Newspaper Page Text
. 1909, .1. ee-t"L VOL. LI. NO. . 14. NORWICH, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1909. PHI E TWO CENTS. 4 TO DECLARE LILLE1TSSEAT VACANT Resolution Offered in the House, by Mr. Gaines of Tennessee Caused Debate " COMMITTEE TO REPORT WITHIN TEN DAYS Committee to Report within Ten Days Upon the Ques tion of the Right of Governor Lilley to Hold His Membership A Motion that the Resolution be Re ferred to Judiciary was Seconded by -Mr. Higgins. (Special to The Bulletin.) "Washington, Jan. 15. As soon as the 'Journal of the house was approved this noon, Hon. John Westley Gaines cl Tennessee offered a resolution de claring the seat of Hon. George L. Lilley of Connecticut vacant. Mr. Gaines contends that as soon as Mr. Lilley was inaugurated governor of Connecticut he ceased to oe a mem ber of the house of representatives. Resolution Referred to Judiciary Com mittee. Floor Leader Payne moved that the resolution be referred to the commit tee on Judiciary with Instructions that a report ba made to tha house within ten days from date. Remarks by Mr. Higgins. In sup-port of this motion Mr. Hig gins said, in part: "Mr. Speaker, it is true that George I Lilley, formerly a member of this house, was elected by the people of the state of Connecticut as chief executive, and is now govern or of Connecticut. Now, let me say, that it Is my understanding, although I want to be perfectly frank with the house, and say that I have seen news paper Items In my own stats and in dicating that the statements that I am about to make Is not the fact but it is my understanding when, though having actually seen the writ ten resignation of Governor Ulley as a member of this house, that he did resign to his predecessor, Governor Woodruff, and that he resigned be fore be "ualined as he did last Wed nesday as governor, and that he is no longer a member of this house. I be lieve that he had not notified, as I understand is the custom and practice but not the law, the speaker of the house of representatives of the fact of bis resignation. However, I cannot say about that, but from what I have eeen by casual reading In the Connec ticut papers, I should say that he had not. I would say that it is m belief that he has resigned to the governor and there cannot be any question that a, resignation of member to the gov STANDARD OIL HEARING. Last to Ba Held In New York in Gov " rnmonfs Suit. ' Now York. Jan. 15. W. W. Pllking (ton, who has charge of despatching oil and keeping the records of the Stan dard OH company's pipe line systems, went on the stand today In what was expected to be the last hearing in this city In the suit of the government for be dissolution of the Standard Oil company. He said no set of pipes was ever used exclusively to carry Limn Indiana or Oklahoma oil. The oil was despatched over such routes as the cir cumstances at the time of shipping required. Adjournment was taken at the aft ernoon session to Chicago, where next Tuesday the attorneys for the govern ment expect to offer the final witness es In rebuttal before the case goes to the United States circuit court sitting in St. Louis. NEGRO CONVICT IDENTIFIED At Murderer of Abraham Reeder of New York Last June. New York, Jan. 15. William Mason, a negro convict in the Charlestown, flaes., state prison, was identified to !ay by Mrs. Abraham Reeder of this city 88 the man who murdered and robbed her husband here on June 8 last, according to a report received at police headquarters here. The identi fication is said to be so positive that Mason's extradition will be asked. Ma ron wag formerly in Reeder's em ploy and killed him. It is charged, in n endeavor to obtain rent money he had seep paid to him. The negro is now serving a two-year sentence In Massachusetts for burglary. PRIVATE BILLS Hsd Their Innings in the House and Many Were Parsed. Washington, Jan. in. Private bills had their Innings In "the house today, a'most the whole, sersion being given vp to their consideration. Many were passed. Under a resolution offered b" Mr, Chines (Tennessee) the judiciary com mittee wag directed to report within ter davs upon the nuestion of the tight of George L. Lilley, governor of Connecticut, to retain his seat as a member of the house. The subject ccnsloned a good deal of debate, lefclch at times waxed warm. ARBITRATION TREATY SIGNED Between the United States and Austria-Hungary, Washington, Jan. IB. With the sign ing of an arbitration treaty between th United States and Austria-Hungary at the state department this af ternoon,. conventions of that character with more than twenty nations of the world have been agreed to. The treaty now goes to the senata for ratification. Keerertary Root also signed an ex tradition treaty with Honduras. Offi cials of the state department declineu to say whether the treaty is retroac tive. Steamship Arrivals. At Manchester, Jan. 14: Bosjtonian, from Boston. At Leghorn, Jan. 14: Algeria, from New York via Marseilles and Genoa. At Genoa, Jan. 12: Ancona, from New Xork and Philadelphia via Naples. At Naples, Jan. 12: Luisiane, from Now York. At Madeira, Jan. 14: Caronia, for Na ples, Trieste, etc. At Havra. Jan. II: La Tourafne, from New York. At Genoa, Jan. 12: Clttl Di Palermo, from New Orleans via Norfolk. At Azores, Jan. 15: Cedric, from New York for Naples and Genoa. American Blowar Co. Incorporated. Albany. N. Y.,"i Jan. IS. Tha Ameri can Blower company, capitalized at $1,600,000. principal office In Green Is land, Albany county, was incorporated today to manufacture blowers, ventil ating fans, steam engines and pneu matic elevators. ernor of the state that he represents i3 a release by him of the office he holds.'' ' Not Necessary to Fill the Unexpired Term. In answer to a question asked by Representative Henry of Texas, Mr. Higgins said: "I will not sav to the irentleman that there have been many jf' newspaper articles upon this and many otner suojects, ana i ao not speak of any further newspaper arti cle. I say further to the gentleman that if Governor Lilley did resign, as I understand to be the fact, as I stat ed to the house, not of my knowledge but of my personal belief, fair I do not wish to deceive the house for one mo ment, his successor was elected to qualify on the 4th day of next March, and 1 say it is my opinion, there Is no law in Connecticut which requires the executive to immediately and forthwith call a special election. I say further to the gentleman that I do not believe it would be necessary to fill the unexpired term from the date of his resignation until the 4th of next March. "Mr. Speaker, I have been a member of this house long enough to believe in ordinary procedure. I believe that la the best procedure and I believe the motion made by the gentleman from New York ought to be adopted by this house, the resolution sent to the Judiciary committee that they may investigate this question, that we may be as fully Informed as possible" Nothing Personal in the Matter, Says Mr. Gaines. Mr. Gaines says he has nothing personal in this matter and that the investigation of last winter and Jhe vote of censure last spring has noSh ing to do with his resolution. He points to the fact that he voted in fa vor of Mr. Lilley on the adoption of the resolution. All that he seeks is that it shall be determined whether Mr. Lilley is now a member of the house of representatives. T.E.S. LABOR DAY FOR HUMANITY. Its Aim is the Early Eradication of tha ' Great White Planue. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 15. John F. Gunchanan, a member of the state commission on tuberculosis, addressed a meeting of the Bricklayers' and Plasterers' union here tonight, speakJ inc in nart follow- "Tha legislature will be asked to grant an appropriation sufficient to al low reception homes to be erected in each county, for the care of those af fected with the reat white plague, the charge to be within the reach of the worthy poor; but it cannot bo ex pected that the state will make pro vision to provide aid for their depen dents a very essential part of this problem and the workingmen who are giving serious attention to this ques tion can see the time near at hand when the workers will be invited to give one day's pay each year on a day to be known as 'Labor Lav for Hu manity,' and then we can look for the early eradication of this terrible scourge." CONSPIRATORS SENTENCED By Judge Wright in Baltimore Crim inal Court. Baltimore, Md.. Jan. 15. After hear ing their pleas today of guilty of the charge of conspiracy to defraud, Judge Wright in th criminal co art sentenced Benjamin Karper to two yearB in jail, Joseph Sloane, alias Goldsmith, to thr.?a ."ears In Jail, and released Henry U. Rosenthal undr a suspended sen tence upon his giving bail in the sum of $10,000. This was an outcome ot the recent appointment of a receiver for the Chesapeake Manufacturing company of this city, which was run for a short time by Karper & -Sloane. The company managed to establish a line of credit in this and other cities. I and after obtaining quantities of goods Karper and Sloane disappeared. The receiver, appointed to settle tha affairs of the company, found that practically all the effects had been re moved. LEFT ESTATE OF $25,000,000. Will of Iron Master Wharton of Phil adelphia Admitted to Probata. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. The will of Joseph Wharton ,the iron master of this city, who died recentiv, was ad mitted to probate today. It dls poses of an estate estimated at $25,000,0u0. Mr. Wharton gives practically all his fortune to his widow, three daughters and his grandchildren. To Swartmore college is given $100,000-for the com pletion of a dormitory already endow ed by Mr. Wharton. A bequest o $50,000 to the Wharton school of finance and economy of the university of Pennsylvania is revoked in a codicil madu, Wharton having .provided for the school before his death. Among the minor bequests is $1,000, which is to be divided arnoiisr the Wharton household servants. Ordered Before Army Retiring Board. Washington. Jan. 15. Col. William F. Tucker, assistant paymaster general, a son-in-law of the late John A. Logan, has been ordered before an army re tiring board at Chicago for examina tion to determine his fitness for fur ther active duty. Colonel Tucker is still at Hot Springs, Ark., where he was ordere 1 for treatment. Supplies for Battleship Wisconsin. Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 15. The U. S. S. Hannibal arrived at the local navy yard today, fc'he brought chains and supplies for the battleship AVis consin, which Is soon to come here for repairs. Postoffico Appropriation Bill Reported Washington, Jan. 15. The postofflce appropriation bill, carrying an aggre gate appropriation of $234,000,600, was reported to the house of representa tives today. Persian Prince Commits Suicide. St. Petersburg, Jan. 15. Shaft Khan, a Persian prince in Russian service, committed suicide today because he had bems relieved of the command of tha Fifteenth dragoons. I Cabled Paragraph Nice, France, Jan. 15. Rear Admiral Charles S. Cotton, U. S. N., .tired, who has been ill here for a fortnight, shows no signs of improvement. St. Petersburg, Jan. 15. The cholera continues to show a large number of new cases every day. Twenty-eight were recorded for the twenty-four hours ended at noon, and the last four days show a total of ninety. Three cases have been discovered at Hclsing fors, Finland. London, Jan. 15. Frank Gotch, the world's champion heavyweight wres tler, having been unable to arrange a match with George Hackenschmidt, the "Russian Lion." from whom he won the title in Chicago last year, will sail for New York Jan. 27 qn boartj the steamer Deutschland. St. Petersburg, Jan. 15. A rumor is current in diplomatic circles here that M. Bachmetieff, former Russian minis ter to Japan, has been appointed am bassador to the United States in suc cession to Baron Rosen, who will be transferred to Rome to take the place of M. Muravieff, who died there Dec. 14 last. Confirmation of the rumor is not obtainable, though it is asserted at the foreign office that no decision tow ard general diplomatic changes has been made. END OF AMERICAN ADMINISTRATION IM CUEA. Farewell. Address of Congratulation to the Troops Impressive Ceremonies. Havana, Jan. 15. Two significant events today marked the approaching end of American administration of af fairs in Cuba. Major General Barry, commanding the army of Cuban paci fication at Camp Columbia, issued a farewell address of congratulation to the troops still on the island and those who have already left for home. Tonight Governor Magoon was a guest of honor and principal speaker at a gaia banquet in the National theater tendered by the commercial and in dustrial bodies of Havana. General Barry's address to the troops was read at Camp Columbia this afternoon. The troops cavalry, artillery, infantry and marines were drawn up in a great hollow square after brilliant manoeuvres had been gone through. The ceremony was an impressive one. An adjutant, mount ed, advanced to the center of the square and read the address in a voice that carried to the furthermost lines. General Barry announced that he and his headquarters staff would take their departure from Cuba on April 1. He referred significantly to the excel lent reconnaissance work of the army made necefcsary in mapping anew the island and collecting complete mili tary information concerning it. The address ended with a letter from President Roosevelt, dated at the White house. Washington, January 1, and addressed to General Barry. It said: "My Dear General: "Through you, as president, and on behalf of the whole American people, I want to thank the army of Cuban pacification lfor the admirable way in which, they f hava done their work. "Faithfully yours, '(Signed) "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." At tonight's banquet. Governor Ma goon, who has been attacked by the conservative newspapers because of his large expenditures of the public funds, said that when the period of intervention began there was about $3,000, 0-00 in the Cuban treasury. The Americans undertook vast improve ments which were badly needed and essential to the progress and develop ment of the island. These improve ments, he declared, were of enduring benefit and now they were practically completed, there still remained $2,000, 000 in the treasury and the revenues were showin ga gratifying increase. BRIDEGES WASHED AWAY, OVERLAND TRAINS STALLED Disastrous Rainstorm in California Sacramento and Stockton in Danger. San Francisco, Jan. 15. Beyond the destruction of the Southern Pacific bridges at Sacramento and the West ern i'aoific crossing near San Francis co, the damage resulting from the great rainstorm that has deluged cen tral California for the last week, is slight. The storm is passing north eastward and it is thought 'that no further damage will result. The principal danger at present is amout Sacramento and Stockton, where an immense spread of farming land would be under water if the lev ees gave way. Although the water has risen in all streams today, high water msuk lias not been reached. The municipal water works at Green Valley was saved today by blasting out the waste weir. At Southern Pa cific headquarters it is reported that four overland trains are stalled across the American rivtr from Sacramento btcause of washing out cf the bridge yesterday. The company hopes to send passengers and mail through by aal4ctric line. The Western Pacific bridge over the American river at Sacramento went out last night so suddenly that a lo comotive and six cars of a gravel train were carried down with it and the engineer lost his life. APPARITION OF ST. AGATHA ON "MOUNT ETNA SUMMIT. Inhabitants of Catania in State Terror and Excitement. of Catania, Jan. 15. For two days the populace of Catania has been in a state of great excitement over a re port that an apparition of St. Agatha, the protectress of the town, had been seen on the summit of Mount Etna. Those who say they saw the spectre declare that she seemed to them "like an angelic dream," St. Agatha being enveloped in thin, vaporous clouds, through which shone rays of dazzling "light, while her right hand was ex tended as though in a sign of benedic tion and protection over Catania. Be cause of these reports the belief has spread among the simple folk that Catania was saved from the earth quake only through the intercession of St. Agatha. Groups of persons assemble in the squares or on the roots of houses gaz ing at Mount Etna, waiting "or the vision to re-appear. Many of them say that when the smoke from the volcano was densest and the sun was shining strong on the glittering snow they saw St. Agatha fall upon her knees. The credulous on hearing these tales knelt in prayer and beat their breasts as penance for their sins. To Restrict Japanese Business Opera tions. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 15. Three bills drawn by Grove L. Johnson of Sacramento, restricting the business o-perations of the Japanese and segre gating them in all communities, are rncking progress through committee ir. the state assembly, it was said today. Warmer Weather in Pacific Northwest Portland, Ore., Jan. 15. The cold weather that has prevailed in the Pa cific northwest for the last ten days gave way today to decidedly warmer weather and to a general rain. Fourteen Families Ftlade Homeless v ALL ESCAPED WITHOUT INJURY, LOSING BELONGINGS. DISASTROUS FIRE AT TERRYYILLE Exploding Lamp the Cause Citizens Formed Bucket Brigade Coating of Sleet Saved St. Casimir's Church. Terryville, Conn.. Jan. 15. Fourteen families were made homeless tonight by what was perhaps the most disas trous fire which this place has seen in years. The fire, starting In the base ment of a three-story tenement block on the corner of Allyn and Pearl streets, from an exploding lamp, ate its way through the structure, driving out the seven families who occupied it. and fanned by a west wind, com municated to two other dwellings on Pearl street, standing close by. These were also burned. One of the latter houses was tenanted by four families and the other by three. .. No One Injured. All the occupants escaped without Injury, but of the furnishings of the apartments very little from any of the A LEVEL HEADED OPINION A Pennsylvania minister has been talking rationally about the value of newspapers and The Bulletin finds pleasure in quoting the following truths from a speech he made to a Doylestown club: "When you give a 'copper for your newspaper, do you ever realize just what you're getting? The .paper brings to you the stories of the good and the evil the world over. Sometimes, and not Infrequently, I get as many as six strong sermons from the news In a single issue. They bring you not only news, but history and scientific facts which you could not gather in months of research. y "Newspapers make a force which forms character and makes men read and think. It was a physician, I think, who first spoke of the great work newspapers are doing, relating incidents, of the as sistance they were to him in his profession. The newspapers print the details of great catastrophes, like the earthquake in Italy, and aid In making the entire world a great and sympathetic mass,' for getting all differences and barriers. They bring to us the happenings of the world within a few hours of their actual occurrence. They aid in the tracking of criminals and the checking of crime. They are a great moral force. A man who is crooked can't prosper for any length of time; he can't pose as righteous in that community for the news papers would, and do, expose him. "Every newspaper, however, must take a definite stand on politics and morals. No newspaper can advocate anything immoral. and ex ist. They must stand for clean ideas." Those who regularly read newspapers need no argument to show them the truth of these words. The Bulletin is a practical, helpful, tip to date daily, which is both a necessity and a bargain. It will be left at your door for 12 cents a week. Following Is a summary of the news printed in the past w-eek: Bulletin Telegraph Local Qenertl 3oVi' Saturday, Jan. 9 90 125 840 1055 Monday. Jan. 11 '81 110 204 395 Tuesday, Jan. 12 75 112 216 413 Wednesday. Jan. 13 92 150 120 362 Thursday. Jan. 14 102 106 219 427 Friday. Jan. 15 79 92 147 318 Toiat. - - - - 519 695 1746 2960 three structures was saved. A fourth dwelling was threatened, and several times caught fire, but citizens formed a bucket brigade and by hard work saved it. Roman Catholic Church Saved. St. Caslmer's Roman Catholic church was also in somo danger from the shower of sparks, but was saved largely owing to the fact that the roof and sides were covered with a coating of sleet from the storm of last tight and early today. There is no fire fighting force here and for this rea son little could be done to save the tenement blocks. Loss Estimated at $12,000. The bucket brigade worksd hard, wetting down nearby buildings to keep them 1'ora being ignited. The loss is estimated at about $12.0C0, with par tial insurance. The tenement blocks were owned by William Wood of this place. PRESIDENT-ELECT TAFT CAPTURES CITY OF ATLANTA. Cheering Crowds Evidence Their Cor diality Climax of Demonstrations. Atlanta. Ga., J,iu. 15. President elect William H. Tuft has been in the cordial and hospitable embrace of Georgia all day. Appreciating the cli max of the varied and continuous dem onstrations in the scene presented at the banquet hers tonight, he ex claimed with evidences of great feel ing: "I had not hoped to win the south, but the south has won me." Atlanta's welcome to Mr. Jaft be gan in the railroad yards, where all locomotives tied open their