, April 18th at the Par ish hall, starting with a Pot-Luck Supperd at 6:30 o’clock. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN 201 Cherry Street Rev. E. Elnar Kron, Pastor Sunday, April 15 The Second S unday after Easter. The Children’s Choir will practice at 8:45 a. m. under the direction of Mrs. William Russell. The church school and bible class convene at 9:30 a. m. At 10:45 the service of divine wor ship will be held, when the sermon subject will be "Abundant Life’’. The annual fuel offering will be received at this service. The T hird Annual Candlelight Peace Service will be held at 7:30 p. m„ with members of the Junior Luther League participating. Pray ers will be offered for those in the armed services. The Third Annual Candlelight Peace Service will be held at 7:30 p. m., with members of the Junior Luther League participating. Pray ers will be offered for those in the armed services. Calendar for week of April 15— Monday at 8—The Annual Meeting of the Swedish Benevolence Associa tion will be held in Zion church. Tuseday at 8—The first session of a membership class will be held in the parsonage. Wednesday at 8 —Church Choir will practice. Friday at 9:30 a. m.—The Iduna Circle will hold a Rummag- Sale in the church basement Friday at 8—The Junior Luther League, will meet wjtb Miss Lillian Rose on Cooke street. Saturday at 9:30 a. nt—Confirma tion class will meet. d FIRST METHODIST Rev. John J. Snavely, DX>. Pastor Philip Ritter, Youth Director 10:30 Morning Worship, Sunday, April 15. Organ Prelude: Processional hlmn Call to Worship The Lord’s Prayer Choir Anthem Baptism Scriptude reading Pastoral Prayer Offertory anthem. Talk to the children, Mr. Ritter Sermon: "The Ideal of a People’’, Dr. Snavely Organ postlude Church School Worship at 10:30; Younger Classes 11:06; old classes 11:35. CHRIST CHAPEL Rev. Samuel Budde pastor , There will be a meeting of the Men’s Club on Monday, Aptri'l 16 at 8:00 p. m. The Church Service League will hold an evening Card Party on Tuesday, April 17 beginning at 8:00 p. m. The Chapel will be hast to the Women's Auxiliary of the New Haven Archdeaconry on Friday, May 4th. In preparation f ar this meet ing Miss Florence Redfield, chair man the committee on arrange ments, will address the Guild on Wednesdau, April 18 at 3:00 p. m. The flowers on the altar tomorrow are being given by Mrs. Edith Fomell in loving memory of her husband, Henry Fomell. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. David P. Gaines, Pastor At the morning worship tomor row at 10:30 o’clock, which will be broadc*st by WATR, the preacher will be Rev. Benjamin E. Smith. Subject: "The Ultimate Issue." In the evening, 7:30 o’clock, Rev. Guy H. anRson will preach. Subject: “What Do Ye More Than Others?” ALL SOULS’ ev. T. L. Sinclair, Pastor Sunday, April 15 „ Holy Communion—8 a. m. Church School—9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon—11 a. m. Special Offering—Total to date $302.70. This is beyond expecta tions. Of this amount $101 has been sent to the Army and Navy Com mission, $45 to the Waterbury Council of Churches, $10 to the American Bible Society, $10 to the Presiding Bishop’s Fund, $10 to the Barkeley Divinity School and $10 to the Virginia Theological Semin ary. BUNKER HILL CONG. Rev. Alan M. Fail-bank, Pastor The pastor and Rev. Henry C. McDowell, D. D., of the Dixwell Avenue Congregational church in New Haven, will exchange pulpits tomorrow morning at 11. The Elm City minister was a missionary for 17 years at Angola Portuguese West Africa and was a former principal of Lincoln Schtpl in Kings Moun tain, North Carolina. Sunday School will be held in the morning at 9:45. The Junior Pilgrim Fellowship will meet at 5 p. m. and the Pil grim Fellowship at 5:30. Rev. Mr. McDowell will speak at' the latter service. The Mr. and Mrs. Club will meet Monday at the church. Frank Lindsley is president. Family night will be observed Friday with two moving pictures, ‘The Journey Into Faith' and ‘A Certain Noblemen’, as the special feature. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL Rev. Francis O. Ayres, pastor. Holy Communion will be admin istered at the Waterbury hospita The flowers on the altar tomor Holy Communion will be adminis tered at the church at 8:00. Sunday school will be held at 9:30. Morning prayer and sermon wiV be held at 10:45. Evening prayer will be said at the War Shrine at 5 p. m. Hie flowers on the altar will be In loving memory of Elsie Rowland Chase and those on the organ in iovlng memory of John Agar Van Horaten. The Mr. and Mrs. Club will meet Wednesday evening of next week n the Guild Hall at 8:00. TRINITY PARISH 25 Prospect Street Rev. Roger B. T. Anderson, Rector Sunday, April 15 8:00 a. m —Holy Eucharist. 9:15 a. m.—Church School. -0:30 a. m.—Holy Eucharist and Sermon. GRACE METHODIST CHURCH Waterville. Evan H. Bergwall, Minister. Sunday, April 15 9:45 a', m. Sunday Bchool. Classes for all ages. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship Prelude Ida Levoll Hymn, ''Safely Through Another Week" Call to Worship, Invocation The Anthem Senior Choir Responsive Reading for the 15th Sunday Apostle’s Creed, Gloria Patri Scripture Lesson, Galatians 4:1-23 Prayer, Prayer Response Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Offertory Anthem Junior Choir Doxology, Announcements Hymn, "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" Sermon, "Christ In You” Rev. Bergwall Prayer Hymn, "Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ" Benediction Meditation, Postlude 7:00 p. m. Service of Remem brance in honor of the service men. The pastor will speak on "Interces sory Prayer.” Advance Notices Thursday, April 19th: 3:30 p. m. Junior choir. 