Newspaper Page Text
' VOL"LiNOT 20." NORWICH, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 19097 , PRICE TWO CENTS. SIXTY HAT FACTORIES STILL CLOSED No Attempt to Reopen Yesterday with Non Union Men Labor as it was Expected AN EFFOKT AT ARBITRATION MADE By the New York Bureau of Mediation Directors of As sociated Manufacturers Wrestled Four Hours Friday with the Strike Problem Proposal of State Mediators Laid On Table Until Next Meeting. New York. Jan. 22. Fof four hours today the directors of the Associated I-'ur and Felt Hat Manufacturers, in session at the Knickerbocker hotel, wrestled with the rroblem confronting them in the strike of 3 8,000 men of the United Hatters of America, who quit work in the sixty factories owned by member of the mployers" organiza tion in New York. New Jersey, Penn sylvania and Connecticut. Arbitration Proposal Made. An effort at arbitration was made tv M. J. Reagan and James JicManua of the bureau of mediation and arbi tration of the New York state depart ment of labor, tiho offered their ser vices to the manufacturers. President Kamuel Mundheim of the manufactur ers' association appointed a committee of three to receive the state mediators, whose proposal was laid on the table until the next meeting of the associa tion as a whole, which had been called for next Monday, but which at today's cession was indefinitely postponed. No Attempt to Reopen Factories. It was expected that action would tie taken today towards reopening the rtosed factories with non-union labor, tmt no such action was taken. Presi dent Mundheim said after the meeting that this was a question that should more properly come before a meeting of the whole association. Union Ready to Arbitrate. Although officers of the United Hat ters of American announced in an offi cial statement gome days ago that thev were willing; to submit the dim cultfes to arbitration, Mr. Mundheim UNFORTUNATE MISTAKE OF PHILADELPHIA SURGEON Pir of Forceps Sewed Up in Patient's Abdomen. Philadelphia. Jan. 22. A pair of burgeon's forceps, accidentally sewed up In the abdomen after an operation eleven years ago, caused the death of (Miss Mary G. Donovan of this city, on Wednesday. The operation in which the unfortunate mistake occurred, was (performed by a surgeon of this city rf high repute, who has since died. The facts in the case were suspected only a few days ago. following an X ray examination made on the advice ef physicians. She was immediately operated on at the university hospital, liut the measure had been too long de layed and her death followed a few liours later. 1 1 was stated by the young woman's (brother today that -with her father she miade the rounds of health resorts of 4 he worid, but failed to secure re lief. Since her father's d"ath she has Ibeen und'T the care of specialists of Cv'ew York and Philadelphia. who, t-owever. failed to diagnose the cause of her Illness. The forceps when discovered by her f.hysicians were completely imbedded n the Intestines. NAVAL PROGRAMME FOR 1910 Adopted by House and Naval Appro priation Bill Passed. Washington. Jan. 22. Exactly as re ported by the committee, the naval firogramme for the fiscal year 1910 was adopted today by the house of representatives and the naval appro priation bill was passed. The op rionenta of Increases for the navy- found themselves in a hopeless minor ity. The only vital alteration made in the measure was elimination of the provision restoring marines to naval vessels. The aggregate amount ap propriated by the bill is 1135.000,000. As has been the case in the past, the increases In the naval estimates gave rise to long and heated debate, in which members had an opportunity to eir their views on the Japanese ques tion. The advocates of peace were much in evidence in opposition to such Increase, but the supporters of the in treases were alive to every effort to cut down the number of vessels au thorized. BOSTON ATTORNEY ARRESTED Charged by Client With Giving Worth less Mortgages. Boston, Jan. 2. While waiting trial St the court today on a charge of lar ceny from members of the Massachu setts militia last year in connection with the Chelsea conflagration, Robert Hetcher, a local attorney, was arrest ed on another indictment charging the larceny of Jf.oOO from Miss .Mary T. Coakley of HUIsboro, N. Y. Miss Coak ley states that while acting as counsel fir her, Betcher gave her three mort gages for amounts aggregating ID. 500. which she afterwards found to be worthless. The Chelsea larceny charge alleges that Betcher, at that time a lieutenant In the state militia, appropriated mon ey earned by militiamen for iljty at the Chelsea Are. CHILEAN PEOPLE THANKED For Generous Hospitality Extended to Amerioan Squadron. Valparaiso, Jan. 22. Before Rear Admiral Swinburne, commander of the United States Pacific squadron, sailed from here yesterday for Callao, he sent a letter to the Chilean authorities In which he conveyed his sincere thanks for the many favors and generous hos pitaly extended him and his officers during his stay in Chilean waters. The cordiality of the authorities and the Chilean ' people had created impres- sions that always would be remember ed with pleasure. In conclusion he thanked the naval club for its hos pitality and the police for their co operation and maintenance of order. CANAL DIGGING EQUIPMENT. Nearly $11,000,000 Spent at Panama for Various Items. Washington. Jan. 22. Nearly $11, 000.CO0 has thus far been spent on floating equipment, rolling stock and machinery in the -work on the Panama canal, according to a statement sub mitted to the commission by the chief tjuartermantPr. Expenditures in this direction were as follows: Floating equipment, $1,174,460; rolling stock and chinery, $7,817.'J6& said today that the manufacturers' as sociation had received no proposal along these lines from the union. Mr. Keagan said that he would ap proach the striking union with the same offer he made today to the manu facturers. He said- he had not yet been able to put the offer in formal shape to the union because President Moffitt of the United Hatters was out of town when he called upon him yes terday. Mr. Reagan said, however, that he saw Secretary Lawior, who told him that a proposal to arbitrate would probably be favorably consider ed by the union. Danbury Directors at Meeting. All twelve of the directors of the manufacturers' association, two from each of the six districts in the four affected states, were present at today's meeting. They are Samoel Mundheim and John Cavanaugh, New York; V. G. Eells and J. B. Levi, Philadelphia; Edward Von Gal and Arnold Turn, Danbury; J. H. Baird and E. G. lavis. Bethel; R. N. Drew and K. V. v'onnett, Orange, and C. A. Wharton and Jacob Rummell, Newark. Governor Lilley to Take Part. Danbury, Jan. 22. A movement was started here tbnight with the intent of bringing the matter of the striking hatters to the attention of he gov ernors of the four states where the men are out on strike. It is the in tention, it is alleged, to have the mat ter first presented to Governor Lilley and have him plate it before the gov ernors of New York. New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 160 MEN DROWNED IN SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD MINE Great Damage by Floods Throughout the Transvaal. Johannesburg. Jan. 22. One hundred and seventy-three persons are known to have lost their lives today as a re sult of the Hoods which are general throughout the Transvaal colony and northern Natal. Great damage also has been done to property, mining plants having suffered heavily and houses and railway bridges being swept away or inundated. The floods are the result of heavy rains that have fallen recently and all the rivers have been converted into rotring torrents. The railway and telegraph services are disorganized in all directions. By the bursting of Knight's dam the Witwatersand gold mine, in the south western part o the Transvaal, was Hooded today, and ten white men and 150 natives were drowned. The water from this dam also flooded the lower section of the town of Elsburg, where a number of houses were swept away ana li persons perished. A gold dred ger, valued at $60,000, broke adrift to day on the Kaap river and was wreck ed. TO LEAVE M. Professors Swain and Clifford to Join Harvard Faculty. Boston, Jan. 22. It was announced tonight that two .)f the leading nrofes sors of the Massachusetts Institute of I ochnology, George F. Swain and Har ry E. Clifford, will leave that institu tion at the end of the present college year to become members of tne faculty of the graduate school of applied sci ence at Harvard university. Professor bwain will nead the department of civil engineering and Professor Clifford that of electrical engineering. Professor Swain has been a member of the Tech nology faculty since 1881. Since 1857 he has bee.i consulting engineer of the Massachusetts railroad commission and since 1894 a member of the Boston transit commission. Professor Clifford has taught at the institute since 1886. These appointments at Harvard, and others which it is said will be an nounced soon, are made possible ty the funds now coming into the uni versity from the McKay estate. Har vard will receive $1,000,000 from this estate during the current year and a large amount annually thereafter. TRIAL OF COLONEL COOPER. Six Jurors Obtained One Was Drunk When Ho Reported for Service. Nashville, Tenn.. Jan. 22. The third day of the trial of Col. Duncan Coop er, his son Robin, and former Sheriff Sharpe, for the murder of former Senator E. W. Carmack. passed with out another Juror being obtained. If the motion of the state be sustained, one of the six jurors already chosen will be dismissed. The state charged that this juror w) intoxicated when he reported for service. The state said it obtained knowledge of his condition only after it had accepted him. Judge Hart set tomorrow for passing on the motion. The summoning of 500 additional talesmen began late today. These men will appear on Monday, when an effort will be made to complete the jury Judge Hart announced today that no sessions will be held on Saturdays. He believes that the case mav progress more rapidly if the attorneys' are given Sundays for consultation. LOST $5,000 IN PARIS CAFE. American Business Man in Hands of English Swindlers, Paris, Jan. 22. An American busi ness man named Bell, who is said to reside at Bayside, N. Y., made the ac quaintance of three pleasant English men today while he was admiring the masterpieces of art in the Louvre. Af terwards Mr. Bell and his new ac mialnlsnceM .tdinnmer) to a -i the Englishmen relieved Mr. Bell, in Later one of the alleged thieves was arrested as he was about to take the train on his way to England, but the other two men and Mr. Bell's money still are missing. First Formal Appearance Here of Ger main Arnaud. Boston. Jan. 22. Oermaine