Newspaper Page Text
ua ff r NORWICH BULLETIN, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1914 Th INSURANCE MURPHY TO BE WITH BALTIMORE Report Confirmed by Manager Dunn Rumor of- Federal Berth Left Sunday Night to See Connie Mack Thomas Has Been Made Captain of Athletics. WE SELL ind Storm Insurance J. L. LATHROP & SONS, Norwich, Conn. Out Me 8 NO QUESTION ABOUT IT I There is nothing like carrying a FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. It costs only a trivial sum and you will then be on the aafe side. Full particulars upon re quest. ISAAC S. JONES Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Richards Building, 91 Main Street. Do your realize that an accident recurs every three seconds. Compensation Insurance in the Travelers' Insurance Co. remove all your worry. B. P. LEARNED & CO. JOHN A. MORAN Investment Broker Seal Estate a Specialty McGrory Building, - Main Street Office telephone EC1-2. Residence 1179-3 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Brown & Perkins, Mtonuys-at-Lavt Over Uncac Nat. Bank Shetucket St Entrance stairway near to Thames National Bank. Telephone 83-8. fcuwis ir. snwscia. At or ey-n f-I.-vr. ieriaa lUnn Sullilbi POQUONOC BRIDGE. Mrs. Fred Hamilton has returned from a visit in Norwich. Mrs. Robert Burns has been visiting In New London. Mr. and Mrs. George O. "Vincent of Voquonoo road have returned from a visit of a month In "Virginia. Charles Palmer, who has been con fined to the house for several weeks. Is improving. ' The child of Mr. and Mrs. John Irv ing of Pouquonoc Bridge is recovering Irotn pneumonia. Florence Stewart, who broke her arm recently, is able to be out; but ts still suffering pain. Bvelyn, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick of Main street, who lias been very ill with pneumonia, is better. Thrown from Carriage and Injured. (Special to The Bulletin.) DanlelHon, March 8. Mr. and Mrs. George Witter of Brooklyn were In jured Saturday afternoon whim thrown from a carriage in which they were driving, on the highway between Dan ielson and Brooklyn. Mr. "Witter had turned to pass a heavy team when two wheels of the carriage In which he was riding broke through the snow and went Into a deep gutter, the carriage upsetting. Mr. Witter received quite a severe cut on the head and was brjiis ed and shaken up, as was Mrs. Wit ter, who also received a cut in the back Defeated at Suffleld. (Special to The Bulletin.) Danielson, March 8. Killingly High achool basketball team returned here from Suffleld Sunday evening after a guns with the Connecticut Literary institute Saturday. The local team. suf fered the worst defeat of the year, 71 17. They say that their opponents were the fastest men they ever play ed against. W. 'Martin, who was a member of tho Killingly team until a few weeks ago, is now a student at (he Institute and. played against his old leammates. M DEVON ARROW COLLAR aUETT FEABODT&CCITRCTN.TC Manager Dunn of the Baltimore Orl oles sent out the statement Saturday that he had signed Danny Murphy for the coming season, and the local fans are wondering what the Idea of Connie Mack is. One explanation is that Mack has placed him there temporarily until he is able to place him in a manager ship berth. Another is that owirt- to the fact that there Is going to be a Federal league team in Baltimore, Mur phy would be a great help to the Ori oles. ' The rumor was circulated around the city Saturday and Sunday that the Federals are making a bid for his ser vices and that he is in line for the managership of the Brooklyn Feds.. On leaving here Sunday night for Philadelphia, Murphy said that ho had no statement to make concerning these rumors, that they were news to him. Danny left on the 7 o'clock train for Philadetlphia Sunday even ing to see Connie Mack, and he was accompanietd by his partner, Frank Watson, who. it is understood, is to be absent about a week. Some of Wat son's