8 p. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship. Friday, April 20th: 7:30 p. m. Senior choir. FIRST LUTHERAN Church-Corner Spencer and Phoenix Avenues Parish House 58 Grove Street Robert R. Hoydenreich, S. T. M., Pastor 9:00 a. m—Sunday School. 10:00 a. m.—Nursery Class at the Parish House 10:05 a. m.—English Service. 11:15 a. m.—German Service fat church), Sermon Topic: The Return of the Lost. Coming Events The spring meeting of the New England Conference will be held at the St. Paul's Lutheran church in Bridgeport on Monday, April 16th. The Rev. Robert A. Heydenreich, secretary of the Conference, will attend the sessions. Tuesday— 8:00 p. m.—Men’s Club. Wednesday— Rummage Sale by the Sunshine Society at the church base ment. Saturday— Gypsy Carnival by the Seniors and Intermediates. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL Sunday, April 15 11:00 A. M. Order of Morning Worship Prelude—Meditation Processional Hymn— Call to Worship, Invocation and Lord’s Prayer— Anthem Responsive Reading Gloria Patri— Baritone Solo — ‘The Trumpet Shall Sound’ from "The Mes siah” Scripture Reading Prayer— Offertory Quartet— Doxology— Children’s Sermon Children’s Sermon Hymn— Sermon—Text: “Christian Leader ship For The Next Generation’’ Recessional Hymn— Benediction— Postlude . West The Flowers Are In Memory of Deacon and Mrs. F. Henry Seng. In Memorlam: Private George V. floam. FORUM—7:30 P. M. Concert—7:00 to 7:30 p. m.— The Second Church Symphony Orchestra. George Gentile, conductor. Hymn Invocation and Lord’s Prayer Anthem— Scripture Reading Soprano Solo — O For The Wings Of A Dove Ilustrated Lecture — "Wanderings In Mexico and Guatemala" Harry J. Robinson Offertory Hymn— Benediction— Postlude— THOMASTON BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN North Main stree. at Electric Ave. Rev. E. Einar Kron, ‘Pastor Sunday, April 15— The Second Sunday after Easter. Church school will m eet at 10:00 a. m. with Philip Johnson In charge. Divine Worship at 3:00 p. m., when the sermon topic will be "Christ is the Door." Thursday, April 19 The Luther League will meet at 8:00 p. m. at the home of Mr. an d Mrs. Robert eBnsoa. South street. Plymouth. '' 4.,:' SCHOOL ORCHESTRA IN 26TH CONCERT Inter-High Groups to Pre sent Annual Program Tuesday, April 17 A worthy program of concert music will be presented April 17 at the Wllby High school auditorium by members of the Inter-High or chestra, under the baton of Floyd C. Evans, musical dlrecetor of Wa terbury’s three public high schools. A quartet of graduates of the schools, consisting of Betty Evans Roberts, Charlotte Perren Dodson, Robert Hill and Robert Parsons will be featured at the twenty-sixth an nual concert in a rendition of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic." Selections to be played by the orchestra Include a medley of war songs, “Voyager Overture” by King, “Der Frelschutz” by Von Weber, "Perpetual Motion" by Strauss, “Nocturne” by Czerwonsky; “Dance of the Hours” from “La Giocanda” by Poncielll, the "Andante” from the Seventh symphony and the “Finale” from the Fifth Symphony, both by Beethoven. FLOYD C. EVANS Director The orchestra, which was organ ized in 1919, was at first composed of about a dozen Crosby students. Wilby and Leavenworth students joined it later. It has since been known as the Inter-High Orchestra. Archbishop Lands Here Stockholm, April 14.—The recent ly elected Archbishop of Finland, Aleski Lebtonen, arrived here yes terday, on the Invitation of Arch bishop Erling Eidam, primate of the Swedish Church, to confer with the American Lutheran delegation, headed by Dr. P. O. Bersell, presi dent of National Lutheran Coun cil, which Is now visiting Europe. Archbishop Lebtonen reports that a Scandinavian Ecumenic Conference has been arranged for April, 1948, in Helsinki. Dr. Bersell, and the two church men with him. Dr. Ralph H. Long, and Dr. Lorenz B. Meyer, had pre viously been received by Arch bishop Eidem. In an interview Dr. Bersell empasized that Swedes and Americans would have to take the lead in the postwar reconstruction activities of the Lutheran Church. Archbishop Eidem stated that he would like to come to the United States in 1948 to take part in the observance of the centenary of the First Swedish Lutheran Church in America, apart from the Delaware colony in the 17th century. THIRD CONGREGATIONAL Rev. Gomer Lewis, pastor. Sunday school will be held tomor row morning at 10. “The Art of Loyalty” will be the pastor’s sermon subject at 10:45. A special service of recognition will be held at the South Congregational church in Hopeville at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday evening the gym class will meet at 8. Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 the Ladies’ Aid will sponsor a dessert bridge. The Girl Scouts will meet Wednesday evening at 7. MT. OLIVE A. M. E. ZION Rev. S. W. Weller, Pastor Sunday services: 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on the topic, “The Path of the Just.” 6 p. m. "The Blood of Jesus” will be the topic at this service. 