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Norwich bulletin. [volume] (Norwich, Conn.) 1895-2011, January 14, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014086/1909-01-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL LI. NO. 12.
Prisoner Accused Thomas W. Lawton of Bring
ing Him Jo Financial Ruin.
Of Boston Sentenced to
Makes Dramatic Statement in Court Prisoner's Wife
and Two Sons Present
nounced Convicted of
Boston, Jan. 13. Cardenlo Flavius
King, former financial agent and bro
ker, who maintained palatial offices in
Boston and New York, and who, for
a short time, was publisher of a daily
j aper here, was tonight sentenced by
Judge Schofield in the superior crim
inal court to serve a term of not less
than ten and not more than fourteen
years at hard labor in the "state prison
at Charlestown. On December 29
King was convicted in 27 counts of an
Indictment charging him with larceny
and embezzlement and with securing
by false pretences the sum of $22,000
from his customers.
Prisoner Review Story ef His Life.
The sentence followed a dramatic
statement by King in court, during
which he reviewed the story, of his
life, his flight from Boston and his
travels in England, France and Cey
lon. He declared that he 'was inno
cent of any wrong intent in any of
his acts, and in closing his address
he accused Thomas W. Lawson of se
tretly fighting him and bringing him
to financial ruin.
T Procure Information on Posses,
ion of Executive Departments.
Washington, Jan. 13. The authority
of congress to direct heads of execu
tive departments to send the" sen
ate or house Information in their pos
tetsion was the subject of an extended
speech In the senate today by Sen
ator Bacon of Georgia. Mr. Bacon
took the broad view that congress has
absolute power to demand from heads
ft departments all information with
in Ineir pnatyirn and even to require
them to give reasons for their action
or non-acticn on any matter coming
ii-iorc ltin.
Senat-r Lodge questioned the owr
of congress to demand papers on Hie
in diplomatic matters and insisted up
on th3 right of tho president to ex
ercise discretion in 3uch matters. Sen
ator Hale declared that he did not
believe that the president intended to
state in his message to congress that
te would not furnish d.numents and
Information, but merely that he Ue
?'infl to permit a cabinet officer to
furnish reasons fur the nation he had
taken. He stated that he would re
fret seeing congress and the presi
dent lock horn? on the question of the
I ower of confess to procure infer
mstion in possession of the executive
departments. Senators F'.ilton, Teller,
'lanp. Money and others Joined in the
lebnte. all of them uphollir g the pow
er of the senate in the matter tinder
consideration. The senate adjourned
at 3.45 p. m.
For Settlement of Disputes Between
United States and Venezuela.
Washington. Jan. 13. It has become
evident, according to the state depart
ment, from the tone of despatches re
ceived from special Commissioner Bu
chanan that he will reach a satisfac
tory agreement with President Gomez
of Venezuela for the settlement of the
:isputea questions between the United
States and that country. Following
this, diplomatic relations, which have
Jieen broken off for a long time, wili
De resumed.
i ne principal issues between the
two countries are the five claims of
American citizens and interests
against Venezuela, which President
r.aRtro relumed to submit to arbitra
tion, the Judgment of the Venezuelan
courts uniformly having teen adverse
to the claims presented, Mr. Buchan
an is In daily cable correspondence
nn mo scale department and his
work is gradually nearlng its end.
To Shooting the Rev. Arturo Azenw'o
in Central Park.
New York, Jan. 13. -Enrique Delara,
he 17 year old San Dominican student
who fatally shot the Rev. Arturo Azen
cio last September in Central Park,
pleaded guilty today in the supreme
court to murder in the second degree
tor the killing f the Driest. He was
remanded until Jan. 21 for sentence.
The priest met the lad on a. steamer
which was bringing them from San
Iomingo, and befriended him after
their arrival here, the two living to
gether. On the night of the tragedy
the two men went walking in the park,
where Delara shut his benefactor and
rahtaed him of $15 in cash.
The Demolition of the Old Pennsyl
vania Depot at Washington.
Washington, Jan. 13. Another
phase of the controversy between
congress and the president developed
today when it became known at the
capitol that the senate committee on
public buildings soon will start an
Investigation into the demolition of the
old Pennsylvania depot, which was
torn down by order of the president,
pparently in the absence of legisla
tive authority. Senator Scott, chair
man of (the committee, ha rbeen asked
to hav his committee report on the
Merchants Limited on Shore Line Ran
Into Freight Train.
New aven. Conn., Jan. 13. 'The
New York and Bostcn express known
,as the Merchants Limited, from New
York over the Shore Line division oH
tni Nea- York, New Haven and Hart
ford railroad, ran into a freight train
as the train was leaving the station
here tonight and derailed several cars
of the freight. BeyortU a severe shak
ing up, none of the passengers or the
crewg of the two trains was Injured.
President Wil( Prize Thi Picture.
Waco, Tex., Jan. 13. 'Lena Alexan
der, a negress 19 years old, with her
four baby girls, born yesterday, will
be photographed and the picture sent
to President Roosevelt. . The children
ftr all perfectly formed and weigh Ave
pounds eacti. The husband of the ne
grem, Ernest Alexsnder, has three sets
i twin , brothers and sisters.
Charlestown State Prison-
when Sentence was Pro
Larceny and Embezzlement.
Wife and Sons Heard the Sentence.