friends claimed Sunday that he had hopes of landing some business position with the Federals. Report.from Baltimore. The name of the player purchased over a week ago to bolster up the Ori ole outfield was disclosed Friday in a telegram sent by Manager Jack Dunn from New York, where he is attending the special session of the International league, says the Balti more American. The new Bird is none other than Danny Murphy, for some years captain of the world's champion Athletics, and considered one of the torainest men who ever donned the spikes. Manager Dunn withheld the " an nouncement of the deal, which was consummated with Connie Mack last week, at the player's own request. The reason given for Murphy's anxiety to keep his sale to the Orioles secret was in order to obtain a better price for his cafe in Norwich, Conn., which he fear ed would be sold at a bad bargain if it became known that he was no longer a White Elephant. The acquisition of the veteran Mack man gives the Birds one of the classi est set of outgardehers outside of the major ranks. With Murphy in right, Daniels center and Cree left, the Flock will present an outfield combination of fast 'base runners, good fielders and excellent hitters. Thomas Captain of Athletics. The regulars of the world's champion Athletics left Philadelphia Saturday for Jacksonville, Fla., to join the other members of the Philadelphia American league team in training there. The party was headed by Ira Thomas, ap pointed captain of the champions Sat urday. DOOLAN AND EVANS SIGN WITH FEDERALS. Sent to te Baltimore Club Brooklyn Lineup. The Federal league promoters made the announcement Saturday afternoon that they had succeeded in signing up two major league ball players for the new organization in the persons of Mike Doolan. formerly of the Philadel phia Nationa'l league, and Steve Evans of the St. Louis Nationals. Doolan has been allotted to the Baltimore club of the Federal league, while Evans will play with the Brooklyn Federals. Pres ident Baker of the Philadelphia Na tionals stated that he had endeavored to hold Doolan in line with excellent offers and that he had reached an un derstanding with Manager McGraw ot the New York Giants whereby Doolan would have been traded to the Nation al league pennant winners of 1913. Doolan, however, could not be per suaded to reject the proposals of the Federal league. The roster of the Brooklyn club for 1914 was also announced by the Fed erals as follows: Pitchers, Thomas Seaton, from PhiF adelphia Nationals; J. A. Maxwell, Toronto: R. Sommers, Chattanooga; W. H. Chappelle, Chattanooga; E. La fitte, Providence; catcher. F. Owens, Minneapolis; first base, Hap Myers, Boston Nationals; second base, J. Del ehanty, Minneapolis; shortstop, E. Gagnier, Newark; third base, W. Brad ley, Toronto; left field, A. Hofman, Nashville; center field, A. Shaw, Day ton; right field, Westerzil, St. Joseph. YANKS WIN FIRST GAME. Chance Used Three Pitchers Score 9-4. The Yankee second team at Houston on Saturday defeated the Houston ciub of the Texas league by a score of 9 to 4. A crowd of about 500 persons saw the game. Chance, who remained for this contest, used Burr, Caldwell and McHale in the box in turn, each pitch ing three innings. Burr allowed four hits and as man; runs during the time he was on lhe mound, but had plenty of speed and did not let himself out. Caldwell was touched for just one hit, while McHale allowed none. The features of the game were a triple by Burr in the FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL DECLINE CHECKED. a. m. to S p. m. Dally 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Sundays You used to choose between degrees of aches the aching tooth or the extracting. Now by our system it's Painless Extracting vs. The Tooth Ache We guarantee absolutely painless work in all branches of dentistry. Not only pain' less, but the most skilful work at the most moderate prices