whistles, and ceased only when he had retired for the night. Thousands were at the station. thousands followed him through the streets and he ivra drawn by four horses to the eapltol. Gov ernor Smith and a committee of sev enty gave him a formal welcome, after which the governor presented him to the crowd and Mr. Taft once more voiced his reciprocity of cordiality and good feeling at his reception. He was escorted by a squad of mounted police to the Piedmont hotel, where he was tendered a reception by the chamber of commerce, the Ohio society and Yale alumni. Sheriff Hawley Becomes a Knight Templar. Danbury. Conn., Jan. 15. When Sheriff Sidney E. Hawley became a Knight Templar here tonight he was presented after the ceremonies with a gold Knight Templar charm, the pres entation being made by Senator Stiles Judson, Jr. Resignation Accepted by Gov. Draper. Boston, Jan. 15. Governor Draper today received and accepted the resig nation of Leonard A. Jones of Boaton as judge of the land court. In a let ter accompanying his resignation Judge Jones stated that a severe illness last spring had rendered it impossible for him to carry on the duties of the po sition. Needs of Organized Militia Discussed. Washington, Jan. IE. The national militia board, oreated under the pro visions of the Mil amending the Dick act, met here today to discuss ques tions respecting the needs of the or ganised militia of the states and Its relation to the general grvernmeni. Connecticut Hatters on Strike PROTEST AGAINST REMOVAL OF THE UNION LABEL. NEARLY 5,000 OPERATIVES IDLE Believed to Be the Beginning of a Long Drawn-Out Struggle Crowds of Men on Danbury Streets. Danbury, Conn., Jan. 15. Except for the unusually large crowds of men on the city's streets this afternoon and evening, there was nothing to indicate that today the employes of twenty-six of Danbury s hat manufactories, which are operated by members t the Asso ciated Hat Manufacturers, left their places In protest against the action of the manufacturers in disallowing fur ther use of the union label In the hats made by them. Work in Hand Finished Before Quit ting. Late this afternoon the committee of the officers, makers, finishers and trimmers' unions completed the rounds of the shops, notifying the operatives of the order frem national headquar ters to stop work. In each case the 1 employes were instructed to finish the work in hand before going out, and this they did. The trimmers' union is not a sart of the United Hatters of North America organization, but at a meeting today of the officers it was decided to go out with the others. 5,000 Hands Are Idie. Tonight in this city and Bothel, where three mills are operated by members of the Manufacturers' association are located, there are between 3,5(V0 and 4,000 men and women idle. With the 400 who quit work at New Milford and the nearly 800 who stopped work at South Norwalk, there are close upon B.OOO union hattles idle in Connecticut. To the 700 which quit at the Crofut & Knapp piatt in Soith Norwalk was added 75 this afternoon, when John H. AValthausen. a maker of hat bodies and a member of the Hat Manufacturers' association, closed his factory. Long Struggle Predicted. Among the men it is 3aid the opin ion prevails that today's developments mark the beginning of a long-"drawn out struggle, but the sentiment appar ently is to stand by their officers. Said to Es a Plan to Do Away With Union Label. New York, ,Jan. 15. A conference of representatives of labor unions using labels will be called by the Federation of Labor, according to members of lh; national board of hatters, to consider what, tney declare is an organized ef fort by employers in ail lines to do away with the union label. The action of the hat manufacturers, it was said, was the first step in that general di rection. A fund of between $300,000 and $400,. 000 was recently made available, ac cording to President Mottitt of the United Hatters, by the American Fed eration of Labor in anticipation of the present crisis and for the use of the hatters for the strike which has now been declared. 25,C0O Workers May Be Involved. New York, Jan. 15. A general strike of hatniakers that may involve some 23,000 workers was begun in the hat manufacturing centers of the country today upon a derisi.-m by the Associat ed Hat Manufacturers to discontinue the use of the union label in the fac tories represented In the association Reports from various places received here tonight indicate that the hatters in this vicinity, including those In the factories in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, have generally obeyed the order to strike. There were no signs of disorder anywhere, the hat makers peacefully retiring from the factories wrhen the order to quit woi, was received. Through Cable Bet wee. l La Guaira and Martinique. Paris, Jan. 15. The French Cable company, it is understood, is ready to accept the conditions of Sen.or Jose De J. Paul, the Venezuelan special envoy, to the extent of constructing a through cable between La Guaira and Mar tinique, revising the tariff and aban doning the coast cable for a Just com pensation. New Rubber Industry at Winated. "Winsted, Conn., Jan. 15. It is un derstood here that the factory owned by A. W. -Worth of Hartford, which has been unoccupied, has been leased by a company which will manufacture rubber goods. It will start with a force of fifty hands And this it is ex pected will be later