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Norwich bulletin. [volume] (Norwich, Conn.) 1895-2011, January 13, 1909, Image 1

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VOL Lf. NO. 11.
k I7Q6 " .tTT.lOJlHT'-
M 1 I i I 1 1 1 H 1
Will Succeed Himself
i Connecticut for Full
Caucus a Very Quiet Affair
All but Three or Four Litchfield County Votes, while
Mr. Brandegee Seemed y to Receive the Solid Vote
of New London and Windham Counties hill Take
His Defeat Good-Naturedly.
Hartford, Conn., Jan. 12. United
Btates .Senator Frank B. Brandegee ol
Jv'ew London will eucceed himself as
the junior senator from Connecticut
for the full -term of six years. He was
nominated by the republican caucus of
the members of the general assembly
this afternoon over Congressman Eb
enezer J. Hill of Norwalk, member of
the ways an I means committee, who
has served several times in the lower
bodv of congress. Senator Brandegee's
winning margin was 15 votes, a very
narrow margin to win Try considering
that before the November election it
was not thought he would have any
opposition to the nomination.
Assembly Begins Voting on Contest
.TJie general assembly will begin vot
ing on the senatorial contest next
Tuesday, and the Joint assembly will be
on the day following, as provided by
law. At that time Senator Brandegee
will have the votes of all the republi
cans, while those of the democrats will
probably be cast for Judge A. Heaton
Robertson of New Haven, who was the
party gubernatorial candidate at the
late election.
A Very Quiet Caucus.
The caucus was a very quiet affair,
and as the nominating speeches were
omitted by consent of each side the
proceedings included simply the organ
ization with Speaker E. S. Banks as
presiding officer; the selection of Rep
rest ntative Hayes of Waterbury as
clerk: the clearing of the floor of out
sider : the decision as to a method of
balloting, and then the casting of the
vote. The Brandegee votes were count
ed first and upon the number 126 be
ing made known, a few enthusiastic
Bran.legee men in the chamber broke
out with a cheer which told the crowd
In tiie corridors the result. It was
soiv.c minutes before the Hill ballots
were counted and the number seen to
be 111. but in the meantime many men
had rushed into the rooms of the lieu
tenant governor to tell Senator Bran
degee the'nens. which he accented as
matter of c ourse. Other men rush
ed down to th telephone to spread the
nw.i state and in a twinkle the
whole caritol was ringing with shouts
of the happy followers of the junior
Ballot Mad Unanimous.
A Hoon as the tellers had formally
announced their court. Representative
rhandler of Rocky Hill moved that the
Fallot be made unanimous, and this
was carried and the caucus was at an
How the Ballots Were Cast.
In casting their ballots most of the
members tightly folded the small slips
of paper and it was hard to tell just
how they voted. The Hill ballots were
o little larger than those used by the
BrjttJegi.-j men. It appeared, however,
that Air. Hill got all but three or four
Litchfield county votes, the defection
being apparently in Woodbury and New
Tilford, while on the other hand the
defection from a solid delegation for
-Air. Brandegee in Tolland county seem
ing to De in Homers, Tolland, and to
tailing for the ooutitv shoot ait. Mr.
Brandegee seemed to get the solid vote
it ;ew jjoncion and Windham coun
ties, and the vote of Fairfield. New Ha
vn, Hartford and Midlesex counties
emed to be evenly divided. The In
dlcations were that his representatives
m Mermen. Stamford and' New Haven.
which had been debatable ground, cast
ineir votes lor mr. ttranoegee.
Hard Fought Battle.
Mr. Brandegee's margin of 15 votes
was. all things considered, a very
close one. Mr. Hill Btarted with very
little backing after the November
lection and slowly made inroads in
to the Brandegee column until on Sat
urday last the Brandegee men real
ized the tide was going against them.
Over Sunday a determined effort was
made to bring into use every device
known in political tactics and in many
places great pressure was exerted on
local representatives under the guise
f Prty discipline. The Hill men
quickly countered and all day yester
day the battle fought behind the
scenes was one of master minds.
Railroad Commissioner O. R. Fyler
and J. Henry Roraback, in charge of
the Hill campaign, were matched
against Chairman Kenealy and Rail
road Commissioner Andrew F. Gates.
to whose assistance came last night
the senior senator, Morgan G. Bulke
ley, the hero of many a hard fought
Battle ana the master hand at tacti
cal manouevring. There were many
aner tne caucus wno, in their discus
lion, laid Mr. Brandegee's success to
the arrival of the senior senator.
Personal Friendship Told.
This morning, in the lobby of the
Aiiyn nouse, wnere everyone who
knew the political game was camped,
1ie Brandegee men were convinced
,that things looked a little better for
them. Personal friendship of the state
leaders Vfth the local leaders was be
ginning to tell, and those members
of the legislature who had been back
ward in declaring themselves were
brought under the influence of those
leaders who were in a 'position to de
mand definite avowals of position. On
the other hand, the Hill men were us
ing all their power to hold their own
men in line.
Views Changed Rtpidly.
There i was nothing spectacular in
the contest. Much of the work was
not discernible to those who were . not
closely in touch with the situation.
The gossip fluctuated first from one
candidate to the other and views
changed rapidly and it was only the
wiser heads who made predictions and
clung to them.
