Newspaper Page Text
UI1 AS THIN AS A vafed: For the pact five yeara we have had tha greateat aliear in tne woria. WMT WW nV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p www - - Barkal Slioei-tg Machina and ia tha finaat machina aver md. siieea raw and oaoked meata aa THIN aa a wafar. DRIED BEEF, AIR DRIED. ENGLISH BACON. . - BOILED HAMS. f . ' BOLOGNA HAMS. ' f PRESSED HAMS. With thia maohina any of tha above sliced makea a choice diah for lunches. GOniEtlS DROS. 80MERS SARATOGA CHIPS, Bag 6c - To have the correct time start the New Year right, and have the right time by carrying a HAMILTON WATCH. We have all grades con stantly on hand, fresh from the factory," Ferguson I Charbonneau, FRANKLIN SQUARE dee26d SWEET POTATOES, LETTUCE. CELERY, GRAPE FRUIT and ORANGES. PEOPLE'S MARKET, 6 Franklin St. Jan20d JUSTIN HOL-DEN. Prop. FORSALE MAXWELL L. D. 16 Horsepower RUNABOUT Overhauled, Painted and in FIRST-CLASS con dition. " H. B. RING AUTO CO. VALENTINES now on sale at CRANSTON & CO. Make Your Selections Early Latest Hovelfe Chignon' Pnafis' Clust cr .Curls lor tbe New loiilares me Gibson Toilet Co. 67 Broadway 'Phone 50 i the Goodwin te! and Lingsrie ITOrELS FOR EVERY FICURE. CORSETS ALTERED AND HEPAISE9. DR. C R. CHAMBERLAIN Cenlaf Surgeon Is ehargo of Vt. a. U Gears practise during bla last liinesa 161 Main Street. Norwich. Caw Ladies' and Gentlemen's Diamond lings Finest Quality Lowest Prices Tha Plant-Cadden Co., Jewelers and Silveramiths. FLAUT CADDCN BUILDING Estabfiahecf 1B72. WHE3T you -want to put your nasi neas before the public, there la bo me dliim better than tftptngb tha aUvertia-laa- aalunrna eX Tha jtnlletla. Resolution Norwich, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1911. VARIOUS MATTERS ' Annual meeting United Workers at G'nville Cone, church 3 p. m. today. adv. '... The rainfall on Saturday aa meas ured Monday morning was .24 of an Inch. ... . ' . Master Arthur Lamb of Pearl street brought In well-developed pussy-wil-lows on the 20th Inst Wednesday, the first of the conver sion of St Paul, there will be special services in Episcopal ohurches. . Easter comes unusually late this year, the 18th of April. Ash Wednes day, the first day of Lent, is March L Next Sunday, January 29, is Mc Kinley day, when all who wish to hon or his memory will wear a pink carna tion. State Master L. H. Healey of Wood stock will install the officers of West Hartford grange this (Tuesday) eve ning. The Daughters of the War of 1812 are to meet at the Stratfield in Bridge port February 9, for business and luncheon. An anniversary requiem high mass for Cornelius Reilley was celebrated In St. Patrick's church on Monday by Rev. Hugh Treanor. Word was received by Norwich friends Monday of the death of Philip Brown, 22, at the home of Peter J.. Lappie, in Colchester. A needed addition to the equipment of the Otis library is a substantial new typewriter desk with typewriter for Miss Cash's use in her work. While on a business trip Monday, J. !. I.athrop fell in Central Village and badly Injured his leg. He was able to return to Norwich by trolley. The schooner Dean V. Brown will leave Riverside after repairing this morning. The vessel recently dis charged its cargo at Dawley's. Mischa Elman, the young Russian violinist, who played at Slater hall last week, celebrated his twentieth birth day in New York on' Saturday. John Lawrence underwent an oper ation in Hartford ten days ago and is in promising condition. He expects tc return home early in February. Business failures in Connecticut for the past week numbered 353, against 291 in the same week of last year. 819 in 1903, 431 in 1908 and 234 in 1907. Monday's Bridgeport Telegram had A sympathetic notice of the death of Mrs. Lewis A. Hyde, mother of George F. Hyde, for eleven years connected with the Bridgeport Y. M. C. A. Howard Coburn and Miss Margaret wedded Friday at the Baptist parson age at Attleboro, by Rev. Richard O. Sherwood, says the Boston Globe. Local visitors in Canada write home Of the fact- that there is snow as far south as Brattleboro, and that in the Province of Quebec it is 16 or 18 inches deep, with drifts fully 10 feet. Isaac Edwards will vacate the farm north of the village of North Ston ington owned by William P. Baboock. this spring, and Thomas McGowan will move his family there and take up farming. An increase of the capital stock of the C. M. Shay Fertiliser company of -Groton from 150,000 to $150,000 is demanded by the Increased business of the plant, which is near the navy yard In Groton. Walter Burr was surprised at his residence Monday evening by a num ber of his friends, it being his 86th birthday. The Paragon quartette ren dered several selections and an enjoy ttble evening was spent. The farm in Poquonnoc. owned by Stephen Morgan and adjoining the es tate of Morton F. Plant, has been pur chased by Mr. Plant. This farm com prises 250 acres. Mr. Plant will make it an up to date dairy farm. The Meriden Record,, noting those who are in the Masons' home at Wall ingford, mention from Somerset lodge, 24, of Norwich, Harriet A. Mathewson and Edwin W.