Newspaper Page Text
VOL' LI. NO. 6. NORWICH, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909. PRICE TWO CENTS. GOVERNOR ' LILLEY INDUCTED INTO OFFICE With Ceremonies More Striking in Many Re spects than Ever Before PRESENTED TO THE Escorted by Foot and Horse Guards from Executive Man sion to the Capitol Unusual Interest Taken in the Proceedings First Day's Session of Legislature a Business-Like One Adjourned to Tuesday. Hartford, Conn.. Jan. 6 The new executive and administrative govern ment of Connecticut was inducted into office in the capitol today with cere monies which, though following prece dent for many years, were mo.-e ptrik. ing in many respects than ever before. The Oath Administered. Governor Liliey took the oath of of fice administered by Chief Justice Baldwin,'. before an audience which taxed the ea parity of the house cham ber, while many scores of persons crowded; about the doors seeking- ad mission, anxious to see and to hear an executive in whom there has been and is uncommon interest. It was well into the atternoon before the joint convention of the general assembly V .- (j. t - 5 GCA.KCF, Ij. LILLET, of Wateibury, Governor. Will heht. to attend upon the Rov-error, snad it was dusk before the large fe-atii-i erimr filed out of the chamber. Beth Branches Organized by Noon. Both branches had roropleted their lise.imtuary work of organizing by noon ; end tlv;n followed a :onjr lie ay because- ths governor's escort bafl a long iimrrh ut to the executive mansion to re I reive the new governor and conduct : 5:iin ta the capitol. ' Entrance to the Chambers, i 1'pon arrival at the south portico the i. Toot Guards were drawn up along1 tin? F-ipproacho-j and the line was extended through the building to the executive office. The sun shone brightly iipaa F' t- military bodies ts Oavernir VTcn ruff and Govervov-elect Liliey 'eft their ! carriage and the salute from the fieid ' 'ir'a was just living away as they (entered the oaoitol amid the cheers of friht many spectators nii'l the waving c (f-hand-k-erchiefa by h women. Next (f"me Brigadier Genera! Cole, tbe sec- .retarles of the two governors, and then t nhe staff officers, headed by Majors r-T'Aeodore Roosevelt and Lyon of the Ftwo staffs. Other officers followed f-?.tefcnf line, with the music of the bntils In their ears, the member? of both rirancTsps had riflied into tlieir , oeiK and passed the h'-'cessu ry resotu ifflfons which finally brought about the " Joint conyrnlion. Sealed directly.. :n 'Itronr of the ."leaker' desk were Mrs. I. jjjlley, wife of the new governor. Mr:;. '-f JlleT, bis mother, and other jnemhe.s ' 'of ITie family and persona! fnnd. 0Muoh Interest Shown in Major Roose 1 velt. A harfi fell over the e tlierlnsr ns the S-evTinounrement wis maie of the ap "JiBMieh ef th incoming officers, and. by llhh Sl- riff 7e y of H.i'tforJ ecty. (i'A-ei'ners V.'oof"ru"7 "d I.'iley rmiked in. followed by Secretary of .ate Matthew Rogers. State Tress-r-firey I'atten and ('o:i,p:ro11er Brad'-treet fin4 the jusnce-j of the supreme couil tfcf rrors. nil of whom took at ur"'' ' he platform. The simiT officers had featf Jut iiicide the door and within Ve e.:Trer a well outside Hiere as raueh Interest shown In Major rtfonevelr, who bore the scrutiny of tieHredi of pairs of eyes with poo.l rra-e. Reading ef the Message. 1 .teut.-fiovejnor Veeks, who a short tJtne before liart been sworn in by Chief Jiisti.-e Baldwin, inusided, and r-e!romed il r. Iilley. who was pre nted to the general assembly amid much applause. The oath was admin istered and Governor Liliey began the FRANK B. WEEKS, of Middletown, Uautuaiit-Uovi iiuf. KadVing B noifcer tit bis lne.isage. (glinted In lag of this isaei. He did a clear tine truuahoat. al- tin In thvug-h towards the end it was a slight titlii, as forty-three lulnutes wte i)cal te cover it, Hla words of per onal e-eetOiK to the members and his I'Pfal for eo-operation and aid In famine tip the taska before the uri runlstra.tten K'ere lmpr'SsivNr liven. After rerenfHlJ the Kriinf of thee but hies the joint eanvenlien 1 ! t GENERAL ASSEMBLY was dissolved and the party returned to the executive chambers where a short reception was held. First Day's Session Businesslike. The first day's session was a busi nesslike one. considering the very large proportion of new members. The senate was more expeditions than the house, due mainly to the readiness of .Senator Searls to infer the usual res olutions nededeil to l'tilly equip the body for business. Lieut.-Governor Weeks Takes Oath. Senator Brooks of Torrinston had presided until l.ieut.-Covernor Weeks appeared anil took ilie oath. The lat ter quickly showed his familiarity with senate procedure. In accepting the greeting of the senate, t lie lieutenant governor said: "In assuming the du ties and responsibilities of the office to which I have been chosen by the electors of ihe state 1 do so w ith feel ings of pleasure together with feel- I ings of uncertainty. Of pleasure in i lieing' associated with members of this j honorable body sole, ted by an intelli- pent electorate and clothed with an- ! tliorityto legislate for the protect ion, j t lie prosperity and happiness of our grant! old commonwealth: and with) feelings of uncertainty oi ing to Ihel consciousness n. my limita t ions and! lack of exiieri.Mu e. Hut in the per- ' foriuauce id' the duties of the offh e I j will promise yon my best efforts and j shall endeavor to be aUvays just and impartial. I therefore ask oi;r helji and consideration to the ends that the business of me session of the legis lature may be expedited. Mav we not indulge in the lioj.e that this session i of H'O!) shall ut its ('lose be classed ' as one of the shortest and a!so as one of the b.-st as resards the quality I of its legislation and thereby meet ! the approbation of the people of our ; state-.'" "Smtors, permit me to express the j desire tiiat the feeling of regard which we now entertain towards one another! may soon ripen hr.o friendship, and ! when liie da vs of oar legislative ac- ' tivity shali hav- ...isst-d you may recall - them with a feeiiug of .'-atisfaclion and ; pleasure." Aid for Earthquake Sufferers. The sum total of new business of the i day w ; the passajji by the house of ; a resolution to appropriate nim for ! the earthquake sntieiers. AVhich the I senate tabled until the next session. ; senator l.ntlier. who :nnao this motion, thought te emerge::, y had passed, and he fuitr believed that the gift of two millions bv this country as good 1 i ., MATTHKW H. P.OGKRS, of Kridgejjort. State Secretarv, evidence of the sympathy alreudv ex- , tended to the sufferers. His reason i for tabling was that tile matter had ' been hastily introduced. Senatorship Caucus Next Tuocday: The rani us on the senatorship will ' be held next Tiiday afternoon. I'ol- lowing a session of hot lo'anehes at which the committees will tie annonnc- I ed. ; Gov. Woodruff's Parting Word. Governor Woodruff, as his parting! word to the state as an rxo, miip. sent : it message re.-ommending consideration ' of the matter of the taxation of oyster ! grounds within the state limits. The I matter was placed on the table to' be taken ur later. ! In the senate the parting tribute to ! Lieutenant Governor Lake was the in- j VitatlOn tf him to sit hesi.le the new- I offlcr of his rank. A few minutes later he stepped down and into private ; life. . Inaugural Ball a Brilliant Affair. j The crowning event of the day was ' the inaugural ball at the armory this evening, which proved to be one of tile most. brilliant affairs of tlio l ature ever i held. Governor Lilley and Mrs. Liliey. j with many of their personal friends' , from towns of the state and elsewhere, i received. The staff officers and the I higher officers of the National Guard ! of the state added the brilliancy of golJ lace to the occasion. i Socially this was the beginning of a ! season which is already looked forward to with much expectancy. GENERAL ASSEM3LY ORGANIZED Choice of Speaker, Senate Clerks, Minor Officials to Tuesday. President, Adjourned Hartford. Jan. fi. The senate was called to order at 10.S0 by Secretary of State Theodore Bodenwein. Brav er was offered by the Rev. J. Frederick Sextorij who was afterwards elected chaplain. The secretary called the roll of members of the senate. The oath was administered to the senators by Secretary Uoileuueln. The tlrsi bosintss was the election of cleik. There were thirty votes cast, all of wtaeii were for John A. Spaf ford. The announcement by the sec retary of suae o Mr. jjpiffurd's elec tion was received with applause. He was sworn into office by the secre tary. Elected President Pro. Tem. The senate tok a vote for president pro ten. Senator B!ek;e of- the ftfil - .fa; . 'XT ' J Ninth presented the name of Senator Isa; AV. Brooks of Torriiigton for president pro tem. There were thirty- two votes cast, all of which were for Senator Brooks. The senator, when Clerk Spafford announced his election, took his place at the president's desk and accepted the position of president pro tem. in a r;ell received ' speech. Other Offcials Elected. The Rev. J. Frederick Sexton of New Haven was elected chaplain by a unanimous vote. John '. Hughes of Hartford and K. V. ISuhlwin of New Haven were' elected messengers by a unanimous vote. The following doorkeepers were elected: Fred M. AVright of Ashford, William Humphrey of Danliury, Oscar F. Perkins of AVinsted, James Mc Kendrick of-stonington. K. H. Clark of Saybrook and Charles K . Hunt of Coventry. Resolutions Passed. A resolution was passed raising a committee of two senators to canvass the vote for senators. Senators Bowers of the Fourteenth and Shan ley of the Kleventh district were ap pointed on the committee. The amendment tales of last ses sion were adopted. The joint rules of the senate and house of last session were adopted. Committee Reports. The committee on canvass of votes reported that the canvass made by the canvassing board was correct. The report was accepted and the canvass ordered on file in the office of the state secretarv. Ready fcr A r-solution was Business. passed appointing a commit I "o to notify the house that tile senate was organized and lvady to do business. Senators has of the Fifteenth and Middleton of the Seventh district? were appointed on the committee. Resolutions. Senators Middleton and Shanley, were appointed a committee to assign seats to reporters and places to door keepers. Ke.o!uiions were passed authorizing the clerk to have l.",i) copies of the FP.irKMAX F. PATTEN, of Stafford. State Treasurer, journal prinued daily and at the end of th session ti.'aj copies for disiribu- i tion. instruct ing- the messengers to j distribute mail matter: authorizing tlio , -ierl:. to have the lk:'. of bills printed. and to publish the legislative bulletin i daily: ai.tborizing- the comptroller tb ; furnish members jrh copies of the general statutes. ! Senators I'enii,. Peck. Hurley amjl i Courtney were appointed on the comt i mitte'e on the canvass, of votes for staffs ! nfticcrs. . A resolution was jiassed allow ing the commilte -on incorporations .thV use-of ! the senate ante loom. 1 A; resolution was nasseil -suspending . the daily reading of the journal and the calling of the "roll. A comnii'tfee. from the lToiise aii nonnced that the house was ready lot business. : '''.' ! Senator Fenn, for the committee on I the canvass of votes for state oflicers. j mad'' a report and offered resolutions j declaring the officers elected. The re- port .was accepted and the resolutions I passed. Ml the motion of Senator ' Fenn the report and resolutions were i immediately transferred. Senator Luther, for the committee I to wait on the retiring governor, re- ported that his excellency hid no fur i ther communication to in a We to the j general assembly, on the motion of Senator Searls th report wos iinme I diately transmitted to the house. ! A resolution was passeil raising- a . commit lr of one senator and two rep resentatives to inform the gpvernor 1 eic,-t of his election. Senator Klakes J lec was aor,ointvd as the committee. ! Senator Lathr.or vas appointed on I the committee of one senator and two i representative to inform th- state of ; lier-rs of their election. I Senators A 'sop and Turner wer ap ; pointed en the committee to notify tin ; lieutenant-governo-elect of his elec ; tion. To Caucus for United States Senator. j Senator Blakesiee prtsented a noti'-e i from the republican caucus stating I that a joint ea ecus of t ho senate anil house will be held Tuesday next at Z ; o'clock in the afternoon for the pur- l-ose of i omin.iting a candidate for United States .senator. THE HOUSE. The house was called to order at, 1 1Ji" by the retiring speaker. John y. I Tilson. of New Haven. Prayer was j offered by te Rev. Frank Countryman of Stony Creek, the choice of the gen i oral caucus for chaplain. Representative Scott of Plvmouth ., - A v'i- y;c-;. A So;- ic;,J,J '. r - THOMAS D. B R ADST ItKKT, uf Thoniaston. Comptroller. and Kirpicsei'ittitive L. M Cluiiin of e,v London wire appointed tenifc raiy clerki. Election of Speaker. Preliinuiary to the taking of I be liallot for stiea.ker Mr. Tilson appoint ed Mr. Have, of Wa terburv. K. K. Ful ler of Tolland. Simeon Tease of Fair field and .Cheirle W. Scoville of Ha l- ( "?. ! ; it t ' Creditors Seize Everything END OF A MOST METEORIC AND MYSTERIOUS CAREER. "COUNT" HAMON DISAPPEARS Cut a Dashing Figure in Paris for Years Formerly Known in America as "Cheiro, the Palmist." Pari?, Jan. fi. "Count" Louis Hfl mon, formerly known in America and Kurope at "Chei-io. the Palmist." and before that as plain John Warner, is a,' fugitive from France tonight, and the entire American and Knglisii col ony is discussing one of the most me teoric and mysterious careers which ever dazzled Parisian society. Scores of Creditors Appear. Ilimoti is charged with embex.lo ment. and his symptuous offices, where iie edited a newspaper called The American and conducted a bank and other enterprises f which Americans loaned capital, are bare and empty, scores of creditors having descended and seized ever thing. The com plainants against Hunou are Mrs. Ju lia. P.. Newell and Miss Josephine Po:u eroy. formerly ofXew York, hu; . now residents of Paris, who claim that they turned over to Ilamon stocks to the market value of .".(in.0')0. on whii-h Hamon agred' to raise a loan through London banks of Jl r,o.rttin. They al lege, however, that Hamon neither ne gotiated the loan nor returned the slock, in consequence of which they began a criminal action against the Hamon bank. Hamon had been a dashing figure in Paris since his arrival la-re six years ago. He lived in costly apartments in the Pue Jin Bois Tie liollogne. Con 'birrable mystery, atla'-hes to his titl". which ha been questioned. He claim ed to h.4e inherit"d it from bis father, who ri'ifived it from the pope. The man's rf al name is said to be 1 K. Warner. dam as tellers. The ballJt resulted as follows: Whole number of Nccc.-sary for r hole otes. . . . .2 it ; .121 ; Lhnore S. Ranks Richard T. liisgrns .in William J. yialor.e 3 Mr. Banks was declared elected and Mr. Malone of Bristol and Mr. I-Iig-gins of Winchester were appointed to wait upon Mr. Ranks, inform him of his election, and escort him to the house. Message from Governor Weodruff. Charles I-.". J uliii.. exe.-ul i e secretary of tile retiring governor, announced, a communication from. Governor Wood ruff. It was a soecial message, some thing quite unusual . to come from the retiring executive on this day. It r lati (i to ii(. oyster grounds of the s:ste and 'advocated taxation of tnem as .is cone in Rhode Island and som. other states. . . , Clerk Biodqett Elected. A hnllot was taheH for t:'o ele.-iion of a clerk, and Vali um 1 1. HUeigeft 'f Winchester uas chosfii. receiving 1 -l out of votes. I'layton Klein r"- i-eied IS and Saiiu S. RusseJI :;. Mr. Blodgett was assistant clerk last ses sion. Assistant Clerk. A resolution appointing Sab'n S Rr ell of Killingh- asb-.ant cie-k -.v;. SARIN S. RFifrSELL. " of Killingiy. Assistant Clerk of House. presented b- Mr. and was ariooted. tered the oath. Scott of Plymouth The clerk adminis- Chaplain. Mr. Scott also presented a resolution appointing the Kev. Frank c.mnt,.. nian of Stony Creek to he the house chaplain. It wa.s udopted. Rulee. The rules governing the house of 1 97 were adopted. Committee to Senate. Tiie speaker appointed Mr. Hayes of Watrrbtiry and .Mr. Tingier of Vernon a committee to inform the senate that, the honse was organized and ready or business. Messengers. Mr. Hail of Wi'.lington. resolution appointing the following as messen gers: Charles If. Hammer, Wethers field. Hartford county: O. C. Hot, Bethlehem, Litchfield county; A. N. Vaughn. Pomfret. Windham county; F. N. Taylor. Lebanon, New London county. A similar resolution named the fol lowing doorkeepers: Julius l Wilder. Kssex. Middlesex county; Wallace T. Horsfall. Bethany. New Haven coun ty: George I". Sherwood. Weston. Faii f'eld countv: It. B. Horton. T'nion. I Tolland county: Harry L. Hayden. Fl- liugton. Tolland county: William Swain, Humden, New Haven county. Canvass of Votes. "The speaker appointed the following ss a committee on canvass of votes Messrs. D'Fsopo of Hartford. Wit it on of Now London. Carr of Bridgeport , I'isk of Branford. Tibbits of Norwich. Mack of Portland. Buckley of I'nion, Kyle of New Miiford. This commit tee proceeded immediately to its duties and shortly afterward jeporred fee election of officers of the slat". Mr. Hall of Wiiiinofn. Mr. Peck of Stratford .md Mr. Rockwell of Bristol were appointed to canvass the vote for state senators. From Retiring Governor. The committee to ait on the re tiling governor and inquire as to his fun her pleasure was apnoqitid by the speaker fund were Mr. Bifhcp of New Haven and. Mr. Higgin of Winchester The coinniitte- reported that his ex cellency had nofiiiig farther tj offer. $5,000 for Earthquake Sufferers. -. Mr. F.l.-hop of New Haven offered 'a resolution Thar the : bouse inakeT an' appropriation of $5 nn fir the earth quake sufferers .in Italy, yr. .Loos of Wif t . f IS i L VA U Condensed Telegrams Rear Admiral Barnett, superintend ent of the naval observatory, is re ported critically i. The English Government's Advicts from Peking Indicate that foreign in terests are in danger. Tuberculosis Costs the State of New York $.i.0ea,um). the economic value of lives lost annually. x Mah Hong, a Chinaman, was hang ed at Ma -l.eod, Alberta, by Kadcliffe, Canada's offcial hangman. Argument Was Made Bfefore the house committee in favor of a court of appeals to hear patent cases. Yellow Fever Is Again Epidemic in the state of Vttcatan, Mexico, and a number of deaths are reported daily. C. J. Farson, District Manager of a i life insurance company at Amoy. Chi- J na lommitted suicide by shooting. ! j W. I. Buchanan, special commis- j sioner from Washington, was present ed to Gomez, president of Venezuela. Miss Katharine Root, a relative of j Secretary Root, died of convulsions as : the result of an automobile accident. President-elect Taft Commends the movement to raise half a million dol- ' iars for the Lincoln Memorial univer- i The House Committee having in I charge the various a ppropriat ion hills I is busily occupied with hearings and meetings. i It Is Possible that President Roose velt will appoint an an'.i-liryan dem ocrat to the federal in North Carolina, e Orville J. Wright Declares that it ' i: impracticable to biuld airships large enough to supplant passenger ships and trains. ! It Is Reported at Reggio that an , Kngos'i sneaking family met death ; in th" collapse of the Hotel Central in that city. Three Congressional Election con- i tests from South Carelips were de- eided by the committee in (avr of sitting democrats. The Naval Bureau Has Outlined plans for 2.' battleship ' larger than any thus fnr authorized t for the American tiavv. i The Plant of the Puget Sound Mills j and Timber Co.. said to be the biggest j shingle mill in the world, was burned, j The damage is about f 41 Ti.ftuft. Report of a Revolutionary Outbreak in Manchuria has been received at Amoy. where it i said troops have despatched to queel the rebels. Cabled Paragraphs Lisbon. Jan. "Maria Pia. the queen dowager, is seriously ill wit ii an in-j testinal di.-order. Tokio. Jan. i. It is. understood a meet in? of prominent members of the i empire held at the residence of I'ounti Koiiiuta. minister of foreign affairs. ! at his invitation. toda voted fund ,-r si.niai en ( J pi. :,iia i te .vj.rd toe lief id toe sntforers in Iteiy. r- Tal.ahuano. Chili, Jan. ti. The of-' fivers of the Anifrican Pari'e- fiei-t are ! ing hospitaly entertained. Many 1 officers have isited Conee; i imi the canhal of the province, and have been j entertain" d there. The protected i cruiser Colorado, which has been fol- i lowing the other vessels of the fleet, iias arrived. NEGRO LYNCHED. ' " " t Attempted Criminal Assault Upon South Carolina Farmer's Wife. I.xintn:i. S. c.. Jan. . Reports have just reacii"d here of the lynch- ; ing of an unknown ngro in Lexir.g- ton county about four miles north of ' here, toiiigiit. The reported lynching , followed an attempted criminal as- sault upon Mrs. Thomas Wingard. age i 53. tile wife of a prominent farmer. : The neighborhcod was aroused when ; news of the attempted assault became ' known and a posse was firmed to pur- ' sue the negro. Sheriff P. 11. Corley also Wowed with bloodhounds. i Returning citizens said that the ne- gro had been captured, indicating by ; their planner rather than by their j sp Pch that he w as lynched. i RED CROSS RECEIPTS For Earthquake Sufferers Reaches Close to Half Million Dollars. j Washington. Jan. (.Today's re I ceipts of funds at the headquarters of i the American National Red Cross so j ciety for the Italian earthquake suf I ferers brought the total subscriptions j close to half a million dollars. Red cross branches and individuals in IS 1 different states contributed to make up the J9.f).i2 received today. The ex act amount received by the Red Cross ii-otii all sources to date is $497,820. GROUNDED IN 9UE2 CANAL. Battleship Georgia Was Refloated With But Little Damage. Port Said. Jan. . The battleship Georgia went aground . on her -.vav through the canal. She was refloated and does not appear to have been dam aged. She is expected here at mid night with the Nebraska and New Jer sey. Japanese Count Toda Attempts Suicidi Tokio. Jan. 6. Count Toda, whose engagement to a royal princess was recently cancelled because of the dis covery that hi had been married whil" a student at Cambridge. KnglanoY and who divorced his wife after iiis return to Japan, today attempted to commit suicide by taking poison. The attempt was unsuccessful. The count has been deprived of his seat in the upper house. . the same city moved an amendment making the amount $10.0"). The amendment was lost. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Loos spoke in favor of the resolu tion. Mr. Bishop saying that Island had appropriated tl'I.AnA and asking t -at the appropriation be made under suspension of the rules. Mr. Huim of Windham favuraj the resolu tion, saying that '! It had not been of fered by Mr. Rihop he had one of sim ilar character to present. The resolu tion was adopted without a dissenting voice. It was at once transmitted to the senate. The resolution proposed that the money should be expended through the American Rd Cross so ciety. On Canvass of Votes for Senators. The committee on election uf stale ei,atui3 reported, and toe report ki accented. Committee te Nutify Governor-E lect. 'Mr. Haves of Witerbury and Mr. Iunn of Windham were appointed by the speaker to notify the incoming governor of his election. Koth houses ailjurned until Tues day. - Michigan Pastor Murdered DISMEMBERED BODY POUND IN CHURCH STAVES. TERRIFIC STRUCCLE FOR LIFE Church Floor, Pews and Communis Table Covered with Blood Dirk Al so Found in the Church. Detroit. Mich., Jan. 6. The div-inem-bered body or Rev. John H. Carmich acl. a Methodist minister, was found today partially consumed by Are In the ' two heating stoves of one of his three churches near Columbus. In the south western part of St. Clair county. Clues Difficult te Obtain. Investigation was begun at once t c'.ea-- away a temporary une.erta.intv as to the identity of the victim ami te obtain clues regarding the murderer ami the motive f ir the crime, lidenti lication ot the dead elerginyinan w-s soon effected by orville Lindsay, who was sent to the church for the pur pose by Mr. Cartniihael. who had been in great distress since her hus band failed to return home, as expect ed, last evening. She surmised tht the minister was the victim as sonn. as she heard the report that some one had been mudered in the Co'urnhns church. Rut clues of the murderer and his motive were more difficult to ob tain. Mary Rumors Afloat. Th'-rc w jps a rumor that a strsus at H'ckev !a man had left a train esierd.iy and was directed to the Cn. Inn, bus Vhurrh. and there n ere other rumors indicating that two men were implicated hi the er:me. The fact that several' coins were found In the cloth ing ef the dead man and In the ah ' of the stoves plei-ilided tile theory of io'obory. and at the time of his death it was not known that the murdered minister hail an enei-iy in the world. Pastor of Three Churches. Rev. Mr. Carmichae had horn In Michigan about ten years, and for two years had bcim pastor