Arnaud, the young French pianist, made her first formal appearance in this, country at the public rehearsal of the Boston Symphony orchestra In Symphony hall this afternoon. Her performance was very favorably raceived. i i v i i Cabled Paragraph W'lllemstad, Jan. 22. The United States cruiser Des Moines left here this afternoon for La Guaira. Vene zuela. She will return to Willemstad Sunday. Berne, Switzerland. Jan. 22. Dr. P. RItter. the Swi minister to Jaoan. las been named to succeed Leo Vogel, at present minister of Switzerland at Washington. Seul, Jan. 22. The emperor, accom panied by Prince Ito, the Japanese resident general in Korea, will start on a tour of the northern portion of the empire on Jan. 27. The emperor win visit all the principal cities and towns in that part of Korea. London, Jan. 23. Whether -it would not be possible to make J. Pierpont Morgan an honorary trustee of the British museum, is a question asked today by The Spectator, which pays a tribute to Mr. Morgan's "splendid tact and generosity" in purchasing and presenting- to the museum the collection of prehistoric weapons which was gathered by Canon Greenwell of Dur ham. London. Jan. 22. George Bernard Shaw, the dramatist and author, who was to have delivered a lecture tonight before the Fabian society, was unable, owing lo illness, to keep his engage ment. It is understood, however, that his indisposition is not serious. In re ply to a note tonight inquiring as to the state of his health. Mr. h;'w said: "It. form the public that I am dead. It will save a deal of trouble." ONE SECTION ST. LOUIS EXPRESS CRASHED INTO THE OTHER. Disastrous Wreck Near Johnstown, Pa. Many Passengers Reported Killed and Injured Fifty Doctors Called. Johnstown, Pa.. Jan. 2.1. Running at a speed of nearly fifty miles an hour, the second section of the St. Louis express on the Pennsylvania railroad which left Philadelphia at 4.30 yester day afternoon ran into the first sec tion, which had met with an accident at a point between South Fork and Summer Hill, known as "running ground." with terrific force early this morning, killing and injuring many persons. Ihe se.'ond section was a double header, with two large engines, and is jaid to have ploughed its way through the lirst section. Immediate ly alter the wreck bTy calls were is sued for all available physicians at both this place and Al'toona and in less than an hour nearly fifty physi cians were on the way to the scene of the accident. The wreck occurred be tween telegraph stations and it is hard to pain definite, information. When the special train left the city officers were stationed at the depot to nrevent news paper men from accompanying the physicians. Tile latest information at this hour is to the effect that five bodies have been taken from the demolished cars and that many injured have also been rescued from the debris. Pittsburg. Jan. 23 All efforts lo obtain information from the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad company here regarding the wreck near Johns town have failed. Most of the local officials started on a special train for the wreck soon after 1 o'clock this morning. SUPPLY SHIP CELTIC Arrives at Milazzo With Supplies for Earthquake Sufferers. Rome. Jan. 22. From official re ports compiled here it appears that the places affected by the earthquake, in cluding large and small towns and villages, number 184. with a popula tion of over 1.000,000. Notwithstanding the great efforts that have been made to relieve distress some villages are still isolated or their populations have fled to the country or mountain dis tricts and are difficult to reach. Advices received here from Milazzo say that the United States transport Celtic, laden with supplies, has ar rived there and been received with demonstrations of gratitude by the people. .4s an appreciation of the gen erosity of the United States a quarter of the town of Milazzo will be called America. BIG FIRE RAGING AT PRINCETON. Threatens to Wipe Out Large Stction of the Town. Princeton. N. J., Jan. 23 2.50 a. m. Fire which threatened to wipe out a large section of the town broke out shortly after 1.40 this morning in the Terminal" restaurant. The local fire department was unable to cope with the blaze and sent to Trenton for as sistance. The lower Pyne dormitory of the Princeton university is only a hundred yards away. The town is in total darkness, caused by bursting gas pipes and broken electric wires. Stu dents and citizens are assisting the firemen. Author J, B. Connolly Sails to Rejoin Battleship Fleet. New York, Jan. 22. James B. Con nolly, the author of sea tales, who started with the United States fleet on its world cruise, but abandoned the trip shortly thereafter, evidently be cause the officers objected to having themselves written about, sailed loony on the Republic to rejoin the fleet. Connolly said he dined with the presi dent a few days ago and that permis sion to rejoin the fleet was given at that time. -The Republic carried 500 tons of ship rjtores for the fleet to replace the sup plies diverted to aid the Messina earthquake sufferers. Bridgeport Young Man Took Ounce of Laudanum. Bridgeport. Conn., Jan. 23. "Nate' Miller, son of Frank Miller, the promi nent coal dialer and lately proprietor of the Atlantic hotel, took an ounce of laudanum in the Atlantic hotel, and was discovered in an unconscious con dition at two o'clock this morning. He had been living in Straftord lately and came to the hotel last night. No real cause for his act is known. He is ubout thirty years old. His condition is regarded as very serious. Gives Bryan a Chance to Be Elected Senator. Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 22. The Nebras ka house today approved the report of the committee of the whole recom mending the passage of the Humphreys bill for the election of senators bv the Oregon plan. This bill was passed by both houses. The bill is intended, it is claimed, to give W. J. Bryan a chance to b elected senator. Baltimore Lyric Theater Sold. New York. Jan. 22. The report that four directors In the New York Metro politan opera house have purchased the Lyric theater in Baltimore was confirmed today by Bernard Ulrieh and Fred H. Gottlieb, two of the for mer owners of the Lyric. Mr. Ulrich, though not a part owner, under the new management, will continue to be manager, a position he has held for the past eight years. During the month of August 90 vessels entered the port of Buenos Aires, and not one 'was American. Jay Gould to be Probation Officer DECLARES HE WOULD LIKE TO FILL THE POSITION. IN KEW YORK CITY POLICE COURT Will Be Connected With Magistrate Finn's District Gould's Offer to Serve the Result of a Dispute. New York, Jan. 22. Jay Gould, the champion amateur court tennis player of the world and son of the millionaire railroad director, George J. Gould., is likely to become a probation officer in a local police court. He has indicated, through a friend, that he would like to fill this position in City Magistrate Finn's court, and the magistrate wrote him a letter today saying it would af ford him pleasure if Mr. Gould would take the position. The magistrate also asked him to meet and to confer with The Paper Those who examine the accompany table carefully will see that the Saturday Bulletin is the great paper of the week in. the quantity and variety of its reading nutter it averages two and a half times the size of The Bulletin of other days in the week. In effect it is really The Bulletin Company's way of putting the equiv alent of seven papers in six days' citizens of Norwich to mail to friends elsewhere. We do not know of another Saturday paper in New England which equals it for home news. The Bulletin has the largest circulation in proportion to popula tion because it deserves to. It neglects no Interest to which its atten tion is called. Now is the time to subscribe for The Bulletin. It will be left at your door for 12 cents a week. Following is a summary of the news printed in the past week: I Bulletin leJeQrap' Local Oemril hr Saturday. Jan 16 100 152 757 1009 Monday. Jan. 18 64 118 212 394 Tuesday. Jan. 19 112 100 147 359 Wednesday. Jan. 20 88 116 166 370 Thursday. Jan. 21 79 104 252 435 Friday. Jan 22 88 97 178 363 Total. - - - - 531 687 1712 2930 BE2!E23E3EEZ3 him regarding the subject on Monday morning. Vhy Gould Wishes to Serve. The sitjation which led up to Mr. Gould's offer to serve was brought about by a dispute Magistrate Finn had with Police Commissioner Bing ham. A paid policeman usually per forms trie duties of a probation officer, but Magistrate Finn recently scored Commissioner Bingham in a public statement for an alleged affront to tne court and the policeman detailed to the magistrate's court was withdrawn. Jay Gould heard of the magistrate's plight and his offer to serve, perforce gratuitously, is the result. Duties Sometimes Strenuous. The duties of a probation officer consist in the main of handling cases of abandonment and acting as pacifier of family troubles. His lot is not al together arduous. Occasionally, how ever, a probation officer has to defend himself against a six foot longshore man w ho is more or less irresponsible from liquor. PANAMA CANAL LIBEL SUIT. Secretary of State Root One of the Witnesses Yesterday. Washington, Jan. 22. "I simply brought my subpoena and conscience with me." jocularly remarked Secre tary of State Elihu Root, who .was one of the chief witnesses today before the United States grand jury on its in vestigation of the alleged libel con cerning the purchase of the Panama canal. The secretary made the re mark to newspaper men who sought to interview him a few minutes before he went into the grand jury room. Sen ator Knox of Pennsylvania and As sistant Attorney General Charles W. Russell also testified. All declined to throw any light upon the nature of their testimony. Except for a fifteen-minute recess, the grand jury was in session for about three hours today and when it adjourned it did so to meet tomor row. It is not its practice to meet on Saturday and the decision to do so has given rise to the belief that every effort is being made to com plete the investigation at the earliest possible moment. It is fvossible Wil liam Nelson Cromwell will be one of the witnesses tomorrow. "Well." said Secretary Root, as he emerged from the grand jury room, "I cannot tell you. boys, of course, now I testified. But I will say fr.ts. It is the first time I have Peen in this building since the trial of Charles Guiteau for the assassination of Pres ident Garfield in 18S2. I was then here as a spectator only." "Is this the first time von ever -were before a grand jury?" he was asked. "Oh, no," he replied. "Why, I used to run a grand jury when I was dis trict attorney in New York." Boy Died From Accidental Blow. Fall River Mass., Jan. 22. Geores H. Maynard, a ten year old school boy, died