9:30 a. m. Church school will con vene. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Corner Holmes and Mitchell Aves. Sunday services, April 15, 10:45 a. m. and 5 p. m. Sunday school, 10:45 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting, 8 o’clock. 8T. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL (Waterville) Rev. Murray Dewart will be at St Paul’s for the service of Morning Prayer at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. Church school will be a I 3:30 a. m. The flowers on thhe altar lomor row will be in loving memory e) Mrs. Ellen Truelove given by he) daughters. Tuesday, April 17th at 3:45 p. m the boys will meet at the church to form a baseball team under the instruction of Ronald Keith. The Women of St. Paul will hold a Dessert Bridge at 1:30 p. m. on Wednesday, April 18th. A group of young people called The Holy Five who wish to organ ize a Young People’s Fellowship die holding a baseball game with re freshments and the election of of ficers to follow tomorrow evening at 5 p. m. ST. PAUL’S METHODIST Edwin N. P. Hempel, minister. Sunday, April 15 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Worship service with sermon by the pastor on ‘The Loss of First Love”. Tuesday, April 17—7:30 p. m. Midweek devotions; 8:15 p. m. Meeting of the official board. WORTH MORE TORN DOWN Mt. Vernon, 111. (UP) — Dan Strickland of Mt. Vernon found 24 one dollar bjlls and $105.70 In coins buried in an old barn when he tore it down. THE SATURDAY IRtvietuei By JAMES M. MOORE One of the moit important phas es of the proposed assessor's bill for the city seems to have been overlooked or under-estimated as to value both by the bill’s proponents and opponents. It is the clause which would permit the appoint ment by the Mayor of the three members of the Board of Tax Re view instead of their being elected by the people as is the procedure now. Such a change, on the surface, may seem a minor one until we realize that by this method we are sanctioning the centralization of our city’s government. We are de priving the people of their sover eign right to elect and permitting one man to appoint those who will serve our interests on the Board of Tax Review. Such centralization or the fun neling of authority one indiv idual in a community of this size can constitute an initial marker toward a city manager form of gov ernment or a socialization of gov ernment controlled by a few through appointees. Politically speaking it slams the door in the face of young and capable aspirants who might seek entry into politics through such minor posts as mem bership on the board. (Peoples Government) we ao not, noia witn tne princi ple that the end justifies the means and when such i principle Is applied to a phase of our home government as in this instance it would seem to constitute stepping outside the boundaries of established practices of democracy. These practices came about because they best typi fied government by the people. We are not asserting that we be lieve the proponents of such a bill have any ulterior motive in insert ing such a proposed change for we believe their intent is to benefit the city. Our opposition, as such, is predicated upon the belief that their approach and not the pur pose is faulty. By Election It would seem that the same end and perhaps a better one. in the long run, could be achieved by es tablishing the same qualifications for party nominees to the posts as are suggested for the appointees, in the bill. That is that the board’s members must consist of a lawyer, accountant and a layman. Supporters of the bill claim that a better grade of efficient officials can be gained through appointments rather than elections. And as an argument they refer you to parsons who have served on the board in the past in an inefficient manner, and who were elected to their posts. We don’t argue t he merits of this or that person but we do maintain that such is no argument against electing officials. If incapable persons were nominated by responsible party leaders and represented a. capable you cannot blame the people or sys tem by which they were voted into office. It would be more practical to look to the party leaders than to search for faults in a system which has proven generally healthy throughout the history of this na tion. Future Administrations While no question exists that the present administration would ever conduct its authority, received under the proposed bill, to detriment of the city’s welfare, it does remain that the present administration will not be in office forever and what we may expect, by way of appoin Features Of Your Social Security Act (Editor Note: This si the tenth of a series of 11 articles on Old Age and Survivors Insurance and related programs. These articles wUl appear in the newspaper as space becomes available. If you wish further information about any of these subjects discussed, you are invited to contact the nearest Social Security Board office or the other agencies mentioned.) There are many special situations that cannot be covered in a series of articles like this. Special rules apply to stepchildren, adopted chil dren, common-law wives, separated wives, etc. For Information on such matters the nearest office of the Social Security Board should be consulted. A general statement may be giv en, however, as to the amount of work you • must do before you or your family can become eligible for payments. Some figures on this point have been given in earlier ar ticles, but no explanation of the general rules has been made. All types or benefits are payable If you have been working at least half of the time from January 1. 