- Mathewson. There are j nearly 100 in the home at present. j Eight new corporations, having a : total authorized capital stock of $757,500, were formed in this state dur ing the past week. In the correspond- ; ing week of 1910 the number was 8. I with total capital stock of only 1331, 000. Oliver P. Wattles, who has been sec retary and assistant manager of the Jewett City Textile company for eev : eral years, has severed his connection with the company and Archibald Mlt- chell, Jr., is acting as assistant man ager. Mary Dilkmark. 81. a native of . Finland, took her life by strangula tion Sunday at Moosup, while Respon dent at the home of her brother. She recently came to Moosup, the family having come to this country from Fin land last summer. j The Stevens & Jackson company of 1 Sprague, incorporated January 12, 1911, to operate theater, etc. Capital stock , $15,000, divided into 150 shares. : ; $100. each. Incorporators: John C. '; Stevens, William C. Jackson. Charles ; Headen, all of Sprague. i Rev. Howard Colby Ives has re- signed as pastor of All Souls' church. New London, having been the head of that Unitarian society for about five years. He has accepted a call to a larger Unitarian church in Summit. N. J., and will leave February 8 or soon er. To handle its big coal importing bus iness the New Haven road has made arrangements to secure a big 7.2fi0-ton collier from the Coastwise Transport company. The new boat will be ready in .August and the railroad already hag sipned a contract to uso the boat for five years. Mayor Charles F. Thayer is one of the incorporators of the Interstate Realty company of Norwich, the other members of the corporation being Ed win A. Tracy and Albert L. Potter. The papers were signed by Notary Public Edith A. Fellows. The capital is $50,000. The case of the state vs. Seneca H. Thresher, charged with obtaining $200 from Mary Denehee of New London, by misrepresentation, and which hap four times been adjourned, went over again Monday, this time until Febru ary 4. It Is said it will then- be dis posed of for a certainty. The Southern New England. Tele phone company has enclosed in the new directory a loose page calling pat rons' attention to the necessity of knowing just which fire house to eall up in case of emergency, instead of calling tor the fire department, in or der to get a quick response to a still, alarm. Local delegates will attend the 37th annual session of the grand chapter of Connecticut, Order of the Easter Star, at the Masonic temple, Hart ford, Thursday. The morning ses sion will be open at 10 o'cleam There wilt be an afternoon and probably an i evening session. - ... J , ....... .,.. '. -,( Much Interest is manifested in the election of . county commissioners at ; Harttord tori ay and manv politicians i rrom tms city will be at the capltoi today. Fred W. Haaen. formerly a well known resident here, and until recent ly employed at the Norwich State hos pital, is now an attendant at a Hart ford hospital. , i William" F. Hill returned on Mon day afternoon from Canaan and stated that his daughter is much improved. The attack of hiccoughs has been broken and it is believed she will con tinue to improve. Mrs. Hill went to Canaan Monday morning. PERSONAL Abner Sch warts is in New York for a short business trip. . Frank E. Beckwith has return from a month's visit to Chicago. Mrs. Max Schwarta left Monday evening for. a visit to relatives in New York. , Miss Blanche Porter was the guest of Miss Matilda Allyn et Groton on Sunday. Miss Blanche Porter of Norwich vis ited Miss Matilda Allyn in Groton over Sunday. . Mrs. John O'Brien of Trading Cove Is visiting friends In New York for a few weeks. Misses Lucy and Agatha Murphy have returned to Niantic after a visit in this city. ' Mrs. Alice Smith and daughter Lu cy of Niantic are in this. city for an extended visit. Mrs. E. A, Prentice of Norwich is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. A. Daniels, in Cottage street, Groton. ' Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Rlci, and Master Lester Rich . of New London are visiting Norwich relatives. Edward Fish of New- London, for