at his home in this city to day as the result, it is alleged, of a bl&w in the stomach inflicted yesterday by Elphoe Cardin. a 14 year old play mate. An autopsy will be held. The Cardin boy, who admitted the assault, according to the police, says that he struck the Maynard boy in fun. It i.i said that the Maynard boy had suf fered from dropsy. Pawtucket Weavers' Wages to Be Raised. Pawtuckfet. R. I., Jan. 2. Announce ment was made todav to the 1,100 em ployes at the Royal Weaving compa ny's mill here that beginning February 1, their wages would be increased one quarter of a cent per yard on all qual ities of goods. Earthquake Nervousness at Malta. London, Jan. 23. "Earthquake ner vousness is the latest disease here," says the Daily Telegraph's Malta cor respondent. "It is foretold that Malta will disappear Wednesday, and the credulous are dreading its fulfilment. We are on the same seismic axis as Smyrna but our seismograph has not yet moved." Schoolboys Fought a Duel POCKET KNIVES THE WEAPONS, CLASS ROOM THE GROUND. RIYALS FOR GIRL'S AFFECTIONS Twenty Classmates Witnessed tha Fight One of the Boys Dangerously Wounded Over the Heart. Newark, N. J.. Jan. 22. William Pollaw. a 14-year-old schoolboy, was sent from the public school at Sum mit. N. J., today to the Overlook hos pital here, suffering from a dangerous knife wound over the heart. According to Pollak, the wound was received in a duel with a classmate, Arthur Tappan, 16 years old. Both boys. Pollak asserts, were rivals for the affections of a girl member of their classand to determine which one should have the right of way, they vimaanmm of the Week work. It is a good sample paper for fj i SUES decided mon a duet. This was fought out today, he says, during the noon recess one of the classrooms at the school serving as the duelling ground and pocket knives us the weapons. Other pupils confirm Poilak's (story. t.nd say that twenty classmates of the two boys witnessed the fight. At the hospital it was said that if Poilak's wound had been half an inch lower it would have proved fatai. japanese consul in new york on anti-jap Agitation Does Not Believe the Movement Rep resents American Sentiment. New York, Jan. 22. Bringing the message that Japan is confident Am erican public sentiment will demand the repression of the anti-Japanese agitation in the far west, and declar ing that the continuance of peace with the United States is necessary if hif-. country is to realize its highest aims. Kokichi Midutio, Japanese consul in this city, made the principal address at the eighth annual dinner of the Twenty-four-Curat club, an organiza tion of jewelers, at Delnionicos, to night. Consul Miduno appeared, he said, in the place of Baron Takahira, the Japanese ambassador, who was unable to attend. "We are fully confident." he said, "that the Washington 'government, backed by the public opinion of the people of the union, will succeed in re pressing the ill-advised anti-Japanese agitation. The people of Japan, re gardless of political party, joint with their government in believing that such such anti-Japanese movement does not represent the true sentiment of the American people. "Wt have done all in our power to remove even the remotest cause of dif ference between the two countries, and have spared no effort to cement the already close relations and frienship with the United States. It remains, therefore, for us to depend upon and trust the sense of justice and the sound sense of the people." GOVERNMENT RESTS IN CASE AGAINST COAL TRUST. Defendants Will Open in New York on Feb. 16. Philadelphia. Jan. 22. The govern ment today concluded the presentation of its case against the anthracite con! roads composing the alleged "coal trust." The hearings will be resumed on Feb. 16 in New York, when the defendants will open their side of the case. In the documentars- evidence offered by the government's attorneys was a table of statistics showing that of the 76.000,000 tons of coal produced onlv 16,000,000 or about 21 per cent., was produced by independent operators Of this 16.000.000 tons it was alleged that all except 6. 607, ."11 tons are in the control of the railroads by con tract or otherwise at the time it leaves the mines. Body of Another Victim of Crib Disas ter Picked Up. ChiVago, JUin. 22. Today. after searching all day in the lake near the crib off South Chicago, where more than fifty workmen were killed last Wednesday, the tug Sabin picked the body of a man up who by a check number in his pocket was identified as an employe of the crib. He probably jumped into the lake to escape the tire. It is believed that ten or more bodies are still in the lake. Search for them will continue. Former Member of Connecticut Leg isclature Dead. Fairfield, Conn., Jan. 22. Sherwood Banks, formerly a meiuber of the leg islature and prominent in town af fatirs, died suddenly today of heart failure. H.2 had been about his work during the morning, and, feeling sick, went into the house and soon expired. He had served as an assessor and as selectman. He wag 68 jwars old and ) survived by three sons and three daughters. Condensed Telegrams King Edward Rsceived Ambassador Reid at Buckingham palace. Five Thousand Coal Miners in South ern Alberta and British Columbia may so on strike April 1. - Mrs. America Diaz and two daugh ters perished in their burning home on Fulton street, Brooklyn. Charges Were Made at a Chicago hearing that' the Standard