of the thre duifc her at Columbus. Adair and Chi na. With, his wife and three ehlM-ren. he -esided in Adair. Leaving home yeesierday morning, he told Mrs. far noehael that he was going to Columbus to arrange for a series of revalvel meetings there. He waved his hand affect innately o a group of children as he dioxe out of the village of Ade'r. and from that moment all trace of htm is I is: Evidence of Fierce Struggle. Myron Brown who lives near the so ue of the tragedy, d.ii the first to discover the crime today. While he was waiting at the cross roads to kn an appointment, the cold wind drove him to seek sbelier in the church. He was surprised to lind the church doori unlocked and upon opening them n ss terrified to see the church floor. th pews and even the communion table, daubed with blood and fragments of Moody clothing scattered all around. Kvidently the vloi-gyiuan. who wis "t years old and of athletic build, had made n terrific struggle for his life. Authorities Hurry to Scene. Without Investigating further Brown' fli-d to his home w here he had 1 key to tiie church. He returned and lock ed the doors and hurried to the vil lage nf Hickey. from whence he noti fied the iherlff's office at Port Hurejn. The authorities on tlieir arrival at the church found parts of the dis membered moflr In the iuo stoves ! cared, respectively at the front and rear, and discovered in one stove the head of what was apparently a new hatchet, the naeO.e of which hid ben burned off. A f i was also found In the church, and h i. believed that the dirk served for the murderer, for the hatchet was used to cut the body t pieces. Minister's Herse Found Tied te TVee. The minister's horse was found to day tied to a tree In the village of Pine River, the dead man's overcoat being discovered in the buggy. Pine River is a small village near Thorn ton on the main line of the Greed Trunk railroad and fully 2 mllei from the cene of the murder. SILK DRESSES AS BRIBES TO OIL DEALERS' WIVM. Testimony in Government's &urt to Dissolve Standard Oil Company. New York. Jan. . Test ifyinir ody in the jfiwernment's unit to rt-nwolve the Stanoaid Oil compeuy. George J. L. Wolff. Baltimore manager for the Crevve Ivick company. saJd that tb testimony given yesterday by Bruce Robinson, a Standard witness, that the Crew Levick eompinv orVred cut prices to the Standard's customers was false. Mr. n,ff sertd that the eut was made by the Figle fjtl company, one of the concerns absorbed by (he Standard. The witness said that a Mr. BIo stein. who operated the Ragle Oil com pany, vieited the Crewe Ixwi. k ronn pany's customers, made proffers of slllt dress's, eioctric fans and other res ents to the wives of the oil dealers f they would Induee their husbands t buy oil of the Eagle company. LOST BEARINGS IN DENSE FOG. British Steamer Anglo-African Aefcere on Virginia Coast. Norfolk. Va.. Jan. Losing her hearings in the dense fog early yester day, the British steamer Anglo-African, with a cargo, from Tocopi'i. Mex ico, bound for Baltimore, sror out ef her course ami went ashore on fAmtth's Island, off Caue Charles. The life sav ing partol fr in Smith's Island discov ered the vessel at daybreak tedar end immediately stood by. Word wa else sent to the city and a wrecking ttur was hurried to the scene. There Is little wind and only a moderate ss running. The vessel Is reported as tn good condition. It will be necessary 1i lighter the cargo, and the wrei'kirg tugs have been asked for bsrres for this purpose. Erb Jury Locked Up for the Night. Media. Pa.. Jan. .-The file of M'-t. Catherine Meicl and Mrs. M. Flor"n 9 K' b. c'us-refl with the murder of Cap.. J. Clayton F.r'n at his country home. Re,' Gabies, on Oct. . hangs in the balance. The case was given to the jury at 4.:lo -this afternoon and after deliberating for four hours they a ere locked ip for the night. Athletic Prize ef $100. llaiuhluii. N V, Jail t. Geeig KlWbV of the c.i uf IjMi f Coign. uiiivei--llj tie:- estab.lsbej a pczs.of flifO to be iv.! wn c w lujuoj i..-e me r i : Uav 1y the otli:tt. hu has iimn Ii-.t letter ;hive tiinti and has the hi?liext stand-Lrd in clnni ii o during ills entire i-ourec. Steamship Arrivale. At Liverpool: Jan. . IaieMS New York vie, Q-iieajutes-m. t---L,.--.-