Mrs. Kins and her two sons sat
Inside the rail close to the prisoner
as sentence was pronounced. King
was immediately taken to the Charles
street Jail and then to the state pris
Move for Stay of Execution of Sen
tence Denied.
The last move of Mr. King's attorney
to secure a delay took the form of a
motion for a stay of execution of
fered by Attorney Jesse Gove, who
sought to have the Imposing of sen
tence delayed until Saturday. Her
bert Parker, also fcr the defense, ar
gued on the motion that his client had
not been found guilty of any specific
crime by the jury. Judge Schofield
declined to grant the request, and on
motion of Aacting District Attorney
M. J. Dwyer imposed the sentence.
King made an assignment on Febru
ary 21. 1908. His liabilities were
ced at :i!ti,8sl and his assets at
,668. He was missing from the city
ur months, but in June he returned
and surrendered to the police.
Pluck of Juror Walsh Saved the Case'
From Mistrial.
Flushing, N. Y., Jan. 13. Events
crowded fast today in the trial ol
Thornton Jenkins Hains When court
adjourned tonight Jurv,r Thomas
Walsh, injured in a street car accl
dent in New York last night, was
placed in care of a physician by Jus
tice Crane, that his injuries might not
cause a mistrial of the case. Counsel
t r the lefe se cortlutled t clr sum
ming up this afternoon and Prosecutor
Darrin began his address to the Jury.
Mr. Darrin will conclude his speech
pome time tomorrow and Justice Crane
after his charge will givj 'he case ovei
to the Jury.
Only the pluck of Juror Walsh saved
the Hains case from mistrial and post
ponement today. Batter- rt almost be
yond recognition from a fall from a
ttreet car, Walsh came from the hos
pital to the court and at through the
day's trial, though at times ho ap
peared to suffer greatly, and Justice
Crane took frequent recesses that tho
injured juror might recover his
Prosecutor Darrin, following the
closing address of Mr. Mclntvre for
the defense, bitterly scored many .of
the defense's witnesses called to tes
tify H the insanity of Captain Hains.
Mr. iiiirrin's aitdreyf to the jiu-v
was clothed in no drarr.atic terms or
forentic utterance ann he confiner"
Hmself to marshalling the facts from
the evidence.
Only orce did the .prosecuto rrise to
an oratorical climax an i that was in
talking of the killing of William E
New York Assembly to Caucus Monday
to Name Candidate.
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 13. Both houses
of the legislature have decided to cau
cus Monday night to name a candidate
for United States senator to
Thoma3 C. Piatt. Tuesday each house
will record its choice and Wednesday
they will meet in joint session to de
clare the successful candidate elected.
That Elihu Root, secretary of state in
President Roosevelt's cabinet, will be
the republican choice, is expected, but
the democrats apparently have not yet
determined whom they will nominate.
The names of former Judge Alton B.
Parker and former Lieut. Gov. Lewis
S. Chanler were discussed today as
possible candidates.
Will Be Following in the Footsteps of
Christ if Plans Carry.
Clevelan, O., Jan. 13. Between five
and six million young Christians will
be following In the footsteps of Christ,
not as an experiment, but permanently
within a short time, if the plans form
ed by the leaders in the movement in
Cleveland are carried out.
A committee of thirty, composed of
ien representatives or each of the Ep
worth League, the Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor, and the
Baptist Young People's Union has
been appointed to undertake the task
of making the movement a national
Falsely Billed Linens as Calicoes to
Secure Cheap Freight Rates.
Nenv York, Jan. 13. Herman Aukam
& company, dry goods dealers, today
pleaded guilty in tine criminal branch
of the United States circuit court here
to an Indictment Charging them with
violation of the Hepburn law by false
ly billing linens as calicoesTo. secure
cheaper transportation rates .TikId-o
ChatfieUl imposed aline of $1,000 whuli
was paiu.
Carrie Nation Arrested at Newcastle-
Upon-Tyne, England.
Newcastle-TJpon-Tjne. Kneland. Jan.
13. Carrie NsUlon, the American anti
snloon crusaCier, was arrested here to
day while engaged in a raid on a
loon. She wa released on bail.
Received Its Sixtieth Endorsement.
Indiana?"lis, Ind., Jan. 13. The na
tional tariff cotnmlssion convention.
approved' by President Roosevelt and
by Presir3nt-elect William II. Taft,
called to meet in Indianapolis on Feb.
16, n an is. receiven its sixtieth In
dorsement today. This indorsement
was received from the American Cot
ton Manufacture's' National associa
tion, wMch directed that its signature
be attached to the official call.
E. S. 'Larned of Bcston Vice President.
Cleveland, Jan. 13. OfneersT for the
ensuiflg year were elected at today's
session of the National Cement Users'
association; R. L. Humphrey of Phil
adelphia was chosen iieiOrnt. anl
among the vice presidents is E. S
Larrjed of Eostor
. Cabled Paragraph
Lima, Peru,' Jan. 13. All political
prisoners were set free today in con
sequence of the decision of the su
preme court Aug. 3.
Paris,. Jan. 13. The government has
decided to favor a bill to be intro
duced in the chambeV of deputies pro
viding that all executions be held in
Peking, Jan. 13. An. imperial edic
issued today Hirects that the sum of
ou.uuu taeis ($35,000) be paia over 10
the Italian minister here as a contribu
tion to the relief of the earthquake
sufferers in Calabria and Sicily.