1937. until you reach the age of 65 or die, and have been earning wag es of at least $50.00 a quarter while working. In any case you must have to your credit at least six quarters In which you were paid $50.00 or more; when you have to your credit 40 such quarters you are insured for the rest of your life. Certain special rules apply to those who were over 65 or under 21 when the Social Security Act went into effect. If you have been a farmer or an Independent merchant and have only recently started to work in a war plant It will take you several years to get enough credits to meet the above requirement. As soon as you have earned wages of $50.00 or more in at least six quarters (ex cluding the present quarter), you have, however, a limited life insur ance policy. In case of your death, payments would be made to your minor children, and to the widow with such children In her care, or a lump-sum deathe payment could be made. Your wife or dependent parent would not, however, be elig ible for monthly payments at age 65. TCie above requirements apply to all types of payments. In other words jl the worker must have the minimum amount of credits before a monthly payment of any kind or a lump-sum death payment may be made. For detailed information call or write to the Social Security Board, 108 Bank street, Waterbury 18, Conn. ' I: tees, from future administrations leaves us with an unknown quantity which could prove most detrimental. Under the reign of an irresponsible Mayor we could receive appointees which could be of the worst calibre. Reform For Reform Reform such as is intended by this bill is commendable in its design and purpose but caution should be the watchword in all like programs lest such procedure be over-done and become needful of reform it self. And when such reform leads us to centralization of any kind, so that power of appointment is given solely to one man, then it has been over-done and can be reclaimed only by curtailment of its procedure. All such reasoning may be dis carded by some as being academia and therefore not fostering immedi ate practical results, but a defense of such methods as that of the right to elect can hardly be termed aca demic in view of the practical and progressive results of the method of elections in this nation's history. (FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT) It has been said—A Tree Is Best Measured When It’s Down—and this is true of President Roosevelt. Vet at a time so close upon the man'* untimely and tragic death we can hardly measure the first dimensions of the loss this nation and the world has suffered. So enormous was hlax personality, so great the impress of his forceful character that only time with its healing sense of cool retrospect will permit us, at a future date, to again shape the true spirit, the essence of the identity of the man. There is a great quiet among the people today. They know a loss. Yet it has none of the final poig nancy that comes with the loss of one we have known as an intimate of our lifetime. Perhaps that is so because like the man’s entire ad ministration there is no precedent to go by.. We will remember his confident vigor when first he came upon the black scene of the depression years and said to the people—‘‘Our only fear is fear itself." Over and over again the familiar, warm voice pene trated the dark scene and what it said was what the people, when they weighed it, believed should be said. He became a neighbor, a man of common understanding, a friend in their minds and hearts and they followed him even when they felt the wonder and first fears as to where they were being led. We will remember his confident leadership in the years just priof to America’s entrance into the war and his vigorous adherence to the route he chose for America’s part in the war; a route that has led ul to the bright hour of victory. He sought freedom for the peo ples of the earth. No one can den# that now. Whatever judgment ir.a# have been formed by those who were opposed to him as to his calibre as the nation’s chief executive, all men who are honest and balanced must now give recognition to hi* popular force of character, his in nate sense of humanity that drew the people to him. The people, the masses, the nameless numbers of people will eventually shape his final stature; not the historians, the reporters, the personal friends and casual acquaintances—but the people and those to come who will be molded by the man’s work left on the country’s destiny. Now he belongs to the legends. HURRY! THE NEW WATERBURY NAUGATUCK THOMASTON WATERTOWN WOODBURY TELEPHONE BOOK IS CLOSING For additional listings and changes in pres* • nt listings in the white section, of which' we have not already been notified, please telephone, write or visit the telephone business office todayl the SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY . h