5i - 9 V CSTER V IK- I ExchangeF-br ivVbman's Vork-Reports- For Successful -Year - DircesIranlediarSaperSbrrCioiirt; D.rA."R-Patriotic pSaas rsIooEe.Oiarte'r - Membership 247 Accident to Back-Soy. - Chester -Barrows. -assoeiafe- Jus tice, DreSifiedaJ: -th-secoiid--aaj''s-seS-si en -of -GiBstnfeii16tieartr&i&t6ni and atee'--ei-o-oefcetjof ig t&e '-ease -Stema -51. -(5oMiia vs. Ix-wtSs j. gess&is. 'BB Tefcaftmgr rre- all waJSr "fife ea-rs of ga. ?oiWnd deserted 5Ja wie fte "reaps -and is aSd -to -3Sar Jeasfe -rjttftfeg -for Iter sutpeh - -feat -of -iter '-e&iittreti. Ttta -ined'5o -t'rbttrrS3 negfeet toi?6ffeaa-flSsttsVoy0 her'-eiUidreJvv--'in, -to-tfee-pelitiotl-er. Jiia-iSesrfeeet W.riabilM& -represented -th'a -itHAeatter. Ffeilowasfe -tfaa Ea&Haa. -CbUftrs -ease was tbat -of Irenes Barah -OoUirfs. fti w fetch -he petitioner asteed -far. a -dl-TPor -eii tJsa same -groum$s as. in the Camps -casSs. baseband, Charles Leaai -GoiliHS. Jeserfed -hfe -wife fn 1S07. ffeer hav&sjg been married two' 3"Mfs, awd -has uoite nefbteg -for :fcer ouppoft-afees -asat -tlm. 'fee petition w&a gmoteti, iitferney Ssmuel -H. rHivfs epFcsect&Js th?a. .jpetitkse'r. In-fKe-esef Moraii ip-'PrtaSt S. Me-ran boifa -from Ifetefty, -fife -respondent csrlsed -hSs wife -a-year-asro, the petkfen toeing granted 'on ttte piwitwfe -of -csoiitiaued -drunteenness. At-toFneySJifeFeSt-jS. -Kings foy "whb -er -be petitioner,.' " t. -. Following -a -peWi-Jon -In. infty, -the eotot ooik -five pttpre -aiid -djpu?ned until -aft(-moiiW. 'Wbeh "hfeiWH-Jry wiil-epFt for -duty. Cisses wijfcb. -will v,b fblKwa"d v Westerly -people are these -Af tha -fea&ij <Sirirasjii : -company . -l-a, B. iPbhn Cherapiib... aiid Br. John r'mplfii -the feaac SJiepjnam Wnr-W-ny. Thesfe -ces rotiiy -or- lHiB -amnial -metrrij -of ho. West erly Scoharg -fbr Wcmen Work, faelH at fsi -homfe i "fb. prsWeirt, SIfea Hrfiit 5otreil, O-f EJm- sfrfret. ttss report -of iar$iiteiitfeiit, -Mis -Bf-ten H. -!fiSWfn, Ts-hioh 'was sibjnttfea, sliowea ;amt tfe 'work as -a. -wJjrflfe -wsfe rNJWteS. aMtoowgh tMfere ista a. sfigjrt te-Ufrrg -oft fa - xhn -anrtwart -Ojf . goo nmfift :tbos Wbo are. beneSt&a. by t -tasSatapfe. ft Teal ttftftfe fewer -ootibeSors -BiEEii. tts -j-fear pre" orUiwr. Tls problem teet cbnfrd& of tbo toTsropeooIo to ftHTrish tire foo6ttSB, fce -Semsaa -s-t "prwwent fr to?e&B sepKly. Tiffs & ttr ?biJf -aoIeeaaCe SifWHs bb tonr nio, ts4iea lsere fei ft ie eboi esoia ba i(OB in t-own swusa 5ei&iiwS "bay & iaege iftMtTr TWt 'SIK saitai BRsi!te to tS et& eBBKHTB OVC fr'j.W&O 'Ktfttwi- a h ftwwt4lujji. White fh-e Th. esse f ta lift ose - tee eonfltfljjell safes -or tiw t!jws- mb?e6, ttAn IK-jSJPT "tosws twsfi tes-- posoa i JS-TS loftsoa of cai. )r w . sroofl safe of oo&!5as( r -wots -feat 4n ritefcai iae sawrto- J . m 4 , MiK,..Jl 2VA I fH WW iircK?'viu 7soi -toot vtw spare tame to aam soiroeaaiing. "iRie mane? jwaSesA, f3 3st trwSnsr o Uiwss win isBWt SastxA astr oofis esn nal. ATI Q ottainerB -were Med -as foDowwT SswBiasBBt, Sffiiss Sarafet Csft: trelt: xSo jireskierat, JSEes. Jsfiim Essuns socrsiaaT, Mis. Csqeeb JS. BmnSioic; er. a. ' wens no. s urricane Finis! 1 ON SATURDAY we started a seven days HURRICANE FINISH FIRE SALE and it proved to be a record break er. There's nothing reserved at this sale all our splen did Suits, Overcoats and Trousers are booked to leave the house. Only. 4 Days More lo Make Yw Selection So we would advise shopping early for there will be some lively buying at once and the best always go nrst. Good School Suits for the Boys Cheviots, cassimeres and worsted, durable . and stylish patterns, ages, 8 to 17 years prices $1.75, $2.95 and' $3.50 - values $3.00 to $6.00. . One lot of Boys Over-, coats, ages 16 1019 years to close at $3.50 some of these coats worth $10. Sale