within the reach of alL DR. F. C JACKSON DR. D. J. COYLE Succeeding Tho King Dental Co., 203 Main 8f.reet, next to Bostc i Store. Lady Attendant 'Phone 1282r3 Evidence of Support Followed by Re cessions on Selling Pressure. New York, March 8. Considerable evidence of support was seen in yes terday's market, and the decline be gun at Friday's close was checked in the early trading. Prices receded, however, on selling pressure in the last half hour, and the close was ir rugular. with losses general for the day. The volume of trading was un usually large for a Saturday trans actions being made in over $300,000 in shares and $1,700,000 in bonds. The London market continued the reaction of Friday, with pressure of selling from this city. St. Paul drop ped over 3 points abroad, and losses of from 1-2 to over 1 point were gen eral. The opening here was weak, with wide quotations in a number of the active securities. - Early selling was well absorbed, however, and in many instances prices advanced above the final figures of the day before. Toward the end of the first hour the market became more quiet, but renew ed pressure in the late trading brought about a marked decline, led by Read ing Lehigh "Valley and New York Cen tral". St. Paul lost over 3 points In Lon don and dropped here to 95 3-4, the lowest for years, but advanced to 98 3-8, closing at 97 1-8, a loss of 1 1-2 points on the day. Baltimore & Ohio touched a new low mark of 87 3-8, closing a fraction higher. Chesapeake & Ohio was under less pressure than on the two preceding days, holding to within a small fraction of Thursday's final figure. New York Central ad vanced in London and was strong in the earlv trading, but broke later to 88 and closed at 88 3-4, 7-8 above the low and final figuure of Friday. Steel, Reading and Union Pacific re sisted considerable pressure, Steel making a fractional gain. 100 PacMc Hail "!;. z?. 2900 Peun. R. ft ;m xa S00 Prorla ft Kt 64 6 .22 a7 c Copper I9H 19300 Reading 164, Wi 700 Kej. Iron & Steel 11 25 :o do. pra 9tt 90 COD Rock Island s .v. 10OO Do. pfd , Z 40$ Rumely jt 33s 209 Do. pfd 3314 200 Seaboard Air Line 2054 2.1 ii TOO Do. pfd 54ij 53,7 300 Bears Bosbuek 185 185 100 Sioss S-. S. & 1 32 32 ' 6800 Southern Facifle 823i 800 Southern Railway '' 25i 24 m 100 Do. pfd 83 83 S0 Studebaler S4 23 100 Do. pfd w s 80 700 Tenn. Copper 35 34 400 Texas Co 14814 147. 00 Third, Aremio W. (oJ 100 Union Uar & Paper... 7U iu S16O0 Union Pacific 'l57Si 155 100 United Clear 48 43 100 U. S. C I. P. & F pfd.. 44 41 400 U. S. Rcf. & Imp 56 u S3 1500 U. S. Rubber 61 M 6054 300 Un. Ity. Inr. pfd 45 44 800 Do. 1st pfd li2 101 ti D0300 V. B. Ktcel S13, 63 200 Do. pfd losi 109 2200 Utah Copper g3u 501? 300 Va. Car Chem 3014 s32 400 Wabash 2 2 COO Wast Maryland 30H 304 61IO Western Union Tel 63S 000 We?tinghouse 71 7014 100 Woolworth 98'4 58 100 Wheelini r,. Erie 4 it 4 2 Total sales. S13.790 shares. 110H ( 28 DO 5 7. 14 S3H 20 H 64 185 32 03 5i 25 83 24 80 35 148 4U4 7 156 5, 43 44 5ti 60 45 102 63 1095i 53 so4 24 30" 63 71 934 4H STOCKS Bales. 600 Alasia Gold Mina 430 Allis Chalmers 100 Do. pfd EOOO Amnl. Copper 100 Am. As. Chetn.......... 100 Am. Beet Sugar.... 2100 Am. Can 500 Do. pfd 300 Am. Car & r 200 Am- Cotton Oil 1600 Am. Ii-e PecuriUea 100 Am. Linseed 400 Am. Loeomouve ........ TOO Am. Smelting 230 Do. pfd 100 Am. Snuff 400 Am. Susar 2O0 Am. Te. & Tel , 1000 Am. Tobacco 100 Am. Woolen pfd 1400 Anaeonda M. Co 2009 Atchiaon : Una Do. pfd , 100 Atlantic Coast Une 600 Baldwin Locomotive .... 5J00 Baltimore & Ohio 100 Do. pfd 100 Batopllas Mining 4800 Bethlehem Steel S00 Do. pfd .T S000 Brooklyn Hapld Transit 1 000 California Petroleum . . 4000 Canadian PaelBo 3000 Central Leather S400 Cheea. 3e Ohio 300 Chicago Gt. West 300 Do. pfd 37950 Chic. M. & St. P 600 Do. prd 200 Cliie. & X. W , 3 800 Chlno Con Copper. ..... 700 Col Fuel & Iron 300 Col. A South 300 Consolidated Qaa 200 Com Products ........ 