merly engineer on F. Lf Osgood's yacht Tillie. was a visitor in Norwich . an Monday. Mrs, Minnie E. Leete of Trading Cove ia much improved and was able to be out Monday for the first time in six weeks. .,'. The Misses Hildegard Cronley and Catherine Donohue of Willimantic spent Sunday with Miss Esther Cron ley, who is the guest for an extended time of her aunt, Mrs. Casey of Broa-1 street, thia city. Judge and Mrs. Lucius Brown left for Atlantic City on Monday, for a stay of two or three weeks. Judge Brown goes in the' interest of his health, which has not been of the best for some time past. OBITUARY. Louie F. Vetter. At 11 o'clock Monday evening the death of Louis F. Vetter, oldest eon of Pollosman and Mrs. Jacob Vetter, oc curred at his home, No. 23 Piatt ave nue, after an illness for the past year. His death will be learned with deep F. Vetter was born In Norwich Nov. 16, 1872. and has always resided in this city with tha exception of a year spent in Hartford. He was em ployed In local firearm factories until his health made it necessary for him to give It up. He was a patient sufferer, making no complaint and bearing his suffering with fortitude and resigna tion. He was a young man of cheer ful disposition, being quiet and unas suming in his manner, but kind heart ed and a favorite amon a wide circle of friends. July 8, . 190T, he married Eva E. Lewis. Besides his parents he is survived hy his wife, alx sisters. Mrs. Louis 9. Manchester. Mrs. S. J. Colt. Mies Maud E. Vetter, Mrs. William Thorp. Miss Arline Vetter of this city and Mrs. rairy E. I.nmphere of Boston, and two brothers, Harry and Albert Vetter, of this city. . He belonged to no organ izations. Mies Jerusha Hinckley. Saturday morning early tha death of Miss Jerusha Hinckley occurred at the home of her brother. Edwin Hinckley, in Lebanon, in her 93d year. She had been sick but a short time, death re sulting from an attack of the grip and advanced years. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hinckley and always reflided in Lehanon, where she was highly respected and was noted for her interest and generosity in all Christian work. She was one of th few old ladies of the town of Lebanon. She had lived at her brother's home for many years and was a member of the Goshen Congregational church in Lehanon. She was born Nov. 18. 181R. and is survived by hsr brother, several nieces and nephews. Two of the nephews are Charles H. Hlnrklev of Goshen and William Hinckley of Wil limantic. Custom Receipts. By the report of the secretary of the treasury. Just transmitted to con gress, it is shown the office of collec tor of customs psid C. T. Stanton at Stoninplon $"i59.77 in the past year, in commlwtior.s and salaries. The NdW London office paid the teast of any in Connecticut, Collector T. O. Thompson receiving & total of $400.62. New York Customs Officials to Go. New York Jan. 23. Collector Loeb will be given in the New York World tomorrow as authority for the state ment that a high official of the) part, a chief clerk in one of the departments, and ten other men drawing good sal aries are to be dismissed for alleged complicity in the customs scandals of recent years'. Cream If you haven't used it, you've failed to use the best of its kind. Peroxide Cream is a soft, sweet, dainty unction for beautifying the skin. It' isn't the old-tim-a greasy, sticky kind It's the new kind, the up-to-the-minute kind, which rubs in without leaving a trace of grease and actually softens and whitens the skin. It's cleverly' perfumed and" delightful to use. iCures skin troubles, chaps and rough skin. . r . . PRICE 25c THE JAR. SMITH'S Franklin Staarc Norwich CI. B STORE JlLriiD GFF LAUREL HILL DR10G2 William Moore, Aged 50, Carried Down the Shetucket - and Then Swam Out Into the Harbor Where He Was Rescued Frank Petrofski Rowed Out and Caught Him .as He Was About to Sink. Bridge jumping has appealed to but few in the past several years, although some years ago as a sport it got a hold on a few of the local daredevils, and furnished plenty of excitement. There was a repetition of it Monday afternoon about 4.15 o'clock when Wil liam Moore of No. 278 West Thames street, a papermaker, with a different object in view, jumped headfirst off the bridge into the Shetucket river, keeping afloat until nearly to the freight house and from that point to the center of the harbor he swam un til rescued by Frank. Petrofsky, who rowed out to him and took him into the boat Just aa he was giving up. Many saw him in his helpless position, but could do nothing, and had not Mr. Petrofsky gone to his aid, which he did at a big risk, he