Ends Saturday, Feb. 22nd Only 4 Days More THE P. I. WELLS CO., "GOOD CLOTHES ST0aE" OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY treaamreri -3Ira.' -Ioltn "Champltn ;. anpeT tntendont, - iEiss-liaien."R. Baldwin. Tfie -members-of Phabe Greene Wancf tcffapter, D. A,.R., are-a-nniBcs; & iJoUy f statnson -te Tratrty m,pni5iBK Jti&u, tit triijat tire regutar WasiiiTtg.toil'3 -birttrdHy. celebration. . "Tho.Iajliea An, p?rgTamnie of mviaic, readies- and a. UJriyiet entitled The Woofcsg pt PoHy &dison, -rcltn tire foiowlDS ctSt: Baity. SaMy FraTriienetein- Do'iy "MaiiJ- :son, Maxy Avnrpnie;- lrs. sparsre, f ranees i-. enraicit; wrourae, j-.onise .-Cey;; Aaron Burr.--Sa.liy Cey ; 'James -2iitJiicm, Vivian ArnoM. Trie -third Tn course of -antertain-"ments -to -be siven by the Qupnochori-tanis--crane-e-fe ito be iiehl a -tire Dunn's -Garners ctmrcb. today. B'oiiowins the entertaittment, refreBaments -are 'to xre acrv-eri. - , - - 1 , Lucio AmbrooiB. a iiatikbwy-emoioved -at this William Clark Threaa company ?flanj on the West atae. simeral tne loss -of -the -ends of the index linger and the -one nest to it while Troridiig aronii -one of the -muie machines on '-Tuesday afternoon. The yotmjg- felharw was taSfen by Manager Wmtam t:tarK Sjj his automobile to the office of reJ Michael H. f? canton, wlio- dressed the injured members and then had the nnfort-unate young' man -taken -to his -house -on -Pierce -street. . . Westerly -Codjje, Loyal Order, of Moose.,-: w instrttrted Iec.. Tth, 13 Yl -u-lth .65 members, -by thje officers of Terw Jjortdon lodg and has met the first amd third Ttiesdays since that thee -with inrUatfon ati-each meeting' and now -closes, the charter -with 2T members. Tire lodee has the largest Lurerxtbrship of any fraternal trctir tn Tii;eterfK- The ortter .-was Krtmaett m -fS8. at Ixrtrfs-vilre, Ky;, and now has irtearly 1-2 -million members rtth 1265 todjres. In the order the lowliest members rob shoulders with men m. !th highest station of Hfe. The -only -IJvMi!? x-tre3laent,- members of tho Va-biriet, senators, governors, eongress--:rnn, mayors -and -members of tire -Ju- The offtcer are: Past dictator. George. W. Wirrterbottom; dictator P. sri iWCTti-aney ; vioe criciseror, James Pollock: prelate, William Tattersait; secretary, James R. .Tolrr.s'; treasurer, J. 3. Ckarlay:; . hysicih, -3Cugene hea. M. D, S A reiar meeting of the Probate court of Westerly was held at the town clerk's of&ee on tFnioh street Tues day, Jndge Burke presiding. On the estate of Willieni Elias Watrous , a I -fH it ion for the ajepoantment of guar dian wns received and continued to March 4th t 2 p. m. wf publicatloj of notice and the notice served on .'William E. Chapiiian, grandfather of Wdllia-m ERas 'VatToirel deceased. On the -estate of Alfred Chapman an tnveztbtrcy of !?S20.t2.was received .and orered ecoTaed. On the estate of -Marfa Crafts an inventory of 1 14. 84 ws rcr-fl and ordered corded. Ob. the estate ot Charles B. Hall the -ftps and final aceooht was received, Jiowd and ordered recorded. A petition was received in eonnee- tioii with the estate of Etesire -A. tu-n, to Tender an invenioiry and account TJiis was continued to the -next meet---iKg -of the court. An fproprta-tkn of $3Q,000 has. been -reported to the howss at Washington in the sundry civil appropriation bill, widch Jjrv4ds for the completing of Young Men's Suits Sizes 32 to 36, $6.59, $8.59, $10.50 A large showing in these sizes. You have read about our good clothes, you have seen them. You know our high standard of quality. Call soon, as these suits are on the move. Values $12 to$18. I at Calte-bahis thno - Itis-mishty hard to obtain himform -results fa cake ma- ing if-younise-iiutter tjr lard because both of tbese prod- hicts Varrso in quality. x CottoleiseisalwaysiJnifonn alwa produces good xe psalts. With its use, you can Fcount on .a certain kind of kake being the same every time.. ' Cottolene sells at about ttbe price of lard, and is so Mch that one-third less is re quired tha-h .