Vote in Caucus of Full Republican
The vote In the caucus was the full
republican strength. Representative
XacLane of Hamden, Tifft of Beacon
Falls and Frink of Chaplin, who were
elected on democratic tickets, although
republicans themselves, were not ad
mlttel to the caucus. This left 238
votes, but O. C. Hill of Bethlehem
sat In the caucus in place of James
E. Allen of that town, a democrat who
has not qualified. This brought the
vote to 237. making 119 necessary for,
S aboloa, Tba caucus was very quiet
as Junior Senator from
Term of Six Years,
- It Appears that Mr. Hill got
ly conducted and after it was over
there was perfect harmony, .the Hill
men accepting the result with good
grace. Mr. Koraback being heartily
congratulated on the splendid fight he
had put up.
Winner Holds Reception.
Senator Brandegee 'held a reception
at the capitoL He said that he had no
statement to make other than he
would have heartily jseconded the en
dorsement of Mr. Hnl had he lost, and
with as good spirit as Mr. Hill had
shown in accepting the result. Later
on, to an enthusiastic admirer. Mr,
Brandegee said: "They have called
me lazy, but . I seem to have run a
fast race."
Committee Appointments Thursday,
The caucus over, the attention of
members was called to the possibility
of committee appointments which will
be announced on Thursday. After that
the sessions will begin business and
the most of the memberB appear to
want a short session.
Declaration by Speaker Banks.
An incident of the house session
was tire declaration of Speaker Banks
that he had not allowed the senatorial
contest to enter into his selection of
committees. Said he: "I promise you
that no member of this house will be
punished and no member of this house
will be favored because of his vote for
either candidate for United States sen
ator. I go one step further and say
that if I had positive knowledge, cer
tainly beyond doubt, that any mem
ber of this house had sold his birth
right for such a mess of pottage as
a promised committee appointment, I
should consider him unworthy to serve
upon any Important committee."
Both Houses Adjourned Till Thurs
Both branches stand adjourned un
til Thursday noon. After the an
nouncement of committees Governor
Lilley is expected to send in several
communications and some appoint
ments to fill offices which will soon
be vacant. Next Tuesday most of the
county delegations will meet to or
ganize and to transact business which
is required by law. County commis
slonersh'pg are now the chief contests
in sight.
Is Asked if He Would Be Candidate
Next Time.
Hartford, Jan. 12. Congressman
E. J. Hill was interviewed after the
result of the caucus became known.
Mr. Hill said: "Well, 1 have nothing
eise to oo now Dut go DacK to work;
back to the hardest job I know of."
Asked if he would be a candidate
next time, he said: "My work in
Washington will be so engrossing that
l will not have time to think of any-
tning else."
Mr. Hill took the triumph of Mr.
Brandegee with gqod-iiatured philoso-
pny ana assured his friends who gath
ered at his headquarters in the Allyn
house, that "we have had a good fight
lor me nomination, anyway.
Charges Made by Defense in the Hains
Flushing, N. Y.. Jan. 12. Charges
that the testimony of the members of
tne Bayside Yacht club was manufac
tured, and that witnesses were with
drawn from the stand because their
evidence was not sufficiently re
hearsed, were made by Lawyer John
F. Mclntyre today, in summing up for
me aeiense in tne trial or Thornton
Jenkins Hains. Mr. Mclntyre had not
IJlnlshed when adjournment was taken
runtil tomorrow. He spent over five
hours today in reviewing the evidence
in the case and pointing out discrep
ancies, which, he asserted, showed that
much of the testimony of the state
had been rehearsed in an Instruction
school. . Mr. Mclntyre declared that a
portion of the testimony of Mrs. Wil
liam E. Annis, whose husband was
shot and killed by Capt. Peter C.
Hains, was "manifestly false and that
Bhe had been taken from the witness
stand when it was seen that her story
had not been sufficiently rehearsed."
Mr. Mclntyre and Prosecutor Dar
rin had several verbal clashes during
Mr. Mclntyre's dramatic recital. Jus
tice Crane informed Mr. Mclntyre that
he must conclude his address at noon
tomorrow when the state will sum up.
The court Baid that the case must go
to the jury Thursday.
By, the Coast and Geodetic Seismo
graph at Cheltenham, Md.
WaHhinetnn. Jan 19 Thpno ai.v
quakes have been reported by the seis
mograph at the coast, and geodetic
mirvpv mapnpt nhtt.pvoKp ti nv..i
enham, Maryland, during the past 21
... ... . v.. uuuuai; J- 1 O l
7fi-I 19 rt m 7rVi mapiHN...
v u un mctiii unit,
end lasted until 7.12.40. The maximum
occurred at v.uo.iu.
Thp second hpimn ftt K in tv.l
morning and ended at about 5.41 a. m.
fr.1 . i : , " - . . ...
uuiu coimneiicea at i.zz.zv this
mnrnitlff nntl anriori t fthnnt 7 CO T1
maximum occurred at 7.31.
The disturbances were very small,
and no doubt were caused by distant
earthquakes, but the record Is not suf
ficient to give an estimate of the dis
Union' Pacific Merger Hearing.
New York, Jan. 12. Victor Mora-
wetz, formerly chairman of the exec
utive committee of the Atchfson. To-
peka and Santa Fe Railroad company,
was on the stand all of today- in the
Union Pacific merger hearing before
United States Special Examiner Syl
vester G. Williams. He was a most
lnterestiir: witness, and told in detail
the story of E. H. Harriman's entry
Into the Atchison's directorate, through
men the latter named, after Harriman
had fought to stop Atchison's exten
sion of California,
Cabled Paragraph
Tokio. Jan. 13. The imperial prin
cess Nashimoto left Tokio today foe
Paris, where she will join Prince
Nashimoto, who has been staying at
the French capital for some time.
Rome, Jan. 12. One of the last
proceedings in the beatification of
Joan of Arc, the ceremony called in
Latin "Tuto," took place this morning
in the presence of the pope and the
congress of rights of the Vatican.
Peking, Jan. 12. The diplomatic
corps has made a strong collective
representation to the Chinese govern
ment concerning the board of commu
nication having usurped the full con
trol of the Peking telegraph office,
which the Chinese government in 1901
agreed should be under foreign super
intendence. Pernambuco, Brazil, Jan. 12. The
Brazilian employes of the Great West
ern railway of Brazil, a British cun-
cern employing four thousand men.
went on strike this afternoon. Race
feeling against the English runs high
in the state and the police were called
out to preserve order. They were pow
erless, however, to prevent the raiding
of the company's main office. The
strikers have seized the rolling stock
and practically are in possession of the
terminals. Further violence Is reared
and the federal government has troops
in readiness.
Thirteen Hundred Steerage Passengers
On Italian Steamer.
New York. Jan. 13. Refugees from
Messina, Reggio anI other places in
Italy that were devastated by earth
quake, the first to reach this country,
are on board the steamship Re d'ltalia,
which anchored off Sandy Hook at one
o'clock this morning.
The steamer brings 1,300 steerage
and 25 cabin passengers and it is
stated that nearly half of them are
earthquake refugees.
Commissioner Watchorn said yes
terday that the law would be strictly
enforced and the fact that any immi
grant had bad luck on account of the
tarthquake would not influence the
authorities in the slightest.
200-Mile Two-Day Endurance Run of
Women Motorists Ended.
New York, Jan. 12. The 200-mile
two-day inaugural endurance run of
the Women's Motoring club of New
York from this city to Philadelphia
and return came to an end late today
with four of the contestants so near
ly on eve nterms that the matter of
the award of the cup will have to be
decided by a special committee.
The four thus grouped for honors
are Mrs. J. M. Cuneo, Mrs. A. W. Sea
man. Mrs. E. M. Beckman and Mrs.
A. H. Ramsey.
The return journey was via Cam
den and Staten Island, with a stop
at Trenton, where Gov. Franklin Fort
nf New Jersey entertained the women
at luncheon.
Law Partners Held on Charge of
Bribing Witnesses.
New York. Jan. 12. Carl Fischer-
Hansen and Alexander Michaelson,
law partners, were arrested in the dis
trict attorney's office today and held
for examination in bail of $15,000 and
$1C.OOO respectively. They are charged
with the bribery of witnesses or the
payment of mnny to witnesses for the
purpose of with) olding the truth.
Duluth Grain Firm Insolvent.
Duluth. Minn., Jan. 12. Spencer,
Moore & Co.. a grain firm, became in
solvent today after a desperate at
tempt to cover a long line of outside
trading. It was not known how much
the failure involved. The affairs of
the company are now in charge of
E. A. Forsythe, the assignee. The
company announces that the creditors
will be paid in full. George Spencer
of the firm is "resident of the Con
solidated Elevator company, which
firm is not connected in any way with
the failure.
Cattle Quarantine Declared Off.
Guffalo, N. Y., Jan. 12. The Courier
tomorrow will say that it has infor
mation from Washington to the effect
that the quarantine declared against
the states of New York, Pennsylva
nia and New Jersey on account of the
outbreak of foot and mouth disease
in livestock herds has been declared
off by the department of agriculture.
Woolen Mills Sold at Auction.
North Adams. Mass., Jan. 12. The
Blackinton woolen mills here, which
went into bankruptcy a month ago,
were sold at auction today to Arthur
G. Meyer of Baxter & Meyer of New
York, the highest bidder, for $43,000.
When running on full time the mills
employ 200 hands. C-f late they have
been on a half timo schedule.
Confidential Clerk a Forger.
New York, Jan. 12. John V. Duffy,
confidential clerk to Martin J. Con
don, president of the American Snuff
company, was arrested today, charged
with forging his employer s name to
twelve checks aggregating S3.S00. The
police allege that the checks were
passed on the Second National bank
of this city. A '
Ball in Honor of Miss Ethel Roosevelt.
Wiiwhinfrtnn. .Tan 1 .Thp TlrHich
ambassador and Mrs.Sryce gave a ball
tonight in honor of Miss Ethel Roose
velt, at which were invited several
hundred of the younger society people
of Washington. President and Mrs.
Roosevelt were guests at a dinner to
night of Secretary of War and Mrs.
Massachusets Cables $75,030 to Italy.
Boston, Jan. 12. The Massachusetts
Italian relief committee today cabled
$75,000 tq Europe, of which $3,000 was
sent directly to the Red Cross in Rome.
It is expected that Edmund Billings
of this city, who will represent the
state in Italy in the relief work, will
arrive in Rome tomorrow.
Forger Indicted on Eight Counts.
Oakland. Cal , Jan. 12. Fred B. Sig-
nor, charged with forging the signa
ture of James Murray, a millionaire,
was today indicted on eight counts bv
the grand jury. The amount involved
In all aggregate about $860,000. Sig-
nor was immediately put in the cus
tody of the sheriff.
Mrs. Taft Coming to New Haven.
Augusta, Ga., Jan. 12. Mrs. Taft
will leave here Thursday for New Ha-
en. Conn., where she goes to attend a
class function of her son Robert at
Yale. She will return in time to sail
with the president-elect for Panama,
having determined to make the trip to
the isthmus.
Franking Privilege to Mrs. Grover
Washlrgton. Jan. 12. A bill to ex
tend the franking privilege to Mrs.
Grover Cleveland was introduced in the
senate today by Senator Penrose.
150 Students
Safely Escaped
$75,000 Loss at Peekskill Firemen
Handicapped by a High Wind and
Snow and Sleet Storm.
Peekskill, N. Y Jan. 12. Tire late
today practically destroyed the Peek-
skill Military academy here, causing a
loss of $75,000. The 150 students in
the place escaped in safety and had
time to save their books and those be
longing to the faculty, together with
other movable property. Only the ar
mory escaped the flames.
Crossed Electric Wire.
The fire originated from a crossed
electric wire in one of the fraternity
rooms. A high wind and snow and
sleet handicapped the firemen in their
One of the Oldest Institutions of Its
Kind in America.
The Peekskill Military academy,
originally established as a high school
in 1833, Is one of the oldest institu
tions of its kind in the country.
Among its most distinguished alumni
are United States Senator C. M. De
pew, 'rank Vincent, the explorer.
Commodore John C. Fremont and Prof.
Frank Dempster Sherman of Columbia
Browning's Watch Found in the Dead
Preacher's Pocket.
Burlington, Iowa, Jan. 12. WTien the
bodv of Rev. John Haviland Carmich-
ael of Adair, Mich., confessed slayer of
Gideon Browning, whom he slew and
cremated in Rattle. Run Methodist
church, near Adair, Mich., passed
through Burlington tonight on the way
to Port Huron, Mich., from Carthake,
111., where the preacher committed sui
cide yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Moore
of Port Huron gave it as his opinion
that Carmichael was entirely prompt
ed to the murder of Browning by mer
cenary motives, and that the purpose
in the murder of Browning was to give
the impression that he himself was the
victim, so that his wife might receive
the insurance money. Carmichael then
planned, the deputy said, in some way
to get the money from his wife.
Detectives who made careful exam
ination of the body diseoveerd, it is
said, on one of the legs a number of
hypodermic syringe wounds. They
later found the syringe with which
they were made. This suggested to
some that Carmichael was a victim of
drugs. In the dead man's pocket was
discovered the watch of Browning. It
was also ascertained that the pocket
knife with which Carmichael commit
ted suicide was the property of Brown
ing. The knife was easily identified.
because it was one of the scenic hand
led variety, containing pictures under
transparent celluloid slues.
The letter left by the suicide to Mrs.
Carmichael was made public today. In
it the parson further accuses himself
of cowardice for not staying to face
the consequences of t'.s act. He shows
friendship for his wife and children,
but there seems to be coldness of na
ture in the language used. Carmich
ael in his flight from Port Huron,
Mich., had had his beard removed,
completely changing his appearance.
Signs of Revival of the City Cargo of
Fruit Reshipped.
Messina, Jan. 12. While thousands
are still buried under the ruins, any
signs of the revival of the city are
fc-ifetel with enthusiasm by the sur
vivors, who are determined that Mes
sma shall rise again. A fruit mer
chant who was the first to reship today
a hundred cases of oranges, lemons
and other fruit for the far east, was
saluted like a hero, while the appear
ance of two cabs on the streets was
considered an historic event.
In the meantime, amid the ruins of
the city villages of huts are springing
up. One of these villages includes not
less than three thousand huts extend
ing for a distance of two miles. Three
water pipes have been re-established,
and at night the principal streets and
squares are illuminated. Slight aarth
quake shocks continue.
In Tennessee Senate Over Prohibition
of Sale of Liquor.
Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 12. Senate
bill No. 1. providing for the prohibition
of the sale of liquor within four miles
of any schoolhouse in Tennessee, pass
ed the third and final reading in the
senate today. The vote was 20 to 13.
It is expected that the house will pass
4ho bill tomorrow.
Immediately after the vote was an
nounced the wildest disorder prevailed.
As soon as a motion to adjourn was
carried a frantic crowd surrounded
the prohibition senators and the cele
bration took on the form of a love
The debate preceding the passage of
the measure was replete with inci
National Board Votes to Omit the
April Assessment.
New Haven. Jan. 12. 8he quarterly
meeting of the national board of di
rectors of the Knights of Columbus,
wnicn nas oeen m session here, ad
journed tonight. Among the business
transacted was the voting to omit the
April assessment on account of the ex
tra fine condition of the order's financ
es. The board recommended that
members of the order contribute to the
help of the Italian earthquake suf
ferers and that the money be sent
to the apostolic delegate at Washing
ton. The sum of $100,000 was taken
from the mortuary relief fund for in
vestment. The gross assets of the or
der showed an increase of $400,000
over those of last year.
Extraordinary Disinterment at Regqio.
Reggio, Jan. 12. An extraordinary
disinterment took place loday, a three
year old girl being taken from the
ruins alive and uninjured after sixteen
days' burial. The possibility of ths
girl's having had nourishment is ex
cluded and it is believed that part of
the time she was in a cataleptic state.
'Earthquake Shocks in San Salvador.