Paris, Jan. 13. The shipments of
gold from New York to Paris are des
tined for the Bank of France and the
metal is probably for assisting in the
flotation of the new Russian loan which
is announced for Jan. 21 at 89 1-4.
Goettingen, Germany, Jan. 13. The
first aeronautical professorship in the
world has been founded by the uni
versity of Goettingen and Dr. Ludwig
i-ranai or the mathematical ana pny
sical faculty has been assigned as pro
President Roosevelt Rides 98 Miles
Horseback in About 17 Hours.
Washington, Jan. 13. President
Roosevelt rode ninety-eight miles oi
horseback . today and when he dis
moujnted tonight at the White House
ooor. more than 1 hours after hav
ing departed therefrom, he did not
show any marked signs of weariness.
The object of his long day in the
saddle, he explained to a representa
tive of the Associated Press afte his
return, was to "prove to the critics
who have found fault with the recent
order requiring all army and navy of-
ncers to take a physical test, that if
a president, who is not in training
can ride ninety miles plus in one day
without bem laid up in bed thereby
it -should not be too much to ask the
men who are supposed to be in the
best of physical training all the time
to ride ninety miles in three days.
Mounting his faithful rider and
jumper "Roswell" in front of the
White house door at 3.30 o'clock this
morning, the president dismounted at
the same place at 8.40 o clock to
night. The journey was to Warren-
ton, Va., and. back. "And Virginia
roads in the wintertime," said the
president "are not usually in the best
condition." With the president were
Dr. Rixey, surgeon general of the na
vy: i)r. tarn Gravson and Cant
Archibald Butt, one of the president's
Navy Yard Painter Shot Married
Woman and Himself.
Washington, Jan. 13. Because she
had returned to her husband, from
whom she had been separated. Mrs.
Lizzie Harbin, aged 41, and mother of
seven children, was shot and killed at
her home in this city late today bv
Frederick Kraemer, a painter, 22 years
old. employed in the navy yard, who
then turned the weapon uoon himself
and inflicted wounds which proved
The police say that the circum
stances of the tragedy indicate that
probably there was an agreement be
tween the man and woman to die to
gether. Recently Mr9. Harbin became es
tranged from her husband. Daniel
Harbin, as the result of Kraemer's at
tention, it is said, but for the sake of
the children they agreed to live to
gether again. A few hours after the
reconciliation Kraemer went to the
Harbin home. The couple were dis
covered locked In each other's arms
after the tragedy. There were no evi
dences of a struggle. The woman was
shot' twice through the heart, while
Kraemer shot himself through the
head. Several of the woman's chil
dren were In the house at 'the time of
the shooting.
The Proprietress of a Resort and Then
Attempts Suicide.
Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 13. Irving
Judson Chase of Providence, R. I.,
shot Nellie Harris, the proprietress of
a resort at No. 517 East Washington
street, this evening, and thci attempt
ed suicide with the same gun.
Both lie at the Hospital of the Good
Shepherd in a critical condition, but
it Is said that Chase has a chance to
The tragedy revealed that Chase and
the Harris woman had been man and
wife for about two years.
All of the inmates of the house were
taken to police headquarters and held
as witnesses.
The mother of Chase, Mrs. Ida M.
Chase, of No. 194 Brighton avenue.
Providence, was notified of the affair.
Indiana Democrats Fail to Make Choice
for United States Senator.
Indianapolis, Ind.. Jan. 13. The
caucus of the democratic members of
the Indiana legislature, which met to
night in the house of representatives
to choose a United States senator, had
up to mhlrflsht failed to make a choice.
Thirteen ballots had been taken and
there was a likelihood that the con
test may result in a deadlock and no
one be chosen for some time.
The result of the fourteenth ballot
follows: Kern 29, Shively 31, Slack 4,
Lamb 7, Hoffman 5, Menzies 4 1-2,
Niblaok 1 1-2, Zearing 1.
Appointed Haytian Minister to the
United States.
Port au Prince, Hayti, Jan. 13.
H. Paulus Sannon, former minister of
foreign affairs, and a leader in the
revolutionary movement which result
ed in the overthrow of the government
of President Nord Alexis, has been ap
pointed Haytian minister to the Unit
ed States.
Mme. Melba Sails for Europe.
New York, Jan. 13 Mme. Nellie
Melba, the opera singer, i ailed for Liv
erpool today on the Cunard liner am .
pania. Mme. Melba expressed herself
as greatly pl-ased at the treatment ac
corded her during her engagement at
the Manhattan Opera house and said
she ultimately expected to make her
home here.
Pension for Mrs. Julia Coghlan.
Washington, Jan. 1U. A pension of
$50 a month for Mrs. Julia P. Cogh
lan, widow of the late Rear Admiral
Coghlan, one of the heroes of Jlanila
bay, who died recently in New York,
was agreed to today by the house
committee on pensions.
New London. T. Ford French of
the United States army arrived in this
city Tuesday evening from Washing
ton. It is understood that he will have
charge of the quarteimaster's office in
this disti-irt while Major R. M. Scho
field la away on his leave of absence.