would have gone to. the bottom. . Moore had been at the almshouse, where on Saturday he caused quite a little trouble while under the Influence of liquor, and he was taken to the police station. He remained there un til Monday morning, when he was pre sented before Deputy Judge Barnes in the city court. On his plea that he could get work in Montville if giv en a chance, he was placedon proba tion until the first of February and al lowed to go. . He did not go to Montville and dur ing the day had been drinking more. During the afternoon he was at the se lectmen's office. He was told to come back later, as those in the office at the time were busy, and he went away. He must have gone almost di rectly to Laurel Hill bridge for the purpose of ending his life. He was seen to walk on the bridse from twen ty to thirty feet and jump headfirst into the river. . Charles E. Brady was just driving on the bridge from Talman street when he heard someone holler and he saw Moore's feet as he was dis appearing downward. It is believed he landed on his back and did not go very deep into the water. The indications are that he was slightly stunned by the cold plunge and the force with which he struck the water, so that, partially submerged, he was carried by the current until he had nearly reached the freight house., when he seemed to recover himsslf and began to swim. ' From that point he was carried by the current and by his swimming out into the harbor, cover HEARING ON SCHOOL. Residents of Harbor District at New London ' Remonstrate to Board of Education. There was a hearing before the school board of Harbor school at New London on Monday evening upon the condition and management of the school. It was claimed that the front doors are locked during school hours, only one fire drill has been held since the opening of the fall term, the fresh air ducts are boar Jed up, the rooms are draughty from open windows, chil dren are forced to use the basement doors, children are not allowed in the building before school, the interior is unclean and unsanitary, the percent age of tonsllitis and adenoids in the school is. larger than in any other in town, the vacuum cleaner is rarely used, there is no sanitary drinking arrangement, and that the textbooks in many cases are unfit. ' Janitor Slate after the meeting stat ed that the statements were false, and the whole trouble is because Dr. J. T. Black, health officer, is down on him. - Dr. Black stated that if he is after the Janitor there is a reason for it. PORTRAIT OF CALVIN L. HARWOOD To Be Hung - in Common Council Chamber With Other ex-Mayors. The picture of the lata C L. Har wood, mayor of Norwich from 1892 to 1896, which is to be a gift to the city from his family for the council cham ber's gallery of the city's mayors, has been shown since Saturday in the win dow of George A. Davis' store on Broadway. It is the work of a Nor wich artist who has an enviable repu tation for work in this line which this new portrait further enhances, accord ing to the opinion of many who ha-e viewed the picture, which is a copy from a photograph. Among close busi ness and personal friends who have criticised the work there has bean general comrnendation for the work of the artist in giving the picture the personality of the original with great faithfulness. - COLONIAL CLUB WHIST. First Night in a Series of Four 18 Tables of Players. j t The first of four whists to be given by the Colonial club was held Mon day evening at the club house. There were 18 tables of players and a. most enjojabl time resulted. Play con tinued for two hou.s. The next three whists will be hehl on Monday evenings and on the fourth night, prizes will be awarded and re freshments served. The entertain ment committee' had the affair 'in charge. AT POLI'S. Paid in Full. The presentation of Eugene Walter's powerful play of American life, enti tled Paid in Full, waa given a capital presentation by Poll's Players at Po ll's Monday afternoon und evening. The four acts wore well staged, the settings being excellent and adding much to the success of the production. As Joe Brooks, Robert LeSueur play ed the part of the young man who took the earnings of the company by which he was employed and spent them in his own behalf and then sought to have his wife atone for hfs wrongdoings. His work was, as usual, of a high order, and at various points throughout the play the-audience ac corded the players much applause. , Gertrude Perry, as the wife of Joe Brooks, played the role in a most ef fective manner. Particularly fine was she In the scene at Captain Williams' quurters, while equally