San Salvador, Jan. 12. Several
earthquake shocks were felt here last
night. There have been a number of
shocks In the eastern part of the re
public. No loss of life has been re
ported. ,
Second Disaster
In Two Weeks
Terrorized Women and Children at
, Mine Mouth Cloud of Flame, Dust
and Debris Thrown to Surface.
Bluefield, W. Va., Jan. 12. Again
today there was a terrilic explosion in
the mines of the Lick Branch colliery
and at least one hundred lives
were lost. It was in these same mines
two weeks ago to a day that fifty
miners were killed by a similar ex
Came a Sound of Thunder.
In the quiet of the early morning
there came, like the sound of thunder,
a mighty rumbline from the mines,
which reverberated along the miles of
corridors and air passages crowded
with tnose who work there, while from
the mine mouth there came a cloud of
flame, soot, dust and debris, heavy
timbers, broken mine cars and even a
massive motor used to haul the heavily
laden cars from the depths.
Women and Children in Terror.
Scarcely had the detonation died
away before a throng of terrorized
women and children rushed to the mine
mouth and implored those there to al
low them to aid In the effort to save
some of their loved ones who might
still be alive within.
Rescue Party Driven Back.
Mine Foreman Bowers, who was
near the entrance, was blown from his
feet, but managed to crawl away safe
ly, as also did Robert Smith, a miner.
A miner named Holliday.who was with
Bowers, was blown over. A rescue par
ty, organized on the moment, rushed in
the jaws of the smoking mines and
tried to rescue him, but was driven
back by the deadly fumes of the after
gases and was compelled to leave him
to his fate.
Relief Train Rushed to Scene.
A train was rushed from this city
to the scene of the disaster, some
twenty-five milej away, carrying brat
ticing and other material to be used in
the work of exploration and rescue.
60 to 80 Men in the Mine.
It is supposed there were from sixty
to eighty men in the section of the
mine affected. The debrhs from the
explosion of two weeks ago had not
been cleared away, and twenty men
were engaged in this work. Nineteen
contract miners with their crews were
at work in a n-3W entry and it is feared
that all of these men were lost
Mine Recently Pronounced Safe.
The explosion was in a different part
of the mine from that of two weeks
ago. Since that catastrophe the mine
had been Inspected by fovernment of
ficials and by the most experienced
mine men in the region and all, it is
said,4, expressed the opinion that it was
None of the bodies has been recov
ered, but it is expected that a portion
of the mine where eight men were at
work will be reached before morning.
One rescue party came in Ei?ht of
six bodies today but was forced back.
A late estimate of the number of men
entombed Is more, than 100. That all
of them are dead there can be no
doubt. The force of the explosion .the
fire in the mine and the deadly eases
preclude any chance that any of the
men are alive.
Ten Bodies Recovered.
At ten o'clock ten bodies had been
taken from Lick Eranch mine. None
of them has been identified. An old
carpenter shop has been twrned into
a morgue and the bodies have been
placed there with the expectation that
identification can be accompnsnea.
Action by Magistrate Moss on Com
plaint of J own D. Rockefeller, Jr.
New York, Jan. 12 Magistrate Moss
in the Tombs court this atternoon an
nounced his decision in the case of
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., against Brad
ford Merrill. S. S. Carvalho and Ed
ward S. .Clark, officers of the Star
company, publishers of the New York
American, for alleged criminal libel.
The magistrate lound Merrill, Car
valho, and Clark guilty of criminal li
bel, and technically committed them to
the Tombs. The three were taken over
to the prison by Detective Rayens of
the district attorney s office, and per
mitted to remain in the private recep
tion room of the prison while Clarence
J. Shearn. their lawyer, went before
Justice Davis in supreme court to
make application for a writ of habeas
corpus, and also for a writ of certior
Mr. Shearn contended in a brief
handed to Magistrate Moss week ago
that, being merely officers of a pub
lishing company. Merrill. Carvalho and
Clark could not be held personally for
criminal libel. Magistrate Moss held
that the law of 1007 requiring the
publication of the names of the re
sponsible heads of a newspaper in that
paper s columns made such officers lia
ble personally for any violation of the
Three Men on a 24,000 Mile Jaunt
Reach Chicago-
Chicago. Jan. 12. Alfred Battelli.rep-
resentine Italy: Adolph Schneider of
Germany, and Albert Wilckes of Amer
ica, three of the four men who have
undertaken to walk around the world
in five years, have reached Chicago.
The fourth man, Silvio Ortonas of Par
is, is traveling by the southern route.
and will join the party In San Francis
co. The object of the tour is to study
political, social and Industrial condi
tions of th-Hi world. The men left New
York city on October 7. They expect
to travel on foot at least 14.000 miles.
Angry Mob Burns Twelve Tramears of
City Street Railway.
Dio de Janeiro, Jan. 12. Twelve
tramears of the American-Canadian
company, operating the city street rail
way system, were burned by a mob
yesterday because the company's new
fares and routes were considered un
satisfactory. The police were unable
to cope with the rioters. The company,
through the newspapers, then signified
its willingness to submit to any re
form the mayor might deem necessary,
and quiet was restored today.
American Woman Injured in Paris.
Paris, Jan. 12. Mrs. Griswold Gray,
an American resident of Paris, was
severely injured tonight in a collision
between her automobile and another
car on AveSfue de la Grande Arms.