190 Del. Laofe & Went 20 Diet. Securities , 4700 Brie 2000 Do. 1st pfd 600 General Electric ...... 600 General Motors , 600 Do. pfd ,. 4.&0 Goodrich. B. F., ... 84M Ot. North pfd.,.,,..,,. 700 Do. One Subs 500 Guggm Eapl 800 Illinois Central 300 Ingp. Copper 600 Inter. Met. S200 Do. pfd 300 Inter. Har of U. j 500 Kansas City outbem llao LeMgb Valler 1100 Lig Sc Myeu 100 Do. pfd I.... !)0 Loose Wilas 00 Louis & Nash 160 Mack Cas. pfd... 100 Mer. Marine pfd 800 Mexican Pearleuni .... 400 Miami Ct&per 460 Mo. K. & T '. 300 Mo. PaeWo '. 100 Nat. K. & S. pfd 300 3Vev. Coq Copper. 8800 iow Turk Central ...... M50 w.. n. h. & s..:.; 200 V.. O. & W 700 Norfolk & West 600 Nortlt American ....... 4010 Northern Pacific 1 P0 Pacific Coast 2d pfd 10 Pacific Tel. & Eai High. . 13 47 . 73 . 54 . 2Hi . 29 vi . 92?, . 50 'i . 43 . sou . 10 . 34 H ,. 67i JOl'i .Wi -102'4 .121 . .25oa; . . 73 .. 3514 . 96H , .100 ..322 ,. f.O's .. 8S' .. 81H .. 1 .. 42l .. srt4 .. 93 .. 25i ..20S7. .. S24 . . 544 .. 1214 .. 29 . . 58 .i:i8 .'.133 .. 40 .. 32 . . 22 ..13351 . , 11 ..397 .. 18 1w. 2115 13 47 72 54 21 IJ 29 92S 494 43 29 10 34H 6614 301 14 101 120 249 73 35 95 100 122 .'.0 87 8114 1 40 81 92 24 207 31 53 12 2814 85 -37 132 40 3114 21 133 10 307 18 28 44 140 70 91 22 125 S5 52 109 16 14 58 103 25 145 117 MONEY. New York, March 7. Money on call nominal. Time loans firmer; 60 days 3; 90 days, 3; SO days, 3 1-4; six months, 3 1-2 COTTON. New York-, March 7. Spot cotton quiet. Middling upland, 13.00- jrulf 13.25. No sales. Futures closed steady. March 12 11 May, 11.59; July. 11.55; August, ll'.47; October, 11.25; December, 11.30 CHICAGO 2RAIN MARKET. 44 -.146 .. 77 .. 92 .'. 22 ..126 .. 35 .. 53 ..109 .. 16 .. 14 .1 59 ..103 .. 25 ..HS -.231 ..117 .. 32 39 ...I3H 135 .. 69 69 ... 1 10 . . 66 65 .. -2-4 .. 18 .. 6 15 : ". so1! 67 .. 27 '. . .102 . . . 70 ..110 29 17 24 86 ISIS 8S 65 102 69 109 82 '28 Close. 21 33 47 73 54 21 29 92 50 43 29 3? 66 101 304 102 321 250 73 35 95 300 322 50 87 81 1 42 81 93 .24 208 32 53 12 29 97 337 3S3 40 31 22 333 U 837 18 28 44 146 77 82 22 126 35 52 309 16 14 58 103 25 145 26 1)7 31 135 69 10 66 22 17 24 86 35 88 66 27 1021 ;t 'ii T1TEAT Open. High. Low. May .... .... 93 - 93 9 July ... .... 88 Si' 87 l 'UN May 07 67 3-16 66 9-1S Juiy 66 1-16 66 65 St S 65 64 OATS May 40 3-16 40 40 July 40 40 SU Clam 92 13-16 87 11-16 65 15-16 65 40 S 13-18 CATALOG OF PREMIUMS IS NOW READY FOR MAILING Through the co-operation of the purchasers of Serv-us Pure Food Products, we have been enabled to, greatly increase the value of the Serv-us Coupon making it possible for you to obtain a premium for about one half the number of coupons formerly required. This means a great deal to the thousands of Serv-us consumers. If you are not one of this great army, you owe it to yourself to join the ranks and begin to ask your grocer for Serv-us first, last and all the time 2 .H- 1 - . ,n v. rv i ii-M sr -i in . ii m i I r , i T It is of vital importance that you become farruliar with the largely increased value of the new Serv-us Coupons and also with the many Pure Food Products which are sold by all the Leading Grocers. You will receive a valuable Serv-us Coupon from each Serv-us Product. This information can be obtained by writing for a free copy of our new Serv-us Premium Catalog. GIFT DEPARTMENT SERV-US PURE FOOD CO., Inc. 332 South Michigan Avenue CHICAGO Beans Mi VT .9 - TBI THE L. A. iiALi-.Ur' LkJ.9 Norwich, conn. third, a double by Caldwell and a triple by Seitz of the Houston club. PIRATES AHEAD. Still Lead in Duckpin League, Al though Athletics Are Close Second. The Pirates are still in the lead at the conclusion of the 19th week of play in the Willimuic duckpin league, one point ahead. of the Ath letics. The Tigers and Cubs are hav ing a pretty race for third honors and are tied seven joints behind the lead ers. No records were broken laet week, but the leading bowlers rolled some Une strings, and as a result there are now five in the 100 class, Pickett, Simmons. Mathewson, Peloquin and Reynolds. The standing and records follow: Won. Lost. Pin fall. Pirates 39 IS 38 19 32 25 Athletics .. Tigers .... Cubs Senators . . Giants White Sox Red Sox 26 24 19 18 31 33 3S 27SS3 27250 27112 2693S 26533 26603 26602 26627 High team total. Pirates 1558. High team string. Athletics 5S4. High single string, Mullen 150. High three strings. Wood 370. High individual average, Pickett 103 55-57. TIGERS OUTCLASSED. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. New York, March 6. Receipts of beeves were 2,421 head, including 23 cars for the market. Good heavy steers were strong; others slow but steady; bulls and cows unchanged in price. The yards were cleared. Common to prime steers sold at $7.50 8.90 per 100 lbs.; bulls at $67.90; cows at S47; one extra cow at $7.25. Dressed beef steady at 12 Q 14c per lb. for city dress ed native sides. Receipts of calves were 303 head in cluding 238 for the market, making with the stale stock 278 on sale. Prices were fully 25c higher, and the nenn were easily cleared. Common to prime veais sijiu ai ffi;j per loo lbs.; culls at $78; mixed and fed calves at $6.25 S7.50. City dressed veals firm at 14 19 l-2c per lb.; country dressed easier at 12(&16c. Receipts of sheep and lambs were 7,547 head, including four cars for the market, making with the stale stock 10 cars on sale. Heavy sheep were slow and easier: others steady; lambs held up to yesterday's prices and.near ly all the stock went to the scales. Common to choice sheep (ewes) sold at $4.506 per 105 lbs.; culls at $4; lambs at $7.258. Dressed mutton quil et at 9 12c per lb.; best wethers 12 1-2c; dressed lambs easv at 12 14o; hog dressed at 14 l-215c: coun try dressed hothouse lambs lower at $4i?j!6 eaeh. Receipts of hogs were 3,369 head, in cluding one car for the market. Prices were steady, and heavy to light hogs sold at $9.159.30 per 100 lbs.; roughs at s.zo; stags at 4fi t; country dress ed hogs- steady at 912 l-2c. Chicago. March 6. Hogs: Receipts 12,000; market strong and 5 to 10 cents higher. Mixed and butchers, $S.408.76; good heavy, $S.4D S.70. rough heavy, $S.25?8.4; light, $8.40 8.71); pigs, $7.408.60. Cattle. Reelgts W69: market slow ant steady. lKeves, $7.289.75; cows and heifers. $3.658.55; Blockers, feed ers, $a.508.1 5; Texans, $7.108.10; calves, $7.5610.S5. Sheep. Receipts' 18,0(K; market steady. Native, $4. S3 6.95; western, $4.85e?6.25: lambs, $65St.6S: west ern, $6.57.70L West Chelsea Had the Lead All Through the Game. The West Chelsea basketball team defeated the Taftville Tigers at the Y. M. C. A. Saturday afternoon by the core of 19 to 10. Although the Taft ville team is larger than the West Chelsea, they were outclassed through out the game by the local boys. At the end of the first half the score was 7 to 4 in favor of West Chelsea. J. Able man and Mandell starred for West Chelsea. DeBarros played a fine game at center. DeCelles and Mills played well for Taftville. The lineup and summary is as fol lows: West Chelsea Mandell rf, Bendett If, DeBarros (capt.) c, J. Ableman rg, S. Ableman !g. Taftville DeCelles rf. Mills (capt.) If, Roy c, Blair rg, O'Brien lg. Field goals. West Chelsea, J. Abie man 3. Mandell 2, DeBarros 2, Bendett 1; Taftville Mills 3, DeCelles 2; foul goals, Mandell 2. J. Ableman 1; ref eree, Barret; timekeeper, O. H. Nick erson; 20 minute halves. Brickley has issued a call for spring ' football practice, to begin at Harvard 1 April 1. Training will continue for ! about three weeks. SOCCER FOOTBALL. Fourth Round for the Scottish Cuf " Celtics Are in Best Line for Cup. London, Eng., March 7. The fourth j round of play for the Scottish cup was the feature of the association football I matches throughout Great Britain to dav. The Celtics again won their way ! through the tangle, defeating Mother well 3 to 0 It was erroneously stated week that Falkirk had beaten Glasgow's crack eleven. The Celtics seem to stand the best show of any of them of winning the cup. Queen's Park lost to the Hibernians in the only other decisive match in the fourth round play. In the fourth round for the English cup Aston Villa put it over Sheffield Wednesday 1 to 0. and Liver pool won from the Oueen's Park Rang ers 2 to 0. The results: English Cup. - Shrfflcild Wednesday ... 