Heal Winter
Hits Manhattan
Clearing the Streets Began at 5 This
Morning Havens of the Homeless
Crowded to Escaj. the Storm.
Xew York, Jan. 13. Real winter,
somewhat belated; but almost bliz
zardy in its intensity, arrived in New
York tonight and before the hour of
midnight several inches of snow had
fallen, only to be shifted about by a
cold northwest wind and deposited in
places most calculated to impede the
traffic of the city, pecestnan ana other
Transportation Schedules Confused.
A few inches of snow on Manhattan
Island always means congested traffic
conditions and a consequent upsetting
of all the transportation schedules,
and tonight's storm was not long in
oringing confusion in this respect. As
there was no abatement in the snow
fall at a late hour tonight, tomot-iuw
holds great inconvenience to the business-bound
throngs and much suffer
ing to the poor.
Homeless Rush for Shelter.
The havens of the homeless were
pushed for room to harbor the appli
cants for shelter tonight, and the num
ber of sick and destitute seeking aid
at Bellevue hospital was largely in
creased by the sudden storm. The big
municipal lodging houses took in an
unusually large number of men, and
women, too, and the needy were given
tickets for food tomorrow morning.
10,000 Men Clearing Streets.
The snow removal contractors had
their first problem of the winter and
ten thousand men were ordered set at
work at 5 o'clock in the morning clear
ing the streets.
Department of Comnerce and Labor
Furnishes Interesting Figures.
Washington, Jan. 13. Sme remark
able figures were made public today
at the department of commerce and
labor relating to J.pan-se icinnsra
'ion and emigration. They indicate
that during the twelve months ended
November 1 last the total number of
Japanese adrrittel to the United
States was 6.017 and the total number
which left the United States was
5, $32, an increase in the Japanese
population of 185. The net increase
of Japanese non-laborer-s was 653 dur
ing this peri 1. and the net decrease
of eapanese laborers was 68. The to
tal number of Japanese admitted to
the United States and Hawaii during
the period was 12.093 and 7,084 de
ported, the increase in Japanese pop
ulation on the mainland of the Unit
ed States and Hawaii telne 5.009.
These tirures indicate to the immigra
tion authorities that the government
of Japan is living up to its agree
ment with the l nitea States respect
in" the immigration of Japanese to
this country.
$684,000 to Resurface Roads of Massa
Boston, Jan. 13. The sum of $684,000
will be necessary during the coming
year to resurface the roads of the
state, according to the annual report
of the Massachusetts highway com
mission, made public today. A fee on
automobiles, based on horse power, ia
recommended, tne pioceeds to be de
voted to the resurfacing work. The
commission states that of the amount
needed for the resurfacing work 1336,
000 is made necessary by the damage
to the roads yaused by automobiles.
$15,000 for Children's Playgrounds in
District of Columbia.
Washington Jan. 13 -Jraiallw
Whole ReK.slon rf th hmiuo rx9
sentatives today was devoted to a dis
cussion of an amendment to the Dis
trict of Columbia appropriation bill
appropriating JIS.OO for children's
nlaveronnrls. The KiiMn
lively debate. The supporters of the
piupusuion prevamea ana tne amend
ment accordingly was adopted.
The bill was still pending when the
house at 5.04 p. m. adjourned.
Under Secretary of State at $10,000 a
Washington .Tn 1? t.r,f
committee on fnreicm rflttiAno t.t,Ui,
voted to report favorably the bill in
troduced by Senator Knox providing
for the appointment of an under sec
retary of state and a fourth assistant
secretary, in addition to the three sec
retaryships which ar now TrnviAnA
for by law. The under secretary is
to receive a. salary or xiu,UUu a year.
Cavalry and Marines Arrive at Hono
TTnnnlnln .J-n n 1 ? Tim irnifA
Sta,te-s armv transnnrt ni-n-imaa or, a
the naval transport Buffalo arrived
irom can a rancisco today. The
Thomas brings a force of cavalry for
tht. militnrv i?a rrisnn hpra -an A iha
Buffalo a large number of marines for
ixie loi'iu station.
Cargo of 10,000 Bales of Cotton on Fire
Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 13. A spe
cial to The Advertiser from Pensacola.
Fla., says:
The British steamer Matteawan.
which cleared from Pensacola Tues
day with a cargo of ten thousand
bales of cotton for Havre, nut back
here this afternoon with fire in her
hold. Tonight the vessel is lying in
midstream with tugs pouring water
into the holds. The cargo is valued
at $500,000 and the damage will be
Suicide of Colonel Wm. H. Stinson.
Giffstown. N. H., Jan. 13. Colonel
William H. Stinsofi, who was for sev-J
erat years master of the New Hamp
shire State grange, committed suicide
at his home here today by shooting.
He left a letter in which he made ar
rangements for his funeral. He had, it
is said, acted strangely for some time
past, and his suicide is attributed to
insanity. Colonel 'Stinson was 58
years ol. He leaves a widow and
four chiluren.
Heyburn Re-elected U. S. Senator.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 13. Bv a strict
party vote. Welilon D. Heyburit was.
rf-elected United States senator today?!
The democrats united on J. L. Mc
Clear. The vote of the joint assembly
was Heyburn 57, McClear 19.
Steamship Arrivals.
At- Liverpool: Jan. 12, Lusitanla,
from New York via Qiieenstown.