-either butter or lard. -Cotfolene is never -sold in bulk al- W1 way3 in air -tight I 4in paifs, which pro itect It from dirt trust-arid -odors. It i3 always uniform -end dependable. THE N. E. FAIRBAim COMPAHY the new federal bnildrrrg now under course of construction here In Wester ly. The. total cost of th-a building will be The original con tract called for the frjrnrshing of the buildrng, btrt it has trot, been an notmced to wha,t purpose the addi tiprral sum of $30,000 is to be expended. Local Ua con ics. 5Tr. and 3frs. Arthur Barber of Peace Xale were callers in town Tuesday. Charles B. Lawton has been receiv ing the felicitations of frtends on his 85th birthday. Many from Westerly were fn at tendance at the Farmers' Institute -held at Kingston Tuesday. Many of the "Westerly farteters are planning to attend the seventh annual poultry institute at Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lewis and Mrs. Charles H. Bromley of this town have returned from Jacksonville, Florida. Rev. FrederlcK C. Seymour, pastor ot fne chorea o Ascension, at Wake field, preached at Christ church Tues day eveang. Judge Elias B. Hinckley of the bor ough held the regular "weekly pro bate -court for the town of Stonington at the office of William A. Wflcox, on tne west side Tnesday afternoon. BALTIC Mrs. Cyprien Lagros, 83, Dies, Leaving 20 Grandchildren and 14 Great grandchildren Steel Girders for the New Bridge Arrive Basketball Games. ..? ; Mrs. Elmire llarrel, wife of Cyprien Legros, who has been ill the past two week's with grip, died at her home on High street Monday night at 11.20 o clock. She was born 83 years ago at St. Amose, Canada, where she was joined in marriage with Cyprien Le gros, who survives her, with two chil dren, Mrs. Denise Belair of Williman tie and. Arthur Begros of Baltic. She leaves 215 grandchildren and 14 srreat- grandchildren-. Mr. and Mrs. Legros came to Baltie 46 years ago.. Mrs. Le gros was active up to a few weeks agoj attending to her household du ties with th? assistance of her hus band and the loving attentions of her son Arthur fcegros, and iis wif e who for years have watched over the old couple with devoted theughtfulness for their eerafort and happiness. All About the Village, Rev;. Joseph ValdambrinI ef Water bury was a local visitor Mondayi The infant son of Town Clerk Ar thur P. Cote and Mrs. Cote was christ ened Sunday at St. Mary's church. Mr; and Mrs, Louis Bibeault were the sponsors. The child was named Leuls Henri Cote, ... . j Fire births, one marriage ana two deaths occurred here during Janu ary. . I Mrs, Leon Peloquin was the guest of friends in Meosup recently. . Ernest Vian of Main street Vim gone to a Hartford hospital to Undergo a surgical operation. Received New Members. The Rosary society of ' St. Mary's parish had a reception after the 8 o'clock mail last Sunday, when three new members were admitted. Watchman Woods Improving. John' Woods, night watchman at the Baltic cotton mills for a number of years, who has been obliged to give up work for a month or bo or account of stomach trouble, is improving un der medical treatment. -Mrs. Eliaa H. Cote and Mrs Bdwarfl C. Case are passing a few weeks In New Tork. Henry Betterman, who haa been In the employ of George Dreacher, has gone in business for himself at Plain field. Miss Louise Case" is visiting her aunts, the Misses Case of Laurel Hill, Norwich. . " Girders far New Bridge. The-steel. girders for the new bridge to be built over the Cotton mill canal, replacing the old wooden one which fell a short time ago, arrived Tuesday. Work will be started immediately. . Mrs. W. C. Smith and daughter, Re na, were guests of relatives In Wor cester over Sunday. 