increased to 00. Condensed leierams Arizona and New Mexico are in a fair Way to become I ull-lledyed Mtates dur ing the r-resent session of congress. Shipowners of Northern England, meeting at Newcastle, took the first stfeps looking to an international un ion. The Emperor of Korea returned from a visit to Fusan, which he made with PrinceIto, the Japanese resident gen eral. , The Postal Savings Bank Bill was considered for a brief period by the senate, but was laid aside without progress. Porter Poison Was Sentenced to life Imprisonment for the murder of his moiher-in-iaw, Mrs. Julia Brown, at Albany, Ky. February 10, 1909, at 1 o'clock was designated as the time for counting the electoral vote in the house of rep resentatives. Baron Ichiro Motono, the first Jap anese ambassador to the Russian court, was received by the mikado in a fare well audience. Prof. Abbott Lauwrence Lowell, nom inated for the presidency of Harvard university, was given an ovation by the 700 students. The Senate Committee on Commerce ordered favorable report on a bill ap propriating $140,000 for gas buoys in Alaskan waters. Clarence M. Cohen, a member of the firm of Cohen, Greene & Co., has been expelled from membership In the New York stock exchange. Captain John F. Pollock, a charter member of the New Orleans cotton ex cange, formerly a member of the Lou isiana senate, is dead. The Hearings on the Withdrawal of marines from duty on board ship were concluded with the testimony of Pay Director Cowie of the navy. The American Forestry Association elected Gov. Curtis Guild of Massachu setts president for the ensuing year and Andrew Carnegie vice president. The National Association for the Study, and Prevention of Tuberculosis will open its fight against the white plague In Porto Rico next week. Two Persons Were Burned to death, another fatally burned and two others painfully injured in the destruction of the Great Northern hotel at Kverett. Wash. The Philppines Band at Manila will be brought to Washington to take a prominent part in the parade, ball and public concerts of the inauguration in March. The French Cruiser Admiral Aube arrived at Gibraltar, after a fruitless swirch f r the mail steamer Neustria, which left New York October 27 for Marseilles. Miss Beatrice Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ogrien Mills and niece of Am bassador Reid, was married in the home of the bride's parents in New York city. A Month's Delay In winding up Its connection with the Standard Oil com pany of New Jersey was granted to the Waters-Pierce company In tle supreme court of Missouri. . LIVELY DISCUSSION IN SENATE Over Increasing the Salary of Pres ident, Vice President and House Speaker. Washington, Jan. 15. An amend ment il, ti;e legislative, executive and julicial bill increasing the salary of the president to JlOti.UOO and tnose of the vice president and the speaker of i he house of representatives to J20, 000. with J.oeo aJditinna! allowance for carriages and coachmen for the vice president nd speaker and in crease for tile judiciary a oreErnting $228,500, precinitated a lively discus sion In the senate today. Senator P.orah of Idaho nmri a point of order agiiins' these increases on the ground that they involve gen eral legislation which according to the rules of the senate cannot be placed on an appropriation bill in face of a single objection. The debates centered upon the first of -amendments objected to, which was to incraste the salary of the sj-erkr of the house, and various criticisms were directed atwinst c-'ich extensive advance of salaries, t'lough many sen ators without onpos'i.g some increases insisted thnt the question t-irv.M be considered in a sop.irTitf bill .Mid not in one of the jrat suptily measures of the government. Without concluding fie debate, fur ther consideration cf the amendments was postponed until next Monday. Monthly Meeting of Maw England Ho tel Keepers' Association. Wraterbury. Conn.. Jan. 15. At the mo-ithiy meeting of the New F.ngland Motel Keepers' association, liflrl this t"ternoo:i und evening at the Kllon, the assoi ir-'ion entertained as guests Highway Commissioner Harold Park er of Lancaster. Mass.. and Highway Commissioner James H. Macilonald of New Haven. Both spoke on the sub ject of go id roads and their import ance to thti hotel business. D. J. Min ahan of Fittfio!d, Mass., invited the members to meet at the Hotel Wen dell in that city on Marcr 19 Standard Oi! Co.'s Warehouse at Greenpoint, N. Y., Eurned. New York. Jan. 15. Fifty largo tanks containing thousands of gallons of crude and refined petroleum at the Stone & Fleming oil works, a branch of the Standaid Oil company, at Green point, were endangered late today while the company's warehouse Ju.n across the street from the enclosure containing them was burning. .Several minor explosions in the warehouse oc curred while a bir force of firemen and two fireboats in Newton creek were fighting the blaze. Their efforts pre vented the fire communicating with the oil tanks, but the warehouse was de stroyed with a loss of approximately $50.01)0. Pioneer of Stereoscopic Photography Dead. Littleton. N. H., 'Jan. 15. Benjamin W. Ki'bnrn. one of the pioneers in the trt of sterescopic photography and the 'argest manufacturer of such views in the world, died at his home here today it the age of 81. Five-Year-Otd Child in Earthquake Ruins for 18 Days. Reggio, Jan. 15. A child of five years was taken