Oil company controlled the fixing of freight rates in the west. Chairman Willcox of the public ser vice commission wrote to Comptroller Metz asking for a missing $23,000,000 fund for new subways. At the Po'e Centenary Exercises the exclusion of the famous author and poet from the Hall of Fama was de cried bj noted speaki rs. Governor Patterson of Tennessee ve-. toed the state-wide prohibition laws which were recently passed by both branches of the legislature. United States District Attorney Stim son named the Press Publishing coni- fpany in a subpoena served on the head or tne world s mailing room. Policemen Heard That They may he asked to wear pedometers in order that their superior officers in New York may tell the distances they gravel. The 102d Anniversary of the birth of Robert E. Lee, coincident with the an niversary , of the birth of Stonewall Jackson, was celebrated throughout the sqiith. The Battleshiss Wisconsin, Kear- sarge and Illinois, of the American At lantic, fleet, left Malta for Algiers; the Ohio and the Missouri reached Salon ica, European Turkey. A Protocol for the Settlement of dis putes between the United States and Venezuela has been practically agreed upon at Caracas by Commissioner Mu chanun and the Gomez administration. It Was Stated in Austin that as a re sult of the federal supreme, court de risicm in the Texas stiiu against the Waters-Pierce Oil company, the Stand ard company would be in entire con trol in the south. The Government of Liberia has ten dered an official apohuv to Germany lor the improper act of its harbor offi cials in the recent stopping of two steamers of the Woerman line off the Liberian coast by the customs gunbont Lark, and the matter is regarded as settled. BROODED OVER LOVE AFFAIR. John E?iley of Westport Drowned Himself in Wood's Pond. Westport. Conn.. Jan. 22. John Bai ley, 65 years old. employed as a care taker at the summer home of .V T. Burr of New York, committed suicide today by drowning himself in Wood's pond. Bail-y, who had some property, be came engaged a few months ago to a New York woman unil was to have been married the first of iiie year, but the date of the weddinjr was post poned to the fifteenth of this month. Bailey rf urnishctl c 4iou which lie owned and a tvv days before tile date of the wedding his fiancee came here and looked the house over, file then requested Batiley to turn all h's prop erty over to her. saving that she would take good care of him and see that he didn't want anything. This Bai ley refused to do, sa ing that he was perfectly able to care for his own property. His fiancee then informed him that she was going hack to New York and would not marry him. Bailey, who was a widower, brooded over the affair and told several of his friends that he did not think life worth living. Today he went about his duties as usual until late this after noon, v hen he was noticed going to ward Wood's pond. On his failure to return neighbors went to the pond and found his body lying in shallow water near the shore, where the ice had been broken. He leaves two sisters and a brother. IMPORTANT DECISION By DeDartment of Commerce and La bor Affects Diamond Cutting Industry. Washington, Jan. 22. By virtue of an important decision affecting the diamond cutting and polishing indus try of this country, rendered today by the department of commerce and la-e-ir, eight Belgian diauxiud cutters, whom the Diamond Workers' Protec tive union of American succeeded in having detained "at Kllis island on the charge that they were brought to this country in violation of the contrac t labor law. the Belgians are allowed to enter the United States. The de cision holds that the Diamond Work ers' union of this country Is "un American in character, in that it Is composed almost exclusively of for eigners, and this stringent rule prac tically prohibits Americans from be coming members by limiting the num ber of apprentices that can be taken Into the trade to 10 per cent, of the total membership." Although about ninety per cent, of the world's diamonds are sold in this country according to evidence sub mitted there are only u2.", diamond cut ters here, all members of the Ameri can union, whereas there are about 20.000 in Antwerp and .Amsterdam. The union, it was contended at th hear ing, has succeeded in keeping others from coming in. HIS LAST DA f IN AUGUSTA. President-elect Taft Leaves This Morning for Charleston. Augusta, (ia.. Jan. 22. Philander C. Knox and Frank H. Hit, hcock, Mr. Taft's choice for secretary of slate ann postmaster general respectively, have been requested by him to ome to Charleston for a conference Sunday. Mr. Taft has continued to gather in formation regarding prospective cab inet material and while he cures to give no details as to what is to he dis cussed Sunday, it is probable that the treasuryship will receive attention, as well as other matters. Mr. Hitchcock had expected to . see Mr. Taft in Charleston, but it nas not known un til announced by Taft tonight that Mr. Knox had been nv!d to come and that a similar request had also gone to the national chairman. Mr. Taft will terminate his sty In Aueusta tomorrow morning, when he will leave at eight o'clock for Charles ton. Fishing Schooner and Crew Lost. St. Johns, N. F.. Jan. 22. It is fear ed that the fishing schooner Veta, which left Halifax some time ago for the Grand Banks, was lost off the southern coast during a recent storm. x wo rruHii uoats witn xne name "Vesta on them have drifted ashore. The schooner carried a crew of six men. Steamship Arrivals. At Genoa, Jan. 22: Cedrlc, from Xew York. At Llbau, Jan. IS: Eirma, from New York. vDcl r.rffE$ WILD There was a Storm of Cheers, Many of the Del egates Weeping from Emotion JOHN MITCHELL DAY" IN CONVENTION Of the United Mine Workers In an Address He Declar ed that Any Man who Lays Violent Hands on the Great Organization of United Mine Workers Will Answer for that Act. Indianapolis, Jan. 22. This w.ts John Mitchell rtiiy in the convention of the United Mine Workers of America. When the former president of the min ers appeared on the .