1 Rev. William H. Kennedy of Greene- vile will give the Lenten sermon at St. Mary's church this (Wednesday) even ing. John Hussey and sons, James -and Peter, were in Willimantic Tuesday at tending the funeral of Mr. Hussey's cousin. Miss Bridget Hussey Groton Team Defeated.. In the new B. W. A. C. gyn Monday evening a well played basketball game between Baltic and Groton was enjoy ed by a crowd of over 300. The Bal tic team won, 18 to 6, outplaying their opponents in all stages of the game. As a preliminary the Young Rough and Readys.Baltic's Junior basketball team, played the Taftville Cash Boys. The Rough and Readys played a hard, up hill game and deserved a victory for tliir excellent work, but were -df ear ed bvthe score of 7 to 6 1-2. Rockefeller on Vacation Trip. New York, Feb. 17. John D. Rocke feller, accompanied by his personal phyalclan, Br. H. B. Biggar of Cleve lan: his secretary. 11. B. Sims, and two servants left today for a vacation trip , to ilprlda. Air. Koc-kefeller came to ; his town residence . from Pocaptico ' Hills Sunday. , i - . ; .Mw'' than " 29.010 lamp filaments of 20 candle pow er each can be rnanufact I ured f rom cue pound cf tantalum. All Trolleys teal To For the balance of this week the low prices which prevailed in the Muslin Underwear, Embroidery andWhite Goods Departments will hold good. If you have not investigated the advantages offered during this saieyou should do so. The Boston Store has a reputation to sustain for f ;&e sales,, and every effort has been made to make this the most successful ','"' - Crisp New Merchandise ; at the : Lowest Sale Prices v DAINTY UNDERMUSLINS CORSET COVERS DRAWERS . . . . . . NIGHT ROBES , . . LONG SKIRTS .... COMBINATIONS PRINCESS SLIPS ALL OF OUR FRENCH CHEMISES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Advance Showing of the New Lingerie Waists Specially Priced During This Sale A Special Lot of Waists fn various styles. Some have round lace collars, others turnover collars and some show the ,-Dutch neck. They are all prettily trimmed with fine embroideries and Val and C1tmy faces. 8ALE PRICE 98c Waists with the new French yokes are shown in three differ ent styles. Some shew pretty tucked effects and other styles have the deep turn -over collar which is the very latest thing. All daintily trimmed with pretty vai lace and embroidery". SALE PRICE $1.48 Very Fine Lingerie Waists, some of them being shown in Dotted Swiss. Others in the assortment have pretty lace yokes with either high collar or the pretty Dutch effects. SALE PRICE ...$1.98 WILLIMANTIC Women's Club Washington Social. The Washington social given by the Woman's club at their eluferooms en Tuesday evening was a most success ful and enjoyable affair: Mrs: C: B; Leonard had charge f the programme, which included a violin selo by Miss Gardner of New Britain; veeal sole, by Mrs, Ci Tyler Bard, soprano of the .Broadway ehureh, Norwich- dances, by Miss Alice Hughes sf New Britain; vocal soles, by Mr, Seamans of Mys tic, a member of the Park chureh quar tette, Norwich. The accompanists were Miss Harding of Hartford, Miss Bthel Bisedorf and Mrs. Ashten Per sons this city, Mrs. W. A. Arnold and Mrs. W. "W. Clark poured, and Miss CcCullock, Mrs. Gwnmings and Misses Colgrove, Verna Hastings, - Bernice Williams, Mrs.- Emerson and Mrs: Robinson assisted in serving the re freshments, these ladles being in Colo nial costumes. The decorations were by Miss Verna Hastings and Miss May Turner, About 180 were present. Y.-M. C. A. Duokplne. ' The aecond of the series of contests between the married and single men in the duokpln tournament of the Y. M. C. A. were bowled Tuesday" evening. Following Is the score: Married Men Gavitt, 77, 83. 