At Rotterdam: Jan. 13, Soestdyk,
from New York.
At JAotpool: Jan. 11 Slavoniu, from
New Yosk
47 Bodies
Taken from Mine
Mine Experts Unable to Account for
Two Explosions in Same Mine in
Such Short Space of Time.
Bluefield, W. Va,, Jan. 13. A total
of 35 bodies have been taken from the
ill-fated mine at Lick Branch.
Three rescue crew of 40 men each,
led by State Mine rnsT'Ctora Grady,
Nicholson and Warner, are at work.
The man in these crews report the
most ghastly sights within the torn
and fire swept corridors and workings
of the-mine, where bodies are found
mangled and mutilated beyond identi
fication. Bodies Mutilated.
It is difficult, they declare, to distin
guish between white and black besause
they are so frightfully bumped.
Some bodies taken from the mines
resembled charred masses of flesh
more than human beings. From some
bodies the legs are gone, from others
the arms. One was completely head
lesSj. Expert Miners Mystified.
Experienced mine men are authority
for the statmeent that this is' the first
case on record where two explosions
took place in the same mine in such
a shirt space of time, and are unable
to explain its cause.
Bluefields, W. Va., Jan., 14. Forty
seven bodies had been taken at one
o'clock this morning from Lick Branch
mine at Switchback, W. Va., where a
fatal explosion occurred Tuesday.
An official statement issued late last
night (Wednesday) by the colliery
company estimates the total number of
dead at 57 and savs the number will
not exceed 69. The remainder of the
bodies will be taken out today.
$234,000,000 TO RUN j
Decision Reached b houe Commit
tes on Postotfires and Pjst Roads.
AVashingtr.i, Jan. 13. It will re
quire $2'!4,0'.:0,000 to run the postal
service during the fiscal year 1910. ac
cording tj the decision reached today
by the house committee en post -ffices
and post roads. Recommendation of
the appropriation of th' amount wi'l
be included in the report that the
committee will submit to the house
shortly. The amount Is an increasj
c f about twelve million dollars over
the amount appropriat1 for the pres
ent fiscal year. Among the changes
recommended are the following: 'A
provision in the bill agreed on by the
committee will promote f.fly per cent,
of the eligible $1,100 clerks and car
riers to $1,200; provision is made for
the promotion of $1,2(1(1 apartment car
clerks to $1,300; an increase of $1,
114,000 for the extension of the rural
service is provided.
- Additional clerks arre authorized to
the number of 1.200; additional carriers
l.f'OO: and railway mail service itoO.
The total appropriation for clerks
is $31,800,00; for carriers $29,750,000;
railway mail clerks $19,465,000, and
rural carriers, $37,360,000.
An Increase in the transportation
cost by the railroads necessitated an
increase for this part of the service.
Acting Adjutant General Refuse
Retire on Governor's Order.
Bismarck, N. D.. Jan. 13. A. P.
Polka of Valley City, commander of
the state infantry, was today appoint
ed adjutant general by Governor
Burke, vice T. P. Poole, retired by the
governor. Mr. Polke had been acting
adjutant gereral for the last few days.
though Poole refused to retire or to
turn over the boiKcs and papers of his
office, claiming his appointment was
for life, by virtue of a constitutional
provision. The militia is still on
guard in the adjutant general's office,
under direct command of Governor
Kurke. and an ord:v will be issued for
a courtmartial of Poole, who Is under
arrest for disobeying the governor's
Visit American Battleships at Ville
fanche Sailors Donate Money and
Viilefranche, Jan. 13. The United
States battleships Vermont and Kan
sas continue the principal attraction
here. All during this afternoon boat
load after boat Ipad of visitors were
conducted over the ships, and every
body was loud in the praise of the
American men of war. Not the least
welcome visitors to the battleships to
day were two Little Sisters of the
Poor, who went aboard to solicit food
for the aged poor in their home. The
hearts of the nuns were gladdened Sy
several basketsful of edibles and sums
of money donated by the sallorB. Shore
parties from the American battleships
everywhere are given ovations by the
residents of the district. The pet
bear of the Minnesota was taken ashore
this afternoon, and instantly became
the idol of the children, a swarm of
which followed it across town to an
automobile, in which it was taken to
Nice, two miles away, for an airing.
New York City's Big Gain in Tax on
Real Estate.
New York, Jan. 13. From figures
made public today by the tax depart
ment it results that the cityof New
York for the current year 1909 will
derive more than $100,000,000 more
from this year's tax levy, on real es
tate alone. A valuation of $6,280,521,
159 is placed upon the real estate of
the city in the department's report,
showing the tentative valuation upon
which it purposes to levy taxes for
1909. his is an increase over the
final a3Ecssment of 1908 of $139,029,290.
Use of Pensicn Offi:e fcr In.iugural
Washington. Jan. 13 The senate to
day passed a bill permitting the use
of the pension office for the inaugural
hall in connection with the inaugura
tion f Mr TafL Senator Scott, in
charge of tre measure, explained that
it contained the usual provision for
special pdflce, etc., to "provide for the
pickpockets and others who cntrf her"
on occasion of inaugurations.'
Forbidden to Post Nude Advertising
Oklahoma City, Okla., Jan. 13. Di
rectors of the National Bill Posters'
association today issued an order for
bidding members of the association to
post mide pictures sUeh as are used to
advertise uiwon suits and corsets.