strong was her work in the closing scene when she laid before hef husband his faults and failure. S. F. Cairns as Captain Will iams was fitted for the role and his work was excellent throughout, while Laurence Dunbar as Jimsy was like wise clever as a friend of the family. J.'A. Rbb as the servant made a good impression, while Ernna Hayner- aa Mrs. Harris, and Sue Fisher as Beth Harris, -wan much favor. Between the acts entertaining mov ing pictures are shown. There h been a recent change in the leadership of . the orchestra.' H. M. LaMotte, vio linist, being the leader now, with Fred Geer at the piano. . . Latest Capital Punishment. . - Brazil report that -26 of the naval mutineers- died bt "sunstroke.'' This is decidedlv- the. latest in capital pun ishment Chattanooga Time ing, it was thought,' about a quarter of a mile in the ice-cold waterr" Frank Petrofsky of West Thames street was 'told that it was his boy, and he hustled to the river and cast ing off a skirt began te row out to the man in the water. There is loe on the harbor, so that he was obliged to row down toward the McCrum-How-ell foundry in order to get around this and then' up stream again to reach the man. i re was none, too soon, as Moore was Just barely a'ole to make his hands go and his head was wobbling when Mr. Petrofsky got hold of him. Then came a hard and dangerous task, the hauling into the boat of an almost helpless yet thoroughly frightened man. This was accomplished after a hard struggle in which the boat was half- filled with water. Mr. Petrofsky had exerted himself to his limit In rowing out to the center of the har bor, believing that it was his boy who had gotten overboard, which, to gether with his efforts to get the man into the boat at the great risk of tap setting, had him about exhausted. He was, however, able to row ashore, but could give little help in getting Moore from the boat to the shore. Michael Murphy took Moore from the boat and carried him on his back to his saloon in West Thames street, where his wet clothes were replaced by a blanket, and he was given a hard rub bing with dry towels by direction of Dr. Higgins, who had been called. Moore was unconscious when taken from the boat, but under the brisk rubbing he soon revived. Tho nmhnlAnre was called and he was taken to the almshouse by Policed man Henderson. He was in a hyster ical state in the ambulance and there were times when the policeman had all he could do to restrain him. He complained of cramps every little while, but it was thought that he would have no serious effects from his experience. There was a large num ber attracted to the river bank. Al though he went overboard evidently intentionally he made a hard fight to get out of the water, although he was swimming away from the nearest docks all the time. He la married and has a family. For many years he resided in Greeneville and Is an ex pert papermaker. The distance from the rail of the bridge to the water is between thirty and forty feet.' He was apparent uninjured by the Jump. ' . - TAKEN TO ALMSHOUSE. Joseph Gladue Taken In as Being ln , sane Had Attempted His Life in Taftville. On Monday afternoon Constable James Daly and Constable Gustave Lambert brought Joseph Gladue of Taftville to polite headquarters, he bein.s considered insane. The Select men decided to have him taken to the almshouse, and Constable Daly took him there shortly after. It is probabla that he will be committed to the state hospital. A short time aapo Mr. Gladue at tempted to commit suicide by taking carbolic acid, but his daughter saw him before he had gotten down enough to cause his death. It is understood that he has not given up the idea of ending his life and made another at tmept. He told Che constable that he ia sorry that his daughter wiw him when he- had taken the carbolic acid, as he wished he was dead. FUNERALS. John D, and Benjamin H. Stanton. The double funeral of John T. Stanton and his nephew, Benjamin H. Stanton, was held Sunday afternoon at Pine Xerk farm, the uncle's former home. The services were conducted by Rev. C. M. Reed, assisted by Rev. Charles R. McNally. In honor of the memory of the elder Mr. Stanton, Warren council. Order of Unit j-J American Mechanics, attended and sent a floral piece. In respect to th memory of the younger Mr. Stanton there were in attendance many Bulke- ley school young men- and their teachers. The bearers of the body of John D. Stanton were Henry D. Stanton. John J. Comstock, Charles E. Briggs and Charles Cross. The body, of Benjamin H. Stanton was borne to the grave by six classmates of Bulkeley school in the class of 