01 Aston Villa 1 Liverpool 2 Queens Part Rangers... 1 Sunderland 0 Burnley Manchester City (I Shcrfleld Inltcd i Scottish Cup Fourth Round. Queens Park Ii Hibernians 3 St. Mirren llPartricdt ThisUes 0 Third Inark e.Sterenon V. 0 Motherwell -YlUc S First Division. TPtton II Bradford Mlddlesboro 2 rhelsra 0 Tottenham Hotspur l Preston North riirt Bolton Wanderers 1 West Bromwlch Albion. .0 Scottish League. Preparing for Race. Cambridge, Mass., March 8. In prep aration for a race with the naval acad emy eight at Annapolis on April 25, the Harvard crew will leave here April 19 and will be guests at the academy during several days of training, accord ing to plans announced today. The race will be over a course of 1 5-1-6 miles. This will be the first spring trip for a Harvard crew since 1i90S, when a visit was made to Annapolis. the magnate says h will delhrw the goods. Claude Milan, the American league's star base stealer, has not signed with Washington yet. The Feds are after him. Bamsley 21 Blackpool 1 Bury 1 Fulham 1 nudAmfteto' tumm .... 1 HuU City S Leicester Ftosse 3 Lincoln City 1 Notts Forest 0 Wolrerhsmpton Wan.... 3 Southern League. Clapton Orient ........ 1 Grimsby Town ........ 1 Leeds City 1 Notts County 3 Bristol City 3 Olossop ...... Bradford 3 Blmalnittam .... 1 Woolwich Arsneal .... 0 Stockport .. ...... 1 SPORTING NOTES. It is now reported that the Chicago Feds are after Mickey Kelliher, who heid down the initial bag for th Hartfords last season. The Pittsfield manager got busy and had the directors vote to schedule 20 games outside of those already scheduled for Sundays. The magnates were pleased to se Jim Murphy ot Plainville at the meet ing in New Haven. Jim is still won dering how he is going to get that $1,700 which he claims 13 due him. During his spare moments at his KPlainville home he does some figuring but to data ha has not arived at any definite plan of action. Johnny Evers has arrived in Macon, Ga, to train with the Boston Braves. The former manager of the Chicago Cuba wore a Cub uniform yesterday while practicing. Christy Mathewson Is working out fine and the famous twirler will start the season in good shape. He will be j ready as usual to go upon the mound 1 whenever he is called upon by Mc i Graw. Matty did not care much about I leaving his oid manager, but it must ' have taken some effort on his part to i pass up that flattering offer from tha reds. Our old friend "Ken" Tuckey, plans to give up his job in the rubber fac tory at Naugatuck next week. Tuck ey is a basketball player during the winter months and keeps himself in condition that way. Raltii Borers , Aberdeen. . Alrdrteonians JMimhanon . . Hearts Rancors .... 51 ! 1111 0 .... 3 0 Hamilton .... ........ 2 Morton 1 Ayr United 1 Dundee ...... 3 Kilmarnock ...... .... 1 1 ... S Clydo Rugby. GIANTS WON FIRST GAME. Defeated the Dallas Team by a Score of 9 to 2. The opening ef the baseball season at Dallas. Tex., Saturday between the Giants and the Dallas team was long on runs for the Giants, but extremely short on attendance, owing to a com plication of attractions. Score by in nings: New York 8 20 6 5 3 6 69 Dallas , .....0 0 T 1 0 0 8 e 03 Old Alayaiaoa Richmond Deronport Albion . . Army Harlequins ...., BlackheaUl Northampton ... ... ... S ...2a ...13 ...31 ..1 Old Merchant Taylor. Roostyn Swansea . Nary LeiersLer London Welsh Mossley ...... NEW GYM FOR HARVARD. NEW YORK YANKEES VICTORIOUS Cola in Fine Form Made a Homer in the Fifth Inning. Prank Chance's regulars cuffed