Condensed Telegrams
American Ba.tleships calling a
Villef ranee, were oiuered to extend
their stay until January 27.
The Japanese Press Rebels at tl.e
lroposed segrcgatior- plan in Califor
nia, calling it a violation of treaty
rights. .
Tiffany & Co. ordered plans for a
seven -st ry building adjoining the sit-i
of tho firm's place of business ia Fifth
A Jury 4a warded Mrs. Alfred R.
Goslin $501000 damages in her aliena
tion suit against her husband's ste
nographer. The International Association -f
Aeronauts pl;.il;ied t j off.-r $240,000 in
prizes for airship and dirigible balloon
The 53d Annual Meeting of the New
York State association of fchiol com
missions, .and superintendents was
opened at Albany.
The Executive Council of the Amer
ican Federation of Le ber pre oared to
confer on the Gompers untc-mpt de
cision and the appeal therefrom.
Washington Despatches Stated that
the republican members of tha ways
and means committee had oted to
eliminate "trade agreements" in ths
new tariff bill.
Henry drleton Wari, son of well
to-do parents, was dishonorably dis
charged from the Marine corps after
teing tried by a courtmartial on a
charge of theft.
Vtctor Morawetz Testified to the
negotiations he conducted which re
sulted in tho conditions calling forth,
the government's suit to dissolve the
Union Pacific merger.
Mrs. Jane Jarroll Parks Caldwell,
the bride of a w'eek. who left her rich
husband In Kentucky, "die she hoped
he and Mrs. William Milne wou.d ap
ply for a divorce, so she and Milr.e
could wed.
Scores of Men, whos? life work has
been devoted to a study of the prob
lems of forestry and conservation are
in Washington attending the 2Sth an
nual meeting of the. American Fores
try association. .
First Writing His Wife that he
fearad he world lose his position be
cause of a mistake in the cash, Julius
C. SestinI committed suicide at his
home, 1,730 Melville ave iue, yesterdav,
by taking poison.
The Receivers fcr the Metropolitan
street railway sent a letter, 'tlmost
defiant in tone, to the public serv
ice commission, in resoonse to a mis
sive addressed by Chalrnan Willcox
to the receivers on Mondav.
There Wi Sent to the Somerset
county (N. J.) jail yesterday a man
who was found in a nude condition
lr.te Mondav night in woods at the
James B. Duke estate, near Rarit.in.
He appeared to be dazed and could
give no information about himself.
Successor of Charles W. Eliot, at
Head oS Cambridge University.
jr.ooiou jan. jj.- aooou Lawrence
Lowell, author, lawyer ynd Harvard
professor, is to be the successor of
.haries W. Eliot as head of the great
Cambridge universitv. Thj suspense
ftlt hy the alumni and friends of "Har
vard since the resignation of Presi
dent Eliot in November last and ;he
speculation as to his pr it'able succes
sor ended today when, after the cor
poration and overseers of the Insti
tution had held separate meetings in
this city, it was announced that the
members of the corporatljn had elect
ed Professor Lowell as president. This
choice, which was immediately sub
mitted to the beard of overseers, must
be ratified by the latter bodv at a
meeting to be held January 20. but,
as President Eliot said, "their action is
not doubtful." . .
A member of 4 famous Boston fam
ily, a graduate of Harvard and of
the Harvard law school and occupant
of t'-.e chair of the science of gov
ernment at the university sine 1900
Professor Lowell is thoroughly- inbi ed
v ith Harvard traditions. He is re
garded as an able administrative of
ficer, a strict disciplinarian, one who
leeognizes the joys of athletic com
petition, but deplores excess in inter
collegiate sport. It is believed that
Professor Lowell will have the hcartv
and united support of the Harvard
Watertown Man Charged With Em
bezzlement of Aid Funds,
Waterbury. Conn., Jan. 13. Randall
Pearce of Watertown, charged with
embezzlement of the funds of the Em
ployes' Aid association of the Water
bury Clock company, surrendered him
self to the police late this afternoon
and stated that he would plead guilty
to the charge. He refused to be re
leased on $2,000 bail. Civil suit has
also been instituted apainst him by
the association and all his property at
tached. Pearce has ljot been seen at the shop
since Jan. .2 and until today his where
abouts were unknown to the authori
ties. His friends claim that worry
over domestic troubles has led to his
downfall. He was prominent in Christ
Episcopal church and entertained the
bishop of St. Alban's. England, at his
home in Watertown last w inter.
Masked Burglars Get $1,500 ?t a
Pennsylvania Farmhouse.
Pittsburg, I'd.. Jan. 13. Eiuding,
gagging and assau'tinp
Lourhner. 80 years old, and his two
ageci sisters. six mask d men last
night ransacked the house, secured
about SI, 500 in cash, nt j their s ipper
.nd tied. The victims liv- on an iso
Mte.i farm between Jeanette and Har
rison City.
The aged bnther an.-l sisters five in
a serious condition from the treatment
and shock received at the hands of
the six highwaymen.
Settlement Betwee.-i Turkey and Aus
tria Is No Approyed.
St. Petersburg. Jan. 13. The settle
ment between Austro-Hungary and
Turkey of the Bosnian and Herzego
vininmn question is cmsdere heie
as a reverse for Russian diplomacy.