-tae of Tomiinsoit hall 1.300 delegates went wild with enthusiasm. There was a storm of cheers and many of the delegates wept from emotion. Mr. Mitchell Deeply Moved. Mr. Mitchell, who was deeply moved, came forward to the edge of the plat form and said: "I feel keenly sensitive to the reception vou have given me this day. It wouid seem that at least in a mi'iers' convention a former lead, er of laboring people loses none of his lustre because he is sentenced to Jail." Petition Protestinq Against Judqe's Decision. A delegate moved that a petition be prepared and addressed to President Roosevelt protesting against Judge Wright's decision, it is to be signed by every delegate and officer in the convention. Ex-President Mitchell's Dream. In the course of his address to the convention Mr. Mitchell said: "The man. I don't care who he Is, who lays violent hand on this great organization will have to answer for that act. Settle your difficulties here and then go back and let e very man do his full share u building up this union umil the time will come when no man shall mine col in this coun ASSAULT ON CHILD LAEOR OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Boys Only 12 Years of Age Working in United States Senate. Chicago, Jan. 22. An assault on the child labor of the lliMrict of Columbia was a featcre of today's session of the national child labor committee. Isaac X. Seliffmaii of XeW York presided. Owen U. Lovejoy. secretary of the committee, led in criticisms of the inw in the federal district. 'The Uniied Slates senate." he de clared, "has today a monopoly of i li'l ! labor. In the senate there are boys working- for $75 a ironth who u'v only 12 years f aue. J'i.ere s no ;nst i a'isi for it. The bill went through the lower house In .-' form with which lit tle If miiv fault conic be found, but It tonk four year' lo et through the senate. When t.nt got through nltli it there had been inserted an amendment providing orphans and children of widows could go lo work at the airn of I-'. Another one provided that house and senate pages could be employed at that age." Mr. I.oveJ y's assertion that no child under 14, without exception, should be allowed to work wa.j applauded. . FEBRUARY 12 DECLARED A SPECIAL LEGAL HOLIDAY In Memory cf Abraham Lincoln Sen ate Proceedings. Washington, Jan. 22. February 12 next was declared today to be a spe cial legal holiday and a survey auJ plans for a highway from Washing ton to Gettysburg, to be known as the; "Lincoln Way," as a memorial to Ab raham Lincoln, were provided for by a joint resolution adopti'd by the sen ate, after a long debate'. The resolu tion did not commit congress to the construction of the highway when surveyed. Final action was also taken on the legislative, executive and judicial bill, the senate refusing by a vote of 41 to 27 to fix at $7i.0no the salary of the president, previously Increased by an amendment to Jluii.uOO. SAILORS ASHORE AT ALGIERS. Cty Greatly Interestod in the Ameri can Warship Cruise. Algiers. Jan. 22. The government officials and the mayor of Algiers re turned Admiral Potter's visit aboard the Wisconsin this afternoon. Admiral Porter, surrounded by his staff, ri--ceived his visitors at the gangway. The mayor was greatly interested in the cruise of the battleship lleet and listened intently to a detailed account of it by Admiral Potter. At the con clusion of the visit the mayor, in the name of the city. Invited the admiral and officers of the Wisconsin to a grand reception In the city hall here next Tui'Sd'ay. The admiral accepted the Invitation. Jfany of the men were granted shore leave today and visited tne sights of the city. SUBPOENAS QUASHED Calling for Appearance of Press Pub lishing Co. in Canal Libel Suit. Xew York. Jan. 22. The subpoenas calling for the appearance bi'fore the federal Jury of J. Angus Shaw, secre tary of the Press Publishing company, publishers of the World, and of Wil liam P. ilc-L lughlin. sporting editor of the World, "to testify all and every thing which you may know ge nerally on the part of the United States." the validity of which had been eiuestioned by the attorneys feir the World, were set aside and Uithed today by a de cision handed down lv Juelee Ward in the I'n'ted States circuit court. Today's action by the court up'-efx the established pra'tl-e or nearly ti!tv years and is considered to be of very far-re:ii'hing Importance. BALL GIVEN BY ALGIERS WOMEN To Admiral Potter and Officers of Vis iting American Fleet. Algiers. Jan. 22. Admiral Potter anil his officers tonight attended a ball giv en in their honor by the French society women of Algiers. AH the military and government officials were present. The ballroom was a mass of flowers, and intertwined American and French flags. The ball wns the most brilliant affair held here In years. California Anti-Raca Track Bill. Sacramento. "al.. Jan. i2. The mo tion f reconsider yesterday's vote by which the unti-race tr.T k hill passed the assembly by a vote of 7 to 10 was lost this afternoon by a vote of 67 to J?. WITH ENTHUSIASM try unless he belongs to the union. This was my dream my ambition it is my dearest wish." "Stay in the Game," Message to Gom pers. Washington. Jan. 22. "Stay in the pn .Tie,'' ran a nie.