from the ruins of a hniliiin-ff hfera vtwtprriav. Antirftv un injured, having lain beneath the de- Dris ior is oaj. Earthquakes in South Africa. Cape Town, Jan. 15. Several earth quakes have occurred recently In vari ous parts of South Africa. One was felt today at Johannesburg:, but no damage was do" THORNTON J. HAINS NOT GUILTY As a Principal with His Brother Capt Peter Hains in Killing Annis JURY WAS OUT TWENTY-TWO HOURS Fifteen Ballots Taken Before Verdict was Reached Cheering Spectators Ejected from Court Room It is Believed this Verdict Meant that Captain Hains will Never Be Brought to Trial. k Flushing, N. T., Jan. 15. After re viewing the evidence for twenty-two hours, and taking fifteen bull'its be fore all agreed, the Jury in the trial of the author and magazine writer, Thornton Jenkins Hains, at 3 o'clock this afternoon f'nind the prisoner not guilty as a principal with his brother, Capt. Peter C. Hains. Jr., in the kill ing of William K. Annis. Once Before Acquitted of Murder Charge. For the second time in his life Hains had been acquitted of the charge of murder, having been cleared . of the chnrge of shooting a companion named Kdward A. Hannigan In an open boat in Hampton Roadj seventeen years ago. His Mother Fainted from Joy. Hains had an affectionate meeting with Capt. Peter C. Hains in the Long Island City Jail, whither he hurried in a motor car, after the verdict, to take his brother the news. Old General Hains and his wife, who had been anxiously awaiting to learn the ver dict In the Hotel Astor in Manhattan since the jury went out at 5 o'clock Inst night, heard the news from Thornton, who telephoned his parents as soon aa he left the court room. Mr?. Hains nearly fainted from Joy at the tidings. Prosecutor Darrin Disappointed. 'Under this verdict it is perfectly safe for any person who is Ingenious enough to frame up a defense to go out CANAL ZONE GOVERNMENT. No Change to Be Recommended to Congress This Session. Washington, Jan. 15. No change in the form of government of the isihmlun canal zone is to be recommended to congress at this nession by the house committee on inters'ate and foreign commerce. Fourteen members of that committee which has been inspecting the canal construction on the zone re turned to Washington today, and Col onel Hepburn ot Iowa, chairman of the committee, said that the consensus of opinion of the members ETinrJ to be that there should be no other govern ment on tile zone at present thn the existing one. A resolution will prob ably be introduced in the hon.-.e within a. few dajs, he added, giving the ap proval of enrpjress to the military gov ernment that 'the president has estab lished. FIRST CASH PRIZE OFFERS In United States for Aeroplane Con tests Exclusively. , New York. Jan. 15. President C. F. Bishop of Uie Aero ciub of America lia-: presented thf club with fl.ieJu m be divided into four 'qul prizes anil awarded to the pilots of the first four aeroplanes making a continuous f;icv-t of at least one kMometi r during tha current year. These prizes, to be known a president's aviation prizes, iire the first cash prize off.-rs in the I'nited .states for oeroplanf contests exclusively. All contesis for these prizes must be under the auspices f t- Aero club of America and must V rertiiied to by a memla r of its contest committee nr by a similar iommitte of an affiliated club, and flights mu t take place ir. the United States. 5,000 MESSINA REFUGEES May Ba Formed Into a Colony on a Florida Estate. Washington, Jan. 15. At the deptrt ment cf commerce and l.vbnr nothing cfticial is known of the I ropusal the Duke 1'oin Peo LiUa of Lorn hardy made to the Itnliatv ambasadir at Paris for tite colonization cf live ilion sanrl Messina refugees on an estate owned by me duke" in Florida, it is said at the rieiia'-tment taut it will !) necessary for the' ref.itees to co ne to this country under th same conditions ? other immigrants conic to the United Ftat.-s. In the atinco of a specjnl act of congress in their, favor no exception under the law could be mpc'" for them by the immigration au thorities. WORK ON NEW TARIFF BILL. Sub-Ccmmlttee Holds Meetings Daily The Duties on Files. Washington, Jan. 15. Desiring fur ther information with regard to tiie schedule of duties on files, the lmuso ways and means committee subpoenaed Samuel Nicholson of Provi lence. It. I., to appear before. Mr. Nicholson was on the stand before the committee to day and argued in favor of retaining the present duty on files of larg-.'r sizes but urged an increase tjn the rates on small flies. The sub-commilti-e I holding meetings each day to work on the new tariff bill. As It is found information on a schedule is lacking, further witnesses will be ycalied. Ohio Democrats in Taft Inaugural Parade. Washington, Jan, 15. Ohio will take a consnicuous part in the inauguration of William H. Taft. Party lines will for the time oeing be disregarded and Judson Harmon, democratic governor of the sttt. with his entire staff, will head the Ohio division of three thou sand troops. Thus far quarters have been provided for the governors of Ohio, Massachusetts, Mississippi and Maryland. Ancther Meetinq of House "Insurgents' Next Monday. Washington. Jan. 15. Another meet ing of the "insurgents" of the house seeking to amend the rules of that body will be held next Momlay night. The meeting was called immediately after the returne from the isthmian canal zone of Colons Hepburn, who