1910. They were Morgan B. Haven. Donald M. Marvlne, S. Vic tor Prince, John O'Neil. John Taylor and Gilbert Parker. These young men were selected by Benjamin Stanton himself, when he was told that he could not live. Mr. Stanton, who died the day after he was 18 years old and the day before his uncle's demise, looked upon his imminent death complacently. Mrs. Lewis A. Hyde. The home of Deacon L. A. Hvde on Washington street was filled with sor rowing friends and relatives Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, who came to pay- the last tribute of respect on the occasion of the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Stewart Hyde. The impressive service was In charge of Rev. G. H. Ewing, pastor of the First church, assisted by the former pastor, Rev. C. A. North rop. MIbs Maud; C. Buckingham ren dered with sympathy the hymns, "On Christ, the Solid Rock, I Stand," and "He Leadeth Me." A profusion of choice flowers show ed the love of friends. The burial was in Yantic cemetery, where a com mittal service was read at the grave. The bearers were Charles Stark, Ed ward H. Tibbits, Fitch I Alien, Lu cius A. Fenton. Dwight Allen and Dwight W. Avery. Many were In at tendance from out of town. Church & Allen had charge of the arrangements. . ' Guarence Glendanning Yaomans. : The funeral of Clarence Glendenhig Yeopians, the' five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. eYomans, took the same as babies. Babies 'can't take care of themselves, nor can nerves. ,v...: .f": Babies cry for atten tion so do, nerves.. Probably both are half starved for proper nourishment. . "ri Give them ; " SCOTT'S EMULSION. MHniHraririi aaMBBHiBBBBMllBBBBBaaBaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaa dxf t Cure U.;xr:itki Prominent Doc tor's Best Praaefip- tionlt ia Caaily Mixed. a . . . , . . ..ntul.r, fOF all who hava triad it, quickly curing . . - A ...... . a ,l..nmuH mm .. km enrunic kjiu v. m . .. . backache. "Get one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparilla compound and one ounce of Torls compound. Then get half a pint of good whiskey and put the other two Ingredients into It. Take a table spoonful of this mixture, before each meal and at bedtime. Shake the hottle before using. Results are felt the flrst day. Any druggist has these ingredi ents on hand or will quickly get them from his wholesale house. Anyone can mix them. - ; ' place on Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the home of his parents. No. 456 Main street, where there was a large attendance of sorrowing rela tives and friends. There was a wealth of beautiful floral tokens, showing the sympathy felt for the afflicted family. Rev, P. C.- Wright conducted the serv ice and the bearers were two little friends of the deceased. Burial was in Yantic cemetery. Rev. Mr. Wright Conducting a comnunai serv.uB. Undertaker Gager had charge of the arrangements. -,.''! The little boy passed away Friday evening at 45 o'clock after an illness of two weeks' with pneumonia. He was born in New London' 5 years and 13 days ago, and his bright, happy disposition endeared him to U who knew him. He ia survived by his par ents and ona brother, Reginald Moore Yeomans. Mr. Henry Bennett. At S o'clock Monday afternoon the funeral of Mrs. Henry Bennett waa held from the hooa of her son, No. 32 Williams street There was a large number of relatives and friends in at tendance, those from out of town be ing Mr. and Mrs. C P. Bishop of Plainfteld and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Maine of South Windham. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. J. Eldred Brown, rector of Trinity Episcopal church. There were many choice floral remembrances showing the esteem in which th deceased was held. The bearers wer CoL C. W. Gale, Calvin H. Frisble, S. Alpheus Gilbert and W. F. Maine. Burial was in Yantic ceme tery, wnere a raimi"ii itw Mud fhiirnvi AUn had charge of the arrangements. MORE FREIGHT BUSINESS FOR PROPELLER COMPANY. Proposed Idea of Taklnd the Fralght .From and To the Groton and Stow ington Line at Groton. The merchants along the line of the Groton and Stonington trolley road are to have increased facilities for shipping to and from New York If the reported plans of the road' to erect a dock in Groton are carried out, says fhe New London Telegraph. These plans call for the stopping there of tho steamers of the Norwich and New York Propeller Co. every day, and the running of two boats instead of one. I - The plan has baen under contempla tion for some time, and Its ultimata adoption, 'it Is id, depends entirely upon the support given it toy