-snge from the United Mine Workers of America at Indian apolis to President (Jumpers of the American Federation of Labor today. The message referred o the fight the Federation of Labor officials ure mak ing in the Bucks Stove and Range company contempt cases and against the sentences imposed on Messrs. (Jumpers, Mitchell and Morrison by Justice Wright of the district supreme court. The message read: "One thousand and three hundred' and fifty delegates attending the thir tieth annual convention extend tra ternal greetings; appropriated I2.S00 for present needs, and instructed the executive board :o furnish more when needed. "Stay in the ga.ric. Three hundred thousand black diamond artists are with you in this fight to a finish to determine our lesal rights. (Signed) "T. U LEWIS. "President. "JOHN T. WHITK. "Vice President, "W. I). RYAN, "Secretary. "United Mine Workers of AmerVa." DANGER OF IGNITION OF MOVING PICTURE FILMS. Practical Illustration by Hartford In spector of Board of Fir Underwriters. Hartford, ('.inn., Jan. 22. Before the Insurance institute tonight u practical illustration of the inflammable nature of the films used in moving picture! machines was given by Electric: In spector Lay of the local board of fire underwriters. He demonstrated by means of a cabinet containing; a sec tion of picture film that when the thermometer re-eeircis ISO degrees Fah renheit the ftatloiiary film 111 Ignite and set lire to its support. During this experiment the heat was not gi iicrated by a. liunseii burner or othe r form of flume. The rise In tem perature was e'.ue entirely to heat trom units using aUout 1.110 jut of energy. Thu lest d moiistrated tha necessity of keeping the film in motion when the condensed light rajs are no n it. During the di'inoifstrutiou Inspector Day said "that while manufacturers have bee n unable to make these ma chines absolutely 'f.iol proof,' munici palities ami commonwealths can mako it impossible for an undesirable per son to operate a machine." in Hartford, he said, "precautions against this fre hazard have been tak en to the exti'nt that no person who tins a we ak hi art or who is subject lo tits is graiiteii an operator's license. liesldi'S nil moving picture machines are incased in me tal booths." Similar conditions, ho said, should prevail throughout the state. He fa vored oversight and control of thesa machines by the state police. THE FIRST DEAF MUTES BALL EVER HELD IN CONNECTICUT. Everything Except the Music Was Conducted by Signs. Ttridgrport, Pnnn., Jan. 22. The first ball by and for deaf mutes ever held In this st:ite took place tonight In Oer mania hall, about l.'iO couple. Includ ing voiceless persons from all parts of the st.'.te. being present. It was a maseiueraele, and many of the cos tumes were very handsome. A few with the ability to talk were on the tlo'ir. but more than 90 per cent, of the dancers were mute's. Everything ex cept the music was conducted by signs, elth' r manual or printed, even the tick et sellers and doorkeeper being with out the power of speech. The most noticeable thing about the affair was the almost absolute silence that ensued at tlio end of each musical part of tha programme, the usual bnxr of conver sation being displaced by busily mov ing fingers and hands. SIX TIMES RESPITED. DeDth Sentence cf Herman Billik Com muted to Life Imprisonment. Springfield. 111., Jan.' 22. Oovernor Charles S. Deneen tonight commuted to life Imprisonment the sentence of death that had been pronounced on Herman Billik of Chicago, condemned to be hanged for the murder of Mary Vzral, whem he poisoned, together with other members of the family, it whs charged. Six times Ilillik- had been granted respite. The commutation Is nieilo on recommendation of the state board of pardons. The state board of pardons In mak ing the recommendations for commu tation of the xentence snys that after the final action of the sunreme court Jerry Viral, brother of Mary Viral and or.e nf tlv principal witnesses nt the trial of Miilik. appeared before the state board of pardon and swore that fill his testimony at the trial agclnst Ilillik wa false except a to ome un important facts. HELD IN $5,003 BOND. Millionaire Oil Operator Arrastad Off Charge of Forgery. New Martinsv'lle. W. Vn Jan. 52. J. Hobiiison of Sniitiivllle. a million aire eil eipeiator. was nrrefKeel toony on a charge of forgery, and was held under jr,, (too bond for n speriHl grand Jury trial to be convenecd next week. The nrrcst crew out of an action to re cover I30.0H0 from the bondsmen nf V. A. Iewls. late cashier of the failed Smlthfti'ld bank, who Is under Indict ment for embezzlement and making false- reports to the state bank ex anihier. Immense Coal Seam Found in Australia Melbourne. Jan. 22. The director of the government geological survey any a that the recent discovery of a coal seam on the Powlett river Is the frat est mineral discovery in Victoria for 2S f-ears. and that from ten to twenty mil Ion toua of coal fra a ar sraiUble,