Heyburn Re-elected U. S. Senator.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 12. .United States
Senator Eldon Heyburn was today re
elected by both branches of the legis
lature In separate sessions-
Coiiderised lele.rams
All Records for Cold Weather were
broken at Great Falls, Montana? on
Sunday, when the thurmometer went to
4 degrees below zero.
Witnesses Before the Legislative
committee in vustigating New York
city's finances testified to purchase of
land made in the Ashokan dam region
in order to resell to the city.
William R. Willcox, chairman of the
yew York public service board, i V
ered a sharp reply to the Metropolian
receivers in the controversy over im
provements ordered.
A Mob Stormed the Poplarville, Miss.,
Jail on Sunday night and lynched Pink
Willis, a negro, who attempted to as
sault a daughter of former Sheriff
Shrinkage and Debts will reduce the
$12,000,000 estate leftby Charles T.
Yerkes to about $5,500,000, of which the
widow will get a third, it is authorita
tively stated.
The New York Tax Assessment Lists
for 1909 show a totalf of $7,864,925,319
as the value of real and personal prop
erty wit an increase pt $137,000,000 In
realty. The total of personal property
is estimated at $1,500,000,000.
A Lincoln Memorial Meetinq Is being
arranged in the building on the site of
the old Tremont House, Chicago, from
an upper balcony of whioh Lincoln
spoke during his debates with Doug
las. Count von Hochberg fcnd Robert
Kuehnert. an attornev. of Berlin, were
'arrsiel after they had twic attempt
ed to hold a stockholders' meeting of
the Cottonwood Creek Copper com
pany. Ex-Secretary James H. Wade was
exculpated of the suspicion of dishon
esty by the investigation of the regents
of the University of Michigan, who
found he owes the Institution $2,014 as
a result of carelessness.
The Whole Town of Neely havin?
caved into the Arkansas river, "!!
county. Ark.. citizens h"!d a mnss
meeting to plan steps toward securing
government aid in safeguarding the
banks of the stream.
Miss Jane Parks, a Kentucky Girl,
was married to Charles Caldwell on
Christmas day. after an agreement to
separate if marrlr life did not please
her after a month's trial. She stood it
one week, then came to New York to
seek a pos'tlon.
Chinese Physician Commissioned to
Carry Out the Plot.
New York. Jan. 12. The Chinese Re
form association, having headquarters
nere, received a long cipher cable do
spatch toiay from Hong Kong, con
firming the statement that the late
emperor of China had met an unnatu
ral death. The despatch states that
before the late empress dowager's
death the question of choosing an heir
presumptive was pending. Yuan Shi
Kai strongly urged the dowager em
press to select the eldest son of Prinoe
Ching, but the prince denied this re
quest. This refusal, and the impend
ing death of the dewaker empress, led
Y'.an Shi Kai to believe that Emperor
liuang Hsu soon would resrain his pow
er and deal summarily with those who
had subordinated him to the dowager
empress. The despatch states that a
Chinese physician, a native o f the
province of Fukin, thereupon was com
missioned to put the emperor out of
the way. The plot was carried out. ac
cording to the despatch, and has since
been revealed by one of the partici
pants named Ching Sa Sen, who has
made hi3 escape to Japan.
To Be Used in Speech He is Preparing
Against Roosevelt.
Washington, Jan. 12. "Many people
are sending me material in regard to
Roosevelt's dark and crooked ways and
I am preparing a speech in which I
will try and redeem my promise niadt;
yesterday," said Senator Tillman to
day. He said he did not know just
how soon he would te able to deliver
this speech, but he would make it be
fore the president retires from of
fice. Mr. Tillman totfav received a tele
gram from Henry Watterson, congrat
u'ating him, and saying:
"You have certainly met every re
quirement of public duty and private
Senator Hopkins Introduces Bill In
creasing Limit of Issue to $503,
CCO.COO. Washington, Jan. 12. Senator Hop-
Kins today introduced a bill increas
ing to $500,000,000 the amount of
bonds that may be issued by the gov
ernment to raise money for the con
structionof the Panama canal. It is
piovkied that the bond Jl be re
deemable after ten years., in the dis
cretion of the president, and payable
within thirty years from the date is
sued. As in the case of tomis which
may be issued under the present au
thority of law, they will draw 2 per
Gideon Browning Murdered by Rev.
John H. Carmichael.
Adair, Mich., Jan. 12. Sitting In the
same little country church In which
Gideon Browning was murdered a
week ago tonight, a coroner's jury to
day brought in a formal verdict find
ing that the murder was committed by
the Rev. John H. Carmichael and that
he burned the body in the church stove.
Little that was new developed In the
testimony of the witnesses at the in
quest. Hungarian Count Weds Mrs. Maud
' Howard Bryan.
New York, Jan. 12. Count Kalman
I. O. Czaky called at the marriage li
cence bureau today and obtained a li
cense for his wedding to Mrs. Maud
Howard Bryan of this city widow of
a publisher. The bride-to-bo accom
panied the count to the city hnll. In
the application Count Czaky uaid that
he had been previously married, but
that ahere had been a divorce in Bu
dapest In 1S98. His former wife was
Marianne De Fzell, who has since been
married to Jan Kubelik. the violinist.
A. F. of L. Officials to Confer with the
' President.
Washington, Jan. 12.' President
Roosevelt will have a conference with
President Gompers and other officials
of the American Federation of Labor
at the White house next Thursday.