the mer chants and manufacturers of Groton end Stonington.' The -project, is being advanced by the trolley company and has received the. support of the Nor wich and New York propeller line, but the electric road will have to show business for the freight steamers three times as large as tliey are now getting. At present there is a working- plan between the G. and 8. trolley express and the propeller line of freight terniFi. AH the freight to and from New York which each company can secure is bandied on a 50 ,per cent, basis, but there are drawback to the methods that have to be employed. Tills freight is landed at the dock of the. Propeller line at the foot of Federal street, and ha to be trucked to- the. ferry boat and then transferred across the river. As many as five double loards are carried each day and besides being an inconvenience, the pspense of trucking amounts to a lar-je Item. In view of this extra expense the G. and S. trollev line has advanced the nlnn or building a dock on the Groton side of the river, the dock to be erect ed on the Susan tilorsan property, alongside of Captain Chipnmn's fish market. The plan meftts with tho epproval of the Norwich and New York line, which has expressed Its willingness to load and unload' freight thre if the flock ia built. The freight boat fc carrying from 15 to 25 tons of freight eaoh day for the trolley express, and if this can ho increased to 50 or 75 tons a day th projecit will twwSoufcedly go through. For some time past the G. and 3. officials have -been making endeavors to secure the promises of freight for this line from the merchants and man ufacturers, and it is generally under stood that their efforts have been so far successful that ft is said the Gro ton dock is about to be bultt. In the winter the Propeller 'line runs but one Iboat: In summer two. Should the deal go through two boats will be used all the year around. Incidents in Society Miss Antoinette Van Cleef of Jer sey City, N. J., is tha guest of Nor wich Town friends. Miss Mary B. Hyde of the faculty of Pratt institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., spent the week end at her home in Yantic. . Mrs. George C Ripley of New York city has been the guest of her sisters, the Misses Ripley, of Broadway, during the past week. . VeAre Surprised to learn that there are those in this community who do not know that we issue Certificates of Deposit for almost any rea sonable amount, bearing interest from tha day iasued to tha date of withdrawal, the interest rate - being 4 per cent if the money - remains t months, 8 per cent, if for 4 months, and 2 per cent for 2 months. A most satisfactory disposi tion of funds waiting distribu tion or investment. The Thames Loan S Trust Co. 34 Shetucket Street Open Saturday Evenings 7.30 to 9 o'clock. - janl4d UNITED WORKERS The 34th Annual Meeting Of the United Workers of Norwich will bo held at the Greeneville Congregational Church Tuesday, January .24,. 1911, at S P. M. ' . The public is cordially invited to attend.; . ''. i , . . " : c jan21STu ' CAMMED i Sweet Potatoes at Rallioti'o oil lit OUR STORE-YEAR" COMMENCES FEBRUARY 1ST AND IT MUST TART WITH A CLEAN SLATE. EVERY STOCK MUST HAVE DIS POSED OF ALL ITS ODDS AND ENDS BEFORE THAT TIME, AND HAVE MARKED THE PRICE TICK ETS ACCORDINGLY. Would you buy $1.00 Sitka for 49c per ysrd We offer a little lot of Changeable Taffeta Silk, made by a well-known manufacturer whose name we cannot mention here they are 2 lachea wide, made to sell for $1.00 per yard Che colore are dark but desirable Your Choiee 49c yard Big Reductions ON FUR COATS French Coney Coats, value 3.a v Reduced to $22.50 Black. Pony Coats, value tSS.I Reduced to $25.09 Fine Russian Pony Coata, value 265.00 Reduced to $49.59 Near Seal Coats, value $71.00 Reduced to $62.50 Interesting Underwear Items Women's Fleeced-lined Underwtar Vests and Panta. bleached and an- bleached, 50c quality For 39c each Women's Hah Wool and Cotton Vest and Drawers, regular value 6c For 62c each Boys' Fleeced Union Suits, else 10 to 34. regular 98c quality Fcr 59c a Suit Misses' Harvard Mills Vesta, half wool and cotton, regular 50c quality For 42c each The Reiii & Hughes Co. We Recover Furniture and Da Cars-si Layina. The skating is now the finest. This is also true of our line of Skates and Hockey Sticks. X3he i Tn n n o.n Company The iorwicTi Ricks! I Brass Co,, Tableware, Chandeliers, Vaoht Trimming and such things Reflnlahed. 6.9 to 87 Chestnut St. Norwioifc Ceaih octM WHEST you want to pat year aess before the nubllo. la sva alum better tban through taa advertis ing columns aunni u. Sals 0 n cm nr m