The foreign office sayi that the, ac
cord Is purely a private one, and that
the Bosnia problem can onlv he ar
ranged through tho assent of all the
Suit Against Alleged Powder Trust.
I'hi'adrlrhi". Jan. 13. 1-iv two
witnesses were examined here torifly
in tho Miit of the government against
the alleged powder trust, after which
it was announced that the examiner
;n the ens will sit next in New York
cit January 21 to talte testimony.
Little on No Public Interest Manifested in the
First Day's Proceedings
Members Sat in Long Rows, Facing Each Other Bills
Establishing a National Lottery and Cockfighting
will be Early Introduced --Members Get no Pay
When Absent from Roll CaU Without Permit.
Havana. Jan. 13. Although tho reins
of self-government will not be offi
cially turned over to the Cuban au
thorities until January 28, when the
inauguration of President Gomez and
Vice President Zuyas will take place,
the. meeting today of tho new Cuban
congress In Initial session marked tho
beginning of the end of the second
period of American intervention In the
island, wWich began with the break
ing out of the revolution in August,
New Quarters Scantily Furnished.
There waa little or no public Inter
est manifested in the untiring of the
legislators, the purpose of the meet
ings today being merely to pass upon
the credentials of members.
For the first time in the history of
the republic the house enjoyed the
dignity of occupying its own home,
having met during the former period
of independence ii an old tobacco
warehouse. The new quarters are
quite palatial, though as yet they are
Fvantlly furnished.
.Substantial Looking Body of Men. '
In both the senate and the house
the presiding officer, who today was
the eldest member of each body, sits
ut the end of a quadrangular hail,
the legislators sitting in long rows
facing each other, in typical Cubun
visiting fashion, their sides to the pre
siding officer's desk.
The senators and representatives are
Introduced in California State Assem
bly Attract Wide Attention.
Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 13. Three
nnti -Japanese "Mils; introduced in the
i--tate assembly by Grov L. Johnson -of
Saeramer.to and one introduced bv A.
M. Drew of Fresno,, prohibiting aliens
from hohling land In tho state, have
attracted such wide interest that 1,000
printed copies of each are already ex
hausted, and there is a demand for
The Johnson bills are designed, first,
to prevent Japanese being directors
of corporations; second, to segregate
their children: third, to segregate nil
Japanese by defining the limits within
which they must live.
The Japanese already have a lobby
on the scene, and will contribute con
siderable money to ma'te a fight. The
hearings will bo held in a few days.
John F. Stevens Offered the Presi
dency of Colorado & Southern Rail
road. f
Denver, Col., Jan. 13. The Times to
day says that John F. Stevens, for
merly chairman of the Panama canal
commission, and at present vice pres
ident of the New York. New Haven &
Hartford railroad, has been offered
and will probably accept the presii
dency of the Colorado & Southern
railroad to succeed Frank Trumbull,
who will retire next week. Tho Col
orado & Southern was recently ac
quired by the Hill interests.
Italian Chamber of Deputies Appreci
ates the Kind Sympathy of America.
Washington Jan. 13. Speaker Can
non today had read in the house oi
representatives the following able
gram from President Marorri of tin
Italian chamber of deputies:
"Rome, Jan. 13, 190!).
"In the name of ihe members of thr
chamber of deputies, 1 beg to convey
their sincere appreciation of the kim
sympathy shown by you in this houi
of extreme desolation of our country
It is another link that binds us more
closely together in that traditional
friendship that we have always felt
for you chivalrous people."
Rate of Postage on Third and Fourth
Class Matter by Rural Delivery. ,
Washington, Jan. 13. To malt the
rate of postage on third and fourth
class matter on rural free delivery
routes equal to two cents a pound is
the object of a bill introduced today
by Representative Foster of Vermont.
The measure provides that no package
exceeding ten pounds in weight shall
be received for conveyance, and that
the postage rates on the matter spe
cified shall be one cent for eight
ounces or less, two cents for eight to
sixteen ounces, and two cents a pound
or fraction thereof for packages over
two pounds in weight.
Hammerstein Will Give Philadelphia
the Best There Is in Opera.
Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Oscar Ham
merstein arrived here today and went
directly to the residence of E. T.
t'totesbury. where Mr. Stotesbury per
sonally agreed to take the responsi
bility for the required lien of $400,dO
on the Philadelphia opera house.
Hammerstein then, called on Mrs. Rey
burn. the wife of the mayor, and as
sured her that he would continue to
produce in this city the very highest
class of opera.
National Red Cross Subscriptions
Washington, Jan. 13. The National
Red Cross today received H8,!52 ad
ditional subscriptions to the Italian
earthquake fund, making the total
subscriptions to date $762,341. Today's
subscriptions included $10,000 from
California and $30,000 from New York
in addition to former subscriptions.
Students Object to Instructor's Meth
ods. Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 13. Object-,
ing to the method of teaching employ
ed by Instructor W. H. Newhall, 33
students of the university of Minneso
ta, members of the junior class in en
gineering, today walked from the class
room in a body. The students called
the instructor's methods of teaching
"kindergarten methods."
Burton Declared Successor of Foraker.
Columbus. O.. Jan. 13. The general
assembly of Ohio in Joint session today
officially declared Congressman Theo
dore K. Burton of Cleveland successor
of J. B. Foraker in the United States
Arbitration Treaties Signed.