The conference is at the request of
Mr. Gompers and In accordance with
the action taken by the Denver con
vention of the Federation, which di
rected its officials to take up with the
president a number of questions af
fecting labor Interests.
Turkish Government Accepts Indemnity for
Annexation of Bosnia" and Herzegovina
Auslria Abandons Other Rights to Turkey in Addition to
Pecuniary Compensation Announcement of Settle
ment Comes as Serious disappointment to the Servian
Government Cabinet Hurriedly Summoned.
Constantinople, Jan. 12. The Turkish
government accepts the Austro-Hun-garlan
otter of 2T5u0.00 pounds Turkish
ttl0,S00,0UU) Indemnity for the annexa
tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus
removing the possibility of war on this
head. The "grand vizier, Kiamll Pusha,
received Marquis Pallavlclnl, the Aus-tro-Hungarian
ambassador, at noon to
day and notified him of the decision of
the council of ministers.
Effort to Increase Compensation Failed.
The grand vizier made an effort to
induce Austria to increase the com
pensation another half million pounds,
but Ambassador Fallaciviil declared
this out of the question. If the offer
was rejected, he declared, negotiations
would be broken off.
Austria Abandons Other Rights.
In addition to pecuniary compensa
tion to Turkey, Austria abandons her
rights in Novipazar; consents to an In
crease in the customs up to 15 per
cent.; admits certain monopolies and
agrees to the suppression of Austrian
postofflces In Turkish territory where
no other foreign postoffice exists,
should the porte desire It, and to the
abrogation of certain old prlvircges
over Albanian Catholics.
May Mean Understanding With Bui-
The negotiations thus have been suc
cessfully concluded, and ths points in
the agreement will be embodied in a
protocol. It is believed that the set
tlement of the difficulty with Austria
As Chairman of the Republican Na
tional Committee.
Augusta, Ga., Jan. 12. Exact prece
dent is to be fnMo'.ved in tho succession
if Frank II. Hitchcock as chairman of
the republican national committee.
This precedent will place William
Hayward, secretary of the committee,
.it its head until the committee elects
a committee at Its meeting to be held
four years hence In December, preced
ing the next national election. That
Secretary Haywurd will have charce of
the affairs of the committee when
they arc relinquished by Mr. Hitch
cock was ascertained here today from
most reJaole authoritv, although no
official statement on the ("inject is
deemed necessary at this time. The
ules and practice of the committee
make It the duty of the chairman to
orovide his successor by appointment.
Grand Marshal General Bell Adopts
Regulations Order of Grand Review.
Washington, Jan. 12. General Bell,
A-ho is grand marshal of the coming
nnugural pnrndu has adopted the rog
'llations of the army for street parades
to govern the order of precedence In
rhe formation of the inaugural parade.
In accordance with that decision, the
olmn will rass in review before the
president of the United Stales In the
following order:
Regular army, V. P. Marine corps.
IT. S. naval forces, oruanlzed militia,
military organizations nto part of the
oreanlzed militia, military societies,
civil societies.
Under this arrangement the West
Point cadets will march with the reg
ular army and the Annapolis midship
men with the naval forces.
A veternn divisl-m composed of mem
ers of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic, Spanish-American camps and the
Vrmy and Navy union will escort the
rresident and president-elect to thr
"nnitol, but will not take part In the
-icul.ir parade, which !. afterwards
-eviewed by the new president.
They Are Needed in Government Suit
Against Standard Oil.
New York, Jan. 12. Frank B. Kel
l.gg, chief counsel for the govern
in nt in Its suit to dissolve the .-tand-.ird
Oil comj. any, tried vainly to ob
tain from a succession of witnesses
e tailed to tho stand in today's hear
ii ;; oi the case to obtain the ancient
fiorus of the standard, showing the
prkeb ot uasoiinc and oil in the early
ytais of tne company's history and
l-spi daily between 1SSG and lSIii. All
the witnesses were employes of the
Standuid, They agreed that such rec
ords had teen kept, but each declared
his inability to tell where they could
lo found.
The hearing was adjourned to to
morrow. v hen H is understood that W.
W. Tarbell, a brother of .Miss Ida M.
Tarbell, and n ho is now manager of
the Pure oil company nf Philadel
phia, will be called by the govern
ment. THAT $29,000,000 FINE.
Federal Judge Anderson to Preside at
Retrial of Standard Oil Cass.
Chicago, Jan. 12. Federal Judge
Albert li. Anderson of Indianapolis
will preside at the re-trial of the cuse
asainst the Standard Oil company. In
which Judge K. M. Landis imixised a
flue of $9,240,000. This was definitely
fixed today when Judge Landis, to
whom the case was remanded to the
circuit court of appeals, received a
letter from Judge Anderson, accenting
the assignment of the case. Judge
Anderson said he would be in Chicago
next Monday to convene court and set
the case for trial.
South Carolina Legislature Commends
Coltimbuia, S. C. Jan. 12. The leg
islature of South Carolina today unan
imously adopted resolutions commend
ing Senator Til'.man and condemning
the "vindictive and sensational meth
ods of the president of the United
States In his reckless and malicious
Steamship Arrival.
At Naples: Jan. 10. Perugia from
New York.
At Glasgow: Jan. 11, California, from
New York.
At Venice: Jan. 8. Martha Washing
ton, from --New York and Boston.
At Bremen: Jan. 12. Kaiser Wilhelin
Der Groose, from New York.