Beau mont all over its lot in the first exhi bition game of the season at Beau mont, Tex., Saturday, and won by the score of 9 to 2. The form of King Cole was perhaps most gratifying, for he hurled five of the Innings in a man ner that had the local team buffaloed. Score by innings: New York 0 5 8 19 12 0 88 Beaumont .... ..9 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 0 3 Jim Coffey expects to hand some thing to Battling Levinsky when they meet, but Dan Morgan's meal ticket is not worying about the outcome of the bout. Bat likes to go against the best there is and he does not bar size or weight. Manager Robinson of the Brooklyns is rounding his players Into shape and the Brooklyn fans can expect to see the team make some showing this year. Robbie knows the game from A to Z and he will do his best to Keep the team up near the top. CASTOR For Infants and Children '. In Use For Over 30 Yesrs Always bear3 T The New Brltains will report for practice on April 10 and Owner Scin ski says he will have about 30 play ers to try out. To date he has signed up 18 players. The fans In the Hardware town are looking forward to Scinskl having a fast team and Harvard Issues Gall. Cambridge. Mass., March, S. fc'aptain Undergraduates Collecting Pledges and - Subscription. The long continued agitation for a new and modern gymnasium at Har vard appears to have accomplished the desiFed effeet. President Lowell re cently gave his official sanction ta the movement, and a graduate committee had been appointed to begin a cam paign among the graduates for the necessary funds. Undergraduate com mittees have been at wank for over a yeaF obtaining pledges and collecting subscriptions from the students. The (graduate committee will probably in clude those of the alumni who have been actively interester in Harvard athletics. General plans for the building itself have been drawn up, which will be used except for a lew modifications. They call for a swimming tank, an arti-r ncla.1 ice rink and indoor tennis, squash and handball courts. The probable location'-of the -"new building will bo along the Charles river near Soldiers field and the boathouses. The new building will be so large that it will be impossible to use the site ot the pres ent Hemenway gymnasium. The com mittee -will attempt to raise a million . dollars, six-tenths of which will bo used ih the construction of the build ing and the remainder as a maintes 1 Banc fiutd. I Used' Cars The Spring demand for Ued"Paekard usually exceed the Ripply. Tke man who rUers porehaains until tbe weather opeai ire may have trouble locating the car ha wnt. A few bartsint now pareh&sabie are folWu 144g 7 Pouoneer Toorlns; Com $3600 (Guarantccdi 1448 S Pauanrar Pttaatasx.... 2M 1438 S Panaw Tcxirin Car 3800 (GuaWMBiaiaSO ta B Pasa PhaToal... SSM (Ouasiustassi) TUB TfcnanaiTBinCH Siea (UcpauKed) . It T Pauutgss Toalisa-Csu M9 1S-34I S Pnssanwr PbaMaa., , , 11 SO 11-30 Pnaaaisasj EtiMtnai-.,. 1SOS 10-30 I imrmaisaa..-.--- ..... 1100 1018 S Packaad Metea Car Company I Naav Yeak 1M-2K Bearl Gt, 1647 Adam's Tavern 1861 offer to the public the fineat cUandart brands of Beer of Europe and Am eric . Bohemian, r-uauer, c uiu.uaca 4ivaria4 Beer, Bass, Paiv anu Burton Mueir a Bcotch Aie. Gu.uness' Dublin Stouu C. & C. Imported Ginger Ale - Bunker Hill P. B. Aie, Frank Jones' Nourish ing Ale, SterLng Bitter Ale, Anheuser. Budweiser Sciiitz and Pabat. A. A. ADAM, Norwich Town Telephone 447-U Table Silver Solid or Plated Ware in patterna that reflect the best achieve ments ef artistio designers. The values and tha prices here pay tribute to elegance and economy. F. W. GUILD, Jeweler 66 Main Street, Norwich, Phone 242-2. THE DEL-KOFF European Plan Rates 73 centa per day and up HAYES BROS, Telephone 1227. 28-28 Broadway Meat Cigars Are Good. THESE ARE BETTER TOM'S 1-2-3 5c CIGAR GOOD FELLOW 10c CIGAR Try tkM and aeav THOS, M. SHEA, Preo. Franklin St. Kut I Ua ftUsvc CXa ,