Wasi ington, . Jan. 13 Secret?
Root today signed arbitration treaties
with Cota Rica and Chile, through
Senors Calvo and Cruz, the ministers
esprctinoly from thos.) cou.tries.
a substantial body of men. and all of
them were attired with the strictest
formality in frock coats and silk hats.
No Formality of Prayer.
The sessions opened with the tink
ling of a bell three times as a pre
liminary signal and then once five
minutes later. There was no formal.
Ity of prayer, as in the American con
gress, but an immediate commence
ment of business.
Strict Requirement for Attendance.
The decree issued by Provisional
Governor Magoon convoking the con
gress makes a very strict requirement
lor tlie attendance of members. Nei
ther senators nor representatives will
receive pay when absent from roll
calls without leave, and neither house
will be permitted to grant leave of
absence to more than one-sixth of
their memberships at one time. These
ruies have boen the subject of much
discussion among the members, and
undoubtedly will be amended aa oon
as the Americans quit tho island.
Liberal Party Has Big Majority.
liiils establishing cockfighting and
a national lottery will be among tha
first to bo introduced. The liberal
party, which has an . overwhelming
majority in tho senate and the house,
is said to favor a lottery, and lla
members are openly announcing that
a bill providing for cockfighting will
bo one of the first measures to be Introduced.
Body of Young Bridegroom Found
Swinging From a Tree.
Roanoke, Va., Jan. 13. Relative of
William A. Andrews, the young bride
groom whoso dead body was found
swinging from a tree near town last
Sunday, alter he had been missing a
week, believe he was murdered. At
the grave interim nt was stopped by an
uncle of the dead man, who demand
ed an examination of- tha body. It If
said several small holes were found In
the breat, one of them leading to the
heart. The wounds are believed to
have been made with a hatpin.
And in Southern Austria No Damag
Vienna, Jan. 13. Slight earthquake
shocks were felt today in ouihern
Austria and the Tyrol. The disturb
ances extended from Sarajevo, in south
eastern Bosnia, to Meran, in the Tyrol.
Among other plaeVs where the shock
were felt were Trieste, Pola and Trl
ent. No damage has been reported.
Man Who Posed as British Nobleman
Sentenced to Leavenworth Peniten
tary and Fined $1,000.
St. Louis, Jan. 13. Edmund Burke,
who posed ns a British nobleman, -
sentenced to three year in Leaven
worth, Kansas, penitentiary and fined
$1,000 by a Jury in the United States
district court today on a charge of im
personating a United States officer.
Burke recently served a rear in th
it. Louis workhouse. A Decatur, I1L,
.rirl, who was married to him In Den
er, obtained a divorce after hi arrest
n St. Louis.
"Steam Schoonor Being Pounded to
Pieces in Breakem.
Surf, Cat., Jan. 13. The steam
chooner Sybil M.irston, with a ere
if twenty-two, bound from Gravs Har
jor, Wash., for Redondo, Col., lumbers
aden, was driven ashore off Surf last
light and today is being battered to
ileces In the breakers a mile below
his point. Two of the crew were
Irowned while attempting to reach
ilicre in the small boats. The remain
der of the crew landed Safely. Th
teamer was one of the finest of her
class on the Pacific.
New York State Superintendent rf In
surance Resign.
Albany, N. Y, Jan. 13. Otto Kel
sey, state superintendent of insur
ance, whom Governor Hughe twice
unsuccessfully tried to remove from
ilflce, tonight sent his formal resig
nation to the governor and tomorrow
will assume the duties of first deputy
state comptroller. Before leaving his
office tonight the attaches of the In
surance department presented Mr.
Kelsey with a silver loving cup. Gov
ernor Hughes Is , not expected to fill
the vancancy before next week.
Seeks to Oust Incoming Lieutenant
Olymplu, Washh., Jan. 13. A com
plaint in quo warranto was filed by
Charles B. Coon, retiring lieutenant
governor, in the supreme court today,
seeking to oust from office the incom
ing lieutenant governor, M. E. Hay.
The complaint alleges that Hay Is die.
qualified because he puid for adver
tisements in newspapers during the
primary campaign, in alleged violation
of the primary law.
Will Prosecute Newspaper for Print
ing Whiskey Advertisements.
Atlanta. Ga.. Jan. 13. The Georgia
Anti-Saloon league today announced
that it will prosecute newspaper of
the state for printing whiskey adver
tisements, on the ground that the
papers are hired agents and solicitors
for whiskey laws. In violation of th
state prohibition law.
Signal Corps Men Return from Cub.
Galveston. Tex.. Jan. 13. Sixty men
of the United States Signal corp
retched Gulve.'ton today from Havana,
Cuba, on the steamer Galveston. The
departure of tho corps from Havana
Is one of the intial moves of tho war
department towards the evacution of
Marines Sail for Ci j.
Norfolk. Va., Jan. 13 The cruiser
Prairie sailed today with a detach
ment of marines on tuard for Guan-
tanamo, Cuba. The men are to do
duty wilh the provisional regiment sta-
Arbitration Treaties Ratified.
Wnshlnirtnn T 19 th ..-.a.
today ratified arbitration treaties with
nayu, ctruaaor. uniffuav nirl R.iiivi

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