98: Dummy, 84. 78, 87; Tryon, 9. 82. 88; total, 761. Bingie Men Harrington, 73. 87. 78; Korner, 50, 77. 84; Mclntoelv 78. 78, 80; total 670. For Holiday Programme. Patriotic Instructor Thomas Ashton of Francis S. Long post.G. A. R., has arranged an elaborate programme for the celebration of Washington's and Girls? You Must Try This ! s Hair Will Look Beautiful All You Need is a 25 Cent Bottle of "Danderine" Hair Gets Lustrous, Fluffy and Abundant at Once. Immediate? Tes! Certain? that's the joy - if it. Tour hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderine hair cleanse. Just try thi moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carsf ully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil and in Just a few mo ments you have doubled the beauty , of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits, . partic olarly thoae . who bay a beep, careisflg. . .25c to $1.98 . . 25c to $2.75 . . 39c to $5.93 50c to $5.98 . .50c to $2.98 .$1.49 to $3.50 ( - - Women's White B a t i s J e Waists in four different styles. The latest styles of collars are - shown including high, turnover and round models. Trimmed with pret ty embroideries and laces. -SAfcE PRICE ' $1.19 Lincoln's birthdays at Q. A. R. hall next Friday evening, delegations from the several sehools of the town will contribute reeitations and there will be veeal and instrumental tnuaie. Mayor D. P. Dunn will be present and Capt. Frank P. Fenton will deliver an address. The Spanish War Veterans, effleers o. Company L and Francis S. Long Woman's .Relief corps havebeen Invited te be present: Visited In Norwich and Jewett Oity. Miss Emma L. Hull returned en Monday from a ten days' visit with friends in Norwich and Jewett City where she was a - former teacher. While in Norwich she attended the New Terk Symphony concert at Blater hall. f Appraisal of Bankrupt Estate. W. D. Grant, Edwin Sumner and Clarence A. Bowen, appraisers of the bankrupt estate of Adam Smerdoeky, have filed their report with Judge A. J. Bowen, referee In bankruptcy. They find 145 1-2 bags of flour, $291 and cash on hand In possession of A. J. Greenslit of $12.52. The value of the book account scheduled at $300 has not been appraised. STAFFORD SPRINGS Chlmnev Fire on High 8treet Three Children of Unworthy Parents Sent -'to County Home. y The Are alarm was rung about mid night Monday for a chimney fire in the house of Charles Comlns on High street. The fire was -extinguished with very slight damage. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Dennis are Whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair Dander ine dissolves every particle of dand ruff; cleanses, purines and invigorates the scalp .forever stopping itching and falling hair, but - what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use of Danderine, when you will actually see new hair fine and rtnwn v nt firRt v but reallv rr hair growing all over the scalp.- ff t4 you care for pretty, soft hair, and iots of it: surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter- and, just try u The of White A Bargain Bulletin from GIRLS' WINTER COATS Good, .serviceable Winter Coats for giita from 6 to 12 years old. The colors are Hue, tan and some fancy mixtures. Val ues trp to $8.50. ' " ' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS A small lot of Coats, no two of which are alike, in the latest models. The materials are warm, serviceable and attractive. Some of these Coats sold as high as $17.50. VELVET AND CORDUROY SUITS Velvets and corduroys have been leaders ihis year for women's garments, and we have a few suits for both women and misses still left on our racks. Fine quality and high-class tailoring; are among their attrac tive features. Values up to S32.5P. " V. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' A few very pretty little Dresses, made of fine serge with blue or black collar and cuffs and trimmed with a Striped material. Some very dainty designs are offered. . BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL FUR COATS, MUFFS AND NECK PIECES We will hi CloseJ AH Day Saturday Washington's Birthd ly Opsti Friday Evening, O. 21, until 10 o'elsck spending a few days at the latter's home in Maine. They expect to go on a trip next month to the West Indies; Sent ts County Home. Lena, Gertrude and Rose Handel, children of Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Han del of the Crystal Lake district were committed to the eeunty home by Judge Heald of the borough court Monday; The authorities did not con sider their home surroundings were what they should have been and -the -CO AIL A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL HOUSEHOLD SIZES AND STEAM COALS i also a cargo in transit A FULL ASSORTMENT PIUT A PP Central Wharf j Branch 150 Main St. ' -.' -'... - Telephones BnslRtti Center Norwlc'i Ihe Garment Section $160 fs&J. $10.00 $19.50 SERGE DRESSES $4.75 children" were committed as neglected children. Charies B. Gary spent Tuesday in New Tork on business. Miss N. M. Whiton Is moving Into the Warren block. R. P. Sanford, the Cornell freshman who Urea on 83 cents a week, was droRped from the College of Agricul ture beeartrse he flunked" on algebra. He passed his regular eollege examin ations with flying eelors; I e SB New L,o n do r (NORWICH) TO - ,NEW YORK STEAMER8 Maine and Steamer Chap in -Choose tills roate &xt time you i .o New York, ioa'fl bare a delightful veyago on Look Island Sound and a uper!) view of the wonderful sky line -id water front of Manhattan 'sJan.i Steamer leaves Nw London at 11 P Ti., ceept Sundays, due New York. Fl' 0. East Raver, at e.45, and Hr -til. --rtii Rlwor. 1 o'clock next morning. Meal ss-v1ee a .la Carta: Srn $1.80 New England Steamship Co. ; : iewYorli CHELSEA LINE Fare 41 Freight ami paasenger Mtifca direct to Mew Tork. from Norwich THswiays, Thure Jaye. Sundays, at &.15 p. m. Mew York. Pier 28, Est Stm. toot Roosevelt Sret. Itfondaya Wednesdays, Widays, at i p. m 7relght received nU S p. m. , V. KNOPSE, Agaat. irnr street & r CKIYEF.SITY. HkZS. One Block West of Brofy KEW YORK C1TX CTlot e WHoteMte. mt Retail Urjr fioede District. Bailxeadaua ,. Jteamente Miei.. SQ9 Kooms am with Bath) RATES 0I.OO PER DAY UP Excellent Hestaaran an4 Cafe. Moderate JPrieee. t Mag, ot Hew Zork Citx y We will serve another six o'clock dinner, Sun day, February 23. Tables are now being reserved. Phor- 704 Music by the Orchestra. WAUREGAN HOUSE PARJCEK- DAVENPORT CO., Proprietors The Board of Relief of the Town of Norwich, Conn., will meet In the City Hall Building, in said Town, each day, Sundays excepted, from Feb. 1st to Feb. 21(, from 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. to' listen to appeals from the doings of the Assessors, and to do any other business proper to be done at said meetings. Dated at Norwich. Conn.. Jan. 2Cth. SS13. FRANK R. M'LAUGHLIN. EDWARD KIRBT, JAMES W. BLACKBURN. Jan21i? Board of Relief. Hack, livery and Boarding STABLE We guarantee our service t he - est at the most reasonaMo irlrea. KAH0KEY BROS..' Falls Ava Largest capacity in the city. A N. CARPENTER 23 Commerce St All kinds of Mason Build, ing Materials, Small Trap Rock for driveways and CONTRACTOR FOR EVERYTHING HIE FENTON-CHARUEY LUIiJINQ C3., .a;. GENERAL C0NTBACI0R3 NdRWICH. CONN. A PIANO Out of Tune Isn't Worth a Picayune. Of the Tuners, Take Your Pick, J. H. GEOaGE Will Tune It Slick . TELEPHONE. DR. F. W. B0LMS, Dcnlis! Miuu.ien Uuilil-.y tMu, Kmiii a. IQTEOE 11 'I.. (