presided at all the former meetings of tha "Insurgents." Venezuela and United States Agree to Basis of Settlement. "Washington, Jan. 15. Venezuela and the United States have agreed to the basis of a settlement of the disputes between them and a protocol Is being drawn up. Presumably the cases In dispute will be referred to The Hague for arbitration. and kill. Prlvato vengeance scams to have taken precedence over the peo, ple s law," was the only comment that Prosecutor Larrin had to make on the Jury's return. Court Room Demonstrator Ejected. Partly In any court of law has such a demonstration been witnessed as that which occurred this afternoon when the Jury made known Its ver dict. The packed court room rote and cheered and applauded with such vigor that the blows with his gavel by Jus tice Crane on his desk could not be heard. Before proceeding furtner, Jiistico Crane ordered the trial cham ber cleared and the spectators put out Into the street. Changed His Vote to Aoquittal. Jurors raid that the first ballot stood 8 to 4 for an aoquittal and early this morning the ballot showed a gall) of one for acquittal. Jurors Hecker, Johnson, Richmond and Boenlg voted for conviction of murder. Juror Boenlg held out until the final ballot waa taken just after Justice Crane had sent for the Jurors and than changed his vote to acquittal. What the Verdict Probably Means. Officials of the district attorney's of fice In Queens county are quoted to night as saying that the verdict prob ably means that Captain Hains will never be brought to trial and that ha will be surrendered to the care of his family or to the federal government. OFFICERS CHOSEN. Third Biennial Meeting of Governor' Staff Association. Hartford. Jan. 15. Tha third bien nial meeting of the governor's staff association was held here this after noon and evening at tho Hartford ciub. A business session preceded the bnniuefat which Gon. E. JC. Bradley of New Haven, president ot tha aaa clation, read an historical paper, re ports were presented and officers elected. General Bradley was re elected president and the other officers chosen were us follows: Vice presidents. Gen. Charles M. Joslyn, Hartford; Gen. Louis Van Kuien, Waterliur ; secretary, Ga. James H. Jsrman, Hartford: treasurer! Col. L. R. Cheney. Hartford; historian, Gen. Arthur L. Goodrich, Hartford; t-xccu'.ive committee. Gen. George H. Kord. New Haven; Gen. John W. At wood, Ki'llngly, and Col. T. B. War ren, Iiridgc;.ort. CNE HUNDRED BLUEJACKET8 Searching Messina Ruins for Bodlaa of Consul Cheney and Wife. Messina. Jan. 15. One hundred sail, ors from the United States battleship Illinois, under command of Major Lan dis. military attache to the Americas embassy at Rome, have ben sutostU tuted for "he men of the Yankton II searching the ruins of the America! consulate. The work continues to t4 extr-nic-iy hard, for nobody knows It which part of the hoie Consul Chenej and his wife were when the arthquak occurred. All the efforts to find theif bo.lies thus far hnve ben Ineffectual though seme of the visiting cards oJ Mrs. herey and books and picture belonging to the consul have be found. Federal Authorities Searching fo Juror Corrupter. Pittsburg, Pa.. Jan. 15. Federal au thorities ai . still searching for a third man acuscd of attempting to reaeh a juror for the purpose of corrupting him. in the case of J. B. F. RInehart, found guilty to.lay of looting tha Farmer.j and Drovers National bank of Wa ynesburg, Pa., and aken to the penitentiary to begin a fifteen yaro son f ence. Franking Privilege to Widows of For mer Presidents. Washington, Jan. 15. By unanimous vote tiie ho'.isi of representatives today granted the franking privilege t Mrs. Benjamin Harrison and iirs. Grovc Cleveland, widows of former presl. dents. British Columbia Passanger Train In Rivar. Vancouver, B. C, Jan. t5. A report tonight says that part of a local pas seng. r train jumped Into a river near Spuzzum. Two locomotives went Into the river, and Knglneers Foster and Kinzadcn were killed. Swore Falsely to Bank Condition Statement. . Owenshoro, Ky.. Jan. 15. T. 6. An derson, former president of the de funct Dnvies County Bank and Trust Co., was found guilty of swearing falsely to a statement of the bunk's condition, and was today sentenced to tiiree years in the penitentiary. Emma Goldman in San Franelsoo Jail. San Francisco, Jan. 15. Miss Emma Goldman andDr. Ben Reltman, who were arrested lust night and charged with conspiracy to Incite a riot, wera arraigned before Police Judge Deaxy today. The hearing was continued un--til tomorrow. Both being unable to furnish 1,000 ball, were returned to jail. In her cell today Emma Goldman re ceived news of the death of her fath er in Rochester, N. Y. Tong Shao Yi at Springfield. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 15. Tong phao Yi, special ambassador from China to the United States, took an other automobile trip around the city today. He will leave this city tomor row for Hartford. Conn., where he win remain until Sunday afternoon. From there he will go to New York to tako the steamer to Europe. Recall of Chilean Minister to Peru. Lima. Peru. Ja.i. 15.- There exist to day between the governments of Chlla and Peru a misviderstandln; over matter of comparatively minor Im portance, which has resulted, never theless, in the recall of too Chilean minister to this republic. TMs diplo mat made his farewell calk o Presi dent Lexuls yesterday.