SUM OF $10,800,000
will facilitate an understanding- with
Servian Government Bitterly Dissp
Belgrade, Servta, Jan. 12. The an
nouncement that the Turkish govern
ment had accepted the Austro-Hun-garian
offer Is a bitter disappointment
to the Servian government. The cabi
net was summoned today immediately
after the foreign cfflce had received tha
news. The king presided and the now
situation created by the seitlement be
tween Turkey and Austria-Hungary
was discussed at length.
The ministry of war ordered 1.20O
additional horses bought today. Tha
newspapers declare hotly that Austria
Hungary will have to exterminate ths
Servian peoplj before being permitted
definitely to possess Bosnia.
British Ambassador Advised Accut
ane of ths Offer.
London, Jan. 12. At a. lats hour to
nlcht the foreign office had not yet re
ceived formal notification of Turkey
acceptance of Austria's offer whereby
the sultan acknowledged Austrian
sovereignty over Bcenia and Hersn
govina, but It Is known that the Brit
ish aniba'sadir at Constantinople had
adlscd Kiamll Pasha, the grar.d vliler,
to accept the offer.
The belief Is held In official elrrlea
here that Bulgaria will now offer
terms acceptable to Turkey and that
Austria, beng In a more reasonable
mood, will likely make some conces
sions agreeable to Servla.
Positions Will Carry Salaries of $1,800
to $2,000.
Washington, Jan. 13. The bureau ot
insular affairs of ths war department
has received advices from Manila that
in the near future a number of medi
cal Inspectors will be required by tba
Philippine bureau of health.
These positions will carry aalartaa ot
$1,800 or $2,000 and it is raqutslt
that the appointees have a thorough
knowledge of sanitation and of tb
Spanish langauge.
They will be assigned to 'work 1a
different parts of the archtpalaf un
der the bureau of health.
HELD IN $20,000 BAIL.
President of Tuba City Rairoad Co.
Guilty of Attempt to Bribs.
Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. II. Charles a
Cameron, president of the Tube City
Railroad company, charged with con
spiracy and misdemeanor In attempt
ing to bribe former City Councilman
William A. Martin, In connection with
the passage of an ordinance granting a
franchise to the Tube City railroad,
was found guilty today as Indicted.
Attorneys for Cameron gave notice
of an appeal, and the convlated maa
whs held In $20,000 ball.
Former Councilman W. A. Martin,
who is serving a sentence for accept
ing a bribe, and C. R. Richardson, m
broker, who Is awaiting sentence for
Ills part In the Tube City railroad
scandal, were the principal witnesses
at the trlRl today.
A declaration by Msrtln that lis waa
honest In selling hts honor to Cameron,
and thst he considered It very cheap
at $70. WO. was the statement with
hlrh Martin concluded hla testimony.
When asked If he would not haa had
to distribute the money among soma
of his brother councHmen. Martin said
that perhaps he co'ild have fooled them
as Cameron fooled him. He refused to
mention anv names, dclr1nj ne did
not show Cameron a list of council
Little Opposition to Return of U. 8.
Senator Gallingsr.
Concord, N. II., Jan. 12. But llttl
opBisitlon t) the return of United
States Senator J. II. Gallinger of Con
cord, for a fouith consecutive term, de
veloped at the caucus of the rifbll
can members of the legislature, which
was held hero tonight. Of the 2M
votes cast. Senator Galllnger had 256,
and J. W. Sanbornton of OUmanton
polled 1ft. Sanbornton had placed hla
name before the caucus In a speech In
which he attacked Senator """-1r'i
record ai a legislate?.
Liberty Ball May Go to tf-S 5V lifts
Philadelphia. Jan. 12. Communlca.
tions irom olllclals and clubs of tha
chief cities of the Pacific coast cities,
requesting Mnvor Reyburn and tha
members of the council to agree to
sending the liberty bell to San Fran
cisco, Portland and Seattle during tha
coining summer, are arriving dally at
City hull. No replies have us yet been
sent, but the mapor has declared him
self In favor of sending the bell, pro
vided proper precautions for Its pro
tection are taken.
Annual Meeting Nsw England Stataa
Veteran Firemen's Leaguas.
Boston. Jan. 12. At the annual meet
ing of the New England States' Vete
ran F!remn's leagues held here to
day the following officers were elected:
President, William K. Maybury, Fast
Braintree; vice presidents, C. H. Ray,
Portland. Me.; H. J. Eaton, Hartford,
Conn.; J. Hunt, Providence, R. I.; O.
E. Smith, East Manchester, N. H.; J.
H. Walker, Lowell; secretary, William
II. lUthawsv, Hyde Park; treasurer,
G. II. Blitchford, Cambridge.
Winstod Church Extends Call to Nsw
York Pastor.
Wlnsted. Conn., Jan. 12. At the
meeting of the official board of tha
Methodist church here Thursday, a
call will be extended to Rev. O. A.
Schoiieul. inxtor of the Sixty-first
treet church In New York. The pres
ent pastor of the local church will
leave here In May to take ths pastor
ship of a Brooklyn cliurcj
Jealous Woman Shot Husband and
Ross Simmons.
Muskegee, Okla., Jan. 12. Mrs.
Flora Jackson today shot and killed
her husband, Sumuel Jackson, and
then went to the home of Rosa Sim
mons, and shot and fatally wund4
her. Mrs. Jackson, who appear to
have been prompted by jealousy, waa
held on a charge of murdap

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